· ktrttts...

KT r TT t S tIN ■bCanyon ] Kpromote ■K,Lr.”"'z.- 1 EH“, Hells canyon Ontario, ( ^ K fflS wnltaUoi er: M ^ U ?“,S.™"""» “rf /w W. adopt# IB. miff- o*^'' to "Beeuri jxtfcy ch»liTO“ ^ mentot.t »hleh « t “* aJ lU BMt meetlns. T hert pftrticular lUcoij »n molor ate und to the top poat at „o„ent I •ecurlty a (fl«n tlKted included The tin iDB. W tW r. treasurer; tookswipi rtf correspond- ho Powe: J, ifli 33dlrectora. John muned *'iJ 'ace Court . »rDrunken rirers appeared In Twin Fail }f drunken driving and a youi mulaughter chargcs Oct. 17 a (ninninff a stop aitm- LAwtin. 36, 1655 Fourth a> $8 eosl« in police court after Wvim.' Tho court rccommoni [ieeiae (or one year. Police Ji ned Miss Austin she could , i—---------------------- sentence Dse Work th _ , guilty 0 ict Getting ly at Meet J/E” m x Dec. JO tw—Top CJty ot itfncUlt m eet here to- women at imon or other repre- Klmberljr Rts moXof the states to a (35 bon< ot expandlnic re- USO bond. (Bpoblle works projects. Harold to WiKtor Charles E. ; ntUT «J Derewe Rob- » chaw l^^aadDetonM ^ue. ace Pump II^K lnntor Maitl; Tlelsch* sonsall « ^ H q td sd to explain at the lan «hen A^KtkslmtlerialswlUbe- dlson art slreet to ] Wm 1 » biar w«i. 2*2?.. , ^Kcdiinj* 8o\& erapha- charges 0 iw necessary to *^e 6l^|;rea*butl«r-alone Oear .Judge Ihil dercnse pro- ihuuns Into high on tho yoi ,t^^ptowlU be sharper ___ Big ^ orincd u i v l ^ Repi ■•as"S-=r An Hla eommltUe paris » ii»JdenUon has tlclsm. * W l eaitt-houw defew c4nmrnee-l«t Thurs- ^ ^ a 7/B _____________ He sold ledal Goes Korea Vet, 23 !?r£., W M Dec. 10 ajJ!>-.T7,c BBreemcm «W the consTc.islonal rival easl to S?t. l/c\. diaaraiam Rfdrt5««:-ei.n-Bemar. IrhfSi I« routing communist mittee wa iKor^nhimnaone- re|«rtto. w*oia wldlcr. a' member a^sepaAt Inlaniry division, was felt Uic « * ^ k ln g out five en- four naU Witffflrnts and kHline _ fW troops In his attack, ti »nld was made E X D 6 : '«injiy Insurmounuble -J ^ betn jet tor prescnta- J. tv W’art whlch-nor^aUy WASHI WMI y by the President. ’’»» U cn routo haaio *^5' ^ I®® *M,thc army said J *« lhe SDih medal of '‘ the Korean war. and lawyer ----------------------- only durl] hreatensto ' HOil to Soviet ^ Inn. Dec. lo UWiran to otter product*-lor 5®^** ' Of her aaitUltes un- tnko It otl Iran's lamtdlatrw pltal _ti I^W ^ tr-n o M tin Pateml 2 ^ ^ * “ nitfcnce Iran's dip- S“ '* ^ -------------- the mo' Boated 10 o n - M e o , ! ^ _{ the sas ^^H * ^ d e n t board, lelt ® at Aroo , ^^^■•tomorroB’ utd at “• ^ ^ ^ ■ J c r a m e Wednesday. *■ ' ' 3 ^ " " Z ® -- J w _ A Regional Newsi otruui ciu 4Bd CwiiHjr M«wa»tp«r [ Backers Orgj ;e Approval of tiy. Mountain Home; Herb Charles e, Lewiston: Jud«e 8. Stanton. Wash- csIIp irlo, Ore.; James Donart. WeU- “at the Kroi Id Frost. Ontario; Joha Jones, cemlng the inmde, Ore.; Oeorge arMoOeld, dam. e; Olayton Dsvldson, Boise; Judge su 15 Clark. La Orande: Dr. Paul the nutionfll Ick. Knmpa; Clarence Carter. advocAtcd ll Orande, and Ollnt^n Bolght, opment ot :r. taxation, iipose ot the new ortaalsatlon, OMr... n dopted by the delegates. wUl be ,tatS iLijla secure the maximum develop- t ot.the water resources ot the EC a nd Columbia rivers and ^ when I j Icuiarly -Hells canyon dom as a irte enicrpr ir step at tho earliest possslble « a r lerit In the Interest oX naUonol perpetuated rity and detense." State Sen le three principal speakers all Washington, swipes at Oov. Len Jordan. Ida- dan and Iili Power company and on un- E. Ronch ot ed •'indlvldual group.” Hells cnnyw t Action Caud in Driving “ ' Fails courts Monday on youth acquitted of invol- 17 oppeared in court on a tuUmmy i was told las ;h avenue eaat, ww fined »ttTOpi to fter she pleaded guilty of mended suspcnaion-of-her x : t .- g o 1ic ce Judge J. O. Pumphrey Ustlfied he uid have Received a jail ^udle^Tei isic F. Zaglow, 1655 °"i. rth avenuo cast, pleaded «w hi ty of being drunk on a ic highway and was fined from a man and $3 costs. She was man accent issenger in the car driven P»y ti H i..A u.tii,, S ?“ y otlieen arrested the two w M . Tie Is en at 3:10 a. m. Sunday on t > jerly road. Miss Zaglow posted Henry Or i bond and Miss Austin posted wisp prlvat bond. , scheduled U rold Bonsaii. 353 Buena Vista, the heorln«i his statutory Umo to answer means eubci arse of dnmken driving. Jus- IrreguloriUe; Pumphrey set bond at t2S0 and service and all was returned to the city fraud cases, vhen unhole to post it. Olty of-- ■ Cohen's t I followed Bonsnll's car on Ad- IntlmaUon I avenue west from Quincy ofdclals hac t to Plve Folnta west. _ alleged attei Aph P. Butterworth,' 19.' MO <«» Teitelb iner street, wsj flfied iio and peoe lawer, »ts In Twin Polls poUca.eo^t su^mmlttt pleading guilty to running a Teltelboun sign. City officers arrested him (C«iUai.< rday evening ot Fotulh street and Main avenue. e Buttem>-orth youth was ac- ▼* U ii. ed of involuntary manslaughter _ _ ^ ges Oct. 17 by a district eourt /^n1i The charges wert filed after ^ctxX I BellB'Nelson. 7, was killed by srworth’s car last July i( four f J souUi of Twin Falls. Vj X ^ dge Pumphrey pointed out n» Th ) was no previous conviction shriekinB 16 youth's driver’s license. California —— --------------------- sandhlastlna g 4 Completes a.'™”'" :eport of 10-Day whipped th( Armament Talks lRIS. Dcc. 10 RI^-Th6 big four » ““!!! ini completed today a report on secret 10-day dUarmament he General Assembly President PadUla Nervo predicted Uie re-, ^ *' g will have “serious and great . au but I ilcancB." warned off i le Mexican diplomat acted as Sundoy w rman of the big four meeUngs. the Los An said east-west disagreements 78-year hist exist on a number of issues of time low, rC' ir importance. was 37J). It, he added, the negoUatlons But elsew ugh 11 sessions "appeared to weather w I helped to widen the areas of flurries spre ement on some points", of Uje sou^eastwa 1 east ond west proposaU for Colder air c rjriament ' «» IS United NaUons political com- eo was scheduled to Uke up the P '"”®- ^e rl tomorrow. Informed sources ^ Uie wcsUm powers might Issue . parato Joint declaration If Uiey the final cotnbined report of all jnorning fr naUons need clarlfleaUon. lowt. only i "• ------------- ture was lis' :perts Forecast Prosperity in ’51 ASHmOTON, Dec. 10 fliV-The m^lni on WlU enjoy conUnued prosper- il 1853. Wiu> InflaUon the only * c cloud, according lo two gov- ^ flcnt experts. - cretwy of Commereo Charles Inp Kl*, yer described Uie business pects for next year as “good"— T \» q ss Uiere U all-out war. X iav lce Stabilizer Michael V. Di- M17RTAT] B said controls wlll be needed wealher ma during Uie period that Ameri- last few daj industry U building up to enough to t : producUon. support a t That's w ..yr . found o u ts Movinff va the KmUi eentral dlstjlct i S “ too» alte unit wUJ be ctosed Tt«s- y to move to Uic fonnef^ob- •etrlcal buUdlng at Uie old hos- jjow from Jl. It Is announced acUng dlrecUr. ^ , t said ° t^s aim unit personnel have had w ftwalUng Sit wrn w e moT^’^"^ ® to-pcniilt Becauset Also closing ■:^esday to niake . w. Moort, county supen-iwr. Stra““g , ' . ' ' waspuU^. r . _ __ - al Newspaper Senlng ____________ tw in ; )rganize [Sta of Project P f Clmles Baker, WaiU Walla. «h-. called for an understanding pm < 5T? t Uie Krsss roots" of facts con- , «OISE, «ilng the proposed Heiu canyon to "adcqui . ----------------------------------------f i c f a t a l l t i warned Uie group eight per < e nations! debt must be oaid and . Ivocfttcd tlwt 11 be done by devel- . ''f' 'ment. ot natural resources, not 8tatc pollc xation.-----------------------------------------t r a f f i c dcj Oeonte Donnrt. Welter, former w ith 212 f ale legislator, snld hc believed In McCoy sal rte enterprlje." but added: to motor vel "When Ij the power Industry a , “ThU yeai te enterprise? Idaho Power com- >n motor vci my Is a monopoly protecUd and pedwtrlans. ;rpetuated by law."-------------------------- *^e super Sljl. s,„k »„,i,u,n. D.. S ; “ 'S?a oshlngton, accused Governor Jor- He added in and Idaho Power President T. urban death Ronch ot dodRlng a debate on the “This ven ells cnnyon haue,-------------------------- adeouate en -------------- ---------------------------------- At Uie sai :audle Told 1“ Of Fix Case, U. i Friend Says .-p WASHINOTON. Dec. 10 OR — Xwf )use tax Investigators developed jtimony that T. Lamar Caudle - ' PANMl ts told last August of an alleged nccuRDd tl tempt to shake down Abraham +r.z“® _ , ilteJbaum lor tSOO.DOO Jn a "tax tim cs mor r case. _ _ _ demanded r. T.-cohen. an Atlanta'atlomey. w ar orisoi jUned he got the .tory from ka iltelbaum and passed it on to vice-Aa lUdle, then nn assistant attorney tlon, couc, neral, on Aur. 20. approachil DeUllf olTcn Rut Br Ho said he gave Caudle soch de- v ,, t .,i_ Us as Teltelbaum's nccount of get- UCKOIS, lg a mysterious Ulephone call delegation jm a man who In a fcutUral. Oer- m en then in accent advised him he had it„ . ... , m r p.y thc KOOm ““ Cohen quoted Caudle as com- Stage II 1 snUng. “That might b« Omen- demand. Ud. H e Is a Dutchman." "Wo cert To De Witness refuse, but Henry Orunewald. o will-of-the- no method sp prlvaU InvesUgator here, U he said, neduled to be a witness later in e hearings by a house waya asd Kuckols t fans BUbcommllUe on charges of temntlns t •egulariUes In Uie Ux collecUng rvlce and tn the handling oC U x ^neutral lud casea. ti.. t— Cohen's tesUmony was the ‘first nuesUon. tlmaUon Uiat high govemment ^ «S,“ ..vqI c, ticiaU had any knowledge of Uie h ro ^ d J u :eged atUmpted -shakedown" be- w,tter re Tcitelbaum, a.foraiBr-^ Ca- * ne lawer, spilled his Sory-to Uie ^ bcommlttee iast Tuesday. . rennlsive Ui relUlbaum tesUfled Uiat last i ^ind Raises California to Geate Havoc By Tbe Associated Press defenseless Shrieking winds swept southern pose of exl4 illfomla today, flailing crops, niort fortur ndblasting automobUes and snarl- curtalJ ; transportaUon — oir. sea'and seemei id. alliea* next i Blasta up to 75 miles an hour i lipped Uie smoko from smudge- ^ U WlUl which growers fought to ve Uielr crops from Umperatures at plummeted as low as 16 de* —^ l^e^^ln^'stripped poto trees. M cK U tered highways so badly Uiat Affop my were closed to troffle. illU it AU b u t ^ufe* lw S * ^ p # were Ifl Si imed off the seUs. ^Aarmt Sundoy woa the coldest Dec. 9 In ne hw_, recorded tn Janua:,, 1D«. But elsewhere In the naUon. the 000 profit ( lalher ' woa scosonable. Snow apiece modi irrles spread from tho Great lakes McKinne: utheastward to the Appalachians, "no pollUc ilder air chilled thc New England prioty were id wesUm gulf states, but,.it irmed up slightly in Uie central ; alns. It rem aned cold in Uie west. Warming Been P « “f Some warming up was forecast ^ r southeasUm Idaho, where Um- ‘ainer was ratures climbed slightly thU Reeords omlng from Sunday morning's ceedlngs ir ws. Only ono below tero Umpcra- Kinney's p re was lisUd in the area today, a giooo Inves Inus 0 in Pocauno. That was tbe the EmpU me temperature recorded Sunday, philadelphl In Idaho FalU, where Umpera- y ,.t figure res dropped to 1* below lero Sun- . , . ly moming, today’s minimum wos . ?o above. It was four above In oodlng. seven in Burley, 18 in Jlse and 12 in Twin PWl*. mande^ some peop ce Breaks Under Tractor on Lake „ MURTAUOH. Dec. 10-The JKQI1< eaUier may have been cold for Uie ** st few days but it hasn't been cold *1 C lough to freeze ice thick enough to X C ipport a tracUr. That's what Roimle Ooodman PENDI<E lund out Sunday when he drove hU 8l-year-cld lUier’s ttacu r out onto the lee of hours in oi [urUugh lake. The Ice broke and digging eq cnnle took a cold bath. him. w u b The high school student had been At the I auling a sled and was scraping hewuUki low from thc ice at the same Ums. cue In sui fh«n «hrtiiL son from nhnn» the ripftnrS.dC :e gove woy ^ d the rear wheeU “gooJ.“ t tho traeUr.sank.tnto the waUr. Thc ran On the sled at the Ume were Ken 61. vas pt ee and Wes Mowry. Larry Good- wlUi his f lan and BUI Goodman were along the walls ut were not on tho sled at the Ume. (PS'D ywt Because Uie Ice wus only turea auil t a B.'he ne-half Inches deep Ross Denun. Ford's 1( hose truck has a power winch on the tiero ol , eould not drive out onto ths lee wss lielpln ) rescue the tractor. By uUng rail- but-'*as-' jad Ues to float theiractor and an when the itra long pfece of rope, the traclor Jumped In u puUed. to sbcu'e. fother out ' A: I ............... I ' - --'C srvA f /,7 /- TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, State Traf fi Below 1950 BOISE, Dec. 10 (U.R)—A low urban c 0 “adequate enforcement facilities," h ic fatalities during the first 10 mgntl :lght per .cent below those of 1950, This was the opinion of K. McCoy, su tate police traffic accident rccords dl^ raffic deaths from Jan. 1 to Oct. 31 vith 212 for the same period in 1950. McCoy said October had Uie highest deaUi Usl o moUr vehicle traffic accldenu. . *ThU year's faUllty Ust from Jan. 1 to Oct. n motor veWclo colluions. «9 peoplo Ulled to «destrlans. and seven in motor vehlelo-tiain-o The supervisor sold “thO’hlgh Uistones of m lon-coUUIon accidents again indicates high sp< naln VlolaUons.'* He added that 173 rural traffic deaths had b< irbon deaths. "This very clearly polnU out that the low u uie<]uaU enforcement fscilJtles," McCoy ssid. At the same lime. McCoy said thero had be« tttal occldenu, "which Indicates a decrease li ataliues per fatal accident.;;. ________________ U. s. Envoys i Reds of “Bk PANMUNJOM, Korea, Dec. 10 OJ-R). iccuscd the communists today . of h jmes more repulsive” than that of the lemandcd the reds begin talka tomom vitr priaoners.------- Vice-Adm. C. Turner Joy, head ot t :lon, couchcd his demand for prisoner ipproaching an ultimatum. i But Brig.-Gen. William P- ^ tj • vTudtols, spokesman for the ^ Jtt,< lelegation, ■ later told news- nen thore is nothing thc al- Aivf lea can do nbout it at this itage if thc reds reject the Kc "Wo certainly hopo they won't eeoUL efuse, but if they say no, there is ^ NaUoi u> meUiod of forolng the Issue," jj,mor rt le said. the frosei Demands Ftoyed day and i NuckoU said tho reds were at- u. 8. < «mptlng to blackmail tho allies g^d flro nto accepUng the enemy demand made on or -neutral" policing of on ormls- 0,8 cente: lce by sUUing en the prUoner The -voice of the UJI. command' .? jroadcasts from Tokyo were even - ■^piis- -ii^hm \iiaft-*TITli^ is a thouiMKl times more •epnlsive than Ui«.ordinary act of tidnaplng by the lowest lonn of. ni»trlel ** rangsUr. should not come as a :ompleU surprise to the free world," fronts, h e broadcast sold.-------------------------------g, j nosUges Held 10 red j **rhe communUU havo long held Monday lostoges for ‘nuisom* ot one type or U. 6. plai mother in Europe, perhops the in sweep; nost blatant example of the tacUo The ai aianates fram red China, when derjet u Jie communlsU hold thousands of shot dow iefenseless vlcUms for'the sole pur- Ssturday Mse of extorUng money from their Eight nort fortunato relaUves outside the fronUine roij- eurtoia.*’ ---------------------------------- and thrt It seemed likely hero that the at Bund lilies* next sUp may be awaiting in- suits, itnictions from Washington, where other President Truman met wllh the road yar dilefa of sUff today.------------------------- BOC n ----------------------------- Uiey hll McKinney Assails “S. b Attacks on Profit In Stock Trading S ' WASHINQTON. Dec. 10 lfl — nnd 386 Frank E. WcKlnney, DemocraUc naUonal chairman, said today ho _ and Frank M. McHale. hU close po* ' R UUcal friend, each made a fast MS,. . 000 profit on tnveslmenU of |1,000 An ei apiece made in 10«. fc McKinney told a news conference “no pollUcal Influence or Impro- priety were Involved." yjnt Angrlty he charged that nsws« con paper headlines describing tho . Blood profit were phrased so they might }5 done mnke hU children "think their or frier father was a damn crook." one vc Records of a bankruptcy ,pro- ft^m t ceedlngs in PhUadelphia give Mc- near F Kinney's profit as S74.000 on thn donatec •1000 invested in common stock of Btooc the Empire Tractor corporaUon, under i PhiUdelphla. but McKinney sold weeks i that figure Is ‘‘laaecuraU.” ' paling “Is If ctltalnal, ts it unUwful for i, DemocraUo chairman to hold business InteresU?*' McKinney de- manded aC the news.conferenco.-IT some people had their way. you would have to^go to some abbey and ^ rpftTiyr to head iMxty.** RancHer Trapped ii 18 Hours Broug! PENDLETON. O re, Dec. 10 MV-A caUed U 81-year-old rancher, trapped for 18 to tho y hours in an IS-foot well while heavy Leon digging equipment churned about down to him. w u brought to safety today. caved in At the Pendleton hospl^ where ting an< he wu Uken after the dratoUo res- about U cue m sub-freezing temperatures, against rifytnrn ducTlbcd-hls condiUon as remalnei “gooJ.“ 'I t tool The rancher. Norma Vina Ford, digging 61 VOS pinned to the well bottou nearby T WlUl his fool under a plank when U undei the walls caved in at 11:30 ojb. wstched (PST) yesUrday, At 6:30 this mom- llghU, J Ford's 18-year-old son, Leon, wa* rescue. : the fero of Uie rescue operaUon. He foreed > was helping hls father sink the weu men. *n but-^-w erklng on the surface Ins.', . when the walU coUapsed. Leon When Jumped in and began digging his was broi father out wltb hU hands. {Neighbors put to tx r - ' Ni MDAY, DECEMBER 10,-1951 ffic T oll IP] >50 Total urban death rate, attributed ^ Ities," has kept. Idaho’s traf- 0 months of thfs year about >50, :Coy, supervisor of the Idaho ords division. Hc said Idaho Oct. 31 wero 197, compared 11950. , deaUi Uat. wlUi 31 deaUu aUribuud top mill minute 1 to Oct. 91 shows 04 people killed ncirotial killed to non-colllslon oeddenU, 28 le.liatn-oollislons," MeCoy said. iur. 1 nes of motor vehicle eoUlsions sind ' I high speed and InatlenUon aa the _ ^ hs had been recorded, as against 36 I f l fl Jie low urbsQ death rata Is due to _ J had b « n 197 people killed In 173 n ecrease In Uie number of mulUple >*•* ---------------------- ----------------------------- Abou attend t 's Accuse BlackmaU” s r ’ 10 aj.m—The United Nations r.ot blackmail "a thouaand t of the loweat gangsters and „ « tomorrow on an exchange of :ad ot thc U.N. truco delcsa- jrlsoner discussions in term s ^rfng p * * * * ent pric 9 Red Attacks Knox. Pl Are Routed m T.wlsi rector of Korea Combat iSS BzauL. Koro, Dte. 10 W l-C nlt- S d lu ’oa! ed NaUons forces threw back aine Affuiiit minor red probing attacka along unnd&v i Uie froxen Korean war front yester- day and today. V. 8. eighth army communiques Idaho He said fire of tho feeler strikes vere tbe Idol: made on the cttstem' front, three in Idaho M the center of the on associaUc west. sore asso The cominunHjues reported no Cream H other significant ground acUrlty. . O-J* A North Korean broodcaat by t«- J" ^ PT, X&0Z.V1 front our arUUsry U pounding ese- *t«krTar xny podUons, laiucting lerloua dam- Susloe ages on the enemy penotajel and 5” “^ * ' maWel.** It added Uiat m lull pro- vailed on the eentral and weatem N am ^i fronts. Moralng, V. B. flfUi tlr force JeU sighted ° 10 red JeU over.northwest Korea *5.*^ I Monday but made ao conUct. The ' U. 8. planes faUed to see » red plane In sweeps over the area Sunday. Tho atr force said a^^P-«^ Thun- derjet and an F-Bl Mustang were . shot down by communist ground lire SU»L t Salmday. Eight B-39S attacked communUt fronUUie posiUons Saturday night and three others bombed a bridge e at Bunchon wiuiout observing re- romtsoi suits. , (CMt other SuperforU pounded rail- road yards in northwest Kona. " D .*»»»« BOQ night bomber piloU reported IW O al they hll 176 vehicles and 3fl railroad U*„ The Bepubllo of Korea (ROK) anny headquarters sold lU anU- |/ guerrilla foroes In tho -south fought 10 batlles Sundoy against some SOO MANI reds In the Ohlrl mountains. ROK tropical officers said '143 red* were tolled central : and 3BS captured. 13 perso ____________________________ ^ and wr Bank Empty An empty blood ba& and or- resoonde ders for 30 transfusions faced .rf the community blood bank at jh.* Maglo VaUey Memorial hospital -nd hun Monday morning. FomUiea of whiU paUenu needing blood were be- i__ tog conUcUd (o find donors. Blood was received from only .tmctun 15 donors last week, U relaUves or friends replacing for paUenU, one voluntett and «jo-:donor cte from the Marba Woman*s club near FUer. NlneUen plnU were , donated Uie previous week. » g.. Blood bank personnel tald under the .community plan, two weeks noUce is given to parUcl- paUng organUaUons to arrangement* to hare theU- donors ready. Because Uie bank was well stocked from M dona- nora to appear thU week. ----------------------------------------------------- ed in Well for ought to Safety called to Uie ecene lowered bucksU ham et to Uie youUu three B Leon hsd hU faUier uncovered _Namfr down to the knees when the walU KenneU caved tn a second time. Leon, spot- coundl ting another section of the wall Soot stn about to give way, braced hU bock Oralg. s against the crumbling secUoo. He The : remained there for seven hours. In conn • It toM rusnong for a-erew-wlQT ttgatton digging arrive from 'The I nearby UmaUUa where M cN ^ dam and Loi U imder construction. As hundreds dato lat wstched under Use glare ot search- judge U llghu, John Morton ot the McNaiy tlon to rescue. He had a St-inch Iron pipe Xoot ms foreed down around the trapped men. That prevented further cave- B tna.', . -----------.......... .. ............................ BOIS When the pipe was In pUce, Leon ease of was brought to Use surface. He w»* by tbe put to bed » mild case of shoclt. dojr—« . ................... _______________ -— ■— Nine Itrigatcd Id ^ b CountlM MmbW •f.JLadU Ou AMOclilad P m t *1 Presiden Aides S Outlofl WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 (ff^Presi top military and political adnsers to minute conference. Tho White House negotiations but wore not confined to Mr. Truman cut short his Florida Idaho Dairymc Meeting Ser About 250 delegates were register* attend tho 28th annual meeting of tht soclatlon, Int:., and its seven affiliate Tho dairymen’s group has schedule at tho Turf club. Affiliated groups sc! Monday, with a joint banquet at 7 p.r club. W. L. Hendrix, Boise, dairymen’s pected consldcrnblo discussion agaii slonal action to permit duty-free impt ucts. Hc said this opposition --------- is based on tho resultant -^r flooding of the market and i^ e C higher taxes for subsidies to . bring prices to parity. Pres- |;^|1 ent priccs aro abovo parity. Principal speskers at the two- Tv^i day aeries of meeUngs art W. D. ilO Knox. Port Atkinson, Wis., edlUr of a dairymen's pubUcaUon; John T. Walsh, Chicago, assistant dl- rector of tho American Diy MUk tno InsUtuU, Inc.. and Lyman McKee, MadUon. WU.. execuUve director it o f the WUconsln Dalrymen'a as- socloUon. « AffUiaUd organlzaUons meeUng ^ Monday Include the Idaho Ayrshire * Breeders assoclaUon. Tb# Idaho ® Guernsey Breeders association, tbe « Idaho HoUUln Breeders assoclaUon, April lr the Idaho Jersey CatUe cluh. tbe ' Idaho MUklng Shorthorn Breeder assoclaUon. Use Idaho MUk Proees- sore assoclaUon and Uie Idaho Ice Cream Manufacturers assoctotlon.. O. J. BoUme wUl be toastmaster ^ for the Monday, night bonqust, M f M HE XBox, v U lnwur stockrTor a P ^£iDt'A«rloultuflBlHH Business sessions . of Ute A ynS group«were held at the.Sogersotf hotol.r»n charge of Ben MalltW 3? Namp4.prosldcnt.aadA.D.01»pUr, J*” Marslng, secreto^. *. 11 Is ft H ie Ouemsey breeders also met a t the Rogerson hoUl. Officers In charge were Leon Fairbanks, Boise, president: H. A. SUele, Ooodlng, ‘“ L*' socretary and A. W. Telfer, Salt Lake City, fleldman. HoUleln breeders held their meet> Ins at the Park hoUL Henry Drury, **.27^ Preston, is president. WUllam Stev- ena. Meridian, socreUry, and O. J. ^ Plowman, Logan. Utah, fleldman. operate Sessions of the Idaho Jersey througl Cattle club were eoadueted In U» Bblel Rogerson hoUI by G te ^ Vaughn, slon at , (Cm U i><*4 m ris*'4?t«lamB 4) day cat - ' •‘»inks RoaringTyphoon SSiJ Hips Philippines; 12 Persons Dead MANILA. Dec. 10 W -A raging th J^ o tropical typhoon ripped through the -rhofs central PhUippUies today. It kUled ^ 13 persons, left thousands homeless Hgbe: and wrecked mUilons of dollars tha Na w or^ of cro^ and buUdlngs. guit* ' As the 138-mUe-an-hour storm publlclt churned into the Sulu sea, AP Cor- a t least respondent Frank A. Whlto nport- the sta ed from Cebu Olty on Cetm island, tig mis that at leaat 13 persons were dead (orU oi and hundreds homeless. i>rogru WhiU said virtually every build- noans Inff made of Ught materials was wrecked partially and many large T > n h structures lost roofs or susUlned X UU other damage. Oebu bore the brunt IJI, ot Uie stonn. r ( On Negras Uland. between Cebu and Fanay, Uie Philippine News service esUmated properly damage ^ In Bacolod Olty a t $350,000 imd said 3,260 were reported homeless. SfSSw Some 88 mUes south of the ty- e phoon's path, dyUig winds and ^ g.. quieter seas permitted rescue ves- sels .to resume evacuation of 33,000 rolnsoaked, frightened refugees __ from Oamlguin isUnd. where Hi- tiok-Hib^volcano conUnued to spout molten rock and ashes. ^ ho l Perjury Charges St, Dismissal Denied ®*B«o BLACKFOOT. Dec. 10 <A>)—Dls- pubUsl trlct Judge Kales E. Lowo has de- Seatos nled defense moUons td dismiss per« of ^ fury IndlctmenU voted by a Blng- dentla! ham county grand Jury against luhing three Blackfoot men.. sas, 8 Named In ihe InQlctment are Colon Kennelh Taylor, a BUckfoot dty coundl member: A. J. Davis, Black- T lA f' toot sUeet commissioner, and B. A. l^ C l Cralg, a gravel contractor. . f The IndlctmenU charge perjury J to connecUon wlUi the Jury's Inves- CHI 'The three men pleaded Innocent ase v and Lowe sold he would set a trial dipped dato later, probably in January. The two . i • judge took under advisement a »c^ dedlai r tlon to dismiss a similar* charge pUes, L ggaimit JVanlc Bmlth. fom er Blade. Tho s Xoot mayor. oounu 1 ---------------- ^ ------------ . said 3 BOUX,BOYt8TRICKEN were . BOISE, IDec. 10 (^Idaho’s 138th pound 1 ease of pollo for 1951 wa« reported temf, I by the stato health department to> ef M d a y -« fi-jcor-old bqz a t BuUL Moi^ IPHp - EI5 )unlle* JL«4U Oon.B tt CttmUUM . < ... l«l Pm t ttd UnlWd Pt«» ;nt and 1 Scan Gl( ook at C( H-Bresidoat Truman canvassed “the Isers today, but “no policy decisions ^ ) House said the discussions induded rined to that subject. Florida vacation by a week to fly back --------------------^ ---------------------- day. I ^ . . room men Open 3 "“ ->s t t senes Here thia mo ■egistered Monday moming to »ituaUot g of th« Idaho Dairymen’s as- iffiliated organizations. bq ul icheduled ita meeting Tuesday tended oups scheduled their meetings at 7 p.m. Monday at the Turf thw an WhlUhs ymen’s president^ said he ex- of t ^ n against proposed congres- ree importation of dairy prod- (taff ot ----------------------------------------------------- fo«e.H , Need for State Publicity Plan Noted at M eets BOISE, Deo. 10 lA-Delegfttes to phaslxec Uie All-Idaho Congress todojr.stres- coafinec sed tho need for a sUto pubUdly program, but differed on whether 6e«kb it should be financed by Industry or grew oi Uie sUU. ment 8 TTie group recommended that tbe back to SUU Chamber of Commeree ap- told rep point a committee to study Inaugu- “Utei ration of a sUUwlde pubUclty pro- get it la gram and suboilt Us fUidings to the Is nomtt April tneeUng of the chotnber. Mr. 1 Sopert Mob Speaks wiu be ><maaA Whittaker, secrttory-man- Att^.-Q agar or the R up^ Chamber ef Ttui 1 Oeomttce, proposed “we first begin reeolnU » prove to the I^islattve that Start FrofnuB ' r Kyle Watter, aecretarr cf the Coeur d'Alene ohamber, suggested ' ttiat ofUr Qie SUto Chamber of : Commerce has started a pnbUdty program “periiape the highway de- , parusent can be Induced to take eeUmat ; W .Ite mW Out Otwoa, *il- , tona and many oUier western sUtes ^ - — 07 operato their pubUclty program r through tbe highway departmtnt iSSiim I Shields in opening the discus- gf , slon at the first session pf the two- front p, day congress, said the toorlst dollar a -alnks Into every pocket" He .said about WiXOfiOO comes Into Idaho through tbe tourist trade annually,- it u no but added that IdohO'ODd Wyoming have the two lowest toxirlst trade employ I iDcomea In Uie naUon. ptuit. Think of PoUtoea buUd^ *^en people think of Idaho they {■ expe ^ think of poUtoes," WaOcer declared. She w I “That's because minions of dollars would 1 > bave been spent Ui advertising.'* one ' Robert SunfnervlUe, secntary of the bla « Uio Nampa chamber, sald-no re- joss bu sulU sbould be expected unUl the pointec > pubUdtT program has » budget of joi™ at least 450,000. He said in past yean sheet 1 * Uie stato publidty board “made Uie n „, „ big mutoke of concentiatlng iU ef- j- w I forU outside the sUte. Some ot the program should be directed to Ida- tion. 1 * boons te devetop local prtde.* movlni 1Publisher Named For Wherry Seat 1 LINCOLN, Dec. 10 </p>-Fred A. Pourtt * SeaUn. Hastings. Nebr, pubUsher by wa ' was appoUiled U. 8. senator from a«m«g Nebraska today to succeed tbe Isto Republican floor leader, Ben. Ken- 'T 1 _ ; neUi 8. Wherry. The appointment Jigl * wss mode by Republican Oor. Val t ) ‘ Peterson. D Seaton, 43. wUl serre ontU a suo- * oessor U elected a t U » general eleo- Uon nwtt November and qualified fO ^ » by th e % te canvassing board. “CTerlJ He u a midwest leader of tbe grttah Harold S. Stassen for President forces and has served two terms I as a sUto senator In tba Nebraska ^ one-house legislature. Before comUig to Nebraska as - pubUsber of Uie HasUngs 'Wbuno - Seaton was acUve In his home rtato * of Kansas tn tbe AU Landon presl- ^ ' - denUal campaign. He now bas pub- rt uabiag InUresU in Nebraska. Kan- sas, SouUi Dakota, Wyoming and e Colorado. • ______________ t Decline Is Noted For Meat Prices - OHICAOO. Dec. 10 m — The »t age wholesale meat prices have J »1 dipped latt per cent Ui the p « t yT le two . monUu, and attribuUs Uio ' ^ >- dedlae to seasoa Increases In sap- jg= * - fwprfjumU the country's major, meat packers, it Te^ said yesterday top grades of beef l H were sclUng fnm 1 to 4 cenU a Jl pouaa_betair...£pa^5U ^ at 1 ^ F IN A i;': ...v?'' EDITION . : ““ PRICES CENT) tnd Top n Global at Cpnfal ian canvassed “the world situation” w "no policy decisions were made" at the' discussions induded tho Korean armisl BCt. 3y a week to fly back to Washington yesi -------------------- day. H o m et in thc cabl . room of tho W hite Hc n P T I '^‘th the joint chiefs of st and top figures in the s' 1*T defense departments. 1-1 Prealdentlal Secretary'Jos X .X w J . ^ Short told newsmen **rhis me< thU mortUng discussed the ^ ' m o rn in g to dtuaUon. No policy decisions JW M l'. itiona. Be the conference wai ling Tuesday tended by Secretary ot De: eir meetinirs ectfng Secretaiy of i Ji T nS ^«bb and Uie seenUries ot at the Turf uiree armed sendees, undersecn Whiteholr subsUtutod for Seen said h e ex- of tbe Navy Klroball. Oen. ( ted cnncmM. Bradley, chalraun ofthe Joint e I J-.22 £l!r oJ **t Ul wUh Uie cbU . dairy proa- ,tai£ oj uu ^tTy ans -------------------- fo«e. H. Freeman BAUtbews, dt Ga- «• undersecretary of sUU also att O td te Short would iiot olaborata OJ •nw brief report.. He was quesU V rIflT I ebout Uis Dea 37 deadUne for J Uement of maay Issues Involn - ■nyr , Uie Korean negoUaUons. [l lu e cL *^rea was among tba n t XT.»v<^»" dUcussed," Short sold. But ^ n—Delegates to phaslxed the conference'was ess todojr.stres- confUied to. Uiat subject" sUto pubUdty Allsys Tesslon td on WheUier Seeking to allay tension 1 by Industry or grew out of the sudden annoi ment Saturday tbat be- was .f tended that tbe back to Washington, Afr. m Commeree ap- told reporters Sunday: 3 study Inaugu- “There U nothing'.wrong— e pubUclty pro- get it Into your minds Quit thai I fUidings to the Is oomlng to «n end.”. • ae chotnber. Mr. Trumaa said th* eontc Spsaks w iube foUoWfd,by ftmeeUni ,secreUry-msn- Atty..aen,ae*rtje|OtaUi. Chamber of Ttu Wbtt«.aMw Siis molnt "we first begin reeolnte tUence on pubUibed n itlng tbe peo^ m > v Tnmua la wdjfor sucb a sp the ;;iK ept*M ' T irfi'ZSfliiiflfl eretaiT cf the nduced to take eeUmato of daman, .. However,Mre.Tff.'K.Bogard. >t O re g o n ,o w n e r of Uie Ooo* Cola Bo Agenoy, lO IJilrd avenue, i )Udty program g^ld the eroeete te w ^ to “ ito It is not beUeved te have been iged Olbsr toan by smoke. Sb st tourist trade employes are busy oleanlnc n ^en. plant . 'oUtoea buUdW wlU be rawlred b o t: 3k of Idabo they la expecUd to be restored'‘Ta Walker declared. She was not certain It thi Ulons of dollars would have to be replaced, ^^'^erttslng." tnicki Hlo, secreury of theb^moraSd^aen «r, sald-M n- loss but the cUiers were to i Dected unUl the p^ted and nue west, said bo hopes to h entiating iU ef- k. business as a s nossll! ‘if ^ probably opea at anoUw tion. He sold writmen.we xai pride. moving hU equipment te deti T? ------- * If it would sUU ofitnte. NftHIPn The buUdUig w u described i.i< U iK U tte more toan a shea afUrUM >1*t*V SpSIT Some stock In a Toom ttsed ,ny »3Cat Lumber compan 10 «>>—Pred A. Fourth avenue west w ds Nebr, pubUsber by water and smoke. The ro 8. senator from Qamaged. succeed tbe isU Egypt May, St« I British Relati S"JS‘'SimS iwJwSnS&'SS-iS. roidm Mtoutti r ^ * decUtaa crtUe.»j™un, ^ WyonUng and Noted at Prices , 10 m — The •t'^/ ?V eat prices havo ent m tho past y/f C . 1 atlribuUs tho ' f 1 WL Increases In sap- _gpre«en^.tbe. J

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Page 1: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S


■bCanyon ] K prom ote■K,Lr.”"'z.-1EH“,Hells canyon O ntario, ( ^ K f f l S w n l t a U o i e r: M ^

U ? “,S .™ """» “ rf

/ w W . “ adopt#IB. m iff- o*^'' to "Beeurijxtfcy ch»liTO“ ^ m e n to t . t

»hleh « t “* aJlU BMt meetlns. T h e r t pftrticularlUcoij »n m olor ateund to the top poat a t „ o „ e n t I

•ecurlty a(fl«n tlK ted included T he tiniDB. WtWr. treasurer; tookswipir t f correspond- ho Powe:J, ifli 33 dlrectora. Jo h n m uned *'iJ

'ace Court . »r Drunkenrirers appeared In Twin Fail }f drunken driving and a youi mulaughter chargcs Oct. 17 a (ninninff a stop aitm - LAwtin. 36, 1655 F ourth a> $8 eosl« in police court a f te r Wvim.' Tho court rccommoni [ieeiae (or one year. Police Ji ned Miss Austin she could , i—---------------------- sentence

D s e Work th_ , guilty 0ict Getting

ly at Meet J / E ”m x Dec. JO tw—Top CJty otitfncUlt m e e t here to - women atim on or o ther repre- KlmberljrRts moXof th e sta tes to a (35 bon<

ot expandlnic re- USO bond.(Bpoblle works projects. Haroldto WiKtor Charles E. ;ntUT «J D erew e R ob- » c h a w

l ^ ^ a a d D e t o n M ^ u e . ace PumpI I ^ K ln n to r M aitl; Tlelsch* so n sa ll «

^ H q t d s d to explain a t the la n «h en

A ^ K tk s lm t le r ia l s w lU b e - dlson a rt slreet to ]

Wm 1» biar w « i. 2 * 2 ?.. ,

^ K c d i i n j * 8o\& e rapha- charges 0 iw necessary to * ^ e

6 l ^ | ; r e a * b u t l « r - a l o n e

Oear .Judge Ihil dercnse pro-ihuuns Into high on tho yoi

, t ^ ^ p t o w l U be s h a r p e r ___ “

Big ^orincd u i v l ^ Repi

■ •a s " S -= r AnH la eommltUe p a r is

» ii»JdenUon has


* W l eaitt-houw d e f e w ■ c4nm rnee-l« t T hu rs- ^ ^ a ”

7 / B _____________ He sold

ledal Goes Korea Vet, 23 !?r£.,W M Dec. 10 ajJ!>-.T7,c BBreemcm«W the consTc.islonal rival easl

to S?t. l/c\. diaaraiamRfdrt5««:-ei.n -B em ar. I r h f S i■ I« routing communist m ittee waiK o r ^ n h i m n a o n e - r e |« r t t o .

w*oia wldlcr. a' member a^sepaA tInlaniry division, was felt Uic «

* ^ k l n g out five e n - four naUW itffflrnts and kHline _fW troops In his a ttack, t i

»nld was made E X D 6 :'«injiy Insurm ounuble - J

^ betn je t tor prescnta- J . t v W’art w hlch-nor^aU y WASHI

WMI y by the President.’’»» U cn routo haaio * 5' ^ I®®

*M ,thc army said J * « lhe SDih m edal of

'‘ the Korean w ar. and law yer

----------------------- only durl]

hreatensto ' HOil to Soviet ^

Inn. Dec. lo U W iran to o tte r

product*-lor 5®^** ' Of her aaitUltes u n - • “

tnko It o tl Ira n 's lam tdlatrw plta l _ti

I ^ W ^ t r - n o M t i n Patem l 2 ^ ^ * “ nitfcnce Iran 's d ip - S“ '*

^ -------------- th e mo'Bo a t e d

10 o n - M e o , ! ^ _{ th e sas ^ ^ H * ^ d e n t board, le l t ®

a t Aroo ,^ ^ ^ ■ • t o m o r r o B ’ u td a t “ • ’ ^ ^ ^ ■ J c r a m e W ednesday. *■' '

3 ^■ " " Z ® - - J w

_ A Regional Newsi

otruu i c iu 4BdCwiiHjr M«wa»tp«r

[ Backers Orgj ;e Approval oftiy. M ountain Home; Herb Charlese, Lewiston: Jud«e 8. Stanton. W ash- csIIpirlo, Ore.; Jam es Donart. WeU- “a t the KroiId Frost. O ntario; Jo h a Jones, cem lng theinmde, Ore.; Oeorge arM oO eld, dam. e; Olayton Dsvldson, Boise; Judge su15 Clark. La O rande: D r. Paul th e nutionfll Ick. Knmpa; Clarence C arter. advocAtcd ll Orande, and O llnt^n B olght, opment ot :r. taxation, iipose o t the new o rtaa lsa tlon , OM r... n dopted by the delegates. wUl be ,ta tS iL ijla secure th e maximum develop-t o e w ater resources o t theEC and Columbia rivers and ^ w hen IjIcuiarly -Hells canyon dom as a irte enicrprir step a t tho earliest possslble « a rlerit In th e In terest oX naUonol perpetuatedrity and detense." State Senle three principal speakers a ll Washington,swipes a t Oov. L en Jo rdan . Id a- dan and Iili

Power company and on u n- E. Ronch oted •'indlvldual group.” Hells cnnyw

t Action Caud in Driving “ 'Fails courts Monday on youth acquitted of invol-17 oppeared in c o u r t on a tuUmmy i

was told las;h avenue eaat, w w fined »ttTOpi to fte r she pleaded guilty ofmended suspcnaion-of-her x : t . - g o 1icce Judge J . O. Pumphrey Ustlfied heuid have Received a jail ^udle^Tei

isic F . Zaglow, 1655 °"i.rth avenuo cast, pleaded «w hi ty of being drunk on aic highway and was fined from a manand $ 3 costs. She was m an accent

issenger in the car driven P»y tiH i . .A u . t i i , , „ S “ ?“y otlieen arrested th e two w M . Tie Isen a t 3:10 a. m. Sunday on t >jerly road. M iss Zaglow posted Henry O ri bond and Miss Austin posted wisp prlvatbond. , scheduled Urold Bonsaii. 353 Buena Vista, the heorln«ihis statutory Umo to answer m eans eubci

a rse of dnm ken driving. Ju s- IrreguloriUe;Pumphrey se t bond a t t2S0 and service anda ll was returned to th e city fraud cases,vhen unhole to post it. Olty of-- ■ Cohen's tI followed Bonsnll's car on Ad- IntlmaUonI avenue w est from Quincy ofdclals hact to Plve Folnta west. _ alleged atteiAph P . Butterw orth,' 19.' MO < «» Teitelbiner street, w sj flfied i io and peoe lawer,» ts In Twin Polls p o U ca .eo ^ t s u ^ m m l t t t

pleading guilty to running a Teltelbounsign. City officers a rrested him (C«iUai.<rday evening o t F o tu lh street ” and M ain avenue.e Buttem>-orth youth was ac- ▼* U i i .ed of involuntary m anslaughter _ _ ^ges Oct. 17 by a d istric t eourt / ^ n 1 iT he charges w ert filed a fte r ^ c t x X

I BellB'Nelson. 7, was killed by —srworth’s car la s t Ju ly i ( four fJ souUi of Tw in Falls. V j X ^dge Pum phrey pointed out n » Th) was no previous conviction shriekinB16 youth's driver’s license. California

—— --------------------- sandhlastlna

g 4 Completes a.'™”'" :eport of 10-Day whipped th(

Armament TalkslRIS. Dcc. 10 RI^-Th6 big four » “ “!!! ini completed today a report on • secret 10-day dU arm am ent h e

G eneral Assembly President PadUla Nervo predicted Uie re - , ^ * ' g will have “serious and g rea t . au b u t I

ilcancB." warned off ile Mexican d iplom at acted as Sundoy w rm an of the big four meeUngs. the Los An said east-w est disagreements 78-year hist exist on a num ber of issues o f time low, rC' ir importance. was 37J).It, he added, th e negoUatlons B u t elsew ugh 11 sessions "appeared to w eather w I helped to widen the areas of flurries spre em ent on some points", of Uje sou^eastw a 1 east ond w est proposaU for Colder a ir c rjriam ent • ' “ «»IS United NaUons political com-eo was scheduled to U ke up th e P '" ”®- ^er l tomorrow. Inform ed sources ^Uie w csU m powers m ight Issue .

parato Joint declaration If Uiey the final cotnbined report of all jnorning fr naUons need clarlfleaUon. lowt. o n ly i

— " • ------------- ture was lis'

:perts Forecast Prosperity in ’51A SHmOTON, Dec. 10 fliV-The m ^ l n i on WlU enjoy conUnued prosper-i l 1853. Wiu> InflaUon the only *c cloud, according lo two gov- ^flcnt experts. -c re tw y of Commereo Charles I n p K l* , yer described Uie businesspects fo r nex t year as “good"— T \ » q /»ss Uiere U a ll-o u t w ar. X i a vlce Stabilizer Michael V. D i- M17RTAT]B said controls wlll be needed w ealher maduring Uie period th a t A meri- last few dajindustry U building up to enough t o t

: producUon. support a t T hat 's w

..y r • . found o u t sMovinff va

t h e KmUi e en tral d ls tjlc t i S “ too» a lte u n it wUJ be ctosed T t« s- y to move to Uic fonnef^ob- •etrlcal buUdlng a t Uie old hos- jjo w from

Jl. I t Is announcedacUng d lrecU r. ^ , t said ° t ^ s

a im u n it personnel have had w

ftwalUng S i t w rn we m o T ^ ’^"^ ® to -p cn iilt Becauset Also closing ■:^esday to niake

. w . M oort, county supen-iw r. S t r a “ “ g , ' . ' ' w a sp u U ^ .

r ■. _ __ -

a l N ew spaper S e n ln g

____________ t w i n ;

)rganize [Sta of Project P f

C lm les Baker, W aiU Walla.« h - . called for an understanding p m < 5T?t Uie Krsss roots" of facts con- , « O IS E ,« ilng the proposed Heiu canyon to " a d c q u i

.----------------------------------------f ic f a ta l l t i warned Uie group e ig h t p e r <

e nations! debt m ust be oaid and . Ivocfttcd tlwt 11 be done by devel- . ' ' f ' 'm en t. ot natural resources, no t 8 t a t c po llc xation.-----------------------------------------t r a f f i c dcj Oeonte Donnrt. W elter, form er w i th 2 1 2 f ale legislator, snld hc believed In McCoy sal r te enterprlje." bu t added: to motor vel "When Ij the power Industry a , “ThU yeai te enterprise? Idaho Power com- >n m otor vci my Is a monopoly protecUd and pedwtrlans. ;rpetuated by law."-------------------------- * ^ e super S l j l . s , n . . c i „ k » „ , i ,u ,n . D.. S ; “ 'S ? a oshlngton, accused Governor Jo r- H e added in and Idaho Power President T . u rban death Ronch ot dodRlng a debate on the “T h is ven

ells cnnyon haue,-------------------------- adeouate en -------------- ---------------------------------- A t Uie sai

:audle Told 1“ Of Fix Case, U . i

Friend Says .-pWASHINOTON. Dec. 10 OR — X w f )use tax Investigators developed jtimony th a t T. Lam ar Caudle - ' PA N M l ts told last August of an alleged nccuRDd tl tem pt to shake down Abraham +r.z“ ® _ , ilteJbaum lor tSOO.DOO Jn a "tax t im c s m o r r case. _ _ _ d e m an d e dr. T .-cohen. an A tlanta 'atlom ey. w a r o r iso i jUned he got the .to ry from kailtelbaum and passed i t on to v ic e -A a lUdle, then nn assistant a ttorney t lo n , couc, neral, on Aur. 20. a p p ro a ch il

DeUllf olTcn R u t B rHo said he gave Caudle soch de- v , , t .,i_Us as Teltelbaum's nccount of get- UCKOIS, lg a mysterious Ulephone call d e le g a tio n jm a m an who In a fcutUral. Oer- m e n th e n in accent advised him h e had i t „ . . . . , m r p .y thc K O O m “ “Cohen quoted Caudle as com- S ta g e II 1 snUng. “T h a t m ight b« O m en- dem and. Ud. H e Is a Dutchman." "Wo cert

To De Witness refuse, butHenry Orunewald. o w ill-of-the- no method sp prlvaU InvesUgator here, U he said, neduled to be a witness la te r in D«e hearings by a house waya a sd Kuckols t fans BUbcommllUe on charges of tem ntlns t •egulariUes In Uie U x collecUng rvlce and tn the handling oC Ux ^neutral lud casea. t i . . t—Cohen's tesUmony was the ‘first nuesUon. tlmaUon Uiat high govemment ^ «S,“ ..vqIc, ticiaU had any knowledge of Uie h r o ^ d J u :eged atU m pted -shakedown" be- w,tter re Tcitelbaum , a .fo r a iB r -^ Ca- *ne lawer, spilled his S o ry - to Uie ^bcommlttee iast Tuesday. . rennlsive Ui relU lbaum tesUfled Uiat last i

^ind Raises “ California to G eate HavocBy T be Associated Press defenseless

Shrieking w inds swept southern pose of exl4 illfom la today, flailing crops, n io r t fortur ndblasting automobUes and snarl- curtalJ ; transportaU on — oir. s e a 'a n d seemei id . alliea* next iBlasta up to 75 miles an hour ilipped Uie smoko from smudge- ^U WlUl w hich growers fought to ve Uielr crops from Umperatures a t plum m eted as low as 16 de* —^

l ^ e ^ ^ l n ^ 's t r ip p e d p o to trees. M c K U tered highways so badly Uiat A f f o p m y were closed to troffle. i l l U i t

AU b u t ufe*l w S * ^ p # were Ifl Si im ed off th e seUs. ^ A a rm tSundoy woa th e coldest Dec. 9 In

ne hw_, recorded tn J a n u a :, , 1D«.

B ut elsewhere In the naUon. the 000 profit (lalher ' woa scosonable. Snow apiece modiirrles spread from tho G reat lakes McKinne:utheastward to th e Appalachians, "no pollUcilder a ir chilled th c New England prioty were id w esUm gulf states, b u t,.itirmed up slightly in Uie central ; alns. I t rem a n ed cold in Uie west.

