la w intelligence. i21|*lf2j...

¦J48 neun* and -.»^ bap-vonr, of »sie» 8S8 were ta*>*e of ebiMren. Dsava* the preYiot* year the .cm ber ef bapt'tix*» w*» I <.>.>, showing «.ha* I vt year vuri' vf tjr'nul p>o«ieriy ie th* chtueasee. Tne ©kV»t ft*** kef i-nitcted with the Ceafereaea is R t. Tboaiai Nee!!, who aaUied Ike rnieistry io IM*. LA W INTELLIGENCE. 9 B. CIRCt'lT COU1T-April lfc-Befcr* Jadf* L CCoTkict i. \ of the TAKirr. hdia M SWB Ot tta rtfXU I IIIII to THE . amp. DITT. MiO.ulJ B ker»gt fi**rnan 1. R*dfield, Col.* .'..'ir.fce. This r ite wm referred *x> oa Saturday. There was ¦¦enorinthe report regard to the finding of the Jary. Tbey foond for the plaintiff on t.e gut'a ywrehe, and |. r the deftndett on the brandy, thm de- etdiig tbs appraiiecneiit of tbe brandy to he regular, aed that gutta j^r, ca and India rut fur are liable to the tame dnty. la viaw of tbe importance of tee >;ie*tiona rained in ike ease, we give the Jridge's charge in full, an foliowi: QftfftjIMEli 'i fall d .t Tue plaintiff or plain¬ tiff* in this eat* »oin*- ti 7.« at*'' paid a rftail BaWMef at*aioney for Junes opon an importation of bready, and also for du'ie» upon an importation of a q lai :. / ef gntta pert ne. A srreetQT TaJnataai wee put upon tee brandy et tbe Cus'om-(louse than was confain-d in tbe aTtoice, and tbe duties east need upon that iu- eieaaeo a aiua'i n <d the brandy, were pail by tbe .taint ffs. Tbe elairo apon tbe part of tue plaintiffs is that tba*. ior-reaeed rsJaetiOB btM Ml BUde Btt >r iiog ft kw iknt srr s**a**j faetltwd by aWCsateeast from them was uilawfai. »vi teat teej bsve a right Is ifearar It Bask Tb. t o . '«r ie*j*fdS u.e gutta perchala ibat It wu try law il»f>> BS a ti ity of ..oy |OB pert«n'., tbet tne C '-'.. r lMpt.Mll of vD It » duty cf t «reut» p- r IMM1, »üd tb« obj«v:t la to .soever b*< k fiom tbe C üb*' or thai BodttioDal duty often pel mt wB A »ael . - y *ia>:>d. 1 will fir** turn yr ur ttlon I* IB* «,u«*tioa ertiii.g lb* du.i-a v»kj leaa tbe Bread*, Wkawa an a?prai»- .. It Baae* aaeaaa aasr*e**d *ataatl t fraai taetp* la the ectee, in* law provide* tb**. the appraiser v,ew tbe pr- party- a d tbeivpt'tar baa a rigBtto uratistnpeait, andtr hedoc* 1 tad apon It. an* tb* appraieei ruaea tbe duty wit&ou'. ftatfl I IB* psspstty, tat p..*.r Baaa right to '-oinplaln. And if b* payt tbe e ty upon ti.* tested va ,.*!op, ai.d mat if.. > Be i an roeovet It be k. Tula provision cf law it made for the Iwaeit of lb* tuiputer. tL a> far at it it of iaaefl* to ataa. Be tan wsi»* it, and if b* doe* walv-it, aeeaj *otaftsrwardsay lbst tb* SIi.i.u.euta of law hate not been BS| I' dwi b lu Ibis reap** t, so .'ar aa tb* brandy It ***s*eft)ed, tbeae rat] " BBaataoilaw »eie Bat Bsatpaad with. Tatt* wet aa lanttatad »'.lo-, »' d r-. Ouoea on the ir -r*ts*1 \al .»* ; tola* Baaoaal of *>U3 66 were culejt.d. Hut tbe Bp irtei eaunot be p*'-ed to aiy tbi: th* j r. petty was b'.: ....»..dbj t .. ap- Bai<*r, cnl-ts be baa ni** a protest to tha: .C- t * la cot tit *d to iilt protest It taet* ba< b*> n au Uit *al. \ i .- ttoa. sliil tbe iopoiter annot conplain about It uofett be file at tb* tu,* of tbe i a'i t, or Ivfors the payment, tbe pr let BBaha*I* psaMiaÖ* by law, which prot*»- if s its" wrltlot, ae.t't t f< rtb oiatluit. y Bad ap*<;iti aii» Ik* ».. BBaw tem ta tbe paycieut i f to* d jIi.i. And tbe tabkb I pu. sat i' 'b s proteit u tl.'a »»e la u .>. -hat t at >p»r*is*r did uot view tb* brandy, but lli* a|<«:ICc objet tion ia that b* did ras t i iLbtr tasu<li e esid brsuo) in the caaka nm isuiplea aast in tit. Ai.d it or I-t ask in t*u wts exaijilaed byatirp-a, WJ* W b.f. r* trot sppraleen en* wm aiaoU 1. waaexainin U j Bampiea tf or.* s' lavasl lu ten m tali porti< ular Be** If mat t k pise. tb*u tbe BBMOTBBI r ba- t ti e a wald. Be tb**. If job »bouid b* cf tbe opioi in lbs*, laates IBhl appra t*ruei was made, thit brand? wts txsrotusd k] aeaapsMi st least t tie BBttpVl In ten fm k»»»». th* p'a'uutft i eaJd tot raoo*/** ba k tbit amount of But;. *veo ti'ioAb It ro«y ba\* beeu i'leitliy *x*r> 1. Tb* law pa*eerta** taal ta*uwport.r »hoalf s*. f^rib ia his pr .teat to* laBBaw* wkjat al *. nib* pi imelei* nf Ik* »**rtlt«i. *al lb* ressoL. In IBs* |r .. »t if* Iba B* did Bat 'tamo .'by Msuple one tso.ple In s** tb* ,a-taft, and if Ut*Bpp*al**( did to .«sunt* it, tb. d ta»a aar* Be aa raeatary aaca I:b.! pa .1 eVb'tfc.r tiie spprai-er has at BBS b"t, d«e*ae* wpon the ita'ir:. i.y of lb* wltoa**el from the Cuttooi if N wbo liav- baaa . wmU »a b.f re jou. Tb* other ittnisare |at BBar*D**Bmi .! ..t pa..I on the im portatloD of f utatmrib* bjlk**t BS*a*B la*aa**t* . V ¦e.d i ot ta Ms ¦. «aast*** a-i I Hi* protett aa far a* H n tpetu to* tuf.a p.r ka IftbaOoll*) w had norbjkt lolaapoa* a great*, iat] laaB IB per ***?. aad a* be did fa**ao*e IB per o*pl upt>u it, In tub a cste at tbst Ihr p a.utiHt would base a it til te t*e*v.-r thit it p»r on a*, k aud tbrqueail >o r-ao.\.'t itself huoti.n: W 1st .its ..f .iutj *>ss tiiia gj'ta p*r> iia iijv). aVbeatb* TariilUvi of Ititb was pss»rd. Congress euu.n»rat-d oil tb* pns'ipsi ardfessB apea wMek data** araia la Be paid. tbst ia, of > o ar:, let as were koown to t'jeoi. lodis rub Ber and lit uses were kaoWB to them at trial Unit an 1 tborcforc they m poted up ,u It a tlütj of t-u per BBBl Urs perot* an tta BfB* *T»r< n t ku> » i, lo Item al tba' tlin.-; .¦- ta.e tb« y could p lo tpe iti duty upon it. Bat it bad b<-u provide* lu IB* .lain u. n enu.-n-rated attVekt were lutr< J latd into the BBtlBlfy, rbey thou'd Pat a duty .ecorSiLi to » i n* * bit n was laid dvwa ba that Act oj C irats at ism 0**tta asrakawa* a*l ltd laaed ka bit aeeatr* aastl iat7, »jd tie 1.1« is tbtt son ei umerated artn lei whi -b ara .etslu.iar in soy r.tpect to any ruamerst d s.'.i, t, pay a duty, aaordlig to tb* Art cf C .ng.-eas of iH43. of Iwafl* ta per cent. But an jidlof lo ihn pr. tUon of tbe Bet of Tangreat of 1S4V, It la provil.d that thei* aboil b* l*vn d and ool.ei t*d and paiu on rich and at*iy soD-eLiioit rit*d arth l* wblch beart a ainllltude, .Sober In mali tiai, ij rablj Of lent ,re, or th* us* to whu k It may a* applied, loaaj*1 i*BBf '. 1 am let rbsrgable with *uty, th* aani* rat* (d Sal] wbl h is levied and oliaige l on tb* enumerated BlUcl* «Ln b u i.,'a: teaeiiibie* In any of tb, pai.'.ara si it* aaeitioDed. And tb* qa**tlon it, whether Iheta It wl'.bia th* meaniiif of tbit law a similitude between India rubber and gu'ta Sba, elobei lu o,.ialllv, loateiial, ie.\ture or til* utet to v.hl b tie applied and if th. re It within the m, anlnr of tbit law am,im da, ib-u it loUowt tbst gutta pen iia uas subject out*/to . *nt* of ten p*r t. The plauititta. Allll tbst tOOf* It tbi* aimilit..J*, Beleih i lb. ...* to wi.uh it i> app k d. but plso in tb* m*r»il*l itself. Hotb India rubber aud guit* psr. lu coo * from tb* gum ot tup ol trert- tb*» both ar* luipoitid fr j a SorrigD coontiWt. and »b*u tok snired tbey are b th applied to seveisi ¦itiileor u*af, tbey ar* made into osls and oUirr attli 1**. After tlo y aie latdtB*! by tlir vui ai l/ tg ptl *sa, tbey are ¦cafe Into tubs, ran**, pen. II. SB**, kulv. i aud lorka, pf. ta liamet, an* e\erythlDf of thit kind to which s hudrned »ib .tauet is adapted. Thit law of Oil BIT*** dill BOf IB)-n.pAte that lb* aon ei.uroerateii aril-.let should, ia every pan Boar a SBtai ktada to an tun,, rste4 a:tl. I*. The isw It, tbst tbet* ihall be lealet, Soli*. t*d. sud paid on ea h and eveiv onuiaerated s'tl. U- arM h beart a iimllitud*, *itb*t in material, aaaaty, *r t*j n* *s . i.. *.ht- n i- n.*y i.. *pp d. t. »¦ v tii n..rated ail, le . ba'feabi* with duty the aarm latsof d i'\ whi. b I* levi. il and rbAi|i* i on tb* enumerated Art, ¦ which It .Boat, rraewkha io auy of tbo parti, ultia above n.iutloued. And wt ei. that* Ii tut Ii a alaal itada, th* aanie dutiea a/e aa- a****d on re i. u »tat*I ait* kraaseia kfaeat* I eaaa aanmer BBrdatH*t wktebtasr} ii>.»: leieo'oe Ti.ei* ii n.. evideuoo lu Una i tie lust th'r* is anv siuiihiad* between gutta ptrrba In IB* ..i* to wbi.h It it applied, and auy enumer¬ ated BSttela ex .pt, India bber. V.'U ar*. '.lierefore, lo del*, avue whetaet tl.ia gxitl* pereha ha. a BllbaWail 1*1«:* sillier in its austotla), auaUty, It Itur* or i*w aa* to athli b It m*] b* d. to l. dta rulibi r, and if It haa, It Will olloo lhal it was tnbleet on y to s u.ity of lo p-r . .tit. Bud BM ¦ tall t' al tui i* a at an aa. t ta of II ;.. r BBBl It esdjrsd By lac Coll* tor, Wblrb h* was sot autbeirUs4l «... o*e a**a bah Iroaal* > artstva* wlifa laa aaaoutt I will n.- r*lru«t you to is.l yo,.i a'.t*i, i.u. t. IWOquettlona. Kirat, whether Ol li»l lb* BBftTBt ... i I I.a atVBB Vou. Baa Bad BM la* plain- tia»ootl.<- Usapoilotiuo of the ktaB*y, ot foi tbe det-njsnt, aud IB. you ar* to determine whether no., I.nd for th* pUlatttf, at d*leLdai,i on tue .Uli aisdo Btl u., et .no! duty paid 03 '. * I a. IfjoaBi It* to* patAatif a ow etthor of taa*a two 'laiiut the smouuu .an be a».'«ftauj*d by a rofarono*, kc Bl'I'KI Ml: COl FT-liuvi rK»-AratL 1\-B*f.<r* J.idga Iscbamim Dri itiaaa. .Ismeii (Vrbett a^t. l»or«,:i I.. Mil! and aL>.Ceat tellleA Before J* Si aoxu tJmroe a«t. Joeaph t'. r'isher..I'pon the wbol* sride*os, 1 au k ib* allowano* made by la* re i... Jatt, .ad lo ii. y »| .... b boo* ihl a ... bs tie 'a. U taken. Btt - BBfaaras.».iiuMd,aadaMttaat* -'Lbr.urepor. , * CttU. tXHTRT CALENDAR.Tail Dat VBITBB Siatis DlSTBK i Col nr..JnrytnaN. »trarrar Coi kt.Cik. i it. .Part I d»*er and T"**.1:.*.'- tM Moo bm, last, ist! r!soa' aaS1 'aft ,S-"' l*% ttdai, St». HHltv' ^ ' im> lW' Ui'' '**7' u,!- IvntMl Coi KT-8rKcuL Tbrm,.bTob. IIS, 303 tri Hi» lie, sii, tu to Si». 12,114. bt. 111. its, m un i7i Ki 11 Kioii Coi ki .--No». in, 11, -;.| p., 04, nx s**t nsi, aea, a»7, aoo, em. *, twa. it, as*, bus. Coi Rr oi t'.'AiMoa. Vi Ets-Paitl. No* * BIS, **A ISW, fbS, tU, t'.J «TS, STd. ITS, ST3, Sat IRQ foi' ran 11»*, as., f«i. its, si*. »*. 9*, sä,. ^.tl> w; M: M IKKlf D, DE JA! Of- \ ARlCK- thi Baturdsy, Aprdlfi bv tb* R*v Dr Mul'.leuk r,t,, It ail, i Pe Jsu.ui, e»o to 11 an it It* I. \ an. k. JACOKI S-lu Br.m.k!yn. Long lalard, on T:ieaiaT, April U. by Jokn Quit 1 y ACaai, M.uliter i t th* lK'i|*l. P*. lei N J* 1 ... kl II 11 CtVklwalt, ,N. J to Mut O l a 1; U-Huaof t bi adelpkla. f KHK- K. BI.r1h Ou Ba'urday, Apil! td. tvtbeRe. Bfr H.a. 1. Mr f'u ¦ to ataa Amsnds M. Rok*.-u. bo'Ji of Uli v TKLI. KAMI'** .VOM PIIOTH-On W»due»rlav Ar-I IB. BB rft* Rex a H. at He .1. Or lied. Toe x! ir a I. .an to Mitt MArie O \ -n tu -), tv-tl ,¦' f . uy llll II. ALPORD-Ou Sstuiday. April ML at *.>.* residet^e ifktBfltal lather, B H Paaiu'*, Rkhaid Lodwn k Aiford, at 0 of vV. C a u .1. t»a aied .. x »«ja, 4 m?at. . »ua 1 day a Duo noli. * will be glv»o of the f..o*ral. . A.XTKK-41 N,< 4) W ist Hi t. 'uUi sUeet. ou Bs... Jty morn irg Apnl U Mut J auut leaajt. BLOoat .At N.. B tt-vord ttr-ef, on Friday / \ IA aft**¦ thoit lOneaa, Morn* K. liioou.. Is tb* 41 La year of hia sg*. BLOMIAM- In Brooklyr. it Sa:..rfay, A; Mra J*:e Bkiabaru, wife of BJchard Btexbaoa. BRKTrilAl PT-ln Brookly: on Prldar, April 15. of maias- uius, C. t Brttthaupt, rsq., la in* t?:a year of nit ago. BRUIN N v: N S K -. ... ta MBaj ,\ -1 .5 0f eooaompUou, Orlacd* M. B.owo, rid*et son of C- Browu, aged 31 yeart and IS cay a. BI EL. la Brooklyr. » D.,*fl PiiaVaj ev*eir.|. A; rfl Is, Ake*r 0». Duel, ag*4 S7 y*. > CLARK.1.1 Bro, kit Mr, Bdwasd Clark, brat* n.oo!d*r, t*-d 41 years, a naliv. of Dublin, lr>.*uc*, dtps/tad tnw lb¦ I day, April !!¦. aftsi a auoit 1...... ttJKNEI.L-lu this city'en Baliirdty, Ai id 16, tf conrrump:..*, MM *l I I a»eda< y*art. ARAt.tlS-la Hoboheu, or. Kiiday niomlxf. Apttl 1 Btl oVlck of eanaumpUtc. La-r». öa-|.*-.Ui vf J.uu 11,..-y Otggt 0/ London, Ei.glsuuA II N1H E-Ia thU city, on Priday af>*mooB, Ap-il |A ||r. fiaecu f. Cavil!* of *.L* Lin ol lufollaby. Hoisted k Cunitl*. DARKE.In Iti* city*, oo Botur«ay *v»olr«, April 16 i- M o't.a. k, alter a shot I acd sever* i.i.i***. f|r, », of th* lata Bichard Dark*, la the t"7th year u( Bat ag*. TABLl.N. -Io this city, on W«dB*od*y, April u, .'Ui * 'tf lllns»», Cattsrk., rsli. t of S*tb Dsrtlng '. Bnaist wu, U r.g la ai i, ia th* Coin year cf hol ag«. I I US-lb ihl* city, on aaturday, ipril U, EdoariC Bjajga >,. . j rar* and 4 month*. Pr It, lirooklyu. BB Brtday. AfA l.S, Ta.-iravas r*aWy, ag.C VyerrrsB km+<\ tf ,'*..'*, Cxoi j l.Lt aVfd. aWl 0 LI M.A*»D fJi Mtf, IprU i# Atanaa Olfli and, eBr» M*l Oarrett a-a :t< et- Co. at«U <;-» u»-. Ur ! .1 »in 2 rontb« ao* J c«?t JAh^:f-At MIMri>, BMaiday, Al - I Aa I Ja-tu n. th- 45 h vearof bit e*n. Tue 'nuerel eerT oe »i.! i«»' p'a - ob M'tday Aprt. It from bit la'e realdeiire. In Mli »oro A vain will leave tba M' a aid Eim-x Railoed D-r<-, ' 11 rf Cewnaalatt rti»*! at J t d rrtuM | ei 1:4* b n> il .i >. i ii vgl helekiB-o ta» tjjreae iilJa t>io't»rT f< r bnamMBii LEE. Ii. tha ajt*/, oa Ba-orday ov mi ^ t rrrll 1 V\ aattsfUs Lee, aoc of ib» ia:e W'll tarn !>. In Ua Jo-.h Tear of tut ar*. LIMNKK.A: No. 175 Waat Tbir!) cloth ktraet. to Friday. Ap'il tS. Edaard, »on tf Ml beel a:.d Jvba&r.-« Liu.cer. M.ehide-in tbia city, on Saturday, Apill 16, Raa«, .be be d wife of Pain- k McBrl'e M KtüN-lo Br^kljB, on Frida», Ar-il ;s Margere-A ayuMa. oi j dauth*er cf damei and El'.ik-th M-K'tD aa»d 1 yaM ar c " Diou'ba. OI.9KRHi;AW_.A: Mi ob. Ol, r.n Tt i-idiy, Man-ii Mr J. be H. Orf'rrtukw, feataaetfj of kbit Htj. OHRIEN-Id IBM r. j, n: latMaTaVH mirnici, Afr.l II f. I l I .'!«", A. e O B -ara. ROSENCRA NT/ At Bahibai Benei O- unty, N J on W. dn-eoey mon r, Aynl 1 J, eft-r a (».:., C ri',.« Puffern, reli-t of um .»!.. Dr E ijab Rr arte.rex:* in :h» *5tb j^ar M t< . »fe. V\ ARD. In bMH ItT, OB Bttnrday. April kl Mar», tili L- d Blfb afM1fb«il **rt ~f '.¦ i.e.»Ld- COMMERCIALMATTERS, Nalraat tBe «i«-rk Kirbaagr-Armr. 16. |BBJ ['. ». Sa, 1&74.IBB] t"> N-» Vork On. RR ... Wl im«, de.aay.KI VO do. 774 IBM do.beo.liti II« do.T7 SianN. tar. State 6a....l'»' 'ao. ..7»; ,'o ii Miau i.ri Sure <¦¦*. *'.¦' "<» *. . <' ( al. Stab.' 7a. Bdi.. »5 M r rb II. 2. Mt Bd§ M ',,<**> Mi Ceo.lVKf lat Mt BB. K C> Bda.. IM) dn. *61 in 4< .ty»r 50 do.BIO 7ti IM Utrlem RR<i 4 i 1" Mi So. Sk.Fd.Bda.. "hl.t'i i,. 4 I n«i d >. W liV» d>.b>> 4 L paa R H Bda.. *''.\U2 do . 4!} J.iuo do. BMläl* do.4t la.iin luC 4. Mil L.Ut.Bi 17' 30C1't,t.i and Ca. RR 9- 2/00 Chic St IV B K. "| N M: ab. C -Lt. RR.§1* 5d aii Lac tat Mt.B««.. IM ¦>""<! ir.. At Paul h F. du Lata \A Ot. ad« N .S'fO ti Jer N M' Bo...l'> C Ii it,' R.i Bi ..>. Ii in. k al a-Totb.... 11 IM l'audi rUi.r.a '. . ia do.IM Iii MatTbaata1 Bank.III M.r m 'a Kx. Bank.. Hi . . Back. '<5 42 * I. Bai k....<«, ;i> Crrnmoi weal ti BaaA.. M 1-7 Del and Hud Cau. Co. Sti 5< Penn. Coal Co. IM i" Padua Mail P.a.