laboratory operations safety protocols v2010

Laboratory Operations & Safety Protocols Chemistry Department Loyola School of Science & Engineering Ateneo de Manila University Version 2010

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Laboratory Operations & Safety Protocols

Chemistry Department Loyola School of Science & Engineering

Ateneo de Manila University

Version 2010

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Preface to the 2010 Edition In 2004, the government started to implement various laws, rules and regulations covering a broad range of activities related to the purchase, use, storage, waste management, and disposal of chemicals. The increased regulation has led the University to implement a common policy and procedure to address these various concerns. The Chemical Management and Inventory System (CMIS) was developed to address the need for accurate inventory, efficient purchasing, management, and compliance with various laws as well as the management of hazardous chemical wastes. The changes in the legal and regulatory climate have also contributed to the changing culture of safety which now puts emphasis on experiment planning, risk assessment, hazard consideration and chemical waste minimization. In this edition, information on different sections (i.e. Emergency Protocols, Use of Instruments and Waste Disposal) was updated. A section on the CMIS and Handling of Biological Samples was added. I wish to thank Ms. Mailyn Terrado for the section on Dealing with Biological Samples and Wastes. I also wish to thank Dr. Regina C. So and Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit for taking the time to proofread the manual.

Jaclyn Elizabeth Santos 18 June 2010

Preface to the 2002 Edition

his manual is intended to be a safety reference document for lab workers at the Chemistry Department of the Ateneo de Manila University. It is mainly adapted from the Laboratory Safety Manual at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the

memo on Operating Practices issued by Dr. Ma. Assunta Cuyegkeng when she was Chair of the Department in 1996—practices that have served the Department well since the time of Fr. Schmitt.

This manual provides basic information about hazards encountered in the lab and safety precautions to prevent accidents. It also contains the description of faculty, student, and staff roles in ensuring a safe working environment in the lab.

It is not possible to cover all safety and emergency scenarios, but this manual should, nonetheless, serve as the starting point for the faculty in developing their own safety plans specific to the materials and procedures in their laboratories.

It is often a sticky effort to balance convenience and control with regards to safety issues in the lab, but when all is said and done, the basic rules are alertness and vigilance, common sense, conservation of resources, and concern for other workers in the lab.

Francis Ted Limpoco 18 November 2002


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1. Introduction 6 1.1 Safety Awareness 6

1.2 The Role of Faculty 6

1.3 The Role of a Safety Officer 7

1.4 The Role of Lab Technicians 8

1.5 The Role of Students/Researchers 9

2. Emergency Protocols 10 2.1 Dealing with Emergency 10

2.2 Emergency Telephone Numbers 11

2.3 Fire Emergency 12

2.4 Chemical Spill 13

2.5 Escape of Noxious Gases 14

2.6 First Aid 14

2.7 Medical Attention After First Aid 15

2.8 Reporting Accidents and Injuries 16

3. The Use of Building & Facilities 17 3.1 Schmitt Hall 17

3.2 Room Addresses 18

3.3 Use of the Building 19

3.4 Access Keys 19

3.5 Special Rooms 20

3.6 Use of Instruments 20

4. General Safety Principles 23 4.1 Overnight Operations 23

4.2 Working Alone 23

4.3 Eating, Drinking, and Smoking 23

4.4 Housekeeping 23

4.5 Warning Signs and Labels 23

4.6 Shielding for Safety 24

4.7 Compressed Gases 24

4.8 Systems Under Pressure 24

4.9 Cold Traps and Cryogenic Hazards 25

4.10 Glassware 25

5. Chemical Management and Inventory System 26 5.1 Chemical Management and Inventory System 26

5.2 Controlled Chemicals 28

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6. Handling of Chemicals 30 6.1 Hazardous Chemicals 30

6.2 Routes of Exposure 32

6.3 Protective Clothing and Equipment 33

6.4 Handling Toxic Materials 35

6.5 Handling Carcinogens 36

6.6 Handling Flammable Materials 37

6.7 Handling Explosive/Reactive Materials 38

7. Waste Disposal 40 7.1 Waste Characteristics 40

7.2 Waste Reduction 40

7.3 Handling Specific Wastes 40

7.4 Labeling 41

7.5 Waste Containers 41

7.6 Disposal to Sewerage System 41

7.7 Disposal of Chemical Wastes 42

8. Biological Samples: Handling and Waste Disposal 44 8.1 General Information 44 8.2 Storage 44 8.3Transport 44 8.4 Handling 44 8.5 Laboratory Equipment 45 8.6 Waste Disposal 46 8.7 Clean-up Procedure 46 8.8 Body Fluids 47

Appendices 48 A.1 Form for Overtime/Overnight Lab Work 48

A.2 Form for Reporting Lab Accidents 48

A.3 Instrument Authorization Form 48

Figures 52 Figure 1 Lab Benches 52

Figure 2 Fume Hoods 52

Figure 3 Power, Gas, and Water Lines 52

Figure 4 Fire Extinguishers & Showers 53

Figure 5 Floor Plans with Fire Exits 53

Figure 6 Aspirator Set-up for the Clean-up of Mercury Spills 53

Figure 7 Fire Alarm 54

Figure 8 Compressed Gases 54

Figure 9 CMIS’ Logical Computer-Hardware Set-up 55

Figure 10 Overview of Requesting Procedure 55

Figure 11 Overview of CMIS Requesting Procedures 56

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Tables 57 Table 1 CMIS User-levels 57

Table 2 List of laws, rules and regulations which govern various aspects related to chemicals 57

Table 3 Implementing Rules and Regulation for specific substances 58

Table 4 List of PDEA-controlled chemicals 58

Table 5 DENR Classification of Hazardous Wastes 59

Table 6 Summary of Recommended Biosafety Levels for Infectious Agents


References 65

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Chapter 1


1.1 Safety Awareness he most important rule is that everyone involved in lab operations—from the highest administrative level to the individual workers—must be safety minded. Safety awareness can become part of everyone’s habits only if the issue of safety is discussed

repeatedly and only if senior and responsible staff demonstrate a sincere and continuing interest in safety.

Over familiarity with a particular laboratory operation may result in overlooking or underrating its hazards. This attitude can lead to a false sense of security, which frequently results in carelessness. As the saying goes: “An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure”. Thus, be alert to unsafe conditions and actions and call attention to them so that corrections can be made as soon as possible. Every lab worker has a basic responsibility to himself and his colleagues to plan and execute lab operations in a safe manner.

Most of the rules/responsibilities stated here are nothing more than common sense and concern for others. You must consider not just yourself, but also the other people involved—always consider their safety and convenience as well.

NO SET OF RULES can cover all situations. Common sense is still the guiding norm. Please do not argue, “We were not told,” when it is obvious what you should do in a given situation.

1.2 The Role of Faculty The faculty is responsible for the administration of the safety program of the Chemistry Department.

As lab instructor, the faculty should be in the laboratory for the entire laboratory period. Every instructor should:

1. Set a good example by being enthusiastic about safety, and by observing all safety rules and wearing personal protective equipment (e.g. safety glasses, closed-toe shoes and apron).

2. Maintain discipline and enforce the Department’s operational and safety rules, such as:

a. Wearing the prescribed safety gear: safety glasses and aprons;

b. Not eating or drinking during the lab;

c. Not entering the stockroom.

3. Orient students in the proper use of the lab facilities and instruments. This includes showing the locations of the fire extinguisher, shower, eyewash, and evacuation plan, and the locations of the valves for the gas, water, and power lines. (See Figures 1-5.)

4. Check-in students at the start of the term, and check-out the same at the end of the term.

a. Inspect the equipment in the students’ and common lockers.

b. Brief students on the lab operations and safety protocols.

c. Ask if students have special medical conditions that may interfere with lab work/safety.

d. Remind students to settle the lab breakage deposit immediately.


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5. Train students in proper lab techniques, especially those that may pose safety hazards.

6. Carefully review all laboratory experiments for possible safety problems before experiments are assigned. Conduct a briefing on safety issues at the start of the class.

7. Orient the students on the chemical waste disposal procedures of the department.

8. Anticipate and prevent accidents at all times, be alert and vigilant for unsafe conditions, inspect often and intelligently, and take effective corrective action promptly.

9. In case of accidents/emergencies, implement proper first aid measures and if necessary coordinate proper and speedy conveyance of the injured person to a medical facility. Notify the parents/guardian of the injured person about the incident.

10. Report all accidents. Accidents resulting in medical treatment or observation should be recorded. A formal written report to the Chair should be made of all accidents, stating the cause, effect, and recommendations for the prevention of reoccurrence.

As mentor/research supervisor, the faculty not only guides the student in the direction of his research project, but also ensures that the student is not exposed to safety risks in doing his research. The mentor/supervisor should:

1. Orient researchers with the general operations and safety procedures at the Chemistry Department.

2. Orient researchers with the instrument techniques and protocols. The mentor is responsible for checking-in researchers on the instrument or ensuring that they are checked-in by a competent/expert user of the instrument.

3. Discuss with researchers any safety risks involved in the experimental procedures that will be carried out and the materials that will be used in the research.

4. Determine whether researchers need to work continuously after office hours or overnight, and ensure there are logistical provisions for their safety in such cases.

1.3 The Role of a Safety Officer The safety officer is responsible for activities related to safety, chemical management, storage and disposal of the Chemistry department. The safety officer should:

1. Set a good example by being enthusiastic about safety, and by observing all safety rules (e.g. no eating and drinking in the lab/stockroom) and wearing protective equipment (e.g. eyewear, aprons, etc. where recommended).

2. Review and update safety protocol and procedures in the department.

3. Together with the laboratory supervisers and staff, regularly check safety facilities and equipment (i.e. hoods, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, safety showers, eye wash stations, first aid kits, spill kits)

4. Manage the CMIS, check that the system is working satisfactorily, compliance and recommend appropriate improvements.

5. Conduct an inventory of chemical wastes generated by the department.

6. Coordinate with the University Physical Plant and Office of Adminitrative Service regarding the disposal of chemical wastes with a DENR-accredited waste transporter and treater.

7. Undertake an annual review of the laboratory experiments which are included in curricular offerings to consider aspects of safety, waste minimization and where appropriate, redesign or replacement.

8. Regularly orient science majors (both undergraduates and graduate students, especially those doing their thesis) research assistants and faculty members regarding chemical safety and chemical waste management and minimization.

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9. Handle the renewal of licenses required by government authorities.

10. Prepare a periodic report (annually or as required) regarding the status of the chemical inventory and chemical waste of the department.

1.4 The Role of Lab Technicians The lab technician and/or stockroom manager should also be present during the entire laboratory period to assist the faculty in managing the experiment and administering the safety procedures of the Department. The lab technician should:

1. Set a good example by being enthusiastic about safety, and by observing all safety rules (e.g. no eating and drinking in the lab/stockroom) and wearing protective equipment (e.g. eyewear, aprons, etc., where recommended).

2. Ensure that safety materials and paraphernalia are well in stock and replenished when used up, and that these are placed in easily accessible locations in the laboratory. This includes fire extinguishers, first aid kits, special containers for chemical and broken glass wastes, and sand for cleaning up spills.

3. Manage the stock of chemicals and materials: keep records of materials, supplies, and deliveries. Inform the immediate supervisor well in advance of the need to order supplies before they run out. Ensure that the CMIS is updated.

4. Together with the safety officer, inspect all safety implements according to the recommended frequency, such as: fire extinguishers, eye wash, emergency showers, first aid kits, fume hood, and others.

5. Provide technical services at Schmitt Hall, especially for laboratories.

a. Prepare with accuracy chemicals and solutions for laboratory work. Prepare chemical unknowns which must be carefully coded and recorded.

b. Under the supervision of faculty member, do various operations such as purification of solvents by distillation.

c. Together with a trained professional, investigate and repair simple electrical circuits and minor electrical breakdown. Regularly check current loads of aircons. Make plumbing repairs, mechanical repairs, glassware repairs, and repairs on metal, wood, and plastic.

6. Exercise supervision over students with regard to the stockroom transactions and general order in the laboratories.

a. Dispense chemicals, materials, and equipment.

b. Assist the faculty in inspecting the student laboratory lockers/equipment at the beginning and at the end of the semester.

c. Ensure that teaching laboratories are provided with properly-labeled chemical waste bottles.

d. Provide thesis students with chemical waste bottles.

e. According to established norms, fine students for failure to observe laboratory rules or inform the lab instructor of any violations to enforce penalty.

f. Remind students to settle their lab breakage deposits immediately.

7. In case of accidents/emergencies, assist the faculty/lab supervisor in implementing proper first aid measures and if necessary assist in the proper and speedy conveyance of the injured person to a medical facility.

8. Report all accidents. Accidents resulting in medical treatment or observation should be recorded. A formal written report to the Chair should be made of all accidents, stating the cause, effect, and recommendations for the prevention of reoccurrence.

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1.5 The Role of Students/Researchers The student/researcher is responsible for complying with the safety rules and operational procedures of the Chemistry Department.

Although the Department aims to provide a safe working environment for its students, the student should be responsible for their personal safety when they are working in the lab. Every student should:

1. Wear proper personal protective equipment:

a. Aprons or some suitable protection must be worn at all times in the laboratory. The first thing you do in entering the lab is to put on your apron the last thing on leaving is to remove it.

b. Safety glasses must be worn inside the laboratory. Goggles resting on your forehead are not in a position to protect your eyes. Contact lenses must not be worn.

c. Wear clothing appropriate for work: Do not wear shorts, sandals, or slippers. Wear clothing that would protect your body against contact with chemicals.

d. Confine hair and loose clothing.

2. Be informed about experimental procedures and appropriate safety concerns:

a. Come in the lab prepared, having read the experimental procedure in advance. Do not perform unauthorized work, preparations, and experiments. If in doubt, consult with your lab instructor/supervisor.

b. Research the hazards and physico-chemical properties of the chemicals used in the experiment, e.g. corrosiveness, flammability, reactivity, and toxicity. Follow hazard precautions. Read and prepare for remedies in case of exposure.

c. Read and understand general safety procedures, and those specific to your experiment.

d. Know the location of the fire extinguisher, fire escape, safety shower and eyewash, first aid kit. (See Figures 1-5.)

e. Learn how to use instruments properly, how to dispense the correct amount of reagents properly, and how to dispose of chemical waste properly.

3. Avoid unnecessary exposure to chemicals:

a. Follow protocols for handling chemicals and for dealing with spills.

b. Never eat, drink, smoke, use medication, or apply cosmetics inside the lab or storage areas.

c. Keep personal belongings, such as bags, books, or cellphones, from the work area.

d. Never use your handkerchiefs or face/hand towels to wipe things in the lab.

e. Always wash hands, arms, and face before leaving the work area. This should be done even if gloves are used.