W arm ing Been P « “fSome w arming up was forecast ^r southeasU m Idaho, where Um- ‘a iner wasratures climbed slightly thU Reeordsom lng from Sunday morning's ceedlngs irws. Only ono below tero Umpcra- Kinney's pre was lisUd in th e area today, a giooo InvesInus 0 in Pocauno . T h a t was tbe the EmpUme tem perature recorded Sunday, philadelphlIn Idaho FalU, where Umpera- y , . t figureres dropped to 1* below lero Sun- . , .ly mom ing, today’s minimum wos .?o above. I t was four above In oodlng. seven in Burley, 18 inJlse and 12 in Twin PWl*. m a n d e ^

some peop

ce Breaks Under Tractor on Lake „

MURTAUOH. D e c . 1 0 - T h e J K Q I 1 < eaUier may have been cold for Uie * * s t few days b u t i t hasn 't been cold *1 Clough to freeze ice thick enough to X C ipport a tracU r.T hat's w h at Roimle Ooodman PENDI<E lund o u t Sunday when he drove hU 8l-year-cld lUier’s t t a c u r o u t onto th e lee of hours in oi [urUugh lake. T he Ice broke and digging eq cnnle took a cold ba th . him. w u bT he high school student had been At the I auling a sled and was scraping h e w u U k i low from th c ice a t the same Ums. cue In sui fh«n «hrtiiL son from nhnn» the ripftnrS.dC :e gove woy ^ d the rea r wheeU “gooJ.“ t tho traeU r.sank .tn to th e waUr. Thc ran O n the sled a t th e Ume were Ken 61. vas p t

ee and W es Mowry. Larry Good- wlUi his f lan and BUI Goodman were along the walls u t were n o t on tho sled a t the Ume. (PS'D ywt Because Uie Ice wus only turea auil t a B.'he

ne-half Inches deep Ross D enun. Ford's 1( hose truck has a power winch on the tiero ol , eould n o t drive out onto th s lee wss lielpln ) rescue th e tra c to r . By uUng rail- b u t- '* a s- ' jad Ues to f lo a t th e ira c to r and an when the i tra long pfece of rope, th e traclor Jumped In u puUed. to sbcu'e. fother out

' A : I ...............

I '- - - ' C s r v A f / , 7 / -


State Traf fi Below 1950

BOISE, Dec. 10 (U.R)—A low urban c 0 “adequate enforcem ent facilities," h ic fatalities during the firs t 10 mgntl :lght per .cent below those of 1950,

This was the opinion of K. McCoy, su tate police traffic accident rccords dl ra ffic deaths from Jan . 1 to Oct. 31 vith 212 for the same period in 1950.

McCoy said O ctober had Uie highest deaUi Usl o m oU r vehicle traffic acc ldenu . . •

*ThU year's faU llty Ust from Jan . 1 to Oct. n m otor veWclo colluions. «9 peoplo U lled to «destrlans. and seven in m otor vehlelo-tiain-o

T he supervisor sold “thO’h lgh Uistones of m lon-coUUIon accidents again indicates high sp< naln VlolaUons.'*

H e added th a t 173 ru ra l traffic deaths had b< irbon deaths.

"T his very clearly polnU o u t th a t th e low u uie<]uaU enforcem ent fscilJtles," McCoy ssid .

A t the same lim e. McCoy sa id thero had be« tttal occldenu, "w hich Indicates a decrease li a taliues per fa ta l accident.;;.________________

U. s. Envoys i Reds of “Bk

PANMUNJOM, Korea, Dec. 10 OJ-R). iccuscd the communists today . of h jm es more repulsive” th an th a t of the lemandcd the reds begin talka tom omvitr priaoners.-------

Vice-Adm. C. Turner Joy, head o t t :lon, couchcd his demand fo r prisoner ipproaching an ultim atum . i

But Brig.-Gen. William P- ^ t j • vTudtols, spokesman fo r th e ^ Jtt,< lelegation, ■ later told news- nen thore is nothing th c al- A i v f lea can do nbout it a t this itage if thc reds re jec t the Kc

"Wo certainly hopo they w on't e eo U Lefuse, bu t if they say no, there is ^ NaUoiu> meUiod of forolng th e Issue," jj,mor r tle said. the frosei

Dem ands Ftoyed day and iNuckoU said th o reds were a t- u . 8 . <

«m ptlng to blackm ail tho allies g^ d flro n to accepUng th e enem y dem and made onor -neu tra l" policing of on orm ls- 0 ,8 cente: lce by sUUing e n th e prUoner

T h e -voice of th e U JI. com m and ' .?jroadcasts from Tokyo were even

- ■^piis- - i i^ h m \ i i a f t - * T I T l i^ is a thouiM Kl tim es more

•epnlsive th a n U i« .ord inary a c t o f tidnaplng by th e lowest lo n n of. ni»trlel ** rangsUr. should n o t come as a :ompleU surprise to th e free world," fronts, h e broadcast sold.-------------------------------g , j

no sU ges H eld 10 red j **rhe communUU havo long held Monday

lostoges fo r ‘nuisom* o t one type or U. 6 . plai m other in Europe, pe rhops th e in sweep; no st b la tan t exam ple of th e tacUo The a i a ia n a te s fram red China, w h e n derje t u Jie communlsU hold thousands of shot dow iefenseless vlcUms fo r 'th e sole p u r- Ssturday Mse of extorUng money from th e ir Eight n o r t fortunato relaUves outside the fronUine roij- eurtoia.*’---------------------------------- and th rt

I t seemed likely hero th a t th e a t Bund lilies* nex t sU p m ay be aw aiting in - suits, itnictions from W ashington, w here o th e r President T rum an m e t w llh the road y a r dilefa of sU ff today.------------------------- BOC n

----------------------------- Uiey h ll

McKinney Assails “S. b Attacks on Profit In Stock Trading S 'WASHINQTON. Dec. 10 lfl — nnd 386

F rank E. W cK lnney, DemocraUc naUonal chairm an, said today ho _and F rank M. McHale. hU close po* ' R UUcal friend, each m ade a f a s t MS,. .000 profit on tnveslm enU of |1,000 An ei apiece made in 1 0 « . fc

McKinney told a news conference “no pollUcal Influence or Impro- priety were Involved." “ y jn t

Angrlty h e charged th a t nsws« con paper headlines describing tho . Blood profit were phrased so they m igh t }5 done mnke hU children " th in k th e ir or frier fa ther was a dam n crook." one vc

Records of a bankruptcy ,p ro- ft^m t ceedlngs in PhUadelphia give M c- near F Kinney's p rofit as S74.000 on thn donatec •1000 invested in common stock of Btooc the Empire T rac to r corporaUon, under i PhiUdelphla. b u t M cKinney sold weeks i th a t figure Is ‘‘laaecuraU .” ' paling

“Is I f ctlta lnal, ts i t unU w ful fo r i, DemocraUo chairm an to hold business InteresU?*' M cKinney de- manded aC th e new s.conferenco .-IT some people h a d th e ir way. you would have to^go to some abbey and “

^ rpftTiyr to head iMxty.**

RancHer Trapped ii 18 Hours Broug!

PENDLETON. O re , Dec. 10 M V-A caUed U81-year-old rancher, trapped fo r 18 to tho yhours in an IS-foot well w hile heavy Leondigging equipm ent churned about down tohim. w u brought to safe ty today. • caved in

A t the Pendleton h o s p l^ where ting an<he w u U ken a fte r th e d ra to U o re s - about Ucue m sub-freezing tem peratures, againstrifytnrn d u cTlbcd-hls condiUon a s remalnei“gooJ.“ ' I t tool

The rancher. N orm a V ina Ford, digging61 VOS pinned to th e well b o tto u nearby TWlUl his fool under a p lank w hen U undeithe walls caved in a t 11:30 ojb . wstched(PST) yesUrday, A t 6:30 th is m om - llghU, J

Ford's 18-year-old son, Leon, wa* rescue. : the fero of Uie rescue operaUon. H e foreed >was helping hls fa the r sink the w eu men. *n b u t - ^ - w e r k ln g on th e surface In s .', . when the walU coUapsed. Leon W hen Jumped in and began digging h is was broifather ou t w ltb hU hands. {Neighbors pu t to tx

r - '


M D A Y , D E C E M B E R 10,-1951

ffic T o ll IP] >50 T o ta lu r b a n d e a th r a t e , a t t r i b u t e d ^ I t ie s ," h a s k e p t . I d a h o ’s t r a f -0 m o n th s o f t h f s y e a r a b o u t >50,:C oy , s u p e r v i s o r o f t h e I d a h o o r d s d iv is io n . H c s a id I d a h o O c t . 31 w e ro 197, c o m p a r e d 11950. ,deaUi Uat. wlUi 31 deaU u a U rib u u d to p m ill

m in u t e1 to O ct. 91 shows 04 people killed n c iro t ia l killed to non-colllslon oeddenU , 28 le.liatn-oollislons," MeCoy sa id . i u r . 1 nes of m otor vehicle eoUlsions sind 'I h igh speed and InatlenU on aa th e _ ^

hs had been recorded, a s ag a in s t 36 I f l f l

Jie low urbsQ death ra ta Is due to _

J had b « n 197 people killed In 173 necrease In Uie num ber of mulUple >*•*

---------------------- ----------------------------- A b o u• a t t e n d t's Accuse

BlackmaU” sr ’10 aj.m—T h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s r . o t b la c k m a i l " a t h o u a a n d t o f t h e lo w e a t g a n g s t e r s a n d „ « to m o r r o w o n a n e x c h a n g e o f

:ad o t thc U.N. truco delcsa- j r l s o n e r d is c u s s io n s i n t e r m s ^ r f n g p

* * * * en t pric9 Red Attacks

K nox. Pl

Are Routed m T.wlsi„ rec tor of

Korea Combat iSSBzauL . K o ro , D te . 10 W l-C n l t - S d l u ’oa!

ed NaUons forces th rew back a in e Affuiiitminor red probing a ttacka a long unnd& v i Uie froxen K orean w ar f ro n t yester- day and today.

V. 8 . eighth arm y com m uniques Id ah o Hesaid f ire of tho feeler str ikes v e re tb e Idol:made on the cttstem ' fron t, th ree in Idaho Mthe cen ter of th e on associaUcwest. sore asso

The cominunHjues repo rted no C ream Hother significant ground acU rlty . . O -J * •

A N orth K orean broodcaat by t« - J "^PT, X&0Z.V1

fron t o u r arUUsry U pounding e s e - * t«krT ar xny podUons, la iuc ting lerloua dam - Susloe ages on the enemy p eno ta je l and 5” “ ^ * ' maWel.** I t added U iat m lu ll pro- vailed on the een tral a n d weatem N a m ^ i fronts. Moralng,

V. B. flfUi t l r force JeU sighted °10 red JeU o v e r.northw est K orea * 5 .* ^ I Monday bu t m ade ao conU ct. T he ' U. 8. planes faUed to see » red planeIn sweeps over th e a rea Sunday.

Tho a tr force said a^^P-«^ T hun - derje t and a n F-Bl M ustang were . shot down by communist g round lire S U » L t S alm day.

Eight B-39S a ttacked communUt fronUUie posiUons S a turday n igh t and th ree o thers bombed a bridge ea t Bunchon w iuiout observing re - rom tsoi suits. , (CMt

o th e r SuperforU pounded ra il­road yards in northw est K o n a . "D .*»»»«

BOQ n igh t bomber piloU reported I W O a l they h l l 176 vehicles and 3fl railroad U * „

The Bepubllo o f K orea (ROK) anny headquarters sold lU anU- | / guerrilla foroes In tho -south fought 10 batlles Sundoy against some SOO M A N I reds In the Ohlrl m ountains. RO K trop ical officers said '143 red* were tolled cen tra l : and 3BS captured. 13 perso ____________________________ a n d wr

Bank EmptyAn empty blood b a & a n d o r- resoonde

ders for 30 transfusions faced .rf the community blood b ank a t jh .* Maglo VaUey Memorial hosp ital - n d hun Monday morning. FomUiea of w h iU paUenu needing blood were be - i_ _ tog conUcU d (o find donors.

Blood was received from only . tm c tu n 15 donors la s t week, U relaUves or friends replacing for paUenU, one vo lun te tt and « jo - :d o n o r c te from the M arba Woman*s club near FUer. N lneUen p lnU were ,donated Uie previous week. » g . .

Blood bank personnel ta ld under the .community p lan , two weeks noUce is given to parU cl- paUng organUaUons to arrangement* to h a r e theU- donors ready. Because Uie bank was well stocked from M dona-

nora to appear thU week. “


ed in Well for ought to Safetycalled to Uie ecene lowered bucksU h a m etto Uie youUu th ree B

Leon hsd hU faUier uncovered _N am frdown to the knees when th e walU KenneUcaved tn a second tim e. Leon, spot- co u n d lting ano ther section o f th e wall Soot stnabout to give way, braced hU bock Oralg. sagainst the crumbling secUoo. He T h e :remained there for seven hours. I n conn■ • I t to M r u s n o n g for a-erew-wlQT ttg a tto ndigging e qu ipm arrive from 'The Inearby UmaUUa w here M c N ^ dam a n d LoiU im der construction. As hundreds d a to latw stched under Use g lare ot search- ju d g e Ullghu , John M orton o t th e McNaiy tlo n to

rescue. He h ad a S t-inch Iron pipe Xoot ms foreed down around th e trapped men. T h a t prevented fu rth er cave- Btn a .', . -----------.......... ..............................B O IS

W hen the pipe w as In pU ce, Leon ease ofwas brought to Use surface. H e w»* by tbepu t to bed » m ild case of shoclt. dojr—«

. ...................

_______________ -— ■—

Nine Itriga tcd I d ^ b CountlM

MmbW •f.JLadU Ou AMOclilad P m t *1

P r e s id e n A id e s S

O u tlo flWASHINGTON, Dec. 10 ( f f^ P r e s i

top military and political ad n se rs to m inute conference. Tho W hite House negotiations but wore no t confined to

M r. Truman cut short his Florida

Idaho Dairymc Meeting Ser

A bout 250 delegates w ere register* attend tho 28th annual meeting of th t soclatlon, Int:., and its seven affiliate

Tho dairymen’s group has schedule a t tho Turf club. Affiliated groups sc! Monday, w ith a joint banquet a t 7 p.r club.

W . L. Hendrix, Boise, dairymen’s pected consldcrnblo discussion agaii slonal action to perm it duty-free imptucts. Hc said this opposition ---------is based on tho resu ltan t -^ r flooding of the m arket and i ^ e C higher taxes fo r subsidies to . b ring prices to parity . Pres- | ; ^ |1 en t priccs aro abovo parity .

P rincipal speskers a t th e two- T v ^ i day aeries of meeUngs a r t W . D. i l O K nox. Port Atkinson, W is., edlU r of a dairym en's pubUcaUon; John T . W alsh, Chicago, a ssis tan t dl- rec tor of tho American D iy MUk tno InsU tuU , Inc.. and L ym an McKee,MadUon. WU.. execuUve direc tor i t o f th e WUconsln D alrymen'a as- socloUon. «

AffUiaUd organlzaUons meeUng ^M onday Include the Idaho A yrshire * Breeders assoclaUon. T b # Idaho ®Guernsey Breeders association, tbe « Id ah o HoUUln Breeders assoclaUon, April lr th e Idaho Jersey CatUe cluh. tb e 'Idaho MUklng Shorthorn B re e d e r assoclaUon. Use Idaho MUk Proees- sore assoclaUon and Uie Id ah o Ice C ream M anufacturers assoctotlon..

O . J . BoUme wUl be toastm aster ^ fo r th e Monday, n igh t bonqust, M f M H E XBox, v U ln w u rstockrTor a P ^ £ i D t 'A « r l o u l t u f l B l H H

Business sessions .of U te A y n S group«were held a t the .S ogerso tf h o to l.r»n charge of B en MalltW 3? N am p4 .p rosldcn t.aadA .D .01»pU r, J * ” *® M arslng, se c re to ^ . * . 11 Is ft

H ie O uem sey breeders also met a t th e Rogerson hoUl. O fficers In c harge were Leon Fairbanks, Boise, p resident: H . A. SUele, Ooodlng, ‘“ L * ' socre tary a n d A. W. Telfer, S alt L ak e City, fleldman.

HoU leln breeders held th e ir meet>Ins a t the P a rk hoUL H enry D rury, ** .27^ P reston , is president. WUllam Stev- ena. M eridian, socreUry, and O . J . ^ Plowm an, Logan. U tah, fleldm an. operate

Sessions of th e Idaho Jersey th rougl C a ttle club were eoadueted In U » Bblel Rogerson hoU I by G t e ^ V aughn, slon a t , (Cm Ui><*4 m ris*'4?t«lamB 4) day cat

- ' •‘»inks

RoaringTyphoon SSiJ Hips Philippines;

12 Persons DeadMANILA. Dec. 10 W -A raging t h J ^ o

trop ical typhoon ripped th rough th e - r h o f s cen tra l PhUippUies today. I t kUled ^ 13 persons, le ft thousands homeless Hgbe: a n d wrecked mUilons of dollars th a Na w o r ^ of c r o ^ and buUdlngs. guit*' A s th e 138-mUe-an-hour storm publlclt

churned in to th e Sulu sea, A P Cor- a t least respondent F ra n k A. W hlto n p o r t- th e s ta ed from Cebu Olty on Cetm island, t ig mis th a t a t leaat 13 persons w ere dead (orU oi a n d hundreds homeless. i>rogru

W hiU said virtually every build- noans Inff made of Ught m aterials was w recked pa rtially and m any large T > n h structures lo st roofs o r susU lned X U U o th e r damage. Oebu bore th e b run t I J I , o t Uie s to n n . r (

O n Negras Uland. between Cebu a n d Fanay, Uie Philippine News service esUm ated properly damage ^ In Bacolod O lty a t $350,000 im d said 3,260 were reported homeless. SfSSw

Some 88 mUes south of th e ty - e phoon's p a th , dyUig w inds and ^ g.. q u ie ter seas perm itted rescue ves- sels .to resum e evacuation of 33,000rolnsoaked, frightened refugees __from Oam lguin isUnd. where Hi- t io k - H ib ^ v o lc a n o conUnued to spou t m olten rock and ashes. ^ ho l

Perjury Charges S t , Dismissal Denied ®*B«o

BLACKFOOT. Dec. 10 <A>)—D ls- pubUsl t r lc t Judge K ales E. Lowo h a s d e - Seatos n led defense moUons td dismiss per« of ^ fu ry Indlctm enU voted by a B lng- dentla! h a m county grand Jury against lu h in g th re e Blackfoot m e n .. sas, 8

N am ed In ih e InQlctment a re C olon K en n e lh Taylor, a BUckfoot d ty c o u n d l m em ber: A. J . Davis, B lack- T lA f ' toot sU eet commissioner, and B . A . l ^ C l C ralg, a g ravel contractor. . f

T h e Indlctm enU charge perjury J t o connecU on wlUi the Jury 's Inves- CHI

'The th ree m en pleaded Innocent a se v a n d Lowe sold he would se t a tr ia l dipped d a to la te r , probably in January . T h e two . i

• ju d g e took under advisem ent a » c ^ ded lai r t lo n to dismiss a similar* charge pUes,L ggaim it JVanlc Bmlth. f o m e r B lade . Tho s Xoot m ayor. oounu1 ---------------- ------------ . said 3

BOUX,BOYt8TRICKEN were . BO ISE, I Dec. 10 ( ^ I d a h o ’s 138th pound

1 ease of pollo for 1951 wa« repo rted tem f, I by th e s ta to health departm en t to> e f M

d a y - « fi-jcor-o ld bqz a t BuUL M o i^

I P H p - EI5)unlle*

JL«4U Oon.B t t CttmUUM . < . . . l«l P m t ttd UnlWd Pt«»

;n t a n d 1 S c a n Gl(

o o k a t C(H-Bresidoat Trum an canvassed “the Isers today, b u t “no policy decisions ) House said th e discussions induded rined to th a t subject.Florida vacation by a w eek to fly back-------------------- ---------------------- day. I

^ . . roommen Open 3"“->s • t tsenes Here thia mo■egistered Monday m om ing to »ituaUot g of th« Idaho D airymen’s as- iffiliated organizations. bq ulicheduled ita m eeting Tuesday tended oups scheduled th e ir meetings a t 7 p.m. Monday a t th e Turf t h w an

W hlUhsymen’s president^ said h e ex- of t ^ n against proposed congres- ree im portation of da iry prod- (ta f f ot ----------------------------------------------------- fo«e.H ,

Need f o r State Publicity PlanN o ted a t M e e t sBOISE, Deo. 10 lA -D elegfttes to phaslxec

Uie All-Idaho Congress todojr.stres- coafinec sed tho need for a sU to pubU dlyprogram, b u t differed o n w hether 6e«kbi t should be financed by Industry or grew oiUie sU U . m ent 8

TTie group recommended th a t tbe back toSU U Cham ber of Com m eree ap - told reppoint a committee to study Inaugu- “U te iration of a sU U wlde pubUclty pro- get i t lagram a n d suboilt Us fUidings to th e Is nomttApril tneeUng of th e chotnber. Mr. 1

S o p e rt Mo b Speaks w iu be><m aaA W hittaker, secrtto ry -m an- Att^.-Q

agar o r th e R u p ^ C ham ber e f Ttui 1O eo m ttce , proposed “we f i r s t begin reeolnU

»T prove to th e I ^ is la t tv e th a t

S ta r t Fro fnuB ' rKyle W atter, a ec re ta rr c f the

Coeur d'Alene oham ber, suggested ' t t ia t o fU r Qie SU to C ham ber of : Commerce h a s s ta r ted a pnbUdty

program “periiape th e highw ay de- , p a ru se n t can be Induced to take eeUmat

; W .I te m W O ut O twoa, *il-, to n a and m any oUier w estern sU tes ^ - —07

operato th e ir pubUclty programr th rough tb e highway d e p a r tm tn t iS S iimI Sh ields in opening th e discus- gf, slon a t th e first session p f th e two- front p,

day congress, sa id th e to o r ls t dollar a -alnks Into every p o ck e t" He .said about WiXOfiOO comes In to Idahothrough tb e tou rist trad e annually,- i t u no b u t added th a t IdohO'ODd Wyominghave th e two lowest toxirlst trade employ

I iDcomea In Uie naUon. p tu it .T hink of PoU toea buU d^

* ^ e n people th in k of Idaho they {■ expe th ink o f poUtoes," WaOcer declared. She w

I “T hat's because m inions o f dollars would 1> bave been spen t Ui advertising.'* o n e' Robert SunfnervlUe, se cn ta ry of th e bla« Uio N am pa chamber, sa ld -n o re - joss bu

sulU sbould be expected unUl th e pointec> pubUdtT program h a s » budget of joi™■ a t least 450,000. He said in p ast y e a n sh e e t 1* Uie stato pub lid ty board “made Uie n „ , „■ big m utoke of concentiatlng iU e f- j - w I forU outside th e sU te. Som e ot the —

program should be d irected to Id a- tion . 1* boons te devetop local p rtd e.* movlni

1 Publisher Named‘ For Wherry Seat1 LINCOLN, Dec. 10 </p>-Fred A. P o u rtt* SeaU n. Hastings. N eb r , pubUsher by wa ' was appoUiled U. 8 . sen ato r from a«m«g ‘ Nebraska today to succeed tb e Isto

Republican floor leader, Ben. K en- 'T 1 _; neUi 8 . W herry. T he appointm ent J i g l* w ss mode by R epublican O or. Val t ) ‘ Peterson. D ’ Seaton, 43. wUl se rre ontU a suo-* oessor U elected a t U » general eleo-■ Uon nw tt November a n d qualified f O ^ » by t h e % t e canvassing board. “CTerlJ

He u a midwest le ad e r of tb e g r tta h Harold S . Stassen fo r President forces and h as served tw o term s

I a s a sU to senator In tb a Nebraska ^

one-house legislature.

Before comUig to N ebraska as- pubUsber of Uie H asU ngs 'W buno- Seaton was acUve In h is hom e rta to* of K ansas tn tb e AU L andon presl- ^ '- denUal campaign. H e now bas pub- rt uabiag InUresU in N ebraska. K an-

sas, SouUi D akota, W yoming and e Colorado. • ______________

t Decline Is Noted For Meat Prices

- OHICAOO. Dec. 10 m — The

»t age wholesale m eat prices have J »1 dipped la t t p e r cen t Ui th e p « t y T le two . m onUu, and a ttr ibuU s Uio ' ^ >- d e d la e to seasoa Increases In s a p - j g =

* - fwprfjumU th e country 's major, m e at packers, i t T e ^ said yesterday top g rades of beef l H were sclUng f n m 1 to 4 cenU a

J l p o u a a _ b e t a i r . . . £ p a ^ 5U ^ a t 1 ^

FIN A i;': ...v?'' E D IT IO N . :

““ P R IC E S CEN T)

tn d T o p n G lo b a l a t C p n fa lian c an v assed “ th e world s itua tion” w "no p o licy decisions w ere m ade" a t th e ' d iscussions in d u d e d th o K orean arm islBCt.3y a w e e k to fly b ack to W ashington yesi-------------------- d ay . H o m e t in th c cabl

. ro o m o f t h o W h i te H c n P T I '^ ‘t h t h e j o i n t c h ie f s o f s t

a n d t o p f i g u r e s in t h e s' 1 * T d e fe n s e d e p a r tm e n ts .1 -1 Prealdentlal S e c re ta r y 'J o s

X . X w J . ^ S ho rt told newsmen **rhis me< thU mortUng discussed the

' m o r n in g t o dtuaU on. No policy decisions J W M l ' .i t io n a . B e the conference wailin g T u e s d a y tended by Secretary o t De: e i r m e e t in i r s ectfng Secre taiy o f iJ i T n S ^ « b b and Uie seenU ries o t a t t h e T u r f u iree armed sendees, undersecn

W hiteholr subsUtutod fo r Seen s a id h e e x - of tb e Navy Klroball. O en. (

te d c n n cm M . Bradley, ch a lrau n o f th e Joint e I J - . 2 2 £ l ! r oJ **t Ul wUh Uie cbU . d a i r y p r o a - ,ta i£ o j u u ^ tT y ans-------------------- fo«e. H. Freeman BAUtbews, dt

G a - «• undersecretary of sU U also a tt

■ O t d t e Short would iio t olaborata OJ• n w brief report.. H e was quesU

V r I f l T I ebout Uis D ea 37 deadUne forJ Uement of m aay Issues Involn- ■ n y r , Uie K orean negoUaUons.

[l l u e c L * ^ r e a was among tb a n tX T .»v< ^»" dUcussed," Short sold. B u t ^

n—D elegates to phaslxed the conference'w asess todojr.stres- confUied to. U iat subject"

sU to pubU dty Allsys Tesslontd o n WheUier Seeking to allay tension1 by Industry or grew out of th e sudden annoi

m ent Saturday tb a t be- was .ftended th a t tbe back to Washington, Afr. mCom m eree a p - told reporters Sunday:3 study Inaugu- “T here U nothing'.w rong—e pubUclty p ro- ge t i t Into your m inds Q uit th a iI fUidings to th e Is oomlng to «n end.”. •ae chotnber. Mr. T rum aa sa id th * eontcS psaks w iu b e foUoWfd,by ftm eeU n i

,secreU ry -m sn - A t ty . . a e n ,a e * r t j e |O ta U i .C ham ber o f T tu W b tt« .aM w Siis m olnt

"we f i r s t begin reeolnte tUence on pubUibed nitlng tb e p e o ^ m >v T n m u a la w d j f o r sucb a

sp the■ ; ; i K e p t * M

' T irfi'ZSfliiiflfle re ta iT c f the

nduced to take eeUmato of d a m a n ,. . However,Mre.Tff.'K .Bogard.>t O r e g o n , o w n e r of Uie Ooo* Cola Bo

Agenoy, lO IJ ilrd avenue, i )Udty program g^ld the eroeete te w

^ to “ i t oI t is not beUeved te have been iged Olbsr toan by smoke. Sb

s t tourist trade employes are busy oleanlnc nen. p lan t .

'oUtoea buUdW wlU be rawlred b o t :3k of Idabo they la expecUd to be restored'‘TaWalker declared. She was not certain I t th iUlons of dollars would have to be replaced,^^'^erttslng." tnicki

Hlo, secreury of t h e b ^ m o r a S d ^ a e n«r, sald-M n - loss but the cUiers were to iDected unUl the p ^ t e d and

n u e west, said bo hopes to h e n tia t in g iU e f- k. business as a s nossll! ‘i f ^ probably opea a t anoUw

tion . He sold w ri tm e n .w e x a i p ride. moving hU equipm ent te detiT ? ------- * I f i t would sUU ofitnte.N f t H I P n T he buUdUig w u described i . i < U i K U tte more toan a sh e a afUrUM >1*t*V S p S I T Some stock In a Toom ttsed , n y » 3 C a t Lum ber compan10 «>>—Pred A. F ou rth avenue w es t w ds N e b r , pubUsber by w ater and smoke. T he ro 8 . se n ato r from Qamaged. succeed tb e i s U —

Egypt May, St« “ I British RelatiS " J S ‘'S i m S i w J w S n S & 'S S - i S .

r o i d m M to u tti r ^ * decUtaa

™ c r tU e .» j™ u n ,

^ WyonUng and

Noted at Prices, 10 m — The • t ' ^ / ? V

e at prices havoe n t m tho p a s t y / f C .1 a tlr ibuU s th o ' f 1 W L Increases In sa p -

_ g p re« en ^ .tb e . J

Page 2: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S


S t u n t s E v e n

R e p o r t e d f

L o c a l S c l

BopIuanorM won tlw Tir h lf li Kbool itu n t WMmbljr fourUi cooMcuUre y u r Prii w ia n e» in 60 poinU toir d tlc o u h lp oup.

; *T<t«r Bru in u id Nevn lA n d ’ w u Uw Useme of Uie m o n Itun t. Ronnie B rrn s pi P e te r Bruin u id B «rb«r» Bt k ar. W endr. Bob lirdu ra p< B ud Crou; DkTld O haner, U le tt; o n id Block. J m r Ktrr O u t Slmmoni. B ob NeU bufcetbalt ptojren. O U im CMt .wera Judy B o t» rt w Slmmonf, c h H r lu d e n ; C u B tuubury . LorrtJna L#njdor

. on WftUlM, M argare t Coc « J u d f Sturseon. girls in Neve

M>ka-up v u u nder dlre< Q t^ la Pitcher. ohalrDMn. I Bwlm, l*W ynn Potter, Bnd t« n e n , D o lo ru . Perry, eh. J e u i Bevan, Joanne K altlli R a th rm MertlU w ere In ch CMtumes, w ith Jeanne I M arrle RoUi. Bob Chlldre OUfford BlrreU In ohargo o:

Directors o f scenery and at«ce work were Je an See. I B U lr, Allyn D lnste and i Plero i. John CKapman wa« a n d director of tho itu n t , wit lena M auu, seneral chalrma

Ttl# Junior itu n t wai b» D u f ^ i Tavern. Dudley Cree od the part of Archie; Bob S Duffy, and Joan MUler, Ml« fy , Eddy waa portrayed I B tvkej’.

o th o r ju n lo n partlclpaUn: J e r i7 Doden, Joe K ins, t a r n y . B m Myer*. A lbert Mlnai Lydum. P a t Daly, Bob U KanneUi Boyd, D alo.TU Jej Ltanm. r iv lnd R«ia. 0 Sweet, B u n Lansdon, Blit Oi « r. KenneUi Abbot, Bruce m d R ow te Mellon,

Bccnery and bacfcstaso woi tm der the direction of I I,uke, Dorothy Brown, Bob V MOd Dean WUion. M arilyn :

I t i r i ; ' ' Z%yUU Taytor and charlea * wera teneral chairmen.

' T w lneo and V lctorette." i • I . ' , ; : •• o f t on "Romeo and JuUet," w

| | aened u th e senior stun t. T l

Jonaance opened w jth an o w ritten and played by Uva

. ■ymphony” directed ^ Ralp I ^ l a n e ,

Twlneo waa portrayed bj D u r and Vlctoretta by B ett

- B a l l O thers participa ting wei O onin l, Beverly NeUon. O U h. Bob H a a rd . o la rk M O arl WartMTf. R o o v . Tyler. H oorar. D ro. Adama, Paul Kaym ond Peck. Boas MlUet Bpencer, B o b R lchardi, Q uallt. Bob MarUn, Dale ; JUobard B o y d , R eu Arr O aU urlne Beymer, Kd AlUion, W hlteildea. L arry Ohurch. rradrlekK m and KelUi Jena

T be ecrlpt w u w ritten b U m a r. Dlek Day. and R«

-K bck w u

M o n e y S t o l e iT tU m s took batween t78 a

from Ui« offlee of th e Text pany . aiB Maxwell avenue. I 3 p n . Sunday a n d TM a is

c i ty offteer* said en try w u b r breaking a window in th door and opening th e door, r

' tabtlshm ent l i m anaged by O strander. N othing else wi turbed.

3 : The H o s p i t a l

I « i VUltlng houM a t the Mag: U !: ley Memorial bo ip ita l are I l i i ! a to 4 and 7 to 6 p .m .I I U ! - ADMrrrsDI I H I Mr*, ^ a y n e M urphy. OI I H Wagner, Peggy. A nn Kuyln M M n . Harley M athers. Ous■ IW II I Kenyon Oreen and Mrs. B<H I , ahlre. aU Tw in P^Us; Mra. :B I Perkins and Olenda Love, botn , taug h : Sgt. pa lea to Sm ltI ' Opi. MarUn Frer. boUi McII . . Home; Mrs. B iu b e U i C U H agerman: Mrs. R . M. MustI sen : M n. Dean Call, n ie i H ; Charles Pierce, Kimberly; I H V o a , Buhl; Noble FochUnar R ta c t. Nev., and M n . WUllI I Boatright, CuUeford.I I I DISMISSEDB 1 M n . Bruce Lamb and mi<K [ Verne Stanger and m d . BaW , ; Keegan. Mrs. Thom ai BollngiIV Id D orothea W right. Peggy Kuyl

IM n . H arry Newman and » M rs. Je ts Hurley and u n . a Falls : Mrs. Shelby WlllUn

I aon, John Turner and D, C,IIL i: m an , aU Buhl; M n . Pred Rl{| l { M n . Joseph Baker. boUi n iN l R er, W. T . Armstrong. Kl:j V ; A lbert t« rse n . Rogerton. artj I j H jetm a Poulton. Oakley.

I j W e a t h e rj i i From t ip a s d AP Bepo.U |-l t ,j , Maglo V allay-M oally cle.| t I SI I s lg b l a ad TuMday wlUi ane

; i l | - rica eo C a m u pratrlA L«'{: pcrattire tonlgbt 14 la ra!, ; . e a prairie, n ig h tcm pera t

. B o rrM 22 In valley, SI enI I ! i Twinr PalU tcm pera tsre a tI I j - /______

l i I'i ; nurnlrtk*'*!___________ S»

IIIi ' , n I I iJI , ■ o » d « i----------------- IBI f I i ............ ..— ”£ ' I rottuiiB _ u

R J i 1 n S T k ' s ^ i i i i r ^k , ! I (UK Uka Clbr________Itf ' ' --------------njV I ;1 ; ??l“‘V.H.----* " " ■ " iJ

J' ' . Thev're DeUciousi

T h ep ’re Home-M o


n i |i FREDERICKSON'Sj m j r ' M » K a te A m B M t - P b «

HI. ■ ■ r .

• e n t K eep the......................... o f a a f c ty - F l :

dforichool lla Twin PWU Umbly for Uie B l \r Priday and H .I toward Oie l l ^ 1

Never H aver l r " '* V LDf Uie sopho- Hme portrayed U Vr a Shaumae* ■■ m portrayedley, Leo B a r t- fioto 10 d ays w lthov

» S S “ ,5 tr a m c d e a th In o u r U

Lorenzo Robbin Buried at But

direetlon of BURLBV. Dec. 1 0 -F u n e ra l, . t ^ K a S r « >ee» L o r ttito W. Robblnt

■nd M r ™ held a t J p .m . S a turday In Uie; J«y L D S f l n t ward church'.iSflfS ■»“ -w. <"'"‘■‘1'In charao of P J » y " “ »e funeral chapene P o s to n ™*de by Davo Taylor. Organhlldreu S d >“d8 and posUude wero playi« « of o i ^ Hoggan. InvocaUon w urge Of prop - ^

, .nrt W k . « " • OU* Wllllama and Mawklni. BoUi wcro accomp

iS ’ the ptano by Jay B tn u i .*’1:. MaUiewi. accompanied a l Ujb

»»’ MaUiewi. w n g . u didIt. w ith M a r. BulkJey and Jam et Holyoak. atairman. pan ied by E laine Bachm an.u bsaed OT g p e ak e n were Ire l Oudmui

Creed p lay - uay ijy . T h e obiBOB H e n n e ^ w u given by Biihop Lee and

MU» DV'* odlctlon w u pronounced byred by Joe xiison.

AfltlM pa llW aren w ere I^wcpaUng were Robblnt. D ale R. Haw klni.. U n y H o- M archant. A rthur Craner. OMingo, O ary H arding and Robert Judd . Hon3b MUllgan, paU beartn , pioneer frlend i oiTUley, K ar l daceued , w ere M annle Pli, C larence Clarence Randall, B. O. McCulilt O itran d - Oeorge E. Ferrln , A. T . Oeeruce B arlow WUUam B. Tlnaley.

Flower a ttendsn ta were Ia w ork were SulWW. M " y H arding, BerUia

^)b ^ t eSr w u mado In Pleiview eemetery. T he grave

& F M

Hira*" Mink, 7< t 'E s i Claimed by Des

Uva -sen io r WENDELL. Dee. 10—H iram !R alph M e- cle Mink, 74, died Bunday a

Valentine's hospital In Wendeltd by Dick Mr. Mink w u bom Feb. 23.

Bette J e a n a t O ranU , Va. He camo lo Oldlg wero T om dler, Ida.; In 18»7 and m arriedion, W alter Mae H ushes Spencer a t Shoirk M oKean. Feb. B, 1911, T hey moved to CW e r , Dave lng In 1916 a n d to W endell InPaul B lack, Surviving a re his widow, oneMlUer, D ale son, Breece Spencer. Ooodlng:irdi, KelUi soni, M u to n Mink. Ooodlng; iM e Deagle, Mink. Spokane; D avid Mink

Arrington. Muncle J . M ink. boU% Wendell;lU io n .Ja m u daughU n , M rs. Z lm a Stevens,rch , O eo rte Falls; M n . O airle BarU ett, Wei

Jensen. M n . L aura McCabe. FUer. aodlen by Rosa' V irginia B righ t. WendeU:d .Raym ond broUien, Boae Mink. Ooodlng;n s .g e n e r t l 'Uam Mink, (iddreis unknow n;

Mink, Volney. Va.1 » n d ‘^ ;~ WeUer: and one slst«r. iSn? (

Patterson, Fairfield.O l e n Funeral services, u nder Uie tt78 and UOO Uon of th a W eaver m ortuarjT e x u com- pending.

QU#, b e tw e e n ___

Thanks Given fo L.’S.'SS Red Cross Boj

T L e tte n from G erm any expre ^ U lf ' Uianks for Jun io r R ed Orota se w u d ts- aeveral years ago have bee

celved by s tudents of Blckel scl ' ' "I “n i ls year 48 boxes have been

t4 a 1 B*«kol studen ts a n d are realU S l 2m shipped to foreign countr)#.

■■ Jo h n E . H ayei ta lked lo 2Maglo V al- fourth gradera about th e earl;

I a re tro m ginnlngs of th o city o f Twin : HU laUt w u In connection w

> u n it on Uie study o f Idaho . Hy, C larence an engineer, surveyed the si KuykendaU, Uie city.Ous K nape,

Infant’s Eites HiFuneral services for Charli

S iw m arid Requ* In fa n t son of Mr. and t E O. Reoua. were held Mt

H an m om lng a t Uie W hite mor w w ’ m ST ehapel wlUi Uie Rev. H ermi

, Ar ea Pair Sue(Id son, M rs. BO ISE, Dec. 10 — SulQ, Baby girl $38141 w u broughi by the fe «llnger, Mrs. Bovemmeni today against BKuykendall. O rchard, route 1, RuperU

md son and T he com plaint u y s th a t an«n, aU Tw in [« due on a promissory note /llllams and over by th e govem m ent unde D, C. S tah J. natloK il housing act.:d RIppe and ______________________________Jl Pller; Uie | ~ , T T T

Masfic Valley Funerals

A M BU RL E ? — Puneral serviceJim m y Haycock. In fa n t non o

Besort< Mrs. ArUiur Ha>-c0clc. wr clotadV ta . 3 lp:m . T uesday a t Jih HOT memorial ehapcl. Bi S w Merman Stoker wUl officiate. 1B vaUey, U ^ >” *‘de In Q em Menpera lo re ’ t®. " ______

e t w i n P A L L S -F u n e ra l se^ for John SltUg will bo held a l 3

Tuesday a t lhe -Reynelda fi r . l P f. IS home chapel. TTie B«v. R. C. K

o tllclate. Burial will be ; j *J In th e T ^ n Falls cemelery.

s» ■» DECLO—Funeral services'loI* j : vld Cole wlU be held a t 2:30t t 4 Wednesday a l Uie Declo LDS*i I t Chapel WlUl BUhop Marry Daii l 1? In .C harge. InU rm en t wJB ,0 made In the Declo cemeterj-.

H — {-DIAMON D S -

/ B i r th i to n a

“ t a n n e rIN S M aaBfactnring Jew elerPhone SS« j Acrots from M aho T heatre

' w h i t . ' F i i ( ( ]\o' O i a e HurlU ety -P ly ln i;

B y S e n e s (

Car CraslV ................... -No Injuries were reported liX accMtnta In Tw in F a lla oi

week-end and M onday alUioi V . womsn drove he r c a r into

phone pole and a boy blcyel collided with a truck.

WUdon G riffith reported offlcera he w u on h is w ay h'

^ ^ fourth »venue e u l a t 13:0Monday when a pickup truck

. . . . h la bicycle. H e gave p a rt tOKftOUf 0 llcenie num ber of th e truek .

I o u r UaglC belitrea the rea r w heel o f hla w u damaged a Uttle, b u t :

-• n o t hurt.

i h K i n a D r.K * tr iS ? t^ A S d S jS ii .ai D D i n S yon VllU. reported ho w u

tw > ., 1 ^ . , on Main avenue weal a t 10:1I S U r l e y when a ear attem pU ng a iu u a a v ^ slniek h U left re a r fender. J

- F u n e ra l aerv- damtge w u f«ltled betwe<. Robbins were pariies.'day In Uia Bur- Al Becker, 145 H3 c jju rth with ,txe«t. reported h e r c a r w u> OfflclaUng. Bt Second ttrc e l norU i and!ral chapel w u avenue norUi w hen It rolledor. O rgan pre- th e itr e e t tn d struck a jmtIirere played by owntd by C llfC on 'S harp aiiU on w u given a. m. Monday.}oloa were sung A 1047 Pord sedan drliims and Dale Oeorfe W. cobb . ro u te 3,e accompanied pni),_ collided w ith a 1030

S “ r . s . ! f “H its Pole

* Jin'M O' o r a y . laa W u i T h e o b l t i ^ no rth , reported h is c

2 J l SfK.1 parked In fron t of hi* homi need by ^ ^ e n a 1040 E ord owi

Scott, 377 Jefferson f ^ l ^ ^ U, dam aging th o Ie,lawklns, Evan

Dorothy McWilliams, 103 F f r f e i i i o t ^ r^twrted M onday a ftLnni« p ic k e t ‘h a t u she w u pu lling Into a

McCQiiKh h lna 81. Zdwards- ichool a t I T Oee M d b i l l e d he

• h e r car atruek a telephoni I were L uela dam ig lng lhe c a r extenslvel lg, B ertha HID, lh e pcie w u n o t damai

f” Cash Is Left fi Appraisal of F

ik, 74,

yD A Q f n P rilw l o f the "Kood a n d baJ L / C d U l iiuenee the late P r u ld e n t Fi

--H iram Mun* D . Rosoveli exerted on th e :Sunday a t S t. The money w u le ft by J.n W endell. P irker, 63, Insurance extt Feb 23 1B77, '’'h o died Hov. 30. H e wrotemo to Old Sol- *11* th a t PDR exerted g rea t1 m arried E ttle on the U. S . and th la ahir a t Shoshono *PPrsUfed "lor Uie benefit of ■loved to a o o d - ‘ty b*'®” “ U too la te."/endell In 1037. ------------------------------

o°o5,in,"‘iSS Attend Conventlo s in g ; B laine k iMBERLV. Dec. 10 - I ' ' y . Olbba, Kimberly. U ono of 80I Wendell; f w r fannera who a re a ttend ing t

WoasI F a rm B ureau meoUng 1 r t a t t ,W e n d ^ . cage. T h e delegation le ft f FUer. aoa M n . ecmtentlon in a bus loadct

O o o ^ S s h o * a t Uie meeUng,^ Ih e rs trom ^ U a re a wl

* » a ttending Uib conTentl. «r, M n . o a cp » IatoIIo T h o m to n rW rJ .X a n U

« d » U l. i t o o ■“ r.

r ! ” ” Contract Rejecf _ _ BoiiSE, Dec. 10 tm—The

c H l U r - land board h a s refused to T> w ntxact I t had wlUj '

S i j O X e S Product*, Inc.. S eattle , o< , sta ts Umber lands In E lm ore i

any expreu lng s u t« U n d Comnysslom ed Oroas boxes w ootley explained U m t thi ) have b e m re - trac t h a d expired l u t Augu Blckel echool. no extension w u . g ran ted lave been fUled company w u behind on slaj Id aro ready to p o u i a n d o the r m a tte n ,I countries. •

'H r 'IS ' Officers Appoirnectlon wlUi a BOISE. Dec*? 10 (IB -w iU l

Idaho . Hayes. Bolen, O rollno, h u been api>d the site of to the Idsho sta te poUce fot

Stste Police Supt. A. P. B----- son ta ld Bolon will go to U1^ ^ T T .,» 1 J Cammon po rt-o f-en try staUL 6 S i l e l C l w eeks train ing be/ore■«.. A «*l»ned. lo -me new port-oi

held Monday FIN ED ••v ^ H e ra a n ^ C 8HOSM0NE. Dec. 1 0 -R oyr L « « mndo was fined |1 0 and tm ik Monday momlng by Pollco

Ila Corwin on a charge of^ , drunk and disorderly. The fl)

r S l l P f l sw pended on Uie provisionL O U C U Shoshone. He Was a)h — S uit for Saturday by M arshal Lute Aby the federal --------------- ---------------------------

B w i j i j a j w i r« th a l am ount i — —ory note u k e n 'le n t under the C ^ ^ 5 > V ^

^ i f

a l services for • '1 *Ult son of Mr.

d ri i Jeep's ^& l “ f f i S P».». I t ’i a lo t cheaper. ifflclate. Burial j - • =3em Memorial

Uneral services 9 held a t 3 p.m . ynolds funcral!V. R. C. Muhly ^

will be made # __ ■

B ic y c llervlces lo r D a- #d 'a t 3:30 pm ,

H a r ry ^ a rr in j^ 1951-52 liccnscs '

“ n ' “‘ O fa n c s t im o te d 2 , ----- ‘ licensed.

I 0 C - -----------------------T he-Police-D «por


Twin Far i c s of Official VWU/ - t 1 Oeorge Oochnour. BoUe,I . 1 * f 1 f i l l P i S I m ent security agency f a rV i l . C t S U C B » m ent supe^U ar. VUlted Uiereported In m inor office Monday.n F a lla over th o • ----------Iday alU iough one Votera M ert Tuesday

c a r in to a U le- O roup No. 3 of th e Lboy bicycle r ider Women Voten wiU m eet a

>ck. Tuesday a l the home of Mreported to c ity Evans. PslU avenue. Thehla w ay home ot wlU be cn pubUc assbtai

• I a t 13:06 p .m . ---------ckup truck struck U ch ts DefecUve» v e p a r t c f .th o Lloyd Myers. Twin Fallj

<lne of C9 and $3 costs Momheel o f hla bicycle j , , ,ppe*red In JusUce cU tle, b u t ho w u pi«*dad guJUy of drlyJng a j

h id e w ith ^ fe c tlv e UghUv S d ^ . 3 5 C a n - ClUd by a s u te pstrolman.

.« £55 “uis S S rS S .r r 'L ,r , 145 H arrU on *he Idaho Induttrr c a r w u parked lng Khool. fit. AnUiony, lorUi and Second afternoon, n I t rolled a c ro u ■'uck a parked e a r p m n U ItcqnnU d 'S h a r p a t 11:31 Sw iri and company filed

permit appllcaUon ; ledan driven by wiu, u ,e d ty cleric to ren , ro u te 3. T w in partitions, relocate another th a 1030 Bulek pair a celling In Its bulIdlr V lrgll CoMd a t Jtourth avenue souUi, a t

ay on Kimberly mated cost ol »1 JOO.iars of tha cars ---------

W m Speak In Jerome Pole , Mrs. Msry Ann K nlgh

188 W u h ln g to n central dUtrlct health unt rU d h is c a r w u vising nurse, wlll speak a t ( h la homo Sun* ome high school a t s a . m.

E ord owned by on the profession of nurs Jefferson street, said Uils is a p a rt of the :lng th e le ft rea r program of vocational guldi

cusslons.sms, 103 Fillmore --------o nday a fte rn w n Trucker Fined Twice

David C. Darron. C ata l M r .f i / u • paid-two fines of $8 and

U le n h o n t ™*ia «•<* .Monday In Justice coi pleading guilty o f driving o Plfed license and failure

n o t dam aged. ^^u tratJons fo r two tru I — L posted a 1100 bond followlnii 6 l l l O r police Sunda

i lo fF D R ^ t. —. 10 M V-A P hlla- Monday blrUis a t th e Me000 fo r an a p - ley Memorial hospital lr od a n d bad" In- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. r u ld e n t F rank lin shire, Twin Fa lb , and a so d on th e naUon. and Mrs. Wayne Murpli le ft by J . Brooks Falls. Sundsy births Includi urance executive, ters to Mr, and Mrs. R . ) H e w roU In hU Haiuien: snd Mr. and Mrs.

Tted g rea t Influ- Perkins. Murtaugh. and a sc nd th la ahould be and Mrs. Dean Call, PUer. benefit of posU r- --------

Marine Beleawd '--------------M/Sgt. KelUi A. Renstroik n v a n ^ n n has been released toV l t V t J I l l l U i l duty in the m arine corps« . 10 — Don D “ccordlng to InformaUon sei1 one of e O ldaho W. Ully. local recrul i tu n d ln g th e n a - Ren»trom had seven um ew UnK ln ChU « ” ' « I" ‘he m arine co .ion U ft fo r th e *hlch w u spent , bus loaded wlUi Pendleton. Callf.

a n d p o la t« # to ----------------------------

1« a re a who also M p l i B u r n s , 5I convention i r e ^ ' r v * • t t

E i s u l - " “ ^ W o s_______I, Ralph Townsend B um s, IT k . J I e r owner of the Magic R A l A p r p n Plumbing shop. Idled a t 3 X V C J C C L C U0 tm—T he sUW morlal hospital, n i healil efused to extend Wm to retire. F o r tha p ast t Id WIUJ Tim ber he w u associated wlUi Uie Seattle, covering Lumber company,

children. He joined th e ^“ J .‘H " : ;

“tiS.'*""______ 1_ He n^arrfed Bvaline Ha:

. . J 14. 1030, a t O rand Island,L D D 0 i n t 6 a 'noUier and sister precedeC

^ ‘Itttth in Uie past year. OU1 p - W ll l la j t i ■£. ceding him In deaUi are h i a bejm appointed Uiree broUien and a sU te ' poUco f w e . . Survivors include his Wld U A. P. B under- cvallne Bum s. IM Rose i 11 go to lhe Me- e iiK r. Mrs. O lla Joyne, :n u y sU tlon for Kans., and nephews and r ew "Hie body resta a l the Wh ew po rt-o f.en lry tuary pending funeral

menta.ED •

10—Roy M ann. ■ ■ • ■ ■ I l l _ 1110 and *3 cosu * I i 1 J ■ Iby Police Judge M M l i H M d U b H A i c h a ^ e of being “

llI M O T n y S T w w * !

^ 1 Jiiiie AILYSON

toll. Y ^ "c k s ;'eaper._____________| ^ __

lOTICE TOycle Owner!licenses w ere d ue on Seplcm ber 1st.

im oted 2 ,5 0 0 bicycles, only 900 have be

ce—D «portm ent-w t}lr-lr»-the-ncoi—fntn: tnd im pound unlicensed bicycles.


_ I M M C D I A m ¥ -----------------

.............. H. W. G ille tteC h ie f o f P o lice


g F a lls N ew s in B rieiPT A H eeU Tenlgbt

ur. BoUe, employ- T lie e t. Edward’s PTA i:ency farm plae«^ a t g p . m. uxlay In Uie acbUlted tha agency'a torlum .lay. ----------------- NaoMd C ha lm aaday P au l Winkler, ton of Mr.)f th e League o f B en W inkler, h u been naiU m eet a t 8 p. m . e ra l chairm an of an au-schsme of Mrs. K eith to bo held In January a tnue. The subject eoUcge, McMinnville, Ore.c aasbtance. ----------— A ttends Cenfennea.

C apt. T h o m u P. Alton, liWin Falls, paid a u n ll Instructor, retum edosU Monday when m om lng from San PrancUJusUce court a n d h e a ttended a five-day «Irlvlng a m otor ve- r tg a rd lo g summer campive UghU. Ue w ai a n d oU)er army reserve miatrelm an. ' --------— B e tn m Frem T esu

M /B g t and Mrs. Cecil ]I b ro th en arrested a n d daughter have returrevening for takUig D a l lu . T ex . where they aU earUer the same p u t m onth. They were aewed over to au thori- here by her mother. Mr>0 Industrial tra in - B orchardt. D allu , who wllnthony, S a turday Twin FeJl*.

