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WELCOME Welcome to the Language Practice Teacher’s Test CD TESTS.

The tests have all been written to reflect the content of the four books in the Language Practice series.

This TAGGED, CLICKABLE PDF FILE (based on the CD) contains an extensive placement test with an

answer key. This can be used to determine the most appropriate Language Practice book for individual students at

the beginning of their course of study.

For each level of the Language Practice series (Elementary, Intermediate, First Certificate and Advanced)

there are a number of grammar practice tests, vocabulary tests and a final test.

GRAMMAR TESTS The grammar tests contain a range of exercise types, giving students an opportunity to practise the grammar they

have studied in their book. Each test covers approximately five book units and the unit numbers covered by the test

are clearly indicated.

In addition, each grammar test has an A and B version, so that students sitting next to each other can be tested on

the same grammar points, but have to answer slightly different questions. Alternatively, the second test can be

given at a later date to act as further revision or for students who performed badly in the first test.

VOCABULARY TESTS There are four vocabulary tests for each level in the series, each containing a variety of exercise types, and revising

the vocabulary covered in the vocabulary units of the books.

FINAL TESTS The final test for each level is a more extensive test of both grammar and vocabulary and could be used as a final

assessment at the end of a course of study.

There is an answer key with a mark scheme for all the tests.

There is enough space in all the tests for students to write their answers on the page.

However, students could also be emailed the tests and fill them in using a pdf-convertor / a word processor.

Completed tests could be then either printed out and marked or emailed back for marking on-screen.

USING THE PLACEMENT TEST The test is graded to test items that are progressively more difficult.

Therefore, students with no previous knowledge of English would not normally be required to take the test.

Each answer in the PLACEMENT TEST is worth one point.



0 – 15 Elementary Language Practice

16 – 30 Intermediate Language Practice

31 – 45 First Certificate Language Practice

46 – 60 Advanced Language Practice

USING THE TESTS The tests in the tagged / clickable PDF file are straightforward to use.

Click on the name of the appropriate Language Practice level.

Choose GRAMMAR TESTS, VOCABULARY TESTS or the FINAL TEST. Simply choose the test you

want to use and double click to open. The test will open and can then be printed (or emailed) as required.

The answer keys are combined in a single file. They can be found within the same level as the tests. Again,

(double) click ANSWER KEYS to open and print out (double-page A4 format) as required.

The final test for each level, along with its key, can be found within the same level as the tests.

The PLACEMENT TEST and its KEY are in the same file.

We hope you find the Language Practice Teacher’s Test CD PDF TESTS a useful addition to

the series of books, and that you enjoy using it. 2010

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Underline the answer which best answers the question or fits the space.

0. Where are you from?

A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

1. How old are you?

A I have 16. B I am 16 C I have 16 years. D I am 16 years.

2. Are you having a nice time?

A Yes, I’m nice. B Yes, I’m having it. C Yes, I am. D Yes, it is.

3. Could you pass the salt please?

A Over there. B I don’t know. C Help yourself. D Here you are.

4. Yesterday I went ........... bus to the National Museum.

A on B in C by D with

5. Sue and Mike ........... to go camping.

A wanted B said C made D talked

6. Who’s calling, please?

A Just a moment. B It’s David Parker. C I’ll call you back. D Speaking.

7. They were ........... after the long journey, so they went to bed.

A hungry B hot C lazy D tired

8. Can you tell me the ........... to the bus station?

A road B way C direction D street

9. ........... you remember to buy some milk?

A Have B Do C Should D Did

10. - Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.

- I’ve ........... done it!

A yet B still C already D even

11. You don’t need to bring ........... to eat.

A some B a food C many D anything

12. What about going to the cinema?

A Good idea! B Twice a month. C It’s Star Wars. D I think so.

13. - What would you like, Sue?

- I’d like the same ........... Michael please.

A that B as C for D had

14. ........... people know the answer to that question.

A Few B Little C Least D A little

15. It’s not ........... to walk home by yourself in the dark.

A sure B certain C safe D problem

16. ........... sure all the windows are locked.

A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17. I’ll go and ........... if I can find him.

A see B look C try D tell

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18. What’s the difference ................. football and rugby?

A from B with C for D between

19. My car needs .................... .

A repairing B to repair C to be repair D repair

20. Tim was too .................... to ask Monika for a dance.

A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21. I haven’t had so much fun ........... I was a young boy!

A when B for C during D since

22. Sorry, I don’t know ........... you’re talking about.

A that B what C which D why

23. I’m afraid you .................... smoke in here.

A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24. Everyone wanted to go out .................. John.

A apart B unless C however D except

25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not ............... it up!

A having B laughing C making D joking

26. Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything ............... on your plate!

A left B missing C put D staying

27. Take the A20 ........... the roundabout, then turn left.

A right B as far as C along D heading north

28. I really hope you can find a ........... to this problem.

A result B way C conclusion D solution

29. Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?

A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30. In my country, it is ………. the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under 18.

A under B against C over D beyond

31. Rebecca had to ………… the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.

A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32. Police ................ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.

A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33. When Christopher smiles, he ............... me of his grandfather.

A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34. The wonderful smell of freshly ............. coffee hit us as we entered the store.

A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35. Mike’s dad wouldn’t .............. him go to school with a red streak in his hair.

A allow B permit C accept D let

36. If only I ...................... made that phone call!

A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37. I like Mary for her friendly smile and her ..................... of humour.

A sense B manner C way D impression

38. These shoes are very .................... for walking in the mountains.

A practical B functional C realistic D active

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39. .............. of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.

A Several B Much C Enough D Sufficient

40. We were surprised that over 500 people ................... for the job.

A wrote B applied C enquired D requested

41. The children watched in excitement as she ............. a match and lit the candles.

A scratched B struck C rubbed D scraped

42. Sorry about her strange behaviour, she’s not used to ...... lots of people around her.

A had B have C having D has

43. He kept running very hard ....... none of the other runners could possibly catch him.

A even though B however C despite D as

44. ‘I did this painting all ........................ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.

A by B with C for D on

45. You ................... better check all the details are correct before we send it off.

A would B had C should D did

46. This game is ......... to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!

A expected B required C obliged D supposed

47. Just put this powder down, and it should ........... any more ants from getting in.

A prevent B avoid C refuse D forbid

48. When Joni ........... to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.

A gets on B takes up C sets out D brings about

49. ........... we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.

A At the time B Eventually C Once D Finally

50. Fifty-seven? No, that ................ be the right answer!

A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

51. ................... happens, I’ll always be there for you!

A However B What C Whatever D No matter

52 Can you .......................... to it that no one uses this entrance?

A see B deal C ensure D get

53. A ................... debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.

A warm B heated C hot D boiling

54. I’ve drunk milk every ............... day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!

A particular B individual C single D one

55. The version of the film I saw had been ................................ censored.

A strongly B deeply C great D heavily

56. He promised to phone me at 9 o’clock exactly, and he was as .......... as his word.

A true B good C right D honest

57. There has been so much media ………… of the wedding that I’m fed up with it.

A circulation B attention C broadcasting D coverage

58. If I were you I would ................ clear of the area around the station late at night.

A stick B steer C stop D stand

59. Turning back now is out of the ............... .

A agenda B matter C question D possibility

60. Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces ….... from a bad experience he had when he was a child.

A stems B leads C starts D flows

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for Elementary, Intermediate, First Certificate and Advanced LANGUAGE PRACTICE

1 B

2 C

3 D

4 C

5 A

6 B

7 D

8 B

9 D

10 C

11 D

12 A

13 B

14 A

15 C

16 D

17 A

18 D

19 A

20 B

21 D

22 B

23 C

24 D

25 C

26 A

27 B

28 D

29 A

30 B

31 C

32 C

33 D

34 C

35 D

36 C

37 A

38 A

39 B

40 B

41 B

42 C

43 A

44 D

45 B

46 D

47 A

48 C

49 C

50 A

51 C

52 A

53 B

54 C

55 D

56 B

57 D

58 B

59 C

60 A






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1. Change the sentences into negatives sentences or questions.

0 It’s Thursday today. (question) Is it Thursday today?

1 She is at home. (negative) ___________________________________________

2 Anna is hungry. (question) __________________________________________

3 This answer is wrong. (negative) _____________________________________

4 Your sister works in the morning. (question) ____________________________

5 Katy likes tennis. (negative) _________________________________________

6 They watch T.V. in the afternoon. (negative) ____________________________

7 They eat vegetables. (question) _______________________________________

8 Mehmet drinks coffee. (question) _____________________________________

9 We play basketball at the weekend. (negative) ___________________________

10 George wants to go to the cinema. (question) ____________________________

2. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. They is/are in the living-room. 6. I have/has a new CD.

2. Harry and Peter works/work in Manchester. 7. My cat is/are thirsty.

3. My uncle sings/sing in a rock group. 8. Jane get up/gets up at 7 o’clock.

4. Joe don’t/doesn’t like chocolate. 9. The children often play/plays in the park.

5. Peter is/am Australian. 10. It rains/rain a lot in Dublin.

3. Read the paragraph. Choose the best word for each space.

My name (0) B David Jackson. I (1) _____ in an office in the city. I (2) ____ work at

9.00 and usually (3) ____ at 4.30. I sometimes (4) ____ lunch with my friend, Karen.

She works in the same office as me. We always (5) ____ to the same café. I (6) _____

a sandwich and Karen (7) _____ hamburger. We both (8) _____ coffee with our

lunch. After lunch Karen and I often (9) _____ for a walk in the park, but we always

(10) ____ back at the office by 2.00.

0 A are B is C am

1 A work B working C works

2 A starts B start C started

3 A finishes B finishs C finish

4 A eats B eaten C eat

5 A goes B go C gone

6 A has B having C have

7 A has B having C have

8 A drinks B drink C drinking

9 A going B go C goed

10 A arrive B arrives C arrived

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4. Change the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.

0 It (rain) is raining today.

1 I (read) ______________________ a very good magazine at the moment.

2 Joe and Ron (play) _________________________ football.

3 The police officer (talk) ____________________________ to us.

4 I (make) ____________________________ a cup of coffee.

5 The train (arrive) _______________________________ .

6 Bob (come) ______________________________ to school early today.

7 We (study) ___________________________________ for our tests.

8 Lots of people (listen) _______________________ the radio at the moment.

9 You (stand) __________________________________ on my foot!

10 Hurry up! The bus is (leaving) _________________________________ .

5. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

0 I (finish) finished my exams last week.

1 Yesterday, Simon (walk) ________________ to the supermarket.

2 The plane (arrive) ______________________ on time.

3 We (play) ____________________________ tennis for two hours.

4 A bird (fly) _____________________________ into the window.

5 It (begin) ________________ to snow.

6 My family (go) __________________________ to Spain for a holiday.

7 Clare (bring) ____________________________ her new book to school.

8 The children (wear) __________________________ their best clothes.

9 I (have) ________________________ to talk to the teacher after school.

10 Graham was ill so he (stay) _________________________ at home all day.

6. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 Do / Did / Don’t Sue want to go shopping?

1 The shop do/didn’t/don’t open at 9.30.

2 I does/didn’t/don’t answer the question.

3 Do/Did/Don’t you see him yesterday?

4 Does/Did/Don’t they come to the disco?

5 He do/didn’t/don’t wash the clothes.

6 Do/Did/Don’t your Mother cook your lunch?

7 My dog do/didn’t/don’t do it!

8 I do/doesn’t/didn’t go to the cinema.

9 I doesn’t/do/didn’t hear you.

10 Does/Did/Doesn’t you go to bed early?

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1. Change the sentences into negatives sentences or questions.

0 It’s Friday today. (question) Is it Friday today?

1 He is at home today. (question) _______________________________________

2 Alice is happy. (negative) ___________________________________________

3 Your mum wants an apple. (question) _________________________________

4 Your father works in the evening. (question) ____________________________

5 Roma likes basketball. (negative) _____________________________________

6 He eats fruit. (question) _____________________________________________

7 This answer is correct. (negative)) ____________________________________

8 They drive to the match. (question) ___________________________________

9 Miguel likes reading. (negative) ______________________________________

10 They watch videos in the morning. (negative) ___________________________

2. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. It rains/rain a lot in Manchester. 6. I want/wants a new jacket.

2. We is/are in the house. 7. Ella doesn’t/don’t like coffee.

3. My cousin play/plays in a band. 8. Henry and Carla works/work in Paris.

4. Sue is/am American. 9. She go/goes to bed late.

5. My cats is/are hungry. 10. The girls sometimes paint/paints at school.

3. Read the paragraph. Choose the best word for each space.

My name (0) A Sandra Marshall. I (1) __ in a big shop in Oxford. I (2) __ work early,

at 7 0’clock, but I (3) ___ early too, at 3 0’clock. I (4) ___ my lunch at midday, with my

friends. We sometimes (5) ___ to a restaurant, but usually we (6) ___ in a café. My

friend Leo usually (7) ___ pasta and I (8) ___ a sandwich. On the way home from work

I often (9) __ at the baker’s and (10) __ a cake for my tea. I never get a big one though!!

0 A is B am C are

1 A works B working C work

2 A starts B start C started

3 A finishes B finish C finished

4 A have B having C had

5 A goes B gone C go

6 A eat B ate C eats

7 A have B having C has

8 A had B have C has

9 A stop B stopped C stops

10 A buying B by C buy

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4. Change the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.

0 It (rain) is raining again.

1 I (sit) ________________ on the sofa.

2 We (study) ________________ for our exams.

3 The teacher (shout) ________________ to us.

4 Mum is (cook) ________________ the dinner.

5 The bus (arrive) ________________ .

6 George (come) ________________ to school late today.

7 I (read) ________________ a very good book at the moment.

8 William and Ali (play) ________________ basketball.

9 The children (go) ________________ to the park now.

10 He (make) ________________ a cup of tea.

5. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

0 I (finish) finished my book last week.

1 A plane (fly) ________________ over our house.

2 Peter (have) ________________ a sandwich for lunch.

3 The bus (arrive) ________________ two hours late.

4 My sister (make) ________________ a big cake for my birthday.

5 John always (wear) ________________ a uniform to school.

6 Kevin (run) ________________ to school, yesterday.

7 It (begin) ________________ to rain.

8 We (play) ________________ football for hours.

9 My family (go) ________________ to Portugal for a holiday.

10 We (jump) ________________ into the swimming pool.

6. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 Do/Did/Don’t James want to go home?

1 My cat do/didn’t/don’t do it!

2 Rosie do/didn’t/don’t answer the telephone.

3 Does/Did/Don’t they go to the party?

4 Do/Did/Don’t you hear me?

5 The library do/didn’t/don’t close at 5.00.

6 Does/Doesn’t/Did you have a good time?

7 He do/didn’t/don’t wash the dishes.

8 You do/doesn’t/didn’t go to school.

9 Do/Did/Don’t your father cook your dinner?

10 They do/didn’t/doesn’t catch the bus.

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1. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

1 My brother (drink) ________ coffee while he (do) _________ his homework.

2 He (walk) _____________ into the classroom, then he (sit) ____________ down.

3 While I (study) ______________ , Sue (run) ______________ into the library.

4 When the class (finish) ___________ , the teacher (drive) ___________ home.

5 Harry (sing) ______________ a song when Jane (come) _______________ in.

6 Nothing happened when I (turn on) ________________ the DVD player.

7 It (start) _____________ to rain while I (walk) ________________ to the park.

8 Yuki (listen) _______________ to the radio when the phone (ring) _________ .

9 The children (go) ________________ the cinema last night.

10 He (find) _______ some money when he (clean) ____________ the cupboards.

2. Write statements, negative sentences or questions with used to.

0 you/have/brown hair (question) Did you use to have brown hair?

1 people/use/the computer (negative) ___________________________________

2 he/go/running (statement) ___________________________________________

3 they/like/painting (question) _________________________________________

4 your brother/come/by bus (statement) __________________________________

5 we/drink/coffee (negative) __________________________________________

6 my mother/speak/Spanish (negative) __________________________________

7 he/live/in Paris (statement) __________________________________________

8 Julie/play/football (question) ________________________________________

9 houses/have/bathrooms indoors (negative) ______________________________

10 all children/go/to school (question) ____________________________________

3. Read the paragraph. Choose the best tense for each space.

My grandfather (0) C to the same school as me. He (1) ____ to our school last week

to talk to the class about what it (2) ____ like in the old days. He (3) ____ he (4)____

the names of all his teachers. One of them still teaches at the school.

He (5) ____ art and music, but now he only teaches music. As he (6) ____ , he (7) ___

us pictures of his school friends. He (8) ____ us that the boys (9) _____ only football,

but now we play basketball as well. He thinks things (10) ______ better in the old days.

0 A goes B was going C used to go

1 A comes B came C was coming

2 A was being B is C was

3 A said B says C was saying

4 A remembered B remembers C was remembering

5 A is teaching B used to teach C teaches

6 A talks B is talking C was talking

7 A is showing B showed C was showing

8 A told B is telling C tells

9 A play B were playing C used to play

10 A are B were C used to

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4. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 I’ve worked here since/for 2001.

1 Your mother has ever/just come home.

2 Has he ever/since arrived on time?

3 We’ve never/ever been to Spain.

4 Katy has just/for come back from her holiday.

5 I’ve worked here since/for 5 years.

6 I started this book 2 days since/ago.

7 They’ve lived here since/for a few months.

8 She’s early. She’s yet/already arrived.

9 Mike’s played golf since/for last year.

10 We haven’t started our homework just/yet.

5. Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.

0 Someone (eat) has eaten my orange.

1 Oh no. I (break) ________________ a glass.

2 My sister (start) ________________ a new school.

3 Your boyfriend (phone) ________________ .

4 I (leave) ________________ my new bag on the train.

5 We (not lose) ________________ all my money. Here it is!!

6 We (spend) ________________ £75 already. Have we got any more money?

7 I (buy) ________________ some shoes, a new coat a hat.

8 Pierre (not do) ________________ his homework yet.

9 My father (go) ________________ to the shops, he’ll be back soon.

10 You (not write) ________________ that letter yet.

6. Underline the correct tense.

0 It’s very cold. It will / is going to snow.

1 I will/am going to do it tomorrow, promise!

2 I haven’t got any plans. I don’t know what I will do/am doing next month.

3 The party will/is going to be on 28th


4 I will/am going to have a cake, please.

5 I will/am working at 10.00.

6 Mary has just told me. She will/is going to have a baby.

7 I am seeing/will see the dentist at 11.15.

8 I’m sure the train will/is going to arrive soon.

9 They are leaving/will leave in the morning.

10 I will finish/am finishing this later.

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1. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

1 Sylvia (make) ______________ her breakfast when the doorbell (ring) _______ .

2 He (see) ___________ the accident when he (drive) _____________ to work.

3 When the film (finish) _________ , my parents (came) __________ home.

4 My sister (sing) _____________ while she (do) _____________ her homework.

5 He (walk) _____________ into the kitchen, then he (sit) _____________ down.

6 While Luis (tell) ______________ a joke, the teacher (walk) _____________ in.

7 Mr and Mrs Smith (fly) ________________ to Italy yesterday.

8 Nothing happened when I (switch on) ________________ the computer.

9 Joe (run) ________________ into the room while I (study) _______________ .

10 It (begin) ______________ to snow while we (play) ______________ football.

2. Write statements, negative sentences or questions with used to.

0 you/have/long hair (question) Did you use to have long hair?

1 Ricardo/live/in Portugal (statement) ___________________________________

2 they/like/pop music (question) _______________________________________

3 we/drink/tea (negative) _____________________________________________

4 all girls/learn/to read (question) ______________________________________

5 people/use/the internet (negative) _____________________________________

6 your friend/come/by car (statement) ___________________________________

7 she/go/swimming (statement) ________________________________________

8 she/write/stories (question) __________________________________________

9 cars/go/fast (negative) ______________________________________________

10 my cousin/speak/English (negative) ___________________________________

3. Read the paragraph. Choose the best word for each space.

My grandfather (0) A in the same office as me. He (1) _____ to our house on Sunday

and we (2) _____ about what it (3) _____ like in the old days. He (4) _____ he still

(5) _____ the names of all his colleagues. One of them still works at the office.

Grandfather (6) _____ the tea when he started the job, but when he (7) ____ he was the

boss. As we (8) ____ , we looked at some photographs of the office in the old days.

He said they (9) ____ harder then. He thinks things (10) ___ better in the old days.

0 A used to work B was working C works

1 A comes B came C was coming

2 A were talking B talks C talked

3 A is B was C is being

4 A say B was saying C said

5 A knows B knew C was knowing

6 A is making B used to make C makes

7 A retires B retired C was retired

8 A are talking B talked C were talking

9 A work B used to work C were working

10 A are B were C used to

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4. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 I’ve worked here since / for 2002.

1 He’s late. He hasn’t arrived already/yet.

2 I finished this magazine 5 days since/ago.

3 Karl’s played tennis for/since ten years.

4 The team have just/since won their first match.

5 Your father has ever/just gone to the office.

6 Pedro has ever/never had a dog.

7 We’ve already/since seen that film.

8 I’ve worked here for/since last week.

9 They’ve lived here since/for a long time.

10 Has he ever/since been to Australia?

5. Change the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.

0 Someone (eat) has eaten my apple.

1 Sandra (buy) ________________ some new trainers.

2 Oh no. I (break) ________________ a window.

3 My sister (start) ________________ a new job.

4 You (not leave) ________________ my homework on the bus. Here it is!

5 I (write) ________________ my English composition.

6 We (finish) ________________ the shopping already.

7 I (lose) ________________ all my money.

8 John (not go) ________________ to the supermarket, he’s still here.

9 Your girlfriend (phone) ________________ .

10 Mr and Mrs Jones (not see) ________________ the new film yet.

6. Underline the correct tense.

0 It’s very cold. It will / is going to rain.

1 The party will/is going to be on 17th


2 I am seeing/will see the doctor at 2.30.

3 I will/am going to do it next week. Promise.

4 I haven’t got any plans. I don’t know what I will do/am doing next year.

5 I expect the bus will/is going to arrive very soon.

6 I will/am working at 9.00.

7 I will/am going to have a salad, please.

8 I will tell/am telling you tomorrow.

9 Michelle has just told me. Her sister is going to/will have a baby.

10 They are going to arrive/are arriving at 5.00.

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1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 If you break/broke it, it won’t go.

1 My cat doesn’t/didn’t come if you call her.

2 If you don’t do your homework, you will get/got into trouble.

3 We’ll be late if you didn’t/don’t hurry.

4 If we leave at 9.00, we arrived/will arrive on time.

5 I’ll go to the station if you will tell/tell me the way.

6 If you don’t practise, you will/won’t get better.

7 I’ll tell you the answer if you will give/give me a cake.

8 If I pass my exams, I will go/go to university.

9 We won’t/wouldn’t drive to the beach if the weather’s bad tomorrow.

10 If you lend me some money, I will pay/am paying you back tomorrow

2. Choose the best ending (A–J) for each sentence (0–9).

0 If I were you, C A I’d have a pet one.

1 If you had a pen, ____ B we’ll have a picnic.

2 If the rain stops, ____ C I wouldn’t do it.

3 If you went to bed early, ____ D you’d feel better.

4 If snakes weren’t dangerous, ____ E I’d fly away.

5 If I were rich, ____ F you’d be able to write it down.

6 If you read the instructions, ____ G you wouldn’t be tired.

7 If I were a bird, ____ H he’d pass all his exams.

8 If Frank worked harder, ____ I you’d know what to do.

9 If you didn’t smoke, ____ J I’d buy two cars.

3. Write two short answers for each question.

0 Was James watching television? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.

1 Is it finished? _____________ _____________

2 Can you swim? _____________ _____________

3 Have you seen my book? _____________ _____________

4 Did he go to school on Monday? _____________ _____________

5 Has she been to Vienna? _____________ _____________

6 Do you like peanuts? _____________ _____________

7 Were they disturbing you? _____________ _____________

8 Are you cold? _____________ _____________

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4. Rewrite each sentence, using the correct form of the word in brackets. 0 It is necessary to go to school. (have to) - You have to go to school.

1 It is impossible for people to fly. (can)

People _________________________________________________________ .

2 It is a good idea to work harder. (should)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

3 It is wrong to steal. (must)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

4 You can choose to do the homework. (have to)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

5 To be a very good player, it is important to practise everyday. (have to)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

6 It’s possible you are right. (could)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

7 It wasn’t necessary to come here. (have to)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

8 It is important to do lots of exercise. (should)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

9 It is necessary to wear a helmet when riding a motorbike. (must)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

10 It is a bad idea to smoke. (should)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

5. Complete each question. e.g. 0. Who is that man ? - ‘He’s my uncle.’ 1 What _______________________________ ? ‘She’s a teacher.’

2 Where ______________________________ ? ‘He’s gone home.’

3 How ________________________________ ? ‘I feel fine, thank you.’

4 When _______________________________ ? ‘I bought it two weeks ago.’

5 Who ________________________________ ? ‘I was talking to Michael.’

6 What _______________________________ ? ‘I’m leaving at 5.30.’

7 What _______________________________ ? ‘Music makes me happy.’

8 How ________________________________ ? ‘My brother’s 19.’

9 Who _______________________________ ? ‘Sue stole the book.’

10 Where ______________________________ ? ‘I saw the film at the cinema.’

6. Write a tag for each sentence. e.g. 0. Stephen works here, doesn’t he ? 1 She did it, ________________ ?

2 He knows, ________________ ?

3 John hasn’t gone, ________________ ?

4 The bus is leaving soon, ________________ ?

5 I didn’t break the cup, ________________ ?

6 Ana will be here, ________________ ?

7 It’s his, ________________ ?

8 My cousins are coming, ________________ ?

9 They weren’t here, ________________ ?

10 The policeman won’t be angry, ________________ ?

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1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 If you fix / fixed it, it will work.

1 If we leave at 7.00, we arrived/will arrive on time.

2 I will make lots of money if I work/will work hard.

3 You’ll be hungry if you didn’t/don’t eat your dinner.

4 If you don’t practise, you will/won’t improve.

5 If I don’t go out so much, I will/would study harder.

6 I’ll help you with your homework if you will give/give me some chocolate.

7 My dog doesn’t/didn’t sit if you tell him to.

8 If Mark does/do more exercise, he will feel healthier.

9 We won’t/wouldn’t be late if you hurry up!

10 When I’m old I will have/have grey hair.

2. Choose the best ending (A–J) for each sentence (0–9).

0 If I had no money, B A I’d swim in the sea.

1 If Sally listened to the teacher, ____ B I’d be very sad.

2 If you didn’t eat so much, ____ C I’d drive to work.

3 If I were a cat, ____ D you’d recognise him.

4 If the water was warm, ____ E she’d know what to do.

5 If today were Saturday, ____ F you’d be able to carry it.

6 If you had a bag, ____ G you wouldn’t be fat.

7 If you saw him, ____ H I’d buy a drink.

8 If I was thirsty, ____ I I wouldn’t go to school

9 If I bought a car, ____ J I would sleep all day.

3. Write two short answers for each question.

0 Was Susan watching a video? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.

1 Have you seen my hat? _____________ _____________

2 Did he go to work on Friday? _____________ _____________

3 Has she been to Australia? _____________ _____________

4 Do you like coffee? _____________ _____________

5 Were they annoying you? _____________ _____________

6 Is this your bag? _____________ _____________

7 Can you ride a bike? _____________ _____________

8 Are you hungry? _____________ _____________

4. Rewrite each sentence, using the correct form of the word in brackets.

Do not change the meaning.

0 It is necessary to go to hospital when you are ill. (have to)

You have to go to hospital when you are ill.

1 You can choose to do the housework. (have to)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

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2 It is impossible for people to live underwater. (can)

People _________________________________________________________ .

3 It is a good idea to study harder. (should)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

4 It wasn’t necessary to go there. (have to)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

5 It is necessary for all children to go to school when they are young. (have to)

All children _____________________________________________________ .

6 It is a bad idea to eat lots of chocolate. (should)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

7 It is important to do lots of practice. (should)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

8 It’s possible you are correct. (could)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

9 It is necessary to wear a seat belt. (must)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

10 It is wrong to kill. (must)

You ___________________________________________________________ .

5. Complete each question.

0 Who is that woman ? - ‘She’s my aunt.’

1 Who ______________________________ ? ‘I was talking to James.’

2 Where _____________________________ ? ‘I saw the film on T.V.’

3 What ______________________________ ? ‘I’m going at 8.15.’

4 What ______________________________ ? ‘Television makes me happy.’

5 What ______________________________ ? ‘She’s a doctor.’

6 How ______________________________ ? ‘I feel OK, thank you.’

7 Who ______________________________ ? ‘Megan stole the radio.’

8 Where _____________________________ ? ‘He’s been to school.’

9 When ______________________________ ? ‘I sold it last week.’

10 How ______________________________ ? ‘My sister’s 25.’

6. Write a tag for each sentence.

0 Sally lives here, doesn’t she ?

1 He didn’t do it, ________________ ?

2 They phoned the police, ________________ ?

3 He wasn’t here, ________________ ?

4 Jane hasn’t been to school, ________________ ?

5 The film is starting soon, ________________ ?

6 Your boyfriend will be at the disco, ________________ ?

7 Your mum’s 50, ________________?

8 You won’t drive too fast, ________________ ?

9 She sits there, ________________ ?

10 You haven’t got a brother, ________________?

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1. Choose the best answer for each space.

1. You should brush your _____ every day.

A teeths B tooths C teeth

2. I’ve walked ten kilometres. My _____ hurt.

A feet B foots C footes

3. _____ can do the same jobs as men.

A Womans B Woman C Women

4. How many _____ have you got?

A childs B children C childes

5. I can’t see without my _____ .

A glassies B glasss C glasses

6. The shop was empty. There was nothing on the _____ .

A shelves B shelfs C shelvs

7. John has got three pet _____ .

A fishs B fishies C fish

8. There are lots of _____ in the field.

A sheeps B sheep C shep

2. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Hurry up. There isn’t much / many time.

2 There is enough / too time. We’re not late.

3 I’ve got enough / too much homework. I can’t do it all.

4 There’s not enough / too much money. Give me some more.

5 How much / many bananas are there?

6 I can’t hear you. There’s not enough / too much noise.

7 I’m not hungry. I’ve had too / enough to eat.

8 We haven’t got some / any biscuits.

3. Put the words from the box into the correct list.

rice sandwich egg sugar information book

car bread milk coffee question letter

Countable Uncountable

sandwich information

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

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4. Choose the best reply (A-I) for the questions (0-8).

0. Do you know where the theatre is? - E

1. What does you boyfriend look like? A That’s a good idea.

B It’s interesting, but very noisy.

C It’s near the theatre.

D It’s nearly four o’clock.

E Yes. It’s next to the post office.

F No thanks, I can do it.

G Yes, please.

H He’s tall, dark and handsome.

I No, not at all.

2. What’s New York like?

3. Could you tell me the time, please?

4. Can I help you?

5. Do you mind if I sit here?

6. Would you like some cake.

7. Let’s go for some tea.

8. Where’s the bus station?

5. Write the numbers in words and the words in numbers.

0 two hundred and seventy 270

00 155 one hundred and fifty-five

1 three quarters _____________________________

2 8½ _____________________________

3 the thirty-first _____________________________

4 20,000 _____________________________

5 ten point seven five _____________________________

6 66 _____________________________

7 nineteen ninety three _____________________________

8 8.40 in the morning _____________________________

6. Choose the best answer for each space.

0 Today is the B of September.

A 22th B 22nd

C 22

1 What are you going to do _____ week?

A next B last C the

2 My birthday is in _____ .

A Aug B Augest C August

3 Tuesday is the day _____ tomorrow.

A of B from C after

4 The time is _____ .

A eight past twenty B twenty from eight C twenty past eight

5 I’ll meet you in a _____ of an hour.

A half B quarter C about

6 The show starts at _____ .

A thirty six B six thirty C six and thirty

7 He stayed at home all _____ .

A afternoon B noon C afternoons

8 Where did you go _____ summer?

A next B last C after

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1. Choose the best answer for each space.

0 The B and plates are in the cupboard.

A cup B cups C cupps

1 My uncle hasn’t got any _____ .

A childs B childes C children

2 I’ve lost my gloves. My _____ are cold.

A hands B hand C handes

3 Mike has washed all the _____ .

A dishs B dish C dishes

4 You should comb your _____ every morning.

A hairs B hair C haires

5 There are _____ in the kitchen.

A mice B mices C mouses

6 Children shouldn’t play with _____ .

A matches B matchs C match

7 _____ live longer than men.

A Womans B Woman C Women

8 Can you go to the shop? We need some _____ .

A potatos B potatoes C potato

2 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 I’ve got enough/too much ironing. I can’t do it all.

2 There is enough/too money. We can buy it.

3 There isn’t much/many pasta. We need to buy some.

4 We haven’t got some/any tomatoes.

5 Eight hours a night is enough/too sleep.

6 How much/many apples are there?

7 There’s not enough/too much rice. Can I have some more?

8 I can’t manage. I’ve got not enough/too much work.

3. Put the words from the box into the correct list.

water pen hair head dollar furniture

train pasta rain boy stamp food

Countable Uncountable

pen hair

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

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4. Choose the best reply (A-I) for the questions (0-8).

0 Do you know where the cinema is? E

1 Do you know what time it is, please?

2 Would you like another biscuit?

3 What does your cousin look like?

4 Do you mind if I open the window?

5 Where’s the train station?

6 Do you need any help?

7 What’s Singapore like?

8 Let’s go for a coffee.

A That’s a great idea.

B It’s interesting, but very hot.

C It’s next to the bank.

D It’s a quarter past three.

E Yes. It’s near the police station.

F No thanks, I can manage.

G Yes, please.

H She’s short and has got fair hair.

I No, not at all.

5. Write the numbers in words and the words in numbers.

0 three hundred and sixty 360

00 125 one hundred and twenty-five

1 a quarter _____________________________

2 5½ _____________________________

3 the twenty-third _____________________________

4 10,000 _____________________________

5 six point two nine _____________________________

6 88 _____________________________

7 seventeen forty eight _____________________________

8 4.35 in the afternoon _____________________________

6. Choose the best answer for each space.

0 Yesterday was the A of April.

A 21st B 21

th C 21

1 Saturday is the day _____ Sunday?

A after B last C before

2 The film finishes at _____ .

A ten and a half B half past ten C half to ten

3 What are you going to do _____ month?

A next B from C after

4 He worked in his office all _____ .

A mornings B morning C morningtime

5 I’ll meet you in _____ of an hour.

A half B quarter C about

6 Josh’s birthday is in _____ .

A Feb B February C Febrary

7 What did you do _____ winter?

A next B after C last

8 The time is _____ .

A ten past six B six past ten C six from ten

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1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Clare isn’t at / on work today.

2 Did you hear the news in/on the radio?

3 The shop is near/outside the post office.

4 There was somebody into/behind him.

5 Meet me on/in the corner.

6 We live in/at the end of the street.

7 Take the second turning at/on the left.

8 Put this on/to the table.

9 Is it in/on the library?

10 Marco lives next to/beside a cafe.

2. Complete the sentence with a, an, the or ‘zero article’. 0. What’s that? - It’s an orange.

1 Simon plays _____ piano.

2 Do you like _____ chocolate?

3 I haven’t got _____ pencil.

4 Asia is _____ largest continent.

5 Quick. Call _____ ambulance.

6 He went to _____ prison for three years.

7 I want to go to _____ bed.

8 Michael doesn’t wear _____ glasses.

9 Have you got _____ umbrella?

10 A tiger escaped from _____ zoo.

3. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 I think the books are my/mine.

2 Your skirt is very nice. I like them/it.

3 He likes her and she likes he/him.

4 We paid for this. It’s ours/us.

5 I don’t know someone/anyone in this town.

6 There was anything/nothing in the room.

7 You can’t know nothing/everything.

8 I like your shoes. Where did you get it/them?

9 Look! There’s something/anything in your soup.

10 Can I see those/these shoes over there, please?

4. Change each sentence into direct speech or reported speech. 0 Tom said he was going. - ‘I’m going,’ said Tom.

00 ‘I’m sorry,’ said Sean. - Sean said he was sorry.

1 ‘I have missed the train,’ he said.


2 Brian said it was alright.


3 ‘I’ve found my bag,’ said the girl.


4 Mum told us not to be so rude.


5 ‘That’s not enough,’ said the driver.


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5. Write the instructions.

0. The police ordered us to stop. - Stop!

1 The teacher told us to stand up. ________________

2 You shouldn’t smoke. ________________

3 He ordered us to be quiet. ________________

4 The driver told us to get off the bus ________________

5 Our mum told us to come here. ________________

6. Rewrite each sentence in the passive.

Start each sentence with the words underlined.

0 Three people saw the robbery. - The robbery was seen by three people.

1 Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.


2 Watt invented the steam engine.


3 Real Madrid won the Cup.


4 Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.


5 Someone stole my bike.


6 The Chinese invented paper.


7 Someone has eaten my banana.


8 Robots make cars.


9 Indian women wear saris.


10 The Scots make whisky.


7. Write the contraction or the full form. 0 I have a new house. I’ve got a new house.

00 He’s not very clever. He is not very clever.

1 I will tell you tomorrow. _________________________________

2 That car’s new. _________________________________

3 I would not buy that hat. _________________________________

4 It’s got two wheels. _________________________________

5 He will not say where he bought it. _________________________________

6 You can’t have another one. _________________________________

7 I’ve got an idea. _________________________________

8 She has been to Spain. _________________________________

9 Jane isn’t very happy. _________________________________

10 They cannot swim. _________________________________

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1. Underline the correct word in each sentence. 1 Did you see the news in/on television?

