ksd president-brochure

Supabeasty for KSD President I was eBorn on May 18 th , 2009 or Day 545 of the New World. I started out in eEstonia (my former citizen(s) started there as well) and ran for Congress, but lost by a very small margin. I was convinced to move to eCanada by a friend of mine. As soon as I arrived in eCanada, World War III had started. I fought my heart out for eCanada, but the force of PEACE GC was too much. We lost all of our regions in that. Eventually we recovered Alberta and we made Alberta our fortress province. My start in politics began when I ran for Congress in Alberta and won. I learned a lot in that first term in Congress. I ran again and won and then once again. After that I took a break from politics and began fighting more often. But I didn’t stay away for long and won my 4 th Congressional election. I enjoyed that term but I wanted to start something new in supa.i.am This is the story of me eLife, from the beginning of my journey to today. I have done a lot in my eLife and want to do more as your Party President. Supabeasty For KSD President Vote On Novembe r 15 th , 2010

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Supabeasty for KSD President

I was eBorn on May 18th, 2009 or Day 545 of the New World. I started out in eEstonia (my former citizen(s) started there as well) and ran for Congress, but lost by a very small margin. I was convinced to move to eCanada by a friend of mine. As soon as I arrived in eCanada, World War III had started. I fought my heart out for eCanada, but the force of PEACE GC was too much. We lost all of our regions in that.

Eventually we recovered Alberta and we made Alberta our fortress province. My start in politics began when I ran for Congress in Alberta and won. I learned a lot in that first term in Congress. I ran again and won and then once again. After that I took a break

from politics and began fighting more often. But I didn’t stay away for long and won my 4th Congressional election. I enjoyed that term but I wanted to start something new in eRepublik.

When I learned that eNew Zealand would be introduced to the New World I got excited. I really wanted to try something new, and this was my chance. I came to eNew Zealand expecting it to be much different than eCanada. And honestly, I was disappointed. I assumed that other countries were very different, but they are not. I decided to stay anyways because it was still fun. I am currently the V-P of the Kiwi Social Democrats.

supa.i.amThis is the story of me eLife, from the beginning of my journey to today. I have done a lot in my eLife and want to do more as your Party President.

SupabeastyFor KSD


Vote On November 15th, 2010

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Supabeasty for KSD President 2

My Goals This TermWhat I want to accomplish as the Party President of the Kiwi Social Democrats.

Keep the party informed via mass messaging and also through the newspaper.

Get at least 6 congress members elected.

Help keep eNew Zealand free from any Political Take Overs.

Bring new people to the KSD via mass messaging and newspaper articles.

Get the KSD Council up and running at full speed.

Choose a country president that the party chooses from a poll.

Finish up the party manifesto.

Get the KSD to become a better, more serious party.

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Supabeasty for KSD President 3

My Proposal for the Party Manifesto!

Political Section1. The KSD has a goal of at least 6 Congress

members. If this goal is not met, the current KSD Party President will be held accountable.

2. The KSD supports an eNew Zealand that is free from Political Take-Overs.

3. The KSD nominee for Country President will be chosen through a poll that begins on the 28th of every month and ends on the 1st of the month.

4. Congressional candidates will be chosen on a participation basis. Candidates that participate in the party more will be sure to be able to run.

5. The KSD will work with other parties for a better eNew Zealand. We will first work for eNew Zealand and its citizens, and then for the party.

Military Section1. The KSD fully supports the eNew Zealand


2. The KSD supports active neutrality for eNew Zealand.

3. The KSD will focus on properly defending eNew Zealand and then about allies.

4. The KSD supports fortifying Auckland and Otago, our resources are located there.

5. The KSD supports staying away from large alliances for now.

6. The KSD supports signing a powerful MPP with a country that is very active with battles.

Economic Section1. The KSD supports setting aside some

government funds to provide export licenses to foreign nations.

2. The KSD supports a sensible tax that will bring in enough revenue for the Government, but not too hard on the citizens of eNew Zealand.

3. The KSD supports creating a hospital company that is run by the eNew Zealand government.

4. The KSD supports low weapon taxes/prices so that all of eNew Zealand can afford good weapons.

5. The KSD supports making eNew Zealand a place that is attractive for businesses, while also making sure that the government gets enough money.

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Supabeasty for KSD President 4

Duis orci lorem, hendrerit sed, pharetra vel, tincidunt ut, eros. Vestibulum ut nisl ac tellus gravida dapibus. Integer pretium nibh sollicitudin magna. Integer bibendum lorem in nunc.

Pellentesque id massa a ligula facilisis pulvinar. Proin in quam. Nunc lobortis hendrerit dolor. Sed est mauris, elementum rhoncus, pretium ac, eleifend ut, felis. Integer neque nisl, volutpat nec, aliquet vitae, pellentesque ut, nibh. Suspendisse varius, quam vitae rutrum tempus, metus eros laoreet ligula, convallis pretium justo lorem id turpis. Fusce mauris. Duis condimentum. Cras ante velit, semper non, sollicitudin eu, vehicula nec, est. Donec auctor, pede ut gravida rutrum, tellus massa egestas quam, a aliquet sapien elit eu est. Donec blandit dictum mi. Vestibulum tincidunt tincidunt sem. Praesent eget dui in magna posuere pulvinar. Pellentesque vehicula. Duis urna ipsum, semper in, gravida et, eleifend ac, odio. Praesent lacinia lorem. Ut fringilla, ligula sed bibendum facilisis, velit purus gravida nulla, sed venenatis urna nibh at arcu. Nullam libero risus, scelerisque a, adipiscing vel, tempus et, dui.

