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NB11462 Pacific Highway and Wyong Road intersection upgrade Appendix E Review of Environmental Factors Appendix E Landscape character and visual impact assessment

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Page 1: Landscape character and visual impact assessment · Landscape Architects ... This Landscape character and visual impact assessment considers the impacts of the ... Guidelines for

NB11462 Pacific Highway and Wyong Road intersection upgrade Appendix E Review of Environmental Factors

Appendix E Landscape character and visual impact assessment

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Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 intersection and approaches upgrade Tuggerah

LANDSCAPE CHARACTER AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Revision C Document No. NB11462-00T-RP-002.docx September 2012

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Roads and Maritime Services – Landscape character and visual impact assessment NB11462 Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 intersection and approaches upgrade Tuggerah

Peter Andrews + Associates Pty Ltd + Corkery Consulting NB11462_OOT-RP_002_C_VIA.docx design landscape architecture September 2012


Document history and status

Project: Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 intersection and approaches upgrade Tuggerah Client: SKM Prepared by: Peter Andrews + Associates Pty Ltd / Corkery Consulting Pty Ltd

Revision Date issued Revision Description

Author Approved by Verified

A 9 July 2012 DRAFT Peter Andrews Vanessa Colclough Noel Corkery

Peter Andrews

B 30 July 2012 FINAL FOR RMS

Peter Andrews Vanessa Colclough Noel Corkery

Peter Andrews Bernard de la Motte

C 4 September 2012

FINAL Peter Andrews Vanessa Colclough Noel Corkery

Peter Andrews Bernard de la Motte

Peter Andrews + Associates Pty architecture planning urban design

PO Box 494 Terrigal NSW 2260 Level 1 . 56 Terrigal Esplanade Terrigal Studio 67 Windmill Street Millers Point P::+61 2 4385 9126 E::[email protected] Corkery Consulting Landscape Architects Suite 3, 38 Albany Street St Leonards NSW 2065 P: +61 2 9906 6636 F: + 61 2 9906 6634 E: [email protected] W:

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Roads and Maritime Services – Landscape character and visual impact assessment NB11462 Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 intersection and approaches upgrade Tuggerah

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1.  Introduction 1 

1.1.  Existing infrastructure 1 1.2.  Objectives of proposal 1 1.3.  Description of proposed works 1 1.4.  Methodology 4 

2.  Contextual analysis 5 

2.1.  Regional and local context 5 2.2.  Statutory planning framework 9 2.3.  SH 10 Pacific Highway Urban Design Framework Kariong to Doyalson 10 2.4.  Topography 11 2.5.  Land use and built form 12 2.6.  Utilities and infrastructure 13 2.7.  Pedestrian and cyclist linkages 13 2.8.  Existing vegetation character 16 2.9.  Landscape character 16 

3.  Landscape character impact assessment 17 

4.  Visual impact assessment 41 

4.1.  Methodology 41 4.2.  Visibility of the proposed works 43 4.3.  Key viewpoints 44 4.4.  Key view corridors 53 

5.  Discussion 59 

6.  Mitigation measures 60 

7.  Conclusion 61 

8.  References 62 

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Roads and Maritime Services – Landscape character and visual impact assessment NB11462 Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 intersection and approaches upgrade Tuggerah

Peter Andrews + Associates Pty Ltd + Corkery Consulting NB11462_OOT-RP_002_C_VIA.docx design landscape architecture September 2012


1. Introduction

1.1. Existing infrastructure

The Pacific Highway and Wyong Road intersection is currently a four leg dual lane circulating roundabout. The Pacific Highway forms the northern and southern legs of the intersection and Wyong Road forms the eastern and western legs. The roundabout connects the Newcastle-Sydney F3 Freeway with Central Coast suburbs such as Wyong, Toukley, The Entrance, Ourimbah and Gosford and carries approximately 52,000 vehicle movements per day in total. The existing roundabout is located in an urbanised area, surrounded by industrial, commercial and residential land uses. To the east of the existing intersection lies a rail line, which is the main line connecting Sydney to Newcastle (RMS, 2011a).

1.2. Objectives of proposal

The objects of the proposal identified by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) (2011a) are to:

Reduce congestion and improve traffic efficiency for all road users. Improve safety and reduce the crash rate from the current value of 78.9 per 100 Million

Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (MVKT) to less than 35 per 100MVKT. Reduce the casualty crash rate per kilometre per year from the current 5.7 to less than

class average of 5.5. Provide a solution that represents value for money and is assessed to perform well into the

future considering the planned developments in the area. Guide development and cater for predicted traffic growth expected over the next 20 years. Ensure the proposal can fit with future plans to expand the Tuggerah shopping complex

and a new Tuggerah Town Centre as proposed by the Department of Planning & Infrastructure.

1.3. Description of proposed works

This Landscape character and visual impact assessment considers the impacts of the operational aspects of the Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 intersection and approaches upgrade at Tuggerah. This report has been completed in accordance with the 'Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance Note. Guidelines for landscape character and visual impact assessment’ (RMS, 2009a).

This report is based on the 80 per cent concept design prepared by SKM. This concept design has been developed from the strategic concept design prepared by RMS (RMS, 2011b). There are a range of variations compared to the strategic concept design.

The report takes into account comments and issues raised at the Risk Management Workshop on 19 March 2012, the site inspection held on 29 March 2012 and the Value Management Workshop attended on 11 May 2012 with the SKM design team and representatives from RMS and Wyong Shire Council.

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The proposal involves the upgrade of the Pacific Highway and Wyong Road intersection at Tuggerah. The general features of the proposal are shown on Figure 1 and include:

Replacement of the existing roundabout with a set of traffic signals to enable better management of the traffic volumes at this intersection.

A new rail overbridge over the Main Northern Railway Line to accommodate eastbound movements along Wyong Road. The existing Tuggerah Rail Overbridge will accommodate all westbound movements, including turning lanes to the Pacific Highway (north).

Widening of the intersection to accommodate extra lanes in all four directions and tie in with the recently completed Pacific Highway Upgrade, Tuggerah Straight, north of the intersection at Anzac Road.

At-grade pedestrian crossings on all four legs of the intersection. Extension of the existing pedestrian underpass including improvement of the general

amenity of the underpass facility. Extension of the pedestrian/cyclist shared path network to improve off-road

pedestrian/cyclist connections to adjacent areas including Tuggerah Railway Station, Supa Centa Tuggerah, Tuggerah Business Park and Westfield Shopping Centre.

Upgrade of the intersection of Wyong Road and Gavenlock Road to incorporate an additional left turn slip lane into Gavenlock Road (southbound).

Construction of retaining walls on the northern side of Wyong Road (east and west of the intersection), the southern side of Wyong Road (east of the intersection) and the western side of Pacific Highway (north of the intersection).

Installation of bio-retention swales to be used as operational storm water control. Relocation of underground and overhead utilities to accommodate the proposal.

The Pacific Highway and Anzac Road intersection and the Wyong Road and Reliance Drive intersection will remain unchanged.

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Figure 1 - Proposed concept designSource: Base map - Google Earth Pro

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1.4. Methodology

The following methodology has been used to determine the potential visual impact and landscape character impacts relating to the proposal.

1. Contextual analysis: Describes the general setting for the proposal including land uses and existing features and possible future development in the area.