2 Your hat is on/in your head.

3 Is it in/at the dictionary?

4 Take the second turning at/on the right.

5 Steve isn’t at/on school today.

6 There was something into/behind her.

7 Anna lives next to/beside a shop.

8 The shop is in/at the end of the road.

9 The post office is near/outside the bank.

10 Put this on/to the shelf.

2. Complete the sentence with a, an, the or ‘zero article’.

1 Robbie doesn’t drink _____ tea.

2 Look! There’s _____ aeroplane taking off.

3 Barbara plays _____ violin.

4 Can you see _____ moon?

5 He’s found _____ old book in the library.

6 I haven’t got _____ pen.

7 Do you like _____ sugar?

8 He went to _____ hospital for two weeks.

9 A cheetah is _____ fastest animal in the world.

10 Are you interested in _____ music?

3. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 We bought that. It’s ours/us.

2 Look! There’s something/anything in your salad.

3 David saw anything/nothing in the box.

4 You can’t do nothing/everything for the children.

5 Can I have those/these jeans over there, please?

6 I think the money is my/mine.

7 I don’t know who did it, but someone/anybody did.

8 Your dress is great. I like them/it.

9 I like your trousers. Where did you buy it/them?

10 She likes him and he likes she/her.

4. Change each sentence into direct speech or reported speech. 0 Bill said he was leaving. - ‘I’m leaving,’ said Bill.

00 ‘I’m sorry,’ said Kevin. - Kevin said he was sorry.

1 ‘I’ve missed the bus,’ she said.


2 Jill said it was OK.


3 Dad told us not to be so stupid.


4 ‘That’s too much,’ said the shopkeeper.


5 ‘I’ve just bought a bike,’ said the boy.


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5. Write the instructions.

0 The man ordered us to go away. Go away!

1 She shouted at us to close the window. ______________________

2 The teacher told us to sit down. ______________________

3 You shouldn’t eat sweets. ______________________

4 They told us to go to bed. ______________________

5 He ordered us to listen. ______________________

6. Rewrite each sentence in the passive. Start each sentence with the words underlined.

0 Uruguay won the first World Cup. - The first World Cup was won by Uruguay.

1 The Romans built these roads.


2 Someone has eaten my apple.


3 Some Indian men wear turbans.


4 Someone stole my car.


5 Stan Lee created Spider - Man.


6 Two people saw the accident.


7 Faraday invented electricity.


8 The Irish make whiskey.


9 The Chinese invented fireworks.


10 Peugeot make cars.


7. Write the contraction or the full form.

0 I have got a new job. I’ve got a new job.

00 Henry’s very tall. Henry is very tall.

1 I will not buy three apples. _________________________________

2 He would not say where he got it. _________________________________

3 He’s not very nice. _________________________________

4 You cannot go to the cinema. _________________________________

5 I have two sisters. _________________________________

6 She’s gone to Romania. _________________________________

7 It’s got four wheels. _________________________________

8 That video’s old. _________________________________

9 I’d like another one, please. _________________________________

10 I will tell you one day. _________________________________

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1. Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.

0 This book is Bob’s. (his) This is his book.

1 I own this house. (mine) _________________________________

2 This is Paula and John’s dog. (their) _________________________________

3 Who owns this bag? (whose) _________________________________

4 Is this money yours? (your) _________________________________

5 They own that cat. (theirs) _________________________________

6 That house belongs to my family. (our) _________________________________

7 I own that coat. (me) _________________________________

8 We own this boat. (ours) _________________________________

9 This CD is mine. (my) _________________________________

10 Are they your animals? (yours) _________________________________

2. Put the words in the correct order.

0 A blue old car ugly. An ugly old blue car.

1 A lady dark tall beautiful. _________________________________

2 Some apples large green. _________________________________

3 A brown dog little pretty. _________________________________

4 A new nice skirt cotton. _________________________________

5 A science story fiction boring. _________________________________

6 A toy red cheap plastic. _________________________________

7 An student college untidy. _________________________________

8 Some classical old horrible music. _________________________________

9 A coffee new glass table. _________________________________

10 A old gold nice coin. _________________________________

3. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 My car is gooder/better than your car.

2 Australia is the most small/smallest continent.

3 Tony walks more quickly/quicker than me.

4 Rome is older/oldest than London.

5 The white jacket is the most/more expensive.

6 This video is interestinger/more interesting than the other one.

7 Sarah is the tallest/most tall in the class.

8 This is the worst/baddest film I’ve seen.

9 It’s the beautifullest/most beautiful painting in the gallery.

10 The new computer is smallest/smaller than the old one.

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4. Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.

0 This room is very warm. (It) - It is very warm in this room.

1 A bird is in the garden. (There) ____________________________

2 The other people are waiting. (They) ____________________________

3 This town has some good cafés. (There) ____________________________

4 All of us have a cold. (We) ____________________________

5 The weather was rainy today. (It) ____________________________

6 Somebody was talking in the class. (There) ____________________________

7 The sea was cold. (It) ____________________________

8 Nobody was home. (There) ____________________________

9 All those people are in my family. (They) ____________________________

10 Everyone here hates you. (We) ____________________________

5. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Have you done/made the washing-up?

2 Can you go/come here, please?

3 We have got/got a new television last month.

4 You are making/doing too much noise.

5 Where did you come/go on Friday?

6 I didn’t get/come your letter.

7 What time do you go/get up in the mornings?

8 Give/Take John his books. He’s over in the library.

9 We are all being/getting older.

10 Have you got/done any money?

6. Write one word in each space.

0 I don’t believe in ghosts.

1 The teacher told us _____ be quiet.

2 We wanted _____ go to the cinema.

3 He’s interested _____ boxing.

4 We were late_____ class.

5 Katy is not very good _____ basketball.

6 We were just talking _____ you.

7 Clare was fighting _____ her brother.

8 I’m bored _____ watching television.

9 They were asking _____ joining the club.

10 They are wanted _____ the police.

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1. Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.

0 This book is John’s. (his) This is his book.

1 Who owns this coat? (whose) _________________________________

2 I own this pen. (mine) _________________________________

3 That car belongs to my family. (our) _________________________________

4 This telephone is mine. (my) _________________________________

5 Is this CD yours? (your) _________________________________

6 We own this painting. (ours) _________________________________

7 Are they your children? (yours) _________________________________

8 They own that car. (theirs) _________________________________

9 This is Harry and Luigi’s cat. (their) _________________________________

10 I own that computer. (me) _________________________________

2. Put the words in the correct order.

0 A green old car beautiful. A beautiful old green car.

1 A science film fiction exciting. _________________________________

2 A silver new nice coin. _________________________________

3 A man fair short handsome. _________________________________

4 A black horse little pretty. _________________________________

5 A student university long-haired. _________________________________

6 Some plums large red. _________________________________

7 An wooden old coffee table _________________________________

8 A new horrible jumper wool. _________________________________

9 A box yellow cheap plastic. _________________________________

10 Some pop modern loud music. _________________________________

3. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Mike is younger/youngest than Pierre.

2 My computer is badder/worse than your computer.

3 This is the best/goodest book I’ve read.

4 The new telephone is smallest/smaller than the old one.

5 This book is interestinger/more interesting than the other one.

6 She’s the beautifullest/most beautiful girl in town.

7 Asia is the most big/biggest continent.

8 Pedro is the shortest/most short in the class.

9 The black jacket is the cheapest/more cheap.

10 Bob runs more quickly/quicker than me.

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4. Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.

0 The weather is very rainy. (It) - It is very rainy.

1 Everyone here likes you. (We) __________________________

2 The weather was sunny today. (It) __________________________

3 A bird is in the tree. (There) __________________________

4 All those people are my friends. (They) __________________________

5 This town has some good restaurants. (There) __________________________

6 The desert was hot (It) __________________________

7 Those children are playing. (They) __________________________

8 All of us have some homework. (We) __________________________

9 Nobody was in the office. (There) __________________________

10 Somebody was singing in the class. (There) __________________________

5. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 It is getting / have getting warm.

1 Where did you come/go on Saturday?

2 It is being/getting colder.

3 Give/Take Mary her coat. She’s going outside.

4 Have you done/made your housework?

5 Can you go/come to my house on Saturday?

6 Have you got/done any biscuits?

7 I didn’t get/come your e-mail.

8 What time do you go/get up at the weekend?

9 We have got/got a new car last week.

10 You are making/doing a lot of noise.

6. Write one word in each space.

0 I don’t believe in magic.

1 We were early _____ the lesson.

2 The teacher asked us _____ be silent.

3 They are wanted _____ the FBI.

4 I’m bored _____ studying English.

5 We wanted _____ go to a night club.

6 We were just chatting _____ you.

7 James is very good _____ tennis.

8 I was asking _____ joining the army.

9 He’s interested _____ music.

10 Maria was angry _____ her sister.

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1 2 3 1 She isn’t/is not at home. 1 are 1 A

2 Is Anna hungry? 2 work 2 B

3 This answer isn’t/is not wrong. 3 sings 3 C

4 Does your sister work in the morning? 4 doesn’t 4 C

5 Katy doesn’t/does not like tennis. 5 is 5 B

6 They don’t/do not watch T.V. in the afternoon. 6 have 6 C

7 Do they eat vegetables? 7 is 7 A

8 Does Mehmet drink coffee? 8 gets up 8 B

9 We don’t/do not play basketball at the weekend. 9 play 9 B

10 Does George want to go to the cinema? 10 rains 10 A

4 5 6 1 am reading 1 walked 1 didn’t

2 are playing 2 arrived 2 didn’t

3 is talking 3 played 3 Did

4 am making 4 flew 4 Did

5 is arriving 5 began 5 didn’t

6 is coming 6 went 6 Did

7 are studying 7 brought 7 didn’t

8 are listening 8 wore 8 didn’t

9 are standing 9 had 9 didn’t

10 is leaving 10 stayed 10 Did


1 2 3 1 Is he at home today? 1 rains 1 C

2 Alice isn’t/is not happy. 2 are 2 B

3 Does your mum want an apple? 3 plays 3 B

4 Does your father work in the evening? 4 is 4 A

5 Roma doesn’t/does not like basketball. 5 are 5 C

6 Does he eat fruit? 6 want 6 A

7 This answer isn’t/is not correct. 7 doesn’t 7 C

8 Do they drive to the match? 8 work 8 B

9 Miguel doesn’t/does not like reading. 9 goes 9 A

10 They don’t/do not watch videos in the morning. 10 paint 10 C

4 5 6

1 am sitting 1 flew 1 didn’t

2 are studying 2 had 2 didn’t

3 is shouting 3 arrived 3 Did

4 is cooking 4 made 4 Did

5 is arriving 5 wore 5 didn’t

6 is coming 6 ran 6 Did

7 am reading 7 began 7 didn’t

8 are playing 8 played 8 didn’t

9 are going 9 went 9 Did

10 is making 10 jumped 10 didn’t

(Total = 60 marks)

Page 33: Lang Practice[1]



1 2 1 was drinking coffee, was doing 1 People didn’t use to use the computer.

2 walked, sat 2 He used to go running.

3 was studying, ran 3 Did they use to like painting?

4 finished, drove 4 Your brother used to come by bus.

5 was singing, came 5 We didn’t use to drink coffee.

6 turned on 6 My mother didn’t use to speak Spanish.

7 started, was walking 7 He used to live in Paris.

8 was listening, rang 8 Did Julie use to play football?

9 went 9 Houses didn’t use to have bathrooms indoors.

10 found, was cleaning 10 Did all children use to go to school?

3 4 5 6 1 B 1 just 1 have broken 1 will

2 C 2 ever 2 has started 2 will do

3 A 3 never 3 has phoned 3 is going to

4 B 4 just 4 have left 4 will

5 B 5 for 5 haven’t lost 5 am working

6 C 6 ago 6 have spent 6 is going to

7 B 7 for 7 have bought 7 am seeing

8 A 8 already 8 hasn’t done 8 will

9 C 9 since 9 has gone 9 are leaving

10 B 10 yet 10 haven’t written 10 will finish


1 2 1 was making, rang 1 Ricardo used to live in Portugal.

2 saw, was driving 2 Did they use to like pop music?

3 finished, came 3 We didn’t use to drink tea.

4 was singing, was doing 4 Did all girls use to learn to read?

5 walked, sat 5 People didn’t use to use the internet.

6 was telling, walked 6 Your friend used to come by car.

7 flew 7 She used to go swimming.

8 switched on 8 Did she use to write stories?

9 ran, was studying 9 Cars didn’t use to go fast.

10 began, were playing 10 My cousin didn’t use to speak English.

3 4 5 6 1 B 1 yet 1 has bought 1 is going to

2 C 2 ago 2 have broken 2 am seeing

3 B 3 for 3 has started 3 will

4 C 4 just 4 haven’t left 4 will do

5 A 5 just 5 have written 5 will

6 B 6 never 6 have finished 6 am working

7 B 7 already 7 have lost 7 will

8 C 8 since 8 hasn’t gone 8 will tell

9 B 9 for 9 has phoned 9 is going to

10 B 10 ever 10 haven’t seen 10 are arriving

(Total = 60 marks)

Page 34: Lang Practice[1]



1 2 3 1 doesn’t 1 F 1 Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

2 get 2 B 2 Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

3 don’t 3 G 3 Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

4 will arrive 4 A 4 Yes, he did./No, he didn’t.

5 tell 5 J 5 Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.

6 won’t 6 I 6 Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

7 give 7 E 7 Yes, they were./No, they weren’t.

8 will go 8 H 8 Yes, I am./No, I’m not.

9 won’t 9 D 2 marks per question

10 will pay

4 5 6 1 can’t fly. 1 is her job/does she do 1 didn’t she

2 should work harder. 2 has he gone 2 doesn’t he

3 mustn’t steal. 3 do you feel 3 has he

4 don’t have to do your homework. 4 did you buy it 4 isn’t it

5 have to practise everyday. 5 were you talking to 5 did I

6 could be right. 6 time are you leaving 6 won’t she

7 didn’t have to come here. 7 makes you happy 7 isn’t it

8 should do lots of exercise. 8 old is your brother 8 aren’t they

9 must wear a helmet(riding a motorbike). 9 stole the book 9 were they

10 shouldn’t smoke. 10 did you see the film 10 will he


1 2 3 1 will arrive 1 E 1 Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.

2 work 2 G 2 Yes, he did./No, he didn’t.

3 don’t 3 J 3 Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.

4 won’t 4 A 4 Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

5 will 5 I 5 Yes, they were./No, they weren’t.

6 give 6 F 6 Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

7 doesn’t 7 D 7 Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

8 does 8 H 8 Yes, I am./No, I’m not.

9 won’t 9 C 2 marks per question

10 will have

4 5 6 1 don’t have to do the housework. 1 were you talking to 1 did he

2 can’t live underwater. 2 did you see the film 2 didn’t they

3 should study harder. 3 time are you going 3 was he

4 don’t have to go there. 4 makes you happy 4 has she

5 have to go to school (when they are young) 5 is her job/does she do 5 isn’t it

6 shouldn’t eat lots of chocolate. 6 do you feel 6 won’t he

7 should do lots of practice. 7 stole the radio 7 isn’t she

8 could be correct. 8 has he been 8 will you

9 must wear a seat belt. 9 did you sell it 9 doesn’t she

10 mustn’t kill. 10 old is your sister 10 have you

(Total = 65 marks)

Page 35: Lang Practice[1]



1 2


1 C 1 much Countable Uncountable

2 A 2 enough sandwich












3 C 3 too much

4 B 4 not enough

5 C 5 many

6 A 6 too much

7 C 7 enough

8 B 8 any

4 5 6

1 H 1 ¾ 1 A

2 B 2 eight and a half 2 C

3 D 3 31st 3 C

4 F 4 twenty thousand 4 C

5 I 5 10.75 5 B

6 G 6 sixty-six 6 B

7 A 7 1993 7 A

8 C 8 eight forty 8 B


1 2 3

1 C 1 too much Countable Uncountable

2 A 2 enough pen












3 C 3 much

4 B 4 any

5 A 5 enough

6 A 6 many

7 C 7 not enough

8 B 8 too much

4 5 6

1 D 1 ¼ 1 C

2 G 2 five and a half 2 B

3 H 3 23rd 3 A

4 I 4 ten thousand 4 B

5 C 5 6.29 5 A

6 F 6 eighty-eight 6 B

7 B 7 1748 7 C

8 A 8 four thirty five 8 A

(Total = 50 marks)

Page 36: Lang Practice[1]



1 2 3 4 1 at 1 the 1 mine 1 He said he had missed the train.

2 on 2 – 2 it 2 ‘It’s alright,’ said Brian.

3 near 3 a 3 him 3 The girl said she had found her bag.

4 behind 4 the 4 ours 4 ‘Don’t be so rude,’ said mum.

5 on 5 an 5 anyone 5 The driver said that it wasn’t enough.

6 at 6 – 6 nothing

7 on 7 – 7 everything

8 on 8 – 8 them

9 in 9 an 9 something

10 next to 10 the 10 those

5 6 1 Stand up! 1 America was discovered by Columbus.

2 Don’t smoke! 2 The steam engine was invented by Watt.

3 Be quiet! 3 The cup was won by Real Madrid.

4 Get off the bus! 4 Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.

5 Come here! 5 My bike was stolen (by someone).

7 ……………

6 Paper was invented by the Chinese.

7 My banana has been eaten (by someone).

8 Cars are made by robots.

9 Saris are worn by Indian women.

10 Whisky is made by the Scots.


1 2 3 4 1
















next to













































She said she had missed the bus.

‘It’s OK,’ said Jill.

‘Don’t be so stupid,’ said dad.

The shopkeeper said it was too much.

The boy said he had just bought a bike.

5 6 7 1





Close the window!

Sit down!

Don’t eat sweets!

Go to bed!












These roads were built by the Romans.

My apple has been eaten (by someone).

Turbans are worn by some Indian men.

My car has been stolen (by someone).

Spider - Man was created by Stan Lee.

The accident was seen by two people.

Electricity was invented by Faraday.

Whiskey is made by the Irish.

Fireworks were invented by the Chinese.

Cars are made by Peugeot.











I won’t buy three apples.

He wouldn’t say where he got it.

He is not very nice.

You can’t go to the cinema.

I’ve two sisters.

She has gone to Romania.

It has got four wheels.

That video is old.

I would like another one, please.

I’ll tell you one day.

(Total = 60 marks)

Page 37: Lang Practice[1]



1 2 3 1










This house is mine.

This is their dog.

Whose bag is this?

Is this your money?

That cat is theirs.

That is our house.

That coat belongs to me.

This boat is ours.

This is my CD.

Are they yours?











A tall dark beautiful lady.

Some large green apples.

A pretty little brown dog.

A nice new cotton skirt.

A boring science fiction story.

A cheap red plastic toy.

An untidy college student.

Some horrible old classical music.

A new glass coffee table.

A nice old gold coin.













more quickly



more interesting



most beautiful


4 5 6 1










There is a bird in the garden.

They are waiting. There are some good cafés in this town.

We all have a cold.

It was rainy today. There was somebody talking in the class.

It was cold in the sea.

There was nobody at home.

They are all in my family.

We all hate you.










































1 2 3 1










Whose coat is this?

This pen is mine.

That is our car.

This is my telephone.

Is this your CD?

This painting is ours.

Are they yours?

That car is theirs.

This is their cat.

That computer belongs to me.











An exciting science fiction film.

A nice new silver coin.

A short fair handsome man.

A pretty little black horse.

A long-haired university student.

Some large red plums.

An old wooden coffee table.

A horrible new wool jumper.

A cheap yellow plastic box.

Some loud modern pop music















more interesting

most beautiful




more quickly

4 5 6 1










We all like you.

It was sunny today.

There is a bird in the tree.

They are all my friends. There are some good restaurants in this town

It was hot in the desert.

They are playing.

We all have homework.

There was nobody in the office. There was somebody singing in the class.










































Page 38: Lang Practice[1]



1. Complete the sentences.

0. What’s your name ?

1 How many brothers and s______ have you got?

2 My a______ is 79, Grafton Street, Hull.

3 Costas is m______ to Nina.

4 I don’t w______ glasses.

5 ‘Can you d______ your grandfather?’ ‘Yes, he’s short and has dark hair.’

6 Nina’s h______ is called Costas.

7 Have you got any c______ ?

8 Are you married or s______ ?

9 Harry’s very t______ . He’s 1.86 metres.

10 John and Mary have two sons and two ______ .

2. Read the paragraph. Choose the best answer for each space.

I don’t like Stephen’s new flat. It’s too (0) B . He has one (1) _____ and a

small (2) _____ .He hasn’t got a (3) _____ so he has to sit in the kitchen. (4)

_____ , there is a bathroom which he shares with three other people. The (5)

_____ are very small, so it’s always dark. However, there’s a new (6) _____

on the floor and the (7) _____ are full of pictures. Tomorrow, he’s going to

buy some (8) _____ . He needs to get a (9) _____ because he has to study.

He also wants to buy a new (10) _____ to sit on.

0 A thin B small C space

1 A bedroom B bed C floor

2 A door B wall C kitchen

3 A living room B space C ceiling

4 A Beside B Inside C Upstairs

5 A window B windows C light

6 A armchair B carpet C curtain

7 A downstairs B room C walls

8 A furniture B furnitures C bookcase

9 A chair B desk C wardrobe

10 A bed B light C chair

Page 39: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence.

Use a word from the box.

turning tell country cinema interested centre

flats on chemist’s spends post office

0 You can buy stamps at a newsagent’s or the post office .

1 You can see all the new films at the _________ .

2 Can you _________ me the way to the library, please?

3 You can catch a bus from the town _________ .

4 He _________ all his spare time playing computer games.

5 They live in a block of _________ .

6 Take the first _________ on the left.

7 The police station is _________ the right.

8 I don’t like living in a city, I like to be in the _________ .

9 George is at the _________ , he’s buying some medicine.

10 Maria is _________ in reading Shakespeare.

Page 40: Lang Practice[1]



1. Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

a cook a nurse a vet a mechanic an actor a plumber

a sailor a gardener a musician an architect a dentist

0 He repairs cars in a garage. He’s a mechanic.

1 He looks after people’s teeth. He’s ___________ .

2 He looks after sick animals. He’s ___________ .

3 He plays parts in films and the theatre. He’s ___________ .

4 He makes meals in a restaurant. He’s ___________ .

5 He travels the world in a ship. He’s ___________ .

6 He looks after people in a hospital. He’s ___________ .

7 He plays the saxophone in a jazz band. He’s ___________ .

8 He cuts the grass and looks after the flowers. He’s ___________ .

9 He designs houses and flats. He’s ___________ .

10 He repairs broken taps and pipes. He’s ___________ .

2. Complete the sentences.

0 I keep all my books on a bookshelf in my bedroom.

1 It’s very hot today. Turn off the c______ ______ .

2 My brother likes to look at himself in the m______ .

3 The living room c______ is very dirty, because people don’t take their

shoes off.

4 I always have a hot s______ in the morning.

5 My dad always puts the rubbish in the d______ at night.

6 I’ve got lots of p______ of my favourite pop stars on my bedroom wall.

7 In winter we have a fire in the f______ to keep the living room warm.

8 The sugar is on the top s______ in the cupboard.

9 There are two armchairs and a s______ in the room.

10 My sister has a lovely, soft p______ on her bed.

Page 41: Lang Practice[1]


3. Read the paragraph.

Choose the best answer for each space.

My dad and I went for a (0) B in the country. It was terrible! First, we

forgot the (1) _____ , so we couldn’t have any sandwiches. Then a (2) _____

came over and ate all the (3) _____ . And then, I spilt hot (4) _____ all over

my new (5) _____ . I was very cross! We did have some chocolate (6) _____

though, so we ate them – they were very nice, but we were still hungry so

dad took me to a café. We got a (7) _____ . I had chicken and (8)

_____ and my dad had a hamburger and (9) _____ . Although the picnic was

terrible we did have a nice (10) _____ after all.

0 A party B picnic C snack

1 A knife B menu C bread

2 A dog B horse C chicken

3 A bread B snack C sausages

4 A plate B coffee C cup

5 A napkin B costume C skirt

6 A biscuits B chicken C chips

7 A take-aways B take-away C takes-away

8 A chips B chip C crisps

9 A salad B a salad C salads

10 A food B meal C snack

Page 42: Lang Practice[1]



1. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 Look out of the window. It’s snowing/snow/snowed.

1 What’s that noise? It’s lightning/lightening/thunder.

2 I think it’s going to rain. Look at those cloud/clouds/cloudy.

3 The weather tomorrow will be hot and sun/sunny/sunshine.

4 The weather is frozen/wind/cold in the winter.

5 Take an umbrella. It’s rain/raining/rains.

6 I think we’ll have a wet/little/shower of rain.

7 A lot of houses were damaged in the storm/stormy/storming.

8 If you sit in the sun for too long, you’ll get sunburning/sunburn/sunned.

9 It’s very windy/wind/winding today. Let’s fly our kites.

10 Look at that tree! It’s been hit by lightning/snow/rain.

2. Read the descriptions and complete the words.

0 Mont Blanc is the highest one in Europe. m o u n t a i n

1 The Pacific is the largest one in the world. o _ _ _ _

2 It flies and carries passengers. p _ _ _ _

3 The place where trains stop. s _ _ _ _ _ _

4 Crete, Ireland and Iceland are all… i _ _ _ _ _ _

5 It sails across the sea. s _ _ _

6 A place where many trees grow. f _ _ _ _ _

7 It has got two wheels and no engine. b _ _ _ _ _ _

8 People love sunbathing on this. b _ _ _ _

9 Planes take off and land here. a _ _ _ _ _ _

10 The Nile, the Amazon and the Thames are … r _ _ _ _ _

Page 43: Lang Practice[1]


3. Choose the best ending (A-K) for each sentence (0-10).

0 I broke my leg - G

1 She didn’t come to school ____

2 David was feeling ill ____

3 These new shoes ____

4 Put this thermometer ____

5 I had an operation ____

6 Go to bed and ____

7 Three people were injured ____

8 Mike had a stomach ache ____

9 I can’t do my homework ____

10 The girls keep fit ____

A are hurting my feet.

B on my leg.

C in your mouth.

D because I’ve broken my fingers.

E because he had eaten too many sweets.

F in the accident.

G playing football.

H so he went to see the doctor.

I because she had a cold.

J by going to the gym.

K sleep until you feel better.

Page 44: Lang Practice[1]



1. Complete each sentence. Use a word from the box.

Polish Germany Egypt continent been dish

map passport foreigners trip Holland

0 An Egyptian comes from Egypt.

1 Have you ever _______ to Brazil?

2 You need to show your _______ when you go into Switzerland.

3 He comes from Poland. He’s _______ .

4 The Dutch come from _______ .

5 We’re going on a _______ round Canada this summer.

6 Where is Scotland? Can I see the _______?

7 Berlin is the capital of _______ .

8 Asia is a large _______ .

9 There are many _______ in New York.

10 Fish and chips is a national _______ in England.

2. Read the descriptions and complete the words.

0 You take photographs with this. ca m e r a

1 You can write with this. You don’t use ink. p_ _ _ _ _

2 Teachers give this and you must do it. h_ _ _ _ _ _ _

3 Maths, history and science are all… s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 You can wear one. It tells you the time. w_ _ _ _

5 If you want to boil an egg, you need one. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

6 You can ask this. It needs an answer. q_ _ _ _ _ _ _

7 To do something again and again, so that you learn it. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 This tells you when you have your lessons. t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9 You need these to cut hair. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _

10 It boils water. k_ _ _ _ _

Page 45: Lang Practice[1]


3. Read the paragraph.

Choose the best answer for each space.

Each of us in our family do different things on Saturday mornings. My

husband drives to the (0) A to get the (1) _____ for the week. I walk to the

open-air (2) _____ to buy (3) _____ and vegetables. They are more

expensive there, but they are better quality. My son (4) _____ football for a

local team. They don’t usually (5) _____ , but he enjoys the game. My

daughter isn’t (6) _____ in sport. She spends the morning at home, alone,

listening to (7) _____ music. In the afternoon, friends sometimes

(8) _____ to see us and we go for (9) _____ in the woods. In the evening, the

children often go out with their friends to the cinema, but we prefer (10)

_____ at home.

0 A supermarket B newsagent’s C greengrocer’s

1 A shops B shopping C shop

2 A shops B supermarket C market

3 A chocolate B fruit C milk

4 A watches B does C plays

5 A win B lose C play

6 A like B play C interested

7 A classical B classic C class

8 A go B come round C go round

9 A a walk B walk C walking

10 A stay B stayed C staying

Page 46: Lang Practice[1]





1 sisters

2 address

3 married

4 wear

5 describe

6 husband

7 children/cousins

8 single

9 tall

10 daughters


1 A

2 C

3 A

4 C

5 B

6 B

7 C

8 A

9 B

10 C


1 cinema

2 tell

3 centre

4 spends

5 flats

6 turning

7 on

8 country

9 chemist’s

10 interested



1 a dentist

2 a vet

3 an actor

4 a cook

5 a sailor

6 a nurse

7 a musician

8 a gardener

9 an architect

10 a plumber


1 central heating

2 mirror

3 carpet

4 shower

5 dustbin

6 posters

7 fireplace

8 shelf

9 sofa

10 pillow


1 C

2 A

3 C

4 B

5 C

6 A

7 B

8 A

9 A

10 B



1 thunder

2 clouds

3 sunny

4 cold

5 raining

6 shower

7 storm

8 sunburn

9 windy

10 lightning


1 ocean

2 plane

3 station

4 islands

5 ship

6 forest

7 bicycle

8 beach

9 airport

10 rivers


1 I

2 H/E

3 A

4 C

5 B

6 K

7 F

8 E/H

9 D

10 J



1 been

2 passport

3 Polish

4 Holland

5 trip

6 map

7 Germany

8 continent

9 foreigners

10 dish


1 pencil

2 homework

3 subjects

4 watch

5 saucepan

6 question

7 practise

8 timetable

9 scissors

10 kettle


1 B

2 C

3 B

4 C

5 A

6 C

7 A

8 B

9 A

10 C


Page 47: Lang Practice[1]



1. Choose the best answer for each space.

0 George C American.

A are B am C is

1 Carlos _____ English.

A isn’t B aren’t C am not

2 My sister never _____ a dress.

A uses B wear C wears

3 I _____ like football.

A doesn’t B not C don’t

4 They _____ the television.

A watching B are watching C watches

5 You _____ tennis with me.

A doesn’t play B aren’t playing C not playing

6 I _____ the newspaper everyday.

A read B am reading C reads

7 His shoes _____ £50.

A costs B are costing C cost

8 The train _____ at half past four.

A arrive B arrives C are arriving

2. Change the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

0 She (arrive) arrived at two o’clock yesterday morning.

1 We (have) _________________ a party next month, I promise.

2 John (eat) _________________ his sandwich at the moment.

3 It (not go) _________________ to snow – it’s too warm.

4 He (not come) _________________ to class yesterday.

5 She (finish) _________________ her homework already.

6 I (see) _________________ the dentist at ten o’clock today.

7 It (rain) _________________ all day yesterday.

8 The bus (leave) _________________ at 6.30.

3. Complete each question.

0 What are you drinking ? I’m drinking orange juice.

1 Who ___________________________ ? I talked to the teacher.

2 Where ___________________________ ? He comes from Australia.

3 When ___________________________ ? I finished it last week.

4 What ___________________________ ? John is asleep.

5 Can ___________________________ ? Yes, I can speak French.

6 Why ___________________________ ? I was laughing because it was silly.

7 Have ___________________________ ? No, I haven’t seen your pen.

8 Who ___________________________ ? I saw three men in the car.

9 What ___________________________ ? She was watching a video.

10 Where ___________________________ ? I work in an office.

Page 48: Lang Practice[1]


4. Choose the best ending (A–I) for each sentence (0–8). 0. If you work hard, D

1 If you worked in an office, A he could watch the television.

B I still wouldn’t tell you.

C she would pass her exams.

D you’ll get rich.

E I’d go home.

F you will have an accident.

G he will be in trouble.

H you’d be bored.

I you won’t miss the news.

2 If he went home,

3 If I were you,

4 If you go home now,

5 If I knew the answer,

6 If she studied,

7 If you do that,

8 If he breaks that cup,

5. Read the paragraph. Choose the best word for each space.

We (0) C go to school, but we (1) _____ wear a uniform. We (2) _____ wear anything

we like, though. The school rules say we (3) _____ wear black or grey which is really

boring, that’s because we’re (4) _____ wear bright colours. We (5) _____ wear

earrings, if we want to, but we (6) _____ wear them when we play sports – you

(7) _____ lose one or even hurt yourself. In the summer the boys (8) _____ wear

shorts if they want, but the girls (9) _____ wear dresses or skirts. In the winter we’re

all (10) _____ wear trousers!

0 A need to B mustn’t C have to

1 A can’t B may not C don’t have to

2 A are allowed B can’t C must

3 A must B can C are able to

4 A should B able C not allowed to

5 A could B can C have to

6 A shouldn’t B should C could

7 A must B might C mustn’t

8 A could B mustn’t C can

9 A needn’t B have to C shouldn’t

10 A allowed to B must C not allowed to

6. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

some much a any much an three a lot too many enough

0 How much cheese would you like?

1 I only want _______ potatoes, please.

2 There are _______ new books in the library.

3 How _______ people are there in the world?

4 That’s _______ of rice. Can you eat it all?

5 Would you like _______ seat?

6 This coffee is _______ hot to drink.

7 Is there _______ sugar, please?

8 You’ll have to stand there aren’t _______ chairs for everybody.

9 Would you like _______ egg for tea?

10 Hurry up! There isn’t _______ time.

Page 49: Lang Practice[1]


7. Choose the best reply (A–I) for the questions (0–8).

0 Can I help you? H A No, not for me, thanks.

B It’s the seventh of January.

C It’s next to the police station.

D It’s half past five.

E He’s tall and slim.

F He’s very shy.

G I’m not very well, doctor.

H Yes, I’d like a kilo of apples, please.

I I’m sorry. I missed the bus.

1 What does he look like?

2 How do you feel today?

3 Why are you late?

4 What’s he like?

5 Would you like some tea?

6 Do you know the time?

7 What’s the date?

8 Where’s the cinema?

8. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 That blue car is mine/my/mines.

1 There is any/some/none money on the table.

2 I don’t like that one/ones/twos.

3 Whose is this coat? It’s her/their/his.

4 I’d like two of those/them/their, please.

5 Is this my sandwich, or is it yours/your/you?

6 It’s so easy – nobody/somebody/anybody could do it.

7 We can’t have any chocolate. There’s any/none/enough left.

8 This is our/ours/us house.

9 Who/Whose/What sandwiches are those?

10 The office is empty. There’s somebody/anybody/nobody here.

9. Choose the best answer for each space.

0 We live A a small house in London. - A in B at C on

1 I’ll meet you _____ the station.

A to B at C on

2 The cinema is _____ the bank.

A next B at C opposite

3 The teacher was waiting _____ the classroom.

A out B outside C on

4 I’m going to _____ shop. Do you want anything?

A a B zero article C the

5 There are lots of people _____ the building.

A inside B into C at

6 Cairo is on _____ River Nile.

A zero article B the C a

7 Would you like _____ glass of milk?

A zero article B the C a

8 She eats too much _____ chocolate.

A zero article B the C a

10. Complete each sentence in the passive.

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0 Brazil won the World Cup.

The World Cup was won by Brazil .

1 Someone took my pencil.

My pencil _______________________________________________ .

2 The police arrested four people.

Four ___________________________________________________ .

3 Universal Studios make many films.

Many ___________________________________________________ .

4 Alexander Bell invented the telephone.

The telephone ________________________________________ .

5 Michael sent three books to my aunt.

My aunt ________________________________________________ .

11. Put the words in the correct order.

0 the It’s car world the in fastest. It’s the fastest car in the world.

1 was big It pullover a green. _____________________________

2 than looks lunch better Your mine. _____________________________

3 more you slowly Can speak? _____________________________

4 father My year smoking stopped last. _____________________________

5 French car an drives old He. _____________________________

6 rainy It cold day was a. _____________________________

7 in is James stamps interested collecting. _____________________________

12. Choose the best answer for each space.

0 They were ready B lunch.

A in B for C to

1 Alice is afraid _____ dogs

A with B at C of

2 George is married _____ Mary.

A with B to C in

3 The television _____ working.

A isn’t B is’nt C isnt’

4 You should _____ some exercise.

A have B make C do

5 Has she _____ any children?

A got B get C gets

6 _____ is usually cold in Canada in winter.

