
Job description: As press and communication attaché, I am responsible for promoting the image of France, presenting its positions, communicating about the priories laid out by the Embassy and the Ministry, and maintaining relations with the local press in the states that we are responsible for. I also follow the political situation in the U.S. Southeast and communicate about it to the Embassy and French Ministry of Paris. Job methods: Press releases, meetings with local press, website, social media, hors les murs Large presence on social media Explain the value of global communication to your organization. The consulate general of France in Atlanta is part of the French diplomatic network. Like the U.S. State Department, we are under the umbrella of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose mission is to represent France, defend and promote its interest in all domains. The structure of the Ministry is centered on global communication. Priorities are identified by the ministry that are then disseminated throughout the network and communicated into all of the regions where there is a French presence. How is the focus of your work affected by globalization. We are no longer bound solely to the tradition channels communication such as press releases and conferences, although these channels remain very important. With the democratization of information through new technologies such as internet, social media, smart phones, the Ministry has placed great importance on the usage of these tools for communicating information and messages.

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Job description:

As press and communication attaché, I am responsible for promoting the image of France, presenting its positions, communicating about the priories laid out by the Embassy and the Ministry, and maintaining relations with the local press in the states that we are responsible for. I also follow the political situation in the U.S. Southeast and communicate about it to the Embassy and French Ministry of Paris.

Job methods: Press releases, meetings with local press, website, social media, hors les

murs Large presence on social media

Explain the value of global communication to your organization.

The consulate general of France in Atlanta is part of the French diplomatic network. Like the U.S. State Department, we are under the umbrella of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose mission is to represent France, defend and promote its interest in all domains. The structure of the Ministry is centered on global communication. Priorities are identified by the ministry that are then disseminated throughout the network and communicated into all of the regions where there is a French presence.

How is the focus of your work affected by globalization.

We are no longer bound solely to the tradition channels communication such as press releases and conferences, although these channels remain very important.

With the democratization of information through new technologies such as internet, social media, smart phones, the Ministry has placed great importance on the usage of these tools for communicating information and messages.

As such, time and real-time have become an important focus. On the one hand, globalization has facilitated our work. If we have a message to communicate, such as the measures taken by the French government to address the Ebola epidemic or the Syrian crises, we can diffuse this message quickly.

In our work in the press office, time is spent updating our website to informing the public on issues pertaining to France and French-American relations. We also dedicate more time to social media than what was done 5-6 years ago. And most recently, efforts have been put in place to ensure the accessibility of our online communication tools in order to best reach a globalized audience. Our website for example, is currently presented in two languages—French and English, and it is currently being updated to be more accessible in terms of both smart phones and tablets as well as visual or hearing impairments.

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On the other hand, this has created a greater obligation of being sensitive to what is said, and when and how. For example, in crisis situations, it is extremely important that the message that

How are key messages created and delivered in the context of a global audience?

First, priorities are identified by the Ministry, adapted by the Embassy according to bilateral interests, and then targeted by the consulates. For example, innovation in France is a priority for us. We want to communicate that France is about innovation. (what are the facts here). This is what we want to communicate. This message will then be tailored according to the actions that are built around it. This could be in the form of a speech delivered by the Ambassador of France to the United States who is speaking at a World Affairs Conference in Alabama or in the context of a series of events organized by the Consulate General of France in Atlanta and Georgia Tech known as France-Atlanta which is centered on innovation and designed to foster cooperation between France and the U.S. In the first example, we know that there is an audience of businessmen from around the State of Alabama as well as from countries that have direct investments in the state. In delivering a message that France is open for business and innovation, we want to identify what our audience is interested in, in this case business, jobs, investment opportunities, and then tie that into the underlying message of how France answers those needs through its innovation policies.

Likewise for France-Atlanta, we target an audience that is in the Southeast, but we also speak to an audience that is in France. In this example, we take the priority message of France as a country of innovation, and we adapt that to include the Southeast also being centered on innovation. The message is then presented and delivered as a bilateral endeavor.

How do you incorporate changes among different societies and cultures into the messaging and strategy?

The structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitates the adaptation of messages and strategies according to a region. For example, with Paris to scheduled to hold the 2015 COP 21 conference on climate change, we would like to communicate the message that efforts to reduce global warming are a priority for France. Our objective is to see in 2015 an ambitious agreement to limit our global emissions and the increasing of temperatures by 2’ C. The messaging and strategy will not be delivered in the same way in Europe as it will be in the U.S., where there is a population that does not believe in global warming. In these instances, the message will remain the same: France remains committed to fighting against global warming. However, we will not stress the same things in the U.S. Southeast, where there is a strong current of disapproval, as we would in Europe. Instead, we will focus more on. Xxx (see notes from TD). In this way, we are both able to

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communicate the overall position of France vis-à-vis global warming without entering into a finger-pointing debate on this sensitive issue in American politics.

What are the challenges involved in effective global communication?

Cultural differences and conflicting worldviews represent the major challenges in effective global communication. How do you present the message in a way that is clear, positive, and effective to an audience that does not share the same view?

Likewise, how do you make your message be heard in a global world where everyone is vying for your attention? It is quickly information overload. Along those lines are conflicting messages that can occur. For example, recent acts of anti-semitism in Europe over the summer have been highlighted in the international press, along with articles citing a “mass exodus” of French Jews to Israel. It has been a challenge for us to counter this message with the message of what France is doing to combat acts of anti-semitism, and that we are not, as some papers imply, an anti-semitic country.

What is the role of social media in your global communication strategy?

It plays a priority role in our global communication strategy. Going back to the democratization of information, having a presence on social media enables us to reach greater audiences and also to more easily share our messages and increase our influence through our online presence. The ministry encourages the diplomatic network to be present on as many platforms of social media as each post is able, placing particular importance on Facebook and Twitter. It also leads by example and is very prominent on social media and also provides tools to the network such as infographics and videos so that we are able to maximize our limited time and resources.

What are some of the best practices for approaching global communication—what things should we keep in mind?