— P a r ty PUnnedT ho flrsl dUtrict Nurses’

any filed a build- hold lls annual CIcVUon s a tS ^ a y P*” ^ exchange al•k to rem ovT tw o W ednesday a t the home i tnothpF «nri r» . C harles H art. Pller. com er

« u , . .1' M inority enlistm ent of. J a

son Bates. 17. son of Mr. i ^ „iw Jo h n B. Bates. Twin F a it

navy, w u reported Monde m w k « th i j S r ENC John Larrlbe

w r o f te r here. Bates h as t‘ o'i“i , 5 ; £ . ' l 5 ' . K = "rt of Uie school-s _____mal guidance d ts- Wednesday

Tho mld-wlnter dlnne p inochle party for Uie El

leo . wlll be Jicld a t 7 p, m. Wein, CatAldo,'-Ida'.v T h e tommltteo. Includes :

$8 and IS cosu -Mrs. HnrOid Murpliy, chain ustlco court a fte r and Mrs. Fred Abbott, Mr. i driving on an ex- FrancU L. Keefe and Mr, i

failure to carry Alfred B. Lumpe. two trucks. H e —

: following his a r . p ied jea Sororily ce Sunday afte r- D onna Young, daughter

an d Mrs, A. W. Young, h u— to go acUve In Chi Omei

, . sorority a l U U h S U to Agtit th e Magic V al- college where she b a freshtispltal Include a je n l m ajoring In physicalind Mrs. Bob Ab- tlon.and a son to Mr. __________________

I^SrdjSi?- Drivers Warn OflcyHigh^

1, FUcr. SHOSHONE. Dec. 10 -S h i— Clayton said Monday mom:

h a d been a raih of m inor mRensU-om R ich- *"*1 around Shoshone u a

leased to inacUve ^he Icy condition o t th e 1le corps reservM, f n lynaUon sen t S /S g t. however, and U iat peical recruiter. S e r- seven y e a n of M rs. c. D, Adkins, RIchilarlne 'corps, th e celved bruUed knees and ci) spent a l Camp th e automobile driven by :

band collided wllh a car d-------------- Harold Pollord, Hansen, i

P K evening near the stockyair n S * O d « . l®«l'f C"'' w u owned by

^ . , Pollord, Hansen.’ r l h Q n i T n l Sheriff Olayton w arns alI X l U 9 ( l i l < t l u ta to drive wlth-extremoI B um s, B8, form - L inco ln county. The roads,e Magic V alley a re exceptionally slippery ilied a l 3:89 p.m . dangerous.laglc Valley Me- n i h e a lth forced ..............................tha p ast two yeara WlUl Uie O and D

J89B. a t E dgar, ^ I . ?

rt ?Jfe'Me“tU‘ut O f l ly th b early chUdhood •bersh lp there ,-H e b m 1034. sline H ahn , Ja n .1 Island, Nebr. A ,preceded him In i

year. O U ien p re- \ j l U i ith are hU fa the r,d a sU ter. - ' 'e h b widow, M r^i4 Rose s tre e t: a . __________________

Jayne, W lchlU , a | | ^ H j j j j | | B j M tra nieces.

the W hite m or- [uneral a rrange -

have been -

o r-fn tn re ;------ — ^ ^ ^ B 9 | H | | | | W

Seagram's 7 Crown, 1


;;;;-------- Aid CluldjW ith D d

----- LoU Stone, BoUp. apeechB for th e atate depisrtmention of Mr, and M n . healUi,_ h u a r r a n g as been nam ed gen- achedule of tripe w th aousn aU-school social d b tr te t h e a jtt un it pubJanuary a t L lnfield nuraes tn TwUi PaUa ai,lUe, Ore. counUea.____ ' She aald h e r purpoee.l

anyone of pre»tchool. or iP. Alton, local o n e having speech . P r o b l ^

retum ed Monday cases, ahe a ^ , th e p r ^ ein FrancUco where aerloua th a t s«*Ml.fige!lve-day conference cannot attend school. ),ler camp train ing M ba-Stene spent Mondsreserve m a tte rs . and B uhl ichooU w ith M___ Choulea. nurse for tha t.d lis u wlU be a l CuU eford schcrs. Cecil R. Bmlth day wlUi M n . Roao OUonave retum ed from The speech ih e ra p b t vere they sp e n t the the HollUter school Wednef were accompanied Mrs. Atuie tCnIght. A t 4 plOUier, M n . C . F . nesday. MUa Slone wUls, who wlU v b lt in W ashlngUn Khool audll

eoaier. with elem entary u----- • the local aebool dU trict.

Thursday she wUl alel Nurses’ a ssocb - M n . EUaabelh Sm ith toI annual C h r b lm u Hansen and M urU ugh schuh an g e a t 8 p . m. day a n d next Monday aro ih e home of Mrs.' open for TwUi FalU achooler. com er of U, S. Mbs Stone will be In CaIfaklma avenue. ly i>ec. 18. ib and 30 to ct----- Mrt. Carol T hom ton . pub

nu n e there, and teachenn e n t of. Jam es Wil- return here for a meeUnjn of Mr. and Mrt. public health nurses Dec,Twin F a lb , in the --------------:---------

Services Heldates h as been sent • r a

h b recruit train - VVOman IH B___ BURLEY,. Dec. 10—Fun

Ices fo r Merla lone Ooode■er dinner a n d a l 10 a .m . Soturday In tor Uie Elks I ^ bo LDS f ln t ward church wltlp ,m W e d n c sS - Counselor M artin WlUlam

Includes M r. and

.n a M ,. I K .; H om and the ob ituary wa

■ tin Williams. Speaken wt. . . , Johnston. J . W. Patterson

daughter o f Mr. jy , g . jensen . H al MaUie«foung, h u pledged p ^ ie d by Mrs. M athews, sChi Omega aoclal edlcUon w u offered by Bl(S U U A grtcu ltun l Lee.b a freshh ian stu- Pftiibcaren were Vlrll C

n physical eduea- c . R. SU rk, Clifford Peti: Loas Fewkes. H arold Fe

---------------- Eldred Fewkes.X k F n n n n A F lowen were under UieYV a r i l c a of LDS llrst ward relief sof T » ^ l ___ Helen Budge, Je an lo n g , 3Highwaysec. 10—Sheriff Earl inU rm en t w u mode lr iday m om lng there view ccm eury. B bhop 81If m inor m bhaps In sen dedicated Uie grave,hone u a re.iult o f -------------------------------------

»dU.ivt p m o n only N o . 4 5 A . F . & A,

Clns, Richfield, re . A Spoilt c.m«ices and cuU when WMiBM<*r,irlven by h e r hus. ■ s ». alh a car d riven by B. a, DtHansen, Saturday / »

MaSOlllC T cm pIlunetl by KenneUi Second Ave.I w arns a ll motor- rttzo w. b u d so n w: th extreme core In Mmi«» u rhe roads, h e said,

slippery a n d very • An S o joom en We

y the Finest Is .

ive Seagmm’f c



; 1

7 C rom . B le n d e d W h is k e y . 86.B p , l j

■ i ■

tdahq ___________ ^

' i s * * ® S e e n T o c b i ld r e i i -------- - —

___ Tom SUvers a n d M ax IUng around com er of new

U e i C C t S , , . W orken In ha lf do*

S tm tn t nt tublln “ 2 , , “ J S S i t c i S w ii w . w iWith aouth central ^ V n o e a . . . L ine of oare

unit pubJlo healUi a t PaUa and Cassia

fiUed w ith delegatea to dspurpOM .U to help ings . . . M other pushinghool. or achool age ^lage p u rch u ln g movie Uirobldma. I n aome Large balloon In back a«h e p rw e m a are ao _ . . John Stepbena ridingAool.fige ChUdren ujuU despite chUly weaihool. V I,»rge chunk of Ico faUlrn l M onday a t FUcr , . . Silver doUar w om u ts w ith M rs. BsUier C ar ow nen exchangingir tha t.dU trlct, She auU perform ance In coltiford schools Tues- and Inquiring abou t prieoae OUon. ba tu rlea . . . Sm all girl cale ra n b t will be a t bundle of papers , < , 6e»1 w edneaday WlUl In line walUng for rodIt. A t 4 D m . W ed- change whUe o th e r lanajiio 'WIU b T a t S e U empty , . . ^ d overhool auditorium to aoon u I P W » W y drtvlentary te a c h m of I *'^nl righ t down, andiu tricu th a t down paym ent on a '

wUl accompany "

P etition Fi]I 'K S S . S ' " ' JIK OM E. M C. I d - A pslU M hw U . removal of m inor chll

“ “I?!: their p a re n u h u been fll 5 bnU court here a n d Judi

W ard h as se t 3 p jn . PWc.ilSJuSMUi il! U»'raea Dec. 31. The petlUoa w u signet

_______ OUarrow, Canyonslde areT T 1 J Me asked for tho removalHeld tor “ »ei

. « . Mr- “ ' ‘I » « • 8U

mK l i r l A V cliarRes neglect and lackJ > U l l e j basU for h b petition.

, 10—F utienu .serv- —le Ooode were held A T T Fvnn m w w ti•day In th o Burley ATTENDS MEETIlu rch WlUl Bishop’s RUPERT. Dec. 10—JolI WlUlams offlclat- local sheep owner, who

pointed delegate from Ida m ortudry w u of- naUonal wool markeU ng c

«abey. Prelude and in Boston, le ft Monday jlayed by Sharon meeting. He will re tu m Dw u given by R u l o n ________________________Ituary w u by M ar- T O O LA T E T O C U

?atterson a n d Ju n . LOST A M P FOUII MaUiewa, accom- LOUTi sund*)', •m«ll brawn I* lathews. aang. Ben* c*n t u » ».ta. aad red by B bhop Isaac ■

re Vlrll 0 . Fewkes,ford Pettlnglll, D e- W § t M " g - a ro ld Fe«'jkcs';jand

jnder the dlrecUon NOW*— E N D S W 1 relief society WlUl ^ . . .m lo n g , L ena Tay- a gue and Rosella ,,.•*

mode In Pleasant BUhop^Sidney Lar-

L L S L O n G T ^F .& A . M.

E S M Itu A, DtcTM2se Tem ple A,—

] Ave. W est '---------------„■)N W :tC U R K ' J l I N

^ ' # 1 J B lr e e n Weleoms * * ^ ® ® 'w v i a i

Is Fine Enough

and be Sure| B | | | | | n B ^ n i | ^ H A w E L L -

. L X . Z p a r

t lc to e

m o r e clear^

C h r is tm a s

y o u r fr ic jii

S e a g r a m ’s

m a n w h o :

w h isk e y .


’tool. 65% Grain Niulral Splrib.Seignm-Dlsllil«

S e e n T o d a y ^

Tom SUvera a n d M ax Lloyd c u t- i e ? ^ ? J 5 l 'lng around com er of new c ity hall h*iH . ^. . W orken In ha lf dozen o f f i ^ 2 *

omplalnlng abou t M onday momln*u k of h eat . . . Fellow ctS S S I « tree t agalnat pedestrian QiljftaIght . . . Poatofflce bulging w ith de lude ulockagea . . . L ine of parcel-m aU en y Mrs. airafting a t w lndow w hen poatofrice ^^’^ner. tecapena In m om lng . . . B oU l lobby U n . b«clUed wlUi delegatea to dairy m e eu ">d Albertngs . . . M other push ing baby car- M n. Bedtage p u rch u ln g movie UckeU . Memh*..i i i e balloon In back aeat of c^^ d u e t ^ ^ ?. . John Stepbena rid ing b l c y ^ u Oecm» S t

isual despite chlUy w eather . 7 e o ^ n f fP ? ^ jirge chunk of Ice faUlng off ^. . Silver doUar w om u Ue cU p. ^ H f 'O n Jar ow nen exchanging notes on,uW perform ance In cold w eather ri^ l .* * 'e tn d Inquiring abou t prico of new AtUrlea . . . Sm all girl carrying bialundle of papers , . . Several cats P*''®n lino walUng for rod Ught to Brsdjhange whUe o th e r lana of Uaffic T. f t i tI empty , . . ^ d overheard: "As *ho acted'soon u I pa ase d jp y d river^ exao . John H

went righ t down, and reclaimed Linehat down paym ent on a bicycle.- Alma Tiiiey,

.. Myers snd Ji

Petition Filed k S "JEROME, Dec. 10—A petlUon for Jw a k and Cl

he removal of m inor children from — ____ —heir p a re n u h u been filed In pro* mle court here a n d Judge T^woa Vard h as se t 3 p jn . PMday u the lme for hearing.

The petition w u signed by W. j . I3'Harrow, Canyonslde a rea resident. le asked for tho removal o f Nancy, NOW I. and Dick, B, from th e ir parenu, tir. and M n . F ra n k Slrucek and ±u.ImrRes neglect and lack of care u ^hc basis for h b petition.

~ ATTENDS MEETINO / WBUPERT. Dec. 1 0 -J o h n O arro, / - f ^

jcftl sheep owner, who w u ap. lOlnicd delegate from Idaho te the laUonal wool markeU ng convention n Bosten, le ft M onday for th#(lecUng. He wlll re tu rn Dec. 10. H H & B O

TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" i i i ^ V i ' i ^ ! LOST AN D FO U N P

XJbTi Sunii>r, •m«ll brawn iMUiar vun*.o n t u b«t««ta > B-tn. aad a pA . JU> .- r t . l l - L t .


viiNNa. ' E L -'-.'m

o ! ^ i # 1 J H p * * N V j-------- - - hB h m - --------------- -- taaBBaawnU


Enough for Ck

be Sure ofthe F'

i l Splrib. Seignm-DlsllilCT C o y i n M f l ^

_________________ ^OUPAT.Iia

Page 3: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

, - i - H IO O

l a tf e e l S)k«cauD- Ba cUben wero to hU Ios rrld*y m ent ot■ M»y tu* curfew lala*. The or, atonn dren undof reor- alreets ai

boiTd of te r monUbowd to -u rgen t 1* r « p i u “Anybo

and thaaot n o r - Icnows th

I C S t — r S e ry i(

u d TLSUU x J u - l ^ e | ^ n | | , 4

____________ _ . service# wi

r s N s n i c d roV‘S < 5 1rw • Ooodlng I

D i m e s D r i v e a ^ .

r i r r t i n of J W l t o r y of 8ho .

S L S . S “ 3,„S;

iu . a . ™ . " ot O’(. hu innounced his J*- S 'w S tr .a n d M rs .P h ll ^

Mrs. Jack E d- ^ taS Urt. Den KlrkDot- ^ ' '* 5 : j y n . lowcIl Anderson Menpwrs J lS n r r u m M e e iv y .,ao«U fiff/o r DJetrtchr«elt. KUllng sftld. nnd cemetery, e, ova w fk«rs wlU b«

; : s ‘ S S .n u „ „ , n D a n c tJU .J Md conUnue to J. IUer U county dl> J . <Ui

fftften, ag.ticbtr. *111 prepare nd- t^ u j,^ i b e p l B C c d l n t h eDWrtch « id Shoehone

Bung by M-------- --------- _ , PartJcIpi

l e s s E l e c t e d s . m"t Ite. 10 Ifl — The Jones. M aoBrtatkin of the N orth- ber, EllcentUoQ for Beeondary and M ary Orie mb ended here wlUi o ia u oltoanlulon members. Oordon L<( «T t on the commis- c lass Advlxtduy jchooli Included assisted bBW. Buhl. Ida. tho prepar

[Progresses D iyjdDte. IC^-The Pente-

dl hu purchased the I ^ ^ E w of Korth and M ain director# n ^ ^ B te s l te c h e storms and company.

N ^ K T n I x bus donated a W ^ B r i jMMnage. I t has ^

and the foun* Siobal corr b r tbe bulldlnz to

£ ^ B r o a t e Kelley reporta n ^ H M l o i t a r t o n t h o n e w ^

on tho fit^ " September

T r a n s f e r s ---------------“ ^ ^ ^ ^ i i t a U h e d by •— » ~

^ Aitxu !/> A Illi. M 11. bkxk IS. ^ ^

K niy] I ^

A m L IN E S :

^ _____

Urgent S m a lHOKKIX.-Arlt. Dec. 10 M V - TIn* and a tttn d ln * school so- Ievents and athleUc coctesU ^

irgeot business to teena*er». -Lonriv <m'*< o h . s s , s

S a . , . h . X S ’’ .Slis force to step «p enforce-It of tho clty-8 ♦0-year-old |S "hV

s : s s w . - p n , w b i u .h l l - s r s ” ,"'.'. Iinaet « asm M w on the S , ' • ets a fte r 9 p. m.. during w in- , , ' . months bu t exclude* those on

S S ”ws th a t daUng and attending ’ies played by th e ir homo n Is almost the moet Im port- . ,

iS -" a s .r .r

•vices Held , for § 3 lirfield ResidentIBPIELD. Dec. 10 — Puneral Nearly evi :es were held Priday m om lng phoned Clntl e Palrfleld Com munity church httfje* W. OwWlJ. who died a t Ing Monday afternoon of a neither, biit

, “ll!rv! J . O. E. Rouss conducted. S'HnrS ervlcea. Bishop J . E arl P « l c spoke. Solos were sung >y R o - oraanliatlon Pond and Mrs. J . Yam ahioto. . “ , being accorap-rnled by Mrs. A - ““ " " J ’ rhu rbe r. O rgan prelude music j , y Mr*. R ay Sm ith. . \„ l ‘"heinVn=Ibearers were H arry U imson.Davls, R. O. N tiser..John U

h P rank P e r ^ , and John H onorary ■pallbearers wero C.

e « Wesley Jones, S. W. S trub- 'em Sanford, T om W okerslen. P t o « n , L » a . E = . u . a K « O c “ ’ 3 ; " “

S » ™ »I t h . M . w n '. elub

nee Is Held by ’ " S “S” ^'airfield SeniorsOIPIELD. D e c . , 10— Camas ones >n (um 1y high school’s annual senior And Mnnlcvas held' Friday evening a t th e odds also-ncschool gymnaaium. T he them e -------------------

“W inter W ohderlaod> was • by t4r». W ayne Pagg. - tlcl'pants In th e floor show f I were L orraine T um er. Ma* I U, M ona H ash. O ordon Lee. P a tI. M ary Lou Davls, Don T h u r- ■ / .

K e n tuas offlcera M ary Lou Davls. ^on Lee a n d Eileen Ross, w ith # .Adviser Arlln C. Dennis, were M ^

ed by th e class m em bert tn mreparations. J

vidend Declared IIBB, Dec. 10 at—The baud ot '«r« of M orrlson-Knudsenany. Inc., haa declared a IB ' 0cent stock dividend payable ^ 20 to stockholders ot record as*. 24. - - g g ^ W. MdM son, president of theI company,' aald tho directors . f j i j pvoted, contingent upon earn - ' f j j ytO 'continue In effect throuaMtf 7 } ^ .013 th e p resent quarterly dlvl- j a ^payments of 40 centa per ahare > kHle first day of M arch. Ju n e , 4 ^m ber a n d December. O T

J E W E L R Y I ^ G I F T C E N T E R

• Efgin • Bulova H am ilton • O m ega

W A T C H E S I V VR in g s. . . Sllverwara

Diam onds

WIN FALLS JEWELERS U B“ L ee a n d i tfo x " ^


A U C T Kwill aell the followliiff a t Public Auc Jerome, or 2% north of the ApploU

WEDNESIlie S ta rts 12:30 P. M.

' mspii4 7 — HEAD I

SMOKEY, GuemBey Cow, 6 yeara BEAUTY, Guemsey Gow, milkin DAISY, Guernsey Cow, ju st frcs BLONDIE, Guernsey Springer, 1 WARTS, Guemaey Springer, be L ADY. Guernsey Springer Heife BUTTERCUP, Guernsey Springe BROWNIE, Guernsey Cow, 7 ya CURLEY, Guernsey Springer, co ELINOR, Guernsey Cow, roiUcinj SPOT, Holstein Cow, be fresh Fc BETTY, Guemsey Cow, be frcBV SPRING, Guemsey Cow, be frcsl STUB, Guemsey Cow, ju s t fresl 4 .coming.2-yc8r>old Guemsey H W hiteface Registered BuU, 17-a

I (Records and D ata

YOUh28 Head of Mixed Heifers and Pfnto Saddle Horse, 7 years old, Surge 2-Uiiit Milker, completo w

60 Tons 1st, 2nd and 3rd CutUn'j 175 Bushels of Com on the Cob

(NOTE: There 1 . ------------------ Cushman-Mo

MARVIN AMnctfoneere . . Oscar and Harold Klaa

^ ' m

m a l l G r o u p T a k e s

L o n e l i n e s s ; R e s ]of Bood «™“ ®n “ vin

^ n l ' " " ‘Ins kin- home.evenlnas." The local \

lehlnd hat cliualflcd advertise- ed In Uie prem . cwrled about two weeks ago for two reascthe Tlmcj.s-tws. lies a siory ot panlonahlp 1iriwomliii! ftciion to overcome and Uie poiMccUng 01 f u t i! i ty .4 ^ ^ y lone- the public to

t was Bboui n m onlh ogo th a t a y 'p re ^ m " * * all group diMuued thfr plight of ' The YWC/ If .‘J “‘ '‘■“" 'c n of »» eses room* freo

nucleus of an organ- meets a t B p. tlon *1111 uithout a name. In the fourth meeti

m /,* ■' 8“ je n « n " i 'f « » • crowded by trhe club lias no officers, no dues itylnR^^j**mc a only one membership require- beyond Y as r i t - M n s on unottached adult o t m b ot mern )d character, T lie odverUsement jo ’s on up a ron by CJurk to rcnch others ijin.,«i.,.'i.,.

; r r x L \" " , r £ r o ;x “ ;:oslnBly despondent. ' S f X ? n ? “Vdearly every p e t^ n who tele- oned Clntk j i r « asked It it wcro notrlmonlBl bureau or a rellRlous ivement. He cmphiuMsed It I* ” ' 1 " ther, but found the number of **^e '•wn.i colllni! u-aa both RraUtylng As on lllust d alnrmlns. tradlUonal vl:iark defines the purpo.-;c of Uie » vountt wldo :anliatlon a.< "no i a mtilrlmonlol en olwoys ar reou In nnj' sense of the word nor tonellnIt a movement for profit except fnen who werI Inner glow th a t comes of lend- odded.: a hclpinu hond to others seek- W hat did Y: surcease from lonellncM." telephone wOf course." he odded. " Ifs a n a t- onswer. hls oiII sequence Uiot romances ond women of al Triages could re.iuJt bu t tij«{ Js unknonTj voJi Idental to the m ain objective of m an anguish I organlMUon." . The m iser lembers of the organization feel mother with lit lonellneu Is coming more and able to glv re to be recoinilied os a chal- money can j ge for study and specific acUon A newly-a this nation's social aj’atem. Ti^ey feen-aje da: 1, too. It has equal Impact' In with lonellne :ry town and city In MoRlc Vol- A lucoessf . In Idaho nnd ever}- sta te . flounderlns < rhe population turnover In Twin searching foi Us adds to the p rob lem -and fa - attached per Uar toces nrc rcpkced by new A mlddle-i M fn Cum reptnccd by newer ones, compsnlonsh d Mngic Valley's .nliort history choracler an Is olso—no eeneratlon a tte r gen-^. ‘T lils Is o i

Celebrate with th [entucky Bourbon-0


I O N S /bllc Auction located 6 milea weat and Appleton School, on—

ESDAY, DECLunch by A

;PERSAL SALE•AD LIVESTOCK— 47, 6 years old, milking now, with 4th calf, /, milking now, ju s t fresh iust fresh, w ith Srd calf ringer, be. fresh January 25th, 3rd ca Igcr, be fresh by day of sale, 4th cal/ er H eifer, be fresh by day of sale Springer, be freah January 2, Srd cal

)W, 7 years old, be freah December 21 inger, coming with Srd calf January 1 , roillcing now, coming w ith 4th calf fresh F eb ru a ry 18 with calf be fresh F ebruary 26 with 3rd calf ■be fresh A pril 4 with Srd calf ust fresh w ith 3rd calf m sey H cifcra, pasture bred lU, 17-m onths old , id D ata W ill Bo Given Day of Sale)

rO U N G STOCKirs and S teera — moat of them shoriars old, well brokenplctc w ith pipes and stall cocks

-------FEED— --------------i Cutting A lfa lfa Hay, Srd cutting bolec the CobThere Will Be No Junk Wagon)

m an-M otor Scooter—good one T E R M S : C A S H

ANDERSON, Owjld Klaas \ Clerk -

_____________ ________ - j m

i k e s A c t i d n t o O v e

R e s p o n s e G o o d , I«Uon living a t th a o ld family ih« anonji )me. phone andThe local YWCA becam t-lnU rest- stance sUI I in the problem, O U rk expUlned, me." CUrk r two reason*—the need for com- w h a t U uilonshlp by \m 4 ttached ad u iu the problei id the posslbUlty o t awakening m an and v i« public to th e need of * Y build- rcjults in I g hero and th e UnportAnce of th e problems. . program. acqualntan

T he YWCA lets th e club use Its ested and «m» freo of charge. T he club qulrem tnU leets a t B p jn . cach S aturday . I ts - n , . won mrth meeUng wa* held Saturday ,1. , o , . Ight The ywOA rooms were jo the firs •owded by tho Uilrd m eeting when ,unply add 1 persons a ttended. T h c elub is these. oUie 7lntr to m eet a need fo r persons a s an c: ;yond Y age. Olark sa id , and th e « xniman 1 je ot membcra ranges trom th e j i i e to ha\ )'s on up. * on the tea:PlnpolnUng the- problem , Olark He sold t lid, "DAUng U norm al for young aUgma soci Braons bu t soclety-lilacea an un ln - people wht mtionai stigm a upon una tU ched companion! d u l t s s e e k i n g com panionship customcd < hcUier they never have been m ar- acqualnUn ed or w hether the ir m nrrlage and ''People omes were broken by tragedy." In this re As on Illustration he c ited socletys matrimony ■adlUonai view of a m an calling n t moUvaUon young widow’s home. "G ood worn- “ e opposli 1 alwoys are fearful to seek reUef more m sn •om loneliness and I have found “ i*' ien who wero even moro tim id." he Ided. *’“*•W hnt did he find in answering Uie o ? thi

slephone when people called to unattachea nsver.'hls advertisem ent? Men and niembers 1 ■omen of a ll ages revealing to an ested In fo nknonTi voJ«f sueh jrJdcspread h u - - lan anguish as:The misery of a lonely grand- ' ' . loUicr w ith ChUdren wiUlng and >ble to give h e r every comfort / ^ loney can provide. XA newly-arrived m o the r and he r § M

ren-aje daughter bo th mlserabJr / T ■Ith loneUness and discouragement. I m A successful young businessm an I 1

louriderlns In tho bew nderm ent of I J eorchlng for recreation among un - 1 • ttached persons of h is age. \ p fA mlddle-ogcd t a m e r hungry for V

ompsnlonshlp o t o the rs o t good horncler a i\d habits. ^"Tills Is o Bomple o t w h a t was told

th the Top i i n-OLD STAGG

^ Y


s a l e ! .west and 2% miles north \ j

EC. l i €trtch by Appleton P . T. A. V.

i— 4 7tl 4th calf, ju s t fresh

h , Srd calf M^ t h calf jH! sale H2, Srd calf ! I Iember 21 ^ January 12

S h <Hmm

if Sale) onlyMs m k lh

hem short ycarlinga-


Lting baled, re s t looso . W s

eon)R 'A i

i ■ [

, Owner ^Clerk - - John A . DantaD


O v e r c o m e ; ’“U K• 1 1 * , - 1 ♦ Jd , I m m e d i a t e " a - s .

ance sUU remains unknow n to rorm eriyle." CUrk commented. ««» fo r beW hat U the club-doing to m eet „le probletnT The orgonUora teel a °lan and woman team gets th e bestsjults in tlad lng o thers w ith olmlJarroblems. A Ust Is selected atnong ^ Now he;aiualntances who m ight bo InU r- bHnglng htIted and who meet c h u a c te r re- H« » l d hiiilrtm tnta. w tlch the 1T he woman sends cards to herJt, the m an lo his. Those w ho came " “*• uI the . first mccttn* were a sked toipply addlUonal nam es a n d from , *iS e . oUiers were read ied . ^AS an example. C lark explained. xvoman names a m an she would

ke to have Invlled. then th e m an •h'” n the team extend# tt»e invitaU 6n. ” £*5*5 :e said this helps to avoid ■ the . igm a society places on una ttached ne »a prout eople who make overtures tow ard jmpanlonship outside th e ir ac- jstomed orbit o t social o r church m a . i equAlntonccshlp. B a l"People should be more to leron t | | ,

I this regard," he declared, ’'for 'latrlmony U no t necessarily Uio lotlvaUon for seeklntt com pany o t Diple opposite sex in th is sphere any lore than elsewhere In ,our scheme r living with others."n ie re Is another club w llh almllor D E P I.

1ms. but Clark said Its m em ber- „ lip requirement of b irth before Uio « » “ • - im of the century a n d th e loss o t B lreet i nattached sU tus by some o t Its lembers led him to become In ter- -*'**"— ited In forming o new club fo r un-

m s > j|\ ROEBUCK A N D c a / / f f

T rinP « l

Xpi P g M

X 'V l V' S-l


S h a w « r C u r t a i n S « t « g ,N w ,S « x * » .W o « = .ro in < ii l le

o n U --------------------7 . 8 O j .„ „M etM i»en**bM ^ol«M 7aj>72. !>•<■••k . ihowaf, iloixlard •!» wln<i«« or> „

B a t h M a t ] > » G i f t S e t » I T f

T fl\ U to* chvnOU. >vih

^Sadh^kO idfC ^ecataH Si

^ FALI.S. IDAHOiiuched personi . wJU) n o ag«. r»- the club . lUtremtnt. - — - - make life

' Unless' you've experienced tone- adultA. He yourself, you can 't know whot their Ibne t mcan.i." he sa id . HU w ife died clety all al leirly seven years ago. HI* three “ There's >0M. tw o nrandsons and two grand* place ot h' Uughter* aXi a re aw ay trom here, smiles, " o

Formerly he channeled hU fond-* you don t itts fo r boys Into youth work, or- don t have un lz lng the original ^ d widely —;riTele<l Oos Mugs jHodBl’airplana . . ___ 'r \_dut) nbout la years ago. and )aUr vorklng In Cub Bcout acUvltles. BHOSh <

Now he's tu rn ing his efforts to l»l»h »chi jHnglng happiness to lonely people, nounced f fle sa id he founjl It rew arding to has betn n ic h the expression change on ’the c h ^ e 1 r»ee o t ene woman who attended a orchestral:lut) meeilng. "She had a w onderful --------------Une playing cords." he g rinned. W Hni Wl

From Uio club’s rapid growth he fears I t mny Qutgroa'' tts meeUng 8 m yonr [ ^ e . T cnu ilve . progrom plans In- «n d W eat :lude dances th is w inter, picnics ^ next oumcner, whatever th e mem- nhaaea (b bershlp decides upon. _

From its hw narjltarlan aspects, i " he is proud to have helped orgonUe

it ym did not n cannot

H IG H SCI^Y on Can Sludy a t Hotne In Spare T im e ar


AMERICAN SCHOCD E PT , TW-12-1D l l i l BroadwayNome ------------------------------------------------------B lreet Address ............... ...

jjU h ■*. ./rh

Trim Your Tree > Packed for "Givir


G n arM tw d F l « y « « i l Hood*

r»ii .to _ _ 3 9 « 9 5

W m h o b l a K r a B l a n k W .

.ffjr iM s" ®y W 'i JOO%*c«J,wo*.


he club i«J.lo_te_fnw adJjat t o _____ r anake life h a p p ie r to r unattacheddults. He teels th e m ultiplicity o t 6H06H<heir IbneUneas w orks again st •» . church ch:lety all along th a line. 7:S0 p. m.

*There's n o th ln s 4ha t takes tha room o t t)lace ot hum an com panionship," he HowardOTiJes. "Come a n d look tu w -e r - if aocoioed Irou d o n t like w h a t you tlo d you Anyonelon’t have lo come back.” Invited to

-D ate ChangedBHOSHONE. Dec. 1 0 -D » t* Of the ** -

algh school ball, originally a n . flounced fof Uie n ig h t o t Dec. 35, ^ias been changed to Dec. 37. TTio * :hange was m ade to m eet the>rchestra's calendar. TK *

m WiB WAR DEPT. TOTED? |oi8 m yonr U53 BL J o s ^ GaleadOF V and W eather Chart! K h a s hU tori- \ # ^ cal p lan ting n o o a Iphases,fU blng,other b h b k m m 1fac ts, a e t i t a t any w l l C k d r u s o o u n te iy -{ r< j r l l b k l

CANNOT riauh

CHOOL gI T im e and E a rn .a High Bohoo)College or U a m a Ttmdfr—


Iway OolOaod 12. Callt.

mPerrin* 1

ee W ith "Pracficq living" . . . Priced

2-pc.'G ift PockedT erry towel o n d woshclot

w frliii co n tra s tin g borders,

Gift Boxed 3-pc. 1Solid paste l te rry ba th , h ond w ashclo th . J u s t ode

Floral Design GiftS m art ennbroldiry oo sol

IwcWSround. InCSudesbo

5 - p e . F i n g e r t i p T c* Postets ond d e e p tones

1 fittest siz* flu<

" H i. and H e n " TA ttractiv* -em bro !dered Boxed Jn se ts o f 2 b o tb ti

S S & \ Big «-pe. Towel GBoxed In s e ts o f 2 ba th , J 2 w ashclo ths. Fluffy

. Embroidered Pillo^ X V -^ Fine w hite m uslin w »h I-

G ift pack*

G ift Packed PillowV W h ite o r co lored border

\ trim m ed w ith flo ral and

M o d e i r o - » y p e G i f tFine w hite m uslin sheet,

• trim m ed w ith hem stltche *dges.

P a s t e l T r i m m e d S_ .G lft boxed sh e e t a n d 2 <

* \ \ V S w hlto m iijlln d d lgh tfu ilv

E A R S ^ S Y

'L A N

PosMl S h M t 5«ls OHHood*c»oV Bowd For GWtwV H ba*

S p ;K e t , J u t t i . .4 S • ^ ^ Tlirtft-piArMlBlMOorolfllT^olevMrNfcw. «

■"■»yHe».epciWp^S«l>d»«vernt, Clf>.fod

f TowalTtett

njnry, ftU at- '

Horineny He«i* P w Hp«>tol>.leau>IMIy W lK gbo.»d fef fllvbio. .

gr^StllRS "_____ ______ _________- - '

P A G » T H m i

- — C h o i r t o E o n ^ : ^lUlUpllClty o t eaOBHONE. Doo. 1 0 - A a x;1 again st •» . church choir will ba

7:S0 p. m. Tuesday ln"UU-*el«]a t takes tha room o t tha high traOdtnlonshlp,” he H oward Knowles, d trw tor» i k t u aounoed Suoday. rou tlo d you Anyone tnterested inJL - Invited to jo la the group. h» a»M


- D a ta c t the ** ' '■ - '- m 'ig lna lly a n .

r.csam?enh GaleadOF Vt h a s h is to tl- V I <Oiarts, m oos I

FREE r r i nLJ L W J>>e®ltlltiatwHbritxEO Es th e M e i

^ i S i St 12. Callt. ^ ^ d S E E l - - —

-------------- n f i T E i i N B t r s u n i R iP*rrln*.Hot*l Phon* 2S

"Practical" Gifts . . Priced to Pleas

l>c.'Gift Pocked Towel S eh■ry towel a n d w ashcloth In solid posteU l l h co n tra s tin g borders. Ready to fliv tl I

ft Boxed 3-pc. Towel SettId paste l te rry bo th , han d tow els 4%i 1 w oshcloth. J u s t odd o ra rd ! i b

>ral Design Gift Towel Setsa r t em broidery on solid p aste l ts r ry A :k'ground. In d u d e s bo th , b an d to w s l^

pc. Fingertip Towel Settite ts ond d e e p to n es In s m a r t ............. V<18-In. g u e s t siz* flu ffy co tton te n y . I

iis and H e rt" Towel SettTactive .em bro ldered postel te rry . . E (ed in se ts o f 2 b o th towels, 2 c loths, d

9 6 - p e . T o w e l G i f t S e t t(ed In s e ts o f 2 bo th , 2 h and tow els, - M foshcloths. F luffy p ^ e l te rry c loth, “ f

n b r o i d e r e d P i l l o w e o i e S e t te w hite m uslin w ith His and H ers o r ^ rol design. G ift packed In p airs. J m

ft Pocked Pillowcase Settl l te o r co lored bordered m u illn ' nm ed w ith flo ral and His a n d H ers A signs.

o d e i r o - t y p e G i f t S h e e t tle w hite m uslin sheet, tw o coses |P n m ed w ith hem stitched , em bro idered 9 jes.

istel Trim m ed Sheet Sett't boxed ^ e e t a n d 2 coses J n s o f t ' Mite m uslin d d lg h tfu lly em brbldared . - “

•tSM * Gift PiilowcoMSI For G htaa ' Hb and Hsr or tlorel Dm Isri

5 - 7 0 ■JWft^)rtcadA»-. 2 . 0 0ykfffrtabw . s«»y wtot — e t s . a in *!*!!ibrfiMlkHor. al—i<«Mn r t r»W»rrl»«>a>w»«l .S abdtm rol,

walSatt Sh»»t»

4 .9 8 2 . 7 9

■ony He«i*i.l..le<>M>IMIy M a i« 9 9 - ta .*•dferflKbio. . w a v n w n

Page 4: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

™ i r — -T l : r

H FAOB r o u > '

l lR iH M <g|«» h W a T*U» U*W. »»4«r l l ^ l l - - ■m rantFTiortI M l «T CABBinb-rATAK

1 | H r : : ^ =

l U E i - ......... • BT HAIl/—FATABLRI l H l l I 'm Um Utk* »ai EO* C«ai0.iK<

i 1 1 “ . ^ = Ill S’«airu'u-5Tz=:------l i l l i r » r --------- -HiUi i -

iN lH i MtiOM rMSlrtd b« Uw ar brI 111' 'tarMtetlm t» b« p«b1l>b«l ■MtliI llT 'l ' n>r*««r lua* ef tbU pt»*T »«nu>i I i i l i , I /' NATIONAL HtPnttI I . u - £ s s - ! s t \ ; ’s :

I H PHOPAGAn i l H average 'Americann n th e Russian propaganda mini I country, b u t he may havi n j l i cepUon of w hat It's like, iifj'il I -receivedl l l l l i li which serves os a good ext l y i l I plete report of a speech I H K I Berla a t a recent celebra

M . Moscow Soviet. The bool U g llshed by the “InfomiBtiI I I Smb&ssy of the Union of

I™ ' publics, Washington. D. C

Tbe following excerpt booklet, wlll give readers

. flomo Idea as to how thi their propaganda for bot^

n | can consumption;III ^InR th a n ever th a t there-areIIPII ters of attraction, In the

1; h an d there Is the Soviet

camp of socialism and dei t f 'B 'center of attraction forees th a t ate struqgllnq

. 1 ,, o f another-w ar, for thlL : peace, and for the right <Ilb! ' range th e ir Uves themse

■ hand, there Is the Unlte< heading th e camp of Imp

'i J a i a center of .attractloc|U : and reactionary forcesiH which are working toI I I U world w ar with the IdeaI I I I olavlng o ther nations.

I I **ln the camp of socli^I I th e past year waa one ofI I r a l l ^ g o t forces, of, eco fi I development, and of rlsl I of the working people. r ‘ j new democracies and the

U l ; pie, having wrested- theli ■ hands of th e Imperlallstli

IIW U th e fraternal assistance c{ ■ I I Soviet union, exultantln H A b lad in g a neW, socialist lirilirn **T» th e camp ot impetI iilP '*** cm tlnued i

!" ' • mestlc and foreign cor

ll aggravation of the gene ! itatlon of the capitalist j o f the entire economy t

o f the preparation for w tack oo th e vital Interi

' people.U | | r r h e u n ited States Is 8I I lng to turn the United Na I I m eat of w ar . . . The lm

i l l lately been speeding up p'I I I The United S tates Is diiflfl establish) new mUltary 1| | i | tb e world, feverishly expt

‘I weapons of all types and' | a | I! der In all com ers of the

b 4 | I thanlfestatlon of antl-wil l l l Is particularly true of <| | | l Is ruthlessly suppressed,m and tatters remain of th

n democracy.' Efven the A

Is obliged to adm it this.I I "As you see, these ge

j c the same tlmo making pr I ' another war. openly Indi I lng and valnglorlously 1 I session of some ‘fantast I Let them, not think the I body with this . . . Let tI j tlemen know that If the:

D|i I the Soviet people wlll be^ ___reception \ ^ c h will wea

lhe ''deslre to atUmpt

1, ments on the liberty and j socialist motherland.

I ' *Tlie economies of thi tic countries, and above :

I are constantly menaced m llltarlzatlon of econom

'1 United States, Great Bi 1! Itallst countries—In In

the war Industries and o |! these Industries a t the c

I. d . ' for civilian consumptlor il'Hji economic collapse In th

r There you are; folks,; i .. telling the Russian peop , ! ; who are foolish enough

propaganda. From varl< I I : • no Uttle food for thoui , I - -prediction th a t we’re fa< j I lc collapse in the near t . I remains foremost In thi

I m iDER NEW MJ: I La Prensa. the once-i

l l ' ; •; Argentina. Is back In ! j ; ' m anasement. In placc

■; ■ •" Alberto Galnza Pqz, thbis f I lj PerortT who is • somewhij o ; What he can do to aL; ■ ; ll w hat hc can do with It

- Pcron Is noturally e:!;- jl ' readership La Prensa coj* !v ' day, so he has rctalnec n r 3t ' - ^ B u t - n o -one' who-TalueilE l l I decolvcd by fat r i raphy. T he old formatf i l a l 'Gifli ' here on. the tI n l Intended ifor I a FrenstIM I ll tnMrt*" I t . win bo: "Dcl l l l PenaZ-

i f t •

t u c k

PTION lATM (0 tba aeiITABLB IN APTANC* . ’ _• tM

----- « CM

ABM IK ADVANC8--------------h t . iK tU i i , ^

------- ~ 1 I4«

P | |•r br flftttr of eo«Tl ot■Mtlr. will b* »abtUM la th« S ir TmI

,.»'..att.B«cM.I»I. »lh»Cod«. ^ o W f A l tpntsEHTATTVKi til* admlnlttt

liuUtA on ftraUGANDA’S L IK E Uw* » ft« th. rldan h e a r s a lo t a b o u t A rra o A C B n da th a t 's flooding th is orlfloAl drU i have on ly a s lig h t co n - beittnninf.

like. itubaUsTMived a copy of a booklet d e xam ple. I t ’s th e com - plou* sdU mei e tch de livered by L. p . S i t y S j i 'S lebratlon m e e t ln i oJ th e booklet Itse lf w as p u b - TbU more e

'm a tlo n B u lle tin of th e tribuccd ui ih n of S ov ie t Socialist R e- D. 0.'* of

lerpts. ta k e n from th e ders of th e Tim es-News 7 th e R u ss ian s d ish up bo th S ov ie t a n d A m eri- uon«. He tu*

th«t d ^ . whl

I t h a s becom e c learer -a re tw o poles, tw o cen - delphia becsu th e w orld . On th e one Uon la toven

jv le t u n io n h ead in g th e d dem ocracv . w hich ac ts *ne tlon fo r a ll progressive in ihb conuti S ling fo r th e prevention Tmmtpltm n r t h e conso lidation of I h t o f th e peoples to a r- smselves. O n th e o th e r nock; axIl. foi n lte d S ta te s o f A m erica btre wiroed : im peria lism , w hich ac ts Witoria pemo

c tlon fo r th e agRrfsslve ces aU ov e r th e world poiiuui ^ to p reclD lta te a n o th e r sen., Robert ,

Idea o f ro bb ing a n d e n - leveroi southig non-pollUcoi i

o c li^ sm a n d dem ocracy, C A u n o N -e of fu r th e r grow th a n d of Uie«e doveit, econom ic a n d cu ltu ra l: ris in g liv in g s tan d a rd s}le. T h e peoples of tho of n u t re u 'iI th e g r e a t Chinese peo - i» t»pp*d tea th e ir de stin ie s from th e '2 a m i c .n . l a v . r . « r e .W t hK e o f th e peoples o f th e ago. m a ft«ita n tly a n d con fiden tly Wentdesiyeda lls t life . ■ »o»Uve clvUn p e ria llsm th e p a s t y ta r STKATtoiled accen tv a tlo n of do - eoat«mpUui

con trad ic tions, fu r th e rgeneral c rW j m d debll- 5 r „ ” Si lls t system , sub juga tion the White Ben y to th e crim inal a lm s Demoerttlo o r w ar, a n d ru th le ss o t- n te re sU o f th e w orking

lor such prods Is s tu b b o rn ly endeavor- M tu r^ bm. t d NoUons in to a n in s tru -e Im peria lis tic oam p b a s una. eu.up p re p a ra tio n s fo r w ar. w ith the mII doUlB eveiy th lnB (to “ a ty baaes In a ll p a r ta d t S ex p an d in g p ro duc tion of brcnd>and-bu a n d seek ing c an n o n fod- full? u>« R«c th e globe. T h e s lig h te s t •

U -w ar f e e l l iw - a n d th is “ o f th e U n ited S t a t e s - V I E V

aed. O nly w re tched rags)f th e v au n ted 'A m erican nierB is itie A m erican p re ss Itself traffic deaUiihy*- said the oth:e g en tlem en a re alw ays **^Drt ing ao*n tlng ab o u t peace, a n d a t Now that elg p re p a ra tio n s to lau n c h siorasiIndulBlni! in .a b e r - r a t t l - S - l S " dSly b o as tin g o f th e p o s- cldent by hUntastlc m issile ' o r o th e r. Wa mean

th e y can f r ig h te n a n y - « * i '» V Let th e w a r-fevered gen-th ey a tta c k o u r country , haviorl

III be able to give them a Drivlns aei . w ean th em fo rever from -mpt senseless en cro ach - •' a n d independence of ou r seeuoni and 1. home If the ^>f th e lead ing im perla lls- )ove all th e U nited S ta tes , of the nSiio meed by upheavals. T he Million »tm >nomy talcing p lace In th e *chcdulfr-pn It B rita in nnd o th e r cap - ‘“ 51^. M r tl Incredlblc in fla tio n of the o V is S i md of branches t h a t serve one ot the n the expense of production prevent this ption—is bound to lead to n th e n e a r fu tu re ."3lks, T h a t 's w h a t th ey ’re e® perhap people a n d all Am ericans ugh to ta ll fo r th is line of Srum ? iS i^ various angles i t con ta in s your though t—particu la rly thee faced w ith an - '‘econom ~ ~ -----Jar f u tu r c " - t t h ope Which n th e R ussian m ind . chasm betwe— BUthorltATlaziV M A N A G EM EN T ■n c e -s re a t liberal voice of des, Tumishc

In bosiness—un d e r new . *lace o f Its. fam ed ed itor. °, th b re Is a hew one. J u a n oicated ta thlew hat b e tte r know n to r . Now the h0 a new spaper th a n fo r tWMiayversith It. anonymous i ly envloua o( tho brt)adsa com m anded in Its hey - maiiciousljr ilin ed Its o ld ap p earan ce , court*.a lu e s-f re e d o m -a n d - tru th ----- FBI liy iM llla r l t lc a o l typoe- S S i T trm a t h a s lyjw become a ciai immunii

vouch>safe ii ie a d d te s t fo r a story ^ trensa w m n o t be: " Is It

"D oes th is h u r t o r help S ? u o ^ ^\ tae(ors.-Cbr

U C K E R ’ S N S T I O N S

W H I R L I G I GA SH W O T O N -A ltbough p m ld e a t T rtnaaa 'S tration o t a m ild se t of fa ir emptnxnaD t i t ia fo r a la a r l t7 froupa o f emplores h a s prods 7 fTOwU Irom w hat Pran iU n V. RooMvelt t an tb a Mmth’a -u n r«»n* tiucted reboK " U mj

th e f l n t step in a carefully d e r s in t e f y to appease th a r a n k - i fUe Totera by by -patttnc th e Bj B yroet-T alm adra laadann tp in

* ^ C ^ ' t h a i u n ( U 'x T O o i ^ t tb a Ne«ro Utue Mlow tb a Mi

■ y n g U B u u d Dixon Une. u r . TYuman'a ■ m S e i l vlM” b e lik e lha economlo advai

In th a t a rea under 90 year Democratlo adm in lstn tlon* w pravant aay eou lbera aU ta f castln i Ita ballot fo r » fUpubll President, eren though thecandl(

■ v r « i be the popular •'Dm” B senbow t u naw fa ir employment pi'opoeal la so weak, a admlnlstraUve board would bava oa ly adv t

lorlty. I t h u provolted protasU from oolorod 1« and from Ben. H ubert H u m p h m , Mlnneeot*. lU on stxonf-ann enforcem ent of equaUty-of»li I a fte r the ir enactm ent by oonsreas.

PPBO A CB -B ut thU dUuUon o f tb a P n d ( le loai d r l l r iib ta c b a rtc r is expected to ba 'b sly

^TteUered ha x»w wUl a<ree to w atra h is dems anU'PoIl tax and anU>lynchln| laclsUUon. or conzresa to h is Ja n u a ry messave to m aka onl A and meanlnslaas decIaraUon on these probK tam a sort e f waterad«<lown p lank In th a D

ts’ 1033 D la tfom m lf b t a o f t^ up even th a B: ri£* rebellion. ^lU more oooslderaU approach to the loum la jted to the InHuence o t Uie new DemocraUc at chairman. Prank E . McKinney, Ind lanap does o o t sharo th e bnuqua and belltgei

osophy of h is pradecasaor, WUliam U . Boyle, J

X>0ATf>-UcKlnne7 haa had tim e aad opportu ike a few poUUeal bearln ss elnce he assumed rm anshlp only « few days before the Kov. S e I. He h a s studied th e anU-DemocraUo re tunu . day. whleh b rought bad n e « s to beadquar 1 botb no rth a n d soulh.I saw starUlng up»ets In New T ork aw ! PI: hla becausa of tb a voters ' Indlsnalloa ovar con In tovem m aat a t local and n a tional lavala. d ty of ind lasapolia tu n e d ou t a D am oe

or t i t a cam paign ba ted dellberataty on Issues m s the *ftum an admlnlatraUon. The QOP^a dc tjb conU st w as: "E lec t Clark M u r m ayor a ad , tnanlun nowl”

KEMONrrOBT—A m ore prem onitory event, s, WM the election of a RepubUcan m ayor In L Ic, A rk , fo r tho f irs t tlm o In 70 years. T h e outc I w arned MoKlnney. os weU a t Mr. T tum an. orlo D em ocrats In Uie south m leh t be getting n wllllnf to vota th e once hated O O P emblem

tia Democratte cbalrm an has also notad th a t Ucal opposite. O uy Oeorge Oatjrlelsoo. as wel . Robert A. T a f t. h(id been m aking spcechei rol southern clUes on Uie express InvlUUoi ■pollUcal orgonUaUons.^

MTTION -Another sbrew d Dem ocnU o m ind a i hese developmanU bas been Ohlef JusUoa Prec wn. K entudcy, who spen t T hanksjtv tn* w ith man a t Key vtrest.s one who m ay have a deflnlto stake In tb a n text year's p residential elecUon. assuming thai apped for th a top spo t on th a tldcat, Vlni InaUon would probably be to counsel cauUos tie Unportanca of tb a T tum an.M oBannay i r be measnrad by th a f a c t th a t only a few w , In a fighting. chaUeactlng sU tem ent, the P It dedared he would resubm it h is original a n d ; tUve dvU rIgbU program .to th e Ja n u ary eesi

T B A T IO » -T b a new poUUeal a t n t m In I tamplatas a cam paign based o a eoonomlo ra Q sodal o r rac ial Isiues. I t wlU emphasise the it miraculous transform aU on In th a l region du regimes a s they axlsteir-w ben RepubUcans sa White Bousa.emocratlc orators aod lite ra tu re will h ighlight i antages as these: Im proved roads, ru ra l elect on. TVA*s magneUo a ttrac tion to Industrial mU trom oUier secUons, b ljh e r wages, boom pi such producU a s tobacco, cotton, rice, peanuU ural gafl. etc.. soda l security benefits, lower frc !S for Import of raw m ateria ls and export o f n sUired a rtldes . th e B -bom b p la n t In SouUi C

/ith the Negro Issue playad down to tb a vanls: I t . and in view of tb a fac t sou thern legtsli erally support th e adm lnlstraUon's foreign pol capltol bUl, T rum an and M cKinney lulleve t (id>and-butter conslderaUons wUl countec suei y the RopubUcans' de term ined effort U) v c a k d south, u happened In 1B3S a o d rttS .


lie re Is IltUe hope o f postponing th e mllU (fic death, a N ational Safetjr couneU spokea 1 the oUier day, unless m o torlsu " s ta rt dP red."hiving Bcareil—not a b a d Ideal !ow th a t doesn't m ean we recommend putting In slontge, o r quaking w ith fea r to th e extent

> become hesitan t a sd 'lndecls lve a t th e whee -fearful driver m ay eaaUy oontrlbuta to a a en t by h is erratlo behavior.Ve m ean the U nd of "scared" th a t makes JIte th e llfe-and*death responsibility o f drivlr dem traffic, th a trem endous physical forcei ved. th e consequences of careless or heedless flor.driving scared would keep motorlsU from golnj t. They wouldn't pass unless there was pleni in r n o r drive a fta r drinking, no r foUow other I closely. They would keep a sharp lookout a t U Uons and grade crosslns*. T hey-m ight even me If the w eather or traffic conditions made mi

lowever, there U no IndicaUon th a t the appr the mllllonih fata lity h as scared anj'one yeU Ulon stu i ts going tow ard h is doom right icdule—probsbly the th ird w eek.In. December ted by the counell m any m onths ago.:t U bitterly ironic th a t the gaiety and fesUvli I O hrlstmas season should provide the backdro) 9 ot Ihe most tn g lc evenU In m odem history ivent th is mockery of a ll th a t ChrisUnas standI no t be .easy. The boUday rusb always adds t< rmal hasards o f bad w eather and more houi rknest.3o perhaps the only remedy U to sU r t d r ired-scared enough to rea llte th a t an acddent ppen to you. bu t th a t I t w o n t 11 you devou to .vlng aU the skill and common sense you ha) nr com m and.-Burley H erald.