A It B There C They

7 I think I’ll _____ a cup of tea.

A had B make C do

8 Jane and Graham are interested _____ hiking.

A on B in C at

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1 2 3

1 A 1 will have 1 did you talk to

2 C 2 is eating 2 does he come from

3 C 3 is not going 3 did you finish it

4 B 4 didn’t/did not come 4 is John doing

5 B 5 has finished 5 you speak French

6 A 6 am seeing 6 were you laughing

7 C 7 was raining 7 you seen my pen

8 B 8 leaves 8 did you see (in the car)

9 was she watching/doing

10 do you work

4 5 6 7 8

1 H 1 C 1 three/some 1 E 1 some

2 A 2 B 2 some/three 2 G 2 one

3 E 3 A 3 many 3 I 3 his

4 I 4 C 4 a lot 4 F 4 them

5 B 5 B 5 a 5 A 5 yours

6 C 6 A 6 too 6 D 6 anybody

7 F 7 B 7 any 7 B 7 none

8 G 8 C 8 enough 8 C 8 our

9 B 9 an 9 Whose

10 A 10 much 10 nobody

9 10

1 B 1 was taken (by someone)

2 C 2 people were arrested by the police

3 B 3 films are made by Universal Studios

4 C 4 was invented by Alexander Bell

5 A 5 was sent three books by Michael

6 B

7 C

8 A

11 12

1 It was a big green pullover. 1 C

2 Your lunch looks better than mine. 2 B

3 Can you speak more slowly? 3 A

4 My father stopped smoking last year. 4 C

5 He drives an old French car. 5 A

6 It was a cold rainy day. 6 A

7 James is interested in collecting stamps. 7 B (TOTAL = 100 MARKS) 8 B

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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1 I want a new computer, but I didn’t save / I haven’t saved enough money yet.

2 Don’t worry, I’m not going to be / I won’t be late.

3 It’s very hot in here. Shall I / Will I open the window?

4 How long have you been waiting / are you waiting?

5 When I was younger I was going / I used to go to the seaside every summer.

6 I’ve lived/I lived in Barcelona all my life.

7 While I was cleaning / I had cleaned my room I found this old photograph.

8 You look sad. What are you thinking / do you think about?

9 I go / I’m going to my parents’ house next weekend. Do you want to come?

10 I’ve been looking for my bag, but I still didn’t find / I still haven’t found it.

11 I like your new room! When have you painted / did you paint it?

12 Where will you be working / do you work next year?

13 I know the play is boring, but we can’t leave until it will finish / it finishes.

14 I’m seeing / I will see the doctor tomorrow at 10.00.

15 Where are you go / are you going on holiday?

2. Put each verb given into the present simple or continuous, or the past simple

or continuous.

0 Ugh, don’t show me that picture! I (hate) hate mice!

1 Where (you go) ______________________ for your holidays last year?

2 At the moment Helen (read) ______________________ a book written by a

Brazilian author.

3 I left school around 5.00, (play) ______________________ football for a while,

then went home.

4 Mary (listen) __________________ to the radio when her friend Barbara called.

5 Mary (turn off) ________________ the radio when her friend Barbara called.

6 In her free time Helen (read) ______________________ a lot.

7 ‘Where (you spend) _________________ your holidays next year?’ ‘In France.’

8 ‘What (you do) ________________ when the rain started?’ ‘We went inside.’

9 When they arrived in the park a lot of people (play) ________________ football.

10 People (become) ______________________ more and more interested in solar


11 ‘Where (you spend) ________________ your holidays?’

‘Usually in France.’

12 She (become) ______________________ rich in the fashion industry and retired

to Majorca.

13 ‘What (you do) ______________________ when the rain started?’

‘We were playing tennis.’

14 At the moment I (stay) ______________________ at a friend’s house.

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first


0 Steve left before my arrival.

When I arrived, Steve had already left .

1 This is my first visit to Italy.

I’ve ___________________________________________________________ .

2 Your taxi arrived a moment ago.

Your taxi has ____________________________________________________ .

3 The film started before my arrival.

When I arrived, the film ___________________________________________ .

4 Would you like me to call back later?

Shall ___________________________________________________________.

5 Simone has been learning English for two years.

Simone started ___________________________________________________ .

6 I last went to Spain in 1998.

I haven’t ________________________________________________________ .

7 After the exam we’ll go for a pizza.

When the exam __________________________________________________ .

8 I intend to speak to my boss tomorrow.

I’m ____________________________________________________________ .

4. Put each verb given into the past simple or the present perfect.

0 A: What’s the matter?

B: I (cut) have cut myself.

1 A: What did you do on your holiday?

B: We (go) ______________________ to the disco most nights.

2 A: How is the holiday going?

B: Great! We (go) ______________________ to the disco most nights.

3 A: Did you carry on working at the shop after your argument with the manager?

B: No, I (leave) ______________________ .

4 A: Are you still working at the shop?

B: No, I (leave) ______________________ .

5 A: Why are the police here?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

6 A: Why did the metro stop running yesterday evening?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

7 A: How are the unemployment figures this year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

8 A: How were the unemployment figures last year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1 I was here / I’ve been here since the beginning of June.

2 No, I can’t see the bird. Where are you looking / do you look?

3 Your secret is safe with me. I’m not going to say / I won’t say anything.

4 It’s raining. Shall we / Will we take a taxi?

5 I’m meeting / I will meet Lisa for lunch tomorrow.

6 I’ve wanted to go to Paris all my life, but I still didn’t go/I still haven’t been there.

7 I’m going to tell her, but I didn’t see / I haven’t seen her yet.

8 I play/I’m playing tennis with Ann and Joe at the weekend. Do you want to join us?

9 I think we have time for a coffee before the train arrives / will arrive.

10 I haven’t seen you before. When have you started / did you start working here?

11 Where will you be going / do you go for your holidays next year?

12 While I walked / I was walking through the park a dog ran up to me and bit me.

13 Look out of the window! How long has it been snowing / is it snowing?

14 When I was a baby I was carrying / I used to carry a blanket everywhere I went.

15 When the film will end / ends, let’s have a coffee.

2. Put each verb given into the present simple or continuous, or the past simple

or continuous.

0 What (usually you do) do you usually do at the weekend?

1 What (you get) ______________________ for your birthday last week?

2 ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I (check) ______________________ this letter for

spelling mistakes.’

3 I got to the station at 3pm, (wait) ______________________ for half an hour,

then came back here.

4 George (watch) ___________________ the television when I arrived at his flat.

5 At the moment inflation (increase) ______________________ slowly.

6 James (turn on) __________ the television so we could watch the football match.

7 Every day Helen (check) __________________ her emails when she gets home.

8 ‘Where (you go) ______________________ ?’ ‘To the shops. Do you want to

come with me?’

9 ‘What games (you play) ______________________ when you were young?’

‘Hiding from people, trying to catch people, all the usual things.’

10 When I arrived at the checkout a lot of people (wait) ______________________

in the queue.

11 Buy one next year – prices (go down) _____________ quite fast at the moment.

12 ‘Where (you go) ______________________ on Saturday afternoons?’

‘Shopping, with my mother.’

13 Prices (go down) ______________________ quite fast when other, similar

models started to appear.

14 ‘What game (you play) __________________ just now?’ ‘We were playing


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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first


0 Michael took a deep breath and dived into the water.

After Michael had taken a deep breath, he dived into the water.

1 The plane landed a few moments ago.

The plane has ___________________________________________________ .

2 I’ve been playing the guitar for three years.

I started ________________________________________________________ .

3 After the start of the match, you’ll hear a lot of noise.

When the match __________________________________________________ .

4 This is my first time in the United States.

I’ve ___________________________________________________________ .

5 Would you like me to get you a drink?

Shall ___________________________________________________________ .

6 I last saw Naomi in February.

I haven’t ________________________________________________________ .

7 I intend to email Paul this evening.

I’m ____________________________________________________________ .

8 I thought the film looked familiar.

I thought I ______________________________________________________ .

4. Put each verb given into the past simple or the present perfect.

0 A: When are you going to write to your grandmother?

B: Don’t worry. I (already write) I’ve already written to her.

1 A: Why was your flight late?

B: There (is) ______________________ a delay.

2 A: Why isn’t our departure time showing on the screen?

B: There (is) ______________________ a delay.

3 A: Did you go to a nightclub after the meal in the restaurant?

B: No, I (come) ______________________ home.

4 A: Thanks for calling, John. Are you speaking from work?

B: No, I (come) ______________________ home.

5 A: Sandra’s just arrived.

B: Yes, I know, I (see) ______________________ her.

6 A: Sandra came into the office yesterday.

B: Yes, I know, I (see) ______________________ her.

7 A: How are you feeling today?

B: My temperature (go) ______________________ down.

8 A: How did you know you were getting better?

B: My temperature (go) ______________________ down.

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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 If we’d be/we’re late for class, our teacher will be angry.

1 The teacher told / asked me if I’d finished the test.

2 My mobile phone needs recharging! I wish the battery wasn’t / isn’t flat.

3 Peter must have left / can’t have left the flowers for me. He’s been away.

4 If I won / win the lottery, I’d travel round the world.

5 Your shoes are too small. You could / You’d better take them back immediately.

6 Rita left a message to say that she would join / had joined you in the pub tonight.

7 I think I must left / must have left my bag on the bus.

8 If you’d done/you did more revision, you wouldn’t have failed the exam.

9 I said/told to Steve that I’d meet him at the swimming baths later.

10 I was giving/was given the necklace by my aunt.

11 I asked her if she would be/was from Switzerland, and she said no.

12 I haven’t got an umbrella! If it rains, I’d get/I’ll get wet.

13 I didn’t know/wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t told me.

14 We showed round/were shown round the art gallery by our teacher.

2. Put one of the words or phrases from the box in each space.

could have to had to don’t have to didn’t have to might have

must mustn’t must have ought to should

0 You ought to see a dentist if you’ve got toothache.

1 He’s looking terrible. He ______________________ see a doctor immediately!

2 He’s not looking too good. I think he ______________________ see a doctor.

3 I ___________________ get my hair cut. I’m having a job interview next week.

4 If you need to make a call, you ______________________ use my phone.

5 It ________________ been a disappointment when you failed your driving test.

6 Sorry I couldn’t come with you, I ______________________ go to the dentist.

7 There’s no rush. We ______________________ be there until 9.00.

8 These oysters taste strange. It ______________________ been a mistake to

order seafood.

9 We were lucky! We ______________________ pay!

10 You ______________________ park your car here. It’s not allowed.

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3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space.

Going to the movies I promised my friend Lucy that I (0) B her out to the movies for a treat if she

(1) _____ her driving test. I found out yesterday that she (2) _____ the day before, so I

called her last night and (3) _____ whether she wanted to see the new film with Matt

Dillon. She (4) _____ that she (5) _____ it, but that she (6) _____ to see the Julia

Roberts film instead. It (7) _____ very good reviews by the critics in the newspaper

last week, so we decided to go. It was showing at the Scala cinema on the other side of

town. So I (8) _____ if she (9) _____ give me a lift in her car because I can’t drive.

She didn’t sound very happy but said she (10) _____ to my house and collect me.

0 A had taken B would take C take D will take

1 A would pass B had passed C will pass D passed

2 A would pass B had passed C was passing D has passed

3 A asked her B told her C said her D spoke her

4 A asked me B told me C said me D spoke me

5 A would B was already C had already D already seen

already see seeing seen

6 A loved B loves C will love D would love

7 A was given B has been given C gave D gives

8 A told B said her C asked her D spoke

9 A would B should C must D will

10 A had already B comes C would come D will come


4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

0 ‘Are you staying here all summer?’ the little girl asked me.

The little girl asked me if / whether I was staying there all summer .

1 I haven’t got a dog but I want one.

I wish __________________________________________________________ .

2 I think you should leave your job. That’s what I’d do.

If I ____________________________________________________________ .

3 Somebody has stolen my wallet!

My wallet _______________________________________________________ .

4 Istanbul is my place of birth.

I was __________________________________________________________ .

5 It’s not necessary for me to wear a tie at work.

I don’t _________________________________________________________ .

6 It was possible for Marcus to get lost.

Marcus could ____________________________________________________ .

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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 I’m sunburnt. I wish I hadn’t sunbathed / I didn’t sunbathe for so long.

1 This package delivered/was delivered this morning.

2 You’re going the wrong way. You’d better/You might go back to the main square

and ask.

3 If I know/knew the answer, I’d tell you.

4 I said/told Angela that I’d give her a call tonight.

5 Let’s hurry up! If we arrive early, we’ll get/we’d get a good seat.

6 You were able to/would have been able to use the computer if you had had the


7 The Finance Minister said that he doesn’t increase/wouldn’t increase taxes next year.

8 It was been / has been a really lovely day!

9 I asked/told Natasha if she knew anywhere to get a sandwich at lunchtime.

10 If we’d caught/we caught a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the train.

11 I wish it isn’t/wasn’t so cold.

12 Sacha must have left/can’t have left the office. His computer is turned off.

13 My parents are having their house redecorating/redecorated next week.

14 I asked him where he was going/would be going, and he said to the library.

2. Put one of the words or phrases from the box in each space.

could have to had to don’t have to didn’t have to might have

must mustn’t must have should should have

0 I’m completely soaked! We should have taken an umbrella.

1 If we arrive early, we ______________________ go for a drink before the play


2 I didn’t get to sleep until 2am. I ______________________ tidy up the mess

after the party.

3 It’s very relaxed at our company. We ______________________ wear formal


4 The flowers are lovely, but you ______________________ bring them. I wasn’t

expecting anything!

5 I can’t see the shop anywhere. I ______________________ got the wrong


6 I think you ______________________ visit Rome in the spring. It’s beautiful at

that time of year.

7 You ______________________ visit me in Rome! It’d be great to see you and

we’ll have lots of fun!

8 You ______________________ use a mobile phone while you are driving – it’s


9 I don’t believe he passed the test! He ______________________ been cheating!

10 We ______________________ collect the tickets at the airport. They won’t send

them to us.

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3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space.

Meeting Mariana at the airport Mariana called me from the States and (0) B that her plane would land at 8pm this

evening, if there (1) _____ any delays. When I got to the airport it was 8.15 and I

knew that her flight (2) _____ As usual, she (3) _____ wait for a while for her

luggage, so I wasn’t too worried. However, I wished I (4) _____ a magazine to read

and I was getting very hungry. I (5) _____ a man how long (6) ____ before the people

from her flight had got through customs, and he said about forty-five minutes. In fact

it was much less – it (7) _____ more than fifteen minutes. I was delighted to see

Mariana and she said that she (8) _____ a good flight. I (9) _____ going out to eat at

the nearest restaurant but she said that she (10) _____ a surprisingly good meal on the

plane and she wasn’t hungry.

0 A asked her B told me C said me D spoke me

1 A wouldn’t be B hadn’t been C won’t be D weren’t

2 A must arrive B must arrived C must had arrived D must have arrived

3 A had to B should C should have D was had to

4 A would bring B bring C brought D had brought

5 A asked to B asked C said to D told to

6 A it was taking B would it take C it would take D takes it

7 A might have been B must have been C can’t have been D should have been

8 A had had B was having C would have D has

9 A invited B asked C suggested D offered

10 A was given B has been given C gave D gives

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first


0 I don’t know the answer, so I can’t help you.

If I knew the answer, I’d help you.

1 Imagine you had a yacht. Where would you go?

Where _________________________________________________________ .

2 Somebody will meet you at the airport.

You ___________________________________________________________ .

3 When is your birthday?

When were ______________________________________________________ .

4 I’m sure that isn’t Geoffrey.

That ___________________________________________________________ .

5 We didn’t buy a ticket, so we had to pay a fine.

If we ___________________________________________________________ .

6 I’m sure she enjoyed herself.

She must _______________________________________________________ .

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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 I read the book you suggested. I didn’t enjoy it, although / however.

1 Why don’t we cook/cooking pasta tonight?

2 My sister isn’t enough old/old enough to go to the disco.

3 Jean, that/who I know very well, wouldn’t do a thing like that.

4 It was so/such nice ice-cream that I ate another portion.

5 Although/In spite of the rain, we had a good holiday.

6 This is my cat. Its/It’s name is Sammy.

7 I felt so/too tired that I went to bed.

8 Could you tell me where the post office is/where is the post office?

9 Do you like/Would you like some more coffee?

10 I found your house easily, although/despite I didn’t know the number.

11 Would you mind to close/closing the door?

12 The film that/what we saw was a bit disappointing.

13 David ate so many/so much ice-cream that he felt sick.

14 I’m going to spend my holidays at/in Egypt.

2. Put a preposition in each space. Choose from in, on, at, to, above, below.

0 Jane’s sister has got a job at Manchester airport.

1 You’ll find the index ____________ the back of the book.

2 My brother lives ____________ Milan.

3 There was nobody ____________ the bus except me.

4 I dropped the box and it landed ____________ my foot.

5 There are twelve students ____________ my class.

6 Walk ____________ the pavement – it’s much safer.

7 You can’t see the ship any more – it’s ____________ the horizon.

8 Go down the street, and you’ll see the cinema ____________ the right.

9 My grandmother is ____________ hospital at the moment.

10 There’s a video shop ____________ the other side of the street.

11 I went ____________ a small Greek island for my holidays.

12 He shouldn’t drive – he’s ____________ the alcohol limit.

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first


0 Patricia seems to have gone home.

It seems that Patricia has gone home .

1 Harry wanted to pass the exam, so he studied hard.

Harry studied hard so that __________________________________________ .

2 I have a lot of advice, and I don’t know what to do.

I have so _______________________________________________________ .

3 There are too few glasses on the table.

There aren’t _____________________________________________________ .

4 Although it was raining, I went to the shops.

Despite _________________________________________________________ .

5 Please wait a moment.

Would you mind _________________________________________________ .

6 My advice is to travel before the rush-hour starts.

If I ____________________________________________________________ .

7 Near the beach is a small bar called ‘Pedro’s Place’.

There __________________________________________________________ .

8 How much does this cost?

Could you tell me ________________________________________________ .

9 The play was so boring that I fell asleep.

It was __________________________________________________________ .

10 Let’s go fishing at the weekend.

How ___________________________________________________________ .

4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 I felt really tired, so I stayed at home and had a rest. because

I stayed at home and had a rest because I felt really tired .

1 A new student joined our class. She is called Joanna.

who The ____________________________________________________________ .

2 I have a friend. This person’s father comes from Sweden.

whose I have __________________________________________________________ .

3 Jim gave me a book. It is really good.

that The ____________________________________________________________ .

4 Jim gave me a book. It is really good

which Jim ___________________________________________________________ .

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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 I’m very busy. Let’s / Would you mind giving me a hand?

1 Although/In spite of my bad back, I still play football.

2 The guide book has so much/so many information that I can’t decide where to go.

3 Do you know what time does the film start/the film starts?

4 The bus was too/so slow that I missed my interview.

5 I enjoyed the party, despite/although I didn’t know many people.

6 I’m going on an English course in/at Cambridge.

7 It is so/such a good film that I’ve seen it three times!

8 Roberta, who/that is Claudia’s sister, is going to the same university as me.

9 I can’t reach. I’m not tall enough/enough tall.

10 We arrived at the cinema early in order to/so that we get a good seat.

11 That idea what/that you had was fantastic!

12 Has anyone seen my jacket? It’s/Its front pockets have a design on them.

13 Why don’t we visiting/visit Leila at the weekend?

14 Would you mind moving/to move along a bit so that I can sit down?

2. Put a preposition in each space. Choose from in, on, at, to, above, below.

0 Karen lives in London Street.

1 Quick, get ____________ the train, the doors are going to close.

2 Denise arrived with a bunch of flowers ____________ her hand.

3 Leonora has moved ____________ another city.

4 There are very few tigers left ____________ India.

5 You’ll see the monument ____________ your left.

6 I looked ____________ the mirror and saw the mark on my face.

7 I’m going to stay ____________ home tonight. I’ve got a lot of homework.

8 From the plane I could see the coast of Italy ____________ us.

9 There’s a beautiful old church ____________ the end of the road.

10 That’s a beautiful picture over there, ____________ the sofa.

11 I think her house is ____________ this side of the street.

12 He’ll stay ____________ prison for at least ten years.

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first


0 My town has two places to hear live music.

There are two places to hear live music in my town .

1 My advice is to get to the airport two hours before take-off.

If I ____________________________________________________________ .

2 I have a lot of work to do, and I don’t know where to begin.

I have so _______________________________________________________ .

3 Let’s invite Julia and Margaret to the party.

How ___________________________________________________________ .

4 Rebecca wanted to go to Japan, so she saved some money.

Rebecca saved some money so that __________________________________ .

5 The car was so old that it kept breaking down.

It was __________________________________________________________ .

6 Please speak more slowly.

Would you mind _________________________________________________ .

7 There are too few chairs in the room.

There aren’t _____________________________________________________ .

8 Where is the station?

Do you know ____________________________________________________ .

9 Although there were problems, we enjoyed ourselves.

Despite _________________________________________________________ .

10 Robert appears to have forgotten my birthday again.

It appears _______________________________________________________ .

4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 The woman teaches us music. She also plays in an orchestra.

who The woman who teaches us music also plays in an orchestra .

1 I go to a fitness centre. It also has yoga classes.

that The ____________________________________________________________ .

2 I go to a fitness centre. It also has yoga classes.

which I go ____________________________________________________________ .

3 I know a man. His brother is a record producer.

whose I know _________________________________________________________ .

4 You were talking about a woman. I wanted to meet her.

that I wanted ________________________________________________________ .

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1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 I met Tina a day/one day last week.

1 I’m going to buy the / a new printer for my computer.

2 I’ve lived in this city for / since ten years.

3 I’m going out to buy any/some milk.

4 Paris was so/as exciting as Madrid – I enjoyed them both.

5 I need to finish this work by/until the end of the week.

6 Berlin is a lot bigger that/than Frankfurt.

7 How many/How much time do we have until the train arrives?

8 My worse/worst subject at school was mathematics.

9 Monday or Tuesday, each/either day would be fine.

10 I’m meeting Jack the day after tomorrow/the next day.

11 Could you give me some informations/information, please?

12 Where’s a/the remote control for the television?

2. Put a/an or the in each space or leave the space blank.

It’s not difficult to find my house. If you come by (0) – train, you come out of

(1) _____ station and turn right. You’ll see (2) _____ bank on (3) _____ corner of

(4) _____ street. Carry on down (5) _____ road until you come to (6) _____ church.

You can’t miss it – it’s one of (7) _____ biggest ones in (8) _____ Brighton. Just after

(9) _____ church turn left. It’s (10) _____ very small street and (11) _____ people

often go past without noticing it. You’ll see my house at (12) _____ end of the street –

it’s got (13) _____ red door. Try and get here in time for (14) _____ lunch. Give me

(15) _____ call on your mobile if you get lost. I’ll be waiting for you!

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

0 I didn’t expect to see Darrel.

Darrel was the last person I expected to see .

1 This is as fast as I can go.

I can’t __________________________________________________________ .

2 The restaurants were both expensive.

Neither _________________________________________________________ .

3 Sue is better at History than Silvia.

Silvia is not _____________________________________________________ .

4 The Romanian capital is Bucharest.

Bucharest _______________________________________________ Romania.

5 Dan drives buses.

Dan is __________________________________________________________ .

6 Not all the answers are right.

Some __________________________________________________________ .

7 Nobody is better at History than Melanie.

Melanie is the ___________________________________________________ .

8 I won’t leave before 7.00.

I’ll be here ______________________________________________________ .

4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a form of a phrasal verb using the

word in bold. Make any other necessary changes.

0 Don’t leave the lights on when you leave the school.

turn off Turn the lights off when you leave the school.

1 I went through childhood in Belgium.

grew ________________________________________________________________

2 I was talking to Jackie and we were suddenly disconnected.

cut ________________________________________________________________

3 Alice is similar in appearance to her mother.

take ________________________________________________________________

4 I’m trying to find the word in the dictionary.

look ________________________________________________________________

5 What are you trying to say?

get ________________________________________________________________

Page 67: Lang Practice[1]



1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 The fish was so tasty as / as tasty as the meat.

1 I am younger than/that my brother.

2 Can you give me an/some advice, please?

3 How much/How many money do you need?

4 I’ve been off work since/for three days with a bad cold.

5 We need to be there until/by 6.30.

6 The other people weren’t very friendly – no of/none of them spoke to me.

7 We need some/any more cheese.

8 Would you like to see a/the film with me next Friday?

9 Michael went away to Ireland the other day/the day before yesterday.

10 Ask James or Ted – either/each one could help you.

11 My worst/worse nightmare is to be in a room full of snakes.

12 It’s not as/so warm as it was – autumn is coming.

2. Put a/an or the in each space or leave the space blank.

We had (0) a great holiday in (1) _____ London. We arrived at (2) _____ airport late

on Sunday evening, and we decided to take (3) _____ taxi, even though it was very

expensive. (4) _____ taxi took us to our hotel, which was very nice, although

(5) _____ rooms were quite small. On (6) _____ next day we woke up early and had

(7) _____ enormous breakfast. I don’t know how (8) _____ people can eat so much in

(9) _____ morning! But it was good for us because eating out in (10) _____ London is

expensive, and with such (11) _____ big breakfast we didn’t need to have (l2) _____

lunch. After breakfast we went to (13) _____ art gallery. I can’t remember (14) _____

name, but it was full of (15) _____ famous paintings and I really enjoyed it.

Page 68: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first


0 David is a better runner than Paul.

Paul isn’t as good a runner as David .

1 Michael teaches English.

Michael is ______________________________________________________ .

2 I won’t be back before next Monday.

I’ll be away _____________________________________________________ .

3 This is as far as we can go.

We can’t _______________________________________________________ .

4 Nobody in the class swims more slowly than Josh.

Josh is the ______________________________________________________ .

5 The English captain is Beckham.

Beckham _______________________________________________________ .

6 Both of the brothers were tall.

Neither _________________________________________________________ .

7 All books must be returned to the shelves.

Each ___________________________________________________________ .

8 The police arrived too late to catch the robber.

The police didn’t arrive ____________________________________________ .

4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a form of a phrasal verb using the

word in bold. Make any other necessary changes.

0 You can come and stay with me.


I can put you up.

1 I had to solve a very difficult problem at work today.

deal ________________________________________________________________

2 I’ll collect you in my car at 7.30.

pick ________________________________________________________________

3 The plane left the ground exactly on time.

take ________________________________________________________________

4 The football match has been cancelled.

call ________________________________________________________________

5 Maria has recovered from her disappointment.

get ________________________________________________________________

Page 69: Lang Practice[1]



1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 Helen enjoyed/chose to learn Spanish.

1 Look at/to that wonderful painting!

2 Don’t forget to turn off/turning off the lights.

3 You can have or/either wine or beer.

4 I’m sorry, there isn’t anything/nothing I can do.

5 The shop assistant refused giving/to give me a refund.

6 Is that milk still fresh? What is its/it’s sell-by date?

7 I don’t know if I can come with you. It depends of/on what my father says.

8 This new detergent is strong, yet/as kind to your skin.

9 We watched the seagulls to fly/flying behind the boat.

10 I hope to go/going to University next year.

11 They like to have saunas in countries for example/such as Sweden.

12 Can you ask/ask for the key?

13 Sorry, I forgot to post/posting your letter.

14 Helena is an old friend of me/mine from school.

2. Rewrite each group of words so that it contains the punctuation listed.

0 first of all who is going to carry the suitcase asked emilie.

(two capital letters, one full stop, one comma, one question mark, speech marks)

‘First of all, who is going to carry the suitcase?’ asked Emilie.

1 i told marys son that he should be honest go the police and tell the truth

(two capital letters, one full stop, one comma, one apostrophe)



2 hi alison said james whats happening

(four capital letters, one question mark, three commas, one apostrophe, two pairs

of speech marks)



3 youll never believe what happened first of all we met up with peters friends from

university then we all went to brighton for the day

(five capital letters, one full stop, two commas, two apostrophes, one exclamation




Page 70: Lang Practice[1]


3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space.

Family holidays We used to have great family holidays when I was younger. There was always (0) D

interesting to do, (1) _____ going to the beach, playing football, or going on rides at

the fair. In the evenings we went to restaurants, and (2) _____ my brother and me

(3) _____ staying up till late at night, listening (4) _____ the adults talking around the

table. (5) _____ now, every time I’m in a restaurant late at night it (6) _____ me of

those days. A favourite memory of (7) _____ is going camping when I was about

eight. I suppose we (8) _____ to stay in a hotel that year, but it didn’t matter.

(9) _____ , it was probably one of the best holidays I ever had with my family. I really

(10) _____ sleeping outside under the stars.

0 A everything B one thing C anything D something

1 A such as B yet C also D except for

2 A either B also C both D as well

3 A couldn’t stand B wanted C loved D wished

4 A about B at C to D on

5 A Even B Same C Also D Yet

6 A reminds B remembers C imagines D seems

7 A I B my C me D mine

8 A couldn’t help B couldn’t afford C admitted D denied

9 A As well B For example C Except D In fact

10 A imagined B enjoyed C chose D expected

4. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as

the first sentence, using no more than three words.

0 There was nothing I could do. - I couldn’t do anything .

1 Spiders make me afraid.

I’m afraid _______________________________________________________ .

2 There was nowhere I could go.

I couldn’t go ____________________________________________________ .

3 Do you think chemistry is interesting?

Are you ________________________________________________________ .

4 Joanne said she’d ask her mother about using the car.

Joanne agreed ___________________________ her mother about using the car.

5 This dictionary belongs to Nicola.

This is _________________________________________________________ .

6 Chris was the only one who wasn’t wearing a hat.

Everyone was wearing a hat ________________________________________ .

7 You are often in my thoughts.

I often _________________________________________________________ .

8 The police arrived too late to catch the robber.

The police didn’t arrive _________________________ to catch the robber.

Page 71: Lang Practice[1]



1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 Mrs Davis taught us except for/instead of Mr Taylor.

1 I stopped to smoke/smoking six months ago, and I feel much healthier now.

2 I’ll wait you/wait for you in the cinema foyer.

3 Gina introduced me to a colleague of hers/her.

4 I promise to pay/paying you back tomorrow.

5 A lot of museums are closed today, yet/since it is Easter.

6 She apologized for/of being so late.

7 In/To my view, the United Nations does a very good job.

8 Sheila offered helping/to help me with my homework.

9 Let’s go home. I don’t know anyone/no-one at this party.

10 I was tired and hungry too/both.

11 She could feel her baby to breathe/breathing at her side.

12 What a sweet little puppy! What is it’s/its name?

13 I must remember posting/to post the letter.

14 What are you talking in/about?

2. Rewrite each group of words so that it contains the punctuation listed.

0 were meeting uncle david on Tuesday evening at eight.

(four capital letters, one full stop, one apostrophe)

We’re meeting Uncle David on Tuesday evening at eight.

1 hes won a thousand euros on the lottery however he wont even take us to pizzaria

napoli to celebrate

(four capital letters, one full stop, one comma, two apostrophes, one exclamation mark)



2 i asked alexandras mother about her childhood her time in africa and her

experience of the war

(three capital letters, one full stop, two commas, one apostrophe)



3 hello jackie said robert what time did you get back from the cinema

(four capital letters, one question mark, three commas, two pairs of speech marks)



Page 72: Lang Practice[1]


3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space.

Having the builders in our house

For a long time we’ve been talking (0) C having our kitchen modernized, and this year

we finally (1) _____ to have the work done. The builders said there were two

possibilities, (2) _____ they could start in March, or in July, and they said the work

would take two to three weeks. We discussed it, and March (3) _____ to be the better

choice (4) _____ we were going away in July and so (5) _____ would be in the house

to supervise the work. They started in March as they had promised, and we got very

excited (6) ___ having the kitchen done, but (7) ___ taking three weeks it took nearly

two months! The problem was they (8) ___ disappearing every few days. (9) _____ ,

they made a terrible mess and we couldn’t use the kitchen for all that time. Now the

work is done, I’m pleased (10) _____ the result, but it was a terrible time for us all.

0 A on B with C about D in

1 A fancied B pretended C enjoyed D decided

2 A or B either C also D both

3 A imagined B began C seemed D expect

4 A as B although C yet D while

5 A one B everyone C anyone D no-one

6 A of B for C about D at

7 A instead of B except for C such as D as well as

8 A wanted B happened C couldn’t stand D kept

9 A Personally B As well as this C Instead of this D Although

10 A of B to C for D with

4. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as

the first sentence, using no more than three words. 0 Jeff was the only student who forgot the test.

Everyone remembered the test except Jeff .

1 Annie is a reliable person.

You can ________________________________________________________ .

2 Celia is buying a small apartment.

Celia has decided ___________________________________ a small apartment.

3 We haven’t got anything in the fridge.

We’ve got _______________________________________________ the fridge.

4 I saw one of my teachers.

I saw a _________________________________________________________ .

5 Chemistry is Tracey’s best subject.

Tracey is very ___________________________________________________ .

6 Patrick said he’d stolen the bike.

Patrick admitted __________________________________________________ .

7 There were lots of people in the restaurant.

The restaurant was ________________________________________________ .

8 I haven’t got any money in my wallet.

I’ve got ______________________________________________ in my wallet.

Page 73: Lang Practice[1]


GRAMMAR TEST KEYS KEY Grammar Progress Test 1a (Units 2–9) 1

1 I haven’t saved

2 I won’t be

3 Shall I

4 have you been waiting

5 I used to go

6 I’ve lived

7 I was cleaning

8 are you thinking

9 I’m going

10 I still haven’t found

11 did you paint

12 will you be working

13 it finishes

14 I’m seeing 15 are you going


1 did you go

2 is reading

3 played

4 was listening

5 turned off

6 reads

7 are you spending

8 did you do

9 were playing

10 are becoming

11 do you spend

12 became

13 were you doing

14 am staying


1 never visited/been to Italy before

2 just arrived

3 had already started

4 I call back later

5 learning English two years ago

6 been to Spain since 1998

7 finishes, we’ll go for a pizza

8 going to speak to my boss tomorrow


1 went

2 have been

3 left

4 have left

5 has been

6 was

7 have risen

8 rose (Total = 45 marks)

KEY Grammar Progress Test 1b (Units 2–9) 1

1 I’ve been here

2 are you looking

3 I won’t say

4 Shall we

5 I’m meeting

6 I still haven’t been

7 I haven’t seen

8 I’m playing

9 arrives

10 did you start

11 will you be going

12 I was walking

13 has it been snowing

14 I used to carry 15 ends


1 did you get

2 am checking

3 waited

4 was watching

5 is increasing

6 turned on

7 checks

8 are you going

9 did you play

10 were waiting

11 are going down

12 do you go

13 went down

14 were you playing


1 just landed

2 playing the guitar three years ago

3 starts, you’ll hear a lot of noise

4 never been to the United States before

5 I get you a drink

6 seen Naomi since February

7 going to email Paul this evening

8 had seen the film before


1 was

2 has been

3 came

4 have come

5 have seen

6 saw

7 has gone

8 went (Total = 45 marks)

Page 74: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 10–18)


1 asked

2 wasn’t

3 can’t have left

4 won

5 You’d better

6 would join

7 must have left

8 you’d done

9 said

10 was given

11 was

12 I’ll get

13 wouldn’t have known

14 were shown round


1 must

2 should

3 have to

4 could

5 must have

6 had to

7 don’t have to

8 might have

9 didn’t have to

10 mustn’t


1 D

2 B

3 A

4 B

5 C

6 D

7 A

8 C

9 A

10 C


1 I had a dog

2 were you, I’d leave your job

3 has been stolen

4 born in Istanbul

5 have to wear a tie at work

6 have got lost


Page 75: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 2b (Units 10–18)


1 was delivered

2 You’d better

3 knew

4 told

5 we’ll get

6 would have been able to

7 wouldn’t increase

8 has been

9 asked

10 we’d caught

11 wasn’t

12 must have left

13 redecorated

14 was going


1 could

2 had to

3 don’t have to

4 didn’t have to

5 must have

6 should

7 must

8 mustn’t

9 must have

10 have to


1 D

2 D

3 A

4 D

5 B

6 C

7 C

8 A

9 C

10 A


1 would you go if you had a yacht

2 will be met at the airport

3 you born

4 can’t be Geoffrey

5 had bought a ticket, we wouldn’t have had to pay a fine

6 have enjoyed herself


Page 76: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 3a (Units 19–28)


1 cook

2 old enough

3 who

4 such

5 In spite of

6 Its

7 so

8 where the post office is

9 Would you like

10 although

11 closing

12 that

13 so much

14 in


1 at

2 in

3 on

4 on

5 in

6 on

7 below

8 on

9 in

10 on

11 to

12 above


1 he would pass the exam.

2 much advice that I don’t know what to do.

3 enough glasses on the table.

4 the rain, I went to the shops.

5 waiting a moment.

6 were you, I’d travel before the rush-hour starts.

7 is a small bar near the beach called ‘Pedro’s Place’.

8 how much this costs?

9 such a boring play that I fell asleep.

10 about going fishing at the weekend?