2. Landscape character impact assessment: A series of landscape character zones (LCZ) were identified that have a distinct character resulting from a similar combination of landscape features that include landform, built form, vegetation and land use. An assessment was then carried out to determine the sensitivity of the LCZ to the proposed change. This helps to determine mitigation measures.

3. Visibility of proposal: Key viewpoints of the proposal were identified to help assess the visual impact. A visual envelope map is included showing the visual catchment of the proposal.

4. Visual impact assessment: This section assesses the anticipated impacts from the proposed activity and helps to determine mitigation measures.

5. Discussion on the key visual impacts and impacts on landscape character.

6. Landscape character and visual impact mitigation strategy: Identifies measures to minimise the potential visual impact of the proposed activity.

7. Conclusion.

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2. Contextual analysis

2.1. Regional and local context

Tuggerah is identified in the Central Coast Regional Strategy as a major centre and provides a mix of retail, business, manufacturing and distribution services for the region (refer to Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Central Coast centres, employment lands and employment precincts Source: Department of Planning & Infrastructure (2008)

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Tuggerah/Wyong plays an important role as a sub-regional centre on the Central Coast. It is an area that has undergone substantial transition over the past 20 years from a rural village to a largely urbanised area (refer to Figure 3). It is an important employment and transport node, linking the main northern rail, the F3 Freeway, Pacific Highway and Wyong Road. Important elements include:

Tuggerah Railway Station. Westfield Sub Regional Centre. Tuggerah Business Park. Supa Centa Tuggerah. The Central Coast Mariners Football Club (Club Tuggerah). Surrounding residential development.

The Pacific Highway and Wyong Road form an essential part of the regional road network. The Wyong Road and Pacific Highway intersection is a key intersection.

Wyong Road provides the main connection from Long Jetty, Bateau Bay and the coastal areas to the F3 Freeway. It also provides access from the F3 Freeway to the Tuggerah Westfield shopping centre, the Tuggerah Business Park and the Supa Centa Tuggerah. Wyong Road consists of two lanes in each direction east of the F3 Freeway with roundabout control at most side roads. Congestion regularly occurs for traffic particularly during peak periods. Pacific Highway runs (locally) between Gosford and Wyong providing a major connector alternative for local traffic other than the F3 Freeway. The roundabout at the intersection of Wyong Road and the Pacific Highway currently has a high crash rate and traffic is congested during peak hours (RMS, 2011a).

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Figure 3 - Contextual plan Source: Base map - Google Earth Pro

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Commercial and industrial development including the Supa Centa Tuggerah, Tuggerah Business Park and Tuggerah Straight industrial area adjoin the road network of the proposed works. The buildings in these areas are accessed from the surrounding road network and not directly from the Pacific Highway or Wyong Road. Therefore, the back of buildings, carparking and service roads adjoin Wyong Road and the Pacific Highway (refer to Figures 4-9).

Figure 4 - View towards the Supa Centa Tuggerah from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

Figure 5 - View of Tuggerah Railway Station from Pacific Highway

Figure 6 - View of development to the north-west looking towards Wyong Road

Figure 7 - View of Tuggerah residential area from Wyong Road

Figure 8 - View of development on Tuggerah Straight from Pacific Highway

Figure 9 - Tuggerah Business Park

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2.2. Statutory planning framework

The area north and north-east of the intersection, which includes the Supa Centa Tuggerah, is zoned commercial under Wyong Local Environmental Plan 1991. Land further to the north is zoned for industrial purposes. The land to the south and south-west of the proposal is zoned residential. Land to the south-east including the Tuggerah Business Park is zoned industrial (refer to Figure 10).

The importance of Tuggerah/Wyong as a major sub-regional centre is likely to increase and the area surrounding the proposed intersection upgrade is within the NSW State Government’s State Significant Site investigation area (Department of Planning & Infrastructure 2009). Refer to Figure 11. Future expansion is likely to include: Major expansion of Westfield to include additional retail and car parking, on the existing

shopping centre site, residential, bulky goods and office components to the west of the existing centre (the gateway site) and a multi storey commercial tower on the south western corner of the Pacific Highway/Wyong Road intersection (the "triangle site"). The concept plan prepared on behalf of Westfield provides an alternative to the existing main road network by establishing a grid pattern that would significantly alter the alignment of Wyong Road and Pacific Highway.

A multi storey mixed use building on the north-west corner of the intersection. Ongoing development of Tuggerah Business Park and Supa Centa Tuggerah. Plans to expand the Mariners Football Club to include a centre of training excellence with

extensive indoor and outdoor facilities. Ongoing redevelopment of Tuggerah Straight.

Figure 10 - Existing zone plan Source: Wyong Shire Council 1991

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2.3. SH 10 Pacific Highway Urban Design Framework Kariong to Doyalson

The overall vision for the Pacific Highway as described in the Urban Design Framework SH10 Kariong to Doyalson, prepared by RMS (2004a) is:

“To improve the journey experience for current and future users of the Pacific Highway by creating a green corridor with uncluttered design, that recognises and enhances the intrinsic qualities of the natural environment, local built form, historic and cultural settings.”

The strategy does not specifically mention the Pacific Highway/Wyong Road intersection but notes that it forms the southern approach and entry into Tuggerah. The strategy identifies the intersection to be at the junction of:

Section 5 – Ourimbah interchange to Tuggerah Section 6 – Tuggerah to Wyong North

The Urban Design Framework notes the change in character from rural to urban. Although it does not specifically mention the intersection, it is an important node on the Pacific Highway corridor and represents a major decision point for traffic on Wyong Road between the F3 Freeway and the coastal areas and Tuggerah and Wyong townships.

Figure 11 - Extract of Westfield Preliminary Assessment showing the proposed town centre state significant site area Source: Department of Planning & Infrastructure 2012

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The principles for the Tuggerah Straight outlined in the Urban Design Framework (RMS 2004a) are as follows. Some of these principles are relevant to the proposed works and have been incorporated into the urban design objectives and principles for this proposal.

“To reinforce the commercial character of this section of highway. To establish a strong connection to Wyong town centre by creating a

formal, attractive avenue with consistent lighting, signage and landscape treatment.

To retain and enhance existing open space. To use materials and finishes that complement surrounding


2.4. Topography

Tuggerah is within the Wyong River/Ourimbah Creek floodplain. The topography adjoining the intersection and approaches is generally low lying and prone to flooding with the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge approaches and intersection on fill and slightly elevated from the surrounding landform. Natural vegetation is retained to the south of Wyong Road and west of Pacific Highway and defines the road corridor along Wyong Road in this section. Vegetated hills to the south and west define the extent of the drainage catchment and are visible from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

A creek line passes under the existing Tuggerah Rail Overbridge east of the railway line and railway station. Refer to Figure 12.

Figure 12 - Topography Source: Wyong Shire Council 2012

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2.5. Land use and built form

Beyond the immediate road reserve the built form is a mix of low density residential, retail, fast food, bulky goods, commercial and manufacturing/light industry as follows:

East of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge is characterised by large-scale bulky goods, high bay warehousing and manufacturing and two storey offices including Tuggerah Business Park, Supa Centa Tuggerah, Club Tuggerah and light industry. The Supa Centa Tuggerah is visually prominent and is above the height of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge. Refer to Figures 13 and 14.

