korea herald 20091021

The Photo Challenge is sponsored by Hyosung Camera (English: 010-7203- 9599) and Babo Shirts (www.ba- boshirts.com). Winners of the weekly competition receive a 50,000 won store credit at Hyosung Camera and a Babo Shirt. To take part in the competition, simply upload your photo at www.flickr.com/groups/seoulphoto- club — Ed. By Shawn Parker In recent years, flash photography has gained an undeserved reputation as a last resort, a tool exclusive to the snap-shooter. Something we use to blind our friends in dimly lit nightclubs with the resul- tant unflattering photos blanket- ing Facebook. They are often characterized by blown-out all white facial features and deep, shadowed backgrounds. Not cool. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The flash, even the built-in version that comes with most consumer cam- eras, can be a very useful tool and can indeed help you capture moving im- ages. The trick is understating your light. That’s the light that’s coming out of your little flash and the light that’s already present in a scene (a.k.a. ambi- ent light) — be it sunshine, the light of the moon or the hot fluorescent stage lighting at a Wonder Girls concert. What you most often want to achieve with flash is good balance within the scene — blasting one element of the frame with flash and leaving the rest in darkness isn’t cool, but avoiding this is simpler than you might think. Understand that there’s nothing you’re going to be able to do to a dark background with a single, on-board flash. You can control the light you send out to your subject, but in a cavernous club, a church or a Buddhist temple you simply don’t have enough power to bring the whole scene up to proper ex- posure levels. This is where one or more dedicated flash units become in- valuable. Using a dedicated unit — often called a strobe — you can bounce light into the ceiling or off of a wall so it cascades down over your scene evenly, dropping soft, even light on your subject and carving out shadows that will give everything a 3-D look. You want to light up the entire room, from front to back? Put two strobes on light stands and place them in opposite corners of the room, trigger them remotely (Flashwaves and Rembrandt triggers are affordable Korean makes) and de- light at the studio-level quality of your light. You’ll be doing celebrity weddings in no time. It’s a myth that flash is best served in the dark. The next time you’re out shooting under the sun and you find the shadows and the contrast too much to deal with, don’t ask your model to rush into the shade so you can fire away in the even light. Your on-board flash unit is plenty strong enough to cut through the hard shadows and you’ll come to realize a facet of photography often ignored by the casual shooter: the beauty of the fill flash. Try it out for yourself. Underexpose a little and hit your foreground subject with fill flash. The result will showcase an evenly lit subject and dramatic, textured back- ground — perfect when snapping friends at a temple or on a mountain. Without even realizing it, you’ll have become a strobist yourself. ([email protected]) Guest contributor Shawn Parker is a member of the Seoul Photo Club and resident authority on strobism — the use of off-camera flash units. — Ed. COMMUNITY 18 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21, 2009 Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily living of expatriates. It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. To share stories about your life abroad, send stories or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at [email protected] Submissions may be edited for length or clarity. PHOTO CHALLENGE — weekly winner — A jumping spiders in Anseong City, Gyeonggi Province Ian Cuison Dear ExpatWomen I am in a complete state of shock and have no idea where to turn. My husband of 22 years came home last night and told me he wants a divorce because he is in love with somebody else. We have been expatriates for 17 years, have lived in seven countries and have three dependent children. I have been financially dependent on my husband for all of our expatriate years and I have no idea how I am going to survive and make a living for myself from now on. Gosh, if I could have seen this coming, maybe I could have planned for it in some way. Instead, my head is spinning with a million and one questions: Where I am going to live? Where are my children going to live? How will they see their fa- ther if he continues to stay here in Russia? How am I going to support myself financially? How can I pick up the pieces and survive this nightmare? — PB Dear PB I can only imagine all the thoughts and questions that are running through your head at this time. Divorce can be a mind- numbing and life-altering experi- ence in itself, but there are added complications for divorce in the expatriate community. Expatriate relationships do go through a myriad of unconventional stresses and strains, which can sometimes forge a deeper relationship, some- times