l y n i s f f l l f jurors pider m e seasflns , from

iS ffllF M E SEASflNS , MlCpiEST ' ■■'"T-T- . -a Bruins End- Hectic Football, o Season with 32 to 0 Victory ' Over Nampa; NumeroiisPen- alties Feature Game I —7— , f Twl^ FAlla! anded « hwtlo footbiiU ^ •Msoa Ttuini^^ ia » 3<M> trtnas^ oTot: f theHempshlghachooltesm. TlieSrnlna; ^ pot ' tlM iramp* tMin In dangar -In tb« i tin t f«w minatM of piA7 . after xeeeir-' ^ la«r the ktcluff, and nnminf It hack’ ^ to the center of the field. The flzst tw.i-> «f the timkTaVeteiuaxdownB irtt* tbo' & renlt of atralght football, and the lart tiM .as the xeeoit of long paB»w.' ■= Natnpa threatoned tbe Brain goal but II «nea doepito the opontng up of a^brl^ IR ^ ia n t aoria) attack in tb^vsoeond' ^aif Ul /that netted them kiDg- g^tis. ■.in' th>> 11 f fonrtb period aftef-^workinfl^ 'the-ball to tbe.Brufn 20-jrord lino-with a'aerioa o f ]osg^,pasae9^. Woodio tosaed a ' paas that wonJd bavo meant a «core,^ut It waa received ont of .boands. V^ps , then tried to mnho ^ard&ne throogh a . tbe Une and tho BniJn forwnrd wall «“ fltlffoaed and bold on tho IR^yard line | and Oarrity kieked out of dragor. Ideals Star. - ^ Jenkins, Oarrity, Timm, Uunoll, Day, Swim and Leiaor w ne tbe stellar V petfoTmeT* for tho BniVna. JenkSni' nou taelUing on defonso was bard and’ «rt| aare. Mooso Oorrit/ ployed his usual . . line plugging game, but. was exception' • ally good with big - punts>-beaotlfol double spirals; tbat .erislly nvernged 38 1,1 yarda. Timm'wna offiol^n^ .on defenso vnl and bis tioekling was all .that eould be cerl asked... r Uusaoll' and - Day played the ot t best {^niea of thcir eareers.. Bdth m re of ' omeanng end runa for losses.time Iftrr tar{ time and both were stot^i|i^pf{ tackle jngi buoka ’ with regularity. 8wlm d)s-' fng playod k«^ ■headiTork .at cSnter^on vali defensive 'work, breaking -ap a sum* T ber of paasca and iutereeptiag one. Mol I/oiaer w na'in. eve«y. ploy.' ' - , ed For Nampa Woodie,. 'Ord and Cann dea .jWfCLJba. .ahlning- _-^WoodIo. wni ing cetponiihle'for moch of Nampa's yard- mni age on passea by bis. neeurate .boavlog ten and ke bit tbe lino' wit6 -a vongoancc. prci Ord vnn fast nround thb ends. The do< iate fonsive work of Cnron wna good. He will Tfas in evory piny and got *n lot of cha taekleo tbat the ends should hav^ gotten. Nampa wns pcnnllzod for rougliing *?— tlirec times, nnd twice they woro pen- x^isod hnlf tho dixtnnco to their ro«>1 fi>r Plugging ,nnd Ord wns put out of the game. F ln t Period. The Brains reeelved, defending tlit* «ast gpal. Grny kicked off to Mooao on tho 10-ynrd lino who ran the bn’l back to the.35-ynrd lino. Timm got a'way thnjugh tho lino on tho firnt piny ^or SO yards placing tho ball on tho 10-ynrd Une. Mooao fnilod to gain. Jcnks mndo a yard. Jenkt fnllud to Kain. A pnss. -Ikfooae to Crom, fell across the goiil, giving N'nmpa tho bnll <m tbe S.yord line. Orny kickod to Mooao on tho 80-yard lino. Timm made a yard around end. Mooso nmde 11 yarda off tacklc. Mooae made 4-ynnl)« tbroKgh tho line. 'Crom mnde a ynnl on.* fnkel Timm fumbled nnd Nnmp.a recovered tho ball. Ricks mnde 3 ynrda, Ord yards moro around cnd. Twin Fnll^ reeoived a R-ynrd. peni.lty for offaiile. Woodie mndo 2 yard*. Ricks failed to gain, Dny stoppln]; him nt the line of scrimmsgc. Omy kirkcd to Mooae on (Coutinucd on Pngo Pour.; Several Proposals WOI Be Discussed at Liquor Parley Tinal Ueoting of ITnltod States : and Canadian Offidkls on micit Traffic to Be Held Fri- day -at Ontario Oity OTTAWA, OoL, Nov. 29 0P>— Al- .tboogh the conference between repre. soi^Utivea of Canada and the Uaited Statea oa liquor smuggling did not «sd todaj^ tbo final meotiag tomor* row morniog will he bnt' brief. The Ameriraa dolegation will leave for 'Washington probably early tomorrow afteraoon. Tonight Jacques Bureau, oiaister of euatoms aod exeiae, en* tortaiaed the visitors at.'an American Thanksgiving dinner. Tbe three pro* posals wbicb remained to bo disenssed ■today w r o : - '1. Measures to stop smuggling by laad. 2. Shipments by aotomobiles or air* planes to be reported to Ualtod SU tea offioials. ' 3. Beeiprocal arraagementa for the .attendance of witnesses, the execution of commiasloB and letter* rogatory, aad tbe certification of records. IDAHO: Wb I t BZS Fridav: Oeeutenol rala. firenuut Escaped Injury by Leap, from Enffine Cab Snsrineer- Killed in Train Crash But Nejro Attend- ant Escaped Severe Hurt MACON, Oa.,.Nov^ £0 MV-Tbo srailed Kansas C^ty apeeial train ret tbo Southern Bailway, wroek- i 1 'l^at^^night at Nahunta.' Oa.,. ar> ved in Mocon nt 7:30, o'clock thla orning, bringing tho body-of En- neor John H. Evans of Macon, ho was-tbo only poraon killed, in 10 wreek. Engineer Evans livod at iacon.. nogro Areman, named icka, aceompaniod* the body to* acqn. The nogro ia not hurt with lb" exception of a few bruises. The )gro. said that ho and Engineer traos both .jumped just boforo eol- aing with the''rear end of tbo juth^dJ H E ; GEBTIFlCIITESi — — C jretary Mellon' Announces [ lew Opportunity for Holders ° f VVar Savings Series ASHINOTON, Nov. 29 OP)— An* P loemont wns made today by Bef* * ry Mellon tbnt beginning (omorrow * lora'of war savings eertWleatos, tl w of 1D19, which mature Jonunrv ti )S4, ^'exchange-thom at maturity f 10 for thc now treasury--auvingi »l Ificatoe datod January 1, 1924, and Iio aamo timo got ndvaneo paymonta v my cash difference by taking tho ti ost amount of tho now treasury sav* a certificatea that thoir war snv- o eortificates (taken ot moturity b o) will cover. c 10 maturing eortifleatrs, Seerotary h lon also announced, will be accept* « beginning tomorrow for dash re* ti ption but cbecb ia payment cover- thelr trodemptiAn.valno will not bn e *d until about January 1. Bejjla* vi d wnr aavinga certificatea must bo d onted at thc postoffico where <^tsr* n -od but ungerfstcred certificnte) tt. bo received for redemption or ex- ti Igo nt any money poatoffice, nny ni iContlnued oa Page Po»r.> AND WE WE OW BY GCORCe • A U THE •PAID AND A LDT LEF OVER—AI^D t CAM 5EG 6UT.VWE'R.£H.W J’UST AS 'AJELL AS V4B EVER DID- R t s lyl/' BavAMce ZJf J . WNO ^ jl WHEN r7 o Gm O iL ' CIIIIPIIENEES ■ HHESGHEDDIED; ----- '-'[l: ]pposltion1o Regulars by Re-i;'’ publican Progressive Blocs'i Expected to Be Indicated in Friday’s Confabs , a WASBDraTOir, Kov. 29 orii- f Oonferencas to be held tomurow ^ itr the republican i^gresstVe ' blocs of the hooap nad senate najr j point the way to the extent of o]^. ^ poslUoa tha regnlar repabUcaa at- ganltattona vlll eaeotmtv in thair tl efforta to organlte proiaptly tha ,] two hooaaa. . ii Sonato republican leaders apitareatiy lavo .detorminod to loavo tho 'deno- w rnts or tho_^progre8sivos, or .both, t#»o H aitintivo in' nny organisation fight. ^ 'hey are ogroed to. adhere to the po* itlon that tho sonato is orgaaii^ nd tbat an election of a president ro tern is unnoeessary. The dom6* rats take an opposite poaition, but J< he general belief is that they eannot oree an oloetion without the support f tho progressive bloc. Loadora Hot Wonylag » Bopublloan leaders in t&o bouse hp> ^ nrently are not conecming them* jlvcB witli tho demands of ihe pro^ ressivo bloc. Thoy say they .havi jj, jcoivod- no official, information aa lo. ^ 1080 domands and have mado no over^ 2 ^ jrcs looking to an. adjustment of dif- ],j ironeos in advance of a voto for ^ weaker. ' Tbe progreasivo bloc has issued in* itations to.CO mombora of tho booM > attend- their conforeneo tomorrow ^ t which tbo program droftod by the xoeutlro committee of tbo bloo will e discussed and octod upon. .This in* ludcs not only a liborallMtion of ouso rules and committees but also . ith logislation, lacluding tax redue* on and^ho r^lroad question. T Thero w e but few holiday, confer- ncos today'at the capiiol andi'those ere largely between republican and _ emocratlo leaders of the senate with ^ !spcct to tho apportionment of com* ittoo places as between the two par- ^ OS. Some domocratic loaders said tho njority appeored to viow with favor (Continued on -Pago Fivo.) fi RE GETTING ALONG SO NICEL 'N HOUSEWORK AND EVEPYTt Qias] IPNOTWN61 T HAPPENS V^E CAM CUT T ‘ DO-WN thc HQUJfiHOLO _____ IMC, AULO'NANCfe FOR OUB COUNTBT COUSINS BLEW IH - /E E K IDiT, HOVEMBER'SS, IIBS OOD FELLOWS LODGE TO CONDUCT FUNERAL RITEP Services for. E.^ SlUworth Bogera .to Be Held Hero Undar Anspicea ol Jeroma Unit of Fraternal Order .. Funeral sorvJcos. for E. Ellsworth Bogors, whoso doath occurred here Wedneaday ovenlng, will bo •bold at 3 o’clock this nftornoon in the J. E DeWitt ehapol and will- be conducted 'by tho Bev, C. K, Winning under aus- pices of tho Odd Fellowa ^odge. Mr. Bogera wna a membor of tho lodge, at Jerome. Mr. Bogers, who bad been a resi- dent of Twin Falls for some tlmOi wns an omployo of tho municipality when , ho was stricken this wook b; fatal illness. He was at ono time employed by tho federal government ns interpreter in Us dealings with the Indians. Ho is survived by bis widow and two sons nnd tnro daughters. One son, John Rogera, residea hore, while the other aon, WilHnm, . nnd botb dnughtors, Ruth and Lillian, reaide in California. No Word Received From Bandit Hant Jerome Oonnty Anthorities Have No New Information, But Expect Early Capture JEROME, Nov. 2D (Special to Tho fsowa(—Jeromo county nuthoritics, ox* peeling momcntnrliy to rccoiYO word of tho capture of bandits who robbed the Hazolton bnnk laat Thursdoy, at It late hour, tonight wero without ad* icos .from Sheriff W. W. Honry and Iiis associates in tho manhtint, other khan thnt it wos bclloved th at ovidenco now .uncovered would lend to tho early apprehension of tbe robbors. -Shoriff Henr)*, with Doputy 0. W. Davis ^nd John L. Cox, fortnct deputy shoriff, who Is employed ns naaiatant to tho claims ndjustcr ^of thc insur* nneo company- which issued burglnry insurnnco to tho Hazelton bank, ro* F inea in tho field nt fhnt bour in itinucd acarch of the bnudits,- M O rm STAB BUBHBD * ’ aXN /CNTONIO,- Texas, Nov. 20 OP) —Martha Mnnsflold, Fox sereca star, wna burned about the body today irhon her clothing was accidentally fired. She was tnken to a hospital, nrhere her burns wore found not to bo iraerious as had boen apprehended at rint L Y DOING OUR HING ------- HO\Ni)^W )___ ___ - LIKETOHANh ^ A^^AFTER^JOON j OFF? ___ J ) f WH^O’ ] XI MB? REALI-V?! i!b|-1 1 J f ii-J ' L Y N Lecturer Dissects - ■ Jazz Composition Dr. Sigmund Spaeth TAla O^en Andlence Composer or Popular . Tuna Drew from Handel’• Classic OODEN, Utoh, Nov. 20 W i— Dr. Sigmund Spaeth, of Now York, who is lecturing beforo luncheon and musirnl clubs In Ogden, Ols* sei’ts “ Yes, We Hnvo No Bona* nils" in his talks on musical ap* preeiation to provo his contoatlon that the composer drow on tho Knllelujah Cliorus ^tom Handel’s “ Messiah,'* “ Seeing Nellyjlomo” ond “ I Dreamed I Dwelt in Mar* bio Halls." H n i r TOEJlPEiEOF RESEilR S IE Jury Gives $59,881.25 to Roseworth Ranch Owners Under Condemnation Pro- ceedings VenliH for «0!),831.2.1, sn id to b-j tho largest in tho history of the dis- trict court here, wns Wodneadny nwnrd* cd by n jury to Sjiruh E. Brnckett nml others from tho Idnho Farm Develop* ment eompiuiy, of which E. T. Mcro dlth, former secretary of. ngriculturo, is nn officini. The nmount of the ver- dict ropreaenis in tho mnin tho- value placcd by tho jury upon jwrtions of somo of tho oldost cuttlo rnnchcs ot this region wbleh tbu eompnny sougbl to condemn for n lesorvoir site. It exceeded by almost i(7000 tho valuation plneed on tho property Ity^a jury m district court here when tho suit was first tried nbout threo yoars ngo. Tbo %*crdlet wns returned after all night deliberations. Appoal from tho judgmont of tlio dis* trict court In the first trial was taken by the compnny to the supreme court, which 6rdered the ro-trial which has just been concluded. Bo-trial In the caso occupied one week's tlmo nnd brought here so;no 00 wltnossc><, in- cluding n number of tho first settlors and ranrhnten of this region. Tho cnndcnmntlnn prorccdings in* volved npproximntely H70 mfren.of lnnd of wliioU 2(10,ucrcs'-wns’owned by tbo nrnckett interests nnd.lit) ncres onaiod by Prank Clnrk. Appurtenant wnter right nlso were involved. Tbo lands nre situnted in tho Roseworth dintriet southwest of Buhl. Since tho suit was instituted tho reservoir hns bcon coni*- pletcd. The verdi»t returned Wednesday fixed the vnlue of thc Brnckett lnnd nt J35,Sl.'i.2r> nnd dnmnges at $410, and of thc Clnrk lnnd nt $21,030j nnd dnm- ;iges nf $2000. The jury doclnred thnt no benefits would he derived by tho.ie Inndowncrs throngh conatrurtron of tho reservoir. The verdict thrco yenrs ngo nwnrded a totnl of.$.12.917 to thc land- holders. Judgment under thnt vrnlict hns drnwn interest at tho rnte of por cent nnnunlly. Tho cn*e of the plnintiff corporation w-ns conducted by Edwin Snow, Boino, and A. W. Ostrom, Buhl. The defend •int liind hol'lera were represented bV E. A. Wnltera. K. .M. Wolfe nnd 8. T. Hnniiltfln, all of Twin Fulls. BONDING COMPANY SUED BY BUILDING AND LOAN AasocUUon Seeka to Becorer 16000 Under Bond for Former Offldal Accnaed of Wnngol Acts Buit against tho Lion Bonding and Surely company nnd Fronk Oeorgo Lechloiter was Instituted Wednesday In diatriet court hero by the Mutual Building and Loan association to en* force its claim to recovery under pro* vitlons of a coniract by which #3,000 bond was issued by tho bonding com* pnny for Lechleiter as secretary of (ho nisociation. Undertaking for at*, taehment-of the- bonding^ cpjnpany's property to satisfy tbe claim"waa filed with the complaint-ia tho suit.' -Recovery under the bond contract la sought by the building and loaa aaso* riation on the grounda thnt it has auf- fered loss in amonnt eqnal to the amount of the bond throngh wrongfnl acts on the part of Lechloiter, ^ho has had no offirial conncction with the association for some weeks. VETEBAK AOTBESS CELEBRATES SmTHDAT ON THE ETtAOE CHICAGO, Nov. 20 OW—Mr^ Adn Boihclle trho claims to havo been oa tho stage longer thon any other Itv^g actrcBs nnd who claims to be the oldest actress in the United States, with onn exreplion’ ^ celebrated her seventy-aec. ond birthday hero by playing ber nsual r6le in a moslcal eomedy review. Sbc ha* heen on'TCe stage for CO year*. Mrs. Boshelle said she had one amM tloii—to play a geod Irish eomedy part before she retired. JURORS PiD E R VUTili i JESEilRSTE Five Hours Deliberations Bring No Agreement on Verdict in. Roseworth Project Condem- nation Suit Wlthont roachlng un agreement on a vordiet in tho suit bruught by the Idoho Farm Dovolopmont company agninst Saruh E. Drackott nnd othors to condemn certnin lnnds for tho site of the reservoir for tho Bosoworth proJpct, a jury iri district court here retired for tho night at 11 .o ’clock Tueaday night after about six bours dolibcrntiona. *' Trial in the coso, which was opened last Wedneadny, waa concluded some'* what sooner than attornoys hnd flntl* clpntcd. Tho caso waa givon to ; the jury ahortly after .*> o’clock Tuesdoy evoning, moat of tho nftornoon having been occupied by nrgunranta -of attor - neys. Closing argument for tho com- pany wns mndo by Edwin Snow, Boise, wffllo E. M. Wolfo and E. A. Walters presonted tho caso from tho stand- point of the dofondant landowners. Boforo reating their cnao early In tho nftornoon counscl for tho plnintiff corporation complotod introdnction of evidence ns to tho valuo of tho lands under litigation, offoring during the day tho testimony of John Fence, J. M. Maxwell, W. F. Alworth, O. W. Walkor, William Noh, Frank Clark,' J, M. Bratton, S. Olaud Stewart,' Jer- omo Ilelsley ond Robert Bogerson. la- rebuttal counsel for the defendant landowners offered the testimony df Cheater Briickott and Frank. Clark, both bolng'dofendants. The present trial is tho second distriet court horo, tho suit having!...- been, instituted nbout three years ago, and nppeni being taken by tho com-' pnny to the supremo courl, whieh or- dered n new trial. Under Judgment entorod nt the close of tho first trial tho Braekett inter- ests wore awarded approximately >S^,- 000 for 200. acres of land, and Frank Clark wos awarded •19,000 for 120 aerea of land und^r litigation. Trial in tbo ease brought here aa witnesses a numbir of early sottlera nnd ranchmen of this region. FmirElTS IN L K DEUTH George Dietrich of High School Junior Class Suffers Fatal Injury in Fall from Horse Georgo Dielrich, tged 15 yenrs, son of Mr. nnd Mra. Hnrry Dietrich, nnrt n member of the Twin Fnlla high echool unior class, died enrly Mondny mnrn- Ilg nt the connty genornl hospitnl from tho effects of injuries received late Sundav nflernnon wlicn he wns throwa from ills liors'e al tbe family liomo si* mllos northwest of Twin Polls. The body 'wns tnken to thc J. K. DeWilt mortuary. Arrnngements for funernl scr\-icea nwnit word from rcliilivps elso- where. Tho fntnl n'cidrnt ofcurred whllo thn pnrents of tho dc.id boy were nwnv from home for n short time. Beforo lenving Mr. Diotrleh placed n wiro gato ncrnas n lane landing intn tho fnrm- ynrd to keep cnttio in tho field. George Dirtrirb and hia brother, Cliiir’es. 14. at the time wete viaiting n nci;rhbor. The two liuLi, with :i companion, I.e.ilk- Hric. returned hnme .it nbont 4 o’clnck. All three were ridinR horsi-a with fre'! rein. The gnte wns nnt obaerved by the Inds until they ciinio rlo'c to it nnd Oeorge. who wna Ifuctiuc;, waa unnbU* to check hia borso in limo to prevent tho crn.ih. Tho gntc was torn down when thc firi«t borae struck it. the otbera paaaing throngh into the Line, Oeorge waa thrown off hia horae nnd the animal n*as atiirncd by the forco of Ihe blow. The other bida. turnlag back, nppliod firat aid methods in an nttempt to restore the injured boy, who however, did not regain eonseiiiuwr-^____, before his death about 12 houn I.iter^.' Attending^ physician* Rtixted t h t t death wjj#»^e result of concussion 0^. the hfMn. They fonnd no m.trk en tho injured boy’s bodjr. Effort wna'm.ide Monday to coiii- municnte 4he sad netni to relatives of Mra. Wctrich jn a nioiintninous region nbout 30 milca fram Doi«e. Word waa aent to United Stntea Diatrict Jndge F. S. Dietrirh and Balph Dietrich, uncle and brother of Mr. Dietrich, at Boise,’ where Dietrirh bimself r e - sided for a nnnibet of years and servod as depnty aheriff and deputy atate gnmo warden. M r Dietrich abo served here aa deputy sheriff. WITZKS DCPOBTBD. ' NEW YOBK, Nov. 29 W>f—Pardoned by President Cbelldgo and freed frora a life sentence «t Leavenworth, Lothar Wltxke, the ouly Qennan' spy eoa* victed In. the United States dnring the worid^ war. wa* depnrted today on the • 'T7BnihDrir.Amf>ricaD b n e r^ lh f-rt RallinL _ .

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i S f f l l FM E SEASflNS , M l C p i E S T

• ' ■■'"T-T- . -aB ruins End- Hectic Football, o

Season w ith 3 2 to 0 Victory ' Over Nampa; Num eroiisPen- ” a ltie s F eatu re Game I

— 7— , fTwl^ FAlla! anded « hw tlo footbiiU ^

•M soa T tu in i^^ ia » 3<M> t r tn a s ^ oTot: f theH em pshlghachooltesm . T lieSrnlna; ^ p o t ' tlM iramp* tMin In dangar -In tb« i t i n t f«w minatM of piA7 . a f te r xeeeir-' ^ la«r th e ktcluff, and n nm inf I t h a c k ’ ^ to th e center of the field. The flzst tw.i->« f th e tim kT aV ete iuaxdow nB i r t t * t b o ' & r e n l t o f a tra lg h t foo tball, a n d t h e la r t t iM . a s th e xeeoit o f long p a B»w.' ■ =

N atnpa th rea to n ed tb e B ra in goal b u t I I « n ea doepito th e opontng u p o f a ^ b r l^ IR

^ i a n t aoria) a tta c k in tb^vsoeond' ^ a if U l / t h a t ne tted them kiDg- g ^ t is . ■ . i n ' th>> 11 f fo n rtb period aftef-^workinfl^ ' th e - b a l l

t o tb e .B ru fn 20-jrord lin o -w ith a 'aerioa o f ]osg^,pasae9^. W oodio tosaed a ' paas t h a t wonJd bavo m eant a « c o re ,^ u t I t w aa received o n t o f .boands. V ^ p s

, th e n tried to mnho ^ard&ne throogh a . t b e Une a n d tho BniJn fo rw nrd w all « “ f ltlffo aed a n d bold on th o IR^yard lin e | a n d O arrity k ieked o u t o f d rago r.

Id e a ls S ta r . - ^Jen k in s , O arrity , T im m , U u n o ll ,

D ay , Swim a n d Leiaor w n e tb e s te lla r V petfoTmeT* fo r th o BniVna. J en k S n i' nou tae lU ing on defonso w as b a rd a n d ’ « rt| a a re . Mooso O o r r i t / p loyed h is usual . . l in e plugging gam e, bu t. w as exception '

• a l ly good w ith big - p u n ts> -beao tlfo l d o ub le spirals; tb a t .erislly nvernged 38 1 ,1 y a rd a . T im m 'w na offiol^n^ .on defenso vnl a n d b is tioekling w as all . th a t eould be cerl asked... r U usaoll' and - D ay p layed th e o t t b e s t {^niea o f th c ir ea re e rs .. B d th m r e o f ' o m ean n g en d runa fo r losses.tim e I f t r r tar{ t im e a n d bo th w ere s to t^ i |i^ p f{ tack le jngi buoka ’ w ith regu larity . 8w lm d)s-' fng p lay o d k « ^ ■ headiTork .at cS n te r^o n vali d e fen s iv e 'w ork , b reak in g -ap a sum* T b e r o f paasca a n d iu te re e p tia g one. Mol I/o iae r w n a 'i n . eve«y. p lo y . ' ' - , ed

F o r N am pa Woodie,. 'O rd a n d C a n n dea .jWfCLJba. .ahlning- _-^WoodIo. w n i ingc e tp o n iih le 'fo r m och o f N a m p a 's ya rd - mni a g e on passea b y bis. n eeu ra te .boavlog te n a n d ke b i t tb e lino' w it6 - a vongoancc. prci O rd v n n f a s t nround thb ends. T he do< iate fo n siv e w ork o f Cnron wna good. H e will Tfas in evory piny and g o t *n lo t o f cha taek leo tb a t th e ends should hav^ g o tte n .

N am pa wns pcnnllzod fo r rougliing *?— tlire c tim es, nnd tw ice th ey woro pen- x^isod h n lf tho dixtnnco to th e ir ro«>1 fi>r Plugging ,nnd Ord wns p u t o u t o f th e game.

F l n t Period.T he B rains reeelved, de fen d in g tlit* “

« a s t gpal. Grny kicked o f f to Mooao o n tho 10-ynrd lino who ra n th e bn ’l b a c k to th e .3 5 -y n rd lino. Timm got a 'w ay thn jugh tho lino on tho firn t piny ^ o r SO yard s placing tho ba ll on tho10-ynrd Une. Mooao fnilod to gain .

J c n k s mndo a yard . J e n k t fnllud to K ain. A pnss. - Ikfooae to Crom, fell a c ro ss the goiil, g iv ing N'nmpa tho bnll <m tb e S.yord line. O rny kickod to Mooao on tho 80-yard lino. T im m made

a y a rd around end. Mooso nmde 11 y a rd a o f f tacklc. Mooae m ade 4-ynnl)« tbroK gh tho line. 'Crom m nde a ynnl o n . * fnkel

T im m fum bled nnd Nnmp.a recovered th o ball. R icks mnde 3 ynrda, Ord y a rd s moro around cnd. Tw in Fnll^ reeo ived a R-ynrd. p en i.lty fo r offaiile. W oodie mndo 2 yard*. Ricks fa iled to g a in , Dny stoppln]; him n t th e line of scrim m sgc. O m y k irkcd to Mooae on

(Coutinucd on Pngo P our.;

Several Proposals WOI Be Discussed

at Liquor ParleyTinal Ueoting of ITnltod States : and Canadian Offidkls on

micit Traffic to Be Held Fri- day -at Ontario OityOTTAW A, OoL, N ov. 29 0P>— Al-

.tboogh the conference betw een repre. soi^U tivea of C anada and th e U aited S ta te a oa liq u o r sm uggling d id n o t « s d todaj^ tbo f in a l m eo tiag tomor* ro w m orniog w ill h e b n t ' b rie f. The A m eriraa dolegation w ill leave for 'W ashington probably early tomorrow a f te ra o o n . Tonight Jacques B ureau, o i a i s t e r o f euatoms aod exeiae, en* to r ta ia e d th e v isito rs a t . 'a n Am erican T h an k sg iv in g dinner. Tbe th ree pro* po sa ls wbicb rem ained to bo disenssed ■today w r o : -

'1. M easures to s top sm uggling by laad.

2. Shipm ents b y ao tom obiles or air* p lan es to be reported to U altod S U te a offioials.

' 3. B eeiprocal a rraagem en ta fo r the .attendance o f w itnesses, th e execution o f commiasloB and le tte r* rogatory , a a d tb e ce rtif ica tio n o f records.

ID AHO: W b I t B Z SF rid a v : O eeu ten o l ra la .

firenuut Escaped Injury by Leap,

from Enffine CabSnsrineer- Killed in Train Crash But Nejro Attend­ant Escaped Severe Hurt

MACON, O a.,.N ov^ £0 M V -T bo srailed K ansas C^ty apeeial t ra in ret tbo Sou thern B ailw ay , w roek- i 1 'l^at^^night a t N a h u n ta .' Oa.,. ar> ved in Mocon n t 7:30, o 'c lock thla orning, b r in g in g tho b o d y -o f En- neor Jo h n H. E v an s o f M acon, ho w as-tb o o n ly poraon k illed , in 10 w reek. E ng ineer E v an s livod a t iacon .. nogro A rem an, nam ed icka, aceompaniod* th e body to* acqn. The nogro ia n o t h u rt w ith lb" exception o f a few bruises. The )gro. sa id th a t ho and E ngineer traos bo th .jum ped ju s t boforo eol- a ing w ith t h e ' 'r e a r end o f tbo ju t h ^ d J


— — ■ Cjre tary Mellon' Announces [ lew Opportunity for Holders ° f VVar Savings SeriesASHINOTON, N ov. 29 OP)— An* Ploem ont w ns m ade today b y Bef* *ry Mellon tb n t beg inn ing (om orrow *l o r a 'o f w a r sav in g s eertW leatos, tlw o f 1D19, w hich m atu re Jonunrv ti)S4, ^ 'e x c h a n g e - th o m a t m a tu r ity f10 fo r th c now treasu ry --auv ing i »l Ificatoe datod J a n u a ry 1, 1924, andIio aamo tim o g o t ndvaneo paym onta vmy cash d iffe ren ce b y tak in g tho tiost am ount o f tho now trea su ry sav* a

certif ica tea th a t th o ir w ar snv- oeo rtific a te s (ta k e n o t m o tu rity b

o) w ill cover. c10 m atu ring e o rtifle a trs , Seero tary hlon also announced, w ill be accept* «beginning tom orrow fo r dash re* ti p tion b u t c b e c b ia paym ent cover-th e lr trodem ptiAn.valno w ill n o t bn e*d u n til abou t J a n u a ry 1. Bejjla* vid w nr aavinga ce rtif ic a tea m ust bo donted a t th c postoffico w here < tsr* n-od b u t ungerfstcred c e rtificn te ) tt.bo received f o r redem ption or ex- ti

Igo n t an y money poatoffice, nny ni

iC ontlnued oa P ag e Po»r.>




■ R t sl y l / ' BavAMceZJf J . WNO ^



r7 o

G m O i L '


----- '-'[l:]pposltion1o Regulars by Re-i;'’

publican Progressive B locs'i Expected to Be Indicated in Friday’s Confabs ■ , a

W A S B D raT O ir, K ov. 29 o r i i - f O onferencas to b e he ld to m u ro w ^ i t r th e repub lican i^ g re s s tV e „

' b locs o f th e hooap n a d sen a te n a j r j p o in t th e w a y to th e e x ten t o f o]^. ^ poslU oa th a re g n la r repabU caa at- ganlt attona v l l l e a e o tm tv in th a ir tl e ffo rta to o rg a n lte p ro iap tly th a ,] tw o hooaaa. . ii

Sonato republican leaders ap ita rea tiy lavo .detorm inod to loavo th o 'd en o - w rn ts o r tho_^progre8sivos, o r .bo th , t#»o H aitin tivo in' nny o rg an isa tio n fig h t. ^ 'hey a re ogroed to. adhere to th e po* itlon th a t tho sonato is o r g a a i i ^ nd tb a t an election o f a president ro tern is unnoeessary. T he dom6* ra ts tak e an opposite poaition, b u t J< he g eneral be lie f is th a t th e y eannot oree a n oloetion w ith o u t th e support f tho progressive bloc.

