kuliah titas sksp 2203 1b

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Page 1: Kuliah Titas Sksp 2203 1b

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Page 2: Kuliah Titas Sksp 2203 1b

Faktor kemunculan tamadun◦ Kedudukan strategik◦ Agama dan rohani◦ Ilmu dan nilai◦ Kemahiran dan teknologi◦ persaingan

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     1. Reason. The Greeks were the first to identify philosophically that knowledge is gained through reason and logic as opposed to mysticism (faith, revelation, dogma). It would take two millennia, including a Dark Ages and a Renaissance, before the full implications of Greek thought would be realized. The rule of reason reached its zenith in the West in the 18th century — the Age of Enlightenment. “For the first time in modern history,” writes one philosopher, “an authentic respect for reason became the mark of an entire culture. ”

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     2. Individual Rights. An indispensable achievement leading to the Enlightenment was the recognition of the concept of individual rights. John Locke demonstrated that individuals do not exist to serve governments, but rather that governments exist to protect individuals. The individual, said Locke, has an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of his own happiness. The result was the United States of America.

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3.  Science and Technology. The triumph of reason and rights made possible the full development and application of science and technology and ultimately modern industrial society.

Reason and rights freed man’s mind from the tyranny of religious dogma and freed man’s productive capacity from the tyranny of state control.

Men began to understand the laws of nature. As a result, horse-and-buggies were replaced by automobiles, wagon tracks by steel rails, candles by electricity.

At last, after millennia of struggle, man became the master of his environment.

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1. The Retreat From Reason — the ability to think clearly is being discarded.

2. The Disappearance Of Plain expressions 3. The Suppression Of Truth 4. Growth Of Incompetence 5. The Embracing Of Delusion (percaya

kepada sesuatu yg salah, idea, kerpercayaan) 6. The Shrinking From Resolute Action 7. Communities Attempt To Dominate

Each Other.

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Jurang sosial Kezaliman Keruntuhan moral Jumud Bencana alam Semangat asabiyah yang menipis Perbandaran yang terlalu cepat

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Manusia dan alam sekitar Keluarga sebagai nukleus Peranan masyarakat Kerajaan antara teori dan praktik Kesejahteraan ekonomi Peranan pendidikan Kesihatan

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Budaya yang sama Budaya yang berbeza – lemah dan kuat, Contoh – islam dan konfusianisme Islam dan kristian Hindu dan islam

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Objektif◦ Faham pentingnya dialog tamadun◦ Cabaran kpd usaha di atas◦ Menilai masa depan tamadun manusia

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1. Respect for the dignity and equality of all human beings without distinctions of any kind and of nations large and small;

2. Genuine acceptance of cultural diversity as a permanent of human society and a cherished asset for the advancement and welfare of humanity at large;

3. Mutual respect and tolerance for the views and values of various cultures and civilizations, as well as the right of members of all civilizations to preserve their cultural heritage and values, and rejection of desecration of moral, religious or cultural values, sanctities and sanctuaries;

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4. Recognition of diversified sources of knowledge throughout time and space, and the imperative of drawing upon the areas of strengths, richness and wisdom of each civilization in a genuine process of mutual enrichment;

5. Rejection of attempts for cultural domination and imposition as well as doctrines and practices promoting confrontation and clash between civilizations;

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6. Search for common grounds between and within various civilizations in order to face common global challenges;

Acceptance of cooperation and search for understanding as the appropriate mechanism for the promotion of common universal values as well as for the suppression of global threats;

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7. Commitment to participation of all peoples and nations, without any discrimination, in their own domestic as well as global decision-making and value distribution processes;

8. Compliance with principles of justice, equity, peace and solidarity as well as fundamental principles of international law and the United Nations Charter;

9. Compliance with principles of justice, equity, peace and solidarity as well as fundamental principles of international law and the United Nations Charter;

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1. Responding to the common longing of humanity for faith and ethics;

2. Enhancement of mutual understanding and knowledge about various civilizations;

3. Cooperation and mutual enrichment in various fields of human endeavour and achievements : scientific, technological, cultural, social, political, economic, security…

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4. Promotion of the culture of tolerance and respect of diversity;

5. Cooperation to arrest threats to global peace, security and well being : environmental degradation, conflicts, arms, drugs, terrorism,…

6. Confidence-building at regional and global levels;

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7. Promotion and protection of human rights and human responsibility, including the rights of minorities and migrants to maintain their cultural identity and observe their values and traditions;

8. Promotion and protection of the rights and dignity of women, safeguarding the institution of family, and protection of the vulnerable segments of the human population: the children, the youth and the elderly.

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