labour manifest another version

The Labour Party Manifesto 2007 “Strength Through Stability” The Labour Party has a undisputed record of a stable economy with positive growth and low inflation and we plan to expand on that. “Fairness Through Equality” Social policies must put everyone on equal ground, regardless of race, sexual orientation, or disability. Our record stands firm and second to none. “Peace and Prosperity” The Labour Party recognizes that the most prosperous times are also the most peaceful that’s why our mission across the globe will continue to be the pursuit of peace in all corners. “Strong Leadership for Trying Times” The international stage changes daily and it’s important to have leaders who not only understand mainstream Britain, but can make the tough decisions to keep Britain safe. Promoting Policies… …that Promote You!

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Another verson, blah, blah.


Page 1: Labour Manifest Another Version

The Labour Party

Manifesto 2007

“Strength Through Stability” The Labour Party has a undisputed record of a stable economy with positive growth and low

inflation – and we plan to expand on that.

“Fairness Through Equality” Social policies must put everyone on equal ground, regardless of race, sexual orientation, or

disability. Our record stands firm and second to none.

“Peace and Prosperity” The Labour Party recognizes that the most prosperous times are also the most peaceful –

that’s why our mission across the globe will continue to be the pursuit of peace in all corners.

“Strong Leadership for Trying Times” The international stage changes daily – and it’s important to have leaders who not only

understand mainstream Britain, but can make the tough decisions to keep Britain safe.

Promoting Policies…

…that Promote You!

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One People

One Country

One Labour

Promoting Policies…

…that Promote You!

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The Labour Party

Manifesto 2007

Table of Contents Introduction by James Maxwell

Four Steps to a Better Britain

Your Money

Your Job

Your World

Your Security

Your Values

Your Community

Your Life

Your Government

Your Say!














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Dear Voter , It is not to be forgotten that as politicians battle it out for your vote, there are British troops

serving in Afghanistan fighting a very real battle. On behalf of the Labour Party, I would like to

thank our armed forces for the great work they have done and will continue to do in shaping a

more democratic and secure Afghanistan and in turn a more secure Britain. I pay my respects

to the UK servicemen and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice in all wars, but in

Afghanistan in particular. Their sacrifice was not in vain as progress continues to be made in

Helmand province and elsewhere in combating insurgency.

Upon becoming Prime Minister I pledged to call a general election within twelve months to

receive a mandate for myself as Prime Minister and for the One Labour Party I have striven to

build as a government. Here we are, and this election represents a choice. A choice between a

Labour Party with a renewed agenda for change against the indecision of the Liberal

Democrats, the divisiveness of the Conservatives and the opportunism of the Independent

Labour Party. As ever the decision will be made on policy, and which party you trust with your

child's education, your health service, your tax money and your support.

I am unashamed to be making Labour's case for the first time. Since 1997 we have made some

very positive changes to policy in the UK, keeping taxes low, investing in public services and

ensuring that hard graft by hand or brain is rewarded. However, one thing a party that ever

hopes to achieve a fourth term in government must acknowledge that we made mistakes.

Mistakes with the 90 day detention, ID cards and with tuition fees at £3,000 per year. We went

to war when we shouldn't have, and for that we make an unreserved apology.

So where New Labour brought progress One Labour will build and where New Labour made

mistakes we seek to rectify those by taking a fresh approach, often radical yet pragmatic.

That's all very well said, but what you'll be seeking to know is what a One Labour government

will mean for your job, your community, your children's future. I hope that this manifesto will

be provide the answers you are looking for - policies guided by progressive principles and

modern values. Each individual Secretary and Minister of State have undertaken to outline the

direction in which they intend to take and how that will affect the lives of you, the electorate.