Loadora H o t W o n y la g » Bopublloan leaders in t&o bouse hp> ^

nren tly a re n o t conecm ing them* jlvcB w itli tho dem ands o f ih e pro^ ressivo bloc. T hoy say th ey .h a v i jj, jcoivod- no o ffic ia l, in fo rm ation aa lo. ^ 1080 domands an d h a v e mado no over^ 2 jrcs looking to an. ad ju stm en t o f d if- ],j ironeos in advance o f a vo to fo r ^ weaker. 'T be progreasivo bloc has issued in*

ita tions to.CO mombora o f tho booM > a ttend- th e ir conforeneo tom orrow ^ t w hich tbo program dro ftod b y th e xoeutlro com m ittee o f tbo bloo w ill e discussed and octod upon. .T h is in* ludcs n o t only a libo ra llM tion o f ouso rules an d com m ittees b u t also . ith logislation, lac lud ing ta x redue* on a n d ^ h o r ^ l ro a d question . TThero w e b u t fe w holiday , confer-

ncos to d a y 'a t th e cap iio l an d i'those e re largely be tw een republican and _ emocratlo leaders o f th e senate w ith ^ !spcct to tho apportionm en t o f com* ittoo places a s betw een th e tw o par- ^ OS. Some dom ocratic loaders said tho n jo rity appeored to viow w ith favo r

(Continued on -Pago F ivo .) f i






Services fo r . E.^ S lU w orth B ogera .to B e H eld H ero U n d ar Anspicea ol Jerom a U n it o f F ra te rn a l O rder . .

Funeral sorvJcos. fo r E . E llsworth Bogors, whoso doath occurred here W edneaday ovenlng, w ill bo •bold at 3 o ’clock th is n ftornoon in th e J . E D eW itt ehapol and will- b e conducted 'by tho Bev, C. K, W inning under aus­pices o f tho O dd Fellowa ^odge. Mr. Bogera wna a mem bor o f tho lodge, a t Jerom e.

M r. Bogers, who b a d been a resi­den t o f Tw in F a lls fo r some tlmOi wns an omployo o f tho m unicipality when , ho was s tricken th is wook b ; fa ta l illness. H e w as a t ono time employed by tho federa l government ns in te rp re te r in Us dealings w ith the Ind ians. H o is surv ived b y b is widow a nd tw o sons nnd tnro daugh ters. One son, John Rogera, residea hore, while the other aon, WilHnm, . nnd botb dnughtors, Ruth and L illian , reaide in C alifornia.

No Word Received From Bandit Hant

Jerome Oonnty Anthorities Have No New Information, But Expect Early Capture

JER O M E, Nov. 2D (Special to Tho fsowa(—Jerom o county nu tho ritics, ox* peeling m om cntnrliy to rccoiYO word of tho capture o f band its who robbed the Hazolton bnnk laat Thursdoy, a t It la te hour, to n ig h t wero w ithou t ad* icos .from S h e riff W. W. Honry and Iiis associates in tho m anhtint, other khan th n t i t wos bclloved t h a t ovidenco now .uncovered would lend to tho early apprehension o f tb e robbors. -S h o riff Henr)*, w ith D oputy 0 . W.

Davis n d John L. Cox, fo rtn c t deputy shoriff, who Is employed ns naaiatant to tho claim s n d justc r ^of thc insur* nneo company- which issued burglnry insurnnco to tho H azelton bank , ro*

F inea in tho fie ld n t fh n t bour in itinucd acarch o f th e bnudits,-

M O r m ST A B B U BH BD *’ aX N /CNTONIO,- Texas, N ov. 20 OP) —M artha M nnsflold, F o x sereca s ta r, wna burned abou t the body today irhon her c lothing was accidentally fired. She was tnken to a hospital, nrhere her burns wore found n o t to bo i r a e r io u s as h ad boen apprehended a t r i n t


------- H O \N i)^ W )___ ___- LIKE TO HANh


) f WH^O’ ]X I MB ?


i!b| - 1

— 1 J

f i i - J


L Y NLecturer Dissects

- ■ Jazz CompositionD r. Sigm und Spaeth TAla O ^ e n

A ndlence Composer o r Popular . T una D rew fro m H an d e l’• Classic

OODEN, U toh, Nov. 20 W i — Dr. Sigm und Spaeth, o f N ow York, who is lecturing beforo luncheon a nd musirnl clubs In Ogden, Ols* sei’t s “ Yes, We Hnvo N o Bona* n i ls " in h is ta lk s on m usical ap* preeiation to provo his contoatlon th a t the composer drow on tho K nllelujah Cliorus ^tom H an d e l’s “ M essiah,'* “ Seeing N e lly jlo m o ” ond “ I D ream ed I D w elt in Mar* b io H a lls ."


Jury Gives $59 ,881 .25 to Roseworth Ranch Owners Under Condemnation P ro­ceedings

V en liH for «0!),831.2.1, sn id to b-j tho la rg est in tho h is to ry o f the d is ­t r ic t cou rt here, wns W odneadny nwnrd* cd by n ju ry to Sjiruh E. B rncke tt nml o thers from tho Idnho F a rm Develop* m ent eompiuiy, o f which E. T. Mcro d lth , fo rm er secre ta ry of. ngriculturo, is nn officini. The nm ount o f the ver­d ic t ropreaenis in tho mnin tho- value placcd by tho ju ry upon jw rtions of somo o f tho oldost cu ttlo rnnchcs o t th is region w bleh tbu eompnny sougbl to condemn fo r n lesorvoir s ite . I t exceeded by alm ost i(7000 tho valuation plneed on tho property Ity ^a ju ry m d is tr ic t court here when tho su it was f i r s t tr ie d nbout th reo yoars ngo. Tbo %*crdlet wns re tu rned a f te r a l l n ig h t deliberations.

Appoal from tho judgm on t o f tlio dis* t r ic t cou rt In th e f i r s t tr ia l w as tak en b y th e compnny to th e suprem e court, which 6rdered th e ro-tria l w hich has ju s t been concluded. B o-trial In th e caso occupied one w eek 's tlm o nnd b rought here so;no 00 wltnossc><, in ­clud ing n num ber o f tho f ir s t settlo rs a nd ranrhnten o f th is region.

Tho cnndcnm ntlnn prorccdings in* volved npproxim ntely H70 mfren.of lnnd o f wliioU 2(10,ucrcs'-w ns’ow ned by tbo n rn c k e tt in te rests n n d .li t) ncres onaiod by P ra n k Clnrk. A p purtenan t w nter r ig h t nlso w ere involved. Tbo lands nre s itun ted in tho Rosew orth d in trie t sou thw est o f Buhl. Since tho su it w as in s titu te d tho reservoir hns bcon coni*- pletcd.

The verdi»t returned W ednesday fixed th e vnlue o f th c B rncke tt lnnd n t J35,Sl.'i.2r> nnd dnmnges a t $410, and o f th c Clnrk lnnd n t $21,030j nnd dnm- ;iges n f $2000. The ju ry doclnred th n t no ben e fits would he derived by tho.ie Inndow ncrs th rongh conatrurtron o f tho reservoir. The ve rd ic t thrco yenrs ngo nw nrded a to tn l of.$.12.917 to th c land ­holders. Judgm en t under th n t v rn lic t hns drnw n in te re st a t tho rn te o f “ por cen t nnnunlly.

Tho cn*e o f th e p ln in tif f corporation w-ns conducted by Edw in Snow, Boino, and A. W. Ostrom, Buhl. The defend •int liind hol'lera w ere represen ted bVE. A. W nltera. K. .M. W olfe nnd 8. T. Hnniiltfln, all o f Twin Fulls.


A asocUUon Seeka to B eco re r 16000 U n d er Bond fo r F orm er O ff ld a l A ccnaed o f W n n g o l A cts

Buit aga inst tho Lion B onding and S u re ly company nnd F ronk Oeorgo L echlo iter was In stitu ted W ednesday In d ia trie t cou rt hero by th e M utual B uild ing and Loan association to en* force i ts claim to recovery un d e r pro* v itlons o f a co n irac t by w hich #3,000 bond was issued by tho bonding com* pnny fo r L echleiter as secre ta ry of (ho n isociation. U n dertak ing fo r at*, ta e h m e n t-o f the- bonding^ cp jnpany 's p ro p erty to sa tis fy tb e claim "w aa filed w ith th e c o m p la in t-ia tho s u i t . '

-Recovery under th e bond co n tra c t la sought by th e bu ild ing and lo aa aaso* ria tio n on th e grounda th n t i t has au f­fe red loss in am onnt eqnal to th e am ount o f th e bond throngh w rongfnl a c ts on the p a r t o f Lechloiter, ^ h o has had no o ff ir ia l conncction w ith th e association fo r some weeks.


CHICAGO, N ov. 20 OW—M r^ Adn Boihclle trho claims to havo been oa tho stage longer thon any o th e r I tv ^ g actrcBs nnd who claim s to be th e o ldest a c tress in the U n ited S ta te s , w ith onn exrep lion ’ celebrated her seventy-aec. ond b irth d ay hero by p lay ing ber nsual r6le in a moslcal eomedy review . Sbc ha* heen on'TCe stage fo r CO year*.

M rs. Boshelle said she h ad one amM tloii—to p lay a geod Ir ish eomedy p a r t befo re she re tired .


Five Hours Deliberations Bring No Agreement on Verdict in. Roseworth Project Condem­nation Suit

W lthon t roachlng un agreem ent on a vord iet in tho suit b ruugh t b y th e Idoho Farm Dovolopmont com pany agn inst Saruh E. D rackott nnd o thors to condemn certnin lnnds fo r tho site o f the reservoir for tho Bosoworth proJpct, a ju ry iri d is tric t court here re tired fo r tho n ight a t 11 . o ’clock Tueaday n igh t a fte r about six bours dolibcrntiona. *'

T ria l in the coso, which was opened la s t Wedneadny, waa concluded some'* w hat sooner th an atto rnoys hnd flntl* clpntcd. Tho caso waa givon to ; th e ju ry ahortly a f te r .*> o ’clock Tuesdoy evoning, moat o f tho nftornoon h av ing been occupied b y nrgunranta -of a t to r ­neys. Closing argum ent fo r tho com­pany wns mndo by Edwin Snow, Boise, wffllo E. M. Wolfo and E. A . W alte rs presonted tho caso from tho s ta n d ­poin t o f th e dofondant landow ners.

Boforo reating their cnao early In tho nftornoon counscl fo r tho p ln in tif f corporation complotod in trodnction o f evidence ns to tho valuo o f tho lands under litig a tio n , o fforing d u ring th e d ay tho testim ony of Jo h n F ence, J .M. M axwell, W. F . A lw orth, O. W. W alkor, W illiam Noh, F ra n k C lark ,'J , M. B ra tto n , S. Olaud S tew art,' J e r ­omo Ile lsley ond Robert Bogerson. l a - re b u tta l counsel for th e d e fen d an t landow ners offered the testim ony d f C heater B riickott and F ran k . C lark, bo th b o ln g 'do fendan ts .

The presen t tr ia l is tho second d is trie t court horo, tho su it having!...- been , in s titu ted nbout th ree y ea rs ago, and nppeni being taken by tho com-' pnny to th e supremo courl, w hieh or­dered n new tria l.

U nder Judgm ent entorod n t th e close o f tho f i r s t tr ia l tho B ra e k e tt in te r ­ests wore aw arded approxim ately >S^,-000 fo r 200. acres of lan d , and F ra n k C lark wos aw arded •19,000 fo r 120 aerea o f lan d und^r litiga tion .

T ria l in tbo ease b rought here aa w itnesses a num bir o f early so ttle ra nnd ranchm en of this region.

F m i r E l T S IN L K DEUTH

George Dietrich of High School Junior Class Suffers F ata l Injury in Fall from Horse

Georgo D ielrich , tged 15 yenrs, son o f Mr. nnd Mra. H nrry D ietrich, nnrt n m em ber o f the Twin Fnlla high echool un ior class, d ied enrly Mondny mnrn- Ilg n t th e connty genornl hospitnl from

tho e ffec ts o f injuries received la te Sundav nflernnon wlicn he wns th row a from ills liors'e a l tbe fam ily liomo si* m llos northw est o f Twin Polls. The body 'w n s tnken to thc J . K. D eW ilt m ortuary . A rrnngem ents for funernl scr\-icea nwnit word from rcliilivps elso- where.

Tho fn tn l n 'c id rn t ofcurred whllo thn pnren ts o f tho dc.id boy w ere nwnv from home fo r n short time. Beforo lenving M r. D iotrleh placed n w iro ga to ncrnas n lane landing intn tho fnrm - ynrd to keep cn ttio in tho field . G eorge D ir tr irb and hia brother, Cliiir’es. 14. a t the tim e wete viaiting n nci;rhbor.T he two liuLi, w ith :i companion, I.e.ilk- H ric. re turned hnme .it nbont 4 o ’clnck.All th ree were ridinR horsi-a w ith fre'! rein.

The gn te wns nnt obaerved by th e Inds u n til they ciinio r lo 'c to i t nnd Oeorge. who wna Ifuctiuc;, waa unnbU* to check hia borso in lim o to p reven t tho crn.ih. Tho gntc was to rn down when th c firi«t borae s truck it. th e otbera paaaing throngh into the Line, Oeorge waa thrown off hia horae nnd th e anim al n*as atiirncd by the forco o f Ihe blow. The other bida. tu rn la g back , nppliod fira t aid m ethods in an n ttem p t to restore the injured boy, whohow ever, did no t regain eonseiiiuw r-^____,before h is death about 12 h o u n I.iter^.'

A t te n d in g ^ physician* Rtixted t h t t d eath w jj#»^e result o f concussion 0^. th e h fM n . They fonnd no m.trk en tho in jured boy’s bodjr.

E f fo r t w na 'm .ide M onday to coiii- m unicnte 4he sad netni to re la tiv es o f Mra. W ctrich jn a nioiintninous region nbout 30 milca fram Doi«e. W ord waa aen t to U nited Stntea D iatric t Jn d g eF . S. D ie trirh and Balph D ietrich , uncle and bro ther of M r. D ietrich, a t Boise,’ w here D ietrirh b im self r e ­sided for a nnnibet o f yea rs an d servod as depn ty a h e riff and d epu ty a ta te gnmo w arden. M r Dietrich a b o served here aa depu ty sheriff.

W IT Z K S DCPOBTBD.' N E W YOBK, Nov. 29 W>f—P ardoned b y P re s id en t Cbelldgo and fre e d frora a l ife sentence « t Leavenworth, L o th a r W ltxke, th e ouly Q ennan ' spy eoa* v ic ted In. th e U nited S ta te s dn ring th e worid^ w ar. wa* depnrted today on th e •

'T7BnihDrir.Amf>ricaD b n e r^ lh f - r t RallinL _ .

. Twd . J -

m n m m ‘TOIONGIilS

jCliffllGIlTD etails fo r Reconstruction Plan

W orked Out by League Com­m ittee ; Revenues to Be Giv­en a s Nation’s Security

' LO N D O N . Nov. ’M (;P)— D eta il, b t th o propoaed Inan to lIunKury, iiitendo-l n s p n r t o f tlio roconsfrucfion metuurp* • f o r - th a t country w blch tlio Icnguo of n a tio n s h n s «n<ler w ny, hnvo been ' w orked o u t 'b y tho eom m ittee o f tho lenguo w hich has bcon mcotinff horo u d w hieb i t w ai nnnouneod yeaterday h a d ofp’ood upon a ndiem o to bo sub*

/ ^ t t e d to th e loafjiic counrU n e x t , m onth .■ T hia lonn will, under tho commit-

to « ’« p lan , bo dlrocted by n commis- • io n er ijencm l rcaimnRlhlc to the loapuo nnd h n v ln c fiinrtloiin aim ilnr to thoao o f D r. A lfred 2lmniprjnnn, tho Jcnffuo’s repreaontn tlvo In V iennn in tho A us­tr ia n rceonatruction w o rk /

Tho sum re<]iilrpd to p u t H ungary on ho r fe e t w ill bo mneh 1cm thnn waa neceasary In tho cnan o f A u stria . I t

• is expected th n t fho budffot ean bo Oi ba lanced in two and nno-half years w itti vo th e asalfltnnco o f a lonn o f abou t 230,- j„,000,000 'R old crowna,. n f te r which Iliin-

■jjary, b y mcanfi o f hor own nn tn m l ro- sources nnd h e r aplf-m iffiricncy in food w ill bo hblo to m nln tain horsolf a s a self-aupportin/f n tnte.-

U nliko thft loan fo r A u stria no (piar* n n tr ra o f foreign governm ent w ill bn requ ired for. tho propoaed irnngnrinn tean . Tho revm iic from tho customa, ^ tobncco and sa lt monoTwlles nnd th e ' _ ■ugar tnx m ay bc mndo avallnblo w itb J t th o addl^ionnj sc riirity o f fu r th e r a s aigned .rovonuea i f th e y nro required.

Tho com m ittco conaidori; th n t tho m rc c s s o f nny achctno fo r Iliingarinn Toconatrnctlon depends upon sntlsfju!- to ry nrrnngom cnts b e ing mndo rcgnrd- ia g nungnr}*’» linbllltlo# fo r w nr rep ­a ra tio n s nnd o ther debta and tho es-

_ tabH ahm cn t o f good po litirn l n rrango- xnents w lth-H ungnry>s neighbors.

Dr. do K nllny. H angnrinn m ln la te r C 'o f flnanc^e, *nhd o ther members o f th e t

I lungnrinn delogntion who havo beon h n p p l^ 'in g tho financinl com m ittee w ith c In fo rm ation , will, lonvo fo r .B udnpost b tom orrow . ti

, • tl A D O PT IO N o r OAI.ENDAB

OHANOES H O L ID A T D A TB » . NEW' Y OBK, Nov. 29 O W -Tho ndop- • '

tlo n o f t i o G regorian coJcndar, b y th e B nssian orthodox ehureh 'th rough a ro- ‘ r e n t proclam ation hy A rchbishop Tik- hop , m eans th a t tho en tire C hristian ^ w o rld w ill eo lebm te Christm as th is y o a r on th o m m o .d a to fo r tho f i r s t tlm o sinco IJiSl, tho in to m ationa l f ix - . R e d c a len d a r lenguo nnnouneod to d ay port

Tho R ussian and Greek churches fo r thnl c en tu rie s followed tho JuIInrf ea lendar has w hich causcd them to cclobrate C hrist- Fee m a s from ton to th irte en days a f te r th o re s t o t th o C hristian chnrches. V

abilB B A D T B £ O L A S S ir iE D ADS. c lu


P iE v e r y d e a r e t t ew e ig h t tm d f a l l a iz e ' H S g f l

C o r r w a r r 1922, L » ccrrr& M rtuT osA C C o (


frs. William E. Corey i

Charging dcsortlon, Mra. M abello m an Coroy haa 'securod^ a P a r is d i­ce from W lUlam E llis Corey, mUl- ; niro A m erican stoel m agnate , one Androw C arneg ie 's ‘.‘ boya.*’ Thoy

ro m arried In Now Y ork pn M ay 17,7 . i i m . Corey wos C orey 's socond i 'c, libforo her m arriago bcln^ Ma- ilo Gilman', well-known actress. H is | it w ifo was M I^ L au ra Cook, o f i tsbu rgh , to whom ho wns m arried 1

huringians Give FoM ^n Place of i

Tickets to Shows ,eater Lobbies Beaemble Pro- luoe Marts as Patrons Pay rheir Way in Products |I^ B S T B IN , ThiirJngiJi, Nov. 20 jp

P>—T hoatrrgoer# now nro allow ed ,n• tnko vegetab les w ith tlicni to th e a a d h ig pliiy houses -in th is l i ttio c ty . The cnrrom , tun iipa. cab. n Iges and potatoes a ro delivered h I uahors in fin>*incnt fnr- ad m it. n .nco which m ay. nlso bc pa id ’ fo r • [.V

briquets. M ilk and cblekena id duckn and geese nrc ntso uu- I iptcd. tlConsequently t b o auditorium . B csen ts th« npponranco o f a c ity II (irkct whllo th o ushers aro ap- .m a la lng tho o fferings. b:

• ... TO aA B IA N B K T MXJEDBBBD. i*:

tOA, L a t i r t . , Nov.- :o W ) _ A ro- rccelvod hero from Moiwow say s! ' A rohim andrlto N icolai G rabianiiky j been m urdered in h is cell n t tlio '

loraki m onaste ry in Klov.-------------------------- ■ , [J'

h a t is useless to you mny, bo valu-I to o thors—a d v e r ijw I t in tho ** ilfled columns. C:

a - ' ’ .fifteen (IS)B ettercigare ttes\ 10 "

1 ^ - ■

BKLY INEWS^ W ljsr- divorces Steel Magnate

iaarvB : '" ' .I-'- — ■■ ■ ./n ri II III pivhen hu was m nking $40 a m onth . Sbo ' norkud hard fo r him aod insp ired b in > >n tho road to sufcesk. T hey had 8ev* 5ral ehlldron, b u t Coroy Is sa id ' t a ’ liavo believed h is w ife did n o t advance J IS bo did. I lu aettled «l,000,0d(}'on lier, and she divorced him . E o 'h a d lueceedcd Charles Sf. S c h tw b 'M presi- lon t o f the U nited S ta te s S teel Cor- *] lo ration , But was forced to resign rnuac o f tho public ity th a t followed lin divorce nnd re-m arrloge.= = s i = 3 B s a = s s s s B » s « : n B M ' ^


--------- ,'V; f;rory A cqnlta PM lad elpb la A m e z l ^ n

L easn e P itc h e r o f O hargea « f bg in g '\^ idow ' AQd H e r E sco rt - ' ' a.

--------- - i k i•M A R IE rrA , Ga., Nov. 20 y fV *A li n

id ic tm en ts nguiuat K eller Ilo a ty . d Itcher fo r tho phiindclphln Anicrlcaub /■ n d ' fivo otbers In connection w ith th e f lleged, flogging o f .Mrs. B e rtlia Hoi- « Dmbc, a w idow ,niid S. II. M ortou , the. Igh t o f Novehibpr 1C, w ere diiimlsMd “j cro Into W ednesday b y Judgo B la ir oti, loUon .-of Solic ito r Ucuerul Jo h n ’ B. "I ^oods, follow ing lho acq u itta l of a rk s 0 , Cook on one o f tlicso charges.. Im m cdin tely a f te r tho Cook acquit*.

ll th e ju ry on in struc tions from Judge, la ir , follow ing a m otion fro m thd so-’ . c lto r general ro tum ed verd ic ts ,of >t g u ilty ag a in s t K eller l lu s tj’, h ii rothors, A rth u r and P rn n k H asty , ‘ om B lack nnd Joo B ram lo tt, jo in tjy d ie ted wIUi <%ok b u t who wcro nbjt.1 tr ia l a t tho time.

_________________J A P L E A D S B D IE S . .

TOKIO, Nov. ”9 (>P)—G eneral K iku> O tani, m ilila ry counrillor to tliu ipancso governm ent slneo 1017,-nnil irm er .com m nnder o f tho Jripnne^te >rcoa In S iberia , died today. Hu w.m ’ yea rs old.


' MaMX

o B H B B S K S r N


n ^ H B S m F l y nz



!— b e tte r T u rk ish » — b e tte r Y irg in ia * —b e tte r B u r le y s


i m s T o p sS E t K i i p

Form er American Woman lOe livers S tirring A ddresses I

. P arliam entary , Canipai0n. I'LY.MOUTH, Englond, N oy. 20, M

—Lady ' A ator" i s . ca rry in g on a ver lively cam paign fo r ro-clection to pai liiuncxit. nn d _ " bw. mcotiinga a re si crowded sho o ften haa to s tru g g le t rcne-h tho p la tfo rm upon w hich sho i usually subjected to brisk heckling t which h e r qu ick n n d ' sh arp iinswot nfford much am usem ent and keep hc hcnters in good tem per. A t a ' m eetin todny In which ehe sought to show th Im practieab ility o f fho proposed lev on cap ita l chalmpioued b y th e labo party , .Lndy Ast<ir a a id : " T h o y sa tax tho rich. Well, tho rich aro boin taxed;- a livo and dead , and Its qu it righ t. Ono reason w hy ilea th d o tics nr b e tte r th a n a cap ita l lovy is th a t ai thc u illllonaires d o n 't dio n t oaco.”

Tho 'speeches L ady A ato r is m akiu| aro cen te rin g Inrgely on social reforms CRi>ccially thoso on b eh a lf o f wome; nnd eh ildrcn. T oday o n e 'h eck le r said “ W hnt, w ill -you do w hon you d ic f ' nmid lnught«r nnd eheera. L ady A sto re to rted , “ I nm going to sond you, m sen .” -

This WAS a reforonco to bor speed when sho wan f i r s t oloctod to .p a r l ia nicnt, whon ah« dccinred shb w ould hoV hor sea t u n til .her son w as old enoug. to bo a cand ida te .


Bererly HUla Speed E veat to T C r w . ^ by PataUtlea as D river Crashes lo t

Qroop. of Speetatora

BEVBBLY H IL L S, LOS A N G ELES Nov, 20 OP)—Two m en, w ore klllcf nnd a th ird w aa In jured whon s tru c l by a rac in g c a r driven by I la r ry H a rtz ns the d r iv e r ’w aa w nrm ing u p h is cai khorfly beforo tbo s ta r t o f th e 250 mile T hanksg iv ing d a y raco here to day, ■ • .

H ughes, a photogrnphor, wni f i l le d ijia tan tly w hile Georgo L . W ade bAvner o f tho .c a r driven, b y H araln i ongler, nnd a K ai.sas • C ity million, niro, died approxim ately , h n lf an hour Infer, on tho o p e ra tin g ’tnb le a t th t «pcp<rwny hospital.

Tho in ju red ninn wos J im m y Loe, a meehnnic w ith ono o f th e rac in g team -. Ilo susta ined a b roken leg.

“ J" th eslasslfied eo lom st.

Z “NZN .


g ■ . *zNZM

5 I repe; adver5 , i n g .

I able tIfB

j AdveiI to the1 feringI to the

! It is i! desenI his bljI right.*CIt 'tt

!\ /P u b l i s h e d .I ^With The


VISIT GRAVES OF SONii B m lotioaa . Axe Adopted Tavorbii k JPtymmt hy OoTemment o f Ea I j p e : ^ to B tu ^ Orotmds In m o e

\J^EW, Y OEK, Nov. 20 (/W -rAll irol. , s t a r motbere whoso sous a re burlod- ii

F rench .cem oterics, w ill .ho given ai 1 opportun ity t'o v is it th c lr -g ra v e s I

th e U nited S ta te s govomment appcovci reso lu tions adopted today b y d iro e to r an d offieera o f th e Gold S tn r Associa

tlo n oi? America.' Tho resolution suggests fhn t fbo gov . em m en t o ffe r freo transpo rta tion t<I F ranco to e ither tho mother, fa th e r o:

w ife o f cacJi Am erican-aoldior bu ric i , in th a t eountry.> Itelati.vee who desire to v isit th e ren^I places of th e ir soIdi''r'' d ead ir ; F rance aro aakod to send th e ir namo. r to tho BMotlntion 'hcndqtiartcrB in No^'5 T o rk ,

Question.' Who picks tho flowers fDr the wall ' paperl—LouIstIIIo Coorlet^JonnuU.>

Neuralgiaorhesdache—nibth#for#h*«d - ^ I t and Inbsls tbs vapors


1 ^

V am__ •


he Right i Advertisey FESTUS J. WADE, PrcHidei

Merc'antiJe Trust Conipany of St. Louis

at I am prejudiced in fa; tising. But. l am not j I have seen what it haa 3 do.

tisin gis almost as nece bank, particularly the o: a diversified service, as department store.

L powerful force, and n ing- the right to apply siness should be denied

jy tho Tw in F alls D ally News la cok Am erican A ssociation of A dvertising


total of 001,745' ca n were loaded with I TBVonuo,^fro^bi during. lh» w ctk end- • Ing November 17, t b e ^ r aervieo di- » vidon of (bo American ^ l lw n y asso* ‘‘ ciatldo reported tonlgljt*,) Dde. to th » , I obsorvanco of. A m lstke day iK wna I said" this Was' n decrease of, 44,822 eom.' i parod"with the' provioia v(eek, b a t oo' • | increase of 84.181* compared with the I ^corres^sdlng week a yonr ago.I i' i


: 6V2%, FarmLpanMoney

. For n tlmo I can furalsh farm '-loan robnoy' a t a siz and ooo-boU per cont rn to .'