_ ___— -l io n ^ M o u n rSvery now and then I t ts h d p fu l to be reml sclflcaUy and concretely as to th e nature of the ssm between democracy as Americans know it thorllarlanlsm. w hether of tbe communist le ft oi iclst right. And every sow a s d then (he sup art. In tplU of l u In tem al confUcU and Inconsl: a, Tumlshes Just such a rem inder. - .^ot long ago It waa a rem inder th a t eonfesjloni ncd wllhout duress o r promise m ark the boun Lween the U rture cham ber and the kind of tria a te d tn the sixth am endm ent. '^ow the high court rem inds tb a th a t no•♦day verslca of the “Uon's m outh .- Ui w hld i to onymous aecusaUons. shall ever tu rn the AmeiII Into an MVD or O estapo: Anyone who ean t

h u been injured by reason o f false IntomiilUdously given- to th e 'F B I m ay aeek redress lr art*.th e FB I Is protesting. B u t noU tbl«M »>-The a is t be proved, and (b) there is noth ing new i Is except th s t the FBI ts told I t can bestow no i i Immunity which the law of defamaUon doe: ordinary dU iens. ^[t Is pou lb le-that the KBI m ay ba denied an < inal useful Up. S u t naUonal security bought a lce of grudse notes and polson>pan le tters wou'i tlonal freedoms in no little danger trom their tors.—CbrUUaa S d e i ^


ONjtL“ | ~ “ ^

JIG Pot J i ■ h e S h o t s ftooaavelt u tad m j u ja li," I t m arksrefully darlsed l .» n ------------- --Iba ^ - w d - h o t t i c k u n o V A B in

r w s f ^ “ b 2 r s i s f - i . ‘ ? ,T r ^ ^ s ^ lea the r on It and m en ^ to

lomlo advanoa. ^J « r » Tears o f tb a t t r e a beat-up pheasan t feS t S i a w L l l wbo sa t to fro n t of m a l u t nlra tU U from ^ V'

» RaoubUcan again,1 tb a c u d ld a ta P>lng to hava a pa ir o f sclsi£ a 3 w w w . m y b ig to U ka core 01 thoseso waak, since “" J . - - ' w

, , , tWend

S K i i S A N O T B m O N Ii. Dear Po t ShoU :

In answer to “A, L eam er" o b a P n A a n t 'i nundaUon of PuyaUup, Wash to b a 'o a t r th e pronounced Pew-(Uke In a d

- a (Uka In c a t)-lu p (Uka In I r a h U demanda ,«ne ra l usage, sU tlon . o r elsa W ashington Ni0 m aka only a (Bubl) h a te problems. • • •: Ul th a Dem - o im BULLETIN BOARnren th a B yrd- ro o r DUgnsted Teanagers a

—Pot 6hoU U n o t going to u:ie lou tb U a t - je tte r of a pa rtisan na tu re co)emocraUe n o - jhojc recen t developme , IndlanapoUs. guhL The p rlndpals, a ll ofnd belligerent known to th e pubUo, baveU . Boyle, Jr. {jjgir c u e s publicly. P o t She

Ueve* th a t any le t ta n lupjBd o p p o r tp l^ ^ th e r side of th e m a tte r ehoile assumed th e p c j , jn uie PubUo Ponun ovbe Nov. S elec- m ie name of the w riter. Anor»Uo reUmis on ,a lp lng Just won’t go and alJ headquarters u tte rs coming our woy wlU

r k « id PhU*.POTB FO B K IDS DEPn

a a i w a i* . H it ,ix pup* a re a croa DamocraUo goUle and chow. Yo

phone l t« - M o r see them “ a O P ^ o w Souse e a Uie le ft side of Ui nayor a n a stop bet,reen the two bridges w

' Maglo Valley M emorial hospl

trr WOOD iO T Tmayor In LltUa shoU :1 . ^ 0 outcome ^jiy d « is d la a fine

*b en they gave the leave* awe getUng readysioM It U now tim e to begU

mlng aad cutUng tree t we wo ^ they thought of using th e old iJJ erouiid as a wood lo t for Uie J InvlUUon of uko to g

wood. This would save the a . « . r . expcnse ot burying eo much i

l M t o ? P W d t t ^ivlng w ith M r. * ^ t h e r a arer . In »“ » • « e no t paupem no r o t

s p - - - - - S a 'MfSaiNQ PE B S0N 8 DEI

S u a r y w 5 o a CoWina. i f s a m a tU r o l Im t' maU which keeps coming bi

a ta iT la Dlxla Cederburg, who says is m M r a ^ *he nor Uie postofllce h u aiphaslxa tbe a l- d ress'other thw i w t a 3.

u w S S t u r n tO S IN O A FBIEND. Dear Pot Shots; ‘

1 hlghUght sucb f wrlUng thU os one wh n u ^ T d e c trU l. they are losing a friend. I Industrial em - old Udy and m y several cl

■u, boom prices have cars bu t drive Uiem i ce, peanuts. oU. from th d r w ork end If I s a . lower fre igh t come u I wLih I ride the bu export o f m an - I find very m any old peot Ul 6ou tb Caro- lng the some. I feel th e bus

a large scale profit to any> tb a -vanishing person bu t U one m an hile m legislators money to , buy the buses It foreign poUdes make a fam ily a Uvlng this y believe these Surely this d ty can supportountensueeejs- Une.r t U) w e a k the ^ Bns 1

J— rAM OUS LAST LINET T T l r t r t " • • Yoo'd better ge l at H K | K , S dcien spare UghU for the ChJ

U ee."iv. iin« GENTLEMAN IN

k M S i S ° ° '"s ta rt driving

nd pu tting yourth e ex ten t th o t l E m ^ l S l ^ . t e l y U l y t th e wheel. A '•>" •

by White Mort

j i m m y u s e dSr w iS S S : - HIS HEADfrom aoUig too Jimmy

J w u Conoda to BslUnmow o tow cars * *ookout a t Uiter- "h en he came out he wos coolaht even sU v walked tn th e wrong dlins made m otor- couldn't find the Uieoire r

cousin's house. Did ho wolit Uie approach stricken? Nol Jliinj'one yeU Mr. found a PoUeemon onloom righ t on “Please U ke m e to o T.V. SI. December p re- ^ 'nw ^O tricer laughed. “Wan

and fesUvlty of “No, Tm lost." Jimmy In he backdrop lo r him.em history. To -S tay here.” the Pollcemi U n u stands lo r vised. “Your parenU are look ■ays adds to th e you." more hour* of "No they 're not. they're :

a t T.V. r ig h t now," Jimmy li o sU r t driving T he' Officer's Uugh fade an acdden t can eyes brlghU ned. "You're a X devoto to your Ud,'* he said. “Jump in." ise you have a t was whisked to a T.V. E

C am eru wero trained on hln — being Interviewed. Two mlnui

er the telephone rong; Jim m to be reminded ed to his mother, is minute iture of the vast he w u bome u illng about T, iis know It and th a t wonderful cop. lUnlst le ft or th e ____

m d InconsSSS- W H IT Eeonfesjions ob- . TJk «■Sn'S'.WE M ortuai

lon th a t no UU "The C'liapel bu th t Pi a which to drop n the Amerlcon who can prove

C redress In the

^aV -T he moUeo- h lng new about bestow no espe- naUon o es not

denied an occo-y bought a t Uie — W alters wou'd puttrom the ir pro- ^ ^ ^ = S i U U i B X t i d B s B



C S s LONDON—Tlie recent w uA H H i V UtlciU <—m p«ifn WU a dtrtyT j W T S T a o c u K w l U i th a cha;

. U tlo abandon of thosa w ho m p te to n ta of decency to say

- ln g o t dignity, ae-I VABXKXr eu tad tb e e o n s e r - H B B ^ H

raU vse of p l a a - f ^ ^ ^ ^ Hm m tin ity Ooo- a t e f to t h r o w f f l ^ B HDg.-X am going O re a t B rita in I n - ^ ^ ^ ■ 3th th e 'luactoui to w ar w ith Bus-en try to s i t In t i a and p u t acrosso t th e b a t 'With laslnuaUons th a t Eleasant feather* th e lltUe pensionsn a l u t n l g b t l l o f old persons andpared. In caaa I llsab led veteran*ler again, I am »f tb a wara wouldr o f scissors Ui b e reduced. M B P 3 01 those le a th - T b e sodalUU

Mam te bave th e w -ttow kAwti Neyed u tu a l proportion of L a Ou(WendeU) M areantonloa and H arry fl

• m ans, lo r slogan* In large ONE letter*, daubed tn th a n lg t

peared to pubUo plaoea calU e am ar" on pro* *ortei warmongers.

x ' ^ ' u S h ' ?s s j r S n r n & . T :

Incton NaUve ^ u l d be an exposed outpotl“S h S ) T ba BriUsh have some• against tb a so rt of Ues th

N BOARD TTumaa b u beea resorUng U enaxers o f P uM prelim inary campaign agatoi o S T to use any * to r T ail. These Uwa can nature concern- completely effecUve, b u t the j evelopmenU a t PUt a t a disadvantage any

b il^ h a v e sU te d The BriU sh election Uw P o t 'S hoU be- tb a t speeches "m ust a o t bi

te rs supporting derous and tb e canctldate o itte r should ap-'P'orum over tho . ter. Anonymous - [0 and a ll such ^voy WlU be de- /

/ f i n i ]ihow. You con I m I U n•a them a t the IIde of tho rood I ^ “ “ '


a a fine thing leave* away this

a to begin trim -set we wonder If ^ 1lg th e old dum p I _It for th e m anyUke to get Uia * 1ive Uie d ty Uie I I J f iK> m ud i a n d a t t W V I tb e people of

lero are m ony rJra no r on reUel _ 11

iwem, SpUtemB nm em ' ^

ONS D E P T .■ourg, p h o n e 1cato Mrs, P e m / I ^:r o l Im portan t > ^lomlng back to / / ] K ^10 says n e ith e r _ /ee h u any ad- U 3 .


IS one w ho feels ’ ’/W ^ — r 5 s ^ Srlend. I a m an m«veral chUdren ■9 them to and ' ' u j yId If I go and - ^ I m ■le tho bus. ^old people do- • • <

1 th e bus U no t - . to any several m an h a d the buses I t eould

lng th is w lnU r. J f t I support a bus . m

B ss R ider ^

BT LINE ■ -r ge l ab o u t a ^ w the C h rlsU n u ^

ilAN IN TH E ^ C f r f l r f 1TH BOW ® a i a r r \

A 1-quart:

e M o r t u a r y ®— . high dome c

USED ^ 7«ln. op3 A D rounded edi

Jim my Lucos to Baltim ore to

rrong dlrecUon. *theoirs n o r his I ho woll? Be-1? Nol Jim m y. l i p T 7 ~ ~ — ^emon ond said.0 T.V. StaU on." K . ' . j \-c ,ed. “W ont to be aj C J j’ I

llmmy Informed

Policeman od- l r . . ^1 ore looktog for M \^ p.|

UieyTe looking ' RJimmy Insisted.

ugh fsded. Ills — .You're a b righ t c o m b in am p in." Jim m y c o o k o r (I T.V. BUUOK (d on him while"wo m inutes lo t- ■.. . ... : Jim m y .u ik - ' 5 r '15 m lnuU s loU r : aboul T.V. and

[T E | L j | |u a r y

V the Park" . ^

7 - P c . B e v e nThis Salo o

~ ” '& nctilTo h o nd 'po in ted* 12-ox. ba rrel tum blers c

S H B e i

lAHO ■


:.ER’S ANGLBoent BriU sh po-“‘one wbo seeks to a id lUm m J f a ^ S t T m h t . writo o r report la i r t t t a g “ t h a ^ K W - belou* m a tu r e a o w r t ^ wa w ho no text of a a unofficial d o c i ^ ^ t o w w t h - Uihed under g o r m e n t a ry to say nou g jtnde r a n d libel alrei

forbidden and a re punUbed {nora prompUy a ad aererel similar abuses Ui th e UnlUd So tb ls special forblddaaca necUoQ w ilh po u a cs l e o n t^ to have UtUe m e a n i n g . ^

B u t the B ritish p u b l ^ b u sensa of JusUce a a d / i moi co num pt for tb a so r t o f U e ' uttara when b e predloU Uu c lS t l a t^ ^ t s " wUl pou r moi UiTnext presldentU I lig h t a:

E V M A K Q In effect, they did so l a Tal WMttoMh fMiM c a m p a l^ for redaction to t

“ Sow. It U n o t a u a to * * , , ^ t o w u .p a a t to d « t T a f t, b

th a n igh t ap* an In ternational lie even to . f i l ing the u T tum an plain ly did, tbi

4aoea c a u m . n ;£ ll led Uie trueU i m ItrrtlM lh . » < w « ip l ia O h i to fflhfuii t tb e lr T aft alusb fund. s u w O T a re- No caplUUsUo pow tr In tl to w hich Britato ed 8 u t u h u fU iaadal r ed outpost. Iw » PoUUcsl cam paign u i w e ^ a Uw* those w hld i Uie DemocraU If Uea th a t Mr. creaUd for l u own sp e d a l ui w r i S g to t a t o union r a c k e u w h ld i s w lU S n ^ S u M t ^ . subsidiary. T his h u been s U w ? o S n o t b a lous oondlUon for m any yei

5. b u t they would * . * Jtage any BriUsh In one cam paign, D an To ered Ues. president of th e toam sU rs, aic tlon Uw ho lis ed hU rackeU era would s| is t a o t be sU n- m udi money u m ig h t be m inctldate o r a a r - elect a DeiabonUe eoagrt

ilCK AHD c a j f / f f ^

____^ GIFTS

i C ' ^ r c x V i - — ■

■ ■

l a r t W i l h T h i s 3 - p i e c e i

- q u a r t l a u c e p ^ n ,,hdo». 3 -4 0 ^- q u a r t l a u c e p - n ,

Bh dome c o v e r .. . 5 *®® |

• I n . o p a n i k l l f e t ,lunded e d g e s . . . . 9 ^ 1

u l P ^c o m b fn a t to n c o o k o r 6 .4 0

B v e W g e S e t ' ...... ’- - . i

s Salo O ntyl l a

t*pDtnted*f(orBl-deifDirf«-d oh'" for pernionetx tumblers ond 8 0 .o r. [ug. Molcet a lovely, u.ofulfiAotching Ju ice Sot , wllh 32 .cz. J u g ____

f u m / t u m n


- p - R O M d t ^ ^ t ^ e r m ^ u n d w t S d ^would be w n n g to do this.

!<-*( X John U LewU b o u u th a t h-w I . H . SSOC.OOO avaUable .to p . I>. r<

k J for bl* 19SS campaign. And t________ . WlUl a mallclou* gUnt. (for h

Uie flouncing PaunUsroy fna * r t t e g W IJ* p * r t . wlUj a rumbUng mi

* 5 ' ^ *f ^ loaUUng). U iat b e m ade' H> “ O'! * peraonal reqi

^ e n t a t ^ l ^ „ e h d ra f t on hU fund.Ibel already a te j_ 1J47 u je p redden t 5«»l*bed a mU e 3 „ u ,e rh o o d o l Railway TTi d MTertly t t o j^ r , w b lta ^ ^ Cl«

I Uireatonod to «pend tbejU daaca In con- ^ ^ 01^ treasury of aoma W U c o n ^ seem s whip T rum an n e a t time aa®' Trum on could have chiu b lu b u a n icer him 00 th a t b u t he kep t qui i d / i more a lert w hea th e e o a te tt o a m e ,.\ ir t o f Ue T rum an bad come over to bl* tide, w mUoU Uiat “*pe. were told bow m uch b a ipi pou r money toto thU w u typical o f th a atU kl lig h t and tays, the union racket. I t ia alwayi *0 l a T aft's USO side of T rum an 's party , etlon to th e te a - • • •

Aa of now. tb a crooka of t Ua to tay money have announced tb a t thay w . T a f t, b u t . l t U 110.000,000 to defeat 10 a rev e a to suggest, « iiom tbey bave nam ed, to t r did, tb a t tome elecUon. T his unU w ful atU tb e true wUl of corrupt U)e ballot and dlsfi

iplng Ohio w ith a th e people of th e U nited BU be exerted to the general be

iw tr In tbe U nit- T rum an himself if b e tbouli! laac lal resources candldaU.»algn u g rea t u T h e United Auto Worker* DemocraUo party m g a n assessment, w ithout < special use to the m g the desires, of th e sub h a re lU pollUcal W alter Reuther. w hich U e u been a notor- to yield I 1.BOO.OOO a year for m any years. Uonal~ purpotea. Tbla U a

• fo r •‘slush fund."., D an Tobin, the And Lewis, coming up a kmsurs, announc- audadous u ever, h u pro would spend u fund of tM ,000,000 for "mui

Ight be needed to fense against corporaUon* 0 congress. T b ls ,Jund th a t Lewi* b u any t


g i f t h a

c o D D s r b o t t o i

Kitchen t^ jpw


P L i

Pi e c e G i f t S o l w l ’

^ 1 0 ” !


=~~ ” 1 0 - tn , c e v e re

10-In, c h te lc e n f r y « r 7.00

2 , . \ } 0 k

T a b l o C a n t s r p i f l1 0 0 Artinclol Polnialtla Flbv

lermonency! Six SricM r«l vvlear M U d ne«< oly, useful oift. 1 I«»m «ff«J u j . ____1.89

■ . 1MONDAY, b s b ,

n t m t ny m iniw it UU* cld f a k tr j do wuhm 't e ren underttand th a t I t th*T v!!J?* '^»Jd b e w T T O g to d o th U .ihn U LewU b o u U th a t he made . . ^ ^ ^ t l i b h 1.000 avaUable .to p . I>. R oojevdt hU 195# cam paign. And h e adds» a m a jld o w gltot, ( f o r ^ haU d thflouncing Pauntlaroy from Hyde ^ ' P b lc.- WlUl a rumbUng maacuunehing ). th a t bo m ade' Rooteveit ^ “ on. ^1 a algned penonal request for , « e»ea h ^ v1 d ra f t on hU fund. th st p a r l l s ^I 1S47, th e p red d e n t o t the ^^Wlngtherhood of Railway Tretom en ‘ tr ib u te to

U U M r. W bltaey, Clevdaad! cf InteaSi•atoned to s ^ d tbe union's I»ned by ^lie t e e a ^ of some »40M0,000 opPoslUon.vhip T rum an n e s t tim e around Uoonrum an could have challenged t h e ^ i i X, on th a t b u t he kep t qule t'ond. Thu w a T « ^» th e conU tt oam e,.W hlU iey “wormMnfJ?, come over to hi* dde . We never isu to u ? .^ .?a told bow m u d i b a ipen l but UtU# a o n t lS1 w u typical o f th e atUtude ot wouldunion racket. I t U alwaya on the « t of V, of T nunan '* pa rty . ^ ‘iShe‘ld” u ^

a of now. tb a crooka of th e AFL ^ t ' S ' ^ t ’so 1• announced th a t Uiay wUl raise deflnlu a n d ^ OOOW) to defeat 10 senaton, tUlon* ot tht «n they bave nam ed, to th e h j j which eameiUi ;Uon. TW* unU w ful a tU m pt u to iuncu of S ™pt the ballot and dUfrandUie keeps BrlUih , people of th e U nited BUte* wui ably eleanw uJ

exerted to t t e g rae ra l benefit cf I t u u i e u ^ iman himself U b e ebould be Uia Ish voten. ^ dIdaU. msny mounti^h,h e UnlU d Auto Worker* U tAk. l a t o e e u e ^ ^ a n assessment, w ithout coasulU tay MacDon>w Ihe d ed rea .o f th e subJeeU of m l a o r r i f t r ^

IUT Reuther. w bleh U expeeted Bui i t m im rleld IlM O W ) lo r-e d u ta - S W c a a n d ^ e la l- purpose*. Thi* U a dUguisa believe m»i u "slusb fund." 'special loltrt

,nd Lewi*, comtog up agato u enough monw iadous u ever, h u proposed a elecUon. T h » d of 160,000,000 for "muUial de- o tu k ln z to ^ , se against corporation*." Any esuj" d th a t Lewi* b u anyth ing to Aad

g i f t h a r w i t h M a i d i

c o D D s r b o t t o m f t a i n l a i i i t

Kitchen t^ p iu re* iho'll proudly hdnj

' to db p lay Ifielr b tn M

[7 *. '■ % ogctiiit'rtie mirror poIIihi4_ilR

' - J t ' '• copper b o je i cook^p

. ■nlnerol.W'V

- - " ' - ^ U S E S E A R S

F R I E N D L Y P A Y i

^ ' ' 5 '/ i-« iu « i;A dutch oven 8

In. c h fc h e n ^ Ty«r 7 .0 0

iab la Canrtrpioc^i Hand/ JAftinclol Polni|illlo Flbwerj Ravolvai 0 0 1

for*>tgr*Ml*avMer**mb*dd»dUa bcMM eww *imealhBMdflloaboM. 13 InchM Mgk , ^ N S * m r

• < . P . n r OPEN.'TIL « » .*


Page 5: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

^ t d ^ & i e e i T M a t i■ f i n s t a N e d A u >

*7^ t n MlKlrwI T be .tr

^ ^ P ' S S S - B m Bo*g» ir te n e ry ^ B , ? ? ^ i n i * h » a . n i * r - w ith red^BSfVou. cjMp>V5iGeorgU L i« T he p

^ n - JeAnn Coon, by L o rr P»elCwtw**«r«’- Creed «

measenser: Kolb. B e messenjer: *o<l Un*.

^ K i i i n S t h messenger- M r. *n ^ K S ; VlU be senior cua- celved W

AffCJobn^n- inner Crotbers,

unoD . e w t games. ,^ ^ K u . w nt page. .Th« P*

DU»lel«»- P o U o w ^ direction eertmony, » pubUe eluding

m flwasorcd by th e Uownhw, M n . Ron

« » • ■ zler. Mre

iB Review Is S^’Sl m ting Feature , .' M L 10- A book r m . . . ‘- o c a

'^ ■ - i S i ^tT’*" One." and th e tello, u idions<. aecompanled a t BtloDed ■

2 B m ito . Roger Vincent. teUo. weir' B.r ihs luKUnc- * no -host Pocatellolerreil bulfct style to MUdred

■ ^ ■ a , ui4 fuesU. Mrs. O. J. Tbe tfF. S. Albln were In perform e

^H im ii£ ttn en U . T he tab les son, of V‘^ '^KnKd «lth small C hrist- a t hU hoi

' • . T he b r* * » w ith dor

, ' w u an 01ering Given jovc joytS, D«. lO -T h e love ^a U tb# Thursday Mis- 5 lS of the F irs t B aptist ideaiated to t i e memory to San B m condlln. T ho m eeting ^{tiu bone of Mrs. F reda gjj^

Q) dedded to Burchaw "laUt-ll-wM announced “ ? S will be held a t 3■ K f lh . to rn - " ! M,*. i s rI Tbe pmgiatn was pre- Ma ciTl Bayltea.

ion Mortin wend: Pattern SS,5L

____ home of„ h>s will :

- ' J s C i f l p t' ' ' ^ l e r V W l ' ' ^ m ystery i

^ songs i

a sila tan ti y / ' Z i Case and

m& alUdSt" ------------__________ A sick

' -~~J \ school. : / " > !'■■:■:£■••■ /!--i le am a s « i - i / / h u re p o n

‘ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ n l l B K ^ ' r r a / 1 to them , they are

. child, toI t ty to w<

O ne bo looked Ul unusual draggedrl«««««« mFtnaiiy. i

child had had agoc

I a tked to th e robui

Isn a k e ol I We beg

1 boy and I ' the I home wa I I t th is r

a ^ H f v ^ v T V '’S l troub1e-s<» devoted t

^ ^ H l l l > , : . “I f T . ^ loved hiB About th about lea

^ ^ V l B r O G E T s rV L E way rouo H ^ ^ M - l n c h for a ll given and h ls i

n l t t 24. 38. 38,30, 33. celTO hla r Pattern 0168 U eVery Ian. torlftlest. sm artest, perlenee*

*Urt you'll ever see o r T he m : a good neutra l fab- v e 111.

#11 your sult-Jackets Convale»< ^>1 slclrt will double shortene«

vcrutU ty—eave rest and Wd tear. So p rac U c a l- * * « !

r ^ V ^ e l can maki■ »fT -t«hU M pa ttern gives «*>«« “ >• K - . Canpltie. U lustrated *<>

't* ? - ------------^ccnu In coins for to M arian M nrtln.

- ^ ^ w - N f w . pa ttern de- MO box <740. Chicago E u

^ u r nam e. E l l • » ' . llie M d style n u m . “ ■

I d y a i I i s

SQOtlN owBpeiisw itbo

spoor a Tap w a te : Il’a •

^ ■ “ w p ling - 2 ! ' i

^ ^ o p Sf^ x c h o n g a m em l

P«to(fl«a 1°K>. t b » . »

______ ____eom e

ntCEMStg 1°.

------ ' M .-

ates Present a t Rupei auxiliary's Card Give Benefit, Banquet Me(be Poatal 01erk*a auxUlary en - - R U P £ n i• la ed husbanda and guetta S a t- wood talkcifty evening, a t » C hristm as d in - regular me<a n d card p a r ty a t th e [;idaho Thursday

rw com'patiy audito rium . corned bybe buffe t tab le waa decorated Dorton. w.} «i] a rrao g e m e n t of Chrlstmaa executive•nery a n d o rnam en ts flanked board of eI red U pera. A g ift exchange Olson,held foUowlng d in n e r . . . • « „ , ^ j

he program Included r e ^ g s program e,Lorra ine D eagle and Dudley speaker aa

Bd and Tlolln trio o f ytanccsb. Beverly MlUer and A nn Fors- panled by

ir. and M rs. C larence Slack ra - lng**to*lied h igh acore; Mra. K ay Larsen rau llty?"

Agnea S tronk . low. and Ma* cuUng alt<thers. traveling prise In catjl have beenies. Safety coihe p a rty waa pU nned under ^ millionth .c tlon of th ree committees in - u ,e third 'Ung M rs. e U c k , M rs. Robert He slate,ralng. M r^ W ilaon Anderson, year* have, RonaW Plnney; Mrs. C ari P u t - deaUis in. M rs. Jam es -C. Leighton, Mrs. g^veithers, M rs. W illiam Foster and d u j t fa u u1, K ay L arsen . ty . in eom'

* * * leads Idfthj

3cal Man Weds I Accordln

^ocatello Womanarba r* E la ine'8m U h. daughter of since Jan.a n d M rs. H arry R. Sm ith. Poca- of the bccI), and Sgt. D elbert R ay BeU. e ta- In rura l arned a t th e o rdnance p lan t, Poca- Causes (), were m a rrie d In N.ovember In slve speed,ateUo. H e i s - t h e son c f Mrs. ence of i»lcIred H ardy , T * in FaUs. • r ig h t of ahe tfouWe r to g ceremony waa carclcssneslormed by B lahop E arl Thom p- Sm ith he

of tb e 13th w ard LDS church, wheel be©lU hom e. wheclchalr,he bride wore a Ught brown su it In a disct da rk accesaories. H er corsage b e done toan orchid. Bridesm afd was Carol « member:e Johnson. PocateUo. trolm en, slilhn T anner, a m arine friend sta-. aS in « ieed a t th e o rdnance p la n t, w u sold more. m an. U there whe couple le ft on a wedding tr ip controversllan B em adlno , CaUf. T h e couple <iuery. “WJbe a t hom e in PocateUo Dee. 38. BcUwoodle Is a senior a t PocateUo h igh ily dependK)l. .. mUes wese a ttended school a t PauK .and E ighth s trt two years to a coUege In San be preferalardlno. H e served some tim e In h e pointedea. He told

41 « « van la ran i

Party Slated • S . 'SENDELL. Dec. 1 0 -T h o H annah jj, le of the P resby te rian Women's ^ ^ a s btia tio n wlU m e et Tueaday a t th e g„ oj, ^ h:le of M rs. Leo Berry. T he m eet- m ^ . QeUiwill fea ture th e an n u al C hrist- building sip a rty w ith g ifts exchanged by enforeemei

tery pals. A C hristm as program roads, andjngs a n d poem will be given and of th e publeshm ents wUl be served by the fio rules, wI ta n t hostesses. M rs. Dorothy duclng violB and Mrs. D on MUler. group h e b

Care of Your C'_______________ By ANGELO PATHsick ChUd c anno t do weU In doing so. Is

wl. H is anx ious paren ta tend i t U intendthe re In th e hope th a t he wUi T hen th

n as o the r chUdren do, bu t when dren w h o 'report card com es home, and tho T hero la im arks c a rry the ir doleful atorr child. Thaihem . they a re disheartened, u m edical a r' a re unw lte enough to prod the help. A hij . to drUi h im and push him to « b a t w insto w ork th e resu lts grow worse, pa re n ts anne boy we h a d In achool always aod physiced Ured. T here seemed nothing inR of wellsuai about h is health bu t Me creates a <[ged h im self wearily through h is tlvlty of wtes a n d go t very ordinary marka. w h e n a ctkUy. a fte r m u c h questioning of i^zy, lodlfiparen ts, w e learned th a t the m dlcatli

1 had a sth m a and scarcely ever beat one ta good n ig h t's sleep. Y et he was a trlclan arrd to work to the standard of well Hirobust youngsters In h is grade. « h o Is meit U an impossible demand to f i t fo r le a r :e of such » child.e began ask ing for help for the . ^ a rand th e physic ian told us th a t n „ } Dr. r*boy's fear of b is fa the r’s leaving in^udMle was th e cause of h is asthm a. • " jAljlL,;h is fear could be removed the i» «oiwould be ab le lo throw off the r . o . Ucx ible-#omo lUoesa. H ie boy wa* ''■Ited to h ls f a th e r w ho tn tu md h im . B u t h e longed to travel I I a m bI t th e w orld and kep t talking I I V w li t leaving hom e and working his . round th e globe while h ls boyh ls wife stayed a t homa to re - D F I

e h is le tte r* from every po rt Iny land . L ife hold* n tc b odd ex- Creooutlskence* for children. I t n a r i i Atie mentaUy d isturbed ehUdren to lie lp looUi. T bey, too , fail fn schooL p U fg m a a

valescent'cbU dren m ust be given beai raw . i-tened school days a n d Ume for membranea

and recuperation beforo being ®r >!d to "m ako u p - work. Nobody *tood make up tim e and the experl-

!S th a t m ig h t have fUled It, and ^ f f l doroe aUtog chUdren to a ttem p t wu«»«« Cwi>

p n i ^ c o u g h sIp m U m a d k t M i t e m b t h g t F o r con •PotttojDEEP^lCllOIIBQIEFfo w t h w c ro u p y , coughlnff ipeUa t h a t a t ta c k cbU drcn I S iS l 'v iH ir ttb o u t w a r n in g O rt reU eyed 10 f a a t w i th th i s Itome-proved ■ ■ ■— « a t m e n t . . . tw o he ap in g . i . ipoonfu la o f VJdes V apoR ub In I v a p o r l ic r o r bow l o f boUing *w ater a a d ire c te d in p a ckage. T o Inat ll’s • o s y „ t o o . . . Y o u r UtUo sne J u s t b r e a th e s In th e ste&m. w o rk s B v e iy b re a tb co rriiaV iipoR ab’s w jiu# j reU ef-glviD g m e d ica tio n s deep to relle ' Into tro u b le d th r o a t a n d lu rgn b eat-kh b r o n c h ia l t u b e s . T b e r o tl>(a y o u 7 « i

ttmelm$nt m ed ica te s COld t a n d s o o th e s d ty , i r r i t a t e dm em b w e s , eases a w a y cough--------m g , h e lp * re s to j-o n o r m a l ' \ / I C b re a th in g . A nd re a l co m fo r t . V & S

n o t o a a t o i l . ■

Rupert Attorney Offici Gives Speech a t Fea Meeting of Club wS'SS

egular meeting of tha c S brhursday afternoon. QumU w d - 1"^« m td by thu prcjldenl. Mrs. Dave w h S U w Norton, were Mrs. Clara Hansen.

of the county ^ _ o t education and Mrs. Edna

.'M rs, A. p ^ , m e r , member o t tho u w M i ^irogram eob im l^ e . Introduced the jo h nb r t who", T ?“ '• ®“ * M rs. A rt I®ra- *ho sang, two duets, accom-' treas. i i^ e d by Mr,. Thelm a widm ler. ^ , e r ol

Taking Uie question. -Who U go- b r S e « " the mlUlonlh trafflo p ^ u a Ie

a u llty ? ' os his theme, the prosfc- th r n e x t n «U ns attomey sold traffic deaths S ? i ^ k lave been to constant. Uie NaUonal ^ id their

predicted the S r . ^ r . nllllonth death will occur during h e third week of December. « id

He slated tho toU l deaUis for i6 Tar* have exceeded the number of l e a ^ In all wars. Idaho, he said, i ^ J anks tevemh In th .j nation In acci- L e a C l ( lent folallUts and Minidoka coun- r t y . in eomptrison to Its populaUon, K S D ' eads Idaho in the number of acci- . lents. A f

According to the report of PoUce „ ' ' i , :h lef H. c. Sm ith Rupert haa had „ fl traffic accidents w ith 10 Injured ilnce Jan . l. Ha said 70 per cent r e p o r t ai If the accidents of tha naUon were n rura l oreaa. have been

Causes for accidents were e ices- ^Ive speed, driving u n d tr tho Influ- ince of alcohol, failure to yield tho “f “ •Ight of way, unsafe Vehicles and ,“ i® j " ^ le s s n e sa . Quoting trom Malcolm Jmlth he tald "Daydreams a t tho * . “ ’ **2“ , irheel become nightmare# In the wheelchair.- ^ c h U d ^

In a discussion aa to w h tt ahould “ “ * P ^ ’ •e done to reduce traffic accidents. i member tuffgested more s ta te pa - ; rolmen, tlnee Uiere were only about “ J f iZSi 5 in -the • su te . Another member aid more policemen could do UtUo f there were no speed Umit. T h lt “ " r f S *ntroverslol L«ue brought ou t tha wery. “W hat Is a safe Umit?"

BeUwood ta ld thU would necetsar. ly depend on the locaUon. WhUo 30 . . , nUes was the correct speed for f v V e r n l eighth s trw u a faster rate would 1 .>e preferable for highway No. 80. [ n r t V le pointed out. ' t H v LZ

He told Uie group Uiat Pennsyl- , BU IttEli •anla ranks low In trafllo death*, “ ‘ y Pinocl las reduced Its accldenu 30 p e r of Mr. an. e n t alnce adoption and enforw m ent dessert-plr ifa tp cc d U m lto IfiO m U e sp e rh o u r Mrs. Oi Q 1038. Schodde I

I t was brought out th a t alow driv- Joe Bcliod rs on a highway also Were a m en- played sec ce. Bellwood said engineering. DccoraU' lUUdlng safo roads and hlghw«ys. ChrlsUnas nforcem ent, remove vlelaUona from of th e clu oada, and educaUon and train ing the home f th e public to leam and obey tr a f - Rasmusser Io rules. Would do much tow ard re'- w d gift * .uclng violations. Bellwood told the roup h e beUeved tho Woman's ciub . P | q '

ir Children3 F A T R 1 • .

T hen thero are Uie 1a*y“ chU- . .r e n w ho "could If they wanted to .- S S ^ u o L l ie ro la no such thing aa a laxy Wid. T h a t so rt Is a chJld who needs ledlcal and perhaps phychologlcallelp. A healUiy chUd wanU to do Sjb a t w ins th e approval of teacheia. u»hted wlarents and friends. Sound m ental ViToolfordnd physical healUi citale# a feel- j j r s . O. A.lg of weU being and th a t In tu rn punch bovreatcs a desire for wholesome ae- Hosteaseivlty of w haU ver kind offers Itself. M rs. Heedn ie n a chUd is 111. when he seema M rs. L. ]u y , ind ifferen t and rebeUlous, he ehoweU. 1» m dlcatlng h is need foi*he)p. The M rt. Vaugest one to help him Is the pedl- a card itric lan and often the psychologist ry n Wolf<s well. Nobody can teach a child chUdren'arho Is m entally and physically un- th e club iit fo r ti.Tw iny Mrs. E . :

______ CuUey.«»Dm rotir efciu lut* tn«U« «IUi «im1- tO th e N

a f t Dr. p»ti-r* r-M. "Biwiniii.- member*ieIud»^iuf»«tioi« for »»»•“ oontrlbuU<lU dimralty. Ts ^U la 4 eosr. imd 10 ■nU In coin ta hln. e/a. 0 ., Dcx *9, auUoB a. Nr* York 1». ■ ■

How To Relievo ' B ro n c h itis

^raooutltiMiieUeveapnmpiiybacaa**It « o « r i ^ t to U » »**t o l tho tiTObl*» lie lp loosen and expel germ ladea ?Uegm and aJd a th iro tftj6c tba apd leal raw . tender, Influned bronchial nembranct. Guaraoteed topleate w u n money refunded. Cteofflulilon bw itood Uio test o f miUIotta of user*.

ggE0MHKs»0M 1

e ro u p ]^ ® ! g h s o f co ld s

F o r c o u g h in g spacm s, upp e r ' broQChlal c o n g estio n a n d t h a t :hoked -Q p fee lin g c su sed br :olds, th e r e 's no thU ig Uko ‘ using V lcka V apoB ub fn sfc fln i.

__________________' And a lw ays rub It on

fo r contlnuod n l la l T o In su re c o n tin u ed a c ­t io n , a lw ay s ru b V apoR ub o n tn r o a t , c h e s t a n d back .W orks fo r h o u rs . . ev en whU9 y o o r e b ild s l e e p s to re lievo d is tre ss , i t ' s th o beat-k n o w n bom e rem ed yyou“ < a iiJ~ nso '-w hen --any ........................—c o ld s t r i k e s e h 11 d o r ^S3K W M g ro w n -u p . . ’. S a ^


Officer Election Wort Featured dt Paul Col

PAUL. Dec. 10—M rs. Clyde Paynewas elected w orthy m atron W ednes- V j r lday n ight by K -dah-bo chapter. O r- j e r od er o f E astern S(*r. a l tb e Masonlo s U t ^ ltemple. Mr*, Jam ea Stevens. reUr- SrohanaiIng worthy m atron , waa In charge, to m e m'TeUera were Roy M arquess and en 'a leaW heeler McOUL group m

EUer W atson Is worthy pa tron : u T honM rs. C lj^e Oree&weu. associate Mra. Pram atron : R alph M arth . a tsociat« ter,. Mrapatron : Mrs. E dith Morgan, oocre- j o £ n Brta ry ; Mr*. GUbert Blake, treasurer: i n chJM rs. John M artin , conductress, and th e orplM rs. A rt Dawley, associate conduc- no r, Mitress. C a m U ^

O ther Officer* wlU be appoUited M r*.Pby -the new w orthy m atron. - duct«d i

PubUe InstallaUon w iu be held a t porU oothe nex t meeting. A poUuck dinner fesUvklwill be served and O SS m em bers T itus, fand their wivea and hutbanda and fancywoMasons and.wives a re Invited. tu n e tel

RefreshmenU were aerved by Mr. sk i. postand Mrs. KUer W atson and Mr. and fish poiMrs. Ralph M arsh. d inner;

. •Leader Submits J S i 'Report on Gifts ’‘TSiS

At Rupert Meet Sf SS;RUPERT, D ec 10— Mrs. Chet

Peterm an. rehablUtaUon chairm an , iH v * , reported a t a meeUng of Uio Legion 'auxiUary la st week th a t several gifts have been sen t to the veterans hos- *plta l In Boise for the gift table. Five gifts were sen t to paUents. hm

A t an all-day service meeting held a t Uie home of Mra. Judd , bed Jackets were m ade for Uie hospltaL A covered dish lunch was served. f™

Mr*. E. J . M oldenhauer. chairm an of ChUd weUare, reported »I0 has been spent fo r gifts to th e R upert general hospital for chUd patien ts. Tir_*^ri, - The group voted »S u a donation , to Uie Children's homo in BoUe. A i uted electric range wm be given lo r S H h i f Uie Camp Plro buUdUig. f “ P P '^

M emben discussed arrangem ents .fo r a vUlt from S a n u Claus and J ,

f S g , .

Members of Club S • Cortvene a t Home “ “.iSBURLEV, Dec. lO -T h e W ednes-

day Pinochle club m et a t th e homo / - * i . of Mr. and Mrs. Chan K nodle for V ^ n i l dessert-plnochle.

Mrs. G arlt Robertaon and Joe P r Schodde played high w hile Mrs.Joe Bcliodde and O tto Rasm ussen played second high. SS,1« h.

DecoraUons carried o u t t h e ChrlsUnas motif. T he nex t meeUng of U)B club will bo held Dec. 19 a t the home of Mr. and M rs. Otto H u n ™ .! . Io r . 0 h n . lm u p w

Plan Reported ““d«JSM r. and Mrs. B ay E aton announce

the engagement o f tbe lr daughter, w .n , . r Stella, to Ralph Cox. son of Mr. and Mr*. J . O. Cox. K im berly. T he w ( t i »

I couple will be m arried Dec. 18 a t Uie 'p i n t Church of tbe N asorene ta *+ 4 * ^ Tw in Falls.__________________. f

^ u ld ^ d o ^ m u c h ^ b ^ prom otlng i *

T he te a table Was cen tered wlUi ta n artlsUo arrangem ent o f a aUver- t 1sprayed tumbleweed decorated w ith Ired and blue-glasa ballt. H anked by iUghted w hite Upet*. Mr*. Hoaa t C LWoolford poured the coffee and Z ( 9 rMr*. O. A. Moellmer preaided a t the ipunch bowl. T '

Hottesses fo r th e afternoon were ZM rs. Reed H ansen, M rs. M oellmer, * wpMr*. L. E. M cArthur. M re. A rch ±ShoweU. Mi*. H . V. C reason and Z (In IMr*. V aughn B lair. Z

A card was read from Mr*. K a th - t R a dry n Wolfe, superintendent of th e TChUdren'a home a t Boise, tha n k in g Zth e club fo r Jams and JelUe*. + ,

Mr*. E . H . Elmore and M r* . R . L . ZCulley. committee fo r send ing boxes Sto th e N avaho Ind ians, th a n k ed Tmember* fo r th e large n um ber of T contrlbuUons.

F R E E .

2 loa i S k Y la rk b re

Mf y o u f in d V csterd ty ’t t • . o f S l ^ l a t k d a te d b n i

OS fijt»t-day fre»h .

The SIcylaik methoc W U ^ ■ auuxance, ourgutrai

slw»js &eth w hen jroo buy ic Mo. ate n ot dated. You must either gue

' detetmine fmhne$$. W ith SlcyUtk,. you never need to squccie— you

d « c on tbe e n d 5ealJ A lw ays look 1 fccth end te a l . . . i t ’i you r f n t f o f fij

^ i o n e « d t o i q t i

S k y l a r k b

J___ d o te d fresl


_______A__ _________

Women's League Miss Collect Gifts for To Orphans Benefit liS™'

j e r o m e : Dee. 10 — C hristm as spoke ta gifts of toy* wrapped to • • n d to the the Chui orphanage atSU ckpoo w w « brought noon a t to tho meeUng of th e C athollo W orn- Brunson en 'a league Thursday n ig h t. The of devot g roup m e t a t the hom e of Mrs. s . Mrs. l

i U Thorpe. Assistant boste tses Were ducted 1 M rs. P rank Humbach. Mr*. Cy R ich- group pl ter> Mr*. Stanley F r lta le r and Mrs. the C. ( Jo n n Brandt. Falls.

I I n charge of sending th e gUU to I th o orphanage are M rs. E . E . Con- r \ ^ _ | 'n o r , Mrs. George C a rr a n d M rs. L /C V ,1 -CarrtiU WUcomb. 1 i . 1

Mr*. Rarold K laas. p residen t, con- F l 0 1 ducted th e business m eeting. R e- n v r tf

I porta on the success of th e harvest I fesUvU were given by M rs. P rank 'n t u * . games; M rs. R o m Huber, fancywork: Mia. R obert M iller, fo r- 'i®® *,'” tu n e UlUng; Mrs. Jam ea Olodow- sk i. postofflce booth: M rs, WUcomb, «>««ai: f ish pond: M rt. R onald Stew art. * 8 d inne r; Mia. Stanley F rlta le r, baked goods a ad Mrs. WUTord Barga, candy . ^ l iU n g tho league w ith th e . J fesUval were membera of th e Holy ^ *“ 1^ N am e society and Uie D eS alet club. c

A dltcutilan waa held o n convert- » “ i be Ing Uie old church Into a p a rlth ha ll f fo r recreation a n d a k itch en . T he com m lltee In charge Includea M rt.Aloys Hof. Mrs. R a lph D unn. Mrs.WUson Churchman. Mra. I .. W. San-be rg and Mrs. R onald S te w a rt TUf 1

ThB forUicomlng poUo drive waa clety wl discussed-and m em bers m ade p la iu day a l fo r making contribu tlona to th e QuUUng drive. Plans also w ers m ad e to assist J . Sorer a needy family a t Chria tm as tune . Ing and Arrangements were m ade for Ilow- Uons. F e rs for the a l ta r fo r th e hoUday and nu aeason. Mrs. Rose H uber and M rs. for the M . V. Wolfe are In charge.

Chri^knas parUes fo r chUdren of The th e parish Include pre-achool chll- ho ld thi d ren and first a n d second graders, dinner 1 from 1 pm . to S pan.. Dee. Ifl. w ith Wedne* M rs. SUnley F rltxler, M rs, P . j . G race I Supple and Mrs. A nthoiiy Hum bach nue not In charge. Third to s ix th graders wUl wUl glr ho ld a party th e sam e day from 3 T b e wh p m . to 6 pm . w ith M rs. R ichard be tum s tr a in , Mrs. H arry M orris and M rs. Membtr Jam es Oladowskl In charge. Jun io r ered dls h igh school students wUl have a pa rty a t 8 p m . Dec. IB, w ith Mr*. W ' R onald, Stewart. Mr*. F ra n k T itu s 'V l a n d Mrs. Jim Tom Jack m aking a r- M U ir rangem ents. Konlceli

« « « th e MV

Christmas Boxes 2mIS Packed by WSCS ^

MURTAUGH. Dec. 10—M rs. C . 0 .CaUen was hostess to th e W SCS ----------T hursday afternoon a t h e r home.M rs. Oliver John ton gave the de- voUonals and program . A box of toys aod clothing was packed to be s e n t to the s la te colony a t Nampa.

Co.hostesses were M rs. P earl Dennis, Mrs. C harles Johnson , Mrs.R ay Ataendrup a n d M ra. Ja ck AUred.

During the business meeUng It A w at decided th a t W SC S Would ^ serve lunch today a t th e H arold Menser farm eale. .

The next m eeting o f th e group A wUl be held a t tb e c h u rc h Dec. 30. M


£ (In the form er O. of C. Room)- *

I R a d io R O N D E V O O B Id ff. |

X No S tairs To Climb ZZ Our Own F ro n t Door Z

Z Easy to F i n d - ±I Plenty of P a rk ing Z

E todaY

lo a v e s o f b r e a d .terday’* date o n any lo a f ated b n a d tha t U o a sale«***• ^

k method o f da d n g is you i 3u r gu trintee, th a t Skylark is iy ic Most b ra a d i o f b m d •ither g ue« , o r iqueexe— to I Skyiiik, you never gu e * i—— you h m it’* fre th b y the ays look for Skylark’s da ted . pnw /of fint-day fresh bread !

t o i q u e « z *

k BREAD , F r e s h « v « r v d o y i ________

IN FALLS, IDAHO'_________ _

MissiondryTpiks _ F To EdSi’Women

BpEN, Dec. 10—T h e Rev. E rnest te rlan .i LaPont. m issionary ' from, Panam a, m «U ng spoke to the mls&lonary group of chwch. the Chureh o f Ood T hurw lay a fte r- . ^ ; noon a t Uie bom® of Mr*. Floyd Brunson. Mrs. Brunson had charge of devoUonals.

Mrs. Lee Cam ey, president, con- ducted Uie business m eeting. .T he B F group planned a baxaar Deo. 31 a t K a the C. 0 . A nderson store in Twin FaUs. ■ ■

Declo Home Club . Holds Yule Party HDEOLO, Dec. 1 0 - T h e Declo

T hrlfy Thrlver* Home Dem onstra- Uon club m et W ednesday a t th e M H I home of Mrs. Ruasel SandeU for a Christmas party . T be afternoon's en tertainm ent consisted of games and a gift exchange. Refrethm enta were terved by Mrs. CUfford Sutton a n d Mra, FJora McCartney,

T he next meeUng of the group will be beld Jan . 3 a t th e home of Mr*.Elmo Chrtstophersoa when officers wUl be elected.

CalendarT h f LD3 second w ard ReUef to -

clety will convene a t 1 p m . Tuea- / ) day a l the second ward chapeL K QuUUng work will be done. Mrs. F . U J . Sorenson wiU demonsU'ate pa tch - U Ing and m aking Christm as decora- Uons. Refreshments will be served N and nursery care wUl be provided n for the children. ^

* ¥ ¥T he Sunahlne c irc le club wlU ^

ho ld Uie annual C hristm as poUuck dinner and gift exchange a t 1 p. m. Wednesday a t th e hom e of Mrs.G race Laubenhclm. 330 F ou rth ave­nue north, Mrs. O lenn Comellson wUl give th e thought for the day.T b e white and p ink e lephant will ■ be tum lshed by M rs. Chris Sims. !■' Members are atked to bring a cov­ered dish and U ble service.

¥ ¥ •

MYF ConvenesMURTAUGH. Dec. 1(>-Mr*. Alvin 1

Konlcek led the w orship service of I th e MVF a t the weekly m eeting a t Uie church. A song aervlee was held T and Uie plays to be p u t on Ja n . 3 were rehearsed.

, NEW SHIPMENT TOST t . ^ l e a s i a g d e s ig n s i s g r e e n

,«ga u i8t « P ro v in c ia l H & ple b

—■ c o lo rs t o b l e n d w i t h y

d e c o r a t i n g a c l ie m e . F a q c U

' • in s p i re d b y e a r ly d a y p o t t a

___________w o o d — a r t d e s ig n e d b y A Uei

O ^ n S todc . ^

Program Set : SSf.• WENDELU D ee . lO -^'nio'PIoneat T er:o ft(

Women's association of the ^ b y » Bather c terlan .B aptls t c bu rch wUl hold a d n le s e meeUng a t i p jn . 1liur*day a t Uw t ^ . w l i church* , i le n t.o l, j n » pfcgra m ’ w ill K ' ecn t« » d cbatge >


L o o k t o . ' " Y o u r

F r i e n d l y ^ 9

G r o c e r " M

For the B e s t y f

5 T h i n g s i n L i f e \

V s... Famous for Famous Names

For ail the g your

All you needV - ^ ■' -1 ' - ' V r - - - -


TOST ARRIVED. 16 PIECE ECO tl green &nd red» FOR 4. Fou

ly p o M a y . t i n m J j p K f A l f W C E ,

by AUea & Shai .---------------------------------- ------------- ^ ^ -------------J

nn Sst .i a - i ’n io :p io a m T e r :o f te rlB g .'.T O :.l» v t« > « £ > of Uie » ruby .i Esther d rc le wffl be boctas* n c h wUl hold a clieles of U » organlsatloD « n IburK lay a t ttw tend.wlUi. Mrs, j . - a - u m « r , . s

d e n t .o f tba combtaeid .g te q n K ' cen t« » d of aR aocem ent^ .;

o r Famous Names = ~

>r ail the gifts you need . .

II you need is Folk's

P A I N T I D •

, f ROM ' •

16 PIECE ECONOMT STAB.TEB SET F0R4.Fou«ijehfli inaeiBn

. b r e a d a n d b u t le r ^ l i u x e r i i ^

REGULAR PRICE^ i f p u r d i a s e d s e p a z a u ly l S ^ S O '{

tPKfAi fwce.

-------------- ------------S A V E i 5 » '

- __-PAGB,^

Page 6: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

I l l t j F A G E s a

H jChaBce Good W For Union < M Area AirliiI I I ' W ASHINaTON. Dec. 10 (fi]m —T h e prepoeect m erger t>rI I H C o u t uMl Sm plra Air line* »iI I H to h»T6 • tood chu ice fo r ipI I B R >7 the civil teronauUca boardI ID i 'l ; m em ben oosiraented.I I H ' propoMd contoUdklloiI W jl annouiiced l u t m onth, b u t UuW M i h u not had ao appUcaUon jH B th e more. OAB approral b reII B j l a (Uch cascf. bu t the board dcB I a c t until otliclallT requested.