4. Keep a neat and clean work area. When you are organized, you are less likely to commit accidents.

5. Never work alone, especially with hazardous chemicals.

6. Consider lab work serious work, and treat all chemicals with respect. No pranks, horseplay, or other acts of mischief. You are university students, not preschoolers.

7. Report all accidents, whether major or minor, to the lab instructor, research supervisor, or the lab technician in charge.

Any deliberate behavior that may compromise you and your co-workers’ safety may be grounds for your dismissal from that lab class/course.

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Chapter 2

Emergency Protocols

2.1 Dealing with Emergency What to do: 1. Alert others in the area of the accident.

2. Try to alleviate the immediate need in the situation without compromising your own safety:

• Remove an incapacitated co-worker from the accident area

• Turn off fuel and power lines, use fire extinguisher

• Immediately call for help.

3. If the situation is beyond your control and presents a danger to you, evacuate the area and immediately call for help.

Note: For fires, follow evacuation procedures under Section 2.3 (Fire Emergency).

Who do you call for assistance? If the incident is small and contained, immediately alert any of the following:

During office hours:

• Any faculty of the Chemistry Department, especially the one in-charge of the lab

• The lab technician, disaster-assistance team captain of the building, or any Chemistry Dept. personnel (local 5624 or 5631)

• The Chemistry Department office (local 5620)

After office hours:

• The University security personnel (local 4111, 4112, 4113 )

If the incident is out of control (e.g. rapidly spreading fire), immediately alert any of the following:

• The disaster-assistance team captain of the building (local 5624)

• The Fire Marshall at OAS, Gonzaga (local 5102)

• The University security personnel (local 4111, 4112, 4113)

• The following fire departments:

o Central Fire station (928 8363)

o Marilag Fire Sub-station (913 0125/510 9299)

o Pinagkaisahan Fire Sub-station (474 2695)

o New Era Fire Sub-station (931 9894/931 4956)

• University personnel (faculty, lab technician, etc.) as above.

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2.2 Emergency Telephone Numbers Note: These numbers are subject to change, and must be updated annually.

Fire Departments

• Quezon City 928 8363

• Marikina 933 3076

• Mandaluyong 5322189

Ateneo de Manila University • Trunk line 426 6001

• Telephone Operators local 4199

Chemistry Department Directory

• Department Office (Chair/Secretary) local 5620

• Schmitt Hall Stockroom local 5624

• SEC Stockroom local 5631

• Faculty Offices local 5621-23, 5625-33

University Security Office

• Main Office (North Wing, University Gym) local 4111

• Gate 2 local 4112

• Gate 3 local 4113

Office of Administrative Services

• Fire Marshall (Gonzaga Hall) local 5103

Physical Plant Office • Administrator local 4100

• Secretary local 4101

• Switchboard local 4102

• Operation Center (South Wing, University Gym) local 4104

• Direct Line 426 5940

Infirmaries within Campus

• Health Service local 5110

• HealthDev (at the Social Development Complex) local 4630-33

• Jesuit Residence (ask for Infirmary) local 3399

• Loyola House of Studies (ask for Infirmary) local 3650

Nearby Hospitals

• Capitol Medical Center 372 3825

• National Kidney Institute 924 3601

• Philippine Heart Center 925 2401

• St. Luke’s Medical Center 723 0301

• UP Health Service 981 8500 local 112

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2.3 Fire Emergency What to do:

1. Alert others in the area of the fire.

2. Immediately inform any of the following:

• The disaster-assistance team captain of the building (local 5624)

• The Fire Marshall at OAS, Gonzaga hall (local 5103 or 5118)

• Quezon City Fire Department (928 8363 or 928 6535)

Provide the following information

a. Identify yourself

b. Identify the kind of fire

c. Identify the building and room number

d. Give your telephone number

e. Don’t hang up until the dispatcher has the needed information.

3. If the fire is small and confined to its origin, use the portable fire extinguisher.

WARNING: Do not attempt to fight a fire that is spreading rapidly or if you are not sure how to operate the fire extinguisher. The fire may block your exit.

4. Close the doors to confine the fire, and evacuate the building.

5. Meet the fire department outside of the building and provide information about any special hazards and other considerations.

Evacuation Procedures. When alerted of a fire, assume that the emergency is real until you are informed otherwise.

1. Secure potential hazards in your area such as open flames, ovens, small appliances, compressed gasses, etc.

2. Close windows and doors in your area.

3. Leave the building using the nearest stair tower to reach ground level. There are emergency exit routes posted on the wall of each room. (See Figure 5, for example.)

4. If you encounter smoke, stay close to the floor, and crawl if necessary.

5. Do not re-enter the building unless you are given permission to do so.

Fire Extinguishers. Most chemical laboratory fire hazards require dry chemical multipurpose extinguishers (ABC) which must be installed in hallways. “Gas” extinguishers, e.g. containing CO2, offer first defense against flammable liquids or electrical fires without leaving a powder residue which could harm electronic equipment. (See Figure 4.)

To use the fire extinguisher, remember:

• P – Pull the pin.

• A – Aim the nozzle.

• S – Squeeze the lever.

• S – Sweep from side to side.

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2.4 Chemical Spill Dropping containers or otherwise spilling chemicals in the open lab can result in exposure to hazardous agents. It is important to minimize the extent and possible effects of exposure to these hazardous chemicals.

Immediate Action 1. When the toxicity of the spilled material is unknown, treat the spill like a potential

health hazard by avoiding exposure and seeking assistance from a trained personnel.

2. Everyone should leave the affected area, closing the door and warning others not to enter the contaminated area.

3. Notify the faculty or lab technician in charge of the class (local 5624 or 5631).

4. Avoid skin contact and minimize inhalation.

5. Any contaminated clothing should be removed and containerized. These should be laundered separately from other clothing before reuse.

6. Use, as appropriate, safety shower or eye wash fountain.

7. Exposed skin should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Continue flushing with water for 15 minutes or more.

8. For chemical splashes on the eyes, a minimum of 20-minute flushing with copious amounts of water is recommended. Check for and remove contact lenses. Rotate the eyeballs so that all surfaces are rinsed. Forcibly hold the eyelids open as necessary.

9. Seek medical attention (Health Service, local 5110).

Spill Clean-Up 1. If the material is not particularly volatile, has a low order of toxicity, not highly

corrosive, and there is no fire hazard, proceed with clean-up operations.

2. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment: goggles, gloves, and respiratory protection, especially for volatile and toxic spills.

3. Use sand/soil to contain liquid spills, and if applicable, use an absorbent material that will contain the liquids. (See Spills of Specific Types of Chemicals below).

For small liquid spills (<100 mL), paper towels, sand, or an absorbent can be used to contain the spill. However, paper towels are not suitable for cleaning up flammable spills.

4. Do not brush up solid spills since this may produce airborne dusts. Add sand to contain the solid spill. If the material is not reactive to water, you can add water to the spill-sand mixture to act as dust-suppressant. Use paper towels and dustpan to collect the spill residue. Place in a labeled plastic bucket or container.

5. If a volatile, flammable or toxic material is spilled, warn everyone immediately to extinguish flames, and turn off spark producing equipment. Shut down all equipment and vacate the area until it is decontaminated. Report the incident to faculty or lab technician.

6. Do not leave paper towels or other materials used to clean up a spill in open trashcans in the work area. Dispose them properly.

7. Ventilate the spill area, when necessary by opening windows or use a fan.

Spills of Specific Types of Chemicals

1. Acids and Bases: Avoid contact with skin. Neutralize acids and bases with solid sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, respectively. A quantity of solid not much greater than the volume of the liquid spilled should be sufficient, even of concentrated reagents.

Mix neutralizing chemical into the spill, adding some water to provide solvent for the neutralizing reaction. Use pH paper to determine whether the acid or base have been neutralized.

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After neutralizing, mopping should follow. Final rinse is clear water. Rinse mop and bucket.

WARNING: Do not clean-up hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid, HF) with silica-containing materials such as sand or vermiculite.

2. Mercury: Because of the high toxicity of mercury vapor, spilled mercury should be cleaned-up immediately and thoroughly using an aspirator or vacuum device. (See Figure 6.) Domestic vacuum cleaners must not be used. Mercury spilled into floor cracks can be made non-volatile by amalgamation with zinc dust, or by adding a mixture of finely powdered sodium thiosulfate (85 g) and powdered EDTA (15g). Do not use sulfur to cover mercury since this will just complicate disposal. Contaminated materials used to clean up the spill should also be placed in properly-labeled containers.

2.5 Escape of Noxious Gases Immediate Action

1. Place the source of gas in a hood (and make sure to turn the motor on), open windows, and close off the room from the rest of the building.

2. In any event, evacuate personnel.

3. Heavy vapors (MW >>29) will lie along the floor. Very much lighter vapors will rise. Leave the room in either upright or crawling position, accordingly.

WARNING: A mask may protect the wearer against inhalation of noxious gases, but be warned against absorption through the skin of such substances such as HCN gas, aniline vapor, etc., and the burning and poisoning through skin by HF gas, etc.

2.6 First Aid All members of the Chemistry Department must undergo a yearly first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course and should be ready to apply first aid measures to an injured person in a lab. The stockroom must also be ready to provide first aid supplies: bandage, burn ointments, antiseptic wash, poison remedies, etc.

The situations described herein are the ones of particular concern in a chemistry laboratory. For more general concerns, refer to a more extensive first aid manual.

First Aid for Specific Types of Accidents

1. Chemicals in the Eyes: A minimum of 20-minute flushing with copious amounts of water is recommended. Check for and remove contact lenses. Rotate the eyeballs so that all surfaces are rinsed. Forcibly hold the eyelids open as necessary.

Take (do not send) the victim to the Office of Health Services (local 5110, Social Sciences Building). Keep victim warm. Watch victim carefully for shock.

2. Chemicals on the Body: Flush areas copiously with water under safety shower or under the sink. Quickly remove chemically soaked clothing, cutting or tearing them if necessary to get them off rapidly. Modesty should not deter removal of clothing in a true emergency.

Water-insoluble oils must be washed off with soap and water.

WARNING: Do not use solvents to wash off offending oily chemicals. Solvents may cause the oil to dissolve in the skin, thus increasing the damage to the skin and promoting poisoning through the skin.

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Follow water-washing with the correct neutralizing solution, as 3% boric acid (remedy for base) or 5% bicarbonate (remedy for acid). Keep moist with neutralizing solution soaked on gauzes.

WARNING: Do not apply greasy burn ointment to chemical burns; it seals the chemicals under the greasy coating.

Take (do not send) the victim to the Office of Health Services (local 5110, Social Sciences Building). Keep victim warm. Watch victim carefully for shock.

3. Fire Burns: Rush victim under safety shower or smother fire on victim with a blanket (e.g. lab coat, jacket, etc.). Burned areas should be cooled immediately, hence the advantage of using the safety shower. Soak affected part in ice water for 20 minutes to reduce deep burning.

WARNING: Application of cold to large areas of the body produces shock. Treatment with ice water is not recommended for large-area burns. The cold shower will suffice.

Cover burned areas in 3% boric acid. Keep moist. Only very minor burns should then receive burn ointment. On most fire burns, do not apply burn ointment.

Take (do not send) the victim to the Office of Health Services (local 5110, Social Sciences Building). Keep victim warm. Watch victim carefully for shock.

4. Chemical Poisoning: Get poison remedies/antidotes from the stockroom manager or lab technician. Remedies include: egg albumin, magnesium sulfate, mustard powder, charcoal, and tannic acid, etc.

The antidotes required, and first aid precautions to follow in case of chemical poisoning, are usually printed in red letters on the bottle labels. Also refer to first aid wall charts.

Take (do not send) the victim to the Office of Health Services (local 5110, Social Sciences Building). Keep victim warm. Watch victim carefully for shock.

2.7 Medical Attention After First Aid After being administered first aid, the injured person must be taken (not sent) directly to the Office of Health Services (local 5110, Social Sciences Building). Keep victim warm. Watch victim carefully for shock.

Transporting the Injured Person: No one should be sent to seek medical attention without accompaniment. The supervisor (faculty/lab technician) or a co-worker must accompany the injured person in seeking medical treatment. There is always the possibility that they may collapse en route, even though at the time you dismiss them they assure you they feel fine and are quite ready to go alone. Also, a victim should not drive a car for several hours after a severe injury.

Signs of Danger: Watch the victim for blood leaving the head (face turning white) or excess blood in the head (face turning red), heavy sweating, cold sweat, shivering and chills, very rapid pulse, weakness of the arms and legs, pounding heart, shallow rapid breathing, jittery talk, extreme dullness or sluggishness, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. All these are signs of trouble and require immediate medical attention.

Shock: Accident victims experience shock. It may be the most dangerous result of an accident. Shock can be fatal! Be on the lookout for it.

1. Symptoms of shock include: cold sweat, extreme paleness of the face, nausea, trembling, and shallow breathing.

2. To restore blood to the head, have shock victim lower head between knees, or better, have him lie with head lower than the body.

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WARNING: If the face is flushed or red, elevate the head rather than lower it! This may occur in the case of sunstroke, apoplexy, fractured skull, or hemorrhage of the head.

3. Keep the victim warm. If he vomits, be sure his air passages do not become blocked. Give oral stimulant (hot tea or coffee) if conscious. Only give inhalation (aromatic spirits of ammonia or amyl nitrate) in the mouth only if the victim is unconscious. Do not give stimulant until bleeding is controlled, and not at all in case of fractured skull, apoplexy, abdominal injuries, or sunstroke.

WARNING: It is still best to take the victim to see a physician first before giving any oral remedy.

2.8 Reporting Accidents and Injuries All personal injuries and accidents should be reported in order that corrective action may be taken to minimize the probability of recurrences. Accident reports (see Appendix A.2) are of the utmost importance for correcting procedures, for establishing legal responsibility for an accident, for establishing a claim for damages of insurance benefits, for demonstrating whether faculty/staff were negligent in preventing the accident or careless in subsequent treatment of the victim.

1. File injury/accident reports with the secretary of the Chemistry Department. Any injury resulting in lost work time, hospitalization, or medical treatment in excess of first aid will be investigated by the Chemistry Department to determine liability or the possible need for corrective action.

2. It is the student’s/researcher’s responsibility to notify his supervisor immediately of any work-related injury or illness. If the injured person is not able to do so, a co-worker should notify the supervisor as soon as possible.

3. It is the supervisor’s (faculty’s) responsibility to ensure that the student receives prompt treatment of the injury by obtaining first aid or assistance to medical treatment. It is also the supervisor’s responsibility to file an injury/accident report with the Chemistry Department.

Report the Use of Safety Equipment: Immediately report the use of eye wash, showers, neutralizing chemicals, fire extinguishers, etc. to the building manager or lab technician so that the equipment can be recharged of replaced.

