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  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Ning Rangda

    A long time ago in the southern area of Borneo Island, lived a beautiful girl named Rangda. She

    had excellent weaving and sewing skills. Her beauty was known in the whole area. any young men

    fell in love with her.

    !ne day, the "rince who had heard about Rangda#s beauty, came to her house to order a dress

    from her. $he "rince was ama%ed by Rangda#s beauty and her humbleness. He fell in love with her.

    After he got his dress, the "rince immediately went back to the "alace. He wanted to tell his father 

    that he already found his future wife. However, right after the "rince arrived at the "alace, he suffered

    a terrible illness. He was unconscious and got high fever. &very night in his slee", he always

    whis"ered a name, 'Rangda... Rangda... Rangda.'

    $he king was really worried. He asked his advisors about the Rangda(s name. !ne of the king#s

    advisors, )akil angkubumi was familiar with the name. *Rangda is a beautiful young girl who lives

    at the southern area. She had excellent weaving and sewing skill. All of the "rince#s clothes weremade by her,+ ex"lained )akil angkubumi.

    $he king knew that his son had fallen in love with the girl. $he next day, he ordered his soldiers

    to take him and the "rince to Rangda(s house. )akil angkubumi went first to Rangda#s house. $he

    king had ordered him to tell Rangda and her "arents about the wedding "ro"osal. Rangda was very

    ha""y because she also fell in love with the "rince.

    )hen the "rince heard that he would meet with Rangda, he was very ha""y. His health im"roved

    significantly. $hen the "rince, the king, and the soldiers went to Rangda(s house. But the tri" was very

    tiring and made the "rince suffered his illness again. $he illness was worse than the "revious one. Itwas so bad that finally the "rince died on the ourney.

    $he king was so sad. He thought it was useless to continue the tri". $hen he went back to the

     "alace. eanwhile, Rangda did not know that the "rince had died. She was sewing a wedding dress

    for the wedding. She wanted to give the "rince the best wedding dress. &veryday, she waited and

    waited for the "rince, but he never came. She ke"t on sewing the wedding dress until she was old.

    -eo"le then called her ing Rangda. She was called ing because she was old and had a

    hunchbacked body.

    Created By A. Bau Rezky Wahyuni Ardam (9791)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Dang Gedunai

    /ong time ago in Riau, lived a kid named 0ang 1edunai. He lived with his mother. 0ang

    1edunai was a stubborn kid. His mother was sad. 0ang 1edunai was her only child but he never 

    made her ha""y. !ne day, 0ang 1edunai went to the river to catch some fish. *other, I want to go

    to the river. I want to go fishing,+ said 0ang 1edunai to his mother. *It#s cloudy outside. Rain will

    soon fall. )hy don#t you ust stay at home2+ said his mother. As always 0ang 1edunai ignored her.

    He then went to the river.

    It was very cloudy when he arrived at the river. Soon it was dri%%ling, but 0ang 1edunai was still

     busy fishing. /ater rain fell down heavily. 0ang 1edunai finally gave u". However right before he

    left, he saw something shining in the river. It was a very big egg. 0ang 1edunai then brought the egg


    His mother was sur"rised to see him brought a big egg. *)hat egg is that2 )here did you find

    it2+ she asked. *I found it in the river, other,+ re"lied 0ang 1edunai. *Be careful with the egg. It#snot yours. 3ou should return it,+ advised his mother. As always, 0ang 1edunai ignored his mother#s

    advice. He "lanned to eat the egg even though his mother said not to.

    In the morning, his mother was ready to go to the "addy field. Again, she advised 0ang 1edunai

    to "ut the egg back to the river. 0ang 1edunai did not say anything. )hen his mother left the house,

    he immediately boiled the egg. $hen he ate it. It was so delicious. He was so full and suddenly he fell

    aslee". He had a dream. A giant dragon came to him in his dream. *Human, you stole my egg4 5or the

     "unishment, you will become a dragon.+

    0ang 1edunai woke u" with fear. He was sweating. He felt very thirsty. /ater his mother wenthome. She saw her son "anicking. *)hat ha""ened2+ she asked. *I don#t know, other. Suddenly I

    feel very thirsty. y throat is like burning,+ said 0ang 1edunai. His mother then gave him a glass of 

    water. It#s not enough. He drank another glass, and then another glass until there was not any water 

    left in the house. His mother told him to go the "ond. 0ang 1edunai drank all the water until the "ond

    was dried. But it was not enough. $hen they went to the river.

    Again it was not enough. 0ang 1edunai knew his dream would come true. He would become a

    dragon. *other, "lease forgive me. I ignored you. I ate the egg. It was a dragon#s egg. I will change

    to a dragon. I cannot live with you anymore. I will live in the sea. If you see big waves in the sea, that

    means I#m eating. But if the waves are calmed, then it means I#m slee"ing,+ said 0ang 1edunai.

    $hen 0ang 1edunai left his mother. He headed for the sea. His mother couldn#t do anything to

    sto" him. She ust cried. 6ntil now fishermen don#t want to go fishing in the sea when the waves are

     big. $hey know that the dragon is eating. $hey ust wait until the dragon is finished eating and the

    waves are calmed.

    Created By Andi &"'ira Riana (97)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan

    7aka $arub was a handsome and diligent young man. He lived in a village near a lake. !ne day,

    when 7aka $arub "assed the lake, he heard some giggles and laughs of some girls who were bathing

    in the lake. He was curious, so he "ee"ed through the bushes. $here were seven beautiful girls in the

    lake. $hey#re fairies from the heavenly kingdom of kahyangan. 7aka $arub saw a scarf near the

     bushes. It belonged to one of the fairies. 7aka $arub then took it and hid it.

    8rack444 Accidentally, 7aka $arub ste""ed on a twig. *$here#s someone4+ said one of the fairies.

    */et#s get back. Hurry4+ she said. $hey "ulled over and wear their scarf. *)here is my scarf2+ one of 

    the fairies couldn#t find her scarf. She was the youngest fairy called awang )ulan. $hey tried to

    search for it, but it was no where to be found. *)e#re sorry, )ulan. )e have to go back to

    kahyangan,+ said the eldest fairy. *3ou#ll have to find it by yourself. )e#ll wait for you in

    kahyangan,+ she said in em"athy. $he other fairies then flew to the sky leaving awang )ulan

     behind. awang )ulan saw them leaving in tears. She was so sad.

    *&xcuse me 9,+ said 7aka $arub, startling awang )ulan. *Are you okay2+ he asked. awang

    )ulan moved backward, *)ho are you2+ she asked. *y name is 7aka $arub. I was "assing by and I

    heard you crying, so I came to see what ha""en,+ 7aka $arub lied. awang )ulan then told him about

    her "roblem. *I can#t fly without my scarf,+ she said. 7aka $arub then asked awang )ulan to come

    home with him. At first, awang )ulan refused the offer. But since she didn#t have anywhere else to

    go, awang )ulan then decided to follow 7aka $arub.

     awang )ulan stayed with 7aka $arub in the village. A month "assed, and they decided to get

    married. awang )ulan was willing to marry a human because she fell in love with 7aka $arub. After 

    a year, they had a beautiful daughter. $hey named her :umalasari. $hey lived ha""ily.

    7aka $arub was also ha""y to live with awang )ulan and :umalasari. &s"ecially because he

    always got a lot of harvest since he married awang )ulan. He couldn#t even kee" all of his harvest

    in the barn because it was always full. *It#s so weird. awang )ulan cooked everyday, but why is my

     barn always full,+ 7aka $arub mumbled to himself. He was so curious. !ne day, 7aka $arub stayed at

    home. *I want to stay home today. I#d like to "lay with :umalasari,+ he said to his wife. *)ell, I#ll go

    to the river to wash the clothes. -lease kee" an eye on :umalasari,+ asked awang )ulan. *I#m

    cooking rice now. -lease do not o"en the "an cover before it#s done,+ she said ust before she left.

    *8ould this be the secret2+ 7aka $arub thought. After awang )ulan left, he curiously o"ened the

     "an cover. He found only one single "addy. *How come2+ he wondered.

    Before lunch, awang )ulan came home. She headed to the kitchen to see the rice she had

    cooked. She found that the rice turned into only a few grains. *0id you o"en the "an cover2+ she

    asked her husband. *I9 I#m sorry. I was curious,+ 7aka $arub said as he reali%ed his fault.

    &ver since, awang )ulan had lost her "ower. She couldn#t cook rice with only a single "addy.

    $heir "addy su""ly was slowly lessened. $heir barn was almost em"ty. !ne day, awang )ulan

    went to the barn to get some "addy. )hen she took one of them, she found a scarf. *)hat#s this2 $his

    is my scarf,+ said awang )ulan startled.

    $hat night, awang )ulan asked her husband about the scarf. 7aka $arub#s eyes widened, *3oufound it2+ he asked. 7aka $arub looked down and asked for her forgiveness. *Because I#ve found my

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    scarf, it#s time for me to go back to where I belong,+ awang )ulan said. 7aka $arub tried to sto" her,

     but awang )ulan had made u" her mind. *-lease take good care of :umalasari,+ she said. *If she

    wanted to see me, take seven grains of candlenut and "ut it into a basket. Shake it as you "lay the

     bamboo flute. I#ll come to see her,+ she ex"lained.

    7aka $arub "romised to take good care of their daughter. He once again asked for forgiveness for 

    all of his mistakes. *I#ve forgiven you, so you don#t have to feel guilty. I must go now. $ake care,+

    said awang )ulan as she flew to the bright full moon

    Created By Ahmad Fir*atu""ah +akim (9,,)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    Kebango Rengseng


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    !nce u"on a time at 0asan Beleka in 1anti ;illage there lived an old widow with his son. $hey earned

    money by making tra"s on the river flow named $ibu angke. 5ate doesn#t always lucky, sometime none fish

    come into the tra"s, but if lucky, the tra"s were full many kinds of fish like< eel, catfish and various of fishes

    that can be sold and exchange with rice.