Splendid payment and propoy- mont privileges.

Opmo in nnd lot mo oxplaia a ■farm loan 'that i" as attraetive os a

I Fedornl loan nnd without tbe Fed- oral'a delays. '. 1 can put tbroogb ono of these loana in tcn days, and yoa have the full .amount of your lotn to ata Ia<- itcad of 0 5 .per coat of it.

C. A. Robinson

Ik X




TOr of X ruess- H been S

ssary g [le of- M ! it is J


one g it to S that I


I >peratlsn'^ . Xigenclea^ X

■- i H

— ----- . Z ,ZT-_____ M

Mk. « i e s i i i a r t , / i HWetKHA.'JERHt.OT I itIiJlhJ'’®’ ’“ T

W E xlosx

: . . J [j■ : ■ ^

'“J o d a ^ s S p o


• - r — " ■ : - . " - ' - JS peed of 112 Miles an Hour j

Made in Beverly HillsTlianl<S' g iving Auto Classic |

--------- ;iBBVERLY H IL I^ SPEBI>WAV, 1

Cal^ Nov. 20 (4>>—B. A. Bonnett lllll , f d riv ing a t 11S.44" m.loa nn Iioar, noti |

. tbo SSO-oiilc ThnnkBgivinK: dny auto* tnobile roco liore to<)ay. Uis timo wns'^2 houra 13 mlnutcB and 25 Boebndu. I H ill WM I'ollowcd ciosolj by Jimmy 1 Murpliy, *rl»o finbhed in tw-o lioiira IC.J tninutofl and 30 BocondB. Eddio Ilcnriit! • finialicd tliird. - .

Two fatalities occurred in corenrc- j lion with tho raco. OcorRo L. .Waflc, j m-o&lthy 9port«man o f Kansns City, Mo., < and RuBsoll HuRbOB,- a nows photo [ grapficr o f Los Angoles, wcro killcl!

. wbon struck by tho rncinj?' car of n a r ry Harts, ns Hnrtz was warminfj up ilia car shortly boforo tho start. «

I n finlsWng - tW id, E4di» Hearae, won tho 1 0 ^ nationni spMd champion-1 «bip. He had a total o f 1628 pointa to*rRrt tbo tltlo boforo the raco starto-l and winning; th ii^ place today (pivo tlim an additional 140 points.' Jimmy Morphy ends tho yea r 's racing softBon In soeond placo with a fotal of 1470 pbintA to hia crodit. Tho standinj; o f ^ « tber nationally known drivers fol- , lows: Bennett Hill 055, Hnrry Hnit 820, Tommy Milton 810. Harlaa Fcnpc-j l«}r 720, Jerry Wondcrllch .ICfl,- Coopor' 310, Prnnk Elliott 206, Davo Lew is'

■ • . . I•3’flilay'* raeo did not brc'nk tho record,

o f 115.05 niiles nn linur for 250 milctj 1i«Id hy Jimmy Mur])hy. {

• Bnlpb Do Palma who hnd •cnRlnoj ' irouhio before tho s tart o f tho rnco, i

fniled to bo a scriou.i contender »for. ■winnine hotiors. 1

BMides tho aceidont which resulted in tho fatalities,- two other mishap*,! oeither « f -tliem rc.wUinfr in injuries, i

ocentTod. ■'While comlnff into tho pltai on bis niBcty-soTcnth Inp, 8hnfo' <mnbed into tho p it rnllingR.

Tommy Ullton, Icndlnfj lho -rnro n t ; tb e i54th Inp, skiddc^l on a curao while j In » speed duel with Jimmy ^furp1ly, j fli* cor splnninjr nround Bwcral tlmea. l l i foreln^f 'his car to tho lo^er side) « f tho track, Milton rnn off tho course, «tr!kln{f roii^h. iiound whieh iroko ^ Axle lu d po t him out of tl^A-'eontoBt.


Cxelghtoa TTalTBislty Pootball M«n oi OatpUy law* E loren la Tluima* ai 2 « tt le : n s a l Bcoro Is U to 0

______ UOMAHA, Nov. 20 0?^C reiR hto't |

tinlver»ity ootpl.ij-ed Orinnell collcco' « f Iowa here thla nflcmoon, forein;; ui •tJiB invaders to play a defenso fp»me A <or throo pcrloda nnd staved o ff u 01 fcrilliant and threatening; aerinl attack Ic In; the final period when Qrinnell took tr th e ball twieo to within tho ahadow f( o f ' tho Creighton Ronl posta only to lose i t on downs.

plnal score—Crcljfhton 14, QrinneUO.


- MOnOATTTCmK, W. Va.. N'ov. 29 C« t : —Thc BiJRhty West VlrRinla Monn- to taineers today mol their masters in w tbois old enemy th e Presidenta of Wash- d, Sngton and Jofferson colloj^ lorin j m a bard fonjrbt game, 7 lo*2. Tho vic­tory o f tbe viallork over the nnde- p, feated West Virj^inia eleven cnme a diatlnct surpriBc. Tho Mountaineer* tiad been picked aa eaay winners.


, BOWIE, Md., Nov. 29 (A ^ K in ^ lg j ^ , Solomon’s .-^a l won by a nose thr

410,000 Thfcnlrsjfivlnff handicap for •three-year-olds and-op beje -ieday from a (rreat field over the mile and 3-lfi ronle, making a new track record of 2:02 3-it The /orm er track mark waa 2:04 aet by Bunf^abuek.

I f yoor irroperty U <lmrabl« aad la ^- s d v ^ ls e d ia the elaaaifled- yooTI fiad


\ f VWCT t o \Q \> ^ \I Meam "wkyujs■ K U M E K H ? WJKEVt I t M b

WRO «>■!» AtflME f MARxtT nace he I V»OM\SEl>. IMMSbuVTC J

: ■ ■■s. ■

^ ir

r i i n g j j e - w s


Winnors. O f 'Soathem I ^ o . OoUefflatc eoafereace F ight Fortlaad Eloven U 7 to 7 Score

CALDWEI,L, Idaho, Nov. 20 OP>— ■olleRe of Idolio Coyotes, winners of tio southern Idalio collcgintD confor nco. fougii.t tho Wiilnmetto univoralty leavers of Portlnnd lo n 7 to 7 tic I n .cnme devoid of siH'ct.Tculnr pluy/* ecauae of 'a muddv field. The-Wil- uuotto scored in tho second quarter nd tho college In the th ird ^ ftc r both ;amB lin'd been shoved buck nnd fprthI tho mud for amall |;aiu8 during tbe irst hnlf. Only five imBSOs wore com- ietCfl out o f 'a total of 22 tried by Dth teams.Tlic eollego used Blrnight football to

!)in.its Bcoros white tho ■Oregonians >aortod to pnsscB.


A t Boise — Boise higb 0, Burley 8h. 0 .A t Oaldwell—College of Idalio 7, 'illaae tte 7.Arkonans 12, Okbiliomn Aggies 0. Oregon Aggies 12, Miitnomnh Ath- Ue cJub 0.Kentucky 0, Tennesaeo 18.Denvor 21, Mines 13.Opiorado XTnlrerslty 0, Oolorado A&- ea 3.,Oolorado College Sl, Brlgboai Yooag Uege 6.Drabe 20, OkUbotaa SO,St, Xavier 0, HnskcU 3H. ' ;Tulare 19, 'Washington U. 8.Wooater 45, Mount Union 7. ,Georgia Tech 0. Auburn 0. iOglethorpe 12, Chattanooga 0. Oincinnnti 23,i Mirmi 0.Creighton 14, Orinnell 0.Kans.iB 3, Miasouri 3.- Knox 3/, Monmouth 0.NobrasiCA 34, Kaasaa A g^es 12. Vanderbilt 7, Zownneo 0.Marquette 20, Vermont 0.Dickson 14, Buckncll .'I.W. and J . 7, West Virginia 7. ‘ Fean SUto 3, F lt t 20. iDetroit 13, Oonzaga 7. ^Cornell 14. P eaa 7.Pomona 14, Hawaii 7.MbntanA Stato 34. K ev Mexico 7. Arirona 20, Snntii Clnm 0.Notrs Dame 13, Sc. Loals o.

RAMA WINS HANDIOAF. INEW ORLEANS. Nov. 29 0«>)—Rnm-A )n the $3500 adlod Thnnkagtving ndicap, the fcnturo of thc opening y n t'Jefferson pa«k, this nfternoon.10 dlatanco was ono mile. Tho wi;i- j T paid nine to ten, two to fjvr and ' e to five. Rama jwld two lo on'i ,d even; Tender Beth 8 to .'5.


LINCOLN, Nov. 20 OW—Nebraakn liversity overwhelmed the Knnsns rricultuml collcge in the final ,"nmc

the football sea<M>n here tod.iy 3412. Tho victory enabled Nebraaka elose a aoaaon without meeting de­

nt In Miasouri valley circlet.

HAZELTONHAZELTON.—Tho Ladle**' Aid so- •ly held a farewell party in the urch basement for tho Rev. R. K lurtlon.and family who are moving Twin Fnlla lo mnke.thcir home. H.i

II continue to hold services on Sun- y morning until further arrange- mla nre mnde.Mr. and Mr*. Oale Windlo were Twin lis visitor* Tuesd.'ty.A school carnival waa held in the ^ool boilding Saturday for tbe ben- it o f the Bchool. There waa a large i)wd. ILittlo M&zine Windle Ib the guest ber grandmother, Mr*. J . T. Windle. Twin palla.

The Ladies' Aid society held a hard BB dinner In tbe cbnrcb basement )nday ev ^ in g .

Job fer Woman Physician.A womaa physician has been select-

lo fnmish pfofessloaal services tonafn fTnlrM? S ta fM ' Pasm



, }. . , fOH ' t H O N t W \ - . w OP I ^

' t o • \ ^

RECOVe ^ }f WiOTi B R v S 'tX .^ / (

Fourteen Years t

Dr. Frederick A. Cook, tbo Brooklyn | I (N. Y.) doctor wboso claim ttuit bo diacovorod tbo Nortb Polo was s o . thoroughly disproved by Admiral I Ponry, tho real discovoror, bas been! sontoneed to serve 14 yoars ia a fed* I eral prison and to pay a fino of tl2 ,* |000 for fraudulent - dealings Iti o i l . stock in Fort Wortb, Toxas. The trial; judgo flayed him la doUverlng tbe

flPEBSO N S ' D I E jS T O i

Several Injured and Property Damage Is Heavy Following Gale in Bay D istrict

HOUMA, Lo., No\'. ‘29 W ^ I^ v e* persons lost tbeir iivea, fivo were in­jured and heavy property dnmago rc-' suited from n storm which swept tho Little Coillou Bayou section, 10 miles > soulb of hero last night. ^

Thc family of RiilpU OuWry w as’ wiped out. Mr. Guidry, his wife, ten ' yenr old son nnd 12 yenr old dnughtcr having been killed who» tlieir home was wrccked. The fifth dend waa that of 12-ye.ir-old Kdtlicrino Brunet, who wns drowned when a houseboat in which thc family mndo ita home over-,' turned. Tho parents escnpcd. j

Apprnximately 2.'i houses were wreck­ed including tho $23,000 I^acacho acho 't house. Crops wcro bndly damaged l>v , rain whi-h necomi«"ie'l the storm, tin : weather bureau re|>orting ten and it hn'^; inrhen of rainfall betwocn. 8 Q. if. Wedneaday and H a, m. today. j

. C o r e d o r M o n « y B a c k'A fte r aJjoo t 8 yMi* of saffi tBt •vkK POm, I wms trw ted b770« aad M a tnitbfaUy s«7 tlMt I am c m L *

Thia and hxindrecU oif other ; letters have been recclvpd from grateful patients. They are on file in my and will be sent any- otje who want* proof of my non- surgical, painless methods of cur- ing Piles.

I r a a r a a t e a ta e «Ten o r refnail ye«tr

J ^ r ^ E E B O O lL

C A ^ M - D E A N . m . d2 n * i i r t s « i « i 5 w -


" ' 'N E M UST H W t e R W U t S - - S t O H c e . iM M E tx A r t tc f

■ ^ Lme

for Dr. F. A. Cook

n lwmmmrntmm ■

t,spntent-e. E. J . Cox, nnother pron t tor, whoao bobby was oirplano flyi }j»ad who bnilt a machine to compi J in tho Jnmes Gordon Bonnot Cup rai I '.in Franeo a fow yoars ago, was si •lloneod to eight years an d -to pay •[fine of <8,000. Cox's wifo atartl 1 the conntry a fow years ago by ct i;io g on "airp lane ta x i" in Texas > tako bor to New York on shopping toi


I freslimnn in tho collogo of agricuitu nt tho university, ia now nttending t international Livestock show which boing hold a t Chicago, Docembor 2 0. Mr. Mink went aa Idaho's rept

r Bcntativo, having wun tho nward c forod. by Armour nnd company to t'

I pig club chnmpion of 'tho state. La yoar ho won ono of tho Union Pacil railroad scholnrships lo tho universi

, offered fo r competition among t! membors of tho boys’ and g irls’ elu

^of Idaho.

.P iano tuning. Phone Logan’s, IG —ndv.I ----------------

i Prepare forThe man who doo future is ccrtain 1

• st Begin to save 1], Acconnt at the i

' Trust Oompany‘ 1 as small a snm fnnds will earn 4

I More important ; AESOLUTE SAFE Stato Qovemmei serv? Bank Snpei

‘ ' TWINB A N K & ;Under B o * -p '

State and / Federal Resetvt

R aw tr j f l r o y Sopervisioa


E H A V E N O B R i

LOSlNb A■M ciomMcKs- 'Wtl la SMINC,'•TVIERE Mjg. No ,

I H Mo\) iV.SRE -rAuKiNfr Abou (k BF'SUtS to w - cofy Q g r T M C M -

s l . MBH QUMf IS AM« AS1^ 0 ^ASSA&t /^~VA

I H I II ilNpUNK; New York Churches P lead f

W ider Share ,of Blessing Prisoners Feast on Turkey

NPIW VOIfK, N o ^ « ) 0P)-7-'Many tho c ily ’a churclics echoed tocbiy wi npitciUs for thu Unitod Rt;ites'tn sho nioro of her bk-XKliign with tho loas fi tunntP ]>*'(>p1os of nthor lands. This threo hundred and necond nni .versnry of thc holldny founded by G( omor Brndford of Plymouth colo

, wus widely obsorvod. Th'o usual nu , bor of urchins from the Ghetto—hd !«n g irls’ clothe* nnd girls in boya’ ^played charivari nnd gathorod p4*nnl ; nmong the crowds who thronged t publl<*. squares nnd thontor distric

.during the day;.1 Every occupant of a eell foasled ,turkoy exccTpt tho two negro'inm al 'o f the Toml>« who naked for chick and got it. Charitnblo orgnnizatio diBtributod thousands of baskets families of the iinfortuimto,. includi: mothers and children separated frc their kin by priaon bars.

• A t Ellis InlnniL nenrly 2000 . imn grants woro initiated into the myaterl of tu rk ey , nnd crnnberry suuco a0- ovory Bowery and -Avaterfront hoi

lg was erowded with gueats-fo;-a-day,


Preaideat of Eeform Leagas Baya ] ’ Will Bring Up New Soggestlona

f ; Begard to Federal PotlUosi

■ WABinN'GTON, Nov. ffo' W>)—T placing of employes of tho «volorat ff nnd prohibition bureau under «ivll si

T, vico reform lengue convontion be n gCB tions eonsiderod by tho civil a< •0 vice orform league convention hc io1I>ecember 0 and 8, William Dudl is Foulko, leaguo p reB id en t, announe ,0 today.;. I ' In n letter to Senntor Reed of pen ;. ^aylvania, chnirmnn of tho committ ,0 ■ laveatigating thd vetcraivs’ burer It Mr. Foulko said, spoils appointmes [e were tho principal eauao for tho ‘ ‘BcnV dais disco^'ored” in administration ,0 the bureau. He suggested a bill i s ’r “ »®d placing all employes ineludii

j experts, under civil aervice.

}. .T h e News Ib read by tbe permano lea rn in g elasaoi.

Your Future$ not provid© for th©o regret his neglect.

SOW—yonr Savings win Bank and an/ A. opened with as $1\00 and yonr per cent interest.itlU, they will be ia TY, assured by rigid t and Federal Be- vision.


A -



s evos4 "tiMe ■>< , I . i WAH Mtiu' vreei- - . M '■ 1 W C I B S - N O O -I, T BAHAMAS- V WAH'V, , IE B A C K 'nu t V ou ' '

I .

\ i ' r J’

' I '

^ Wn LlT' ’


ly(n- ■ ;y

E / z f ' ; ■


Not Fuzzy —Not Fussy, but very,

« very Fashionable.idno NewRpughO’coat


^ $2 .9 5 $ 7 .5 0 :in

I,,, . You can imapne how a B' Buick would look with

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* thcir felt hns been mb* bed the wrong way, so to Bpeak, nnd tho result is tliat they give you the right of way to Winter’s best style.Colors to mntch tbo eonts nt a price that you cannot match in this city.■Scotch Caps for No- j vember Days.

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T O D A Y ’C IlPTIlC ltf fl

C R I D i N » S W E T T lE -i

Boise High .Sciiool l^ootbail Team Assumes Position Won t by Twin , Falls Last Yearjin™

■ Burley P u ts Up Fierce f ig l itB O ISE, N o r. 20 CW—Bolao H ig h '

scJiool'8 f a s t oloTen wou tlio Idflho lnt«rscliolii8tlo g rid iron chiunplon- * •Wp liBre th la aftem o o n w hen J t , d e fea ted th o B a r lo j H igh school ^ sqoad 0 to 0 In one of tb o h a rd * . e s t fo o g h t con tests over stoged on Cody f ie ld . • thoA ra in , which u ta r tc a ’ eariy la tho 1,0 ,

m orn ing nnc] continued tbroughont tho Unc H ny, m ode tho fie ld heavy w ith th o ‘ron, rosult* th a t tho gamo wnn slow ond t e n devoid o f tho spcctaculnr. ' |o n :

BoIbo’s f i r s t flcoro camo enrly In th e m ai f i r s t <iunrter whon Robertson recovor-jt© ed Q uln tor'n bloek p u n t on B u rio y ’b r1jo< 40-ynrd Hne and tw o f i r s t downs p u t ngai Bolao in a position to kick , M ax Baw* w ltt lins, h a l f b a c k , booting tbo ball. - ]ino

Thd lucals eeorod a touehdovn In tbo scor tb ird qu n rte r w hen Rmlth m n 13 j A y a rd s fo r a* touchdown oii a lino Btnnah. tho

g l a y S tn lg h t Oome 'o n fBoth team s confined th e ir piny to pine

s tra ig h t foo tball, though fum bles, eon* j whli Blderlng tho slippery condition o f th e ovot f ie ld , woro ro i^nrknhly in froquont. tho E aeh tcom punY<ftt:.12 tlmeV,' Canlno, tho B uricy . ha lf , ovcrT^ging s ligh tly !es» Pile:

.th an 32 yards-Tier k ick to .Q u ln te r '» 3 3 . reet) B urley th ren tencd lo score n f tc r tho Nim,

k lc k o ff fo llo w in g ' B o ise’s p lacem ent lost w hen Jack lln , le f t tnckle, re tu rned 11 and yn rds to his own_<0-ynrd m arker. Two 5-yn: plunges by Cnnlne, husky nnd slippery then p iv o tcr, rfetted 10 yard s nnd B u rie y 's j f i r s t down. B all nim oat m ldfleld. F i

Two off-tncklo bueks nnd a sm ash Khvl th rough D eM o tt’s tack lo by tho g ia n t tho K orsh isn ik gave Burloy H yards n n d ‘.show tbo desired f i r s t down. Conch K ahm .k ick i sen t In W ing for Broco a t le f t gunrd . whUi D om ott bccamo o\-cr-nml)Itlous and ^25 y BoIbo wns penalized fo r off-side, g iv -j in g Burloy an o th er f ira t down, p lacing Th th e bnll nn B o iso 's 25-yard lino. 'jF i le r

N o Bcore I s Second . N e ith e r team scorod In tho second ,1)lo 1

cpiartcr. Thc ba ll w as kep t out o f |Jero« the 20-yar<l zones by both tenm s. T iijNim» th is period tho piny appeared nbout drqtl even w itb cneb tenm reg iite rin g tw o to p. f i r s t downs. P u n tin g wns e spoc la lly , and frequen t d u ring th is tim c. '^fTO '

B o ise’ji touehdowrt, tbo only one o f^ trlcd lhc gnme, cnmo aoon a f to r tho w hlstlo jplunf ■tarted. Uie fig h t In tho sccond h a lf , p ro tt

E e so rt .to P tm ta j fo rm iB oth team s-p u n ted n f to r B urley ro-! ''^’5

reived B aw U ns' k ic k o ff and U w as C'l g< Burioy’s bnll on her ow n 15-yard Jlno xfte r Tioylor, d im lnutivo and in jurod I^ P P RoHey quarterbacl*, hnd been downedio h is tra c k s b y tho rangy nnd power- ‘‘“ nn ful B ravo ends. Canlno fa iled to ga in mid punted out o f bounda on hia ow n .® "^ ib-yard line.’ A b r il l ia n t run by R a w Iinh for a SS-yard • gnin. b rougbt th e ' O® ipec ta to rs to tho side lines nnd placod tho bn ll-o n B u rley 's 12-yard line. On tho f i r s t p lay Sm ith, fu llbac’c, to o k " “ ‘I thft bnll th e required 12 ya rd s b y side- rtepplng h is w ay through tho B urloy J", linemen. Sm ith ' mndo tho la s t th reo ‘ “ f ^ pards o f b is touchdow n gnin b y roll- '■ ihg. R aw lins’ k ick fo r goal w en t w ldo. ' )f the bars. Scorc, Boise 9; B uricy 0. .S m i th ’s touchdow n ended tho acor-• w ithiOg> J1 *' A b o u t 1,000 persons a ttended .

T he sum m ary and llne-up follows:

iTixom --------------— F. BoMniio* ' 7 ^ 1

I-O- B- r i , .f o b b m . ------------------------------------ "c.ilcbardson ------------------------Caddy

lo t c m a n ________________T. Robinson) ** *'■ ' R E . L . I ~ , ^ y lo r ---------------------- Q uin ter

i a n ------------- ------------------ 'r;,™L H . BB.

!a n in o -------------------------------------- Hlggs^j^^- ^

C er* h i* n lk ------------------------------- S m ith

Touchdow ns: Sm ith. P lace k ick :, \-e r te .

i S o b s l j ^ lo n i : Bols<>—W ing fo r Jruce; .^ raco fo r F r.in k RobiasOn; j "heron Robinson fo r N lb lcr. B nrley— libba fo r R lchardaon; R ichardson fo r ,lo lyoak ; Silcoek fo r G ibba; C utler n B a tm a n ; C anine fo r T a y l^ , co ra i ta tem an fo r Canine. t,,p f

O ffic ia ls—Ref«^ree, R alph B rerfears . rmpire, ‘ “ B e a n y ” Bresbears. H oad ha(„nj neaman, V irg il S a a m s (a ll o f Tdaho). ni.ikin

Boise. B nrieyI rs t d o w n s ------------------7 9 ^asaes t r i e d ------------- — fl 7i te rccp tcd ( b y ) ----------1 0ompleted passes _ _ _ _ 4 ^ nn imsrdage from passes------ 71 68OTd.irgo from serim m agr ‘185 lOo ~ — otal y ardage fo r gam e 25® 178 Blockicnalties ( y a r d s ) ______ 40 0 Fum blsn ts ..... ..........................12 12 Ball 1ardage (average) _____ S3 3 2 [B all r

Fonr ■ , • ■ ■ . '

S S P O ILER EFEATS' 1 m i , 1M 3;

• ' -•■ ;IU

Idcats and Nortli Side Eleven ^ ;iose Season witii Hotly Con- -• sst«d B attle Z

— 0110 F ile r W Udcata defea ted - th e P m o . T igers in tho fina l gnmo of soason foe tlto tw o schools' n t .To- ^> T hurw lay b y .n score o f 13-17. The tc r p a r i o f th e gnmo was playod " . d rizz ling rn in boforo n fair-sized P* ' d o f fans. Tbo m orn ing o f t h o .0 found tbo leaguo p a rk a t Je ro n m . rod Avltb a two-inch snow fall which [ od onough to m ake tho fie ld honvy r )th tonma woro evenly m atcbcd anrt | gnmo w as roploto w ith th rilU I ughout. F llo r 's f i r s t seoro cnme in f i r s t qunrtor w hoa L app m ade a j lUfiil f ie ld gonl from th e 30-ynrd !

Twico In tho second q u a rto r Jo- bc1 earriod tbo ba ll in to dangervus ol to ry . Tho f i r s t tlm o th o y wore /u ho 1-foot lino w ith fou r downs to F.0 a goal whon th e F i le r lino proved g >e unyield ing and he ld them In E k and a few m om ents la te r th e ;, pl n th roatened tho W lld co ta ' goi>> m

tho ba ll ndvanccd to tho C yar'd Ui w horo a costly fum ble savod tb e fi

) fo r F llor. ofluoky k ick in tho boginning o f di

second h a lf gavo Jerom o tho ball to er own l-yaxd Itno nnd a ]v>or p u n t ,)d F llo r In a position to score, h th o y d id , D lehl ca rry in g tho<ball F i

.Jo ro m o m arched tho leng th o l Ai Nold, fo llow ing th is nnd scored In beg in n in g o f tho Im t quarto r. Hi 's la s t seoro cnmo on a woll-dl- d m arch o f Jc ro m o ’s wber. ^1 in te rcep ted l io p p 's pnss. In tbe fow m inutes o f p lay tho ornnge b lack ag a in took tho ball to thu Hi d lino nnd only tlm o preventedfrom dofen tlng tbo F iloritea . l i t

F i le r M akes Downs, s t dow ns gavo F ile r tbo advan tag e ^ lg mndo 13 to tbo T Ig tjrs ' 11. In _ m a tte r o f p u n tin g I^ le r ngnin sd them selves superior, L a p p ’s 11

a v e rag in g b e tte r th n n 80 ynrds. th o 10 fb r Jorom o bnrcly mmlo i) l

irdAF ir s t Q uarter. - ^

i gnmo w as called a t SnIO, w ith receiv ing . T ile r m ado tw o sue-

'© f i r s t downs, b u t n cosUy fum - ■y Lovo cost them 10, y n rds and ip gn ined possession on dow ni. - w as soon forced to k ick to I ^ n - j nnd onee m oro F ile r w as y n a b h I ‘

n e tm to th e Jorom o fo rw ard wnll j o s t th e ball. Jerom e mado y a rd -) , n d N lm s punted to Love. Lnpp a now s tu n t w hen ho found lino c s inoffcctlve nnd com pletod 1 r "pass fo r 10 y a rd s from a pu n t ® , iHon. . I <:h tlio score 3-3, F ile r again s ta rt- nlwnrd, on ly to be stepped on the I lino b y tho Je rom e ag g re g a tio n .. reccfvod N im s’ pu n t on tho 40-1

lino as th e q u a rte r ended. N evor L ( 7 th is period d id th e Jerom e team ?d In -getting tbo bnll p a s t tbe ir »0-ynrd line.

Second Q uarter, m nn s ta r te d Jerom o on a tri- — n n t m arch In the second period tbe ho speared ono o f L a p p ’s p n u e s off

iroke loose fo r 4S ya rd s . I t w;m th r n D iehl th a t s.avcd F ile r in tbl^ Mo ns tho husky fu llback overtook an< trom e cap ta in on tho 15-ynrd line, in tho ba ll ndvanccd to t h t .’i ynrO for

n d a foo t to go to m ake yardage, doi in fum bled to D ie h l. . Twice Nims i t p ted to mnke tho coveted seore pla a p iny through gua iil b u t th c ball 0-0 A-a» Inchos from tho goaL Then*' I le called on th e pow erful Oormnn N a ivc th e ball over In tho la s t tw o ,O n p ts, b u t be. too, w as unsuccessful m a10 ball res ted tw o Inches from th e fo r line In F i le r ’s possession. L ap p fin 1 to th c 2. yard line. .Terome at^ yal ed a passing gam o which ended Q n A dkins In tereepted a pass. L app thep unted and nn neria l duel w as oa

Phis ended w ith Je ro m e s ta r tin g Tw «ing gam o from th e 50-yard line, b ro k e .th U up, how ever, by int^'r g th e ball on tho 45-yard line, n n tin g nnd passing gam e contin- l t i l th c end o f tbe half.