North of intersection – fast food and one to two storey commercial/light industrial backing onto Wyong Road. Refer to Figures 15 and 16.

West of intersection – Vegetated Westfield ‘triangle site’ and two dwellings. Refer to Figure 17.

South of intersection – low density residential area of Tambelin Street comprising one to two storey houses with backyards adjoining the Pacific Highway and Wyong Road. Refer to Figure 18.

Figure 13 - Tuggerah Business Park Figure 14 - View towards the Supa Centa Tuggerah from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

Figure 15 - View to the north-west of the proposed works

Figure 16 - View from development in the north-west looking towards Wyong Road

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2.6. Utilities and infrastructure

Proposed works would have an impact on utilities. Refer to NB11462-ECC-RP-0007- Utilities Services Works Report for details (SKM 2012).

2.7. Pedestrian and cyclist linkages

The junction of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge, highway, rail corridor and drainage create a series of discontinuities in the pedestrian and cyclist network. Access from east to west relies on the shared pathway that was added to the southern side of the existing overbridge. This path is connected via a narrow path from the existing overbridge via an underpass to Tuggerah Railway Station and the existing signalised pedestrian crossing at Anzac Road. Access to Westfield is via Anzac Road and an overpass across Wyong Road to the west of the proposed works. This provides the only pedestrian access to the residential area off Tambelin Street.

An alternative cycleway path runs at grade on the southern side of Wyong Road passing under the existing overbridge and leading into the rear of the Supa Centa Tuggerah. This link eventually connects to the railway station on the eastern side of the railway line. There is no clearly defined path where the cycleway stops at the rear of the Supa Centa Tuggerah. There is no defined pedestrian pathway in Bryant Drive between the Tuggerah Business Park, Club Tuggerah and the railway station. Refer to Figure 19.

Both pathways crossing over and under Wyong Road are considered to be unattractive and potentially unsafe for users. The existing underpasses do not comply with the RMS’ Underpass Design Guidelines (2006) in the following areas:

Design – They are not attractive and inviting. Directness – They do not have straight and direct connection. Passive surveillance – They are not sited at visible locations. Security – The dimensions of the underpasses do not allow users to pass without invading

each other’s personal space.

Refer to Figures 20 to 25 for images of the various pedestrian and cyclist linkages.

Figure 17 - View towards the existing roundaboutfrom the south

Figure 18 - View to the intersection from residential area to the south

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Figure 19 - Existing pedestrian/cyclist linkagesSource: Base map - Google Earth Pro

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Figure 20 - View towards existing pedestrian underpass

Figure 21 - View through existing pedestrian underpass

Figure 22 - View east along pedestrian path at Supa Centa Tuggerah

Figure 23 - View of pedestrian path towards the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

Figure 24 - View of pedestrian path under Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

Figure 25 – View to the west on Wyong Road from Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

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2.8. Existing vegetation character

Trees associated with the roundabout intersection are predominantly planted Sheoak (Casuarina sp.), Hoop Pine (Araucaria sp.), Eucalypt (Eucalyptus sp.) and Wattle (Acacia sp.) along the verges with rainforest tree species in the centre of the roundabout and medians. Casuarina are closely planted and located predominantly on the upper slopes of the roadside batters. The species is widespread throughout the area and is associated with estuarine floodplains.

Plantings of semi-mature Hoop Pine predominantly on the eastern side of the intersection were a prominent feature of the landscape works carried out when the roundabout was constructed. The Hoop Pine are scattered and effectively screen views to commercial development and residential areas. Eucalyptus trees occur mostly at natural grade or on broader slopes.

Shrub and groundcover species include Doryanthes and within the median a mix of exotic groundcover species. Weed species particularly Lantana are prevalent in areas of the understorey along the road corridor particularly on the southern side of Wyong Road.

SKM has advised that there are four separate Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs) that are located around the intersection. These TECs are located generally outside the road reserve.

2.9. Landscape character

An analysis of the existing landscape of the Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 intersection and approaches was carried out to provide a baseline from which to assess the significance of likely changes resulting from the proposed upgrade works. The analysis involved identification of preliminary Landscape Character Zones (LCZ) that are described and illustrated in Section 3. The LCZ that have been identified are relatively consistent in terms of their combination of landform, vegetation and land uses, while containing a degree of variation in visual character.

In general, the existing visual character of the Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR335 roundabout is dominated by the enclosed and semi enclosed character formed by the roadside vegetation, which defines the views along the road corridors. Adjoining land uses include commercial, light industrial and residential development. Wyong Road passes over the Main Northern Rail Line on a steel girder and concrete deck bridge with adjoining sections of road located on fill embankments. The openness and elevation at the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge provides broad regional views to forest covered ridgelines in the distance. Tuggerah Railway Station is situated alongside the northern approach of the Pacific Highway.

The topography adjoining the intersection and approaches is generally low lying and prone to flooding with the road corridor slightly elevated from the surrounding landform. Natural vegetation is retained to the south of Wyong Road and west of Pacific Highway and defines the road corridor along Wyong Road in this section.

The landscape character of the existing road corridor is generally not dominated by buildings due to the visual screening of roadside vegetation. One exception is opposite Tuggerah Railway Station where commercial development is visible from the adjoining section of Pacific Highway. The Supa Centa Tuggerah is also visible from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

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3. Landscape character impact assessment

Sensitivity and magnitude provide measures to assess impacts from the proposal on the landscape character. They are determined by identifying a series of landscape character zones (LCZ) and valuing the physical landscape elements that characterise each zone. These include landform and topography, vegetation, drainage systems and cultural and built elements. The sensitivity and magnitude for landscape character are as follows:

Sensitivity: refers to how sensitive the character of the setting is to the proposed change and its capacity to absorb the change.

Magnitude refers to the scale, form and character of a development proposal.

Sensitivity and magnitude are classified by the rankings outlined in Table 1.

Table 1 - Sensitivity and magnitude rankings

Rank Description

High The proposal would be the dominant feature in the landscape and would significantly affect and change its character

High to Moderate The proposal would form a significant and immediately apparent part of the landscape that affects and changes its character

Moderate to Low The proposal would form a visible and recognisable new element and may be readily noticed by the observer

Low The proposal constitutes a minor component of the wider view Negligible Only a small part is discernible or at such a distance and is scarcely appreciated None No part of the proposal is discernible

The combination of sensitivity and magnitude provides an impact rating for the proposed works on the landscape character based on the following table prepared by the RMS.

Table 2 - Visual impact matrix

(RMS, 2009a)

An analysis of the proposal’s landscape and surrounds was carried out to assess the significance of likely changes from the proposal.




MAGNITUDE High High to

Moderate Moderate Moderate

to Low Low Negligible

High High Impact High Impact

Mod./ High Mod./ High Moderate Negligible

High to Moderate

High Impact Mod./ High Mod./ High Moderate Moderate Negligible

Moderate Mod./ High Mod./ High Moderate Moderate Mod./Low Negligible

Moderate to Low

Mod./ High Moderate Moderate Mod./Low Mod./Low Negligible

Low Moderate Moderate Mod./Low Mod./Low Low impact Negligible

Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible

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The analysis involved identification of LCZ as shown on Figure 26 and described and illustrated in the following section (Refer to Figures 27 – 57 and Tables 3 - 16). The LCZ are areas that are relatively consistent in terms of their combination of landform, vegetation and land uses, while containing a degree of variation in visual landscape character. Site inspections were carried out on 18 March and 22 March 2012. The LCZ have been determined by site assessment.