    !ne day the old man called his son *8ome here my son we#ve run outof the food and no money, let#s go to

    $ibu angke, who knows there are many fishes come into the tra"s+. In the midnight when the old man ke"t

    the tra"s, there was a strange human shadow closed to the tra"s and said *0on#t be "reudice to me, I ust want

    to have a close friend, not more4

    Since then, $hey have been a close friend. Someday his son asked the father *5ather, with whom did you

    talk every night in the tra"s "lace2 /et me know father+ $he old man told about his new friend that he is kind

    and hel"ful "erson. He asked to the son to continue it if he is died later.

    0ay by day the old man was getting weak. *uhuk9=x, get closer my son, I#am getting weak, tired and

    getting "ain on my back. Remember if you are given something ust choose the worst of the worst+ $he old

    man "assed away. *0addy.. daddy..why am I left alone..daddy..2>crying? screamed the boy.

    $o survive his life he continued what his father did before. How "ity on him, he saw the content of the

    tra"s ust only head and the bones of fish left. *Anyone who could do this2 I was a "oor or"han uuu uuuu>cry?

    who hurt me2 I#am going to fight and catch it soon4

    !ne day, he went to $ibu angke, hid in the bushes and herd *$his is the tra"s I#m going to eat them all,

    I#m starving, I#m not a bad "erson, I ust want to see my best friends child+. $he boy saw the big heron waseating the fish, he got mad and cath it *ha"4..+ $he heron "romised to return all those were eaten.

    $he heron invited him to go to his house. )hen they got there, in an instant he turn into the 1enie.

    *)uuuush# *!r"han, I#m not a human being, I#m the 1enie.. this is my "lace on Rinani ountain, ust "ick 

    anything you want, look at the gold, diamond, ewels and other antic obects.+ @)ow9 the goods are good4

    But I remember my "a, choose the worst of the worst+ So he chose the ugliest things, they are ablack thin

    horse whose hurt on it#s leg and a rusty gong it#s called 1ong Robek. *$hose thing were sacred, these things

    will bring "ros"erty for a better life+. $he or"han ust noded and got "ermission to go home. *Byebye

    1enie9. see you around+

    Since then, the or"han become rich but his not arrogant even hel"ful to others. He left the wealth and the

    1ong Robek. $he or"han was disa""ear with his thin black horse and never comeback again. )hile the 1ong

    Robek u" to now can bee seen in 0asan Beleka.

    Created By Ak#ar Rahmat (971)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Loro Jonggrang

    /ong time ago, there was a kingdom named -rambanan. All the "eo"le of -rambanan lived

     "eacefully. But then, -rambanan kingdom was attacked and occu"ied by the -engging kingdom.

    -rambanan then was ruled by Bandung Bondowoso of -engging kingdom. He was a mean king. He

    also had great su"ernatural "ower. His soldiers were not only humans, but also genies.

    $he king of -rambanan had a beautiful daughter named /oro 7onggrang. Bandung Bondowoso

    fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. *3ou#re very beautiful. )ould you be my ueen2+

    asked Bandung Bondowoso. /oro 7onggrang was shocked. She didn#t like Bandung Bondowoso

     because he was a mean "erson. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung Bondowoso would

     be angry and endangered the "eo"le of -rambanan. $hen, she came u" with a "lan. *If you want to

    marry me, you have to build a thousand tem"les for me in ust one night,' said /oro 7onggrang.

    *)hat2 $hat#s im"ossible4+ said Bandung Bondowoso. But he did not give u". He consulted with his

    advisor. *3our aesty can asked the genies to hel" built the tem"les,+ said the advisor.

    So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to hel" him

     built a thousand tem"les. $he genies worked in unbelievable s"eed. eanwhile, /oro 7onggrang

    heard from her servant that the building of a thousand tem"les was almost finished. She was so

    worried. But again, she came u" with a great idea. She asked all of her servants to hel" her. '-lease

     "re"are a lot of straw and mortar. -lease hurry u"4' said /oro 7onggrang. *Burn the straw and make

    some noise "ounding the mortar, uickly.+ All those servants did what /oro 7onggrang ordered themC

     burning straw and "ounding the mortar, making the genies think that the sun is going to rise.

    *It#s already dawn. )e have to go,+ said the leader of the genies to Bandung Bondowoso. All the

    genies immediately sto""ed their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they afraid of. $heydidn#t know that the light was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun.

    Bandung Bondowoso can#t sto" the genies from leaving. He was angry. He knew /oro 7onggrang

    had ust tricked him. '3ou cannot fool me, /oro 7onggrang. I already have DDD tem"les. I ust need

    one more tem"le. ow, I will make you the onethousandth tem"le.' He "ointed his finger to /oro

    7onggrang and said some mantras. agically, /oro 7onggrang#s body turned into stone. 6ntil now,

    the tem"le is still standing in -rambanan area, 8entral 7ava. And the tem"le is called /oro 7onggrang


    Created By A"di""a Ramadhania -. aronie

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Manik Angkeran

    A long time ago, lived a rich man named Begawan Sidi antra. He was very famous for his

    kindness and also for his su"ernatural "ower. He had a son named anik Angkeran who liked to

    gamble. Because of anik Angkeran#s bad habit, his father soon bankru"t. Begawan Sidi antra had

    s"ent all of his money to "ay his son@s debts. But, anik Angkeran still liked to gamble and he still

    owed some "eo"le a lot of money.

    Begawan Sidi antra wanted to hel" his son to "ay the remaining debts. He meditated for days,

    and finally he got a clue from the gods to go to Agung ountain. He went to the mountain. $here, he

    met with a dragon named aga Besukih. It is said that aga Besukih could "rovide gold and

     ewelries to those who could say a certain "rayer and ring the sacred bell. 5ortunately, Begawan Sidi

    antra had the bell, and he also knew the "rayer from his meditation. *y name is Sidi antra. I

    have a "roblem. y son likes to gamble. I#ve s"ent all of my money to "ay his debts, but it#s still not

    enough. I came here to ask for your hel",+ ex"lained Begawan Sidi antra after he met with aga

    Besukih. *I#ll hel" you, but you have to advise your son so he would not gamble again,+ said agaBesukih. $he dragon then shakes his body and cause some of his scales fall of. agically, the scales

    turn into gold and diamonds.

    Begawan Sidi antra took the gold and diamonds and return home. He "aid all the remaining

    debt and advised his son about his gambling habit. anik Angkeran "romised to sto" gambling, but

    soon he broke the "romise. Bagawan Sidi antra had to go to the dragon for hel" once again. *)hat

     brought you here again2+ asked aga Besukih. *I#m very sorry, aga Besukih. y son had

    disa""ointed meC he broke his "romise to me. I beg for your hel" once again,+ said Begawan Sidi

    antra to the dragon. *I#ll hel" you, but this is the last time,+ said aga Besukih.

    Begawan Sidi antra once again "aid anik Angkeran#s debts and advised him not to gamble

    again. anik Angkeran "romised and soon he broke his "romise again. $his time, Begawan Sidi

    antra didn#t want to hel" him anymore. He was too ashamed to meet with the dragon.

    anik Angkeran knew that his father got the ewelries from the dragon. So, he stole his father#s

    sacred bell and went to Agung ountain. After he arrived, anik Angkeran rang the bell. aga

    Besukih heard the bell but there#s no "rayer. He decided to see who was calling him. *Hey, anik 

    Angkeran. )hat are you doing here with your father#s bell2 0id you steal it2+ asked aga Besukih

    angrily when he saw anik Angkeran. *-lease hel" me, aga Besukih. I really need the money to

     "ay my debts. $hose "eo"le would kill me if I don#t "ay them in time. -lease, I beg for your mercy,+

    said anik Angkeran to the dragon. *!kay, I#ll hel" you. But this is the last time, and you have to

     "romise to sto" gambling,+ aga Besukih then give him the ewelries.

    But suddenly, anik Angkeran had a bad idea. He wanted to kill the dragon and take all the

     ewelries. So he drew his keris and attacked aga Besukih. He managed to cut the dragon#s tail, but

    he was no match for aga Besukih. )ith his great "ower, aga Besukih burned anik Angkeran and

    killed him instantly.

    In his home, Begawan Sidi antra couldn#t find his sacred bell. He knew that his son had stolen

    it, so he went to Agung ountain. He was so sad when he found out what ha""ened in the mountain.

    *I#m very sorry, aga Besukih. But he was my only son. I beg you, "lease bring him back to life,+Begawan Sidi antra begged the dragon for mercy. aga Besukih agreed with one condition, anik 

  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Angkeran had to stay at Agung ountain. aga Besukih said some "rayer and after few moments,

    anik Angkeran lived again. Begawan Sidi antra then used a stick to make a big line between them

    on the ground. 5rom the line, water flowed. Soon it became a river. 5inally it became a strait. It

    se"arated 7ava and Bali. -eo"le then named the strait as Bali Strait.

    Created By A"i!ka Cendani 0utri (9,2)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    Lutung Kasarung


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    -rabu $a"a Agung had led a kingdom in )est 7ava for a long time. He was getting old and

    therefore wanted to choose a successor. But unfortunately, he had no son. He thought of choosing one

    of his daughters, -urbararang and -urbasari. But it wasn#t an easy choice. $hey were both very "retty

    and smart. $he only difference was their tem"erament. -urbararang was rude and dishonest, while

    -urbasari was kind and caring. )ith those considerations, -rabu $a"a Agung finally chose -urbasari

    to be his successor.