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Chapter 3

The Use of Building & Facilities

3.1 Schmitt Hall he Chemistry Department is housed at Schmitt Hall (formerly the Chemistry Building), with a laboratory extension for undergraduate labs on the 2nd floor of the 3rd wing of the Science Education Complex (SEC-C). The building is named after Fr. William J.

Schmitt, who was instrumental in its design and construction, and its long tradition of high standards in safety.

Over the years, the Ateneo Chemistry Department has been able to maintain a good and effective working set-up which has yielded beneficial outcomes. It has given us the edge on effective equipment maintenance because malfunctions were reported at once. It has spared us from serious theft because security measures were taken in earnest and implemented. It has saved the Department from serious accidents because of the emphasis on safety at the workplace. The judicious use of resources—energy, finances, and effort—has led to the conservation of resources.

The heart of an effective working set-up is the responsibility and discipline of users of the building and its facilities. This set-up is also based on as sense of trust that each one will do his share in ensuring these practices, which in the past have served the Department well, are maintained to a high level of compliance. While in some cases some convenience is sacrificed, you will see that the good of many outweighs individual convenience.


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3.2 Room Addresses 1. Offices

a. Department Office 112

b. Faculty Offices 101,115,116, 301

c. Faculty Lounge 201

2. Lecture/Seminar Rooms 109, 115, 205

3. Service Rooms

a. Stockroom 208

b. Balance Room 308

c. Instrumentation Room 310

d. AFM Room 204

e. Multimedia Room 111

f. Glassblowing Workshop 4th Floor

4. National Chemistry Instrumentation Center (NCIC)

a. Director’s Office 102

b. Staff Office 104

c. GC-MS Lab 103

d. NMR Lab 105

5. Teaching Laboratories

a. General Chemistry Lab 207, 2nd Floor SEC-C

b. Organic Chemistry Lab 209, 2nd Floor SEC-C

c. Analytical Chemistry Lab 307

d. Physical Chemistry Lab, also houses the AAS and HPLC 309

6. Research Laboratories

a. Organic Synthesis Lab 203

b. Natural Products Lab 202

c. NCIC Wet Lab 206

d. Biochemistry Research Lab 304

e. Polymer and Materials Lab 302

f. Polymer/Biochemistry Wet Lab 305

g. Electrochemistry Lab 303

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3.3 Use of the Building 1. The building is opened to the public by the building manager by 7:00 a.m. and locked by the

utility man at 6:00 p.m. However, faculty and staff can stay inside the building until 10:00 pm.

a. In case the building manager is not yet around by this time, faculty or staff may open the main door and the classrooms.

b. Anyone staying beyond 10:00 p.m. should be responsible for obtaining permission and getting access to the main door.

2. Laboratories should only be unlocked when there are lab classes or when an experiment has to be performed in that lab. During these times all doors should be unlocked for safety, so that the entry or exit from the lab is easy in an emergency. Always lock doors after every use.

a. For classes, the opening and locking of rooms is the main responsibility of the faculty handling the class.

b. For research assistants and students doing research, they have the responsibility of seeing to it that the labs used are properly locked after use.

c. The last person to leave a laboratory should make sure that the following are closed/locked/turned-off properly: windows, faucets, ovens and other lab equipment (unless overnight run is explicitly allowed by senior faculty), lights, gas lines (LPG, N2, He, etc.), hoods, aircon, and doors. Never assume that someone else will do these for you.

3. As a rule, overnight stays are discouraged. Try to work out a schedule that will go from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. If an experiment requires longer than 15 hours, overnight stay needs to be approved by the mentor and department chair, and the Office of Administrative Services must be informed.

Overnight stays in the building should be processed with the Department office:

a. A written request form (Appendix A.1), endorsed by the mentor/supervisor, should be submitted to the secretary of the Chemistry Department at least 2 days before the event. This will allow the office to inform the administration and security.

b. At least two people should stay for overnight work.

c. Sign at the Night Log. It is for your own safety.

d. Lights should be turned on only in the appropriate areas of work.

e. Anyone sleeping in the faculty lounge should be up by 6:30 a.m.

4. It is a basic rule in any good chemistry lab to have at least 2 people in the lab, to ensure the safety of lab workers.

5. The faculty lounge should be kept clean and orderly.

a. All used utensils, plates, glasses, coffee maker, etc., should be cleaned.

b. Sink should be properly cleaned.

c. Tables should be wiped clean.

d. Food supplies should be sealed and arranged properly.

e. Toilet and shower room should always be maintained in a clean, respectable condition. Bathroom tissue should not be removed from the toilet.

3.4 Access Keys 1. Only faculty members and the lab technicians have access to keys for the main door, their

respective offices, and the sub-master key (for labs).

2. Researchers and graduate students may loan keys to the special labs (instrumentation, polymer and materials, natural products labs) from a faculty member, but both the lender and

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the one who borrowed are accountable for the keys. This assumes responsibility in the use of the keys. Keys should never be left lying around in the rooms.

3. Any loss of keys should be reported immediately to the Department office.

4. Access keys are loaned to you in trust. Creating duplicates on your own is strictly prohibited.

3.5 Special Rooms 1. When using the balance room, turn on the aircon. The performance of the balances are

dependent on temperature. Unlock the doors, but keep them closed.

2. When using the instrumentation room, the physical chemistry lab, the research labs, the AFM room, and glassblowing workshop:

a. Keep the doors locked even when leaving the room for a short while, and there are no other people using the room. When rooms are unoccupied, they should be locked at all times.

b. If students are using the room and do not have easy access to the key, they should take the responsibility of informing the faculty involved or the stockroom technicians when they are finished. If they are going to leave the room for a short period of time (e.g. 10-15 min), they have to put up a sign on the door, indicating the time they are returning.

c. If no sign is placed or if the time is over, anyone with a key to the room should lock it and report the matter to the Department office.

Please be considerate of faculty members who hold offices in some of these special labs.

3. When using the polymer and materials lab, and AFM room, either or both the aircon or the dehumidifier must be turned on (for the FTIR and the AFM).

4. Faculty offices should never be left unlocked.

3.6 Use of Instruments 1. Access/use of any instrument requires check-in and authorization by faculty-in-charge. A

student cannot use the instrument alone unless he/she is authorized to use that instrument. (The student’s name must be marked in the Instrument Authorization Table posted in the analytical chemistry bulletin board.)All users must sign the instrument logbook.

2. All users must familiarize themselves with the operation of the instrument. Review the instructions before the operation, especially the power-up, warm-up, and shut-down routines. Understand the instrument thoroughly, so that no fatal mistakes are committed. SHORT NOTES are provided as supplement to the manuals.

3. Verify the power requirements of the instruments (110 or 220V) before plugging it into the outlet and turning it on. Most major instruments have voltage regulators. Do not unplug them from their voltage regulators.

4. Equipment and accessories used should be kept in proper order. Return the items to where they were found. These cannot be moved/relocated without the explicit approval of the Department Chair.

As a rule, no equipment (major nor minor) can be taken out of the building, without explicit approval of the Chairperson and a senior faculty member.

5. Report any noticeable malfunction of the instrument immediately by reporting it to the Department office. This is needed to prevent further damage and to ensure speedy repair. Do not attempt to fix the equipment yourself.

6. Report immediately to the person-in-charge or to the Department office when instrument supplies are running low (e.g. chart paper, ink, etc.).

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7. For computers connected to the instrument, instrument use has priority over other use.

8. If the instrument room is locked, students who wish to use it must request the technician or a faculty member to open the lab for them.

9. When done, do proper shutdown. Lock the lab door immediately. If someone is using it, make sure he/she understands that you are leaving and you are turning over the responsibility of shutting down to him/her.

10. Leave a note (name, date, time, analysis, comments) if you are leaving something (e.g. instrument, water bath, oven, computer) turned on. Equipment that is left on without any note will be shutdown after 6:00 pm.

Procedure for Instrument Check-in

1. The student who wishes to use the instrument must fill-up the instrument authorization form (Form A.3). He/She can get a copy of the form from the instrument manager. Only students who will be using the instrument more frequently will be checked-in. If the student will be using the instrument only once or twice, he/she can ask a person who is already authorized to use the instrument to analyze his/her samples. The student’s mentor must approve the student’s plan to check-in. Only students who passed the safety exam will be allowed to use the instrument.

2. The student schedules the instrument check-in wth the faculty-in-charge one week before the actual check-in. ON TH SPOT checking-in is not allowed. The student must already have actual samples to run during check-in.

3. During the check-in, the faculty-in-charge must discuss the following to the student: a. Instrument General Working Principles b. Instrument Parts c. Safety and Precautionary Measures d. Short Notes of the Procedure e. Important Reminders and Considerations

4. The faculty-in-charge signs the check-in part of the instrument authorization form as proof of check-in. For the commonly-used instruments (UV-Vis, AAS and IR spectrophotometers), a general check-in will be scheduled every July of each year.

5. The student and faculty-in-charge schedules the next session. The Faculty-in-charge signs the certificate of authorization if the student has demonstrated competency in using the instrument during the next sessions. The date of authorization must be different from the date of check-in.

6. The student submits to the instrument manager for filing and documentation the instrument authorization form filled up to the certificate of authorization part. The Instrument manager updates his list of students authorized to use the instrument.

Procedure for instrument check-out

1. After the last use of the instrument, the student must schedule an instrument check-out with the faculty-in-charge.

2. The faculty-in-charge inspects the following during check-out: a. Instrument parts b. Instrument accessories c. Consumables d. Working environment

3. All graduating students must make sure that they have checked-out of the instruments they are authorized to use for clearance purposes.

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Penalties Any student who fails to follow the policies and guidelines will be subject to the following

penalties: First Offense: Oral reprimand from the instrument manager and the department chair.

Mentor will be notified. Second Offense: Oral reprimand and community service. Mentor will be notified. Third Offense: One week ban in using the laboratory. Mentor will do necessary action.

Procedure for instrument use by outside parties

1. The person writes a letter addressed to the department chairperson requesting to use an instrument. He/She must include in the letter the purpose of the instrument use. He/She must include as an attachment the details of the procedure and instrument conditions.

2. The department chairperson together with the faculty-in-charge and/or the instrument manager decides whether to grant the request or not based on the instrument schedule, feasibility of the analysis and availability of the needed accessories.

3. If the request is granted, the department chairperson discusses with the requesting party the department policies on the use of instrument and the charges:

a. Instrument use and b. Operator fee

4. If the requesting party agreed to the terms and conditions, the department chairperson assigns to the available faculty-in-charge the granted requests.

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Chapter 4

General Safety Principles

4.1 Overnight Operations If laboratory operations are carried continuously or overnight, it is essential to plan for interruptions in utility services such as electricity, water, and inert gas. Operations should be designed to be safe, and plans should be made to avoid hazards in case of failure. Never leave a set-up unattended overnight, unless it is explicitly allowed by the Chair and senior faculty. In any case, the laboratory lights should be left on and an appropriate sign should be placed on the door or near the set-up.

4.2 Working Alone Generally, it is prudent to avoid working in the laboratory alone. Under normal working conditions, arrangements should be made between individuals working in separate laboratories outside working hours to crosscheck periodically. Alternatively, security guards may be asked to check on the lab worker. Experiments known to be hazardous should not be undertaken by a worker who is alone in a laboratory. The supervisor has the responsibility for determining whether the work requires special safety precautions, such as having two persons in the same room during a particular operation.

4.3 Eating, Drinking, and Smoking Contamination of food, drink, smoking materials, and cosmetics is a potential route for exposure to toxic substances. Food should be stored, handled, and consumed in an area free of hazardous substances. Coffee, soft drinks, snacks and lunches are not to be brought into laboratory areas. Likewise, chemicals should not be brought into designated eating areas. Glassware and utensils that have been used for lab operation are not to be used for food or beverages. Lab refrigerators, ice chests, and cold rooms, are likewise not to be used for food storage.

4.4 Housekeeping There is a definite relationship between safety performance and orderliness in the laboratory. When housekeeping standards fall, safety performance inevitably deteriorates. Work areas are to be kept clean, and chemicals and equipment must be properly labeled and stored. Cleanup should follow the completion of any operation of at the end of each day. Wastes are to be deposited in appropriately labeled receptacles. Temporary holding containers should be clearly marked. Chemicals that are no longer needed should not be permitted to accumulate in the lab. Stairways and hallways should not be used as storage areas. Access to exits, emergency equipment, and controls, must be maintained free from obstructions.

4.5 Warning Signs and Labels Laboratory areas that have special or unusual hazards must be posted with warning signs. Standard signs and symbols have been established for a number of special situations, such as fire hazards (See Figure 8), biological hazards, laser operations, etc. Other signs should be posted to show the locations of safety showers, eyewash stations, exits, and fire extinguishers. Extinguishers are to be labeled to show the type of fire for which they are intended. Waste containers must be labeled for the type of waste for which they are intended. The safety- and hazard-sign systems in the lab should enable a person unfamiliar with the usual routine of the lab to escape in a emergency (or help combat it, if appropriate).

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4.6 Shielding for Safety Safety shielding is to be used for any operation having the potential for explosion such as

1. Whenever a reaction is attempted for the first time (small quantities of reactants should be used to minimize the hazards),

2. Whenever a familiar reaction is carried out on a larger than usual scale (e.g. 5-10 times more material), and

3. Whenever operations are carried out under non-ambient conditions.

Shields are to be placed so that all personnel in the area are protected from hazard.

4.7 Compressed Gases The following rules summarize a few of the basic guidelines for the use and storage of compressed gases:

1. Compressed gas cylinders must be supported and firmly restrained at all times, whether full or empty. Acceptable methods of support include: wall-mounted or bench-mounted gas cylinder brackets, chains or belts anchored to walls or benches (see Figure 9 in the Appendix).

2. Gas cylinders must have the valve protection cover in place (see Figure 9 in the Appendix) except when in use. A cylinder connected to a piece of equipment and properly supported is considered to be in use. The pressure regulators must be removed and valve protection covers replaced before moving cylinders, even though the cylinders are secured to a dolly.

3. Smoking is not permitted in the area where flammable gases are used or stored.

4. Gas cylinders must be used in an upright position and clamped securely at all times.

5. Appropriate dollies are to be used to move cylinders weighing more than 50 lbs. Moving by spinning, sliding, rolling, etc., is prohibited. For movement within shops and laboratories, cylinders weighing less than 50 lbs may be carried, if desired.

6. Toxic and poisonous gases must be used only in fume hoods or other enclosures vented directly outdoors. Appropriate first aid and antidote information and supplies must be provided and clearly marked at room entrances.

7. Pressure regulators and gauges must be compatible with the cylinder valves, i.e. the use of adapters is prohibited.

8. All oxygen valves, gauges, regulators, pipes, and fittings must be scrupulously free of oil, grease, graphite, or any other oxidizable substance. Although oxygen is quite safe under normal temperatures and pressures, elevated temperatures and/or pressures, or contamination, may result in the rapid and violent oxidation of normally non-reactive materials. For example, a regulator for oil-pumped nitrogen could produce a serious explosion if subsequently used for oxygen, due to the oil residue.