Second H alf. ‘ Jora in w as s ligh tly Increased in th e , , h alf, nnd F ile r, ta k in g th e ball

Ihe k icko ff, f ta r to d .lown the whero tb e y w ere stopped on the ,, d line. L app k irk rd , th c ba ll go- a t on th c 1-fobt line. Gorm an „*d hiB punt and F ile r took th-.- n th e 18-yard line nnd Dieh'. 9 '* d h is w ay Ihrough fo r a toueh- ,?** on th e nex t play. L app eon- * *

n i e r kickcd o f f b u t rega ine-1 iJl when A dkins ngain fcaturcrt “ ' b b ing one o f .G orm an’s p asse s carried tho ba ll to tb e 25-yard [•here they loat to Je ro m e on . Then, w ith th e ba ll on the11 line, tho T igers s ta r te d 'd o w n old. Changing th e tae tica of a d foo tball th ey commenced to•r tho lino. P ie k e tt and po rm an ^ ^ Z sulw tiujtlal un ias th rough the ®. ino. T he q u a r te r ended w ith the 1 F i le r ’s 2-yard Une. p ”

F lie r Hno onee m oro presente*! , >regu.ablo wall th rongh th o ' cen-

^ t u td ( b y ) ---------------- 0 1 Nac?s ----------------------- 2 1 Ing> a t _______________1 ■ 0 line?ooTcred _I------------ 1 1 7 y t


R T I N Grla s 'w n s tho case oarllo r in th e gnme.- tfa tti. tw o u ttcm pta therc fa ilod . How- 81 .’cr, on tho last-trj* Gorm an w o a t ovor g h t tack le f o r ; .lorouio’s f i r s t scorc. sq o rm an’s placem ent fa iled . laJorom o kickcd o f f nnd D ieh l mndo 2^ pt ird s on tho flra t.'p luy . m o r soemod ni I go tIiVough tho lino a t wlH, D iehl m id Lapp ca rry in g tho bo ll fo r b ig m lins, w itb J.APP scoring- o f to r th e ir m arch was m om entarily chcckcd on thu p< yard Hno. L a p p ’s n tto m p t a t g o n ljH as blocked, b u t tho acoro wav’ nllowcd m I E tnm ott w as o ffside. . T h is wns Uto b« lly p eaa lty In flic ted th ro u g h o u t tho ime.F ilp r kicked o f f and Jorom e, u sing - '

llo r’s tactles, <;arricd tho bn ll to th c )-ynrd line, whero E gg Lovo. chockcd10 a t t ^ k b y Iritorcepting G orm an 's

*“ ■ . ~ • n<Som e th re e playa la te r , bow e7er, j ,

w hen FU er a ttem p ted passes, “ G ene” N ia s m ade tlie sensa tion - a : a l zon o f th o day , w ben 2ie lnter< ip] copted L a p p 's pass and raced dow n th e s ide linos, prorsoed b y tb e );] e n tire F ile r team , fo r tb e n g e r s ’ f,, aecond seore. Gorm an k ick ed ' goaL - p] W ith a ch an co 'to .win nnd b u t a fow |gc conds le ft to p lay tbo T igors kickcd 'f to n i o r wbo woro unablo to ga ir. s l id BlakemoQ) cm shed tbrough tbo tb ilor Uno and sm eared L a p p ’s po n t. Jc Drman complotod a 15-yard pass -to th nm ott.,. This waa follow ed b y open i t ans and ano th e r paw , N im s to Em* to e tt , brought thp ba ll to t l t e S-yara10 nod tho fa n s crow ding onto th<( yo old. P ilo r.w as- unablo to chock tbi* A tack which wonld h av e m ean t th o lr ya ifoat and tho end camo ju a t in tim e Oi

savo tho w ildcats. . WF in a l score—IFiler 17, Jorom o 13. RI Tbo llnoup; tble r (17) , Jorom e (13) TIikinson ................. ...... ................ W aJllng cel

L. E . ’ Mlill, R . ........- ............... — B lakem ore

• L . T. • ■ • J”indreth ______— .— :...---------- CInyton

L. 0 .I k in s _____________ ___ ____ Noms, L . I’«

0 . Ac k s ----------________ ________ __ O akes yo

R- G. ' a t111, E . ------ ................ ..................... Smith- ov,

R. T. •n is -------------------------- :___Em m ott

R. E. ■ - -■ '•p p ------------------------------------- N lm s, E . yn

Q. B. - ■ • Joibcrtson ..................................... ... P i(k e tc kl(

. .R. H . ■ . yo; D b l----------------------- -------- - Gorman' em

- .....M U I.... s

Substitutions—Jorom ot HardwiDk . fo t J”" illins, .p ip e r fo r W nliing, Y orgason■ Sm ith, M ullins fo r H ardw ick , or; M urphy fo r D iebl. 1*“ 'Officials: . .ilcferco—B arry , Buhl. }Jm p ire ^ B u c k n e r , Gooding. | ^Jn esm an —M cQulvcy, .W endell. 1 k o rin g : Touchdown*—P ile r : JHehl 1' Jjopp. Jerom o: N lm s and Gorman. a ts : L app 1, Gorm an 1, F lie r 1 by side. F ie ld goal; L app , k o ro b y q u a r te rs ; 1

T ota l, gaiomo ___ O r t o 13— i;i onor ______ 3 " b 7 7— 1- a t t

---------------------------■ tloi


______ Tin(Oontinuod from P a g s One)

:_________________________ ;__________ c^r40-yard Hnf. Mooso m nile 5 yards

tackle. J e n k s mado 3 yijrds ough the line. Moo*e .T y a rd s more. oao m ade a yard . Moose n iadc 9 moru I f i r s t down. Jeu k s m ade 4 yanl» two tries. Moonc to ro tb rough tu rk le

5 yard s and Je n k s m ade It firs t vn. Moose added fl y a rd s and p u t T ii [>ver for th c f ira t K oro on th e nex t yo i y. Crom fo iled to ro n v e rt. Score

yaiJooBo kicked o f f to th e goal and spr mpa ran I t b ack to th e 20-yard .line nta 1 lo st 5 ynrds on un end run . R icks try de 5 through tacklo. O rd g o t nw ay inc

25 y a rd s a round end. B eak D ay Sm ally stopped him . R icks m ado 2 fo r da in tw o 'tr le s . Ord fa iled to g a ln .j in c ly kickcd to Tim m w ho received on t th e

20-yard lino. Moose m ade 3 ynrds yo i tho q u a rte r ended w ith th c ba ll on th e in PaH s ’ 24-yard line. all*

Second Period. loose lost 3 yarda on a fak e . Moos-^ P“ * ked to th e N am pa 4&-yard linn. odio mado 3 yards. K icks 2 y.ards Jugh tho Une. Ord lo s t 7 y a rd s ^ und end. O ray kicked to Mooso o r ““ ‘i 30-yard line . Moose lo s t a y a n l on ion

ake. Timm m ade 4 y a rd a th rough *«o line. Mooso kickcd and tho Im U .ooo

cd o u t ' on tho 23-j-ard Hne. O rd j ^ le ynrds nround end. R icks m a d - '’ ™®' a rd s tbrough tho line. R lek s fum ' Bui I on tho n e x t p lay fo r a 4-yard Ri® . R icks m ade 25 yard s th rough th e do-J . G ray mnde 7 more. R icks matle o n t an ls and f ir s t down. W oodie mado an l. Swim In tercep ted a pass .ind fo r 40 yards, b u t tho^ re fe ree callcd him oa

k aad peafllixed N am pa 5 y a rd i fo r y a r lid e ,' N am pa com pleted a pass fo r a moi •ard gain. G ray fa ile d to ga in . T in y fa iled ag a in and tb o b.iH w en t ^ r. Timm mado 2 yards a round end. y a r )»e ndded 2 y a rd s more. T im m made* Chr ard . Moose kicked , th e ba ll going fo r

o f bounds on th c 35-yard Hbcv y a r idle lo»t 5 yard.i on a n en d . ra n - reci y kicked to Mooae who r a s th e dist

back to tb e X am pa 4S-yard. Hne. fro i 71 lost 2 yard s on a fum ble. T im m w n ,c 4 yards th rongh tho line . Ricky to ( r 'r p te d a p ass on thc 2.^-yard line pcH Swim was slugged in tb o p lay a n d G n ip a received '15 yard s p e n a lty g iv- own Tw in FalU th e ba ll o a th e 15-yanl shoi . Jen k s m ade 4 yards. Crom m ada 40-j ird* oa ' a p re tty fake . M ooto added Can


N E W Stbo n e x t play. Crom k lek ed gool, 3core; 13-0.

Mooso kickcd o f f , ' the^.ball sailing iqunrely bctw oon‘'th o goal poata, and lottdlng 5 yard s behind -the.Jlno. J^am- p a’s ball on th o ' 2 0 -y a rd 'lin o , ^ c k i iiodo 6 yorda. Woodio added 2 yo rds more.. Groy mndo 2 1-2 yards. • RlcVa tnndo’ 2 y a rd s th rough tb e line . Ord node 2 .y n rJa aronnd end, N am pa wus ;>onallzod S yarda fo r-ofM de. O roy mode 14 yonrs th rough t h o . line. W oodie mudo a yard os tho h ^ ended w ith tho liall In tho centilr o f tho flold. ->

- T b ird Period.• Mooso k ick cd o f f to .tbe 10-yard l in e ,

Tonks and.M uaseU d iv id ing honors fo r I beau tifu l tack lo . Ord fa iled to gain , rw in Foils recclvcd a C-yord penalty for offsldo. A pnsi, W oodio to Ord. netted a h a lf y a rd gnin. A pnss to rnmlaon' waa Incom plete. T he n ex t try i t a poas woa complotod fo r 35 ynrda. Another t r y a t a pass w as Incomplete, rbo no x t poas woa comploto fo r a 3- rard gain .. W oodie a ttem p ted -ro drop icick b u t th o pass w,os low ond ho w as rorcod to - t r y tq po*s. I t was incom»' iloto and th e . ba ll w en t ovor. Moose jo t nw ay fo r 14 yarda a round tho end. 'Jompo w as penalized 5 yorda fo r o ff- ilde. Moose modo 4 yard s through :ho lino,- a n d added C moro o ff tacklo. Fenks g o t aw oy for 25 yards , p u ttin g ;ho ba ll on tb o 5-yard Hno. M’oose p u t t ovor on th e n e r t p loy. Croni fa iled0 convert. Scorc, 10-0.

Mooso kicked to R icks on tho 10- w d Hno who ran it, back 10 yards:1 pass, W podie to- Gowon, n e tte d . 25 rards. R iek s nmdo a yord. A pass, Jroy .to O rd nottoif. 3 yords. A pass, Voodio to Gowen, w as Incomplete. Ucjcs f i l le d to mako i t f i r s t down and ho ball^w ent ov er on th e 48-yard lino, rimm mado 2 yards. ' Tw in F a lls re- eived a 16-yard p ena lty fo r holding, looao mndo tho IS back ou the noxt day. . Mooso fa iled to ga in ’ on a n end Ull. Mooso kicked to tJie 2 -yard 'linn nd N am pa ran- I t back 20 yards. A OBS, Woodio to Gowon, ne tted 0 y a rd , k, pass, W oodio to Jam ison, ne tted ■( ords. Moose spoiled, tbo -n ex t a ttem p t t a pass. (Jroy k ic k e d ,'th e boll going ver th e goal and i t w as’ tho B ru in s ' all ou th e 20-ynrd, line.' Mooso modo0 y a rd s ,a ro u n d end. Jen k s mado 4 ards o f f tacklo. Mooso added a yard , onks m ade 2 yordA o f f tackle. Moosn leked, tb e b a ll going o u t pn tho 15- ord Hne. O rd mado 0 yard s around nd._ Ricke mado 5 yard s more. \ nas w as incom plete. A nother pa.*a rom a sprend w as olso incom plete. Or:l )«t 4 y a rd s on on eud run. Grny icked to Timm on tbo 40-yard Hno. onks mndo 4 yard s In tw o tries. A ass, Mooso to Cront, fo r 30 yard s not- 3d a touchdow n. Crom kicked goal, coro, 2fl t o 0.Moom kickod o f f to tho lO-yard line

nd N am pn ro.n I t bnck to Iho 25-yard ne. A 35-ynrd puss w as completed oti to f[irst play . Mooso in te rcep ted tbo BXt try .

r o o r t b Period.Mooso n m d e ^ y “ tj!*- Jenks^ fnilod to

lin . Mooso kicked, tho ball going-,out1 tho 83-yard llno. Crom spoiled an ttom pt a t 'a pass from a spread forma- on. A no ther t r y a t tbo sahie th ing aa incom plete. A pass, Woodio to astm an, w as comiileto fo r 30 yard*, id Eastman_ e arricd I t 10 yard s more. Imm m ade a ha rd tackle.Two more trie s a t pUsaes wero In-

^mplotc. Ord failod to ga in on on id ruri. W oodie triod a ploco kick om th c 35-yard lino b u t i t wua wide, win Fhills* bnll on th e 20-yard llno nd tho B ru ins s ta r ted to open up. Loose mndc 5 yarda on a spread, imm mado 0 yard s on a spread. D oy ado 2 yo rds on tho samo form ation, imm g o t aw ay around end fo r 20 ird s . J e n k s mndo 0 yards. A lvord e n t In fu r Crom. J e n k s m ade . 3 ards. L elser mode 2 yarda on' a tread. A lvord mado a yard. Moose ado 3 yartls on ano lh e r spread. A •y a t a pass, Mooso to A lvord, w as irom jdcte. The ball w ent over, m ith w ont In fo r Gowen and B ran t >r Eubanks. Two tr ie s a t passes wero icompleto. K inney fo r Crooks. On le n ex t p lay N am pa com pleted a 30- ird pass, b u t tho receiver dropped 10 ball w hen tack led . Tho reforco lowed tho pass, howover. Rao w ent 1 fo r 'liiom pson. A nother t r y a t a ISS w as incom plete. Tho nex t try as com pleted fo r 20 yards. A nother y waa incom plete. A nother 20-yard las p laccd th e boll on th e B ru in s’ )-yard line. Tho n ex t p lay waa a ng pass th a t would hove n e o n t a ore, b u t tho b a ll w as canght ont o f innds.N am pa then tried tho line. Woodie ado S yards. G ray added 4 more, a t tbo B ru in forw ard w all held and ; Icks w as n o t ab le to m ake It f i r s t >wn.- M oose kicked , th e ba ll going i t on th e N am pa 40-yard Hae. Ord ado 4 y a rd s around end. 'P e te rse n r Jam ison . Moose in te rcep ted a pass t tho nex t play . A lvord m ade & irds a round end . Mooso added 3 oro yard s . *Moose failed fo gain , imm lost 5 y a rd s ‘on an end m a . Moose to re th rongh tack le fo r 8 trds. H odgin w ea t in fo r D ay, irbitopherson fo r B nm phroy, Ilolm an r F a rra r . M ooio k icked t o 't h o 10- ,rd line. O ray failed to gain . N am pa eeived a p ena lty nf ono-half th e itanco to th e ir g o a l G ray kicked am behind h is own goal. B o t N am pa LS ag a in penalized b « lf tho d istance

th e goal. 2 1-2 y a rd s , and Ord ex ­iled from th e game fo r slagging, ^ y k icked ag a in from behind h is •a goal. Th^ k ick w aa low and ort. Mooso received i t on b is own -yard line . P h illip s w en t in fo r ron. A pass, Moose to A lvord, fo r

nnif n 15 .vanl tub n v a thft


-SAVINGS CERTIFICATES•^ContlBued from P ag* O ne)

fedornl reserve bon k o r b ranch o r the troaaury a t W ashington. B ank ing -In - sU tu tions gonerally w ill also handle these ee rtlfiea to s fo r ih e ir custom ers a nd holders- o f m a tu rin g certificatoq n re u r g ^ by S ocro topr M ellon tq_,p£C- sen t, th e ir c e rtifica te s a s fa r 'na''po<i- siblo ' th rough tb o i r ' own bonks and tru s t companies.

Tbo now o ffe rings' o f trenau ry sav* ings cortificatcfi. w ill bo In lolononUna- tlana o f <25, $100 and *1000' m a tu rity v a lu o 'a n d will bo sold a t 2 0 , $80 and 1800 rospoctlvely.

-Brains th e ir la s t acoro o f tho aoason. A lvord fa iled to convort. Bcoro 3,2-0.

R ydaloh ' aub a titu ted fo r Mosaell, K rlvonok fo r .H odgin , F ix fo r Timm, Johnson fo r C hristophonon , Slmpaon fo r Jenk ins. M oose k icked o f f to the gool and, R icks ran ..the boU lmok to th e S5-yord line. O roy‘ kickod to A l­vord on the 50-yord lino. A pass, Mooao to A lvord , w aa Incompleto. Mooso h i t tko l in e 'f o r 2 yorda aa tho gam e ondod w itb th e b a ll In th e cen­te r o f tb e field .

T b e L ln»-ap N am pa . T w in FallaJam ison---------------L . E ............... ..MnaseHE ubanks_________ L . T.__________LeisorEastm an (c a p t.)—L . G-------------JVaelloC a ro n ------------------ a ------------- :__ SwimThompson—... .____ L . O... ____Hnm phroyC rooks™ ....!..^™ -^ T ~ ~ _ « « - ._ _ J a r r a rGowen— ------------L . E ._____________D ayWoodie:----------------- Q. ----------------- OromG ray.------------------- P , B--------------- -.TimmOrd..™...___— k_JD. H ^ ..............Jenk lnaR icks.— ---------------R . H .........—___Q a tr i t y

R eforeo: Rougb.U m pire: C ulbertson.H end linesm an: Shoffle.Score by q u a rte rs :

1 2 8 4 'T o ta lT w la F o i l s _____ 0 7 12 7 32N am pa _________ 0 O ’ 0 ' 0 ' 0

Summnry-r-Yardflge golnod l-yscrlm - m oge: Nom po 140, T w in F a lla 315. P asses: Nompo 12 cbmploto o n t o f 33 trie s fo r 247 y a rd s ga lnod ; T w in P a lls 2 comploto o u t o f fl triod fo r 55 yards. F ir s t dow ns: N am p a 14, T w in FaHs 10. P en a lties : T w in F o lia 25 yarda, N om pa 88 yarda. Toucbdowna: Gor- r l ty 2, Jo n k in s , Crom, A lvord. ‘ Trios fo r gool: Crom 4, A lvord. T ry fo r drop .k ick : W oodio. S ubstitu tions: Nompo, Sm ith fo r Gowon, B ra n t fo r Eubonks, K innoy for-C rooka, Boo fo r Thompson, P e te rsen fo r Jom lson , Stook fo r Ord, Ph llllpa fo r Coron; Twin Falls, A lvord fo i' Crom, H odgin fo r Day, C hristophorson ' fo r Hum pbroy, Solm on fo r F o rra r , R ydalch fo r Hod- Kln, K rlvonok fo r MussoH, F ix for r im m , Johnson .' f a r Christophoradn, Simpson fo r Jonk ins.

B E A D T H E OT^AflBTFTEP A D 8. "fcl .1 I , I . i t r - ..^ ..y .s^BSSSSsssssae

BdaSaturday 'R — g z g«

Snuii> naS t a n

G R A C E DIn a gigantic n

of strange a the Africa

Thoasands of wild beasts d

t ^ 'T H R E E^ c h e e m ;

Juvenile_ - C O M E D Y - „


ARE ON THE SCHEDUL,E! (O onaansd fro m 'P * * s Oae'i

their.>^auggesiions; foe .-Inefsosed demo-, orati^ -reprosooU tlon a n d th a t th i s . m igh t servo-'to iron q a t some o f tb » o r^ o q lu tlo n difficu tU es.' '

-O x fu i^ N ^ iL ^ b t-D o n M e d

■ \<rh'otbcr any organ ization f lg b t l a tb e senate w ill'»bo lannched in ad ­vance o f ■ tho .-delivery b y P rW d e n t Coolidgo of his f lra t annua l m easag* to, congress appeared to d ay , to • b e (loubtful. Somo dem oerats aald tb » m otion to procood to a n eloction o f A prosldent o f .th e aenate m igh t be de* forrod until o f te r the jo in t session o f congress to hear tbo president.

Sbould tho honao bocomo ' involved in a n organization deadlock, how ever, th u s , delay ing th e tim e fo r tb o ap-

- peo ran ie o f - th e oxeeutive, i t w as dicatod (h a t th e move in th e sen a te fo r reorganization m ig h t be m ade w ith in tho f ira t tw o o r th ree d a y t o t tbo session and im m odiatoly a f to r tb* ad journm ents aow p lanned out o f re ­spec t to dead 'm om bers o f th e tw » b o a te f

• N aturally .I t U dUDcalt to tak e a good m o r tn f

p ic tn re of a lion. H e becom es te n ^ perm cntal o« soon os b e d lsco re ra b »U to ap p ea r on tb e s c r ^ n .

. ' Judgm ent.J n d p n e n t w itliout vivacity o f ! » •

ag ination 1* too heavy, an d lik e • d re ss w ltto u t fan cy ;" M d t**® w ltb o a t tb e flrs t Is too gnjr, an d

LAST B H O W IN a TO D A T U atln o e and m g b t

“ T H E BIO SH O W ”Two B eels o f Idio^bs

B ray P ie to g rap b O tp b sn n O rcbestra

TOMOBBOW ' U a tln e e and N ig b t

Tom U lx ’a l A i m en titled

“ T O U IN ABABIA.” - Comedy in tw o reels^

• ‘TH E T A H iO E ’*~’ t b A l S t Jo b n

' ' P a tb e B e rle w I I t ’s a B ea r ef a Sbow 1

M rThis

l E l O ^m i E 't a g j

A R M O N Dwelty sensation dventure in n jungles

i a W V

M l #lirilUiig aotion Good story

“Stepping Oitt* ^An



m a r r y ON fHANKSGIVINGXtas Op«l. B i^ « r of Bock O r ^ b »- ,

comM BrU« or Alvora' Sonn of ' Thrtd C m k

Thanksgiving Day wo# the dny ao- Icelod -by M in Opnl Butlc;^bf Rock Cr«ek and. Alvora Dann o < T h re o

*' Croek for their wodding dny, ecro> mony bolng performed nt 3 ’ o ’doek fhurfday afteznoon in the tiTothodlit

r pnrsonnge hero, tho' .Bov. Charles E. Winning officiating. Tho coromony . was ’fritncssed by a nnmbpr of rela­tives and friends. A fter two weoks

_ honoymoon trip to Salt Lako Mr. and Mrs. Dunn will return to'm ako thoir homo on' Throo Croek.-«-

HOW OLD AGE CAN BE EVADEDKm p I n s l s t ln o ^ a t You Are Young,

’ a n ^ 'R t i l i t thOiSuggsatlona of Othora.

Doc Henneberry has j iu t proren the •zcellfioce. of a loog-held theory. For as losg as I can remombor Doc haa

' tnslked that age con be evaded, within limits. Nothing, be saya. will grow balr on a bald head. But If tho owner of tbe h a lrle u capat will say to him* aelf: ,

• I am nol old. l win not bo old. I ■hnll remain a mon of hale middle a g ^

He will not know he hoa ovor> ripened nntll tbe day tbe reaper geta tlm wttb hla book, aays a wrtter in the Kanaas City Stttr. Doc polnta ont tbat not ooe man In a million 'rea llu s 01 he la old linUl hla yonnger friends bo. gin to exhibit needless consideration

- for him. ”*7t la a ahock fo r any b an wbea

I be flrst beara bimself referred to as <'o *tbe old man.’ But If he Is not a pcr- to aoarof atnrdy cbarac tcrbo soon'bcglns ^ to act old. He has not'b'ceo able to reaist the power of sngsestiotiL'’

Doc bos been preaching and acting tbla for :^ars . But last week bla fa> ther dog himself out of tbe Rving groove be baa been occupying for yeara and came to tbe city to visit his aon. Doc saya tbe old fool Is a vlrn- Icat 'i)roof of tbe truUi of his theory of tfae essential yonthfulness of man,.He rolled forty years off his sbouiders tbe flrst time he heard bis son's Ideas aboot being yonng.

‘Tm going to send for mother," said Doc. "Toung or old, she alwoys hnd hla number." . I r r

— ‘It*' JAPANESE TAKE REAR SEATSAttitude of These Peopla In Publio

One of Modesty and Humbletoi

On entering a neeting late (cburcb, , i address or public gathering) a Jap­anese Invariably pauses a t the door to ^ w in the d i r ^ p p p f 't te platform— ‘ a combination of Innate politeness and bumble apology for tbe discourtesy of ‘ bla tardy presence. ^

The Japanese ahowa a morked pref- " ” erenco fo r a sea t a t tlie renr of tbe “ . room end o< position on thc nearer end o f a aeat, bla modesty onaelonlng tbose who Tollow him Increoelng Incon- venlence—“For when thou art bidden to 0 feast, sit not .down in thc clilef aeat; Icst haply a morC' bosocablo0 0 0 than thou be bidden. Bot go and ait down in tlie lowest place. For

. whosoever exalteth hlmaelf shall be abased; and ho tha t liumbletb himself ahall bc exalted.” .

A person who Is forced to make a way for bimself through a crowd or In front of othere^doea so In a.cross between a crouch and a bow, expres- olve of supremo hnnilllty, murmuring the while, "Osorc Irimasu" (“I go In trepidation"). Two Jopanese' quite <nt*hesltate Alphonse In debating prec> Meoce a t narrow gate or door— . “Doao, 0 aaki ye” ("Please, to the „ honorable front.")—Stewart B. Nichols tn tbo Ontlook.

— ' — Jiei• • . , ncjEncourageAient.

Jod Tonklna aays tbe fact that a a a n doesn't know whnt he’s tnlking ^ u t loo often encourages him to go , eo talking without fear of belag held reaponslble

Way Som* People Dresfc e=. Jud Tunklna says a good many pa* y y

ren ts now dress In a wuy that looks nas If (he children were selecting the | |elothea for Uie family. §

> Her Opinion. g*1 have come to the conclaslon that »

marriage Is a maph over-rated pa*- gtinie.*’—Wife a t Bnw Connt.v Court. W


B eats Electric or Gas |A new oil lamp that girea aa aiaaa- g

fagly brilliant, soft, white Ught, erea better than ga* or electnclty. baa beentested by the U. B. OoTemment and M \leading nnlverslUes and fonad to ^ » saperior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. I t boms withoot odor, amoke or n o l s ^ ao pnaplag np, Is sjujple, clean, ^ e . Boms air and commoa kero­sene (coal otl).

Tho inventor, W. R. Johnsoa, 1 « gUaion Ave. N.. Portland, Ore, is of- rfferiag to send a lamp on 10 «

- FEEE trial, or ovea to give oae P B ^ S ta the firs t nser la eacTi locality who H will help him Iatrodaee It. W rite « him today for tatt parUemar*. A l» S ask him to explain how yoo caa get g

—tie ageacy, and withoot experience « g B o a ^ make *250 to >500 per aonlh . 8 - a d v . . &

■L W liN J A I jLiS WAlil

P&ssidn Play’s “Chrii


^nton Lnng, p o tte ry . a r t is a a of \erammorgau, G erm any, world-fa'- 'us HK thT> perfo rm er o f C hrist ia tho *lowncd Passion P lay , heada a pn rty *30 OberaniBiergnu a rtia an s who ]

ne to New Y ork carly in Docomber jshow th e ir fam ous carv ings a t tho i

f ^ P c r ^ y o x L d T llom o fo r HoUday— A rvin D. Rounds tliu Oregon S hort Lino enginoerlng f f a rriv ed hero W odnesdny to spend inkFRiving dny a t th e home o f his ontB, M r. nnd Mrn. 11. E. lioundi. p

, t lo re fo r V lalt—.T. C. B nty , form erly | esident o f tho l ln n sen d ia tric t and ^V ow ner nnd opcrn tor o f extenalvo ^ guted fa rm in g d is tr ic ts n t Coal-e, A llicrtu, Cnnada, n rrived horo aradiiy fo r a v iait w ith friends. “

^ tu m s F rom P c rtla n d —.liimcs 0. ore, jun io r, re tiin u ’d T hursday from “ tland . w here ho I'fia boeti employeil tlic |)nst aovornl inoiitliB and oxiK-cta

Uio h itu ru to hc uflsoclution in hun- ^ <9 horo w ith hin fa th e r, J . C.-Mooro.

few Home Oponed—Thanksgiv ing b'ieea Thursdny evening, m arking ' opening o f th e uew homo of tho ^ vation A rm y corps here a t 215 Sho-1 no atreo t south, w ere n ttonded b y l^ lum ber of in te rested persons and 'ndn o f tho orgnnization.

.t Toaebera’ M eeting— M. C. Mitch- Buporinteudont o f Tw in Fnlla

ooln, nnd jwosidoiit o f tho stjite J’mrJinhistic nnNOoiiitlon hoard o f Strol, le f t ThiirHday ovonlng to nt- H1 scKsioiin o f tlie nnnunl niootlni; Ith e stn to tcnchorn’ nnaocinttot} n t natello. '• K

, Erc b e s tra to T rave l—Aiinouucomcnt H; nindc .Thurada.v th a t th e I(l-i)ie<"? nleafrn o f tho MolliotllHt church hero 0e r diroctinn o f Dr. It. A. P a rro tt, B tl n iiiiiiiln-r o f vo“hl iiKnistniits, will> n musical progrnm nex t Tuesdayaing in -the M ethodist church a i jjisen. c

ishop to O ondact Services—The Rt. j: ’. F ran k H alo Tourot, Boinc, binho|i j lhe Episeopal dioeese of Idnlio, will duct services in Ascension, ehureh ^ } Sunday, D ecem ber 0, in stead of t Sunilay, i t ,wns announced ® rsday. Sundny school w ill 1)0 held r usunl nex t Sunday . ti

J- I ■ I ^ flcaves 'D n lv a r^ ty In firm ary —Cecil n; I, s tuden t a t tho U n iversity o f n tio, has recovered su ffic ien tly to Q

Some pcoplo a t t ra e t frlea< 'q u ic k ly . I t ’s tht^;?rtmo .with

a tt ra c t iv e b u t the^N don’t wi

THE L. O. SMITH A B!binds Its friends b y chains c iug u itis fac tio n and makes ).

8 cnd fo r booklet.

L. C. Smith & BrosExecutive Of/ices

American BIdp., 3‘. SALT LAKE C

woodwork exposition thoro. Those nountainoors, ns fam ed fo r th o ir carv* ng 0* th o ir ac tin g , w ill exaiDX a cunploto so t. o f 'c a rv in g s o f religious vonts. _ A nton L a n g 's o ldest son, Carl, IG, -who is com ing w ith him, irobably w ill enact tho rolo of C hrist a 1030.

a s t t 3 E iy |S' E d ited b y M rs. E . B . WDUams

Telephone 390

S o e ie ty - in Twin F alls on Thanks- j\'ing dny wan dovoted to n ttendingIio N nm pa-Tw in Pnlls foo tball game t th e a f te rn o o u . nnd to d inners fo r itmllies noid in tim ate frien d s both u t omo n n d 'in tho hotola.Mr. and M rs. W endell Allen wero

ont« fo r M r. nnd Mrs. C. E. W righi nd M r. and Mrn. Clinton E\-nns.M r. nnd Mm. C. B . Booth onte.rtaln-

d moinbcm o f tlioir immedinto fam ily nd M r. nnd M rs. I t R. Ilend und liildren..Mr. nnd M m . Leonard Smitli e n ttr-

ilno«l th e Anhcr » . Wilson nnd .the J . Woodn familien.

Mr. and Mrn. A . G uibort .hnd ns uests Mr. an d Mrs. W. II. P riebo and liildren. M nry, Molcher nnd Tim , MIks' rd lla Delin, Mine Florenco Delin and lina E d ith Andorson.Mr. nnd M rs, L. .1. B enoit gavo n

inu ly d inner w ith covcra fo r 1. .