1 new student who joined our class is called Joanna

2 a friend whose father comes from Sweden

3 book that Jim gave me is really good

4 gave me a book which is really good


Page 77: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 3b (Units 19–28)


1 In spite of

2 so much

3 the film starts

4 so

5 although

6 in

7 such

8 who

9 tall enough

10 in order to

11 that

12 Its

13 visit

14 moving


1 on

2 in

3 to

4 in

5 on

6 in

7 at

8 below

9 at

10 above

11 on

12 in


1 were you, I’d get to the airport two hours before take-off

2 much work to do that I don’t know where to begin

3 about inviting Julia and Margaret to the party

4 she could go to Japan

5 such an old car that it kept breaking down

6 speaking more slowly, please

7 enough chairs in the room

8 where the station is

9 the problems, we enjoyed ourselves

10 that Robert has forgotten my birthday again


1 fitness centre I go to also has yoga classes

2 to a fitness centre which also has yoga classes

3 a man whose brother is a record producer

4 to meet the woman that you were talking about


Page 78: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 4a (Units 29–37)


1 a

2 for

3 some

4 as

5 by

6 than

7 How much

8 worst

9 either

10 the day after tomorrow

11 information

12 the


1 the

2 a

3 the

4 the

5 the

6 a

7 the

8 –

9 the

10 a

11 –

12 the

13 a

14 –

15 a


1 go any faster

2 of the restaurants were cheap

3 as good at History as Sue

4 is the capital of

5 a bus driver

6 of the answers were wrong

7 best at History

8 until 7.00


1 I grew up in Belgium.

2 I was talking to Jackie and we were suddenly cut off.

3 Alice takes after her mother.

4 I’m looking up the word in a dictionary.

5 What are you getting at?


Page 79: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 4b (Units 29–37)


1 than

2 some

3 How much

4 for

5 by

6 none of

7 some

8 a

9 the day before yesterday

10 either

11 worst

12 as


1 –

2 the

3 a

4 The

5 the

6 the

7 an

8 –

9 the

10 –

11 a

12 –

13 an

14 the

15 –


1 an English teacher

2 until next Monday

3 go any further

4 slowest swimmer in the class

5 is the captain of England./is the English captain

6 of the brothers were small

7 book must be returned to the shelves

8 in time to catch the robber


1 I had to deal with a very difficult problem at work today.

2 I’ll pick you up in my car at 7.30.

3 The plane took off exactly on time.

4 The football match has been called off.

5 Maria has got over her disappointment.


Page 80: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 5a (Units 38–46)


1 at

2 to turn off

3 either

4 anything

5 to give

6 its

7 on

8 yet

9 flying

10 to go

11 such as

12 ask for

13 to post

14 mine


1 I told Mary’s son that he should be honest, go to the police and tell the truth.

2 ‘Hi, Alison’, said James, ‘What’s happening?’

3 You’ll never believe what happened! First of all, we met up with Peter’s friends

from University, then we all went to Brighton for the day.


1 A

2 C

3 C

4 C

5 A

6 A

7 D

8 B

9 D

10 B


1 of spiders

2 anywhere

3 interested in chemistry

4 she’d/to ask

5 Nicola’s dictionary

6 except Chris

7 think of you

8 in time (Total = 35 marks)

Page 81: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 5b (Units 38–46)


1 smoking

2 wait for you

3 hers

4 to pay

5 since

6 for

7 In

8 to help

9 anyone

10 too

11 breathing

12 its

13 to post

14 about


1 He’s won a thousand euros on the lottery. However, he won’t even take us to

Pizzaria Napoli to celebrate!

2 I asked Alexandra’s mother about her childhood, her time in Africa, and her

experience of the war.

3 ‘Hello, Jackie’, said Robert, ‘What time did you get back from the cinema?’


1 D

2 B

3 C

4 A

5 D

6 C

7 A

8 D

9 B

10 D


1 rely on Annie

2 to buy

3 nothing in

4 teacher of mine

5 good at Chemistry

6 stealing the bike

7 full of people

8 no money (Total = 35 marks)

Page 82: Lang Practice[1]



1. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 My alarm clock didn’t go off and so I overslept this morning. OVERSLEPT

1 I had been in the country for a year, but I still felt like a _______ . FOREIGN

2 I have never felt such great _________ since the day I got married. HAPPY

3 He’s only been in the job for one week so he’s a bit ______ . EXPERIENCE

4 I’ve known him since school days. Our _________ is very strong. FRIEND

5 It makes me feel bad to see so many____ people sleeping in the street. HOME

6 It hasn’t rained for months and there’s a great water ________ . SHORT

7 I don’t like this job. I’m ________________ and overworked. PAY

8 Smoking can be very ________________ to your health. DANGER

9 We’ve got all the modern ________________ in our factory. MACHINE

10 I’m really sorry, I think there has been a ____________ . UNDERSTAND

2. Complete each compound word with a word from the box.

about ache coat doors ground makers path table washer

0 Make sure you walk on the footpath , because the road is dangerous.

1 Turn left at the next round________________.

2 My time________ this year is quite good – I’ve got nothing on Friday afternoon.

3 I’d prefer to stay in a hotel with holiday________ , rather than business people.

4 Has anyone got an aspirin? I’ve got a terrible head________________ .

5 It’s cold outside, I think you’ll need an over________________ .

6 To get into London from Heathrow airport just take the Under_____________ .

7 You don’t need to clean the plates yourself, we have a dish________________ .

8 It’s a lovely day. Let’s eat our lunch out________________ in the park.

3. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 By 11.00 I felt so tired/tiring that I went to bed.

1 How many photos did you make/take on holiday?

2 I read a really interested/interesting article in the newspaper today.

3 That meal we had yesterday was horrible. I particularly/properly disliked the fish.

4 Have you got any more clothes to put in the dishwasher/washing machine?

5 I’ve told you now/time and again to do your homework!

6 John hates waiting more than ten minutes for a bus. He gets very impatient/unpatient.

7 Sharon was early for her appointment so she read a magazine to lose/pass the time.

8 Shall I turn the central conditioning/heating off. It’s very hot in here.

9 Marcus always said/told the truth. It was impossible for him to lie.

10 It was awful/awfully difficult to read the sign as it was so dark.

Page 83: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 2 (UNITS 7–11)

1. Choose the word on the right that best matches the descriptions.

0 in the kitchen – you find plates and cups in it d a) bin

1 in the wall, where you get power for electrical equipment ___ b) carpet

2 in the kitchen – turn it to get water ___ c) ceiling

3 in the corner of the room, full of paper ___ d) cupboard

4 the top part of the house – where the chimney is ___ e) cushion

5 the top part of the room – where the lamp hangs down ___ f) fence

6 around the garden ___ g) gate

7 between the front door and the garden, to help you get down ___ h) pillow

8 at the end of the garden path, just before the street ___ i) roof

9 covering the floor, from one wall to the other ___ j) rug

10 covering a small area of the floor, in the middle of the room ___ k) socket

11 on a bed, to make your head comfortable ___ l) step

12 on a sofa, to make your back comfortable ___ m) tap

2. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Do you like/fancy going out for a pizza this evening?

2 A lot of my relatives/parents live in America.

3 Those grapes look delicious. I’ll have a large packet/bunch, please.

4 She always shows good judgment. She’s very sensible/sensitive.

5 My brother would really look good in that shirt/blouse.

6 Can you borrow/lend me some money until tomorrow?

7 I was absolutely fascinated/fascinating by his story about Africa.

8 Happy anniversary/birthday, Oliver! Six years old today. Are you having fun?

9 You’ll find better prices/values in the shops if you wait until the sales.

10 My car has broken down. Could you give me a hand/help?

11 Waiter, here is my credit card. Can I have a receipt/bill please?

12 This pullover is much too big for me. It feels really lose/loose.

3. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. One of the words is used twice.

after away back down for in on out up with

0 I’m longing for a few weeks holiday.

1 Excuse me, I’d like to try _________ this jacket. Where are the changing rooms?

2 I’ll lend you the money but you must pay me ________________ by Friday.

3 Christine said she’d drop ______ to see her aunt on the way home from Scotland.

4 Do you think my new shirt will go ________________ these trousers?

5 Paul promised to help me with the decorating today but he’s gone to a football

match instead. He’s really let me ________________ .

6 Joanna put ________________ a thick pair of boots as it was snowing outside.

7 Let’s go ________________ to Paris for the weekend. I’ve never been there.

8 Did you know that Louise is going ________________ with my ex-boyfriend?

9 Robbie wanted to dress ________________ as Batman for the party.

10 Jack takes ________________ his father. They’ve even got the same ears!

Page 84: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 3 (UNITS 12–16)

1a. Match the words in the box with the definitions.

cruise journey tour travel trip voyage

0 the general activity of moving from place to place (uncountable noun) travel

1 going from one place to another, usually over a long distance or long time _____

2 going to a place, staying there, and coming back again ________________

3 a circular journey during which you visit several places ________________

4 a holiday on a large ship ________________

5 a long journey by sea or in space ________________

1b. Now complete each sentence with a word from the same box.

0 Foreign travel is very popular these days.

1 The sightseeing ________________ costs €15. You see Big Ben, the Tower of

London and St Paul’s.

2 We drove from Germany all the way down to Italy. It was a two-day _______ .

3 The ________________ from England to America across the Atlantic took

several weeks.

4 My parents are going on a ________________ around the Caribbean Islands.

5 They’ve just come back from a ________________ to Ireland. They had a

wonderful time.

2. The words in italics are in the wrong sentences. Find the best word for each


0 We weren’t sure what to order for lunch, so we asked for the whistle. menu

1 There are no cars in the city centre – it’s a traffic-free menu. __________

2 If you can’t afford a hotel, why not stay in a youth crossing? __________

3 The morning rush tyre lasts from seven until half past nine. __________

4 We can’t drive to Italy in one day. We’ll need to make an overnight hour. ____

5 Sorry I’m late. I was stuck in a traffic zone. ________________

6 It’s safer to walk along the road a bit and use the pedestrian hostel. __________

7 I had to push my bike all the way up the hill. I got a flat stop. _________

8 The players must stop when they hear the referee’s jam. ________________

Page 85: Lang Practice[1]


3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Hi James,

We’re on holiday at the moment and we’ve brought our (0) B with us.

It’s small but quite comfortable. We’re (1) ______ in France for two weeks,

right in the middle of the French (2) ______ .

There’s some wonderful (3) ______ around here.

There’s even a small (4) ______ where I can (5) ______ fishing.

The place has certainly (6) ______ up to our expectations.

Actually, we’re lucky to be here as a car (7) ______ into a lorry in front of

us on the motorway in England and we nearly (8) ______ the boat. Sarah

was ill for a short while and I had to go to the (9) ______ in the nearest

village to get her some aspirin. She seems to have got (10) ______ her

illness now, but I had to make all the (11) ______ for a couple of days.

As you know, I’m not the best (12) ________ in the world and while I was

(13) ______ some bacon the pan was set (14) ______ fire. Luckily, we had a

fire (15) ______ with us and it soon brought the fire under control.

We’re off to the beach now. Hope you’re keeping well.

All the best


0 A bungalow B caravan C castle D cottage

1 A passing B remaining C spending D staying

2 A country B countryside C land D ground

3 A look B scenery C sight D view

4 A canal B river C sea D stream

5 A do B go C make D take

6 A kept B lived C seemed D was

7 A collapsed B crashed C hit D struck

8 A arrived B caught C lost D missed

9 A chemist’s B physician C surgeon D hospital

10 A from B off C on D over

11 A courses B food C meals D plates

12 A chef B chief C cook D cooker

13 A baking B boiling C grating D frying

14 A in B from C on D over

15 A brigade B engine C extinguisher D fighter

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TEST 4 (UNITS 17–21)

1. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Nowadays it’s very important to get a good education . EDUCATE

1 I don’t have much ________________ of European history. KNOW

2 My pencil has broken! Have you got a ________________ ? SHARP

3 Tomorrow I’m going to send off my _________ form for the job. APPLY

4 Her brother works in the factory as an ________________ . ENGINE

5 The ________ in this city has got worse. I find it difficult to breathe. POLLUTE

6 Tony Blair is one of Britain’s most famous ________________ . POLITICS

7 I’ve been out of work for ages. It’s not much fun being ________ . EMPLOY

8 If you go to court you will need a good ________________ . LAW

9 Our team is very ________________ . SUCCEED

We’ve won three international competition this year.

10 It’s very difficult to live in London on a low ________________ . COME

2. Choose the word on the right to complete each sentence.

0. Look! It’s not working because the plug isn’t in the j . a) battery

1. My shirt got very creased in the suitcase. I need an ___ . b) bulb

2. If the shelf is coming off the wall, try to tighten the ___ . c) glue

3. Hang your coat over there on that ___ . d) hook

4. When a lamp suddenly goes out, we need to change the ___ . e) iron

5. If you need to climb onto the roof, use a ___ . f) ladder

6. If you get lost in the forest, use your ___ . g) lock

7. This key doesn’t work. They must have changed the ___ . h) razor

8. To stop the alarm working, the burglars cut the ___ . i) screw

9. In case of punctures, cars always carry a spare ___ . j) socket

10. I need to have a shave, but I haven’t got a ___ . l) compass

11. My mobile phone isn’t working. I need to recharge the ___ . l) tyre

12. The envelope won’t stick down properly. I need some ___ . m) wire

3. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 Before we set off, we listened to the climate / weather forecast.

1 My favourite / preferred time of year is Spring.

2 Our main bureau / office is in Swindon.

3 Can I just write that date down in my agenda / diary?

4 Your hair is too long. Give me those cutters /scissors and I’ll cut it.

5 I’m always pulling up crops / weeds in the garden. They get everywhere.

6 At present people resign / retire at 65. In the future it may be different.

7 The car has got a small engine / machine and is very economical to use.

8 Lots of chemicals farmers use harm / spoil the environment.

9 Julie’s studying to become a primary school professor / teacher.

10 Bill thanked the guest / host for the party and went home.

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1 foreigner

2 happiness

3 inexperienced

4 friendship

5 homeless

6 shortage

7 underpaid

8 dangerous

9 machinery

10 misunderstanding


1 about

2 table

3 makers

4 ache

5 coat

6 ground

7 washer

8 doors


1 take

2 interesting

3 particularly

4 washing machine

5 time

6 impatient

7 pass

8 heating

9 told

10 awfully

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1 k) socket

2 m) tap

3 a) bin

4 i) roof

5 c) ceiling

6 f) fence

7 l) step

8 g) gate

9 b) carpet

10 j) rug

11 h) pillow

12 e) cushion


1 fancy

2 relatives

3 bunch

4 sensible

5 shirt

6 lend

7 fascinated

8 birthday

9 prices

10 hand

11 receipt

12 loose


1 on

2 back

3 in

4 with

5 down

6 on

7 away

8 out

9 up

10 after

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1 journey

2 trip

3 tour

4 cruise

5 voyage


1 tour

2 journey

3 voyage

4 cruise

5 trip


1 zone

2 hostel

3 hour

4 stop

5 jam

6 crossing

7 tyre

8 whistle


1 D

2 B

3 B

4 D

5 B

6 B

7 B

8 D

9 A

10 D

11 C

12 C

13 D

14 C

15 C

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1 knowledge

2 sharpener

3 application

4 engineer

5 pollution

6 politician

7 unemployed

8 lawyer


1 e) iron

2 i) screw

3 d) hook

4 b) bulb

5 f) ladder

6 k) compass

7 g) lock

8 m) wire

9 l) tyre

10 h) razor

11 a) battery

12 c) glue


1 favourite

2 office

3 diary

4 scissors

5 weeds

6 retire

7 engine

8 harm

9 teacher

10 host


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Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________

1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentences.

0 I can to meet / can meet you this evening at about 7.30.

1 I’m tired – I think I go/will go home now.

2 We’ve finished decorating/to decorate the apartment.

3 The life/Life is difficult sometimes.

4 At the moment I’m learning/I learn to play the guitar.

5 My course finishes on next week/next week.

6 The train leaves/it leaves at 9.30.

7 It’s important for to read/to read the contract carefully.

8 Where you buy/did you buy those shoes?

9 The film I saw last night was really interesting/interested.

10 I’ve worked at this company since/for two years.

11 Can you tell me what time does the train leave/the train leaves?

12 You can come if you want to, but my parents will be/shall be there.

13 England is not so/as big as Germany.

14 There was a terrible plane crash – it happened/has happened an hour ago.

15 Adrian is a very good friend of me/mine.

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first


0 Let’s go to the beach this weekend.

How about going to the beach this weekend ?

1 Last week I lent Hilary the Harry Potter book.

Last week Hilary _________________________________________________ .

2 There are twelve students in my class.

My class ________________________________________________________ .

3 The name of the film is Zero Hour.

The film ________________________________________________________ .

4 The film was very unpopular.

Nobody ________________________________________________________ .

5 Last night it rained a lot.

Last night there __________________________________________________ .

6 I’ve got more DVDs than Simon.

Simon’s got _____________________________________________________ .

7 Shall we have a coffee break now?

What about _____________________________________________________ .

8 The President gave the news conference.

The news conference ______________________________________________ .

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3. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space.


Brussels is the main city (0) B Belgium, and it is the home of the European Union. It

has a reputation for (1) _____ a little boring, but this is unfair. (2) ____ , it is a

modern, lively city with some of the (3) _____ restaurants in Europe. Every evening

its bars are (4) _____ with visitors and locals who come to (5) _____ the wonderful

variety of different beers. Don’t forget to visit the Grand Place. There aren’t many

market squares (6) _____ this one in Europe. If you (7) _____ some free time you can

visit Bruges, (8) _____ is only a short train ride (9) _____ Bruges is a medieval town

with canals and beautiful old houses. It is really (10) _____ visiting.

0 A at B in C to D for

1 A be B being C to be D been

2 A Personally B As well C However D In fact

3 A delicious B good C best D better

4 A full B occupied C plenty D lived

5 A attempt B experiment C prove D try

6 A beautiful than B as beautiful as C as beautiful than D so beautiful than

7 A have B will have C are having D to have

8 A whose B who C which D that

9 A journey B far C distant D away

10 A worth B value C good D recommend

4. Underline the errors in these sentences. Rewrite each sentence.

0 Liechtenstein, that has a population of 35,000, is between Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein, which has a population of 35,000, is between Switzerland and Austria.

1 The weather is getting colder and more colder. ________________________________________________________________

2 I lived here for the last three years. _________________________________

3 Chinese restaurants are always easy to find them. ________________________________________________________________

4 I’m going to visit my aunt and uncle on the weekend. ________________________________________________________________

5 I want to get home before the match will begin. ________________________________________________________________

6 Every of my three sisters has blond hair. _______________________________

7 We were enjoyed the party very much. _________________________________

8 I’m sorry, you’re not be allowed to park there. ________________________________________________________________

9 I watched the TV news while I eating my dinner. ________________________________________________________________

10 She sang the song really good. _____________________________________

11 I’m beginning feeling hungry. _____________________________________

12 About what are you thinking? ____________________________________

13 I usually just have a sandwich for the lunch. ______________________________________________________________________________________

14 Laura catch the same bus as me in the morning. _________________________

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5. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space.


(0) C autumn, one of my favourite activities is picking mushrooms. I’ve been doing

it (1) _____ I was young – we went out to the forest (2) _____ Sunday morning and

we (3) _____ the day there. In the old days it was easy, but now you (4) _____ a

licence from the local council. The problem was that commercial pickers took

(5) _____ It was selfish, and ecologists (6) _____ it also destroyed the environment.

With (7) _____ new system there is a limit on the amount you (8) _____ .

Not (9) _____ thinks this is a good idea, (10) _____ , and many people pick the

mushrooms illegally.

0 A All of the B All C Every D Through

1 A during B while C for D since

2 A at B on C by D for

3 A occupied B passed C spent D took

4 A need B have need C have necessity of D is necessary

5 A all B the everything C everything D every thing

6 A tells B told C said us D said

7 A all B the C one D a

8 A can take B can to take C can taking D could take

9 A someone B everyone C some person D every person

10 A although B though C yet D still

6. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as

the first sentence, using no more than three words.

0 My teacher wouldn’t let me leave early.

My teacher refused to let me leave early.

1 She started working here three years ago.

She has been working here ___________________________________ .

2 They make cars in that factory.

Cars ___________________________________ in that factory.

3 I haven’t been fishing before.

This is the first time that I ___________________________________ .

4 The metro is cheaper than a taxi.

A taxi is ___________________________________ the metro.

5 How much do these shoes cost?

What is ___________________________________ these shoes?

6 I didn’t see the tree and I drove straight into it.

If I ________________________ the tree, I wouldn’t have driven straight into it.

7 I haven’t got enough time to write the letter.

I’ve got ___________________________________ to write the letter.

8 ‘You’ve passed your exam, Richard,’ said the teacher.

The teacher told Richard that he _____________________________ exam.

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1 will go

2 decorating

3 Life

4 I’m learning

5 next week

6 leaves

7 to read

8 did you buy

9 interesting

10 for

11 the train leaves

12 will be

13 as

14 it happened

15 mine


1 borrowed the Harry Potter book./was lent the Harry Potter book

2 has got twelve students

3 is called ‘Zero Hour’

4 liked the film

5 was a lot of rain

6 less DVDs than me

7 having a coffee break now

8 was given (by the President)


1 B

2 D

3 C

4 B

5 D

6 B

7 A

8 C

9 D

10 A


1 The weather is getting colder and colder.

2 I’ve lived here for the last three years.

3 Chinese restaurants are always easy to find.

4 I’m going to visit my aunt and uncle at the weekend.

5 I want to get home before the match begins.

6 Each of my three sisters has blond hair.

7 We enjoyed the party very much.

8 I’m sorry, you’re not allowed to park here.

9 I watched the TV news while I was eating my dinner.

10 She sang the song really well.

11 I’m beginning to feel hungry.

12 You can come with me if you want to, but my parents will be there.

13 I usually just have a sandwich for lunch.

14 Laura catches the same bus as me in the morning.

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1 D

2 B

3 C

4 A

5 C

6 D

7 B

8 A

9 B

10 B


1 for three years.

2 are made

3 ’ve been fishing.

4 more expensive than

5 the price of

6 had seen

7 little time

8 had passed his


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There's a grammar test key missing for 7a for the FCE book - instead you get a double key for 7b.

Unfortunately this mistake is on the original CD.







Page 97: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 1 A (UNITS 1–4)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

1 I used to eat/was eating cakes and sweets all the time when I was young.

2 Have you spoken/Did you speak to David yesterday?

3 When I arrived at the theatre, the play already started/had already started.

4 I’m going to buy/I will buy a new PC at the weekend.

5 Roberta, how nice to see you! I haven’t seen/didn’t see you for ages!

6 What awful weather! It’s rained/It’s been raining all day.

7 While I walked/was walking through the park, I saw something very strange.

8 Don’t call after 11pm. I’ll be sleeping/I’ll sleep.

9 By this time next year I’ll be/I’ll have been a member of the film society for 10 years.

10 I usually leave/am leaving work at 5 o’clock.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

A summer job Dear Angela

Please (0) C my apologies! I know it’s been ages (1) _______ I last emailed you, but

I’ve been really busy. (2) _____ the last few months (3) _____ at a bar on the beach

called Angelo’s. Every evening I get there at about six, and (4) _____ until midnight.

I’m trying to save money to go to Thailand, but I haven’t got enough (5) _____ . I’m

really enjoying it now, although it (6) _____ difficult at the beginning because there’s

a lot of noise and confusion all the time. I heard you (7) _____ to visit us next month!

Why not come along to Angelo’s? I’m sure I’ll (8) _____ be working there.

See you soon,


0 A be accepting B you accept C accept D to accept

1 A For B Already C While D Since

2 A for B as C while D since

3 A I work B I had worked C I worked D I’ve been working

4 A I don’t leave B I’m not leaving C I haven’t left D I’m not going to leave

5 A already B still C yet D soon

6 A has been B had been C was D is

7 A are coming B came C come D would come

8 A still B already C yet D longer

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 A service charge is not included in the price.


The price __________________________________________ a service charge.

2 I’ve never been to Egypt before.


This is the _______________________________________________ to Egypt.

3 I looked at the photograph on the desk while she was out of the room.


I looked at the photograph on the desk while ________________________ to return.

4 He started to play when he was young.


He _________________________________________________ he was young.

5 The office is still dirty.


The office ____________________________________________________ yet.

6 We’ll probably get to the cinema after the start of the film.


By the time we get to the cinema, the film __________________________ started.

4. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a

word which should not be there. Tick each correct line.

If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

Looking for work

Daniel is a waiter, but he’s been out of the work for 0 the

two months and he’s trying to find another job. He 00

has been applied for hundreds of jobs, but he’s only 1 ______

had one interview. He would like for to work in an 2 ______

office as the pay is better than being a waiter. At the 3 ______

moment he doesn’t have any of qualifications, but he’s 4 ______

doing a business course in the evenings and when 5 ______

he completes it he should to be in a better position. 6 ______

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TEST 1 B (UNITS 1–4)

1. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

1 It’s nice to be back in Budapest. This is the second time I came/I’ve come here.

2 I’m meeting/I’ll meet David at seven in the bar.

3 He still hasn’t arrived! I’ve waited/I’ve been waiting for ages!

4 By the time the plane landed, I finished/had finished the book.

5 How was your holiday in Italy? Did you visit/Have you visited Rome?

6 Who did you talk to/were you talking to when I passed you in the car yesterday?

7 Look at those clouds! It will rain/It’s going to rain.

8 Clare used to be/would be an English teacher.

9 While his team was winning/won the match, he felt really excited.

10 What a view! Have you taken/Did you take a photograph yet?

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

An old friend Dear Antonio,

Thanks for your email. It’s been such a long time since I (0) D from you! When was

it that we last (1) _____ ? Was it really a year (2) _____ at the language school in

Oxford? Happy memories – but I’ve (3) _____ forgotten the name of our teacher! I’m

pleased to hear that you are (4) _____ enjoying your work, and that your relationship

with Daniella (5) _____ well.

What about my news? Well, I’m starting a new job at a clothes shop next week, and

I (6) _____ to it. When I’ve saved up enough money from work I (7) _____ a flat for

myself, because I (8) _____ at my parents’ house for too long now and it’s time for a

change. That’s all for now.

Keep in touch,


0. A have heard B hear C did hear D heard

1. A met B were meeting C have met D had met

2. A before B ago C previous D since

3. A still B yet C already D however

4. A yet B still C longer D soon

5. A is going B goes C went D go

6. A ’ve looked forward B looked forward C will look forward D am looking forward

7. A find B will have found C am going to find D have found

8. A will live B have been living C live D lived

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 The last time I saw Richard was before he got his new job.


I _______________________________________________ he got his new job.

2 It was the most delicious Chinese meal I had ever eaten.


I ____________________________________ a delicious Chinese meal before.

3 She started work here two years ago.


She _____________________________________________ the past two years.

4 You don’t seem to be enjoying the music.


I get the impression that ___________________________________ the music.

5 I last saw them five years ago.


I ______________________________________________________ five years.

6 Spending all afternoon cleaning left me exhausted.


I ____________________________________ all afternoon and was exhausted.

4. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a

word which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which

should not be there, write the word in the space.

A nice dream I really don’t know what I will do when I will leave 0 will

University. I am thinking about working for my 00

father’s company for a while because of my dream 1 ______

is to save up enough money for to travel around 2 ______

the world. I know it’s going to be difficult, and my 3 ______

parents aren’t very much happy about the idea, but 4 ______

I think you can live quite cheaply in places like the 5 ______

India and Thailand. Anyway, it’s a nice dream! 6 ______

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TEST 2 A (UNITS 6–9)

1. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

1 If it will be/is a nice day tomorrow, we can go/go to the beach.

2 I wish it is/was the weekend!

3 The winning goal was scoring/was scored by Ronaldo.

4 If any player uses/will use his hand, the other team has/would have a free kick.

5 If we were/had been born in the 19th

century, we didn’t have/wouldn’t have had


6 I wish I had spoken/spoke to you sooner.

7 How do you feel/would you feel if it happened/would happen you?

8 I looked for my umbrella, but it had taken/had been taken.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

A forgotten birthday

I wish that I (0) B remember my friend’s birthday. I can’t remember if she

(1) _____ on the 20th

or the 21st of March. I want to have a surprise party for her, but

if I (2) _____ her directly the surprise (3) _____ ! The other day I tried to find out

what her star sign (4) _____ , hoping that during the conversation she (5) _____ me

her birthday, but it didn’t work. It’s so difficult to make any plans without knowing.

Of course the restaurant that we’re going to (6) _____ , but (7) _____ I know the right

day, I can’t book a table. I suppose her mother (8) _____ me if I phoned her up.

0 A can B could C will D would

1 A has been born B is born C was born D born

2 A ask B will ask C would ask D had asked

3 A was lost B is lost C had been lost D would be lost

4 A has B was C had D being

5 A tells B is telling C would tell D will tell

6 A was chosen B has chosen C has choose D has been chosen

7 A unless B if only C if D as long as

8 A told B would tell C will tell D tell

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 They’ll mark all our assignments by the end of the week.


All __________________________________________ by the end of the week.

2 ‘Did you receive an email from Tony?’ I asked Naomi.


I asked Naomi ___________________________________ an email from Tony.

3 Somebody has to clean up this mess before we go home.


This mess _______________________________________ before we go home.

4 Without a ticket we won’t be able to see the match.


We won’t be able to see the match ________________________________ a ticket.

5 Pierre has decorated his flat for 1,000 euros.


Pierre ______________________________________________ for 1,000 euros.

6 ‘Do you want to come to the movies?’ Peter asked Joanna.


Peter asked ____________________________________ to come to the movies.

7 The woman introduced herself as Jane Fielding.


The woman ___________________________________ her name was Jane Fielding.

8 When you arrive, someone will take you to your hotel.


When you arrive, you ___________________________________ to your hotel.

9 I would like you to be here!


I __________________________________________________________ here!

10 I’ll manage to finish my homework in time to see the film.


I’ll ___________________________________________ in time to see the film.

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TEST 2 B (UNITS 6–9)

1. Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 I wish I never told/had never told him about my private life.

2 If you go/will go to your parents’ house, you ask/can ask them about borrowing

the car.

3 By the time we arrived, the ambulance had called/had been called.

4 If the computer will crash/crashes, you will call/call the technical support line.

5 I wish I had/have a better job!

6 If you told/had told me yesterday, I had done/could have done something about it.

7 The new shopping centre will be open/will be opened by the mayor.

8 What would he think/does he think if I tell him/told him I was going to leave?

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Meeting Isabel

It was just by chance that I met Isabel. I often wonder how my life (0) B different if,

on that particular day in April 1996, I (1) _____ into a different bar. I normally drive

straight home after work, but on that day my car (2) _____ and I had time for a drink

before my train (3) _____ . I (4) _____ the lady behind the counter for a whisky, and

we started talking. She told (5) _____ her company was closing down and so she

(6) _____ redundant. She was just working in the bar until she found another job.

I liked her, and for the next week I went home by train every day. Eventually I asked

her if I (7) _____ her phone number, and the rest is history. I only wish (8) _____ her


0 A will be B would be C will have been D would have been

1 A have walked B had walked C walked D was walking

2 A is serviced B was serviced C was being serviced D was been serviced

3 A arrived B was arrived C was arriving D has arrived

4 A asked B told C questioned D said

5 A if B that C to me D me

6 A had made B had been made C would have made D would make

7 A had B can have C could have D would have

8 A met B was meeting C had been met D had met

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 Take my advice and stop smoking.


If __________________________________________________ stop smoking.

2 You are not allowed to park cars on the yellow lines.


Cars ____________________________________________ on the yellow lines.

3 The taxi may be expensive so take enough money.


Take enough money ______________________________________ expensive.

4 Nobody can deny that she has a lovely voice.


It _______________________________________________ has a lovely voice.

5 Unless we leave right now, we’ll miss our train.


We’ll miss our train _______________________________________ right now.

6 ‘Did Angela speak to you yesterday?’ I asked Patrick.


I asked Patrick _____________________________________ to him yesterday.

7 The hairdresser cut my hair yesterday.


I ______________________________________________________ yesterday.

8 What a pity we didn’t catch any fish.


I ______________________________________________________ some fish.

9 Excuse me, has the doctor seen you yet?


Excuse me, _______________________________________ by the doctor yet?

10 Please don’t smoke in here.


I ___________________________________________________ smoke in here.

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TEST 3 A (UNITS 11–14)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 Let’s ask at the Information Desk, for being/so as to be sure.

2 The Lake District is in/at the north-west corner of England.

3 He’s the man whose/that brother knows how to fix computers.

4 I’m sorry I couldn’t join you yesterday evening/last evening. I was really tired.

5 The newsagents’ is just across/opposite the supermarket.

6 She lives in Lisbon, that/which is one of my favourite places.

7 It’s been a long time when/since I last spoke to Stephanie.

8 Melanie just went out to the shops to buy/for to buy some milk.

9 He says he’s busy. Or by other words/in other words, he doesn’t want to come.

10 I lent him my car, and he bought me a bottle of wine by return/in return.

11 How many cigarettes do you smoke, on average/in average, every week?

12 Divide into pairs, and talk about your picture in turn/by turns.

2. Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences. Begin as shown, and use

the word given in capitals.

0 That woman is my neighbour. She brought me flowers when I was ill. WHO

That’s my neighbour who brought me flowers when I was ill .

1 A person saw the incident. They were interviewed by the police. WHO

The person ______________________________________________________ .

2 I told you about a person. They were interviewed by the police. WHO

The person ______________________________________________________ .

3 The car has 20,000 km on the clock. It is on sale in the showroom. WHICH

The car, ________________________________________________________ .

4 His father bought him a car. It has 20,000 km on the clock. WHICH

The car ________________________________________________________ .

5 Paul’s arm was broken. He still came to the disco. WHOSE

Paul, __________________________________________________________ .

6 That woman has a dog. It keeps making a mess on our lawn. WHOSE

That’s the ______________________________________________________ .

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 We installed an alarm to prevent burglars entering the house.


We installed an alarm ___________________________________ enter the house.

2 We couldn’t play tennis, as it was dark.


It was _________________________________________________ play tennis.

3 Use this screwdriver to assemble the bookcase.


This screwdriver _______________________________________ the bookcase.

4 Although Geoffrey had a cold, he came to school.


Geoffrey _________________________________________________ his cold.

5 There was a lot of noise, and I couldn’t hear her calling.


There was _____________________________________ I couldn’t hear her calling.

6 The thief ran away as he didn’t want to be caught.


The thief ran away ______________________________________ to be caught.

4. Put one suitable word in each space.

Time travel The film (0) that I saw (1) ____________ night wasn’t very good. It was all

(2) ____________ a man (3) ____________ built a time machine so (4) _________

to travel back in time. It took him ages and ages (5) ____________ build the machine.

(6) ____________ first he didn’t succeed, and there were various disasters because he

(7) ____________ hadn’t solved all the scientific problems.

(8) ____________ course he managed to build the machine eventually. He wanted to

travel to the Stone Age, and in (9) ____________ to get there he had to pass through a

black hole (10) ____________ space. (11) ____________ his journey there were some

good special effects, (12) ____________ they weren’t (13) ____________ good as the

effects in Star Pilot 4. Anyway, his machine didn’t have (14) ____________ power to

get all the way back to the Stone Age. He only got to the last century,

(15) __________ was a bit ridiculous after all the trouble he’d (16) ___________ to.

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TEST 3 B (UNITS 11–14)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

1 I haven’t finished reading the book already/yet.

2 The newsagents’ is between/among the pub and the hairdressers’.

3 Although/Despite the rain, we had a good holiday.

4 I’ve been working very hard nowadays/recently.

5 My friend Kate, that/whose parents live in Paris, invited me to France for the


6 The old monastery was on/in an island off the coast of Scotland.

7 The trainers were such an expensive/so expensive that I didn’t buy them.

8 Mary has suggested a coffee break, which/that I think is an excellent idea.

9 There’s a big demonstration in town, and some workers are on strike/in strike.

10 On the whole/In the whole, Liverpool isn’t a bad place to live.

11 I’m going away on holiday/in holiday in two weeks’ time.

12 I’m with great difficulty/in great difficulty when it comes to repairing cars.

2. Make one new sentence from each pair of sentences. Begin as shown, and use

the word given in capitals.

0 That woman is my neighbour. She brought me flowers when I was ill. WHO

That’s my neighbour who brought me flowers when I was ill .

1 My friend lent me this book. It’s about a small Mexican village. WHICH

This book ______________________________________________________ .

2 This book is about a small Mexican village. It is nearly 400 pages long. WHICH

This book, ______________________________________________________ .

3 I told you about a person. He is sitting over there. WHO

The person ______________________________________________________ .

4 A person plays guitar in ‘The Donuts’. He is sitting over there. WHO

The person ______________________________________________________ .

5 That group has a new CD. It is called ‘Street Noise’. WHOSE

That’s the ______________________________________________________ .

6 Pamela’s father is ill. She phoned me last night. WHOSE

Pamela, ________________________________________________________ .

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 The play was boring, so I fell asleep in the middle.


It was _____________________________________ I fell asleep in the middle.

2 Waiter! This food isn’t hot, so I can’t eat it.


Waiter! This food ______________________________________________ eat.

3 Just think! I was in Rome a week ago today.


Just think! I was in Rome ______________________________________ week.

4 We had problems, but we succeeded in the end.


We succeeded in the end _____________________________________ the problems.

5 You use this to clean the bathroom sink.


This ____________________________________________ the bathroom sink.

6 I kept hoping for a miracle, but I knew it was no use.


I kept hoping for a miracle, __________________________________ it was no use.

4. Put one suitable word in each space.

Diet and health It is said that people from Mediterranean countries, (0) on average, live longer

(1) ____________ people from the north of Europe. (2) ____________ a large extent

this must be due (3) ____________ their better diet. Southern Europeans eat healthy

foods (4) ____________ as fish and vegetables, and they also eat far

(5) ____________ fatty foods like cakes and hamburgers. The people from southern

Italy, (6) ____________ life expectancy is the longest (7) ____________ all, have

traditionally consumed very little meat. (8) ____________ the past this habit might

(9) ____________ been caused (10) ____________ poverty, but (11) ____________

today people from this region eat a lot of fish. There is one surprising thing,

(12) ____________ . In (13) ____________ of their healthy lifestyle, people from

southern Europe smoke a lot. In fact, (14) ____________ many young people have

started smoking (15) ____________ the governments are quite worried and are taking

measures to reduce the number of smokers in (16) ____________ countries.

