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A Publication of The Presbyterian Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia Lamp January 2013 Led by the Holy Spirit, we glorify, nurture, witness. A Word about ‘New’ “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (II Corinthians 5:17) A New Year. New opportunities, resolutions and beginnings. “A new covenant sealed in my blood.” (Luke 22:20) January brings to Christians more than a calendar change, and less also. We are part of the people of the new covenant in Christ Jesus. Our beginnings are open to us every day in our time. Repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation and renewal are part and parcel of our life in Christ. The Psalmist describes God’s blessings and mercies as new every morning. We have tended to view every day as full of oppor- tunities to serve God through Jesus Christ. The new reality that has come to the world in and through Jesus Christ is as fresh every day as the dawn. We need not limit ourselves to looking only at the first day of January. God’s grace and blessing meet us every day. Hoping you will make the most of all the newness God provides, I am Sincerely yours in Christ, On the INSIDE Fellowship/CE .............. 2-5 Mission ......................... 5-7 Deacons ........................... 8 New Members .............. 6-7 Youth ................................ 8 Birthdays & Milestones .... 9

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Page 1: Lamp - Presbyterian Church of Young Luncheons resume on Tuesday, January 22, at 11:30 a.m.,

A Publication of The Presbyterian Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia Lamp



Led by the Holy Spirit, we glorify, nurture, witness.

A Word about ‘New’

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation:

everything old has passed away;

see, everything has become new!” (II Corinthians 5:17)

A New Year.

New opportunities, resolutions and beginnings.

“A new covenant sealed in my blood.” (Luke 22:20)

January brings to Christians more than a calendar change, and less also. We are

part of the people of the new covenant in Christ Jesus. Our beginnings are open to

us every day in our time. Repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation and renewal are

part and parcel of our life in Christ. The Psalmist describes God’s blessings and

mercies as new every morning. We have tended to view every day as full of oppor-

tunities to serve God through Jesus Christ.

The new reality that has come to the world in and through Jesus Christ is as fresh

every day as the dawn. We need not limit ourselves to looking only at the first day

of January. God’s grace and blessing meet us every day.

Hoping you will make the most of all the newness God provides, I am

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Fellowship/CE .............. 2-5

Mission ......................... 5-7

Deacons ........................... 8

New Members .............. 6-7

Youth ................................ 8

Birthdays & Milestones .... 9

Page 2: Lamp - Presbyterian Church of Young Luncheons resume on Tuesday, January 22, at 11:30 a.m.,

Page 2 The Lamp The Presbyter ian Church

Monthly PW Circle Meetings Never Ending Circle - Sunday, January 6, 12:30 p.m. - Home of Trudy McNatt; leader: Trudy McNatt 373-2852

Circle of Joy - Monday, January 7, 10:00 a.m. - Church Parlor; leader: Kathryn Hower, 361-7435

Circle of Prayer - Tuesday, January 8, 12:00 p.m. - Middle House; leader: Jeanne Ramsburg, 710-5891

Friendship Circle - Tuesday, January 8, 11:30 a.m., lunch followed by lesson at 12:30 p.m. - Chancellor Village; leader: Ashley Conway, 972-8124

Faith Circle - Monday, January 14, 12:30 p.m. - Church Parlor; leader: Sonie Horstman, 972-7129

Empty Nesters--Movies/Games/Conversation Night. Make the trek on Saturday, February 2, 6:00 p.m., to King George for a fun evening!

Bring an hors d'oeuvre or dessert and your favorite beverage. Bring along a favorite game

or movie, too! Should we watch Groundhog Day!? RSVP to Lynn and Preston Simms,

[email protected]. Lynn and Preston live at 12092 Mt. Rose Drive, King George; Mt.

Rose is off of Rt. 3 near the King George YMCA.

Fellowship Event Join us Sunday, February 24, for a 2:00 p.m. matinee per-

formance at the Barksdale Theater in Hanover Courthouse.

Tickets are $28. A lunch buffet will also be available. More

information and sign up opportunities will be available imme-

diately after Christmas.

Cotton Patch Gospel is a musical by Tom Key and Russell

Treyz with music and lyrics written by Harry Chapin. Based on the book The Cotton Patch

Version of Matthew and John by Clarence Jordan, the story retells the life of Jesus as if in

modern day, rural Georgia. Save the Date!