AT THE HOTELSROGERSON—J . D. Dru'ee, Clii'eago:'

ohn W. Sur, Spoknno; J . J . W ard, cn ttle ; C. D. A shw orth. New Y ork; . 'B o y e r , Ancfiorage, A laska; J , W. ristow , W. II . Ph illips, P o rtlan d ; Dr. Ild M rs. Seydell, S a lt L nko; F . M. rickson, Bait L ako; M rs. A. Dal<|uiat, lien D nlqiiist, M urtaugh ; John M ar­ne', Rogcrnon; Onrl C. Clem ent, Se­ttle ; W arren E. Norria, Spokane- . ir . Hnll. Idaho F a lls : J.^ L . Jonca. loekton, Cnl.

PE R R IN E —George .W. Ree.d, .Ir , oiso; J . C. B aty , Conldale, A lberta anadn; 8 . IT. W inter, Bolt Lnke;L Johnaon, B urloy ; H . C. Kelly, don; J . M. Townsend, D enver; Mr?., B, Richey, Poca tc llo ; A rth u r . Bcn eld, B urloy; T. G eorge H islop nnd Ifc; T w in F alls.

!tum to h is s tud ies a f te r a so v e ro 's t­ick o f th ro a t trooblo b y w hich hc as confinod to tho u n ivers ity Inflr- ary fo r somo tim e, aeeord ing to word leolved b y h is m other, M rs. E. N. Ish.

It’s Easier j To Make I Friends I Than To Keep Them j

is easily and loao them 3typew riters. Somo look * w

lar. 8

SOS. TTPEWEITEE |f serviee. I t g ives U st- fiu tin g frieada. g

!. Typewriter Co. ISYEACUSE, N. y . I

IS So. Main St., |ITT, UTAH ^ I


»f” to Visit America .

M ijJU O , A JL /A I1W » J.X1AJXV>:

Friday- S u r p

B o o tA Big ■November t

we will make s

V alues L isted

Navy Wl Speciall58-inch Navy M

per yaVery finest and bes ed, extra width. 1 suits are made of.

54-inch Fine FiH 'gh grade dress s pretty shade of r wholesale.

48-inch StormiSe A good fast navy al girls’ school costum

45-inch Black SergtA small quantity shrunk; all wool ‘

' bought way below bought . it for b; dresses. It is nice and colored trims.

Gingham 19cFor our fuKt color Utopia quality, checkH, Rtripcs. An extra good gingham.

32-in. Zephyrs 39cPretty lutw i)atlerns in fast colors. Cut.s better in this width.

Blankets $3^566x80 big wool finisli plaids iu pink, blue and grey—big aud warm.

Outing Gowns $1.00A few left of these good (piality outing gowns.Outings, per yd., 16cOood patteniB and a good weight. Get all you want now.

Silk SalesCharmeuse $2.75

Extra good' quality, 40-in. width. Charmeuse is in good Rtylc now. Black, navy, brown, groen, and other wanted colors.

Crepe de Chene $1.59

For underwear. All ailk nnd a good one. 39-inch ■width; ligbt green, pink and white. ’Dress Satins $1.89

3G-inch in all evenin'' shades. Satin finish silks have all-the vogue at pres­ent Tills is €xtra value.

Sleeping Garments $ 1 . 0 0

All sizes, in soft yot heavy. Nono bettor mnde. Have feet—open front

New BathrobesReceived. this week for holi­day pfta Shop early.

andS<lia s s i n g V a lu < h M e r c a n t i l esnds with today’s bunother record—to si____________ ___________0 _______________

a t R andom froi

)ol Serges y Priceden’s Wear Serge rd $3.95t; beautifully finish- he cloth men’s fine This is very special.'

ench Serge $3.50srge—soft and in a avy.. Priced below

rge, all wool, $2.751 wool serge, fine for •es.

, All Wool, $1.00 yd.left. Sponged and l5-in'ch black serge, market. Many have oomers and school •nade up with braids 51.00 yd.

Biggest ^SUU Co

Each day shows add< ful values in high-gra and ladies. Here’s ju

, shoes reduced. Get ; dies’ shoes now.

Children’s Shoes, $jSizes 5 to 8, 8 1-2 to 12 and : ordor. Yon can get good sho

utz & Dunn Oxfords $3.95

Calf oxfords in brown witb military heels, welt soles. Worth double. •

Fancy PuFor misses arid ladies, up to

calf in combiiiAll high-grade fancy pumpB

French Ginghams 59c ' 'E x tra wide, e x tra aoft and fine In go o d .sm o o th Frcnch ginghams.

15-in. Crash 13c yd.B arnsley crash, w hite w ith rod bor­der. S oft fin ish fo r a ll toweling use.

54-in. Wool Coating $1.95One plcce le f t in a good shade of green. All wool, 54-inch, heavy quality .

Dress Sale—$13.'}Silk and also wool dresses

Oanton cropo and, satins. Wo< Very pretty, stylish dresses, i

Comforts $3.50A good one, filled witli whito combed cotton—full size.Cretonnes 35c to 75c

'C h in tz nnd crctonnei fo r aprons and dresses. ^ l a k e holiday g if ts o f these.


turdayBS a t 5 C o .s i n e s s - Z | c c e m 6 e r tart tomorrow.

n a S to re F u llWool Heather Hose

75c(Children’H h e a t h e r wool sport hose, roll to]), np to 10 size.Silk and Fibre Hose

75cLiuHes’ black raid brown in all Hizea. Extra good lioac.

Infant^ All Fibre Hose 25c

Hlack oniy, i 1-2 to 6 1-2. A very pretty all fibre silk

' hose.Mercerized Lisle ■ Hose 3 for $1.00

Pretty and fine for' wear. Ladic.V fast black 50c hoae, i priced 3 pair $1.00. i

Wool Middy I I Flannels . j

29-inch all wool, iu navy, I $1.00 yd. ■ i54-inch fine middy flan­nel, .extra quality, navy nnd rod, $1.95.

Fancy Ribbons 25c4 , to G inch width, floral. Dresden’s and stripes and plains—good ones.Ladies’ Coats $12MA few left, including two velvets, full length.

hoe Salentinuesi d i n t e r e s t . W o n d e r -

d e s h o e s f o r c h i l d r e n

s t a f e w p r i c e s . A l l

3 c h o o l s h o e s a n d l a -

150, $1.75 and $1.95L2 1-2 to 2 at theso prices, in es at thew prices.

strap-House Slippers $1.65

In kill with low rubber heel. One-strap, $1.65: two- strap, $1.95.mps $4.95size 7 1-2. Patent, suede and ation colors.reduced.

50o ’Kercliiefs 3 for $1.00G et them now for Xmas giving. P re t ty h.ind-embroidored, hem­stitch ed designs.

Play Suiting 19cS tripes fo r ch ild ren 's play suits. A hoavy q uality , 32 and 27-inch w idths.

Kid Gloves $1.59Real F rcnch kid gloves, 2 b u tto n leng th , browns and tans, sixes 0 to0 3-4 only.

'5, $19.75, $24,75in latest styles. Some a of )lfl are all in Poirot t j ^ . md at- remarkable prices.

Ladies^ Unions $2.50.

ATHENA fine merino wool unions. • Extra qual- itj*. Regular $3.^0- and .$4 values. Aiikle length.-Ladies^ Suits 95c

' A dandy pure ^ lite .warn fleeced su it well, wears well. ______’


^ ■■ ■ ___ NlT w in P a lls 'K « w « P o b liih ln ff Oom paay, SV

l itd ^ P obliahera ., s£-------------------- :------------—— N]

, Is*uea on Thar*dn7 o f o v e ry W oek gy

. Entered as socond 6lnss m atter Ds* ^ f<»mhcr 12. 1904 at thfc Poat Offlc* a t Twin F alls, Id*ho, un<1or tho aet qv e f Congress of March S. J 8 7 9 . ' g fI ^


Lord Burnham , considorljig tho qucs- 81 tJon o f b roadcasting o s ' o posaiblo jJj] b rnnch o f tho Driflali postn l sorvico, s \ fo rcsuos goneral uso o f rad io fo r gov- ornm entn l purposos.

IIo BuggoBta th n t a d ay mny come 8^ soon whon B ritiah Im peria l confer- ouecs Hko tho ono roeontly bold • in n '

'Iw indon will not require th o prosenco 8 \ o f tho prcm iera of tho vnrious a e lf - |g \ g o vern ing dom inions. Tho govern- 81 m en ta l heads o f Englnnd, C anada, South A frleo, A ustralia , etc ., w ill dis- n ' «uas Imporinl queations w ith each 8 \ o th e r b y rndlo, while a lttin g in th e ir |jj,j ow n officea I n ‘tlie ir rospoctW o cnp i- |N ' tn ls . And w hen tho B ritish prim e min-jN^ is te r hna nn im portnnt nddross to m nke, i t ^ 1 -^ b e tran sm itted by rad io 8 \ to tho o th e ^ prlmo m luiators a s a n u jlte r o f course. | n ’

Tho proapcct o f th e b ig , w idely aent* 81 te ro d B ritiah Em pire govern ing itao lf jJ'; b y rad io is ono th a t s t irs tho im ngina-|8^ tio n o f on ago th a t ia ja d e d w ith w ondera. I t auggeats, too, to a n y oct- g j Ivo m ind, num erous uses to w hich Nl rad io could bo p ro f itab ly nppHod by ou r own governm ent. • • [SK

Soon, no doubt, wo ahnll hnvo P ro s ld e ilt’a nddresaes to Congreaa b rondcnst o ffic ia lly b y a governm ent jN i a tn tion . W hy n o t b ro ad cas t nlso tho

■regular proceedlnga o f a congroaaionnl j -j scaslon from dny to dny, ao th a t any N ’l c itix en auffic ion tly in te restod cojild gg folJow fo r h lm aelf th e Bouao an d 8on- NJ a to rou tine or tho deba te on any pnr- tle u la r m eaau ret ' N l

W hy n o t b roadcast deciaions o f the Stipremo C o u rtf O r a n y th in g else <>* tim ely intero*st to tho pub lic f H ero is th e possib ility o f g iv ing a nn tlon of moro -thnn one, hundred m illion peo- g g p lo fac ilitie s fo r observ ing th e m a - N \ eh ino ry of governm ent com parable to 8'^ tbo o ld tow n mooting.

______________ SV


------- . N \I n na e f fo r t to locate h e r dnughtor, SE

A n n ie L. M iles, n res id en t o f T w in N r a i l s fo u r yea rs ngo, M rs. P . I . M ilos ^ ! o f Englnnd has en listed the assistance o f Shnd L. H odgin , T w in F a lls m ayor, to wbom tho follow ing lo tto r w as do* ” liv e re d M onday: 5 ^

“ I am w ritin g to n sk you a favo r. ■Will you k ind ly do y our .b est to locate m y daugh ter, A nnie L. M iles, re s id ing "

- i jL ^ h o c ity in 1010. an d not hoard “ , f ro m sinco th n t d a te ! In ono o f your bnnks she hnd deposited m oney. Per- h ap s they will bo good onough to te lj you w here i t w as tra n sfe rre d to. I t la .j^ . v e ry im p o rtan t th a t aho., should be found . Surely ahe m uat bo .reg is te red gy som ew here. gy

' i l am ao anxious to h ea r somo good now s o f her. I do hopo some w ickod gy pooplo havo n o t done aw ay w ith her. gj; I t ’s ve ry aad. I am her m n and I j,jj w an t h e r home. n i

“ Bhe lived w ith a M rs, B obertson gy a n d 'a Mra. S eaver ovor thoro. I h av e g j w r it te n to thom nnd th o y any th ey nrp so rry b u t th e v e a n n o t privo mo any in- j ; ' f o m a tio n . I nm a fra id no ono will g y tro u b le to fin d her. D o y ou r bea t, g}. p lease . I s i t posaible, do you th in k , j j l th n t i f nn y th in g has happened to her, som e ono would w rite nnd toll m o f " gv


■ 8VIn v itn tio n to Idnlio cnB ineering ao- gj.;

e ie tiee to lioltl thi*ir annunl nicctinf* jjyth is w in te r lti Twin Palb* hna Ikscu g yex tended b y the fhnm ber o f pommerce j ; ito 'WJU H."GU>»oti, Uoiae, presU lent o f >j\ono o f th e orgnnir-Ttlons, neeord lng to g yannouneem ent nmde S n tu n ln y eveninj: x ib y S o e re tn rr X. S. W ight. T he aev- x ’e ra l orgnnixntlon* w hich here to fo re s \h a v e held th e ir nnnuiil m ee ting n t th e g geam e tlm o 'n n d plnce inolude th e Idnho n II r r ig a t io n congress and the a ta to or- n \g nn izn tions o f tho elv il engineers and g vw a te r m aslers. SK_______________— = NI'


T o All W b o n I t M f.y C oncern: x iN o tice ia' herebv g iven, th n t oa gy

Toe*<laY, th e l l t h d.iv o f l>eeember, 1»23, an election will l o held for th e g\- pnrpose o f d c te rm in lrg w h eth er or noc gp; th e lands herein d cw ribM , ahnll l « n J o rgnnleed Into nn lr r l2 al\on_.d}rftriel, to be know n aa th e Salm on .R iver Irrig n - gy Hon D ia tr ie t; th e la n rla are a ltua ted i » g}.; T w in F alla County. St.ntc o f Idaho , nnd n I a ro deseribed as fo llona: NX

Tow nahip 11 S .. Bnnpc 15 E . B. M . SV D escrip tion . A creage. SE

' n w n e See. 1 ------ --------------- 39-06S W N E See. 1 ------ ---------s'.-----■<«S E N E See. 1 _________*0N E N W See. 1- .. ........ .................. 30.<»<8 E N W See. 1 _____ _________ 40 C t

- N E S E Bee. 1 ------------ -----------40N W 8 E See. 1 ..............................4C g "8 W B E Sec. 1 —........ ..................40B E SE* 8 e e ._ l ----------------- ------ 40N E N E See. 11LZ..-.--------- 40

T ow nship 11 S., Eange 16. E . B.^M. n E N W S E See. C ----------------------- *40 NV

8U--V"-/"icriptiOB. A creage.- « W Sec. 2 ... ............................. ...40; N E Soc: 3 --------- --------------30.0.^!/. N B See. n ....... .................... »

N E Soc. 3 ....................... ;...........40 ,N E Boc. 3 ............................ ........40 ^

! N W Scc. 3 ................... ..............' N^V Scc. 3 ...................... - ...... 40 I

NW »cc. - : i............. - .............■ 40 . 1: SW flee. 3 ............... .....................<0.V SW Sec, 3 ............ :......................4f)r SW -See. .1 ....... - ....... ............ - 40

BW See. 3 ...................... .......... ..40) 8B Soc. 3 ............................... - 40V S E Soc. 3 .. .................................40 8 E Boc, 3 ....................................40

SR Sio. 3 .... ...............................40: N E Soc. 4 .................... ............. ..30.8aV N E See. 4 ....................................30.87' N B See. 4 ...................... ........... ..40 I

N E Scc. 4 ....................................40I NW See. 4 ...................... .......... ' 30.80V NW Soc. 4 ...................... - ........ ..30.03r NW Sec. 4 ....................................40

NW Scc. 4 ________ - ............. • 40J SW Sec. 4 ...........- .....................40S- SW Scc. 4 ....................................40r SW Sec. 4 ...................... - ...........40; s w ftec. 4 ................................. ..40• BE Soc. 4 ___________ - ....... ..4.0; 8 E Soc. 4 ....................................40: N B Scc. C .......................... ..........30.1*2

N E See, 5 ... ............ ............... ....40V NW Soc. C ................................. ..30.7J«r NVi' Sec. 5 .........- ........................40r s w See. 5 ................................. ..40J SB Scc. r, ................................. ..40: N E Scc. n ........... .......................V N B See. G ........... .....................30.H.*:r N B 8cp. 0 .......................- ...........40

N B 8c<;, fl .................................. ..40 .' N W Sec.': 0 ............... - ..................38.03■ NW See. fl ....................................40

: SB Scc. fl ....................................40V 8 E - See. 0 ............................... ..40

SB Soc. fl......................................40 :: 8W Sec. 7 ....................... ........- 40 1V BW Bee. 7 ....................................38.00r BW Sep. 7 ............................ ........38.73

,8W Sue. 7 ....................................40 .r BE Boe. 7 ....................................40

SB Sec. 8 ...................... ..40; N B Bcc, 0 ....................................40V N E Soc. 0 .. .................................40' N B Scc. n .................... ............40

N B Hoc. 1> .................................. ..40 •■ NW Sor. 0 ....................................40

NW Boc. l» ...................:................40i SW See. 0 ................................. ..40 .f SW flee. 0 ....... .................... ........40• SW Sec. 0 ..................... - ....... - 40

8W Ser. 9 .....................................40 .-; 8 B Sec. « ....................................40/ SD* Scc. 9 ................................. ...40' BB Bcc. 0 .....................................4U

S E Sec. 0 .................................... 401 N B Soc. 10................................. ...40f NI-? Sec. 10...-...............................40' N E 8cc. 10................................. ...40: NW Sqc. 10................................. ...40;N \V Scc. 10................ .................. 40

NW See. 10................................ ...40N W Scc. 10........................... ........40 •

1 SW Soc. 10..._........................... ...40r s w See. 10..._...............................40 ,' s w Scc. 10................................. ...40 .

SW Boo. 10...... - ....................- 40r SK See. 10............. - ................... 40 .

SE Soc. 10................................. ...40NB Sec. 11..................... ..............40

r NB Sec. 11.................. ----------- --40 .' N E Sec. 11.....................................40

N B Soc. I I .. ; ........... - .......... ..... ...4 0 ’; NW Soc. 11....................... ......... ....4 « '? NW Sec. 11...-...-:'............ .............40; SW Soc .11................................. ...40r s w Sec. 11.......... “ -------- --------40

SW Bee. 11.....-------- ------------ --40; S E Soc. 11_.................... ........... ..407 SE Sec. 11............... - ..... .............40

S E See, l l . .„ ........ ............. ...... ...40; NW Soc. 12_________ ________40 •ITNW Sec. 12..._..v........- ..............40 NW Sec. ......—L..........4l>

NVT Bcc.- 12................................. ..40I SW Scc. 32....................................40: s w See. 12....................................40■ SW See. 12................. ..................4 0 ': BW Scc. 13.............. .....................40' SW Soc. 13..„...............................40

8W Soc. 13.._................. .......... ...40• SB Scc. 13....................................40-: N E Boc. 14.............. - ................. ..40/ N B Scc. H ....................................40• N E 8cc. 14................... ............ ..40 SW Sec. 14....................... ......... ..40

BW Scc. 14........ ......................... ..40 ,' SE Bee. 14.................. - ..........- 40*

SE Sec. 14................. ... ............ ..40: NB- Scc. L-j....................................40f N E Sec. 15............................... - 40....' N E Scc. 15........................ - ...... ..40

N E Soc. 15__...............................40; NW Bcc. 15....................................40VNW Scc. IS...................... - ..... ..... 401• NW Sec. 15....................... ;------ --4 0

NW Soc. 15-.............. ... ............. ..40; S W Soc. l i .............. .................. ..40r 8W Sec. IS...;................................40' SW See. 1.'............................. 40I SB Soc. 15....................................40r SB Sec. la .................. - .......-... 40

S E S ec.l." .....................................40SE Sec. 15............................ — <0N E Scc. 10...,............ ..........- ... 40

' N E Sec. Ifl............................. - 40NB Sec. 10...................... - ...........40

r SW Sec. l a . . - ............ ...............40a w Sec. 10.______ — ..... ......... 40NE S « . 17....................................40

! N E Scc. 17.._................................40• N E ''Sec. 17.......... .................... .4 0, NW Sec. 17................................. ...40 ,' / i i w Scc. 17\..................................40.' NW Sep. 17............ ................... ... 40

NW Sec. 17..._........ ...................40 •; SW Sec. 17....... ...................— 40r 6W Sec. 17............ .......................40• SW Scc. 17_ ............ ....................40

SW Sec. 17-.,._____________ _40; SE Ber. 17................. ......... ...... ...40,• S E Sec. 17____ ___ - ..... 40• S E Sec. 17_______ N........40

SB* Scc. 17----------------------- --40NW Sec. IH____________ ___ _40NW See. 18...,-----------------------40

: SE Sec. 18_____________ — 40• SE Scc. 1 8 , . . . . . . ......... .....40- ^ E See, 18.................................40' N E See, 1D_........... J ________ _40

NB Sec. U>.......................- ...........40; BB Scc. 10_................... ........... ...407 8 E See. !!>.._................ ............... 40• SE Sec. 10...------------------------<0

BB Sec. ID--------------- -----------40NE See. 20...........- ___ ______ *40

r N E See. 20.._._.........................40' N E Sec. 20___ : ----------------- --40

N E Sec. 2 0 .„ _____________ _40 ., S W Bee. 20._______________ _40rN \S See. 20___ ________ ___ _40

N y Sec. 20.-....-.----------------- • -10nA ’ See. 20_________________40«W Sec. 20...__.‘_____ _____ _40

r 8W Sec. 20------------------------ --408W Sec. 20 -— - ....... ........... ...40

tfSW See. ----------------------40-flE See. 20_____ __________40S E Sec. 20_____ ____ ______ 40BE See. 20_________________40

NW See. 21________________ _40’ w \ r Ol 40

TWIN f a l l sD escription. I. Acroago.8E NW -Sec. 21............ ....................40N B SW S e e .'21_______— ......... ......40N W 8W Sec. 21.......- .............. ...........408W SW Sec. 21........ ........................ ..40S B SW ’ Sec, 2 1 „ .. ..4 - . ........ ..........N W 6B S cc. £1........... __________ _40SW SB See. 21........... - ...... — 40*N B N E Scc. 22...;.............- ..............4 0 -8 B N B Soc. 22.............. ........... -... 40NWN%V Scc. 22...--------------------- -40SW '.N W Sep. 22............- ----- -------- -40NW SW Sec. 22 -.......- —..... - .........40SW SW Soc. 2 2 . . ; . . . ; . ....... - 408 E ..J5W Scc. S2............. .....................40 -N B SB Soc. 32...................................40 ,Nfe iN E . See. 23........ ...................... ..40NV’H n E Bcc. 2S.;.............. ....... ..........40SW N E See. 23...................... ....... - 40SB N E See. 23................................ ..40N B NW See. 2 .\................ .............. ..40NW NW Sec. 23..................... ........... ..40 .SW NW Soe. 23„.„................ .............40S B NW See. 23............ . I ....... ...........40N B SW See. 23 ...................................4 0 'N W 8W -Sec. 23............................... ..40fiW SW Sec. 23.......... ..........- ............40SH SW Soc. 23........................... ........40NW SB Soc. 23L....-..........................40SW SB Sec. 23 ..-................... - ...... ..40N W SW Soc. 24...................................40SW SW Sec. 24........................... ..... ..406 E SW S op. 24................ ................ ..40SW SB Sec. 2 i ._ ........ ........ .............40SB SE S^-. 24..............................40N E N B Sec. 23...................................40N W N E Sec. 25.............................— 40N E N\V Soc. 2.'5........'........................ ..40NW NW Sec, 25____ .................... ....40 .N E SW Soc. 2 r>...................................40SW SW Scc. 25...................................4 0 'S E SW S«'c. iir,................................ ..40N W SE Soc. 2 5 ... ,. ...........................40SW BB See. 2.-5............................... ....40N B N E Soc. 20.................. .'....... ........40N W NE Soe. 2(J...................................40SW NE Soc. 2fi.-.„.............— ........ ..40S E NE See. 2R_................. ...............40N B N.W See. 20.................................40SW- NW See. 20.................... ..............408 E N W Sec. 2fl...................................40N B SW Soc. 2rt._........................... - 40NW SW Scc. 2fl.........; ......................-IO-SW SW Scc. 2l}..._.............................40 .SB 6W See. 20 ............................... ..40^N E SE Soc. 20....„........... - ..............40NW 8B Sop. 20................... ...............40N B NW See. 27.............................. - 40S E NW Scc. 27.-..................................40N B SW Soc. 27.......... .........................40N W SW Bcp. 27............................... - • 40SW 8W Soc. 27..................................408 H SW Soe. 27.._...................... 4 ... 40NW N E Scp. 2S...................................40 .SW . N t: Soc. 2S...................................40 ,N E NW Soe. 2H...................... 40SB NW See. 2fl'....................... .-..........40N E SW Soe. 28 ..................................40N W SW Sec. 28................................. ..40SW SW Si'o. 28.................. - ..............40N E SW. See. 2S................................ ..40NW NB Sec. 20..............- ................ ..40 .SW -NE See. .20................................ ..408E N E Sec. 20........................- ..... ..40N E N W Sec. 2^...................................40N W N W Ser. 20................................ ..408B NW Sec. 29............................ ...... 40N E SW Sec. 29 .-...................... .........40N W S W See. 29............. :....................40SW SW Sec. 20................................1 40PE SW Scc. 20.............. .................. ..40N E 8 E See. 20 ..................- ..............4 0 'N W SB Bee-. 29................................ 40SW SE Soe. 20...................................40SE SB Sec. 29......... ......................... 40N B N E Sec. .12------- --------------------40NW N E Soc. 32..........................;— 40- ,SW N E Soc. ... ......................... ..........40 ,BE N B Soc. 32..._.............................40N E N^V Scc. 32................................. ..40N W N W Scc. .12............- ............ 40SW NW Sec. 32.............. ....................40SE NW 8oe. 32.......... ........................40N B SW Sec. 32....... ....................... ..40N E SB Soe. 32................................. ..40N W SB S o /. .12............. - ................ ..40S E SE 8 * . 32........ ....................... ..40N E N E See. 33................. ............... ..40NW N E Sec. 3.1...................................40SW NB S e c . '33...................................40S E NB Soc. 33.......... ................. ...... 40N B NVV Sec. 33,................. ................40N W N W Soc. 33.._.............. ............. ..40SW NW Sec. 33.......................... ...... ..40S E N W Sec. .13;.............................. ..40N B SW Sec. 33 ................... - ........... ..40N W S W Sec. .13................................. ..4 0 ;,.SW ,8W Sec, 33................................ ..40S B SW Sey-. 33................ -(______ _40N B SB Scc. .13...................... ............40 .N W SE Bcc. 33.......... .........................40SW SB Sec. 33............. ......... ........ .' 40N B NW Soc. 34........ :. .. ,________ _40N W N W See. 34................................ ..40SW NW Soc. 34.................. ... .............40SE K W Scc. .14-...................... ..........40 .N E SW Sec. 34....:..................... ........40NW SW See. 34...................... - ..........40BW SW See. 3 4 .., ................... ...........40S B SW See. 34-....... ............... ..........40SW SE Sec. 34...............................y 40

Townahip 11 S.. Ran;:o 11 B. M. ‘ Deacription. A prcnje.SW S E Scc. 7........- .......- ........... ..40SB N B Sec. 7........*...._............. ..... 40SB NW Ser. 7....................................40N B BW Sec. 7.............. ............... ...40-SE SW See. 7........................ ....... ...40N B 8 E Sec. 7........:................. ..... 40N W SB Sec. 7 ...-....... ............. _... 40 JBW BB- Scc. 7............. ................... ...40 .SE BE See. 7____________ ___ _40SW N E See. 8 ..........................- ...... ...40SW NW See. 8,._.......................... 40 'SE NW Sec, ...... ________40 'N E RW Sec.- 8 ...-..............................40NW SW Scc. H......... -T” .:......-:::.. 40 iBE SW See 5 40 !N E SB See. 8............................. - 40NW S E Scc. 8________ ______ _40SW BB See. H................. - ......>... 40SE BE Sec. 8 ......... . ...... ........40 iSW NW Sep. 9............. ........... ....... ...40N B SW See. 9...„...... .....................40 'NW SW Sec. 9..:__________ ___ _40BW SW Rcc. 9 _____ _________ _40SB SW Bee. _____________ _40NW’ 8 E '« e e . 9....1..._..... .'_____ 40SW SE See. 9 ...................... .............40. iBB S E Sec. 0______ _________ _i S f ^ 'N E SB Sec. 10_ .............. .............. ...40SW S B Sec. 10.._............... ......... • 40BE S E Sec., 16_____ ___ ________40 1N B NE See. 17..______________ _40NW N E Scc. 17________________• 40R.W N E Scc. 17_________________4 0 .BE N E Scc. 17_________________40 1N E NW Sec. 17_________________-10 !SE NW Sec. 17_________________40S E SW Sec. 17...... .............. ...........40BW SW Bee. 17_________________40 IBE BW Sec. 17_____-•______ ____ 40 INB S E See. 17____ __________ _40NW RE Sec. 17__________*_____40 , :3W S E Bee. 17________________40 !SK SB Bee. 17----------------- ;;___ 40 1SW N E B et. 18_______________ _40 ^SE X B See. 18_______________ _40 1S E SW See. IS________________40Lot 3 See. 19_______________ 19.6* :U t 4 Bee. !<«_______________ _1«.3: :AV. RW R ^ ; 1«______ _______40 I

VEEKLY NEWS, TWIKD eacription. AeruoaBW SB '^See. le ^ ............................ '• ^ 0S E BE See., 18............................ ... ’40N B N B Soci 19...,^.../-------------40NW N B . See. 19........S— ---------- 40

SW NB Soc. 10!---------- :------------.40SE N B Soc. 19..._____________ .40N B N W See. 19.___________ ;___ 40L ot 1 Scc. 19...„..,;— r --------- 10-NW NB Sco., 20-----------------u ^ - .. ,4 0SW |<B Spe. 20.--------------;------ --SE N E Sec. 20_';._..;---------------- 40

N E N W 8o& 20_________40N W N W Soc. 20_______________ 40SW N W Sec. 20 -............................. 40SB NW Soe. 20........ :---------------- 40

N E SB Scc. 20______ : ---- 40N E S B Sec. 41________ ______ 40

NW n b Sec.-21.;,__u:-..-,’- . — - 40SW N B Soo. 21------------------------ 40-SE N B Sec. 21 ,..:______________ 40

N E NW Sec. 21................. ..............40SW NW Sec. 21................ ................ 4OSB N'W Sec, 21.......................... 40n e s w Soe. e i ___ _________ _ 40N W 8W Soc. 2 1 _ : ._ . --------------- 408W SW - Soc. 21..-.____:___ - ___ 40SB SW So-., 21 ._ .------- ------------ 40NB SB S o c .-21...:_____________ 40N’XV SB Soe. 21............—.1---------- 40SW SB Scc, 21........ ........ - ........ ... 40SB SB See. 21..„_____ _______ 40NB N B Soc. 22...........................- .. 40

NW NB B cc, 23— ........................40SW N E Soc, 22 -.......... ........ ......... 40S E NB See: 22....... ....................... 40N E NW Soc. 22._______ _____ _ -40NW N^V Soc. 22, 40

. SW NW Scc. 22............... ................■ 40S E NW Soe. 22_______________ 40N B SW S er. 22...... ....................... 40SW RW Sec. 22........------------------ 40SB SW S o-. 22......... - t i f - ........... 40NE SE , Pee. 22..............................\ 40N W -RE Scc. 22................. ..... ........ 40

SW BB See. 22..-..................40SB SE Soc. 22...-........• ............. , 40N E N E See. 23.............. ......... ....... '40N W N*B Rec. 23..._............... ......... 40

' SW NH Scc. 23....... ......... - ........ 40SE N E Scc. 23...... .'......... .................. 40N B NW Scc. 23........................ — 40N W N W Scc. 23.........................._... 40SW N W Sec. 2.1.......... ....................... 40SB NW S er. 2.1....................... ... 40XB SW Scc. 23........ ..'..... ......... ... 40

N W SW See. 23...... .’........ _______40RW BW See. 23...-.___ _____ .?.... .40SE SW See. 23................................ 40N E S E . Sop. 23.....•.................... .40NW SE Scc. 23.................. ............. 40SW SE See. 23................. .............. 40

BE BE Soe. 23.........................40N E X E See. 20................. .............. 40XW N B Scc. 2fl...-........................ 40N E NW Scc. 20......................... ;..... 40NW NW' Scc, 2fl..... ____________ 40SW NW Sec. 2fl______ _________ 40SE NW Soc. 20...... . ................ 40NB SW Sec. 20..-......... ....... - ........ 40NW SW S ee . 20...................- ......... 40N E N E Sec. 27............... ........ ....... 408 E NB See. 27....... ....................... 40N W N W See. 27.......................... 40RW S W Scc. 27............................... 40SE BW Sec. 27................. ..............• 40N E SE Ree. 27............................... 40«W S E Sor. 27............................... 40N E NB- Soc. 28..........' ...... ..............' 40XW NB See. 2‘H.................. L ..._ ... 40BE N E Soc. 28......... ........A.......... 40N B S W See. 2R................. X ....... 40

‘ Townaliip 12 S„ Rnngo 10T5r-B. M.BB NB - See. 1.1.........- ............. .;n. -40NE, 8 B See. 13>............... ...... ....... 40S E S E Sec. 13............................... 40

, N E NE 8 c- . 24............... ................ 40NW NB 8 0 c. 24............ .......... 40

SW N E Ser. 24....... ....................... 40S E .VB See. 24................... ........... 40N E ‘ SB , Sec. 24...... ........ .. 40N W SB Bee. 24......_______ ____ 40SW SE Soc. 24.............. .............. 408 E SB Bcc. 24............................... 40N B N E S cr. 2.V........... - ................ 40NW N B Sec. 25.._........................... 40SW N E See. 25..._...................._.... 40SE NB Roc. 25............................... 40N E 8 B See. 25............................... 408 E SB See. 25________- ............ 40N E N E Sep. Sfl......... ....... .... ...... .. 40NW N E Rec. 30.._.;.......... - ............ 40SW N B See, 3fl........................... 40SE N B S or. 3fl..,............... ............ 40N E ’ BW Scc. 30........ . ................... 40- Tow nship 12 S., Rnnge lfl,'E . B. M.BW BW See. 1............................... 4flS \ ^ S E See. 2............................... 40S B SB Spp . 2 ............................... 40L ot 1 See. 3........ ....................... 39 ;

L o t 2 Soe. 3............................... 39.L ot 3 S er. 3____ ____— ........ 30.