    -urbararang didn#t agree with her father#s decision. *It#s su""osed to be me, 5ather. I#m the eldest

    daughter4+ -urbararang said. -rabu $a"a Agung smiled. *-urbararang, to be a ueen takes more than

    age. $here are many other ualities that one must "ossess,+ ex"lained -rabu $a"a Agung wisely.

    *)hat does -urbasari have that I don#t2+ -urbararang "outed. *3ou#ll find out when -urbasari has

    re"laced me,+ -rabu $a"a Agung answered.

    After the discussion, -urbararang went back to her room. *Is there something wrong2+ asked

    Indraaya. Indraaya is -urbararang#s future husband. *I#m u"set4 5ather chose -urbasari as his

    successor and not me4 I have to do something4+ -urbararang said. 0riven mad by her anger, she cameto a witch and asked her to send rash all over -urbasari#s body. Before going to bed, -urbasari started

    to feel itch all over her body. She tried a""lying "owder to her body, but it#s no use. Instead, the

    itching grew even worse. She didn#t want to scratch it, but she ust couldn#t hel" it. In the next

    morning, there were scratch mark all over -urbasari#s body. *)hat ha""ened to you2+ asked

    -urbararang, "retending to be concerned. *I don#t know, sis. /ast night, my body suddenly felt very

    itchy. I scratched and scratched, and this is what ha""ened,+ -urbasari answered. -urbararang shook 

    her head. *3ou must have done something really awful. 3ou#ve been "unished by the gods4+

    $hat day, the whole kingdom was scandali%ed. *)hat have you done, -urbasari2+ demanded

    -rabu $a"a Agung. -urbasari shook her head. *I didn#t do anything that would u"set the gods,

    5ather,+ she answered. *$hen how can you ex"lain what ha""ened to your body2+ -rabu $a"a Agung

    asked again. *If you don#t confess, I#ll banish you to the woods.+ -urbasari took a dee" breath. */ike

    I said before, I didn#t do anything wrong. And I#d rather be thrown into the woods than to confess to a

    deed I didn#t commit.+

    After a short discussion with his advisor, -rabu $a"a Agung ordered -urbasari to be moved to the

    woods. -urbasari was very sad, but she couldn#t do anything to defy her father#s order. She was

    accom"anied to the woods by a messenger. He built a sim"le hut for -urbasari. After the messenger 

    left, suddenly a black monkey came to -urbasari#s hut. He carried a bunch of bananas. 5rom behind

    him, some animals looked on. *Are the bananas for me2# -urbasari asked. $he black monkey nodded,

    as if he understood what -urbasari said. -urbasari took the bananas with "leasure. She also said

    thanks. $he other animals that were looking on also seemed to smile. *Are you willing to be my

    friend2+ -urbasari asked them. All the animals nodded ha""ily. Although she was living by herself in

    the woods, -urbasari never lacked of su""lies. &veryday, there were always animals bringing her 

    fruits and fish to eat.

    A long time had "assed since -urbasari was banished to the woods, but her body still itched. At

    some "laces, her skin was even ulcerating. )hat am I su""osed to do2+ -urbasari sighed. $he

    monkey who was sitting next to her stayed still, there were tears in his eyes. He ho"ed -urbasari

    would remain "atient and strong.

  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    !ne night, on a full moon, the monkey took -urbasari to a valley. $here is a "ond with hot s"ring

    water. $he monkey suddenly s"oke, *$he water of this "ond will heal your skin,+ he said. -urbasari

    was sur"rised, +3ou can talk2 )ho are you2+ she asked. *3ou#ll find out, in time,+ the monkey said.

    -urbasari didn#t want to force the monkey. She then walked to the "ond. She bathed there. After a few

    hours, -urbasari walked out of the "ond. She was shocked to see her face reflected on the clear "ond

    water. Her face was beautiful again, with smooth and clean skin. -urbasari observed her entire body.

    $here were no traces of any skin ailments. *I#m cured4 I#m cured4+ -urbasari shouted in oy. She

    uickly offered thanks to the gods and also to the monkey.

    $he news of -urbasari#s condition uickly s"read to the kingdom, irritating -urbararang. She then

    accom"anied by Indraaya go to the woods to see -urbasari. -urbasari asked if she would be allowed

    to go home. -urbararang said she would let -urbasari return to the "alace if -urbasari#s hair were

    longer than hers. -urbararang then let her hair down. It was so long, it almost touched the ground. But

    it turned out that -urbasari#s hair was twice longer than -urbararang#s hair.

    *5ine, so your hair is longer than mine.+ -urbararang admitted. *But there is one more conditionyou must fulfill, do you have a future husband who is handsomer than mine2+ said -urbararang as she

    walked toward Indraaya. -urbasari felt miserable. She didn#t have a future husband yet. So, without

    much thought, she "ulled the black monkey beside her.

    -urbararang and Indraaya burst out, but their laughter didn#t last long. $he monkey meditates and

    suddenly transformed into a very handsome young man, a lot more handsome than Indraaya. *I#m a

     "rince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a monkey because of a mistake I committed. I

    could regain my true form only if there#s a girl who would be willing to be my wife,+ said the young


    5inally, -urbararang gave u". She acce"ted -urbasari as the ueen, and also confessed everything

    she had done. *-lease forgive me. -lease don#t "unish me,+ -urbararang said, asking for forgiveness.

    Instead of being angry, -urbasari smiled. *I forgive you, sis,+ she said. Soon after, -urbasari become

    ueen. Beside her was the handsome "rince, the former monkey known as /utung :asarung.

    Created By Ama" Fa*rin (9311)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    The Origin of Landak River

    /ong time ago, lived a farmer and his wife in a village by the side of a forest. $hey lived sim"ly

    and they like to hel" other "eo"le, es"ecially one who in afflictions. !ne night, the farmer and his

    wife were resting in their house. $he farmer was sitting beside his slee"ing wife. Suddenly, a white

    centi"ede came out from the wife#s head. $he farmer was ama%ed. He then followed the centi"ede

    until they reach a small "ond not far from their house. $hen the centi"ede suddenly disa""eared. $he

    farmer went home and found his wife still soundly aslee".

    In the morning, the wife told his husband about the dream she had last night. *I was walking

    through a vast field, and I came to a lake. I saw a giant hedgehog in the lake. It was glaring at me, so I

    ran away.+ After he heard his wife#s dream, the farmer went back to the small "ond. In the "ond, he

    saw something very shiny. He came to the shiny obect and took it. It was a golden hedgehog statue.

    It was very beautiful. Its eyes were made of diamond. $he farmer then brought the statue home.

    At night, the farmer had a dream. A giant hedgehog came to him, *-lease let me stay in your home. As return, I will give you everything you want. 7ust caress the statue#s head and say the "rayer.

    $here are two kinds of "rayers, one is to start your wish and the second is to sto" your wish. ow

    memori%e the "rayers.+

    In the next day, the farmer told his wife about his dream. $hey really wanted to "rove it. $he

    farmer slowly caressed the statue(s head. He said the "rayer and asked for rice. Suddenly, rice came

    out of the mouth of the statue. $he rice ke"t on coming out from the statue(s mouth. $he farmer 

    immediately said the "rayer to sto" it. $he rice then sto""ed coming out from the statue.

    $he farmer and his wife then asked for other things, ewelry and other stuff they needed. $hey

     became very rich. But they still like to hel" other "eo"le. A lot of "oor came to them for hel".

    6nfortunately, a thief found out about the secret of the golden hedgehog statue. -retending to be a

     "oor asking for hel", he stole the statue from the farmer#s house.

    $he thief blurred to the district area of gabang. $here was a drought in the area. $he thief 

    wanted sym"athy from the "eo"le, so he said to them that he would "rovide them with water. $he

    thief then caressed the hedgehog statue and said the "rayer. )ater came out of the statue#s mouth. All

    the "eo"le were so ha""y. But the water ke"t on coming out. $he thief didn#t know the "rayer to sto"

    the wish. -eo"le who saw the incident were really scared. $hey ran away to avoid the water as it was

    started to flood the area. $he thief also wanted to run away, but he cannot move his legs. In his vision,

    there was a giant hedgehog holding both his legs. )ater ke"t coming from the statue and slowly it

     became a river. $he thief was drowned in the river. -eo"le then named the river as Hedgehog River or 

    Sungai /andak.

    Created By Amirah Ama"iah 4akhru" (9337)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Daar Wulan

    0amar )ulan was born in the village of -aluh Amba, not far from the ca"ital city of aa"ahit.

    He was the son of 6dara, the former "rime minister of aa"ahit. Since his father had retired his

    family live in a uiet and "ros"erous village outside the ca"ital. 0amar was a smart boy so he could

    easily learned the lessons his father taught him. He learned martial art, religion, "olitics, and

    literature. He was very good at all those subects. )hen his father thought that he is mature enough,

    he asked 0amar to find ob in aa"ahit. He told 0amar to a""ly for a ob at the -rime inister#s

    office. He ho"ed that his close relation with the new "rime minister would hel" him get the "rime

    minister#s attention. 5urthermore 0amar was a smart boy so his father was sure 0amar was ca"able to

    do any ob.

    0amar was very confident he would get a good "osition at the "rime minister#s office. &arly

    morning he left his village. At midday he got to aa"ahit and he directly went to the "rime minister#s

    house. -rime inister /ogender was his name. $he guards sarcastically uestioned him when he told

    them he would see the "rime minister.