Figure 26 - Landscape character zonesSource: Base map - Google Earth Pro

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Landscape character zone 1 - Wyong Road and Pacific Highway intersection

Figure 27 - LCZ 1 View north across roundabout with screened views

Figure 28 - LCZ 1 View of roundabout and roadside vegetation to the north enclosing view

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Figure 29 - LCZ 1 View north from roundabout towards Pacific Highway exit

Figure 30 - LCZ 1 View south of roundabout towards Pacific Highway exit

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Table 3 - Landscape character zone 1 - Wyong Road and Pacific Highway intersection

Summary Visually enclosed roundabout intersection with four exits well integrated into the landscape setting.

Views from the roundabout are confined to the four exit roadways.

Topographic features Roadway generally located on elevated fill embankment above adjoining natural landform.

Drainage/hydrology Engineered drainage associated with roadway intersection. Geology/soils Roundabout located on fill material with adjoining embankment

slopes. Vegetation type/cover Centre of roundabout planted with semi-mature Brachychiton

trees and exotic species groundcover (Trachelospermum jasminoides).

Dense planting of native trees predominantly Casuarinas, Hoop Pine and Eucalypts along all road corridor edges of the roundabout.

How development fits into setting Adjoining development generally screened. Glimpses available of residential buildings located on elevated

landform looking south from roundabout along Pacific Highway. Architectural form/history/mix and quality

Roundabout on a significant intersection.

Spatial quality of area – open or closed

Closed due to vegetation screening and alignment of the Pacific Highway and Wyong Road with the roundabout.

Infrastructure – scale/pattern Prominent lighting pole with 4 way lamp in vegetated roundabout and various signs.

Paved splinter islands and paved surround of roundabout.

Table 4 - Measurement of impact - LCZ 1

Sensitivity Moderate to Low Comments Magnitude High to Moderate Roadside vegetation would be removed and

therefore the spatial quality would be more open. The environment has been previously modified.

Impact Moderate

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Landscape character zone 2 - Tuggerah residential area

Figure 31 - LCZ 2 View south along Pacific Highway with back fences of properties and tall canopies partially enclosing the road corridor

Figure 32 - LCZ 2 Upslope view south along Pacific Highway with vegetation and residential properties

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Figure 33 - LCZ 2 View north-west along Wyong Road with casuarina enclosing the road corridor

Figure 34 - LCZ 2 View south-west from Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

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Figure 35 - LCZ 2 View north from existing residential area at Tambelin Street to Wyong Road

Figure 36 - LCZ 2 View north-west from existing residential area at Tambelin Street at intersection

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Table 5 - Landscape character zone 2 - Tuggerah residential area

Summary A fully developed residential area to the south. Partially developed residential area to the north of the Pacific

Highway. Part of the residential area is generally screened from the road

corridor. Due to the topography some dwellings have views of the

existing road and rail corridor. Forest covered ridge to the south.

Topographic features Wyong Road is elevated above the residential dwellings immediately adjoining to the south. The residential area then steeply rises to the ridge line to the south.

Drainage/hydrology Drainage from roadway to lower landform on north-west of road with kerb and gutter on south-east of road.

Geology/soils Adjoining low lying areas associated with broad poorly drained floodplain.

Landform on higher elevation to east associated with well drained sandstone soils.

Vegetation type/cover Vegetation character varies from open grass areas to stands of trees including close planted Casuarina along the road edge towards the intersection with a mix of planted trees including palms and shrubs in residential gardens to the forest covered ridge in the south.

How development fits into setting Zone has a low key somewhat semi-rural character further to the south and a traditional residential built up development adjoining the intersection.

Architectural form/history/mix and quality

Single and two storey residential dwellings with vegetated area to the south.

This zone connects with the pedestrian underpass from the south side of Wyong Road.

Spatial quality of area – open or closed

Road corridor with variation in spatial quality from open to semi enclosed with road becoming increasingly enclosed towards intersection.

The residential area rises to the south and becomes quite open. Open towards ridge top.

Infrastructure – scale/pattern Wide variable vegetated verges and pedestrian path along the south-east side of the roadway.

Mix of elements include intersecting side road, overhead powerlines, road signage, light standards.

Pedestrian underpass. Table 6 - Measurement of impact - LCZ 2

Sensitivity Moderate Comments Magnitude High The residential area is generally screened by

vegetation at the existing intersection. Some views are available of the residential area at the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge. The proposal would require an increased footprint for the road corridor and therefore would be in closer proximity to the residential area. Screen vegetation along the road corridor would also be removed.

Impact Moderate/High

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Landscape character zone 3 - Westfield development site

Figure 37 - LCZ 3 Views south-east along Wyong Road - roadside vegetation enclosing the road corridor. LCZ 4 located behind roadside vegetation to the right of the photo

Figure 38 - LCZ 3 View north-west from Tambelin Street to the 'triangle site’

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Table 7 - Landscape character zone 3 - Westfield development site

Table 8 - Measurement of impact - LCZ 3

Sensitivity Low Comments Magnitude Low Roadside vegetation would be removed along

Wyong Road frontage, however the adjoining land is mainly well vegetated and is not directly impacted by the proposal.

Impact Low Impact

Summary Visually enclosed section of road corridor with gentle curvature geometry in natural setting.

Median vegetation along Wyong Road provides additional visual enclosure.

Land is largely vegetated with only two dwellings located in this LCZ off the Pacific Highway.

Topographic features Roadway located on fill embankment that slopes away from roundabout and is elevated above adjoining lower land.

Drainage/hydrology Road surface appears to drain into adjoining lower landform. Extensive drainage swale extends along and behind roadside

planting on northern side of roadway. Geology/soils Adjoining low lying areas associated with broad floodplain with

restricted drainage. Vegetation type/cover Extensive roadside trees predominantly Casuarinas (8-10m) with

occasional Camphor Laurel trees. Gymea lily accent planting towards the roundabout.

Contrast in cultural character of median with individual tree planting of Flindersia sp. and alternate blocks of Agapanthus and Lomandra groundcover.

How development fits into setting Extensive roadside vegetation generally blocks views to the land to the south on Wyong Road.

Generally natural landscape character except for the cultural character of the median planting.

Architectural form/history/mix and quality

Generally vegetated with two dwellings located off Pacific Highway and a Westfield’s sign.

Area subject to a proposal by Westfield to develop this area. Area also part of the Tuggerah potential State Significant Site

Study Area proposed by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

Spatial quality of area – open or closed

LCZ generally closed with vegetation screening along Wyong Road and part along Pacific Highway. However, part of the Pacific Highway is open in the location of the two dwellings.

Infrastructure – scale/pattern No public open space. Roadside light standards generally screened by road side trees. W-beam visually prominent on both sides of roadway. Wide planted median.

