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LAD Planning

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Company LOGO

Component Steps

1. Revisit the Municipal Development Plans/Municipal Agricultural Development Plans

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Company LOGO

Component Steps

2. Formulate/update the agricultural development plan with strong emphasis on the business and marketing aspects ensuring presence of the following:

a. Municipal Agriculural Profile

b. Municipal Agricultural Development Strategic Directions

c. Identified Programs/Projects

d. Five-Year Agricultural Development Investment Plan

e. Resource Mobilization Plan

f. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

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Company LOGO

Component Steps

3. Plan Validation and legitimization

4. Plan presentation to resource institutions

5. Inclusion in the LGU’s Annual Operations and Investment Plans and those of agencies committing to provide support/assistance.

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Company LOGO


Ensure completeness of information For Resource-based SWOT Analysis and competitive assessment to: - highlight the “strengths” of the area to capitalize

- identify “weaknesses” to overcome - pinpoint “opportunities” to exploit - underscore “threats” to neutralize

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Company LOGO

The Municipal Agridev Strategic Directions or VMGOS

-declares the general or agricultural development Vision



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Company LOGO

The Municipal Agridev Vision

image of desired future gives clear direction, hope forward-looking A blueprint for change

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Company LOGO

Agricultural Development Vision of Sagay, Camiguin

A self-reliant, god-centered and dynamic agri-aqua and tourism-based community, living and working in accordance w/ the principles of sustainable development.

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The Municipal Agridev

A general statement of how the vision will be


Can be formulated by asking the following questions:

1. What actions are needed?

2. Who will do them?

3. What conditions should be there?

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Agri-dev Mission of Sagay, Camiguin

– To enable the people of Sagay achieve better quality of life for the present and future generations.

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The Municipal Agridev Goals

The sectoral targets of the vision with long

term focus

Considerations for stating thegoals:

1. How to attain the vision and accomplish the mission?

2. Statement of intended outcome or impact?

Examples: Increased income better health for the population increased productivity improved educational services

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Company LOGO

Goals of Municipality of Sagay

1. Prevent environmental degradaion and promote the regeneration of natural resources

2. Accelerate socio-economic growth through increased agri-aqua production and tourism development

3. Improve the level of human development through the delivery of basic social services and appropriate educaation for community empowerment

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Company LOGO

Agri-Dev Goals of Sagay, Camiguin

To improve the living condition of the people and enable them to become self-reliant through poverty alleviation, sustainable agriculture, rural industry and tourism development.

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Company LOGO

The Municipal AgridevObjectives

Targets to be achieved in the short-run quantified in terms of degrees of achievement and timelines

Has the following characteristics:


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Company LOGO

Agri-Dev Objectives of Sagay, Camiguin

1. To achieve an accelerated socio-economic growth.

2. to increase overall agricultural production as a base for industrialization

3. To increase the real income of marginal farmers and sustenance fishermen thereby reducing poverty incidence in the municipality

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Company LOGO

The Municipal AgridevObjectives

SAMPLE Objectives Statement

At the end of five years, the following shall have been achieved by coconut farmers:

•Increased coco farm productivity by 80%;•Increased income from P 10,000/quarter to at least P 20,000.00;

3. Send all three children to school;4. Afford the family’s basic needs.

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Company LOGO

The Municipal AgridevStrategies


- Hastening land reform and improving services delivery

- Food self-sufficiency- Dissemination of commodity-specific agri-fishery technologies- Agro-ecological and agro-system based

development - Market-based approaches (commodity-Specific, value-adding)

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Company LOGO

The 5-Year Agridev Investment Plan

Contains the objectives and strategies; programs/projects/activities; expected outputs; timeframe; and responsibility centers.

• basis for AOP and AIP

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Company LOGO

The 5-Year Municipal Agricultural Development Investment Plan2006-2010Municipality of _______

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Company LOGOResource Mobilization Plan

Identifies programs/projects and sources of resources/assistance which include the LGU itself and external institutions (NGAs, NGOs, ODA)

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Company LOGO

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Determines M & E membership, track progress and performance of programs/projects implemented based on target quantity and quality standards.