ksde update qpa advisory april, 2008. 5 steps to the future mtss careers academics teaching in...

KSDE Update QPA Advisory April, 2008

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KSDE Update

QPA Advisory April, 2008

5 Steps to the Future

MTSS Careers Academics Teaching in Kansas Standards for 21st Century Schools Integrating Accountability

Additional Changes

Kansas State Course Codes Growth Model Assessments Literacy & Numeracy Electronic File Sharing School Dashboards Assessment Re-design

KSBE Goal/Objectives:

Helping all students meet or exceed academic standards Designing/Redesigning the educational system

to meet our students’ changing needs Providing effective teachers in every classroom Providing visionary leaders Improving communication with all groups

Teaching in Kansas

Regulations and Initiatives

42% of our teachers leave the field after seven years 36% of our teachers can retire within the next 5

years 25% fewer students are going into teaching over the

past six years 86% decrease in KS teacher biology licenses in 6

years 50% decrease in chemistry licenses 67% decrease in physics licenses

KS Data Says…

Why Do Teachers Leave?

Isolation from colleagues Assignments outside their area of

training Lack of appreciation or respect Feeling discouraged Feeling frustrated Feeling left out of the decision-

making Poor school management Lack of classroom resources


Too many regulations Lack of mentoring or induction

programs Class size Not enough support from

administration Undisciplined, poorly motivated

students Uninvolved parents Unreasonable expectations Lack of resources

What We Do Know…

Support: personal, problem-focused, critical reflection on teaching practice

Professional development: rigorous, ongoing, job-embedded, deepening content knowledge, instructional strategies, time, mentoring

Instruction & assessment: comprehensive plan, sound design, evidence-based practice, analysis

Teacher leaders: intervene early, aligned curriculum, progress monitoring, parent partnerships

Advocate: teachers make a difference

Promising Practices

Preparation Salaries Benefits Working conditions Licensure Mentoring Peer assistance Recruitment Retention

New regulation changes effective August 10, 2007

Removal of GPA for conditional teaching license Restricted school specialist Recognition of experienced OoS school

counselors without teaching background Provisional license options expanded One year nonrenewable without existing offer of


Out-of-State Applicants License options

Needs one or mor

Beginning Educator New graduate or < 3 years of experience

Experienced Educator 3 years of recent experience or 5 total years of experience + (recency)

National Board Certified

One-year nonrenewable (needs 1 or more tests) 2 year Exchange (tests or recency)

Professional License

Accomplished License

Initial License

1 year Transitional No recency or Expired license

2 year Interim Alternative LRC appeal or Move to professional

TKC Target Areas

Working conditions

Teacher Preparation

Salary and Benefits

Image and Promotion


Short Term Goals Working conditions

Protect individual teacher instructional planning time

Require additional support and development for administrative leadership

Provide equitable access to 21st century instructional technology resources

To enhance curriculum delivery and student learning

To enable teachers to make data driven decisions

Short Term Goals

Teacher Preparation Develop standards for application of 21st

century technology to enhance instruction/student achievement

Include awareness of Federal and state laws/regulations (NCLB/QPA/IDEA)

Short Term Goals

Teacher Preparation Ensure that every teacher is prepared to

gather, interpret and respond to data in order to improve student achievement

Develop guidelines and create equitable funding for compensation to student teachers (and university supervision)

Short Term Goals Teacher Preparation

Develop national standards based Professional Development Schools PDS (P-12)

Promote Mid Career Access to the teaching profession

Create additional scholarships Teach Grants Higher Education Act KBOR

Short Term Goals

Image & Promotion Create a statewide marketing campaign

to promote: the value of public education in a civic

society teaching as a profession options that exist for teacher preparation Mid Career Access to teaching

Short Term Goals

Image & Promotion Encourage districts to create “Grow Your

Own” teacher programs USD/IHE scholarship partnerships Funding resources/business partnerships Future Teacher Organizations

Celebrate successes of Kansas public education

Short Term Goals

Regulations/Requirements/Data Encourage the Kansas Board of Regents

(KBOR) to review, revise and/or create regulations:

transfer rule (9 hour limit) community college partnerships with IHE’s, geographic jurisdiction,

Short Term Goals

Regulations/Requirements/Data Require KSDE to publish an annual

summary of KS educational statistics related to recruitment and retention of teachers

Encourage legislative action to continue to set funding levels at least one year in advance for districts

Intermediate Goals

Working Conditions Create and systematically implement

state wide standards based Induction and Mentoring Programs

Offer intentional, strategic, purposeful professional development

Intermediate Goals

Working Conditions Implement career ladder opportunities

Create flexible opportunities for full year /extended contracts

Incentivize Business partnerships for educational benefit

Intermediate Goals

Teacher Preparation KSDE Standards Review/Revision

Funding resources for IHE’s to develop/implement programs

Require similar quality of preparation across institutions (Consistency of preparation across institutions)

Intermediate Goals

Salary & Benefits Develop salary continua that recognizes:

Pre-service educator Initial Professional Accomplished

Intermediate Goals

Salary & Benefits Redesign the current retirement system:

to provide flexibility and options for recruiting and remaining in the teaching profession (remain in district)