4.8 Systems Under Pressure Reactions should never be carried out in, nor heat applied to, an apparatus that is a closed system unless it is designed and tested to withstand pressure. Pressurized apparatus should have an appropriate relief device. If the reaction cannot be opened directly to the air, an inert gas purge and bubbler system should be used to avoid pressure build up.

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4.9 Cold Traps and Cryogenic Hazards The primary hazard of cryogenic materials is their extreme coldness. They, and surfaces they cool, can cause severe burns if allowed to contact the skin. Insulated gloves and a face shield may be needed when preparing or using some cold baths.

Neither liquid nitrogen nor liquid air should be used to cool a flammable mixture in the presence of air because oxygen can condense from the air, which leads to an explosion hazard.

Appropriate insulated gloves should be used when handling dry ice. Dry ice should be added slowly to a liquid portion of the cooling bath to avoid foaming over. Workers should avoid lowering their head into a dry ice chest: carbon dioxide is heavier than air, and suffocation can result. Do not store in a refrigerator or freezer.

4.10 Glassware Accidents involving glassware are a leading cause of lab injuries. Careful handling and storage procedures should be used to avoid breaking glassware.

Adequate hand protection should be used when inserting glass tubing into rubber stoppers or corks or when placing rubber tubing on glass hose connections. Tubing should be fire polished or rounded and lubricated, and hands should be held close together to limit movement of glass should fracture occur. Wetting the glassware should also facilitate the process of inserting glass tubing into rubber stoppers. The use of plastic or metal connectors should be considered.

Glass-blowing operations should not be attempted unless proper annealing facilities are available. Vacuum-jacketed glass apparatus should be handled with extreme care to prevent implosions. Equipment such as Dewar flasks should be taped or shielded. Only glassware designed for vacuum work should be used for that purpose.

Proper instruction should be provided in the use of glass equipment designed for specialized tasks, which can represent unusual risks for the first-time user. (For example, separatory funnels containing volatile solvents can develop considerable pressure during use.)

Glassware which is to be heated should be Pyrex or a similar heat-treated type. Hand protection should be used when picking up broken glass. (Small pieces should be swept up with a brush into a dustpan.) Broken glassware should be disposed of in a special container marked BROKEN GLASS.

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Chapter 5

Chemical Management

5.1 Chemical Management and Inventory System (CMIS) The Chemical Management and Inventory System (CMIS) combines a web-based inventory system and barcode scanner to provide a means for efficient updating and query of chemical stock levels. The system of tracking is container-based. Each chemical bottle is provided with a tear- and chemical resistant barcode sticker. CMIS is meant to address the need for accessibility of information, accurate inventory, efficient purchasing, management and compliance with various laws. The system may be accessed by any computer within the campus (

Features 1. Information database Supplier and chemical information are stored in the database. 2. Different user-levels Only selected accounts can access restricted areas of the system. 3. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) bank Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for chemicals are stored in the system, which provide quick access to: ü Physico-chemical information ü Handling and storage conditions ü Health and safety information ü Disposal considerations

4. Tracking of controlled chemicals under the EMB, PDEA and PNP System not only allows monitoring of chemicals on-stock but also controlled chemicals under the EMB, PDEA and PNP. Reports are easily prepared using the system’s Reporting Service 5. Exportable Reports Reports (i.e. stock-level, consumption, chemical expiration, chemical movement) can be exported as comma-separated version (CSV) files which can be opened in Microsoft Excel, Open Office Spreadsheet or any text-capable reader 6. Back-up and Recovery Mechanisms CMIS has features which provide means to back-up the database and restore all data should the system fail 7. Scanner-server synchronization Chemical data in the barcode scanner are easily synchronized with data in the server 8. Hazardous Waste Inventory System The CMIS is linked to the Hazardous Waste Inventory System (HWIS) which allows monitoring of chemical waste generation and disposal, generation of reports (i.e classification of wastes, threshold reports, chemical waste disposal and chemical waste movement)

User Levels CMIS has four (4) user-levels (Table 1). Access to the different features depends on the user-levels as shown in below:

User Level 1 (Guests, students) No accounts are assigned to Level 1 users. Using the CMIS, Level 1 users may: 1. Check availability of chemicals in the department 2. Obtain chemical information on chemicals (i.e. IUPAC name, CAS number, Supplier details and hazard codes)

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3. Access (Material) Safety Data Sheets ((M)SDSs) of chemicals 4. Request for a chemical Steps in requesting for a chemical (See Figure 11 in the Appendix for the overview) 1. To Request for Chemicals, click on the “Request” Link from the Home Page. The Request Home Page will then be shown. 2. Proceed by clicking on the “Click Here to Request for a Chemical” link. 3. Fill up the form with the required information to proceed. Requestor Name – the name of the requesting party (who made the request?) Requestor Department / Company – the department or company affiliation of the requestor Purpose – the reason for the request (where will the chemical be used for?) Request Date – date of the request (when was the request made?) 4. The system will then ask for the chemical’s common name. Provide the chemical’s common name. 5. If the chemical is on stock, the system will then ask for the following: Concentration – what is the concentration of the chemical that you need? Grade – what is the grade of the chemical? How much do you need? – Input amount is in liters or grams. Any special instructions for this particular chemical? – Special instruction on how the chemical is to be handled or stored should be noted here. 6. Requests for other chemicals can be added to current request by clicking on “Click here to add more chemical requests.” 7. List of requested items may also be viewed by clicking on “Click here to review requested items.” 8. To end request wizard, click on “I do not need any more items. Please take me to check out.” The check-out page will then show the reference number which can used by the requestor to review status of request. Checking status of request 1. To check the status of chemical requests, click on the “Click here to View Existing Chemical Request” 2. Input the reference number issued upon checked out from the Request Wizard. 3. The system will then provide the requestor with an update on the status of his/her request. If request has been approved, print the form and have it signed by your thesis mentor. 4. Show the signed form to the stockroom personnel and claim chemicals.

User Level 2 (Teaching Assistants (TAs), Research Assistants (RAs) and junior faculty) An account and temporary password is given to Level 2 users. Users may change the password using the Password Management feature of the system. In addition to the features available to a level 1 user, Level 2 users also have access to information regarding the stock level and stock location of the chemicals. Stock Inquiry 1. To check for stock levels of chemicals using the Inventory System, click on Stock Inquiry. 2. A page will appear where the Chemical Name or IUPAC Name or CAS Number of the chemical can be entered. 3. Click on the Chemical’s Common Name link to show the information about the chemical.

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User Level 3 (Department secretary, Lab technicians, Laboratory managers, Senior Faculty) An account and temporary password is also given to Level 3 users. Users may change the password using the Password Management feature of the system. In addition to the features available to a level 2 user, Level 3 users also have access to the reporting services of the system, encode additional data (e.g. supplier information, storage locations, thresholds etc.), add/update chemical bottle inputs. Setting up of additional data to the CMIS 1. Setting up of additional data such as supplier information, new storage locations, chemical brands, hazard codes and threshold levels may be done by clicking on the appropriate links (i.e. Suppliers, chemical grade, chemical brand, storage locations, hazard codes, chemicals and thresholds) on the home page. 2. Sub-pages for the selected field will then be displayed. To add new data, click on the “add ____” link to display the form where new entries can be supplied. Click “add ____,” button to submit and save new data.

User Level 4 (Dean, Department Chair, CMIS manager, technician-in-charge of CMIS) An account and temporary password is also given to Level 4 users. Users may change the password using the Password Management feature of the system. Level 4 users have access to all of the features of the CMIS. In addition to the features available to a level 3 user, Level 4 users also have access to the hazardous waste inventory system and the administrative functions of the system. The safety officer together with the system administrator of the MIS office is in-charge of the maintenance of the database system. This includes management of CMIS accounts, preparation of a back-up of the database and synchronization of the server and barcode scanner. Preparing a back-up of the database 1. To back-up the databse, click on the link ”Back-up and Recovery” link on the Administrator Functions Section. Then click the link, “Back-up.” 2. A “Back-up succeeded” message will then appear on the screen. To save the back-up file, right-click on the “The Back-up file” link and choose “Save Link As…” or “save Target As…” Synchronization of server and barcode scanner The sync station software is used to synchronize the barcode reader’s database with the server’s database. 1. To synchronize the server and barcode scanner, close all active application in the barcode scanner. 2. Place the scanner in the dock and wait for “active sync” to finish synchronization. 3. Open the Sync Station software and ensure that all databases are connected. 4. Click on the “Synchronize All” button to perform all operations in sequence. 5. The system will then display a dialog box once all operations are finished.

5.2 Controlled Chemicals In 2004, the government has started to implement various laws, rules and regulations

covering a broad range of activities related to the purchase, use, storage, waste management, and disposal of chemicals. These can be grouped under the general headings of environment, dangerous drugs and explosives (Tables 2 and 3 in the Appendix).

Different implementing agencies (i.e. EMB, PNP and PDEA) monitor the purchase, consumption, movement, storage and disposal of the following controlled chemicals:

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The EMB regulates mercury, cyanide and their compounds, from their importation, manufacture, use, transport and disposal. Since the department uses these compounds for laboratory classes and research. The university is required to register its possession and use of Mercury and Cyanide compounds.


PDEA monitors and regulates the importation, sale, administration, delivery, distribution, transportation, possession or use of the following prohibited and regulated drugs and precursor chemicals (See Table 4 in the Appendix)

Since the department uses some of these compounds for laboratory classes and research. The university is required to obtain a Purchaser’s license from PDEA. This license is renewed yearly. Semi-annual reports on the purchase and consumption of PDEA-controlled chemicals are also submitted to PDEA.


PNP monitors and regulates the importation, sale, administration, delivery, distribution, transportation, possession or use of explosives and explosive ingredients such as nitrates and chlorates. Since these chemicals are also used in the teaching laboratories, the university is required to obtain a “License to Possess Explosive and Explosive Ingredients” from PNP. A separate “Permit to Purchase and Move Explosive and Explosive Ingredients” should also be obtained from PNP prior to purchase of nitrates and chlorates. Monthly consumption reports are also submitted to PNP.

Procedure for requesting for controlled chemicals by outside parties 1. The person checks availability of chemical using the CMIS. 2. If the chemical is available, the person then writes a letter addressed to the department chairperson requesting to purchase the chemical. He/She must include in the letter where the chemical will be used as well as the amount of the chemical being requested. 3. The department chairperson together with the faculty-in-charge and/or the person in-charge of controlled chemicals decides whether to grant the request or not based on the amount of chemical on stock. If the request is granted, the department chairperson approves the request. 4. Requesting party proceeds to the Cashier to pay for the chemicals being purchased. Requesting party may then pick-up the requested chemicals from the stockroom, upon presenting the official receipt from the Cashier.

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Chapter 6

Handling Chemicals

6.1 Hazardous Chemicals All chemicals have toxic effects at some dose level for some route of exposure. It is therefore wise to minimize exposure to chemicals. Chemicals can have local or systemic effects. Local toxicity refers to the direct action of chemicals at the point of contact. Systemic toxicity occurs when the chemical agent is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body, affecting one or more organs. Toxic effects are also classified as acute or chronic. Acute effects are observed shortly after exposure. Chronic effects result from long-term exposure or appear after a latency period.

Hazardous chemical means any chemical which is capable of causing harm to people and the environment.

Health hazard means a chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence based on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed personnel. It includes chemicals which are carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic agents, reproductive toxins, irritants, corrosives, sensitizers, hepatotoxins, nephrotoxins, neurotoxins, agents which act on the hematopoietic system, and agents which damage the lungs, skin, eyes, or mucous membranes.

1. Carcinogen: a chemical agent that causes a malignant disease or increases statistically the risk of cancer, whether by initiating or promoting it. Some of these compounds are fairly common materials used in many laboratories, such as chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, dioxane, hydrazine, thiourea, and o-toluidine.

2. Corrosive: a chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.

3. Highly toxic: (a) a chemical that has a median lethal dose (LD50) of 50 mg/kg body weight when administered orally to albino rats weighing 200-300 g each; (b) a chemical that has a medial lethal dose (LD50) of 200 mg/kg body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hrs (or less if death occurs within 24 hrs) with the bare skin of albino rabbits weighing between 2-3 kg each; (c) a chemical that has a median lethal concentration (LC50) in air of 200 ppm by volume or less of gas or vapor, or 2 mg/L or less of mist, fume, or dust, when administered by continuous inhalation for one hour (or less if death occurs within one hour) to albino rats weighing between 200-300 g each.

4. Irritant: a chemical, which is not corrosive, but causes reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.

5. Sensitizer: a chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical.

6. Toxic: (a) a chemical that has a median lethal dose (LD50) of 50 mg/kg but not more than 500 mg/kg body weight when administered orally to albino rats weighing 200-300 g each; (b) a chemical that has a medial lethal dose (LD50) of 200 mg/kg but not more than 1,000 mg/kg body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hrs (or less if death occurs within 24 hrs) with the bare skin of albino rabbits weighing between 2-3 kg each; (c) a chemical that has a median lethal concentration (LC50) in air of 200 ppm but not more than 2,000 ppm by volume or less of gas or vapor, or 2 mg/L or less of mist, fume, or dust, when administered by continuous inhalation for one hour (or less if death occurs within one hour) to albino rats weighing between 200-300 g each.

7. Targeted Organ Effects

a. Hepatotoxins: chemicals which produces liver damage. Signs & symptoms: jaundice, liver enlargement. Chemicals: carbon tetrachloride, nitrosamines, benzene

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b. Nephrotoxins: chemicals which produce kidney damage. Signs and symptoms: edema, proteinuria. Chemicals: halogenated hydrocarbons, uranium.

c. Neurotoxins: chemicals which produce their primary toxic effect on the nervous system. Signs & symptoms: narcosis, behavioral changes, decrease in motor functions. Chemicals: mercury, carbon disulfide.

d. Agents which act on the blood or hematopoietic system: decreases hemoglobin function, deprive the body tissues of oxygen. Signs & symptoms: cyanosis, loss of consciousness. Chemicals: carbon monoxide, cyanides.

e. Agents which damage the lung: chemicals which irritate or damage pulmonary tissue. Signs & symptoms: cough, tightness of chest, shortness of breath. Chemicals: silica, asbestos.

f. Reproductive toxins: chemicals which affect the reproductive capabilities including chromosomal damage (mutations), and effects on fetuses (teratogenesis). Signs & symptoms: birth defects, sterility. Chemicals: lead, DBCP.

g. Cutaneous hazards: chemicals which affect the dermal layer of the body. Signs & symptoms: defatting of the skin, rashes, and irritation. Chemicals: ketones, chlorinated compounds.

h. Eye hazards: chemicals which affect the eye or visual capacity. Signs & symptoms: conjunctivitis, corneal damage. Chemicals: organic solvents, acids.