« 10 do.I«i l|\ Vi do.bau 17) lso du.rra im do..alO 87 lif» Rekdttf Bsilirnd...«!" "> \ dt,.blO 5tJ 50 do. Alt ton do.«10 5iJ MB do. 51 i M Mi i, S.. ). s RB, 1. - N 1,0 -ar Btb i" » C( 1:a RR. BM 50 do.trill Ct' 5n* 6S| fiel Oalrck k Cnlttao RR,. 300 a~>.67< iöo do.bat 6t 10 do.W» 68 50 67| If" Cltv. k Toledo RR..... 2*; Ml do. 26i inn io. afiö M 15 Cht i. Ro. k M RR.. ¦¦>:: do.58 M do. 57J IM do. b$0 .57! im» do.1 W 57' 500 d'.l30 VII V> do.IM 440 do.. It . 1"0 i'J.bo0 54 HOO do.«15 5t'|J latiaaa bo«ad. ' M Calllorti» Bt Ta, B 2/'if luülai.a SUt» '<«. 89 b",H" IlliBH» Intereat. *M, '*i t,|IN) blieh. Cu R 8 f lit M. R. f. Coi. Bi. N ir Co,u Baateata ....n>'. Vi !.. Bi Mm; 8 8. Co... £7| 100 do. 17; IM llailun R R. frel.cyi 4.' |rn do. 4!' '. I N. V. Central Aetlrokd. Tt; im do.1.60 70 MB do. aid 7. .' BM 7t.- Vim do. f61 PO do.a30 7i. NB do.a» >. II« de.r>30 7f; 400 do. Ml l"o H .di m. Ut. ft ft.bM 50 da. 3<{ IBM Hai ai BaQl .al ...a- " hi Ren.i-iJf Baflrowi.. .-'»'I i), N » ankaa i. Min. R.. 7 i«i Ml. b. ( rutrtl R ...y> 5S SO Mii b SAN I:.d. R .. 13; M Mi a I V N. I.U 8.1/1 BM 60 do.J*i 50 do.3<»' IM Fai a'iia Batlroa-'.. ..«.«. IS i l«n Cleve fc Toledo ft.BM do.2 A i-¦¦ frbloaa« v R. taVnad k. 57i ilH) do.b3) 57j aso do.»;o :.7| .".0 do.5'i i50 do.B*t 571 15 Del. A Hi.d. CLCa B BAU BDAT, llarr-h 10.r. m. TLe fair pro" i«« of the ÜUik Mark- t on Friday aftert.oon waf n< t Ik rr.e, out in tte operation* of to day, ai d ti.e tide of rpecuUtion seem* to have turned a^a n vtry niddenly. The fen'nre of the day was the rathei uneipected l.reak down in New Vork C entral, whinh, frtni 771 yettenlay Mtenooa, vu bbM down to 76j, a fata] no of 1 j 4?* cent. Thie waa mainly OrMaMOMa! by the appearance upon tbe market of aever&l lar^a letl cf tto< k, evidently ( oniinjr from source* of lupply out- aide of th* tpoculative ring, a movemeat which ee- riooa'y interfered with tbedteigneof the bull operat¬ ors, who wt re try irg, with i- me projpecte of aoccoie, to make a e arcity of etoi k. Tbe reenlt of this declin wat a rMnpatbe'ic movement in tbe itxt dirtx-t^pn in a majority of the leading etoike, and the marke', from a position of apparent strength, changed to heavint-re and compara'ive weak- BBBBi Thin reiapre in the market, though un- exptcted, < or l'rma tbe acctnacy of our previous ex- planatione of the advan e in lia lnay eharw>, and i'lur- tiatee practically the instability of nu improveuent which ha* nothing but tbe oversale* of the bears to sustain it. The argument* put tortb with a great deal ot earrcttnets and planfi.biiity in favor of arise in Hal uay f-tooke, on the promise of a gajaj crop, may have aome force when this promise ie near it; fulfill- j BMBS| but ie rather too d start and uncertain to be diiviunud Jaal yet. Pubic ooitiiecc* in ralway etocks ie not atrong cnougb to admit of lunch spec iU- tive inovrmcct npon mere proipecte, whic 1 may he destrwyed a few weeka bo'o.u harvef t time. Winter wheat ie haivttted in July bnttbegr ..' cereal crop ntt until Autumn, and tbi« ia scarcely la tba ground jet Tiiua far adTitting eXtMaawavt pronie', there ie Bti*1 l ieht aaeai aitty, and it reimirea un-re faith in lU.lwaya than is now displayed, to inline pir- 1 han-e, which, in crder 10 reach dsceive pobaM, must " tun tbe gauntltt nl NBal to six minths burmesi de- pre sei' n and Cecreaee in t-MYic. In the e. < BBtl :.-'.y ot r{ icu ation on a cheap ui i surfeited BXBMf BMbtkat, ail k a thirg may take phie. people may get over thrir pitjudicee and rush nto liailway sto.'ks t>n tbe BM te chances of spetoiatu n, a heal way be ng fl a) e«- tabhehed and well tup; jilt.1; but it is net naturally to be anticipated. Tbe bu in-sir Xew-Y >rk t'n'ral Bl the firet H^ard, v. a-to 'he extent af 5,SS7 sl.a-es, ai d at the se t oiid, 'i .main g au aggregate of ovjr 7..-00 ebarts in reg rfered traneactione. The couipeti- tii n for bu.-ime.s t:o* ^oiBg Bl bet»recD fe N.rthern and Soulhcm routrs to t:e Waat, ha« a tand*ccy to unrett'i hi t.d't.'e la tha al ty ot t:.» BOaMl -a: BMB to «atii diaideLtls at suth a reduced tar.fT, aid to tbia Maat bj afnbuted the feveri-h n,. * ennei.ts in Ntw -Vork Central, which from its great bociueee rescurc** and u:u »errapted J.viJende, haa hitherto occupied a commanding fmm- tun attiorg our railway investment*, llarlam I're- ftireu dec! ned to II|, but aa* rieaiy a' the qaatajaaMI dunrg the day. Tue si^tature cf tl e C vrrn r to the iuipoitatt Bill jaal pa-ted in favor of t!ie Cvuipauy is at length'* ann^ntced. K.-a>l:r < is on* of the timiert Kvxke of tbe tiny, and aivanced to .. |, in regieUted tianeat Lione, but «a* finally d ma a'ter tbe PaaBawl ala.l opened at H, but sdd down la -y . tut» call, a^d cloied in th* after¬ noon at >'i Tteic is io fie»h g)*e p in the etrett in iagM4alB the Caaapany atd Commodore Vao iero.'.t. but eo far as a; r«arar.t.ei indicate the Let the breach between the parttea baa net beaa dimin¬ ished in width, Bjai tie tro.-pe;te of a sharp COaoyetHkal e««na as likely aa her-tofcr*. In tL* W'e.-t<rn abarti I .-. -ttj weie tot very J a«t-ve, erd tnia part af tha lut waa about as w«H I maiLUiut aaaay. Oalaaaaa«i Baoa: UbBwIimm aa> .1 eJ a I i tior bnt weie t^enbly #t«ady at the clo*e. To.tdo «k entd at %\ j. BM mm '.med to M j a-, ti.e Ssconi ItoAii1. M k |BB C* tral told at I ca It Ukf*. t -t.s tut was rathir i.tavy at the BbBMaf taaaal ard I ti e afUtt BBB was done M 9 bi-0. Tee supply i!..l io 1. fa t few Jays was baa l rc<>ir* more free, aid th* *bo"s h»ve mad* t: tu del acrit* with lew* ddli.ulfy. M.cb g*n South¬ ern guaranteed t\\i a' tfl in tie mancin/, but waa heavy and at tbe S 088*1 Bmwi Banatawa to 3!>{. The cs>mo.on tto k was a'so a fraction lover. 11c rnest imp. rt«! t operatioi I I: t.e day w»re in Uaatad Statt? id if l>~', whi.a 6«-!i to tue hmount od $18i',t (0 at lOJj fi r caae, anl oa time many of theoi «»n t*k-i. for liaiJviiai purposes, il ^ e | ock* the i ra tj:» air--uvdera'e, tut prices were steady. At iWaeaaaaalBcaaya]$ -.< 'of miaaai ht-rttt B.n.i.-of IStfl roll at '.ti ex a we Lear if largu jr.\a.:* aalee at the same pine. In Kvl*ay Baftid t ie iij-ir.e«» waa limited, hut pi ce* wtte ganeraby «Uady. lucre is ratbir nro'c irquiry for »ju.« of th* loa-pnce.l Jai.wp- tion*. La Croeae Laad Graat« were in deuacd at I7J and Kind c .1 s ju\i, .. 1 A't-r tiie S.c na Il.iard f rices underwei! c matt r\s\ !:ac^e, bu* ia toe last tranraction* the uiarket ttt if m\jlm Bg a t:-aie fiimer Theilceirg pncei were: |kjj (Ji vtrtm-11 .. l(M««lolj; Teaaeeeee ti*. «.'3i u Wj; Miseoun ti*. ftf^ *^li V^ia^taJjWgSft^ CwtSa. I'vBafa*;, atj .Iffl N*w York Central Ka.lroad, :-.<.". .. Erie Rait'oasl, H*\2\ Bar lern Railroad, 1JI013, Har- l*iio Pre'erred, 4I| illi; Hikjkm R ver Rkiroai, jrtj ?t3T3jt Keadag lCa-iroad, Mail.. M.ctug*a Cecu-aJ Rail.** S2J u... j. M>c> gaa SoctL*rn and X irthern lidiaia Railroad, IS|«lUj| Micnig** Boa'-ftem and Xortbara Imiiara Preferred, ,T j<r:r. Putm* Rail¬ road, I21|*lf2j lEiaote Central Railroad. *\ ail'.'. (,\tri and Cbicagi Railroad, |ev'taad and Toledo Rail'rad U < n -a^o and Rock Wand Raiir-ed. 57, Ba*J; Illinois Central 7«, 7... at) «19] Par.ift Mai. ft* «xcihip Company, B?Ja)B7] There Ml tot a large b :«ireee done for tbe steamer to-day in for. gn b'ü- ar v*s art-firmer. Bterrl Bgill |1 lit) France Ö.1Ö«-'. 114. Fie-gLie are wall and mwm* To Liverpool, 1,100 lairs Cotton at .V.L'd.; f u boxes Baoim at 19. B**| tuts Whalefoots on privat* term*. To London, 901 bbl*. Pork at-J*. M.: 11 000 Canada Rotts and 11,000 Hbd. Sieves on private term*; iMMk OJ Cake on private terma To Rjtt»rJ*m, p*r Eayle line, 509 bt ie. Rosin at -'. H IS tans Hi asdrexent, (io<-ls at tm, t-d. A brig from Notfall to D merara. Witti Hhd. etavee at |1,1M, A bark witL S-aves to Cadiz at JBS. The b'.-; "»» of tbe Sab-T^aarin- w»- I! tu«?.* I7j for CaMtnaaa, 191,900; payments, 9325,- M B9j balance, 97,979,921 .", Iretvury Xotea re- \-d t -rCn.-t'.us thai ptft week *.".., H'.i o7. Tbe baltic-:n tbe Sub-Trea>:iry * Sa-.: bj aar v 499, cois*qo>ntly the ttreet ha* gained dortig the wetk a boot $125,000 frcm ?b"> scirc«. Tie payment* of Tieatury Xot* = for duties conti itie to be ft ry to. all. We annex a comparative °!a ment of the Im¬ porte of Foreign Dry GooCs and General M TcLan- fite lot the «etk and ahaO* Jan. li F.r tUvvk. IV». IviV. 1*s.!*l. p-T .;. 91,022 >.<* »>»r M b' .". -u 6VL*rai Mercbandi«e. 2,lf.7,*r2 1.812.4S4 lV»t,tfl fetalforth* wa*b.... a:t.2»9,»!'2 »J,iir0>S 93.(4*,*** FietioLt.y report**... **,aat>,«e3 3I,47",318 tV>*it*14 Slice Jan 1.8>8»,I7«.094 873,«»,'S»,589 '1 baea 9f8T*t an wed worthy the a'tenti.m of our bank a.ana^er«, ajajd with little but cotton and go d 1-ft to ex¬ pert in payment for these enormous imports, is tber* n I in the of the financial horizon a l.ttle black cloi.d wbieh 11 r'ecde dsng-r, ar:d wt..<rt our bvika, tu b all kite* flying, are bad'y prepared to meet ' The follow aaj is a comparative »tat<»merit of Kxports (cx<! aatra (f specie; f'OnXew-Vork to foreign pot a tot the we. k a; sii re J in. 1: |ViT. IS^s. IBS*. Total f<r v.eek.( ,>. »;.« .+.; a>. fr*wi.u*ij report* tt. iS,»4«,4i3 lapbalaaO 1»' IJntis Tannasj 1 fnaiaa.'TTI gie.u.- ¦;¦> 9.- . i- Sxtesn n lionatif export* 8gair.<t stity-eigot md- lions ot impoits and U. aY.nanwai.firj the tollowicg axporl of ppax ii far tne»***(.: 8ekr. MtV-beta. RloJa:ei-n. p. '.-. " . "> Bill Ci : q .it, tiuf.d. Br Air '.. d._ i-m.;.i Hark re, atari dbo, Br. Aa " 0. U » (a Bark lira, I TI 1 B1 Abl 0 M . IIb.« I BJ Bri« M-r. y Flleii tiüdait llr^p-le. 4>> M BVtr. W 6 Kitcbie Ja.ioel, Am. Uo!d. 2.0C0 M It hr I.IV Beat *fii£i)>!la *p k Am. Specie. ' " 4 I S<br Life li.iat. Af' adil'i. Uoob! era. I'iN Baaaaaer ferata, l/»ar« ,d «ar«. "Vtsv 41 «t.»n.. r Perii». tin rp.« :, tinld Coin. li! Ruai.irr Ffui». L raip ol Mi x »1 \er. y3,au im Bteaioer fer.ia Uvatveol, St. Ie. BtMtawrPa Ie, Oahrav, I'.S. O. id Cola. 4V88 t8 St< »».er Nfw-Vcik, luvte, p. I O. MtXn. inn.nw 10 Hisani flsii fork, Lanlsst, aaVateaa Dwtaai*.... 18,188 M aXaaaaae Maw-Tarb, Braaaaw, Oermau 8H»er. 2>*n no New Y'ik, Brraneii. L. 8. 0*M Coin.... 1,»7<> 51 Tctalfor 18"J..ll.oii.Klt 43 Thete show the lemi-rroLthly receipts of California (odd absorbed in a week. The f...:i.u z tulle w !'i .n.pare the export* of the seven principal fctaple articles for the week: 1S.5S. I S3». Wrek er.dinn Apiil Anim.nt. t'slna. Itamilll Valna. CtMi, bale. I rfi.5 $ll".l:'l 5,478 .411^881 Kleur, bbl. 23 3-1 11.5,f24 U,l7ll 79.7 . Coin Meal, bbl«. S7I 3,27t' 1,181 BJN aaiirat, buib. i,Mi 8/vrm .... .... forti, btub.* St 177 5 950 2TiJ Beel. bbl«. and te. 2,343 6-\2f7 l,M5 BASS7 folk, bbia. and n... 1- BJ ..« a Total. . (51,-22 .... B572 727 Inrrraeeof tbe week at compared with that of 5S .... :-f .' <!> The folio*mg ia a comparat;ve eta*' Bkaaal of toe value of export* from the commencemect f the year to April 15: IcWIk 1S.19 lnrrea»e. De<-reaa». Cott.-n..>.aa»,l8S B >. M .°l »l.<i.M,12t . a*liur.1,7«*,.'J8 n\Ht . II a, 996 Cora Me*l. ff.llj !a.4i5 Sli,733 . Wheat. 3.12.628 tMM .8M . Csim. 6»'.MI 65,'ai . Clio** Bee'. lh',1 14 '>3.a"2 72,7gS Folk. lat.Bil 411,757 . Ljll T< tal... 8' eloJ »' .'«- Ml $l,lr2C43 $I,7S»,«31 Deer, ate i .nipared with 1E.5P. 695,681 Tue Knlton Kailrorwl ha* declared a remi-acnaal dividend of 8 v* cent. The alinnrsota Mining Com¬ pany a dividend of 9.« I' ."bare, payable on tha »'1 of May neat. Tn« Board of Directors cf the Pennsylvania b'ai!- rrad ( oD'pat y have declared a dividend < t II t* cent on the cap:tal ftock of tbe Compwy, clea- of S'.ate ta.\ payable on and after the I .th of May next. The jadgment for about 92,099,999ahajBaaMalhjtha Bl tu er of tbe Nicaragua Trars-.t Cunpany a^'aintt Mr. \ atdtibLt by dt fault, has bbBB reopeLed by con¬ sent. The net receipts of the Pitt-burgh, Fort Wayne ar. 1 Chicago lioad ft r the second week ot April, was 929,998 19. Tue LYie Itoa.1 is tome 999,999 behind thus far in Apr.l in receipt«, but the earnirgs ai n .how N large a tailing off. The Central 1 okh B| bet- tir, but low ru'es of fre^l t ard paseager traflis are having tonriderable influence upjn the eamin ;s. There have been some going on between the Bill at Central ii aiiager-, bu:tbey Lave arr.ved at ro raaalt Another atian pi BaWaiaad w ü b" made in: m. ek t. form an ai ianre, ofTer?iva and drfen?ive, sgairtt tbe Pennsylvania Central and Bal¬ timore and i tide Baa la The receipts of the Morris Canal Company for the week and Baaaa r., a; i irpsjed with correk»pondirv lart year are: T. tal M Apr.l ^. BJ*J.#2.215 19 W«, k < bdiai Aj.tU v, 1 :9. ; jj ij Total.84,183 t: Total to Ar-til S. 1151. *3?1 i| W<rb eadh-l aprll ie, 1358.. 2,26« 11 Trtat...Bl.Jtl ('5«, 116*.ai .'Ssi 37 Tha ra pu tha Catawirca adC BpaayCoc Mari!'. I8M; C'M <S Leu ii-^e -ouiie. ruadi.... »Sc »0 Net «aaiayasfaeMsaak,MN.B258I183 N>: o »iju Ba Marco, Uii. 21.158 88 If reeer. f>i,f.t) 91 *'«. H ..; .. Blotters .j: te La- i Warrant*a« follows: l»ao kTABAaira _ _ Baytni m » -e \a ai-»...t.A] ba" Bibi B' mert Warrant*. e/v. pBa tM a. rr V\ arranu. tOci tte! 16" a e W arrania. f |." . The Delwar* *cd II icton Caca' ( j. have abliihed tit ir prices for coal for tha preaert ft awe. TtkV. ftr /jWuwiw r^.. /r. «i rkf /irliiMr, JHi //«..'«», t a«4i. l .aieenv'* BBaeW, dW rered ea ktarii w ,t » 4: aanaaawaawvi <.St itr\,^oj ataaajaaajaa hi II ¦.. .... AJaai Miy k.J. aa J. it 1 : lew) bOci. 11 i r ran*; inaj.aa v. bj 45 55 httanLbmp. 33* 8** 358 360 "¦a <-. 3 *0 3 5rt a.,) 3 7e *»«. 3 5J J «» S 7.1 5 to Bl« w. 3 3 7J 3 at 3H a«**a*aa. taa s as .,15 s 11 Tk« ansea iBataa «r* I r. kaa, i* bsa j' 1 Tte Fl ltd S ates T.n.-t Ci mpat; bl New Y.vk, as awBawhai of the Kutkeibc«kcr S^vi: ;i Icsti'ut--p. aarcot it- in another Ci» n:. n 1.:'. tcl 'ua! r!ivi.'ead of l| #> caret to tha credifi of ea:lS*v r,'- Iaetitu- tii n, makiig the aggi»fcat« d.videntif B9J f aBBB, pay- akl* on tte iMh ir*t. aj X 7'.! C»dar street. T eia h avet« anal li**.; tie* of the Xew-Otl- ans litt ke t l lha M af Airü were a* follows: L-en *i 1 a-.i.^n. Urf ittt ' . Batb. 8 7 8 -r '4 *4 ait' (5 8-H.5ii !*T Canal Baai. Iall.n3 l,ia"..ti UD 647 1 IHMA .a*«. Ji72 7 j 1MSBM '.*.;e-4 5k«i3 1 UuiUUMilr 4,8'2.e^ AliA »3 3 iM ?y» a UVJt Me.. A Treat re 1^*4 C 7 5lt,W7 '426,115 1,6*7 878 r a ..I N V.. It^SHil 51 *t» III Ml !,*»». S| P. i.tavra Bank. 525TJ 18*8*8 iMi'.i 48181a Inj-a B«ab.... 1,3.1 IH 5%a:*4 (27.178 1 8*8 «91 Merebaata' Bab 7»a :«A M i I s | BO ni.'M CrearratCky.. 1,818,881 JTMi'S «««¦, ¦» 4»i.3M BkciAa-.i. a. 1 >t\2.i .43 .it a8» i « Tola.'.9M.awa.tal\aai BatBTjlbl 8. tit 1.3 Tie louvw.i g tabie« tfi* uspect.v* BBBBaBBa *>'¦** *f,mL£* head ly ta« verou* banks, end also the tun.» doe to distant bank*, th* la/r-r being comprised io the tab'e c: der<*-ti, es shown abive: Et D * Bants. c-.