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TEST 4 A (UNITS 16–19)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

1 You could have/must have been crazy to do something like that!

2 I think you’d better/it is better for you to phone the police.

3 You should/have got to tell him that you are sorry for what happened.

4 Could you tell me where is the post office/where the post office is?

5 When I went to secondary school, I had to/ought to wear a uniform.

6 I can/might not be able to come to the restaurant with you, so don’t wait for me.

7 Hi Sandra, how are you going/how are you?

8 You need/must be a member of the club before you can use their facilities.

9 You could/should wash your hands before preparing food.

10 You don’t have to/mustn’t wear a tie in this restaurant.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

A difficult interview

I had a very difficult interview the other day, in fact it (0) B the most difficult one of

my life. I arrived an hour early - I know I (1) _______ , but I wanted to. In fact all the

waiting made me more nervous, and it (2) _______ better to arrive just fifteen minutes

before. Anyway, when the interview started I didn’t know what to say. I had asked my

mother for (3) _______ about interview technique, and she (4) _______ , ‘If (5)

_______ , I’d just be yourself.’ I know I should be more (6) _______ , but it wasn’t

very helpful! After about five minutes I relaxed a little, but the questions were really

difficult. At the end they said they would (7) _______ let me know the result of the

interview (8) _______ the end of the month, but I’m not very hopeful.

0 A must be B must have been C should be D should have been

1 A didn’t have to B mustn’t have to C hadn’t to D mustn’t

2 A could be B might be C can’t have been D might have been

3 A advice B directions C counsel D recommending

4 A spoke me B told C said D said me

5 A I could be you B I should be you C I were you D I am you

6 A appreciate B grateful C thankful D obliged

7 A could B can C be about to D be able to

8 A by B until C during D for

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 Let’s go to an Indian restaurant this evening.


Why ___________________________________ to an Indian restaurant this evening?

2 At school she was the best table-tennis player in her year.


At school she __________________________________ than anyone else in her year.

3 I think you should change your job.


If ________________________________________________ change your job.

4 It wasn’t necessary for us to arrive so early.


We _____________________________________________________ so early.

5 You aren’t obliged to attend all the classes.


You ___________________________________________ attend all the classes.

6 May I park my car here?


Is it ______________________________________________ park my car here?

4. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a

word which should not be there. Tick each correct line.

If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

Working conditions It’s quite relaxed in my office, but if you don’t 0

follow the basic rules you can get into the trouble. 00 the

Let me give you an example. Last week I was a 1 ______

little bit late one morning. I know it perfectly well 2 ______

that I ought to be arrive on time at nine o’clock, but 3 ______

life isn’t always so simple. On that particular morning 4 ______

I must have been forgotten to set my alarm clock, 5 ______

and I arrived at ten. My boss he wasn’t very happy. 6 ______

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TEST 4 B (UNITS 16–19)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

1 I really appreciated her help, but she needn’t have/couldn’t have gone to so

much trouble.

2 That’s very kind of you, I really grateful/appreciate it.

3 Who could have/should have done such a terrible thing?

4 You mustn’t/don’t have to decide now, but you must decide by the end of the


5 Do you know what time it is/what is the time?

6 He can’t have/may have been the robber because he was out of the country at the


7 Would you mind opening/to open the door for me?

8 You don’t need to/shouldn’t shout, I can hear you perfectly well.

9 David ought/must to see a doctor about his leg.

10 They might not have/can’t have taken the car because the petrol tank is empty.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Airport panic The last time I traveled by plane I thought I (0) D my passport, and I almost missed

the flight. (1) _______ you what happened. When we got to the security check, I

(2) _______ find my passport. My friend was calmer than I was, and she said, ‘Do

you think you (3) _______ it at home?’ ‘That’s impossible, I (4) _______ . I checked

four times on the (5) _______ to the airport,’ I replied. My friend told me to calm

down. (6) _______ checking your coat pockets again?’ she said. I had already checked

several times, but I checked again. Then the security guard spoke.

‘(7) _______ , sir, is that your passport there on the ground?’

Yes, it was. I (8) _______ it when I was looking for the tickets.

0 A was lost B had been lost C was losing D had lost

1 A Let me tell B Let me tell to C Let me say D Let me speak you

2 A wasn’t able B couldn’t C can’t D was impossible to

3 A might leave B can leave C might have left D can’t have left

4 A must have done B might have done C shouldn’t have done D can’t have done

5 A travel B journey C voyage D going

6 A Why not B What about C Let’s D If I were you I’d

7 A How do you do B Pardon C Do you mind D Excuse me

8 A must have dropped B might have dropped C should have dropped D can’t have dropped

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 It was a mistake for you to spend so much money.


You ______________________________________________ so much money.

2 What time does the bank open?


Could _____________________________________________ the bank opens?

3 I don’t think I’ll manage to afford a holiday this year.


I don’t think ___________________________________ afford a holiday this year.

4 Shall I give you a lift to the station?


Would _______________________________________ you a lift to the station?

5 I took a lot of clothes with me on holiday but I didn’t need them.


I ____________________________________ so many clothes with me on holiday.

6 Is it all right if you babysit for us on Saturday?


Do _____________________________________________ for us on Saturday?

4. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a

word which should not be there. Tick each correct line.

If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

Cultural differences People say that English people are very polite, and 0

sometimes it’s the true, but often I just can’t 00 the

understand what they are mean because they are so 1 ______

indirect. Let me to give you an example. In my 2 ______

country people say, ‘Can you open the window?’ But 3 ______

in the England it’s much more complicated. People 4 ______

say you, ‘I wonder if you could possibly open the 5 ______

window?’ It seems a bit ridiculous to me sometimes. 6 ______

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TEST 5 A (UNITS 21–24)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot / had forgotten my keys.

1 I don’t like this weather. It’s getting colder and colder/more and more cold.

2 I’ve been unemployed for three months – it’s hard to find a work/job.

3 We sold our house at profit/at a profit.

4 It doesn’t matter which route we take. One is just as/so long as the other.

5 Can you give me an/some information about train times, please?

6 Brenda, you hair is/hairs are looking great! That style really suits you.

7 I think he’s gone away. I tried calling his home number but it was not good/no good.

8 He lent me two CDs, but I didn’t like either/both of them.

9 Where is the/a photocopy that I gave you?

10 I’ve never seen a so/such a beautiful sunset.

2. Put one suitable word in each space.

Directions to my house Here (0) are the directions for how to (1) ____________ to my house – print out this

email and bring it with you. It’s not difficult to find, as you’re coming (2) ____ train.

Come out of (3) ____________ station and turn right. You’ll see (4) ____________

bank on (5) ____________ corner. Carry on down the road (6) ____________ you

come to a church called St Paul’s. You can’t (7) ____________ it – it’s one of the

biggest churches in Brighton and (8) ____________ knows it. Just after the church

turn left. Be careful - it’s (9) ____________ very small street and people often go past

(10) ____________ noticing it. You’ll see my house at the end of the street – it’s got

(11) ____________ red door. Try and get here in time (12) ____________ lunch. You

can (13) ____________ me a call on your mobile if you get lost. I’ll (14) _________

waiting for you! After lunch there’s a couple of things we could do.

(15) ____________ we can look around Brighton, or we can go for a walk in the

country. We don’t need to decide (16) ____________ – we’ll just see how we’re

feeling (17) ____________ the time. It’s great that you’re coming down to stay for a

(18) ____________ days. I’m really (19) ____________ forward to it. Give my best

(20) ____________ to your mother.

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 Let me give you some advice.


Let me give ________________________________________________ advice.

2 I always go to my yoga class on Mondays in the summer.


I go to my yoga class ____________________________________ in the summer.

3 Germany isn’t as warm as Italy.


Italy ___________________________________________________ Germany.

4 China has a large population.


There ___________________________________________________ in China.

5 When you exercise a lot, you get healthier.


The _____________________________________________________ you get.

6 Both performances were impossible for me to attend.


I ____________________________________________________ performance.

7 She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen!


I’ve never ________________________________________________ woman!

8 Can’t you go faster than that?


Is _______________________________________________________ can go?

9 Our teacher gives more homework than anyone else in this school.


In this school ____________________________________ as our teacher does.

10 Dominique was speaking faster all the time.


Dominique _________________________________________________ faster.

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TEST 5 B (UNITS 21–24)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 Don’t worry, all/everything is okay.

2 The plane lands at six, but then we’ll have to wait for our baggage/baggages.

3 I don’t understand. I’m getting the most/more and more confused.

4 He gave me some/a useful advice.

5 Did you have a good travel/journey?

6 The more you revise for your exams, the best/better you will do.

7 She escaped from her country and is now out of the danger/out of danger.

8 He’s covered in tattoos and has a ring in his two ears/each ear.

9 We had great fun/a great fun at the disco on Friday night.

10 What time do you usually get to work/the work?

2. Put one suitable word in each space.

A holiday in London

My friend and I had (0) a great holiday in London. We arrived at (1) ____________

airport late (2) ____________ Sunday evening, and we decided to take a taxi, even

(3) ________ it was very expensive. The taxi took us to our hotel, (4) ____________

was very nice, although the rooms were quite small. The next day we woke up early

and (5) ____________ an enormous breakfast. I don’t know how people can eat

(6) ____________ much in the morning! But it was good (7) ____________ us

because eating out in London is expensive, and with (8) ____________ a big breakfast

we didn’t need to have lunch. After breakfast we went to (9) ____________ art

gallery. I can’t remember the name, but it was (10) ____________ of famous

paintings and (11) ____________ my friend and I really enjoyed it.

(12) ____________ the afternoon we went (13) ____________ boat down the river to

Greenwich. I didn’t realize there was so (14) ____________ to see in Greenwich!

As well (15) _________ the Maritime Museum and the Observatory, (16) ________

is a beautiful park. From the top of the hill you get a view of the (17) ____________

of London. We must (18) ____________ walked around the park for at (19) ________

two hours because it was getting dark (20) ____________ we left.

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 The days get colder and colder.


Each _____________________________________________________ colder.

2 I was less interested by the exhibition than I’d expected.


The exhibition _________________________________________ I’d expected.

3 I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman.


She is the ___________________________________________________ seen.

4 If you stay longer, you will see more of the city.


The _________________________________________ you will see of the city.

5 Do you sell a more powerful computer?


Is this ___________________________________________________ you sell?

6 There were a lot of cars on the road this morning.


There ______________________________________ on the road this morning.

7 Simon drives more quickly than Chris.


Chris doesn’t _______________________________________________ Simon.

8 You only want to sit on the sofa and watch television.


All you ______________________________ sit on the sofa and watch television.

9 I’ve never been to Hungary before.


This is ____________________________________________ been to Hungary.

10 Nobody in England plays football as well as Beckham does.


Beckham is ____________________________________________ in England.

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TEST 6 A (UNITS 26–29)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 Mrs Pollock is very fond of/kind of cats.

2 I don’t know, it doesn’t depend of/depend on me.

3 If you’ve finished I can ask/ask for the bill.

4 Vienna is famous about / famous for its classical music concerts, which are

popular with/popular for tourists.

5 In Customer Services we are used to dealing with/dealing to complaints.

6 I apologize for being late/my late.

7 I’m really happy about/happy for the way that Linda and Peter have become

friends and are going out/going off together.

8 Who are you going to vote in/vote for when the election comes?

9 When the villain took out/took off his mask, the heroine fainted.

10 There they are! I’ve been looking for/looking at those keys all morning.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Problems, problems I’m going to Paris at the weekend – my friend Bernard has offered to put me (0) B

for a few days. I really need a break. First, I haven’t been getting (1) _______ with my

girlfriend. We fell (2) _______ over where we were going to spend Christmas.

Eventually I gave (3) _______ , but the argument made us face (4) _______ to the fact

that things haven’t been too good between us recently. My second problem is work. I

have so many responsibilities – I have to deal (5) _______ all the paperwork in the

office as well as taking phone calls from customers asking (6) _______ or

complaining about things. The salary doesn’t make (7) _______ for all the stress. I

really don’t think I can put (8) _______ with it any more.

0 A by B up C out D by

1 A through B by C on D round

2 A off B with C by D out

3 A up B in C off D over

4 A round B on C over D up

5 A to B by C for D with

6 A off B on C up D out

7 A for B out C round C over

8 A off B up C out D down

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 This is the first time I’ve driven on the left-hand side of the road.


I’m not ____________________________________ on the left-hand side of the road.

2 I don’t suppose you know her email address, do you?


Do ______________________________________________ her email address?

3 I don’t want to pay the service charge.


I _______________________________________________ the service charge.

4 I’m sorry, but I don’t want to speak to him any more.


I’m sorry, but ______________________________________ speak to him any more.

5 You won’t get anywhere if you carry on like that.


It’s no ___________________________________________________ like that.

6 Why did you allow her to clean the house by herself?


You shouldn’t ___________________________________ the house by herself.

7 Margaret said she was sorry she was late.


Margaret ____________________________________________________ late.

8 Immigrants often have difficulty being accepted.


It’s often ______________________________________________ be accepted.

9 It was difficult for me to understand what she said.


I had ________________________________________________ what she said.

10 ‘If I were you, Francesca, I’d save some money for your future.’


He _______________________________________ some money for her future.

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TEST 6 B (UNITS 26–29)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 I’m really appreciate to/grateful to you for all your help.

2 What a wonderful art gallery! Look for/Look at that painting by Picasso!

3 We don’t sell all types of crafts, we specialize in/specialize for ceramics.

4 Hurry up! We’re going to be late to/late for the show.

5 You remind me of/remember me of my sister – you are quite similar to her.

6 No, please, I insist on/insist for paying.

7 Are you certain for/certain about that?

8 The rise in/rise of unemployment was blamed on/blamed to problems in the

global economy.

9 Cut up/Cut off the chicken before putting it in/on the frying pan.

10 You should avoid drinking/to drink alcohol while you are pregnant.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Getting fit I walked home the other day instead of taking the bus. It’s only two kilometres but it

really wore me (0) C . There’s only one conclusion – I’m going to have to cut

(1) _______ on eating so many cakes and pastries and take (2) _______ some kind of

exercise. I need to get fit. Actually, I’ve been thinking it (3) _______ for some time.

Every few months I make a decision to join my local fitness club, but then I think of a

good excuse to put it (4) _______ . I want to go and join, but then I come home really

tired after work and I just don’t feel (5) _______ to it. To be honest, though, the real

problem is chocolate. I love it. I know it’s fattening but I just can’t do (6) _______ it. I

don’t think I’ll ever be able to give it (7) _______ , so I guess I’ll just have to put

(8) _______ with being unfit!

0 A back B through C out D off

1 A over B across C up D down

2 A up B over C out D after

3 A out B over C up D out

4 A out B by C down D off

5 A up B off C over D out

6 A away B over C across D without

7 A in B out C up D off

8 A out B up C on D off

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3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 Please don’t discuss this with anyone.


Would ____________________________________________ this with anyone.

2 It looks as if they have gone away.


They ______________________________________________________ away.

3 Mike didn’t go swimming but stayed home instead.


Mike stayed home _______________________________________ swimming.

4 The shoes were so expensive that I didn’t buy them.


The shoes ___________________________________________________ buy.

5 ‘You stole my wallet!’ said Frank to the pickpocket.


Frank __________________________________________________ his wallet.

6 They say he’s earning 20,000 euros a match.


He ___________________________________________ 20,000 euros a match.

7 My company wouldn’t allow me to take any more holiday.


My company ______________________________________ any more holiday.

8 I’d rather you came on Tuesday.


I’d ______________________________________________ come on Tuesday.

9 Don’t eat too many fatty foods.


You should _____________________________________ too many fatty foods.

10 He’s too young to get served at the bar.


He isn’t ______________________________________ to get served at the bar.

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TEST 7 A (UNITS 31–34)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 It’s a nice dress, but in/for my opinion it doesn’t really suit you.

2 Whatever/No matter he says, I won’t believe him.

3 By/In conclusion, let me thank you all for coming to my presentation.

4 I keep asking myself/me what I would do in her situation.

5 Let’s meet at seven tonight, shall we/won’t we?

6 I can’t wear these old jeans at the restaurant! I have to change/change myself.

7 A new party formed the government because/as a result of the elections.

8 Try to behave! Remember/Remember yourself where you are!

9 Wherever/Whenever you leave, I’ll take you to the station.

10 Decisions such/such as these should be made by politicians.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

The Age of the Robot (0) C , I’d like to thank Keiko Ishida for inviting me here to talk to you today. The

title of my talk is ‘The Age of the Robot’. (1) _______, I think that over the next

twenty years robots will become part of our everyday life. (2) _______ , robots will be

present in hospitals, helping with tasks (3) _______ delivering food trays, cleaning

and helping patients who have problems walking. (4) _______ , robots will also be

important in home entertainment – singing and dancing for our pleasure and

amusement. Many big companies like Sony and Matsushita have invested a lot of

money in developing personal robots and (5) _______ progress has been rapid.

(6) _______ , it’s clear that the development of a robot that can communicate with

human beings is a long way off, (7) _______ no-one really understands how to

program intelligence into a computer chip. We’re not really anywhere near the time

when we won’t have to do anything for (8) _______ .

0 A As a result B Besides this C First of all D However

1 A For example B Personally C Nevertheless D In comparison

2 A On the other hand B For example C In comparison D Then

3 A as B such as C owing to D thus

4 A However B In contrast C Besides this D In conclusion

5 A for this B since C however D as a result

6 A On the other hand B To sum up C Thus D For example

7 A owing to B however C thus D since

8 A ourselves B myself C yourselves D theirselves

Page 122: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 The room is empty.


There ___________________________________________________ the room.

2 I have seldom seen such a boring film.


Seldom __________________________________________ such a boring film.

3 I’ll never be able to look in Simon’s eyes again.


I’ll never be able to look at _________________________________ eyes again.

4 We really need a bigger flat.


What ________________________________________________ a bigger flat.

5 Alan was not only late, but he didn’t even apologize.


Not ____________________________________ , but he didn’t even apologize.

6 The art gallery has a good exhibition on at the moment.


There ___________________________________ at the art gallery at the moment.

4 Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a

word which should not be there. Tick each correct line.

If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

The importance of English English is probably the most important language 0

in the world. However, it isn’t because the England 00 the

itself is an important country. As the real reason 1 ______

why English is so widely spoken it is because of the 2 ______

United States. Not only does the US dominate the 3 ______

world of business, but also does international relations 4 ______

in general. In the future perhaps only China can to 5 ______

gain the same importance on the world stage. 6 ______

Page 123: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 7 B (UNITS 31–34)

1. Underline the most suitable word(s) in each sentence.

0 I suddenly remembered that I forgot/had forgotten my keys.

1 John and Mary, come over here. Have you two met yourselves/each other before?

2 It’s quite expensive, but on/by the other hand it’s very good quality.

3 No matter/Whoever he is, he shouldn’t behave like that.

4 You won’t tell anyone my secret, do you/will you?

5 It was a great holiday. We really enjoyed ourselves/us.

6 My car is easy to park. As well/As well as this, it doesn’t use much petrol.

7 When I want to relax / relax me I have a long, hot bath.

8 As / For it’s getting late, let’s stop work now and come back tomorrow.

9 In conclusion / In contrast, I’d like to thank you all for coming.

10 I bought myself / me some flowers.

2. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Traffic problems The people who run our big cities are being forced to think of radical solutions to the

problem of traffic. (0) A who lives in an urban area today knows this. What are the

reasons for this? (1) _______ , cars cause noise and pollution in the areas where

people walk and shop. (2) _______ this, they are dangerous and cause accidents.

(3) _______ , cars cause traffic jams and (4) _______ many hours of work time are

lost. (5) _______ , people like their cars and won’t change their habits easily. The

solution is to make public transport more reliable and comfortable. Cities could,

(6) _______ , have special lanes for bicycles and a more regular bus service. Some

large cities (7) _______ Amsterdam are already organized in this way. But the most

radical proposal is to ask motorists to pay to enter the city centre. It won’t be popular,

but (8) _______ it may be the only solution if things get any worse.

0 A Anyone B Someone C No-one D People

1 A As a result B Besides this C First of all D However

2 A Also B As well as C For example D Except

3 A For example B Next C In contrast D In conclusion

4 A for this B since C however D as a result

5 A However B Secondly C Thus D To sum up

6 A on the other hand B for example C in comparison D then

7 A as B such as C owing to D thus

8 A on the other hand B to sum up C thus D as well

Page 124: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 Let’s have a coffee break now.


It’s ______________________________________________ coffee break now.

2 She held her daughter’s hand as the train approached the platform.


She ______________________________ hand as the train approached the platform.

3 I had no sooner cleaned the floor than the children came in with muddy boots.


No ______________________ the floor than the children came in with muddy boots.

4 There’s a lot of rain today, isn’t there?


It’s _____________________________________________________ , isn’t it?

5 Don’t worry if you arrive a bit late.


It ______________________________________________ you arrive a bit late.

6 I realized only then that my bag had been stolen.


Only ____________________________________ that my bag had been stolen.

4. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a

word which should not be there. Tick each correct line.

If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space.

The January sales I always look forward to the Christmas, and one of the 0 the

main reasons is because of the January sales that come 00

afterwards! No sooner do the shops close for the 1 ______

holidays, than they do open again for the sales, 2 ______

which they are the busiest few shopping days of the 3 ______

year. Some of people queue all night to get the best 4 ______

bargains on the first morning. I have never been done 5 ______

that myself, although I do usually buy a lot of clothes. 6 ______

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KEY Grammar Progress Test 1a (Units 1–4)


1 used to eat

2 Did you speak

3 had already started

4 I’m going to buy

5 haven’t seen

6 It’s been raining

7 was walking

8 I’ll be sleeping

9 I’ll have been

10 leave


1 D

2 A

3 D

4 A

5 C

6 C

7 A

8 A


1 does not include

2 first time I have been

3 I was waiting for her

4 has been playing since

5 has not been cleaned

6 will have


1 been

2 for

3 V

4 of

5 V

6 to

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 126: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 1b (Units 1–4)


1 I’ve come

2 I’m meeting

3 I’ve been waiting

4 had finished

5 Did you visit

6 were you talking to

7 It’s going to rain

8 used to be

9 was winning

10 Have you taken


1 A

2 B

3 C

4 B

5 A

6 D

7 C

8 B


1 have not seen Richard since

2 have never eaten such

3 has been working here for

4 you are not enjoying

5 haven’t seen them for

6 had been doing the cleaning


1 of

2 for

3 V

4 much

5 the

6 V

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 127: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 6–9)


1 is, can go (2 marks)

2 was

3 was scored

4 uses, has (2 marks)

5 had been, wouldn’t have had (2 marks)

6 had spoken

7 would you feel, happened (2 marks)

8 had been taken


1 C

2 A

3 D

4 B

5 C

6 D

7 A

8 B


1 our assignments will be marked

2 if she had received

3 has to be cleaned up

4 unless we have/get

5 has had his flat decorated

6 Joanna whether she wanted

7 told us (that)

8 will be taken

9 wish you were

10 get my homework finished

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 128: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 2b (Units 6–9)


1 had never told

2 go, can ask (2 marks)

3 had been called

4 crashes, call (2 marks)

5 had

6 had told, could have done (2 marks)

7 will be opened

8 would he think, told him (2 marks)


1 B

2 C

3 A

4 A

5 D

6 B

7 C

8 D


1 I were you I would

2 must not be parked

3 in case the taxi is

4 cannot be denied (that) she

5 if we don’t leave

6 if Angela had spoken

7 had my hair cut

8 wish we had caught

9 have you been seen

10 would rather you didn’t

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 129: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 3a (Units 11–14)


1 so as to be

2 in

3 whose

4 yesterday evening

5 opposite

6 which

7 since

8 to buy

9 in other words

10 in return

11 on average

12 in turn


1 who saw the incident was interviewed by the police

2 who I told you about was interviewed by the police

3 which has 20,000 km on the clock, is on sale in the showroom

4 which his father bought him has 20,000 km on the clock

5 whose arm was broken, still came to the disco

6 woman whose dog keeps making a mess on our lawn


1 so (that) burglars couldn’t

2 too dark to

3 is used for assembling

4 came to school despite

5 so much noise that

6 so as not


1 last

2 about

3 who

4 as

5 to

6 At

7 still

8 Of

9 order

10 in

11 During

12 although/but

13 as

14 enough

15 which

16 gone

(Total = 40 marks)

Page 130: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 3b (Units 11–14)


1 yet

2 between

3 Despite

4 recently

5 whose

6 on

7 so expensive

8 which

9 on strike

10 On the whole

11 on holiday

l2 in great difficulty


1 which my friend lent me is about a small Mexican village

2 which is about a small Mexican village, is nearly 400 pages long

3 who I told you about is sitting over there

4 who plays guitar in ‘The Donuts’ is sitting over there

5 group whose new CD is called ‘Street Noise’

6 whose father is ill, phoned me last night


1 such a boring play that

2 is too cold to

3 this time last

4 in spite of

5 is used for cleaning

6 even though I knew


1 than

2 To

3 to

4 such

5 less

6 whose

7 of

8 In

9 have

10 by

11 even

12 though/however

13 spite

14 so

15 that

16 their

(Total = 40 marks)

Page 131: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 4a (Units 16–19)


1 must have

2 you’d better

3 have got

4 where the post office is

5 had to

6 might

7 how are you

8 must

9 should

10 don’t have to


1 B

2 A

3 D

4 A

5 C

6 C

7 B

7 D

8 A


1 don’t we go

2 could play tennis better

3 I were you I’d change

4 didn’t have to arrive

5 don’t have to

6 all right (okay) if I


1 V

2 it

3 be

4 V

5 been

6 he

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 132: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 4b (Units 16–19)


1 needn’t have

2 appreciate

3 could have

4 don’t have to

5 what time it is

6 can’t have

7 opening

8 don’t need to

9 ought

10 can’t have


1 A

2 B

3 C

4 D

5 B

6 B

7 D

8 A


1 shouldn’t have spent

2 you tell me what time (when)

3 I’ll be able to

4 you like me to give

5 needn’t have taken

6 you mind babysitting


1 are

2 to

3 V

4 the

5 you

6 V

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 133: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 5a (Units 21–24)


1 colder and colder

2 job

3 at a profit

4 as

5 some

6 hair is

7 no good

8 either

9 the

10 such a


1 get

2 by

3 the

4 a/the

5 the

6 until

7 miss

8 everyone

9 a

10 without

11 a

12 for

13 give

14 be

15 Either

16 yet

17 at

18 few

19 looking

20 regards/wishes


1 you a piece of

2 every Monday

3 has a warmer climate than

4 are a lot of/lots of/many people

5 more you exercise, the healthier

6 couldn’t attend either

7 seen such a beautiful

8 that the fastest you

9 nobody gives as much homework

10 was speaking faster and

(Total = 40 marks)

Page 134: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 5b (Units 21–24)


1 everything

2 baggage

3 more and more

4 some

5 journey

6 better

7 out of danger

8 each ear

9 great fun

10 work


1 the

2 on

3 though

4 which

5 had/ate

6 so

7 for

8 such

9 an

10 full

11 both

12 In

13 by

14 much

15 as

16 there

17 whole

18 have

19 least

20 when


1 day (it) gets

2 wasn’t as interesting as

3 most beautiful woman I’ve ever

4 longer you stay, the more

5 the most powerful computer (that)

6 as a lot of traffic

7 drive as fast as

8 want to do is

9 the first time I’ve

10 the best football player

(Total = 40 marks)

Page 135: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 26–29)


1 fond of

2 depend on

3 ask for

4 famous for, popular with

5 dealing with

6 being late

7 happy about, going out

8 vote for

9 took off

10 looking for


1 C

2 D

3 B

4 D

5 D

6 C

7 A

8 B


1 used to driving

2 you happen to know

3 object to paying

4 I’d rather not

5 use carrying on

6 have let her clean

7 apologized for being

8 difficult for immigrants to

9 difficulty in understanding

10 advised her/Francesca to save

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 136: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 6b (Units 26–29)


1 grateful to

2 Look at

3 specialize in

4 late for

5 remind me of

6 insist on

7 certain about

8 rise in, blamed on

9 Cut up, in

10 drinking


1 D

2 A

3 B

4 D

5 A

6 D

7 C

8 B


1 you mind not discussing

2 seem to have gone

3 instead of going

4 were too expensive to

5 accused the pickpocket of stealing

6 is said to be earning

7 prevented me from taking

8 prefer you to

9 avoid eating

10 old enough

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 137: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress TEST 7A (Units 31–34)


1 in

2 Whatever

3 In

4 myself

5 shall we?

6 change

7 as

8 Remember

9 Whenever

10 such as


1 B

2 B

3 B

4 C

5 D

6 B

7 B

8 A


1 is nobody (nothing) in

2 have I seen

3 Simon in his

4 we really need is

5 only was Alan late

6 is a good exhibition


1 As

2 it

3 V

4 does

5 to

6 V

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 138: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress TEST 7B (Units 31–34)


1 each other

2 on

3 Whoever

4 will you

5 ourselves

6 As well as

7 relax

8 As

9 In conclusion

10 myself


1 C

2 B

3 B

4 D

5 A

6 B

7 B

8 A


1 time for a

2 held her daughter by the

3 sooner had I cleaned

4 very rainy today

5 doesn’t matter if

6 then did I realize



2 do

3 they

4 of

5 been


(Total = 30 marks)

Page 139: Lang Practice[1]



1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 Part of a station where you wait for a train and get on and off it. _____________

2 People who do this stand at the side of the road with their thumbs out. They try to

get cars to stop and give them a lift. ________________

3 A person in an office who answers the phone and greets visitors when they arrive.


4 The money you are paid regularly when you retire from work. _____________

5 A referee at a sports match blows this to stop and start the game. _____________

6 A shirt for a woman. ________________

7 What a man wears in bed. ________________

8 Not the city centre, but the area around a city where lots of commuters live.


9 When you decorate a room you put this on the wall. It can be plain or patterned.


10 The seat on a bicycle. ________________

2. Underline the most suitable word.

0 Anyone who has high stress levels / layers / rates should read this book.

1 Margaret has some beautiful flower boxes on her window sill/frame/shelf.

2 I always put the central conditioning/heating/warming on as soon as it starts to

get cold.

3 The departs/departure/leaving lounge is a non-smoking area.

4 They booked their holiday through a tour/trip/travel agent on the High Street.

5 After he was made redundant, Chris got a temporary job/work/employment in a


6 The level/cost/price of living is much higher in the south of the country.

7 My sister won first place/prize/class in a cookery competition last weekend.

8 ‘I’ve got a spare ticket for the tennis court/game/match on Friday. Would you like

to come with me?’

9 Keith prefers to wear shirts with short sleeves/arms/cuffs to work.

10 I enjoy window shopping/buying/looking when I haven’t got much money to


Page 140: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible . ACCESS

1 We managed to get on the earlier flight as there had been a

________________ and there were now two spare seats.


2 I didn’t ________________ straightaway because I wanted to

go straight out and watch the sunset.


3 Sarah has a degree in law and a diploma, so her

________________ for the job are very good.


4 The ________________ made the job sound very exciting but

in fact it was pretty boring.


5 Beckham’s knee ________________ prevented him from

playing in the Cup Final last year.


6 All the ________________ had to take part in tests for drugs

before the race could start.


7 Pete’s clothes are always ten years out of date, which is why

he always looks so ________________ .


8 Men should never wear a ________________ tie with a striped



9 The main ________________ is at the side of the building. ENTRY

10 The flat was cheap to rent as it was ________________ .

We filled it with the things from our old house.


Page 141: Lang Practice[1]



1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 A person who travels on foot. ________________

2 You use these to row a boat. ________________

3 A person who doesn’t eat meat. ________________

4 A piece of equipment that is used for boiling water quickly. _______________

5 A piece of paper you are given when you pay for something in a shop or

restaurant. ________________

6 A man keeps money and credit cards in one. ________________

7 Someone who brings goods such as drugs or alcohol into a country illegally.


8 The decision a jury has to make in a court. It is usually guilty or not guilty.


9 A person who writes music. ________________

10 A type of book which is about the life of a famous person, but not written by

them. ________________

2. Underline the most suitable word.

0 Anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates should read this book.

1 ‘Put the luggage in the boot/bonnet/bumper and let’s get going!’

2 Before you can get on the train you have to go to the ticket box/agency/office.

3 We had the most amazing six portion/course/food meal at Murat and Demet’s


4 John commanded/demanded/ordered the steak but the waiter brought him pasta.

5 I’m not going to that shop again – their prices/costs/sales are very high.

6 How much did you spend/cost/pay for your new handbag?

7 The kidnapper/hijacker/blackmailer pointed his gun and told the pilot to fly to

New York.

8 At the end of the court case the judge/jury/lawyer asked the guilty man if he had

anything to say.

9 Have you been to the new opera? The sculptor/editor/composer was so talented.

10 David can’t come to the party because he’s practising/rehearsing/watching for

his new play.

Page 142: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible . ACCESS

1 I wouldn’t want to be a ________________ because I’d have

to be away from home so much.


2 He ________________ as he came up to the corner, but he

was going too fast and went straight over the handlebars.


3 That soup was very ________________ . Could I have some



4 Katy went on a ________________ course last year to learn

how to make curries.


5 Dan has ________________ his shoes already and is

complaining that they’re too tight.


6 Our holiday was quite ________________ because we took a

tent instead of staying in a hotel and we hired bikes instead of a car.


7 A lot of telephone boxes have been ______________ recently

so you can never find one that works.


8 Sarah’s uncle is a ________________ and he’s in prison for

burglary and the moment.


9 John Irving is my favourite ________________ and I’ve just

finished his latest book.


10 The cruise ship that we were on was fantastic – there were

different ______________ every evening, including a jazz singer

and an amazing magician.


Page 143: Lang Practice[1]



1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 You plant these so new flowers grow. ________________

2 The place where bees live. ________________

3 A word that describes someone who is always on time. ________________

4 Someone who is no longer married. ________________

5 This sometimes happens when there is a heavy storm and the electricity goes off.


6 Tool used for cutting through wood. ________________

7 A time when there is not enough food to feed the people in an area.


8 Workers do this when they stop work in order to get more money or better

working conditions. ________________

9 A doctor’s office. ________________

10 If you are ill the doctor will give you one of these so you can get some medicine

or pills. ________________

2. Underline the most suitable word.

0 Anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates should read this book.

1 The tree twig/trunk/branch was about two meters wide because it was so old.

2 Flies were buzzing/barking/galloping around the uncovered meat in the kitchen.

3 Mary is always so sympathetic/cheeky/cheerful – you always see her smiling and


4 I was really greedy/grateful/frank when you came to see me in hospital because I

was feeling a bit lonely.

5 Chris uses an electrical/electrician/electric shaver when he goes on holiday.

6 Point the icon/cursor/mouse to the place on the screen where you want to type,

and then click.

7 The invasion/earthquake/devastation made a lot of buildings collapse and

thousands of people were made homeless.

8 International charity/organisation/aid is being sent to help the victims survive

the winter.

9 I broke my chin/nose/face when I was young – my brother punched it!

10 The last time I had toothache I had to get an urgent appointment at the


Page 144: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible . ACCESS

1 Some species of animals need ________________ to save them from extinction.


2 Going on a safari is the best way to see some of Africa’s ________________ .


3 Bill is quite ________________ . He’s happy to spend the rest of his life doing

the same job and earning the same salary.


4 Peter got that job ________________ . He lied at the interview and said he had

the right qualifications.


5 I really enjoy doing ________________ experiments and finding out how things



6 The most useful ________________ of the past few decades must be the

clockwork radio.


7 The level of ________________ is very high around here. There aren’t enough

jobs now that the car factory has closed.


8 The flood was ________________ for the region because all the farmland was

covered with water so lots of plants and animals died.


9 The footballer’s ________________ were worse than first thought and it’s

unlikely that he’ll ever play professionally again.


10 Having the injection was ________________ . I thought it would hurt but it



Page 145: Lang Practice[1]



1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 The money you have to live on after your retirement. ________________

2 Someone who looks after the finances of a person or company.


3 If you feel embarrassed your cheeks go red and you do this.


4 The list of students’ names and their attendance record in a class.


5 If you do this you prepare for an exam by looking back at the work you have

done in the course. ________________

6 Someone who trains a sports team. ________________

7 Boring or unexciting. ________________

8 Money that a bank gives you, that you have to pay back over a number of

months or years. ________________

2. Underline the most suitable word.

0 Anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates should read this book.

1 ‘Could you borrow/lend/rent me some money to buy Dad a birthday present?’

2 I’m saving up/on/in for a good holiday next year.

3 The cashier/accountant/investor in the bank asked me to show my ID card when

I took out a large amount of money.

4 The professor’s lecture wasn’t very interested/interesting/interest.

5 Claire was very helpless/helping/helpful when we moved house because she lent

us her car.

6 I wish Peter would mind his own business/opinion/mind. My decision has got

nothing to do with him.

7 They’ve got an exam tomorrow so they have to stay at home and

read/learn/revise tonight.