    @)ho do you think you are2#@I am 0amar )ulan. I am the son of the former "rime minister 6dara. y father told me to see

    the "rime minister here#

    @If you think you can im"ress us by telling us about your father, you are com"letely wrong "oor 

     boy. $he son of a "rime minister would never go anywhere on foot#

    @But, that#s true. y father told me to find ob here#

    @/isten "oor boy, the "rime minister is a very busy "erson. He does not have time for ob seeker 

    like you. But if you need a ob, there is a vacant "osition here. /et me re"ort my chief#

    $hen the soldier re"orted to his su"erior. After that someone called 0amar to get into the

    commander#s chamber. He told 0amar that the "rime minister#s office needed several boys to take

    care of the horses. 0amar was sur"rised because he ex"ected clerical ob but then he acce"ted theoffer. Since that day he lived in a sim"le hut behind the "rime minister#s house.

    0amar did a good ob so his su"erior was satisfied with him. He was also very sociable. Soon he

    had a good relationshi" with the "rime minister and his family. $he "rime minister had two sons E 

    /ayang Seto and /ayang :umitir and a daughter E Anasmoro. His sons were very arrogant and la%y.

    $hey treated 0amar cruelly. $hey wanted 0amar to do whatever they want. &very body hated them

     but nobody dare to ex"ress their feeling. Anasmoro, on the other hand, liked 0amar very much.

    1radually she fell in love to 0amar. So did 0amar. $hey had a secret love. )hen /ayang Seto and

    /ayang :umitir knew what ha""ened to 0amar and Anasmoro, they were very angry. $hey treated

    0amar more and more cruelly.

     At the time the kingdom of aa"ahit faced a very serious "roblem because of the rebellion of 

    enak 7inggo. He was a half brother of the Fueen :econo )ungu. He was a "rince of aa"ahit and

    a highly res"ected general of the aa"ahit army. 5or his great achievement for his country his father 

    a""ointed him as the ruler for the kingdom of Blambangan, a vassal state under aa"ahit. )hen his

    father "assed away he was sure that he would become the successor. But he was very disa""ointed

    when his father a""ointed his sister instead. He thought that he was more ca"able than :encono

    )ungu so he rebelled.


    enak 7inggo "roved to be a good general. 6nder his leadershi" the Blambangan army could win

    several battles with aa"ahit army. $he territory of aa"ahit one by one fell to Blambangan. At the

    time the morale of the aa"ahit army was already down. $hey were not sure that they could win the

    war. So the ueen and the "rime minister met everyday to discuss the worsening situation. Some

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    weeks went by but still they did not have any ideas to solve the "roblem. &very re"ort they received

    about the war was only about the defeat of the aa"ahit army.

    -rime inister /ogender was shocked when his wife re"orted to him about the affair of 

    Anasmoro and 0amar )ulan. 5or a highly res"ected "erson like him, it was a very serious blow to

    his ego. He was a very res"ectable "erson while his daughter dated with a "oor boy. It was a serious

    humiliation. He could not acce"t it. $his fact made him very angry. He thought very hard to find a

    solution. Suddenly an idea struck his shar" mind when he was meditating at midnight.

    &arly in the morning he went to the "alace and asked the ueen for an audience. $hen he

    ex"lained his "lan.

    @3our aesty, last night I had an idea#

    @$ell me about it#

    @!ur army could not win because we a""ly a wrong strategy. $he Blambangan army is very good

    at a frontal o"en warfare like that. 5urthermore our army#s morale is now down. So we have to avoid

    o"en warfare. Since now on we have to launch a new tactics of secret o"eration. )e must send a small

    army unit to kill enak 7inggo secretly# @)ho will do that2#

    @I have a body guard. His skill in martial art is excellent. He is very ca"able at individual fight. Sohe is ready for this duty. I am sure he is the right "erson#

    @!:, I think you are right. Send him as soon as "ossible to Blambangan. If he can do his ob well

    I will give him great reward#

    )hen /ogender got home he called 0amar )ulan immediately. He asked him about his martial

    art skill. 0amar said he had mastered some fighting skill. His father had trained him -encak Silat, the

    Indonesian martial art. As a result, he was very skillful at using sword, lance, as well as em"ty hand

    fighting techniue. $hen /ogender asked him to fight both /ayang Seto and /ayang :umitir. Both of 

    them fought emotionally since they hated 0amar very much. But 0amar was smart, skillful, strong

    and tough. In ust several minutes he could beat both of them without difficulty. /ogender was angry

     but also satisfied since he found a way to get rid of both "roblems E his home and his country.@0amar, you are a great fighter. I am very "roud of you. And that#s why you will receive a great

    honor to fight for your country. ow there is a rebellion in aa"ahit. $he king of Blambangan has

    done a crime. His name is enak 7inggo. 5ind him in his "alace and Blambangan and kill him. Are

    you ready2#

     @I am ready any time Sir#

    @1ood. $oday you have to "re"are everything and tomorrow you must leave for Blambangan

    secretly. 0o not tell any one about this duty. ot even Anasmoro. 0on#t be afraid because the

    aa"ahit army will fully su""ort you. $hey will back you and "rovide all your needs. )hen you can

    kill enak 7inggo behead him and bring his head here. If you can do this ob well you will be

     "romoted to a high "osition as the commander of aa"ahit army# @3es, Sir. I am very glad to receive

    this order. I will do my best#

    $he next day, very early in the morning 0amar )ulan left aa"ahit alone. eanwhile -rime

    inister /ogender had im"lemented his own "lan. He "re"ared a small army unit under the leadershi"

    of his two sons. $hey went behind 0amar in a distant so that 0amar did not notice them. $hey went

    secretly so no one knew it. $heir task was not to "rotect 0amar but to kill him and sei%e the head of 

    enak 7inggo if he could kill enak 7inggo. But if 0amar was killed then they had nothing to do.

    Several days later 0amar )ulan arrived in Blambangan. $he aa"ahit army ke"t on s"ying on

    him. $hey were sur"rised to see 0amar did not directly attack the "alace. He a""lied for a ob instead.

    !nce again he was acce"ted to work in the "alace to take care of the horses. &verybody including the

    king enak 7inggo liked him because he was very "olite and he did his ob well. He was also very

    handsome that two of the king#s wife fell in love with him. )aito and -uyengan were the wives of 

    :ing enak 7inggo.

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    As everybody trusted him, it was easy for 0amar to search the "alace. He knew where enak 

    7inggo lived. !ne night he secretly um"ed the "alace wall to kill the king. 5inally he was inside the

    king#s bedroom. But unfortunately the king was ready to welcome him. A small army unit was there to

    arrest him. He was no match for enak 7inggo. But enak 7inggo was a smart "erson. He did not kill

    0amar instantly. He wanted to gather information from him. So he ordered his guards.

    @0on#t kill him. /et him alive, treat him well. I will uestion him tomorrow#.

    @3es, 3our aesty#

    He ordered his men to treat him well. He even let )aito and -uyengan to see 0amar. By doing so

    he ho"ed that 0amar would give him valuable information. But 0amar was also a smart "erson. He

    dated )aito and -uyengan and he asked them the way to kill enak 7inggo. Since the two women

    loved 0amar they revealed a secret.

    @obody can hurt him. He is a tough guy and he is "rotected by god. 1od gave him a secret

    wea"on called )esi :uning#

    @)hat is that2#

    @$hat#s a golden amulet. It is ust a small amulet, as small as a thumb but it is very "owerful. Its

    sha"e is like a stick. It is stored in his bedroom#@He is a dangerous man. )e have to sto" him. 8ould you hel" me find his amulet2

    @I will hel" you if you marry me#

    @Sure I will marry both of you as soon as I can arrest him#

    )hen their turn to amuse the king arrived )aito and -uyengan could get into the kings chamber.

    $hey used that o""ortunity to steal the amulet. $hen they gave it to 0amar )ulan. enak 7inggo did

    not reali%e their cons"iracy. )hen the night was very uiet they o"ened the door for 0amar )ulan.

    $here was a fight but it was too late for enak 7inggo. $he sudden attack did not give him much

    chance to survive. 8onseuently 0amar could beat his enemy and enak 7inggo was beheaded.

    0amar )ulan immediately left Blambangan "alace that night while "romising )aito and

    -uyengan to be back after he received the rewa.

    Created By Andi Rezki Wu"andari (931)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om



  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Raden -utra was the king of 7enggala kingdom. He had a beautiful ueen and concubine. 6nlike

    the ueen, the concubine had bad "ersonalities. She was envious and ealous with the ueen, so she

     "lanned to make the ueen leave the "alace. $he concubine then asked the royal healer to hel" her in

    her "lan. !ne day, the concubine "retended to be ill. Raden -utra called the royal healer to give the

    concubine treatments. *)hat is her disease2+ Raden -utra asked the royal healer. *I#m very sorry, y

    aesty. She is sick because the ueen "ut "oison in her meal,+ the royal healer lied.

    Raden -utra was shock and angry to hear the ex"lanation. He called the ueen and asked her if 

    the story was true. !f course the ueen denied, but Raden -utra won#t listen. *-lease 3our aesty,

    have mercy. I really didn#t do anything,+ cried the ueen in her tears. Raden -utra#s anger ended in a

    decision. $he ueen should be banished to the woods and terminated. He did not know that the ueen

    was already "regnant. Raden -utra commanded one of his general to do the "unishment. $he ueen

    was banished to the woods, but the wise general didn#t have the heart to kill her. He built a sim"le

    house in the woods for her. !n his way back to the "alace, he smeared his sword with rabbit blood, so

    Raden -utra would believe that he had killed the ueen.

    After the general left, the ueen lived by herself in the woods. Several months later, she gave birth

    to a healthy baby boy. $he baby was named 8indelaras. He grew u" as a nice, healthy, and handsome

     boy. !ne day, while 8indelaras hel"ed her mother to collect some fire woods, an eagle dro""ed an

    egg. 8indelaras brought the egg to be brooded by a chicken behind their house. $he egg hatched into

    a chick and then it slowly became a strong rooster. $he rooster is no ordinary rooster. $he rooster 

    could sing. &very morning, the rooster woke 8indelaras u" with its beautiful song, *y master is

    8indelaras. His house is in the woods. He#s the son of Raden -utra.+ $he rooster often sang that song.