-ctf 1.1.1. ..' »...*¦ Ciul. 2,t*l *ei I.' «¦>* Lo.isisu». **i.*30 L.i'dana «Jtm>. I.JM 4.- IM * Bt-. fcaxi< s' asd Traders'. «i«,3U «fj B«l» 'f N-w OrVroj. 730.447 ;j : Bo.lbera. 1.2 3 700 . i . ittrs SbVl'J M-r art*'. 171,761 71*42 Cr**t*tt Crty. '7,415 in.tvJl AmerV*. 13.2« . M Total.B*.Wso ». IM M| As rou. pared with the etaleu.ent cf the pretnoo* wtek, the re.'clt* ere a*f ilows: ITeresa* io eirbatt*. $4*1*»° Inerea** in dittsu: bean**. MStt l'rr**** tr. thert loans. ."..Ml D»f re«*e in torn,. 3_ |J De. reas* in deposits. 27 lucre*** In cireolatioc. 29.-,.»' Tbe Exchange«, at tie C>ann^Hou*e thi- rr..-in>.r:,» were JLW,M7,NS Mi Toe Exchange! for the week amount *-d it $141,ö|7,tS7 1*3, averagieg f. .:,*.( day. Advices from the egett o' the National Mine are re¬ ceived to tbe 31 -t n'*., from whi, h we make the foi- |*Mjrkj g Mtn* I I "The mine continne* to improve. Another (rood mas* is now b*ing expieed in the first lerelweetof No. 3 shaft. This mas* .s Lc the end of the drift, and it will certainly BOt be less than twenty tnns. IVoej [resent appearan-e I tbJBI if w. '»emm b m.ire. Tsro Diore good pi.¦(11 from the mass in No. I shaf: were drawn aM) to day. I think one of them will BTwigfc t ree tune, and the other about two tnt.s. Another (rood piett- will be hoisted to-inerr.iw. At No. .'> shaft the great mafa is witU'Ut change." Tbe anthracite coal trade s>ali!y ir. treeing at alaott all the mires. The K*?ed:rg Ha lrcad brought down for the week eadSag cn rbureday last 2< 055 tors, and for the year 461,760 toes, against MS,034 t ins to corresponding time last year.ihowing an in- ( of 78..'V, tuji. fkt S'hnylk.ll ITlllgMaai shipped for the week ending on Thnr*>day 37,340 »Qrja awM the MOBOB T9.VKItaae,agaiaM69,«*34taMta BBBM date kaat year. being an increase of 9,866 tuns. Tr.e I.-high Valley Kadroad bronght down for tne week *tduvrr oa Bataiday laat 10.003 tase, aael I H aasa lT«¦ (61 tuLs, aajaaaat 137 13 tnnj to same tims li*t jt ir.showirg m, itn rea'e of P3,f97 tOB*. lie tncnege by tbe Bfna4 Twf Mountain Railroad for the vit tk tadii p I I'-b inet, amount**.! to 2, R tuns, anl for l m tor 1J, 103 tors, against 15,396 tuns to eiime date l.'.'t yetr-»bowirg rr: inereieo of I7,|t 7 tans. Snip- n . 11 *etTeaalaatM i--!, rh N .\ (aitieafotrtheareak etdirp on Saturday last l'..'-'.:i tare, against 1.917 tors lor coneeaaavniBfl w*ek laat yar. Total ship- ¦aaaV|33,139 turs, aitainrt I 917taat to same time laaj ytar--iterer4#e, 30,313 tons. Tne increase thus fur H is yaai from the above i amed tajafoeeoi eoal ? pply kl l'. I lsl tnns. A' I ana^o. the receipts of pr )dace daring the pajt week aere .is i,.l on: 9 '< M bbls. fuur. 0,434 ba-h. w-eat. 176,930do.tttft, in .hi do. oats, 133da.tft\ H 1. 3 c'o. hr.rlcj.;aj to 983 338 bu-h. grain against ln«i . the (i (responding week in I^. Toe total receip'e of loaf ai d grain since the 1st af .lann- ary are equril to l^f'.Kt bush., against 3,713,006 ..!.. re. . ... .uru.g the sure period in 11 a i 1- Df off < f a n.illi. n bushels. '1 he t-hipments of prod re tail i th. paat week wi-r* 11 156 bbae, floor, 75,306 b< eb. ah- at. 93 k da. oora, 1,105do. oaia, aad l,t>44 ¦1 barley. The total shipments of whi-at since the 1st of .Jarnary are 1 ' jr.* bush., of which 50,281 bush, have heensh'p;e,l I.liurus, Mic'ogan and ImMana, bv ra.lways, to Rlffrlj woetern null. rs. Tbe total n j mints id" torn Ii tue the 1st of January foot up 31 'J,!yy bajbekt^lr2,153 baibela of which have been ibippsjd brrailaray to Clat innati, Detioit and other i ,c tat Weat. The Ai. . Keport of the Itellefontan.e and Indiana Kailroad, jutt isiiied, elates that tbe ba«in"s« of this road shoes a decrease, as t cmpared with 1857, ia pae- tet ger and expreta aaTa^Bga, at l an ir, iea-e on freight traliic. The reduction of working expenses, when tnktii into actonnt, preeen's an increase ot nel earn- irgs over tbe previous year. The figure* are as fal¬ low! ¦BOBBie soa the te*a lu58. Era ». From Psaaa>raaMS.syiM.sei at From Erritlt*. i .' M M From Mail . 17,*Vu oh 1 rem Eipreit. f,2«7 17 T. tal.0332,2» 7o Worku t Kipeiii**.Bia'.HS 24 lutereit on Bcufit. I», 1. M Taxe. I Jb-2 Il-B2fl.f04 »i Balar: e BSd.¦.BII.222 9S Thevtorking exptn.-ee are a fraition over 56 4* ect. lOMrtaiso* with *BSviel!I VEta. I'.riirs. I. r ysas 1 V7.BH'.'.M Si r.aiLU.p i< r year IBM. MtiMi 7" Decrtasein UM.Bld.US 13 Which is divided as follows: Derr.'t.ero Patrei .*r*.§IMtl 07 Uecreaae on Estreat. .', I . .> Total.033.'3.) 02 Inen at* on Fraitbt. I6>'4 -B'«,l2f> 13 Wi iktrte Kif-err*. ,.! ISfl.II ' VVoilu g Et|. ntti cf Hie. 1*3,414 24 Dtettsae it I"«.IUI '1 34 Utduct J.- reate of Earult i. l'l 12« 13 N't iuereai'- BM IB . B^'.^a ..' L'ictpt what ii termed the Car Loan, explaiced in the last report, the Company has to BeOtbag debt. Tbe bonded debt and stock itand as follows. Klrtt M«>rr-.e*e B*ads.0^91 e*t-<cd Utuic B uiit. 14".* iei "0 BtalEettt*. l.'s.necrw Ineotve... I'et too ... Tex'. Ct;Int. b-.j- i. fx -at.BJ.133.WI SI An arrangement to extend the In "me lionds due 1st February 1SÖ1'to 1S70 hae been made, a..d a sinking vd r i 330,01 o per annnm established for them. Tuo Diiaoteta recomm* nd sinking fund fof tBB la nds due in I-" Tne appar^tt earnings of the road are about , f MB4 on the >tock. Ti c gross earnit.sof II* Indianapolis, P tte'j .'rh BBd O vcian,! liailroad for L850 i'rese'.t about a cjt- re.-p<Ldirg faBTBSBI those of 1». and I. Tne li^ures are as follow*': sitiatft or th i vi aa. I"*i L.i |t.K ¦ ¦SSMfJatfafS.a ' '9 From f eiaota. Iii 22. SB Fi inira.1. 12.7VI 0") From «ipr**t. (Ml t3 Totti.0>S,»95 43 Trat ip. .-'.aticn tapeutet. * LBM If rt tt and taxat. 72*54 13 latei, t and c a*, tt a: d. t. 2 "to t| ¦aMaataaaaM. f.77 22 »21M5721 Balance l. .w .7,741 22 The working * ipti.see pror.*r are a fraotion over 07 .' r* tt, w.t: tea-') f> ttnt of gt..r- eanieg* frotu Mgh -:r i.. a". -. .'a port.on of the year, Tery low rat*-. coMStaiiot with PBBVMBI vraa. Eartin|iof y*ar i!S7.e-"".' 'l M natL. ft .f :-->. . «... * d t> Decrea.e.02* ,61 . JO \v. . i * Bawttaareai pa*««i.'rt.BBaJM ¦ DaSBaasa m tpr***.. 2,(*oT 17 Total.aajJBi »1 Ist-rvta* OU lrel|tt. i.'t.' -.i *>.""" .* W\,ili*|fj*»L»e«of 1»W. le<.27ii «8 W illni «tf+:.aeaof MM. MMM U D*- r.ate.$M .-i M Dt dec. ü«Xa*t Bcoauut. Ißlt M Nf.d«. res**.OatrtM U The aoto .rt f b< de and stock on IstJaaaary, 1890, ttoo.1 a* follows Fit« ajaeajaji t ne«.es.v.,..a B*. CTii U.. It4ai te.Ltit. 1* <>o let <.ta* (. rt. Ml I rTrrttsatlBkiiil. -i,2ie #t.r»2*> 2ne eo 0 a; Bai at* kaa. ti5,&71 art Total Bends and atork.Bl.tdl 171 M »Martaa Dt*r. Tt>* arxocnt f t atiif atbt r.;ott*d at due let January, lt£t, wa*.eJi.m ¦ ia unt 1 at January, 1M'«. l»7is oi BedacC'oa dra It { th* year. ...,e *-oi 27 t»f tbe ax.ouit due lit Jannarv. I8ba\ the suui of J.'.r.M Ü'.* bad "tee been pa d. leavr.g | .»t:rg debt at «l.e tue * "'. Tlr*e rrte'red ttoi-an-t to a.-' J !".e sr.: M ir^'mc It -. j* w.". Tja* :re datoary. Iv-t' . wl c*i J. o d(J») a < io the S.ok'ig PfB 1 l e*e too :-. .t will be Eei-e-sary eI end. Krretpi* mf Fradatf . Arrt:i. It* Rk 'tr > ne IdirMt- < e> bb!t Bleu'. Ii» ptltt PnrW h :u*i - ... i .... 2 *»u t j a*.t Oa*.a t 1 7 t*'*t * , . d C*- t »' ttd.* L .*.*.. i. v . do It do a* C Ii. I< .\*»r*. a..*. s.r,-i.>«' Hi F'- * :.- », stoat 1IM lid** LaarBel l,eae Baal OBSa . Ml *. c*\. i as* a.-, ty I Market*. uti r vl_» Ri fi »-!* roi f>t N. f i, <i lATwaBaV, » r '. AHM Y9- Thr deeaeci 's Koited for iota etude, tie .» . . a.-« 77 . »: IHMoi fe'a inj P.-«/fa. i »r?IiN Tee aeerke- te kj the b »aa*l .'»vor. wrh «te. Zito b*>e, ao.toi oa the eptt We r 1 <¦» .: ...t»-, ;., akw voaa rLeteiri. »ti fpa da. P'Mda. Mal - <?,« .>*trery. * | I', II Midettag.Ii, IM .j Xui.,11 Pair..11, U* 14 M fair.. . . . COPFP.JE. Rio ia it'.l, aad th»:« a moderate demeni ' Java: aalte of i u>a'.a et 14 aad 391 da aft ISe. »LOIR AND ME*L.7. i a/eeteraCaaalPVeea ta mm. -i e ptl ae cf ¦ v s' im e»ede b*t ter. '< rtK»!. kreide t hr iitiaaaia !»¦ aadlafatr r> 'it fur it- aom*'rad-, tat kl rata are more ok*rai aid a: bat ll «e tie otuket ia q .let, tee aa...¦ are J7' bi a at BIBtBOBM f,reuperfc..e j at. §4 IfO* 4> fjC aaftal 8'd*6 to for !cw iftiai of Heavm axttaj *- i aas ts lot etipp if t.-ej da :' a ad-H« BtraO . » 8' I* f. i tra*e bier.** d.- 4- . a 31 far ei'ra Oeaea-e, and *- »*8Sf>t 8t I, .-a raaadfkl I lata la »1 r-quaat at 86 5* at 4 7 8b, awewBtra I f I la fair rea, *_d tb- m d*. ira/ee are nrairr. rr-ei« are keld »Ith w i. a eoDlid* uee. aad aie la rrcueed a-pp y the ea>e are 1,78 . at Iba 8)8 for eapert re Bedtime**, Ar ai d 8o e a; *s ' r the better »ladet. Rye f, : la in lall laBltnd kad ..trti», .a.ea of :oj bbia a! 81 6' i/84 4". <" ra M.e lata rtai d of 1. ü baa. Jereey at f J Ml aad BreLij» UM it #4 3". PISH .DBtlciie inftctiTo, w t pi | h^r. jaaf» || prt-ee; tfce it-i k of Dry Ct-d and Ma. »?:. . ra-.i- in » ' far ihe limited rejuirei.i'tt of the trai* Dnr C'd are ia uevte- ra>, L. wei rt, from eecoad taade; r. mm, r Ii IT8-B» ecrtioD, 1,7« b**aeVf-eitne 08* BMM Bt 25 d 83 an, ar .i 1.6(0 do. Leinot a, at 82 15.. aaa. . \ . URAlJt.The aarket ia a .let I r W n-et, t°> I q ill ea ua ItaatybaM,hafteaaaaaaaaraIraaatiaa a i h-» t,t »a 7' n! oak. lair VVLite BaawwaBy 81 * 1 7? a Oenraee at 81'». and no both. r ... e Milwaukee t Hi B1 Si' Bar ey held 6-it'v aid la In fa'r dnt:t d; aalea of 47 !:»h at ?»<.-!». f. r S-ate, and f. .. ' iCi ¦'. t_ Oat t are in ah «>.[r inii.! IL f!:».. i-. itr a I Weal rat I Oa . rtlau at 5tt*'!4c. K)e ll .| ;:. t at .- t./-t ^- f.> it n i and ia beavr. pa.' lajrW raltad « . f Jet at*aalaVathetaTatlaarat tmjm raMMalM.eaat- 1*1 al *w8»ta. U m. O Cnttinf. »iq, lu bla ir.'u ar of bit date haa'te f llawM| " The W e st market f - the pt«t w. i fcaa b*-n without eate'tlal -biii fe tae«*aeaa have been |ht, and prieea «eneral y ..tiebeuf»d 8'rl t:a» pr me p»- .. a are mpaiatlTely ararea a d Ifaata held. Tee dem»..!, b its fn rn Ki-tero and Io. al trade, taa been nvnl-rfr, arfh a t. r j lontee inquiry from epeciilatoraand Bw miiltef." 1IA> .1! e q try f. r lb p'nf ia fair. a_l ..¦ i IM y moJer «> lakroof8Dafialttat8 :. B>|88M. H! r>ES.The n-arke- kj pahaa i HOP*.A moderate denand exieta. Wei).. (8 8t 1B9I3B. fct good, aad itt-'c for old LATH4.£i«tern are !n fair demacd. We iu)te at 81 7j per M I.KATMI R.We Jo not retire any rhente are q io»e I.l»ht M dd Bascoa Ajiea Heanlock at 35d>27c d .. O. MuLASBKS-Mi d ra-e it vi t-.' n tki: r it . i CnkaMaacoTadoat34< aad tS bMi CnaaClayad a M NAVAL BTOBCB^-BairltaTnraaotlceb aaa aebtaa. b ttha a* ok li email, and boldi-re fei er«; \ ate q..i e *i m .!ei a4 I bbli in raer-hantab.e order, to arme, '.»,; .. dj., on the . ;. '. :t 'be eari.e pre - 17« do. do., a höhte brand, at ceih. acd St" do. ao.. in 1 te fo to .: - at baa. Cr na reme m aafcf, a. d the eto. k ia wawte ie. reaai;./. C m rou Bawta >e briii. but leea artive: ee'tarM" t-b'a. ba arrive a' Bl I8| II d. in yard, a- 8' and MB d- at f 1 73 ». B di tred fiLe quellt lea are ratter q left aai> t ul PM bb i. No I . w t.ite at 827t tf B4, atd 7t d.. V trai - In lotiat *7t*BTBB] i' W 17> Tar outim ee in good deroaud; ea'ea of S O kbii. W abb ati a Thin at 8 i m {' bbl Had] in uder io jard. U'l.S.i interd baa been lu livrly leqiieet, aid f.rtn-r ea'et of m 11 0 aabk ¦ Knfllth Lave been trete at ei'JiiSJ' ,nl IV1"1 do. i'ty at »ttiv. Ciaaa Bjpeiaa Ba* beaa aeete a toe. aalea ofl.Sft b?n Naw-Bedfard pail at <l |7 f |albai »eh in o b. r rei. r.ptlori tolliing of ue oieut baa been done An a aw tionail*taaapla** ta N-w Bed'.nd t. layuuJ'r aaalM '¦onitaoeea, a r»pott of wblrh wonlft b" no eeite i >u of the akaftba*. ae u>< »t if pot all of the cBerl ig waa b mgat la. I'ftot ISIONS.The C.ik market Ie loner »ad e ¦ r* a. ttve: tbe erritale are Bjtbt| kalaa of 3,4*1 bbla at BI7<r |i7 Wt f t raw Mne #19 75 for Cbtari +13 far Kxt>a Meae iron a**f*8| at* *i2 37 ./ BttM for fifa, A . atra 11 al Bl bbie MaaawaaaaAtkadtba*albaraaoa MBIT M**A < bi « ! drmard and ntia qialiitee re'her kefttaffj aaiee of 1,80 < a- *. +" i t ktr| Prtn t B9fordo Meal 89 811 2c fur Rei a ked do end 812 *'U 8' 5" for »»trado -t ie lagere:: kztieaaa Prtaaa Meat aaaad at 817*821 BaB ¦ ere itredy tut quiet, ealn ot M bt i Biete at I IIA Be n ie in limited demand at tlltta. Cjt Meate are iieety b t oet aaiee f 76 hrfle. at ri|ii a. lor llio'i dera and fit} ', Ii i faaobal Meata are peaaty aal ara aakikle at 7|l i.i. Ideta aal BIS* b>i Haraa, Larl la rather heavy the an. ale ar fair, .air of 7." bale and tee. a' I' ei. t Ul bra* at Iff*, flutter ia In fair dtinand at II a bY. t M Ohio a: .. \-.<: ' i Kte'. C'beeee ie qnl.' at In RK K Ie tile, ta i *)'-....;: Lo r'y '. r .ajät. BUOABI Tie aAajaaad ii b>tter ami prie-t areaaa'attod .a.a of 450 HewOrleane at S ; 340 kbit Cuba at ..,<;»'. 7.' fcl. !i P. ito Ri o at 1c T|. By au.tlon Hj.» nn ie. New Urleexe at ta'.r. IEBDB.Tba a.iu.nd la llwdtad;tnaaBaaeaaaf G .. . ". If*. Timotty <, a- 8-' ¦¦¦ #2 62l P bueb. of 45 rft. Ca"- eatta I. awed kaa in auimatea req .e.- Ibai aa aafcra af 11,7«)' (od (3(0 poekete bese beej ajada iu Boito a'. Bd I aad 3.8M b«i« at 81 m9 baak. kwa. TALLiOW.TbamarbatItqaiit|aaallaala* fni ». aaaB. UHISKV-The market if ateady, the .i.-aand litlit, ea to' 150 bk'e. kl ltlarlte. t*.Reportfd by Telegraph. PiiiLan'i fHit, At'ril 16. Knot a dull; Bupeitiie, B*> Uj* 81. 50. Wm at dull. wife i.titii bi.-h. et 8l v>eT8lfor KeJ. and 4-1 «.' r/4.1 «Jfor Vk'hlte C. .iid .ll «a.'r 2,'»" b tab a ft «.-7.- for Y*B*ar. Wrlita*ahead] Nm em baa*, Apr ii ie .Ca rro* Brati taleit Ml bakta BaVABBAB, April lie.Coir \ .l. tiai./e.l 88 pro e j Bawd In |>oriant. cibcibbati, April 16 Fi ona finn In priee arid a.¦..!»..; ealea krelay 8,888 baia. at 88 &>#*>8 8b IVaitav Brat i tabu ol tble at 38a. faorrtaiOBa ..u hanged, Mete I n ipnouai Ueeuu t., u ¦¦ . Mm ii I. April If .Corn v 8*le« to day l>n ha.-e pr. | liibtly iowei M:ddllD| Iff*. I*ii«-.nsere Bftilrti In ittamiMf .Vrto- Veett for Braave* a»d Sonl'iimpl'm. The B*a R »¦- idea, MJafctftat Baaldaat of Braaaaa vVariilnftnn, l> C A. J. Lander and lady, Br... i lyu, L. I., Mlee Caroline ('. Ibj. Maae Mre. E Beb Ka, lla.ana. Mit. \\ u.. Ilertnj: j aud Li d, llemiiteii, C VV. Mra Re o.eti, Mie. J*fea LlnnenaiJi, sblld aud nun.-, Mr. L liuei maim, lady and Rrax chtl.lreu, Hobebaa, N i Mi Philipp Meitin, Hamilton C W. M'i Bophia Teltuianu M r* J itta Ttttaaai v., N Y 1'Mneae B^tt'.i. Brookltu, Lit f Hetemey. r, N Y |0 H K,fere. Puitu PliU: K. H'j.*., jr A R.i-ki.iel, J, .ep>, B*B**a, Edward B> br, Atel Laa, MeW- atottta Bfaateta, Balttaiofa; f Qoftotia Paeaet. let- dor Dan leta. New-Orleet i. M- rrie I ri. Je. ..b Fta*t I at, I. ... e- rtBa, Ky.; Jaecb BebMrataabcrier, Maw (jr'. a .. Mre U C S ei a. r naa and ebll.l. Mri Ei/a Burgherd and i Li dr.