8 My sister works in a primary school as a professor/teacher/lecturer.

9 Chris has a degree at/of/in chemical engineering.

10 We always have to do/make/take notes in our science lessons.

11 At roundabouts you should give/do/take priority to cars coming from the left.

12 She’s found a great new way of taking/making/saving money – she looks after

people’s houses while they’re on holiday.

Page 146: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible . ACCESS

1 Kate ______________ me. I said ‘Kiss him’, but she thought I said ‘Kick him’!


2 The teacher asked me to ________________ my essay because she couldn’t read

my handwriting.


3 It hasn’t rained here for ages and now we’ve got a water ________________ .


4 Their ________________ is still really strong after 45 years of marriage.


5 ‘How many ________________ have you got working for you now, Mr Warner?’


6 Police are investigating the ________________ of a five-year-old girl.


7 Drinking too much alcohol is ________________ to your health.


8 Kylie Minogue is an ________________ famous singer.


9 We should all try to ________________ paper and glass because it’s good for

the environment.


10 Dear Sir, I would like to inform you of my ________________ with your

service. The treatment I received in your shop last Saturday was totally unacceptable.


Page 147: Lang Practice[1]





1 platform

2 hitch hike

3 receptionist

4 pension

5 whistle

6 blouse

7 pyjamas

8 suburbs

9 wallpaper

10 saddle


1 sill

2 heating

3 departure

4 travel

5 job

6 cost

7 prize

8 match

9 sleeves

10 shopping


1 cancellation

2 unpack

3 qualifications

4 advertisement

5 injury

6 competitors

7 unfashionable

8 patterned

9 entrance

10 unfurnished

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 148: Lang Practice[1]




1 pedestrian

2 oars

3 vegetarian

4 kettle

5 receipt

6 wallet

7 smuggler

8 verdict

9 composer

10 biography


1 boot

2 office

3 course

4 ordered

5 prices

6 pay

7 hijacker

8 judge

9 composer

10 rehearsing


1 sailor

2 braked

3 tasty

4 cookery

5 outgrown

6 inexpensive

7 vandalised

8 criminal

9 novelist

10 entertainers

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 149: Lang Practice[1]




1 seeds

2 hive

3 punctual

4 divorced

5 power cut

6 saw

7 famine

8 (go on) strike

9 surgery

10 prescription


1 trunk

2 buzzing

3 cheerful

4 grateful

5 electric

6 cursor

7 earthquake

8 aid

9 nose

10 dentist’s


1 protecting/protection

2 wildlife

3 unambitious

4 dishonestly

5 scientific

6 invention

7 unemployment

8 disastrous

9 injuries

10 painless

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 150: Lang Practice[1]




1 pension

2 accountant

3 blush

4 register

5 revise

6 coach

7 dull

8 loan


1 lend

2 up

3 cashier

4 interesting

5 helpful

6 business

7 revise

8 teacher

9 in

10 take

11 give

12 making


1 misheard

2 rewrite

3 shortage

4 relationship

5 employees

6 disappearance

7 harmful

8 internationally

9 recycle

10 dissatisfaction

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 151: Lang Practice[1]


FINAL TEST Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________


1. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

0 While I (try) was trying to get my car started, a passing car stopped and the driver (offer)

offered to help me.

1 I (wait) ___________________________________ for you for the past hour! What (you do)

___________________________________ all this time?

2 While I (walk) ___________________________________ to the bus-stop, I realised I (leave)

___________________________________ the cooker on.

3 Why didn’t you phone me? If I (knew) ________________________________ you were ill, I

(come) ___________________________________ to see you.

4 Hello, Pat. I (phone) ___________________________________ to ask if you (do)

___________________________________ anything this Saturday.

5 By the time Big Jim (become) ___________________________________ heavyweight

boxing champion he (win) ________________________________ over thirty fights.

6 I (not see) ___________________________________ you for ages. What (you do)

___________________________________ ?

7 Hurry up! I (think) ___________________________________ you (be)

___________________________________ ready by now.

8 If I (be) ___________________________________ you, I (not spend)

___________________________________ so much money.

9 Danny’s train (arrive) ___________________________________ tomorrow evening at 6.00

so we (meet) ___________________________________ him at the station.

10 Wish me luck! If I (get) ___________________________________ the job, I (let)

___________________________________ you know.

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using

the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five

words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.


Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 I’d prefer you not to wear jeans to the office.


I’d __________________________________________ wear jeans to the office.

2 We won’t get there on time without taking a taxi.


We won’t get there on time ____________________________________ a taxi.

3 ‘I wouldn’t go swimming after dark if I were you, Tom.’


Brian _________________________________________ swimming after dark.

Page 152: Lang Practice[1]


4 Although she had twisted her ankle, Sally still won the race.


Sally still won the race, ____________________________________ her ankle.

5 Mike enjoys playing golf more than I do.


I don’t enjoy playing golf ______________________________________ does.

6 I regret selling my car.


I ________________________________________________________ my car.

7 Nobody has cut the lawn for weeks!


The lawn _______________________________________________ for weeks.

8 It was the best meal I had ever eaten.


I ______________________________________________ a good meal before.

9 Have you got a smaller size than this?


Is __________________________________________________ you have got?

10 A friend is looking after my cat while I’m away.


A friend _____________________________________ my cat while I’m away.

3. Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which

should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be

there, write the word in the space.

Foreign travel Nowadays more and more people enjoy 0

foreign travel, and take up their holidays in 00 up

the distant countries. However, not everyone 1 ______

has had the same reason for travelling. Some 2 ______

of people travel so that they can practise 3 ______

foreign languages, or because they want to 4 ______

visit well-known sights in other countries. 5 ______

Lots of young people just want to have relax 6 ______

and make up new friends. Personally, I would like 7 ______

to travel abroad for the excitement! I have never 8 ______

been visited to a foreign country before, but I have 9 ______

been planning a trip around Europe by the train with 10 ______

some friends of mine. As we are students, and so we can 11 ______

buy cheaper tickets. One of my friends went on 12 ______

having this kind of trip a few years ago. She stayed in 13 ______

youth hostels, and managed to spend a very little 14 ______

money. I think that this would be an exciting holiday. 15 ______

Page 153: Lang Practice[1]


4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using

the word given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

0 Look at those black clouds! There’s rain on the way.

to Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

1 I don’t play tennis as well as you do.

better You _________________________________________________________ do.

2 You ought to have your house painted.


Your house _______________________________________________ painted.

3 The last time I saw Melanie was before she got her new job.


I ______________________________________________ she got her new job.

4 The film was so funny that I burst out laughing.


It was ______________________________________ that I burst out laughing.

5 I’ve never flown in a helicopter before.


This is ________________________________________ flown in a helicopter.

6 ‘You stole the money, Joe, didn’t you!’ said the inspector.


The inspector ___________________________________________ the money.

7 It is essential that this letter is posted today.


This letter __________________________________________________ today.

8 ‘Is the train on time?’ asked one of the people waiting.


One of the people waiting wanted to ___________________________ on time.

9 My advice is to inform the police.


I think ___________________________________________ inform the police.

10 They believe a single gunman carried out the attack.


A single gunman ________________________________ carried out the attack.

5. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

School sports day Our school sports were held last week, and the (0) B afternoon was a disaster.

For a start, very (1) _________ people bothered to turn (2) _________ , and there is nothing

(3) _____ than trying to win a race with only three or four people cheering you on.

It rained (4) ______ afternoon, from the moment the first starting pistol (5) _____ fired, until the

last medal had (6) _____ presented. I was in the high jump, (7) _____ meant running up to do my

best jump and then landing (8) _____ a pool of cold muddy water. It was raining (9) _______ hard

that we couldn’t see the runners in the 5,000 metres, and it (10) _____ out that they had all stopped

(11) _______ the other side of the field to shelter under a tree. My other event was the javelin, but

(12) _______ time I tried to throw, the javelin kept slipping from my hand. In (13) _______ case,

I couldn’t see where I was throwing, and when I (14) _____ finally manage to launch my javelin

into the air, it disappeared in the direction of the railway line, and was never seen (15) _____ .

Page 154: Lang Practice[1]


0 A all B whole C total D final

1 A little B small C few D rare

2 A up B about C round D over

3 A like B better C left D worse

4 A by B the C entire D all

5 A had B was C has D been

6 A to B had C been D itself

7 A which B and C so D nevertheless

8 A on B at C in D to

9 A so B as C and D very

10 A worked B found C looked D turned

11 A under B on C through D about

12 A first B in C every D a

13 A this B the C whatever D any

14 A did B had C should D have

15 A there B again C to D back

6. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using

the word given. Do not change the word given.

You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 A year ago we hadn’t even met! last

This ______________________________________________ hadn’t even met!

2 Without your help, I wouldn’t have passed the exam. for

If it ________________________________ , I wouldn’t have passed the exam.

3 Nobody knows anything about the whereabouts of the President.

about Nothing ______________________________ the whereabouts of the President.

4 My teachers made me work hard at school.


I ___________________________________________________ hard at school.

5 ‘I’m awfully sorry, Carol, but I’ve broken your watch,’ said Jim.


Jim ____________________________________________________ her watch.

6 Please see that you close the door when you go.

open Please don’t __________________________________________ when you go.

7 Unless we leave now, we’ll miss the start of the film.


We’ll miss the start of the film __________________________________ now.

8 Do you own these two cars?


Do _________________________________________________________ you?

9 Business hasn’t been so bad for a long time.


Rarely ________________________________________________ been so bad.

10 I won’t sell the painting, no matter how much you offer me.


Whatever __________________________________ the painting, I won’t sell it.

Page 155: Lang Practice[1]




1 have been waiting, have you been doing

2 was walking, had left

3 had known, would have come

4 am phoning, are doing

5 became, had won

6 haven’t seen, have you been doing

7 thought, would be

8 were, wouldn’t spend/wouldn’t have spent

9 arrives, will meet/are going to meet/are meeting

10 get, will let


1 rather you didn’t

2 unless we take

3 advised Tom not to go

4 despite twisting

5 as much as Mike

6 wish I hadn’t sold

7 hasn’t been cut

8 had never eaten such

9 this the smallest size

10 is taking care of


1 the

2 had

3 of



6 have

7 up


9 visited

10 the

11 As


13 having

14 a


Page 156: Lang Practice[1]



1 play tennis better than I

2 ought to be

3 haven’t seen Melanie since

4 such a funny film

5 the first time (that) I’ve

6 accused Joe of stealing

7 must be posted

8 know whether the train was

9 you’d better

10 is believed to have


1 C

2 A

3 D

4 D

5 B

6 C

7 A

8 C

9 A

10 D

11 B

12 C

13 D

14 A

15 B


1 time last year we

2 hadn’t been for you/your help

3 is known about

4 was made to work

5 apologized to Carol for breaking

6 leave the door open

7 if we don’t leave

8 these two cars belong to

9 has business

10 price you offer me for


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Page 158: Lang Practice[1]



TEST 1 A (UNITS 1–4)

1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is

remaining to be seen.

1 According to the Publications Department, it will be two years before the new

Handbook completes/is completed/will be completed.

2 The President’s plane touched down in Mexico City on Wednesday, two days

after he would have arrived/had been to arrive/was due to arrive.

3 By the end of this month, I’ll be/be being/have been a member of this club for

ten years.

4 Helena’s not really a party animal, so I doubt whether she comes/’ll come/’ll

have come.

5 I was wondering if you wanted/had wanted/would want to go running with me.

6 I didn’t realise I’d left my file at home until the meeting will start/has


7 I was going to ask her for a date, but I don’t/didn’t/couldn’t bring myself to do


8 The noise stopped as soon as the Head Teacher walks/walked/was walking into

the room.

9 I’ve been getting stabbing pains in my back so far/for a while now/up to now.

10 How long did you say you take/are taking/have been taking these pills?

2. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0 I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1 I have had my doubts about this place ever ____________ I got here.

2 So where exactly were you at the ____________ of the robbery?

3 It’s ____________ since I last saw my cousin.

4 Our books still haven’t arrived; for the time ____________ we’ll have to use


5 Sue ____________ to have played in goal, but she hurt her leg and had to miss

the big match.

6 Doing this course is going to ____________ you really have to knuckle down

and change your ways.

7 Every ____________ often we have a barbecue in our garden.

8 I’m ____________ it really difficult to keep up on my computer course.

9 Do I like pop music? It ____________ on what you regard as ‘pop’.

10 Simon Webster! Does this crisp packet ____________ to you, by any chance?

Page 159: Lang Practice[1]


3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote.

obligatory In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1 Whose shoe is this?


Who _________________________________________________________ to?

2 I’ve been too ill to do any work since Monday.


Monday was the _____________________________________ enough to work.

3 After a good sleep Tim started to feel better.


Tim started to feel better _________________________________ a good sleep.

4 We haven’t eaten out for ages.


It’s been __________________________________________________ ate out.

5 I’ve never lived in any other house.


I’ve lived ____________________________________________________ life.

6 He used to spend the whole of Saturday morning washing his car.


Every Saturday ______________________________________ washing his car.

7 My new working hours enable me to be with my children for longer in the



My new working hours ________________________________________ more time

with my children in the evening.

8 Until then I’d never seen Richard get angry.


That is _______________________________________ seen Richard get angry.

9 Luca was my first experience of true love.


Until I _______________________________________________ truly in love.

10 Try the new system a few times and you’ll become familiar with it.


You’ll ___________________________________ you’ve tried it a few times.

Page 160: Lang Practice[1]


4. In most lines of this text there is one extra word.

Write the extra word, or put a tick if the line is correct.

Labyrinths and Mazes Walking labyrinths and mazes is right back in fashion; but their rich history, which dates 0

back since 4,000 years is not often realised. A labyrinth is an ancient mystical pattern, 00 since

containing a meandering path to the centre, which it symbolises the journey through life. 1

The first labyrinths were being for ritual walking and processions. They became an 2

important feature of the Ancient Greek and Roman civilisations, but they are also found in 3

northern Europe: in Sweden many are said to would have been built by fishermen, who 4

walked through them in the hope of a good catch and a safe return. Though making secular 5

in origin, labyrinths were adopted by various religions; in Christianity, for example, the 6

tradition of walking the labyrinth in a church came up to represent the route to salvation. 7

Mazes are a much later invention, probably no more than for 500 years old. Initially the 8

preserve of kings and princes, they spread to public parks and gardens. They do consist 9

of tall hedges which act as walls. The hedges are arranged in intricate geometrical 10

patterns that present a circuitous path to the centre, including many paths which are 11

dead-ends designed to be confuse and puzzle the walker. The challenge lies in getting 12

to the centre and back out again. But mazes now go to much deeper than just puzzles 13

for walkers. A whole science has been grown up around them, applying the complicated 14

theory of how to solve them or to computer design and even to the world of business. 15

5 Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

Mature Students The British government recently made £20 million available to mature students,

(0) that is students who have already begun their working life, and (1) ____________ not

take the normal route of university immediately after school. The mature students’ ‘gap’

(2) ____________ leaving school and matriculating into university can be (3) ________

from three to 50 years – time spent working, having children, travelling (4) ____________

whatever. Among (5) ______________ are those whose teenage rebellions took them too

(6) ________________ away from a life of study, and equally those whose mid-life crises

(7) ____________ led them to contemplate a return to the world of academia.

In (8) ____________ of the new grants, returning to education remains a huge strain on the

finances, all the (9) _________ so for those with dependants. Many are obliged to take out

loans, adding to a burden of debt already accumulating steadily from their busy adult lives.

Certain institutions are more welcoming than others, but even Oxford and Cambridge have

now (10) ____________ their doors to mature entrants. Indeed, these (11) ____________

traditional of universities, with their one-to-one supervisions, (12) ____________ ideal for

mature students. The criteria for entrance also suit mature students; other universities

require high grades in A levels from school, a point (13) ____________ disadvantages most

mature students, whereas Oxford and Cambridge have their (14) ____________ entrance

exams. Cambridge actually boasts the only university college in Europe which takes only

female mature students, Lucy Cavendish College. The lecturers there say (15) _________

prefer teaching mature students because they have made great personal sacrifices just to be

there, and so tend to bring a real passion to their work.

Page 161: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 1 B (UNITS 1–4)

1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is

remaining to be seen.

1 Let me know about the party as soon as you have made/will make/will have made

a decision.

2 It won’t be long now before David will go/goes/be going to school.

3 Jack was about to kiss Julia when he noticed/had noticed/was noticing the ring

on her hand.

4 The President was to have visited a hospital; instead he rushed/had been

rushing/would have rushed to his wife’s bedside.

5 I’m terribly sorry; I had no idea you are/were/had been appointed deputy director.

6 When I got back home after my holiday, I noticed that someone tampered/used

to tamper/had been tampering with the lock on my door.

7 When the fire started, what were you doing/had you done/have you been doing?

8 This is the hottest day we’ve had since I arrive/’ve arrived/arrived in England.

9 I’ve decided to carry on living there for ages/now and then/for the time being.

10 Go to the Aer Lingus desk immediately you arrive/when you’ll arrive/on arrival.

2. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0 I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1 It wasn’t ____________ my TV broke down that I realised how attached I am to


2 I haven’t been feeling very well of ____________ .

3 The whole country has been buying chocolate bars, but to ____________ ,

nobody has managed to find the golden ticket.

4 Phone me the ____________ you get there; it’s very important.

5 I was 40 years ____________ to the day that I joined the army.

6 I’ve ____________ to meet anybody who can eat a pizza faster than Tom.

7 It took a good two months ____________ I got the results of my test back.

8 I’m ____________ a lot of difficulties with my maths course – I may give it up.

9 I ____________ to a running club, and we compete most Saturdays.

10 It’s a good qualification to have since it ____________ you can go to university.

Page 162: Lang Practice[1]


3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote.


In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1 I’m beginning to think that deciding to resign wasn’t a great idea.


I’m starting to ____________________________________________ to resign.

2 It will be the first ice hockey stadium I’ve ever been to.


It will be ___________________________________ to an ice hockey stadium.

3 We can’t swim in the sea yet because it’s too cold.


It isn’t warm ________________________________________ swim in the sea.

4 I used to take more exercise than I do now.


I don’t __________________________________________________ I used to.

5 Dinner arrived so late that I wasn’t hungry any more.


By _____________________________________________ I’d lost my appetite.

6 Five seconds to go, and this great Australian swimmer is about to make history!


Five seconds to go, and this great Australian swimmer ____________________

________________________________ history!

7 I haven’t been to Argentina since I was two years old.


I was two years old _____________________________________ to Argentina.

8 I haven’t always been such a careful person.


I didn’t ___________________________________________________ careful.

9 This card will give you access to your bank account over the telephone.


Having this card ___________ to access your bank account over the telephone.

10 I am only up to page seven of the book you lent me.


I have ______________________________________ of the book you lent me.

Page 163: Lang Practice[1]


4. In most lines of this text there is one extra word. Write the extra word, or put

a tick if the line is correct.


First came the PC, then the internet and e-mail; now the e-book is upon us, a hand-held 0 was

device similar in size and appearance to a video cassette. The user simply calls up the 00

website on their PC, selects the desired books, after downloads them onto their e-book 1

machine and sits down to read them. For to turn a page the user simply taps the screen. 2

E-book technology is being evolving rapidly, and with some of the latest handhelds you 3

will even get internet access. But why would one want an e-book machine if in preference 4

to a book? Well, one selling-point companies emphasised, when these devices had hit the 5

market a few years ago, is the space they did save when going on holiday. E-books lighten 6

the load, literally. Ten large novels can be put onto a device that is weighs less than the 7

average paperback. One can understand why commercial interests seem to be want us to 8

change. After all, the whole production process from first plan by author until delivery 9

to the printer has been done electronically for a while since now, so why not save a few 10

million trees and to cut out the hard copy? The trouble is, there has always been something 11

so wonderful about browsing in a musty-smelling old bookshop or pristine new one. 12

Reading with digital books availability tends to be a problem – it all depends what 13

publishing deals have been struck between the book and e-book publishers. Furthermore, 14

electronic print takes so long to read – 50% longer than the same words will on paper. 15

5. Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

Gap year You’re eighteen, you’ve finished school, got your precious exam grades – but (0) what next? The

thought of rushing straight off to university and a life of yet (1) ____________ books, lessons and

essays may not exactly bring joy to your heart. Let’s face (2) _________ , you do really need that

university degree – it’ll (3) ______ no end of help in finding employment if you can just stick it

out. So what you (4) ___ in the meantime is a break – a gap year. This may sound (5) ________ a

wonderful opportunity to chill out and do pretty much nothing all day except (6) ____________

MTV, but don’t succumb to the temptation, whatever (7) ____________ do. Use the time

profitably; see it (8) ____________ an opportunity to advance your career prospects and develop

your non-academic skills.

Reliable research shows that employers (9) ____________ favourably on graduate job applicants

who opted for a year out, (10) __________ between school and university, or between university

and employment, simply because (11) ____________ the extra maturity and experience in life that

is gained. Equally other research shows that gap year students adjust (12) ____________ to life at

university than those direct from school.

So what can you do on your gap year? The adventurous and well-off travel the world, often

looking for part-time jobs (13) ____________ as bar or waiter work, to finance their travels.

Others who want a more guaranteed income, and perhaps hope to (14) ____________ up to

finance their university studies, prefer to become au pairs or teaching assistants in foreign

countries. Whatever you decide, make (15) ______ you use your time profitably.

Page 164: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 2 A (UNITS 6–9)

1. Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not.

Write or X (correct or incorrect).

0 If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest. X

1 I’ve been given three more days to decide if I want to accept their offer. ___

2 A fifteen-minute coffee break may be taken in the morning. ___

3 My house desperately needs to be painted. ___

4 We have got our house broken into twice this year. ___

5 The King is believed to be arrived in Rome three hours ago. ___

6 We’re having fitted a replacement wheel tomorrow. ___

7 If you’re such a good skier, why didn’t you go back and rescue her? ___

8 If you will just take a seat, the dentist will call you when he’s ready. ___

9 I’d prefer that you don’t go this year – you’re a bit too young. ___

10 You look like you had just had a shock! ___

2. Complete each sentence by writing one word in each space.

Contractions (can’t) count as one word.

0 I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1 A downstairs window had been broken ____________ a brick left in the back


2 I’m not really sure what the recipe consists ____________ .

3 We’ve just ____________ our house redecorated.

4 Thanks for your help with that spreadsheet; I couldn’t have done it __________ .

5 If you ____________ be passing the chemists, you could get some more


6 I wouldn’t like to ____________ in Dave’s shoes when the boss finds out!

7 If you ____________ leave your car window open, you can’t complain if

something gets stolen.

8 Look, just open the door ____________ I’ll get very cross.

9 I ____________ it stops raining soon; I’ve got to go to the post office.

10 I wish you wouldn’t ____________ wearing your shoes indoors.

Page 165: Lang Practice[1]


3. Using the verb in brackets in an appropriate active or passive form, rewrite

each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.

0 Some men are coming to put a new gas heater in my house on Monday.

(install) - I’m having a new gas heater installed in my house on Monday.

1 It’s more usual to eat this kind of meat with a radish or onion sauce.

(serve) This kind of meat __________________________ with a radish or onion sauce.

2 It was a mistake to ever put Brian’s name forward as Chairman.

(nominate) Brian ________________________________________________ as Chairman.

3 There is no decision yet from the jury on the Walter Andrew case.

(make) The jury _____________________________ minds on the Walter Andrew case.

4 Police believe the woman is being put up in the Northampton area by friends.

(stay) The woman __________________________ with friends in the Northampton area.

5 For many years people thought Isiah Kerr was the artist of the painting, which

was wrong.

(attribute) For many years the painting _______________________________ Isiah Kerr.

4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0. In my country all adults are obliged to vote.

obligatory - In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1. But for the intervention of his bodyguards, the President might have been hurt.

intervened If __________________________________________ he might have been hurt.

2. For a bike that’s two years old, it’s in very good condition.

even The bike’s in very good condition, ___________________________________ two

years old.

3. I really wish I had gone to university.

deeply I _______________________________________________ going to university.

4. The entire staff demanded Ken’s immediate reinstatement.

be The entire staff demanded ____________________________________ immediately.

5. I just want you to know that, whatever happens, your mum and I will always be

there for you.

come I just want you to know that, ________________________________________ , your

mum and I will always be there for you.

Page 166: Lang Practice[1]


5. Complete the letter by writing one word in each gap.

Letter from the Assistant Director

After due consideration of your case, following your ten-day suspension from duty,

the management has decided to renew your employment for a further two months, at

the end of which your situation (0) will again be reviewed. In (1) ____________ to

this decision we have (2) ____________ into account your personal circumstances,

namely the stress (3) ____________ by your girlfriend’s departure.

We would warn you that (4) ____________ there is a large-scale improvement in your

performance and attitude, we will have no alternative (5) ____________ to terminate

your employment.

Your time of arrival will be closely monitored, as great importance is now

attached to your punctuality. You are (6) ______________ to arrive before 9am, and

(7) ____________ it be deemed (8) ____________ by your boss, you will have to

report personally to her each morning.

If it was (9) ____________ for your decent record during your initial trial period,

when you impressed your boss and co-workers, we would not be giving you this

further chance.

It (10) ____________ sincerely hoped that you will rise to this challenge and emerge

successfully from this trial period.

6. Complete this extract from a magazine for supermarket customers, using

information in the informal notes to Barry. Use no more than two words for each

gap. The words you need do not appear in the notes.


Please include the following information in your write-up for the next quarterly


Sorry for any trouble we may have caused with our reorganisation of the interior of

the store.

Number of checkout tills is going up to 35 (the same as with all our UK stores) – this

means our service will be even quicker.

Our popular ‘quick service’ till will carry on as before – now at desk 35.

Explain how club card works in case anyone doesn’t know! – can use it every time

you buy something.

Tell people about the new products that are on the way, and that we’re getting rid of

the internet delivery charge. Obviously we can’t extend this to those who live outside

the city.

Good chance here to remind customers of our financial services.

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Gifford’s Supermarket Magazine

We trust you like our new-look store and we apologise for any

(0) inconvenience caused by the large-scale reorganisation of the interior.

In (1) ____________ with all our UK stores the number of checkout tills is

to (2) ____________ to 35. This will (3) ____________ us to provide you

with an even speedier service. The popular ‘less than ten items’ checkout

will (4) ____________ to operate; this till can now be found at checkout

desk 35.

The Customer club card scheme is also proving highly popular and currently

has some 15,000 users.

The card can be used every time you make a (5) ____________ .

The card accumulates points which can be converted into free gifts or money

off your shopping bill.

Meanwhile we are pleased to (6) ____________ a further range of products

over the next six months or so, including more clothes for school children

and toys.

The £5 delivery charge on items ordered by internet is to (7) ____________

as of January 1st for city (8) ____________ .

We regret that, for obvious (9) ____________ , we are unable to extend this

offer to houses outside the city.

May we take this (10) ____________ to remind customers that we also offer

a range of financial services, including pensions and life insurance.

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TEST 2 B (UNITS 6–9)

1. Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not.

Write or X (correct or incorrect).

0 If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest. X

1 I have been sent a parcel from my uncle in Australia. ___

2 It has been decided to phase out the use of company cars. ___

3 That irresponsible son of ours has got himself arrested at a rock concert. ___

4 We got some friends round for lunch yesterday. ___

5 The lorry driver is thought to have been doing 120 kph at the time. ___

6 If I had known you were coming, I would prepare more food. ___

7 Even if you see Dawn tell her I’ve got her mobile phone. ___

8 Supposing what would you do if you could have a year off work? ___

9 If you will drink so much coffee, it’s not surprising you get irritable. ___

10 I’d prefer you didn’t play your music just now – I’ve got to work. ___

2. Complete each sentence by writing one word in each space. Contractions

(can’t) count as one word.

0 I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1 I’ve just received some rather distressing news ____________ the Director.

2 Don’t worry Mr Bates, I can assure you your query is being dealt __________ .

3 I’ll be surprised ____________ Brazil don’t win the Cup.

4 ____________ for her mother’s prompt intervention, the baby would have drunk

the disinfectant.

5 I’ll have to call the whole deal off ____________ you pay me the deposit by 4

o’clock today.

6 Look, just give me back the wallet ____________ I promise I won’t tell the


7 I’d ____________ not take the Underground if you don’t mind; I’ll pay for a


8 I just wish Mum ____________ be here to see all this.

9 I ____________ you don’t mind me phoning you at home, but it is rather urgent.

10 I wish you ____________ do that; you’ve no idea how annoying it is.

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3. Using the verb in brackets in an appropriate active or passive form, rewrite

each sentence so that the meaning stays the same.

0 Some men are coming to put a new gas heater in our house on Monday.

(install) We’re having a new gas heater installed in our house on Monday.

1 We will write to confirm this arrangement within three days.

(receive) You’ll _______________________________ of this arrangement within three days.

2 My adviser has told me not to say anything about the matter.

(advise) I have __________________________________________ silent on the matter.

3 Police think that a prison guard helped the prisoner to escape.

(receive) The prisoner _____________________________ in escaping, from a prison guard.

4 They punished me by forcing me to clean the toilets every day.

(make) As _____________________________________ to clean the toilets every day.

5 Apparently the Prime Minister is thinking about changing some of his advisers.

(consider) The Prime Minister is thought _____________________________________ of

personnel among his advisers.

4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote.


In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1 Supposing you suddenly became incredibly rich, what would you do with the



If _______________________ incredibly rich, what would you do with the money?

2 Without the support of his social worker, Jack might well have ended up in



If ______________________________ his social worker, Jack might well have

ended up in prison.

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3 He can buy me 100 dresses if he wants, but I still won’t have him back.


I won’t have him back __________________________________ me 100 dresses.

4 Of the two, my choice would be Greece, to be honest.


To tell _________________________________________________ to Greece.

5 Nevertheless, the Prime Minister’s economic policy has been a dismal failure.


Be ___________________________________________ , the Prime Minister’s

economic policy has been a dismal failure.

5. Complete the letter by writing one word in each gap.

Extract from a Brochure

Just imagine what life (0) would be like without a washing machine. Life’s

just (1) ____________ busy nowadays for most of us to contemplate

washing clothes in the bath tub. So what on earth would you do if your

machine broke down? Here at Royston’s we pride (2) ____________ on our

washing machine repair service. Our mechanics fix up to 40% of machines

on the spot, and for those that are taken back to our warehouse for repairs, a

further 50% (3) ____________ repaired within a week. But we don’t expect

our customers to go without. A replacement washing machine is delivered

free of charge within 24 hours of your machine (4) ____________ removed.

It is installed in your home by our mechanics, and is kept by you (5) _____

your old machine is returned.

Should you wish to purchase a new machine our showroom (6) _________

hundreds of models for you to choose from. All new machines (7) _______

with a three-year warranty, covering spare parts and workmanship.

Of course, if it (8) ____________ transpire that the fault has arisen from

customer negligence or from failure to observe basic maintenance

procedures – (9) ____________ as regularly cleaning the filters – repair

costs will (10) ____________ be borne by the company.

Page 171: Lang Practice[1]


6. Complete this extract from a monthly newsletter to parents of a primary

school, using information in the informal note to the staff. Use no more than two

words for each gap. The words you need do not appear in the note.

Note to all staff from the Head Teacher

Dear all

Just a quick note about dress, which will appear in the newsletter to parents

as well. We’ve noticed recently that some children are coming to school

with insufficient clothing now that the weather is turning colder. Our dress

guidelines are quite clear about this (vest, shirt, sweater, coat, plus hats and

gloves as well if parents want). Please keep an eye on this situation. I’m also

going to bang on about the need for labels. For your information, Dickinsons

and Sons is the supplier – parents can ask them to make some up for them. If

they pay extra, Dickinsons will even sew the labels on. While talking about

clothes, I’m going to tell all parents again that rude or violent language on t-

shirts are forbidden. Jeans and trainers are ok, but they must be new and


Dear Parent

It has (0) come to our attention that some children are being (1) ________ to

school with clothing that is not (2) ____________ for the cold weather. In

our dress guidelines we recommend a vest, shirt, sweater and coat as a basic

requirement, to (3) ____________ hats and gloves may be added at your

(4) ____________ . Please note that all coats should be clearly labelled with

the child’s name. This can be written in permanent ink on the collar, or

named labels can be (5) ____________ from Dickinson and Sons Clothing

Suppliers in town. On (6) ____________ of a small fee, Dickinsons will also

sew the labels on for you.

On the (7) ____________ of clothes, may we take this opportunity

(8) ____________ all parents that t-shirts with rude or violent messages on

them are (9) ________ . Jeans and trainers may be worn as (10) _________

they are reasonably new and smart.

Yours faithfully

Dawn Scholes

Head Teacher

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TEST 3 A (UNITS 11–14)

1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is

remaining to be seen.

1 I thought the exam would be really difficult but in fact it mustn’t/couldn’t/

shouldn’t have been easier.

2 This can’t/shouldn’t/won’t be the way – we’ve driven past that bus stop three

times now!

3 You must/could/may have worked here longer than me, but that doesn’t mean

you can treat me like dirt!

4 Sorry, I must/might/should have told you about the change of plan earlier.

5 You mustn’t/can’t/wouldn’t have finished your homework already!

6 I’m really happy in my new job; I couldn’t/shouldn’t/wouldn’t have found a

nicer company.

7 Could/Would/Should you hear anything, let me know.

8 Well, thanks for the offer – I might/could/would just take you up on it.

9 Sam was a difficult child who couldn’t/wouldn’t/mightn’t do anything his

parents asked him to.

10 I remember when I was 13, I must/could/should have friends round to sleep over.

2. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the

word in capital letters.

0. Oh well, I might as well have another drink, if no one’s in a hurry to leave. WELL

1. I have no sympathy for her, ______________________________ . NONE

2. I did tell him, but he didn’t seem concerned

______________________________ . SLIGHTEST

3. In the end, ___________________ do was cross our fingers and hope. ALL

4. I’ve told you ______________________________ , don’t kick the football

against the window! TIME

5. No, ______________________________ , David told Ann that Ross wasn’t

coming. HAPPENED

6. ___________________ most is a really good dance down at the disco. LIKE

7. Scarcely ______________________________ back home when the neighbours

descended on us with tea and cakes. ARRIVED

8. Was it really necessary? You ______________________________ give them all

our personal details, you know. DIDN’T

9. You really ______________________________ to all this trouble! GONE

10. Try ______________________________ , I simply couldn’t work out how to

assemble the bookshelf. MIGHT

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3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote. - obligatory

In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1 It might turn cold, so take a jumper.


Take a jumper _______________________________________________ cold.

2 Although it was a lovely morning, rain was forecast for the afternoon.


It _________________________________________ a lovely morning, but rain was

forecast for the afternoon.

3 I’m sure that Carol will be there; she never misses a disco trip.


Carol __________________________________ there; she never misses a disco trip.

4 Perhaps he didn’t call in at the restaurant, as arranged.


He ___________________________________ in at the restaurant, as arranged.

5 It’s impossible for Keith to have finished the painting already.


Keith ___________________________________ finished the painting already.

6 Is it possible that you left it on the bus by mistake?


Do you think you ___________________________________ and left it on the bus?

7 The pay dispute took several weeks of negotiations to resolve.


It was ________________________________________ lasting several weeks that the

pay dispute was resolved.

8 It is very important that you never press this button.


On no _________________________________________________ be pressed.

9 The hostages were never actually harmed by the kidnappers.


At no ________________________________________________ the hostages.

10 You were two hours late, and, if that’s not bad enough, you woke us all up with

your noise.


Not only ___________________________ you also woke us all up with your noise.

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4. Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

(0) Little did I realise just (1) ____________ hard the war and subsequent

economic hardship had hit this once most prosperous of towns. Hardly had I arrived in

the town centre from the airport (2) ____________ I was approached by two hungry-

looking young boys begging for money. I duly obliged, with what little change I had in

my pocket, but (3) _________ rather alarmed me was to see the public indifference to

(4) ____________ obvious plight, something that (5) ____________ have been

inconceivable (6) ____________ I last knew this town, in better times, twenty years ago.

At that time the citizens (7) ____________ famous for their togetherness and community

spirit, and allowing two penniless boys to go hungry (8) ____________ possibly have


At the waterfront, scene of so (9) ____________ great classical music concerts

over the years, police were out in force. Apparently, a man had been shot in a café, the

casual victim of a gang feud. In case anyone (10) ____________ doubt their intent, the

uniformed men patrolled menacingly, guns at the ready. Only (11) ____________ much

checking of documents (12) ____________ I allowed into the area, one of my favourite

old haunts. Over a coffee and brioche, I looked out onto the waterfront, and an uneasy

calm descended on the place, as (13) ____________ the shooting incident was only the

prelude to something worse. I learned that violent retribution was expected from the

man’s gang, at (14) ____________ point I beat a hasty retreat, to the relative safety of

my hotel room. There I wished, prayed, for a return to the old days (15) ____________

the only guns I ever saw were in the museum and the only drugs you heard of were sold

in pharmacies.

5. Ten people gave their opinion on a new film. Some of the sentences contain a

grammatical mistake. Write the correct version in the space provided at the end of

each line, or put a tick if the sentence is already correct. 0 I’ve never seen such an awful film.

00 Catherine Danvers is just a so wonderful actor. such a wonderful

1. It’s not often see you a film of this rare quality. _____________

2. You would be hard pushed to find a better film than this. _____________

3. I thought the film was utterly rubbish, I’m afraid. _____________

4. You could wait ten years, and you wouldn’t see _____________

a better film than this.