SW N’W See. 3_______________ 40N W SB Rec. 3............................... 40SW S B . Sf-c. 3. 40L o t 1 See. 4. ' 39.L ot 2 Scc. 4.................^ ......... 30.:SW N B dee.- 4. » . 40BE...-NB See. 4. 40

, i ^ t 3 Sec. 4. _ _ 39.:lK)t 4 Sec. 4............................... 39.1BW NW See. 4____ ___________ 40BE S W See. 4............................... 40N E SW Hcc. 4. _ 40NW 8W See. 4. 40SW 8W Ree. 4.. .10L ot 1 S w . C............................... 39 ;SW N B See. .'5......................... ..... 40RE N B • Sec. 5. 40NB S E Sep. 5. 40RE RB See. .>5. _ 40NW SE Sec 7.„...........- ......... .... 40SW SB Soe. 7. v 40SB S E Sec. 7. 40SW NK Rcr. 9............ ................... 40RE NW Ree. 9....... .............. ......... 40SW S E S ee .' 9______ ________ 40

SB SB Sep. 9_________ __ ___-40NB NB See. 11------------------------ 40NW N E See. 11_--------------------- 40SW N B Her. 11____ ______ ____ 40

NB NW See. 11......... ...... ...............40RE NW Roe, 11....... ........ ..... .......... 40

N E 8W See. i l _____ ________ 40NW SB Sep. 11------------------------- 40

N E X E Bee. 12............................... 40W NK See. 12.................. ............. 40^ W N E See. 12________ ______ _ 40

SB N B •■See.‘-12-------- .U__-------40N K .N W See. 12----------------------- 40N W N W See. 1 2 .„ ...... _________ OSW NW See. 12_1-------------------- 40SB X^V See. 12____ _____ _____ 40

.VB RW See. 12_______________ 40NW 8W See. 12.______________ 40

RW 8W Sec. 12_____ _________ 40RE SW See. ........ ..............40

N E BB Bee, 12................ .............. 4 0 ‘S W 8 E See. 10..._------------------ 40

RW S E Sec. 12_______________ 40RE S E Sec. 12----------------------- 40N E N B Scc, 1.1............. ...... ...........40

NW S B See. 1 3 _ ____________SW N B See. 13----------------------- 40S E - NE Se-- 13----------------------- 40

S B N W S ee. 13_______________ 40SE NW See, 13------ ---------------- 40

N E 8W See. 13,________ _ 40X B BE See. 13----------------------- 40NW SE See. 13_______________ .Jp

SW 8 B See. 1.1___ ;...... ............... 4 i

ST FALLS, IDAHO, TE?. D escrip tion . > ‘ ' Aerca<

8 W N W See. 1 4 --------------- ------- 40S E N W See. 14-.-------- --------— 40N E . SW Soc. 14-_____________ -*0

, N W S W See. 14.!----------------------- 40' SW S W Sec. 14________________ <0

S B S W Soe. 14----------- ----------------4015 N W W '-Sec.'17------------------------ 40. SW N W Soc. 1 7 ^ : .------------------ 40

NW BW Sec. 17________________ 40SW S W S ec .-17--------------------- - 4flN E N E 8 0 c. 1 9 ^ ---------------------40N W lN B Sec. ------------------- 40

• SW -iN B See. 18______ :--------;-----40S fi N B ..B ec .'lfi________ _______ 40N B .N W - S e c . 38-----------------------40L o t 1 ' . Soc. 18______________ 89.L o t 2 See. 18-------------------------. 30.

. S E N W See. 18------------ ------------40Lot 3 •«. Sec.18-------- -------------- 80,L o t, 4 Sec. 18------------------------ 39,8 B SW Sec. 18-*.------------------- 40N B S E Soc. 1 8 ------- :--------------- 40S B S E Sec. l a ------------------------ 40e w N B Soc. 19------------------------- 40S E N E ,8 ec. 10----------------------- 40L o t 1 Soc. 19________________. 39Lot 2 - Boo. .10.----------------- - 39,S E N W . See; 10--------- i.— -----40N E -SW Soe. 19 .-..- '------------------ 40L o t -3 Sec. 19------------------------ 30N E SB Soc. 19----- ------------------ 40N W S E Bee. 1 9 .„ ......................... 4«SW S B Soc. 19________:--------- ' 40e w ' S E . Soe. 20---------------------- ' 40

. SB S B Soo. .20------------------------ 40SW N E Soc. 21------------------------- 40SE3 N W Scc. 21-.--------- ------------- 40

• N B S W See. 21________________ 40N W SW 8 0 c. 21------------------------- 40SW SW See. 21............................— 408 E BW Soc. 21------------------------- 40N B SB Soc. 21_________ ____40N W SB Sec. 21________________ 40SW S E See. 21..;......... — ............. 40

I S B S B Sec. 21..._............ .............. 40N E N W Scc. 22--------------------i.... 40N W N W Scc. 22............... ........ ........ 40BW N W Sec. 22...'.-------------- ------ 4fiRE N W Soe. 22~ ................ ............. 40N E SW Scc. 22............................— 40N W 8 W Soc. 22................................ 40SW SW ' Soe. 22 -................ ............ 40RE SW. Scc. 22 ....... ...... ..... ............ ; 40N E S E Bcc. 22..;----- ---------------- 40N W SB Soc. 22....„......................... 40SW SB Scc. 22— ................. ....... 40S E S E Scc. 22 ...'...............................0NW N W S e e ..23------------------------ \ 40BW N W Soc. 2 3 .„ ----- --------------- 40NW. S W Soc. 23................................ 40

SW SW Soc. 23...........................40N E N E .8 0 c. 24----------------------- 40N W N E S o c .2 4 ........ ........... ............ 40SW N B See. 24------------------------ 40SE N E Sec. 24................................ 40

BW SW Rcc. 24______ _________ 40S E ' SW Scc. 24.......................... .. 40RW SB Sec. 24.._............................ 40

, SB SB Soc. 24------------------------ 40N E 8 W Soc. 25.._.._...;------------- 40N W RW Boc. 2.'>________ _____ 40SW SW . Scc. 25.............................. 40S E SW Sec. 25--------- -------------- 40N E SB Scc. 25................................40NW SB Soe. 25........- ..................... 40SW BE Soc. 2.1........................... .. 40SB S B 80C .S 5 _______________ 40N W N E See. 20_____..................... 40SW BW Boc. 20________________ 40N E N E Sec. £7________________ 40N W N E Sec. 27.;_____i;- .. .-------- 40BW N E Sec. 27------------------ :----- 40

. S E N E , See. 27....-............ ............. 40SW N W Soc. 27_______________ 40S E N W See. 27------------ ---------- 40N W SW , Scc. 27---- ------------------ 40N E S E Sec. 27....................... .. 40N W BE Sec. 27________________ 40SW S E Sec. 27------- 1-------------- 40S E JBH Scc. 27______ __ ______ 4 0N W N E Soc. 28............................... 40SW N K Roe. 28......................... -.... 40S E N E Scc. 28_____ __________ 40N E N W Soc. 28..'.............................. 40SW N W Scc. 28.................- ..... ....... 40S B N W Sec. 28.............................. ._.40N E SW Sec. 28.......... ;____ ___— 40N W BW Scc. 28__________ _____ 40N B S E Soc. 2 8 „ . : ._ ........40N W - S E , Sec. 28______ _______ 40SB SB Soc. 28____ ___ _______ 40N E N E See. 29_____ 1________ 40

, SW N B See. 29 ... .................... - __ 40S E N E Scc. 20_______________ 40N E N W See. 29............. .................. 40RE N W Boe. 29_______________ 40

,15 N E BW Sec. 29._______________ 40fl NW SW Boc. 29..................... .......... 40

S E SW Soc. 2 9 ’ ................. --------40N E S E Sec. 29„.............. ...............^ 0NW S E Sec. 20_______________ 40B\fr BE Soc. 29___________ ____ 40

Id S E S B Sec. 29_______ ________ _ 40■A Lot 3 Sec. 30........ .............. ........ 39,

L ot 4 Scc. 30._......... ................... 3ft.N E S E See. 30_______________ 40

iO N W S E Sec. 30_______________ 4012 BW BE Soe. 30_______________ 40

RE SB Soc, 30_______________ 40N E N E Rec. 31........... ......... _____ 40N W N E Sec. 31________________ 40SW N B See, 31________________ 40S E N E See. ;<I_______________ 40

7 N'W BE Soc. 31_______________ 40SW S E Sec. 31_ .;_ :__________ 40S B SB Scc. 31_______________ 40N B N B S ee. 32_______________ 40N W N E Soc. 32_____________ __ 40SW N E See. 32_______________ 40N E N W Soe. 32________________4/)N W N W See. 32_______________ 40N E SW See. 32______________ 40NW SW Sec. 32_______________ 40

SW SW Sec. S2_______________ 40S E SW Sec. 82_______________ 40N E BE Soc. 32___________ . x _ 40

, N W S E Scc. 32_______ - ______ 40SW S E Sec. 32._______________40S E S B Sec. 32________ 1 .....40N E N E See. 33_______________ 40X W N E B « , 33________ 40SW N E See, 33_______________ _ 40N E N W See. 33________ -______ 40N W N W Sec. 33________________ 40SW N W See. 33_______________ 40S E N W Sec. .13 _ _________ 40N E SW Sec. 33_______ ....____ __ 4ONW SW S e t. 33_____ _________ 40SW SW Sec, 33_______________ 40

S E SW Sec. 33v______________ 40N W S E Sec. 33_______________ 40

S E Sec. 33_______________ 408^: SB Sec, 33------------------------40X B N E See. 34_____________ .1 . -4 0

IN W N E Sec. 34_____________40iS W N E Sec, .14_______________ 40SB N E Sec, 34------------------------40

)n E n w See. 34____________ 40' RE N W See. 34-------------------- ^ 40RW SW See. 34_____________ __ 40

JN E SB Sec. 34_______________ 40N W BE See. 34_____________ __ 40

!RW e E Soe. 34____ __________ 40iS E S E Sec. 34_______ - ______ 4£lN W N W Soe. S 5 _ a ____________ 40

jS W N W Sec. 35------------------- 40N W RW See. 3 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40SW SW Sec. 35. _____ ......... ....... 40

:URSDAY, .NOV. 29, 19g . ‘Description. * Acrija«e.

, N W NW Sec. 88— i------- 1-----------40-SW -N W 6«c. 86----- ;--------- --------40. Tow nship 12-8.. Rnngo 17 R B . M.N B N E Bee. 17.---------- ----------- 40.N W '-N E ; fieo. 1 7 „ ;^ ------------------40SW N B* Soe. 17---------------------40 ''BB N E Sec. 17________ :---------40 '

•N E N W Soc. 17________________.40N W N W Scc. 17------------- ---------.40 .

S W .N W :S ec . 17--------------;--------40S E NW. Soc. 17,__________ _— 40N E BW See, 17.._ ..-___________40 •

. N W SW Sec. 17___;______ 'SW . SW. See. 17______________ _40 'S E SW • Boc. 17___________ :__ _ . 40N B S E Sec. 17_________ ______ ,40N W SB Scc. 17______________ _40

54 SW. SB Soc. 17______________ _40SB SE Soc* 17™..-.,___________40N E N E See. 18________ !______40

58 N W N E Sec. 18_________ _____ _40SW N E Sec. 18_ .„______: .____' 40S E N E 8 0 c. 18__________ ____ 40

. N B NW> Seo. 18.._....__________ 40' L o t 1 Soc. 18______- _______ 19.17

; L o t 2 Sec. 18______ _________10.240^ S E NW I Sec. 18________ ______ 40

N E SW 8 oc.- 18______________ 40L o t 8 Soe. 18_____ _________ _10.80L o t 4 Soe. 18............ ..... ............19.36

82 SB SW See. 18________________40 'N E SB See. 18________________40N W SE Soc. 18_____________ : 4PB V f BE Sec. 18________ _______ iOSB SB Soc. 18________________40N E N E Sec. 10 -___ __________ _40W N E Sec. 19____________ :... 40SW N E Soc. JO ______________ 40

S E N B Sec. 19........... ..... 40'N E N W Scc. 39 .-......... ................. 40

L o t 1 - Soc. 19_______________ 19.43L o t 2 Soe. 19................................19.50

S E N W Scc. 19............................. ..40N B R w Scc. 19..-;............... ........ 40L o t 3- . Soe. 19______________ ' 10.68L o t 4 Sec. 10.............................. 19.83,,S E SW Scc. 19............. ................ ..40 • ,

N E SE See. 19...... ........ f.______ _40N W SB Sbc. 19—__ _________ 40 ,SW .S E - Soc. Iff.T.....;__________ _,40BE ' SB Soc; 19________________40

'. N E N E S e c , 20............ ................... 40N W N E Soc. 20.............................. 40SW N E 'S e c . 20.................. ........... ..406 E NB Sec. 20.___;.................. .....40 .N E N W 'Soc. 20............. ................ ..'40N W NW Sor. 20..-..:.......... ;_____ _40

' SW NW B06. 2 0 - ..............................40 'B E N W See. 20........ ........ ...............40

N E 8E Sec. 20__ ______ 40N W SE Soc. 20..-.............. .............’40SW BE See. 20______________ _40S E SB Scc. a 0 ._ ............................40

N E '.NB 6f*e..20___________;____40.N W N E Scc. so ;........;_________ 40 '

, L o t 3 Sec. 30,:.................... !_.... 20.0«L o t 4 Soc. 30...........;............ ......2 0 .2 2 ’

Townahlp 13 -8., Rango 15 E., B. M.N E SW Sec. I _________________40

N W SW Soc. 1 .-...................... 40 .SW SW Sec. 1 ................................ 40SB- .SW ' Scc. 1...,............ .............. ..40

I T m n .h lp 13 S., Bnngo 10 E ., B. M.L o t 4 Sce.‘3...;_____ ___ ___ __38

• SW N W Soe. 3 - ................................40N E 8W Poc. 3___ ____ ________40RW (^W Soc. 3________ _______ 40

S E SW See. 3....'...„ ._______ ___ 40L o t 1 Soc. 4._......... ...................87.93L o t 2 • Soc. 4.-....:.--------------------38.0? ,

SW N E Soc. 4______________ __40SB N E Sec; 4____ - __________ _40 ’N E SW Scc. 4________________ 40N W BW Soc. 4_________________40SW SW Soc. 4_________________40

S E SW 'S0C..4___ _________ ; » « .4 0S B SE Sec. 4_______________ _4CIL o t 1 Scc. 5____________ ____ 38.30I.o t 2 ' Soc. 5_____________ ___ 88.10BE N E 8 o e .'5 ......V___ ______ 40

L o t S Soc. i>----- .V................... ....37.90S W N W See. ...... .......... .....40

’ S E N W Soe, 5;.................................40 ‘,N B SW Scc. 6......- J \ . _ ....... ...... ..40 ' '‘N W S W See. 5.........___________ _40

SW RW Scc. 5______________ _40 :S B SW Soc. 5_______ X !_____ 40N B SB Soc. 5____ „ . _ X ____40 ,

. N W 'R E See. 5—.......... . A . . - - 40SW BE Soe. 5___________}_____40

, SB SB See; 5.......... .......... L ; 40L o t 1 Soc, 6............ - __ ___ 37 .5 1 '

I L o t 2 floe, fl............ ..................... 37J 5S W N E Sec. 0_______ _____ __ 40 '

S E . N E Sec. fl_______ ________ .4 0jL o t 3 8 0 c. ........ ...............37.18-N E N E Soc. 7 ..-........ _ . 40 'N W N E Sec. 7..___ ____________40SW N D Soc. 7________________40

. S E N E Soc. 7_______________ «N E 8 E Soe. 7....... - ............... ..........40 '

SW S E Soc- 7 ™ „ ................... .......40- S B S E Sop. 7................. ............... ..40

I " N E N B Sec: 8_________________40S E N E Scc. 8______________ ■' 40

, N W .S W See. 8— ______________4 0SW SW- Sec. 8_______________ _40

S E SW Boc. 8_________________40N E 8 E See. 8___ _____________40

SW SE See. 8______ ________40: IS E SB Bcc. 8 ....„ ......... .......... " 40

iN E N E Sec. 9______ 1 _______ 40 'iN W N E Sec. 0______________ __ ^

‘ISW N E Sec. 9.__ ____________ _40,B E N E Scc. 9.......... ........................40

N E NW Scc, 0__________ ___ __ 40' n w N'W See. 0______________ " 40

SW NW Soe. 0_____ __________ _40S E N W Boe. 9_____________ ™ 40N B SW Sec. 9_________________4©N'W ysW Sec. 9___!____________ 40

e v r s w Scc. 9_______________ 45S B 8W.., Sec. 9._______________ ___N E SE Sec, 9________ ________ 40N W BE Sec. 9_______ J ' 40SW BE Scc. 9____________ ____ 40S H BB See. 9........ .. " 4 ftN W N E Scc. 10__________ ^SW N E Bee. 10_____ _______ Z 40N E N W Sec. 10______ ________ _40

N W NW Soc. 10_____________ 40SW .VW B ee ..10____________ " 40

S E N W 80c. 10____ ___ _____40 'N E SW Sec. 30___________Z I 40

N W 8W --See;-10______ _________40.--8W SW - Sec. 10______ ________ _40 '

BE SW Sec. *10____ ________ 40X W RE Bee. 10__________ 40

SW SE Sec. 10______________ 40X W N E Soc. 15______________ _40

N E XW Bee. 15....^.-___________40N W N'W See. 15____ ;______ ____40

,S W NW Rec. 15_______________40 •N W R W Sec. 1 5 ._ .. ._ ;_____i : Jo

IX B N'E S e c .n 6 _________ 40 .ISW N E Sec. 16______________ 40|S E N E Scc. 10:____________Z J J

RE N W Soc. 36____________ • iqIn w s e e^c, i c ___________ Z : Jo: s w ,S E Sec. 16__________ z z 40

S E BE Sec. 1 0 _ _ :________ ___ 4 0 ■N B N E Sec. 17_____________ Z <08 E N E See, 17_______/ ______ _40

IN E N'W 8ce. 17___^ 40IN W N'W Sec. 17_.... I ^ JqBW N W 8 i ^ I 7Z Z Z Z H ■ 40

23 .


;______ . . Ri' th'o

Cham ber of Commerce Mem- ■ bers a t F ir s t Forum Meeting

Consider Many • Suggestions (or Community B etterm ent “rI,

■ throiA doption o f thc revised consti'tutlnn tract

a n d by<lawB, aildrcsjtcR and general dis- to T «us8ionB, and prL-aent«Uon of ■liggOB. tlo n s fo r w m m unity bcttcrm ont fea- ^w ir tu re d tho meiuburs* forum dinnor o f tb e Tw in FaJlfl Chnmbor o f Commereo tlio i a t T o m 's cnfo i ’riiliiy ovcning. Tlic O*’ m oeting wna tho f ira t q f tho expanded Mr. organ iza tion a a d w ai a ttended b j abou t 70 poraons. const

P ran k H orton , mnnnger o f tho ox- withl piinsion drivo, announced sa tisfac to ry progress nnd 'B ta ted tb a t nbout 300 now I I mombem nro now enrollod in tho or* 1 I gan lzn tio ii. Com plete details o f th«> | I presen t s ta tu s o f th e cam paign aro a o | ^ * jret avallnblo. M r. H orton anid.

T ke m ooting wna oponed by th e cam- pnlgn m nnngor who explninod tho pur- . posea o f tho m om bera ' forum , a noiv fon turo in trodueed w ith tho presen t ramiialgQ. Tho B ev. A. 0 . P earsoa and a - 'E . W rig h t followed w ith ad- Ircssea, th o ir rospoctivo topica bo in?"T h o (S ty B oautlfuI>’ ' nnd " C ity P u b lle lty .” VUHat i lan ru , who wuj P h /ji leliodulod lo g lv o tho opening ad irese . ^ wos out o f tho c ity . 1(1

F n d sea O lvlc L o o d m .Tho Rov. M r.'PcaTBon highly praised .

;ho Icndera In c M e work in Tw in Fnlls »ho havo peralBted in the ir e ffo rta on )0h a lf o f tho c ity nn.t conimunitjr dur- D«I a g recen t yearfi. H o predicted n 1*’'° " lound dovolopm ent nnd re ite ra ted n ’o rm er pred iction tlm t Twin Pnlls wiil >0 th e “ greatCHt c ity iu Idtiho w ith in Ivo y c n ra ." “ A c ily ben u tifu l,” bo o f M: a id , "m cnnR moro thnn ronsideration feden >f m atorjn l th inga. Tt means a c ity posita itand ing four-aqunro w ith no angle<« fp'" ‘ •u t' r ig h t angles n t i ts corncrs ond f ; n r g a te s m ust nlwnya be open to th c • icweomor, regan lless o f w hether o r n o t lls viows m ay d if fe r f ro m ’oura.” three,

Tho R ev. M r. Pcaraon wns pnfticii- tl.o li i r ly op tim iatic over presen t invent o f coi l e n t opportun ities in th is c ity nnd v i- tax u in lty . < "1 '

M r. W rig h t delivered a moat sinccro [® n d forcefu l n r;runient fo r moro com- lu n lty ridvertiainp. In th is cftnncc- Fon he auggested nn adv ertis in g nnd 'uTjUclty p ro g m m . to cover t^vo pur- . 7 . '° o sefr-tfiid© devolopm ent nnd foator- gouuti (lg o f good w ill and cooperation. Ho the b u rth e r suggested th n t large billboarda averu]6 fs tab liahed a t p rom inent entrnncen per n< a th o c ity . Tho

CommuDlty ndvertia ing pnys, M r.CTight anid, nnd offe red tho grow th “ v « n | f ' C nlifom in e itie s ns proof o f hi% J" la tom ent, sny ing tIin t ho-, bollovod >mo s im ila r plnn would be e ffec tiv e suci]') ore. H o recom m ended th a t n prizo wny i sn teat bo he ld to /eeeivo suggestions Tho j r nn nnnnnl e v en t in Tw in Fnlls th n t any g •onid m ost ty p ify loeal h is to ry nnd fo 'n n d n t tho sam e tim e, creato mnx- nom outaldo in te re s t. H o Inm ented tho ic t th n t loenl buaineas houses hnve yoiveil ot closed down fo r n t lenst ono d ay tiona < aH ng tho F ilo r fo ir and urgod tb o t Ciui) lis bo dono in tho fut'irn . . wus 6

, SnsBostloiis f ^ B o t to m ie a t . shouldOno o f tho m fla t.inU resting fen tu re j P ”

r. tho evening t o o / plnce w hen, aug Mtlona fo r c o ^ u n i f y ho frrrm en t i„ e ro ' callod fnr.v'by M r. j lo r to n . n f te r o f bo: cmornndnm alips hnd been pnssed out I thoso p resen t. W hile reeommenda- r i l 0^8 w ere be ing plneed In w riting ornl ,1 1 1 iggestions. In th e ir respective order. I I I ore mndo os fo llow s: ■11•S. n . Bolton— "AVeed out all o f th e 1inma/*Jrs' In T w in -F a lls .” IW . R, P riebe—“ B rand all /I r s t clans jodueo shipped o u t from tho c i t y ." . I•A. L . Swim—“ P u t through a pro- nm fo r th e conatrnction o f a ^ id g o CPGSI ro«8 Snnke riv e r cnnyon d lrce tiy T th o f T w in F n lls .” r lCA . Dormnn .Tohnson—“ Emphaatr.3 R n l

nil tim es tho fncf th n t Ttvin Fn’ls a perm anen t c itv nnd th n t tm naien t g .p

putntlon Is n o t d esired .”0 . E. L in d —“ Im provem ent o f th e ,iai,v ?hwny betw een Tw in F a lls nnd Cou- 6t, N ev ad a .” . i«iT .r«ITownrd Sab in — “ Estab lish closer ” iendship nnd cooperation betw een the am ber o f com m erre and tho farm era , , th e com m nnity .” ^

C. H . P erk es—“ B rin g n m ilk evnpor- . lng fn c to ry h e r e ."Rev. A. O. P earson—“ S et fo rth th*> ,: ta concern ing tJie com m unlly in alt rronal correspondon*e.” .P ran k H o r t o n - “ Inerense the nnm- r and e x te n t o f local Industries,” ®r . J . Lloyd, w ho p resid ed d u rin g th e ‘ m e r p ro g ra m .'tu rn e d th e ' chairm an- ' “ " ip fo r th e buidnefs session over V*•. Swim.Fhe rev ised conatilu tion nnd by law s ^TO read b y M r. H orton, and a fte r. ” 1” “ isldernble discuasion, w ere adop ted .*"® ,'® , onlm ously. T he new code provide# •' a refe rendum vo te b y m all by which

p e r *?¥nt .o f tho m em bers can call “ election a t any tim e, th e \-ote fina lly J

« rd e d to bo f i n a l O ther provisions « “« e t a te to th c f ix in g o f t i e annnal o tin g d a te , e lection o f th a .b o a rd o t regioa. •eetors, am endm ent o f tho eonstlta - *n under 10 d a y s ’ noUee by request ‘tw o-th ird s o f th e . m em bership aad niarltct

in te n a n c e o f th e p lu ra l m em bership vcrleU in. .The la t te r fea tu re called fo rtn isiderab le dbeusslnn . Follow ing the idlngV'of th e rev isions and thc tubs#- Plani Mlt discussion Jo h n W. O rabam g an lia t ved fo r th e ir adopU on. ing hci

|ht of Way for ^ South line Given

---------- ..T a t 'and Mrs. J. F. Blakoly D6.> net Ito iTand Near Bogierson fo)r &^oad. Oonstm^ioA ^ *

’h t ,o f -wny fo r construction of Rogeraoo-WcUs railroad ; th rough p ,, tely owndd lands im m ediately noiI o f Rogerson wcro donated F ri- o f l>y tho ownors, Mr. and M rs. John is ' lairoiy,—tho deed lo in g delivered Sn. J . Sweeley of T ^ in Fulls. . illn r' g ra n ts ' o f rig h t o f wny 'Y* gh four o ther p riva te ly ownod s rem ain to bo securod, according lomas S. BuU, Occgon S h o rt Lino

of w ay enginoor, wlio w as n Falla v is ito r Thursdny and F r i­

on business In connoctlon with ecuring o f lho rig h t o f way. lu ting o f tho rig h t o f w ay b y = tind M rs. B lakely la believed to I. tho wny fo r beginning of activo

ruction operations on tho line n tbo nex t few days. ^

inO eposits I UBLEiOUNT i

F BOND ISSUES»______ Thi

nber of Commerce M akes ‘'‘s :eresting Compilation of atistics Relative to Finan- II S ta tus of D istrict <