-n, Mn i.e. Weeibanien and 2 h.ldreu. Kr. Heven.y.r, ia 1 y a- > r Ulna, Mn Be:-ta Bia*|*ab ara a:.J ebddiaa, New- \. . Jean leeetrtde. lady and .. bOdrar,N*wOri*aat Mn I Re il and 3 hlldren Wlihiina urgb, L I Eere aMIgart, 43 Relatoaar, ReW-TafBl L Erttcniaun, Phllt It Sturmwa'.i, Mre 111. keif and loo. O Majrr, Ne-.v-Tora; I.. E e, M Mr J< .b Mayer, Müaaikee, Mr. C. W. lieg- el k, Ua-i.a «.i.'e l-» Mr Frarz to!k. Newark. N. J Mr. O. L Wal I'blla., Mr. Ja-:auee Palon it Mr. J-an Mr fee* e and lady, N Orieeaaj Mr. Kr M kTaWb, Par VVeat, M Mr 0 f. Mater, Mr Carl Klumenrotb. Indiana. Mr Join 11 Me-I UJ, Mr BarwakU Warneli.f. II Her U K-..It, Mr ABtboa Or aber, wife and eoc, U .-n. y HI Mra Di¬ nt- rtwrtar, I.- Iiville. Ky.; Mre Loulae Back, Miee Catharine Berk Pbi'ade.j .a M e Km' ... !' i* e and child, B. Laoter- l.aid f.i tb-ea*.. W t.-. v .r d. r If a St I, , ti 7.aoaa5arietatt,Itaiaaai Mre. Matt/el-ne Betbiacaattwa ioi a, Philadelphia Aleaaaidro Medm. Ni- ola Bieladlaowlub, P.etro Mtndi.b. Ca'lforalai O Dretnol, New v rk Charlaa i!; il l SchiirtrfU, bt teviuia, Jot. 8 :.. it, O an.1 I la ta* ataarafa TataL its ZalAe '.u.'tra failer, /<e A*t<errr-Mite letfAtabter, Mlat Urn eiL.eue, A. lirbouie Berne.mtue, 11-;.ry» Mri Main, Igratf Claai, Wni. ti- | er. M Haa I Dr 0.0. ll the, De Ii ibrata A Lady da Mwi ».( Obmu ... Urny Hi i, I! Tin- bant, P. de a (i anga, f W M»yer V. Pea Bat ad, Mn NIbbI A Infant; A Eiaeoltauer, Het.ry Mart wa¬ ter. Tfcn. Dahlen, Mr. and Mri. Uehritelu, and 11 ia the iteer ige. TaBkl l' 7 paeeri.feit. MARINE JuLEXAL. PORT OP NEW YORK.trait 16 Clear**. Bt' tn.ihl; a-HMfBTVBw, fmt, Savaroal!. II B. Crorawall 4 ( o Atftuta, VV co te- I, Öatannaii, 8. L. Mitthili, Jan.aat .«;., Parr) a, .n ri b. L ¦ I tUkaaBaai Ja», k-ft, Adauu t üer.eeten, Sp. tJ. rd, T.i... i. Co. hM; ..Oipt eue Urem, vt/eeeele, Bremen, Henaioga, ."! or a. «. . .ii E O. honey. P. k. Ape .v .-...oa. R P-eft. Be.>..ßer he K aba (Ham Bcbaltf Hamburg, t V Pert, Thitlfp, Havaaa, J D. Car nie k lie, Ky.-r lla.ana, M :e Baa* '. Na.arro I. y I'o r, Tn ;r l<w, ll.i.n, bot-.» kB* J ba Kerr. He.eten, Cat '* ti*, R i « a {.- BaawtaAl ie.-. Uaniey, »: John, N. H-, t il J Pttaaa fc-r.-u H B.cae Taaait Bttftauig at nlfl it Abbitt; J'au Bapilete. Doge. I' 1. if .<. L 1!-*«,^! I'.eei 'r .< )o I' R. ii. iv. Laaaayd A lott; W. k. flewyer, 8aw;-r, tlaBlwaa. Tb kif*0* A H atari at. Vu.reat Itr Uaaicn. Bt. tu N A iwery.M. I. 1*888,11 b>il N.H.I / bap Meivina, Cet- T fa'r t Horn I ii Lbnit Hartla, BJ . C. H. Pie.a t M rill ia V- r VV on ii f*. L M'Cieady, tl.a A to Lady ».:;,.a, Ute r, l't leite pea. J .: li Nettl-. Strut J A Baara*; Ueaaaa, Lwwiiaoe, Nea'ein. J. L>, 8 Hat, Bilbum, Bcttou. Nr.. .¦. BBeaa aereh Mute L'-iderl;. I t iueleieid, T ti .ii4;uc; Pi t\o Platte foreiii 8 e- ntoian, P- it aa Platte, Oelprtke K* .tgtn A Rei tnt Wul / tne tVkay (Hi ) Hunt Krrti.uoe, M'Cal A Erlth. Jone Nrleia, Nel. o, MaMaaaw, N 8.J S Wbitury A Co Sou'her" Belle, Bmftn, C! anattaaL D. M rrav; Armada, Kaowlee, Peteri5urg J C. Joiea, Bedell. Norfolk, atargee, Clcarman A Co.; Tai Mt itlerf, Ward, Hamp'oa, Van A Blight; Weat Vk'iud, Buraenr, ajaBaadria. M Btd»U. Kuati'o, Pett c.-. 1. I. f. :. *. W Lewie A C Tndt: t. 8: w, Boavc. 0. L Hat ill 8. Ha.1, Kiib rn, Bnaton, Bl. tb V . . B'oaf Pbru'a. Sbepi-eid. N- w H*>-n, matter. St.eatt .Delaware. C*f f, .r. Ie* i i:.i.-. I Mat -butt M L~e,t, Baaer. Cal^o, A Ladi a C Arritrel ItaBaaM i Mt- l, Patter, Cikule.Uiu, mjee aad paaa 1 tola, Tl.rat. n A leO. Steei i' pAf.e: a, 8- henek, -t... v. t. S. L. Min .. U As Bol. b'. aaaaaip Paikaiabi rg, PcwtU. aaBwA 8wt paaa. to H. B. Cromwell A Co. BaayBadaaeat(aatBaaBaa), Doace. Merr.cti. eVeitCaaataf Maafc ,Jan 3 iueedCeo, H ra Krb 17 r i«, ratet*3a1 Lie * o d to B aa re »oi A Co Mar-.. IS. 'at 13 28, koa 3d8». exchanged eigaale with Br. abip PrUea if tka die -.- m U\' i\*Atl '. s IblpMatiidal-f, P. rt-r, f.'.rrje-w f v r,,i^. to B. P. Ii ktb A Ca, Hei kravy weari er *u the peeeage I Pnaeeaa (of E<et n), l'»ara> Cailao 1'4 deyt, f laoo to Ba L. Muir. t iperlrined v. j l;glt winde c et ftie pe-.ire n < ¦<.'. B it. ) Heid ng, S^acghae De-.. 1. ra-er 1 A -r.'th aia hee .trtj. latee.i Cen-(j < d Hope K. b 8. I. aard . I -\ JkMX Bt .1 13 teaeto'rdrr Jak. iJ at 25 K i. ' ».".. t.. «d a i. loae leei-lng 13 hr-i a Mar-1 31 iat. 21 7, loa. aa 44 i poke tiig Voiuaiaer, traea Boekaa f * Triitta* r- Cute. 11 aya art ttb laa*. let 27 06, k. - CiU, ear I. a t 0-4) Brek, her., e 1 r po -o R.- ie, 9 dave onl. Ttie O. Lee ted < w.i <4. a^0 . ... .- to. ta. .«i.- -tip i a via Bei, Clklte. Shai g tee Dei;. 30 kaaa, Be V> BVftaMfataa* A Mount Hau a aaaAAawatesa af aabt vi- ;rt krbvdl an* a'me dorli g tie entire paaaate p lo Bacaaa8a Peeaed a- r Jar '..o, ...j H p. f. S. a.d 8-r i lib .bat .» Bari «aal .Jth. b I* a.. w . be* a k lAteA .a i y arai-i r, eftai d I* tea again Peb. I at. 11 ai., eja. J4 "3 F ip k* Br aa'p D-v». fron ' .(.T""""*- Hu». 13 I«. f. . apok. Mr hart . .'«tAM.^fc*» pi w ., , M I? _Ai a** » . . « » b i . ff Mj****« * a koffaootel r»v. wfci«* aod ee j ^ **..*;, . luio* > Ca It* 15 r Boatoa. ' ** aw ti p Nr rU *h Aberrreii ki* iRr 1, B yd, »-,,., r*«r. J*d 14,'»n 13 I? 8., ion a jTJ" Na.» . W., .p k* Br bo.fe Anna Slater, ^ ^'0 I a » . "".»¦** ia, ^ Bail *'a;r»J. N»'b. Boooo* Ayr** F»b. IT TlBii.l_ t*f. 8»i .d In oinpanj with brif* B*l*» BoraTj* r* .*** I -. * C *A "f ut, fcl B Janeiro, ia b*.'Ja*t "***. « -a* Ba-**, B*.;xe, Hva., 11 i,.. wood a :. k a k mm Am ^^^"***Bk> Ba k 8 » ¦* N - Bt ' Ma:' .a*, t... ¦ar.t* Bjroa N**att* o Co. "»,a7tt;»4 > v Balk l mi taaaaas M tore k Co Ou to* 140». b>to» B *f" a" *"*> t? ». «a>, ii .rlc|«olcaabift*4cor*o. hZT***1*! N lia&frao. ^^«4» Para J IfP rrafv r*rk r..<. . . to R r Bu< b B Co. *h It-at.. Ion tt 1«, toiTtV-r5 "Bb i witg a wtl'e t»*.» *af t*!ta a rod Wil koiotn i!** la) wa* hi coatpaay with brig Presibt ilokoa, Boa Cka^ Hatk Otatta P wnrT. Mf.a ra* Id day*, r ft*t*ra*o> Baik La. n «. CrarBa, Nrw-L. idou 2daoort,ttaaaaati Bark OrcolOa ' tVa.mjvrO. Drvereocx, Ro*a** a__ 3 aid Point India :-lb, bid**, * jol a,, u O rS*^ Barl trrtide (Prr.** ) R;:rt*. Tr.*t- tt data. awL. I k Ct No dar .ar. tt, loa M, .r>t* JruJ^Vl B a' [. -vo! :,r RaVBI a, i'l dayt **t **> Baik Tynan B- '. il». d, Havana Udaja aa*a»a.av. Jaataa * "aa* Bak Jeer* Pitt* (cf Bofk-aci!), Packard. Tordn ¦ »rmndy f t. to D Bt Araant r.k oTaLt! .** a . wltk Br. bark _' ,^1 Z. 5 "a l*a mw Br. k'rtf fat,*!* r t « a. t-.t [at. i, :m 7., .aw 8r. kri* l/aiu/i^1 ..r S lita, Ha.-rtar. Jain.. KaotJjMJ, a Z*JZj crautrttu-n * -1 ti.I Ii-*tt tti atk»i Bark H nd ra*. Botra, akrtBa*, H^oJ :Ja*y*,i w . i. 1. M f Air »andre. M ¥ Trout (of Llni-oln.i'!», Aom*, .l*aa*a*at lo*- r »ar and raol*a*»* to al*t all a Dari aa. Brli Mary W Ikioa Wilkii a. ki i o Ayr** fab. ia L'iitaMi .- .. 1" to R. Rop**. Mat«b« 1,1^,» IS, Trintead in .l<b% pa»»»d ar. Aro barkeoojpTgTj tb* wind to tbe \\ abool ¦¦ r.1 k wiU aae*U«J.- ¦ Iti* a*oriii| N «m w**i«a4 j. lap* ..»narr! tt* out, ba*rtd»t Bt>tBr*tr*ä ** BrU itit- |oT BoOfor), Lr; Montorid** rVk. m kv r T.rlt Montevideo on tt.e lih. a-4 r.taraa*ajrok aretaio't wif* ta»ta| a**o katiitoo Rl diad ou t r tb f K*b b»r r.-ji*ln* ar* *o karaS \ ti. T;r K ba* a iettei bog oa -aid trom ia.»W* ^ao I Ai | ra Mar. b 15, krdtak. » a) ett Rier* "^at,» Brbj V\ II TjWiirod'Br Yfrr-.. -.!'.. ft. BkCaatoBa t»i ayi, . iv, u.a.'. r. C.n i:..t CaoalaooT. I bttbip brtric« N N. W 7> lutlea I-imI* trbr. KtttroaS h lorDarl.:. liati-uad ». ry llgtt olnii >Uc*ytoaVu b 'u Jfeooi;» (of Or!<taS. ro'i. HaTu-a Ma'.tatat tlamo rar I r. IStb a! ^\ >n. "4 n», ia* kn* aTSaa ¦.ad a * tor ati .* l. ^. i I tot m M I), Pit. /ir* Mar.k J*. mmm 0 it to .r I a v ,' U idoa (Br., «4 Wa It o. N B). Ptrkar Uor* . ar A . ' Joi**, WLOt1 .. N 9 10 ttyt. [k**| t N»w O.letut 13 day*, ¦.**. toR>t PtOM an I W ra k**B (of Ballltan), Imrat, /ott, CiK Bn iplatie* to ctil»r Sta Utt lat 41 w. loa. «I it *pataa 1 ... Nrobun Ma . .aa. loo**,. c. ....... ' VI TV. w^. ._m_. 3*', meli N trot, Mobi> Tbr krlf *.ihkiL I 'r N*ar.Vnrk, *ld da? pr»»'ou«. I i A *( C**tta*>, Wtfdwefl,PtjMaSrt,f.|L Bja n* u, t .Irwrt It Ktu ay t f' »M M lu!.- 11 dtya, mm, a Oak!, y k Kaatl'-f h Jar.**. Ap»:*.:ii f I" iayattaai K.igl* k lla/artl. B. br. Maria. L adaty, Üarantaui Mirtb IS, hid**, ke,kj.r* niry. B. 'to k t'n lekr. Tl « N u I |*f* Arroj* P 1,14*4, a far ai .1 ¦aattM* lo ftirgra BO* MaiirJ in faafSBJ r* o h- BoW*.¦. f..r New Vcrk. B. br. ark i»r I, Bta>t»n*r, lU.'.fat iida^a, 6as'.«JaaBatt k C>. f br Pl/trro. Chat*. Kli/aVrhnort 2 data <r*B to *j**t*r. T 0 i Stamaril. S » lata a 2dsyt, tatw. a I C lit u a iu»w»y. f B Poilrh. Britta, New Bodferd 3 dayt. oil Behi j ka l vVUHow*, Curtlt, \\ *>«, S. C, IBb na\al ator. a to U.m'*l k C.>. I ¦ i .i..iT*i i. Br wa Oatywaa, P L, a daya. rB*l***«* ta I ilbert k Klulty. Iltk luat., lat Mil, St 07 to. .poke .. br. Biet /a, from Prartkfktl fat Cutt. BlteaLt* r. it. r. Trinidao de Cuba 19 dayt. atita th* Hi. ikwatn IS b., in, . jar A,' to B'.orey la tH*t*aa Bad » aMiped* h. avy a. wbi. » partly ta* tbortbll Zd tl (a,* P! .rnta »perleiw*d t b**<y aa with bar' :.»>;.. *i .! tt Üb* DylOf !. aud «af t^paalla S. bl J. bn » i.llama Br of Naaaau), J..h. *..d. B*t*ta,!lf, 12 dayi. kgw. ad lo J Ea*aa Hat tb* car|o *fM|Pt*a, wrei ked in Drd *»t. 8. br O B Mlbtf (Bt.) J k***a, Bara-oa Aprtl 3, fraktt| Sit I) u!.<» I ti tan Hird (Br), Loi-kb»'t, wid*or, W. I I Bit pUxtt.r It mmter . I i laai f, Dnrfe*. Ua..». rrauflin, La, la days, saaaad mm ***** to stone, s. i ¦ br, \v Buoa, Boott, JacktosTÜl* 7 day*, l.mktra; Uli. brlat. I r tVytfco Tuttl*. Iti nof i ttyt. 8. hr LaiiktaOfary, Waata* Vkraaaav I I Mopkln* Bharrot. Vnfiula. Dili Sberwooa, Wil'latn*. VI B*ar. c. k N. Ro«*r»,«.,i., \ < I ii J.LnJ H. BaOSIM, B,.*b, \ Irfiuia. 8. br Pt .atli.*, Cainhoru, Oeorirotowu. B ra*. 8,.tan Bcarao. Bmton I daya Bekf. Uoveinor, Buiall Bot'ou 1 dayt. tt br. Mary Mauntikin, Wha eo Old ootter I dtyt BoBf. J. Ort» rano, Bn:*il, New Bedford 2 day*. 8 r, lane, Smith, Warehaa I -lays Behr. Harbluger, BillUfa, I'rneldeuco. 8. hr. I). Iti.atell. B th r, II if.tord 3 d*y». h t B, Bftaaaa, Oibb*. W'arebam 2 day* Btearoer Oelawar*. Cope*, Pbilade!phla aud Cap* May, at*, tnd paat. to K. PerkLot. BAILED.New York (Brem), Rreimn; Oiattttt IBM IBtlf ), Ai.:w*rp. Jam. * Ad<er, Ckarkratoai AatiOa to II DUrillo, Baeaaaak; Jarooatown, Rhhinoud ka atSft Ba p r, Baa Krau, it. * Robert Ueudeiaou illr I, aud Taaflta :(,ool, and olhert. Arrivrtt Sr-nay, April I Btearr hip Rrannk*, Bklnner Portairmutb, kc adttad pa**. Unal ¦ v Haaaaen. Ilthlatt., * IS«, m .of B*<*» lakanBedttf^takl WttA ->aa.tb|p Jimetiown, BBBtBl Biehmai. p. BklpOaitV I Katie. t*JBBj New Bedford M hour*, totakd* »»«'er She will load for Ban Pr*ta*Jt**a\ Baik Na/ir.ce. Borland, dtukapaa 4tli Intt. roitr tat tt»*> a to Bt irfea k Co. Had Mat* heavy w*»n*r. BarkOrataaoi f Beiruti, C nibI, siiam. HHuaBOrarai da.« an it***to Btursjo*k Co r***aTt* uittt*r. Bt't Clara Haxth (of It!' hne d, Va ), Uuttoa. tWtaatJ* 21, -off** to matter. Ha. Ifbt wludt tbe entire patatat Bjst paae.i t tb* latitud* of v< N experienced a beotf B- w. a* v. .a, b*Win* wild* tad timt. M lia-k S 'V p, r, Uoiton).Wlklaiid. Bio Ja**lr»P*t*. i. Bee to J I Ci'iy of Bott .n. Mtrob 4. IWr tJk^**"" »*y. a a»aii.aiJ. died of yellow faver. F*k. It, w*U*ljrlS|» s By land, tt oud cfll:.r, wa* ailloi ky a ***«.» wy '* n aim. I K. oka (Of Bo*ton), Treat, Ar. cello, P. «*J*i B* latte- to W'ai.h, CafTOt k Chaac Bi<rBteiia oil ti...i.d, M*.», Duell, OaltttMa**»»*,*» t..n A' to M*l*oa C'iementt. But *.,rah Benica (of MacküMi, Cardanat * aap, »4*«. Bk to n.a-tor Bii| J BP. Bawy. r (of Cherry'i-ld Lelfbton, u at . .jar to '1 bt Bipoon A II ,,t> r. Hot Id* K'-'i. J**o *. cu*a Aprtl t»a to mt.ter Sailed io comawiy wl'h hark Treue, al fa BJBP Had th'. tra.'e wli.dt. VV». teu ttyt from S'. 1*8) W ¦ wlaaol ' - 4.t" aa P*t**fa «Ii eo, t-..t: -r'y wind* and lio* u.___ I 8. Sutteyli ( a*ar At**.1/ le-n y, K-» W*« Sit»* ¦ pn tt mi.-* *,u'n of C^raaaotaaaw*, **w ta* n-pw***" > lb*a .'Lot,Her t eu fee'. of water 1 ft ¦/ Hampdeu, tia . Ctcafuoft* nwr>a)BVBBj Be, K P. Book k Co, Bailed In ratpaaf wit* **.** * tiaty-r anH ' aat.llla*. for BJ*w T*«B . r. la U t ili, Pau«, 8t Auüie».» N. lo' i*ya,t»an m ledl-ry . - i Ilern te: ( i <l), BhdteU, Wom-aS/oB. C' natal r* t to matter. mut Man Ku.abeUi, Read. U..miu«tou, N C l«yara» rue Hawk, Birk, afeaajratssBai aa IboT** to aaaatot _ .a«.« M*-e-'» ")ari ), .|.c**n, Sat J-ian, Bit, ¦ atja i.wa.l 2" d*ya, i.idet, k to A. Ba*r. . «- Id* Maifier, Uubbard, Aux Cay*< lKiD»t,B)saaa,*» toil b<. ker 4 Ittav.t -a-.»at 8- Lr.* (of Hamaden), C* .1. »Or.eani V *r£T h*.. to raatrtot 13tk last., lal a, i>\ loo. 71 i>, tp*** BB* *w Le» torn Cardowaatar B*o*aa\ « i Wtl --. U Robhib*. Peter*on, v\ asatasaaa,a. t*t*~ ,vi >'.¦ t 10 P, Ii.. m a Sot.t. a. t it, Va.u.rj, fh» -ru 4 ayt. t*t«rs, BtBSfctf . .,..!<* I i John <' Cvho-.a,., Albany mitt, ***¦*»» w- B. bl \ 'it', t> It* an, A.lauy, «^»r7^^2"^ Ploreuce, .lun.f.o, R nd1 eo*J, toaoa a. , r p, a. to ndC B Ja: *, W kf, VV ar. tarn 2 davt, **il» Bl BBBa* b Lr. J ü beim Butn, V ir/' .ia lay». »y*t*» Bn.-. .(.!.. rl I E.H. Parker. Paiker Virginia I*>7*»S*aaBl - r 0 II ta-iNato*. Van Nit'.', \'rt.-..a l.«*J"'^^Ji - Ert-r/ald (¦*.), Kn«r, Ar. bat U J*T». t-9*9 'V7. Trir. .r, L*f«rg», Vi-, tj jMm\mmm - . B>ack*tcno. Allot Pt-orldaar* ld*yt. '^am Koi ikoe. Hood, Pn lad«ipul* ft +mr ttdie. an* n.a t. I Perkloa , ,u m\ an, Aldrb-a^Prn*:«da*, oiawo BEI Bi D' bl of Phi'ad dt * ^it\mm. Trnaau in* lot pni, and acan m U l^^\Zjtm*i W 150- 0 irii i ia* day fron N. ti. W. to B. .».* By Trlef rap*). aa> CHARLEBTON. Apr. '6 -The L" f^J^/dB* illie Cart V r:*T, frorai K«w 1 rk, *rrl»*d a»*r ^ i **( mat n.tralng. MMJI HOUR April ITth, S., aet.-OrwIarS-t"j g| S A a#d A . '¦¦ '""Th u BM kC . ir*. t 1 .-» bria. u. the Ba*aw light fr u ¦« Weatbt la tat *.! UIOHLAN08 Apr" |7tb B "' Vr* *»w. ^gyt b i T-wei* lu ilfAt In tn***«l> n - VA-».|err!*«r. Op Nb Vv P'.rfT, A»r .> Ii, pr. «*r itrtl br P ltd, I i r I!, t. a- » .ji, ..... i;. i , B*«y Brown, a- b< for*. AU ft* bui'ood mtUiloi* **»'d I "tn ta* *",??T.B*pwW ... Ta...ta>l***«-^l -4i ,.i Basalraat- p.e built** tt*y new Ii«, :u t ftlkr.l wa:- r, br; th- * T[V) BUIiaDEKS, Ar.-i ur SALJJ. JjjS I TA1NB, * t cf Bl. lLllINO M»TBJM*»* 9MJ§P Ir* tt - «r undt Ute'y ce.eupkt* *7 riV ..o*ad«ltUr Aatlia^jtejjaya .-^tt K- ~VOVlNQ~fiiJiTll8.-IL PKISCB, Lko colobraod ak2>W.O^£19| - Fcr - FLAT" and " PfTI tl *^'V*»B* Bor *an * -a atd-.M " »¦ *^*tn^.-OV^^g*** 4 MEBICAS BRIS1 Li s Ibr ^^Sgrr* A l>L MEINIL4MvlLVAlNB, It* BTW*r-