Prime Timers The Prime Timers will gather for lunch at O’Charley’s Restaurant in Central Park (1791

Carl D. Silver Parkway) at 12 noon on Wednesday, January 9. We will pay by separate

checks. For reservations, please call Neil or Marcia Corry at 548-4625. Bruce plans to

share details about the May overnight trip.

The Forever Young Luncheons Pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes, applesauce, peas and cake are on the menu as the

Forever Young Luncheons resume on Tuesday, January 22, at 11:30 a.m., in the

Church House dining room. For reservations, please call Ellie Bell at 371-7093,

by January 15. Please let Ellie know if you need a ride.

Hey, Let’s Put on a Show! Come join us on Saturday, January 26, for a night of fel-

lowship and spectacular entertainment. All you have to do

is bring a dish to pass that can be served in a bowl such as

chili, soup or stew, and the Fellowship Committee will pro-

vide drinks, salads and dessert. Dinner will be at 5:30 p.m.,

and the show will start at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

If you can sing, dance, tell jokes, play a musical instru-

ment, perform stupid human tricks or have any other per-

forming skill, we are looking for you! To perform in the

show, please contact Scott Fischer, 540-899-6064

([email protected])

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School Dressing Days

We will be collecting


ONLY for children grades

K-12 (coats, jackets,

sweatshirts, hoodies, etc.)

and gently used SHOES

We will NOT be col-

lecting OTHER used

clothing this year.

Please leave donations in

the bins in Fellowship


Vacation Bible School

Save the Date

July 14 — July 18

Church School Brunch The Christian Education Committee will host a brunch for children, youth and adults on

Sunday, January 6, beginning at 9:30 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall. This will begin our

new semester of Church School. All food and beverages will be provided. At 10:00 a.m.

children and youth will go to their classes. Adults will remain in the fellowship hall to

hear a special presentation by Elder Bill Nix on his recent trip to Haiti.

The Winter/Spring Adult classes will begin on Sunday, January 13. The classes are:


The Year with the Bible class – reading the Bible in one year – will meet each week

to discuss the readings, share background on the books being read and to answer ques-

tions. The personal insights, experiences and questions of each participant will en-

hance the understanding as well as encourage participants as they journey through the

Bible together. Rev Bob Azzarito, Don Newlin, Preston Simms and Carol Houchin

will lead this class which meets on the 1st floor of the Church House.

Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding class – will take you through

three 6-week courses using the curriculum series Faith Seeking Understanding. The

Rev. Terry Diebold will lead the first course, Theology for Presbyterians, (January 13

-February 17). In the second course, Reading the Bible for Understanding, the Rev.

Allen H. Fisher will facilitate (February 24 - March 31). Sarah Dennis will teach the

third course, A Brief Statement of Faith (April 7 - May 12). The class meets in the

Middle House 1st floor.


Faith & Movie Class – Do you like to watch movies? Do you like to explore their

meaning for today and what they might say about our faith? If so, this is the class for

you. The class will pick a movie to watch during the week and then come to class to

discuss it. Marty & Vicky Wilder, Claudia Emerson and Susan Worrel and John Iacu-

nato will lead the class. which meets in the Church House, 2nd floor, back room.

Parenting Class – will read and discuss the book, Blessing of a B-minus by Wendy

Mogel, the author of the book used in the fall. Although the focus of the class will be

on teenagers, all area of parenting will be discussed. Some questions the class will ex-

plore are: What to do when these children become teenagers, when their sense of inde-

pendence and entitlement grows, the pressure to compete and succeed skyrockets, and

communication becomes fraught with obstacles. Leadership will be shared and meets

on the 2nd floor of the Church House.

Searching for God in Life's Coincidences – Are the coincidences we experience in

our daily walks just matters of unlikely probabilities actually happening? Or is God,

with his infinite grace, a better explanation? The Bible hints that God has his hands

right in the middle of these daily marvels. In John 11:40 we read, Jesus responded,

“Didn't I tell you that you will see God's glory if you believe?” In Jeremiah 29:13 we

also read, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

We are using Squire Rushnell's book of short stories, When God Winks at You. We

are adding other stories we run across in our daily walks, and we are sharing our own

personal stories as we search for God in life’s coincidences. If you were not with us

for the first half of the church school year, there is no problem with joining us for the

second half of the year. We would love to have you. Jeff Peterson will facilitate the

class which in the Undercroft.

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Confirmation Journey The 2013 Confirmation Journey begins Sunday,

January 13 at 5:00 p. m., in the Middle House with

an orientation for youth, parents and covenant part-

ners. All 8th graders are welcome to participate.