5. I’m not at all impressed by it: all those people who _____________

say how wonderful it is should be mad.

6. I doubt if there’s been a worse film in the last 10 years. _____________

7. I saw the front cover of the video and I completely

had to buy it. ______________

8. I haven’t seen it myself, but my sister said that never ______________

had she seen such a great film.

9. Well, it may have won a lot of prizes, but personally ______________

I thought it was over-rated.

10. I thought it was a sheer waste of time from start to finish. ______________

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TEST 3 B (UNITS 11–14)

1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains/will remain/is

remaining to be seen.

1 No, I mustn’t/shouldn’t/couldn’t possibly do that to a friend.

2 Well I’m surprised it was John. I would/could/should have expected better of


3 Don’t worry about my big brother; he will/can/could be very childish at times.

4 I really wouldn’t/couldn’t/mightn’t eat another thing, thank you.

5 You couldn’t/can’t/mustn’t be serious! It’s far too dangerous!

6 Well personally, I could/would/must have thought the answer is D, but you may

be right.

7 This little device need/could/shall be the answer to all your technical problems.

8 What you’re saying must/should/may well be true.

9 It shouldn’t/mightn’t/couldn’t have been Kevin who did it; he’s such a nice, well

behaved lad.

10 Just in case you would/will/should find it, I’ll give you my business card so you

can contact me.

2. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the

word in capital letters.

0. Oh well, I might as well have another drink, if no one’s in a hurry to leave. WELL

1. Don’t bother telling Michael; he’s not __________________

interested in your problems.


2. It was wonderful; I felt absolutely no pain, ______________ . NOTHING

3. ___________________________ I left Chris’s house that

the truth finally dawned on me.


4. In the end ______________________________ was put a

plaster over the leak.


5. It is ______________________________ certain that Roger

will be well enough to play in the concert.


6. Strange as ___________________________ , I used to swim

at a very high level.


7. Never before ___________________________ such an

amazing sight.


8. ____________________________ realise how much he was

going to miss her.


9. You ____________________________ push quite so hard;

it should go in the slot without much force.


10. ______________________________ may you leave the

room while the exam is in progress.


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3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote.

obligatory In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1. I’m sure we’re not doing it the right way.


This ____________________________________ way you’re supposed to do it.

2. I think you should try applying again in a few months’ time.


If _____________________________ try applying again in a few months’ time.

3. Although I tried hard, I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer.


Try ___________________________ I couldn’t get the hang of using a computer.

4. It seems that Hermann wasn’t to be trusted, after all.


Hermann _______________________________________ trustworthy after all.

5. Clearly the previous owners left it when they moved to their new house.


It _________________________________________ the previous owners when they

moved to their new house.

6. It seems quite likely that there was a sudden surge of power.


I think what may _______________________ there was a sudden surge of power.

7. Such was the speed of the ball that the goalkeeper never saw it pass him.


The ball was _______________________________________________ that the

goalkeeper never saw it pass him.

8. Mark speaks with such clarity that it’s a pleasure to listen to him.


Mark’s voice ________________________ to him is a pleasurable experience.

9. You must not, I repeat not, open this box until Christmas Day.


Under no _____________________________________ opened until Christmas Day.

10. My name was the last one they called out.


Mine __________________________________________________ called out.

Page 177: Lang Practice[1]


4. Complete the following letters by writing one word in each gap.

Dear Uncle Will,

You’ve probably (0) heard by now about the failure of our attempt to climb

Mount Everest. I (1) ____________ have listened to you about not

attempting it in October.

Obviously, I’m very disappointed, as (2) ___________ all my colleagues on

the team, not (3) ________ Jonty who says it’ll probably be his last climb.

We’re all physically shattered, and I’ve lost almost 20 kilos (4) _________

eating like a horse. Everything was (5) ____________ so well until that

notorious ridge you warned me about. No (6) ____________ had we reached

Hunter’s Ridge than the weather changed for the worse. The winds got up

from the south, and then the snow drifts started. It was intensely frustrating,

just lying in shelter (7) ________ to move, just 600 metres (8) __________

so from the summit. Only (9) ____________ several days of blizzard

conditions (10) ____________ we abandon the climb and return to base

camp. Oh well, drop me a line when you have time.



Dear Ben,

Thanks for your letter – yes, I read all about it in the local paper.

Don’t worry, you (11) ____________ possibly have done any more.

I can’t (12) _________ I’m surprised – there’s nothing you can (13) ______

if the elements are against you: it’s no reflection on you.

You did the sensible thing. That last bit of climb is fraught with danger, and

better, more experienced climbers than yourselves have (14) _________ to

turn back. So let me know if you’re going to have another go – I should have

(15) ________ May or June was a much better time for an ascent, anyway.

Best wishes


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5. Ten people were asked for their opinion on a new cinema. Some of the

sentences contain a grammatical mistake. Write the correct version in the space

provided at the end of each line, or put a tick if the sentence is already correct.

0 It’s bound to be difficult for them in the first few

weeks, but I think they’ve done well so far.

00 Whatsoever do they think they’re doing? They’ve Whatever do

got all the most popular films in the smallest rooms.

1 I arrived half an hour before ‘The Detective’ was ________________

showing, and I couldn’t get a seat, so they’re

obviously going to be popular.

2 I think the snack area may turn out to be too small, ________________

but apart from that, I’m impressed.

3 A new cinema should have been discussed and debated ________________

for seven or eight years before it finally happened, so

it’s great to actually be here and see it.

4 I would have known I’d be working on the opening ________________

night! I’d have loved to see all the celebrities!

5 No sooner had we arrived when the computer in the ________________

box office broke down, so I hope that’s not going

to be typical.

6 I think the disabled facilities could be better, and they ________________

shouldn’t allow smoking in the corridors.

7 Very often are there problems in the first few days with ________________

a new cinema, but I’ve seen nothing yet.

8 All they’re doing is putting the existing cinema in ________________

the town centre out of business – it all seems fairly

pointless to me.

9 Little understand people just how difficult it must be ________________

to run a ten-screen cinema successfully.

10 I really do hope they succeed, because I’ve seen some ________________

great films here already.

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TEST 4 A (UNITS 16–19)

1. Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not.

Write or X (correct or incorrect).

0 If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest. X

1 We can confirm that your flight leaves at 4 pm from the North Terminal. ___

2 Mary suggested why didn’t we go and see a film. ___

3 What lovely weather we’re having! ___

4 Hilary warned the team that trying to compete with each other would be

dangerous. ___

5 I studied at the University of Pisa. ___

6 I’ve got a bit of a flu this morning. ___

7 Everyone got on very well, that was quite surprising in the circumstances. ___

8 There is only one person in my street is a bit unfriendly. ___

9 Finding myself in difficulty, I looked around for a policeman. ___

10 I’ve stopped to go to the gym, as it’s too expensive. ___

2. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0 I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1 The car needs ____________ good cleaning.

2 There’s nothing I hate more than ____________ in application forms.

3 I ____________ face another long journey!

4 I wish you wouldn’t ____________ complaining all the time.

5 ____________ leaves the office last, please turn off the lights.

6 The first time we met was ____________ we were at Barry’s party.

7 It was on this spot, 500 years ago, ____________ King Henry fought a famous


8 If it’s trendy clothes you want, On Offer is ____________ place to go.

9 Oh by the way, we’ve been ____________ to a party on Saturday by Lynn and


10 Baker strongly ____________ having broken the photocopier.

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3 Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 The racers were told to stay on the pavement and not run on the road.


The racers were told that running on the road was against the rules.

1 Rumours say that the Prime Minister is about to resign.


The Prime Minister is _______________________________ point of resigning.

2 I was pleased to learn that Helen’s search for a place at university was successful.


I was pleased to learn that ___________________________ a place at university.

3 Go on! I bet you’re too scared to jump off that wall.


Go on! I _________________________________________________ that wall.

4 After missing two lessons, John found it difficult to follow what the teacher was



After missing two lessons, John ______________________ explanations.

5 The baby no longer has a bottle of milk before going to bed.


The baby ____________________________ a bottle of milk before going to bed.

6 Jill’s parents were really pleased when Jill got 90% in her maths test.


Jill got 90% in her Maths test, ____________________________ her parents.

7 Under-age drinking is a problem that concerns us very much.


We are _______________________________________ of under-age drinking.

8 ‘Paul, why don’t you take a day off and come shopping with me?’ said Eva.


Eva suggested _____________________________________ shopping with her.

9 4,000 jobs are to be cut at Barrant Ltd, according to an announcement today.


Today, Barrant Ltd _____________________________________ of 4,000 jobs.

10 ‘Joyce, let me carry your suitcase for you – I insist,’ said Henry.


Henry _____________________________________________ suitcase for her.

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4 Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

Anna Bancroft (0) looked down at the speedometer on her handlebars. She

was (1) ____________ 42 kph with ease and knew that she was in great

shape for the National Triathlon Championships that weekend.

But she (2) ____________ made the competition – the next moment she was

flying across the windscreen of a sports car. Anna woke up in hospital and

(3) ____________ not feel anything in her legs.

The doctors (4) _________ her worst fears; she was paralysed from the

waist down and would be confined to a wheelchair for the (5)

____________ of her life. She would never be (6) ____________ to cycle

again. But Anna was a person of the utmost resolve. She was determined not

to (7) ___________ her disability prevent her from racing. (8) __________

she couldn’t compete in her beloved triathlon, she would do swimming and

wheelchair racing instead. As soon as she had (9) ____________ from the

trauma of her accident, Anna began a programme of light training in the

swimming pool, encouraged by her friends from the triathlon club.

Now, two years on, Anna is considered to (10) ____________ one of the

leading wheelchair athletes in the country.

Recently she was selected to (11) ____________ Britain at the European

Athletics Championships.

Anna’s punishing training schedule (12) ____________ getting up at 6.30 to

get a couple of hours’ training in before work (she does mornings only as a

receptionist at a doctor’s surgery). It is a life that she wouldn’t (13) _______

up for anything. ‘It’s no good (14) ____________ back and brooding over

my past life,’ she says. ‘I’m in a rush to enjoy the rest of my life, and the one

thing I (15) ____________ stand is wasting time.’

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5 Complete the extract from a company newsletter, using information in the

informal notes from Dave. Use no more than two words for each gap. The

words you need do not appear in the notes.


Here’s the draft version of the Staff Information page for next week’s newsletter.

Please feel free to make any changes.

Regards, Dave


In the last newsletter we made a mistake over the name of the person who’s doing the

training day on ‘The Importance of Marketing’. It’s going to be Dilip Patel, not Sue

Parkinson. Sorry to Sue for this.

In case anyone couldn’t go and missed his talk, Dilip’s going to repeat it on Friday

afternoon. If you want to go to the Friday afternoon session, please sign up for it (staff

noticeboard), or e-mail Dilip’s secretary, Vera.

Don’t forget December 3, the Christmas Dinner. This year it’s going to be at the Regal

Hotel. Menus will be coming round your departments next week – please read and

indicate your choices.

Management have asked us to remind you about personal telephone calls. Please make

these only when really necessary. You may need to deal with important personal

matters, but please don’t make social calls to friends.


In the last edition of the newsletter we (0) wrongly stated that Sue Parkinson was

leading the training day on ‘The Importance of Marketing’. The day will in fact be led

by Dilip Patel. We (1) ____________ to Sue for this mistake.

Dilip will also be (2) ____________ a presentation on marketing next Friday

afternoon, for any staff who were (3) ____________ attend the training day. If you are

(4) ____________ attending, please write your name on the list on the staff

noticeboard. (5) ____________ , e-mail Dilip’s secretary, Vera Catford.

Another date for your diaries is December 3, the Christmas Dinner, which this year is

being (6) ____________ at the Regal Hotel. Menus will be (7) ____________ in your

departments next week – please indicate which starter, main course and dessert you

prefer and return to the Social Representative on your floor.

We have been (8) ____________ by management to remind you that personal

telephone calls should be kept to (9) ____________ in office time. Obviously urgent

personal matters may (10) ____________ your attention during the working day, but

social calls to friends and family are not acceptable.

Page 183: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 4 B (UNITS 16–19)

1. Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not.

Write or X (correct or incorrect).

0 If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest. X

1 Please can you explain me how to change the paper in this copier? ___

2 Harry denied that he didn’t take the money. ___

3 Bob urged going to the bank right away and sorting the matter out. ___

4 Please do not play the ball games on this grass. ___

5 If you want a guitar that makes a deeper sound, you might try this one. ___

6 The whole plan may prove to be unworkable. ___

7 Let me introduce Clive, that will be working with you. ___

8 The letter arrived this morning contains my exam results. ___

9 Seeing that the door was already open, I tiptoed inside. ___

10 I’ve got several letters that need to be typed up, if you wouldn’t mind. ___

2. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0 I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1 That medicine works wonders – I feel ____________ a new person!

2 You don’t ____________ to have nice toys if you behave like that!

3 I don’t ____________ locking the front door: I’d better go back and check.

4 She carried ____________ talking, oblivious to anyone else.

5 I waited till eleven, by ____________ time I’d had enough.

6 This was the moment that she had been waiting ____________ .

7 Dr Bromley was ____________ doctor who treated me.

8 Marion objected to the ____________ that all the facilities seemed to be for men.

9 Dawn said she ____________ remember what had happened.

10 That’s the girl I was ____________ you about.

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3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 The racers were told to stay on the pavement and not run on the road.


The racers were told that running on the road was against the rules.

1 Remember the leader’s advice or you may get into danger.


Forget the leader’s advice ______________________________ into danger.

2 Telling John to do anything is pointless, because he just does what he wants.


John likes to do his own ___________________________________ what to do.

3 Micky said he was ill as he didn’t want to go to school.


Micky pretended ______________________________________ wouldn’t have

to go to school.

4 Regrettably, Kate couldn’t cycle to work any more when she moved to London.


Kate __________________________ cycle to work when she moved to London.

5 I have seen all of his films except Look Back.


Look Back is _________________________________________ I haven’t seen.

6 This puzzle is difficult for three main reasons.


There are three main reasons _____________________________ this puzzle.

7 ‘Harry, would you like to go fishing with me on Saturday?’ asked Joe.


Joe asked Harry ________________________________________ on Saturday.

8 ‘OK, OK, look, I’ve made a mistake, and I’m sorry,’ said Olga.


Olga _________________________________ made a mistake, and apologised.

9 ‘Let me ask again the question I asked earlier in the meeting,’ said Alex.


Alex _____________________________________ asked earlier in the meeting.

10 ‘Don’t ever go near the canal by yourself,’ Carrie’s mother told her.


Carrie’s mother ______________________________ near the canal by herself.

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4. Complete the article by writing one word in each gap.

And now on The Crime Programme an update on another unsolved crime, the armed

robbery of the jewellery warehouse in London (0) which we reported on six months

ago. Police are anxious to establish the identity of a man, believed to (1) _________

one of the gang members, (2) ____________ purchased a green lorry in March of last

year, six months before the robbery, from a garage in Brentwood. The garage’s

suspicions were aroused (3) ____________ the man paid in cash for the lorry, and

then registered it under a false company name. Significantly, the notes were handed

(4) ____________ in mixed denominations. As police explained to us, one would

normally (5) ____________ a large wad of banknotes to (6) ____________ been

obtained from a bank, in (7) ____________ case the notes would all be neatly

arranged in piles of the same denomination.

(8) ____________ short, the man may have paid for the lorry with money from a

previous robbery. (9) ____________ looked again at video evidence of the robbery,

police now know that the lorry was (10) ____________ to block the entrance of the

warehouse, stopping any other vehicles (11) ____________ entering, so that the

robbery could be carried (12) ____________ more easily.

Police also believe that a man seen photographing the jewellery warehouse at about

the same time was also in the gang. A woman who (13) ____________ to be out

walking her dog noticed the man, and took the registration number of the car.

It (14) ____________ out that the car was stolen from the Coventry area two years

ago. (15) ____________ with further information regarding the lorry, registration

number K358 CEQ, or the car, P406 TRA should contact us on 0207 400600.

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5. Complete the e-mail from the services manager of a large company, using

information in the informal message from Geoff. Use no more than two

words for each gap. The words you need do not occur in the message.

Please would you look over this, and e-mail it to all staff when you’re happy with the

wording of it.

Thanks, Geoff.

The staff car park is soon going to be renovated and resurfaced. Work will begin on

August 16 and probably go on for two weeks. In the first week zones A to L are being

done, so people who use these zones should find other ways of getting to work. You

can get information on public transport from reception. There are also a few parking

spaces in Teversham Road, but get there early if you don’t want to be disappointed.

During the two-week period, visitors will not be able to use the car park.

Sorry for any trouble due to these repairs, but the car park really could do with some



To: all staff

From: Services Manager

Please note that the staff car park at Loxton Road will (0) shortly be renovated

and resurfaced. The work will (1) ____________ on August 16, and is likely

(2) ____________ for a period of two weeks.

In the first week, zones A to L (blue ticketholders) will be repaired, so users of these

zones must make (3) ____________ arrangements for coming to work. Details of

public transport to the Loxton Road site are (4) ____________ in reception. There are

also a small (5) ____________ of parking spaces in Teversham Road, but these tend

to fill up very quickly, so arrive early to (6) ____________ disappointment. In the

second week zones M to Z will be repaired (red ticketholders).

During this two-week period, because of the very limited space, the car park will be

(7) ____________ to all visitors.

We (8) ____________ for any inconvenience that may (9) ____________ by these

repairs, but we are sure you will agree that the car park is in urgent (10)

____________ of maintenance work.

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TEST 5 A (UNITS 21–25)

1. Think of a word which collocates with the preposition to complete each sentence.

0 Dr Porter is a heart and lungs consultant who specialises in heart transplants.

1 That supermarket once ____________ me £5 too much for my shopping.

2 George really ____________ me of my old Uncle Charlie – they are so similar.

3 His anxieties all ____________ from his childhood upbringing.

4 I’m not very ____________ on football, to be honest.

5 Sorry, I think I must have picked up the wrong briefcase by ____________ .

6 That guy is arrogant beyond ____________ .

7 Spring is late this year; the flowers still haven’t ____________ out yet.

8 I’m sorry to ____________ you down, but I can’t meet next week’s deadline.

9 This old table ____________ up too much space; let’s get rid of it.

10 The anaesthetic should ____________ off after a couple of hours.

2. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the word

in capital letters.

0 His argument doesn’t really stand up to close examination.


1 By midday the whole city ______________________________ Juventus supporters.


2 Farmer Bond and Farmer Carter are ______________________________ who owns

the land down by the river.


3 My mum was always very good ______________________________ problems.


4 Don’t get me wrong; I’m all ______________________________ this plan for a new



5 I don’t want to pressurise you. You’re _________________________ sign this



6 ______________________________ your 25 years of service, we would like to

present you with a gold watch.


7 Lulu’s only thirteen: we can’t leave her ______________________________ the baby

for too long.


8 Carol is staying with me as she’s ______________________________ her husband.


9 I don’t think I can ______________________________ this dental appointment – I’m

just too nervous about it.


10 ______________________________ yourself – don’t let this boy bully you.


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3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote.

obligatory In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1 I won’t stand for rudeness in this school.

students I won’t allow _________________________________________ in this school.

2 I can’t eat my food with all this talk about being sick.

putting All this talk about being sick ________________________________ my food.

3 I should draw your attention to the fact that Lynn is no longer responsible for

overseas sales.

point Can I just _________________________________________ Lynn is no longer

responsible for overseas sales.

4 Don’t worry, I will do the ironing, but not just yet.

done Don’t worry, I will __________________________________ , but not just yet.

5 I went to see a financial adviser as I was thinking I might change my insurance


view I went to see a financial adviser ______________________________________

possibly changing my insurance policies.

6 My tennis is distinctly rusty; I simply don’t have the time to practise any more.

practice My tennis is distinctly rusty; I’m really _____________________ , you know.

7 Prisoners here are regularly visited by their families to boost their morale.

basis Prisoners here get family visits _____________________ to boost their morale.

8 Roger is eligible for early retirement.

entitled Roger _________________________________________ take early retirement.

9 ‘Great to hear about your new job, Sue – congratulations!’ said Mike.

congratulated Mike ___________________________________________ getting her new job.

10 I really like the idea of going to Sri Lanka – let’s do it!

appeals The idea of going to Sri Lanka ______________________________ – let’s do it!

Page 189: Lang Practice[1]


4. Put each phrasal verb from the box in the appropriate place in the text.

grow on stand up to make do with drew up gone off try out

make for broke off put up with done up come up against

As Mrs Davis was talking on the phone, a white van (0) drew up outside her house.

She (1) _____________ her phone call. ‘Can’t talk now, Maggie, the decorators are

here… yes, we’re having our kitchen (2) _____________ .’ With that, she put the

phone down and showed the workmen in. ‘We’ve (3) _____________ a little problem

with the paint, Mrs Davis,’ said the taller of the two men. The Highland Blue you

chose in the catalogue has been discontinued, so we’ve had to (4) _____________ the

nearest colour, Royal Blue.’

Mrs Davis looked troubled. ‘Don’t worry, Mrs D,’ said the other workman. ‘We

can (5) _____________ a little bit of the Royal Blue on your walls, and then if you

don’t like it we can always go over it with something else later.’ He opened the tin,

and Mrs Davis frowned. ‘It’s a bit lighter than you wanted, but it’ll (6) ___________

you, I promise,’ said the smaller workman. ‘Hmmm, I don’t know,’ said Mrs Davis,

‘I’ve rather (7) _____________ the idea of blue now. Perhaps we can leave the

painting ’till my husband gets home. He may be able to (8) ___________ this colour,

but it’s not what we imagined.’

‘Anway, you’ll love the bench top we’ve got,’ said the little one.

This marble base will (9) _____________ a much stronger work surface than the

conventional materials, and it’s much more durable. It’ll (10) _____________ a lot of

banging and cutting.’ We’ll do that today, and leave the painting till later.’

5. Put one suitable preposition in each gap of the text.

Performance Review – Summary David feels that he has grown (0) in confidence during his first year with the

company, although he admits to occasionally feeling (1) ________ pressure to work

faster. He sometimes finds it difficult to deal with external clients who phone him.

David recognises the need to acquire more experience (2) ________ computer

database systems and has agreed to attend training sessions.

David is aware (3) ________ the roles of others in his department and how their work

relates (4) ________ his own. He describes himself as being (5) ________ good terms

with his colleagues.

David would like to become more involved (6) ________ the running of the staff

social programme. It was suggested that he contact Carla Lopez.

David understands that he will be eligible (7) ________ a pay rise next March,

depending (8) ________ his performance during the coming year. Any pay rise would

only come (9) ________ effect from March, as the terms of his contract specify his

current salary for a period of eighteen months.

It was agreed that David has applied himself well (10) _________ his job, and that his

manager is happy with his progress to date.

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TEST 5 B (UNITS 21–25)

1. Think of a word which collocates with the preposition to complete each


0 Dr Porter is a heart and lungs consultant who specialises in heart transplants.

1 Customers must ____________ for all breakages in the shop.

2 I might ____________ up the matter of puctuality at the next Board meeting.

3 She is completely and utterly ____________ to her children.

4 Scientists have yet to find a ____________ for cancer.

5 Please send in your application without ____________ , as the closing date is

next Monday.

6 The mission to recover the agents was ____________ out without loss of life.

7 There wasn’t enough cake to ____________ round, so some people missed out.

8 I always say a happy teacher ____________ for a happy class.

9 Don’t ____________ on too much work, or you’ll never get a holiday.

10 BBC ____________ for British Broadcasting Corporation.

2. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the

word in capital letters.

0 His argument doesn’t really stand up to close examination. - STAND

1 My doctor couldn’t find the cause of my headaches, so he _________________

a specialist.


2 My aunt is quite ______________________________ Scottish butterflies.


3 ______________________________ the project will never get off the ground.


4 No witnesses came forward ______________________ reprisals from the gang.


5 You seem _____________________ this morning – have you won the lottery?


6 ______________________________ the previous Prime Minister, I think this

guy’s a great improvement.


7 ______________________________ I will let you off with a warning.


8 My uncle’s ________________________ 80, but he still cycles to the shops.


9 I’m hoping to ____________________________ a triathlon later this year.


10 What about Tina? Do you think we should _________________ on the secret?


Page 191: Lang Practice[1]


3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same.

0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote.


In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1 You must always keep a promise.


You must never __________________________________________ a promise.

2 Several Liverpool players have not done as well as expected this season.


Several Liverpool players have failed to ____________________ this season.

3 We need somebody to think of a good idea quickly.


We need somebody to _____________________________ a good idea quickly.

4 The sooner this job is finished, the better.


Let’s ____________________________________________ as soon as we can.

5 Everyone wanted to go to the museum except Brian.


With ___________________________ , everyone wanted to go to the museum.

6 Right, time’s up, I’m afraid – please stop writing.


I’m afraid you _________________________________ , so please stop writing.

7 I thought that the ZX80 was only for sales overseas.


I was _________________________ that the ZX80 was only for sales overseas.

8 I’m happy to announce that the patient’s health is no longer in a dangerous state.


I’m happy to announce that the patient is now __________________________ .

9 As a result of the Great Fire of 1666, the city was rebuilt in a much better way.


The Great Fire of 1666 _______________________ rebuilt in a much better way.

10 Sarah has persuaded me to do a bungee jump.


Sarah has ______________________________________ doing a bungee jump.

Page 192: Lang Practice[1]


4. Put each phrasal verb from the box in the appropriate place in the text.

took to slipped up ended up live up to stood by sort out

turned out miss out ran into pick up come in for

Journalist Mark Thomas reflects on a good season for Newcastle United. Well, it’s all over now, a good but frustrating season for Newcastle United, which saw

them just (0) miss out on a European place. Fourth place in the League would have

given them a place in next season’s European Champions League, but sadly the

Magpies (1) _____________ fifth. Back in August, when the season began, the

manager had (2) _____________ a lot of criticism from fans over his failure to

strengthen the squad with new signings, but the directors (3) _____________ their

man, pledging their full suppport. Their decision seemed fully vindicated when, after

ten matches, Newcastle led the League by six points. They really (4) _____________

life at the top, staying in first place until Christmas, when they (5) _____________

trouble defensively, conceding too many goals. It took a while to (6) __________ this

problem in defence, by which time new leaders, Arsenal, were clear of the rest by

some seven points. Then, just as they were gaining ground on Arsenal, the Magpies

(7) _________ again, hitting a poor run of form, which saw them (8) _____________

only five points out of a possible 30.

In short, their form in the spring didn’t (9) _____________ their early season promise.

High point of the season? For me, that was undoubtedly when a full house of 56,000

fans (10) _____________ for the Manchester United game in May – a truly fabulous


5. Put one suitable preposition in each gap of the text.

I worked in a bookshop for a year. (0) At first sight it might seem a rather tedious job,

but actually there is a lot more to it than just taking people’s money. (1) ________ a

start I had to be well informed (2) ________ all the new books that were coming

(3) ________ , which entailed a lot of background reading of trade magazines. Then I

had to learn all about stock control, ordering (4) ________ suppliers and so on – things

which have stood me in good stead on my Business Administration course at university.

From a personal point of view I had to be unfailingly polite and cheerful to everybody

at all times, irrespective (5) ________ how I actually felt, which was good training for

business life! Much as I enjoyed dealing (6) ________ the public, however, it was

really the behind-the-scenes work that appealed (7) ________ me most. After six

months the assistant manager left, and I was put (8) ________ charge of the basement,

where we kept the science and medical books. I loved being responsible (9) ________

the layout of the shelves and the book displays, and the planning that went

(10) ________ them gave me a real insight into business strategy.

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TEST 6 A (UNITS 27–28)

1. Some of the following sentences contain a spelling mistake. Write the correct spelling or

put a tick in the space provided.

0 I’ve never seen such an awful film.

00 Don’t worry; I’ll make all the neccessary arrangements. necessary

1 I can’t gaurantee your safety completely. ________________

2 I can’t play football with you: I’m doing my ________________

piano practise.

3 Have you found any accommodation yet for ________________

when you start university?

4 One of my buttons is coming loose. ________________

5 I just need a little more comittment from you. ________________

6 I think you should go and see a psichologist. ________________

7 What a marvellous performance. ________________

8 The measurements you gave me don’t sound quite right. ________________

9 I think that as a serious actress, she is very underated. ________________

10 Where are my shoes? They’ve simply disapeared. ________________

2. Correct the punctuation in the three paragraphs by adding or removing suitable

punctuation. You need to make five changes in each paragraph.

Of all my friends I’d have to say Michelle is the nicest, you couldnt hope to meet, a more caring

person. I remember on one occasion when we were both about six, she saw that some older

children were being unkind to me, and calmly led me away by the hand.




The practice of headhunting, is becoming more and more commonplace in the business’ world.

Companies, who have important vacancies to fill, are increasingly targeting and approaching

excellent individuals, in other companies and offering them more money. Agencies are also

springing up to do this work on companies’ behalf.




‘Sharon I don’t know what you’re talking about, darling? You’ve got the wrong end of the stick.’

said Basil. ‘I was just giving Maureen a hug because she was really upset, I’m sure you’d have

done the same. Just because I’m a bloke, it doesn’t mean I can’t touch a friend.




Page 194: Lang Practice[1]


3. Underline the correct word or phrase which best completes each gap in the text.

In the latest of our series ‘Ask the Enemy’ we asked classical music critic Daphne Bushell for her

views on pop music.

I think (0) to a large extent/not only/by the way your views on something like this are determined

by your upbringing, and the fact is, I came from a very musical family. I sang in a church choir

and I played the clarinet in an orchestra. (1) As well as/ All the same/What’s more , my mum and

dad were also both very musical.

(2) For a start/Consequently/At any rate , I can safely say I have a very good ear for music.

(3) As a result/In turn/Incidentally , for a long time, if you’d asked me this question, I’d have said

pop music (4) in contrast/as opposed to/on the contrary classical music, is music for the masses,

namely those who aren’t musical enough to appreciate the real thing. And you could call me a

dreadful snob, and that would be true, because

(5) on top of that/ to tell the truth/accordingly it was the sort of thing that you said in the circles I

moved in at the time, and it was a remark born out of ignorance and inexperience of pop music. (6)

Subsequently/By the way/For that reason , in my late twenties, I discovered pop, and listened to it

quite a lot, and (7) having said that/in the first place/by and large developed quite a liking for

some of it. (8) Hence/ Besides/Whereas now, with middle-age creeping up on me, I’m getting

more conservative in my tastes again. So really my present answer to your question is that some

pop music is wonderfully evocative and can affect you deeply because it has a decent, catchy tune.

(9) Nevertheless/To be honest/What’s more, the fact remains that for every decent pop song there

are several hundred that are just awful, discordant garbage, whereas classical music is (10)

anyway/for a start/at least consistently pleasant, because it is based on beautiful harmony.

4. In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line,

write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation, in the space beside

the text. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

Allergies are on the increase, it seems, and the culprit is simply, the modern world. 0 simply the

The present rate is estimated to be one in four people – that is, people who will be 00

aflicted with allergy at some point in their lives. And city dwellers are getting the 000 afflicted

worst of it, since the deteriorating quality of air is known to aggrivate conditions 1

such as asthma and hay fever. In the latter case, people are developping the 2

symptom’s of hay fever even at times when the pollen count is low. Much has also 3

been written about the increase of asthma and eczema-inducing dust mites in 4

modern houses, with there perfect mix of carpets, central heating and double-glazed 5

windows. The health industry, has picked up on allergies in a big way, and 6

alternative medicine practitioners now regularly offer an allergy testing and 7

diagnosing service. Some times this is done by means of a finger-prick blood test, 8

but some wierd and wonderful methods have also proved popular, such as hair 9

strand analysis and placing certain foods near the sufferers brain. But mainstream 10

immunologists and allergy specialists are septical of these methods. They believe 11

in removeing certain foods from the patient’s diet for a two-week period until the 12

food sauce that is causing the problem is located. Then, they say, the problem 13

food should be gradually reintroduced. If this does not happen the patient risks 14

creating new intolerances because of the absense of the problem food in the diet. 15

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TEST 6 B (UNITS 27–28)

1. Some of the following sentences contain a spelling mistake. Write the correct spelling or

put a tick in the space provided.

0 I’ve never seen such an awful film.

0 Don’t worry; I’ll make all the neccessary arrangements. necessary

1 I could never get up and sing – far too embarassing. ________________

2 The new working hours don’t really effect me. ________________

3 The recommended dosage is three pills in 24 hours. ________________

4 The sad reality is, not enough people care. ________________

5 The continous hammering was driving me mad. ________________

6 Bring your Pokemon cards and we’ll do a swop. ________________

7 She dived to a depth of 20 metres. ________________

8 The equipment used has been standardised. ________________

9 That is extremely iresponsible behaviour. ________________

10 I thought it was a terribly disapointing film. ________________

2. Correct the punctuation in the three paragraphs by adding or removing suitable

punctuation. You need to make five changes in each paragraph.

The big new thing in personal fitness, is the medicine ball. Yes, you heard me correctly, those

huge, heavy leather balls, you used in the school gym, if you’re over 30 that is. The medicine ball

is lifted held and thrown in various position’s, thereby enabling the use of muscles that traditional

training programmes do not exercise. This means the body is sculpted in new ways.




There is nothing more annoying in the whole world than not being able to find two socks, which

match. this problem becomes all the more pertinent when, at 8.30 in the morning you have ten

second’s left in which to decide, ‘Shall I go to work with no socks or one grey and one black.’




Collins cursed loudly flicked the indicator switch and pulled in to the side of the road. Sure enough

the tyre had blown, and the Spare would take a good fifteen minutes’ to put on, even for him. If he

was late, Cindy would never speak to him again. He wondered ‘why fate always seemed to

conspire against him’ when it really mattered.




Page 196: Lang Practice[1]


3. Underline the correct word or phrase which best completes each gap in the text.

In this extract from his book ‘Travels around Europe’, Marcus Sandwell describes his experiences

in Bulgaria.

The day we arrived in Sofia on the overnight train turned out to be a public holiday, so no shops

were open. (0) All the same / First of all / To make matters worse, it was about ten degrees below

zero, and the combination of empty stomachs and freezing mist sent our spirits plummeting. (1)

While/By the way/Thus we were heartily relieved when, four hours later, we finally found a

restaurant open in a park. We ate like there was no tomorrow, (2) even though/on the contrary/to

be honest it was rather expensive. (3) What’s more/Broadly speaking/In contrast , we found the

Bulgarians very friendly, intensely so. It seemed they wanted to know everything about us, with no

detail omitted, (4) although/however/whereas small.

We communicated with them in German (5) not only/even so/as well as English, and most of the

young people seemed equally happy in either language. (6) However/Indeed/For one thing , they

would often flick over from one language to the other in mid-sentence.

In the afternoon, fate and the walking crowds took us to the zoo, where, probably

(7) to a large extent/in addition to/as a result of eating enough for three people, Henry was

violently sick. Our embarrassment was such that we left him, rather appropriately, in front of the

pigs’ enclosure. He caught up with us in the snake house, furious that we had left him.

(8) Consequently/Whereas/Hence , he refused to speak to us until tea time, when his spirits perked

up again.

Henry’s stomach continued to play up that evening; (9) even so/what’s more/ to tell the truth , we

decided to stay out, as there was a music festival on.

(10) Having said that/On the contrary/Besides , we couldn’t let Henry’s notoriously disfunctional

digestive system spoil the party.

5. In most lines of this text, there is either a spelling or punctuation error. For each line,

write the correctly spelled word, or show the correct punctuation, in the space beside

the text. Indicate correct lines with a tick. Three examples are given.