cause a distinct rift between the couple, and sometimes, unfor- tunately lead one of the partners to be seduced by the excitement of a new person and want to end the relationship. In addition to the overwhelming emotional and psychological strain that divorce causes, there are numerous practical and logis- tical concerns that present them- selves in the face of divorce over- seas. I would suggest your first port of call is to obtain a reputable divorce lawyer who specializes in family law. It is very important not to take any action that can af- fect your divorce rights before seeking credible legal advice. You need to determine what your rights are, what you are entitled to and the legal situation or re- quirements in your particular country. This can be somewhat complicated as an expatriate and can depend on factors such as your nationality, where you were married, where you are currently living, your residency status and where you are filing for divorce. It is also advisable to employ a dif- ferent lawyer to your husband. You may also want to meet with a professional counselor to help you sort through the questions you have and help you to mentally process your circumstances and op- tions. It can be difficult at times to believe that you have options. It may take some thought, question- ing and external guidance to help see that you do and to help you sort through your emotions and options. If nothing else, a counseling session usually proves to be a priceless sanctuary for you to voice your side of the story, without the worry of what others think in your (usually tight-knit) expat community. In terms of finances, if you have been actively involved in the household finances and invest- ments, you will understand exactly how much money you and your husband have access to and you will know how to access some of it, in the short term at least. If you have never actively managed the household finances and invest- ments, you are not alone. Many ex- patriate spouses come unstuck when they need to know what they have money-wise, where it is and how to access it. Talk to your lawyer about how you can best de- termine your assets and liabilities, and then from this day forward, make a commitment to yourself that you will always be more in control of your finances. For exam- ple, from now on, make sure you understand how bills are paid, have all the various passwords for phone and internet banking and access to all the accounts. Keep abreast of your monthly income and especially your expenditure. To respond to your concern about how to support yourself in the future, the answer is two-fold: How is your husband going to as- sist you, given the many years you invested in your relationship and raising your/his children?; and How might you earn your own money in the future? Many expat spouses, both male and female, who have experienced significant periods of time out of the workforce, do very rightly feel concerned about resuming work (at home or abroad) and presenting a conventional resume. Self-confi- dence and self-esteem may also be running low and anxiety at a high, compounding the issue. Sometimes it may be difficult to believe you have anything worthwhile to put on a resume at all. However, think of it this way: everything you do and everything you experience can be translated into skills and honed for a certain job. You just need to think creatively about how to de- scribe the attributes and skills you have nurtured and acquired on your travels. For example, have you served on the board of a club? If so, in what capacity and what were your tasks? Would you say that you are skilled at networking across cultures, with a broad spectrum of people and job roles? Do you now have an under- standing and appreciation that peo- ple operate differently according to cultural boundaries and are flexible to work with those differences? All of these are valuable attributes that employers may be interested in and you should make them known. Consider using a professional CV writer in the location that you are seeking to work to increase your chances of getting your foot in the door. It is much easier to convince an employer of your experience and skills when you are sitting in front of them. So getting a great CV or- ganized is really your first and most important step. It might also be worth exploring the idea of creating your own busi- ness. Being an entrepreneur usu- ally allows you much more flexi- bility in terms of your work hours, especially if you become the pri- mary caretaker of your three de- pendent children. You could either start a business based on your new skills in the cross-cultural/ global relocation field, or perhaps use this opportunity to build a business based on one of your hob- bies or passions. When you are up to it, seek out advice, talk to other entrepreneurs and see if there is something you would love to work on each day that could also trans- late into a satisfactory income. Remember to call in favors from your friends and network — both locally and abroad. They