    8indelaras always woke u" early in the morning and listen ha""ily to his rooster#s song. He didn#t

    reali%e the meaning of the song until one day, he started to think. *)ho is Raden -utra2+ he asked his

    mother. $he ueen then told him the whole story. She also told him why they were banned from the

    kingdom and lived in the woods. 8indelaras was very sur"rised. He decided to go to the "alace to

    meet the king, his father. 8indelaras asked her mother#s "ermission to go to the kingdom and to tell

    the king what really ha""ened. He also brought his rooster that grew bigger and stronger each day.

    !n his way, 8indelaras sto""ed at a village. $here, he met some "eo"le who were involved in

    cockfighting. $hey challenge him to see how strong his rooster was. *If your rooster wins, you#ll get

    a reward,+ said the man who challenged him. 8indelaras acce"ted the challenge. In a few minutes, his

    rooster defeated the o""onent#s rooster. He was challenged again by other man, and one more time,

    his rooster won. He won again and again.

    $he news about 8indelaras# rooster uickly s"read to the whole 7enggala kingdom and made

    Raden -utra curious. So, he invited 8indelaras to the "alace. *)hat is your name, boy2+ Raden -utra

    asked as 8indelaras arrived in the "alace. *y name is 8indelaras, 3our aesty,+ 8indelaras

    answered. He felt both thrilled and ha""y to see Raden -utra.

    Raden -utra challenged 8indelaras with one condition. If Raden -utra#s rooster won, 8indelaras#

    head would be cut off. But if 8indelaras# rooster won, Raden -utra would share half of his wealth.

    8indelaras acce"ted the condition. $he com"etition was held in the front yard of the "alace. $he two

    roosters fought bravely. But in ust a few minutes, 8indelaras# rooster won the fight4 Raden -utra

    shook his head and stared at 8indelaras from his seat, *$hat rooster is no ordinary rooster, and the boy is not an ordinaty boy either. )ho is he exactly2+ he thought. Raden -utra was about to asked

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    when suddenly 8indelaras# rooster sang the song, *y master is 8indelaras. His house is in the

    woods. He#s the son of Raden -utra.+

    Raden -utra was sur"rised. *Is it true2+ he asked. *3es, y aesty. y name is 8indelaras and

    my mother was the ueen,+ said 8indelaras. Raden "utra called the general who had banished the

    ueen. $he general then confessed that he never killed the ueen. /ater, the royal healer also admitted

    his mistake. Raden -utra was so shocked. He immediately went to the woods to "ick u" the ueen.

    &ver since, 8indelaras and his "arents lived ha""ily together. As for the concubine, she was sent to

    the ail as "unishment.

    Created By Andi Rina Ayu Atuti (9732)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    Mentiko "etuah


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    A long time ago, there was a kingdom in Simeulue, anggroe Aceh 0arussalam. $he king and the

    ueen had a son, -rince Rohib. $hey loved the "rince very much and they always gave him anything

    he wanted. $hat#s why the "rince grew as a s"oiled young man. $he "rince was then sent to study in a

    school. $he :ing told him to study seriously. But because the "rince was used to be s"oiled, he

    couldn#t finish his study in time. $he :ing was so angry. He reali%ed his mistake. He wanted to give

    the "rince a lesson. He then ordered the "rince to leave the "alace and became a merchant. 'I will

    give you some money. 6se the money only for trading. 0on(t come back until you are rich4' said the


    -rince Rohib was sad. He knew his father was angry with him because he was a s"oiled boy. He

    then "romised himself that he could become a great merchant. After he left the "alace, he went to a

    village. )hile he was walking, he saw some kids were trying to shoot a bird using their slingshots.

    *Sto"9 0on(t hurt the bird4+ Rohib tried to sto" the kids. *Hey, it#s none of your business,+ re"lied

    one of the kids. *I(ll give you some money if you sto" hurting the bird,' said Rohib. After that, he

    gave some money to those kids.

    /ater on his ourney, Rohib saw some men were torturing a snake. Again, he asked them to sto"

    hurting the snake. He also gave them some money. He ke"t on giving some money to "eo"le who

    tortured animals. 5inally he ran out of money. He was so worried. He knew he could not become a

    merchant without any money in his "ocket. He was also scared of going home. He knew that his

    father would be very angry at him.

    $he "rince then went to the forest because he didn#t know anywhere to go. He was so tired, so he

    took some rest. )hile he was sitting under a big tree, a giant snake came to him. He was so scared.

    *0on(t worry, young man. I will not eat you,+ said the giant snake. *3ou9you can talk2 )ho are

    you2+ Rohib asked. *I am the king of snakes in this ungle. I heard you hel"ed many animals from

     being tortured. ow, I want to give you a gift. $his is entiko Betuah. $his magical stone can give

    you anything you want.' $hen the snake went dee" into the forest. $he "rince was very ha""y. He

    asked the entiko Betuah to give him a lot of money. $hen he went home and told his father that the

    money was from his business as a merchant. Rohib ke"t the entiko Betuah carefully. He then went

    to a goldsmith and asked him to make the magical stone as a ring. But the goldsmith stole the

    entiko Betuah. /uckily Rohib had made friends to the animals. He asked a cat, a dog, and a mouse

    to hel" him find entiko Betuah. $he dog followed the smell of the goldsmith, and they found his

    hideaway. However they could not enter his house because it was locked. !nly the mouse was small

    enough to enter through a small hole in the door.

    After waiting for a moment, the mouse came out of the house. He said he could not find the

    magical stone. After that they all went back to the "alace. $he cat and the dog did not know that the

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    mouse actually had found the magical stone. He was hiding it in his mouth. $he mouse then gave the

    entiko Betuah to the "rince. Rohib was so ha""y and said that the mouse was the hero. $he cat and

    the dog were ealous and angry. $hey knew that the mouse had tricked them. According to the local

     "eo"le, that#s why until now cats and dogs always tried to catch mice.

    Created By Andi 4ardi An A!ahri (931)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    The Golden Waterelon

    /ong time ago, at the north area of )est :alimantan, lived a wealthy merchant. He had two sons.

    $he older one is named u%akir and the younger one is named 0ermawan. $he two brothers were so

    different in their attitudes. u%akir had a very mean and greedy character. !n the contradictory,

    0ermawan was a caring and kind "erson. He was not greedy and always tried to hel" those in needs.

    Before he "assed away, the merchant divided all of his money eually to both of his sons. He did

    it so that both of his sons will not envious at each other. u%akir then bought a big cashbox. He "ut

    his entire share inside the cashbox and locked it. )hen a "oor came to u%akir#s house, he laughs at

    them instead of giving them something. If the "oor don#t want to leave, u%akir would summon his

    servants to chase them away.

    any of the "oor in that area had heard about u%akir#s rude attitude, therefore they "referred to

    come to 0ermawan. )hen 0ermawan saw those "eo"les coming, he sincerely welcome them to his

    house and shared money with those who needed it. It was almost every day a "oor came for his hel"

    that f inally he ran out of money. 0ermawan then moved to a smaller house. He also worked as a

    foreman. His salary was not much, only enough to buy his own daily meals. But 0ermawan was

    ha""y with his sim"le life.

    His elder brother laughed when he heard the news about 0ermawan. He always thought that0ermawan was a fool to share his money with other "eo"le. He himself has ust bought a large new

    house. *$here is no one who as stu"id as my younger brother,+ he said.

    !ne day, when 0ermawan was sitting and relaxing in his house yard, a s"arrow suddenly fell off 

    in front of him. $he s"arrow twittered in "ain. *-oor bird, did you broke your wing2+ He took the

     bird and examines its wings. He#s right. !ne of the s"arrow#s wings is broken. */et me take care of 

    you,+ he said. 0ermawan bandaged the s"arrow#s wing and then he took some rice to feed the "oor 

     bird. After some time, the bird gradually tamed and was no longer afraid to 0ermawan. 5ew days

    later, its wings were com"letely healed. After a while, it flew to the sky. $he following day, the

    s"arrow came to visit 0ermawan. It held a seed with its beak, and then it "ut the seed in front of 


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    0ermawan. It was an ordinary seed, but 0ermawan acce"ted it with a big smile on his face. He then

     "lanted the seed in the back yard of his house.

    $hree days later, the seed started to grow. It was a watermelon tree. 0ermawan took good care of 

    the tree. He thought the tree would bear many fruits since it was so blossomy. But, from all the

    flowers, only one turned to fruit. 0ay by day, the fruit grows bigger, bigger than any watermelon

    0ermawan ever see. Harvesting time finally came and he decided to take the watermelon. *!h my

    1od, it is so heavy+, he uttered while trying hardly to carry it into the house to "ut on the table. He

    took a knife and started to cut the watermelon. 0ermawan was shocked. Inside the watermelon is

    some kind of yellow sand. *)hat could this be2+ 0ermawan wondered. $hen he reali%ed that the

    strange yellow sand was actually a "ile of "ure golden sand. *Holy 1od, it#s gold. I#m rich,+ he

    danced ha""ily. He heard bird twittered and he looked outside. He saw the s"arrow on a tree. *$hank 

    you+, he shouted. *$hank you+, he shouted again, and then the s"arrow flew away.

    0ermawan then bought a big house with a very big garden the next day. All of the "oor came to

    his house and were welcomed for meals. $his time, 0ermawan would not run out of money. He hadso much money, and his fields "roduced "lants with good fruits as well.