A ‘placebo’ is a substance that has no phisical effect, given to someone who 0 physical

is ill, and the ‘placebo effect happens when the patient reports feeling better 00 effect’

as a result. Ten years ago a famous placebo surgery experiment took place in 000

America, involving ten voluntears with arthritic knees. Two of them had the 1

usual surgery, where the knee cap is rinsed out and scraped. The others, were 2

put under anaesthetic, but the rinse and scrape proceedure was not carried out. 3

None of the patients new which treatment they had had, but when asked six 4

months’ later, all ten of them reported feeling much better. The placebo effect 5

is medicaly recognised, but no one knows how it works. Is it proof of the 6

Healing powers of the mind? Of course, historically many unscrupulous 7

‘quacks’, or false doctors, commonly gave patients something ‘more to 8

please than benifit them’ such as lizard’s blood or crocodile dung. But, 9

almost unbeleivably, placebos have been used in modern medical trials to 10

treat and cure numerous psychiatric and medical condition’s. And the bigger 11

the placebo – big institute, injections, surgery – the bigger the placebo effect. 12

The question is, if people can convince themselves to get better, is the best, 13

cheapest and least dangerous way, of treating people simply to return to the days 14

of snake oils and blood-letting leeches, and tell them a hole bunch of lies? 15

Page 197: Lang Practice[1]



KEY Grammar Progress Test 1a (Units 1–4) 1

1 is completed

2 was due to arrive

3 have been

4 ’ll come

5 wanted

6 started

7 couldn’t

8 walked

9 for a while now

10 have been taking


1 since

2 time

3 ages

4 being

5 was

6 mean

7 so

8 finding

9 depends

10 belong


1 does this (1) shoe belong (1)

2 last day (1) I was well (1)

3 once he’d (1) had (1)

4 ages since (1) we last (1)

5 in this/that house (1) all my (1)

6 he would spend (1) the whole morning (1)

7 mean (that) I (can) (1) spend (1)

8 the first time (1) I’ve ever (1)

9 met Luca (1) I had never been (1)

10 get used to (1) the new system once/when (1)


1 it

2 being


4 would

5 making


7 up

8 for

9 do



12 be

13 to

14 been

15 or


1 did

2 between

3 anything

4 or

5 them (/these)

6 far

7 have

8 spite

9 more

10 opened

11 most

12 are

13 which

14 own

15 they

(Total = 70 marks)

Page 198: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 1b (Units 1–4)


1 have made

2 goes

3 noticed

4 rushed

5 had been

6 had been tampering

7 were you doing

8 arrived

9 for the time being

10 on arrival


1 until/’till

2 late

3 date

4 instant/moment/minute

5 ago

6 yet

7 before

8 having/experiencing

9 belong (/go)

10 means


1 have (my) doubts (1) about my decision (1)

2 my first (1) ever visit (1)

3 enough yet (1) for us to (1)

4 take as much (1) exercise as (1)

5 the time (1) dinner finally arrived (1)

6 is on the point (1) of making (1)

7 the last time (1) I went (1) / when I (1) last went (1)

8 use to (1) be so (1)

9 means you are/will be (1) able to (1)

10 only read (1) seven pages (1)


1 after

2 For

3 being

4 if

5 had

6 did

7 is

8 be


10 since

11 to


13 Reading


15 will


1 more

2 it

3 be

4 need

5 like

6 watch

7 you

8 as

9 look

10 either

11 of

12 better

13 such

14 save

15 sure/certain


Page 199: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 2a (Units 6–9)





4 X We have had our house/Our house has been broken into twice this year.

5 X The King is believed to have arrived in Rome three hours ago.

6 X We’re having a replacement wheel fitted tomorrow.



9 X I’d prefer you not to go/that you didn’t go this year – you are a bit too young.

10 X You look like you have just had a shock!


1 by

2 of

3 had

4 alone/otherwise

5 should

6 be

7 will/do

8 or

9 hope

10 keep


1 is more usually (1) served (1)

2 should never (1) have been nominated (1)

3 have not yet made (1) up their (1)

4 is believed to (1) be staying (1)

5 was wrongly (1) attributed to (1)


1 the President’s bodyguards (1) hadn’t intervened (1)

2 even if (1) it is (1)

3 deeply regret (1) not (1)

4 that Ken (1) be reinstated (1)

5 come (1) what may (1) / whatever (1) may come (1)


1 coming

2 taken

3 caused

4 unless

5 but

6 required

7 should

8 appropriate/necessary

9 not

10 is


1 line

2 rise/be increased

3 allow/enable

4 continue

5 purchase

6 announce/introduce/launch

7 be abolished/abandoned/discontinued/


8 residents

9 reasons

10 opportunity


Page 200: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 2b (Units 6–9)





4 X We had some friends round for lunch yesterday.


6 X If I had known you were coming, I would have prepared more food.

7 X If you see Dawn, tell her I’ve got her mobile phone.

8 X Supposing you could have a year off work, what would you do?/What would you do if you could have a

year off work?




1 from/about/concerning

2 with

3 if

4 But/Save

5 unless

6 and

7 rather

8 could

9 hope/trust

10 wouldn’t


1 receive (1) written confirmation (1)

2 been advised (1) to keep/remain/stay (1)

3 is thought to have (1) received help/assistance (1)

4 (a)/(my)/(a form of) punishment, (1) I was made (1)

5 to be considering (1) a change (1)


1 you were suddenly (1) to become (1)

2 it hadn’t (1) been for (1)

3 even if (1) he buys (1)

4 (you) the truth, (1) I’d rather go (1)

5 that as (1) it may (1)


1 too

2 ourselves

3 are

4 being

5 until

6 has/stocks

7 come

8 should

9 such

10 not


1 sent/taken

2 adequate/appropriate/suitable

3 which

4 discretion

5 obtained/ordered/purchased

6 payment/receipt

7 subject

8 to remind

9 not allowed/not acceptable/unacceptable /

not tolerated

10 long as


Page 201: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 3a (Units 11–14)


1 couldn’t

2 can’t

3 may

4 should

5 can’t

6 couldn’t

7 Should

8 might

9 wouldn’t

10 could


1 none at all/none whatever/none whatsoever/absolutely none

2 in the slightest

3 all we could

4 time after time/time and (time) again

5 what happened was

6 What I like

7 had we arrived

8 didn’t need/have to

9 shouldn’t/needn’t have gone

10 as I might


1 in case it (1) turns/gets/(should turn/get) cold (1)

2 may (well) have (1) been (1)

3 is bound (1) to be (1)

4 might not (1) have called (1)

5 can’t/couldn’t possibly (1) have (1)

6 may/might have made (1) a mistake (1)

7 only after (1) negotiations (1)

8 account must (1) this button ever (1)

9 point/stage/time did the kidnappers (1) ever actually harm (1)

10 were you (1) two hours late, but (1)


1 how

2 when

3 what

4 such/their

5 would

6 when

7 were

8 couldn’t

9 many

10 should

11 after

12 was

13 if/though

14 which

15 when


1 (that) you see


3 was utter rubbish


5 must be mad


7 I simply/just had

8 she had never seen


10 a complete/an utter waste


Page 202: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 3b (Units 11–14)


1 couldn’t

2 would

3 can

4 couldn’t

5 can’t

6 would

7 could

8 may

9 couldn’t

10 should


1 in the least

2 nothing at all

3 It wasn’t until

4 what I/we etc. did

5 by no means

6 as/though it may/might seem

7 have/had I/they etc. seen

8 Little did he

9 don’t have to

10 Under no circumstances


1 can’t (1) be the (1)

2 I were you (1) I would (1)

3 as/though (1) I might, (1)

4 appears not (1) to have been (1)

5 must have been (1) left by (1)

6 have happened (1) is/was that (1)

7 going/moving/travelling (1) so fast (1)

8 is so clear (1) that listening (1)

9 circumstances (1) is this box to be (1)

10 was the last name (1) to be (1)


1 should

2 are

3 least

4 despite

5 going

6 sooner

7 unable

8 or

9 after

10 did

11 couldn’t

12 pretend/say

13 do

14 had

15 thought




3 must have been

4 should have known

5 arrived than the


7 there are


9 Little do people understand



Page 203: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 4a (Units 16–19)



2 X Mary suggested going/that we should go and see a film.




6 X I’ve got a bit of a cold this morning./I’ve got a bit of flu this morning.

7 X Everyone got on very well, which was quite surprising in the circumstances.

8 X There is only one person in my street who is a bit unfriendly.


10 X I’ve stopped going to the gym as it is too expensive.


1 a

2 filling

3 can’t

4 keep

5 Whoever

6 when

7 that

8 the

9 invited

10 denied


1 rumoured/said to be (1) on the (1)

2 Helen managed (1) to find/get

3 dare you (1) to jump off (1)

4 struggled to follow (1) the teacher’s (1)

5 has stopped (1) drinking/having/taking/needing (1)

6 which (1) really pleased (1)

7 very concerned (1) about the problem (1)

8 that Paul (should) take (1) a day off and go (1)

9 announced the (1) cutting/loss (1)

10 insisted on (1) carrying Joyce’s (1)


1 doing

2 never

3 could

4 confirmed

5 rest/remainder

6 able

7 let

8 Although/If

9 recovered

10 be

11 represent

12 involves/means

13 give

14 looking/sitting

15 can’t/cannot/won’t


1 apologise/apologized

2 giving/making

3 unable to

4 interested in/considering

5 Alternatively/Otherwise

6 held

7 available/circulated

8 instructed/requested

9 a minimum

10 require/necessitate

(Total = 65 marks)

Page 204: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 4b (Units 16–19)


1 X Please can you explain to me/explain how to change the paper in this copier?

2 X Harry denied taking the money/said that he hadn’t taken the money.

3 X Bob suggested going to the bank right away and sorting the matter out./Bob urged me/him/us etc. to go to

the bank …

4 X Please do not play ball games on this grass.



7 X Let me introduce Clive, who will be working with you.

8 X The letter that/which arrived this morning contains my exam results.




1 like

2 deserve

3 remember

4 on

5 which

6 for

7 the

8 fact

9 could/couldn’t

10 telling


1 and you risk/run the risk (1) of getting (1)

2 thing, so it’s no use telling him

3 to be ill (1) so (that) he (1)

4 missed being (1) able to (1)

5 the only one (1) of his films (that) (1) / the only film (1) of his (that) (1)

6 as to/for (1) the difficulty of (1)

7 if he wanted to/if he would like to (1) go fishing with him (1)

8 accepted (that) (1) she had (1)

9 repeated the question (1) (that) he had (1)

10 warned her/Carrie (1) never to go (1)


1 be

2 who

3 when

4 over

5 expect

6 have

7 which

8 In

9 Having

10 used

11 from

12 out

13 happened

14 turns

15 Anyone


1 commence/start

2 to continue/last

3 alternative

4 available

5 number/quantity

6 avoid

7 closed/inaccessible

8 apologise/apologize

9 be caused

10 need

(Total = 65 marks)

Page 205: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 5a (Units 21–25)


1 charged

2 reminds

3 stem

4 keen

5 mistake

6 belief

7 come

8 let

9 takes

10 wear


1 was packed with

2 in dispute over

3 at dealing with

4 in favour of

5 under no obligation

6 In recognition of

7 in charge of

8 fallen out with

9 go through with

10 Stick up for


1 students to be (1) rude (1)

2 is putting me (1) off (1)

3 point out (1) that (1)

4 get (1) the ironing done (1) / make sure (1) the ironing is done (1)

5 with a (1) view to (1)

6 out (1) of practice (1)

7 on a (1) regular basis (1)

8 is entitled (1) to (1)

9 congratulated Sue (1) on (1)

10 really appeals (1) to me (1)


1 broke off

2 done up

3 come up against

4 make do with

5 try out

6 grow on

7 gone off

8 put up with

9 make for

10 stand up to


1 under

2 of

3 of

4 to

5 on

6 in

7 for

8 on

9 into

10 to

(Total = 60 marks)

Page 206: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 5b (Units 21–25)


1 pay

2 bring

3 devoted

4 cure

5 delay

6 carried

7 go

8 makes

9 take

10 stands


1 referred me to

2 an authority on

3 In all likelihood

4 for fear of

5 in high spirits

6 In comparison with/to

7 Under the circumstances

8 getting on for

9 go in for

10 let her in


1 go back (1) on (1)

2 live up to (1) (their) expectations (1)

3 come up (1) with (1)

4 get the/this (1) job finished (1)

5 the exception (1) of Brian (1)

6 have run out/are out (1) of time (1)

7 under (1) the impression (1)

8 out of (1) danger (1)

9 resulted in (1) the city being (1)

10 talked (1) me into (1)


1 ended up

2 come in for

3 stood by

4 took to

5 ran into

6 sort out

7 slipped up

8 pick up

9 live up to

10 turned out


1 For

2 about

3 out

4 from

5 of

6 with

7 to

8 in

9 for

10 into

(Total = 60 marks)

Page 207: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 6a (Units 27–28)


1 guarantee

2 practice



5 commitment

6 psychologist



9 underrated

10 disappeared

2 Note: use discretion as to possible variations on punctuation.


Of all my friends, I’d have to say Michelle is the nicest. You couldn’t hope to meet a more caring person. I

remember on one occasion, when we were both about six, she saw that some older children were being unkind to

me, and calmly led me away by the hand.

(5 marks)


The practice of headhunting is becoming more and more commonplace in the business world. Companies who

have important vacancies to fill are increasingly targeting and approaching excellent individuals in other

companies and offering them more money. Agencies are also springing up to do this work on companies’ behalf.

(5 marks)


‘Sharon, I don’t know what you’re talking about, darling. You’ve got the wrong end of the stick,’ said Basil. ‘I was

just giving Maureen a hug because she was really upset. I’m sure you’d have done the same. Just because I’m a

bloke, it doesn’t mean I can’t touch a friend.’

(5 marks)


1 What’s more

2 Consequently

3 As a result

4 as opposed to

5 to tell the truth

6 Subsequently

7 by and large

8 Whereas

9 Nevertheless

10 at least


1 aggravate

2 developing

3 symptoms


5 their

6 industry has


8 Sometimes

9 weird

10 sufferer’s

11 sceptical

12 removing

13 source


15 absence

(Total = 50 marks)

Page 208: Lang Practice[1]


KEY Grammar Progress Test 6b (Units 27–28)


1 embarrassing

2 affect



5 continuous

6 (also possible: swap)


8 (also possible: standardized)

9 irresponsible

10 disappointing

2 Note: use discretion as to possible variations on punctuation.


The big new thing in personal fitness is the medicine ball. Yes, you heard me correctly, those huge, heavy leather

balls you used in the school gym, if you’re over 30, that is. The medicine ball is lifted, held and thrown in various

positions, thereby enabling the use of muscles that traditional training programmes do not. This means the body is

sculpted in new ways.

(5 marks)


There is nothing more annoying in the whole world than not being able to find two socks which match. This

problem becomes all the more pertinent when, at 8.30 in the morning, you have ten seconds left in which to decide,

‘Shall I go to work with no socks or one grey and one black?’

(5 marks)


Collins cursed loudly, flicked the indicator switch and pulled in to the side of the road. Sure enough, the tyre had

blown, and the spare would take a good fifteen minutes to put on, even for him. If he was late, Cindy would never

speak to him again. He wondered why fate always seemed to conspire against him when it really mattered.

(5 marks)


1 Thus

2 even though

3 Broadly speaking

4 however

5 as well as

6 Indeed

7 as a result of

8 Consequently

9 even so

10 Besides


1 volunteers

2 others were

3 procedure

4 knew

5 months later

6 medically

7 healing


9 benefit

10 unbelievably

11 conditions



14 way of

15 whole

(Total = 50 marks)

Page 209: Lang Practice[1]



TEST 1 (UNITS 1–5)

1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 Small children wear them so that they don’t sink when they are learning to swim.


2 Person or team that comes second in a sporting competition. ________________

3 They come out of the back of a car and cause air pollution. ________________

4 Typically a person who lives far from their place of work and gets the train to

work. ________________

5 An informal word meaning ‘resigns’, often used in newspaper headlines.


6 If you are driving you must not exceed this. ________________

7 The line at which the earth and sky appear to meet. ________________

8 Legal name for a person who pays rent to a landlord or landlady. _____________

9 A rough, first version of, say, a report. ________________

10 A person who watches television. ________________

2. Underline the word which forms a common collocation.

0 This book is essential reading for anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates

at work.

1 Representatives from the various governing authorities/associations/bodies of

boxing met in Mexico City today.

2 The organisers of the Fun Run hope to earn/raise/increase money for several


3 Climbing in the Himalayas was a far shout/scream/cry from hill walking at home

in Ireland.

4 If your hotel wasn’t as described in the brochure, you should be able to get

financial compensation/reward/return from the tour company.

5 The river burst its banks, causing wide/extensive/thorough damage to surrounding


6 My father values/boasts/prides himself on looking smart and neat.

7 Much as I liked the flat, I noticed there was very little storage place/space/scope.

8 My bike is not what you would call fast or sporty, but it serves its


9 Customer/Market/Target research indicates that the company’s products have a

reputation for quality.

10 I don’t think there will be a change of government in the

predictable/imaginable/foreseeable future.

Page 210: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible .


1 The ________________ effects of moderate amounts of red wine are well-

known to health professionals.


2 Richard is now a black belt in judo and has won several ________________ .


3 All the fighting and looting has brought life to a virtual ________________ in

the capital city.


4 The lack of women in senior government posts is a rather ________________

issue at the moment.


5 The so-called ‘argument’ which the press reported between Kournikova and her

coach was in fact simply a minor ________________ .


6 There can be no ________________ whatever for violence like this!


7 We’re fortunate to live in such a quiet, safe ________________ .


8 There has been widespread public ________________ with the Prime Minister’s

controversial new education policy.


9 I’m sorry, but I find your remarks totally ________________ .


10 After my last ________________ attempt at making a cake, this time I think I’ll

just go and buy one.


Page 211: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 2 (UNITS 6–10)

1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 A species of wildlife that no longer exists is called this.


2 The noise made by a mouse or a door that needs oiling.


3 A market trader’s ‘shop’ is known as this.


4 This noun means that an employee is given a higher position in a company.


5 An informal word meaning that a customer bargains with a seller to try to get the

price down. ________________

6 The person who you are engaged to.


7 If you are a married man, this is your wife’s mum.


8 The legal name for the crime of violently or sexually attacking someone.


9 This verb means that a criminal or illegal immigrant is forced to leave a country.


10 A wild plant that spoils a garden.


2. Underline the word which forms a common collocation. 0 This book is essential reading for anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates at work

1 A troop/herd/school of elephants was resting near the water hole.

2 Water insufficiencies/shortages/droughts in the south-east of England led to a ban

on garden hosepipes last summer.

3 Brian’s boss gave him three more days to try to clinch/obtain/fasten the deal.

4 When I applied for my job, I simply sent my CV with a covering


5 You can either pay everything upfront for this car, or you can pay us in monthly


6 The train company did not refund the cost of my ticket, but sent me a £5 voucher

as a goodwill statement/gesture/measure.

7 I resisted/revolted/rebelled against my parents and the way they brought me up.

8 Our relationship is going through a rather bad stretch/span/patch at the moment.

9 As a policeman it is your duty to upkeep/enforce/execute the law.

10 A secure unit is a kind of prison for young offenders/wrongdoers/sinners.

Page 212: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible .


1 The charity relies to a large extent on ________________ donations.


2 At 6 o’clock the sky turned black and there was a torrential ________ .


3 You really need to _____________ what you mean by ‘certain people’.


4 I left school without any ________________ at all.


5 The salary for this post is not ________________ .


6 I had a very traditional ________________ , with rather strict parents.


7 John is very ____________ towards Mary; he seems a really nice guy.


8 Sarah accused Jack of a lack of _____________ to their relationship.


9 It is ________________ to sell cigarettes to anyone under sixteen.


10 Harper was convicted of four separate ________________ .


Page 213: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 3 (UNITS 11–15)

1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 A showing of a film to the press and celebrities before its general release.


2 The words of a song. ________________

3 A political party’s statement of policies, written before an election.


4 The police telling everyone to leave a building because of a bomb scare would

be an example of this verb.


5 Normally made of canvas, this is used to carry a sick or injured person.


6 You go to the dentist to have this if you have a small hole in a tooth.


7 Government money which pays for part of the cost of something.


8 This may happen to a village or other small community, when all roads to it are

blocked by snow or flooding. (phrasal verb)


9 An adjective to describe a punishment which is light – not severe.


10 Grieve or feel great sadness because of someone’s death. ________________

2. Underline the word which forms a common collocation. 0 This book is essential reading for anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates at work.

1 When the actor Christopher Reeve came on to collect his award, the entire

audience gave him a rising/cheering/standing ovation.

2 You can’t apply for certain jobs if you have a criminal file/record/history.

3 By early evening most people had administered/cast/selected their vote.

4 The United Nations is considering military intrusion/interference/intervention.

5 Contrary to popular belief/thought/impression, the fire service is a very badly paid


6 Mrs Murray is anticipating/expecting/waiting her third baby next week.

7 As the flu epidemic/plague/outbreak enters its second month, doctors are urging

pensioners to come forward for their vaccinations.

8 Our goal is to reduce energy employment/application/consumption in this country

by 20% over the next five years.

9 It was clear from David’s facial look/expression/manner that he disapproved.

10 Hunter admitted/pleaded/stated guilty to all three of the charges put before him

by the judge.

Page 214: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible .


1 When Sue was too ill to perform in the play, her _______ replaced her.


2 The project may be abandoned because of a __________ of funds.


3 In my country it is ___________ to wear a seat belt if your car is fitted

with one.


4 Mr Collins paid so much attention to three members of the class that

other pupils accused him of ________________ .


5 Unfortunately, there is absolutely no ________ evidence for this claim.


6 Alice gave ________________ to a healthy baby girl at 9.32.


7 There has been widespread unrest in the capital, following the ________

of the currency yesterday.


8 If ________________ fails, rest assured we are prepared to use force.


9 Don’t worry, Mrs Burgess. This spider’s bite is quite ______________ ,

but you were right to get it checked out.


10 My old Maths teacher had lots of funny ________________ , which of

course we used to try and imitate.


Page 215: Lang Practice[1]


TEST 4 (UNITS 16–20)

1. What is being defined? Write the word or words after the sentence.

0 Storage place in a car where you put suitcases and bags. boot

1 The sharp edge of a knife. ________________

2 You might get this from touching faulty electrical equipment.


3 A pencil needs sharpening when it is this. ________________

4 This noun means that a pupil is forced to leave a school permanently for serious

misconduct. ________________

5 Verb meaning to study for an exam by looking over one’s coursework.


6 Adjective describing handwriting that is so bad it is impossible to read it.


7 An adjective which describes a ticket that hasn’t been stamped or authorised.


8 Noun meaning an agreement between two armies to stop fighting for a specified

period. ________________

9 This synonym of ‘genius’ could refer to a four year-old who can play a

Beethoven symphony. ________________

10 A piece of electrical equipment usually found on a wall, into which you put a plug.


2. Underline the word which forms a common collocation. 0 This book is essential reading for anyone who has high stress levels/layers/rates at work.

1 Rest assured that we have taken every possible safety


2 They sell all sorts of household machines/mechanisms/appliances: washing

machines, dishwashers and so on.

3 After just ten minutes in the rain, I was damp/wet/soaked to the skin.

4 At my school you can do a work engagement/placement/arrangement in a local

company in your final year.

5 My two year-old son has a very short attention period/duration/span.

6 I am very glad we no longer have capital/corporal/bodily punishment in my

country’s schools.

7 ‘Sorry Mrs Atkins. I wasn’t giving/paying/keeping attention,’ said Billy.

8 Every morning I see kids from the local school taking/enjoying/playing truant

down by the river.

9 The Chairman described the pilot scheme as ‘a part/partial/parting success’.

10 Sorry madam, but I’m afraid your ticket is void/inoperative/invalid.

Page 216: Lang Practice[1]


3. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Our city has some open spaces but they are not very accessible .


1 At the moment, I fear, we are ________________ to stop this epidemic from



2 Jude Parsons will be giving a ________________ on management techniques

today at 4.30 in Room B.


3 Much of the ________________ in the factory needs replacing over the next

year or two.


4 Our local bus service has come in for a lot of ________________ recently.


5 The island boasts an amazing ________________ of animal species.


6 She has such fantastic technique; she makes swimming look absolutely

________________ .


7 All ________________ should be careful to check the spelling and grammar on

their forms.


8 Yes, I know boxing is dangerous, but I still think it’s ________________ to

something like motor racing.


9 I think he knows ________________ more than he’s letting on.


10 The very idea of coastal cities being in danger from sea levels would have been

________________ just twenty years ago.


Page 217: Lang Practice[1]



Vocabulary Test 1 (Units 1–5)


1 armbands

2 runner-up

3 exhaust fumes

4 commuter

5 quits

6 speed limit

7 horizon

8 tenant

9 draft

10 viewer


1 bodies

2 raise

3 cry

4 compensation

5 extensive

6 prides

7 space

8 purpose

9 Market

10 foreseeable


1 beneficial

2 competitions

3 standstill

4 sensitive

5 disagreement

6 justification

7 neighbourhood

8 dissatisfaction

9 unacceptable

10 disastrous

(Total = 30 marks)

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Vocabulary Test 2 (Units 6–10)


1 extinct

2 squeak

3 stall

4 promotion

5 haggles

6 fiancé

7 mother-in-law

8 assault

9 deport(ed)

10 weed


1 herd

2 shortages

3 clinch

4 letter

5 installments

6 gesture

7 rebelled

8 patch

9 enforce

10 offenders


1 voluntary

2 downpour

3 clarify

4 qualifications

5 negotiable

6 upbringing

7 attentive

8 commitment

9 illegal

10 offences

(Total = 30 marks)

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Vocabulary Test 3 (Units 11–15)


1 preview

2 lyrics

3 manifesto

4 evacuate

5 stretcher

6 filling

7 subsidy

8 cut off

9 lenient

10 mourn


1 standing

2 record

3 cast

4 intervention

5 belief

6 expecting

7 epidemic

8 consumption

9 expression

10 pleaded


1 understudy

2 shortage

3 compulsory

4 favouritism

5 scientific

6 birth

7 devaluation

8 diplomacy

9 harmless

10 mannerisms

(Total = 30 marks)

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Vocabulary Test 4 (Units 16–20)


1 blade

2 electric shock

3 blunt

4 expulsion

5 revise

6 illegible

7 invalid

8 ceasefire

9 (child) prodigy

10 socket


1 precaution

2 appliances

3 soaked

4 placement

5 span

6 corporal

7 paying

8 playing

9 partial

10 invalid


1 powerless

2 presentation

3 machinery

4 criticism

5 diversity

6 effortless

7 applicants

8 preferable

9 considerably

10 unthinkable

(Total = 30 marks)

Page 221: Lang Practice[1]


ADVANCED FINAL TEST DATE: ____________________ NAME: _______________________________

1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 Whether this new pay deal will satisfy the unions remains / will remain / is

remaining to be seen.

1 By the end of this month, I’ll be/be being/have been in my job for twenty years.

2 I could/would/must have thought the best thing to do is just ring them and explain

the problem.

3 Sorry, I’m not really sure what you’re getting at/over/on.

4 My friend held the spider, but I don’t/didn’t/couldn’t bring myself to do it.

5 I’ve been getting terrible headaches so far/for a while now/up to now.

6 We are on/with/under no obligation to give you a refund.

7 Holly was about to accept the stranger’s offer when she remembered/had

remembered/was remembering her mother’s advice.

8 This can’t/shouldn’t/won’t be north, because the sun’s in the wrong place.

9 If you would/will/should come across any good stamps, please keep them for my


10 I’m sorry, but these regulations have to be obeyed/complied/kept with.

2. Complete each sentence with an appropriate word.

0 I have never seen such a mess in all my born days!

1 It’s ages since I went to the gym – I’m getting really unfit.

2 It’s a very useful device which ____________ you to watch what you’re

recording on a TV monitor.

3 I ____________ I didn’t offend you the other day when I was talking about dogs

being a nuisance.

4 I’ll assume you’re not interested ____________ I hear from you by tomorrow.

5 I’d ____________ not go into any details about the project at this stage.

6 I wish you wouldn’t ____________ doing that thing with your fingers – it’s so


7 Janet’s business is doing so well she’s going to ____________ on an assistant to

help her.

8 Actually, I haven’t seen Tim for the best ____________ of a year.

9 I can’t remember ____________ I locked the front door – I’d better go back and


10 The match was cancelled ____________ to torrential rain.

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3. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in bold, and so that the

meaning stays the same. 0 In my country all adults are obliged to vote. - obligatory

In my country voting is obligatory for all adults.

1 Until then I’d never been abroad.


That was _____________________________________________ been abroad.

2 I used to have more friends than I do now.


I don’t __________________________________________________ I used to.

3 I haven’t been to a zoo since I was six years old.


I was six years old _________________________________________ to a zoo.

4 Apparently the Managing Director is thinking about introducing flexible working



The Managing Director is thought ____________________________________ of

flexible working hours.

5 Without the financial assistance of the government, the railway companies

couldn’t cope.


If ______________________________________________ they receive from the

government, they couldn’t cope.

6 It’s impossible for Heidi to have eaten all that food by herself!


Heidi ___________________________________ eaten all that food by herself!

7 It is very important that you dress smartly; so please, no jeans or trainers.


On no _____________________________________________________ worn.

8 Such was the pressure on the Prime Minister, that he had no alternative but to give



The Prime Minister was ___________________________________ that he had

no alternative but to give in.

9 We no longer subscribe to Farmer’s Weekly magazine.


We have ___________________________________ Farmer’s Weekly magazine.

10 Postal workers are to go on a one-day strike, according to an announcement today.


Earlier today, postal workers _________________________ be a one-day strike.

11 I have been to all the museums in London except Madame Tussauds.


Madame Tussauds is ________________________________ I haven’t been to.

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12 ‘Don’t make any sudden movements or the lion cub may scratch you,’ the zoo

keeper said to the school children.


The zoo keeper _____________________________________ make any sudden

movements near the lion cub.

13 My daughters still visit me regularly, even though they’re all grown up now.


I still see my daughters ___________________________________ even though

they’re all grown up now.

14 I thought you weren’t coming, so I haven’t reserved a parking place for you.


Sorry, I was ________________________________________ that you weren’t

coming, so I haven’t reserved a parking place for you.

15 As a result of the petition, the Head Teacher agreed to review the uniform policy.


The petition ______________________________ to review the uniform policy.

4. Decide whether each sentence is grammatically possible or not.

Write or X (correct or incorrect).

0 If it hadn’t been for David, I would being lost in the forest. X

1 I’d rather you don’t use sticky tape on the walls. ___

2 He won’t allow anyone to use his computer. ___

3 If you’re going to the shops, may you get me a pint of milk? ___

4 Everyone on the course was sent a welcome letter. ___

5 Police are treating the series of fires as suspicious. ___

6 The goods I sent you last week were incorrectly priced. ___

7 My dad is always blaming me on everything! ___

8 The management and union are in dispute with working conditions. ___

9 Only after several hours searching I found what I was looking for. ___

10 The magician claimed to be able to make people vanish. ___

5. Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase of three words containing the

word in capital letters.

0 Oh well, I might as well have another drink, if no one’s in a hurry to leave.

1 I have every confidence in him; I’m not worried

___________________________________ . SLIGHTEST

2 Scarcely ___________________________________ off my coat when it started

to pour down. HAD

3 Never again ___________________________________ my family to that awful

restaurant. WILL

4 Saccharin is ___________________________________ sugar which you might


Page 224: Lang Practice[1]


5 Mark, you’re ___________________________________ the drinks; make sure

everyone’s glass is filled up. CHARGE

6 It is ___________________________________ to sound your horn in residential

areas at night. LAW

7 If the Curry House and the Pizza Place are fully booked, we can always

___________________________________ that fish and chip restaurant. FALL

8 Bob Agar has kindly agreed to ___________________________________ Chris

Wettens, who is likely to be off work for two months. STAND

9 I’ve had to work ___________________________________ this month,

including weekends. SINGLE

10 Well, John Bunn, I am ___________________________________ to understand

how you can break two school windows in two days. LOSS

6. Complete the letter by writing one word in each gap.

The Manager, Stein’s Camping Accessories

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction (0) with the service I received at your shop

on Saturday 24 November when I came in with a rucksack which I had purchased

(1) ____________ you in March.

I have had (2) ____________ many bad experiences with cheap rucksacks, that I

decided to buy an expensive one with a guarantee.

So in March, I spent £25 (3) ____________a rucksack, which (4) ____________ with

a three-year guarantee. However, the zip of the rucksack has regularly jammed; in

fact, (5) ____________ time you do it up you have to take great (6) ____________

not to get the surrounding material stuck in the zip. Recently it became so completely

stuck that I (7) ____________ patience with it and tore the zip open. The rucksack is

now unuseable, but my point is that there is a basic design fault to it.

I pointed all (8) ____________ out to the sales assistant, and produced the receipt and

guarantee. The assistant said that it was dirty, and that a replacement (9) __________

not be issued. I explained that it was dirty because I use it every day to cycle in to

work, and that on rainy days it gets splashed. But (10) ____________ it is dirty or not

has nothing to (11) ____________ with my complaint, which was about the defective

zip. Finally, the assistant said I should contact the manufacturers, and gave me their

name and address. However, (12) ____________ consulted my local Citizens Advice

Bureau, I find this (13) ____________ be wrong. It is the responsibility of the shop

(14) ____________ the purchase was made to refund money (15) ____________

supply a replacement for faulty goods.

Yours faithfully

Brian Laws

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7. Correct the error in each sentence. Rewrite the sentence on the line below. 0 The King is believed to be arrived in Rome three hours ago.

The King is believed to have arrived in Rome three hours ago.

1 The report says there were 80 people present, that is not strictly accurate.


2 If it wasn’t raining, we wouldn’t have needed umbrellas.


3 I remember to see the Queen when I was a young girl.


4 My son is now in army.


5 Don’t worry, I’ll see it that you manage to get on the plane.


6 He explained to be having difficulties understanding the teacher.


7 No sooner had I put the food in the oven when there was a power cut.


8 It was not the most convincing story, but Jill fell through it.


9 He’s a very strange bloke; I can’t really make him up.


10 For the time, all we can do is wait and see.


8. Add ten suitable punctuation marks to the following text. The speaker is

introducing a trade conference in Canada.

I’d like to start by welcoming you all here today some of you have come from as far away

as Morocco and Indonesia so its truly an international gathering before I do anything else let

me just check that everyone has a conference pack now if you just open your pack for a

moment you should find inside a booklet for delegates a conference timetable and a leaflet

from our sponsors Davis International.

9. Find and correct the ten spelling mistakes in the text.

A lawyer is talking to a client.

Look, Mrs Smith, I can assure you it is totaly unecessary for you to seek alternative advise

from another lawyer. You will only be told the same things that I have just told you. I am

very sorry if you have bought a car which turns out not to be to your satisfaction, but once

you have handed over cash for a used car, that’s it, especially if you’ve signed a receit for it.

You see, second hand goods such as cars, when they are sold privately, are sold under the

principal of ‘Let the buyer beware.’ Broadly speaking this means that it is the prospective

purchaser’s responsability to get the car chequed out by a qalified mechanic. In fact the

seller doesn’t in theory even need to tell you everything about the car, even though he must

respond truthfully to your questions about it. A second hand car is ‘sold as seen’ in the eyes

of the law, in other words it is sold in the condition it is in at the time of sail, so if you’ve

paid for it, you have no right to conpensation afterwards. I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.

Page 226: Lang Practice[1]


10. Put each phrasal verb from the box in the appropriate place in the text.

drop in living up to turned up paid for ended up

take out push on got on ran up look up pointing out

Kate’s Travel Diary

We decided to (0) push on and try to reach Venice by Friday afternoon –

before the weekend hordes (1) ____________ . Susan was eager to see

the city of waterways, as she had never been before, while I wanted to

(2) ____________ an old friend called Davina, who was now studying

Italian at university in Venice. Davina had given me an open invitation to

more or less (3) ____________ at any time, and she was as good as her

word, for she not only put us up, but also spent the whole weekend

(4) ____________ the sights to us. She had never met Susan before, but they

(5) ____________ immediately, which was a relief. My intention had been

to pay her a flying visit, and then head off to Trieste, but we had such a

wonderful time, we (6) ____________ staying for four days. Venice did not

disappoint, (7) ____________ its reputation as the most beautiful of cities.

On a less triumphant note, poor Susan lost her handbag, including a large

amount of cash and her bank cards. She (8) ____________ a huge bill

phoning home and contacting her bank in London.

At least she’d had the good sense to (9) ____________ travel insurance, so

this (10) ____________ the costs of most of the loss.

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1 have been

2 would

3 at

4 couldn’t

5 for a while now

6 under

7 remembered

8 can’t

9 should

10 complied


1 ages

2 enables/allows

3 hope/trust

4 unless

5 rather

6 keep

7 take

8 part

9 if/whether

10 owing/due


1 the first time (1) I’d ever (1)

2 have as many (1) friends as (1)

3 when I last (1) went (1)

4 to be considering (1) the introduction (1)

5 it was (1) not for the financial assistance (that) (1)

6 can’t possibly (1) have (1)

7 account must (1) jeans or trainers be (1)

8 under so (1) much pressure (1)

9 cancelled our (1) subscription to (1)

10 announced (that) there (1) would (1)

11 the only museum (1) in London (which/that) (1)

12 warned the school children (1) not to (1)

13 on a (1) regular basis (1)

14 under (1) the impression (1)

15 resulted in (1) the Head Teacher agreeing (1)

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1 X

2 V

3 X

4 V

5 V

6 V

7 X

8 X

9 X

10 V


1 in the slightest

2 had I taken

3 will I take

4 an alternative to

5 in charge of

6 against the law

7 fall back on

8 stand in for

9 every single day

10 at a loss


1 from

2 so

3 on

4 came

5 every/each

6 care

7 lost

8 this/(that)

9 could/would

10 whether

11 do

12 having

13 to

14 where

15 or

Page 229: Lang Practice[1]



1 which is not

2 if it hadn’t been raining

3 I remember seeing

4 the army

5 I’ll see to it

6 explained that he was/claimed to be

7 in the oven than there

8 fell for it

9 make him out

10 For the time being


1-10 I’d like to start by welcoming you all here today. Some of you have come from

as far away as Morocco and Indonesia, so it’s truly an international gathering. Before I

do anything else, let me just check that everyone has a conference pack. Now, if you

just open your pack for moment, you should find inside a booklet for delegates, a

conference timetable and a leaflet from our sponsors, Davis International.


1 totally

2 unnecessary

3 advice

4 receipt

5 principle

6 responsibility

7 checked

8 qualified

9 sale

10 compensation


1 turned up

2 look up

3 drop in

4 pointing out

5 got on

6 ended up

7 living up to

8 ran up

9 take out

10 paid for


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