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Landscape character zone 4 - Tuggerah Straight industrial area

Figure 39 - LCZ 4 View south along curved section of Pacific Highway with forest covered ridge to the south

Figure 40 - LCZ 4 View north along Pacific Highway visually opening up toward Anzac Road intersection and Tuggerah Railway Station

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Figure 41 - LCZ 4 View to the south along Pacific Highway with development to the west

Figure 42 - LCZ 4 View from land uses to the Wyong Road corridor

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Table 9 - Landscape character zone 4 - Tuggerah Straight industrial area

Summary Industrial and commercial area incorporating one and two storey buildings. The rear of the Petbarn, and McDonald's and Hungry Jack's restaurants adjoin Wyong Road, however vegetation screens this view.

Topographic Features Landform slopes away from roadway. Drainage/hydrology Engineered drainage associated with the road corridor.

Flood prone low elevation land north-west of road corridor. Geology/soils Vegetation adjoining the roadway edge generally growing on fill

batters. Adjoining low lying soils associated with broad floodplains with

restricted drainage. Vegetation type/cover Vegetation with Casuarinas (8-10m) on western side of

roadway. Open character associated with development along Anzac

Road includes turf grass with new planting of Cupaniopsis anacardioides along section opposite railway station.

Melaleuca biconvexa located at the rear of the McDonald’s restaurant site.

Mix of individual tree planting of semi-mature Flindersia sp. and Gazania sp ground cover in the median.

How development fits into setting Single storey brightly painted commercial development is visually prominent on the corner of Anzac Parade and extending for a section along the northwest edge of the roadway.

Architectural form/history/mix and quality

One and two storey commercial and industrial development comprising Tuggerah Straight industrial area.

Buildings front onto Anzac Road and the rear of the Petbarn, McDonald's and Hungry Jack's restaurants and associated carparking adjoins Wyong Road.

Spatial quality of area – open or closed

The area is generally open.

Infrastructure – scale/pattern Bus lane. Street lighting. Turning lane to Anzac Road. Signalised intersection at Anzac Road with pedestrian crossing

and bus stop. Table 10 - Measurement of impact - LCZ 4

Sensitivity Low Comments Magnitude High to Moderate The proposal would remove most of the existing

roadside vegetation and expose the road and proposed retaining walls.

Impact Moderate

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Landscape character zone 5 - Tuggerah Railway Station

Figure 43 - LCZ 5 View south from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge along rail corridor to forest covered ridge on horizon

Figure 44 - LCZ 5 Distinctive form of hoop pine planted along embankment on eastern side of road corridor with railway corridor to the east of the picture

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Figure 45 - LCZ 5 View looking south along Pacific Highway with entrance to railway station on left

Figure 46 - LCZ 5 View looking to the south along railway corridor from the pedestrian rail overbridge towards the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

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Figure 47 - LCZ 5 View north from Tuggerah Rail Overbridge towards Tuggerah Railway Station

Figure 48 - LCZ 5 View north along Pacific Highway with the railway entrance to the right

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Table 11 - Landscape character zone 5 - Tuggerah Railway Station

Summary The main northern railway corridor incorporating the Tuggerah Railway Station, pedestrian railway overbridge, pedestrian pathways, including the carpark and the pedestrian underpass under Wyong Road.

This section of the corridor is generally screened by roadside vegetation.

Topographic Features Roadway gently rising towards Wyong Road intersection. Landform slopes away from roadway.

Drainage/hydrology Engineered drainage associated with the road corridor. Drainage swale between railway station and roadway.

Geology/soils Vegetation adjoining the roadway edge generally growing on fill batters.

Adjoining low lying soils associated with broad floodplains with restricted drainage.

Vegetation type/cover Strong form of Hoop Pine trees with a clump of Eucalypts behind on Pacific Highway.

Mature group of planted Tallowwood at the Station entry. Mix of individual tree planting of semi-mature Flindersia sp. and

Gazania sp ground cover in the median. How development fits into setting Tuggerah Railway Station is partially screened with some

glimpses through gaps in the vegetation and views from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

Architectural form/history/mix and quality

Tuggerah Railway Station is reasonably well integrated into the landscape setting and connects with a pedestrian path along the eastern edge.

This zone connects with the pedestrian underpass from the south side of the Wyong Road and Pacific Highway intersection.

Pedestrian path runs along eastern side of Pacific Highway. Spatial quality or area – open or closed

Vegetation visually encloses the LCZ.

Infrastructure – scale/pattern Tuggerah Railway Station including pedestrian railway overbridge and car parking.

W-beam along part of the roadway. Signalised intersection at Anzac Road with pedestrian crossing,

bus stop and bus lane. Pedestrian underpass.

Table 12 - Measurement of impact - LCZ 5

Sensitivity Moderate to Low Comments Magnitude Moderate to Low Vegetation in the rail corridor is to be retained. The

railway corridor is currently visible from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

Impact Moderate/Low

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Landscape character zone 6 - Supa Centa Tuggerah

Figure 49 - LCZ 6 View west along Wyong Road with vegetation on the northern side screening views of commercial buildings beyond

Figure 50 - LCZ 6 View of Supa Centa Tuggerah from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

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Figure 51 - LCZ 6 View east along pedestrian path at Supa Centa Tuggerah with existing vegetation adjacent to Wyong Road

Figure 52 - LCZ 6 View looking south-west to the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge from the Supa Centa Tuggerah

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Table 13 - Landscape character zone 6 - Supa Centa Tuggerah

Summary The Supa Centa Tuggerah faces onto Bryant Drive. It is partially screened on Wyong Road and has open views in the vicinity of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

Topographic Features Wyong Road rises to the west from the Wyong Road/Bryant Drive roundabout and is elevated above the Supa Centa Tuggerah.

Drainage/hydrology Road corridor is elevated from the adjoining landform. Engineered drainage associated with the road corridor. Adjoining landform lower lying.

Geology/soils Road located on fill embankment. Lower lying soils at grade.

Vegetation type/cover Vegetation on Wyong Road is predominantly Casuarinas (8-10m) on the upper batters adjoining the roadway behind a W Beam.

Acacia and scattered Eucalypts occur at natural grade behind the roadside planting but are generally screened from the road by Casuarinas.

A mix of exotic and native species including Cabbage Palms at the Supa Centa Tuggerah entry and Robinias along the service lane.

How development fits into setting Extensive roadside vegetation filters views to adjoining development and assists in visually integrating it into the setting, however open at the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

Architectural form/history/mix and quality

The Supa Centa Tuggerah is a large complex for bulky goods and factory outlets retailing and associated car parking.

Spatial quality of area – open or closed

Generally open with some vegetation screening along part of Wyong Road.

Northern side of Wyong Road corridor is more strongly enclosed by vegetation.

Infrastructure – scale/pattern Public open space is limited to road corridor and pedestrian pathway along part of the edge of roadway.

Roadside light standards are visible above the tree tops. W-beams on both road edges are visually prominent.

Table 14 - Measurement of impact - LCZ 6

Sensitivity Moderate to Low Comments Magnitude High to Moderate The Supa Centa Tuggerah is visible from parts of

Wyong Road and in particular from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge. Vegetation along Wyong Road is proposed to be removed and therefore the Supa Centa Tuggerah would become more visible.