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Post on 31-Mar-2018




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¦J48 neun* and -.»^ bap-vonr, of »sie» 8S8 were

ta*>*e of ebiMren. Dsava* the preYiot* year ber ef bapt'tix*» w*» I <.>.>, showing «.ha* Ivt yearvuri' vf tjr'nul p>o«ieriy ie th* chtueasee. Tne

©kV»t ft*** kef i-nitcted with the Ceafereaea is R t.

Tboaiai Nee!!, who aaUied Ike rnieistry io IM*.

LA W INTELLIGENCE.9 B. CIRCt'lT COU1T-April lfc-Befcr* Jadf* L

CCoTkict i. \ of the TAKirr. hdia M SWB

Ot tta rtfXU I IIIII to THE . amp. DITT.

MiO.ulJ B ker»gt fi**rnan 1. R*dfield, Col.* .'..'ir.fce.

This r ite wm referred *x> oa Saturday. There was

¦¦enorinthe report i» regard to the finding of the

Jary. Tbey foond for the plaintiff on t.e gut'a

ywrehe, and |. r the deftndett on the brandy, thm de-

etdiig tbs appraiiecneiit of tbe brandy to he regular,aed that gutta j^r, ca and India rut fur are liable to

the tame viaw of tbe importance of tee >;ie*tiona rained in

ike ease, we give the Jridge's charge in full, an foliowi:

QftfftjIMEli 'i fall d .t Tue plaintiff or plain¬tiff* in this eat* »oin*- ti 7.« at*'' paid a rftail BaWMefat*aioney for Junes opon an importation of bready,and also for du'ie» upon an importation of a q lai :. /ef gntta pert ne. A srreetQT TaJnataai wee put upontee brandy et tbe Cus'om-(louse than was confain-din tbe aTtoice, and tbe duties east need upon that iu-

eieaaeo a aiua'i n <d the brandy, were pail by tbe.taint ffs. Tbe elairo apon tbe part of tue plaintiffs is

that tba*. ior-reaeed rsJaetiOB btM Ml BUde Btt >r iiogft kw iknt srr s**a**j faetltwd by aWCsateeast from them was

uilawfai. »vi teat teej bsve a right Is ifearar It BaskTb. t o . '«r ie*j*fdS u.e gutta perchala ibat It wu

try law il»f>> BS a ti ity of ..oy |OB pert«n'., tbet tne C '-'.. r

lMpt.Mll of vD It » duty cf t «reut» p- r IMM1, »üd tb« obj«v:t la to

.soever b*< k fiom tbe C üb*' or thai BodttioDal duty often

pel mt wB A »ael . - y *ia>:>d.1 will fir** turn yr ur ttlon I* IB* «,u«*tioa ertiii.g

lb* du.i-a v»kj leaa tbe Bread*, Wkawa an a?prai»- .. ItBaae* aaeaaa aasr*e**d *ataatl t fraai taetp* la the ectee,in* law provide* tb**. the appraiser v,ew tbe pr- party- a d

tbeivpt'tar baa a rigBtto uratistnpeait, andtr hedoc* 1 tad

apon It. an* tb* appraieei ruaea tbe duty wit&ou'. ftatfl I IB*

psspstty, tat p..*.r Baaa right to '-oinplaln. And if b* payttbe e ty upon ti.* tested va ,.*!op, ai.d mat if.. >

Be i an roeovet It be k. Tula provision cf law it made for the

Iwaeit of lb* tuiputer. tL a> far at it it of iaaefl* to ataa. Betan wsi»* it, and if b* doe* walv-it, aeeaj *otaftsrwardsaylbst tb* SIi.i.u.euta of law hate not been BS| I' dwi b luIbis reap** t, so .'ar aa tb* brandy It ***s*eft)ed, tbeae rat] "

BBaataoilaw »eie Bat Bsatpaad with. Tatt* wet aa lanttatad»'.lo-, »' d r-. Ouoea on the ir -r*ts*1 \al .»* ; tola*Baaoaal of *>U3 66 were culejt.d. Hut tbe Bp irtei eaunot be

p*'-ed to aiy tbi: th* j r. petty was b'.: ....»..dbj t .. ap-

Bai<*r, cnl-ts be baa ni** a protest to tha: .C- t

* la cot tit *d to iilt protest It taet* ba< b*> n au Uit *al. \ i .-

ttoa. sliil tbe iopoiter annot conplain about It uofett be file at

tb* tu,* of tbe i a'i t, or Ivfors the payment, tbe pr let

BBaha*I* psaMiaÖ* by law, which prot*»- if s its"

wrltlot, ae.t't t f< rtb oiatluit. y Bad ap*<;iti aii» Ik* »..

BBaw tem ta tbe paycieut i f to* d jIi.i. And tbetabkb I pu. sat i' 'b s proteit u tl.'a »»e la u .>. -hat t at >p»r*is*rdid uot view tb* brandy, but lli* a|<«:ICc objet tion ia that b* didras t i iLbtr tasu<li e esid brsuo) in the caaka nm isuipleaaast in tit. Ai.d it or I-t ask in t*u wts exaijilaed byatirp-a,WJ* W b.f. r* trot sppraleen en* wm aiaoU 1. waaexainin U jBampiea tf or.* s' lavasl lu ten m tali porti< ular Be** If mat t k

pise. tb*u tbe BBMOTBBI r ba- t ti e a

wald. Be tb**. If job »bouid b* cf tbe opioi in

lbs*, laates IBhl appra t*ruei was made, thit brand?wts txsrotusd k] aeaapsMi st least t tie BBttpVl In ten

fm k»»»». th* p'a'uutft i eaJd tot raoo*/** ba k tbit amount of

But;. *veo ti'ioAb It ro«y ba\* beeu i'leitliy *x*r> 1. Tb* law

pa*eerta** taal ta*uwport.r »hoalf s*. f^rib ia his pr .teat to*

laBBaw* wkjat al *. nib* pi imelei* nf Ik* »**rtlt«i. *allb* ressoL. In IBs* |r .. »t if* Iba B* did Bat 'tamo .'byMsuple one tso.ple In s** tb* ,a-taft, and if Ut*Bpp*al**(did to .«sunt* it, tb. d ta»a aar* Be aa raeatary aaca! pa .1 eVb'tfc.r tiie spprai-er has at BBS b"t, d«e*ae*wpon the ita'ir:. i.y of lb* wltoa**el from the Cuttooi if Nwbo liav- baaa . wmU »a b.f re jou.Tb* other ittnisare |at BBar*D**Bmi .! ..t pa..I on the im

portatloD of f utatmrib* bjlk**t BS*a*B la*aa**t* . V

¦e.d i ot ta Ms ¦. «aast*** a-i I Hi* protett aa far a* H n

tpetu to* tuf.a p.r ka IftbaOoll*) w had norbjkt lolaapoa*a great*, iat] laaB IB per ***?. aad a* be did fa**ao*e IB per o*plupt>u it, In tub a cste at tbst Ihr p a.utiHt would base a it til te

t*e*v.-r thit it p»r on a*, k aud tbrqueail >o r-ao.\.'t itselfhuoti.n: W 1st .its ..f .iutj *>ss tiiia gj'ta p*r> iia iijv).aVbeatb* TariilUvi of Ititb was pss»rd. Congress euu.n»rat-doil tb* pns'ipsi ardfessB apea wMek data** araia la Be paid.tbst ia, of > o ar:, let as were koown to t'jeoi. lodis rubBer and lit uses were kaoWB to them at trial Unit an 1tborcforc they m poted up ,u It a tlütj of t-u per BBBl Ursperot* an tta BfB* *T»r< n t ku> » i, lo Item al tba' tlin.-; .¦-

ta.e tb« y could p lo tpe iti duty upon it. Bat it bad b<-u

provide* lu IB* .lain u. n enu.-n-ratedattVekt were lutr< J latd into the BBtlBlfy, rbey thou'd Pat a duty.ecorSiLi to » i n* * bit n was laid dvwa ba that Act oj C iratsat ism 0**tta asrakawa* a*l ltd laaed ka bit aeeatr* aastliat7, »jd tie 1.1« is tbtt son ei umerated artn lei whi -b ara

.etslu.iar in soy r.tpect to any ruamerst d s.'.i, t, pay a

duty, aaordlig to tb* Art cf C .ng.-eas of iH43. of Iwafl*ta per cent. But an jidlof lo ihn pr. tUon of tbeBet of Tangreat of 1S4V, It la provil.d that thei*aboil b* l*vn d and ool.ei t*d and paiu on rich andat*iy soD-eLiioit rit*d arth l* wblch beart a ainllltude,.Sober In mali tiai, ij rablj Of lent ,re, or th* us* to whu k It maya* applied, loaaj*1 i*BBf '. 1 am let rbsrgable with *uty, th*

aani* rat* (d Sal] wbl h is levied and oliaige l on tb* enumeratedBlUcl* «Ln b u i.,'a: teaeiiibie* In any of tb, pai.'.ara si it*

aaeitioDed. And tb* qa**tlon it, whether Iheta It wl'.bia th*

meaniiif of tbit law a similitude between India rubber and gu'taSba, elobei lu o,.ialllv, loateiial, ie.\ture or til* utet to v.hl b

tie applied and if th. re It within the m, anlnr of tbit law

am,im da, ib-u it loUowt tbst gutta pen iia uas subjectout*/to . *nt* of ten p*r t. The plauititta. Allll tbst tOOf* Ittbi* aimilit..J*, Beleih i lb. ...* to wi.uh it i> app k d. but

plso in tb* m*r»il*l itself. Hotb India rubber aud guit* psr. lu

coo * from tb* gum ot tup ol trert- tb*» both ar* luipoitid fr j a

SorrigD coontiWt. and »b*u tok snired tbey are b th applied to

seveisi ¦itiileor u*af, tbey ar* made into osls and oUirr attli 1**.After tlo y aie latdtB*! by tlir vui ai l/ tg ptl *sa, tbey are

¦cafe Into tubs, ran**, pen. II. SB**, kulv. i aud lorka, pf. ta

liamet, an* e\erythlDf of thit kind to which s hudrned »ib

.tauet is adapted. Thit law of OilBIT*** dill BOf IB)-n.pAtethat lb* aon ei.uroerateii aril-.let should, ia every panBoar a SBtai ktada to an tun,, rste4 a:tl. I*. The isw It, tbsttbet* ihall be lealet, Soli*. t*d. sud paid on ea h and eveiv

onuiaerated s'tl. U- arM h beart a iimllitud*, *itb*t in material,aaaaty, *r t*j n* *s . i.. *.ht- n i- n.*y i.. *pp d. t. »¦ v

tii n..rated ail, le . ba'feabi* with duty the aarm latsof d i'\

whi. b I* levi. il and rbAi|i* i on tb* enumerated Art, ¦ which It.Boat, rraewkha io auy of tbo parti, ultia above n.iutloued.And wt ei. that* Ii tut Ii a alaal itada, th* aanie dutiea a/e aa-

a****d on re i. u »tat*I ait* kraaseia kfaeat* I eaaa aanmerBBrdatH*t wktebtasr} ii>.»: leieo'oe Ti.ei* ii n.. evideuoolu Una i tie lust th'r* is anv siuiihiad* between guttaptrrba In IB* ..i* to wbi.h It it applied, and auy enumer¬

ated BSttela ex .pt, India bber. V.'U ar*. '.lierefore, lodel*, avue whetaet tl.ia gxitl* pereha ha. a BllbaWail 1*«:* sillier in its austotla), auaUty, It Itur* or i*w

aa* to athli b It m*] b* d. to l. dta rulibi r, and if It haa,It Will olloo lhal it was tnbleet on y to s u.ity of lo p-r . .tit.Bud BM ¦ tall t' al tui i* a at an aa. t ta of II ;.. r BBBl It

esdjrsd By lac Coll* tor, Wblrb h* was sot autbeirUs4l «...

o*e a**a bah Iroaal* > artstva* wlifa laa aaaoutt I will n.-

r*lru«t you to is.l yo,.i a'.t*i, i.u. t. IWOquettlona. Kirat, whetherOl li»l lb* BBftTBt ... i I I.a atVBB Vou. Baa Bad BM la* plain-tia»ootl.<- Usapoilotiuo of the ktaB*y, ot foi tbe det-njsnt, audIB. you ar* to determine whether no., I.nd for th* pUlatttf,at d*leLdai,i on tue .Uli aisdo Btl u., et .no! duty paid 03'.* I a. IfjoaBi It* to* patAatifa ow etthor oftaa*atwo 'laiiut the smouuu .an be a».'«ftauj*d by a rofarono*, kc

Bl'I'KI Ml: COl FT-liuvi rK»-AratL 1\-B*f.<r* J.idgaIscbamim Dri itiaaa.

.Ismeii (Vrbett a^t. l»or«,:i I.. Mil! and aL>.CeattellleA

Before J* Si aoxu

tJmroe a«t. Joeaph t'. r'isher..I'pon thewbol* sride*os, 1 au k ib* allowano* made by la* re i... Jatt,.ad lo ii. y »| .... b boo* ihl a ... bs tie 'a. U taken. Btt -

BBfaaras.».iiuMd,aadaMttaat* -'Lbr.urepor. ,

* CttU.

tXHTRT CALENDAR.Tail DatVBITBB Siatis DlSTBK i Col nr..JnrytnaN.»trarrar Coi kt.Cik. i it..Part I d»*er and

T"**.1:.*.'- tM Moo bm, last, ist!

r!soa' aaS1 'aft ,S-"' l*% ttdai, St».

HHltv' ^ ' im> lW' Ui'' '**7' u,!-

IvntMl Coi KT-8rKcuL Tbrm,.bTob. IIS, 303tri Hi» lie, sii, tu to Si». 12,114. bt. 111. its, m un i7i

Ki 11 Kioii Coi ki .--No». in, 11, -;.| p., 04,nx s**t nsi, aea, a»7, aoo, em. *, twa. it, as*, bus.

Coi Rr oi t'.'AiMoa. Vi Ets-Paitl. No* *

BIS, **A ISW, fbS, tU, t'.J «TS, STd. ITS, ST3, Sat IRQ foi'ran 11»*, as., f«i. its, si*. »*. 9*, sä,. ^.tl> w; M:

M IKKlf D,DE JA! Of- \ ARlCK- thi Baturdsy, Aprdlfi bv tb* R*v Dr

Mul'.leuk r,t,, It ail, i Pe Jsu.ui, e»o to 11an it It* I. \ an. k.

JACOKI S-lu Br.m.k!yn. Long lalard, on T:ieaiaT,April U. by Jokn Quit 1 y ACaai, M.uliter i t th* lK'i|*l. P*.lei N J* 1 ... kl II 11 CtVklwalt, ,N. J to Mut O l a 1;U-Huaof t bi adelpkla.

fKHK- K. BI.r1h Ou Ba'urday, Apil! td. tvtbeRe. BfrH.a. 1. Mr f'u ¦ to ataa Amsnds M. Rok*.-u. bo'Jiof Uli v

TKLI. KAMI'**.VOM PIIOTH-On W»due»rlav Ar-I IB. BBrft* Rex a H. at He .1. Or lied. Toex! ir a I. .an

to Mitt MArie O \ -n tu -), tv-tl ,¦' f . uy

llll II.ALPORD-Ou Sstuiday. April ML at *.>.* residet^e ifktBfltal

lather, B H Paaiu'*, Rkhaid Lodwn k Aiford, at 0 of vV. Ca u .1. t»a aied .. x »«ja, 4 m?at. . »ua 1 daya

Duo noli. * will be glv»o of the f..o*ral..A.XTKK-41 N,< 4) W ist Hi t. 'uUi sUeet. ou Bs... Jty morn

irg Apnl U Mut J auut leaajt.BLOoat .At N.. B tt-vord ttr-ef, on Friday / \

IA aft**¦ thoit lOneaa, Morn* K. liioou.. Is tb* 41 La year ofhia sg*.

BLOMIAM- In Brooklyr. it Sa:..rfay, A; Mra J*:eBkiabaru, wife of BJchard Btexbaoa.

BRKTrilAl PT-ln Brookly: on Prldar, April 15. of maias-

uius, C. t Brttthaupt, rsq., la in* t?:a year of nit ago.BRUIN N v: N S K -. ... ta MBaj ,\ -1 .5 0feooaompUou, Orlacd* M. B.owo, rid*et son of C-Browu, aged 31 yeart and IS cay a.

BI EL. la Brooklyr. » D.,*fl PiiaVaj ev*eir.|. A; rfl Is, Ake*r0». Duel, ag*4 S7 y*. >

CLARK.1.1 Bro, kit Mr, Bdwasd Clark, brat* n.oo!d*r, t*-d41 years, a naliv. of Dublin, lr>.*uc*, dtps/tad tnw lb¦ I

day, April !!¦. aftsi a auoit 1......

ttJKNEI.L-lu this city'en Baliirdty, Ai id 16, tf conrrump:..*,MM *l I I a»eda< y*art.

ARAt.tlS-la Hoboheu, or. Kiiday niomlxf. Apttl 1 BtloVlck of eanaumpUtc. La-r». öa-|.*-.Ui vf J.uu 11,..-yOtggt 0/ London, Ei.glsuuA

II N1H E-Ia thU city, on Priday af>*mooB, Ap-il |A ||r.fiaecu f. Cavil!* of *.L* Lin ol lufollaby. Hoisted k Cunitl*.

DARKE.In Iti* city*, oo Botur«ay *v»olr«, April 16 i- Mo't.a. k, alter a shot I acd sever* i.i.i***. f|r, »,

of th* lata Bichard Dark*, la the t"7th year u( Bat ag*.TABLl.N. -Io this city, on W«dB*od*y, April u, .'Ui *

'tf lllns»», Cattsrk., rsli. t of S*tb Dsrtlng '. Bnaist wu,

U r.g la ai i, ia th* Coin year cf hol ag«.I I US-lb ihl* city, on aaturday, ipril U, EdoariC Bjajga

>,. . j rar* and 4 month*.Pr It, lirooklyu. BB Brtday. AfA l.S, Ta.-iravas r*aWy,ag.C VyerrrsB km+<\ tf ,'*..'*, Cxoi j l.LtaVfd.aWl

0 LI M.A*»D I» fJi Mtf, 'ü IprU i# Atanaa

Olfli and, eBr» M*l Oarrett a-a :t< et- Co. at«U <;-» u»-.

Ur ! .1 »in 2 rontb« ao* J c«?tJAh^:f-At MIMri>, BMaiday, Al - I Aa IJa-tu n. th- 45 h vearof bit e*n.

Tue 'nuerel eerT oe »i.! i«»' p'a - ob M'tday Aprt. It from

bit la'e realdeiire. In Mli »oro A vain will leave tba M' a

aid Eim-x Railoed D-r<-, ' 11 rf Cewnaalatt rti»*! at Jt d rrtuM | ei 1:4* b n> il .i >. i ii vgl helekiB-ota» tjjreae iilJa t>io't»rT f< r bnamMBii

LEE. Ii. tha ajt*/, oa Ba-orday ov mi ^ t rrrll 1 V\ aattsfUsLee, aoc of ib» ia:e W'll tarn !>. In Ua Jo-.h Tear of tut ar*.

LIMNKK.A: No. 175 Waat Tbir!) cloth ktraet. to Friday.Ap'il tS. Edaard, »on tf Ml beel a:.d Jvba&r.-« Liu.cer.

M.ehide-in tbia city, on Saturday, Apill 16, Raa«, .be bed wife of Pain- k McBrl'e

M KtüN-lo Br^kljB, on Frida», Ar-il ;s Margere-A ayuMa.oi j dauth*er cf damei and El'.ik-th M-K'tD aa»d 1 yaMar c " Diou'ba.

OI.9KRHi;AW_.A: Mi ob. Ol, r.n Tt i-idiy, Man-ii MrJ. be H. Orf'rrtukw, feataaetfj of kbit Htj.

OHRIEN-Id IBM r. j, n: latMaTaVH mirnici, Afr.l II f. Il I .'!«", A. e O B -ara.

ROSENCRA NT/ At Bahibai Benei O- unty, N J on

W. dn-eoey mon r, Aynl 1 J, eft-r a (».:., C ri',.«

Puffern, reli-t of um .»!.. Dr E ijab Rr arte.rex:* in :h» *5tbj^ar M t< . »fe.

V\ ARD. In bMH ItT, OB Bttnrday. April kl Mar», tili L- d

Blfb afM1fb«il **rt ~f '.¦ i.e.»Ld-

COMMERCIALMATTERS,Nalraat tBe «i«-rk Kirbaagr-Armr. 16.

|BBJ ['. ». Sa, 1&74.IBB] t"> N-» Vork On. RR ... Wlim«, de.aay.KI VO do. 774

IBM do.beo.liti II« do.T7SianN. tar. State 6a....l'»' 'ao...7»;,'o ii Miau i.ri Sure <¦¦*. *'.¦' "<» *..

<' ( al. Stab.' 7a. Bdi.. »5M r rb II. 2. Mt Bd§ M

',,<**> Mi Ceo.lVKf latMt BB. K C> Bda..

IM) dn. *61in 4< .ty»r50 do.BIO 7tiIM Utrlem RR<i 4 i

1" Mi So. Sk.Fd.Bda.. "hl.t'i i,. 4I n«i d>. W liV» d>.b>> 4

L paa R H Bda.. *''.\U2 do . 4!}J.iuo do. BMläl* do.4tla.iin luC 4. Mil L.Ut.Bi 17' 30C1't,t.i and Ca. RR 9-

2/00 Chic St IV B K. "| N M: ab. C -Lt. RR.§1* 5daii Lac tat Mt.B««.. IM

¦>""<! ir.. At Paul h F.du Lata \A Ot. ad« N

.S'fO ti Jer N M' Bo...l'>C Ii it,' R.i Bi ..>.

Ii in. k al a-Totb.... 11

IM l'audi rUi.r.a '. .

ia do.IMIii MatTbaata1 Bank.III

M.r m 'a Kx. Bank.. Hi. . Back. '<5

42 * I. Bai k....l« <«,;i> Crrnmoi weal ti BaaA.. M

1-7 Del and Hud Cau. Co. Sti5< Penn. Coal Co. IMi" Padua Mail P.a.«10 do.I«il|\Vi do.bau 17)lso du.rraim do..alO 87lif» Rekdttf Bsilirnd...«!" "> \

dt,.blO 5tJ50 do. Altton do.«10 5iJMB do. 51 iM Mi i, S.. ). s RB, 1.

- N 1,0 -ar Btb i"» C( 1:a RR. BM

50do.trill Ct'5n* 6S|

fiel Oalrck k Cnlttao RR,. Hü300 a~>.67<iöo do.bat 6t10 do.W» 6850 67|If" Cltv. k Toledo RR..... 2*;Ml do. 26iinn io. afiö M

15 Cht i. Ro. k M RR.. ¦¦>::do.58

M do. 57JIM do. b$0 .57!im» do.1 W 57'

500 d'.l30 VII V> do.IM440 do.. It . 1"0 i'J.bo0 54

HOO do.«15 5t'|Jlatiaaa bo«ad.