If your youth has not already registered and

wishes to join the class, please contact Pastor

Dennis, 373-7057 ([email protected])

In Christ’s service are these members of the

Confirmation teaching team: Barry Jones, Jen

Rowe, Bridget Harvey, Bruce Harvey and Rev.

Patrick Dennis.

Worship Workshop Children (1st-3rd grade) and their parents are invited

to the Worship Workshop on Sunday, January 27,

following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. We will

begin with lunch in the Fellowship Hall, and then

proceed to the second floor of the Education

Building for a series of workshops, that will

include the offering, the Apostles’ Creed,

the Lord’s Prayer, the order of worship, the

sanctuary game, the Doxology & Gloria Patri,

making a hymnbook marker and an orientation to the

sanctuary. If you plan to attend, please let Bruce know

([email protected]), or call the church

office (373-7057) by January 20 .

The 2013 Vacation Bible School will be on July 14-18. The theme will be “Athens: Paul’s

Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth.” Please mark your calendars. This year there is a

planning committee that will run VBS. The members are: Holly Horn, Merry Egge, Amanda

Murray, Donna Ridge, Susie Kuliasha, Carrie Szlyk, Ashley Conway, Lisa Harrison and

Bruce Harvey. If you wish to help, please contact a member of the committee.

Wednesday Fellowship will begin on Wednesday, January 23, and continue

through March 20. We will skip February 13 for Ash Wednesday. Dinner is from

5:45 to 6:45 p.m., with activities for all ages from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m.

On January 23, 30 and February 6, we will have an all-group activity following

dinner. On January 23 & 30 everyone will participate in Bible games and activities.

On February 6, Bill Nix will share info about his trip to Haiti. The Christian Medi-

tation group and children’s bell choir, directed by Mary Ann Casey, will meet as scheduled. From February 20

through March 20, adults and youth may choose to go to a Lenten Bible study or evening prayers. This is a little

different format for our Wednesday Fellowship. We invite you to give it a try whether you are a regular participant

or want to try something new.

Thanks to Church School Teachers The Christian Education Committee thanks the following teachers of adult classes for

their time this fall: Donna Ridge, Carol Rebman, Kathryn Hower in the Spirituality &

Weight Loss Class, and David Johnson, Tamie Pratt-Fartro, Porter Blakemore, Pastor

Fisher in the Unfolding Our Story Class. The committee also thanks discussion leaders

in the Unfolding our Story class: Amy Talmadge, Pam Eisensmith, Bill Nix, Trey Tal-

madge, Dick Balch, Rod Hughes, Doreen Vaughn, Margaret Beattie, Lewis Lowery,

John Howe, Heather Howe, Steve McCullough and Betsy Lewis. We thank the teachers

of the Parenting Class – Pete & Sharon Humes and Michelle Porter who led the class

this fall. This class will continue in the winter/spring with shared leadership.

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College Mission Trip to Haiti A group of our college students will be going to Haiti this summer

(May 29-June 5) and working with Mission of Hope. As you know,

the needs of Haiti are great and the opportunities vast. The work we

will be doing has not yet been determined. We are hopeful that the

congregation will partner with our college students by helping with

the cost of the trip. If you are interested, you may make a donation

payable to the church, note: College Mission. We look forward to

sharing our experience with you this summer.

Plans for 2013 Adult Mission Trip The plans for the 2013 Adult Mission trip are to go work on homes in

Nashville, Tennessee, March 31-April 6.. We will once again stay at the

Westminster Presbyterian Church where we were two years ago. In

working on homes damaged by the floods in 2010, we discovered a

number of homes in the area needed repairs. We would plan to drive to


If through PDA or other contacts we find that we can help in the areas

damaged by Hurricane Sandy, we will change plans and try to go the

same week. Please let Bruce know if you are interested in participating

in the 2013 trip.

Congregational Retreat - March 9 & 10, 2013 Join us on March 9 and 10, for the Annual Congregation Retreat at Camp Hanover located in

Mechanicsville, VA. This church-wide event is an opportunity for children, youth and adults

of all ages and families of all shapes and sizes to enjoy a weekend of crafts, group activities,

fishing, rock wall climbing, movies, singing, worship, campfire, story telling, and more as we

explore our theme - Fellowship Through the Seasons of the Church Year. Watch the bulletin

for details on registration. If you have questions or suggestions, please talk to one of the com-

mittee members – Bruce Harvey, Pam Eisensmith, Beth Huber, Debe Garrison, Brittany Har-

vey, Connie Barnes, Jon Schneider, Mary Grace Humes, Barry Hall and Greg Szlyk.