One Labour stand committed to a more stable economy. There is no doubt that with house

prices continuing to rise steadily government needs to remain resolute in preventing the

market from over-heating. For that you need a tried hand but with a wealth of fresh ideas - you

have that in Labour. One Labour believes in liberty and security, in equal partnership. With the

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spectre of political extremism and international terrorism it is difficult to protect liberties and

find new innovative ways of tracking down criminals who abuse liberties to commit their

crimes. For that you need a party that knows the value of upholding liberty but is also

experienced in tackling crime and terrorism with results - look at the figures and watch the

dogmatic fight of many present Cabinet members against ID cards and 90 day detention and

you will see that you have that in Labour.

Another thing that One Labour stands firmly in defence of is the need for equality of

opportunity. In the global era we now live in, we will all face competition at every stage of life

like never before, so it is important that for their empowerment, that working people have the

skills they need to succeed. Thus access to good quality education and to vital skills for life for

all is imperative to Britain's economy. In order to promote social mobility at every turn you

need a party that knows poverty, knows the causes and most importantly knows the

solutions. Cast your mind back to crumbling school buildings and forward now to the new

educational infrastructure put in place by Labour and you'll know that to have that in Labour.

But these are just some of the challenges now facing the UK.

Labour shall secures the UK's place at the top table in international negotiations by working

constructively with prominent organisations to deliver global reform. Additionally, Labour will

commit to establishing regional living wages to tailor make the economy around people and

their needs, and to make want a thing of the past. Ambitious targets on environmental and

energy reform will be set, infrastructure renewed and a new politics created. Labour stand for

a commission into further devolution, a more democratic House of Lords and a political

system centred on listening again.

In this document, ever present are priorities that reflect the modern society that Labour has

had a hand in crafting. In this document is a blueprint for pragmatic change of the type we

need to construct a truly progressive country. In this document, I am confident you will find

hope for the future.

Best Wishes,

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It’s about

the economy,

equal rights,

and our communities.

but mostly…

It’s about you

Promoting Policies…

…that Promote You!

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Our First Priorities:

4 steps to a better Britain

Building a Dynamic

Economy with a

Sustainable Green Sector!

Investigating New

Means of Tackling Crime

and Terrorism!

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Ensure that Britain becomes even

more socially mobile, through

positive action on life chances in

the early years and increasing

access to further education!

Push educational

attainment in schools and

quality of care on the NHS

even higher!

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Your Money: An Introduction by Chancellor of the Exchequer, Christian Marcum


“We have a real opportunity as a Party to make a

stark contrast between ourselves and the

Conservatives. We’ve seen their policies in the past –

policies of unabashed favoritism towards the

wealthy and unashamed attacks on the middle and

working classes. Over the past decade, Labour has

struck a balance between punishing success and

rewarding stark greed at the expense of society. It is

time to continue to speak for Britain – not one class

or the other. As the Conservatives gear up for a flat

tax plan with their Shadow Chancellor, I can stand

here and firmly say we have not, are not, and never

will be for anything other than fair and progressive


It’s not time to look into the past, as the regressive Tories would have you, but to look into

the future and how we can improve towards our ultimate goal: strength and stability in

the economy.”

Our Policies: - A solid commitment not a raise the lower or higher rates of Income Tax.

- An ironclad commitment to a new tuition fees scheme (to be elaborated on

under Your Life) in which students who complete University are waved

their tuition fees and are debt free upon completition!

- The introduction of a tax placed upon excessively high bonuses and

“golden parachutes,” by which terminated executives are paid excessively

high severance fees.

- A responsible monetary policy to curb the possibility of inflation and a

ballooning housing market without hurting the ability to buy.

- The introduction of a regionally varied living wage, to ensure prosperity for

all according to their need.

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Our Policies Continued: - The freedom of choice in pensioning, in which no person can be

forced to retire.

- The introduction of an investment bank to make strategic

investments in critical industries based on the highly successful

Canadian model.

- The introduction of a community improvement fund to allow

local governments the access to funds they need to purchase

community improvement projects.

- An act to provide workers at least one seat on the executive

board of corporations to ensure they have a seat at the table and

a day-to-day voice other than collective bargaining.