______ lent

oslts in Twin F alls couuty bnnk.< iffic ien t fo pny twlco over tho oo.i ;1 indcblcdncss o f all tnx ing unit* vin Fnlls couniy, accord ing tn compiled by fho T w in— Fnils )cr o f Commereo n t tho request les Cnnnon. spccinl ngent o f tho I rocJnnmtion service. These do- . , nro equlvnlent to #22 p e r ncrft , *J

10 1102.000 ncrca of )and under 'win F a lls cnnul svateni, wliilo •crngo tnx rnto th is yen r is *3.50 ro. . ■ ■ 'n Falls countv tnx roll num bor -----

w hkh covers U7,020 ncrca of eat Irrign ted lnnd, the chumbor tracrco r q w r t snvs, cu rries u to in l In lai'ssnient th is year iigninat both Ji nd pcraonnl property nniountiuv I< l.'i,r>45.09. Tax levies o f nil M veral tnx ing un its nro included J . ( so figures. •

Hca-vy Tnm -Ovor. F .-JInnd In nueation is considered.

rep resen tative of fho Twiu Fall-« ^ y . M athem utlcnl cniculntlon, on lais p f 'f h e s e figures, shows tlin :o tax ra to n t npproxim ately S3.50 re. tneh

to tn l o f deposits In nil Twin nnm !o u n ty bnnks is ♦4,4<10,r.C0. The t i .* ' ;o bonded indebtedness aga inst I r ids under tb e Twin Fnlls cnnal se t

Is npproxim ately ill.S O per th is Bond .issues include all thoso i.< (S E y stjite, county, schnol nnd high- istric ts.bank clearings in th is d is t r l r t fo r I*orl von nionth oqu'nl the nverngo o f tii Iei>osits, or, in term s o f figures, — ini-ovcr of monoy cach • mouth NCW the deposits, ao th n t an nniount ,

to 12 tim es tho deposits is in- cn th in lhe fotjiL b u s in ess 'tran sae .

u ring tho yenr in th is 'd is tr if t . . e T I system mnintcnnnco la s t yearl.2.'i per ncro, which jiro w rly John bo ndded to tho average o f tnx

jn in st Innds of tho d is tric t. ricnn F alls rosun-oir d is tric t havo not yot bcon Isaued or sold nco are no t included in th e to ta l ^0^ ,, ide<l indebUidncss ‘quoted. t^cbl

m j i B I l i P E R S l i in Producers Too Busy in »<>«' ds to Attend Meetings, i,f Interested

— ----- » II. Ily progress is being mado to- Pn ■afahllshment o f n co-opcrativo nuulc >rnducts m nrkcting organization 1023, in Pulls county, according to

o ( !l.o movom rnt, although, « *'iv, fn ir w e.ithcr conditions ju s t 1* ham pering tho undertak ing . paJia,

o f fa rm •work with tho eoming nnd ] w enther laat sp ring caused Georf

irv suspension of th c move- heari and in tho presont e ffo r t, >°l? t . a acrirs of m eetings to launch ^ n iz a tio n , leaders in th e un- ng find form ers generally un- to take timo from w ork in thc

:ha t is mode possiblo by con-fa ir w eather. -----

Z c te n s t F rava lon t cst in thc undertak ing , how- icy s.-»y, i» p revalen t, a n d .th e y In tho near fu turo to comploto ollm ent o f m em bership in tho |^ l l s County D alrym en 'a asso- j.chal to a p o ln l whero production of decea inm of .30,000 p«unds o f cream m ade vlll bo represented, a sd the a g o rgan ira tlon will becomo a h i - t t o d a iry lndo ttf7_ J)f th is Jj; ^

I t la understood am ong per- sing tho In itia tive in th e move- ji,j, lat cream delivered throogh tho b e fo r n g organization will bo eon- sionci into b u tte r and o ther products U th ' crcam erlcs. ClaFUSS P rew n to d H era fo r th e launching o f th e or- j io n x

ion were presented a t & m eet- A rrh i

TWIN FALLS \inze, B uhl, p residen t o f th e d a iry - NO n ’a aasoelation; .'W. A. Claudln, 'la -F a lU , a d irec to r o f the o rg in lza- In n ; an d ' B . E . B rossard. county agrl- • C tu ra l. ag en t. I"V 's lm lla r m ooting w ss held M onday BKlil, .,nnd. tho fin a l m eeting o f tho . ies w ill bo held-'todiiy a t K im berly,

lEL FIRM INCORPORATES Lt'i. ------- i>rh

Lrtlclcs o f Incorporation fo r th e C pro,Shipm nn F uel com pany, .w ith . Twin ' Vlls as Its p rlncinnl place o f buai- quits, w cro f iled M onday In th e o tfice ^^2tho county recorder. The com pany f if trnpltnlized n t $50,000. I t is to den. diaifuel a n d 'c o n l. Tho incorporators TC. B. Shipm an, W. 0 . Shipm an nnd thoC..'W cHoff. Tho Shipuiahs to r *ev- hldi

I m ou ths havo. operated tbo Crozier Jiminsfer comp.nny. Rnr

-------------------------- FnlA m orica’s . EaH lar Clvltlxatloru'

Icco rd ing -to arcbneolnglatf, Amet^‘0 e a r lie s t clvlllzatloD d a te s back HnenbOQt 400 A. t>. rorl


rotico Is horoby given th n t a petl- ^1 wns filed w ith tho, Bonrd o f Di- ----tora o f th o Americnu Pnlls Roser- r D is tric t on fhe 3rd day o f Nov- '>er, A. D. 1D23, fo r tho unnexntlon I«» < said Irrigation d is tr ie t o f nd jacent -li la. >tif( l llie namo o f th c petitioner nnd n rrip tion o f tho lands montioned in .L •' I p e tillon a ro as follows: fame o f F e tltio a e r : B a n k 'o f Castle- C. i Icrlp tlo n -Of L aad locatwX l a T w in la O oanty : ' Nownahip Eleven (11) South, Rnngo emb rteen (13), E. B. M., Section F o u r wns L o t Ono (1 ). cour

otleo ia hereby fu r ih e r given to all tach ions in te rested in, or th a t mn^ bo ' 'c led by such chnngo of boundariea the Am erican F’alla R eservoir I r r i- »< t 1 on D istric t, to appear a t the offico H'*" ho B a n rd 'o f D irectors of the Amer- I F a lls R eservoir Irriga tion D istrie t, ho o ffice o f aaid D istric t, in Tw in s, Idnho, on Saturduy , December I, A. D. 102.1, a t 10 o ’clock A. M.,show cnuBO in w riting , if nny they \ ------

c!, why tho lands m entioned should . bo annexed to th e American Fulls 1*' •

jrvo ir Irrig a tio n D istric t.' n ted th is 26th d ay of Xovember,). 1D23.A L) W. F . ALWORTH, I'*-'"':cre tnry o f tho Bourd of D irectors o f th e Am erican Fnlls R eaervoir ' Irrig n tio n D istrict.

- IfliJO TIO E OF W B IT OP • i

ATTA CH M EN T r;he D fttr;c t'.C ourt o f lhe K leventh . Idicial - D is tr l r t o f tho S tn te o f , Inho in nnd fo r Twin Falls County. j'.J

Noll, ‘P la in tiff ,

* W yko, ' ■■ D ofendnnt. ^

otico is hereby given th a t on Noy-' V< e r 24th, 1023, a w rit o f a ttachm en t pluIr

issued o u t o f the abovo en tltlod tlio I t in tho ubovo en titled nctlon, nt- dicia Ing tho p roperty of fho above in a; ed , defendant fo r tho sura of hv tl J5.4.'5, an d In te rest. are 1

w itness whereof, I hnvo hereunto wer iiy hand and tho seal o f th is court o f t 2filh dny o f Novcmbor, 1023. "crvc

AL) C. C. a iG Q IN S, .mdClork of th e D istrict Court, 'vher R y <!. L. BOWEN’, Deputv. th a t

e r Sc W ithnm , A ttorneys fo r P lain- *omp ’f. T w in Falls, Idnho. fied,• — iigalrlO E O F W B IT OP ATTACHM ENT j.lffln

tho D istric t Court n f lhc Kiev- ThJud ic ia l D istric t o f lhe Stnlo o f w o v

0 in nnd fo r Twin P alls Oounty. Hootl. Sw ank, P ln in tif f "um

vs. 4D0V isser nnd G erfrude Visser, April

D efendants; iit l iitlce is herebv ;»iven thn t on No It), 1)cr in th , 1023, n w rit o f nttnchm ent 12 p.Issued o u t o f the nbove en titled 1023,

: in tho nbovo en titled nction, ul- ren tng th e p ro p e r ty o f , thc nbove w ith^ dcfendnn t for fho aum o f t i f f ’s00. gnge w itncaa w hereof, I have hcreuntu j„ T \

ly hand and fhe senl o f Ihis Cburt “ L I7 th d ay o f November, 1023, fclAL) C. C. SIGGI.VS, (E 1-:

C lerk o f fho D istrie t Court. «) .0 C. L . BOWEN*, D oputv.L. A shton, n ito rnoy fo r p la in tiff , Ici F alla , Idnho.

» fo r Pnb llcatlo ir o f Time -Ap- qinted fo r P ro v lag Will, E tc. th e P roba to Court o f Tivin F.alls " .

ly. S ta te o f Idnho. , ttho m n tte r o f th e estu tc of aco^^'l• ' Wynton, docensed. " Trsuant to nn o n le r o f snid Courf.

on th c 17th d av o f November. no tice Is hereby given th n t .Mon- ? ”

tho 10th dny o f l>cccmbcr. 102:1. *^'*'7 n o 'c lock a . ni. o f said dny, ;it •ourt room o f said Courf, n t fho ,

hduso in tho County o f Twin hna been appointed ns tho tim c

dace fo r proving the will o f s.-il. ro IL Boynton, deccnaed, nnd foi A lli ng fhe npplicaliou of Kora Hard- Spoka o r th e issuan re to her of le tte rs ing at nenfnry wben .ind where any per- P lain tife re sled m ay appear and eonteat --------nme.cd Novem ber 17, 192.1.:a l ) o . p . d u v a l u____________ / Probolc JuJgo

OTIOE F O rf PUBLICATION. 8 E JiD ep a rtm e n to t-W ftto to r lo r . N E f

. 8 . L oad 0 « ic e n t H ailev, Idnhn. N’W £N ovem ber 20. 1923: BW h

Ice Is hereby given thnt S usin \jUcncc, ono of th e heirs, and. on tr o f th e heirs o f Sarah B. KcHc.^'. IBcd. who, on November r>, 1017. *H om estead E n try , No. 023719, fo r *

4, SW 1-4 N B 1-4. 8 1-2 NW 1-4. 8 ^ - I1-4 BW 1-4, Scction .'5, TownsJiip 2)uth. Range 17 E ast, Boise Me- *1, has filed no tire o f in lcn tion to i th ree y e a r fin.il proof, to cstal>- -

laim to fhe land above dcseribe.!, '? H . E. Powers, U. 9 . Commis- S'W J. n t Tw in Fnll.% Idnho, on thV' SE ?dny o f Jan u a ry , 1924. . V NW Jim ant nam es as wlLnessci. ' N E iies A. Palm er, o f H ollister, Idaho: NW It Palm er, o f H ollU ter, Idaho; S E };c W alpole, o f Rogerson. Id .iho; N E >e B tew art, o f Rogerson. Id.iho. HE >

\ f * v fi. A v n t! r . N W '


. B E A L E ST A T E . Elhe P ro b a te Court o f Twhi FaUa J

C ouuty, S la to o f Idaho.the m a ile r o f tho estato o f Gooi^o '

A. B urgy, deccaaed. •< j 'U nder uu lh o rily o f an order grau tcd * • the P robnto Court o f th c County of t vltl P a lls and B tate o f Idabo , d a to d ,< 0 1st d ay o f O ctober, 1023, I , tbo i^ idursigned, ndm ln istra to r, w ill b'oII n t ;5 iv a te Hulo tlio following, d o a n ib e d ^

(W 1-2) o f tiio northw est i l u rte r (N W 1-4) o f section th irty -tw o f 2J , tow nship , nino (fl)' south, rungo fteen (15) east o f thc Bolso M erl* ,' an. Tw in Fnlls County. Idnho. )*The snle will be mndc on o r nfto r f0 l.'Sth dny of Deeember, .1023, aud f ds wlll be reeelvcd n t 't h e office of * imea H. W ise, .Room 8 , Tw in Fulls I ink & T ruat Compnny Building, Tw in '*ills Counlv, Idnbo. ' - : ------ - .Term s of anle w ill be *1,000.00 cash ^

Decem ber l . 'th , 10i3, und «4,0Op.0U I December 1st, 1924. und tlio l.nl- f

ice lu ussnm liig nnd ngreoing to pay I rta in m ortgago upon said lauds u t i is tfme. . |f Dnted th is, tho Iflth day o frN o v em -|f r, 1923. ' «■

c . J . HAHN, ( : Im ln lsfra tor o f th e E sla to o f Ooorgo 6 A. Burg>-, Deceased.________________ [

N O T IO E -O P W E IT OF , 8' A TTA C H M EN T .6

the D is tric t Courl o f lhe E leventh IJ ludicinl D islrie t o f th e B tate c f ;> Idnho, iu nnd fb r Tw in Fnlls C ounty .;»

N. CInnr, P ln in liff , >

A. Penrod nnd L ectle Penrod, ' ^ Dofondnnts. °

Solicc Is hereby given th a t ou Nov- ^ ber 19tb, liJ23, a w rll o f a ttachm on t " s Issued out o f fho above en titled 8 ir t lu the nbove e n tit le d netlon, a t- ^ hliig th c p ropertv o f the abovo nnm- J" defendnnts fo r tho .sum o f #l>rj.08. , 8 u w itneas w hereof I hnvo hereu n to ; 8 my linnd nnd Ihe senl o f Ihls Courf

H 20th dny of N ovem ber, 1023. lg, iCAL) C. C. BIOOINS, ^

C lerk of th e D istric t Courl. N iv C. L. BOW EN, D eputy. ’ « A. W nlters and B. P. P.nrr>-, A ttor- eya fo r .P la in t i f f . Twin Fulls. Idnho. ^

A L IA S 81T&CM0NBthe D istric t Cnurt o f thu Elovonth » udlcinl D ia trie t o f tho S ln to ' o f ^ <Iaho, In und fo r Tw in FallB Couuty.

(Bidential In su rance Compnny t ) f , 8 Unerlca, a corporntiou, I 'ln in tiff ,

'•a. N.rge W . Blakealee, W ard J . Blnkos- “ i-c, E rn es t E .. Blnkoslee,. Guy J . Ibikeslee, Knrl R. Blnkealec, Loren

BUikeslee, W illinm II. Rocther, « ^mmn R octher, J . F. M arlin and F . X •. Ornves, ns exccutor of. lho last .5, d ll and estnto o f M ary N. Blukes- L-e, deceased, Defendnnla.

— — 81> Ktiite o f Idnho scuds greetings toe qi Villiani H. R octher and Emma Roo- ^ her. D efendan ts : 'j,;'nu nre hereby no tified th a t n com* 8 In t' hna been filed ngninst you In N

D lslrlc t Court o f Aho Eloventh .Ju- N lal D is tr ie t o f fho S la te of Idnho, 8 and fo r th e counly of Twin Palls, B] thc above nnmed p la in liff , and you‘81 hereby directed to nppear and a n a - '^ ;

■ s.fid com plaint w ith in tw enty dnys N tho serv icc o f th is summona, if

•cd w ltb in snid Judicln l D istric t,® * w itb in fo r ly dnys If served, elae* I

•ro, n'nd you aro fu rther, no tified L t unless you nppear nnd answ er said j ip lain t w ilhln the tim e herein speci- q . I, p ln in tif f w ill lako ju d g m e n t? * in st you ns prnyed fo r in said com-, n t. iv iho above nction is opc brought to » .ver ju d g m en i nga inst W,lUIam H. t ” thor and Emmn Rocther fo r tho It .

o f $0,.'548.b8, w ith In terest oii «7, - 'lo n t 7 per ccn t p e r nnnum from o t

11 27, 1923, w ith in te re s t on >0S3.G012 pe r cen t per annum from Sept. gv 192.1,'^wlth in te rost on $1,422.38 n t-S £ per cen t per nunum from Sept. 8 ,J, w ith in te rea t on *13.00 n t 12 per sV , per annum from A ugust 24, 102.1, SF1 9950.00 a tto rn e y s ’ fees and plain-1 N l ’a costa, nnd to forccl6s o ,a morl- BV } upon tho follow ing described landJSE 7wln Fnlla C ouaty, Idaho, fo-wlt: ISV L ots ono (1) nnd two (2) and thoiSE

holf o f th e northw est qua rte r Nl •2 N W l-4 ) o f section 19, townshlplNA outh rnnge 10, cnst o f tho Boise ISV id ian , con laio ing 144.08 acres, m oro;8 K CSB, to g e th e r w ith nil th e Improve-] ts . ' p riv ileges and nppurtcnances ,j,j eunfo belonging and nil righ ts o f l j , esfead exem ption, together with d itch an d w a te r rig h ts o f cvory ' iro how over evidenced, iised on the . laml, n r belonging to snme, o r said jjj,

tgagors, o r which m ay be hereafter lircd o r used upon said Innds,” , hlch m ortgage is recorded in the •e of th e County R ecorder of Twin t Counly, Idnho, in book 42 of 1 :gages on page 272.Itcd th ia 10th day of November,

C. C. B inO IN B, Clcrk. 1 AL) C. L. BOW EN. Deputy. Hatlen, W inston & A llen, residing a t :ane. W ash.: Jnm es H. Wise, rcsid-.^® ' I t T w in F alls. Idnho, A tto rneys f o r ' ^

____________________ f.“N O TIO E O F .^ E C T IO N .^

Continued from page six rip tion . Acrcngc. inN W Sec. 1 7 l_____________ 40 KaiSW Sec. 1 7 ™ ----------- :------40 , ]BW See. 17_.......... ................ 40BW See. 17______________40SE See. 17______________ 4flS E .B c c .1 7 ..............................40'SE Sce. 17_______________ 40 ' 1N E Bee. 18______________ 40 <iulN E 8 ec. 18______________ 40 taliN E Sec. 18___________ _ 40N E Sec. 18__.........................: 40 «*■SE Sfec- 18___________:___ 40 ‘ ^0BE Sec. 18----------------------- 40N E Sec. 20______________ 40 ' TfoN E See. 20___ !__________ 40N E Sec. 20______________ ‘40 ^N E Sec. 20______________ 4D FNW Sec. 20______________ 40 7SE Sec. 20----- -------------— • 40.SE Sec. 20.______________ 40SB Sec. 20---------------- - 40 JicrN E Sec. 21---------------------- ' 40 souN E Sec. 21______________ 40 renNW Sec. 21______________ 40 the

J FALLS; IDAHO, THW u w Sec. 2I..:„_____ _____ 40 . 1E JfW ,Soc. a w : __________ 40E SW ., S c c .'S l______________ 40 Tl:w s w Bee. 21_-„_.-_________ 40 BW RW Sec. 21___________ 40 ;1E SW Sec. 21....._______ _____40 ' ,tl•W SE Sec. 21._:-r-...>.______ _ 40 >W SE Soc. 21____________ _ 40 eE 8 E Soc. 21_______ 40 ’W NW Soc. 22..„.;.._..t;_______ 40 T

W N W See. 22.....;................... .. 40:W SW Soc- 22........ :.......... ;____ 40E BW - Bee. 27__________ ____ 40 nW BW Sec. 27._____________ _ 40 11W SW See. 27........ ........ ............. 40 ‘oE '-B W Bee:. 27............................. 40 oE N E Sec. 28..................... ........ 4 0 ' I r:W N E Sec. 28.,........................... 40 a!W N B See. 28......................... 40 eiB N E 'S cc . 28_____________ _ 40 alE NW Sec. 28................. ........... 40 i l:W NW Soc. 28............................ . 40 '• iwW NW Bee. 28.._.:................. ..... 4 0 ' '1E NVV Sec. 28............................. 40 3E SW Sec. 28.............................. 40 0W -SW See, 28..?..,..;................J . 40 tlB 8W See. 28......... .................... 40 ' 2E SE Bee. 28.............................. 40 (tlW SB See. 28.._.............. ...... 40 -C'W S E See, 28.......................... ... 40 tlE S E Seev 28......................... .. 40W N W Sec. 33__________ ____ 40 !?'W SW Sec. 3.1_..„;....;________ 4Xi ‘W BW Bcc. 33............ :________ 40 ®'Townahip 14 S., Rango 15 E., B. M.

13 SW See. 1............................... 40 a:W S E Bee. 1.........— ............... 40^ |RB N E Sec. 11.............................. 4 0 ^ IflW N B Sec. 11........................... .. 40 jaiIV N E See. 11............ :..... ........ :. 40 iT3 N E See. 11_____ __ ;______ 40 «B N W Soc. ll.._...'..:........ .......... 40 !c<W NW Sec. 11..:....................... 40 ‘ni.V NW See. 11....................... .'..... 40 |T•; NW Boc. 11........ ..... - .............. -40B SW See. 11............ ......... :___ 40W BW Boc. 11...;.............. .......... - 40V BW See. U .._ .............. 402’ SW See. 11............................ . 40 “1B BB Sec. l l . ___ ________ 40 5W SB Sec. 11......... ............... .... 40V S E See. ......... 409 SE Sep. 11____________ ;... 40 ‘I 'W N E Sec. 12...._............ 40 f*V N B See. 12.............................. 40 i “ ‘E N W Sec. 12.............................. 40W NW Sec. 12........................... 40V N W See. 12.........._________ 40: N W Sec. 12................ ......... .. 40 . L,W BW Sec. 12...................- ........ 40 ^W SW Bee. 12............................. 40V BW Soe. 12-............................ 40 a.: SW See. 12.......... ................... 40 , Z,3 ,SE Bcc. 12.......................... ... 40 - ^iV S E Bee. 12...............;.............. 40V S E Sec. 12.......... ..............40J SE Sce. 12.......... ................... 40 .3 N E Bee: 13............................. 4P ,i,W N E . Soc. 33_........................... 40 ' i , 'V N E Boc. 13............................. 40 ,row nship 1-1 S., Riitige 15 E . B .M . ^ i

N E • Sec. 14.......... ................... 40 -i,V N E See. 14........................... -10 ' i.pf N E Sec. 14........ ..................... 40 i„1 N E See. 14.............................. 403 N W Soc. 14........................ .. 40 -t,V N W Sec. 14.............................. 40 i„i N W Sec. 14.............................. 40; N W Boc. 14..._......................... 403 SW Sec. 14._........1________ 40 „ fV BW Sec 14 - 407 8W Bee. 14...................... ....... 40 th3 S E Bcc. 1 4 . . ._ . ........... ... ..... 40 -V SB See. 14.............. ........ ...._ 40 o fr SB See. 14.............................. 40 ,„iT N B See. 15_............................ 40 tli.1 N E Sec. 15............................. 403 .S B Soc. .15--- -------------------40 ' ,„i7 'S E See. 15.................... ......... 40 t »f 9 R Soc. ir..................______ 40 10

S E Soc. 15........................ ... 40rownship 14 &. Rnngo 10 E. B. M.t 3 Sec. 4........ ................. 39.0S _t 4 Sec. 4 .......................... .. 39.C4

N W Sec. 4.............................. 40t 2 Soc. 7..»......................t 1 Sec.. 7..._........................ 40J SW Sec. 7_............. .............. 40I n Sec. 7 ...:........ ;......... ... 40 vm't 3 See. 7............. ................ 11.99t 4 See. 7........... .............;.... -11.9S S**: ■ 5 Sec. 7--------- ----- ------- 40 J "

SW See. 7__ ..................... ... 407 S B Sec. 7........... .................. 40' SE Bee. 7.............................. 40 *•'»'

S B • Boc. 7.......... ........................40 I*'"; SW Bor. «........... 1 ............... 40' SW See. 8.......... ......... ......... 40

SW Sec. H............................. • 40 Co; SE Sec. fl_____:................ .. 40 the' BE Sec. ........................ 40 ‘

S E Sor. 8.................... ........r 40 1NW Sec. 9.............................. 40 • CuNW Soc. 9................. ......40 Wi

: SW Sec. 0............................. 40 Eh’ SW See. 0.............. ............... 40

SW Sec. 9..._......................... 40 ”SW Sce. ; 9....................40 ^

:xceplliig nnd ex-;'-.dlng therefromright-of-w ay o f ti e Oregon Bhorr '

0 Rnilrond company. q j L mnp showlng-’ snid lands nnd th r to ind.'iries o f th c said proposed di»- ino t, i's on filo In lh e offico o f th - to ird o f County Couitulssioners, Twin voi Is County, Idnho. fin hni said eleclion will be held n t snifollow ing nnmed (■Iace8,*n^wit: Coi

n E lection P recinct No. 1,. o K jo v)n P recinct, o t J . B. L a n g f^ t& I'^^ •dware S tore , Vill.ngo o f RogcrsonT;n Fnlls County, Idaho . ^1 E lection Prccinct No. 2, o r Itol- , : r Precinct, n t th-! MasoiUc H all, in '

V illage o f-H o llirilo r, Tw in Falls n ty . Idnho.I E leclion Prccinct N. 3. or ling- d t Precinctv a t H r.ggard t SchoolISO, in Section XI. Township U 3th . Range 1C E a .t o f th e Boise 1Idinn. ]I E lection P recinct No. 4, o r Bcr- «Precinct, n t B erger-School House, ,

Rection 16. Tow nrhlp 11 South, gc -AO E ast o f th e Boiso Merldinn.I E leclion P rec inc t No. 5, o r Allen- ^

P rcc inc t, a t A llendale School I™ae on tJie southeast eorner of Sec 12S, Townahip 11 South, Rango 17 PJ]

t o f Boiso M erldiun. ]he 'q u a lif ie d electors w ill he re- Twed to ca st a ballo t w hich will con- .

th e word* “ Irrig a tio n D istric i, «or “ Irrig a tio n D istric t. N o.” 7'

Tords equivalerit thereto , and alaonam e of one person frotn each lii- th ioa o r eleetion precinct, o f Bai<) 'Wl)osed d iif r ic t fo r d irec to r o f said tiprVt. pajia t aaid divisions are aa follows: anirs t-D iv is io n : dttili.1 t the F ira t Dlv<iIon shall com- hoi(* all th a t p a rt o f th e propoaed th (non R iver Irrig a tio n D istric t, n-i thein defined- and outlined , lying v t-h o f a lino m n u 'n g through the .e rs o f Sections 1. 2. 3. 4 and t.> * >eenter o f Section i , In Townshln

URSDAY, NOV. 29, 192]. s . B ange l e E a a t o f t h e B oIm .aian , thonce aontb 1-2 m ile ,'th e n ^ ^ . e a t 1-fl m ile to the -co m er o f So'^tloni'* . ■a, 7 <md 8, Tewnabjp 13,. 8. Range

S E . B. M .l thonce T o u th 1-4 mllc,‘ •- tonee w cat th reogli ( h e \o n te r o f tho , - o rth H a lf o f SeeUon 7 ,X iw n s h lp .l3 . . . R ange 10 S n li FlrBl Dl-iaion. sha ll bo liilTniiftiii J l ........ iiiiroclnet No. 1, o r Regeraon Precloct’. Second 'D lv laion : 'The Seeond D l^ lo t i shall eoninrlio

II th a t p a r t o f the propoaod Salmod Ivor. I r r ig a tio n D is tn e t ly ing norlli f tho F ira t D lvialon, .ib hbove defined, r Proclnet No. 1, and M uth o f a lino ». inning along tho no rth Bido nf Town- - lip 12; B. R ange 17 E. B. M.. and >uth along tho w est side o f snid.ToAirn- lip lo lho Boulbwest corner, o f Soctlon ?; thonco weat one 'in ilo to tho south- e a t.e o rn e r o f Bcetion 1.1, Tbwnahin2 S.' Range 16 E . B. M., thonco «utl»2 mllo to tho ccn tc r o f th e west aide r. Section 24. thcnee w est 3 1-2 mllei irough tho ccn tc r (tf iiectiona 23, 22,I and to th o .e c n t t 'r d f Soctlon 20j lonee no rth 3 1-2 miles through ths- rnlora o f Sections 20, 17, 8 nnd 5 fo .10 Township lino; tli-jneo w est Indefl- lloV along tb e no rth llno o f Townahip I Soulh. Said Seennu Division shall J h e re a f te r known a« Precinct' No. 2, r H olllsto r P ro c in c t .Third D ivision:Tho T h ird DivUIdii shall tomnrlao I th n t p a r t o f tho pruposod Salmon ivcr I rrig a tio n D istriv t as herein de> ned, ly ing no rth o f Procinct No. 2,. , id west o f tho Rauge lino, botween iwnahlpa 10 E and 17 R B. M.. nnd u th o f a line runn ing through the ntors o f Sectlona 10, 20, 21, 22, 2:«' id 24, T. 11 8 . Ranco 10 E . B. M. Said lird D ivision snail horcaftor bo iown na P roc inc t Nu. 3, o r Haggardt reelnet.Fo u rth I^lvlsion: •T he F o u rth D lvlaion ahall eompriio I f th a t p a r t ' o f th e propoaod Balmon iver I r r lg a tlo if D lstrio t, a s heroin do- aed, ly ing no rth o f P roclnet No. .1, id woat o f tb e R ange line botween .wnahlps 10 E. aad 17 E .B . M. Snid .urth Dlvlslo.n shall be hereafter lown as P rcc in c t N o . .4, o r Borger oclnot.F if th D ivision:Tho F if th D ivision shall oomprlao .nil a t p a r t b f the T^iropoaod 'Salmon vbr Ir r ig a tio n D istric t, oa heroin de­led, ly ing in Towii.'hip I I South, ingo 17 E a s t o f th e Bolt^o Meridian. .Id F if th D lvialon al>all bo heroafter lown aa P roc inc t No. 6, o r Allendale oclnct.Tho said eloction. p rccincts arc ns tiowa:E leetion P ree ine t N o . '! , shall eor-11 o f all th a t portion o f th e lands rulnboforo described, ly ing and be*5 In tho nbovo describod Division t. 1.E lection P rec inc t No. S, ahull con-' it o f n il th a t porM»n o f the landa roluboforo describod, lying nnd belnfj fho nbovo described D iv jilon No. 2.