Impact Moderate

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Landscape character zone 7 - Tuggerah Business Park development

Figure 53 - LCZ 7 View west along Wyong Road to Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

Figure 54 - LCZ 7 View along pedestrian/cycle path to south of Wyong Road adjoining Tuggerah Business Park

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Figure 57 - LCZ 7 View of pathway adjoining Wyong Road to Tuggerah Business Park

Figure 56 - LCZ 7 Pedestrian path south of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

Figure 55 - LCZ 7 View to Tuggerah Business Park from Wyong Road/Bryant Drive roundabout

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Table 15 - Landscape character zone 7 - Tuggerah Business Park

Summary Generally semi-enclosed character formed by the roadside vegetation.

Spatial character of southern side of Wyong Road is semi-enclosed due to the planting being set back behind the pedestrian path on generally lower landform and occasional gaps in the vegetation.

South-east has views towards Bryant Drive. Topographic Features Road corridor rises towards the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

becoming increasingly elevated from the adjoining landform. Drainage/hydrology Engineered drainage associated with the road corridor.

Adjoining landform lower lying. Geology/soils Fill embankments.

Lower lying soils at grade. Vegetation type/cover Mostly eucalypts, with scattered cultural planting of Hoop Pine

behind the pedestrian path and fence along Wyong Road. Lantana is prevalent throughout the understory.

How development fits into setting Roadside vegetation filters views to adjoining business park. Architectural form/history/mix and quality

Generally two storey larger commercial buildings with a business park.

Spatial quality of area – open or closed

Semi-enclosed due to roadside vegetation and vegetation along railway corridor.

Infrastructure – scale/pattern Pedestrian pathway extends along southern edge of roadway. Another pathway on the southern edge is set back from the roadway on lower landform and crosses under the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

Roadside light standards and road signage are visually prominent.

Pedestrian path and adjoining metal fence along southern side of road continuing under the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge.

W-beam along roadway. No planted median.

Table 16 - Measurement of impact - LCZ 7

Sensitivity Negligible Comments Magnitude Negligible Existing vegetation to be retained. Impact Negligible

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4. Visual impact assessment

4.1. Methodology

The potential visual impact of the proposal has been assessed in relation to key viewpoints and/or group of viewpoints. The levels of significance of potential visual impacts have been assessed through consideration of the combination of magnitude of visual change in the landscape and its proximity to the viewer and the sensitivity in relation to the quality of the view and how sensitive it is to the proposed change.

The magnitude of visual change is strongly influenced by the level of visibility of the new works resulting from the combination of scale, extent, distance and duration of the views. Visual sensitivity depends on the nature of the existing environment and on the likely response from people viewing the scene. People driving on a busy road and/or at high speeds are likely to be less sensitive to a change in the environment since they are focused on changes in traffic conditions and driving, compared to someone who is enjoying a recreational experience or someone who is viewing the scene from their living room.

The categories of magnitude and sensitivity of visibility are defined in Table 17 below.

Table 17 - Magnitude and sensitivity of visibility

Rank Description

Negligible Very minor loss or alteration to one of more key elements/features/characteristics of the baseline visual character (ie pre-upgrade view) and/or introduction of elements that are consistent with the visual character to the existing landscape character (ie approximating the ‘no change’ situation).

Low Minor loss of/or alteration to one or more key elements/features/characteristics of the baseline visual character (ie pre-upgrade view) and/or introduction of elements that are consistent with the existing landscape character.

Moderate Partial loss of/or alteration to one or more key elements/features/characteristics of the baseline visual character (ie pre-upgrade view) and/or introduction of elements that may be prominent but not considered to be substantially uncharacteristic of the existing landscape character.

High Substantial to total loss of key elements/features/characteristics of the baseline visual character (ie pre-upgrade view) and/or introduction of elements considered to be totally uncharacteristic of the existing landscape character.

The magnitude and sensitivity of potential visual impacts to existing views would depend on a combination of scale, extent, distance and duration of the views. Impacts were assessed by applying a consistent set of criteria to each of the key viewpoints or groups of viewpoints as outlined in Table 18.

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Table 18 - Visual impact matrix

Criteria Definition Rating Duration of view Long term Moderate term Short term

>1 hr 30 minute to 1 hr <30 minute


Number of viewers High Moderate Low

>1,000 100-999 <100


Viewer sensitivity (type) Resident Pedestrian/cyclist Motorist


View sensitivity Pristine landscape Moderately modified landscape Significantly modified landscape


View distance/proximity Short Medium Long

< 100m 100m-500m >500m


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4.2. Visibility of the proposed works

The visual envelope map shows the areas where the proposal may be visible (refer to Figure 58).

Figure 58 - Visual envelope map Source: Base map - Google Earth Pro

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4.3. Key viewpoints

The key viewpoints map identifies the key viewpoints from the surrounding areas (refer to Figure 59).

Refer to Figures 60 - 76 and Tables 19 - 26 for the visual impact analysis for these key viewpoints.

Figure 59 - Key viewpoints Source: Base map - Google Earth Pro

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Key view point – C1

Table 19 - Key view point C1 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity Part of the road is already

visible from the residential area. The proposal would remove existing vegetation.

- Duration Low Low High - No of Viewers Low Low Low - Viewer Sensitivity Low Moderate High View Sensitivity Low Low High Sensitivity Impact Low Low High to

Moderate Magnitude View Distance/proximity

Low Moderate Moderate

Visibility in relation of the field of view

Low Low Low

Magnitude Impact Low Low Moderate to Low

IMPACT Low Low Moderate

Figure 60 - View looking north-east from Tuggerah residential area. Supa Centa Tuggerah is visible in the centre of the frame.

Figure 61 - View looking south-west to Tuggerah residential area from Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

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Key view point – C2

Table 20 - Key view point C2 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity The dwellings in this area

front onto Yaldeeme Close and the rear yards back onto Wyong Road. Properties are lower than the road and the proposal would bring the road closer to the existing dwellings. The proposed retaining wall and 1.8 m screen on the footpath would provide privacy to the residences. However, the removal of vegetation and the proximity of the retaining wall and fence along Wyong Road would have a moderate/high impact on these dwellings. Whilst the view impact on pedestrians/cyclists is moderate, due to the loss of vegetation and the lengthening of the underpass, the new works would provide improve sight lines for users.

- Duration Low High - No of Viewers Low Low - Viewer Sensitivity Moderate High View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Moderate Magnitude View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

High High

Magnitude Impact High High IMPACT N/A Moderate Moderate/High

Figure 62 - View looking south to Tuggerah residential area from Wyong Road

Figure 63 - View of existing pedestrian pathway and underpass with residential area to the right

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Key view point – C3

Table 21 - Key view point C3 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity Some vegetation would be

removed along Wyong Road and the Pacific Highway to allow for the pedestrian pathway and drainage swale. This would require removal of the two dwellings. Land adjoining the proposal is vegetated and therefore reduces the visual impact.

- Duration High - No of Viewers Low - Viewer Sensitivity


View Sensitivity Low Sensitivity Impact Moderate Magnitude View Distance/proximity


Visibility in relation of the field of view


Magnitude Impact Moderate IMPACT N/A N/A Moderate

Figure 64 - View from Pacific Highway looking north-west

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Key view point – C4

Table 22 - Key view point C4 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity Mature vegetation would be

removed along Wyong Road as part of the proposal. The land uses in this area include a Petbarn and McDonald's and Hungry Jack's restaurants. These buildings face onto Anzac Road. The rear of these buildings and carparking adjoin Wyong Road. Some vegetation would remain between these buildings and Wyong Road reducing the impact.