' M Calllorti» Bt Ta, B2/'if luülai.a SUt» '<«. 89b",H" IlliBH» Intereat. *M, '*it,|IN) blieh. Cu R 8 f

lit M. R. f. Coi. Bi. Nir Co,u Baateata B»....n>'.Vi !.. Bi Mm; 8 8. Co... £7|

100 do. 17;IM llailun R R. frel.cyi 4.'|rn do. 4!''. I N. V. Central Aetlrokd. Tt;im do.1.60 70MB do. aid 7. .'BM 7t.-Vim do. f61PO do.a30 7i.NB do.a» >.II« de.r>30 7f;400 do. Ml

l"o H .di m. Ut. ft ft.bM50 da. 3<{IBM Hai ai BaQl .al ...a- "

hi Ren.i-iJf Baflrowi.. .-'»'I i),N » ankaa i. Min. R.. 7

i«i Ml. b. ( rutrtl R ...y> 5SSO Mii b SAN I:.d. R .. 13;M Mi a I V N. I.U 8.1/1 BM60 do.J*i50 do.3<»'IM Fai a'iia Batlroa-'.. ..«.«. IS il«n Cleve fc Toledo ft.BMdo.2 A

i-¦¦ frbloaa« v R. taVnad k. 57iilH) do.b3) 57jaso do.»;o :.7|.".0 do.5'ii50 do.B*t 57115 Del. A Hi.d. CLCa B

BAU BDAT, llarr-h 10.r. m.

TLe fair pro" i«« of the ÜUik Mark- t on Fridayaftert.oon waf n< t Ik rr.e, out in tte operation* of to day,ai d ti.e tide of rpecuUtion seem* to have turned a^a n

vtry niddenly. The fen'nre of the day was the rathei

uneipected l.reak down in New Vork C entral, whinh,frtni 771 yettenlay Mtenooa, vu bbM down to 76j, a

fata] no of 1 j 4?* cent. Thie waa mainly OrMaMOMa! bythe appearance upon tbe market of aever&l lar^a letlcf tto< k, evidently ( oniinjr from source* of lupply out-

aide of th* tpoculative ring, a movemeat which ee-

riooa'y interfered with tbedteigneof the bull operat¬ors, who wt re try irg, with i- me projpecte of aoccoie,to make a e arcity of etoi k. Tbe reenlt of this declinwat a rMnpatbe'ic movement in tbe itxt dirtx-t^pn in

a majority of the leading etoike, and themarke', from a position of apparent strength,changed to heavint-re and compara'ive weak-

BBBBi Thin reiapre in the market, though un-

exptcted, < or l'rma tbe acctnacy of our previous ex-

planatione of the advan e in lia lnay eharw>, and i'lur-tiatee practically the instability of nu improveuentwhich ha* nothing but tbe oversale* of the bears to

sustain it. The argument* put tortb with a great dealot earrcttnets and planfi.biiity in favor of arise in

Hal uay f-tooke, on the promise of a gajaj crop, mayhave aome force when this promise ie near it; fulfill- jBMBS| but ie rather too d start and uncertain to bediiviunud Jaal yet. Pubic ooitiiecc* in ralwayetocks ie not atrong cnougb to admit of lunch spec iU-tive inovrmcct npon mere proipecte, whic 1 may he

destrwyed a few weeka bo'o.u harvef t time. Winterwheat ie haivttted in July bnttbegr ..' cereal cropntt until Autumn, and tbi« ia scarcely la tba groundjet Tiiua far adTitting eXtMaawavt pronie', there ie

Bti*1 l ieht aaeai aitty, and it reimirea un-re faithin lU.lwaya than is now displayed, to inline pir-1 han-e, which, in crder 10 reach dsceive pobaM, must" tun tbe gauntltt nl NBal to six minths burmesi de-

pre sei' n and Cecreaee in t-MYic. In the e. < BBtl :.-'.y ot

r{ icu ation on a cheap ui i surfeited BXBMf BMbtkat,ail k a thirg may take phie. people may get over

thrir pitjudicee and rush nto liailway sto.'ks t>n tbeBM te chances of spetoiatu n, a heal way be ng fl a) e«-

tabhehed and well tup; jilt.1; but it is net naturallyto be anticipated. Tbe bu in-sir Xew-Y >rk t'n'ralBl the firet H^ard, v. a-to 'he extent af 5,SS7 sl.a-es,ai d at the se t oiid, 'i .main g au aggregate of ovjr7..-00 ebarts in reg rfered traneactione. The couipeti-tii n for bu.-ime.s t:o* ^oiBg Bl bet»recD fe N.rthernand Soulhcm routrs to t:e Waat, ha« a tand*ccy tounrett'i hi t.d't.'e la tha al ty ot t:.» BOaMl -a:

BMB to «atii diaideLtls at suth a reduced tar.fT,aid to tbia Maat bj afnbuted the feveri-hn,. * ennei.ts in Ntw -Vork Central, whichfrom its great bociueee rescurc** and u:u »erraptedJ.viJende, haa hitherto occupied a commanding fmm-tun attiorg our railway investment*, llarlam I're-ftireu dec! ned to II|, but aa* rieaiy a' the qaatajaaMIdunrg the day. Tue si^tature cf tl e C vrrn r to theiuipoitatt Bill jaal pa-ted in favor of t!ie Cvuipauy isat length'* ann^ntced. K.-a>l:r < is on* of thetimiert Kvxke of tbe tiny, and aivanced to .. |, in

regieUted tianeat Lione, but «a* finally d ma a'ter PaaBawl ala.l opened at H, butsdd down la -y . tut» call, a^d cloied in th* after¬noon at >'i Tteic is io fie»h g)*e p in the etrett in

iagM4alB the Caaapany atd Commodore Vao iero.'.t.but eo far as a; r«arar.t.ei indicate the Let thebreach between the parttea baa net beaa dimin¬ished in width, Bjai tie tro.-pe;te of a sharpCOaoyetHkal e««na as likely aa her-tofcr*. IntL* W'e.-t<rn abarti I .-. -ttj weie tot very

J a«t-ve, erd tnia part af tha lut waa about as w«HI maiLUiut aaaay. Oalaaaaa«i Baoa: UbBwIimm aa>

.1 eJ a I i tior bnt weie t^enbly #t«ady at the clo*e.To.tdo «k entd at %\ j. BM mm '.med to M j a-, ti.e SsconiItoAii1. M k |BB C* tral told at I ca It Ukf*.t -t.s tut was rathir i.tavy at the BbBMaf taaaalard I ti e afUtt BBB was done M 9 bi-0. Tee supply

i!..l io 1. fa t few Jays was

baa l rc<>ir* more free, aid th* *bo"s h»ve mad*t: tu del acrit* with lew* ddli.ulfy. M.cb g*n South¬ern guaranteed t\\i a' tfl in tie mancin/, butwaa heavy and at tbe S 088*1 Bmwi Banatawa to

3!>{. The cs>mo.on tto k was a'so a fraction lover.11c rnest imp. rt«! t operatioi I I: t.e day w»re

in Uaatad Statt? id if l>~', whi.a 6«-!i to tue hmount

od $18i',t (0 at lOJj fi r caae, anl oa time many of theoi«»n t*k-i. for liaiJviiai purposes, il ^ e | ock* thei ra tj:» air--uvdera'e, tut prices were steady. At

iWaeaaaaalBcaaya]$ -.< 'of miaaai ht-rttt B.n.i.-ofIStfl roll at '.ti ex a we Lear if largu jr.\a.:* aalee at

the same pine. In Kvl*ay Baftid t ie iij-ir.e«» waa

limited, hut pi ce* wtte ganeraby «Uady. lucre is

ratbir nro'c irquiry for »ju.« of th* loa-pnce.l Jai.wp-tion*. La Croeae Laad Graat« were in deuacd at I7Jand Kind c .1 s ju\i, .. 1 A't-r tiie S.c na

Il.iard f rices underwei! c matt r\s\ !:ac^e, bu* ia toe

last tranraction* the uiarket ttt if m\jlm Bg a t:-aie

fiimer Theilceirg pncei were: |kjj (Ji vtrtm-11 ..

l(M««lolj; Teaaeeeee ti*. «.'3i u Wj; Miseoun ti*. ftf^*^li V^ia^taJjWgSft^ CwtSa. I'vBafa*;, atj

.Iffl N*w York Central Ka.lroad, :-.<.". .. Erie

Rait'oasl, H*\2\ Bar lern Railroad, 1JI013, Har-

l*iio Pre'erred, 4I| illi; Hikjkm R ver Rkiroai, jrtj?t3T3jt Keadag lCa-iroad, Mail.. M.ctug*a Cecu-aJRail.** S2J u... j. M>c> gaa SoctL*rn and X irthernlidiaia Railroad, IS|«lUj| Micnig** Boa'-ftem andXortbara Imiiara Preferred, ,T j<r:r. Putm* Rail¬road, I21|*lf2j lEiaote Central Railroad. *\ ail'.'.

(,\tri and Cbicagi Railroad, |ev'taad andToledo Rail'rad U < n -a^o and Rock WandRaiir-ed. 57, Ba*J; Illinois Central 7«, 7... at) «19]Par.ift Mai. ft* «xcihip Company, B?Ja)B7]There Ml tot a large b :«ireee done for tbe

steamer to-day in for. gn b'ü- ar v*s art-firmer.Bterrl Bgill |1 lit) France Ö.1Ö«-'. 114.Fie-gLie are wall and mwm* To Liverpool, 1,100

lairs Cotton at .V.L'd.; f u boxes Baoim at 19. B**|tuts Whalefoots on privat* term*. To London, 901bbl*. Pork at-J*. M.: 11 000 Canada Rotts and 11,000Hbd. Sieves on private term*; iMMk OJ Cake on

private terma To Rjtt»rJ*m, p*r Eayle line, 509bt ie. Rosin at -'. H IS tans Hi asdrexent, (io<-ls at

tm, t-d. A brig from Notfall to D merara. Witti Hhd.etavee at |1,1M, A bark witL S-aves to Cadiz at

JBS.The b'.-; "»» of tbe Sab-T^aarin- w»- I! .«

tu«?.* I7j for CaMtnaaa, 191,900; payments, 9325,-M B9j balance, 97,979,921 .", Iretvury Xotea re-

\-d t -rCn.-t'.us thai ptft week *.".., H'.i o7. Tbebaltic-:n tbe Sub-Trea>:iry * Sa-.: bj aar v

499, cois*qo>ntly the ttreet ha* gained dortig thewetk aboot $125,000 frcm ?b"> scirc«. Tie payment*of Tieatury Xot* = for duties conti itie to be ft ryto. all.We annex a comparative °!a ment of the Im¬

porte of Foreign Dry GooCs and General M TcLan-fite lot the «etk and ahaO* Jan. liF.r tUvvk. IV». IviV. 1*s.!*l.p-T .;. 91,022 >.<* »>»r M b' .". -u

6VL*rai Mercbandi«e. 2,lf.7,*r2 1.812.4S4 lV»t,tfl

fetalforth* wa*b.... a:t.2»9,»!'2 »J,iir0>S 93.(4*,***FietioLt.y report**... **,aat>,«e3 3I,47",318 tV>*it*14

Slice Jan 1.8>8»,I7«.094 873,«»,'S»,589'1 baea 9f8T*t an wed worthy the a'tenti.m of our bank

a.ana^er«, ajajd with little but cotton and go d 1-ft to ex¬

pert in payment for these enormous imports, is tber*n I in the of the financial horizon a l.ttle blackcloi.d wbieh 11 r'ecde dsng-r, ar:d wt..<rt our bvika,tu b all kite* flying, are bad'y prepared to meet '

The follow aaj is a comparative »tat<»merit of Kxports(cx<! aatra (f specie; f'OnXew-Vork to foreign pot a totthe we. k a; sii re J in. 1:

|ViT. IS^s. IBS*.Total f<r v.eek.( ,>. »;.« .+.; a>.fr*wi.u*ij report* tt. iS,»4«,4i3 lapbalaaO 1»'

IJntis Tannasj 1 fnaiaa.'TTI gie.u.- ¦;¦> 9.- . i- .»

Sxtesn n lionatif export* 8gair.<t stity-eigot md-lions ot impoits and U. aY.nanwai.firj the tollowicgaxporl of ppax ii far tne»***(.:8ekr. MtV-beta. RloJa:ei-n. p. '.-. " . ">

Bill Ci : q .it, tiuf.d. Br Air '.. d._ i-m.;.i i»

Hark re, atari dbo, Br. Aa " 0. U » (aBark lira, I TI 1 B1 Abl 0 M . IIb.« I BJBri« M-r. y Flleii tiüdait llr^p-le. 4>> MBVtr. W 6 Kitcbie Ja.ioel, Am. Uo!d. 2.0C0 MIt hr I.IV Beat *fii£i)>!la *p k Am. Specie. ' " 4 IS<br Life li.iat. Af' adil'i. Uoob! era. I'iNBaaaaaer ferata, l/»ar« ,d «ar«. "Vtsv 41«t.»n.. r Perii». tin rp.« :, tinld Coin. li!Ruai.irr Ffui». L raip ol Mi x »1 \er. y3,au im

Bteaioer fer.ia Uvatveol, St. Ie.BtMtawrPa Ie, Oahrav, I'.S. O. id Cola. 4V88 t8St< »».er Nfw-Vcik, luvte, p. I O. MtXn. inn.nw 10

Hisani flsii fork, Lanlsst, aaVateaa Dwtaai*.... 18,188MaXaaaaae Maw-Tarb, Braaaaw, Oermau 8H»er. 2>*n no New Y'ik, Brraneii. L. 8. 0*M Coin.... 1,»7<> 51

Tctalfor 18"J..ll.oii.Klt 43

Thete show the lemi-rroLthly receipts of California(odd absorbed in a week.The f...:i.u z tulle w !'i .n.pare the export* of the

seven principal fctaple articles for the week:1S.5S. I S3».

Wrek er.dinn Apiil Anim.nt. t'slna. Itamilll Valna.CtMi, bale. I rfi.5 $ll".l:'l 5,478 .411^881Kleur, bbl. 23 3-1 11.5,f24 U,l7ll 79.7 .

Coin Meal, bbl«. S7I 3,27t' 1,181 BJNaaiirat, buib. i,Mi 8/vrm .... ....

forti, btub.* St 177 5 950 2TiJBeel. bbl«. and te. 2,343 6-\2f7 l,M5 BASS7folk, bbia. and n... 1- BJ ..« a j«

Total. . (51,-22 .... B572 727Inrrraeeof tbe week at compared with that of 5S .... :-f .' <!>

The folio*mg ia a comparat;ve eta*' Bkaaal of toe

value of export* from the commencemect f the yearto April 15:

IcWIk 1S.19 lnrrea»e. De<-reaa».Cott.-n..>.aa»,l8S B >. M .°l »l.<i.M,12t.a*liur.1,7«*,.'J8 n\Ht. II a, 996Cora Me*l. ff.llj !a.4i5 Sli,733.Wheat. 3.12.628 tMM.8M .

Csim.6»'.MI 65,'ai .Clio**Bee'. lh',1 14 '>3.a"2 72,7gSFolk. lat.Bil 411,757.Ljll

T< tal... 8' eloJ »' .'«- Ml $l,lr2C43 $I,7S»,«31Deer, ate a» i .nipared with 1E.5P. 695,681Tue Knlton Kailrorwl ha* declared a remi-acnaal

dividend of 8 v* cent. The alinnrsota Mining Com¬pany a dividend of 9.« I' ."bare, payable on tha »'1 of

May neat.Tn« Board of Directors cf the Pennsylvania b'ai!-

rrad ( oD'pat y have declared a dividend < t II t* centon the cap:tal ftock of tbe Compwy, clea- of S'.ateta.\ payable on and after the I .th of May next.The jadgment for about 92,099,999ahajBaaMalhjtha

Bl tu er of tbe Nicaragua Trars-.t Cunpany a^'ainttMr. \ atdtibLt by dt fault, has bbBB reopeLed by con¬

sent.The net receipts of the Pitt-burgh, Fort Wayne ar. 1

Chicago lioad ft r the second week ot April, was

929,998 19. Tue LYie Itoa.1 is tome 999,999 behindthus far in Apr.l in receipt«, but the earnirgs ai n

.how N large a tailing off. The Central 1 okh B| bet-tir, but low ru'es of fre^l t ard paseager traflis are

having tonriderable influence upjn the eamin ;s.There have been some going on betweenthe Bill at Central ii aiiager-, bu:tbey Lave arr.vedat ro raaalt Another atian pi w« BaWaiaad w ü b"made in: m. ek t. form an ai ianre, ofTer?iva anddrfen?ive, sgairtt tbe Pennsylvania Central and Bal¬timore and i tide Baa laThe receipts of the Morris Canal Company for the

week and Baaaa r., a; i irpsjed with correk»pondirvlart year are:

T. tal M Apr.l ^. BJ*J.#2.215 19W«, k < bdiai Aj.tU v, 1 :9. ; jj ij

Total.84,183 t:

Total to Ar-til S. 1151. *3?1 i|W<rb eadh-l aprll ie, 1358.. 2,26« 11

Trtat...Bl.Jtl ('«, 116*.ai .'Ssi 37

Tha ra pu tha Catawirca adC BpaayCocMari!'. I8M; C'M <S

Leu ii-^e -ouiie. ruadi.... »Sc »0

Net «aaiayasfaeMsaak,MN.B258I183N>: o »iju Ba Marco, Uii. 21.158 88

If reeer. f>i,f.t) 91*'«. H ..; .. Blotters .j: te La- i Warrant*a«

follows:l»ao kTABAaira

_ _ Baytnim » -e \a ai-»...t.A] ba" BibiB' mert Warrant*. e/v.pBatM a. rr V\ arranu. tOcitte!16" a e W arrania. f |.".

The Delwar* *cd II icton Caca' ( j. have abliihedtit ir prices for coal for tha preaert ft awe.TtkV. ftr /jWuwiw r^.. /r. «i rkf /irliiMr, JHi //«..'«»,

t a«4i. l .aieenv'* BBaeW, dW rered ea ktarii w ,t » 4:aanaaawaawvi <.St itr\,^oj ataaajaaajaa hi II ¦..


Miy k.J. aa J. it 1 : lew) bOci. 11 ir ran*; inaj.aav. bj 4555httanLbmp. 33* 8** 358 360"¦a <-. 3 *0 3 5rt a.,) 3 7e

*»«.3 5J J «» S 7.1 5 toBl« w. 3 k» 3 7J 3 at3Ha«**a*aa. taa s as .,15 s 11Tk« ansea iBataa «r* I r. kaa, i* bsa j' 1

Tte Fl ltd S ates T.n.-t Ci mpat; bl New Y.vk, as

awBawhai of the Kutkeibc«kcr S^vi: ;i Icsti'ut--p.aarcot it- in another Ci» n:. n 1.:'. tcl 'ua! r!ivi.'eadof l| #> caret to tha credifi r« of ea:lS*v r,'- Iaetitu-tii n, makiig the aggi»fcat« d.videntif B9J f aBBB, pay-akl* on tte iMh ir*t. aj X 7'.! C»dar street.T eia h avet« anal li**.; tie* of the Xew-Otl- ans

litt ke t l lha M af Airü were a* follows:L-en *i 1 a-.i.^n. Urf ittt

' . Batb. 8 7 8 -r '4 *4 ait' (5 8-H.5ii !*TCanal Baai. Iall.n3 l,ia"..ti UD 647 1 IHMA

.a*«. Ji72 7 j 1MSBM '.*.;e-4 5k«i3 1UuiUUMilr 4,8'2.e^ AliA »3 3 iM ?y» a UVJtMe.. A Treat re 1^*4 C 7 5lt,W7 '426,115 1,6*7 878r a ..I N V.. It^SHil 51 *t» III Ml !,*»». S|P. i.tavra Bank. 525TJ 18*8*8 iMi'.i 48181aInj-a B«ab.... 1,3.1 IH 5%a:*4 (27.178 1 8*8 «91Merebaata' Bab 7»a :«A M i I s | BO ni.'MCrearratCky.. 1,818,881 JTMi'S «««¦, ¦» 4»i.3MBkciAa-.i. a. 1 >t\2.i .43 .it a8» i «

Tola.'.9M.awa.tal\aai BatBTjlbl 8. tit 1.3

Tie louvw.i g tabie« tfi* uspect.v* BBBBaBBa

*>'¦** *f,mL£* head ly ta« verou* banks, end also thetun.» doe to distant bank*, th* la/r-r being comprisedio the tab'e c: der<*-ti, es shown abive:

Et D * Bants.c-.-ctf 1.1.1. ..' »...*¦Ciul. 2,t*l *ei I.' «¦>*

Lo.isisu». **i.*30L.i'dana «Jtm>. I.JM 4.- IM *

Bt-. fcaxi< s' asd Traders'. «i«,3U «fjB«l» 'f N-w OrVroj. 730.447 ;j :

Bo.lbera. 1.2 3 700.

i. ittrs SbVl'JM-r art*'. 171,761 71*42Cr**t*tt Crty. '7,415 in.tvJlAmerV*. 13.2« . M

Total.B*.Wso ». IM M|As rou. pared with the etaleu.ent cf the pretnoo*

wtek, the re.'clt* ere a*f ilows:ITeresa* io eirbatt*. $4*1*»°Inerea** in dittsu: bean**. MSttl'rr**** tr. thert loans. ."..MlD»f re«*e in torn,. 3_ |JDe. reas* in deposits. 27lucre*** In cireolatioc. 29.-,.»'