    $he news about 0ermawan#s fortune was heard by u%akir and made him envy. He went to

    0ermawan house, and 0ermawan honestly told his brother about the s"arrow. u%akir immediately

    commanded his servants to find a bird with broken wings as he heard the story from his brother. A

    week "assed, but u%akir#s servants still couldn#t find such bird. He was so angry and even couldn@t

    slee" during the nights. $he next day, he asked one of his servants to catch a bird using cho"sticks. !f 

    course, the cho"sticks hurt the bird and broke its wings. u%akir then "retended to "ity the bird and

    took care of it. 0ays "assed and the bird was com"letely healed and let to fly. $he following day, the

     bird came back to u%akir and brought a seed for him. He was very ha""y. +I will be very rich soon,

    even richer than 0ermawan,+ he said to himself.

    u%akir "lanted the seed at the back yard of his house and it grew to a fine watermelon tree after 

    several days. It also bore only one fruit, which was much bigger than that once owned by 0ermawan.

    As the harvesting time a""roached, u%akir asked his servants to take the fruit into his house. He

    couldn@t wait to find a "ile of golden sand inside. He cut the watermelon himself and was very

    shocked when black mud mixed with dirt flushed out to his face. It smelled very bad. u%akir@s

    clothes and also the room were terribly dirty because of it. He ran to the street because he couldn@t

    stand the rotten smell from the watermelon. All the "eo"le on the street laughed at him for what they


    Created By Ama5ati (979)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    #ak Lebai Malang

    -ak /ebai was an old man living in a village by the river. &veryday, he used his sam"an for 

    travelling at the river. -ak /ebai had a bad habit. He always changed his mind before he did

    something. He was an inconsistent man. !ne day, -ak /ebai was invited to a "arty by his neighbor.

    -ak lebai was ha""y. He loved "arty because he could eat delicious food. He also could get a buffalo(s

    head from the "arty. Still on the same day, he got another invitation. $hose two "arty invitations made

    him confused. $he two "arties were held at the same time, but at different "laces. $he two neighbors

    who invited him lived in different sides of the river. !ne neighbor lived on the east side and the other 

    one lived in the west side. 'If I go to the west side, I will only get one buffalo#s head. If I go to the

    east side, I can have two heads of buffalo. But the host at the west side is friendlier,+ he said to

    himself. He was confused.

    !n the following day, -ak /ebai "addled his sam"an to the "arty at the west side of the river. But

    then he changed his mind and went to the east side. !n the way there, he met with some friends. '$he

     "arty is awful. $here are not many buffalo(s heads,' said one of them. So, -ak /ebai turned back his

    sam"an again and went to the west side. 6nfortunately, the "arty was already over when he arrived

    there. -ak /ebai immediately "addled his sam"an to the east side again. But he also missed the "arty.

    -ak /ebai was u"set and blaming himself for being so inconsistent. He was so hungry and tired

     because he was "adding back and forth in the river. He then fell aslee" in his sam"an. He did not

    reali%e that his sam"an was drifting away at the river. )hen he woke u", he was already in the

    different village. $hat#s why all his neighbors started to call him -ak /ebai alang >"oor mister 


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    Created By Ar!ah (933)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    The Greed$ Man

    !nce u"on a time in Riau, lived a "air of husband and wife. $hey were very "oor. $he wife was

    very diligent, while the husband was very la%y. He ust sle"t and sle"t everyday. He did not want to

    hel" his wife to earn a living. $he wife was hel"less, she often "rayed to 1od to hel" her husband.

    !ne night the husband had a dream. In his dream, an old man came to him. He told the husband to

    take his sam"an and went to river. '1o to the middle of the river and wait until a ro"e a""ears from

    the river. $ake the ro"e slowly, and then you will find a golden chain. 3ou can cut and take it, but

    don(t take the chain too long,' said the old man. $he husband then woke u" from his dream.

    In the next day, the husband took his sam"an and went to river. He wanted to do the old man(s

    advice as said in his dream last night. ')here are you going2' asked the wife. She was so sur"rised to

    see her husband was busy "re"aring the sam"an. 'I want to go fishing, Honey. See you later4' the

    husband didn#t want to tell his wife about his dream. He knew his wife would think he was cra%y by

    following u" a dream.

    After the husband arrived in the river, he rowed his sam"an until he reached the middle of the

    river. He then looked around the water surface very carefully. Suddenly a ro"e a""eared from the

    river. '$he old man was right4' said the husband to himself. He then slowly "ulled the ro"e and at the

    end of the ro"e he saw a golden chain4 $he chain was s"arkling and glowing. It was made from "ure

    gold. ')ow4 It#s really made of gold. I#m rich. I#m rich,' the husband said ha""ily. He ke"t "ulling

    the chain. He forgot the old man(s advice to take only short chain because it was enough for him. $he

     "oor man became greedy. He wanted to take the golden chain as long as "ossible.

    )hile he was busy "ulling out the golden chain, a bird came to him. It talked, 'Remember the old

    man(s advice. $ake only a short golden chain.' But the "oor man ignored the bird and ke"t on "ulling

    out the chain. Slow but sure, his sam"an was full of the golden chain. It was so full that finally the

    sam"an could not hold the weight any more. $he sam"an started to drown. $he golden chain was

    sinking and went to the bottom of the river creating a big wave in the river. $he wave almost

    swallowed the "oor man. He was so "anicked. He swam as fast as "ossible to the river side.


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    )hen he arrived on the river side, he felt sorry to himself. He blamed himself for being a greedy

    man. But it was already too late. But then he reali%ed that it was a lesson for him to work hard if he

    wanted to earn money.

    Created By Ar"i a$!irah 6tami (931)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    Telaga Warna

    /ong time ago there was a kingdom in )est 7ava. $he kingdom was ruled by a king called -rabu.

    He was a kind and wise king. 6nder -rabu#s leadershi", the kingdom grew into a "ros"erous

    kingdom. $here#s no hunger in the kingdom. &verybody in the kingdom loved their king. But, there#s

    one "roblem. $he king and his ueen hadn#t got any children. It made the cou"le very sad. $hat was

    why -rabu decided to go to the ungle. $here, he meditated and "rayed to 1od. &veryday he begged

    for a child. His dream finally came true. A few months later, the ueen got "regnant. All "eo"le in the

    kingdom felt very ha""y. $hey sent many "resents to the "alace to ex"ress their ha""iness. ine

    months later a baby girl was born. $he baby grew as a beautiful teenager then.

    -rabu and his ueen loved their daughter so much. $hey gave what ever she wanted. It made the

     "rincess grew into a s"oiled girl. )hen her wish couldn#t be fulfilled, she would be very angry. She

    even said bad things often. &ven though the "rincess behaved badly, her "arents still loved her, and so

    did the "eo"le in the kingdom.

    $ime "assed and the "rincess grew more beautiful. In a few days, the "rincess would be seventeen

    years old. $hat#s why "eo"le of that kingdom brought many "resents for her. $hey bring gold and

     beautiful ewelries. -rabu collected the "resents. $hen -rabu stored them in a s"ecial room. Some

    times he would take them to give to his "eo"le who needed it. -rabu only took a few gold and ewels.$hen he brought them to a goldsmith. *-lease make a necklace for my daughter,+ said -rabu. *y

     "leasure, 3our aesty,+ the goldsmith re"lied. $he goldsmith worked with all his heart and his

    ability. He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace for the "rincess.

    $he birthday came. -eo"le gathered in the "alace field. $hen -rabu and the ueen a""eared. $hey

    waved to their beloved "eo"le. 8heers were loud and louder when the "rincess a""eared. &verybody

    admired her beauty. -rabu got u" from his chair and took a small "illow. A beautiful necklace was on

    the "illow. -rabu took that necklace. *y beloved daughter, today I give this necklace to you. $his

    necklace is a gift from "eo"le in this country. $hey love you so much. $hey "resented it for you to

    ex"ress their ha""iness, because you have growing to a woman,+ said -rabu. $he "rincess acce"ted

    the necklace. She looked at the necklace in a glance. *I don#t want this necklace4 It#s ugly4+ shouted


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    the "rincess as she threw the necklace away. $he necklace hit the floor and was broken. $he gold and

     ewels were s"read out on the floor. o body dared to s"eak. $hey never thought that their beloved

     "rincess would do such a cruel thing. In their silence, "eo"le heard the ueen crying. &very woman

    felt sad and began crying too. $hen everybody was crying. Suddenly, from the middle of the field, a

    s"ring emerged. It uickly became a "ool. $he "alace was getting flooded. Soon the "lace became a

     big lake.

     owadays the water on that lake is not as full as before. $here is only a small lake now. -eo"le

    called the lake $elaga )arna >it means lake of colour?. !n a bright day, the lake is full of colour.

    $hese colors come from the reflections of forest, "lants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But some

     "eo"le said that the colours are from the "rincess# necklace, which s"reads at the bottom of the lake.

    Created By 8ian utmainnah (933)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    The legend of N$i Roro Kidul

    !nce u"on a time, there was a beautiful "rincess named 0ewi :adita. Because of her beauty, she

    was called 0ewi Srengenge. It means the goddess of the sun. Her father was :ing unding )angi.

    Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unha""y because he always ex"ected to have a son.

    $he king decided to marry 0ewi utiara. He had a son from her. 0ewi utiara wanted hor son to became a king in the future. She asked the :ing to send his daughter away. $he :ing did not agree.

    0ewi utiara called a black wi%ard tor curse :adita. She wanted kadita#s beautiful body full of 

    ulcer. $hen, :adita#s body was full of ulcer. It smelled bad. $he beautiful "rincess cried.

    $he :ing was very sad. o one could cure the illness of his daughter. $he :ing did not want her 

    daughter to be a rumour, so he sent his daughter away.

    $he "oor "rincess did not know where to go. However, she had a noble heart. She did not have

    any bad feelings about her ste"mother. She walked for almost seven days and seven nights. $hen, she

    came to the south !cean. $he ocean was so clean and clear. She um"ed into the water and swam.

