lake woerthersee water greeting

NAMASTE ON THE LAKESHORE LAKE WOERTHERSEE WATER GREETING Do something good for yourself! Start the day actively. In the open. With a view of the lake. Our “Lake Woerthersee Water Greeting” is a special sequence of movements that is practiced before jumping into the crystal-clear lake – ideally before breakfast. The “Water Greeting”, as we call it, combines the most important contents from yoga, shiatsu, F. X. Mayr therapy and kinesiology for a particularly active start to the day: • Deep, calm breathing • Meridians and acupuncture points • Abdominal massage • Thymus gland This brief morning ritual has a multitude of positive effects on your health and your well-being. Be eager to explore and try it out! MERIDIANS AND ACUPUNCTURE POINTS According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy goes through the body in certain pathways and rhythms. Follow the pathway of your meridians and: • Stimulate the energy flow • Improve the microcirculation • Perform a mild lymphatic drainage TIP: When you are once again “ingrained” in your mind at home, your at- tention will return to your body: start with both hands at the level of the ankle. Stroke upward along the inside of the thigh up to the level of the groin, then along the outside of the thigh (imaginary trouser seam) from top to bottom. Do the same with the arms. Stroke with the right hand on the inner side of the left arm forward up to the fingertips and back down on the outer side of the arm – change the side. ABDOMINAL MASSAGE Abdominal massages are a proven remedy of the F. X. Mayr cure and are more than 100 years old. It helps with intestinal cleansing and detoxification. The good news: you can also lend a hand yourself and get the digestion going. The abdomen is massaged in a circle clockwise (digestive direction) with gentle pressure for a few minutes. DEEP, CALM BREATHING Abdominal breathing is one of the best and simplest relaxation techniques. The abdominal wall’s movement passes here through the most important respiratory muscle, the diaphragm: during inhalation the diaphragm pulls downward and the abdomen arches outward. During exhalation the diaphragm musculature relaxes, moves upward and the navel pulls inward towards the spine. TIP: You can also restore your relaxed holiday feeling at home: Place your hands on your abdomen with fingers slightly spread. Breathe deeply into the abdomen through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Pay attention to a conscious and complete exhalation. NAMASTE ON THE LAKESHORE THYMUS GLAND So-called “T lymphocytes” – defence cells which circulate in the blood circulation and destroy exogenous pathogens – are created in the thymus gland. Arouse your animal spirits and: • Stimulate your immune system • Gain more energy • Feel wide-awake and concentrated TIP: If you feel tired at home or ever require a considerable amount of concentration, tap gently on your thymus gland for 30-60 seconds. It is located on the upper part of the sternum, 2 to 3 finger widths below the spot where the collarbone meets with the sternum.

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Post on 28-Jul-2016




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Do something good for yourself! Start the day actively. In the open. With a view of the lake. Our “Lake Woerthersee Water Greeting” is a special sequence of movements that is practiced before jumping into the crystal-clear lake – ideally before breakfast.



Do something good for yourself!Start the day actively.In the open.With a view of the lake.Our “Lake Woerthersee Water Greeting” is a special sequence of movements that is practiced before jumping into the crystal-clear lake – ideally before breakfast.

The “Water Greeting”, as we call it, combines the most important contents from yoga, shiatsu, F. X. Mayr therapy and kinesiology for a particularly active start to the day:

• Deep, calm breathing• Meridians and acupuncture points• Abdominal massage• Thymus gland

This brief morning ritual has a multitude of positive eff ects on your health and your well-being. Be eager to explore and try it out!

MERIDIANS AND ACUPUNCTURE POINTS According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy goes through the body in certain pathways and rhythms.

Follow the pathway of your meridians and: • Stimulate the energy fl ow• Improve the microcirculation• Perform a mild lymphatic drainage

TIP: When you are once again “ingrained” in your mind at home, your at-tention will return to your body: start with both hands at the level of the ankle. Stroke upward along the inside of the thigh up to the level of the groin, then along the outside of the thigh (imaginary trouser seam) from top to bottom.Do the same with the arms. Stroke with the right hand on the inner side of the left arm forward up to the fi ngertips and back down on the outer side of the arm – change the side.

ABDOMINAL MASSAGE Abdominal massages are a proven remedy of the F. X. Mayr cure and are more than 100 years old. It helps with intestinal cleansing and detoxifi cation. The good news: you can also lend a hand yourself and get the digestion going. The abdomen is massaged in a circle clockwise (digestive direction) with gentle pressure for a few minutes.

DEEP, CALM BREATHING Abdominal breathing is one of the best and simplest relaxation techniques. The abdominal wall’s movement passes here through the most important respiratory muscle, the diaphragm: during inhalation the diaphragm pulls downward and the abdomen arches outward. During exhalation the diaphragm musculature relaxes, moves upward and the navel pulls inward towards the spine.

TIP: You can also restore your relaxed holiday feeling at home:Place your hands on your abdomen with fi ngers slightly spread. Breathe deeply into the abdomen through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Pay attention to a conscious and complete exhalation.


So-called “T lymphocytes” – defence cells which circulate in the blood circulation and destroy exogenous pathogens – are created in the thymus gland.

Arouse your animal spirits and: • Stimulate your immune system• Gain more energy• Feel wide-awake and concentrated

TIP: If you feel tired at home or ever require a considerable amount of concentration, tap gently on your thymus gland for 30-60 seconds.It is located on the upper part of the sternum, 2 to 3 fi nger widths below the spot where the collarbone meets with the sternum.


Stand firmly at hip width in water up to the shinbones

Move your toes in the ground – feel the feet grounding

Look at the lake

Place hands on the abdomen – deep abdominal breathing – 5 breaths

Inhalation: raise the arms sideways and upwards above the head

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Exhalation: the upper body unrolls slowly forward – bend the knees while doing so

Grasp the water with both hands

With the inhalation, always spread out the inside of the thigh up to the level of the groin

With the exhalation, spread out the out side of the thigh (imaginary trouser seam) down to the ankles

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Grasp the water again with both hands

With the inhalation, roll the body up ver- tebra by vertebra – calmly exhale through the mouth again while standing

With the next inhalation, the right hand strokes for- ward on the inside of the left arm up to the fingertips – then turn the arm

With the next exhala- tion, the right hand strokes back again on the outside of the left arm up to the shoulder blade

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With the exhalation, let the shoulders drop again

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Tap the left shoulder up towards the neck – perform the same movement on the right side

With the inhalation, raise both shoulders up to the ears – hold briefly – look towards the sky

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Tap the area around the sacrum with loose fists for about 30 seconds

Place the palms of both hands on the abdomen – massage in a circle clockwise with gentle pressure for about 1 minute

Make a fist with the right hand and perform a gentle tapping motion at the level of the ster- num for about 20 se- conds – close the eyes while doing so. Finish the tapping motion and open the eyes with the next exhalation through the mouth.

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