ADAPT Church School Class for 3rd-5th Graders Our 3rd-5th graders will have a special Church School class on Sunday, January 27, in the

fellowship hall. The ADAPT – A Disability Awareness Planning Team – will lead the

class that will have activities helping children experience a variety of disabilities their class-

mates deal with on an everyday basis. Parents will receive more information about the ex-

perience in the coming weeks.

Plan Now for Summer Camp at Camp Hanover Be on the lookout for Camp Hanover summer camp brochures which should be available in

January. Camp Hanover is our Presbytery camp located just east of Richmond, outside of Me-

chanicsville. One of the changes for the 2013 summer schedule is that weeklong camps will

begin on Sundays instead of Mondays. Summer camps are for rising 2nd graders through

high school graduates.

Our Congregational retreat will also be at Camp Hanover in March.

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Food Pantry Update The Mission Committee has changed the food pantry items we will offer to our patrons to improve the nutritional con-

tent. The changes will include the elimination of macaroni and cheese and ramen noodles and the addition of a chili mix

(dried beans, diced tomatoes and chili seasoning), a 16 oz package of rice, apple sauce, several small boxes of raisins,

and a package of fig Newtons. The total cost of the two bags of items given to those who visit the Food Pantry will be

approximately $21. We encourage members to support the food pantry with monetary donations and/or to bring the spe-

cific food items that are included in the bags given to patrons.

If you wish to volunteer to help at the Food Pantry, please contact Bob Piersall at 373-3289 or [email protected].

What Is In the Bag? With the newly implemented changes to items given to patrons who visit the Food Pantry, this is what people take

home with them after a visit to the Food Pantry:

3 individual packages of oatmeal

3 packages of nonfat dry milk (to make 3 quarts of milk)

1 jar of peanut butter

1 jar of jelly

2 cans of tuna or other meat

1 package of day spaghetti or other pasta

1 jar of spaghetti sauce

2 cans of soup

2 canned meals (stew, ravioli, etc.)

2 cans of mixed vegetables

1 can of fruit

3 small boxes of raisins

1 jar of apple sauce

1 package of Fig Newtons

16oz bag dried beans, diced tomatoes (2 cans) and chili seasoning mix

16oz package of rice

A box of crackers, juice, snacks (i.e., cookies), and other items such as shampoo if they are available..

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MEALS ON WHEELS: Coordinator and Drivers Needed Meals on Wheels is a program that provides a cold noontime meal and a hot evening meal for the elderly and convales-

cent. Subscribers pay for the meals which are prepared by Mary Washington Hospital and delivered by volunteers Mon-

days through Fridays.

If you would like to deliver meals within a four-mile radius of Mary Washington Hospital, please contact either Becky

Paul, 373-2294 or Carol Underhill, 371-2567.

Melville G. Wright III, who has coordinated the program for a number of years, wishes to

step down in March. If an individual or a group will consider taking over as coordinator, they

should contact Dr. Wright at 371-1517. The duties of the coordinator are:

1. Screen prospective clients to see if they qualify

2. Notify the hospital dietary department and drivers about new clients

3. Collect and record payments from clients for their meals

4. Send payment to Sodexo, the hospital’s food service, monthly

5. Problem solving as needed, e.g., covering for a driver who does not show up as sched-

uled, correcting an incorrectly delivered or missing meal box, etc.

Also, please contact Becky Paul or Dr. Wright if you know someone who would benefit from

receiving meals through the program.

3rd Saturday Community Dinners Check your calendars! The dates for the upcoming free Community Dinners are January 19,

February 16, March 16. If you would like to help, contact Karen Johnson, 371-2719,

([email protected]).

Helping With the Cold Night Shelter Our volunteers continue to work at the Micah Cold Night Shelter every Wednes-

day evening making beds and checking in the guests for the evening. There are two

ways you can help. Pray for all the volunteers and guests at the Cold Night Shelter.

The second way is to bring socks and/or underwear of all sizes to the church. We

take 36 t-shirts, underwear, or pairs of socks each Wednesday along with a snack to

give to the guests. There are bins outside the fellowship hall and the sanctuary

where you may place your items. The shelter will run through the end of February.