Fusce sapien libero, ornare vitae, fermentum et, facilisis et, libero. Donec vitae libero. Nam porta, nisl vitae suscipit ullamcorper, justo elit luctus mi, non interdum arcu nisi vel libero. Donec libero nibh, dapibus et, lobortis eu, eleifend vel, mi. Etiam sollicitudin orci vitae dolor. Maecenas cursus faucibus dolor. Vivamus placerat, orci at tincidunt tristique, mi mauris sodales odio, ut suscipit turpis nisl in urna. Maecenas convallis mauris vel metus. Maecenas neque sapien, elementum sit amet, interdum id, aliquet quis, ante. In justo velit, euismod quis, sodales lacinia, dapibus eu, elit. Donec viverra. Proin aliquam felis et nulla. Aliquam lorem nisi, posuere in, pulvinar quis, viverra vitae, lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque porta augue eget ligula venenatis convallis. Sed mattis, quam vitae commodo pellentesque, velit erat blandit ipsum, nec laoreet dolor ante id est. Duis lobortis lectus eu tellus. Etiam a dui. Nulla aliquam, orci in pretium commodo, nibh nisl imperdiet mi, eu vulputate lacus tortor venenatis sapien.

Vivamus mauris massa, placerat id, faucibus non, iaculis at, sem. Aliquam nec mauris in orci tempus posuere. Maecenas porttitor, tortor quis nonummy rhoncus, pede odio consectetuer enim, et blandit leo augue vitae velit. Pellentesque sit amet mauris. Cras placerat. Sed id est. Nullam aliquet. In aliquet. Donec luctus enim sed sapien. Fusce erat. Vivamus ullamcorper. Cras quis pede. Integer sed pede. Quisque turpis felis, posuere eget, accumsan nec, adipiscing sed, nunc. Praesent iaculis sodales sapien. Aenean suscipit. Duis at odio. Maecenas nunc ante, pellentesque eu, pulvinar ac, pharetra id, magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Etiam vitae sapien. Suspendisse et nulla at quam auctor varius. Curabitur nec ligula in felis dapibus cursus. Vestibulum egestas. Maecenas leo. Donec vehicula blandit urna. Mauris auctor urna id dui. Donec imperdiet dui vel turpis. Proin lacus erat, pharetra at, hendrerit id, tincidunt id, risus.

Working for eNew

Zealand will be my main goal as Party


How will I accomplish these goals?

Get at least 6 Congress member elected.

If I am elected, planning for the Congressional elections will begin right after the election for party president our over. I will begin messaging every single party member to remind them to sign up and vote on the 25th. I will be setting up a Strategic Voting Unit to ensure that we can get votes where we need them. I expect at least every KSD Council member to be in the unit. On election day I will be on in the afternoon to make sure that things are running smoothly. I hope to get at least 6 members.

Keeping the party informed.

I have already messaged the entire party, twice regarding joining the forums. I will be doing this once again after the party presidential elections. Also, if I take office I will start a rigorous media schedule. Articles will inform the current party members, and hopefully bring new party members in!

Get the KSD Council up and running.

Right now, the KSD Council is dormant, when elected I want to make sure that we are doing things. Some things I will bring up are passing the party manifesto, passing the party schedule and getting the congressional elections organized.

Cras faucibus tempor magna. Maecenas dapibus sodales erat. Aenean sem felis.

At least 6 CongressionalM


The currently empty council chambers Under my leadership, these chambers will be filled with council members.

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Supabeasty for KSD President 5

Here is the explanation on how my other goals will be accomplished.

Finishing up the Party Manifesto.

If you viewed the page before, you saw my proposal for the party manifesto. I will put this up for a vote on both the KSD Council forum section and on the normal members section. If it is passed, then HURRAY! If not, then I will open up a thread for editing of it.

Bring new people to the KSD.

While also writing articles and sending messages to the party, I will be doing the same to new members. I do not want to steal members from other parties through mass messaging, therefore I will only message new citizens. Many recruitment articles will be sent out.

Choosing a country president.

Under my leadership choosing a country president will be a completely democratic process. Nominees will be able to post in our forums or PM me to sign up to run. A poll to choose the winner will begin on the 28th and end on the 1st. An article will announce who we support for country president.

Keeping eNew Zealand free from PTO’s.

While there is not as high of a risk of PTO now, we still must be cautious. In the rare chance that we are targeted again, I will comply completely with the ATO team. I will make sure the party is informed of the PTO attempt. I will work to keep eNZ free!

Help the KSD become a better, more serious party.

By accomplishing the above goals, and even more. The Kiwi Social Democrats will become a party that is regarded as one of the best in New Zealand. After my term is over, I hope that the party will be so much greater than now.

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Lorem Ipsum

Get Out The VoteWant to help my campaign? Please message me if you want to help. Thanks!