- Duration Low Low - No of Viewers Moderate Moderate - Viewer Sensitivity

Low Moderate

View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Moderate to


Magnitude View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

Low Low

Magnitude Impact Moderate Moderate IMPACT Low Moderate N/A

Figure 65 - View looking south from Tuggerah Straight to Wyong Road

Figure 66 - View to Wyong Road screened by vegetation

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Key view point – C5

Table 23 - Key view point C5 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity The users are predominantly

commuters using rail transport. The existing Tuggerah Rail Overbridge is visible from the pedestrian bridge at Tuggerah Railway Station. The proposal would result in removal of existing vegetation and expose proposed retaining walls.

- Duration Low - No of Viewers High - Viewer Sensitivity


View Sensitivity Low Sensitivity Impact Low Magnitude View Distance/proximity


Visibility in relation of the field of view


Magnitude Impact Moderate/Low IMPACT N/A Low N/A

Figure 67 - View looking south-west from pedestrian rail overbridge

Figure 68 - View looking north from the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge towards Tuggerah Railway Station

Figure 69 - View looking south from carpark of Tuggerah Railway Station

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Key view point – C6

Table 24 - Key view point C6 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity The existing road and rail

overbridge are visible from the carpark. The proposal would result in the loss of screen vegetation. However, the viewer sensitivity is low.

- Duration Low Low - No of Viewers Moderate Moderate - Viewer Sensitivity

Low Moderate

View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Low Magnitude View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

Low Low

Magnitude Impact Low Low IMPACT Low Low N/A

Figure 70 - View of Supa Centa Tuggerah from Tuggerah Rail Overbridge

Figure 71 - View looking south-west from the Supa Centa Tuggerah carpark

Figure 72 - View looking south-west from carpark ramp of Supa Centa Tuggerah with existing Tuggerah Rail Overbridge visible

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Key view point – C7

Table 25 – Key view point C7 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity The proposal would result in

removal of existing screen vegetation and expose proposed retaining walls. The area is occupied by loading docks and staff carparking and is low in terms of viewer sensitivity.

- Duration Low Low - No of Viewers Low Low - Viewer Sensitivity

Low Moderate

View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Low to


Magnitude View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

Moderate Moderate

Magnitude Impact Moderate Moderate IMPACT Moderate/Low Moderate/Low N/A

Figure 73 – View of existing pedestrian path and roof carpark entry of the Supa Centa Tuggerah

Figure 74 – View looking south-east of the Supa Centa Tuggerah driveway with existing vegetation adjacent to Wyong Road

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Key view point – C8

Table 26 – Key view point C8 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity Existing vegetation to be

retained. - Duration Negligible - No of Viewers Negligible - Viewer Sensitivity


View Sensitivity Negligible Sensitivity Impact Negligible Magnitude View Distance/proximity


Visibility in relation of the field of view


Magnitude Impact Negligible IMPACT N/A Negligible N/A

Figure 75 – View to Wyong Road from pedestrian path adjoining Tuggerah Business Park

Figure 76 – View of existing vegetation along pedestrian path south of Wyong Road

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4.4. Key view corridors

The key view corridors map identifies the key view corridors principally from the road network (refer to Figure 77).

Refer to the key view corridor Figures 78 - 95 and Tables 27 - 30 for the visual impact analysis for these key views.

Figure 77 – Key view corridors Source: Base map – Google Earth Pro

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Key view corridor R1

R1.1 to R1.4 – Sequential views of road corridor travelling south-east on Wyong Road

Table 27 – Key view corridor R1 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity The proposal would remove

most existing roadside vegetation from both sides of Wyong Road in this vicinity. Adjoining land uses including the Petbarn, McDonald’s and Hungry Jack’s restaurants adjoining Wyong Road to the north would become visible. Land south of Wyong Road is vegetated, although this site is proposed to be developed as part of the Westfield expansion (refer to Section 2.2 of this report). There are no footpaths along this section of roads. Major users are motorists.

- Duration Low Low - No of Viewers High Moderate - Viewer Sensitivity

Low Moderate

View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Moderate to


Magnitude View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

High Moderate

Magnitude Impact High Moderate IMPACT Moderate Moderate/Low N/A

Figure 78 – R1.1 Wyong Road travelling east Figure 79 – R1.2 Pedestrian lights from Westfield to Mardi

Figure 80 – R1.3 Wyong Road pedestrian/cyclist overbridge from Westfield to Anzac Road

Figure 81 – R1.4 Wyong Road travelling east approaching the Wyong Road/Pacific Highway intersection

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Key view corridor R2

R2.1 to R2.4 - Views of the road corridor to the south-west on Pacific Highway

Table 28 – Key view corridor R2 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity The proposal would remove

vegetation along the eastern edge of the Pacific Highway. Vegetation would also be removed at the north western and north eastern corners of the Pacific Highway/Wyong Road intersection. Views along this section of road still incorporate the forested ridges in the background.

- Duration Low Low - No of Viewers High Moderate - Viewer Sensitivity

Low Moderate

View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Moderate to


Magnitude View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

Moderate Moderate

Magnitude Impact Moderate Moderate IMPACT Moderate/Low Moderate N/A

Figure 82 – R2.1 View to the south along Pacific Highway from the intersection with Anzac Road

Figure 83 – R2.2 View to the south along Pacific Highway south of Anzac Road

Figure 84 – R2.3 View to the south towards intersection with Wyong Road

Figure 85 – View to the south with Petbarn to the right of photograph

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Key view corridor R3

R3.1 to R3.6 – Sequential views of road corridor travelling north-west on Wyong Road

Figure 86 – R3.1 Wyong Road/Bryant Drive roundabout with entry to Tuggerah Business Park

Figure 87 – R3.2 Existing Wyong Road/Bryant Drive roundabout with the Supa Centa Tuggerah to the north

Figure 88 – R3.3 Wyong Road travelling west Figure 89 – R3.4 Wyong Road approaching the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge and directional signage

Figure 90 – R3.5 Wyong Road approaching the existing roundabout

Figure 91 – R3.6 The Pacific Highway/Wyong Road roundabout

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Table 29 – Key view corridor R3 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity - Duration Low Low - No of Viewers High Moderate - Viewer Sensitivity

Low Moderate

View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Moderate to


Magnitude The proposal would remove existing vegetation on both sides of the road west of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge, and on the northern side of the road east of the bridge. This would increase the visibility of the Supa Centa Tuggerah to the north-east and residential area off Tambelin Street.

View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

Moderate Moderate

Magnitude Impact High to Moderate

High to Moderate

IMPACT Moderate Moderate N/A

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Key view corridor R4

R4.1 to R4.4 – Sequential views of road corridor travelling north on Pacific Highway

Table 30 – Key view corridor R4 visual impact assessment

Motorist Ped/cyclist Resident Comments Sensitivity Vegetation north of Tambelin

Street, as shown in Figure 95, would be removed as part of the proposal. The area consists of a modified landscape and the duration is short.

