landesa gaap

Microplot Homestad Programs Odisha & West Bengal

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Microplot Homestad Programs Odisha & West Bengal

Page 2: Landesa gaap


We Work with Governments to Design and Facilitate Processes that Support Their:

Allocation or Regularization

of Land

Housing Assistance

Home Garden

Capacity Building

Homestead Development

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We Work with the Government…

• Improving existing land programs

• Supporting mechanisms for convergence

• Promoting a “pilot scale up” approach

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Land Interventions

Odisha Program regularizes land:

• for families currently squatting on government land (Vasundhara);

• for families on land that was collectively owned (GKP);

West Bengal Program allocates land:

• for poor families according to selection criteria that prioritizes

scheduled tribes and castes, female-headed households,

families who have been landless for 2 generations, etc.

• land allocated is either purchased or vested.

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Additional support – Odisha:

• Trained local youth as Community Resource Persons;

• Odisha Tribal Empowerment Livelihood Project;

• Housing Program;

• Women’s Land Facilitation Center.

Additional support - West Bengal:

• Housing Program;

• Extension services, seed provision;

• Cluster-level development: roads, terrain leveling, water provision,


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Program results can differ:

West Bengal:

• Families receive land,

• Plots are of adequate size and in adequate location,

• Families participate in selection of land (degree of participation varies)

• Families move to a “cluster” and can receive services as a group,

• Because they move, families may lose their ties to some of their

old networks;

“Treatment” = receiving land + receiving document + taking possession

(plus homestead development)

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Program results can differ (2):


• Families are already squatting on that land, but can gain security,

• Land might be small,

• Land might not be of good quality or in good location,

“Treatment” = receiving land document

(plus homestead development)

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Interesting Gender-Related Lessons to Date:

West Bengal:

Land documents only had one line for the beneficiary

women’s names were often left out

We proposed a new format (adding one line to the document),

the government adopted this format and will re-issue documents.

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Interesting Gender-Related Lessons to Date (2):


• Land documents in the name of women/widow are not enough for

their children to obtain the caste and residence certificates needed

for admission at schools and higher education institutions.

• Widows cannot transfer land documents in their names to their

sons while they are alive if their sons live somewhere else.

• Women who are abandoned by their husbands and go back to their

natal house cannot get a residence certificate because they do not

have land in their name. As a result, they have limited access to

institutional credit, their children cannot get caste/residential

certificate and cannot enroll in school.

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Interesting Gender-Related Lessons to Date (3):


• It is difficult for young widows to inherit land because the land is

typically documented in their father-in-law’s names not in their

husbands’ name.

• Single women are not considered heads of household and therefore

cannot participate in this land regularization program on their own.

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How will we assess the projects’ impact?

Quantitative assessment:

• Sample designed considering who is more likely to receive the

treatment and who is more likely to be part of the control group;

• Baseline data had already been collected (pre-GAAP);

• Endline data for our project was supposed to be collected in 2013

but we are hoping to extend the project for one more year (to 2014)

• As part of GAAP, we will do a survey on 2012;

• Questionnaire will be adjusted to obtain more gender-disaggregated


Qualitative research:

• Focus Groups and Life Histories

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Questions we hope to answer within GAAP

• What difference do these interventions make for women?

sex-disaggregated impact on asset ownership and a few

other outcomes.

• What difference does it make when the intervention reaches

women (with land documents)?

comparing families whose land documents include

women’s names to those who do not.

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GAAP related challenges

• Period to be covered by GAAP might be too short time to

observe measurable impact.

• How to ensure we end up with a sample that has a good

balance of treatment and control families?

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GAAP related challenges

Sample composition - West Bengal:

• Rolling sample with new treatment families added as they became

beneficiaries. Due to slow pace of the roll out, we have a relatively

small number of beneficiary families in the sample.

• Because the land documents had only one line, most of the land

was titled under the man. Documents are going to be reissued to

include women. We cannot guarantee sample composition. Next

survey needs to ask when the woman’s name was included.

• Will need to complement survey findings with thorough qualitative


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GAAP related challenges

Sample composition - Odisha:

• At baseline we do not know who will receive land documents.

• Sample designed based on two assumptions:

• families are more likely to get documents in districts where RDI

is working than in those with no RDI presence.

• families who are on leaseable land are more likely to get

documents than those on non-leasable land.

• We cannot predict what proportion of the land documents will

include women’s names.

• Will need to complement survey findings with thorough qualitative


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Current Sample Composition


District Land Beneficiaries Control Group

Coochbehar 319 250

Jalpaiguri 170 200

Bankura 314 120

Total 803 570


• Jalpaiguri is a recent addition (Nov 2010) and did not have many allocations.

• Time to do baseline survey is short (after plot is allocated but before they move).

• Baseline survey was done between June 2010 and July 2011.

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Current Sample Composition


Land Documents Include

District Man &




Man Only Unclear/DK

Coochbehar (N=319)





Jalpaiguri (N=170)





Bankura (N=314)





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Current Sample Composition


District In RDI Villages In other Villages

Ganjam 179 182

Gajapati 176 178

Jagatsinghpur 196 178

Khurda 251

Total 551 789


• Families from villages or tehsils in which RDI is not working are less likely to

receive documents so we expect that many of them will be control families.

• Some of the families in RDI villages will receive documents and will become our

treatment families.

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