- Lowering the male pension age to 63, while increasing the female

age to 63, in order to allow more enjoyment and time as


- Reducing rent on Government owned housing.

- And, vitally, continuing to maintain reasonable levels of debt and

recognizing that the key to a healthy economy is a reasonable

deficit to GDP ratio. Reducing the deficit blindly is not the answer,

but rather maintaining our ability to repay our debt. We are

committed to running a reasonable deficit, while investing in our

economy and public services to ensure their continued growth

and development.

Promoting Policies…

…that Promote You!

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Your Job: An Introduction by Business and Industry Secretary, Alexi Giannoulias

One of the foremost concerns of Labour always has been the

employment of the citizens of Great Britain and their ability to

negotiate with their employers fairly, honestly, and with success. On

the same token, we have been successful at empowering both the

workers and their employers to make the decisions necessary to foster

a healthy economy. Our minimum wage has been a great success and

our inflationary policies have been second to none. We turned around

Major’s bedeviled economy and showed the world that Britain is more

than what the Conservatives want – it is a powerhouse that can

provide mobility and success to all classes, and can be the great

equalizer. We have a chance to continue with the success and tweak it

even further – after a decade of booming, we have even more work

than ever, ensuring that all walks of life benefit from our economy and

that we redouble our efforts to eradicate poverty and establish full

employment. Our commitment to you remains as strong as ever, and I

hope your commitment to us is just as equal. We are One People, One

Nation, and One Labour!

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How Labour is Strong on Business and Strong on Jobs:

- The commitment to a minimum wage, introduced in our first

term in Government.

- The commitment to a new “Green” sector, to create thousands of

high paying jobs for British citizens across the country.

- The development of our energy at home, to ensure that jobs stay

here, along with an improved self-sustainability.

- A voice for the workers on the executive board, with someone to

approach that makes day-to-day decisions as opposed to going

solely through union negotiations.

- The ability to have a regional living wage, that ensures fairness

and social mobility across all regions and taking living expenses

into account.

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Your World: An Introduction by Foreign Secretary, Zubair Smith.

“Labour has always been the party for

foreign affairs. Labour has always been

the party wanting to reform the way this

world functions to create more equality

and fairness. And this election and a

possible new term in Government will

be no different.

We have seen many things the last three

terms: fight for democracy in Iraq and

Afghanistan; war on terror; call for UN

reform; arm quotas and much more. It

has been a successful road Labour has

walked down the last three terms, and

Labour will continue to stroll on this

path, ensuring fairness and equality in

the world, democracy, reform and unity.

We all live in a world society, so let us

get the best out of it, and let us fight

inequality together; let us fight for

democracy together; let us fight for

reforms together; let us fight for fairness,

peace and prosperity .

Let us vote for peace; let us vote for

democracy; let us vote for unity; let us

vote for solidarity; let us vote for

prosperity; let us vote for respect; let us

vote for responsibility; let us vote for

maturity. Let us vote for Labour to

govern foreign affairs.”

Our Priorities:

- Iraq and


- Terrorism

- The Middle East

and Africa

- Poverty and


- UN Reform

- Europe

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Iraq and Afghanistan

Both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been occupying people’s minds since

they were commenced. Many people have blamed Labour of commencing illegal

wars, fighting against democracy, destroying the Middle East. We respect that

people think like this, but we strongly disagree.

Labour is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan to create a democratic system, we are

fighting to battle down the terror which they meet everyday. Every minute, hour

and day, British soldiers victimise themselves in order to help civilians. They do so

because they - like Labour - believe in what we are fighting for, they believe in

helping nations in need of it.

However, Labour is not fond of wars, which is why we will issue a review of Iraq

and Afghanistan to find out when the missions can be finished and a pull-back can

be called.


Terrorism is a serious problem in and out of Britain. And Labour is committed to

battle it, getting peace and prosperity to the world stage. Therefore we are going

to participate in joint attempts to battle terror, and we are going to be exclusive

of it anytime.