^ I I n lavor of th e merger, oln { ~ 4}U0ltd a board decision of laiR 1 1 ffUJt tn which Weat Coast w u «n , a n appllcaUon to combineI SouUiwest Air lines.H , ‘■West Coast a n d Empire p1 laU restlng poulblUUea for miI U I . tb e decision said, “and t t mlRl

(toe th a t such a m erger would In e<ri4l If not grea ter «ivvln«i appear possible In the W u i ( Bouthwest merger.-

SouUiwest operates from loralA up to Medford, and the

n i»> , disapproved the linkup txcai t i l l would unite 't ra d e a re u n o t 'mHP i t la llr related to each oUier." *H l l ger o f W est C o u t and Empire.H l l I « re r ,im b a b ly would be okayedI H 1 th e new operaUon would be| H fined to the ldahci*Washli! ■ • Oregon area.__________ ^

I Jerry Church, 60 H I " Dies at HospiI f l i D n m u o n . Dec. 10 — J■ H Ohurch. flO. died a t noon 8iH i * t Uie WendeU hospiUl wheM N h a d been a paUent lo r two i

H r H e had been tn poor healt■ 1 m ore Uian a rea r.n U r . Ohurch was bom a t I tfU ' N. O , Nov. M. 1851. a n d min ; Id a MaUon la M ountain HomeB I 16. IfiJS. T her lived here since■ 1 ’ m arriage except durtng 1M3 n th e r resided In Portland, Ore n j th la Tear when th e r moved to

. *n ,< H e w u a member of th e M etl!J chureh.

I l^ l , euTTlTors include h li widow. d a ugh ten , M n. M erald Buhle

>1*1 M n . Arnold Stocking, bothr:’; . ahone; th ree grandchUdren

< , ' Shoahone: Uire« b ro then . k l l I • ' Ohnrch. C am angay . AlberU,l l l H ' ftda; liom te Ohurch. Solldim H - be rta ; M w ln Ohurch. Lettit:

R K v Alberta, and two alsters,l l n I O hurch and M rs. nartw ell

I .boOi Youngstown, Alberta.| l Funeral serrtces are pendlr| l arrlTal of relaUves. T h e bodyn I a t th e Burdett m ortuary . Sho:

I Youth ProgramII .^Carey Is Plaiu

U l OABXT. Dee. 10 -A long• program U being undertaken :

O arer American Legion post, M b w rn EsterhoU, commander, r I n v .O opununltr you th is tha 1 F l l n • tb a program, S a te iho lt .sali

l l l l l i emphaala la being placed on

I i compeUUon among Carey

achool pupils In the annual . c aa Legion speech' contest

' legion b u enlisted Uie servi O ^ h a Mecham' In co

T tie Legion Is alao tponsorli chlbe In the community. The th rea cluba In th e communi oonJuncUon wlUi the 4>H clul th e ir work, tbe Legion Is r plana for an county i

A t a Joint meeUng of tha : a n d aux lllarr Priday evening, fo r the New Y ear'a camlva

Radiomen Organj I BOISE, Dea, llj m - « e p r e

Itlv e i from 11 o f t t e aU te’i merclal radio sU tlo n i elecUi Glade, }r., Boise, president Idaho Broadcasters' assodat a a organluU onal meeUng Saturday.

■MU O ^ t r officers electod inI r a ' Florence O ardner, Twinn lB i I aecn tary* treuurer, a n d P ra t II (•'I Intyre," T ain ftilU , director

M ^

I T '

\ I !

I ; - y W ^

i i - i« f I Eaceneol f t] , I I of MounliaiI • , I DH>7 ta O\ ; Strrioe.

HERRETTf i - i j l M a n u fo c lu r in g '

E lli I Jaw eterg

|m| East Fivo PointsHSii Twin Falls'

i l ~ '

lod _ T w i n Falls F“ K U X B

•linesE - . S

™ . E E ^ : . i s : sboard, s ta ff uio« nindtr’i r n i u >i«o *l<

liH C«ll«>rrmr>r liiS r*ldatlon w u

er. offlclola *iis •chrt HaoU w ' j !m «cb;of la st AU- ,* ;« fti:wsa denied |» ,lt U irr Lm Ttrlar TiU AIi

nblne w ith imi# ♦Mr Tn>« atarr l i « *NiIliM *JKk n«r<h Bh«w SlOO *Ailil ts *I.0D* Jm rarr *><i *){<

lire p resent n u t ‘I'lui lU n fr jo iti *a-or merger," fi” -. n-n ___ i i l i i .S '. mlRht well Itilo l)an All«n. N,ir, ' lllU*T7vould resu lt i n u Jubpot Quit S.m.nvlnss Uian }!» ' , T u A ^ 5 Ss Nr v u l C o u t - 2:00 JQuMii (or ■ D>r 1 >»

3.M - J n t , Jort»n. M.B. IM M.:r m •►•••■rn WlM«r» llS *LIfrom C all- 1,03 KIIi KIuI. Hho<r ■« Muid the board 4lll tNtwi th« Ilxnlnririr iM uirbecause It » |« Z ix i

I not essen* 7111 • t^ rM h U b * i>oic r.-A m e r- «ioa Tn**i«r iw *u«nplre. how- Jf- \\\.kayed since 10,o« e>*i>iu at zMr't «i««.Id be con* 111«> 7iind«7« rniict « i io ’Mi Washington* ~

Warning, D l l , BOISE, JDec. 10 Wir-Chrlstmj

«> f ahoppen h a re been wamed :I S D l t S l *T»ware of th e store whose salei

people explain selling price I— saying i t w u fixed by Uie OPS

on S u n d v H arry L. Yost, distrle t office cwhere h e pjieo sUUilllzaUon director, sal

two weeka. He said such su tem en ts arehealth for ‘ wldeapreBd campaign to scutt

M ^onal economic stablllxaUca t I n k a ^ . programa by misrepresenting UId m arried junctlona of Uie OPS,"Home S e p t d . WorUi Clark, OPfl dlstrJ

enforcement officer, asked shoiI M w hen p«rs to report such false expli, Ore., and nations to h is office for Invested to Areo. g^Uon.I M ethodlat - i f , jnUrely possible th a t ti

^ price boost they blam e on Urtdcw ; .two OPS Is unJuaUfled," he aatd. "TlBuhler M d ' truUi Is Uie OPS doea no t a t

Sho - can not fix o r order an Increajlldren, a ll tha selling price of any Item h e n . R or K rta, Oan*

Slhbrid " Election Heldl? t i niCHFIBLD. Dec. 10 — Newwell iusay , crawford was elected w onhli

Of the Rlchlleld Mas< > e ^ n g th e u ,e December meei

Thursday evening.^ o s h o n e . Thomaa. Dietrich. •

, named senior warden. Ellis Nef i m i n junior w arden; K enneth Rose, se) U l l I I I deacon; Max Behr, Junior deac

Oeorge R. Bchwaner, secretary, a l U l c Q 3- Lemmon, tr e u u re r ; Elmer 1 Swatmah. chapla in; Porrest Ai.w « strong, tyler: S. J . McInto*h,-seiuten oy wia ,tew arda; Melvin J . Poper, Jui

aleward. and F rank Pope, mars t t i hSh of A special meeUng for Installfti

Treat Plannedservicea of HAOERMAN. Dee. 10 -H agen

in coaching ehlldren will aee a free ahow a t Rax t te a te r Dee. 31 and Bi

nsoring 4<H Olaus la expected to be on ha’. There are Hagerm an m erchanta will apoiimunlty. m t t e trea t. All children underH cluba and years of age wlll b e admitted

la m aking a t th e show which wlU s ta r t 1mty fair. p. m.

t t e Legion

«Sval*’lS 4 lllll f a r m

L O A N Sg ra n iz e lowest interett rai

slecUd E arl BTOtetmga commlaalatle n t of t t e W >tni pnpaym en t plansoclaUon a t Prom pt Serrioe - No DelaleUng. her* ALL TYPES O F XNSURANl

d included B U I G o o b e r l s iII W M a t o A V e . fh o n a T(


No; . . Diamond "Sale' At HERRETT'S


7 . . . Y ou a tu d y th em looee under ' strxim enla ®

. . . n o IIIosloR m ountingB ^o deci

. . .n j la le a d ln g te rm s a s “perf* And “ Blue W hite” no longer no te q m i f i c q u a lity , good bad.

R eliable a tan d a rd s based on sclent m ethods of g ra d in s will bo explai

K to you .

" A t lio ob ligation n sk fo r th e bool explaiiiina: th e 4 *‘C’s“ ' o f diam buylnfir. ' '

BBt SelecUoaunUofs. N e - -ta O or ' I

e. I .

IT'S '•Jnfl • I

■ H y F I l l l

ills Radio Schedules■ K V M V K T F I A M - i

(145* KUOOXCLES) (1270 KILO-19.1 M l 'O B B <}<DC

< HOKOAT HOHDAT ,1^00 ‘ ■ *'” t >K>lMbor. ^• ■se <ArtCir u«d(r«r «:t>» Com ^ Clab T(Oe ’La* Tkaiur SiU aii-nrtwa r.4ltl«i aieo •D«b lunk RhD« •:•!> U tU slu GUm aiH *R«X Ailm Khe« lUtU T*l*plx>e« I »1«0 «Low«ll ■nioBiM. K«wi TiJO A1I.B StMl I lls r*lth Is Action *iOO lUarlo U a u• iM •B<x>«]>*r U Mr D »t 8 :M jO a. Mm'* Km iI

I0:»0 WMtkff Korxut tttS Nlo«.tl(tMii CdJU tOiOl atarllsbt M.lodIn >lia lOardeit MwltMUifl# •Ot.inHcleomhNw lO.Ifl j^Bdgnr.Ur a»<

n IIIH •0*BMOrcb«*U> lfli«H«wtUiSS Ntw* , TUMDAT

™«.DAT ..iM*CDSK«r,R«TiHDp .1,0 C

„ « : S S f g £ “ - ! SsIm ot^mfrlM tlM iSt'dk* It RkkSiOO •Arthur (M tn j » l« »D«t# Garreviy9lli *llctfm%rr 10 Its Tkk«r Tjip# Tim

10 Its ‘A'mt J'nnr'* t i l l ! xHob H*r .OKS *Our G*1 SiiBdir Ul>0 lOtera* Slekt

> l l l l t *M« r«rklu piBi.11 >U *77.. CuWlB* UsM IllU r « ^ JwirMlf lM KVMV No«n U ll ln " l ■«« ■^W*Dn>mu I lU NtwiUab. H»k«U SiU Xllwrcl* KUmb*•' is !?,»«£?■.",» siH ‘£i5S

„ ;ii s s ' i s i - ' r ! : ! ! " ■:«0 z.ltuipplBf illf 7 >94 xKlbb«r M«Qm:00 *AII«n JacbtoB K m SiM «Dls Tovb:J0 Do VcTU n»mtnibtr 9:M *nrc«<Hr«jr Plu

r iM *U«iUh *:00 xOti* Man-* r*milS Mo.l* T1ffl« » lll NlB*-fUtMB E<lltli t •K.I R. Mutraw H m « i» xCkralcad* of Ae

«i«0 *I‘r>vI« Ar« rannr lOtM xHbort SterrSHO »Mr- »b4 Mn. WerU. I tU t xW.wt and aisn

— — FHA Seeks Credi^ h r ls tm o ji Bids on Housi

warned to BOISE. Dec. JO (jp^— rh e fe( »h o sesale^ houalng admlnlatraUon wlll be r '8 . P *5®„®5; Dec. 10 to receive appllcaUom

excepUons from c re d it restric « t office of Jo t builders o f M defenae hoi reclOT, said, un its a t M ountain Home, c la« nenta a re a « * critical defense hmislng ar [tAMif^Uon T- Lockwood, State direct-

t t o PHA, said t t e n u m b e r 'n j« n u n g ino estim ated addlU onal piw i «ii.tFi,.» “ r a t houalng needed for perse

of apecUled defense p lan ta anc BtAllaUons u se t up by t t e hoi

r« • M »nd home finance agenoy. for tnvesU- T w enty of the houses win bt t . »*,. r e n u i and five for sale.

C on ttac ton have u n til D e c .: appllcationa to t t e F Hj

Wendell’s Streeti ——— TrimnfedforYi

WENDELL, Deo. 10— T he 1 L A C iu d lit ric t of WendeU h u t0 — N ewton on an a ir of C h r is tm u w lt t a l1 worshipful of evergreen garlands and plni leld Masonlo termlngled w lt t colored llghta c iber meeUng raUng the ligh t standarda. Co:

lights form a cross In the cen t)lBtrich, w u tho evergreen bedecked cable a<Ellis Newby. IntersecUon on main,

h Rose, senior The decoraUons. which weremlor deacon; chased by t t e Cham ber of (secK tary, R nierce and c ity council, wero pir; Elmer U by WendeU businessmen.

- s ^ ? M. M eU and Leo Berry, coirP o S ? ' Jm to r Cham ber o f Comnm S m arS nL ^ P '* " C h rlsU nu U ^ats fo r '.7in«LBiintirm th a t San ta <

S ' ^ loft-n Saturday. HeWUl be held toake h is second appearance on_____ ,• aa. T he children wlll be gueata

- free show on th a t day a t 3 p jnT IT IP H S a n U wUl arrive on the fire is i i i v u Jg10—H agerm an dren u t t e y leave t t e theater, e ahow a t t t eI and BanU .be on h a a d - w ■ wUl aponsor | M A

sn under 13 • • •

W atch'Sai M* atN S HERRETTerett rate* _________________

se n t plan - N o Delay usuR A N O B

Phone Te»0

*S b • U C e u ltr * • W ly ' • L o n s in ti • ’ Helb

W # know t t e coeU enlerin know t t a t dependable w at “bargain” prices o f tte ae '

T h ere fo re , w e .h av e tu r « I / # f in d no “bopgiriirB al^ '

^ 0 " ® - B u t y o u will f ind , a s a ■ M / M tccd w a tc h c s of m ost : I J e s tab lish ed m akes.

• W a U e s T h a t W• W atch es T h a t W

! • W alcliM fo r W h . . I.. Im m ed ia te ly Ava

Q ua lity 1 B 'to deceive .3 “p e rfe c t”0 longer de- ^ P^yJ , good o r im p o r ta n t to you a s yi

A s Jew elers w ith a re; n sc ien tific te re s te d in see ing th a t e explained w hen y o u b u y a w atch '

ad in g a s a w atch ! Thi th e booklet oell th e b ig "barR ain” . t d ia .„ond

Pay C onveniently; Lay C ash , C horge, Month

• W eekly

^ HERRETTM onufactu rlng

Jew elers

■ J* ’ | E ast Five PointsTw in Foils


lu les I A m s a n d 0 : AM-FM E x p la in e r[LO-t9.7 MEG) SHOSHONE, Dec. 10-T h«inw niT lo t Of taUt t te se days am ong fs

' eapedaUy L incoln' county f iluabora regarding ‘'t t e pilo t dlaUlct...OJ" Clob T he aubject h u been dli« 'S " gu^ ‘" broadly in federal land mJ T*i*pi>oe« n«w ' tn en t agendea throughoui> Sb«« U nited SUtea w l t t auU r» i i? J ^ a « iir *«rtelng Uiat t t e p lan h u

CdJMi ReacUon from farm ers haan 'rdoi. M «R.. ^ Quite so favonible.icwaur riMk Jjj October t t l s year, t t e

Hver soU conservation dlsb■utSDAT Lincoln couniy w u chosen> Hear pubUo lands committee of t t e : LitMioek a>b' associaUon of soU conservatt

tricU for a “pilot d istric t." • Mm.1 Mitto. Leonard Bond. Bhoshone, < ik« It Rkk vaUonlst, said, “farm ers a s ^T# Garrraar federal o fflcen recognise t t e

a lly fo r a Joint utilisa tion

Lec^turer Chosei By Eden Gra

iu iM U itte? EDEN. Dec. lO -M rs . C.aijrwood Tbatur ^iru clectcd u lecture r o f t t 'f b ir 'K o - O range W ednesday eveningr T o « place Mrs. Ray K ennedy w

n.jbou». ^ n e d .ifU u iS AitioB The annual Christm as par raicad* of Aaitrka be held a t the nex t regu la r ts

®!f7, Dec. 18. I t wUl be a n openiwt and aisn o » cjiUdfjn of O ra n g en ■


I Credit ,ars;a.“d‘ X T jsf;T ¥ - „ - * _ reading by Mrs. J la y Loo: J a O U S i n g game and two contests, o . M ■s m J T i read an arUcle on uso co^1?m bi S 'BDDUcaUoM f w OM ” '* wrerseer.<llt S c t l o M «<» ‘n lefenTe h o SHome, classified O range convenUon tn , h tmslng area. turkeys are found tn

t t e sU tes of t t e D n ltM S U t

iddlUonal perm - 5 ^ i 5 i ^ 5 S 5 5 S 5 i■d for personnelp lan ta and In- I f •by t t e housing

s s . ’" ” '” ' "LintU Dec. 3 i to l ^ M l v lto t t e FH A ..._. [ n f I

S t r e e t s

for Yule10— Tho busl- ideU h u Uken

T h i. U th e Shop tO h

ced cable a t t t e ntceasary fo r BEWORK. Ask ns about

Jhlch were pur- rtplacem tnl c o m — of imber of Com- tte r 'r e handsomer and a cU. wcro pu t up cf/icleni th a n you r prea smen. one.

COMPLETE STOCK O P er 01 c ^ m e r e e * uggQ b ad IA T O B Strea ta for'chU - .. ________At San ta Olaua H H r a W Z V S W ^ H turday. He wlUlearance on Dec. R W B N W n g * W 9 ^ I be gueata a t a | k « n 2 1 f Q K | k j M j | lly a t 3 p jn . and ^ ■ B R B j 3 | B V T n 3 | |\ the fire truck eaU to t t e chll-


E T T ' S ^ ^ HIn reeen t months we have t

- , offered many stocks of "bargi w atches to sell a t ridlculo low “sale" prices. None bf U o f f e n 'h u come from any on

2 a B 5 t $ y S E ttew eU -know n. cstabll.ihed m tifac lu ren wlUi whom we business. Tlie offer.t come f Jobbers and Impdrtera who t' no m eans to effectuate any gi anUes. The mitnufacturera n o t known to ua.

• • W iler • 'H e lb r o s

«U entering Into t t e making of a wntch, ao idable watches can no t be made to seU a t o f tte ae "sale- atocka.

.have tu rned dow n a ll such o ffe rs . Y o friirsal^l^' of cheap w atchcs n t I lc r r e t l

Hnd, a s a lw ays, dependable, fu lly fiiin r o f m o st all th e w orld’s recognizcd t

akes. .jji

I T h a t W in K eep T im e!\ T h a t W ill G ive M any Y ears of S erv i I fo r W hich S ta n d a rd R epair T a r ts J itely A vailable W hen Needed!1 W hoae F am ous N am es A s s u r e F

• th e se Good W atch es s ta r t n t ?27.75. n t to pay less t h a n 't h a t fo r a n y th in g you a s y ou r w a tc h ? ^

d th a re p u ta tio n to m ain tain , w e a r e e ing th a t you g e t a dependable tim ep i• a w atch—n o t m ere ly a tr in k e t masq^i •tch! T h a t is w hy w e do n o t ad v e rtise barRain” w atch cs o f uncertain paren tii

A ll p r ic c s In c lu d tt to x

sntly; Loyowoy, je . Monthly orookly ■

L E T T ' S•a c tu r in g - * ■relers ,

:“p :r J S K J t


id O b je c t s o f “ P U o ,in e d b y S o il C ons

lO -T h ere 's » so u rcu and t to Wood river Ml am ong farm ers; servaUon district. « t t e subJi «u n ty fa rm e n . a oilot district. wUI. no doubt,, d laU lct.- uflm m easely In t te expcrimei ^ dlacuased Becauae It h u not been p« land m anage- fo r tupenU ora of t t e dlstr:

um ighou t m eet personally w ltt many <t t auttoriU ea *rea ranchers, a m lsundenti Ilan h u m erit, h u . resulted. Some have tt< e rs h a sn 't b e ta presslon It la aome kind of gt

m e at program which wiU rear, t t e Wood tte m adversely, ion tllaUlct in j«ck K eltt, Shoahone, d chosen by t t e m anager for t t e bureau of

«« of t t e Idaho management, said t t e pilot maervaUon dia- tr ic t id e a 'la be ing'sponsor. Istrict." - naUonal J n d sU to asaociatlcoshone. conaer- loU conslhraUon dUtrlcU In t a e n a s weU u tem pt to find out w bat can be mlso t t e neees- how. by whom and a t w hat c Ulsatlon of re - Increase t t e carrying capacity----------------------- range Unds, pubUe a ad j r iv i

Through t t e cooperaUon o n O S 6 n ious su te andL Jedera l ag

physical facU about t t e U n1 GrangeIrs, C. Stone no t avalUble to aU to and 1 rer o f t t e Eden s « e n c l^ t t e distric t will r evening to r e - t t a t t t e mal.e aunrinnedy w ho re - ran c h en wU’. be aa)r m . . wrtn cooperate In t t e prwrram by

InformaUon on wate resources In t t e area

in open session recommendaUona for lm 'a n g en are tn-

Wednesday ses-all quesUont. a ,la y Looney, a T | Jsta. o . M . Stone I r lon uso of pen- ^

nrerseer, presld- _____________

MATTREaUon In Burley.

found In IB of |S NOW OJtM su te s . • * ' ^



M ade to O rder

I B One-day Service for

H JBl R e n o v a t i n g

J g S n sC w / rnottressm ode ju s t liko o new


top lo b a re S C

MASTER MATTRESS ii t t e equip- s, nippUes ry fo r BEALIrea — often

and a e r a

”” — ‘: k o f n e w>U T 0 B 8

i T j M S M s J

I Ire have beea

of “bargain’* ridiculously

tone bf tte se n any one of

tiom w e do .t come from ra who have ite any guar-lacturers ore ^

vBtch, ao w*. seU a t t t e -

rs . Y ou’ll I l c r r e t t ’s!

ly j^ n r a n -m izcd a n d \ i

)f S erv ice!T a r ts A re f

l u r e F ine

27.75. Do ly th in g - a s

w e a r e in-! tim ep iece y H rt m a sq u e r-clvcrtise o r • •p a re n ta g e . ©


) A H a _________________

P U o t D i s t r i c t ” A rc C o n s e r v a t io n is t M' o T S . S t S . t - M

r b 2 ”s ^ b i , ? ”» ” » '“ > '

i l u S S « g “ " " '" > » "m C h .™ . ta ,

Ich w tu affec t poUcles o r openUng ptocedu various' agencies will strive

ttflhone, distrlet th e best possible uae of a ll 1# bureau of land D anner. Shoshone, ch

t t e pilot dls- board of supervlsonI' sponsored by rtver soU conservaUc

aaaocUUons of jrte t. and K e ltt. were called r itr lc u In an a t- n,f«i w l t t Oacar Edholm b a t can be done, departm ent and Jay T h a t w hat cost to „ j u u n t sU te oonservaUon g capacity of aU naUon. to compUe a re a ad jr lv a to . pjons and progress of t t e p t

jcraU oa of var- trlc t. All of t t e np rese i fderal agcnclea. pledged t t e full a ad whole.] It t t e U nd and coopenU on of t t e l r re: :ompUed a t t t e agencies.-e eompleto facUsU to and federal y w .# w w w w w w w w w w w .,.le t wUl request r j GUARANTEED na);e aurveya. J R A D I O S E R V I m ’. be aaked lo s a v e ji% c. s .m ;ram by l<Jni- , »j>4 « o to * o i- i lUDtoi

on w ater ^ COMMUNICATION t t e a r t t along r a d i o SERVICEma for im prove- ,,7 N«tth . Fb«



= S S E S 11920-R

3rder rice for

t i n g

8 o new one.(NEXT TO TURLEY'S)


rTTT^ ^K,. 1

p f


m e m


S i I O A - :

—— — • I

At p 2 School-Board To Discuss It M e n

tn hlatoTT facU Ferry school boa rd to meet t t e r a t one eonX Ume In J a n u a ry w l t t t t e Kl J r a n c h e n aad -Khool ^ <“ « « « tulUW ria o n wUl a lt & jd o t t e r eosU. K in* HIU 1 federal o ffleen pupils a ta r te d th la year to t to g e t ttln g s h igh achool in O lenna Ferry, I maximum prt>- Decision to call t t e meeU nda in t t e dia- following a financial

by Chester W ard, superlntenc mgs In present th e finances of t t e district.I procedure, t t e read a rep o rt from t t e si IU strive to get9 of aU lands. W ard a n d M aurice Muc shone chairm an ^^e abanflooed schooloervlson of t t e d«»on lU n c h dam , report* jnservaUon d ls- none of t t e equipm ent a t t t t ^ a lS led rw*nUy la sulU ble fo r use in Gienna • S S n ^ t h e Oeorge Moeerove, clerk, wa d Jay Thoanum , ’orlied to w rite to th e aUUiservaUonlat f o r ---------------- ■ .pUe a report of of t t e pUot dls-

npreaenU U vea >d w hole.hearted he ir respecUve

PTEED I 'JE R V I C E ^ ly7 BADIOB S f e j K:a t io n sSBVICE

. Fbm* H ll


H O N E Y S9 2 0 - R ^ ^

M f o f A A . . . !

, b p t a J l

KPERIENCE g^hKtyM rol8f.lbo,rto-««d

f o r

. h o l i ^

m i n t

v \

i g o B

- i

S a v e t f m e a n d e n e r g y

C h r i s t m a s s h o p p i n g — s

D e a l e r t o d a y ! Y o u ’l l f i i

m e m b e r o f t h e f a m i l y , p r

p o c k e t h o o k . F r o m a n -

J u n i o r , t o k i t c h e n a p p I i

h a i r d r y e r f o r S i s , a n d ;

f o r D a d , y o u ’ r e s u r e t o u

w i t h e l e c t r i c a l -

w o n d e r f u l s e l e

l a s t i n g p l e a s u r e

t r i c a l d e a l e r s n

A H O ^ P CS o M U C t K B r t

' . 1 .M O N P A T W a i

5 d i o o i - B o a r d s

To D i s c u s s Feesa N N B FK H BT, Dec. 10-P U n aI m ad e B aturday by t t e Olenna In t& »Jy school boa rd to m eet some- - - 2 ?, in J a n u a ry w l t t t t e King H ill ^^^AD T n S ^ol bo a rd to dUcuss tu lU m i t a ----------o t t e r eo su . K in* HIU school F = a :

la a t a ^ ^ year to a ttend A l ^ a .t aebool in O lenna Ferry. I f A F I Jtclslon to call t t e meeUng w u , * ' Ie following a flnancU l report / T ?t e s t e r W ard, superintendent, on i 'A 7;finances of t t e dlatrict. He aLio

a ^ w r t from t t e aUte on

•rd a n d M aurice Muck, whoed t t e abanflooed school a t An- ^ -on R knch dam , reported t t a te of t t e e<iulpment a t t to schoolIllable fo r use in Gienna Ferryeorge M o a ^ v e , clerk, w u a u tt- Stoed to w rite to th e a u te Insur-

t e l f j p

holl for "iulilill':..rsl , bptaJiijSyBariljsliiijai

(Miwciy MrdgM bo«rt«« proot. AiOml A«« OM

H h o i l d a y y o u I • v s r i i a d i I

a n d e n e r g y — s i m p l i f y

s h o p p i n g — s e e y o u r E l e c i

a y ! Y o u ’l l f i n d g i f t s f o r e

t h e f a m i l y , p r i c e d t o m f c e t e

. F r o m a n e l e c t r i c t r a i l

k i t c h e n a p p l i a n c e s f o r M o

f o r S i s , a n d a n e l e c t r i c s i

l u ’ r e B u r e t o m a k e h a p p y t

i t h e l e c t r i c a l - g i v i n g . T h e i

o n d e r f u l s e l e c t i o n o f g i f *

s t i n g p l e a s u r e . . . a t y o n r

i c a l d e a l e r s n o w !

> ^ P O ^« sftMiictwBitsso u n u ;

Page 7: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

ANCtis S i

■ g S s A

^ » c u u d “ HoucWn’. Blx reot. ^

fKRt BatunlV ziJsht ^ K ^ ^ m o l « J . Wo wonder K ° i t t into .UHdard nU -foot

, nodoubt fttijul lhe KTCttt-■ 'S ,f Oilers' bMkelboU la l- JU ". »

good team in toM-UP the KOrt m ight

^■indicate oUitrwlse. quinte t■ ^ U t M mode ft game o t M alxi^ K * ^ u u » . And. lb w u n 't Falls i

Ollen weren't trying. nJght.^ H s s u t e n r u i o u lo t Bas and A p r ^ E oto-.K lhe Oatea B ro the rs FaUs » ^ K i naeri'cs or the cailber vees w:^ K « tlra Jl would have been th e Tw:

R , S ^ operate a g a lw l ati*jn Ulce K urland, ao TTat^.

.^B ^'A m erlea* The on lr de- where 1U pot a wooden Ud on th e turprisi

« PhUUp* player, him self5t «Ttn»lncher. who was c ,vlth ths u a m In thi* a r ta , p ^ y iIM thoMht M urray S a tte r - u i e ^i Boy Ir«M “ “l 'l » a k a j,om e tJ lilttin WlUl ease. H a sa id S /

" “ S SM to ip le u ltu ra n h s tru c to r

S i d * ^ « A U . A ^ c a a t S S w !Dd m an was a basketbaU ^roWt2i Uthe and O U ahoma. 5 i,q(}ti;arted before th e gam e ooaeh .od for Oklahoma A and M 's victorsM b» n t graduated from day. ^ooL At that Uma th e seven* ing s(|utUDd « u a senior a t th e shoaho)

W endellattit s u « th ing o r two po in t aMiUlball,’' Irons grinned. M aluTbt lurd way." Declo t<TU CO cistch for K urland secondBii» the bl{T redhead v o rk come os p a t . D 'co'Ume b e came pectedM f ia e he waa dripping season,jdntloa and eom ptsinlng -KJmba m lta th a t ’ No. IS" was w in v ito tool with. "He's rough." M utU u^ once. IM tedm rough for K urland. “

IlBTlind spun around for neither had hU han d In * .h li hip convenlenUy f c ^ .« c U o n ._ I tw a s «

Kltf crowd th a t showed

■ kTctes. sponson. m ors ‘M 8dbukeU )aU enthusl. n P | | i

MW a th a t basketball U n M i | ^ In Maglo VaUey. P o < r t iM ito bring, th e best ■*• « l

y ^ l thinking, m any " R i f^ K ih o o r Idaho S U le -■ • 'J J - W hltss the people ofiWby consenting to play j , „ tJ tB in th U are a . ? ,ne n,

w l i n g S c o r e sr - ' ' R « u l

“ w n ia* !, LBACU* fea t OT(«et«r and 8U

r - ------, « « • JenkinsHr~-— j j ; } * }« neaul

= \\\ } S \\\ !J? En,l. K -------- r - _ L ! ^ J l i » n u ?

T«-Ii **' D. nwk(= 1 — : ^ l i l M n ?

___ 31« : « ” “ * I ^ u H------------- IU l«i U 471 G- Kinlx------------i ! ! _ ! ! a ' c1'«------ ------ . ISO Its 11} 3(11

CtrrMl r^ |,M= := Z lZ zV i , S r\l iJ i r „ n w-----—__ 111 UK 111 Mi Xl? r r r - l i i in r.S lU----- --------,_m 18« let 111 B. Horlt

• OttM U qnt«_ ___E»» »«•'

• = = : | l i l l l i i L s ?

■------ — Ul _M* K™r?"p------ ------ ««« S77 Ml J7H CUrrUh I

S E E | i : ! i l i i l B i g

_~—------- }‘i »na Ml »M ono of In r ------- - | ! ‘ IJJ- >1* «|* back* I

= = ! ! ! is; !!S i s

aehool}^- {g« | « »« rectors,

:— -------- »« J ir }** m TtMr z i z r z z : m Im im ffi * o « “— J h Jootbix— *“ **» ” »«' - • T o no 111) »B ‘*® N a;— ~ ----- UT i i j u a U l »*claU<

—r r j-i IM }” iJi

»» m m * ^ 5 SUTL— «*» ««» t u j« i \

b e a t s w b o</f>-aon>aga

^ V ^ a u r t h Tjctory ot t h a ' s ^

........... "

B ^ P A IN T IN G I ^ ^ ^ r ' ^ B t e e d 3 5 . 0 0 | l ,

& Gosney km i c b t r r

B —— - 1 ■

H t BKCBMB!® !»• ” 1

F w in F a l l s ] S tro n g O ak l A j-e a C a g e FMagic Valley’B high school baskelba

)11 along at a merry clip thie week wilrea schools. Eight contcsta arc schc uesday night, headed by the awaitednd Twin Falla at Twin Falls. --------Other contests will pair "p _

inaen at Hagerman, Diet- J j O}},ch at Edcn, Wendell a t x /~nooding State, Shoshone at J[g 1,1 coding, Malta at Declb,[urtaugh at Kimberly and T | m|« Hsfl at Fairfield.Oakley, v lth a team loaded w ith B ovlenIterxnen. snd T w in FaUs, w ith a n : fo r the tiiIje r aU-veUiran Uaeup, haye been season, ^le pre-season choices ss th e s tro n g , potted onIt elass A warns, to Magio TaUey of aU Icaitls ^ear. No letT be H ornets will h a ra a n a d ra n - clinched<e In height and could control th e money w:ickboards. Tw in FaUs players a re pected tocpccted to react be tter under p res- veck.:.ire, s o 'th e game is ra ted ms a Team tss-up. . and this Cooch Elden 'WlUlams' Oakleyiln tet has defeated Kimberly and «'»« ^o- '! alad to .lU / I r t t two games. Tw inilU downed B uh l 4S-35 F riday r.i.cirk ii.i ght,A preliminary game p ltU ng .T v in gi;ln i i raUs sophomores wiUi Oakley Jay- id>b<> >:<f!cs w in open acUon a ( 7 p ja . l a hwhe Twin Falts gymnaalum. A nother i „ .paclty crowd Is expected fo r th e it«c«n. nsro contests. - - - p „ i,i, ti Hansen travels to H a g e r m a ntierc 11 wUl be th e underdog to th e - 't iK irit ixprlslng Pira tes. H agerm an haa l i ^ m . ii liy one re te ran back but h a s shownjly-season power In downing BUas Mu'! Donid CasUefoM. H ansen has lost to cu^P aiji»xul and Eden. n S irtt™ .Dietrich pJays a t Eden and th e i-.rk iiotfiime team Is a sligh t favorite. B oth T»in r*';* uads have won In itial games. Edcn.iwever, has the edvaatage of a Ttn-Mrh te ran lineup.WendeU plays a t Qoodlng Blote £u*n“ im sere Coach M urray Satterfield 's:oJans are expected to w in th e ir CDr aur Ird stra igh t gam e. Ooodlng S tateIS dropped its openers. Twin r>i Shothone plays a t O oodiag and» e h A. Vincen C arter’s Senators , _ *•;to rs over M ounU ln Home S a tu r- Brhuif«hVly, t r e expected to hand th e visit- uniuu ong squad lU th ird stra igh t setback, idtho I'ow.loehone has lo st to R ichfield and o>endeU Uils season, both by one- ^ jl,;,*.'line margin*. ^ juiijW» n M a lu pUys a t Declo a n d th esclo team Is expected to tu m In lU I??; imUhcond victory, a lthough th e ou t- utni«r. ih me could be cloee. M alU Is ex­i te d to puU several surprises this

Klmijarly *rW bo a fte r iU f ir s t on w hen 11 en terta ins M urU ugh. urU uah h is loot to D edo. and d e - , , sted H aielton. Kimberly, wlUi a L « iS r» n - am th a t should develop rapidly as chrutun e season progresses; h as dropped 'close decision to strong Oakley,

Imberly Is favored. s«piKi ...BUss plays a t Falrtleld lo a game te d ,a s a toa»up . i t wUl be Bliss’ ird game and th e opener fo r F air-

■_____________S-.X';.,r ic k n o r S e ts , « " > a c e i n T . F .

{ i f i e M a t c h e s TIAMS-NaojVoung David Tlcknor se t th e pace J!**."'*'’ f 4 t week In th o flfUi lnter*club c.‘ A n 4 i le m atch fired by members of T«n hiih e Twin F a iu TUfle and Pistol »«ib . Tlcknor posted a 388 ou t o f a isslble 400.ResulU s a v K ra i's Plnwheelers de - At Oerrtah SporUng Goods 6-0 " J JV p ! id Slayners SporUng Goods down WMUn nklns Chevrolet «-l.neaults Included: *

X nl't rin»tiMl<n T ^ n T»«nl* K n i ----------- H »b JJ J l tl» cireui LoiTfcknor--------— ,?* !? !} !J JJI >'»S S S . i s r = = : S ! : K S 5!!D ,ik«------------- M J» ’J JJ so; C«n»o]l4*(*i V " i , - = = i: s; « ; ; ’“ x i

C.rrt»li 8P«nl"* , , Adkln*. 11»U Hull .............. « « ST l< JIS ]7(fiMlioro .... M a* ai 11 a|3 H»i

i i a i i i i i I S

mnk JtftlilBt------- iO« JOO SI t l l « wOt■ a .y -------- !! !! !! !! ii! “ .',“10. c««k»r----------IM »J J* JJ p .rnt'a KlH arlU --------- ** ** •* Club Ch»«lSUriwn »p»t1tin C»«4« Rrm Bl»U

-------- -la ja J* « JM WMUrn.H» ^ « i 81 II S1» A ib,r^h'»

. S ” c L - = ! ! !! I ! !! !!!w I . ffirs a

»^i»^Sporl(nr 0 < ^ - .... - IJ « Wll«k«n. II

I !! a s s^ ■ _ Alb»rt»on

hg Seven Makes )rastic CutbackJCAK8AS o m r , Dec. 10 t f t - T h e (lg Seven conference h a s dam ped tn l u c .f, series of restrlcUons on sporU In j)D of m e naUon's most drajU c c u t- ick» by a m ajor college league. ,T«„bi** TTje new rulings, which Include s in on post'season athleUo con - niork. ii< sts . came out o t a th ree-day m e e t- t» iM . ch « of faculty' represenUUves, ,ihool prealdenU and athleUc d l- xio>bfti> «tors. The meeUng ended yester- A ndyo. »y.7ts« post-season ban tar th s ooo- rence’s seven schooU goes beyond etbaU bowl games. I t even affecU W R »t-season events sponsored by le NaUonal CoUeglate AthleUo a s - > KlaUon. such as basketbaU and

U bsoomes etfecUva Sept. 1. w a


AO U ads U d iises . . . t a - stoned by tte n th a l bnOd tra l len a n d knev th s type V Jbest R llsd for r o v lek , ' V f .

SOPER'S on Au' , t ^ i u r c o .i n . i i h A ^ w . r n o n s * ^ o w

» •

Is Faces akley in H s Feature ■b a sk e tb a ll s e a so n c o n U n u c s to w ee k w ith 25 g a m e s in v o lv in g (i r c flchciiiileil in v n lle y a r e a s ■ ! , »

a w a ite d t e s t b c t^veen O a k le y

B o i v l i n g P l a y

I s C l o s e a s

D r i v e s S t a r tBowlem, nearing the stretch drive

fo r tho t in t half of compeUUon this season, were keeping Ujclr eyea potted on Ute won and lost columns of aU leagues.

,N o team in any league has clinched ihe U p poslUons, the money w ltm eh.U nd acUon is ex- pectcd to be keen for Uie next few .U w * • week.:.

Team standings, leading bowlers and this week’a achedule Include: • [

;{ ■ RefereV.‘»L--------------« •“ * ‘" f

5 S c i ■i"’ ---------- :! - S ■”KUX ^ -------------:} •??? chaUeags«^*n Ifa .. - .Iil»b(> i s t ____ 17 11 4X4 —

Trn hWh bowltni CrJ.ea. JM;‘iV«;'s>,;r‘;.^; Tim<

” ■ *” • NE\vP«iric B . , M . h u u * . die s u

h e is th .l l ^ m . llt^r »». Uor<U Coff*« 9

SCRATOf 1-KAC.Ve . * ^ b * ' --------------- « ,1 .Bi: his negi^rk* » x : r “ r z z i •! ' :Uo Y ork O: Twin r«iu lAimUt___ « n .SOO second lmrr*?:! *i*»mm'TI!IZ 10 I t !:o«

7tn-Mr>> 6o«;»r.( C.rian, IMjCommon.. HI: MorrU. JMl Il«.«h: JSt- Mmeone CoI»m»n. IU: |l»w|ff. n o i Un. JlOi Mc- mtingcr

Stu<libik,r Tl. M>c'i ilon ,III llo Cotl n . lllrr*lli llrriniM T TTwin Falli I.unWr DowUdnn* J H Q O

HEnCnANTS LEAGUE ^ Ca»i{i» _________ ___ 3 ja .«i7 Ta “;o V " i* : i i iz = z I \ L o o .Wc«urn Obi1>;i s j (Bgt ^ S X 7 = 1 ! :!!! ^ O O

h a q e iUB: lUrtniJi. i:»; Common*. n » . Loni. VlcUrlCS

TiMiKi'. Brti,iDi, « a rd UA. a U. riumlilni xi. lUllakl* Kurntc* T hn PlBwifu VI. 5rhub«ehi jM.,1rr ,l„»WnUrn Opllcil ti. C«n 6UU r*9«r ,UsIKd OlJ n. litho I’rww lack of \

L«ihff»n ____________ 28 0 J l l from laslch tu tun -----------------1« I JM them wh

------I t } ^00 H agenr

i P S S - K Ti-------- ?! 11 iil* P l e ^ ^® T^f*hi7h l i ”. .when flniCaflnlnihim, U l: Urr<llfl>. l i t : burssn. any closs 1701 D. Jinkln.. 1« ; N. 0. J«ht.wn. IISJ Hngem

T«i>1(kt‘i HthMlolt c o n tesu .

BL Kdw»W. Ho. : V., Chriitui. Dec. 14—Luthm n ti. Aoiirkan LuUimn —Wendel

MINoirtCACUEIdaJio D.p.iunenl Hlof... »1 5 . tS HagCrmBnouih i-roduc._______ IS « . 47 CoalleforL, Jtnklni Unlr Shop _ Is I .2 a TTnirf-rmnS L B V i :■!! § ? s r 5W n n itr Colft* Bhoj. — SO » .IT —Bllus

------------1? i? ■ 2# HogermaTm hlah bowlmi4ltit«m. 1 t l HaRCrma

Dti-.ul. 147 i B«m«. I « : UrClnrr. 1 «J 1—HngcrD. Joflklnt. lU : Uou<lr. JUl U. Cuok. I t l l (^Ptklrfli

Ittnha Difitrunral Slor* ti. Tlmu-Ncm QOOdlng Fll«r VirlMr Dior* ti C. 0. Andinon Jloulh Ptoduc* VI. W wnif Colft* Hho»

. g a j f '

I i l - o c aCM»o]l4*U4'priLtht ___ ! •Its CompC'

f S S - i S V i S s r h r . ’ h.'S.C: ffi!

G>rr«tt yrilahl »«. Danulur* to g tCUJClrtM Lount* Tl. n«n firown* Won andTown T*T*rn ti. ConiolU*l«0 frrlkht UnlOKo««r»oB HoUl ta. Pgntiii< Triclcr 5.18 M d

WOKCN'B MAiOn LEAGUE ‘ K en HCaMlnal Market----------I 17 .11 leading IP.lwrT^Kldrll!!______ _ 9 * .t l *Club chMk.oh —.... ...... I d J* Team

S S ” ! = !

Brown. J il l u Vaigun. U i; IU tiof«ra. Clarence It” : d )M: V. Commoni. WIJ V. 248. andw»«k.n. US. .ml M. w****", » '• jo h n n j

C m a u u oil Tl. DfiTj-.r M.rkrt , 387; Eva Coc*.Col« n . ParnX KMi. 340, andAlb»rt»otii»». Club Ch»«kK)h . . . P a rk s ' W«»ure Mnilc T«. Cartlaal rood Matkrt

WOUCN'S MlNOa LEAGUE rleC 236,D«tw*ll«r Dim. H * ________Lor,» Produo*________*« a .<«Jnk ln i Chcrnlrt ____ U t J l l

: I ; > 5 E t i - t = = : i ! J r j iT«H'fal>)i >Tmi* bo«I<ni S Dradltr, M J B t H7j H. wukl*. 142: 8. Ooodmr, IK l p. V J V * OoodrMtr. IITI n. T7M5MWo«n. I*?/ L Dlork. 114) C. lUndalU ll4i C. Nabon. MM » } I U. Ch*pm*n. l tl . mnd I. Cowham. 111. / #

W*dii«*4ar’* K<hMl*li %MJ*t>klB< ChnraUl ti. L«ti( Prod«*Xlmbnly CabamtM t>. Ill Iio Ci(*ABd*T>OQ‘* V*. D«tw*l1*r Sre*. __a«T Mor T«. J«Bklna CbOTwltC f m

~ ' s ,


W . C . R o b i n s o n 1L O A N S. 1

on Automobiles. F u rs ltu rs so d Jo the r Personal Property.

OpposlU Radio RondBTOO

P H O N E 3 3 7 I______

V ' i . ; ' ■

- _____________r


' Referee George W aU h clampa U s handa i Ing him away from Paddy DeltUroo during t In New York. DeMarco w oa an apset sp ChaUenger for the Ughtwelght crown. (NE/

[Time Will Tell [M uUEVf YORK. Dcc. 10 ttft-B d- T ^ *

dlo SU nky wlU know w hether r l ' l ! he la the new m anager of the a t.Louis Cardinals w hen -the clockstrikes 3 p. m . today. J h O l

• T h a t deadline was esUbllshfdby Cardinal Ow ner Fred Salgh In MURhis negotlntlona w tth thfl New Urm enY ork OlnnU for th e 34-ycar old U ugh'asecond baseman. season,

"I( I have n o t closed th e deal to Impifor BUnky by then I will name Letteiiomeone else tho C ardinals ' new foot, Um anger la u r th is week," Salgh th e Ujsaid. Valley;

L ___ 1 five fe<

T T ' ' THagerman IsT 1 • n sophoitiLoolang for

-i -w- ■* Charie:

Good Record “enHAOEHMAN, Dec. 1 0 -W lth two

v lcu rles under* th e ir belU. Uio H agertnan P ira tes a re looking fo r- ^3 .*™ Ward U » good basketball season.

Tho Pira tes have looked Impres- . . sivo In opening gam es deap iu a tlack of veteran p layers. Coach E l- xtun vln Dennis, In h is f ir s t season here, „ n 8 - lr reports he has only two boys baek .„ ,o n, from last seaaon a n d only one of t - ‘ them who played m uch ball. o th e r

Hagerm an Is looking forward to jjec, a new gymnasium th a t wUl bo com- o^c. 1 pleted next j'eor. T lio gymnasium, rjec. When finished, sU l be th e la rge tt a t d^c. a any class D sch o o rin Maglo Valley. _ H aru

H agerm an l u s defeated BU&s and u a lU Castleford In opening games. O lher taugh c o n tesu include: MurUi

D ec .' 11—H ansen a t H agerm an. Uugh. Dec. 14—H agerm an a t Filer. Dec. 18 Feb. 5 —WendeU a t H agerm an. Dec. 30— S-C a«D leUlch a t H agerm an. Dec. 39--------Haze

I Hagerm on a t D ietrich. Ja n . 4— u u r u i ' CasUeford a t H agerm an. J a n . 11—: H agerm an a t H ansen. J a n . 16— T J ^ r O lenns Ferry a t H agerm an. Ja n . IS I Q d ' —Bllas a t H agerm an. Ja n . 23— x / I H agerm an a t Fairfield . J a n . 30— 1 |1 I I H aBcrman a t Ooodlng BU U . Feb.I 1—H agerm an a t O lenns Ferry . Feb.I S—Fairfield a t H agerm an. P>sb. 13— 10 ' H agerm an a t WendeU. Feb. 1 5 - i Qoodlng S U U a t H agerm an. Amok

----------------------------- terday

’ Competition Hits i Halfway Mark in ^ I Local Pistol Meet AI CompeUUon has reached th e haU - .‘ w ay m ark In tho InU r-club plsU I V. j ahoot a t th e Tw in F a lls Rifle and : P laU l club's range.

Johnny 's D rive-In m arke t la lead*- ' to g team eompetJUon w ith a 17-7 won and lost record. O the r records w nd a re U nion M otors 14-10, A lbertson's &-16 and Parka TraU er Sales e-16.

K en McBeUi con tinued to be the bil leading shooter In th e league' as he posted a high 318 laa t week.

Team scores inc lude: nob .- Albert.wn'8 — M cBeth, 376: B ert " '‘h'' &ay«, 333; M ax PhUUps, B9, and D.

t W ldner, IM. coodiU nion M otors — Jlm Day«, 3S7;

; C larence W aleolt, 248; Bob Fisher, , . , i r • 24S. and P a t B um s, 301. uun*

Johnny 's D rlve-ln—Jlm sidweU, “ .V"* 387; Eva Rosa, 330; Davis C H arrow ,340, and Clyde Rosa, 1S3. j*rocc

. Pa rk s T ra ile r Sales—Ja ck D anner, 5"'i» aW; Francis S ha rp , 303; SUve H ar- SllV,"

J rle t, m and Ja ck H uffm an ,.303. Carry

1 0 ^ - A - LA T YOUR

f i tc flo n e STC• BICYCLES • TRIKES • TRAINS


= : : : ^ € - S i a e M - V U U 4 h e J U r e B i Completing Y o^r Christ

CON V EN IEN T BUCB u u 'N o w a n d P a

'■Costomer BatU acU on C

410 niAiN AVENUE B o m n

. ■ _ ________A _________ __________ _


j | | M i

BO]c re a s ed i s t u r

T h eB o ise ,

. T h e o m m e

fe d c rsn a n c e

Orrlr a n inc and change Increas fbh lng

Inert e'raUon

Resli cense,

s handls are snd Saddy Saddler, m o v Uon Uc> during the ir 10 rennd non-UU e boot Non- npset spill decision t« become te p Ing Ucc sm. (NEA telephoU) a ll spe

- ■ ■■ Seasi~ — ■ cense I

M u i-tau eh H a s SS°:V I * -w r coatgaF iv e V e te ra n s F o r C age T ea m

MURTAUOH. Dec, 1 0 - F tv s UU. bo.douU rm en nad a new eoach he ad M ur. N ortU ugh'a basketbaU prospecU this opposliseason. The Red Devils a re hoping they wto improve on la st year 's record. m ltteo

LetUrmen are Bob w m is , sU T .Bfoot, three-lneh Junior a n d one of flah a tth e U p class B p layers In Maglo inc reuValley; Ray M cFarland. Junior, departnve feet, nine Inches; Calv in Poul- eaeh rU n , Junior, five feet, seven Inches; BrueJa y CUwson, sophomore, five feet, the snine inches, and F a u l P ickett, submitsophomore, five feet, n in e Inches. wblch

O ther hopefuU for th e va rsity are na tureM arlon Bowman, D ean O oodm an; fore itCharles Johnson. Clyde c a th c a tt . T heO ay Olsen, I-am ar E gbert, George wouldSargent. A lbert Owens a n d R a lph turbed Drecdlnff. C alhcart la th o only' smooU senior on the Uam.

’ I n summing up h is season’s proa- recreai peels. Coach B lauer "B u d - B anger-

• te r said, "Wa expect to ga in a lot . ^ ®• of experlenee th is year a n d have a 2l'ir.®' good Ume.” ,,

■ M urtaugh h s s woa o n e a n d la st; o n o -In early-season engagem ents, o .w ‘ Tho Red DevlU dropped a decision m endt u Declo. b u t defeaU d H aselU n. “ i s

O ther games Include: . Hyer> Dec. 11—M urU ugh a t K imberly,- Dcc. 14-M urU ugh a t CasUeford. ‘ 3. <i

Dec. is -K lm b e rly a t M urtaugh . deal. I Dec. a i - ^ e n a t M urU ugh. Ja n . 4 trou t

'• —H ansen a t M urU ugh. J a n . 11— excluCi M alU a l M urU ugh. J a n . 18—M ur- 3. A f U ugh a t M alta. Ja n . 36—D eclo a t bass.