most like- ly will only be too happy to help you out in your time of need either with emotional support, a tempo- rary place to stay, a possible job contact or even a financial loan. It is amazing what you get, if you swallow your pride and just ask. Finally, whilst incredibly painful right now, be assured that the end of your marriage does not signify the end of your life — it just means the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. The most important thing for you to do right now is to allow yourself time to breathe, to grieve, to talk about your emotions and to process this major shock. Eventually, things will work themselves out. It may just take a little time for them to gain clarity. All our best wishes. This article was reprinted with permission from www.expat- women.com — Ed. Husband fell in love with another woman EXPATWOMEN.COM CONFESSION In Focus: To flash, or not to flash? By Rosanne Dourado and Dustin Griffin DAEGU — People of diverse faiths recently took to Gukje-Bosang Park in downtown Daegu to celebrate the city’s multi-ethnic character. The park was full of different nationalities and per- formances — a multi-cultural atmos- phere resonated throughout. In atten- dance was the imam of the Daegu Islamic Center, Zia ul Haq, who had or- ganized this secular multi-cultural event. Rosanne Dourado: Imam Zia, where do you come from and what’s your purpose in Daegu? Imam Zia: I came from northwest- ern Pakistan in 2003, and I am a reli- gious leader for the Muslim community in Daegu. RD: How many mosques are in Daegu? IZ: There is only one mosque but there are six sub-mosques in different areas which are rented places. RD: Why did you organize the event to commemorate the inde- pendence day anniversaries of three nations? IZ: I realized that I have to make a contribution from the Muslim side to assist Daegu in becoming a multi-cul- tural society. RD: Please give our readers some idea of your experiences in Korea during the last six years. IZ: As a member of the Pashtune na- tion (located in the northwest frontier province of Pakistan and in Afghanistan), I have had many posi- tive and challenging experiences in Korea. A peaceful environment for liv- ing in, for giving my children an edu- cation, interacting with people from around the world, which has opened my mind and given me many opportu- nities to research humanity and its problems. One of the painful challenges I experi- enced was the control and discipline of the different Muslim groups. In Islamic countries there are different mosques for different denominations, but here they had to perform their prayer in one mosque and anytime such gathering can turn into the violence, as is the case in Western countries, but there are no cas- es of fighting among the different Muslim groups in Daegu. However, I have sacrificed much for this. As I come from the area in which the Taliban live, it was an excruciatingly difficult period of four years for me to convince the authorities that I don’t have any contact, visit them or finance them. Even though Korea is much more de- veloped than my country, humans de- pend on love and peace more than fa- cilities, therefore for the last two years I have ignored the continuous harass- ment from the authorities and focused on my relations with the ordinary Korean people, and my family and I have found love and acceptance with ordinary Korean people. RD: What are your aspirations and goals for the future? IZ: According to a general point of view, I am responsible for leading the religious activities; however, I believe that as a religious teacher I also have one more identity as a human being and I have some other responsibilities, too. Our world is under the leadership of those who have distributed it among them in different business zones and those who have divided its people into two groups, “the people of heaven and hell.” These people are filled with the desire to fight, with hypocrisy and ha- tred, and love has been limited and con- trolled. Therefore, with all of our expe- rience, modern education, resources and technology, we have no hope for a shining, peaceful and powerful world. For the speedy and collective progress and development of the world, we have to spread love beyond coun- tries’ borders, and to all human beings. This is my goal. RD: Do many people support you? IZ: Many support me in my efforts; however many also oppose me, and threaten me when I organize humani- tarian secular activities. RD: Do you have any message for our readers? IZ: When you have extra time, spend it on study and research with an open mind. Have compassion for people, be- cause this world is your home and its people are your family. Heaven and hell belong to the next life, but in this world your judgment and love must be for the one’s moral welfare and service. A portion of this interview was pub- lished in The Daegu Pockets (daegupockets.com) — Ed. In Daegu, a meeting of the faiths A man prays at the Daegu Islamic Center. Dustin Griffin Imam Zia ul Haq leads a prayer. Dustin Griffin