    Suddenly, there was a miracle. $he ocean water cured her illness. She became more beautiful than

     before. She also had a "ower to command the whole South !cean. She became a fairy called yi

    Roro :idul or the Fueen of South !cean.


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Created By 8zu"ki!"i (933,)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    Kebo %wa

    !nce u"on a time in Bali, lived a wealthy man and his wife. $hey have been married for a long

    time but did not have any children. $hey "rayed to 1od to give them a child. $hey "rayed and "rayed.

    1od finally answered their "ray. $he wife got "regnant and they had a baby boy. $hey were very

    ha""y. $he baby was extraordinary. He was very much different from other babies. He ate and drank 

    a lot. 0ay after day he ate more and more. His body was getting bigger and bigger. And by the timehe was a teenager, his body was as big as a buffalo. $hat#s why "eo"le called him :ebo Iwa, it means

    uncle buffalo. Because of his eating habit, :ebo Iwa#s "arents s"ent a lot of money to buy his food.

    $hey finally went bankru"t. $hey had no other choice but to ask the villagers to hel" them "rovide the


    $he villagers then worked together to cook and build a big house for :ebo Iwa. He was like a

    giant. He could not stay in his "arents# house anymore because of his big body. After a few months,

    the villagers also couldn#t afford to cook him the food anymore. $hey then asked :ebo Iwa to cook 

    his own food. $he villagers ust "re"ared the raw materials. :ebo Iwa agreed and as an ex"ression of 

    his gratitude to the villagers, he hel" built a dam, dug wells, and he also "rotected the villagers from

    animals and "eo"le who wanted to attack their village. It was easy task for him since he also had

    incredible strength.

    eanwhile, the kingdom of aa"ahit was "lanning to attack Bali. $hey knew about :ebo Iwa.

    And they also knew that they could not conuer Bali with :ebo Iwa there. :ebo Iwa was more

     "owerful than they were. $he aha -atih of aa"ahit then "lanned something. $hey were

     "retending to invite :ebo Iwa to aa"ahit to hel" them dig some wells. $hey said that aa"ahit


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    was suffering from a long dry season and needed water. :ebo Iwa did not know the "lan, so he went

    to aa"ahit to hel" them. )hen :ebo Iwa was busy digging a well, the aa"ahit troo"s covered

    the well. :ebo Iwa had difficulty in breathing and buried alive. He died inside the well. After the

    death of :ebo Iwa, Bali was conuered by aa"ahit. 6ntil now, "eo"le still remember :ebo Iwa

     because he had done a lot for Bali.

    Created By &rty Ropyana Ru!aida (931)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    Nai Manggale

    !nce u"on a time in $a"anuli, lived a famous scul"tor named 0atu -anggana. )hen he got an

    order, he went to the forest to look for the most suitable wood and carved it according to the order.

    !ne day, he got an ins"iration to carve a wood he found. He worked all day in his worksho" to carve

    the wood into a statue of a beautiful woman. $hen, he "ut the statue in front of his house.

    /ater, a young merchant "assed by and saw the statue. His name was Bao -artigatiga. He was

    very im"ressed by the beauty of the statue. He then "ut beautiful clothes and ewelries on the statue.

    *It#s so beautiful,+ he said to himself "roudly. $he statue looked like a real human. $hen he left 0atu

    -anggana#s house.

    After that, a "riest named 0atu -artoar and his wife "assed by. $hey were also im"ressed by the

     beauty of the statue. 'I want to "ray to 1od to make her live like a real human. I want to make her as

    our daughter,' said 0atu -artoar to his wife. $he cou"le didn#t have any children yet. $he statue

    changed into a very beautiful girl. 0atu -artoar and his wife then took the girl home. $hey named her 

     ai anggale.

    $he news about ai anggale#s beauty s"read throughout the village. All the villagers came to

    0atu -artoar#s house to see ai anggale. Among them were 0atu -anggana and Bao -artigatiga.

     ai anggale honestly told the villagers that she was actually a statue which became a living woman

     by the grace of 1od.

    0atu -anggana went after 0atu -artoar to claim his own creation and Bao -artigatiga also

    claimed his right for the living statue. *It was me who carved her from a wood. So, she is mine,+ said

    0atu -anggana. *She is wearing my clothes and ewelries. So, she should go with me,+ said Bao

    -artigatiga. 'Remember, I am the one who made her live like a human. So, she stays here,' 0atu

    -artoar also oin in the argument.


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    $hose three men were arguing. $hey claimed to have the rights of ai anggale. $o calm them,

    an elderly of the village gave a solution. His name was Ai Bahir. '3ou all can have her and have a

    relationshi" with her. 0atu -anggana, you#re her uncle. Bao -artigatiga, you#re her brother. And 0atu

    -artoar, you#re her father.' $he three men acce"ted Ai Bahir(s advice. And they were ha""y because

    now they were related.

    Created By Fad"iadi 4ad"i (9,1)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om

    A&i 'aka

    A long time ago there was a kingdom called edang :amulan. $he kingdom of edang

    :amulan was ruled by -rabu 0ewata 8engkar. $he "eo"le in the kingdom were very scared by the

    king. It was because the king liked to eat human flesh. !nce a week, he commanded his messenger,

    -atih 7ugul uda, to find him a human to eat.

    5ar away from the kingdom of edang :amulan, there was a village called edang :awit. A

    young man named Ai Saka lived there. Ai Saka was a brave young man. He loved to hel" "eo"le

    who needed hel".

    !ne day, Ai Saka saw an old man lying unconscious on the ground. $he old man was wounded.

    Some thieves ust hit him and stole his money. Ai Saka then carried the old man to his hut. Soon

    after, the old man started to regain consciousness. *)here9am I2+ he asked. *3ou#re in my house.

    3ou#re safe now,+ said Ai Saka. It turned out that the old man was from the kingdom of edang

    :amulan. *&verybody was leaving edang :amulan,+ the old man told Ai Saka. He also told him

    about -rabu 0ewata 8engkar#s bad habit. *)e were terrified, that#s why we left,+ $he old man said.

    After he heard the ex"lanation from the old man, Ai Saka decided to go meet -rabu 0ewata

    8engkar and make him sto" the menace. )ith his magical white turban on his head, Ai Saka went to

    the kingdom. $he turban was a gift from his 1uru that could be used to fight evil. !n his ourney to

    edang :amulan, Ai Saka "assed through a very dark forest where he met an evil genie.

    $he genie blocked his "ath. *If you want to get through this forest, you must be my slave for ten

    years,+ the genie demanded. Ai Saka refused to be the genie#s slave. $he two of them then fight for 

    seven days and seven nights, until at last Ai Saka came out as winner. $he genie finally allowed Ai

    Saka to "ass through the forest.


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    )hen Ai Saka arrived in the kingdom of edang :amulan, the king was angry to -atih 7ugul

    uda. He was not able to find the king some humans. *If you can#t find me any humans, I#ll eat you

    instead,+ -rabu 0ewata 8engkar said to -atih 7ugul uda. After -atih 7ugul uda left, Ai Saka

    revealed himself. -rabu 0ewata 8engkar#s eyes suddenly widened u"on seeing Ai Saka.

    He could already imagine how delicious his meat would taste. *)ho are you2+ asked -rabu

    0ewata 8engkar. *I am Ai Saka from the village of edang :awit,+ Ai Saka answered.

    *Ha...ha...ha.... I#m glad you came here. 3ou would be my meal. I(m starving,+ said the king.

    *I would gladly let you eat me, but I want something in return.+ Ai Saka said. *)hat is it that

    you want2+ asked -rabu 0ewata 8engkar. *I want a land as large as my turban,+ said Ai Saka. He

    then took off his turban and threw it on the ground. -rabu 0ewata 8engkar agreed. He himself would

    measure the land with Ai Saka#s turban.

    Suddenly the turban grew bigger and bigger. It ust ke"t on stretching until it finally covered the

    whole kingdom. -rabu 0ewata 8engkar was angry. He then attacked Ai Saka. But, then the turbanwra""ed itself around him and began to strangle him. $he turban then threw the king#s body to the

    South Sea. $he waves carried -rabu dewata 8engkar away until he finally drowned and died.

    Ai Saka then asked the "eo"le of edang :amulan to come back to the kingdom. $hey all

    thanked the brave Ai Saka. $hey also agreed to make Ai Saka to be their king. Ai Saka then ruled

    the kingdom wisely. 6nder the leadershi" of Ai Saka, edang :amulan become a "eaceful and

     "ros"erous kingdom

    Created By Fathu Rida (979)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    The Origin of #ond 'a(uraga

    In the area Sumatra, lived a widow with her son named Sam"uraga. $hey lived in a small hut in

    the forest. &veryday they worked hard as em"loyees in a farm owned by a rich man. !ne day,

    Sam"uraga and his boss took a rest, leaning on a tree after working all day. )hile enoying their 

    lunch, the boss asked, *Sam"uraga, you#re still young. )hy don#t you move to a "ros"erous land and

    find a better ob2+ Sam"uraga was an honest and diligent young man. $hat why his boss cared for 

    him and wanted a better life for him. +Actually IGve been dreaming to move to search for a better life.

    I want to make my mother ha""ier. But where to2+ asked Sam"uraga. *3ou should go to andailing.!ne of my friend live there. ost of the inhabitants have farms and fields. $hey also seek for living

     by "anning for gold in the river since it has high level of gold content,+ ex"lained the boss. $he

    conversation made Sam"uraga decided to follow the boss#s advised.