M urUugh. Feb. 1 - P a u l a t M ur- 4. 11. U ugh. Feb. 3—M u ru u g h a t M e n , natlo t8 Feb. 5—M urU ugh a t H ansen . PW>. tor to- s-C asU e(ord a t M urU ugh. Feb. 13 B. F HazelUn a t M urU ugh. Feb. 16— grasli]- M urU ugh a t Pau l. does :

----------------------------- gM O

i Idaho Skiers Win ^- In Oregon Event] ' TIMBERLINE LODGE, Ore.. Dec. fo rk <1 10 </F)—Idaho skiers carried o ff th e to sal_ m ajor UUes In th e 13U» a nnual ,^P au

Arnold Lunn downhUl race he re yes- W entterday.- th e »

Elaine Holmstad, Em ery W oodall, ot tbe Jr.. and E rnest Penttheny, aU rep - V' resenting Sun VaUey, w on f trs t

____________■ S l .

Magic Valley’s Cage Schedule tS°t

d ■ ■ ITUBAbAT A UBl

>*■ m eD i . i ,k h V i r " r ^ <«•»-

Is Wndill at Ooodlns fiUla traUa•a • 0-4 vJ

MurunVh at Klmbnlr Unlte<Ifl BIlM at rairfi.wj roundle xnUMpAT oionsl

Uurlfy at Dl.tkfooiFRlDAr

rr«Tburn at Otklcr.« Rl«h(lild a l n*1W «

Coodlnc BUU at ralr(l*ld !• Vlirr al llazirtnan ’’ llallir at Bhoahon*

I’aul at Ualla Uurl*r at UaM

] Hurtauth at CuUifant IUU* a l GJ*t>nt Tnrr

"• BATUROATJ*rocD* at PolM

r , Dnrl«jr,al PocaUlloGlinna r*TTT al Oood/a* ,

■ CaiUrfort a l W.nd.11 'Carry «t Uawlton

l-L-O-R-E \\mYOUR


JilIrj>atnnR.StQTe B efore __ _Christmas Shopping I

BUDGET TERMSm d P a y Later _ g

$ f o t t e i:acUo& Ouaranteed** I


________ __________________________ __________

TN FALLS, IDAHO__________

Wildlife Fede Price for Inci

I BOISE, Dec. 10 (ff)—The Idaho \I creased hunting and fishing liconsI disturbed ground and replace wate:I The federation reelected Theo HI Boise, was reappointed secre- -----

I . Tho license increases rec- NcI ommended yesterday were ^I less than those urged by theI federation’s budget and fl- f voI nance committcc Saturday. ‘ »h«I O rrln Lee, Coeur d'A lene, opposed nne<I a n Increase in deer a n d eUe tags, U>eI and Roy May, McCall, suggested a *TI change In Ujo com m ltue’s proposedI Increase for non-resident tourist *PP<I fbh lng licenses. ^oysI Increases suggested by the fed- U n I e'raUon rc-vilullon are:I Resident fishing and hunUng U- true

cense, trom ta to U , and comblna- Hi• Uon license, from $3 to $6. rerei I N on-resident big gam e and fish - «i«l> Ing Ucense, from »50 to »100 to cover ing.

a ll spccles of hunting. n m— Seasonal non-resident fbh lng U- P t• cense from tlO U t l8 and IS for a over

th ree -d sy tourist f ish ing Ucense, » th l w ith a seven-day fbh ln g license to tlon cost (8 . The present fee for th e five- —

, day Ucense u 13. • ^T he federation U ft unchanged the i w r

41 charge for deer U gs ahd *3 eharge for elk tags allhough the commttCee recommended that!^they . ^ v s

U. .b e .d o u h le d ._ .............................. .......r . N orth Idaho sportsmen also voiced i p U opposlUon to the Increues when n lg they were being considered In com-

m ltteo Saturdsy afU m oon. oO iU T . B. Murray, director of the lU U m en 1 of f b h a n d game departm ent, said th s a re « lo increases are necessary because tho Cartel ir. departm ent U goUJg tn U th e red Ing h i .1- each m onth. LeUs; Bruce BowUr. Boise, chairm an of Fau lk >t, the stream poUuUon commllUe, Osbor tt, subm itted an InlUaUve petlUon T h o n

wblch wlU r«iulro abou t JOflOO slg- oU i re na tu res before It can be placed be- Leepe n; fore th e voters in 1663: H a :^rt, T ho peUUon calU fo r % Uw which O hlln gQ would require Uuit ‘‘ground dU- Mlddl )h Uirbed by d r e d g e mining be oo< iiv' smoothed over and w aters replaced tl

for fU h and wlldUfe hab ita t and The . . recreation." and th a t “selUlng ponds Natur

be consUucUd to clarify watere.- wmp* iQ» T he fedemUon also adopted res- , olutions suggesUng th a t fu r trap - quxbi “ pers* licenses b« Increased to 118

and th a t sale o t th e m to non»res- ," IdenU be prohibited. “ «•

O the r resoluUons passed recom- m ended Uiat: • Shotf

1. Soldier M ounUln and Big Lost poo<l river game areas be abolished as “ >g-

*7- gome preserves. J M l.:™* 3. T h e use of minnows, aUve or Oood rh. deal, be prohibited in w aters .w hera lo g ;> 4 tro u t prcdomUiaU. c u t bait to be Oood— excluded. Falls.

3. A 10-lnch Umlt o a largo mouUi Peb, a t bass. —O oir- 4. T en per cent of aU money from a t C :n. national forest resources be used Oakli U>. tor forest recreational development. — ~ 13 B. F a ll burning of mulUple-use ^ t . . graslng lands be discouraged “aa I t

does s o t serve the purpcoe of big game conservation.''

T h e federaUon U bled a motion recommending th a t the lim it be reduced te 16 fish- o r t e n n pounds and ooe fish, and approved a resoluUon asking th a t th e souUi

ec. fo rk of Uie Salmon river bo closed i ie to salm on fbh lng Ju ly 10. la i P a u l J . Bmlth, Portland, vice pres- ta. Iden t of the naUonal federation, told

th s group th s t Uie jnalo obJecUve ,11 of tb e naUonal group was to educaU

Uie pubUo along conservation Unes.Replying to a resolution passed by

the convenUon U iat Idaho, >Ion- ta n a , Oregon. W oshlngton and A laska be consolidated into one re-

- glon because of slmUariiy o f inU r- esU, SmlUi said, “such a move U contem pU tcd and I will do m y best to see th a t i t Is brought about.**


<^BJead Frw ik Sedgm sa o f Atu- tra lla scored an Imprenslve 8-8, 8-0,8-4 victory over Dick Savltt o f th o U nited a u te s today in the f ina l round of the Vletorlao ten n b cham ­pionships a t Sooyong stadlunL™F I

9 ■■ In Twin Falli Phon* ■

[ 341 :FlmcHir o il Co. J

sderation Cuts ncrease in Lic(Idaho Wildlife federation T7as on recor J license fees ahd requiring dredging c je water courscs.Theo H. Wegener, Boise, presiden t I:

I Not Bad n Je i■S CARMEL, em it.. Dec. 10 IA -_ TvcUle Coaat conference offlclsU 1 7 * ^ ,^ a re a b it unhappy over Uie un- T WI- favorable publicity which results __

‘ when one of the ir schooU U - x l fined, •m e y say the conference U \M M ia , tho "cleanest in the country.” . ' ‘ A *Thesa fines are orerempha-

xl sisod to th q pubUo and g lrs t^ s schools t appearance o t our being baud basket

boys," ejtplalned BruWs HsmU- “ W mJ . to n of th e University of Call-

fronla. *'QUlU the coaUsnr U

i l Ham Uton U one of^lfo*30 con-ference school athletic directors “ 2 * ^

1. a n d coaches a t th e wlnUr meet- . l i ? ‘ ar ing. I t opened yesterday and wUl

ru n unU l-n iursday .1. F loes usuaUy a re imposed for S S S v a over-enthuslasUo bidding f o r h fish t

,f. a th letes, o r some similar vloU- to tlo n of conference rules. L o ^s- - ' ' ' I ward;

S G o o d in g Sets ^ - S % h l s f f i g h j E r F o r G o o d Y ear 3

O O O D tN O . Dec, I ft -S lx le tU r- 5 ?“ ^ U m en have re tu rned thU season and ^s a re w orking w ith Coach A. Vincen u C arter la a a a ttem p t to raU s Good* , ed Ing h igh school's baskeUMll fortunes.

L etterm en a re lA rry . OoTTeQ. Jlm of FauU mer, D uane Clemons.' Dwayne :e, M bom e. L y le O wen and Larry De^ nU ,«r on T hom e . aU ienlors. g- OUiers on th e squad are KoUIe e - U e p e r, LoweU Hendrlcksen, Ray

H ays, B ob Schrelber. KenneUt :h O hllnger, O eorge Shaw aod Everett m n e s s - M ld d le sw o i^ aU juniors. *ertnc

Ooodlng lo s t aU of lU ta n play- lU so) e J e rs th rough graduation. ley fo

T h s Sena to rs opened the ir season Jere Baturday by defeating Mountain and p Home a n d have a scheduled Tuesday home

* - c lash w ith Shoshone a t OoodUig. Name ^ OUier gam es Include:^ Dee. 15—O lenns Ferry a l Oood-

log. S eo , SI—M ountain Home a t n . Ooodlng. D ea 3»-O oodlng a t

. Shoshone. Dec. ST-CaldweU a t Mt Ooodlng. J a n . 4 -B u rley a t Good- os ing. J a n . 13—Ooodlng a t Jerome, oaklc

J a n . 16—FUer a t Ooodlng. Jan . I B - or Qoodlng a t Rupert. Ja n . 36-O bod- j« n . ira lo g a t BuM . J a n . 38—OakUy a t j t t a be Ooodlng. Ja n . a»^iO oodIn| a T rw ln je ro r

FaUs. F eb . 1—Burley a t Ooodlng. Feb. ith P eb , 8—Jerom e a t Ooodlng. Feb. 13 —Je r

—O oodlng a t FUer. Feb. 16—Rupert rome nn a t Ooodlng, Feb. 1»-Ooodlng a t Jeros ■ed Oakley. F«b. 3 3 -B u h l a t Ooodlng. Jeroo n t .11

i t ^Dig

i G i v e a n d

I m mi E E N T l2’ 3s dauHe-Ht^tasie isi1*0* ------- *th a ^m -

! kentcckT vhisb^by ,I -ABLENO

an Cuts AsMng J in Licensesleratlon was on record today In favor « 1 requiring dredging operators to smooth

% Boise, presiden t Harold T. (Buck) J

J e r o m e S q u a

r s - s r F a c e s R u g g ety which results ^ , O O

C a e e S c h e d i ]£.” S S 2 i„ . ^ M E .Uo and g lrs thfl school laces one of th e t<our being baskethall schedules draw nB rutus HsmU- school In Idaho this sea

verslt? o f ^ - Coach G erald DeUlnger h a iUjb c o a trs r i-U «>*ht gam ea wlUi Big 81;UJB coatrsnr u addlUonle o rW e 30 con. * W la r sU U w ith Bl|

g ; r b : ; ? ' s 5 r “ . s a s " ;« prom ising tran s fe r student.

3 b lW ^ ^ f M Jerom e^ te a m wUl be ham p

ee ^ t u n l a g le tlam eo a re S ce rules.' w ard; Bklp Esterbrook, forwi

r i , H oward O reen . center. BUIc r S p t f l Cher, w bo le d FslrfU ld 'a tcg J J C I D ^ .T * 1 a gu n e average , has transfiI l C t n Jerom e a n d wlU operate tz

. . g a r t .p o s l t to o . H e Is a a s

f e l l Y p o a * The T lg e rt lo c t th s lr «nUr I U J . C i U l lng Uneup tro m la st season' A. ■" - - w tinw D eU U ger'feels h e h u a “t

Ortrieh,e a a n a lA ttf n e - Browning, shlU lngto

squad are KoUIe H v ^ s ” * * f ) e M * 'o u ^ ^ t . B e ^ e k s r a . Ray b S ’a n d ^ b f f l S ? - m lb e r . Jerom e opens lU season aShaw and Everett g^mes again st tough B ig G I juniors. ferenca team s befor* swlogl1 of lU ta n play- lU schedule w ltb c la u A M a uatlon. ley foes,sened the ir season Jarom e t r a « U to Boise « feaUng Mountain and plays a t C a ld w ^ D e t J scheduled Tuesday home game wUl be Dee. 33 hone a t O o S . Nam wu A fter th e f irs t o f t lu d s: C oach'D eU lnger takes h la t. .a nnn/f the road- to play a t Namps

M«* » t T w in F a iu J m u I w m u ^ w a t m ciuda:Ja n . Al—Je ro a ie a t FUer;

sa.;.‘jST:r t . Ja n . a s-O b o d - j* n . a s - B u h l a t J e r o s » in . j * n » e a t O oodlng F W t# .^^ood lng a tr rw ln je rom e. F e b T S -S o Is s a t urley a t Ooodlng. Feb. l B - O a k l » a t J e n » » t Ooodlng. Feb. 13 —Jerom e a t R upert. Ttb. ir. Feb. 16—Rupert rome a t B uhL Feb. a 2 S

G i v e a n d s e r v e


E N T U C M^ e - r i c ^ i a s i e i s w e l e o m e d i y



Page 8: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

mpi ^ 0 1210112q 1 | ,I H i h *' U . Bo jUt II l l i .5 ' ! ! H S i . " ' " . . » S I :mi! K"'“ill

I j i P B . <■■ :VBIu I I **• ^ " * 41. Cubiuoeitfflp 1 h I' P * F~F~llllf t ^i i u l ^ —

l l j l i ) I « " ^

m i l w 8 ^ ^

M l fT »

H| ” ^

|B H

I . BOARDING HOL■ p I 0 K « /,C A R P --.K 0 W Kta .1f l u iK lO D L e& lW M V A R & C A -TH R B K « M A a e R BV OAy IH A tJHlfl H IW eV A R e ATif i! - ^ B e c A o s s t H e V R E

IH R i iM ru R ltO S .B m e DAV A>JP LET

I I I AT M l& H T /I I I - * » c v u t< - ✓ I


! ■

| H | U F E S U K E T H

II y J

Iu K * g g

II f c T W uI I I ' f e p i l ^

I I» H! r e l a x , M a rg t9 ; **« ic r e a m ln g a b o u t ! s t h e j


BRINK, MY 'b o y . . jy r rE B A F U J . V TV W OP TWS



ll TU E.B16 PL U N C > E ...y .



j l ’ I P - . L O ^‘ I o « A V , s o ) ^ L ® R 2 ^

^ f p ^i t ' i I sT iL t- / H a . o« , I WaWTAN>'\ ‘S S4II ' ] r~r J Is i

ili '

H j t t l ' <kIffl__4 -

M B ew H B Ia I c H l l r I M l l C l E l OI r a c r f f l p p I O a S e 1rrtor !■ • lU a iB y iH T T n iiMM |M H A lp l lH A P I M B

S ?* ‘ f f l i i i H f f l S f f liur>4*>Ua [ll If H W ' LiJ‘ I ■

s : . s t L 'yin^n” £« h E JN L J2^*—1—IBIEI—I™d"pUat eolutlon ef 8«turdi>f*« P u a l

a - R - . s s f . 'K f . ' ; " “ “ S i

Sla eurltas OmIIs II, Ab Cliftnctfrr.w a * u > « . KOT>U« « ■ w i t r t 1*1

'^UX,C ~ U. T iK S la *«ol , d o w n t Tr»« whichl/. ' U U tm g « 1 ®“ '*r I W i *• wiof»d^ ~ t. im u t tdEZLil_

4— I.... .... ...... ..... ..... IlinalsJ Z I I H “ ’ • =‘S § ? ;r f7 r. t e z r p --------------------- {; t i r : % r “ ’ ■

— P » -

’ ^ W i W / , 11

i l — ^ f e ** ” Int.lUot ^ Il .r __ _ _ _ __ It. n*T0lV*47 M ' l«. Cullln* wll

_ _ _ _ _ <i. P»rt»*olnV to

______ ■ ! _ _ _ s a ‘. r/Z - / 6

iOUSE - m a j o r h o o p OWORD/ Wk a t a »o ^

C A T 6 - J ^ ^ A C T O R / VOO'D -THIMK ^ « a m h a d B e e J ^

) ^ ^ ^ 5 T A B B 6 D T o * t v i e . ,< ^ BUT w a it / ^

JS "^TH A T'S 1& 0R E A U -l-CT ; ^ ^ 2 a 2 2 S » i ^ ISXlC TO 0 6 irss?

5 0 C M /f^ 5 H A M M lM S — ^

j o l ^______ TOO Mft>^y


rarg« . . . T h e wild spendins t h e y ’r th o s o v e m m e n t ’e r ’


FhERE'S a * / P t iA M rr T 1E b \ a n d I v o u ARB TO se C R ff TWS C0UJW6ECO5) BCT/ BLOCKS O P T OAD / DECISION, r STO O f, USING DUM- I . S . ^>10... NAM ES...T H E N .T R



J ? l i


^ l i l [ p — / ' S U R ^ ^I j l

B B £ & a [___ _ r 5 L J

h i i i

■)r'« P u a l t

S i I K H j r a B l i HOlftnctfr [ F i ^ l ^ B J S f I W ^ Bip«lt*d l«um ■

DOWN K I• • whlcb t ■ f H £ F j R j f C (r itid i oblel* ■ loftdlu tcd .» “■• WgEmit^^ iouppU D f

, b W ^ H I L ,P '

i r v r o h i . '

W u ' ^ " ^ ----------------- J l S S J S S ! ^


ilMnV *11mr»r*on •lUsllMr for ft . _vthlelt « . 5 5

I ' x . . “ '“rUlolnr to h su iiiellll7lor



J A r r ' / ^ ^ J b « ? v ^0 R E A U -J h

I j 1

" M y to n s i l s a r e o u t , t o w h e n w e h a d lo ta o f v a a

^ m S ^ ? I C A R N I V A L


- ? F '■

r t h e y ’r a “ W h a d d y a k n o w l I \ p u z z l e . c o h te s t r ’

P t i A M r r r " V V B S ,5 IK f a I P lS H A L L d O S E C R E T iy J BOJLUANT R O L U N G K S O P T H E \ IDEA, MR. ONCE, IP V N<3 DUMMY - * V 6U M P/ / PABDON h HEN. T R A N S P E e r " ^ ^ ^ / P U N .. .HA.

CS TO OUR c o m p a n y : ) / / s .____

j f ^ 7 ^ ^


foK A v R o s a a R S / T H ie v e s t '> « U ‘UL KHAR F R O M A \y .

P P V 'C , - IN T H E i^ a N lN G /


W AY- — By W M JA' - W tN T E J r c tU I H E S y MCT' F M3U PUT— e u R E T U C B U P INTHSROCMA L O T O F R O C M , riI> fC > T > W S D F O R C J


• “1 > I \ A & B 4.P /

sS M M V n li I M i l l f ^

i ^ k B I ’£ a ? ^ r ^

S H * ! U K Z ! 2 A ' i A @ l « ^ ^^ ' W m i \

\ 5 ^ ttH OC»?rNiU»

n y 6 6 T G«wr

V C E S B y G A L B R A L

/ V m

iT. M. nta. u. a. »*T.«...


•e o u t , t o o l R e m e m b e r t h e g o o d o ld d a o f v a c a t io n s w i th to n s i l l i t i s ? ”

;________ By DICK TURNI

, HJ T "


o w l I w o n a t r i p t o B e rn iu d a In t



t S S ! g ? X

« R O C M / f l r l l / C n ^ ^ S ^o F c u c e ] 1i s ^ { • c — ~ M m 0 i

1 J H H m I /s j u s r J n , ^ S m l Z ^ y

rniiSd L JMI^ M r N1^' nlHi

^ fRiOM M owoM . s i t t : rn o n t t M m o u T iE f

K C i ^ i ! \ r ■ A MIL SEE THAT AU.WA _ «aO ff HILL BB HMJtBI

___ P • l>Mt EHOUaH OOT TO i^ o y s tp w g f rM T H ggau A n n B ^

z s U . I

'• 'O ^ i ^ S »m m x m z E

i R A I T H s

7 - Y

J / . ) MISS W G .O tO GOV' / w a o y o o j ^ ^

: 6 b *i C T W o

m i i J mrtXG 'A I -g Wilmer, w hydoyD u pi f . $ 100,000 2 3 t h e a m ' J like t o m ak e n e x t

IN y

E / m 4 / ^ l i

A p i P ; ^ O T

Ijj B i a - - . I

)d o ld d a y s

O R N E R f

■■ B ; A ( k n > 6 ' € ^ U U i | ^ § A ^

V C.™ «7Z,I

X \ L ^T THflr w r

1 ^ . . ... e * PtPfiEOUP W /

S S 7 E ‘S .T ’ /

J 0 w mS ” ( p

^ C m jJ ie P f f /L* “Ausa/Le/xiBars*


in t h a t R ‘ "

C S ilP B V THE MZ<epA\£NOP ^


YifAVF5 fJ?/£WP£ fiWI/iMPSCBVS h 7EBPOI5B1 ...6< /rT H / ^

aSIGHT _____ £'R ANDY / L ^ J I L 'ZTH PO m E3AUJN<> ll T--m-r <- ,,/ .i i s w r ■

TJ l c * ^ t f i » H f t i > T * r v i s /. MACMIK&-4UNA <tHSV

■ E J’ O F n c c f » , r ✓ t h c v i _ . PAOnXT M K -> KNOW

liH AB



L fl^]^ <

9 ^ '^NERO^GflFLO i l On e j u m p aheadr» S3S MOUNTED ON A

< J ^ ■ i t J i r tCALLY ILLU3TTW1' f i l MUG'S MU01-EB

• . •■’ .-*


• ? _ ■ _ . ^ .^ « i ^ > . > n f i u a D P i a o w u p g /8SBN RSTAJNED *K PI^ovtt_sov^a 51WJ


i A r A U . w A 5 T B l 6 o r w f t a V ^ J BBHMJLBD \ W e W G . X ^ » B HOOT TO 6Bm m e s s M ^ ^ r y ^ ' ^ ^ m ■ t h 6 ^

. o t o G ousw onrm H M J I f wfe v w a w to nkV k>SGV>T ? ViKS %A%V-Sr

H o w md o v o i r F i A * B h ( T t b su c h a " 'J t h e a m o u n t v o i /^ n t e . r o u n d , s ® ^ s k e n e x t y e a r beauttful figui^ a iT T ^


Slf N % A y ( . - j l - > * 1 f T M « A l J ^ A R T )

' f i P f i ^ t e a

w i -



^T H C y DIDN'T , THCV'D OP EVEN T UNDES• I K N O W I W A S l UAnnEDHE:-> h r -O H ,? y SIMPLV DOING J rDQFGCNEUP A WILL T< M y p o r y / / ^ i l u k e a a t o m ^ t h in k

BOMB.AN'DC ICN THE* 2 / Z --------- W B w H o u c c r r v L _


DAHO ______________


r ^ P — y S tA Z E g . I U PT tO M w 'i L ^ ~ o ^ - V ^ GUWtO ■>* R E ^ t>OOK.


0M6O Nft’ \ '« > 0 j ^ l

How n u c h Incom e^ la b e wilDng t o 1 p f f t a x w o u ld y o u c o u c^ up 923,0001 ke

ND H M M M MM.— L K T E R f L / m PREF t h i s is G E O R ^ ^ I ^ I I

T > THOMAS/WHOk ^U Q u'lP^^l^^y^ j i

' 'T ^ y 'o im 's r v | _ ^



s f f i ' 5 s i a s s " ' s \

r p 0 ^ 1 r 7 “ ^ f c F ---- / ....A N D L O O K .fT ^DMY-nMC- ■ tATERT>1ANIILL DO \ THOUSHT-ONLY


WAAMLTON ^ C ta s e __ C = S i* C C M

I * « o 1 Viso •» 6v3t' W rt tS .S \M 6 . I I H\Vl CT w w 5 > Q

-----A 0 1 6OT W T \» 6 H \

ifS ^

■ l a b e WilDng t o 1 f T t o l - s w h at yxiyiN ol It

LKTER f L / I 'M P R e P A R E P T o '^ iTKENn THIS IS G E O R ^ r I ^ I ^ M ^ N T S ^ ” h ^ '5 THOMAS/WHO ^ 1 Ml —^ THCMW

■ ■ H B H D V f vrn fT A W w a ,^C P T H S S M P A U n


lEACODEMTALLV ^ - . , .■ ' —U LLED ftO RIO C T C O P * t ) \J —IVILIANS A DAY ^ \ / ^s| TME UNE O F ) f / ,>O rY -B U X MCW.i V a J I 1' ^ A

— / ..- A N D L O O K ,r rs 'T I H T 'S T T M S IJJ^

T i < s s s s ? a i v L

----------r - - .......


Page 9: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

W o c k ^ / L ii f

* 5 ; T r s r ; sS K

i * l “a 'S « '- -S * ! is ::2 :

j f c s s s — -


nil* i> ^ c«tti«iil4nld*tlcD. miSt r ^ f ^ u T

I.M MW9T *nund Ants^ ttur ttUlaf ^ j.w

" " ^ ■ ^ ‘iiK «ra .kon «.»a m .oo. V.»

) I S '25><*''■ nett)r IT.

c l'it« i lf i * K - m - . r “ « - . m ' Sr ^ H 1 2 tS" ” i».M4ixiob B , l | ? l l « t ‘=‘wirJ** “

ii■> Mil Diirr <1 sreand tl 'S u Kit Dili U ultkU (It

■ i l l " I . s iitS r>M n n n u Mv«ni im

E T h ^ l u Pkllllpi r« t 4IK b»!iDM BS « ! ! 6 K “ 'S " S ■ 'E r.’ t fu T ^ H (iC ati\» Carp I t ^ Im>1« j m• S B d S 5 ~ “. U 5!S’.v .T ii j M i i ’ S i r ' s - b - i t ! ! g : ‘3M g l f K r f «W s l i r s T c , 4 a “.£ i/ » ■ " ‘ N " ' ! ? ' ’ I s

a» lu r OD ^, y B , 5 ? s : « ‘' s ; s S S - .S S

uit T ^ cfBT ro i i n » :w 4 i :m^ H . ; ; v jo i / 'ju i w r.s .« .« K

' ! | i s

T H ^^m tiU Wat Un 4iH ' ’<*n | wm Alrkr 11^ *t U.M.1I

^ ■ l E L - - " * fii S l> mtlnlr bll

U K ^^B ITO U C U R B l>l«b «bohS Q ^ ^ K l n . It U^— MUbll>h*<l

;i<H >« jOTr«r:/f> B TnKalMlor n^!, •t<M-k«n m 1 m Uibo 8w II

I ^ ^ ^ W v d ^ n i i H u r )I.00<1I.IIShw :

Ml riTilont Kl IIMR M«Ico f*Juilinloni Ki ! InrUmbaUCmlan* Ri 1*.ST tr tUuthU

“'^ ^^ ■ '•U IX m K iM B« ll.U l»M«d:W I<nton« SI 1.H «Mk'« ela

' I1.M.

S H k A v e r a g e s__________ I thcle. No,

AMKUtri Trm* 1I.7»<18.7S

Eb V ^ ^ H mi! VMltn il«IJ’I (A- *f.t «t*M« tll

I P s i« s 'iii i i iMB ; '—------- 1. « ». ^ t o e s - O m o n s • « !

— I (Wm IflU*, CBICACQ S5Sli®*., ‘

10 lUPl—poUlo «nl*. »J% fi,t a i i H i *». i« .i U.S. .bi».«Mo nJS ;i»jS

<l™T.a rood for n w othtn drmind Ulr.

^ a : Sr ^ ^ ^ K L u '*• “" " “ "•'J. tn«l«r»l«

’1 «ni e«lor»4. «.|ft. p , |„ , , , |


>'lneh nlnlnum, }

* . = ' : S S S r : s ; s Sa 0 ^ ^ _ I U 1U.)i u a , , fO '••>!>»

St "

B ^ B u » , *?.'^W oo« falor* mIt I t l .’’.! '' l»->Qi” *->Di Jal, n,.jD* L— ...

'• ' ='■-<»• S S . 5 SSo«a.sBd«

(Om d«

» i n P a lls ^ iS - S » t o c k P ^ S I

^®'*”nlMlon com- ‘°®* ^

------1J!1»-13..00 i« 'ji‘a .^ ----- —---- *34X0-128^ Priem <n<

Ij j O0>t33M aoautiosi

”s ;

3 a n d F ina* * * * *

L i v e s t o c k (OCDKK CHICACO.

S £ % , s s » . s » i S - S L ° . J t S s ; K i t f v , : . " ;l i f ^ a j s f s s„ ‘" fis ) 5 £ i i?Ul*i SaUbU »,I0»« M b M P«T »Mit -M ^ ld 'fo ;

t (BdcbolMtUnibUrttMrt «t>d.b«tfm *tr« at ihtliIt tlM dri e»niitr »nd n t u r •law. a«lM in .• bid* M «r Ban loitiri flM bm tad to nav imj

s “. i ! f ~ l T s : s i r . ' z : ;t S i t ^ w . i r S d h - J i S S ' M s :U c«04 M.2M 1.M. r«ir tU ll» lo *Mw.»J hit)ffl«nltl c m II.OMI.K. O novn asd Slnntth 't n tl.M<H.04. CalTMl S«Ubl* MO I ttraw .hip;hM4 QUlllr TMltn lIXMt.Ti. P trt r*lb*r Hihl

/ ~ l M i t ^ ttltm ITJt. Mtdloa to WbMt «M b1 tL1(-tl.OO. «xp«rt IllM1M9I SiUbU IMl ta*ric(t M t MUb> a r ^ f«r>etit t , t«aiilB« •htfpb towar «• Mtlra • ll^no»hi I

______ . . . S “ i,',ffiFOUTLAKO . tn«l» »nd r

ittlai u t h u I.TMl ntrkot «la« aadr . i r i ' i K ; r . ' s s j 5 ? B i ! r i £ ! c m o ,™ ., i n . s , ' r . ; n . ; s 5 r . s . « . . f e r -U i M - n ' S K ^ . - ‘ ! ; ^ « “ .■ft'i: K ! S : ! ! 5 /0. raw ipad (ad b«l(an bald arooBd 0>ui No.0 I aarir aala. atllUy ae»t moatlr M.00. 1 h*«T» »i01 tr" wllb »«oiiB»r«laI and JTJOl •>^'0' WhlU t btld tilibar: oaB&an atid a s tu n w hu l.Ot-v tir lT4«-tOMi ftw ta tl.OOl add cem> wMU IT.

'M iA iU bU tooiiaitlcitnotm llratub. . ritid .^dId: fawatlw J.00>r00 Iswart odd ebalaa <l<ii'«r Im m o I (*w ceainmUl Md n i i 10X4: rtdlcO-JWOj rood aromd MO Ifc. ttoAan 4O.I0i Umoil

c » .c * c ,:

ind tTJO-ILOSi tood *Us«ttar awta Dn. ~— ..bU aiwjftd »I.W. “ «• ------

n l loadt or faadtr (taan aad haltani Sn t. --------DM m ls lr alaubtar aowai wllb dalrr OtUta BMd»a)naUar: «Pasla# tnd* ralbar Sto. - , , . . .' wllb aarlr h w tiMdr ta waak: (aw Mar. — .a rood (aadar (taara ItO-fOO Iba. at Mar -------0. raw laada at saad <1».TI0 Iba. faadar Jalr -------ar* >0.10. Canstr and cutlar «owt Sy^NawO-iLOO. Dalrr t m Otllltr COWI up to Saa. -_:....O.’Calrnt-eaUM* lOt no aarlr aalM< Mar --------: a ' J S * £ . ’‘; L W s . r £ > : ’SI to priBia last* with fall thorn palta Dta. S , l W « r 5 . t e ‘ r — —08 AMOEI^I^Cm. lo W tn M K ) — Suttiai Salabl* 4.1041 Itbanl anpplr com- eltl t s i cood («d »J#CT am) alaujhjw i; cholea a(«*n and halftn aurca:“ ™ S '. . : f i“ . 'S ? “ i “ V i .S ■*» rn «O-U.OOl nUII» asd •oamaralal htlfan <«r< AA «l iMI.OO! TOStur aoranaraUI oow. «.00i »*oijlan and eullart II.OO.M.OOI oUlltr a ^ °marclal bull* tl.00-l0.00. Mo aarlr aalaa •<4>* daUlt,k*n aadfaadart. Calraii Salabla 1,104 s * f n 'lad (alrlr actlr* and alaadr» eommrr* i M i n i ama and cood Blaiubur calraa M.t».ll.04|lum aad »o^ auxkar aalraa II.M ^octi Saltbla 7001 aaU*a. atatdr ta U CniCAOO.rri balk abolea tH>l(0 Ib. tn ^ I a t ataadr: racal0.I IM 1 abolaa Ka. t and la M oait aala talllnc. .■ s i i “ , u ’a s i l a i s wi*«Vi Salabl* Sll faw otllltr and law can t »o B TI woolwl aUublar Umb* abost ataady X fPia,oo.ji.eo. ______ I* '?

OINVtll aUBdaMa 47EKVCn, Sac. 10 («V(U6DA1--C«ttl*l 4tJ abaaka Ibla 1 ; ^ ; caNaa TOO; abovt (0 .p«r U** »««n *nlB (ada Iscladlnf 7t loada tlW ii t load* haKani alaa about JO laada ••M sM ht«.

n (adt w«l(bad ovar wa«k*adi 4«allly ll-t> :sly blfb and aholaai faw loadt tT.I I old rocI «bok* to primt; matkat oot fully »«> <iu«t*d. bllibad; mott bIdt fad itaan wtak loK r A » . ' . " * * ™ot*t t.OOO: o»*nlu modaraUly actl** Wboltaala pmall khltn) tatir talt* baUhtn U lo frad* A lan& ; “ ,5 .,iv ‘ . S 3 ! r ' . L - z « , s0.1I.II; nat atublitbtdi «a olbtr

(.(00 tneludaa ona load Krw l tr r t 74-71.Ico (»J Umba; and ont load Idaho (ttd- A axleItmba br rail; balaaca uuak Ini: Ur>»> dlum,ItuthUr Ittaba and thtap about aoually >M(.dad: marktt not Miabllibad: lait Prleat tof t elsilBC le» weoUd aUuchtai lante AA la rn TO0. A lart* (M

- ____ Urajwuli,OMAHA (rrrra l ^ . i

K " . 5 : « ? r u i . “£ s i ! ‘ ; . - . " s u S i ^ T « ;dr to SI lownj aowa (ollr tttadri *<*") »»«f *ca No. M barrows aad tllla IH-MO 4 Iba.1T.70-U. Choka aowi up to 400 Ibt. and °P. tO>t:

5S ;‘-J.‘tE lii"-.',*-!!-i E . ‘. ! r r K , w . ? C ’j a s 3 r — —

P o t aI<S tlaw, aUady to H lowar; atock at Boatiy tlaady) aarlr aalaa soad sad•,'..’a 5 5 i S . W . W i % 2 Sv f f s s r s 'z .s ’i s i ’s ; 1°” ” "latpT ealabla I.OOO) alaB«ht«f lasW J.i s - ' L r s . u l a c K v . Mu " ‘i « j s s . ' 4 ' u s r t j s . " a a « . . . 4 11 and choka IT Ih, yaarilfi* wathaia c«» tn a d £0. Cood and (tiolea aJaacbUt tw m 1 htl.M . raw i««d MUra faadtr Mabt0-11.00. ----------

KANSAS c n r 11.00 btd. IAVSA9 CITY. »*«. 10 (WP)-Hof* JAI0. Marktt motUr 10 to IS MnU low*r. ».14 bid. <0.*Tep’l»“ o?’*’‘*“"‘'* " ****** DK Ita* 11,000. Calm TOO. Caul* tnd*'. Slaufhur alatn BMtlr ttaodr. bat AUO bid, < :aral* numbtr ttlll untold. Kalitradr te aajfar w>t& (aauacta H caaw <r M K bid. ia l»w»r. Oood and cholc* fad atatn —0 ta tt.OO. Top «bot«a and prina ali*d•lln(» II.U to tT.OO. Ona load mottlr tUMhtar tUla wtlahty Catormdo-fad btlCtr* tl.lO. abolaa and plarlAC^mba tlow and areond ttaady. atbar frada*d la eholoa ntU n «oal*d tbora Uab* h tlftn l(>7lav tu o 10 10.00. Paw lO Jb l|.^l?elo*;

CHICAGO • I1.00-tl4»!<

• . ■ . . '■ K n i s r i . ' t s ;■ri top IMO (or atvtral loadt taotUy or yaoHlnnoa tO&Xlt Ra.1 bulk aholM in . tK itwtr m I t ilt.t»-ti.H l tIO-tOo tl.IM I.Ttl aowi tl.TI or batt

rr 400 Iba. 1I.J».U.J1: (aw IMO and ••W ta (adir ; faw haarltt *tKbU at low aa II.M down cS; aood cltannca. awta ataady itlUtl Saltbla 11,0001 ealna ItOt (nd ta.

Twin Falls Maitm tsT o c * .

(, IOO.UO and JIO-IM Iba. .>17.00 Alfalfa. cl*ai». *>W00 lb*.----- ------lim a (fo«r daal«. o**r 400 Iba. I - n i nafcBB^|WO Ib — •* u 'f l^ H o .V1.“ IJWM Iba. ___t 740 <1*«a. ttt.17* Ibt. _ _ _ _ — >7.00 Idaho tlaodit. OT*r n i Ibt. — « 4.60 (TVo dttl t, l«0-»M Ibt. « 4-00

laim ------ t»r'niu j.7j SU(S — —7l*n a 7.9MO.OO L««bo™ coc!a* daalar qsolad) (SwUI am

Va. 1 btllUlt wh^t. par buthal .. jj- j Qqiui

s v a . - a . i s . w s . J s B ' f f i S Ss « a ; : ! T ~ u 2 : . c :arp«r°?oa**nU-':i"_ ~"" « •?? ?2i,*!'AA*‘ Oa. daalR Qsotad) ^ g S A —

BEANS Madam A .

a a i —

f . i % L - : r . - = s r —

. T I

* * * * r \

G r a i n. I ’j S ' ' ? ' " r ' f i "

' s . S . 1 ”.!oU abLVriV^L'.* *«"> *>“ n * "raa paw (ar th. « i i ! " '‘ “ I* MMlOnsha flrtl tlma^BM hon i USO

Com alN> Rlohftrd Ix^ i l . •>"1 Pfk. ainra mu.iou. •ecrelari’. t0 aaw C v .“ ' i!r.* The >tc«mb«T and Marck Milln* tbo^ i* M* *‘•*1 ^

i*-! rni!. f . r i h ^ ^ ^ tnuit proc. II dJfarSS »»“ •.*" n t aad Bmlth, TW

Slr*ntth In th« rub narVtt and a ^ ahlppln, d a a S n V " ^ witt WU V v en !

and (tmnaai In aorhata ProcswoT*- ao»b«aa. . director ot

. S “ i , a ‘v . n S i ' ' i J " L S . r « “. ; s 2 J : s “ "rail* and mdlnf tha day U lowar to U refUl&tJons■'ft,*/; dry milk tli ^ ? a ? v "* ' •" hljhat. Daaaabff dri* . proBTl

Joalox miBsin Jow.r, 0*c*aib«r CTC*'th« P w k h

caJ T cS I ih edbjrW llU

s t t noon

- .......... -

■ S i , X I .Whaai, '=‘“ * Tb# HMSlor

f t . = f ; s i : n !:!!« !:!!Sf f i = z i & 'S S !:!!» I S \ •a™— - ” " ' ."L vg , 3S'f t . ~ l ! ! S IK S I ! ! ' !■:!« o n h m i i r13P = 1:!!^ i l ia lillu !:!:**

------- l» ‘' t I.HW 1-liK 1.0*54 m 1IMH .»% j.oo« leacn

1 :i=';!p 3 * S W i t tJta. : I u l i .||U t.j» j . , | JEROMI(ay — — 3'iiH i .ii t i L im s .l iv bere. in tlr

A??)eton«laa. ____ ttT l>efof« Pro'

_____ - Iftte Mondj

Butter and Eggs. I . . — ■ I I I («fd OoJdb

HAV PKAKCISCO head tn d :SAK PRANCISCO. D«i 14 (UP)—SaU bCfg Is rep:

to n 7fc-*- ■ * ** ™ ’ ** *en.Cbataai Orad* A loaf 1T>4I| (Tad* A —

lu l* daUl*. 444T. -a/

C U ^ o BD R L OCniCAOO. D*c. 10 Iffv-Uallrr bartly Burley, t

taady; racalplt (t-»dtrt) 14«,OIOS whal*- JUdjO H « ala Mllln* prica. .B«t*n>r « c*at a ^nd Dtld

Si “o w. ^ i r V ' ‘"S = “ "J* ^” 1’ In Probaw

’'j s r ' i r i i : y e tuUadarda 474; carraat rtctlpu 4Tl dlrtlM to t SlmllB

n a i i - t t : roattm tl- ll .t: frran 14- W t1t«r Bi « Vettft DUJ

LOS ANOtt .* fll” l y P ^ E jn t Diverada A larza 04i madlom 1741 Imlnlmum T» rro Trm

CandM a n i to r«all*ra la t t t y (« r- from Elm nu > ctnu hlxbarl i Orada AA axtra R .h i ^ .v irra 74-71. I.f»» 7Mt. mtilnm U-tt. “ rad* A axtra lirta <t-li. Ur(* m*> tWtrdfrd tl lum, .n .r i IM4, irad* U lar«« two mlnoi " S w I. CM.;*i

Cb4 Bp, tO.:i. ban. «rcM m I^- oi^ »» 'I r k ^ r iH iM M t.

Potato and Onion 'Futures ^

< O n rU tr E . W, H dltobarts ta d p n .O e B p ta r , CIkt B M r, P h c a t tsc) ^


t i . t t hjjh, M.TI low.^lJ.74 alOMl 111

1. I D .HARC8 OHIONS d 7

«*.tS hljh. »40 low. I IJ I al.*.! «SWEET SPANISH ONIONS ' .

/ ? «».T0 bid. o((arr t at I d BO aal•^ / \ I

D*0»IBtR^TO**STB AUO bid, offarW^.t .41; so talta. ^J tK bid, no c tlm aad aa aaJaa.

lauihtar tl*»n aad btKtia alowi bUh- bolaa and prim* tiaan »0*1l aaoU l»w«; Jlh*r fn d w «*ak u> mcoUy M tant* lawrri V Mftn l(.7( c*bU lowar: caw* .low, aUadyI » oanU lowar: chotca aad frtma .Iaan

i i s f S L S H S f f i i s> tood bulla ILIMO.OOi aaom.rcltl to Ib tlncf *> rlma raalan tl.004T.04. Newt. Cb

» T - . n .Mrar«B fad lamW or *140 down; atklnc1,71 or battar ob ahotaa lo prlaia btBdy. Dalfhu (ad WMttre wooltd lM»b* sad.M a t ^ a t iVw-irM*oTe^I to tSSci Adndta. O tc tr t t

Markets~ O te tr t»

.kika alorar, olatn Mo. I (ra^a—Ma gueta. _:*d clorar. claan \ tr a d ._____IU-»« DIfalfa. cl«an No. 1 trad* ......... -IHa-tla

' - ' • " r 'o V i S U M ,«j. & K... 1 .--------------------------o k m I

j 2 r 2 - i " _ r 5 ! __________ . L . ' d,1V . I

«I«M t » l . 4 lbi. .Dd ______ !>. Adveia bo n i (owl. 4 Iba. aad erar ,lTt OtCtr A I ,uitt« Wblta. 4 Iba. and otar _____ tic ' '

-TKffi ‘ • ~ “ ? £ ?

Tba fttttawlat prtcaa w m tm lU i fey th. ATTIw»=,;

«rta-A A _________________ _ _ 4 7 c COOttCtr ------- ---------------Bt3edi

— ::------------ i i : ■ m S olaall A ____ 40* one B:r*So ---------------------------------------»«o you bo

la irada (lam ) Tfr T*~ _____l& m 4*tl«a <MUdl • H - - ^

Delegaterfor Reds Dairy Parley Open Session 3

i m a ra ta 0 «a) (U t(, layKew Plym outh, p rw ld en t; H. O. 1."Mycrt. Bol»e. sw ro ttry . tn d Jen# ” Svlnth. S tlem . Ore.. lle ldm tn . «“1 th t t

The new city h * ll wa* the scene o f teaoions for th e M lU dnj Sho rt, Uie hom tssoclttlon . M r. and Ktr«. Addrec Klchftrd U c . Jerom e, president and Ohlctjo, •eeretan-. were In choTBC. ed SU(«

The bonrd room a t th e new c ity superlorll h a ll W u uted for tho mecUnjt of » numer tnlllt procca#of». o t w hich Lyon* forcc." b Bmlth, Twin Pall*, la president. A nese air 1 i«p o n on the U n lreralty o t Idaho ef m iO- dalry hm b tn d ry re w tr c h program tb le chtJ w u slven by K . O. H ansen . "Dtspll

T h m spctkeni w ere tchedulod 'for air b tttl th e afternoon se tslon of the mlUc grcsslven proc««»or»—L etter H endrix. Boise, we are 1 director of the bu reau of dalrylnv, (he tir 1 problems In enforclns p m e n t dairy own oun refuU tlons: W aUh, proBrec* by the ‘■Put'U dry milk Industry, t n d W. L, H en- »itultton drlx . progreu of legislation affecting communl th is state-i dairy Industry. . ,

Ice cream nuinufjie turers m et a t , k- u| the Pa rk hotel w ith sesaloni direc t- SUSSv ed by w llU tm Call, Id ah o Fall*, and Uriol J . eimmons. T w in FalU. sec.

talnlv b(The b u iln e u i«sslon o f the Idaho . tru i. ii . < DnJrymen's tu o c l t t lo n . Inc.. U •* ’ scheduled to s ta r t a t 10 a. m. Tues* ^ d ty and wlU include reporta by o f- I , fleer* and eommUte«s(. UeporU by 4-H and FPA delegates wBl be given a t t noon luncheon. '

Tuesdty luncheon' speaker* In- d ude Walsh, on eellln* non -fa t mJlk solids: McKee, on a topic to be a n - nounced. and D r. T . B . Myer* of th e la^V . t U. B. bureau o f tn U n tl Industry, h ^ . ' ^ on tbe trtpJe th re a t o f bruceJJosJ*. ' T be session will a d jou rn a t 3 p . d the board of director* will o r- ------- 1—ganlte t t 3 : lS p. m.

Special convention Ruest* include O. C. Anderson, Boise, extension .*«rvlM dairym an, a n d D . L. Pourt. ^ University of I d th o protosw r of d tlry husbtndry.

Teacher Charged S With Beating Son K

JEROME. Dcc. 10—N tlh tn O old- « ! ] berg. ln«tructor..and bus driver at Appleton school. Is s la ted t o tp p e ar ^ before Probato Judgo T heron W ard ”lato Monday on a clKune of battery agaU ut his son, H enry. 13.

The complaint ag a in s t QoMberg P u r w ts slsned by C tsude Snodetly who »nf etld Qoiabcre beat h la son obout the head tn d f tce w ith h is fists. G old- M a berg Is represented by Sylvan Jeppo-

Man FinedBDRLEY. Dcc. 10—0 . W . ©•Nell. \ *1

Burley, tppeared before ProDtte \ ,Judge H enry W . T u ck e r S t tu rd ty \ .tn d p tld a f lna of SITS and coits \on * c h a r ts « f }swd eohablUtJon. I

O'Kell pleaded guUty to the charge IIn probate cou rt W ednesday. La- \ .Vett« SIgolow, who pleaded guUty \to a sim ilar charge W ednesday, still \U In th e county Jail awalUng fu rther 1InvesUgaUon t>y cotm ty offlclat*. \ ^

T he com plaint w as signed by f mW alter Bigelow, husband o f . La- ^Vetta Slgelow. _ ■ ■

Divorce Granted HRUPERT, Dec. 10 — M acdalen t . M

Dry. R upert, w u g ran ted a divorce R B from Elmer D ry In d istric t court Saturday. T h e de fau lt decree awarded the p la in tif f th e custody of H B two m inor children and household furniture. Judge H . A. Baker pre- W M sided._____________________________

C A S H I IF O R D E A D & S

U S E L E S S g

A N I M A L S I g

PHONE COLLECT ^ Gooding 47 R upert 6B

Twin Falla 814 _

I D A H O l O D E I t

« T A I X O W C O . E «

nf f l " ' :

W A TC n TH IS i 5 l 4 * 3 * ■ SPACE DAILX ^

for newt of M tglo T tney*t farmtneUoDS and for tb e d « u the ir .UsUflgf wlU a ppea r in Uie T lm t*- /New*. Cbeok th e ir ad* for locaUonand a ll neocataiy InformaUon. «

DECEMBER 11 •Jim my Me*»erwnlth. J r . •

A dvertU em eat Dee. 9 Oscar and U arold K laas, A ocU

DECEMBER 12 — M a rrta A nderton

AdTerUaement Deo IQ-1 1 iOscar tn d H arold K l ^ Aucts. f i

D E C E M iE R 13 •D onald Albee •

A dverU teaeflt. Deo. 11-12 «Osetr A H arold K laas, AtiebL

■ DECETm ER 17A rt gto;»Iberf *

Advertisement, D ei. H -IS Oscar A H arold K laaa. AUcUoaeer* ^


AdverUtement. Doe, M -w »lU rvey C. Iverson, A u c t ,

ATTENTION FA BM SBai1 When you plan » farm eolo

contact th e Tlmes-Newa FarmSale departm ent. Let u t ex- __

I pUio how you can cover

I you both t ta o t n d money. ____


Reds Have Solved C an Jet Plane Kinks, q i Vandenberg Says V;OHIOAOO. D«!. 10 (i*> -0«n . Hoyt I

S. Vandenberg. a ir force chief ot staff, la y t th e M IO -IS h u appearedIn great enough n um bers In Korea ^e“Jo convince ew n tho . m o it aJcepU- CJ’‘] L r ' |cal th a t Bovlet R tisala ha* solved b u rsh m m tny of th e problem s connectedWlUl Uie phJducUon o t Jot a irc raft.- ^

Addressing the E xecuU vof elub of w.Chicago. Vandenberg aald Uw U nlU 2 ^ , ^ ,cd s u t e s a ir force ttU l hold# t i r ‘ superiority In K orea "In the face ofa numerically stronger Jet figh ter ‘' “®forcc." bu t t h t t th c »o-caUed C hi- jng ton ^nese air force, equipped wlUt *warm* touches,of MIG-15*." eon tU tu tet t “lo rm ld- ^ Cauiable challenge.'* Caudle

"Dtsplte th e rising In tensity of the ney geneair btiUe, and th e locre ta lng tg - vision. Fgrcsslveness o t th e enem y t i r force, la s t morwe are contlnulns to u te m ost of u n d e rthe a ir tpaee abovo S o re a fo r our ]own purposes," he asssrtsd . xtia Jusi

“But Ih U U not to s ty th a t th o t i r atory be<sltutUon U WlUiout danger. I t Uie o a ^ l acommunist enemy ahould decide .T ^ ,“u ! -agalnst ending th e ICoretn w ar. It T eiu iihe should undertake to throw Ms ( .already conalderable a ir resoiuxes n,Mtinir M o .11-001 .W OTli. Ior . l r .n - prcmscy . . . we w ould almost eer- ta lnly be U> for .& hlU or and cosUystruggle.“ __________

Club F o n n e dCAREV. Dee. 1 0 - T h e building of ------------

achool spirit a n d support among »{«denU waa tho reaso n fo r Jorjning r i k r a Pop club In U»e h ig h sehool P r l- U b day afternoon.

Officers are C arm en P y n h . pres­ident; Russel} W eaver. Wos pres- . . ' Ident. and M try A llir tlh u n . secrs- U ry. AdWser U U n , O rpha M s- 133 i cham. I , , , , .

Purchss«t Totaling$20 o r M o rt C on B t Lb m m

M ado on S to r s Eoiy ‘0 ^ #Poyment Plan ^

Thera's a Factory-Frtsfi m S sLALLSTATE Bottary fo r B & |Every M okt ond Model ofCar, Bug, Truck, Troctor

ALLSTATE BATTE!• 45 Chem-Set Plotes• 9 0 A m pere-H our C apoeify• Costs Only 68c Per Month

of Guaranteed Servkt

ALLSTATE CROSS-• 45 Chtm -Set Ploles• 100 AmperO'HourCopocfty• Costs Only 65c Per Month

of Guaranteed Servlet

ALLSTATE H E A V \• 45 Chtm -Set Plates• 100 Ampore-Hour.Copocity• Costs Only 57c Per Month

of Guaranteed Servlet

ALLSTATE SUPER-• 51 C h e m -^ t Pbres• 110 Ampere-Hour Copoclty '• Costs Only 53e Per Month

of Guaranteed Servlet



C au d le T o ld Mrs. O f F ix Case^ i®

F r ie n d S a y s S< rn a Pa«a Ota) ‘n

April h e wta tpp ro tched ta Florida , Bom by Frank NsUiao, • form er PItU - burgh promoter, a n d 'B s r t K.' N u - y.^m.Sn U r, HoUywood, Fla., buslnetsm an. “ « who asked tor t&OOMO tm dsr th re a t ” • he would htve " tax troubles" and m w t . r . to ; « « » .

Teltelbaum s tld they represented surv l' •Uiey had connecUon* w ith a W tih - te r W Ington “clique'* looking to r "soft ^ t h T i touches." Ho quoted them t s n*m - Tucson. Ing Caudle u In th is "clique." M ary (

Caudle was Uien assistan t a tto r- M rs. IU ney general in charge of t h t ta x d l- W ash.; vision. Preildent T rum an fired b lm bro then la s t m onth. Okla., a

U nder quesUonlng, Teltelbaum 'eald h e had noC gone td th e F B I o r th e JusUce departm ent w ith his atory because he was afraid to alnco Oaudle w ts represented u In the ••clique." . . i j , - .

TelUlbftum said he h a d told h la j , i ? “ j, « toi7 to Cchen followln* a chance meeUng on tn tlrp ltn e fligh t trom f * " “ Florida to Chlctgo. Cohen h td tig - ured In Uie hearing* prevloutly as a friend of Ctudle.

Cohen WJU called to tell h is ver­sion of the story,



VBOAL ANALTSI8 *Phone 5833

m UMia E as t-O ro u sd Ttoor

ALLSTATI J F actory-

A ny Ca



>clty 1 A ^ S I z « f o r9nth i W Most CorsI And Your Old Battery


»cFty I Sonth Most Cort " ■I And Your OM Botttry

g -

f i f ‘ ® s And Your Old Botttry


poclty ■ I T ^ I u f o r E 3 onth 1 1 Most Cort• And Your Old Botttry

------------- ----------------— + ------------1

v c a e e i o t ^ a a t ^ M e K t f r ^ i c e ^

Mrs. Anna Snow . Dies a t Age of 76Mr*.. A nn* U . Snow , 18, pioneer tr te t cou

resident, died a t S:3S a. m . Monday nose 8c t t a loc tl r e s t horns tallowing a Top H i t llngsrlng Illness. She c s o e .to.Twln ,PalU In lOOS from Pella, J a ,

Bom Aug. i« . IBW. a t ScoUand. C r « ,:S , Ind., she was m arrlM to m i WU- S “ ^ 11am, Snow, in Jim s. IKtf, ta Pella.He h e r In deato M arth

B h e w u a mem ber o t OAR, Ameri- can W ar MoUters and attended th e BmlUi. MeUiodbt church.