Tbe Exchange«, at tie C>ann^Hou*e thi- rr..-in>.r:,»were JLW,M7,NS Mi Toe Exchange! for the week

amount *-d it $141,ö|7,tS7 1*3, averagieg f. .:,*.(.» day.Advices from the egett o' the National Mine are re¬

ceived to tbe 31 -t n'*., from whi, h we make the foi-|*Mjrkj g Mtn* I I"The mine continne* to improve. Another (rood

mas* is now b*ing expieed in the first lerelweetofNo. 3 shaft. This mas* .s Lc the end of the drift, andit will certainly BOt be less than twenty tnns. IVoej[resent appearan-e I tbJBI if w. '»emm b m.ire. TsroDiore good pi.¦(11 from the mass in No. I shaf: were

drawn aM) to day. I think one of them will BTwigfc t ree

tune, and the other about two tnt.s. Another (roodpiett- will be hoisted to-inerr.iw. At No. .'> shaft thegreat mafa is witU'Ut change."Tbe anthracite coal trade i« s>ali!y ir. treeing at

alaott all the mires. The K*?ed:rg Ha lrcad broughtdown for the week eadSag cn rbureday last 2< 055tors, and for the year 461,760 toes, against MS,034t ins to corresponding time last year.ihowing an in-( of 78..'V, tuji. fkt S'hnylk.ll ITlllgMaaishipped for the week ending on Thnr*>day 37,340 »QrjaawM the MOBOB T9.VKItaae,agaiaM69,«*34taMtaBBBM date kaat year. being an increase of 9,866 tuns.Tr.e I.-high Valley Kadroad bronght down for tneweek *tduvrr oa Bataiday laat 10.003 tase, aael IH aasa lT«¦ (61 tuLs, aajaaaat 137 13 tnnj to same timsli*t jt ir.showirg m, itn rea'e of P3,f97 tOB*. lietncnege by tbe Bfna4 Twf Mountain Railroad for thevit tk tadii p I I'-b inet, amount**.! to 2, R tuns, anl for

l m tor 1J, 103 tors, against 15,396 tuns to eiime datel.'.'t yetr-»bowirg rr: inereieo of I7,|t 7 tans. Snip-n . 11*etTeaalaatM i--!, rh N .\ (aitieafotrtheareaketdirp on Saturday last l'..'-'.:i tare, against 1.917tors lor coneeaaavniBfl w*ek laat yar. Total ship-¦aaaV|33,139 turs, aitainrt I 917taat to same timelaaj ytar--iterer4#e, 30,313 tons. Tne increase thusfur H is yaai from the above i amed tajafoeeoi eoal? pply kl l'. I lsl tnns.A' I ana^o. the receipts of pr )dace daring the pajt

week aere .is i,.l on: 9 '< M bbls. fuur. 0,434 ba-h.w-eat. 176,930do.tttft, in .hi do. oats, 133da.tft\H 1. 3 c'o. hr.rlcj.;aj to 983 338 bu-h. grain against

ln«i . the (i (responding week in I^. Toetotal receip'e of loaf ai d grain since the 1st af .lann-ary are equril to l^f'.Kt bush., against 3,713,006

..!.. re. . ... .uru.g the sure period in 11 a i 1-

Df off < f a n.illi. n bushels. '1 he t-hipments of prod retail i th. paat week wi-r* 11 156 bbae, floor, 75,306

b< eb. ah- at. 93 k da. oora, 1,105do. oaia, aad l,t>44¦1 barley. The total shipments of whi-at since the 1stof .Jarnary are 1 ' jr.* bush., of which 50,281 bush,have heensh'p;e,l I.liurus, Mic'ogan and ImMana,bv ra.lways, to Rlffrlj woetern null. rs. Tbe totaln j mints id" torn Ii tue the 1st of January foot up31'J,!yy bajbekt^lr2,153 baibela of which have beenibippsjd brrailaray to Clat innati, Detioit and other

i ,c tat Weat.The Ai. . Keport of the Itellefontan.e and Indiana

Kailroad, jutt isiiied, elates that tbe ba«in"s« of thisroad shoes a decrease, as t cmpared with 1857, ia pae-tet ger and expreta aaTa^Bga, at l an ir, iea-e on freighttraliic. The reduction of working expenses, whentnktii into actonnt, preeen's an increase ot nel earn-

irgs over tbe previous year. The figure* are as fal¬low!

¦BOBBie soa the te*a lu58.Era ». From Psaaa>raaMS.syiM.sei at

From Erritlt*. i .' M MFrom Mail . 17,*Vu oh1 rem Eipreit. f,2«7 17

T. tal.0332,2» 7o

Worku t Kipeiii**.Bia'.HS 24lutereit on Bcufit. I», 1. M

Taxe. I Jb-2 Il-B2fl.f04 »i

Balar: e BSd.¦.BII.222 9S

Thevtorking exptn.-ee are a fraition over 56 4*ect.

lOMrtaiso* with *BSviel!I VEta.I'.riirs. I. r ysas 1 V7.BH'.'.M Si

r.aiLU.p i< r year IBM. MtiMi 7"

Decrtasein UM.Bld.US 13

Which is divided as follows:Derr.'t.ero Patrei .*r*.§IMtl 07

Uecreaae on Estreat. .', I . .>

Total.033.'3.) 02Inen at* on Fraitbt. I6>'4 I» -B'«,l2f> 13Wi iktrte Kif-err*. ,.! ISfl.II '

VVoilu g Et|. ntti cf Hie. 1*3,414 24

Dtettsae it I"«.IUI '1 34Utduct J.- reate of Earult i. l'l 12« 13

N't iuereai'- BM IB . B^'.^a ..'

L'ictpt what ii termed the Car Loan, explaiced in

the last report, the Company has to BeOtbag debt.Tbe bonded debt and stock itand as follows.Klrtt M«>rr-.e*e B*ads.0^91e*t-<cd Utuic B uiit. 14".* iei "0

BtalEettt*. l.'s.necrwIneotve... I'et too ...

Tex'.Ct;Int. b-.j- i.

fx -at.BJ.133.WI SI

An arrangement to extend the In"me lionds due 1st

February 1SÖ1'to 1S70 hae been made, a..d a sinkingvd r i 330,01 o per annnm established for them. Tuo

Diiaoteta recomm* nd sinking fund fof tBBla nds due in I-" Tne appar^tt earnings of theroad are about , f MB4 on the >tock.Ti c gross earnit.sof II* Indianapolis, P tte'j .'rh

BBd O vcian,! liailroad for L850 i'rese'.t about a cjt-

re.-p<Ldirg faBTBSBI those of 1». and I. Tne

li^ures are as follow*':sitiatft or th i vi aa.

I"*i L.i |t.K ¦ ¦SSMfJatfafS.a ' '9From f eiaota. Iii 22. SBFi inira.1. 12.7VI 0")From «ipr**t. (Ml t3

Totti.0>S,»95 43Trat ip. .-'.aticn tapeutet. * LBMIf rt tt and taxat. 72*54 13latei, t and c a*, tt a: l» d. t. 2 "to t|¦aMaataaaaM. f.77 22 »21M5721

Balancel. .w .7,741 22

The working * ipti.see pror.*r are a fraotion over 07

.' r* tt, w.t: tea-') f> ttnt of gt..r- eanieg* frotu

Mgh -:r i.. a". -. .'a port.on of the year,Tery low rat*-.

coMStaiiot with PBBVMBI vraa.Eartin|iof y*ar i!S7.e-"".' 'l MnatL. ft .f :-->. . «... * d t>

Decrea.e.02* ,61 . JO\v. . i *

Bawttaareai pa*««i.'rt.BBaJM¦DaSBaasa m tpr***.. 2,(*oT 17

Total.aajJBi »1Ist-rvta* OU lrel|tt. i.'t.' -.i *>.""" .*

W\,ili*|fj*»L»e«of 1»W. le<.27ii «8W illni «tf+:.aeaof MM. MMM U

D*- r.ate.$M .-i MDt dec. ü«Xa*t Bcoauut. Ißlt M

Nf.d«. res**.OatrtM U

The aoto .rt f b< de and stock on IstJaaaary,1890, ttoo.1 a* followsFit« ajaeajaji t ne«.es.v.,..aB*. CTii U.. It4ai te.Ltit. 1* <>olet <.ta* (. rt. Ml IrTrrttsatlBkiiil. -i,2ie #t.r»2*> 2ne eo0 a; Bai at* kaa. ti5,&71 art

Total Bends and atork.Bl.tdl 171 M»Martaa Dt*r.

Tt>* arxocnt f t atiif atbt r.;ott*d at due letJanuary, lt£t, wa*.eJi.m ¦

ia unt 1 at January, 1M'«. l»7is oi

BedacC'oa dra It { th* year. ...,e *-oi 27

t»f tbe ax.ouit due lit Jannarv. I8ba\ the suui ofJ.'.r.M Ü'.* bad "tee been pa d. leavr.g | .»t:rg debtat «l.e tue * "'. Tlr*e rrte'red ttoi-an-tto a.-' J !".e sr.: M ir^'mc It -. j* w.". Tja* :re

datoary. Iv-t' . wl c*i J. o d(J») a < io the S.ok'igPfB 1 l e*e too :-. .t will be Eei-e-sary t» eI end.

Krretpi* mf Fradatf . Arrt:i. It*Rk 'tr > ne IdirMt- < e> bb!t Bleu'. Ii» ptltt PnrW

h :u*i - ... i .... 2 *»u t j a*.t Oa*.a t

1 7 t*'*t * ,. d C*- t »' ttd.* L .*.*.. i. v .

do It do a* C Ii. I<.\*»r*. a..*. s.r,-i.>«' Hi F'- * :.- »,

stoat 1IM lid** LaarBel l,eae Baal OBSa . Ml *. c*\. i as*a.-, tyI

Market*.uti r vl_» Ri fi »-!* roi f>t N. f r« i, <i

lATwaBaV, » r '.

AHM Y9- Thr deeaeci 's Koited for iota etude, tie .» . . a.-«

77 b» . »: IHMoi fe'a inj P.-«/fa.i »r?IiN Tee aeerke- te kj the b »aa*l .'»vor. wrh «te.

Zito b*>e, ao.toi oa the eptt We r 1 <¦» .: ...t»-, ;.,

akw voaa rLeteiri. »ti

fpa da. P'Mda. Mal - <?,«.>*trery. * | I',IIMidettag.Ii, IM.jXui.,11 Pair..11, U*14 Mfair.. . . .

COPFP.JE. Rio ia it'.l, aad th»:« I« a moderate demeni '

Java: aalte of i u>a'.a et 14 aad 391 da aft ISe.»LOIR AND ME*L.7. i a/eeteraCaaalPVeea

ta mm. -i e ptl ae cf ¦ v s' im e»ede b*tter. '< rtK»!. kreide t hr iitiaaaia !»¦ aadlafatrr> 'it fur it- aom*'rad-, tat kl rata are more ok*rai aida: bat ll «e tie otuket ia q .let, tee aa...¦ are J7' bi a at

BIBtBOBM f,reuperfc..e j at. §4 IfO* 4> fjC aaftal8'd*6 to for !cw iftiai of Heavm axttaj *- i aas tslot etipp if t.-ej da :' a ad-H« BtraO . » 8' I*

f. i tra*e bier.** d.- 4- . a 31 far ei'ra Oeaea-e, and*- »*8Sf>t 8t I, .-a raaadfkl I lata la »1

r-quaat at 86 5* at 4 7 8b, awewBtra I f I la fair rea, *_dtb- m d*. ira/ee are nrairr. rr-ei« are keld »Ith w i. aeoDlid* uee. aad aie la rrcueed a-pp y the ea>e are 1,78 .

at Iba 8)8 4» for eapert re Bedtime**, Ar ai d 8o e a; #« *s ' r

the better »ladet. Rye f, : la in lall laBltnd kad ..trti»,.a.ea of :oj bbia a! 81 6' i/84 4". <" ra M.e latartai d of 1. ü baa. Jereey at f J Ml aad BreLij» UM it

#4 3".PISH .DBtlciie inftctiTo, w t pi | h^r. jaaf» || prt-ee;

tfce it-i k of Dry Ct-d and Ma. »?:. . ra-.i- in » '

far ihe limited rejuirei.i'tt of the trai* Dnr C'd are ia uevte-ra>, L. wei rt, from eecoad taade; r.

mm,r Ii IT8-B» ecrtioD, 1,7« b**aeVf-eitne 08* BMM Bt 25

d 83 an, ar .i 1.6(0 do. Leinot a, at 82 15.. aaa. . \ .

URAlJt.The aarket ia a .let I r W n-et, t°> I q ill ea uaItaatybaM,hafteaaaaaaaaraIraaatiaa a i h-» t,t »a

7' n! oak. lair VVLite BaawwaBy 81 * 17?aOenraee at 81'». and no both. r ... e Milwaukee t HiB1 Si' Bar ey |» held 6-it'v aid la In fa'r dnt:t d; aalea of 47!:»h at ?»<.-!». f. r S-ate, and f. .. ' iCi ¦'. t_ Oat t are in

ah «>.[r inii.! IL f!:».. i-. itr a I Weal rat I Oa .

rtlau at 5tt*'!4c. K)e ll .| ;:. t at .- t./-t ^- f.> it n iand ia beavr. pa.' lajrW raltad « .« . f Jet

at*aalaVathetaTatlaarat tmjm w» raMMalM.eaat-1*1 al *w8»ta. U m. O Cnttinf. »iq, lu bla ir.'u ar of bitdate haa'te f llawM| " The W e st market f - the pt«t w. ifcaa b*-n without eate'tlal -biii fe tae«*aeaa have been|ht, and prieea «eneral y ..tiebeuf»d 8'rl t:a» pr me p»- .. a

are r« mpaiatlTely ararea a d Ifaata held. Tee dem»..!, b itsfn rn Ki-tero and Io. al trade, taa been nvnl-rfr, arfh a t. r jlontee inquiry from epeciilatoraand Bw miiltef."

1IA> .1! e q try f. r lb p'nf ia fair. a_l ..¦ i IM y moJer«> lakroof8Dafialttat8 :. B>|88M.H! r>ES.The n-arke- kj pahaaiHOP*.A moderate denand exieta. Wei).. (8 8t 1B9I3B. fct

good, aad itt-'c for oldLATH4.£i«tern are !n fair demacd. We iu)te at 81 7j

per MI.KATMI R.We Jo not retire any rhente are q io»e I.l»htM dd Bascoa Ajiea Heanlock at 35d>27c d .. O.

MuLASBKS-Mi d ra-e it vi t-.' n tki: r it . i

CnkaMaacoTadoat34< aad tS bMi CnaaClayad a MNAVAL BTOBCB^-BairltaTnraaotlceb aaa aebtaa. b ttha

a* ok li email, and boldi-re fei er«; \ ate q..i e *i m .!ei a4 Ibbli in raer-hantab.e order, to arme, '.»,; .. dj., on the. ;. '. :t 'be eari.e pre - 17« do. do., a höhte brand, atceih. acd St" do. ao.. in 1 te fo to .: - at baa. Cr na reme m

aafcf, a. d the eto. k ia wawte ie. reaai;./. C m rou Bawta >e

briii. but leea artive: ee'tarM" t-b'a. ba arrive a' Bl I8| IId. in yard, a- 8' and MB d- at f 1 73 ». B ditred fiLe quellt lea are ratter q left aai> t ul PM bb i. No I. w t.ite at 827t tf B4, atd 7t d.. V trai - In lotiat *7t*BTBB]i' W 17> Tar outim ee in good deroaud; ea'ea of S O kbii.W abb ati a Thin at 8 i m {' bbl Had] in uder io jard.U'l.S.i interd baa been lu livrly leqiieet, aid f.rtn-r ea'et

of m 11 0 aabk ¦ Knfllth Lave been trete at ei'JiiSJ' ,nl IV1"1do. i'ty at »ttiv. Ciaaa Bjpeiaa Ba* beaa aeete a toe. aaleaofl.Sft b?n Naw-Bedfard pail at <l |7 f |albai »eh ino b. r rei. r.ptlori tolliing of ue oieut baa been done An a aw

tionail*taaapla** ta N-w Bed'.nd t. layuuJ'r aaalM'¦onitaoeea, a r»pott of wblrh wonlft b" no eeite i >u of theakaftba*. ae u>< »t if pot all of the cBerl ig waa b mgat la.

I'ftot ISIONS.The C.ik market Ie loner »ad e ¦ r* a.

ttve: tbe erritale are Bjtbt| kalaa of 3,4*1 bbla at BI7<r |i7 Wtf t raw Mne #19 75 for Cbtari +13 far Kxt>a Meae iron

a**f*8| at* *i2 37 ./ BttM for fifa, A . atra 11 al Blbbie MaaawaaaaAtkadtba*albaraaoa MBIT M**A < bi « !drmard and ntia qialiitee re'her kefttaffj aaiee of 1,80 <

a- *. +" i t ktr| Prtn t B9fordo Meal 89811 2c fur Rei a ked do end 812 *'U 8' 5" for »»trado -t ie

lagere:: kztieaaa Prtaaa Meat i« aaaad at 817*821BaB ¦ ere itredy tut quiet, ealn ot M bt i Biete at I IIABe n ie in limited demand at tlltta. Cjt Meate are iieetyb t oet aaiee f 76 hrfle. at ri|ii a. lor llio'i dera and fit} ',

Ii i faaobal Meata are peaaty aal ara aakikle at 7|li.i. Ideta aal BIS* b>i Haraa, Larl la rather heavy

the an. ale ar fair, .air of 7." bale and tee. a' I' ei. t

Ul bra* at Iff*, flutter ia In fair dtinand at II a bY. t M Ohioa: .. \-.<: ' i Kte'. C'beeee ie qnl.' at InRK K Ie tile, ta i *)'-....;:Lo r'y '. r .ajät.BUOABI Tie aAajaaad ii b>tter ami prie-t areaaa'attod.a.a of 450 HewOrleane at S ; 340 kbit Cuba at..,<;»'. 7.' fcl. !i P. ito Ri o at 1c T|. By au.tlon Hj.» nn ie.New Urleexe at ta'.r.IEBDB.Tba a.iu.nd la llwdtad;tnaaBaaeaaaf G .. . ".

If*. Timotty I» <, a- 8-' ¦¦¦ #2 62l P bueb. of 45 rft. Ca"-eatta I. awed kaa in auimatea req .e.- Ibai aa aafcra af11,7«)' (od (3(0 poekete bese beej ajada iu Boito a'.

Bd I aad 3.8M b«i« at 81 m9 baak. kwa.TALLiOW.TbamarbatItqaiit|aaallaala* fni ».

aaaB.UHISKV-The market if ateady, the .i.-aand litlit, ea to'

150 bk'e. kl

ltlarlte. t*.Reportfd by Telegraph.PiiiLan'i fHit, At'ril 16. Knot a dull; Bupeitiie, B*> Uj*

81. 50. Wm at dull. wife i.titii bi.-h. et 8l v>eT8lfor KeJ.and 4-1 «.' r/4.1 «Jfor Vk'hlte C. .iid .ll «a.'r 2,'»" b tab a

ft «.-7.- for Y*B*ar. Wrlita*ahead]Nm em baa*, Apr ii ie .Ca rro* Brati taleit Ml baktaBaVABBAB, April lie.Coir \ .l. tiai./e.l 88 pro e j Bawd

In |>oriant.cibcibbati, April 16 Fi ona finn In priee arid a.¦..!»..; ealea

krelay 8,888 baia. at 88 &>#*>8 8b IVaitav Brat i tabu oltble at 38a. faorrtaiOBa ..u hanged, Mete I n ipnouaiUeeuu t., u ¦¦


Mm ii I. April If .Corn v 8*le« to day l>n ha.-e pr. |liibtly iowei M:ddllD| Iff*.

I*ii«-.nsere BftilrtiIn ittamiMf .Vrto- Veett for Braave* a»d Sonl'iimpl'm.The

B*a R »¦- idea, MJafctftat Baaldaat of Braaaaa vVariilnftnn,l> C A. J. Lander and lady, Br... i lyu, L. I., Mlee Caroline('. Ibj. Maae Mre. E Beb Ka, lla.ana. Mit.\\ u.. Ilertnj: j aud Li d, llemiiteii, C VV. Mra Re o.eti,

Mie. J*fea LlnnenaiJi, sblld aud nun.-, Mr. L liueimaim, lady and Rrax chtl.lreu, Hobebaa, N i MiPhilipp Meitin, Hamilton C W. M'i Bophia Teltuianu M r*J itta Ttttaaai v., N Y 1'Mneae B^tt'.i. Brookltu, Lit fHetemey. r, N Y |0 H K,fere. Puitu PliU: K. H'j.*., jr AR.i-ki.iel, J, .ep>, B*B**a, Edward B> br, Atel Laa, atottta Bfaateta, Balttaiofa; f Qoftotia Paeaet. let-dor Dan leta. New-Orleet i. M- rrie I ri. Je. ..b Fta*t I at, I. ... e-

rtBa, Ky.; Jaecb BebMrataabcrier, Maw (jr'. a .. Mre U CS ei a. r naa and ebll.l. Mri Ei/a Burgherd and i Li dr.-n, Mni.e. Weeibanien and 2 h.ldreu. Kr. Heven.y.r, ia 1 y a- >

r Ulna, Mn Be:-ta Bia*|*ab ara a:.J ebddiaa, New-\. . Jean leeetrtde. lady and .. bOdrar,N*wOri*aat Mn IRe il and 3 hlldren Wlihiina urgb, L I Eere aMIgart, 43Relatoaar, ReW-TafBl L Erttcniaun, Phllt It Sturmwa'.i,Mre 111. keif and loo. O Majrr, Ne-.v-Tora; I.. E e, MMr J< .b Mayer, Müaaikee, Mr. C. W. lieg- el k, Ua-i.a«.i.'e l-» Mr Frarz to!k. Newark. N. J Mr. O. L WalI'blla., Mr. Ja-:auee Palon it Mr. J-an Mr fee*

e and lady, N Orieeaaj Mr. Kr M kTaWb, Par VVeat, MMr 0 f. Mater, Mr Carl Klumenrotb. Indiana. Mr Join11 Me-I UJ, Mr BarwakU Warneli.f. II Her U K-..It,Mr ABtboa Or aber, wife and eoc, U .-n. y HI Mra Di¬nt- rtwrtar, I.- Iiville. Ky.; Mre Loulae Back, Miee CatharineBerk Pbi'ade.j .a M e Km' ... !' i* e and child, B. Laoter-

l.aid f.i tb-ea*.. W t.-. v .r d. r If a St I, ,

ti 7.aoaa5arietatt,Itaiaaai Mre. Matt/el-ne Betbiacaattwaioi a, Philadelphia Aleaaaidro Medm. Ni- ola Bieladlaowlub,P.etro Mtndi.b. Ca'lforalai O Dretnol, New v rk Charlaa

i!; il l SchiirtrfU, bt teviuia, Jot. 8 :.. it, Oan.1 I la ta* ataarafa TataL itsZalAe '.u.'tra failer, /<e A*t<errr-Mite letfAtabter, Mlat

Urn eiL.eue, A. lirbouie Berne.mtue, 11-;.ry» MriMain, Igratf Claai, Wni. ti- | er. M Haa I Dr 0.0.ll the, De Ii ibrata A Lady L» da Mwi ».( Obmu ...