Bleclion P rec inc t No. 3, shall con- I o f a i r th a t portion o f landa hero- beforo dosdrlbed, l>ing an d bolng' tho nbovo <!oscribe.l D ivision No. 3.

E lection P rcc in c t No. 4, shnll consiat all tb a t portion « f lauds heroin-

fore dcacribc<l, ly ing and being-In c ubovo doacribod Dlvialon No. 4. ' E lection P ro c in c t Noi if. shall coniiat a ll th a t po rtion o f tho landa herc-

>oforo deacribod, ly ing and bolng lu ) above described Division No. 5. ily o rder o f tho board o f county codi- ssionora in nnd fo r th e County o'. rin F alls, and S la te of Idaho, Mili :h day o f O ctobcr, ll»23.[SEA L) C. C. SIOOINS, .

Clerk.3y JO H N F . HANiJEN, Dopuly. .

NOTIOE FOB PUBLIOATION. Department of tae Inteilor. '

Luud O ffico u t ila iloy , Idaho, Novomber 8, 1923.

'Jotlcc Is horoby given th a t Ernoat >dtke, o f H ansen, Idaho, who, ou 7l«m l.or 1, 1D20, wado Homcstcatl try . No. 0204TO. fo.- N 1-2 SW 1-4,1-4 NW 1-4, Section fl, Townahip 11

Ith, Rango 10 Ensl, Boiao Meridian.I filed notico o f b is Intention to ko three y e a r finu l proof, to estob- I h is claim to t h i land above do­llied, boforo H. B Powers, U .'R . nmlssiouer, a t Tw in Falls. Idabo, ou

5 th duy o f Jan u a rv , 102-1.;ia lm an t nnm es ns witnessea.'e te r 11. Newmiin. u l H anaen, Idaho; rlls Osborne, o f ilanaon, Idfiho; lllam W odtke, o f Tw in Fnlls, Idaho; ner M lnlun , o f Hnnaen, Idaho.

M AY O. A.N(iBL. R rgiater.

NOTIOB TO, OREDITOBS.Estate o f Em m a B iuh, Deccaaed. iTotlce is hereby given by tho under- Iled ad m in is tra to r w ith w ill annexed th e eatato o f Bmin:a Uuab, deceased, the cred itora o f nnd nil persons hav-

claim s (Igainst Mio said deconsed, exh ib it them w itn the noccsaao'

ichers, w ith in four nionths n f te r tlio It publicution of tb>.< notice, lo tho 1 n.lm lnlH tralor a t his offico in tho . ir t House, Countv o f Tw in Falls, to o f Idnbo, th is being tho firs; ru fixe<l fo r the Iruiisaction of tliu incss o f sa id cstalc .)nfed N ovem ber lOfh, 1923.

J . H. BARNES. Ldm inistrator w ith wiil annexed.

NATURE’S warning"Cldoey il ls com e m ysterloosly . |Jut n a tu re g en era lly w arn* you. ‘«'oUcc th e kidney eecrellons. lee If th e co lo r is unhea lthy— f th e re a r c B ctU lass and sedim ent, *aB(jagoB freq u en t, tidu iiy . palafttl. f s Umo lo f e a r aerious kidney flblo. ■t'a Ume to uae Do&n's K idaey Is. ^ '>oaa’a hnvo done g re a t w ork In in FaJla. A sk y our oelgbborl L W ol.nor. c a ip sn tc r . B, P. D. No.Twin F a .U . sa y s : **l b ad a lu n e ‘X and a M ri^uess ov e r m y k idaeys ,t m ado m o m iserab le a ll .over, ion I g o t dow n I could b a rd ly get on acco u n t o f tho sh arp , s u b b la t ns. M y k idneys ac tcd too often I th e eccrcU ons scaldod in passace. t to m y b lad d o r being Inflam ed, t LTd of D o aa 's K ldnoy Pilla and ai irt o so soon co red m e enU r*ly oC.

com pla in t. 1 bftve b ad n o troa>•Ince."

Oc. a t a ll dealer* . P o ile rS C O b an '. M fra., Buffalo, N . T.. • ' £

3 \


. / ---------- 1—

Unconventional Address ' Honae Festival and Dra

ternal Influence in Act ■Featured by Superb M

C linrnctcrired by Bujiorb muBio b y i “ 'I c h o ir nnd o rch estra undor dlroction o f {*"“ O ustuv F lech tno r, o f T w in F alls 8 yni> pliony orcJjcntra.-and an unconvontionat TlmnkngW inff nddrcuB b y .tJio B*v. Charles E. W Jnnbig, m in later o f tho P irs tr M othodiat Kplacopivl ’ ehurcV, ' ‘f» un ion ThanJc8Riv^}y w jrviecs ia th o ^ I'ronbytcrlrin church Thursday woro a t- ten d ed by o n o -o f- t^io la rgest naaPm* blMKCA evor Rnthcrod lioro on a sim ilni occnflioii. On th e p la tfo rm rw ith th e *“ .* jirinclpai opookor- wero Rev. E dgar L. W hite . Rov. A rtliu r G. I’curson, Bov."W. II., Tolilvor, nnd cach took p a r t i« - '' l lic progrntn. ”

fi|>onking o f “ Thnnkagiving, u Homo “ Foativnl*’ ' M r. W inn ing presented tlio th o u g h t th a t A braham Lincoln, tho J*® f n u th o r o f tho f i ra t national annual T hnnkagiv ing Dny prncIum ntloa,„ h n 'l - . boon in«plrcd by tho h eart o f .his . ‘ m other. H o trncod in g ra p h ic 'w o rd ' ^ p lctiiros tho n io th o f’a influohoo ovor th e Ktroer o f tho m arty red iiresident.H c Haid. in p n r t:, .“ We lovo ou r coun try and wo love ~ ou r Goil. Wo aro nono tho less p a trio ts ' th an ChriHtlans. The patrio tism o f L " P rca ldon t C oolidgo'a Thanksgiv ing D ay prootnination appealed to us no moro . - strong ly th n n d id j t s ploty. Tho anar- ch iat who nhuns hfs coun try U uaually , tho n theiat who h atea hio Ood. ■

“ B n t i f T hankagiv ing d ay ia a day 1’.'° '' o f nationni devotion it ia n o t w ithou t ' o ther a ig n ifican t foaturca*—i t ia a day c f hom o-gatherings, a d a y o f fam ily reuhioua. In kooping ' w ith acorCa o f _ *• proclan iationa and in dofcronco to hat* lowod jiToocklonh, nnd ft>IIowing th<* hom ing in s tin c t o f otir soula, hundroda o f thousand* o f fnmilloa w ill joyously aeek annua l reunion on th ia , tho iM t Thuraday ia November.

“ A t th la tim o o f yoor wo c aa hoar w ith u pecu lia r irrca ls tiv tn ess tho af* fec tio n a to “ cry o f tho old homo.” ’

“ Almost 300 year« ngo^ or to bc his- to rica lly nccurato, in 1032, Q ovem or B rad fo rd o f tho M aasachunotta Bay colony—good old P u rita n th a t ho waa — iasuci^ ft T h anksg iv ing D ny p r o c I ^ a - tio n . , T ho d ay w as religiously ob* Borvod; obaorvcd nia n dny o f p rnycr a n d thankag iv ing , b u t I t wna local in l t a obacrvanc-oSA O ther aim ilar daya Wcro proclaim ed nnd obaerved, each p dv ing tho w ay fo r th o occaalonal T hankag iv ing dnys o f th o Revolution- n ry period , proclaim ed by Georif- W ash ing ton ,, in acco rd an ;o -w lth c-on- '' grcaaionol in struc tloua .

F irs t A n n u l ThsnksglTlag.“ B u t from 1700 to 1804 there was

a o an n u al T h anksg iv ing day—m erely j, nn occasional d ay proclalm od by gov- crno ra o f a ta tea , nnd onco in m any ^ j-oara n p resid en tia l proclnm ntlon; b u t jj, j,. in I8C4 new life waa given to tho day nnd new m enning na well to the nn- e ie n t cu itom , and th crfo ro th t^ ^ ln a t .«• T huradny o f N’ovem ber o f each yonr gpati h a s been tho d ay w hen tho fam ilies o f w h l A m erica do homage to - th o God o f na- tiona—the God to whom tho ind ividual ,viirv xnuat bow and confeas h is ains, arid a t th e anmo tim o tho houaohold Ood- „,an

'.‘ W ithout aeeking to, in th e leaa*, hig leasen Its nn tionni Mgtiificance or ita 1,5 , devotional d e m e n t more nnd moro ita houachold aign lfirjinco la being rccog n iaed , and todny I wouhj Hko to dwoJl „Sio p a r ticu la r ly on Thnnkajfivlng d.-iy as „„ th a homo fca tiv a l. li

H o tb e r 's - in fln en ce . pcili“ W pcanno t th in k (n t le n s t I cannot) Th

o f homo w th o u t th in k in g of m othor tibn I helievo ' th f t t A bm ham U n ro h t nnnn th o u g h t o f h ia m other w hen in 1804. moth n e a r th e 'a n n lv e n m ry o f h e r dcnth, he into issued th e f ira t nationn i nnnual note T h anksg iv ing D ay proclam ation. Tho Thor h e a r t o f tho m othor wns in tho meaaagr cndii <>f ho r aon. W h at do I m ean t. I 'l l te ll P a y you. it. -

“ T here ia a log h u t. No windowa. dnwi No floor. Wo look in a t the door,' in C fftilVh .hri9 "T)Pen le f l opon to adm it n t j the aunligh t which dancea on tho carpet deatl o f tram pled e a rth . Thero nro a few heari stoo ls ,'no chaim , n few diahes, no cup- wlier b o a r i On a home m ade bedstead Ilea hia 1 tho young w ifo o f n yonnc pioneer woodamnn o f Ind iana . ‘ A braham ,' “ I aho calls; and from outaide, where he I nu had beea w atfth ing tho. reatlesa winga Line. Df th o woo<l birda. comea a bo.v, who. he v [ilmoat d ea titu te o f c lothing, h u boen in ^ ! w atch ing a n d lia ton ing fo r hia moth- the 1 e r ’s voice. ‘ W h at is i t , m other,' he aon, aaks, and in a w enk voice, th r illing hla ir ith m o th c r 'a love nnd anxiety , aho and replied, a s aho drew her boy to her In n« lide. ‘ I 'm • go ing to ' leave you, A be, lag ( m d O; h o w 'h a rd i t t m o p a r t w ith you. day. How b c a u tifa l i t is outaide. I t ia nl- and waya b e a u tifu l where^ God ia. I ’m go- fa ith ing to m eet H im iii -» ..h« tte r-w orM spira than th is. I learned to lovo Him a t ‘ “ I tho cam p m e o tq ^ , and I w an t you to nual love H im too, She paused an-l fromthen con tinued : ‘A l>j>J b^ve no t had make nuch lo m ake mo h a p p ^ -b o t m y to I c j thanl liaa aover fa ile d to ra ise in praiao wo a] rh eao v e r a fee lin g o f thankagiv ing ha* pays fovo over me. A braham Lincoln, y oa dren lavc a h ea rt. I am. th an k fu l God gave timo. roo to us. Love everybody. H inder to th ' iobody, and som e d a y th e world w ill th e I >0 g lad you w ere bo m . I am g ra te fu l possil 'o r life , fo r ev ery th in g , b u t more th a n th e e ill e lse becanse yon have my h e a r t . ' ronnc B ut' he c a n 't s ing . N a n c y ’—Ihees en ts rords, follow-ed b y a ripplo o f forced be p< sp g h te r, eam e from tbe ta ll yoong th e ir lioneer, e isd in bockskiaa, wbo wa« e r an r y i ^ to be eheerfo l, an d thns cheer b is cia lly

■Eight ; ^


Treats'of Holiday as ws Lesson from Ma-3 of Lincoln;- Service usical Prosrramtho IiuBbimd drew up 'cloao to her I

said in so fto r tonua, *Ab6 c a n ’t sin^' you can, N an cy .’ F cobly aho nn-

red, ‘ Tho h en rt slugs in many-yray*.- ~ (9 h eu rta moko otiiora aing . Abu n o t h o t^ m y voice, b u t ho has my

•t, a n d f i c mny tnnko o tho rs sing, go ing jnow, ’ nnd tlio poor woman ,

cd h e r l f a c o tow ard th g ap lit’ l o p P :h formVd tho w all o f tlio cabin. '0 aho vponod her oyes, onco sho trlo 'l * i!0 h im —onco aho siiiti fa in tly , O, so ^ lly , 'M y A b rah am ,’ onco ah© trom- ® nnd thon wna a ti l l—atill In death .

i's gone,’ tlic young huabnnd uud ® or anJd, und then tho fa th e r nnti ® w ont o u t a n d w ith th e ir own handa ^0 a ru d e co ffin ; there wero no Jj libora; and th ey dug a gravo nnd ' ' D th e y buried , her 'n onth tho tl I. A bo lookod Into tlio fnco o f his or fo r sym pnO iy,' J»ut Uio t«ar- lied oyea found sym pathy only in ncw-nizido gr^ve. I t w as a rude ”0 whon finiahed, but ainco th n t g

tho i>ooplo o f In d inna hnvo hon- w th e mom ory o f tho occui>ant. A t

hcd s iin ft l i f t s lta nmrlilo w hite- 11to tho aky, and pflgrinis knee? e<prayora o f - thunkagiv ing n t ita tl

; b u t long beforu her m otherhood mo aacred, nnd bo r gravo a shriai. m eriean people, a rjigjfod, hatles^, root boy a a t by tlio gm as grccnid und dream ed— n n d 'i n ntmnor>* j,,lod to tho songa h is m other used „»*•. f<

M o th e r ’s H e a r t In sp ires . . • laiu t h n rk —'tila, J u ly F o u rth , I 8 OI. jcB a ttle o f G o ttyabu i^ hna boon tllit nnd won. 'T hat sam e boy— piham L incoln, now p re sid en t o f 'n,ITnited S tn te s , hns w ritten a pro- f(ation con ta in in g these w o rd s /‘ The gt dent capocially ileairea th a t on thiaHo w'hoao w ill, n o t oura, ahould cnoro bo dono, be everyw here ro- f ijo rod nnd rovoronced w ith pro- {],leat { ^ t i t u d o nnd th a n k sg iv in g .' 4 ;h e a r t o f tli© m other h a d laap lrc .l a,once nioro, ' . H(ut ag a in h a rk : ’Tia^ in W ashing- ]q■a g ro a t crowd is se ren ad in g L in- (] n t tho W hito House. Shouting

lands sw arm ovor tho groen qjs. O ld O lory ripplos in trium ph, q,a f a r o f f th o cannons o f vlctorj- g, ) th e m agnolia covorod hills.tho ro is L incoln— his foco dark {,, so rrow ^-and wrinklc<l w ith cure.

1 tho corrow n n j cure eomo boams rarm th fn d lo v ing kin<Inesa, and

tho th ro n g ceasos .ahouting hc ‘ I sineo rely th a n k Ood fo r tho

ion o f th is call. ’ Aye, m any beard thua speak , b u t ho alono h ean l, a wordj^ th e tonea of th e motho* w as looking on him from above.IS tho samo tone th a t ho had heardI, lia a boy, in tho littlo log cabin t tlie f lam ing maplck o f old mn.lu t ngnia wo h e a r him . Ho ia d in hia p r iv a to offico in tho0 H ouse and th e post m oves be* ^ h im lik e a panoram a—rho aces th e . am o f his f a th i r — tllo fnr-atreach- prairie— tho oaka— th e plnoa— theca—he could ace the co t w here * n o th e r died, nnd he hoard anew Io ly ing worda, nnd tho long romem- fu t tonea of h ia boyhood nnd youth , to

hnd o f t .come to him lik e tho l ’( o f th o recun -en t m inora o f nn th

>m se n t honvenw ord ,' enmo again im a n d thoy cnme w ith tho com- _ lg forco o f n m o th o r 'a benediction , en ho aaw life . H e snw th e na-

lifo in hia own. Ho heard th r o f L incoln cvcr>-whcrc. His

o r'a h en rt aeemed to havo gSliT the h e a r ts o f th c people— and the1 o f p ra ise a n d thanfisgiW ag.

ho iaaued th e f i r a t o f a never-lg aeries o f an n u a l T h ankse ly ing p roclnm ationa. H e had t&*Tm»uo 'ho War had nlroady ushered in the

o f em ancipation . I t w as Issued e tty b u rg 'a m em orable y e a r , a n d ist a b o u t tho an n iv e rsa ry o f tho

o f h ls m other. The m o th e r’s I inapired tho h e a r t o f h e r aon j ho w ro to lh a t p roclam ation nnd

ea rt w as th e h e a r t o f tho people.Zn HesssLc;a o f Son.

’ow you know , m y friends, w h a t nn w hen I s.ny th a t ‘ A braham >tn th o u g h t o f hla m o th e r when ro te th e f i r s t annunl Thnnkagiv- >ay proehim ation .'- T ho h e a r t o f j lo th er waa in the mca.-iago o f her m d ju s t a s L incoln reecivcd from n o th e r’a f a ith a n d th an k ag iv in g ’ wng th e inapirn tion th a t re ra lte d ' * w llfo being g iven to Thanksglv- ay, ao cach one o f ua ahould th is j la m em ory, go to th e o ld hom e • from th a t p e re n s ia l fo u n ta in ot a n d hopo a a d lovo received in--

tion f o r an o th e r y aar. ' jh an k ag iv iag being , then , th e an- home fe s tiv a l. w« should, aaide i ts n a tio n a l aign ificanec, seek to it k d a y o f fnm ily reunion and ‘

sg iv ln g . Tf fo r n o o ther reason . * ould ce leb ra te the da.v b«eatise i t 5 to relig ioosly t ry to g ive th e chll- j and a ll o n r k ith and k in a good 1

E v e ry f tith e r a n d m o ther ow« It i r ch ild ren to a lw ays t r r to m akr ome ho lidays Jo s t s s p le s s s a t lie. No p a re n t ean te ll how soon illd ren m sy b e planired in to sur- ings d a rk a n d cJieerless — p*r- lever know hoiv lo n p th e y s re »-» rm itted to b e v4 th and w ork fo r loved ones, and hence e v e ry fa th - 1 m o th e r should d a ily , a n d espe- uDon tb e hom e bolldavs. t r v to


i iT M A IID I lS " flfillllDEIl SCOPEl OFREGliATIONi

---------- hidaho ' Congressman D eclares '■

W est Ready and Willing to “ Aid South in Solving Idle ^ la n d Problems . aS tir r in g ap p ea l.fo r fo rm ation o f b P

orm anont o rgan iza tion to w ork ' f o r ti Dciamation o f th o so u th 's id le la n d s ^ ras m ade by Congressm an A ddison T. m ith o f Idnho, c'halrman o f 'th o house Dmmittoo on Irriga tion , a t th e for* t< Itry , roclam ntion a n d hom o-m aking jnforonco In Now O rleans In st week, Bcording to ndvicoa received here . . Congrossm aa S m ith , . p resid ing a t ft

lin t m ooting o f de legates f p m tb e /’catom Btatea B eelam ation associa- o a w ith tho southern de lega tes in )nnodtlon w ith th e fo u r days con- sronce, to ld o f w h a t h ad b o o n ' ao- ti jrapHahod througb rec lam ation in ’ the oat and assured tho aouthorfl dolo-' utea th n t tho west w as read y a n d tl illing to ass is t th e south in so lv ing8 land u tiliza tion problom s. H o said in t i t ia th c producer th a t reaJly )uuta and th a t i t is nocoasary fo r le c o u n try ’a w elfare to prov ide m oro ** irm hom es. ^

B o tb n s la sn A ronsM V uch cnthusinam w as arouaod ' a t

lifl pn rticu la r session, aeco rd ing to Ivicco, by^ th e exchange o f -tele- •ama botwoon tho . Now O rleans con- renco nnd tb e W eatorn S ta te s Boc- — m ntion association p rov id ing . fo r in t sossion o f tho rop rcson ta tivos of10 w est and 'sou th to . discuss m ntual •obJoma o f roclam atlon an d ao ttlo -- o n t and to devise a national* program ir 'c a r ry in g on tbo movom ont t o ‘ a icceaaful conclusion.A t a p rio r aession o f th e conferonee ingrcssm nn Sm ith to ld o f tho bone- ts th a t had nccniod from rec lam ation

the w eat, p rov id ing homos fo r about :,000 famUios an d ad d ing »50,000,000 m ually to tho c o u n try ’s rovonuo#. e also pledged h is sn p p o rt f o r legla- tion to expand th e fed e ra l roclam a- &n policy in to n a tiona l scope. ' A n th o r iu t io n g ivon by th e ' confer- ico fo r tho fo rm ation o f a porm anont gan iza tion to be know n a s tho m thorn S ta te s B oclam atlon associs- [>n is considered one o f Its m ost ipo rtn n t notions. '

Tlio Im portanco o f otlU xlitg such; o f .-wMto iasO* a s a ro s a lU b lo f w - . aaIf-san>ortltic f i r m b o s m w sstb o itniwitwMrtJ jypw ntTiy •'tbroQghoBt confcrooco s o ^ -s io u . Thoso advo ca tin g th is oso ontphatfsod t l u t thoso f a n s homos- sJienld b o provldod aa a modo o f life f o r thoso desM n g r o ra l ro d - donco a n d fo r p ro d a d n g m on an d v o m o n fo r th o B treogth o f th e na> tion , r a th o r th a n a s m ore money* DUkldng ouvehlnes oc “ ‘fa c to r ie s ''- ~ to prodnco w osltb .Beaolutiona adopted aet fo r th thn n tim on t o f th e conforcnco in fnvo r ! rev is in g th e fedorfU reclam ation law I a s to m ake , i t n a tio n a l in its ap*

ak b ack to a joyoua, happy, thank - I childhood home. To givo plonaure

o thera ahould bo o u r increasing de^(ht. I t ia th e young nnd tho ir joys a t keeps tho w orid la lla y o u tlu ”

| ) ^ ^ 1

When you can only stand l}y and w l a f i .

rt'ithout fire insurance to •ely on after a fire hus iumed your home—roduced . t to a mass of tuinfl—you ?an only stand by helpless.[)o not let fire find you un- HKured. Buy adequate fire nsurance .now for both 'our home and household

roods. Insure them in the Hartford Fire Insurance [Company that for over a rentury has pnid every hon­est claim. A Hartford pol- cy provides sound indem- lity for you in timo of loss - »y fire. ,

F o r ^ a f c a n d s u r e

i n s u r a n c e , c a l l

Twin F alls T ltfe an d A b strac /C o .

JIOL-y NEWS,"t w in Fi!ALLS, itiAHO, TaU R BURIAL AT FORMER HOMEF an e ra l Serrlcefl f o r U rs . I n a » J

K e lly o f S d o n te Bo H old inO hatid ler. Oklahom a; Son L eaves w ith B odj

Funero l services f o r ' M rs. Irono J . K elly, w ife o f W. H . Kelly, o f Eden, whose denth occurrod lna t Suftday evening^, will_ bo held in Chandlor, Oklahoma^ her old home u n til nbput fo u r yoara ngo , wh»ti ohe enmo with h er husband to Idaho . Tho body wni tak en from h e ro . T hursday ovening bv R oy K elly o f Bden, a ' son, who will nccompany i t to tho form or homo. Mra. K elly is survived by an o tho r son, II. C. K elly o f E Jen , and ono son nnd throo dnughtors In Oklahom a. , .

p lica tion ; fo r tbo crcatiiJa ' of. ojfpor tu n itie s fo r-m o re 'se lf -su p p o rtin g f a m homes; fo r ' tbo clasaiflcation o f idle lands; fo r co-operation o f s ta te and foderal govornm cnta and p r iv a te in ­te rests in ro fo resta tio n ; fo r dovisins m eans to a ss is t se ttlo rs on now lands; fo r dovolopment o f th e livestock and d n irj'lng in dustries ; fo r rovlaion of federal Im m igration law s to a s to per­m it o f tho aolootlon o f im m ignuiti a dm itted to th is eou n try ; fo r a syste- m atic. cam paign b y the- s ta te s and lo­ca l agencies to ad vertise tho . a gricu l­tu ra l opportun ities o f tbo so u tb and fo r continuation o f reclam ation worka by federal nnd s ta te au tho rities througb co-operation w ith ro.clamatiou and settlem ent . d is tric ts organized undor s ta te laws.

. lS ao7 in AttBQdanco ^ h o conforonco 'w a s .a tten d ed by

nbout 300 delegates, la rge ly from ihc south and w est, b u t w ith a num bor of represontatives from o th e r soctions ol tho country nod Included sevo ral U n it­ed S ta te s sena to rs and congressmen, s tn te and fodorai o ffic ia ls and oxporta in reclam ation and se ttlem en t.

f Nothing n icer fo r C hristm as

Coleman L ^ p o r L antern

See our Purex CASSEROLES

D i a m o n d


zriQO at»tos Ont Prodaction 2V/t ,F« Oent vh lio All Other S ta tes, Oom blnod H ak e 4Vt Por Oont Bodocttoi

The n ine w estern sta to s, accordtn] to th e departm en t o f ag ricu lture , havi produced th is y e a r 17,001,000 bushoL o f po tatoes less th a n in 1022, o r abou 24% pcr cen t lesa, w hile a ll . othei s ta te s combldcd docroaaod productioi only 10,722,000 buahela, o r ab o u t 4Y. p e r-cen t. Tho h eav y e ro p ,ie ' in thi cast, whieli com potea w ith th e Idah( Rurnl, w hile tho Rueaot, w itb th e Cali fornin m ark e t ava ilab le , is in muel b e tto r poaitiou.

T he fo llow ing’ fig u rcn re la tiv e t< po ta to , production a^c g iven by thi dopnrtm ent o f agrieu ltu ro m arke t nowi serv ice: \

F ro m In d ica tio n s R o v isedE st N ov, I, ^23 (bn .) L a s ty 'r s C r ’i

•California .... 7,030,000 1 0,200,00(; C o lo r a d o ___ 13,440,000 18,4fl0,00(Idaho 11,725,000 15,0I0,00{M ontana ___ 4,070,000 C,706,00(N ovada - ____ 700,000 020,OOCOregon 3,06,000 5,145,001U tah ___u™ 2,850,000 4,187,00(W nshington •8,250;t00 0,423,00( W yom ing . _ 1,881,000 2,530,OOC

T otal 0 s ta toa 54,892,000 72,583,00e ; T otal •

othor B tatea 361,830,000 378,002,OOC

Y ^O N S T E P A T IO NU v o r* ^ lo w » w ? h S 5 ^ S ^ ma nd s a a tr cam s r«aQlt.-

E m y t 9 t a h ,A e n a ^ d t a M A iC H A M B K R L A IN ’S

T A B L E T Siw' tisinw T * ?Wii


tt \ Jfl 1/

) K iectrio P erco la to r, ,

) E lcctrio T o aste r, .

1 E lectric H a ir C urler, _ ' $ 1

) E lectric Tw o-w ay P lug , f J

) E lec tric H oato r fo r tho ( g C ,room, o n l y ___ U. ~— Wt l *30 E lec tric G rilli, 2 '

) E lectric I ro n i

} Hea^-y A lum inum B o aste r, > (C QD size, only_______ —— w d *) Bound A lum inum R oaster,

) H eavy A lum inum - T oa K e ttle ,

) H eavy 0-cup A lum inum Porco- Qr, o n ly ________ :--------------------------------- O) H eavy 10-cup A lum inum (g - |olator, only __________________. . .w X *3 Lunch K it w ith Therm os ( g ( ) 'lo, o n l y ________________________5 Carpet Sweeper,

3 Thermos B ottle , ■

leo ottr SILVEaW AEE a t In s than co:J Pootballs,'

) Boy Seout K nlvos,

WAGONS o f a ll k inds from ^

$2.00 TO $15.00a t v e ry special pricea

Velocipedes from $5

^ yon ean m ake m o th er a prea­cn t tb a t w ill g iv e ber jo y fo r years. W e a re p ric in g *£.25 large K een K u tto r Sheara, g g

H a r d w a r e

3DAY. NOV.. 29, 1923 ,27 One-Htmdredth%

Inch of Rai^F^laB sln fa ll T h iirsday b ro ag h t 27

one-hundrodths o f a n i n e h 'o f “pro- c ip ita tib s , accord ing to records of

"iho goveram ont w ea ther o bserver’s staliC.B here . S k ies cen tlnaed over* cost T hursday evening and th e re , were occasional lig h t showers. ..

H igb te m p o ra tu ro y fo r - th e d ay woa recordod o t 44 ' degrees, a de^ ellno of tw o p o in ts nnder tho max*Imum o f tho . p receding day , and low w as show n a t 82, a n advaneo o f nine- degrees. -

OABD O F THANKB.Wo w ish to 'exproas o u t approciatloa

o f ovidoncos o f k indness and symi>ntliy /show n us in th e lo ss df w ife a n d m other.. M rs. Irone J . Kelly.- ’

W. n . K E L L Y ,M E. a n a ,M B3. BOY KELLY ,H .C . K E L L Y .,,

I N a tu r a l ly t .I Police C ourt W itneas—'*1 nudcod a

scrap, a n d .b e ^ g a n Irishm an . I w alkM ' across to It,” ,

Heaters E B B Iand H n M n

Raoges ' u l l wrU B H IT P BB, gPQ B ,


Low S e n t U e a n s . Low P rice s

A. H. Vincent Company307-209 Hhofhono B t- Soath


SPECIAL $1 .00 ^B o x b i j f g l o v e s f o r m e n 'a n d

b o y s

S e e o n r tm tiS Q a l . a s s o r t - \

m e n t o f T E A P O T S

C o m p a n y