- Duration Low Low - No of Viewers High Moderate - Viewer Sensitivity

Low Moderate

View Sensitivity Low Low Sensitivity Impact Low Moderate to


Magnitude View Distance/proximity

High High

Visibility in relation of the field of view

Moderate Moderate

Magnitude Impact High to Moderate

High to Moderate

IMPACT Moderate/Low Moderate N/A

Figure 92 – R4.1 View from the south before the proposed works

Figure 93 – 4.2 Travelling north along Pacific Highway with views of adjoining residential areas

Figure 94 – 4.3 Pacific Highway/Tambelin Street intersection

Figure 95 – 4.4 Approaching the Pacific Highway/Wyong Road intersection

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5. Discussion

Tuggerah precinct is an area that has undergone major transformation over the past 20-25 years. Significant further urbanisation is planned to take place. Tuggerah has been identified as a Major Centre in the Central Coast Regional Strategy (2008), and the area has also been identified as a potential State significant Site by the Department of Planning & Infrastructure (2009). Increased traffic from existing and future development would ultimately require the widening of the existing road formation within the existing reserve, to provide six (6) lanes between the Pacific Highway/Wyong Road intersection and the F3 Freeway.

The existing road corridor comprises extensive planted embankments, which screen the road from the surrounding urban development. The existing planting includes Hoop Pine (Araucaria sp.), which were introduced as part of the landscape theme when the intersection was constructed in the late 1980s. These trees are now over 20 years old and their distinct form contributes to the landscape character of the area immediately surrounding the intersection.

The proposal would remove most of the existing roadside vegetation west of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge, and on the northern edge of the road, east of the Tuggerah Rail Overbridge. The road widening would also replace most of the existing landscape embankments in these areas with retaining walls ranging in height of up to 12 metres.

Apart from the existing residential area off Tambelin Street, surrounding land uses include commercial, light industrial, fast food and bulky goods. Although the proposal would impact on the landscape character of these areas, the impact on the non-residential land uses are relatively low in terms of sensitivity to change. All of the adjoining land uses back onto the road corridor and the impacts of the proposal would be moderate to low in terms of impact.

The residential area to the south east of the intersection would be impacted upon due to the proximity of the proposed works, the loss of vegetation and the introduction of a cantilevered pathway, new retaining walls and safety/privacy screens. There are very limited opportunities for landscape treatment to screen the retaining wall when viewed from existing residences immediately adjoining the proposed works. Apart from the road becoming more visible, there is potential for overlooking from the new footpath into the rear yards and dwellings. Assisting residents to provide screen planting in the rear of their properties may be a way in reducing the visual impact.

In the event that noise mitigation measures are required for the existing residential area, architectural treatment of individual dwellings would be preferred in preference to providing transparent acoustic screens above the proposed privacy fence.

Lengthening the existing underpass would impact on pedestrians and cyclists. Upgrading the quality of the existing underpass by additional lighting and generally improving the interior of the underpass would assist in reducing these impacts.

There would be moderate/low to moderate visual impacts on road users. This is primarily due to the removal of existing vegetation, which would increase the visibility of buildings, rooftops and carparks.

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6. Mitigation measures

Key steps to mitigating the above landscape character and visual impacts of the proposed works are:

Landscape treatment generally Enhance the road corridor with new planting where possible. The planting palette should be consistent with the existing planting treatment along Wyong

Road on the western approach and recent work on the Pacific Highway northern approach. Provide an attractive, vegetated median with low maintenance frangible species. Where possible provide planting to screen views of the rear of existing buildings in the north-

west and north-east quadrants of the proposed works. Continue using Hoop Pines as a feature of new landscape works around the intersection and

the approaches. Adopt appropriate plant species where new landscape works adjoin threatened ecological

communities. Location of large trees needs to have regard to services and maintenance access

requirements, and potential overshadowing of residential properties. Existing vegetation should be maintained and protected wherever possible noting that the

proposal would result in the unavoidable loss of a considerable amount of existing roadside vegetation.

Structural Elements Retaining walls are a major element affecting the visual character, and the design should

adopt a consistent approach to the treatment of retaining walls including surface treatments, colours and detailing.

Minimise the opportunity for graffiti in the selection of surface texture for the retaining walls. Screen planting should be used to reduce the visual impact of the retaining walls. Retaining walls would be visible to some residents and therefore should have a decorative

finish, which is consistent with other visible walls required as a result of the works. Develop a consistent approach to the detailing of barriers, street lighting, pedestrian fences

and safety/privacy screens and to the extent possible integrate with the detailing of existing roadside elements.

Develop a limited range of materials, colours and textures for built elements to achieve a simple uncluttered design.

Improve the quality of the existing underpass and its proposed extension ensuring it is well lit and incorporating appropriate wall surface treatments, eg working in conjunction with local community groups and street artists as has been done with the Kariong underpass.

There is limited opportunity to use screen planting to reduce the visual impact of the cantilevered footpath, retaining wall and safety/privacy screen adjoining the residential area off Tambelin Street. Alternatives for reducing visual impact in this area would include:

o discussions with the relevant servicing authorities to determine if there is potential to incorporate some screen planting over the existing services,

o liaison with residents to incorporate some screen planting in the rear of backyards. If acoustic protection is required above the proposed 1.8 m privacy fence, transparent panels

should be used. Architectural treatment of individual dwellings would be a preferred option if acoustic mitigation is required.

The new rail overbridge should adopt a similar depth, structure and similar supporting piers to the existing bridge.

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7. Conclusion

The proposed intersection and approaches upgrade of the Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR 335 would have visual and landscape character impacts, largely due to the removal of existing roadside vegetation.

The Tuggerah precinct has undergone a significant transition from a rural area to an urban area in the last 20-25 years. In this context, the proposal would have a less significant impact on the landscape character of the surrounding area as it continues to become more urban in nature.

The amount of vegetation to be removed varies in the project area with the most impact occurring on the south-east corner with the interface of the residential area.

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8. References

Department of Planning & Infrastructure 2008, Central Coast Regional Strategy 2006-31 Department of Planning & Infrastructure 2009, Clause 8 order 23 January 2009 Department of Planning & Infrastructure 2012, Concept Plan Westfield Land Holdings. Major Projects Register Google Earth 2012, Google Earth Pro RMS 2004(a), SH10 Pacific Highway Urban Design Framework. Kariong to Doyalson. April 2004. RMS 2004(b), Bridge Aesthetics. Design Guidelines to improve the appearance of bridges in NSW. July 2003 RMS 2006, Urban Design Guidelines. Urban Design Advice Note 02/2006. Pedestrian and cyclist only underpasses RMS 2009(a), Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance Note. Guidelines for landscape character and visual impact assessment. 24 March 2009 RMS 2009(b), Beyond The Pavement. RTA urban design policy, procedures and design principles. August 2009. RMS 2011(a), Pacific Highway Wyong Road intersection upgrade options report May 2011 RMS 2011(b), Professional Services Contact Description of Services. Project Development Services – Concept Design and Environmental Assessment. Pacific Highway HW10 and Wyong Road MR 335 Intersection and Approaches Upgrade Tuggerah. Contract number. 11.2911.1603.Version 1 (May 2011). SKM 2012, NB11462-ECC-RP-0007. Utilities Services Works Report (5 April 2012) SKM 2012, NB11462-ECS-RP-0002. Bridge Concept Options Report (5 April 2012) Wyong Shire Council 1991, Wyong Local Environmental Plan 1991 Wyong Shire Council 2012, Wyong Shire Council online mapping