Physical hazard means a chemical for which there is scientifically valid evidence that it is a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, explosive, flammable, an organic peroxide, an oxidizer, pyrophoric, unstable (reactive) or water-reactive.

1. Combustible liquid: any liquid having a flashpoint at or above 37.8 oC, but below 93.3 oC, except any mixture having components with flashpoints of 93.3 oC, or higher, the total volume of which make up 99% or more of the total volume of the mixture.

Note: flashpoint means the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off a vapor in sufficient concentration to ignite when tested according to ASTM D 56-79, ASTM D 93-79, and ASTM D 3278-78.

2. Compressed gas: (a) a gas or mixture of gases having, in a container, an absolute pressure exceeding 40 psi at 21.1 oC; (b) a gas or mixture of gases having, in a container, an absolute pressure exceeding 104 psi at 54.4 oC, regardless of the pressure at 21.2 oC; or (c) a liquid having a vapor pressure exceeding 40 psi at 37.8oC as determined by ASTM D-323-72.

3. Explosive: a chemical that causes sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas, and heat when subjected to sudden shock, pressure, or high temperature.

4. Flammable: a chemical that falls into the following categories:

a. Aerosol, flammable: an aerosol that, when tested by the method described in 16 CFR 1500.45, yields a flame projection exceeding 18 inches at full valve opening, or a flashback (a flame extending back to the valve) at any degree of valve opening;

b. Gas, flammable: (a) a gas that, at an ambient temperature and pressure, forms a flammable mixture with air at a concentration of 13% by volume or less; or (b) a gas that, at ambient pressure and temperature, forms a range of flammable mixtures with air wider than 12% by volume, regardless of the lower limit.

c. Liquid, flammable: any liquid having a flashpoint below 37.8 oC, except any mixture having components with flashpoints of 37.8 oC or higher, the total of which make up 99% or more of the total volume of the mixture.

d. Solid flammable: a solid other than a blasting agent or explosive, that is liable to cause fire through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change, or retained heat from manufacturing or processing, or which can be ignited readily and when ignited burns vigorously and persistently as to create a serious hazard. A chemical shall be considered to be a flammable solid if, when tested by the method described in 16 CFR

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1500.44, it ignites and burns with a self-sustained flame at a rate greater than one-tenth of an inch per second along its major axis.

5. Organic peroxide: an organic compound that contains the bivalent —O-O— structure, and which may be considered to be a structural derivative of hydrogen peroxide, where one or both of the hydrogen atoms has been replaced by an organic radical.

6. Oxidizer: a chemical other than a blasting agent or explosive, that initiates or promotes combustion in other materials, thereby causing fire either of itself or through the release of oxygen of other gases.

7. Pyrophoric: a chemical that will ignite spontaneously in air at a temperature of 54.4 oC or below.

8. Unstable (reactive): a chemical which in the pure state, or as produced or transported, will vigorously polymerize, decompose, condense, or will become self-reactive under conditions of shocks, pressure or temperature.

9. Water reactive: a chemical that reacts with water to release a gas that is either flammable or presents a health hazard.

6.2 Routes of Exposure Dermal Contact. One of the most frequent exposure to chemicals is by contact with the skin. Spills and splash can result in overt contamination of the skin. Also, laboratory personnel may unconsciously contaminate themselves when they touch work surfaces, glassware, or equipment which become contaminated curing experimental activity. A common result of skin contact is localized irritation or dermatitis. However, a number of materials are absorbed through the skin to produce systemic poisoning. The main portals of entry for chemicals through the skin are the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and cuts or abrasions of the outer layers of the skin. The follicles and glands are supplied with blood vessels, which facilitate the absorption of chemicals into the body. Chemicals can also gain entrance into the body when contaminated hands touch the mouth, nose, eyes, sores, or cuts.

Inhalation. Inhalation of toxic vapors, mists, gases, or dusts can produce poisoning by absorption through the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, and lungs and can seriously damage these tissues, by local action. Inhaled gases or vapors may pass rapidly into the capillaries of the lungs and be carried into the circulatory system. The degree of injury resulting from inhalation of toxic substances depends on the toxicity of the material, its solubility in tissue fluids, its concentration, and the duration of exposure.

Inhalation hazards are often associated with gases and volatile chemicals, but solids and non-volatile liquids can also present an inhalation hazard for laboratory personnel.

1. Laboratory chemicals in the form of dusts and particulates can become airborne when transferred from one container to another.

2. Grinding and crushing procedures can also produce aerosols.

3. Splash created from spills and during vigorous shaking and mixing also results in aerosol formation.

Many of the particulates generated during such procedures do not settle out but remain suspended in the air and are carried about by air currents in the room. Some of these particulates are capable of being inhaled and deposited in the respiratory tract. For many operations it is not obvious that an aerosol is being generated and laboratory personnel may not be aware that a hazardous situation exist. Actually, all laboratory operations involving an open vessel will result in the release of an aerosol. Such operations include weighing, stirring, pouring, pipeting, injections with a needle and syringe, and removing caps and stoppers. Alert laboratory personnel will take care not to create unnecessary aerosols.

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Ingestion. Ingestion of toxic materials in the laboratory can also occur when contaminated hands come in contact with the mouth of with food items which are placed in the mouth. Food items and utensils themselves can become contaminated when stored in the laboratory. The practice of mouth pipeting can result in aspiration of toxic materials.

Injection. Accidents involving needles and syringes can results in injection contamination through the skin. The needle and syringe is one of the most hazardous items used in the laboratory. Also, containers of toxic chemicals may break resulting in hazard from contact with broken contaminated glass.

Ocular Exposure. The eyes are of particular concern because they are so sensitive to irritants. Ocular exposure can occur via splash or when contaminated hands rub the eyes. Few substances are innocuous in contact with the eyes and a considerable number are capable of causing burns and provide for rapid absorption of many chemicals.

6.3 Protective Clothing and Equipment Eye and Face Protection. Eye and protective devices must be worn by students, faculty, staff, and visitors in laboratories where chemicals are stored or handled. The type of safety device required will depend on the nature of the hazard and the frequency with which it is encountered. It is the responsibility of the lab supervisor to determine the level of eye protection required and to enforce eye-protection rules.

1. Safety glasses: Ordinary prescription glasses do not provide adequate protection from injury to the eyes. The minimum acceptable eye protection requires the use of hardened-glass or plastic safety spectacles. These should have: a minimum thickness of 3 mm, impact resistance, passed flammability tests, and lens-retaining frames. Side shields that attach to regular safety spectacles offer some protection from objects that approach from the side but do not provide adequate protection from splashes. Other eye protection should be worn when a significant splash hazard exists.

Safety spectacles are recommended for those who require eye protection frequently and/or for long durations (e.g. more than two hours per day). Three dimensions that are important in providing a comfortable fit include: temple length, nose bridge width, and lens diameter.

2. Goggles: Goggles are not intended for general use. They are intended for wear when there is danger of splashing chemicals or flying particles. For example, goggles should be worn when working with glassware under reduced or elevated pressure and when glass apparatus is used in combustion or other high-temperature operations. Impact-protection goggles have screened areas on the sides to provide ventilation and reduce fogging of the lens and do not offer full protection against chemical splashes. Splash goggles (“acid goggles”) that have splash –proof sides should be used when protection from harmful chemical splash is needed. There are specific goggles and masks for glassblowing, welding, and intense light sources, such as lasers and ultraviolet light.

3. Face Shields: Goggles offer little protection to the face and neck. Full-face shields that protect the face and throat should always be worn when maximum protection from flying particles and harmful liquids is needed. For full protection, safety glasses should be worn with face shields. A face shield or mask may be needed when a vacuum system (which may implode) is used or when a reaction that has a potential for mild explosions is conducted.

4. Contact Lenses: Contact lenses do not provide eye protection in the industrial sense, and must be worn only in conjunction with approved safety eyewear. Furthermore, when the work environment entails exposure to chemical fumes, vapor, or splashes, intense heat, molten metals, or highly particulate atmosphere, contact lens use should be restricted. In addition, identification of contact lens wearers should be ensured for appropriate emergency care and for protection in work areas hazardous to the eyes.

The American Chemical Society’s Committee on Chemical Safety states in Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories that, “Contact lenses should not be worn in the chemistry laboratory

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except for therapeutic reasons… In the event of a chemical splash into an eye, capillary action tends to hold the offending liquid under the contact lens and against the surface of the cornea. In that event, the removal of the contact lens to achieve immediate irrigation is made nearly impossible by involuntary spasm of the eyelid… Gases and vapors can concentrate under the lenses and cause permanent eye damage. Contact lenses can also trap particulate foreign matter in the eye and thereby produce abrasion of the cornea. For these reasons, only contact lenses worn for therapeutic reasons can be permitted in the laboratory.”

Respiratory Protection. Masks may be used to minimize exposure to noxious fumes, but they are by no means total respiratory protection as air masks, which are self-contained breathing apparatuses with their own air tanks. Furthermore, although the wearer is protected against inhalation exposure, he is warned against absorption through the skin of such substances as HCN gas, aniline vapor, etc.

Use of Gloves. Proper gloves should be worn whenever the potential for contact with corrosive or toxic materials and materials of unknown toxicity, sharp edged objects, and very hot or very cold materials. Gloves should be selected on the basis of the material being handled, the particular hazard involved, and their suitability for the operation being conducted.

Glove materials are eventually permeated by chemicals. However, they can be used safely for limited time periods if specific use and glove characteristics (i.e. thickness and permeation rate and time) are known. Common glove materials include neoprene, polyvinyl chloride, nitrile, and butyl and natural rubbers. These materials differ in resistance to various substances. Double gloving is recommended when handling highly toxic or carcinogenic materials. Before each use, gloves should be inspected for discoloration, punctures, and tears. Before removal, gloves should be washed, if the material is impermeable to water.

Leather gloves may be used for handling broken glassware, for inserting glass tubes into rubber stoppers, and for similar operations where protection from chemicals is not needed. Insulated gloves should be used when working at temperature extremes. Various synthetic materials such as Nomex and Kevlar can be used briefly up to 538 oC. It is best not to use gloves made either entirely or partly of asbestos, a known carcinogen. It is the responsibility of the lab supervisor to determine whether specialized hand protection is needed for any operation and to ensure that needed protection is available.

Clothing and Protective Apparel. The clothing worn by lab workers can be important to their safety. Such personnel should not wear loose, skimpy, or torn clothing and unrestrained long hair. Loose or torn clothing and unrestrained long hair can easily catch fire, dip into chemicals, or become ensnarled in apparatus and moving machinery. Skimpy clothing offers little protection to the skin in the event of chemical splash. If the possibility of chemical contamination exists, personal clothing that will be worn home should be covered by protective apparel. Finger rings can react with chemicals and also should be avoided around equipment that has moving parts.

Laboratory coats and aprons are intended to prevent contact with dirt and the minor chemical splashes or spills encountered in lab-scale work. These, however, are primarily a protection for clothing, and may itself present a hazard (e.g. combustibility) to the wearer. Cotton (pure or 60:40 cotton-polyester), and synthetic materials such as Nomex or Tyvek are satisfactory; rayon and polyesters are not. Coats and aprons do not significantly resist penetration by organic liquids and, if significantly contaminated by them, should be removed immediately.

Plastic or rubber aprons provide better protection from corrosive or irritating liquids but can complicate injuries in the event of fire. Furthermore, plastic aprons can accumulate considerable static charge and should be avoided in areas where flammable solvents could be ignited.

Lab workers should know the appropriate techniques for removing protective apparel, especially any that has become contaminated. Chemical spills on leather clothing or accessories (watchbands, shoes, belts) can be especially hazardous because many chemicals can be absorbed in the leather and then held close to the skin for long periods. Such items must be removed promptly and decontaminated or discarded.

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Foot Protection. Shoes should be worn at all times in laboratories or other areas where chemicals are used or stored. Perforated shoes, sandals, or cloth sneakers should not be worn in labs or areas where mechanical work is being done.

Safety shoes are used to protect the feet against injuries from heavy falling objects, against crushing by rolling objects, or against lacerations from sharp edges. Safety shoes are required for personnel whose job duties require the lifting, carrying, or moving, etc. of objects weighing more than 15 lbs, which, if dropped, would likely result in a foot or toe injury.

6.4 Handling Toxic Materials Access Control. Access to laboratories which have toxic chemicals should be controlled. The laboratory door should be kept closed while experiments are in progress. This not only protects those people who might otherwise enter the lab, but also reduces interruptions to the lab worker which could lead to accidents.

Personnel Practices. Personnel should wash their hands immediately after completion of any procedure involving toxic chemicals and when they leave the lab. The use of liquid soap dispensers is recommended.

Eating, drinking, smoking, chewing of gum, application of cosmetics, or storage of utensils, food, or food containers should not be allowed in labs where toxic materials are used. The practice of mouth pipeting should also not be allowed. Mechanical pipeting aids are to be used for all pipeting procedures.

Decontamination of Work Surfaces. Work surfaces should be protected from contamination by using disposable plastic backed absorbent paper or stainless steel trays. Other items and equipment which become contaminated during experimental activity should be decontaminated with the appropriate solvent.

Minimizing Aerosols. Since all procedures involving an open vessel of liquids or powders generate aerosols, the laboratory worker should develop techniques which will minimize the creation of aerosols:

1. Discharge fluids from pipets as close as possible to the fluid level of the receiving vessel, or allowing the contents to run down the wall of the receiving vessel. Dropping the contents from a height generates greater aerosol.

2. Rapid mixing of liquids with pipets by alternate suction and expulsion or forcibly expelling material from a pipet should be avoided.

3. Care should also be taken when discarding contaminated cloves or plastic backed absorbent paper used to cover the work surface so that contamination is not aerosolized in the process. These should be placed in properly-labeled waste containers for disposal.

4. Dry sweeping or dry mopping contaminated laboratory floors could re-aerosolize contamination. Floors should be cleaned with a wet mop or with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter.

Use of Chemical Fume Hoods. Chemical fume hoods are the primary containment device in the laboratory to control airborne contaminants generated during experimental procedures. Chemical fume hoods provide personnel protection by means of directional airflow from the laboratory into the hood through the face opening. This airflow reduces the potential for escape of airborne contaminants into the laboratory.

Procedures involving volatile chemicals and those involving solids or liquids that may result in the generation of toxic aerosols should be conducted in a chemical fume hood rather than on the open bench. Placing a reacting chemical system within a hood, especially with the hood sash closed, places a physical barrier between the workers in the lab and the chemical reaction. This barrier can afford workers protection from chemical splash, sprays, fires, and minor explosions.