Stop Hunger Now Coming again on Souper Bowl and Youth Sunday, February 3, is a STOP HUN-

GER NOW event. We will again package dehydrated, high protein, and highly nu-

tritious meals that are used in crisis situations and in school feeding programs for

schools and orphanages in developing countries around the world.

This is an event that all ages from 3 to senior adults may work together to assem-

ble 25,000 meals. We will need $6,250 to cover the cost of the meals that are $.25

each. The Souper Bowl offering will go toward this effort, and other donations are

welcomed. Plan to join us for this exciting event.

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Thoughts from Sarah Dennis, Our Youth Leader

2013…what a year it will be! The youth of The Presbyterian Church

wrapped up 2012 with fun and service. We played games, made sandwiches for

Micah, and each group had a white elephant gift exchange. Batteries, glued to-

gether pennies, oversized toothbrush and a individual-sized box of milk duds were

just a few of the gifts this year. It is always a fun time! We also had a meaningful time delivering

Angel Tree presents and making Christmas more fun and less stressful for many families. Many

thanks to everyone in our congregation who helped make that possible. We have such a wonderfully

giving church family.

As 2013 gets underway, the youth will be planning for Youth Sunday/Souper Bowl of Caring, and

learning more about how we can serve Christ in our daily lives and having fun. Check out the calen-

dar for all our great events.

See you at youth group!

Page 8 The Lamp The Presbyter ian Church

Fusion (Senior High - 5:00 p.m., Sundays):


6: Kickoff with Games

13: Youth Sunday Planning

20: Youth Sunday Planning

27: Youth Sunday Planning



February 15-17- Mystery Trip…come find out where we

are going to be serving.

April 12-14- Retreat: we will be heading to the West Vir-

ginia Mountains this year to retreat together.

It is not too late to sign up for summer trips (Rising 9th

graders-graduated seniors):

Mission trip to Memphis, TN- June 23-29

Montreat: July 21-27

Velocity (Middle School - 6:30 p.m., Sundays):


6: Kickoff with Games

13: What does it mean to be bare in

front of God?

20: Guy/Girl night

27: Mission- clothing

February 3: YOUTH SUNDAY and


March 2: Ski Trip

April 20-21: POJ Middle School Retreat

at Camp Hanover

Deacon Corner ~ Fellowship and Group Activities Committee Feeling sociable? The Fellowship and Group Activities Committee may be the place for your enthusiasm and talents.

This committee is co-chaired by Session Elders David Johnson, Jeff Spinnanger and Robin Joel, and their purpose is to

plan activities for congregational fellowship. Church fellowship is a key element for our members to laugh, make

memories, and enjoy each other’s company. This is one way we make friends and build lasting relationships within our

church family.

Some of the traditional activities this committee organizes are Suppers for Seven, the bi-annual Talent Show, Mother’s

and Father’s Day recognitions, Fall Festival, dinner theater events, pie socials, summer baseball games, and the Church

Retreat. If you are interested in joining these fun-loving organizers, please contact Dave Johnson (540-371-2719), Jeff

Spinnanger (368-1968), Robin Joel (540-229-1421), or Bruce Harvey (540-373-7057).

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Milestones Capsule of Concern: Jerry Zekert

Continued Prayers: Jean Gill, Marjorie Glassco, Bud Helmen,

Janie Kash, Ruth Moffitt, Jeanne Waite

Weddings: Meghann Green and James Rusbarsky were mar-

ried December 8, 2012, at The Presbyterian Church.

Our heartfelt Christian love and sympathies are extended to:

Betty Jo Morecock on the death of her mother, Hazel Wells

Collins, who died on November 15, in Gloucester, Virginia.

Sharon Humes and family on the death of her uncle, Bob

Glidden (former member), who died on December 3, 2012,

in Florida.

Sandy Askins and family on the death of her mother, May

Ida Stevenson, who died on December 8, 2012.

Lamoine Knefelkamp and family on the death of his wife,

Brenda Sauls, who died on December 11, 2012.