    Back in his hut, Sam"uraga told his mother about his decision. *other, I want to move to look 

    for a better life. In this "lace, I#ll always be em"loyee and work for other "eo"le. I want to go

    some"lace else and try out my luck,+ Sam"uraga said to his mother. *)here will you go, son2+ his

    mother asked. *I was thinking about andailing. $he boss told me that the "eo"le in andailing live

    in "ros"erity because of its fertile soil,+ Sam"uraga said. His mother knew that Sam"uraga had made

    u" his mind and nothing can change his decision. *$hough IGm afraid of being se"arated with you, asI get older, but I have no reason to forbid you. IGm sorry I never make you ha""y,+ his mother said.

    *$hank you, other4 I "romise IGll be back soon if I were success. -ray for me om,+ Sam"uraga

    asking for his other#s blessing.

    Sam"uraga de"art on his ourney to andailing the following day. He left his mother alone. 0ays

     "assed, he walked throughout a forest "assing by villages. !ne day, he reached a city in -idoli

    :ingdom, in andailing. In that "lace, he tried to a""ly for ob. A rich merchant acce"ted his

    a""lication. $he merchant took a great trust in him as he was diligent and honest young man. After a

    year, the boss gave him some financial ca"itals so that he could run his own business. His business

    grew u" ra"idly in a short time. Some of his "rofits were ke"t to increase his ca"ital in order to make

    his business bigger. 5inally, he was known a rich young business man.

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    $he merchant was so "roud with Sam"uraga. !ne day, he asked Sam"uraga if he is interested to

    marry his daughter. *Sam"uraga, you are honest and diligent man. 0o you want to marry my

    daughter2+ asked the merchant. *!f course, Sir,* Sam"uraga answered. $he merchant#s daughter was

    known as the most beautiful girl in the -idoli :ingdom.

    $hey got married in a luxurious wedding "arty. All "re"arations had been started months before

    the wedding day. $en buffalos and goats were "rovided in the "arty. &verybody knew about the big

    wedding including Sam"uraga#s mother. She heard the news from a "assing merchant from

    andailing. *Is it true2 aybe it#s ust the same name,+ she was at doubt. How could it "ossible for 

    her son to marry a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, whereas he#s ust a son of "oor widow. But,

    Sam"uraga#s mother still wanted to make sure, so she went to andailing to watch the wedding.

    )hen she arrived in -idoli :ingdom, the wedding "arty already started. It was so crowded and noisy.

    She tried to get closer in the crowd. She was shocked when she saw the man who was sitting next to a

     beautiful girl. It was her son, Sam"uraga. *Raga94 Sam"uraga, my son,+ she shouted, trying to get

    Sam"uraga#s attention.

    Sam"uraga was shocked to hear that familiar voice. *!h9ItGs not "ossible,+ he thought while

    looking for the source of the voice among the crowded. But then he saw an old woman ran to him.

    *Sam"uraga, my son4 I#m your mother4+ said the old woman while she tried to embrace Sam"uraga.

    But Sam"uraga was so embarrassed to see his own mother. His face turned red. *Hey, old woman4

    0onGt "retend to be my mother4 I have no mother like you4 1o away from here now4 0on#t disturb

    my "arty4+ he shouted with angry tone. His mother was startled to see Sam"uraga#s reaction. *Raga9

    Sam"uraga. I#m your mother. How could you forget your own mother2+ she started to cry.

    *o44 3ouGre not my other4 She#s already dead4 1uard, take this old woman out of here4+

    Sam"uraga ordered his guard. His heart had totally hardened until he denied and chased away his

    own mother. All of the guests only ke"t on silence, no one dared to mediate them. $he old woman

    then was dragged by two guards out of the "arty. )hile still crying, she "rayed, *0ear 1od9If he

    were truly my son, Sam"uraga, "lease give him a "unishment for disavowing me.+

    Suddenly, the sky turned dark, covered by thick cloud. $he rain fell down followed by

    thunderstorm. All of the guests tried to ran away, but they couldn#t esca"e the storm. 7ust in a short

    time, no one was safe, including Sam"uraga and his wife.

    !n the next days, that "lace turned into a hot "ond surrounded by limestone whose sha"e were the

    same as buffalos. $here were also two hea"s of sand and colorful mud that looked like the food

    offered on Sam"uragaGs wedding "arty. -eo"le later call it *:olam Sam"uraga+ or -ond Sam"uraga.

    Created By Fauzan +amdi 4. A5a" (971)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    Legend of "atu "agga

    /ong time ago in Sulawesi Island, lived a man named Intobu. He lived alone with his only son,

    named Im"alak. $hey were "oor. &veryday they work as fishermen. $hey went to the sea every night

    to catch fish, even in bad weather. Intobu always advised his son, *Being fishermen is our only

    income. 0o not take the bad weather as our enemy.+ Im"alak nodded. *3es, 5ather,+ he re"lied.

    Intobu and Im"alak worked as fishermen for years. But, Im"alak started to feel bored with the

     ob. He wanted to try something new. He wanted to make a better living for his father and himself.

    !ne day, Im"alak tried to talk to his father about his desire. *5ather9, "lease forgives me,+ Im"alak 

    felt hesitated. *)hat is it, my son2+ Intobu was curious seeing his son#s strange attitude. *5ather,

    actually I want to uit working as fisherman. I want to go abroad and try working something else,+ex"lained Im"alak.

    Intobu was sad hearing his son#s decision, but he also wanted Im"alak to be a successful "erson.

    *If that is your decision, I couldn#t do anything else but to allow you. I can only "ray for your safety

    and success+ said Intobu. *But I want you to always remember your homeland. Always remember 

    your father,+ he continued. *3es, 5ather. I will remember. $hank you,+ said Im"alak ha""ily.

    In the next day, Im"alak went to the harbor. He saw a bagga >sailboat? and went to see the owner.

    *&xcuse me, Sir. I#m wondering if I can sail with you2+ asked Im"alak. $he bagga#s owner was silent

    for a moment. *It#s not a "roblem for me. But why do you want to sail with me, and have you asked "ermission from your "arents2+ asked the bagga#s owner then. *I worked here as fishermen with my

    father, but I want to try my luck abroad. y father already agreed with my "lan,+ said Im"alak. *All

    right, I will set sail tomorrow. 8ome met me here in the morning. And by the way, what#s your 

    name2+ asked the bagga#s owner. *$hank you, Sir. y name is Im"alak, Sir,+ Im"alak answered


    Back in his house, Im"alak told his father about the bagga boat. *)hen do you de"art2+ asked

    Intobu. *$omorrow, 5ather,+ answered Im"alak. $he next morning, im"alak went to the harbor 

    together with his father. $he bagga was ready to set sail. *Hurry, Im"alak4+ shout the bagga#s owner.

    Im"alak kissed his father#s hand, *I#m going, 5ather. $ake care,+ said Im"alak. *1o, Son. y blessing

    is with you,+ said Intobu. $here were tears in his eyes as he saw the bagga leaving the harbor.

  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    A few years "assed. &very time Intobu saw a bagga boat, he always ho"ed that his son is coming

    home. But there#s no news at all from Im"alak. !ne day, Intobu went fishing as usual. He used his

    small sam"an and headed to the o"en water near the harbor. But then he saw a bagga heading to the


    )hen the bagga was getting close to Intobu#s sam"an, he saw a handsome young man standing in

    front of the bagga#s deck. $he young man was accom"anied by his beautiful wife. Intobu recogni%ed

    the young man. He was Im"alak, his son. *Im"alak4 Im"alak, my son4+ Intobu shout ha""ily.

    Im"alak heard his father#s shouting, but he ignored him. *Honey, there#s someone down there

    calling your name. Is that your father2+ asked his wife. *o, he#s not my father. 7ust ignore him,

    honey+ Im"alak was embarrassed to acknowledge his old father in front of his beautiful wife.

    Intobu tried to row his sam"an closer to the bagga, but suddenly there#s a big waves in the sea.

    Intobu#s sam"an was hit by the waves and almost drowned. *Hel"9 Hel" me9 Im"alak, hel"94+

    Intobu was shouting, asking hel" from his son. But Im"alak ignored his father. He even turned his bagga into the o""osite direction from Intobu#s sam"an.

    Intobu#s heart was broken to see his son#s ignorance. His felling is mixed with sadness and anger.

    He looked into the sky and "rayed, *!h, 1od. -lease hear my "rayer. I curse that rebellious son#s

     bagga into stone.+ ot long after Intobu said the "rayer, a storm came and struck Im"alak#s bagga.

    $he wind blew so hard, "ushing the bagga to the shore. Suddenly, the bagga and Im"alak turned into

    stone. $he stone still exist until now. -eo"le called it Batu Bagga >Bagga Stone?.

    Created By Fitri Andriani (9,3)

    Taken From: http://indoneian!o"k"ore.#"o$pot.%om


  • 8/9/2019 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Indonesia


    "iwar and the Dragon

    !ne day, the "eo"le from the village of imika were very busy. $hey "re"ared twelve boats andset off on a ourney to find sago >traditional food of the "eo"le in the island of -a"ua?. After three

    days, their boats were filled with sago. But on their way back to the village, they were attacked by a

    dragon. $he dragon#s tail caused a big wave in the river. ost of the villagers were drown, but there#s

    a woman who managed to save herself. She was hanging to a tree log and finally arrives in a land.

    $he woman was the only survivor from the incident. She was "regnant. Her boat was broken so

    she couldn#t go back to the village. $he woman then lived in the forest near the river. /ater she gave

     birth to a son. She named her son Biwar. He grew u" as a skillful hunter. He can make various

    wea"ons, set tra"s to catch animals, and "rovided sufficient food for both of them.

    !ne day he brought some fish for their food. )hen his mother saw him bringing fish, she asked

    where Biwar got them. He said it was from the river. $he mother was still afraid of the dragon, so she

    forbade Biwar to go near the river again. She also told him about his father and the villagers that were

    killed by the dragon, '3our father was killed by the dragon. I(m the on