Survivor* taolude three tona, W al- . . te r W. Snow and E m est A. Bnow, V l T boUi Tw in Falls, and J ^ A . Snow, * • ' Tucson. Arls.: two daughter*, Mr*. e M ary 0 . H arris, Twin FalU, and < |0 < Mr*. RuUj B. H aber*euer. Franees.W ash.; to u r grandchUdren: two H O M broU ien. Ir» E. Comellus. O hlckatha, r Okla., and th e Hev. Jacob Cornelius, fPella, and one sister, Mrs. Edith SmlUi, Boeton, Mass.

Funeral arrangeme&u wUl be a n ­nounced la te r by Uie Twta FaUs m ortuary. P I

T h e T ^ l e y G lid ing ta Chicago Is 33 itc r iu and 8M feet high. ^ H l

M ahlln 8 . H ansen Xnsursnee servlee 41 i Fillmore, Twta Falls, Ida. P h a n w : 7M-W; U tf-B ; 8 w -j

W a n t e a

Mon or W o r k

Est«bUshed m su r tn c e routes

A v tlltb le

ITE BAHERIy-F resh to I Car in Towi

^ 12 Months (

r - ^ B A T

i a C otf. Only 8( ' Guarontaad S

a 39 Haavy-Du P lata .; 80 A n

a Zara-W eotha . of 300 Ampa

Power-packed o liver the kind of for cold weather

• today for your j B ottaria . '

nstollad of' fra C harge

• I • ..

' ' ' ' ^ ^ ^ s B s a l

X X - r r a n r s h o p - t h . O f C M D V N i G t m ; -

----------------- JW nj

P A G E i n

Snow - Iden Ffled i ^ge of76IOW, 18, pioneer tr tc t court tg a ln s t M a tt Cttsse* 5 a. BL Monday nose Bwjtt. doing ho itaass si D t to U o w l^ a Top B a t. u u i a t n a v sm e w e tI W .Tw ln Uj, gj^j, flungp« .» f tiuaT ,^ ^ m aterlaU a n d Isbo r i S ' he tum U hed betw een Oct. U

. Nov. a i fo r a JOO squsrs fo o t <

o t OAR. Amerl- Amoa* a ttorney to O raydci nd attended th e B°>>th. _______________

B i T £ : l W A N T E D !

deadbroH veS £ ™ !ir°S i HORSIS MULis COW)oUui.CTUckaslu. r o t P r e a p t Plek *» Jacob Comellus, n i g b ^ Prieee FaUt e , M r^ EdlUi ^ C O U iC t*• e tu~ j»e n u wUl be an -


»feet high.

« n Insurance Servlee Ooniultai. Twta FalU, Ida. and'W ; U«9*R; BU-J Agents

W antea Mon or Women

O u arsn te sd Tw<wwm e Z oereasla f X stu m i

X aterested*

AHERIESsh to Fit I Town!

Months Guorantei



a Cotfa Only 8 S e P ar M onth Guarantaed Sarrlca

a 39 Haovy-Duly Cham-Sal' P la ta i; 80 Ampera-Hour Ca acity

a Zaro-W eothar Starting Pow . of 300 A m parai fo r 2 .2 Mil


Power-packed and ready to d liver the kind o f servicejypu ne( for cold w eather starts. Cortie today for your A llsta te batter

SHOPTIL 9,FllibA,Y «NIOHTS— FREie(<»l^!i!i 4 0 i W«it Mato,

Page 10: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

jB I^ W o rE ers^ fo F Iinr Drive|H| Are Brief)H H i 7 AIRPIELD, Deo. 10 - TUI I ^ B I ihowlnB UisC pollo deftUu h«dI l H l I crcAMd tw enty per eent tineeI ln l lE t l u l the num ber of people hil l l B t l ctpped b7 poUA WM Ies* t h ul ly l lB tJUt t h i t poUo IQ kd u lu Is InoI I H t were presented by M«rdI f w i Himes Chftlrtnan QeorgU Wo:I H U ; the C u n u county drlre VoiW i l r T liundfty aXtenioon « t th s ci f l H S r ' house.B n ll Troitensen, «

IR U in ' chainnan , conducted th s meil i l lu ; ! *hd a repo rt « u given onIrhI:!' year's drlvo In w hleh C a m u ni lH ^ r residents made the la rgestpei:*I I h ^I contrlbuUon in the sta te . I t was

I Im I’I' **LM»er” eontrlbuUon* ors Iu l l l u l u k e d because otU U i if' ■ >5£00,000 naUonal polio dcb^ VJI n i t i ers for Com as county Include'l l U I I P. E- Neeley who wlll collectIB U contributions fro tn the vaiI I H o rsan luU ons. hI H T he annual polio dance tenUm w ]7 has been se t fo r Jan . 13 ary»"lf under th e dfrecUon of .Mri.f 'M l D*vls. M ri. Tom Wokersien'ISH i I Mrs. Don Packham .H ljji Soliciting In the counlry wllHIM U rs . Newell Brooks. Mru. Ji n ' McDonald. Charles Foster,I H Carroll D am men. Mrs. Ch.| H ] pactcham and Mrs. Sten FYosiei l iM l ll Town workers are Mm. :IB nl mond Rosera. Mrs. Carl R w iIflltf Mr*. D. a . WrJRhU Mrs. Carl >l » i Mrs. C arrol S tew art and CUidaI M I b»nk*.

H T a x CollectioiH G a in N o ted II I d a h o O ffici

t i l l BO ISE. Dec. 10 M ^ -B ta te ■■n 1 eoUectlona for the five monUis IMH in s Nov. 30 have been tl.S& i H i g reater th a n for a correspon I n U period t year ago.I " 'I More th a n 11,000.000 of Uie V n-.'! crease haa been In Income tax I '• -lecU ons, bu t P; O . Neill, stato 1 L, ■: collector, sa id there Is a factor , ‘5;:: trlbuUng to thla Increase.

[ I P a r t'ray m en U Gain■ “Lost year there were a |

i‘ m any m oro part-paid returns

celved th a n for form er years.' •a id . "Tho second Installment log payable In September prod •pproxim ately tI,SOO.OOO during c u rren t report period, fit UDount to collected was double •u ra received U sl year under sli c lrcum itances. th e actual cu: y ear n e t Incresae would be ted

t t ■ proporUonately."I 11- NelU aald Income la x coUecS . •Inco Ju ly J hav# toU led U Wr I ' oom sared w ith S1J10.1I3 fc ■ll • •Im lU r period a year ago.

I f lU I T oU l Shows OalnI H S b T o ta l ta x collecUons have ■ l l creased Irom l9.004,Ufl to 110^ n i t 'ra i. .U H R Punchboard revenue shows aI S [ stanU al Increase over la st yeaip PE to an inerease In rate s effectiveI r 1. NeUl aaid. Prom Novembe( « I however, he said th is source ol I R i| I enue will fade ou t gradually baf «l|.j o f federa l taxes w hich became It 9 !"il Uve th a t date.I <|[| punchboard tax coUecUeniI Ju ly 1 have totaled « a i o m at |K crease of K23M over last yei

I Reports Given ai Meeting of F

HEVBDRN,. Dec. 10 ~ HejI PTA m et Thursday* evening ti

I school auditorium w ith moro I II 200 metnbers attending.

S tanding committee reports III given by Mrs. Kd M elnUre and

( Leo H andy. Mr*. L. H. Pet! .1 read communlcaUona conta

1^ th e request for th s PTA to

1 ' teacher reU rem ent and cerUfIc In Idaho. M n. E rnest Erwli

• ported on costs o f O hrlstmas c T h e group voted to uso & trea ts again Uila year.

‘ Mrs. Marlon W arner and I E m m a O holton were appolnte I charim en for the home room r I ers. Mrs. Jack McCsrdell rea . ,| s s home room chairman. Mrs.

I ‘ .1 n e r and Mrs. Emma OholaorI I be tn charge of the Chrl

1 trea ts . Lund Christensen annoi {I th a t th e grade school Chri

I . p rogram would be held Dee. I th e h igh school auditorium.I * Christensen lead the grotI carol a lnglnf. aeeompanled by7 LaV ar WUcox.

L Jj,:...! FO OTINJIIIIEDI , MILNER. Dec. 10 — Charli

. I etephenson , ]r_ broke a boneJ , I foo l W ednesday as the resiI i i stepping into a snow-covered


] , o r TWIN FALLS. STATE OF I Ij I ! ; ESTATE o r JOHN. W. KEFI f : ' « Kolkt !■ hftvbr vltvn br

j :i tlcTKd of Ui* mUU ef i> ||.: N«ff. to th* cr«lllen ef

) . ’.I p tn o u haWoc <Ulnu lo ln t t tl 'l),i ' dK«u«!. te utilbit ihm with Ihi

I, u! i, Mrr TOochtr*. »Uhln foor roonth ■ l . il. lh . f ln l publleiiloB et OiU Bolkt. ' r : u ia oiKQlrU >t th* effle* ef hr

Brr*. fimlth a Jftcob, 111 ind StrM In th« ciw of Tvln WlU. Countr <l Falli. SUU of Idtho. thU b«lns ^ «i*d for th* IXBiuteUoo «f Iht'l cf *tM nUK.

4 : OaltU NorfBibir ISnl. IUI.'I /•/ MAGGIE NKfTi : I I PublUh: Nuv. !«. U«e. i. K. IT. !



1 i£' ■ IN Tl‘lE°iVATTr.n*Of^THE*"Dn t l i '

B ,! NOTICE IS Jir.nCDY GIVEN. Pd, to errlw of tJ>» obor* *ntlllxl Cour

i; I'' anil *nur«<l en lh* Sth il4r ef D«‘ )B l \ IIS I.'that Mltcbfll Hum. Inc.. * tj J* i}' b r ' ’ lnu*‘"f“ ^hJ jp »l>o>r» •nmi»tl cnuri Ik v*rl{iiy^i, 'V JK-Mlton. «nd Ibtt KrMnf lh* ll

l i of «T.J*"V” or'’ ■ ,51! : , coun.»l no r ^ h~r<l. al tb* CoTtt

I ..1.1 Court. In lh, city tnd Coi T>ln Ktll*. Sut* of Id.ho. h t. U.

i | I ' u tb< tlm, .nd pl.c* for lht h,<' J r '. itlrl tppUcatlon. «h*a .nd «h.c* •'t i l . *on lnt«rr«l*<I may tprf«r, fll* ot'Ml ' J te and 'eoDt**t ..Id .pplk.tlon.J l l : I)lt«i] UlU Tth dar of Dt<*tnb«U I I i T. W. bTi^

IfliilD >. n A fu tr p o v x r ,

m s s s i f e . . .

n i l 1; -


f Classifiedive W A N T A D R A T E S

efedn iu r e s * ** "®”

s M a e .Ilnce I t ie , namsl* .*• UbU bakmaIls handl- —y g a ---- I I d.r. 14 Jmr« 'than half, i j—~~ "117*0"s Increas- — ;if"r"^lTi:o I t-'lo-March of ----- u ------;^<h> «:«a~II Wolf to r mg Vorkers Uolaa rear credit ht* bMS taubh s court* Uabed. cub n u i Meoaatar rear erdtt

DEADl.mXa ter CU**lfM «air>I county Hendir'a Ade—« p. n. b ta rd m1' Tm*dtr* Uiteoth Fridtr*> meeung 1 ». m. Dt» B«fot» iM«rtio»I on UM Busdtre~S »■ B. •eturdire

n e r lf lH ^ K s n d rtj<et w altatlfM adxrtUlBf

^ 1 | rwwS* U *t^ id»»rtlm . ” .ire being ! ■ '•e of th e I:b t w ork - I

• “" ‘..if,: SPECIAL NOTICESH^U ^^»U ||»Bouurr ewbih*. fnc

:u id a E u- . -------

” Cim iSTM AS O ITTio nI by : A SubBcnpilion

icial TIMES-NEW3__giate ta x | c " ‘‘'« ‘ oT wkiT’’"* '"i WOj S i O I Youf ord.respondlng ^of^

f Uie in - ‘ f ln t cwr.8 tax col- I sta te ta x -

R. W . G RA N T9 a g reat Instructor Of turns ro - A rr n n n in M « a rs .“ hoiment be- « rull tim* ln.lni<lor nt Aecordlei■ produced * in «a,l» V.ll.r atnc* IfltT.

Jouble Uie ‘ ‘ ‘

chja^ef rour .ccorOlon trllhla thi

*m e effec- _________ PERSONALS1 WILL NOT b* rtaponilbl* for tn r <1<

Uom since eoalra«l*d br Uar>lo W. Dlion. Vic a « . an in - P‘»°n._________________________II ycar. CHIROPRACTORS

oa. O tt. JOIINSOIt. IK Tblrd An*

I at mSVic .w"S' II‘»». iu«i». Main North Pboot IIH

P T A I s c h 0 6 lA & TR A ir4 iH 6

more th a n j fl*d mitho^a of lulructlon. D*«< waoourtilul and Indtpfndant. Prt;

. lourtilf tor a lucratlv* end taum lports wer« A a rx r new. Don't D*lar—Enr«ll Toie and Mr*. ‘ ««qT?VArt» Ae.^ami,______. Peterson B£AUTY SHOPSconUlnlng |.KHMA>iE)<Ts, ii.od. •>.»». «i4or 11k to study Phon* tWS.M, Mra. tl«tm«r.erUflCaUOn COMPLUTK\im> t>,auir ««r»K.Erwin re - »ip«rt owtitor*. Maehlnrltaa atol ■ Bias sacked ,iud,#u *t t«loc«j’ pHc^ Junior*.

d*nU verb fr**. Uachln.iMi and '■ nil wa>M. II.OO. n.agu Arta Aeadamr.

« ln ted CO. LOST a U D FOUM p"oom m oth- ix)sTi »0-foot h»avy duty black uUniII resigned ior«l. Phon* «HI-J. Of _________Mrs. W ar- LOST-Vklnltr. M*m Shoah

ChrUUnas Th. Turf ciub. WtBl mln.. Ctll 1 Dec. 31 Ul _________ :___________lum. LOSTt Tuaadar 9. roncrala y t. btrroir b*t*'*u oar plant and L

group In lUlnka rtnchT: mlln norlh. :v; ned by Mrs. w.«t. Wa«t ki.» I'oinu. nubb*r n

til matel Including handlte. Ra> fiumnar Band A CiraxI Co.. Phon*

SITUATIONS W ANTED-harles W. ® *pw ^ r im s * " " ' '

irered ditch. knuX CurUIn Laundrr- i l l s stb A>.

EMENTS A L r'‘AHOUNI>'hou.* <l*.nlnc. W

rons UUtiS. cartMU. upRolaurr <l«anls«. 1OF COUNTT Ru< iUr«lc*. i-hon* t;0.n.■ 5 r r r ’*n?- &EW1NU chlMrtn-a cUha. 't* .r*<l,I*crr, DE. r^* :«« OuIbct atr*au, th. «Bd«. CEMENT W O H K .-fW S ± " H W• ef John W. aldawalba. Fr*« .atlBiaUa. Phen. 0»S »ra of and all TIIKE TOPPING, falllnf and f»moi Intt^th* ..Id Work lutrBBlawl. frM sUaalaa PI

month. "H tp oTj'E'l l ~ Bomrr achoeL~ ChDd ^BOUC*. XO tna jny boor. Al*o .r«BlBrw ril”si "t W L ____________________ju n tjlf tTi^; K.NVELOPE a.Mr.MlB(. JUaaiiTabU.' 1 .In, f * Plac* HP aBd y .ll.,T r. Mr*. n « Uran

Iha'kuilBaaa _^ut» t. Hl»,RELIAIILC p n

• “ h e l p WANTED—ION «>» HELIAIILE ,1,1 or ,oman. pan llm.IT o r ■ n iE *h‘* s"*''*' * >'*'

In ^ dTm b ''■.“ “'iLfi';**'' ‘ V S‘Tu’FALLS. n “'“ -E DISSOLU- <-hlMrtn. I hnn. .n nr Ct9»-Jl.

flUNT. INC.. RELIAIILE rook, no dfrandanta. fa rooklBX. Goo<l r . r , room aod b<

EN. PutiuaBt On«.o..r *0 n~d not applr- I'««1 Court Diad* Tlm».N.w».________ ;__________ef Dtcmb.r. riVE (illtUH for ou|>B. Ilo.Ma

C-. » coTTwira. wtilrati Ib night elub. R*. John C*of lha SUU ran^n* llnlcl, MocHl.r ll -i

Cl.rk of th* an ■•lll«l arnlka- ' ■ 1iw ' nuf d°.7 ' ■ MERCHANT MAIUNE


S e” a ^ Nlha h.arlBr of C<t full Information aboul Ihla h .h,c*^j^r. Parlnr^lcM. ^W.^.ho. ro u how lo


CInk M. D«ttickBoa II 3:j i N. Braad


J l C U . bln/tton: '*r*maB«t"l«iuoii fw rl

X r i i lj j l l r -ere <"a?Ia?Tr‘I . po word Sar^ka for lBt«»lr». Th.I. par wefe rou. ____ •I b rs««l>«d ~

‘./[ 'T ilr t- W A N T E D ^c iu E P OP POLICE

I----r*o— ro n DUIIU IDAHO^ .ba.aalart .U lln .

bMS aaub. .aforr* law. ted coeparaU] marrl' I rear erdw. and at 1«a»l » r**» old. ed «air>ta ts rd m -n,!, U a foed Job for th . rUbl leartdara I.«ava apptkallona aMl rofarancM>a*<^> CJnk'a effka la DubL Idabe.turd tra

'!ld»r^kUfl DON B. m O B E Ecoafid«BUai Police CommissionerM

ICK APPLICATIONS ' Mra. LraC NEEDED• a u t ?bee.___________ for

r^wJiJ'iSi.; n e w .SPA PE R R O U TES

O pening in

JEROMEOol It. Toln

. al Jl* tiJ Immediate opening available ' for rig h t boy,

JP7 W rite—Olvlng Age and Addres


Twin P a lb '


iromet aU OPENINO for dUlrlet maoat.ra. aiw 5 t: i ; ; ‘r‘.

' wSiT.‘° ^ l n " r ‘*l'l^ Fh*o^*lllll~NJ.*

----------- 1 CO RR ESPO N D EN T


f^Ac-rdlon -

ralu Er«7 H azclton

• ralla MCh AOILmf TO USB TrrtW IllTEn DESIIUBLB .

ra. lTJ*.k] WRITE Ilrd to pur^, iilibla ihU M A ^O VALLEY ED ITO R

and Th«irr. TimCS-NCWSaalacilon of BOX 800

lh* "Ptanac- ,a t«ordloti Twin Palls

Studio. * —l-hon* e» .w I B u s i f^ E s s OPPORTUNIT!

s Med.rn, fullr •a'l'sp.d *and doln«."forVnr d . lu builnwt CaipM'a Qrocar. IS«* ^

t m a ^ L l T w l '^ 'u tp e d c t f . t . d l01^5______ {Ji5l.'"enV*wroB bu»dl5». *8*e'rll;Third A«.an* •> <lii> <o lllnraa. WrIU HubC.r>. 4ie>. W.nd.ll, Idaho,

a uardla. IIP l-Oll HAI.Ki Naw bu.|n«a bulldln*. « I lt.t. wllh .ac.lUnt modtrn .la.roooiM r 4 iH 6 ~

“Irt- qukk aal*. d ..rlen I l r * ^ . 0 . Box

S S p J

l i s N a u S i ' 57.500 DOW N ^-Enr«ll Todv. ^ f,iulB»a Ib Twin Fi5 ^ 5 ------------ thal »UI sat roo ll.«M *a<h monUi

», «■«.“ » .« . W A LT DAY» '" '; . „ k . - br >“ irlraa and >oM . ,

lUaotT SaloB. ______________________________

L Junior* ato-?;’A;ad‘,mr“ “ 2-ROOM O FFIC E )UNDblack uuniion O vcr N cw bcfry ’s

•nt.' siradLari Overlooking Main S treetMl al Annual


5Hh.*:vi In q u ire 0 . W . L u n ?Ru'b^r ilra<l.

^Tpho"n**’ ;M: N E W B E R R Y STO R E ANTED ^UUl Pow”. r b u i a ------------- ■- —

pboB* «iK .ni,--------------- SP A R E TIM E* N U T ROUTE

aanln,. WalU;£;__________ __ n..pon.lbU car ewnat to dtlWar &citanls,. idaai and r»llNt mon.r ftom local buaic.U. ^ f.ublbhB>»ta. No a.lllB,. Work U

fft^’urii'r»U***in'MaUM” B''u,*» BCT atr*.L___ nw nthlr wltb «>e«ll«nt fuluro pe

m ist'iT iin ’tsr'r.TrbT; aVd‘ h r . ' lworkUs caah ctplul lor In.tntorr.

-rsTTT———— prompt launirw Includ* phon. ia e ln ^ rcl.r.ncaa la tpplktlion.

_ Bez t-D. Tlmaa-N.wi ■aaonabU. Pkk. n«> Urannan.

r .r rn « ::* w X FURNISHED~ROOMS-FEMALE ^;"dl'.*n*™ ne»” ' * *" ” ***■pan Ilm'.' hVip MCE Urf^almlBS teem. 4*9 2nd

"*• NICi; room. prKaU bath. i;e Sho■ '•----------- iircM north. Twin Fallt...‘.Tl .S^lu’ * v ! DOUULU room aulUbl* for f 'o. !■ room. ll« Tlh A»*BB. Eaat..nd.nta famiir lIOUStKtEPtNO room. UUIItlM tMJm t “d U>TrX furnUhrd. i l l W..1 AddUon. I'hom

FURNISHED APARTMENIB. IIO.M. and : IH'OSIS. tdulU OBlr. 401 4lh aS f John rohh. «.ii. l-hciB* IMl.______________*twMn ll a.ffli. MOUKiiN J.ruom furoUhKlaparunrBI

— , 3.HOUM aparunnil a l 4IQ ’:nd A

MUUUUS fumUhad S er S>n>om i N wcnli, ET.r,r*.ti kd**._________

I IIOUUS. prlvat* balh. (round fkrcr IC B _.'i'h t:..., I'hnn. ISt»-J - ;»io-«

CLI:a N. cos^forublfc lauruirr. N. Broad St. rrl»ai» bath, ICT* Klmborlr

mot. MDUtliN :Toom tpartaiatit wllb scntmnce. laundry, .elo** In. 431 A.fDui Laau I’bDa*


tflUon ter rl*ht ^ '

im tttc r. r > r «mt Twi. rail*. TeaaUf. - MU»t» . Wain. ____________ ^ M - . BIteway Ilariarar

hr M tb e 's i tu « lBUT»lrw. Thank 5 5

--- - ® C im iS ^A S RECORDSI %x *-*4»*^RPM


OLICE a lJAHO ' Twi f—■ ^u r t .U lln . te « T O Y S ? A P P L IA N Cr « u , marrlad 4 t F U R N I T U R E ? G IF

“lif iJ i“ - " i ^ G a m b lc ’fllubL Idabe. W W e s te r n A u to S u p

JBEE • ® •’------------------- -----------------


~ N»w Horn. 8.w l«, UtchIL ^ Phllco IUdk% tBd Badl

■ I O N S IID ^ _ ■ -----

J ! YOUR G IFT S R O U T E S g W R A P P E D F R E in « .r*»v^roj.,= .v»,o

IE M mS1 available ^oy. 4 1 I------------- ------------------------

V S M A K E I T G . E . m d Address. « S M A L L A P P L IA N (

% tnd rou .III b . aure te mtl DEPT. « ot C. E. amtll tpp,

WS %t| and alaelrlc blankata.b ’ ^ R I S E R - C A I N

flor:---- S I------------------^ 2 ELF-CTIIIC RECORD

. WriU Dora a QtJILTKD CARD TADLE itiar S*T UalS W COVHII.S ............. .............

» {:S!!lirc'iVi^-H""'=.’' “. . r r ? ---------- II M . H . K IN G CO .

fD E N T g ’-------------------------------------

in W I $J0 POR YOUR OLI%x Saoln, machin. rnanllita o A l mak* or conilllion oaVS n e w HOMEi * SEWlNO MACRlSl« Model IM n»,. llig.M Now I

n CT F A L K ’S

u sc W ,3IIUBLB , ^ ^ S T E A M m O N S

Plt*l. pr*aa or Iron ^ STEAM rRESSCR CLOTII

EDITOR ¥ 4 R c t u l . r ' ** Now*

:wa ^ SEA RS

J * ___________________

---------------- « gT f t "&” S o m e

lark.l fnr leaat. VX window, manU. placnf iS V . S J S f o x F L O R A L

s.v';~.* as ^dm,, fiaeriflcln,

Wrlu Hub CItr ■

E s s l r . | o u e t o y I a n eiltho'*p'rreld’“or f f l COMPLETE STOCKS OF J

” *• WID A H O

I v S d e p t . S T O R E )W N \ « 1------------------------------------

. IB Twin Ftll. 3 I------------------------------------1 a«h »onU.. ^ N Y L O N

)A Y V 5 S H E E R H O S Er^ l Waal s f *« Cau*. IS— --------------- ^

— ----- l l R*«- «>-lS « pair. U« S E A R S

i*FIC E n -------------------------------------

c r r y ’s ^ S P E C I A L^ C n rv in g S e t

lln S tree t Vv '(eg. r .u nci i V>-hlla Thrr Laal

5 RE N T ^ B . F . G o o d rich

f . L u n ? ^ ^

S T O R E . t t . C H R IS T M A S« S L I P P E R S

______________ tJ: • FOR THE E.NTIIIE FAM---------------------- S P H c td .f lta n rb u d *

•IM P « C . C , A N D E R S O ll i n t i ^ Twin Falli. BuM. CooJU T E W ----------------------------------- -to dtlWar BUU ^ J—

rn,'~vork“u i I - ^ M e lo d io u s J lc lo don profit, ahar. ^ FBOM YOUR OWN

allu up te CIS v9..1 fulur. poaal. A C R O S O N IC P IA

w j tppiicant S t h i s C H R IS T M ,•T ln»tntorr. Kor FROMlud* phoB. and V

W C L A U D E B R O \\ 0 M U S IC & F U R N I T

I W Tarma . Fr*. D.II

ROOMS I tf --------------------------------~ d' H wWk. m W______________ ^ F U R N I T U R E'S: & T H E B E S T O F Juh. i : i Shoahoa. -f*i l l_______ - ' ^ • PLATFORM nOCKElHb«° eJL°‘ "* * ^ • OCCASIONAL CHAIR!.ddui»!“ h o « » n ‘ t t • BEOROO** SUITES

ARTMENTS « *. 401 4ih a.anua t t • CHINA CWSCTS.

■• dapann'.BL «ll « •_______________^ • ENO TABLES

*” ^ • BOOKCASESw tra. adulta. «4fl ^ *TADLE * FLOOR UVJ er *.room apart. m o M

“panl '*“* S o u t h s id c F u r n i tI rUm^ c lo . in. 1 * - Ro«l T -

''^ ” nd’’ii«r. Mi ^ ' N o r th s id c F u rn it»-J - saio.R. J ) | J.rom*. Jd.boauruirr. htat. i t - .fttM Klmb*rlr Itovl, jW; - i — . _aatit wllb srlrau W

“ i v a s w s w s a s a ;

_______ ■ y TIMES-NEWS, '


/n»rtM 'r.*"'“



Free Thenblc'fl Every day 'Ul ChrUUno* 1,t»n 9iiTin1tr Uckeu wuto buppiy contest togeUier wlU» 4 wi

I enter is to clip a Complett_______________ and th e balance of the com----------------------1 p a rt of Uie classified aecUc^ sequence. Paste up th e Urm o N S Uon poMible and m all oitia , MachiBM Tlmes-Ncws. W inners wl> and Badto doUy. CaU for your Uckets

a A T E s " " 4 -W E E !■“ SIAN’S ORVIN W RIST T

— — 1 AUTOMATIC PEBCOLAlG IFT S ABder*«n-*D F R E E ,5 J p i e c e s i l v e r w a b iIt GIVING Dept. Store


i l ; SEC O N D V■■ SIRS. W. F . MAI

---------------------- - AUTOMATIC PET G. E . ^PL IA N C ES " CaU a t the Tlmeiure te atka kn TU E WUamtll applUBcat Soubi

tta. S ,a l: C A IN ISi'i




NG C O ." "" I Wins 3 Uckets to see “Too Young lo k ia s”

OUR OLD or Uie coming attracU onnaniiiaa ot af«. the O rphcum theate r. .dlllon OB • Ueketa subject to fedeIOME__ [4X.MACBlSEig,M Now 1109,soj^ ,g HEBE IS TUE CHUCK

I Suifaatlon.

la or IroB I • —XR CLOTHES r Ullnr dot.

Now IlS.gtUoBMrammad (iltur Panclla. ao<

.T»S . alatloi..ry, ChrUtmaa carda. Plar canli. Nakla., liook maUhta. ■

I {(.botir aarrka J. iULt..

____ 1----------

ilO M E CimiSTMAS SPECIAI.4T I0 N S!Iua piiiri**''*' AM-FM RADIO> T 9-ai>Md Kacerd Chanscr

t, „ 111 ”" m 4 y ’ e l e c t r i S '. II i I Yuor Appllanca Stere Phont

Y LAND s h e w S I T h e r i s hOCKS OF NEW , . | , „ |n - - KIb. Chin*


STORE ‘"•rorli'^i’ ^ " ' *__________ I D iam ond' H a rd w a re

.O N 1 I ------------: H O SE » « “•* <!«“ * -

IS D*iB« G IV E ArALL SHADES d P T C E R T IF IC A T I' > pair, (or | l . » From

iK S c . C. A N D E R S O N 'S— . .1 Twin ralU . Duhl . Ceodln*

DIAL ■ ----- — ■— ----------------------lg S e t B rig h te nhrr Laal*®''’ th c wholo ycB tloodrich W ITH A N ABC

AUTOM OTIO W A SH IClaanrr Waahlns • IlatUr Itlni

— SalUtactlof) Cuartnt««l

5TMAS ' R O B ER T E . L E EPE R S SA LES CO M PA N YTHIE FAMILT ■■■ — — . . . t anr budftl

PERSON’SBuhl, Co^in, A G IF T OF

_______________ F IN E F U R N IT U R E3 Alclodies3un OWN

JIC P IA N O HOOSIER’S :r i s t m a s

lOM • • St Christm as or any U

3 BROW N mske-i for enjoyment throu'U R N IT U R E out liie yearl• Fr*. D.IIt«7

IT U R E t h e



— A lso—a LO V ELY‘ g i f t STA T IO N E R 'U)OR LAMPI c ic .r l, and AltrtcUralr p .lOM ■' •* “ <■»«««“

iF u r n i lu r c ' V o u ftTwit KalU Today!

: F u rn itu re T IM E S-N E W S“ *•** . JO B D E P T .




^ Enter Now!- Theater TicketsirUUnas a free Uckets to tbe O rpheum and a ftho wm be awarded u prliea in t o o ChuckJe WlUl 4 weekly prizes. AU you need Ui do to

i ComDlele U oa from Uie O U t O ulde secUon of the complete lines (up to 6> from m j oUier Ifled aeoUon of Uie paper to m«lu u p a funny up Uie Unes in the most humoroua cembina- d m all o r bring It to Kria K rln sle Editor, 'inners will be announced In U ila column ju r Uckets a t Uie ■;^es-N ews oKlce.


^R ^yA B E and GLASS SET itre n by Idaho

fNESE MODERN PICTURE, from Ueo*let*a


lhe Tlmcs-New* for yeor ce'rlltlc»to TU E WINNING CHUCKLE ,

Sound OUck nllk cow sWIu S (tllonaKutI Oilflllwl wltb apICMth . holldtr partJn that call torCood Uiln,a lo ..U


MRS, D . R. PENNY IKETTS Twin Falli, M ahoIdaho 2

s to see: lo k ia s’* -4 In a Jeep "attracU on s l or Uie coming a ttrac tion a t theate r. All the Idaho t h e a t e r . AU I to federal Uckets subject t o federal


! CnUCKLl!ntlUbl. man w.nU « 0(k .r*-

I tu ' ’ Cuiiom aUurhtarln*M.I^Ioua Mrlodlta Thai I. rtmnnbtr»l

rin* iBQuIr* O. W. Lunr.

Panclla. aoclal ROOKScarda. Plarlni _ FOR YOUHfl * OLD .jI'H rLU *4H CLOS 'uOOK* ^ R E


} & o‘n5w* " j *» «S CREDIT IS COOD

SCTRIC ' F IR E ST O N E STORES. Phont U t 410 _Maln fl. phona Jl

3 Still Titna to StWiH E R ISR Your I’traonalludB. chin“ C H R ISTM A S CARDS

From otfr album or atock en hasi iS WAItC SUtlonarr. Uatchaa. NapklnaSha Wanu P«rtoBalla.d WhlU Tou Shop

a rd w a re o f f i c e b o p p ly , in o ,



Plamr of T r ^ Ll(kUiRSON’S . •"<> OmamanU‘> -ce«nn* _ SAV.WOR DRUG

;en SW E E T G IFT S

S t i Umpa . Bou<Ur LlihUI A BC FOAM PILLOWSW A S H E R sMOKiso s ta n d snatur nin.U* nCTORES 'uartBU«l MIRRORS


r Z I ‘ T H ER E I S NO D O U BT

N IT U R E ^ . n You CliaG IFT

* CERTIFIC A TET T 'P ’Q (Arallabla Ib asr daBMnlnatlonl

^ M iniature Shoes

or any Ume. u tiiraciiT. nit bein to pUc

’“ I l i u D s 'o m“A SURE PIT"'

3 ' G IFT S ,


[UNO A K risl e c t i o n k RENGEL-S

S C A R D S H ouaehold ItemsATURES -T h a t “ Mom” N^cdsO— • SUSnKAX MI.XKHS)LY • AUTOMATIC TOASTLnSriO N E R Y • AUTO*MAlIC miASTLIlStcUralr priaUd • KITCJIE.S KNIVr.aoBMraa ^ IRONIXf, DOARD!

and ju s t ,h„.Tool

MEWS "r.r- ha,E P T .


fA 14S AuaUn.CuUoH Mralal»*4 aiwrtmmt:

a n d . 1 • ■ f . s : " . ‘S T " '

^ “ '.'nSJiS?

' ■ S1 IIOOMS. atoT. tad n tr t i iT ^ r . :

|]L A»anu. Eaat. Phone IMS.R atUr

w f l »* ^ (.IlOOM'tnod.m a p a r ta m LUibi

— r - ^ and waUr. P trllr turoUbad. tUl. i t —rda. Kiabarlr. Idtho.

' l 5 M ™ iJ,c*o‘i fI,W? “*"t.S0 p.*r‘“tSMl*h.n and a A sit, c itu a achool pi.trki nChuckle * 5 DE31KAULE S-room b u .« ta i apaUDUCaJS meKjarn a»eapt haat. Cablad for nl;o do to M Sulubl. for workln, couBla. ' t >0section ■[% month, Inaulr. SXR JafUraon.

lyoU jer t j F U R N IS H E D HOUSE!t n W ^ 5% SMALL furnUl-d h ^ t fer* m jurrUoB.Editor, 1 1 }ThkDIIUUM furnUh«l. maoBtbli column uSj Klmb»tlr Hoed.

I t NICE togr-roora dopla*. WaUt palt r Blua Uk*. Norlh.____________

j B ° ' i g 1, i X , r ! u . ‘i . “ •. i l CUTE modarn. S rooma. Inaulatad

|U wlndowt. Mi Polk. U8I.R. W SMALL thr** room.. iBod.ra .«c«

, , , i » Sav.nth avanu* north. Phena“ I I I NEWLY dacoralad S room hou.i

pl.ulr furni.had. modtrn. raai^ ITK Auilln,

7 Idaho u WILL furnlah amtll houa* (nd pt]^l{!rr“.n,'‘*C^i' ?0°or*0?BM?.

100*1*:** SM ALL >jrj>m h^ou... Oil ^J^.t.M onlr. ' 130.00. ]i4 tlh A>anu< A Phona-mi.J._______________y U N F U R N IS H E D H O U !^ MODKRN houaa. HO.'jtS I

2-MBOIlOOM modarn unturnlihtrl I f , Ma nlua Uk*. nnrlh, Twlr Ft! ZXV IIOUSE for rant. 4 momi. al II J t AY.nua rjut. modern. Phona OM

MODERN S.badrnoRt homa. Full al M mant. harxiwood

U m i s c V T o r « e n t5 ^ TAULES and cbalr* for all eeetaloai J h^lfa Phon. UL____________W RECORUEKSi Tap*, wire or dUc.

N E B g



:Uon a t n ioN E , UOI:r. AU W I---------------------- --------------------federal I t - '

S W E R E N TJCKLE i t . ___ M Tooli . n o ir W nar. . Stn

5 t ‘ *’**'“ *"'*

§ K R E N G E L ’S, IN G

- ^ W A N T E D T O “ R E N T r L■ I I k f MOUEItN r.tMdroom Kema. Hava

OLD I t -------------------------------------------rans M W A N T E D

' ^ H EATED SHOP■ ■ ■ f t f With tpproxlmaUlr t.CCfl a^vai

EtfVlS.M uS f t e.trhauLM P E fE R K i E w r r b o n ’S ' ^ Phona OiaU4 Twin

;T 0R ES jj m o n e y t o L O A hphona 71 “ J . ■

I W «7i HOME LOANS__________ _A E<jull»bU L it. Aaauranra Soclatr,

t s S rour widow a homa. nol t moItlKi M Alk tn r Equlubla aiael tbo<

M D. N. u : E i a .V.Svi.i' f A DISTRICT HANAGEB

r«"shS ; S Orpb*ua TbMUr Did*. Pbc

Y, INO, M r-------------- 1 « ID A H O F IN A N C E (_____ JJ L O A N SnON —•od—

: a r d s M} A OHIOK B IA T r, Manag’ 390 f t r Oreuad FLwr Dank 4 Traal .L!,kU W 1____________ >b«B« iR


m- 5 I WANTEDi Ur»«. w.ll bullL

t u houta. to ba mov«l. 4 badroom

wa' or tr.da tmtll modarn homa.I t OOX 4-D TIMES-NEWS

Jf LlfhU fA .WS f t h o m e s FO R SALIiNDS M UY OWNEIt7 l . t ; ; ^ m . . firapla.

^ radaconled. Pratldaat atrea

f t f BY OWNERi Haat S-room houaa ^ ** txHnaal

NITURE S— — I %— I i r * b^lrooma,

NO S' \ I f 8AVB~ij;ooo,00.-“ cioaa In Klmb.... location, modarn 2 Mrooma. lai

3% room, dlntlla. Garac*. chlckan ca ?

\T E o w n e r laatlnr. Mu.i aail aIrMI t ' b«lroam homa. UUlltr tmm.

imlnttlon) a t sarasa. Ampla hullt.Ina and atoi. M .raalnca afur COO er Bundar*.n o c s 4at Adatna airart.Chlldm 2 * —

aPS M Ul » . i . ■,r r . ' ' ^ —

— TWO badrooma. dinlnr room, p^ floora. ell furnaea. cloa. la. I*.S f NEARLY n*w. two b«lrooni, fU aulatad. otk floor*, firtplac. J

FROM 3 ? .”.v '. '. .. 'v r ," s . - . S ' J rU IH.«7 iwr moath. '

k . l . j e n k i n

« ........ ...te rn s f t -T -------- ------------------1------------\ L a. W O W N E R L E A V IN‘ Vour cpportunltr to bur *eod

I f homa In dolrabl* location. Ea a} ' Llvln* tnd dlnln* roomi. m

u m n . , . f f l S : '"'■•5'MSTU.S S LE M A . C H A P IN A i

Nf, DOARDS' ____________ •

tho ' f t S.nRDROOM moilare bema. fi<f t f floora. Btca klUhan. concralM mcm. atokar. Banc*. lir*« koinl^l . localfl. U.S00. Poaataalon.

■'IIL'S larxa 2 ? \ 'PrUtU Moner to Loan• for ALLI W All Kln<Ja of Iotgr»Bce-------------- 5^ W . O . SM ITH ,

b v r - " ' - —

Sd A d a lu /o M ^ m llth ali!t*at. Phona 17SU or Tt. *'‘11r U F U B N lS H E b A m . '■ . . . ^ . 1 . n . . U . T O

ol^^” aW?'^"7^^P.^” rS t‘h.‘ p?o“ ; VSS'riau A School DUtrlct Na.'ill7 nLe t M . . . . . l “ b ,^ "• t.‘”irn aieapt haat. Cablad for oil aio.t a b la T .K " * ^:t'- ' z s T . ! „ c e c S 'hFUKNISHEP^ HOUSES

rogr-roem dnplax. WaUt paid. Jfl rtni.

modarB. S room*. Inaulatad. norm . ^lowt. :S3 Polk. KBI.R. ■ P.>=DROOI(S-Un,L thr*. room., modara .a c m ht.L mohS’ nth avanu* north. Phena t7ItW..Y dacorat*d S~ room hou.a. mm'. AIAPtr* 1•lr furnl.h«J. modtrn. raa.on.blk , JJ'Jl'- / 'Aftin. __________ _ i n v e s t m efurni.h amall houa* ''*•'< .34l» ar 1

L J.foom hou... b irhaat. .I«ir|( ~In.lda toilet, no bath. A.IuIti

•a - 'm j j ***"“* HONFURNISHED HOUSES ■»r‘':!"*'!^iSri.:RN ».room houaa. I»0. » » SlUn.r. col,'PIIOOM modern unturnlih^«l houit. JUa.iiM LUJm.nlua Lak*. nnrlh, Twlr FtlU, locilioa. ThiVMir E for rant. 4 memi. al IIM lOlh “ It, al llt,«<nua rjut. modrrn. Phona OMH.Ji. Wa h.„ , ,^4^:rN S.badroom homa. Full alia but- “■''•klr pried..•on.*b ;;nt.‘" l:oa.’‘. ra r ‘S?.r ARTHUR 1

Sth Avanua Eaat.____________ Pta.ti.T.btt DH,.MISC. FOR «E N T « I “ »»»<»'

'f^ p£?n»‘*»'? *** eeetaleaa. Uala-RUEIlSi Tap., wire ot dUc. Br dir, t iirr^ . 'Ii er moaUu AI*o public addraaa att- L IK E TO It. Anr alu. tn r Irpa. F*ctoi7'Il.dl« > ,

_______________ HiiTy*"'■TAKE. VAN. PICKUP AHD la a lloa »i>l af |


D -D BIV E. Inc. c . A. R(CAST FIVE, POIKW seu v ic s AGE

niO N E, UOI HI M,|,

W E R E N T a

Mil . n o ir Wa»ara . Sandira wZlVlS^U^-T Ediara - Paint and CaUomlne- b lroooi. Urn kl

- Dniih«. .lc. IWoJ '

K R E N G E L ’S . IN C .. - 1:, ----------------- t w i n p a l



h tpproxlmaUlr 4.«0« M]uar« fMl ertla floor apaca. lor •quipaaat Juit tu l il ab. rhauL tor cklckM. B>*■ETER K IE W rr SON’S CO. m 1 J t ." tu k i^ ma 0IISJ4 Twin Falla


---------------------------------------------- 1 IW-«4r. HOUE LOANS

ilUbU L it. Aaauranra Soclatr. ttava I- r widow a homa. nol a mortiata. —■ . . . - : tn r Equlubi* aiael tbout our —11. ,

D. N. T E R R S .DISTRICT MANAGER n . lha flnt to

ibauB Thaatrr Did*. Pboa. II* , ^lanntdl

I D A H O F I N A N C E C O . ~ | e S S " * L O A N S SSuT'JhVtaSb

- a s d - ToUl Brici n uCeaplate flntnela* aarrla* dowa. baUaca rB.Fumltijr. aad tuUmobllaa ,

OHIOK HXATT, M anafer REAL Ireuad Fkvr Dank a Traal Did*. SERVICf ---------------------------------------------- 1 IHM alaB...EAL ESTATE W ANTED I -

iNTEDi Lar*.. w.ll built, fraoe /»routt. to b* mov«l. 4 b«lroonu, caah JU ST CCr Irada tmtll modarn hom*.

BOX 4-B TIMES-NEWS u„ ',i„ , 1. I

= = d •K T ioi'^SS-.’ HOMES FOR SALE

)WNEHi j.b«Jn}omi. flrnilaca. arwlr t"o'I™?’* * , J jKoraled. PrMldaat alreaL CaU

DWNERi Haat S-room houaa. modarn r. . „ Ua» |apl baaC Camant baHmaat. Phoaa ,»*• •* j

tlFICE aala br owBtri « Itr* . rooma. _ , ,air dMOrtlt^ wtll to wtll c.rT..tJn*, TWIN FAI ' '' '/"•'•.•t«k*r..U r* ..l« . all ttnc.4- ______ . . . . ^n ________________________ Sc INSUI' BUICK hom., 1 b«lroonia, ell fur.; i - ." " 'r „ j . " T .a . .ona OMJ*. -B~iM00,00.-~Cloaa In Klmbarlr roed atlon. modarn 2 b«]room>. larga lltlB* p im. dlntlta. Garan. chlckan eoop. Lot I faal^d«2.^IT.3S0.M. Trad. «n farm. A WOI

IEU laavln*. Muii aail almotl naw t> /-ittdtC'TU^Iroam homa. UUlltr toom. attachad C H R I O l^ra»a. Ampla hullt.Ini and atora**- Call . _>aln» afur COO er Bundar*. »»>W, T O R lS K n, Adawa atrart._____________ -

Ua iiiiM to Ck

« . i . . W - i " " " * " Td. I l l f f n K ,

— ma’tU ell■ . Innulra *•

'O badrooma. dinlnr room, part eak •in . ell furnaea. cloa. la. K.tM.lARLY n*w. twa b«lrooni, fullr In-atad. otk floora, firtplaca. tull c^ —nl btaamanl. abikar. floor drtla. — -•a»a, III.SOO, I 1,H0 d.PO. WtBca ------«7 p«r moath. ' ‘

R . L . J E N K I N S ].OEOROO>lk"

— rJStTSl**"

O W N E R L E A V IN G S K 2 ’uS 4ur cpportunltr to bur *eod mod»m Bodtfiina In dcalrabl. location. Eaal alda. (.raf*.-In* tnd dlnln* room., iwo W - E .t P*'*- *AS■rn.. p tr t fumac. haaU and ®

EM A . C H A P I N A g c n c y « p.

I w u n o f

— O n m f^IRDROOM moilam bemfc htrdwood ' — loora. nica klUhni. concraU bai^ _______— -**

'PrlvaU Moner to Loan 7» ACBtS. *5l ^All Kln<Ja of lotgraBce wllar. I

W . O . S M IT H . T ® a B S ^tr Woolworfh-a Pbe.. IM

- -* fUtf., 1*^*^ '

NISHED apartments

Page 11: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

r------ —

ii-». fA t

s s S e! .»,.i.«* 8“^ OHI- » H

CK R A N C H E S ; j | g ^ ; |

:entral Oregon ;jj SSjj11 laa 19HKSu i» WO.OM- Si«k Ul U»l>l

.? ,■ ? > •“ •■“ •■ - “ • ... fABTICULARS

[ j^ rS E N A G E N C Y cu*h»«

, *«.- D'"'J- «'**"" XJ

m S t F O R T Y 1 § f ijAwlfoom bom« «nd »^k iIoii

- - . 2gs nlL ford or :


A R O B IN SO Na g e n c y

— & I— ' KlR.b.rI)r

tnBMDE PARM . _______ •

(9 Atre* ------------, * It icn* In

^ I»4 rui <lop«. Dccrwd HI'UTTEU J Vt l»pre»»nnnl». In- or W t. tk Uid*»l <•'>'•<> *1 « ” WKAHBH

KIrnbarlrUAL E S T A T EVICE A G E N C Y iT iEAv T

f i f e s- ------1

--------------- --------------- I t HEAD p. - I ■ ■ ' 'I Thant 0]

Otm BEST eo i t j i r . wm cn* cenlnt *«uoa. bol< 1 north.. .i«l Improv^l «uM-

nrk. Prwtk.lli- ■«*d frjj- »0 HEAD

'■."■• ' a ™ ' ,

I WmmvU flno ItoproT*- irimk*v1v 1. M l.r sr>D*rr.7>A l>*fj> wtlt. n«w »»• ■TuUc rtiln* . Irapror*. w»ANKL

I tfc» Mlilo* prk*. ,2 i iupp m o VALLEY tw inBIMENT CORP. ’

« BttJl Ewim* I ~~

■■ ' I niBff»i»wIFAEM BUYS SSii.Vj

iam Cooillnf. l i t ,000.


Ul p»rf*ct. pl«nt» I ■' " ~ hllr BK>d*ra hem*. CU!unst. SB tb*

I r>1U ellr- £ic*I.

lar**. Full »>ur -------------MU. A r»«l buy i — ■ ■

r. W A T S O NphoD* (01 F o r D

tr. (>n SHS


E FOR SALE &•~m hou.m on ro r» r -----> p.rmtnl. Thon* -------------

-------------------- SE” ■ ■ OIIUKU DB E H O V E D K “ V | :"h J''*cIoa'"*iuS"'* "••

E A SE ; '•»■■.«*'hnuf. L w auj bn U TON bi T»la r.iU . Z»ty U

:EN'S A G E N C Y auoutS o*• ro(i.t, . T-ln r.11. fiLT r L i f

nm. U.7 or SUM

■'tiiiM rin'h. f l . . b*rlr. CwnErTEi

! •'•■‘ rr. of ^Al" ,/»IUt»Uci> aad .b.UM* • °?S'«'s:K ™ -„ ‘»SSS:

» « M6 ‘ ” '*** r*.k." rOK 8ALI

^ J Phopt »

L>MPLEMENTS o ^ b ? ^_ ---- m en CUE

Jid c k B n a a m -i'les .^‘ iw u lr^ '" “ ‘■'o.Ue.C ll.r’ W „s_ Al-I'LE3l p»Vo r ii ,„ “ ®" “" 'jy - ,,r,'J’iJ‘*i *Vr‘*cs.iB. . Kome ‘.n«

Uli^''v7orb !fc‘Ar-.. . TUIIKEVaM u g l a s S „ “ ';,s i n e s h o p Fotatoei

s s i .I phon. 41

f e e d e r s Er.w.'*;•>■«« cb*c« ,0, „ „ IO.K .nd _*outh-»'


^ B s q u i p m e n t

^ — S “ ’


- a iT O lA L g


_ _ , riiLVKnizL:B uy E arly . n*»i »n>.a n d , W AI

S A V E Win. i-AY I1«T. Phon*

, wXiJftoTTUsed T ractors tcp pri<>.Farm. Twin

Mod*l r«f*u»en. A-l »bap« _ _ _ _Wodtl Ford>F*TTU*an , •Sodtl X-N Ford, compl*!* erarhasl ' Uod«l »-N Ford. «ompl*t« 8»*ibaulMo-w ».N^rofd.r*m»oa SCRA

0oT%r<l-r*r*o*onwltb *UP*IIP. . . . *Mod*! M-3 r*m*oB. A rMl bur.


Uscd Equipm ent FOR 1

Ss3:l^:::S;i:j ' I S ;rd or r*f*tuon l ^ r Mlllvalar — -------- ---',n*on CulU«alor MISCELL7m.U«n.l J-ra-' dU,*r, »». . „Kllon wood harrow with «Y*n. IM. t Si’AKK ht*aw »pud planur. InUrnaUonal. 111. RU«r-C.lo., l^iwo-bolUim !-wajr John D**r* 14" j’tAbTk

;l,V 7!i»2rdl7.« ^ i S l d l r COAu ' hMUr i“ *.tlon^ i » b l p K r U-lB<^

Liko n*w. ANACK HAH•d or y»r»u*o» T*»r.«nd lo*d*r m«ni: itili


" ^ ' ' ^ ’ p r a u . . i d . " b ^ ‘ “ ’‘* a % T ^Ilftt.tO. c

- ----- I 10

IV E S T O C K & PO U L T R YITEI2 w*«n<r p in . Nobl*. pb«n* l i l l “

.NEK p in ror «al^ I’bon* »t-W, UKKU^i'l jl*

lAVY ■prluar cowat t Oucrwcr, OBt fl!!!*^phnw . Phoi>» aiw -ltl._____________ ,

" " . y . s g Z ! S . 7 . r t i “‘ > " s ' “ s sir-I-fNE pu((*U. Ia»(m. lt.M «ach. Or»h«rtl.north. I w**l. V4 »ouln DiKk B*ar. j o o g

r°w ii? t.n “« " » " . v v s . 2 £ ? i € r c ’;■h .h.*p. Harold J. Tolwap. Carw. a-.TpNAK r**Uur»d lI«r*foH boll. Pu*blot eondlilon. ;nine br**dlnc—br boul* Whilmor*. (.{ool. In 1D<.ro7. W.ih. I t b!( II*r*- Cemoihr. Id w«an*r h*lf*r ealr**. 0 &* or earload SVvr'iioa"^■ pr5*c'of.nbVrlr. Cl*nn Whlln*r.___________ ; p i " r * 0

^«ODll« 'Sh^.:!; o aln 'r^J^ ''”** I PH*Vg"^tT^75^S^XlS T oS P s?on CO.

wo|U and

- — I ° ‘o»kr*il“Ji H.lrw Artificial IuMffllnnUoo 8«rT- proJ.elon.

llol*l*ln. Go*riuf7 J*r**7 and kini Bhwth_ »rn,__ PSon* I tl . a*ro»*.” ______________ ' UUlTTlHr. i

— ' ■ ' I Iioum' andCUSTOM-SLAUCHTEltlNa Op*n *»*n

OB tb* (*ni) .Bd haal*d to locktr Phon* ilgn” • U S " " ------------

AU t n im -I . CEI

. HIGHEST -------------PRICES PAID --------^



Twla ralU tU _IDAHO HIDE tn u.m a

k TALLOW CO. ------

SEED S & P L A N T S SEK Drylanil. 1*1 y*.r~«nd c«rtlfkJ . ,.to «>«l **rl7. S.Y*. 0*1* Carnpb*!!. Dl.nktU. *

HAY, GRAIN 8, FEEDUALES alr.w for aal*. Phon*

ON bal*d hay. Pbop* OtITWX. Twin

ON IIAY. HS butli*!* n l» d ftBlB. on* 0III-R1.