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2. Libby Humes, Scott Theado, Shelby Gleason,

Tom Wimberly

3. Brent McGhee

4. Mollie Cass, Jeremy Stoddard

5. Linda Spangler

6. Mark Hughes, Joan Darby

8. Haley Dameron

9. Bud Baker, Sarah Gormley, Mike Gillenwater,

Anne Thompson

10. Harry Farley, Bridget Harvey, Lily Read,

Thomas Digges, Fidelia Boshears

11. Eric Dowling, Lillian Remsen, Ruth Moreau,

Laura Digges

12. Mike Foreman, Ginger Oplinger

13. Pete Kolakowski, Claudia Emerson

14. Gary Scheibel, Allison Worthington, Ashley Kave

15. Lou Cralle, Duane Hansen, Neil Sullivan,

Anne Betz, Amy Maclean, Kristina Brough,

Eleanor Bailey

16. Susan Harrison, Anne Shotwell, John Baer,

Susie Davis

17. Jane Williams, Erica Foreman

18. Rick Banez

19. Greg Medsker, Missy Dodson, Wendel Gouldman,

David Godshall

20. Don Wilson, Chris Repp, Miguel Pineda,

Meredith Goggin

21. Ben Middleton

22. Nellie Kate Dameron

23. Nancy Wilson, Madison Early

24. Jeff Kunkler

25. Liz Thompson, Fred Betz

26. Harry Lewis, Sam Lowery

27. Seth Rapkins, Jamie Gillespie, Adam Bentley

28. Sue Stone, Don MacNemar, Claire Fritz,

Anna Rainey

29. Ellie Bell, Bruce Harvey, Brian Baker, Silas Lacey,

Kim Liska, Clara Liska, Courtney Stone,

Paula Steven, April Stevens

30. Joan Eck, Kaileen Coffman, Don Doherty

31. Lynn Norfleet, Suzanne Broman, Robert King

Elders -

Margaret Beattie

Suzanne Bevan

Dave Bohmke

Jacob Coffman

Gaye Copley

Joan Darby

John Garrison

Tristin Fidler

Wayne Hibbeler

Rod Hughes

Sharon Humes

Robin Joel

David Johnson

Jeff Kunkler

Lindsay Pargman

Bob Piersall

Tamie Pratt-Fartro

Jeff Spinnanger

Doreen Vaughn

2012-2013 Session

Moderator – Rev. Allen H. Fisher, Jr., Pastor

Clerk of Session - Patty Toler

Associate Pastor - Rev. Patrick Dennis

J a n u a r y B i r t h d a y s

Communion Schedule Worship Committee and Session have voted to continue

our recent practice in scheduling the sacrament of Commun-

ion. In the year ahead we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper

on the first Sunday of each new season in the church year.

This means our 2013 dates are:

January 6 Epiphany

February 17 First Sunday in Lent

March 28 Maundy Thursday

April 7 First Sunday of Eastertide

May 26 Trinity Sunday (First Sunday after Pentecost)

October 6 World Communion Sunday

Please note that the season of Ordinary time (Sundays

after Pentecost) is the longest. We will add a

date in July or August as summer schedules are

made. Keep an eye out for future announce-


Elders Sharon Humes and Joan Darby,

For the Worship Committee

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PAID Fredericksburg



810 Princess Anne Street

Princess Anne and George Streets

Fredericksburg, VA 22401


1. Genesis 1, 2 / Matthew 1

2. Genesis 3,4 / Matthew 2

3. Genesis 5, 6 / Matthew 3

4. Genesis 7, 8 / Psalms 1, 2

5. Genesis 9-11 / Matthew 4

6. Genesis 12, 13 / Matthew 5

7. Genesis 14, 15 / Psalms 3, 4

8. Genesis 16, 17 / Matthew 6

9. Genesis 18, 19 / Matthew 7

10. Genesis 20, 21 / Matthew 8

11. Genesis 22, 23/ Psalms 5. 6

12. Genesis 24, 25 / Matthew 9

13. Genesis 26, 27 / Matthew 10

14. Genesis 28, 29 / Psalms 7, 8

15. Genesis 30, 31 / Matthew 11

16. Genesis 32, 33 / Matthew 12

17. Genesis 34-36 / Matthew 13

18. Genesis 37, 38 / Psalm 9

19. Genesis 39, 40 / Matthew 14

20. Genesis 41, 42 / Matthew 15

21. Genesis 43, 44 / Psalm 10

22. Genesis 45, 46 / Matthew 16

23.Genesis 47, 48 / Matthew 17

24. Genesis 49, 50 / Matthew 18

25. Exodus 1, 2 / Psalms 11, 12

26. Exodus 3, 4 / Matthew 19

27. Exodus 5, 6 / Matthew 20

28. Exodus 7, 8 / Psalms 13, 14

29. Exodus 9, 10 / Matthew 21

30. Exodus 11, 12 / Matthew 22

31. Exodus 13, 14 / Matthew 23

Year of the Bible

Readings for January 2013