kozhikode travel plan

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  • 8/10/2019 Kozhikode Travel Plan


    29thDec 2014 7.00 PM

    SM Street is a buzzling shopping and commercial center at the heart o

    !ozhi"ode. #he name o this historic street is an acron$m orSweet Meat

    Street% a name gi&en b$ 'uropean traders because o shops selling

    !ozhi"odan hal(a (hich the$ called as Sweet Meat.

    )0thDec 2014*9.00+M ,, #husharagiri- + (aterall situated about "m

    rom /alicut ail(a$ Station

    )0thDec 2014*12.00*

    Beypore-e$pore is a port cit$ situated 10 "m south o /alicut at the mouth

    o /hali$ar ri&er. e$pore is amous or its ancient shipbuilding industr$%

    (hich constructed uru% the traditional trading &essels o +rabs. #he place

    (as ormerl$ "no(n as a$pura and adaparappanad. #ippu Sultan namedthe to(n 3Sultan Pattanam. 5t is one o the important ports o !erala and

    naturall$% an important trading centre. 5t is a ma6or shing harbour o !erala.

    #here are t(o man,made e8tensions to the sea to acilitate eas$ access or

    shing boats. #he 2 "m brea"(ater made o stone is another attraction.

  • 8/10/2019 Kozhikode Travel Plan



    Pazhassiraja Museum, Kozhikode (Calicut)

    #he Pazhassira6a Museum is situated in 'ast ill% at a distance o "m rom

    the !ozhi"hode to(n. 5t houses se&eral historical and archaeological

    arteacts that are signicant to the region such as the anti:ue bronzes% gold

    coins% old paintings% ancient umbrella stones

    3.00 PM -- Krisha Meo Museum

    #he !rishna Menon Museum (as established in 197% to honour the popular

    5ndian leader% . !. !rishna Menon. #he museum is located in 'ast ill% at a

    distance o about "m rom the cit$ centre. 5t is situated ne8t to the

    Pazhassi a6a Museum that is an art galler$ housing the oil paintings o a6aa&i arma% among other collections. + section o the museum is dedicated

    to . !. !rishna Menon% (hich preser&es and displa$s the sou&enirs gited to

    him and his personal belongings. #he art section o the museum displa$s

    e8:uisite paintings% i&or$ ob6ects d;art% intricate (oodcar&ings% !erala mural

    paintings and modern painting.

    4.00 PM

    Mananchira is at the heart o the cit$ and man$ institutions li"e the #o(n all

    and the Public

  • 8/10/2019 Kozhikode Travel Plan


    !.00 PM --- C"# "t.Mary$s %&lish Church

    C.00 PM ,, Planetarium

    .00 PM estorents ,, @+5E;S Paragon F otel Ealanda