Urny Hi i, I! Tin- bant, P. de a (i anga, f W M»yer V.PeaBat ad, Mn NIbbI A Infant; A Eiaeoltauer, Het.ry Mart wa¬

ter. Tfcn. Dahlen, Mr. and Mri. Uehritelu, and 11 ia the iteer

ige. TaBkl l' 7 paeeri.feit.


Clear**.Bt' tn.ihl; a-HMfBTVBw, fmt, Savaroal!. II B. Crorawall 4

( o Atftuta, VV co te- I, Öatannaii, 8. L. Mitthili, Jan.aat .«;.,Parr) a, .n ri b. L ¦ I tUkaaBaai Ja», k-ft, Adauut üer.eeten, Sp. tJ. rd, T.i... i. Co.hM; ..Oipt eue Urem, vt/eeeele, Bremen, Henaioga, ."! or

a. «. . .ii E O. honey. P. k. Ape .v .-...oa. R P-eft.Be.>..ßer he K aba (Ham Bcbaltf Hamburg, t V

Pert, Thitlfp, Havaaa, J D. Car nie klie, Ky.-r lla.ana, M :e Baa* '. Na.arro I. y I'o r, Tn ;r

l<w, ll.i.n, bot-.» kB* J ba Kerr. He.eten, Cat '*

ti*, R i « a {.- BaawtaAl ie.-. Uaniey, »: John, N. H-,t il J Pttaaafc-r.-u H B.cae Taaait Bttftauig at nlfl it Abbitt;

J'au Bapilete. Doge. I' 1. if .<. L 1!-*«,^! I'.eei 'r.< )o I' R. ii. iv. Laaaayd A lott; W. k. flewyer, 8aw;-r,tlaBlwaa. Tb kif*0* A H atari at. Vu.reat Itr Uaaicn. Bt.tu N A iwery.M. I. 1*888,11 b>il N.H.I /

bap Meivina, Cet- T fa'r t HornI ii Lbnit Hartla, BJ . C. H. Pie.a t M rill iaV- r VV on ii f*. L M'Cieady, tl.a A to Lady ».:;,.a,Ute r, l't leite pea. J .: li Nettl-. Strut J ABaara*; Ueaaaa, Lwwiiaoe, Nea'ein. J. L>, 8 Hat,Bilbum, Bcttou. Nr.. .¦. BBeaa aereh Mute L'-iderl;. It iueleieid, T ti .ii4;uc; Pi t\o Platte foreiii 8 e- ntoian,P- it aa Platte, Oelprtke K* .tgtn A Rei tnt Wul / tne tVkay(Hi ) Hunt Krrti.uoe, M'Cal A Erlth. Jone Nrleia, Nel. o,

MaMaaaw, N 8.J S Wbitury A Co Sou'her" Belle, Bmftn,C! anattaaL D. M rrav; Armada, Kaowlee, Peteri5urg J C.Joiea, Bedell. Norfolk, atargee, Clcarman A Co.; Tai Mt itlerf,Ward, Hamp'oa, Van A Blight; Weat Vk'iud, Buraenr,ajaBaadria. M Btd»U. Kuati'o, Pett c.-. 1. I. f. :. *. WLewie A C Tndt: t. 8: w, Boavc. 0. L Hat ill8. Ha.1, Kiib rn, Bnaton, Bl. tb V . .

B'oaf Pbru'a. Sbepi-eid. N- w H*>-n, matter.St.eatt .Delaware. C*f f, .r. Ie*

i i:.i.-. I Mat -butt M L~e,t, Baaer. Cal^o, A Ladi a C

ArritrelItaBaaM i Mt- l, Patter, Cikule.Uiu, mjee aad paaa 1

tola, Tl.rat. n A leO.Steei i' pAf.e: a, 8- henek, -t... v. t.

S. L. Min .. U As Bol.b'. aaaaaip Paikaiabi rg, PcwtU. aaBwA 8wt paaa. to

H. B. Cromwell A Co.BaayBadaaeat(aatBaaBaa), Doace. Merr.cti. eVeitCaaataf

Maafc ,Jan 3 iueedCeo, H ra Krb 17 r i«, ratet*3a1Lie * o d to B aa re »oi A Co Mar-.. IS. 'at 13 28,koa 3d8». exchanged eigaale with Br. abip PrUea if tka die-.- m U\' i\*Atl '. s, P. rt-r, f.'.rrje-w f v ;« r,,i^.

to B. P. Ii ktb A Ca, Hei kravy weari er *u the peeeageI Pnaeeaa (of E<et n), l'»ara> Cailao 1'4 deyt, f laoo to

Ba L. Muir. t iperlrined v. j l;glt winde c et ftiepe-.iren < ¦<.'. B it. ) Heid ng, S^acghae De-.. 1. ra-er 1A -r.'th aia hee .trtj. latee.i Cen-(j < d Hope K. b 8.I. aard . I -\ JkMX Bt .1 13 teaeto'rdrr Jak. iJ at i« 25Ki. ' ».".. t.. «d a i. loae leei-lng 13 hr-i a Mar-1

31 iat. 21 7, loa. aa 44 ipoke tiig Voiuaiaer, traea Boekaa f *Triitta* r- Cute. 11 aya art ttb laa*. let 27 06, k. - CiU,ear I. a t 0-4) Brek, her., e 1 r po -o R.- ie, 9 dave onl. Ttie O.Lee ted < w.i <4. a^0 . ... .- to. ta. .«i.-

-tip i a via Bei, Clklte. Shai g tee Dei;. 30 kaaa, Be V>BVftaMfataa* A Mount Hau a aaaAAawatesa af aabt vi- ;rtkrbvdl an* a'me dorli g tie entire paaaate p lo Bacaaa8aPeeaed a- r Jar '..o, ...j H p. f. S. a.d 8-r i

lib .bat .» Bari «aal .Jth. b I* a.. w . be* a k lAteA.a i y arai-i r, eftai d I* tea again Peb. I at. 11 4» ai., eja. J4 "3

F ip k* Br aa'p D-v». fron C« ' .(.T""""*-Hu». 13 I«. f. . apok. Mr hart . .'«tAM.^fc*»

pi w ., , M I? _Ai a**» . . « » b i . ff Mj****«

* a koffaootel r»v. wfci«* aod ee j ^ **..*;,. luio* >

Ca It* 15 r Boatoa. ' **aw

ti p Nr rU *h Aberrreii ki* iRr 1, B yd, »-,,.,r*«r. J*d 14,'»n 13 I? 8., ion a jTJ" Na.»

. W., .p k* Br bo.fe Anna Slater, ^^'0I a » .

"".»¦** ia, ^Bail *'a;r»J. N»'b. Boooo* Ayr** F»b. IT TlBii.l_

t*f. 8»i .d In oinpanj with brif* B*l*» BoraTj* r* .***I -. * C *A "f ut, fcl B Janeiro, ia b*.'Ja*t "***. «

-a* Ba-**, B*.;xe, Hva., 11 i,..wood a :. k a k mmAm ^^^"***Bk>

Ba k 8 » ¦* N - Bt ' Ma:' .a*, t...¦ar.t* Bjroa N**att* o Co. "»,a7tt;»4

> v Balk l mi taaaaas '«M tore k Co Ou to* 140». b>to» B *f" a" *"*>

t? ». «a>, ii .rlc|«olcaabift*4cor*o. hZT***1*!N lia&frao. ^^«4»Para J IfP rrafv r*rk r..<. . .

to R r Bu< b B Co. *h It-at.. Ion tt 1«, toiTtV-r5 "Bbi witg a wtl'e t»*.» *af t*!ta a rod Wil koiotn i!**la) wa* hi coatpaay with brig Presibt ilokoa, Boa Cka^Hatk Otatta P wnrT. Mf.a ra* Id day*, r ft*t*ra*o>Baik La. n «. CrarBa, Nrw-L. idou 2daoort,ttaaaaatiBark OrcolOa ' tVa.mjvrO. Drvereocx, Ro*a** a__

3 aid Point India :-lb, bid**, * jol a,, uO rS*^Barl trrtide (Prr.** ) R;:rt*. Tr.*t- tt data. awL.I k Ct No dar .ar. tt, loa M, .r>t* JruJ^Vl

B a' [. -vo! :,r RaVBI a, i'l dayt **t **>Baik Tynan B- '. V» il». d, Havana Udaja aa*a»a.av.Jaataa * "aa*Bak Jeer* Pitt* (cf Bofk-aci!), Packard. Tordn ¦

»rmndy f t. to D Bt Araant r.k oTaLt! .**a . wltk Br. bark _' ,^1 Z. 5 "a

l*a mw Br. k'rtf fat,*!*r t « a. t-.t [at. i, :m 7., .aw 8r. kri* l/aiu/i^1..r S lita, Ha.-rtar. Jain.. KaotJjMJ, a Z*JZjcrautrttu-n * -1 ti.I Ii-*tt tti atk»i

Bark H nd ra*. Botra, akrtBa*, H^oJ :Ja*y*,iw . i. 1. M f Air »andre.

M ¥ Trout (of Llni-oln.i'!», Aom*, .l*aa*a*at lo*-r »ar and raol*a*»* to al*t all a Dari aa.

Brli Mary W Ikioa Wilkii a. ki i o Ayr** fab. iaL'iitaMi .- .. 1" to R. Rop**. Mat«b« 1,1^,»

IS, Trintead in .l<b% pa»»»d ar. Aro barkeoojpTgTjtb* wind to tbe \\ abool ¦¦ r.1 k wiU aae*U«J.-

¦ Iti* a*oriii| N «m w**i«a4 j.lap* ..»narr! tt* out, ba*rtd»t Bt>tBr*tr*ä **BrU itit- |oT BoOfor), Lr; Montorid** rVk. m kv

r T.rlt Montevideo on tt.e lih. a-4 r.taraa*ajrokaretaio't wif* ta»ta| a**o katiitoo

Rl diad ou t r tb f K*b b»r r.-ji*ln* ar* *o karaS\ ti. T;r K ba* a iettei bog oa -aid trom ia.»W*^ao

I Ai | ra Mar. b 15, krdtak. »

a) ett Rier* "^at,»Brbj V\ II TjWiirod'Br Yfrr-.. -.!'.. ft. BkCaatoBa

t»i ayi, . iv, u.a.'. r. C.n i:..t CaoalaooT.I bttbip brtric« N N. W 7> lutlea I-imI* trbr. KtttroaSh lorDarl.:. liati-uad ». ry llgtt olnii >Uc*ytoaVub 'u Jfeooi;» (of Or!<taS. ro'i. HaTu-a Ma'.tatat tlamo

rar I r. IStb a! ^\ >n. "4 n», ia* kn* aTSaa¦.ad a * tor ati .* l. ^.

i I tot m M I), Pit. /ir* Mar.k J*. mmm0 it to .r

I a v ,' U idoa (Br., «4 Wa It o. N B). Ptrkar Uor*. ar A .


Joi**, WLOt1 .. N 9 10 ttyt. [k**| t

N»w O.letut 13 day*, ¦.**. toR>tPtOM an

I W ra k**B (of Ballltan), Imrat, /ott, CiK Bniplatie* to ctil»r Sta Utt lat 41 w. loa. «I it *pataa

1 ... Nrobun Ma . .aa. loo**,.c. ....... ' VI TV. w^. ._m_.

3*', meli

N trot, Mobi> Tbr krlf *.ihkiLI 'r N*ar.Vnrk, *ld da? pr»»'ou«.

I i A *( C**tta*>, Wtfdwefl,PtjMaSrt,f.|L Bjan* u, t .Irwrt It Ktu ay

t f' »M M lu!.- 11 dtya, mm, aOak!, y k Kaatl'-f

h Jar.**. Ap»:*.:ii f :» I" iayattaaiK.igl* k lla/artl.

B. br. Maria. L adaty, Üarantaui Mirtb IS, hid**, ke,kj.r*niry. B. 'to k t'n

lekr. Tl « N u I |*f* Arroj* P 1,14*4,a far ai .1 ¦aattM* lo ftirgra BO* MaiirJ in faafSBJ r*o h- BoW*.¦. f..r New Vcrk.

B. br. ark i»r I, Bta>t»n*r, lU.'.fat iida^a, 6as'.«JaaBattk C>.f br Pl/trro. Chat*. Kli/aVrhnort 2 data <r*B to *j**t*r.

T 0 i Stamaril. S » lata a 2dsyt, tatw. a IC lit u a iu»w»y.

f B Poilrh. Britta, New Bodferd 3 dayt. oilBehi j ka l vVUHow*, Curtlt, \\ *>«, S. C, IBb

na\al ator. a to U.m'*l k C.>.I ¦ i .i..iT*i i. Br wa Oatywaa, P L, a

daya. rB*l***«* ta I ilbert k Klulty. Iltk luat., lat Mil, St07 to. .poke .. br. Biet /a, from Prartkfktl fat Cutt.

BlteaLt* r. it. r. Trinidao de Cuba 19 dayt. atitath* Hi. ikwatn IS b., in, . jar A,' to B'.orey la tH*t*aa Bad

» aMiped* h. avy .¦ a. wbi. » partly ta*tbortbll Zd tl (a,* P! .rnta »perleiw*d t b**<y aawith bar' :.»>;.. *i .! tt Üb* DylOf !. aud «af t^paalla

S. bl J. bn » i.llama Br of Naaaau), J..h. *..d. B*t*ta,!lf,12 dayi. kgw. ad lo J Ea*aa Hat tb* car|o *fM|Pt*a,wrei ked in Drd *»t.

8. br O B Mlbtf (Bt.) J k***a, Bara-oa Aprtl 3, fraktt|Sit I) u!.<»

I ti tan Hird (Br), Loi-kb»'t, wid*or, W. I I BitpUxtt.r It mmter .

I i laai f, Dnrfe*. Ua..». rrauflin, La, la days, saaaadmm ***** to stone, s. i

¦ br, \v Buoa, Boott, JacktosTÜl* 7 day*, l.mktra;Uli. brlat.I r tVytfco Tuttl*. Iti nof i ttyt.8. hr LaiiktaOfary, Waata* VkraaaavI I Mopkln* Bharrot. Vnfiula.Dili Sberwooa, Wil'latn*. VIB*ar. c. k N. Ro«*r»,«.,i., \ <

I ii J.LnJ H. BaOSIM, B,.*b, \ Irfiuia.8. br Pt .atli.*, Cainhoru, Oeorirotowu.B ra*. 8,.tan Bcarao. Bmton I dayaBekf. Uoveinor, Buiall Bot'ou 1 br. Mary Mauntikin, Wha eo Old ootter I dtytBoBf. J. Ort» rano, Bn:*il, New Bedford 2 day*.8 r, lane, Smith, Warehaa I -laysBehr. Harbluger, BillUfa, I'rneldeuco.8. hr. I). Iti.atell. B th r, II if.tord 3 d*y».h t B, Bftaaaa, Oibb*. W'arebam 2 day*Btearoer Oelawar*. Cope*, Pbilade!phla aud Cap* May, at*,

tnd paat. to K. PerkLot.BAILED.New York (Brem), Rreimn; Oiattttt IBM

IBtlf ), Ai.:w*rp. Jam. * Ad<er, Ckarkratoai AatiOa to

II DUrillo, Baeaaaak; Jarooatown, Rhhinoud ka atSft Bap r, Baa Krau, it. * Robert Ueudeiaou illr I, aud Taaflta:(,ool, and olhert.

Arrivrtt Sr-nay, April IBtearr hip Rrannk*, Bklnner Portairmutb, kc adttad

pa**. Unal ¦ v Haaaaen. Ilthlatt., * IS«, m .of B*<*»lakanBedttf^takl WttA ->aa.tb|p Jimetiown, BBBtBl

Biehmai. p.BklpOaitV I Katie. t*JBBj New Bedford M hour*, totakd*

»»«'er She will load for Ban Pr*ta*Jt**a\Baik Na/ir.ce. Borland, dtukapaa 4tli Intt. roitr tat tt»*>

a to Bt irfea k Co. Had Mat* heavy w*»n*r.BarkOrataaoi f Beiruti, C nibI, siiam. HHuaBOrarai

da.« an it***to Btursjo*k Co r***aTt* uittt*r.Bt't Clara Haxth (of It!' hne d, Va ), Uuttoa. tWtaatJ*

21, -off** to matter. Ha. Ifbt wludt tbe entire patatat Bjstpaae.i t tb* latitud* of v< N experienced a beotf B- w. a*

v. .a, b*Win* wild* tad timt. Mlia-k S 'V p, r, Uoiton).Wlklaiid. Bio Ja**lr»P*t*.

i. Bee to J I Ci'iy of Bott .n. Mtrob 4. IWr tJk^**""»*y. a a»aii.aiJ. died of yellow faver. F*k. It, w*U*ljrlS|»

s Byland, tt oud cfll:.r, wa* ailloi ky a ***«.»wy '* n aim.I K. oka (Of Bo*ton), Treat, Ar. cello, P. «*J*i B*

latte- to W'ai.h, CafTOt k ChaacBi<rBteiia oil ti...i.d, M*.», Duell, OaltttMa**»»*,*»

t..n A' to M*l*oa C'iementt.But *.,rah Benica (of MacküMi, Cardanat * aap, »4*«. Bk

to n.a-torBii| J BP. Bawy. r (of Cherry'i-ld Lelfbton,

u at . .jar to '1 bt Bipoon A II ,,t> r.

Hot Id* I» K'-'i. J**o *. cu*a Aprtl t»ato mt.ter Sailed io comawiy wl'h hark Treue, al fa BJBPHad th'. tra.'e wli.dt. VV». teu ttyt from S'. 1*8) W ¦

wlaaol '


4.t" aa P*t**fa «Ii eo, t-..t: -r'y wind* and lio* u.___I 8. Sutteyli ( a*ar At**.1/ le-n y, K-» W*« Sit»* ¦

pn tt mi.-* *,u'n of C^raaaotaaaw*, **w ta* n-pw***"> lb*a .'Lot,Her t eu fee'. of water

1 ft ¦/ Hampdeu, tia . Ctcafuoft* nwr>a)BVBBjBe, K P. Book k Co, Bailed In ratpaaf wit* **.** *

tiaty-r anH ' aat.llla*. for BJ*w T*«B .

r. la U t ili, Pau«, 8t Auüie».» N. lo' i*ya,t»an mledl-ry .

- i Ilern te: ( i <l), BhdteU, Wom-aS/oB. C'natal r* t to matter. mut

Man Ku.abeUi, Read. U..miu«tou, N C l«yara»

rue Hawk, Birk, afeaajratssBai aaIboT** to aaaatot _ .a«.«

M*-e-'» ")ari ), .|.c**n, Sat J-ian, Bit, ¦ atjai.wa.l 2" d*ya, i.idet, k to A. Ba*r. . «-

Id* Maifier, Uubbard, Aux Cay*< lKiD»t,B)saaa,*»toil b<. ker 4 Ittav.t -a-.»at

8- Lr.* (of Hamaden), C* .1. »Or.eani V *r£Th*.. to raatrtot 13tk last., lal a, i>\ loo. 71 i>, tp*** BB* *w

Le» i» torn Cardowaatar B*o*aa\ «

i Wtl --. U Robhib*. Peter*on, v\ asatasaaa,a. t*t*~,vi >'.¦ t 10 P, Ii.. m a Sot.t. a. t

it, Va.u.rj, fh» -ru 4 ayt. t*t«rs,BtBSfctf . .,..!<*

I i John <' Cvho-.a,., Albany mitt, ***¦*»» w-

B. bl \ 'it', t> It* an, A.lauy, «^»r7^^2"^Ploreuce, .lun.f.o, R nd1 eo*J, toaoa a.

, r p, a. to ndCB Ja: *, W kf, VV ar. tarn 2 davt, **il» Bl BBBa*b Lr. J ü beim Butn, V ir/' .ia lay». »y*t*»


I E.H. Parker. Paiker Virginia I*>7*»S*aaBl- r 0 II ta-iNato*. Van Nit'.', \'rt.-..a l.«*J"'^^Ji- Ert-r/ald (¦*.), Kn«r, Ar. bat U J*T». t-9*9

'V7. Trir. .r, L*f«rg», Vi-, tj jMm\mmm- . B>ack*tcno. Allot Pt-orldaar* ld*yt. '^am

Koi ikoe. Hood, Pn lad«ipul* ft +mr

ttdie. an* n.a t. I Perkloa , ,um\ an, Aldrb-a^Prn*:«da*, oiawo

BEI Bi r« D' bl of Phi'ad dt * ^it\mm.Trnaau in* lot pni, and acan m U l^^\Zjtm*iW 150- 0 irii i ia* day fron N. ti. W. to B. .».*

By Trlefrap*). aa>CHARLEBTON. Apr. '6 -The L" f^J^/dB*

illie Cart V r:*T, frorai K«w 1 rk, *rrl»*d a»*r .»^

i **( mat n.tralng.MMJI HOUR April ITth, S., aet.-OrwIarS-t"j g|

S A !« a#d A . '¦¦ '""Th u kC . ir*. t 1 .-» bria. u. the Ba*awlight fr u ¦« Weatbt la tat *.!UIOHLAN08 Apr" |7tb B "' Vr* *»w. ^gyt

b i T-wei* lu ilfAt In tn***«l>n - VA-».|err!*«r. OpNb Vv P'.rfT, A»r .> Ii, pr. «*r itrtl

br P ltd, I i r I!, t. a- » .ji,..... i;. i , B*«y Brown, a- b< for*. AU

ft* bui'ood mtUiloi* **»'d I "tn ta* *",??T.B*pwW... Ta...ta>l***«-^l

-4i ,.i Basalraat- p.e built**tt*y new Ii«, :u t ftlkr.l wa:- r, br; th- *

T[V) BUIiaDEKS, Ar.-i ur SALJJ. JjjSI TA1NB, * t cf Bl. lLllINO M»TBJM*»* 9MJ§PIr* tt - «r undt Ute'y ce.eupkt* *7

riV ..o*ad«ltUr Aatlia^jtejjaya .-^ttK-~VOVlNQ~fiiJiTll8.-IL PKISCB,

Lko colobraod ak2>W.O^£19| -

Fcr - FLAT" and " PfTI tl *^'V*»B*Bor *an * -a atd-.M " »¦ *^*tn^.-OV^^g***

4 MEBICAS BRIS1 Li s Ibr ^^Sgrr*A l>L MEINIL4MvlLVAlNB, It* BTW*r-