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The following practices should be observed when using fume hoods:

1. Hood work areas should be clear of unnecessary equipment and materials which can disrupt airflow and block vents. Hoods should not be used for storage of chemicals.

2. Verify airflow PRIOR to doing an experiment by attaching a Kimwipe or ribbon to the sash.

3. Work should be carried out as far back in the hood as possible.

4. Experiments should be planned so that, as much as possible, all of the materials needed for a procedure are present in the hood to eliminate disruption of airflow by carrying equipment in and out during a procedure.

5. Disruptive room air currents should be minimized by avoiding traffic near fume hoods and opening and closing doors near fume hoods while experiments are in progress.

6. Keep sash as low as possible.

7. Use equipment with legs.

8. Check efficiency of the hood by measuring its average face velocity regularly. Face velocities between 100 to 120 feet per minute are acceptable for most uses.

6.5 Handling Carcinogens Procedures for handling toxic materials also applies to chemical carcinogens. The procedures outlined in this section are additional precautions in dealing with carcinogenic materials.

Storage, Inventory, and Identification. Stock quantities of chemical carcinogens are to be stored in designated storage areas, and their access controlled. The storage areas should be posted with signs bearing the legend: CAUTION – CHEMICAL CARCINOGEN Authorized Persons Only. An inventory of stock quantities should be maintained, and should include the dates of acquisition and disposition. Storage vessels containing stock quantities should be labeled: CAUTION – CHEMICAL CARCINOGEN.

Use of Analytical Instrumentation. Analytical instruments, when used with chemical carcinogens, are to be placed entirely within a chemical fume hood. When this is impossible, vapors or aerosols produced by these instruments should be captured through local exhaust ventilation at the site of their production. When a sample is removed from the analytical instrument, it should be placed in a tightly-stoppered sample tube or otherwise safeguarded from contaminating the lab. Analytical equipment that becomes contaminated should not be used until it has been completely decontaminated.

Working Quantities. Quantities of chemical carcinogens present in the work area should be kept to a minimum. Quantities should not normally exceed the amounts required for use in one week. Storage vessels containing working quantities should be labeled: CAUTION – CHEMICAL CARCINOGEN.

Laboratory Transport. Storage vessels containing chemical carcinogens are to be first placed in an unbreakable outer container before being transported to lab work areas. Contaminated materials which are transferred from work areas to disposal areas must first be placed in a closed plastic bag or other suitable impermeable and sealed primary container. The primary container must be placed in a durable outer container before being transported. The outer container is to be labeled both the name of the chemical carcinogen and the warning: CAUTION – CHEMICAL CARCINOGEN.

Protection of Vacuum Lines. Each vacuum service, including water aspirators, is to be protected with an absorbent or liquid trap and a HEPA filter to prevent entry of any chemical carcinogen into the system. When using a volatile carcinogen, a separate vacuum pump or other device placed in an appropriate chemical fume hood should be used.

Decontamination. Contaminated materials must either be decontaminated by procedures that decompose the chemical carcinogen, or be removed for subsequent disposal. Chemical carcinogens

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which have spilled out of a primary container so as to constitute a hazard must be inactivated in situ or should be absorbed by appropriate means for subsequent disposal. A means for assuring adequacy of clean-up should be provided, for instance wipe tests or fluorescence tests.

6.6 Flammable Materials The ability to vaporize, ignite, and burn or to explode flammable materials varies with the specific type of substance. Prevention of fires and explosions requires knowledge of the flammability characteristics (limits of flammability, ignition requirements, and burning rates) of combustible materials likely to be encountered under various conditions of use, and of the appropriate procedures top use in handling such substances.

Properties of Flammable Substances. A flammable liquid does not itself burn; it is the vapors from the liquid that burn. The rate at which different liquids produce flammable vapors depends on their vapor pressure. The degree of the fire hazard also depends on the ability to form combustible or explosive mixtures with air.

1. Flashpoint: the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off a vapor in sufficient concentration to ignite when tested according to ASTM D 56-79, ASTM D 93-79, and ASTM D 3278-78. Many common laboratory solvents and chemicals have flashpoints that are lower than room temperature.

2. Ignition Temperature (Auto-ignition temperature): the minimum temperature required to initiate or cause self-sustained combustion independent of the heat source. For example: A steam line or a glowing light bulb may ignite carbon disulfide (ignition temperature 80 oC). Diethyl ether (ignition temperature 160 oC) can be ignited by the surface of a hot plate.

3. Spontaneous Ignition or Combustion: this takes place when a substance reaches its ignition temperature without the application of external heat. The possibility of spontaneous combustion should be considered, especially when materials are stored or disposed of. Materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion include oily rags, dust accumulations, organic materials mixed with strong oxidizing agents (such as nitric acid, chlorates, permanganates, peroxides, and persulfates), alkali metals such as sodium and potassium, finely divided pyrophoric metals, and phosphorous.

Sources of Ignition. There are a number of potential sources of spark, flame, or heat in labs which can ignite flammable substances: open flames, static electricity, lighted matches, and hot surfaces. When flammable materials are used in the lab, close attention should be given to all potential sources of ignition in the vicinity. The vapors of flammable liquids are heavier than air and capable of traveling considerable distances. This possibility should be recognized, and special note should be taken of ignition sources lower than that at which the substance is being used.

Flammable vapors from massive sources such as spillages have been known to descend into stairwells and ignite on a lower story. If the path of vapor with the flammable range is continuous, the flame will propagate itself from the point of ignition back to its source.

Metal lines and vessels discharging flammable substances should be properly bonded and grounded to discharge static electricity. When nonmetallic containers (plastic) are used, the bonding can be made to the liquid rather than to the container. This is of special concern when working in a dry environment such as an air-conditioned room or a room with a dehumidifier.

Handling. The basic precautions for safe handling of flammable materials include the following:

1. Flammable substance should be handled only in areas free of ignition sources.

2. Flammable substances should never be heated by using an open flame. Preferred head sources include steam baths, water baths, oil baths, heating mantles, and hot air baths.

3. When transferring flammable liquids in metal equipment, static-generated sparks should be avoided by bonding and use of ground straps.

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4. Ventilation is one of the most effective ways to prevent the formation of flammable mixtures. An exhaust hood should be used whenever appreciable quantities of flammable substances are transferred from one container to another, allowed to stand in open containers, heated in open containers, or handled in any other way.

5. When a flammable liquid is withdrawn from a drum, or when a drum is filled, both the drum and other equipment must be individually electrically grounded and bonded to each other.

6. Containers of flammable liquids shall not be drawn from or filled within buildings unless provision is made to prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentrations.

Storage Rules 1. Flammables stored in the open in the laboratory work area shall be kept to the minimum

necessary for the work being done.

2. Flammable liquids must not be stored in domestic type refrigerators. Use refrigerators that have electrical contacts (door switch, light, thermostat) removed or exteriorized.

3. Flammable liquids must not block lab aisles or exits.

4. Keep flammable liquids away from heat and direct sunlight.

5. Flammable liquids must be stored so that accidental contact with strong oxidizing agents (such as permanganates or chlorates) is avoided.

Fire Extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are labeled according to their fire fighting proficiency and safety in extinguishing various types of fires. Using the “wrong” type of extinguisher on a fire can endanger the user and make the fire worse.

For easy identification, labels A, B, C, or D, and, more recently, pictograms are used to indicate the type of fire on which an extinguisher is to be used. These are identified accordingly:

1. Ordinary Combustibles: Fires in paper, cloth, wood, rubber, and many plastics require water or dry chemical type extinguisher labeled A.

2. Flammable Liquids: Fires in solvents and other flammables liquids require dry chemical, Halon or CO2 extinguisher labeled B.

3. Electrical Equipment: Fires in wiring, fuse boxes, energized electrical equipment and other electrical sources require a dry chemical, Halon, or CO2 extinguisher labeled C.

4. Metals: Combustible metals such as magnesium and sodium require special extinguishers labeled D.

Most chemical laboratory fire hazards require dry chemical multipurpose extinguishers (ABC) which must be installed in hallways. “Gas” extinguishers, containing Halon 1211 or CO2, offer first defense against flammable liquids or electrical fires without leaving a powder residue which could harm electronic equipment.

6.7 Handling Explosive/Reactive Materials The large number of different classes of chemicals potentially present in a research laboratory poses increased risks from accidental hazardous chemical reactions or explosions.

A hazardous reaction occurs when two or more incompatible chemicals result in an undesirable or uncontrolled reaction with adverse consequences. They may result when incompatible chemicals are accidentally spilled, when they are inadvertently mixed as chemical waste, or when they are unwittingly combined during experimental procedures. Hazardous reactions may cause any one or more of the following: heat generation, fire, explosion, formation of toxic vapors, formation of flammable gases, volatilization of toxic or flammable substances, formation of substances of greater toxicity, formation of shock or friction sensitive compounds, pressurization in closed vessels, solubilization of toxic substances, dispersal of toxic dusts/mists/particles, and violent polymerization.

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It is easy to fall into the trap of becoming complacent with certain chemicals used everyday with certain procedures. It is prudent to check for incompatibility wherever a change is made in chemical procedures. Incompatibility of chemicals is the prime reason for not storing chemicals on the shelf alphabetically. If there is an accident, the disaster is compounded by the adverse reaction.

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Chapter 7

Waste Disposal

7.1 Waste Characteristics Hazardous wastes are classified according the following:

1. Ignitability. Liquids with a flashpoint less than 60 oC; oxidizers, solids capable of burning vigorously and persistently after ignition through friction, absorption of moisture, or spontaneous chemical changes at standard temperature and pressure.

2. Corrosivity. Aqueous solutions with a pH less than or equal to 2, or greater than or equal to 12.5; liquids which corrode steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm per year at 55 oC.

3. Reactivity. Normally unstable and undergoes violent changes; reacts violently with water; forms potentially explosive mixtures with water of pH conditions between 2 and 12.5; capable of detonation or explosive reaction.

4. Toxicity. Fatal to humans in low doses; less than oral LD50 of 50 mg/kg (rats), inhalation LC50 of 2 mg/L (rats), or dermal LD50 of 200 mg/kg (rabbit); toxic, carcinogenic, or suspected carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic.

7.2 Waste Reduction Minimizing chemical waste generation also minimizes safety hazards. It is encouraged that laboratories consider ways of reducing the volume of waste or preserving the reuse of the materials through the redesign of experiments. Recyclable materials should be kept separate from other waste. Efforts should be made to decontaminate, detoxify, neutralize, or otherwise render the waste non-hazardous. Different waste materials should be segregated whenever possible.

7.3 Handling Specific Wastes Individual Waste Streams. A waste stream generated from a laboratory procedure should not be combined with other chemical wastes. The fewer the number of chemicals associated with a waste, the more economical is the disposal method for that waste. If this is not practical, there must be careful consideration about which wastes can be combined.

Non-Halogenated Flammable Solvents. Non-halogenated flammable solvents may be sent to the incinerator and must be free of heavy metals and reactive materials, e.g. sodium metal. Disposal of solvents to the sanitary sewer is limited to low-toxicity solvents, miscible in water, diluted to non-flammable concentrations.

Halogenated Solvents. Halogenated solvents must not be combined with flammable non-halogenated solvents. Examples of halogenated solvents include methylene chloride, chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride.

Acids and Bases. Small volumes of acids and bases can be diluted and discharged in the sanitary sewer, but followed by flushing with copious volumes of water. Acids and bases containing heavy metals must not be disposed to the sewer system.

Oils. Only trace quantities of oils associated with cleaning and washing operations should be released to the sanitary sewer.

Heavy Metals. These should be converted to sulfide, which is less soluble, before final disposal.

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Sharps. Sharps, including but not limited to syringes, razor blades, pasteur pipettes, capillary tubes and scalpels should be placed in puncture-resistant waste collection containers prior to disposal.

7.4 Labeling Each container must be labeled with the following information:

1. Amount. The amount of waste, giving the container size and indicating whether it is full, 3/4 full, etc. Liquid waste is to be given in gallons or liters, and solid waste in pounds or kilograms.

2. Principal Constituents. Each compound in the waste containers must be listed by its complete chemical name, and the approximate percentage of each compound. Do not use abbreviations.

3. Waste Characteristics. All hazardous characteristics of waste should be identified. The terms most appropriately describing the waste should be included. If the waste is an acid or a base, the approximate pH of the waste should be indicated beside “Corrosive” on the label. Carcinogenicity, mutegenicity, or teratogenicity should be specified beside “Toxic”.

4. Special Handling Considerations. Any toxic or reactive hazards, to caution the handler, should be noted. Substances or conditions which could result in an explosion, fire, heat generation, or flammable gas generation should be explained.

7.5 Waste Containers Containers. Gallon-sized four-liter glass reagent bottles are generally the most convenient. If metal or plastic containers are used, be sure that the container material is compatible with the waste.

Procedure for obtaining chemical waste bottles

1. Obtain waste bottles for chemical wastes from the stockroom

2. Provide the following information:

• Name

• Chemical waste classification

• Chemical wastes to be kept in the bottle

• Name of mentor

3. A bottle with a barcoded label will be issued by the stockroom personnel to the student.

4. Filled-up waste bottles should be submitted to the stockroom for signing of clearance at the end of the school year

Safety Carriers. Glass collection containers must preferably be stored in rubber safety carriers to protect against breakage and spillage.

7.6 Disposal to Sewerage System Avoid discharges to the sanitary sewer of the following:

1. Materials that may create a fire or explosive hazard.

2. Corrosive materials with pH less than 5.

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3. Solid or viscous materials in amounts to obstruct flow or interfere with operations.

4. Discharges of any toxic material in volume of strength to cause interference with waste treatment processes, or contamination of sludge of effluent from the wastewater treatment.

5. Heat discharges which will inhibit biological activities or increase the waste water treatment effluent about 40 oC.

7.7 Disposal of Chemical Wastes Non-hazardous Chemical Wastes

1. Non-hazardous wastes may be disposed of as ordinary trash. However, the containers should be labeled and marked as “Non-hazardous.”