We are going to continue operations like Iraq and Afghanistan when it is most

needed, because we need to battle terrorism, and that will not be done by sitting

back and ignoring it, hoping that it will get solved itself.

We will strongly condemn any terror act, and we are going to offer our help to

any state suffering under serious terrorism.

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The Middle East and Africa

Labour is going to continue the Kashmir peace process between our

Commonwealth partners of India and Pakistan. In times like these, it is most

important to ensure that peace is secured in the Middle East and between our


We are also going to improve our Middle Eastern and African relations. What we

see here today might very well be tomorrow’s world leaders, and therefore it is

compulsory of Britain to have sound relations with these nations. We need to

speak and trade with everyone who abides by international law, not just across

the Atlantic, but in the Middle East and Africa too. And by having good relations,

we can ensure that democracy is brought to these nations in a more peaceful

manner, and that our economy grows together with Middle Eastern and African


Britain needs to not only look towards the Atlantic, but towards Africa and the

Middle East. Britain needs to be innovative, and that is what Labour will bring.

Poverty and AIDS

Under Labour, there will be offered help to nations experiencing poverty and

AIDS. We need to help people in developing nations exploit their individual

abilities to the fullest, and this can only be done by eliminating world-wide

poverty. Therefore, Britain will continue to increase the aid sent to developing


The problem of AIDS however is different: it is a disease of which we know very

little, and we are as of yet not able to battle it properly, only prevent it.

Therefore, Labour is going to help states experiencing high amounts of AIDS with

fighting it and gaining medicine to prevent, but also to research into AIDS and find

new and innovative ways of battling it, ensuring that we will one day be able to

cure it.

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UN Reform

The UN Security Council is in a perilous state. Today, many nations are almost

without influence, and that is strictly against everything Labour has ever believe

in. Therefore, we are going to push for a reform to the UN Security Council,

ensuring that it will be democratised and more nations will have influence.

Labour has always been the party for democracy, and that includes international

and domestic affairs alike.

…that Promote You!

Promoting Policies…

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Foreward by the Minister of State for Europe, Josh Lyman

As Minister for Europe, I

intend to support the

European Union and other

European Institutions for as

long as their policies are

conducive to and supportive

of our own. The Free Trade

provisions remain invaluable

to the domestic economy,

and I will defend them for as

long as they continue to be

so. I will continue to work

with the Union on security

measures designed to keep

our population safe from

terrorist and criminal

threats. I will also seek

measures designed to

increase the democratic

legitimacy of the union, and

end the Franco-Germanic

domination of its


Where We Stand:

Continued support of the European

Union, including measures ensuring

free trade throughout the Union

Reform of the Common Agricultural


Reform of Common Foreign and

Security Policy

Increased democratic legitimacy

through greater involvement of the

European Parliament.

Reform of voting procedures

granting large Member states

disproportionate influence.

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Whether Britain should be part of Europe has always been an interesting question, and we have even seen parties split because of that question. But a matter of fact is that Britain is part of Europe, and that we should be part of the EU. This has always been the policy of Labour, and it will also be the policy of a Labour Government. What we see in the EU is environmental legislation, civil rights legislation, economic legislation – they all have great potential to affect good upon Great Britain. On these first three points, the EU has strong support from Labour. However, on the potential encroachment upon state sovereignty, the EU has no support from this Party. Any future treaty that has even the potential to cede an individual Government power of Britain to an international authority must be achieved by a nation-wide referendum. That is why we need Labour: we are going to maintain a strong but constructive voice in the EU, we are going to push for laws improving the lives of all our citizens, we are going to support a better environment, and we are going to work in the world’s strongest economic community. But we are not going to give away our sovereignty, something which we must protect firmly, without becoming a destructive and useless voice, like the Conservatives or UKIP.