Improve level of compensation

Improve cost of living adjustments

Reduce vesting

Intermediate Goals

Salary & Benefits Create funding to provide improved

benefits; affordable full family health care,

loan forgiveness

district payment of transferable retirement benefits

accessibility to state or pool benefits

Long Term Goals

Teacher Preparation

Develop business partnerships to promote students to enter the teaching profession

Tax incentives for business partners

Long Term Goals


Seek an earlier date (April 1) for continuing contract notifications

Incentivize early notification by teachers

Review, clarify and communicate KSDE licensing regulations

Structured for

Professional Growth

Move KPA

Compensation for ST

Create additional scholarships

Expand loan forgiveness

Develop & Promote “Grow-your-own” programs

Prepared to improve student achievement

Strategic ProgressionHighly effective instruction

Protect Individual Plan Time

Extended contract opportunities

Teacher Leader

Create funding to provide improved benefits

Require additional support and development for administrative leadership

Improve compensation

Renew with KPA

Protect Individual Plan Time

Peer Coaches

National Board Certified

Flexible Scheduling

Teacher Leader

Community / school leadership

Paid sabbaticals

Create funding to provide improved benefits

Extended contract opportunities

Successfully complete with KPA

Highly effective instruction

Systematic Induction & Mentoring programs

Protect Individual Plan Time

Tuition forgiveness & assistance

Extended contract opportunities

Develop Business Partnerships

Require additional support and development for administrative leadership

Improve compensation

21st Century Education

Promoting Integration and Re-design

Guiding Principles

1. Establish high expectations and provide students with frequent feedback.

2. Require each student to complete an integrated academic core and a CTE concentration of study.

3. Provide students access to a structured system of work-based and high-status school-based learning resulting in an industry-recognized credential and employment in a career pathway.

4. Provide the essential concepts of the college-preparatory curriculum and motivate students by encouraging them to apply academic content and skills to real world problems and projects using 21st century skills.

5. Allow students and their parents to choose from programs that integrate challenging high school studies and work-based learning that are planned by educators, employers and students.

Guiding Principles

6. Create an organizational structure and schedule enabling academics and career/technical teachers to have the time to plan and provide integrated instruction aimed at teaching high-status academic and technical content;

7. Engage students in academic and career/technical classrooms in rigorous and challenging proficient-level assignments using research-based instructional strategies and technology.

8. Involve students and their parents in a guidance and advisement system directed at completion of a program of study with an academic and career/technical concentration.

9. Provide a structured system of additional time and resources to assist students with high-level academic and technical content.

10. Create a culture of continuous improvement by utilizing student assessment and program evaluation data.

Design 21


Teacher-centered instruction Student-centered learning

Single sense stimulation Multi-sensory stimulation

Single path progression Multi-path progression

Single media Multimedia

Isolated work Collaborative work

Information delivery Information exchange

Passive, receptive learning Active, inquiry-based learning

Factual, knowledge-based Critical thinking, informed decision making

Reactive response Proactive, planned

Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real-world context

Board Actions

Create/Approve Gold Standard assessments (industry-recognized credentials/certifications) for each of the Career Clusters that support high expectations.

Integrate core content standards with technical program standards utilizing the 16 career clusters as the organizing principle.

Support implementation of Individual Career Plans of Study for all students in 8th grade and above.

Improve Access to Career and Technical Education by removing barriers and promoting partnerships.

Board Actions Recommend KBOR to Update Qualified Admissions Create 21st Century School Standards to help guide reform

and/or redesign of public schools Support Professional Development for teachers (e.g.

mentor-mentee model) to help guide students in planning for future careers.

Revise Teacher Preparation Program Standards to reflect the integration of content standards.

Support the creation of dynamic funding systems that respond to the changing workforce and economic development needs.

Integrated Accountability

It’s a state of mind

Not a process

Integrated Accountability

Data Decision Implementation Support Compliance

Kansas Improvement Notebook

Continuous Improvement

Review &Revise

Monitor Implementation

Research &Identify Effective


Develop & Implement Plan

Prioritize &Set Goals

Analyze Data

Gather &Organize Data

Needs Assessment

Orientation & Readiness

Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)

Shift in ThinkingChange in How the System Responds

From…. To…..


Which students need help?

What help does each student need?


Having programs and people available

Intentional design/redesign of our services as resources

(Dan Reschly, 2004)

What is MTSS?

Response to Intervention Early Intervening School Improvement System Design/Redesign Each Student will Achieve

So What Conditions Must Exist for MTSS to be Successful?

• More intense supplemental targeted skill interventions• Customized interventions• Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design

Kansas Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)Kansas Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)

• Student centered planning

• Customized function-based interventions• Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design


KSDE - July 2007 Draft

• All students• Evidence-based core curriculum & instruction• Assessment system and data-based decision making

• All students, All settings

• Positive behavioral expectations explicitly taught and reinforced• Consistent approach to discipline• Assessment system and data-based decision making

• Supplemental targeted function-based interventions• Small groups or individual support• Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design

• Supplemental targeted skill interventions • Small groups• Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention


Kansas Multi-Tier System of Support

What are the benefits of MTSS?

Improves academic achievement for each student

More Information