2. Non-hazardous wastes in liquid form may be disposed of down the drain. In general, the following nonhazardous materials may be placed in ordinary trash bins for disposal:

Agarose Dextrin Silica gel

Alumina Glycine Sodium chloride

Aluminum oxide Magnesium carbonate Sodium citrate

Ammonium phosphate

Magnesium chloride Sodium phosphate

Calcium carbonate Magnesium sulfate Sodium sulfate

Calcium oxide Potassium carbonate Stannous oxide

Calcium phosphate Potassium chloride Starch

Calcium sulfate Potassium sulfate Sugars

Citric acid Sephadex Titanium oxide

Materials listed below in quantities up to about 100g or 100 mL at a time are suitable for disposal down the drain while flushing with excess water

Organic Chemicals • Alkanols with fewer than 4 carbons • Aliphatic aldehydes with fewer than 5 carbons • Amides with fewer than 5 carbons • Aliphatic amines with fewer than 7 carbons • Carboxylic acids with fewer than 6 carbons • Esters with fewer than 5 carbons • Proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, soluble fats and their precursors

Inorganic Chemicals

• Sulfates: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, NH4 • Carbonates: Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, NH4 • Oxides: Mg, Ca, Sr, Al, Si, Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu • Chlorides: Ca, Na, K, Mg, NH4 • Borates: Na, K, Mg, Ca

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Hazardous chemical wastes

Hazardous chemical wastes should be placed and segregated into leak-proof barcoded waste bottles following the classification of the DENR-EMB (See Table 5 in the Appendix). These wastes will be hauled by DENR-accredited transporters for treatment and disposal.

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Chapter 8

Biological Samples: Handling and Waste Disposal

8.1 General Information Most of the procedures are adapted from Environmental Health and Safety, Princeton University; University of Wyoming; and Microbiology Safety and Staff Induction Manual, University of Tasmania - Launceston Campus

1. Microorganisms refer to organisms of microscopic or sub-microscopic sizes such as bacteria, virus, fungi, and yeast.

2. Before using any of these samples, know the biosafety level (BSL) of the organism first. For bacteria specimens, there are four levels as specified by US Department of Health and Human Services and National Institutes of Health. (Refer to Table 6 of the Appendix)

3. Only organisms under BSL 1 are allowed in the laboratory.

8.2 Storage

1. Samples must be properly labeled to immediately identify the organism present. 2. There are designated refrigerators (Biochemistry and Room 103 NCIC labs) for short-term

storage (2 months or less) and a cryogenic container (Rm 103 NCIC lab) for long-term stock storage. Store the samples in these designated places only to avoid spreading and contamination of bio-free chemicals and solutions.

8.3 Transport

When transporting samples to or from the laboratory, the "primary" container should be carried within an outer "secondary" container. The secondary container should be sealable and non breakable.

8.4 Handling

1. Lab apron must be worn at all times. When leaving the lab, remove and leave lab apron or coat in the lab. The lab apron or coat must be laundered every two weeks.

2. Always wear mask and put on gloves in handling samples. From time to time, spray a solution of 70% alcohol (usually ethanol) on the gloves to disinfect. Remove and change gloves when overtly contaminated or when torn or punctured. Do not wear contaminated gloves outside the lab. Do not wash or reuse disposable gloves.

3. Wear appropriate face protection (goggles, mask, face shield or other splatter guard) for anticipated splashes or sprays of infectious materials to the face when agents must be handled outside the BSC (biosafety cabinet). Persons wearing contact lenses should also wear eye protection.

4. Always wash hands after removing gloves and before leaving the lab. 5. Food is stored outside the work area in cabinets or refrigerators designated specifically for that

purpose. 6. Do not pipette by mouth; only mechanical pipetting devices are permitted. 7. Familiarize yourself with the location and operation of the following emergency items for each


a. First aid kit b. Fire extinguisher/blanket

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c. Gas isolation switch d. Eyewash station e. Exits

8. Carry out procedures so as to minimize the risks of spills, splashes and the production of aerosols. This applies particularly to the flaming of the bacteriological loop: the loop should be drawn gradually from the cooler to the hotter parts of the flame.

9. If you have an accident of any kind, call the instructor immediately. 10. For minor spills, put on gloves, cover spill with paper towel and pour on disinfectant. Leave for

10 minutes and then mop up. 11. The working area should be wiped with disinfectant at the beginning and end of the

laboratory session. Always wash your hands before leaving the laboratory. 12. No slides or cultures are to be taken from, or brought into the laboratory without permission

of the instructor or laboratory in-charge.

8.5 Laboratory Equipment


1. One pressure cooker is designated for sterilization purposes while another is solely used for decontamination. In the logbooks of either pressure cooker, indicate the date, time and contents of the cycle.

2. The standard autoclave cycle used in this laboratory is 15 psi for 15 minutes. 3. A heat sensitive indicator (autoclave tape) should be used in every load. 4. To prevent accidents, wait until the pressure drops to ~5 psi before opening the exhaust

valve. The lid should only be open when the pressure is zero. 5. Always wear safety glasses when opening the pressure cooker. 6. Always use heat safety gloves when removing items from the pressure cooker.

Laminar Flow Cabinet/Biosafety Cabinet (BSC)

1. The BSC in the laboratory is a Class 2 cabinet designed to provide personnel, environmental, and sample/product protection. It is housed in the isolation room in C305. A laminar flow cabinet is also available in the Biochemistry lab.

2. Before using the equipment, make sure that the door of the isolation room is closed to minimize the disruption of the airflow.

Working in a BSC (adapted from Environmental Health and Safety, Princeton University)

1. Turn the cabinet on for at least 10 - 15 minutes prior to use, if the cabinet is not left running. 2. Disinfect work surface with 70% alcohol or other suitable disinfectant. 3. Consider the materials necessary for the planned work in the cabinet. 4. Place items into the cabinet so that they can be worked with efficiently without unnecessary

disruption of the air flow, working with materials from the clean to the dirty side. 5. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. At a minimum, this will include a laboratory

apron/coat, mask, and gloves. 6. Adjust the working height of the stool so that the worker's face is above the front opening. 7. Delay manipulation of materials for approximately one minute after placing the hands/arms

inside the cabinet. 8. Minimize the frequency of moving hands in and out of the cabinet. 9. Do not disturb the airflow by covering any of the grillwork with materials.

10. Work at a moderate pace to prevent the air flow disruption that occurs with rapid movements. 11. Wipe the bottom and side of the hood surfaces with disinfectant when work is completed.

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8.6 Waste Disposal

1. A container for used items (pipet tips, pipet, culture loops, others) must be prepared, preferably made of glass or other autoclave-compatible materials. The container must be covered by aluminum foil.

2. All glassware, consummable items, and other materials used in the microbial activity must be decontaminated. A decontamination procedure can be as simple as clean-up with a solution of detergent, bleach, and water or as thorough as sterilization.

3. Sterilization is done using the pressure cooker designated for decontamination purposes. The standard decontamination cycle used in this laboratory is 15 psi for 15 minutes.

4. After decontamination, liquid wastes are thrown down the drain while solid wastes are thrown in trash bins.

Liquid Decontamination

• Add liquid chlorine bleach to provide a final 1:10 dilution • Let stand at least 20 minutes • Discard down the drain

Surface Decontamination

• Wipe with 1:10 dilution of chlorine bleach, or • Wipe with 70% alcohol

1. Handle broken glassware with brush and dustpan, tongs, or forceps – not directly with hands. 2. Do not bend, shear, break, recap, or remove used needles from disposable syringes or

otherwise manipulate such units by hand before disposal. Dispose of needles and syringes in the puncture resistant container provided in the laboratory for this purpose. Place full containers in an autoclave bag and sterilize before disposal in waste boxes.

8.7 Clean-up Procedure

1. After the microbial laboratory activity, put the glassware and other materials directly touched by culture media or contaminated with microorganism in a box or leave them inside the BSC. The materials must be decontaminated immediately, if possible, within the day or the day after.

2. Clean the working area using surface decontamination procedure. 3. In the event of spill incidents, the following steps must be considered. (adapted from

Environmental Health and Safety, Princeton University)

Assessing a Biohazard Spill

The biological nature of the spill. For example; how pathogenic are the organisms contained or likely to be contained in the spill, and is infection likely to be acquired by the respiratory route? The physical nature of the spill. For example; has the spill resulted from a container knocked over on a bench with low potential for the generation of aerosols, or has a container been dropped, or smashed in some way with a greater potential for the generation of aerosols?

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The volume of liquid spilt. For example; 10 ml broth culture of E. coli that has been knocked over on the bench would be considered a "minor biohazard spill" whereas a 500 ml broth containing S. pneumoniae that has been dropped onto the floor would be considered a "major biohazard spill".

Minor biohazard spills

Generally considered as a spill of minimally hazardous material with low potential for generation of aerosols.

1. If hands have been contaminated, first wash hands with strong detergent followed by generous spray of 70% alcohol. 2. Remove and replace any contaminated protective clothing. 3. Put on gloves. 4. Lay down absorbent material wetted with disinfectant over the spill and allow to sit for 10

minutes. 5. Discontinue working in the immediate area. 6. After 10 minutes, mop up spill and place contaminated materials into autoclave bag. 7. Wipe over general area again with paper towel dampened with disinfectant. 8. Remove gloves and wash hands.

Major biohazard spills

Generally considered to be spills of major risk with larger volume and considerable production of splashes and aerosols.

1. Hold breath, warn others of spill and all must leave the room immediately. 2. Close doors and place a "DO NOT ENTER" sign on the door. 3. Remove any contaminated clothing and wash any contaminated body surfaces. 4. Notify laboratory in-charge(preferably) or other faculty member 5. The clean up team should all don "gowns, gloves, face masks and safety glasses" before

entering the spill area. 6. Do not re-enter the room until a minimum of 30 minutes has elapsed. 7. Determine the extent of the spill: pour disinfectant around the edge of the spill and allow it to

run "into the spill". Do not pour disinfectant directly onto the spill as this may create additional aerosols.

8. Lay paper towels wetted with disinfectant onto the spill and leave for 30 minutes. 9. Use disinfectant to wipe over areas around the spill that are likely to have been contaminated

with splashes and aerosols.

8.8 Body Fluids

Body fluids include blood, feces, urine, semen, vaginal secretions, vomit, and oral or nasal secretions.

1. Treat all body fluids as if they are infectious. 2. Always wear gloves in dealing with body fluids. Dispose the gloves by sealing them in a

plastic bag and placing it in a trash bin. 3. Wash the hands thoroughly with hot water and soap. 4. In the event of spillage, put an absorbent material over the fluid. Don’t forget to wear gloves.

Dispose the absorbent material by sealing them in a plastic bag and placing it in a trash bin. 5. Clean and disinfect the area with freshly prepared 1:10 (bleach: hot water) solution.

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A.1 Form for Overtime or Overnight Lab Work Schmitt Hall is opened to the public by the building manager by 6:00 a.m. and locked by the security guard at 10:00 p.m. If your supervisor allows it, you may work until 10 p.m., as long as there are still faculty in the building to let you out of the building.

Work that will go beyond 10 p.m. is considered overtime; work that will go beyond 12 midnight is considered overnight. These require you to fill in the form below and seek final approval from the Department Chair. Overtime forms may be processed within the day of the scheduled overtime, while overnight forms must be handed in to the Department secretary at least 2 days before the event. This will allow the office to inform the University administration and security.

As a rule, overnight stays are discouraged. Try to work out a schedule that will go from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. If an experiment requires longer than 15 hours, overnight stay shall be considered. At least two people should stay for overnight work.

The FORM A.1 in following pages serves as the Overtime/Overnight Request form. Photocopy triplicates (for the Department, the Physical Plant, and for yourself), fill-in, and submit to the secretary of the Chemistry Department.

A.2 Form for Reporting Lab Accidents All personal injuries and accidents should be reported in order that corrective action may be taken to minimize the probability of recurrences.

File injury/accident reports with the secretary of the Chemistry Department. Any injury resulting in lost work time, hospitalization, or medical treatment in excess of first aid will be investigated by the Chemistry Department to determine liability or the possible need for corrective action.

It is the student’s/researcher’s responsibility to notify his supervisor immediately of any work-related injury or illness. If the injured person is not able to do so, a co-worker should notify the supervisor as soon as possible.

It is the supervisor’s (faculty’s) responsibility to ensure that the student receives prompt treatment of the injury by obtaining first aid or assistance to medical treatment. It is also the supervisor’s responsibility to file an injury/accident report with the Chemistry Department.

The FORM A.2 in following pages serves as the Accident Report form. Photocopy duplicates (for the Department and for yourself), fill-in, and submit to the secretary of the Chemistry Department.

A.3 Instrument Authorization Form Students who wish to use an instrument in the department are required to be checked-in first by the faculty-in-charge. The FORM A.3 serves as the Instrument Authorization form. Photocopy duplicates (for the Department and for yourself), fill-in, and submit to the instrument manager of the Chemistry Department.

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FORM A.1 : Overtime/Overnight Request

Full Name (please print) Date of Request

Nature of Request (encircle one)

Overtime Overnight Time of Event Date of Event

Name of Accompanying Person(s) Signature(s)

List of Special Equipment, Chemicals, and Methods

Reason: State why this work cannot be done during regular building hours.

After filling-in the above items, get the following signatures: (print name and sign) Note: Trplicate!

Your Signature Your Supervisor Building Manager Chair

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FORM A.2 : Accident Report

Full Name (please print) Date of Report

Lab Class and Section Time of Accident Date of Accident

Name of Injured Person(s) Signature(s)

List of Equipment & Chemicals Involved

Narrate the accident chronologically and in detail. Supply all the pertinent facts.

What first aid or medical attention were applied?

After filling-in the above items, get the following signatures: (print name and sign) Note: Duplicate!

Your Signature Witness 1 Witness 2 Chair

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FORM A.3 : Instrument Authorization Form


Student:____________________________________ Instrument:_____________________ Name of Mentor:_____________________________ Mentor’s Approval:______________ Purpose of Instrument Use: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Waiver: I have read and I fully understand the “Policies on the Use of the Department’s Facilities and Equipment.” I _______ agree to follow the guidelines and procedures _______ do not agree to follow the guidelines and procedures because:______________

INSTRUMENT CHECK-IN Date of Check in: ________________________ Faculty in-charge: ________________________ ____Instrument General Working Principles ____Instrument Parts ____ Safety and Precautionary Measures ____ Short Notes of the Procedure ____ Important Reminders and Considerations Remarks:____________________________________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE Date: __________________________________ Faculty in-charge: ___________________________ I hereby certify that Mr./Ms. _____________________________ is authorized to use the ____________________________________. Limitations of use:_______________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUMENT CHECK-OUT Date of Check out:____________________ Faculty in-charge: _________________________ ____Instrument Parts ____Instrument Accessories ____Consumables

____Working environment

Ateneo de Manila University School of Science and Engineering

Department of Chemistry

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Figure 1: Lab benches for General Chemistry Lab. Each bench has its own locker, equipment set, hood, sink, power and gas lines, and broom for sweeping up broken glass.

Figure 2: Fume hoods for (A) the Analytical Lab, and (B) General Chemistry Lab. The fume hoods are located either on the sides of the laboratory rooms (A), or individually, for each lab bench (B).


Figure 3: Power, gas, and water lines. These are color coded as follows: RED for power lines, GREEN/BLUE for water lines, and YELLOW for gas lines. The valves are also similarly color coded.

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Figure 4: Fire extinguishers (A) and showers (B) are placed prominently in all labs, as shown here in the Organic Lab (A) and General Chemistry Lab (B).