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Your Security: Foreward by Home Secretary, Simon Riley

Thankyou, Simon Riley

The protection of the British public is the number one priority of any government. For this Labour government, it's no different. From when we came to office in 1997, there is now 13,000 more policemen on the beat - furthermore, we want to increase this number still, and make sure that our policemen are on the frontline protecting you. Since the Conservatives were last in power, overall crime has dropped by 30%. Is that enough? No, we are not naive enough to think that. The job is a long way from being complete, but with Labour you can trust us to continue to fight crime head on. The Labour Party is also listening to what you have to say. We want to revamp the test taken by immigrants looking for work in this country, to give it more relevance to everyday life in Britain, and an emphasis on knowing the English language. We are continuing to fight illegal immigration, and that is why we promise to fund the UK Border Agency more, not cut it. When I took the job of Home Secretary I did it because I knew we can make a difference. If you vote Labour, you are voting for tackling crime head on.

Our Proven






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Immigration: - Revamp the test taken by people looking to seek entry into the United Kingdom for work, with a focus on making it more relevant. We will also look to include an English Language test on people wishing to enter the United Kingdom. - Look into a 'points system' for immigration, where people seeking work would have to gain a certain amount of points based on their potential ability to find suitable work, for people to remain in the UK and seek employment. - To fund more, not cut the funding towards the UK Border Agency.

Crime: - To create 10,000 more prison spaces by the end of the first term of government. - Increase the number of frontline police officers, to make sure that the police are more heavily presented on the streets than in offices. We will also look into creating bi-annual fitness checks for police officers on the frontline. - Regular checks to ensure that police departments are working effectively and to make it clear that if things are not up to scratch Chief Constables could be more often replaced. - To amend laws to make sure people acting in reasonable self-defense to robberies or assaults will not be prosecuted. -To increase sentences for those convicted of knife crime, and

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possession of knives. - We will look at scrapping the ID Card proposal, and replacing it with a more cost-effective and less prudent system.

Anti-Discrimination: - Introduce an Anti-Discrimination programme into Citizenship lessons for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students, whilst also introducing a similar programme for primary school students. The programme would cover racism, sexism, discrimination of sexual orientation and disability discrimination. Its main aim would be to show children the effects of discrimination, and why it is wrong.

A Little of What We’ve


Overall crime has dropped by 30%

13000 more policeman on the beat

Increase Funding to the UK Border


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Your Values:

Foreward by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport, Jack


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Your Community:

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Your Life: Education:

How about student advisory councils to advise the school

administrators? Take them out for lunch once a month, listen to

complaints and have candid conversation about what's good and bad?

social responsibility outreach events through schools - planting gardens

and caring for the elderly etc?

Politics should definitely be an option at GCSE

What about introducing philosophy classes from the beginning of

secondary school as they do in France? By this I essentially mean

debate classes where students are taught to consider issues and their

own opinions, leading onto classes with more substance as children get

older. This would naturally incorporate a degree of education about


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Your Government: An expose’ on the Labour Party’s chance to reform Government.

One thing we can all agree on is this: no system of government is

ever perfect. We must all adapt and strive to make democracies better,

more equal, and a better servant to the people. In striving to do that,

the Labour Party has set up several commissions, looking into how to

better our great democracy, and it is now time to push forward with

these ideas. Just as we reformed the House of Lords during our first

term in Government, we again wish to strive towards a greater future

for our nation through having a better system of voting and a more

democratic Parliamentary institution, through which MP’s must truly be

held accountable to a moral code and their constituents’ voices. We

also recognize that times are changing and the age of maturity and

accountability is ever decreasing. As a progressive party, looking

towards the future, we say it is time to continue to reform Government

– and give everyone a greater say in their future!

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Constitutional Reform:

- The Labour Party promises a referendum on whether to keep

First Past The Post, or change the voting system to the

Alternative Vote.

- We plan to pass legislation that will continue to erode

hundreds of years of unmerited seats in the House of Lords,

by making House of Lords appointments based solely upon

merit and service to the nation.

- Allow voters to 'recall' MP's if they are break a newly written

'ministerial code', and force a by-election in their


- To lower the voting age to 16 and engage young people in

their society through early education.

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Your Say!

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