HARI?n‘* ' « o“r'’SJfSS.1C vallky! i^illip. lU o U Kia- ' —

f u r n i t h'. phon* C ttl.Jn . TwlB_ra!la. <|00U ThorTONS har, Ut >i>d IBd wtOBl. WU* t l .« w»*k.d P apm .Im ll* . aoaln Cprrr. -• faiNBTTB^D crlBdlB* BBd i(wUM«a b UIbi. U a m x o . niillln. C^llhoia. »I«W o, HltW.___ WaNTEUnOH t» td m BBd <arrB«t»i Bt*am Valler Aat3 ; » , r '" f 5 . ^ A v « s - u r t i'. ^ . s ' . , ; t .

SALCt Btrmw. 4.000 b«l** rood e ^ °°?h° Awu*^ M -* 's t^ "m hlfb^M ST ^ tabbll **** ANl> i y^BhoBa. T .11*. .o au . - . t

iO O D T H IN G S T O EA T C s g r ^BU .m».~C*Be7 fTT«™-T«Blti» Boppw. Jhop. BeriOB* ___________ -I- a ^ - j i oke iATliAN n Rom* (ppkt. OoBrtM* “ J . ^ 1 ate rh*rrf. Wig. AddhoB *>.«■. t^L _I OUEHNBEY tnllki fr«*h nncb €XT*- GOOD wod i*">*" P ^ - »*ho"» »«»«««•_______ f*» .«»Id,LES. 11.00 BBd BP. »ot«to*b w1au» - .bo*. ItWITV Koal* Nook, to il AddboB At*bb* i^ t e MODE«t. X*l«ln.lorLES)' D*llcioaB. Jm th .n a . bJ ftom* mat IIU,»f f •« W s .

S F = 1 5 F 1 i S F S 5 ? ^ i i S r S fnh. I w nl of W nt ri>« Pelnta. S ltd «aUr KEVS for Ih* holldar*. Or*, dr...^^

•ar* of lh* b«i. llair* T^tknr*. on* IBIH-M. llPlt-W. n i«r t«7-J10.

f r j r ^A -..U U .., l i t W.J1 BU-t.

t “ ! » J 7 . rk s ,;;'';:

h .Bd Rom... Kenyon Qr«n. J mil.* jricV.on ot Twin >.lli.____________ north.

___________P E T S J---------------:«rsE e«t.. AKC En«(l.h ball pap. »* colli* pup. ottVHl.___________ W* muil hiAUTlFUb (lamian IpoUc*) *h*pb^ ALL NEw'p . M*«l« Valltr Spr»r Farm. fr»*»*r. K»

S ; ? i i


H .m n,.r7.;,. i n n h ^ FERTILIZER------------- STC

lILVEniZLU ,ii~D or"c<,» r« tl1 l» A»w.u. N. g«.l flnt. Pfcn«ran».nt _ _ _ _ _

WANTED TO BUY*’ I>*f bun.lrt.1 fnr bulk bar. *li ra*hoi«

rA tjltu :V a.** ,^;/.;anr7«hom hena.rSn*’' ^ i ; r 'n * au id^oii

‘ *~i rus. ■UBOE.'TT^NKCD Th*** I

SCRAP 4 CAST ffiON ' '" '" JFOB ocrcK re ‘

w* Par-Tep PrkaTWIN FALLS '----------rauto PARTS RA

~ W 5 a L e o h TRADE ' ‘S ' . r iN l l u . t l . , . u , , . . . . . . . , . , “ f S ’ f f iC ^ * fM n" *' ItlOR.


'K inVr* » " * ■

m«T- •’~^,:j**r.«* *Q«iip.

'il'!* ' “"irv •'■' K.c.lltal can- • Ea.j •dlllon. I’hnn. Klmlxrlr »».K1.OK SALE: Shop.nilth. pr»<llfalljr new. CL.

MUSI. K. AUTOMATIC wiilitr. Ilk. n*w. 'IH>».»0., M A Y Eltcirlc. SPE

•a?i;i:'‘,??ri;' *A‘u i

hYAL *fl.f UK ..»!■« elr.ner.. AAA C ^ iT J o T8*wlnf Ua<hlnt Shop. .eroM' from oVijJl*"*

IHEiT.ll .1.1. l.Ui.lor/.InV an.l dr.ln. “ ATTBM8IIryh Imrner. .mill tirclric lla.*. Call ph5*n, *u

:ew aad u .f | *,to.) b ...r. tc, imm»iuu S t lJ lC tan:

rw” ncrvY T,r ..« r to daal track TiTchain*. U:, Cm! <o<ikln« alcvfc 111.Phon* OIKnil, Jtr.imr,_____________ .—

inEl'LACE wood-pticn. l i t ton d tll fWI

OOD lelretlon ul pnij^cllon Kr«*ri.. No Ux on flaili hulltf anil llghl m*t«T*. WSShopper* wrlccmt. Walt UUjrloek'a . .Coronet Cawtra C.nltr,

(irTr^To5J~Forrr*i>tn''ini)iorTr'toodcondition, Htll <ht>i<. UiH r*frli.rator,&»mi!iny, Vhoi.rM'jj’o"'iVu't!’, t f l ‘r” «l* CALLQprojtelof. lint »tlxIlon of O.rman and Japan*** hlnotuUn, Lowt.1 mo.l* film r«nUli. Ont .t t rloth1nr'*h«lT*« for atore. Wall llUjlotk'* CoroB*l

JUVE outTn.l i.vtun *ltl licm* .1 do** ----sut ptlem. SiTiruat chin*. Imptrlaler)r*UI. Ice tV*lr>, mlacellinMUt aportlns _rood* .nd othfr lltmi. I'hon* UOM. BUM Oth A..our >:>..,_____________IVE A uitful hnbbr Iniltid ot a tor.Color ilU* prii/t<l«n. »m n*t. mo>l*?^'*.'h';[’-.r.''r*.n?." sayafamily. -Shup In llnWixI.n,!. W .ll Dlay. «/;)Tloek’i. Crirnnft C.mcr* C.nltr,_______(IlTTlNr. hutlnni. . UiK* ito^k of 2nd hand (umltuir. <inuncn, Inolt, radloi,.fove«. filftiV tUu-r/,er. nielujw. tn- . j j ,llQUt. and unique, . t re.luce,l prlee.. • 'U 'Op*n *».nlns». Kherh*r-lt'« Kurnliur*. vf.Phoii* ;4g«, l i t M*ln Houlh.■ ' ---- I m.Uo

rUKL Olt.AU »rj»d«»—p r^ p l •trvlce. rljbt pric** Ib «»

. CEK STATe ’(»L CO. W*l» 8 ^ ^Or*T(" — " ' tl*B*l- - ■■■ cot*ti


S*« lh* B.w U«l.*r«l and *.t*CtVE TIIC rHACTICAL GirT UIO DOD(

Ut*d Machine.— CUABANTEED - Ilk* ^

■ ... I t v ,--- SluoS

SURPLUS '“ pSDUnkaU. at**l col*. Unl*. Urp*. *ot, shoa. r.Inco.U. p*fkM. oeenhoM. locker*. mUcell.neou* *utplu* -ool , j „ j.^yj clolhlnr. Ilni.W* *1*0 handle many llemi. aucb •• cet*r

Ponm Rubber Plexlble TublfiB >»"

Angle dt Channel Iron nald

a s . " " a ” 'W* «Uo buy SCKAP inON “““

HARRY. JCOPPEL CO. ‘" ’ •S!SPbBM lU -W ___ IM tnd Ar*. South *" '

___ - - - 1*17 PON__________ _____________________ _ beat.u r n i t u r e & APPLIANCES i«‘« chk

t?.!il ^j^V^WMlfln.llat.*.'_________ J J9J0 IIUICINBTTfi • « (looka B.«» » r~ l barealft. . . h«U

rANTU M ^r'faT T ltarrT * Call MaTlc ««« vriAr Auction, rhon. IO»>IRABII BurDtn. condition. Th* i j i s st6 | Danain Harn. IH M«‘n Snuth. htala°7?>° a s ? a : ? ” !.i,'.'.':"i";.“ {«. i . » c u eEW ANU uaad altctrla raal**. Mak* «*.a offer.. l.l«ald C .i .nd*. , 0 ^.RltilOAIKE nine*. Ue*ii<Bt ««ndlUM.Il».t0. Co.nBftd-' M A Y Electric. Op*aSED BEWINQ Biuhlna. ItecondllUinad and Baaradtewl, AAA 8«-ln» Machin*S S s ." is j; USEEI t . r a FHirnflur* Kichanr*.- ,*OOD M d oil B*Bt«Ti aar r*BaeB.hl* of- (ar •BBBldtrvd. Uaald Oaa and AppU-.Boa. Itw Klaibetlr Boat.______ . ’ -TATE MODEL WaUnihouia ator* Itll.CO. —JC*lrlnalor r*(rlf*ralar IIIO.M. Laundro- mat IIU.OO. UlnelU ael Itt.OO. Sew.IBS nacbln* U«.M. LM nt room fuml- tur*. atrolUr. Loarlni town. Muit aall.Phona 71l;n. no Tyler,_____________HALL coal r«B»e. IK.IOI Monarch leorT1 Ild «aUr b*atlnr *><»*. M s.lUn unklit .001 1 bumer electric ator. IlS.OOlThor waahlnc machin* IlMOi : i Naney t- ■ —Dreir mCUry iU rla IJftCff. All lleau _ a m vrrtn aood Wndlllon. 46» tlh Avenu. ?faMh. *FAPy Wonder »*wln« machine. II •*-« mail'll CreimfkalbutfiSI holtB,'**'tc!!*-Kl«>ut atuehl ♦ CEMEimenu. Llb«ral tf»d. In. amall down ^ |„ n . waitp.ym*nl. t»rmfc Ua«l tr*.dlM and * lec-----------—tria. w up. CuaranlMl repair* and • CLEA/parU. Phona :IIOt. Twin Kallj. or SIO-W, ■■ .Jemme, tur fr** demon.tJ*tlon, Hen. KltniniiontdrlcUoB 3«wln» Cenler, fJl Bhoahon* ^ COMM

ALL NEw“*rt*iu^e’foot InWrtiatlonal fr*«»*r. n*«ular tll4.»t. .Sal* Illt.OOi m cubic fool lnt*rni.ilonal r*(rl<- *' " '•ralar. Ke*ular i:00-»t. ..1 . UM. t.« « JfATT, cable /oot Inlem»lloB.| refrUaralor, — ‘ Refutar 1121.91, no— KtO. MATTnESS8p*ed ^Que*a Ironer. R»»al»r i n i . t t , rea ractibiieinan (loor (urs.c*, lUcul.r l l t l . • AfOVESal* HOC. 1 • - g - J«B~ fc

DAUkR MARDWAHB CO. Oa.k A 1• ■ S T S m


' . ■ ■■.


FURNITURE * APPLIANCES _____^SMALL Coltm.n oU b«Ur. Ilk. b*w,

m j t . IU«.r.CaJ»._____________BPARK t-eoMB oH b**t«r. P«r(*et coa. P B

INNEIUSPKINO iBBltm : a»rlBf*i b ^ eu* lyp* bMdbeard. BMtal Hollr-nod b*d (r.m ., all B*arl7 b*«. I l l Tth . . . . .... A»enu. North. Phon* lOH-J._______ >•»« JJJ;

11(1 PAiOn* cn ll.fool i m froe**. 11*0 mod. {lal*1: mahoianr dla*tu a d i b*dtooa **liaaaortmant o( lamp*: -bat-BOt abelti . . i t eard Ubl«: ecca*IOB(l chair*I alrror. 1 -u h ln c m uhlnal book ahalrwl u .aUnd; pll b*at«ni r*trl»*r»toe.; HI

l l t l PA'The** Iu n ( Way B« 5**B Al nb

W n r b e r g 'a W a r e h o u s e i« » rol t l 40i Ar*na* Boulh

—No rhon* Calb. riMi*—• IIU TO:

RADIO S, MUSIC ~ H5" z s c hEI.ECTKIC lU-allan riltar and ampll. tW lad

liVoi^'*’ B*-, both haU prk*. Phoo*


PIANOS• Eaay Tarma • F>«* M ir o r ** d S ''

C L A U D E B R O W N '« cunM U S IC & F U R N I T U R E

SPECIAL SERVICESPOULTliy dr*ulnr. Pooltry Hapely, Pboa* ccrei

ISIS. Twin Falli. IdabiL CESSi’OOL aBd a*ptl« U ni cUmnlBT-

a sL ir 2 ..r »U*M l t l S*«>«d Ama* BoaUk

SEI-TIO UBk BB<i o**ipool aU islu . boC. B R O

AUTOS FOR S A lt ---------

W E N E E D C A R S j



C A L L O W A Y & M c M A IN ’S JS;


- — ■ m’l!1941 u r

B I G -H E A R T E D JTrl• b o b

S a y a : JS" O U R U S E D C A R S S,‘J

A R E T O P S ,

J 0 8 T ASK TH E MAN ” ** ovW HO OWNS ONE" co.

lOM PONTIAC " f B*daBHU. Hydra. p,‘jm*Ue drlr*. radio. hmt«r aad air e.i

'[J:?* all**n. 1141 PC

toto STUOEDAKEa <.»u*«Bxar ooup*. ^Orm^rlr*. haaur asd air oOBdl. _ ,tl«B*r. Hll^h^d«r. p la aU a ^ ^ Tratl

lOM DODGE 4-door Cotonct. lUdlo, heater, air cond|^B*r. aalaiMtlo-h l’u i a l l 'u '^ , lluM dAVllOU S E L I

IIIO DODGE Waytarar t-door. Badlo, heaUr, air cosdlUonar, *«at cor.

A 0B*.0wn.T car that iMka

lOM I'LYMOUTII :.door. HnUr aod •» CHI ■Ir conditioner. I.OOO aclaal tran

. Billw - ... —......... ............—lUOl tiree

■‘• Kdrlr*. t.«p**d aaUiBall* traiumla. Imh alon. Plaatlo aaal cortra and -h luwh**| riBia. Full ftic* IIIU *M NA{

1«<> PLYMOUTH t-Diutnser coap*.I ln i.r and alt wnJItlonar, * « t '10 STIcet*n, eiua bumper iiurd*.tltiS dlo,

]«(T I>OI>CE f.p.Hao«0 <oo;>*. JIaat. **“'nak“ dr|efc*rijS'«le»*T!l_!!!?im oiir

II4T r o n n 4-door a*dan, V-I. lUdloand h*.ur. rood tlr**. A clean *41 CHl unit (or only ... -........ .........» » dan,

J«T FORD euMoB W a ^ A r.*!;, *“'*clean anIt. tally aqnlppod for 't l NAionly___________________ I t u Or*'

1*47 PONTIAC Badaneltfc lUdlo^^and

11(0 CIIKVnOLET Z-door. palu H tater--------------------------- |l7 t

10(0 IIUICK 4-door apMlal. Radio and ^l»!ht.Ur, a e - motor ________ t(U o»*f

1040 MERCUIIY 4-door. lUdlo and ’41 DOlh taU r----------------------------l l u , h*«1

1»4» sf&DEDAKER 4.door. lUdlo andh taU r----------- ----------------l l t l 'l l c m

lOiO ClIEVnOLET 4-door'. Radio and hMt'i t DOI

i m FORD t-Joor _____________ t t 7 b**iOp*B E rjninn and Buadar*

I'hon* 1470Jol:


Me lUoek Tnek Lana Kael tj(Naxt to th* BUakor) U<

ti t Ttm



• CEMENT W Oflg ____ • PLU


’• COJfAJERCJAL PniN H N Of all k-iB^ T l.* > .y ;^

• FLOOR S ^ D lN a • ~ T W

'• ,\fA7T/IESS H EfioV A Tm CMUTrnESSES rmKreaUt Snarloa iUU C. C. A

‘•‘•yj-*':"---------------- t t s0 MONEY TO LOAN c C S.T ,-.

s i : r A * ^ r B : i i d ^ 'n s , 7 i g f f *-jS i u* la> ia rs tad «l» Maa. 4 » iMaiSi ^ W ^

« lop.leaaa. X. a Or«m. S S 3 S T

AUTOS^ FOR SALE ____ At i l l OLI


USED CAIUIIM OREVBOLET dalu* aadaa. )Ik* ‘41 mol

Bl«. K.OOO Bllla ----«»m t4H-W,1141 PACKARD Club aodan. ll**ur, 1*41 FOI

radio, orardtlt*. a*al cor*n. h a u r . '(lal*b lik* n t- --------------- IU II PboB* :

111* PACXAhO 4-door atdaa. IlMUr. 1147 Cllr»dlo,^^owdrlr*. **«t »oe*r*, ^ ^

1141 PACKARD 4-door »*d*B., Haiur,radio. o»«rdc|e^ aua »i»« ■fubb*f liko ---------------------IllM ClaB^ I

n i l FORD tudor **daB. Cood U ll UUIIranaporUUoD ____________IlH b a tn .

u a rORD m ten Irock. roed rvbb*r. r'hon*”*«nbln.Uoa body, loae -ba*lb..e. -----------B** notor ................-,..<7M p ' * -

IMt NEW»d.T 1 toa cbaatUaBd qcab, I.MX1I duala. u

SCHWARTZ AUTO CO.140 tad Aro. E. Fbont t i l


Used Cars u u pi

b*’» BUICK Spoclil d-door **daB. Ra-

dlo, heaur: «*ry r l a n ------tUOt ‘ ?f

■“ u i i o iU7 BVlCK 4-Ooor Radio, k^ l- • „ „

*T, aun rUor. A-l condlUon-.liao » « JC ■46 FORD V.K Sup.r D*lu>o Club

coupe, lU.llo, h*«t*r, * a l ^

•11 DUICK Sp«clil «.<loor. Radio. h « |. ’01 M*l*r. black flnbh ------------------use


BROWNING AUTO CO.(Wbaro you deai 'rlUt eofl<M«a««>


Quality . u u citJSED OARS AND TRUCKS ?,!

IM] STtlDEDAKER I.and Cruli*r wllh Jt.uiom.Uo tr.namlalcn. radio .nd»*r. -h lU *ld«-*U lira .Only l.««0 actual m lla -----11410

IBIl STUDEDAKER Champion t-door aodan with ovardrlra. radio, cll.apoUlrh'l. directional alinalt and ' UBd.rco.Ud. 14.000 X

19U MERCURY 't -d o o r »*d.n -llh *® r.dlo. h*aUr and -hll* ald*walllira . A xood.looklni ear aitd ig |l ^BiKhanlcaUy (o o d _______ IllU be

1141 I^R D V.I Sapar D*luia d-doora*dsn -lUi hw tn and . ' ,ri^lo __________________ t i l l »«1 B'

1041 CHEVROLrr Aerotedan with ra. “dlo, h«.l*r .nd a n t corar*. A on*- uowner ear am] mKhanlcallr ^

1S4I RTUDEOAKEn'ch^plon avlaa. a!Ovardrlr*. ellmaUter and

1141 CHEVROtrr Cinb toapfc New UU Cpaint. A bIc* ruanlni Xear __________________ •...IIU ••

1141 POKTtAC I **dan*tl*. Radio, <> h n u r , *UB rlaor, Iw^tvaa ( ra aMint. Cood body and p.

Track Lana and t t i Arjaa* W at pj

' W4f aSELECT— *f

C A R SA t T he g-


t?A5!"»^tllihl and"backup 'llihta.•« D*50TO^CIab emp.. On* p m lo « ' '

wJa'lU ‘ Mml.Vlop" an*/ b-tw .* '^*M HASH su tam an 4-door. lUdlo.

b a u r . bed unit, rtcllnlnr aaat.'to STUDEUAKER SUrlll* 4-door,^^ Pboa*

dlo, heaur, orardrlre, rte,fi,n^ |whlu alda-all Ur**. Low inll*a(*.

*41 NASH *‘»0" 2-door *ed*n. HwUr, ______o**rdrlr*. and b*d anil. N«w tlra and pUalle aaat cor*r*.

*41 CHEVROLET PlaUlne 4-dnor *•• dan. Radio, heater. n*w palnl iob aod complel* orarhaul.

'41 NABH Ambaaa»dot 4-door aadan.Orerdrlr*. beater, -h lu aktewall auper llm .

■41 CHEVROLCT 4>door aedan. Equip- p«l wllh ndlo and hater, pew paint and compleU orerhaaL

SEE•H NABH -«00“ 4-door. HeaUr. eon. ahad* BBd BOW Ura. Motor Juat omhaalod. A rtry cImb ear.

■41 DODCE'euUm 4-doer. Ritdle and h«l*r. «ze*ll«Bt palBL C lns a* m f t '41-a.

•H CHEVROLET S«lan, New ahort diblock and rabullt tr.nimlMloa. Hm *tbwUr. Rub* Uka a top. • bi

■41 DODOE M-ton pickup. CI«an, H** 1,1b**ur BBd «>c*ll*Bi atMl atock ri

Ra ’’Johnl* Dord, ~}>* lira ihcr*- ■ t

■ ^ l l sUSED CAR DEPT.

t i l Trvck !.*&• W at Phon* IIOJ ^


: t o r y i• A fo r o R c r c u a '*” * S

• PLUUBWa 6 HEATING ^iloBi* piamBina a-^ Hta. Co. fhoB* Ml.* » U D

• n E / 'n / i : s M r io N SB^VICS ^ j;Mlter-^IB Ap»llaB«a. Pben*_.W;’------ ' " {,

• rrPEWRJTBRS tu ria U . r * B U l a o^rl* . Pboa* M. Bh... to cbo.

wood TypowrtUr Ea. Oppoalu P. O. « rry

• VACUUM C U ANERS_________ W.Uaor«r Balw u d Kb«B. *7*0. , , 4 1

a C. ABd»r»»a Compaar. Twla Falla.• VENETIAN BUNDS BAClaalB,. r«pairlB«. rwaplnr, t-Bona tlU : CADII• •W A T E R S O F T E W m



eeJIent Ur**. Phone UIA l l* ^1141 FORD club ooupe. *xMlt*nt condition. —

Priced lo aell or Uk* trsda. XU4-W. SY ORUtr~CHEVHOLET baala*** eoop^ Haa kvilS

■41 mour. .Ran* teod. IITI.W. Pbeaa Etall t4l4-W._____________• Tit-R.

1*41 FORD v a Caalam «.daor. Radio, r — hater, while wall tlr**. IllH.OO. Terma.PboB. tm .R ._____________________

U47 CHEVROLET A*t«**daB. Radio, htater, eun rteor. Oood copdlUoB. l i l t ,00.Tarma. I l l Madlaoa.

1141 FORO ciuti ^ n * . u r s s w . a .;.paint, rood tlra, ruli*. h*«t*r. aMtlltbt.Clas Interior. 17t0 Ith Arreo* Eatt.

U ll I Uick ' b^ U I b .lB i. 44oor. W k - • hater, a a t rarer* Uke B*«. iw* than ^ 7.W0 m)I*L UJ7I.M. Trade e r Urs*. rhona IMI.R. I ta | p, m.



Uaed Cars “UM PONTIAC oogp» Radio. l>MUr,

'JT L Z ^ !______ llTttTbU b low book pria.

UU PLYMOtrm etdaB. 8>*eM Do-luie. Very claa. r a ^ *Bd •-b a t e r ------------------------- litTI

!»« ClltVKOlST Delai* aedaa. R*. ^dlo, hater, low mUex* _ I I I U *

l l i l OLDRMOniLC Club ooap^ Radio S'*BBd hater ___________ —IliU OM

' 1141 FORD t-door. Radio. hoaUr.Only ----------------------------- i m L—_ _

CHANEY MOTOR I------701 Mela Are. Eaat Phoaa U ll ^


* - W ITH AN “ ‘*s

OK Usod C ar " »} llio

U il CHEVROLET SUtlon W a io n .Only 41.000 sllaa. Badlo a ndbat. I ttl er. Thla soil hu oxHlUnt ura. .•.> Tb* woodwork r*c*ntlr ra(lnUh*d,•chUdreB* ___ i ! ! ---- lU J l to i l 1140

V— — r 1119uto FORD. Radio, heatar, llrb( rr**is »tB

(order. Aa anctllaat Talu«w.ll4D» 1117

' IMI CHEVnOLET d-doer. U.OOO mlla.A on*w9wner ear ia oeepUonal U4B

m t BUICE Super COBrertlblo. Lllbt tual mllt*. Not a *crawh on IL Whluwall lira. Yon can aar* tha flr*l year japralatlea ob thU one. At a dUeoaBt ct tBIO BBdar aew prlca.

U ll CHEVBOLET 4-door Flaolmuter.Molar orarhaulad and Bow pluUaaeat corer* Not an **Ua e lan — -ear. bat a r.ry (ood >alD«_tl04t [“

tl41 PLYUOVTH i-door dalox*. Tfala 0 4 ear baa a haU i eelr. bb4 b«w palat. I t U m «b by oor areraca aUBdarda, bat Iba motor Meaia

J - food «*»«

~ t u t CMC. Loar -beelhaae, >-ape*J. A rood lookloc track In {laa eoadltlos «'<»»

UU STUDEDAKER l.Un pleknp. As mnomlcat yet powerful

t«M CIlEVnOLET ^-loB pickup. 7M z'I t tlra . 4-*p«d Uaaamlaalon.Verr elaa. Only ------------ IllM


Pboae 1» Jerom*. tdabo “Open Dally and flOBdaya EriBlat* by AppolaUnnt

— »<e


F or . >«•CHRISTMAS?

SEE TH ESE -aO O b W IL L -D 8 E D C A R . 8 , 1 » 0

A t ____________BARNARD’S

UM CADILLAC I t model 4-door *•- daa. llydramatls drlre, radio. be.t< er. d*(r<aUr, air eandllSosar, bMkap llrbu, eUnal llihu, r«rr lo - mil*.**, latnlor ta jaal Uka aew, TbU car U faanaiaed to

” " J S 2 ? i S . ^ i K S . : ! r S Ka r u y y i i . i r a ^ ' ‘ iif ;

UM u“ radti? iSiSS-' ^***w ’m . wMuital l '^ S v -

Low mllaar*] dark rr««tiflaUlk -------------------------- »M«* ISM

Uto CHEVBOLET I •dan. Radio,

U il OUIBMOBILS la Clab eoap*. lU ­dlo, h**l*r, defroeter, aaa 'rlaor.Till* 1* a dasdr l e t ---------- IU U **'*’

4141 DeSOTO club ooup*. H a radio, baler. defroeUr. drlr* aad

E , s “ s i aowaer -------------------------- ll«M 18U

r U it OUICK dFnaflow- lUdlo. baat«r.^ dafroaUr, alrnal llfhu^ *«at eov-•r*. whlu w*U tlra . aua riaori _ . . lo- nll*M». A aharp loaklnr^ w

; 1141 D*SOTO 4-door a*Ua. Badlo. baat- J or, defroeter, wblU w.U UrM.

aeat eoren. T^l* car ka worth— Bach more than IIU&.

. WE HAVE manr mer. UU modah I . to cbooaa (rom and all our l.U BWdato ,,^ cvry a rood warranU (uarutaa.

Wa alao bar* a rood 'loelt et vrw 7 war car* and ar* aelllnr Uub » t a

rerr low drur*.


, Nait te FredNlckaua'* Dnre-Im j l ----------------------------------------------------l l _

= = = = = = s j : 'A U T O S FO R S A U

> BT oWNKIi 1*1. o lta .b lU ., WM Ift. I '

^ ■ -I i i i o c


. . . AND tO ir i iL TH IN K *»*» ^8o Too W biin Tou 8m W b»l t

!' LOW PRICES "**;1 W r e Asking For


QUALITY -------- OK-------- -• j


TRUCKS tMl 1—U R O K B B L E C n O K - ' ’

- - im J


OMAO TERMS CASR U lt 1* PketMB 117.701. I l l Mala Araaaa Wat 1


roR OKE o r T B E n A*1 U u d O u s

wwizetar --l l i l l.niC0 LN CaoMiMlKaa ___tllH -liia , TOKO Club «« » • wltk mrttlTfc O

ntdU aad b a u r *'»«3lliB CneVBOLR todor — • IU7I UM PLYMOtmi tader. radla aid

biaUr — ----------- *m»IIIO NASU auuamas wiUi bad, erai.

dtlt*. r«ilo u d b a u r _ J 1 I M ll t l WILLYS auuoo W ana _ _ ltT II1110 OUeVBOtJi aoupa MH It t l MAII! fordor - «»“1140 CHEVROLET fordor «i*«1119 FORD *1* tader *«*«IIIB TORD I* todor , , IH B1117 CUEVaOLET tadnr . . „ „ III ,

COMMERCIAI.1I4B FORD 'I ' 1 tea. t-*pa*d axle. j

IU7 FORD m KtBr*-ep«*rZI.|7ll 1141m e CHEVROLET M toB pUkap l i mlltT CHEVBOLET H tea paaal _ » l l » u1111 rono pUkap H tea ««**IliO ClIEVBOLSr H toa. alock

rack -----------------------------IIU „ „



■ ' '■■■ " ' ' INII — ~ ■ ■

, 444 444i 4

Main 4 N orth ^


E xtra Clean Cars \' a t

E xtra Low Pricea jWITH A OOOD OUARANTKS t

, te back up ear aaaily eew can. J< t

_ IsdB DOi>CI Coroart i-door ‘Z . w l t ip ^ ^ ta , freab

dilta. tlw b a t aafeW d.rU* U -«U (or allck m d* ilUW {Ml

194I PONTIAO t^yllader Bllrar B ^Mdaaetta. Radio, aadcrmtSWd -wiSefa. 0^ U«bt», Uafc j , , j» llrhu, window ehadaa. Dark blu* tlB l^ reed rabber---- IUU

----------IN I

J9d< PONTUO *■«*’ SUrar Siraak a*. daaetU with radio, nadaraat ‘ baUr, brdramaUa traaamkeloa.; (ead*T akin*, wblu aldawall Ur*a. 1147* lUbt A m l b ^ ^at

_ ' 18<f Foao v.« «q>«r Oatsxa d-deor


_ 1041 POKTIAO B<»UBdar BUUaa Wa.T r a with radio, uaderaeat luatanJ.

Ml‘ IBM FORD V.|'4.epe;ed. U.|ea wlUi ®

nod rubber. Haa Urs* k aU r a a l I—I; U very tla a . Dark n w a tlalab. ------‘ _ j

, TllAll i 19M DODOE V-toa wllk 4-*p*ed traa*.* mMloB. 3aep box, aad oalr W,* ‘*‘f j

000 miu*. Lars* b aU r and ea*.i ^ mu ^

; » k e f e “i 5 r . . p * 5 ^ t e ^r , « « a u k _ _ . m ^

•5 You P«»#l* wa«U»» a *k*ap •'{fI* a r com* Ib and look orer oar. wlattca of old but relUble NEW'r a ia. I( yea nead oaa I wQl *I-CiS > - .11 111* •< u n - . J g

ta a c c K a n r r u o o it n e n “ diii(Act*, trtm Bnn F u U m 1.^) p S


« “3t%u« JTMW ■^

J l ----------------------------------------------- 1 t

P A G i 'i n i i


3 8I R S A U

|g £ '" i i J ,“ n .1 QUALITY USED». IIM O b a r r^ P A P QMT aedaa. Badlo, UA a o

" i S i i . " . I'O R CHEISTMAS

" I UW OADILLAO “ tr* t-doer ig j ■ ^

j s A . 'CLAUS ■ i s r s ! r b " j J r u u i : r 'r r.T. TH IN K **‘® ^KVROLET. BeKAlre «a

RICES king For

■R R , t " s ? r s . , “Z r.* ‘“ :

.ITYFf u u TORO CoBwtlbK Radb

beatvr, oretdHra. Rob* laCARS w W b.

d COMMERCIALSCKS tM l TOBO M-toa plektq*. t<tLEOnOK- • ^ ***“

' ' ^ o w Md^'^aa*^

SERVICE aod llat b*4.CASR U lt TOBO t-tea. w W bt

Mala Araasa Wat t-*P**d axla. IJI^ tlrea.

* BILL IRELAND’S ------------------- 1 UNION MOTORS

M alaatT kW K . The.)W V A LU B 8 -Ika Hooa, o* Btoaara Bart[, 00 (Ob o Xraalact ID I)JT T B m Tat ■aadar A w iataeatrd ' c m ” *"• • * " “

uek> ' ' ' ' - - - ~ ~ ^

S T U D E B A K Bar I im E

“ KZ5El!iii '^E / ]/ /

a Waroa — IITII X V J

tordor _ * » _ l l l l V V

• ~ ~ ~ ~ *w B E T T E E , B U lMdnr l l i , „ j ,rojio lom la ta310IAI. . rerd<wall*. radio. kaaUitea. M pad axle. _ i 'f g l *

ta r* -e p ^ ___n i l U4I MEBCUbT Tewa aadaa w<iM toa pUkap I i m •»« »*“ »« -

” !!!! —H toa. alock rOBB^H-taa ^

— — — U U srODEaAKER CbavpleaX HUNT »-P«.«*er ooapa..s a v ’c 'n . ' ~ Ui7 OllRYBLER'^lDdae? ‘OdeSAJLiCiO , radio, baatar ^ oraiMriIDAHO » H gTOEOAj g ^ f t i a w^

■ ■ " ' ’ IN I PONTtAO 4-da« wllh a i ■ . w nteter, wdfc^ beaur ai

444 n « TACKA»P <-do«ri m r o u todor I ,,

1 North A L . W A Y S ^[N o rth B E T T E R . D E i S


Eaoa 8«kUn*r JakSALES [ - -

ean Cara i TOO GOODt ' ■ TO BE TRUEI

w p r ic M ? j - £ r . - t S ' i a “- s S i___ (laer Uaad Can at (ueb 4oi

OOARANTK* to^arth prlaea. Dot Ifa a f i25 S s .S ff iS S 'J iir s

at i-door a*d*a. U tiaaa rar* b a n a lu i

\u * lT i!trice lhara »»" ***«>*da -----------IUM {Ml MEBOtntT Olak eogpa.

baatar, arwrtitif%- aadai n . i . r Bllrar Btrnk 5 r S ^ ^ ^ ^ a * f e “ ““io. aaderaat baaV **, tura ll«bt>, Uafc j , |g KXaOXniT ■ Olub eettpo.' ndow ahada. Dark erodrUa, two toa* ^ bIled rabber---- IUU » c la a ear. Bpotilibk

aod ak irU ............Mtem Cinb coupe IN I KtaCUBT 4-deer aadaa. air. batcr, plai Ik baatar. orardrlra, aaat oonrblu aldeerall tlra , rubber. A baaatUul .

blot IlaU b-lllU MTwa , „IN I MEBCUBT Chb «oo^

' surer fllr«ak »•- iteatar, mw rubbar. abor*m aS ^ i& E 0M»«Ja-«»»4Matht.

IKT BOICX SpacUl 4-doer §• spar tWsza d-deor ^ bmttr, « rerr ajaaa .

r a l buy » t_ l l« KSTtlSa*^yUadar BUIU. Wa. Opan B «»lm aaid Irfldi


Ml Haln ATa, Zaat Tbow -.pad, « , l « wllk 0 ” 1. «UataUa Urs* k a tar aad ■ ■■ m i

Dark n w a fl#l*b. '■ia«M i>»ai TRUCKS & TXAIU

tiiA lU K W aa. •aerioaa Brla

der. i4p**d %*,toa. WILL aall my an lty l a ^ l Uad l-pir tlra .T ^ b i £ S im aad w«] Ut

' ■' »*** aaerltka,_a<g VB, ■n«a»J«ai II- HOUBE trallar. baa rracTtb:

aaUar a okaap iaraialadf ttrr rood bay.Id ^ 5 r* rS ? Orao«BaB-a Park. W a t Fleelid bul r*IUbl* NEW U ll litAVELEZS t iSlaad oaa I wQl 11-Coot. Bauaa laMsarator, : IBd* of t*ma.

p .,u „ M°°.ii.‘‘| | S h ^ '* ! » 'S w

ITOWN .. SALES » k 5 ! g i i 5 i K ? « S i £ i

‘ " • r s ' s s s i i - s ^ s

— ------------------

Page 12: · KTrTTtS tIN bCanyon ] Kpromote K,Lr.”"'z.-Hells canyon Ontario, ( 1EH“, ^ K f f l S

| i ; P A O B T W B L V n

| H Hailey Ward LDS Churc

|K | Is DedicatI I H HAILEY. t>ee. 10 — Cedl( I I H WiTlces o t th e Haltey LD6 c! I I H f n tu r e d B d e r M u k Z. Pebl l a l L«k» Clt7. of th e couniH l f l tw etra u n l represenU ng the i< I I M authorltlee, p rea ld ln i. He wm

I IH li ^ epcAlcer.I I H , T h e meetlnff w u cooducU■ ■ ll BUhop Alvln J . Schov. J . EB M 1 Ab«8glen, T w in FalU, lorm er 1n M ll b n u c h president, «nd R . E.I l n i li '•<’” > C arer, representtng the 1l» H i ' presidency. aUo spoke,u n I. Miulcftl num bers were glvi| l Nn 1; Mrs. A rthur Hall. H en rr T i|fl H : >' KaroM Buhler, Q eraU lne iI I n i’ Boyd Shirts. R a lph Anderson,|H |n i( Ij S h irts. Jr., and AlTln Schow,l l l i ' i i . A nderson a s accorI rllik^' Mra. J e t t Jonea led the

U l | | ' ' ' ffTCfatlona] songa. Aaronlc iI n i l l ^ p riest's classI H J I l a s ushers.

SU hop Schow gave a brief i■ I V r ot th e church alnce lU beglnnin n • su n d a r school orsanlxatioi m Silver u e e k M ay J. 1BD8, undi

I dlrecUon of th e mlailonarlea Il | I | i | l ,, northw est a l a t t i mUaloo.liiilli I T here were several branchilHiSl’ ' th e aou them p a r t of the valleyI l l i l , 11 th e H ailey b ranch was oreiI H I , In 1P38 and It was converted I^ ■ 1 , w ard In IfiSO w ith Mr. 8ch(H H tlBhop.| « Local leaders tn the earlyl l f l l of th e church beforo lU organll l f l l IBU Included Jam es A. Wtf W i S co tt Allred. Will SUnfJeld,I M I Uam J . B uhler. Ajoos JacMltB U O haries WUson.

I Second Amateui n I Show Is Stajl b ] , HAILBT. Dec. 10 - The iIRK Blaine c o u n ty 'h o m e ta len t Iga III w as held a t the Hotel Hlawath: B f ‘ Inc room last weelc. f l I M anager Charlen Schsllc sei B I apeclal dinner before the per 9 I anca.

* 1 n T en acts were presented 't I)' ! Schalk as m aster of ceren i» K - " F a tty Somsen assembled th e i I A hpUday show U being pl* 9'-.: In which a ll ta len t of Magic '

la Invited to participate. I t ]g . li- th a t through these shows the

I' p a o p l s wUl b« able to Improvt

pertorm ances so they m ay co o n a higher level whenever i tu n lty presents Itself, SchaU


M rs. D. R. T u m e r have gone t - fo n to visit relaUvea.

| H l | F o r y o u r g i f t - g i

( H f t n S c l i c n U y


111 I

1 1 t h e " C o n

l j : 111! N o w o a s,

I I I " ’C o m b i n a

| | | I f i n e s t w k

II: p l u s a &

I S r M n


It I S

l l i ' 0 B o t t l e a o f '

!| I O^CHEKLEI1 ' ^

' I {n e « o 7 S d iea l< 7 -C o faU[ . i) Cbk. I t 's «M of A o m '

i |V p o p o i« rw h « k K ... .r ie h .,jl. i; I j l j ; .. .D w re pleasing to tbe ta:

I:,- l l I I Sefacslcry B e .a r e . l H a ^ I rX l l *1 ’ K noeix wbiikieil | j | .1 ■ ' . v id M .4 B d & l> e id c > S ta ^

UML — -t—-

rd Eden Schcrch;atedD edication 'oe church '. Pet«rson, •council o f ^Lhe general K ; ^ ; | H H H i H f l ^ H | 'e was also ;

Iducted by ^ | . ^ H | | K J . H arold ^

m er Hailey M 't.'.- . E. Adam- the Blaine

> given by 7 Tuckett,Ine Shirts. erson, Fred chow, wlUi' accompan* ll the con> mlc prlest> class acted

irlef review Jon L U ennesw and Bobby 1 eglnnlng a s comedy. “Finder* Creepen.™ wh ilxatlon o n day a t the acbool.' O thers In Uii , under Uia Inette. Helen Sallee. Deris Du« irlea In Uio O lenn Reed. Fete Shawver, Ada

w orth and C harles YoiC Dire ranches In gravlois)valley untU ■ -----------------

Water Board rga^ luU on Picks Budg<V J ' ™ ’ DOBLCT. Dte. 10-A budic l .iirfin .i .< «a20. n 0 has been approved by acWlD a n d 3 yjjgy irrigaU on distric t for li

ThU calU for a levy of *<JS — acre b u t a credit of 35 cenUO i i r M re was aUowed for the unexpei “ U r ed power revenue declaration ! fQ (T A < i W*7. ThU leaves a levy of « l U l ^ C l l acre upon whleh a flvo p e r c rhe second dUcount will be aUowed If th e 1 len t show H P*td before nex t M arch I. waUia d in . ThU budget provides for Incre .waina a m ^ frrlgatlon dlslIk served a employes. I t olso provided for0 j>erform- conUnuallon of the IwitaUatlon

gates, building a chute^ lining kinted w ith laterals, repairing Canal banks iceremonies, general operation and m nlnlenath e ta le n t of the entire system,

ng planned Plans are to install 08 gates iagio Valloy season to bring tho to ta l numbeiI t Is hoped gates for the system up to B30. j1 th e young oUier se t of colU has been ordc iprove th e lr for a motor a t the pumping n tat ay compete ColU have t>een InstaUed In 1 aver oppor- motors In lhe last two years, kha lk said. Approximately 40 per cen t of___ ISSI construcUon levy h as biON ■ paid. The final da te for payw>-M r. a n d of Uie first ha lf of m e levy ;one to O ro- Dec. 17.

Members of the board of dlrec

^•giving and cxaertainingt ilcy presents something NEf^ . . .

SCHE]m b i n a t i ca s a l e a t I d a h o S t a l e L i q u o

' i n a t i o n ” C a s e . . . 1 2 b o t t le s

w h is k i e s . Y o w r f a m r i t e , S

d o a b l e b o m a o f O l d S d i a

b l S c h e n l e y .


H H r )

2B o a k t ^ \

drop of a tia^ Iit wfnsbf Briea’a b o a t tU a pw d ac t is 8 Teats oM or r tieh. meflo«, 35« s t r a i ^ wiU^cka. 6S« ( Im lasto. aeatxal qiirjta,

s c h e n ioied Wfankej 06.jnoL 65* gnaa neatral fpiril hiAin kl tfab pnxlaet a u 8 oid oc more

BootImo W hisky. 8 year. old. BoU Jcdia;

S ch o o l TThespians

! BonrrV" «>« mjiteiper^" whleh to to be presented a t 8 p ja , Wedn hera In Uie c as t a re Neoma Cawthora. Leena Doris D uentln r. Jo h n Sererance, Arleen W rii wver, Ada H otnand , Richard Nedrleh, Edda H m C D irector U Mrs. Gem Howard. (S taff <

a r d Castleford Pupils J __. Give Presentatii

U O S i e i CASTLEFORD. Dec. 10—The i^ . Ueford high school senlor-ju

A budfiet of clajis play was presented Wedroved by Uie <j,y jn the echool auditorium . >le t for 1053. Ann BaU was tho director,

of H J5 an Members of the cast were35 cenU a n CoUicm, Jenele O ran t, M ym a B;le unexpetid- er, Leonartl Prcll. Helen Kudlac•claratlon of nier Samuelson. Herb Caudill, £jvy of « a n jcy jjuck, Norman Quigley. Shivo p e r cen t Fish. Anita HUI. BlUy Rae Vid If th e levy more. Alice Helsley, Bud Dunnrch 1. A rietta Blackham.I for Increas- Darlene Tcsnohlldek waa pro: atlon d istric t e f. Membera of Uie produeUon i dded for Uie were Lee Oraybeal. Herby Hai uitaUatlon of and Stan Fluh./ lining some Between lhe acts M arvcne SIiII banks and sang and Carolyn F la tters play mnlnlenanco c larine t colo.

08 gotcs th is aro W. P. Rlehlns. J . W. Boa l num ber of Jamc.-i Bromon. Jr„ J . W. P atte) to B30. A n- nnd A. L. Hoiyoak. Term s ofbeen ordered terson and Holyonk expire thU ;iplng ntaUon. ^>w w w w w w w w »^w w w w w C

K o d a k F i n i s h i nr cen t of th e Dally Scrvico

U I E D O M P H O Tthe levy is Entrance on th e alley

. . beside WUey Drug d of directora ______ r —

E N ^; i o n ” C as<L i q u o r s to r e s ; t h e n e w

b a t t le s o f t h e w o r l d ’s

i t e , S c h e n l e y R e s e r v e ,

! S c h e t d e y a n d

i l N A T I O N " C A S E T O D A Y

\ n B otdca of

L O L D S C H E N L• T U D «C « BOTTUtD M 1

wJmlaei m This finest of alt wli^sfciea h f n o M o r n o ^ 7« t n o ld -T W IC E as eld at « . 6S* Bottled m D ondw hisba . N o*«

^ • b l e f o r tbo first tim e since Re

mmBtral fpiritt. Sir John Scfamley. Bleoded \n iu k y d or more. 35% xrav;ht whukiaa. 6i% (ra ia a« Bottled » Bood. 100 prooC \

S d » J e 7 D ietriboM ^ U k JSoW Y<ck. j


ns S u r v e y S h o - ' N e a r l y I

(Ultar'* MUI n b U tll* Uilrd a . .I MtklM pf>v«n«l trr J. a Urailm -It Blntatnlcr ot K*f<a Vall«r Mnnorl

^‘ L as t year the Idaho Hospital

elation made a survey of rate - charges In a ll U>e general hoi

f l ^ ^ ^ f l . ' ' ' - o f thU su te . T he association a ttem pted to classify thesp hoi

H ^ ^ f l f l ^ V according to the quantity of s they could offer. HospltaU bad a complete laboratory.

' and anesthesia service wcre a s claas "A" hofpltAls.

To quaUfy they m ust have d WlUl post>graduate. quaUflcaUi charge o t Uie pathology and departm ents and must, a t least regUtered nurse anestheUs' c h a w of th a t eervlee. In sot Idaho Uiere are a t least elghi hospltaU In CaldweU. BoUe.

'■ * ^ ^ - J im l o r Le^Wd W ednci- ^

Bud Dutm and ____________________________

:k W03 prom pt- • iroducUon sta ff H erby Haudell

Marvcne Skeem.atters played a ' ,

J. W. Patterson

;xplre thU year.

n i s h i n g


i I f i e Si A la jh fc

Y 1A Y

• - Tf^e I Nash/

• It’s the mo:finest c a n -

^ N | H ' Custom mc

. thousand dS B ; / : fine ca'rs. V

gdji | H [ . ' America’s tJ H ; - . ■» Jclfirc Engi

•T< e f l f c ^ ' record-holdhour). You

— • , finest—thribeautiful N

f . Protect the

; h e n l e yTTUtD M BOna

•li 'skiea h foH 8 C as eld as most isb'es. No* BTtil- mo since RepeaL

^ M2 3 6 S

{e d \n iu k y 8 6 J K (ra ia a ra trd

w y < * f c . K i . , •___________ '


S h o w s H o s p i t a l C l y S a m e , M u c h Itll. Uilrd «f thtm PalU. PocateUo aad IdiAo F a ll

r tte a In a ll Uiese hospltaU ah essenUally Uie same. I t U no !

t anybody to claim> Hospital asso- cheaper U> go to one of U i^ly of rate s and pItaU th a n to anoUier of Uiesieral hospltaU class. T h e t«W bUU differ slssoclatlon th e n only because th e doctors ordethesp hospltaU feren t drugs according to thentUy of service dlUon of the paUenUospltaU w hleh a comparison between the cloratory. X -ray m ide jn hospltaU In IdahcIce wcre Usted those In Callfom U , Oregon»• W ashington ahows U iat ours t have doctors hospltaU are from 25 per «liaUflcaUons In 40 per cen t cheaper. In manjogy and X -ray plUiU on the Pacific coast theIt, a t least, have ra te U |U .M a day compareCjieatheUsts In tS In Tw in PalU. yet the accose. In sou them datlon here Is fa r superior,east e ight such AlUiough hospital pare U cU. BoUe. Twin slve. I t Is always a bargain

^ ^ Join the Rambler "Ccn P f4 " Amerit^a's smartest pe

* - " * America's newest, smi

:h RamblerI9SI Mobilgos Econo (with overdrive). . . 3

Tfie Luxurious 3sh Arnbassador5 the most m odem o f America’s .est c an —yet even in luxurious Listom models wilb Hydra-Malic £ive, it’s yours for about a ^3usand dpUon less than other Ke cars. We iovite you to drive jMnerica’s top performer withifirc Engine—a 1951 sioclTcar:ord-holder (102.465 miles perur). Y our famjly'deservcs tbeest—thrill them with thcautiful Nash Ambassador.otect them wilh thc life-saving . 'rely o f Airflyte CoDStruciioa.

W i l l s2 3 6 S h o s h o n e S h W e s t

IAHO _____________ :

l l C o s ts u T l d a f i o ;h L e s s T h a n C oi

I t U no longer think, a n d tf you are th e i; W c l ^ I t IS .A m erlcan-and you wUl piie of Uieao hos- say you a r tn ’t^-you spend t«iner of the same as much for Uquor. seven tl3 d iffer slightly much for recreaUon. th ree U«tora order d lf- much for to b a « o , a n d t«ina to the con- much for Jewelry as fo r ^,L care. These figures are base.

in Idaho and a. Oregon and Did you know th a t your >U iat our local — -------35 per cen t to ■ H i H

In many : coast the ward ^ ^' compared wiui C o m p l e t eit 'the accommo- . , ^ f l B H r a |

« p , n . R a d i a t o ra bargain when

Clyde offers you coi pieto service on yonr t diators . . . CLEAN . R E P A IR ... R E C O R . , . W hat ever It needs.

« ,11 whatever typo it is, s

5^. Wc may save you t'prlco of B now radlatoi

CLYDE'SR a d i a t o r S h o ;Oa Truck L u e ^ F h o n a B9S<

nbler "Countty Q ub” set— ^nartest people who now drive . - i w est, smartest “hardtop”-$300 o f custom accessories :ost. The Rambler holds tho jas Economy Run record iv e ) . . . 31.05 miles a gallon.

M o t o r (^ e s t T

r .. '-I - :

.. ........................ Is * -B on-profll tnstltnUon?r t " Chance. I t ahmild recelv

t l l U . money th a n i t expends, t t• _ . have to Increase Its servlcea

C + reduce tts ra te s . As fa r aa pV . / U C l ! d L lu services a re given on a cos

' T here are n o reserves o f fiI’t cost th® aver- take care of those who e itherich as he would gr will n o t pay the ir hospluire th e average y e t Uio hospital cannot reI will probably iiuce care of them If they arospend te n ' tim es ted by a doctor even though 1<seven tim es as they wUl no t pay. You can 1th ree Umes as j,ow thU wUl p u t a stra in <a n d tw ice as pital finances. T he onty ren

as fo r hospital uoti U hosp ital Insurance, a re based on a

STpendlturca for ^ KOREA

? o u c o m - II yonr ra - V,E A N . . .E C O R E (It needs-;- V — " f ^it is, see

e you th e fradiator. T '

>E'SS h o p l E L

•hona B9S-W


the Iu

Ind M any Hs ofDrivtl^

r G o. IT w i n F a l l s f l


mondat, DE(JB on-profll tnstltnU on? If. .b r j i p v . . .

chance. l t ahmild receive-more ey th a n I t expends, t t would 2 ^ W a i h , 5 " 1 to Increase Its servlcea or eUe — *— «. ce tts ra te s . As fa r aa possible ervlces a re given on a cost basu! W U «T i» jere are n o reserves o f funds to H; care o t those who e ith er cannot |Hi».lU n o t pay Uielr hospital bUU.Uie hospital cannot reflise to ANSW ER'Y i

I c are of Uiem If Uiey a ro admit- MBy a doctor even though It knows tr^’ wUl no t pay. You can Imagine n ,

UiU wUl p u t a stra in on hos- ^ E O W ® S.^ I finances. T he only rea l solu- 'R -^ - U hosplUU Insurance. O hhw m

-----------------------------SENT TO KOREA *«n

niOME, Dec. .1 0 — Pfc. Keith '•'•H:son, son of Mr. and M rs. Ted

Give Somi

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. ___________' ' ' —