Figure 5: Floor plans with directions to fire exits (red arrows) are also placed prominently in all rooms.

Figure 6: Aspirator set-up for the clean-up of mercury spills.

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Figure 7: The new (March 2004) fire alarm system in Schmitt Hall: Breaking the cover and pushing the fire alarm button triggers the alarm. There are several throughout the building. Occupants are requested to be familiar with the location of the push button nearest their office/lab.

Figure 8: GHS Pictograms and Hazard Classes

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Figure 9: Compressed gas tanks tethered properly and capped. Note the dolly on the right for proper transportation of gas cylinders.

Figure 10: Logical computer hardware setup

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Figure 11: Overview of CMIS Requesting Procedure

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Tables Table 1. CMIS User-levels

User-level CMIS Feature 1 2 3 4

Access to chemical information x x x x Access to storage locations x x x Access to stock levels x x x Setting up and modification of data x x Requesting services x x x x Chemical request management x Password management x x x Reporting services x x Administrative functions x Access to Hazardous Waste Inventory System (HWIS)


1-Guest: for undergrad and grad students, 2-TAs, RAs, junior faculty 3-Department secretary, technicians, lab managers, senior faculty 4-Administrators, technician-in-charge of CMIS Table 2. List of laws, rules and regulations which govern various aspects related to chemicals.

Law, Rule or Regulation Implementing Agency


RA 8294: Regulation on explosives and materials used in the manufacture of explosives (1997)

Philippine National Police

Restriction on purchase of nitrates, nitric acid, etc.

RA 6969: Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act (1990)

DAO 92-29: Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 6969

Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)

Chemical waste management of toxic and hazardous wastes (See Appendix). Regulation on the use, movement, storage and disposal of toxic chemicals and hazardous and nuclear wastes

RA 8749: Philippine Clean Air Act (1999)

DAO 00-81: Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 8749

EMB Air emissions, ban on incineration

RA 9275: Clean Water Act (2004)

DAO 05-10: Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9275

EMB Water quality management in all water bodies. Abatement and control of pollution water bodies, formulation and application of standards for the transport and disposal of effluent, sewage and septage offsite, development of guidelines for re-use of wastewater etc.

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RA 9003: Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (2000)

DAO 01-34: Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9003

EMB Management of solid wastes. This includes proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste, formulation of guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume reduction and setting up of controlled dumpsites, sanitary landfills, and other waste depots.

RA 6425: Dangerous Drugs Act (1972)

Philippine Drug Enforcement

Agency (PDEA), Department of Health (DOH)

Regulation of the importation, sale, administration, delivery, distribution, transportation, possession or use of prohibited and regulated drugs and precursor chemicals

Table 3. Implementing Rules and Regulations for specific substances

Law, Rule or Regulation Implementing Agency


DAO 97-39: Chemical Control Order for Cyanide and its Compounds

EMB Importation, manufacture, use and distribution of cyanide and cyanide compounds. Treatment, storage and disposal of cyanide-bearing or cyanide contaminated wastes.

DAO 00-02: Chemical Control Order for Asbestos

EMB Importation, manufacture of asbestos. Treatment, storage and disposal of asbestos-containing materials or asbestos containing wastes.

DAO 04-01: Chemical Control Order for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

EMB Importation, manufacture, sale, transfer, distribution and use of PCBs, PCB equipment, PCB-contaminated equipment, non-PCB equipment, PCB articles and PCB packaging in commercial buildings and facilities. This also includes the use and possession by electric utilities and suppliers and the generation, storage, transport, treatment and disposal of PCB wastes.

Table 4. List of PDEA-controlled chemicals 1* 2* 1. Acetic anhydride 1. Acetone 2. N-Acetylanthranilic acid 2. Anthranilic acid 3. Ephedrine 3. Ethyl ether 4. Ergometrine 4. Hydrochloric acid 5. Ergotamine 5. Methyl ethyl ketone 6. Isosafrole 6. Phenylacetic acid 7. Lysergic acid 7. Piperidine 8. 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone 8. Sulfuric acid 9. Norephedrine 9. Toluene 10. 1-Phenyl-2-propanone 11. Piperonal 12. Potassium Permanganate

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13. Pseudophedrine 14. Safrole

*The salts of the substances in the list whenever the existence of such salts is possible (The salts of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid are specifically excluded).

Table 5. DENR Classification of Hazardous Wastes

Class Description Waste Number

A: Wastes with cyanide Wastes with cyanide Waste containing cyanide with a

concentration >200 ppm in liquid waste


B: Acid wastes Sulfuric acid Sulfuric acid with pH = 2.0 B201 Hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid with pH = 2.0 B202 Nitric acid Nitirc acid with pH = 2.0 B203 Phosphoric Acid Phosphoric acid with pH = 2.0 B204 Hydrofluoric acid Hydrofluoric acid with pH = 2.0 B205 Mixture of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid

Mixture of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid acid with pH = 2.0


Other inorganic acid Other inorganic acid with pH = 2.0 B207 Organic acid Organic acid with pH= 2.0 B208 Other acid wastes Acid wastes other than B201 to B208

with pH= 2.0 B299

C. Alkali wastes Caustic soda Caustic soda with pH = 12.5 C301 Potash Potash with pH = 12.5 C302 Alkaline cleaners Alkaline cleaners with pH = 12.5 C303 Ammonium hydroxide Ammonium hydroxide with pH = 12.5 C304 Lime Slurries Lime slurries with pH = 12.5 C305 Other alkali wastes Alkali wastes other than C301 to C306

with pH = 12.5 C399

D. Wastes with inorganic chemicals Selenium and its compounds Includes all wastes with a total Se

concentration > 1.0 mg/L based on analysis of an extract


Arsenic and its compounds Includes all wastes with a total As concentration > 5.0 mg/L based on analysis of an extract


Barium and its compounds Includes all wastes with a total Ba concentration > 100.0 mg/L based on analysis of an extract


Cadmium and its compounds Includes all wastes with a total Cd concentration > 5.0 mg/L based on analysis of an extract


Chromium compounds Includes all wastes with a total Cr concentration > 5.0 mg/L based on analysis of an extract


Lead compounds Includes all wastes with a total Pb concentration > 5.0 mg/L based on analysis of an extract


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continuation (Table 5)

Mercury and mercury compounds Includes all wastes with a total Se concentration > 0.2 mg/L based on analysis of an extract. Refer to CCO


Other wastes with inorganic chemicals

Wastes containing the following chemicals:

- antimony and its compounds; - beryllium and its compounds; - metal carbonyls; - copper compounds; - zinc compounds; - tellurium and its compounds; - thallium and its compounds; - inorganic fluorine compounds

excluding calcium fluoride


E. Reactive chemical wastes Oxidizing agents Includes all wastes that are known to

contain oxidizing or reducing agents in concentration that cause the waste to exhibit any of the following properties:

1. It is normally unstable and readily undergoes violent change without detonating;

2. It reacts violently with water; 3. It forms potentially explosive

mixtures with water; 4. When mized with eater, it

generates toxic gases, vapor or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health;

It is a cyanide (CN) or sulfide (S) bearing wastes, which when exposed to pH conditions between 2 and 12.5 can generate toxic gases, vapors and fumes in a quantity that poses a danger to human health


Reducing agents Includes all wastes that are known to contain oxidizing or reducing agents in concentration that cause the waste to exhibit any of the following properties:

1. It is normally unstable and readily undergoes violent change without detonating; 2. It reacts violently with water; 3. It forms potentially explosive

mixtures with water; 4. When mized with eater, it

generates toxic gases, vapor or fumes in a quantity sufficient to present a danger to human health;

It is a cyanide (CN) or sulfide (S) bearing wastes, which when exposed to pH conditions between 2 and 12.5 can generate toxic gases, vapors and fumes in a quantity that poses a danger to human health


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continuation (Table 5)

Explosive and unstable chemicals Includes all wastes that are 1) capable of detonation or explosive reaction when subject to a strong initiating source or when heated under confinement, or 2) capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at a temperature of 20 o Celsius and Pressure of 1 atm.


Highly reactive chemicals Includes all other wastes that exhibit any of the properties described for D501, D502, and D503.


F:Inks/Dyes/Pigments/Paint/Latex/Adhesives/Organic sludge Aqueous based Includes all aqueous based wastes that

also meet one or more of the sub-categories


Solvent based Includes all solvent based wastes that also meet one or more of the sub-categories


Inorganic pigments Includes all wastewater treatment sludge from the production of inorganic pigments


Ink formulation Includes all solvent washings and sludge, caustic washings and sludge or wastewater and sludge from cleaning of tubs and equipment used in the formulation of ink from pigments, driers, soaps, and stabilizers containing Chromium and Lead.


Other mixed Includes all aqueous-based wastes that also meet one or more of the subcategories.


G. Waste organic solvent Halogenated organic solvents Includes the ff. spent halogenated

solvents: Tetrachloroethylene, tricholorethylene, methylene chloride, 1,1,1, Trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene, 1,2,2 Trichloroethane, chlorinated flouro-carbons if they contain a total of 10% or more (by volume) of one or more of the above before use; it also includes all still bottoms from recovery of these solvents and solvent mixtures.


Non-halogenated organic solvents Includes the ff. non-halogenated solvents: Xylene, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethyl benzene, ethyl ether, methyl isobutyl ketone, n-butyl alcohol, cyclo- hexanol, methanol, cresole, cresylic acid, nitro-benzene, toluene, Carbon disulfide,iso-butanol, pyridine, benzene, 2-ethoxy ethanol and 2 nitropropane and other non-halogenated organic solvents if they contain a total of 10% or more (by volume) of one or more of these solvents before use; it also includes all still bottoms from recovery of these solvents and solvent mixtures.


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continuation (Table 5)

H. Putrescible/Organic Wastes Animal/abattoir waste Includes all wastes from animal feed lots

containing an average of 100 or more animals; All wastes from commercial slaughter houses that slaughter an average of 500 or more animals per year ; all waste from poultry farms with an average of 5,000 fowls or more; all waste from facilities that process an average of 2500 fowls or more.


Grease trap wastes from industrial or commercial premises

Includes all establishments that generate an average of 50 kg per day


I. Oil Waste oils Includes all wastes from establishments

that generate, transport or treat more than 200 L of waste oil per day except vegetable oil and waste tallow


J: Containers Containers previously containing toxic chemical substances

Waste containers that used to hold the toxic chemical substances listed in Classes A, D, E, and L, sub-categories M504 and M505, and the chemicals listed in the Priority Chemical List. Containers that used to contain Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) are categorized as L406 and excluded from this sub-category.


K: Immobilized Wastes Solidified wastes and polymerized wastes

Wastes whose hazardous substances are physically immobilized by consolidation to reduce the surface area of the wastes in order to meet the waste acceptance criteria


Chemically fixed wastes Wastes whose hazardous substances are chemically immobilized through chemical bonds to an immobile matrix or chemical conversion to meet the waste acceptance criteria


Encapsulated wastes Wastes whose hazardous substances are physically immobilized by enveloping the waste in a non-porous, impermeable material in order to store hazardous wastes until such time that a proper disposal facility is available.


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continuation (Table 5)

L: Organic chemicals Wastes with specific non-halogenated toxic organic chemicals

Non-liquid waste containing the following: - Tri-butylin - 1,2-diphenylhydrazine benzene


Ozone depleting substances Waste chlorofluoro carbons (CFCs) and halons. Recovered coolant containing chlorofluoro carbons (CFCs) or halons


PCB wastes Wastes contaminated with PCB and waste products containing PCB. Refer to CCO.


M: Miscellaneous Wastes Pathogenic or infectious wastes Includes pathological wastes

(tissues,organs, fetuses, bloods and body fluids), infectious wastes and sharps


Friable asbestos wastes Wastes containing friable asbestos. Waste blue and brown asbestos fibers. Refer to CCO.


Pharmaceuticals and drugs Expired pharmaceuticals and drugs stocked at producers and retailers’ facilities.


Pesticides Waste pesticides other than M505. Includes all wastewater sludge from production of pesticides other than those listed in M505.


POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) pesticides

Waste pesticides listed in the Stockholm Convention (POPs Convention) such as aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene, and DDT.


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Table 6. Summary of Recommended Biosafety Levels for Infectious Agents1

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References 1. 1997 Policies and Standards for B.S. Chemistry ( Access Date: 6

June 2002.

2. 40 Steps to a Safer Laboratory ( Access Date: 6 June 2002.

3. Chemical Hygiene Plan. School of chemical Sciences, University of Illinois, January 2010.

4. Chemical Management and Inventory System Manual. Ateneo de Manila University. 2008

5. Contact Lenses and Chemicals ( Date Accessed: 6 June 2002.

6. Environmental Health and Safety ( biosafetypage/section4.htm). Princeton University. Access Date: 14 June 2010.

7. Frequently Asked Safety Questions ( Access Date: 6 June 2002.

8. General Chemistry Lab (Ch 8) Course Outline & Lab Policies, Francis Ted Limpoco, June 2002.

9. Job description for Technical Assistant IV, Dr. Ana M. Javellana (Chair), 6 August 1979.

10. Health Hazard Definitions (Mandatory) –1910.1200 App A ( Date Accessed: 6 June 2002.

11. Laboratory Safety Manual, Health and Safety Office, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 20 July 1987.

12. Less is Better, Guide to Minimizing Waste in Laboratories ( Date Accessed: 21 November 2002.

13. Memo to the Chemistry Faculty, Research and Teaching Assistants, on Safety Policies, Dr. Nestor S. Valera (Chair), 2 May 2001.

14. Memo to the Chemistry Faculty, Staff, Researchers, Students, on Operating Practices, Ma. Assunta C. Cuyegkeng (Chair), 10 September 1996.

15. Memo to the Loyola Schools Community, on Fire and Evacuation Drill on Friday, 9 August 2002, Dr. Anna Miren Gonzalez-Intal (VP Loyola Schools), 5 August 2002.

16. Microbiology Safety and Staff Induction Manual, University of Tasmania - Launceston Campus. February 2000.

17. National Research Council Recommendations Concerning Chemical Hygiene in Laboratories ( Date Accessed: 6 June 2002.

18. Hazardous and Toxic Substances. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ( Date Accessed: 17 June 2010.

19. OSHA Fact Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals in Labs ( Date Accessed: 6 June 2002.

20. Procedural Manual Title III of DAO 92-29, “Hazardous Waste Management” DENR AO 36, 2004

21. Safety Practices in the Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

22. Undergraduate Teaching Lab Safety Contract Sample (http:// Date Accessed: 6 June 2002.

23. University Chemical Management Plan, Proposal, Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit (Dean, School of Science and Engineering), 7 March 2006.

24. What To Do When Handling Body Fluids, University of Wyoming, Judith Wormal, February 1992.