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In Focus: To Flash, or not?


The Photo Challenge is sponsored byHyosung Camera (English: 010-7203-9599) and Babo Shirts (www.ba-boshirts.com). Winners of the weeklycompetition receive a 50,000 won storecredit at Hyosung Camera and a BaboShirt. To take part in the competition,simply upload your photo atwww.flickr.com/groups/seoulphoto-club — Ed.

By Shawn Parker

In recent years, flash photographyhas gained an undeserved reputationas a last resort, a tool exclusive to thesnap-shooter. Something we use toblind our friends in dimly lit nightclubs

with the resul-tant unflatteringphotos blanket-ing Facebook.They are oftencharacterized by

blown-out all white facial features anddeep, shadowed backgrounds. Not cool.But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The flash, even the built-in versionthat comes with most consumer cam-eras, can be a very useful tool and canindeed help you capture moving im-ages. The trick is understating yourlight. That’s the light that’s coming outof your little flash and the light that’salready present in a scene (a.k.a. ambi-ent light) — be it sunshine, the light of

the moon or the hot fluorescent stagelighting at a Wonder Girls concert.What you most often want to achievewith flash is good balance within thescene — blasting one element of theframe with flash and leaving the rest indarkness isn’t cool, but avoiding this issimpler than you might think.

Understand that there’s nothingyou’re going to be able to do to a darkbackground with a single, on-boardflash. You can control the light you sendout to your subject, but in a cavernous

club, a church or a Buddhist temple yousimply don’t have enough power tobring the whole scene up to proper ex-posure levels. This is where one ormore dedicated flash units become in-valuable.

Using a dedicated unit — often calleda strobe — you can bounce light intothe ceiling or off of a wall so it cascadesdown over your scene evenly, droppingsoft, even light on your subject andcarving out shadows that will giveeverything a 3-D look. You want to light

up the entire room, from front to back?Put two strobes on light stands andplace them in opposite corners of theroom, trigger them remotely(Flashwaves and Rembrandt triggersare affordable Korean makes) and de-light at the studio-level quality of yourlight. You’ll be doing celebrity weddingsin no time.

It’s a myth that flash is best served inthe dark. The next time you’re outshooting under the sun and you findthe shadows and the contrast too muchto deal with, don’t ask your model torush into the shade so you can fireaway in the even light. Your on-boardflash unit is plenty strong enough to cutthrough the hard shadows and you’llcome to realize a facet of photographyoften ignored by the casual shooter: thebeauty of the fill flash. Try it out foryourself. Underexpose a little and hityour foreground subject with fill flash.The result will showcase an evenly litsubject and dramatic, textured back-ground — perfect when snappingfriends at a temple or on a mountain.Without even realizing it, you’ll havebecome a strobist yourself.

([email protected])

Guest contributor Shawn Parker is amember of the Seoul Photo Club andresident authority on strobism — theuse of off-camera flash units. — Ed.


Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily living of expatriates. It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. To share stories about your life abroad, send stories or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at [email protected] Submissions may be edited for length or clarity.

PHOTO CHALLENGE — weekly winner — A jumping spiders in Anseong City,Gyeonggi Province Ian Cuison

Dear ExpatWomenI am in a complete state of shock

and have no idea where to turn.My husband of 22 years camehome last night and told me hewants a divorce because he is inlove with somebody else. We havebeen expatriates for 17 years, havelived in seven countries and havethree dependent children. I havebeen financially dependent on myhusband for all of our expatriateyears and I have no idea how I amgoing to survive and make a livingfor myself from now on. Gosh, if Icould have seen this coming,maybe I could have planned for itin some way. Instead, my head isspinning with a million and onequestions: Where I am going tolive? Where are my children goingto live? How will they see their fa-ther if he continues to stay here inRussia? How am I going to supportmyself financially? How can I pickup the pieces and survive thisnightmare? — PB

Dear PBI can only imagine all the

thoughts and questions that arerunning through your head at thistime. Divorce can be a mind-numbing and life-altering experi-ence in itself, but there are addedcomplications for divorce in theexpatriate community. Expatriaterelationships do go through amyriad of unconventional stressesand strains, which can sometimesforge a deeper relationship, some-times cause a distinct rift betweenthe couple, and sometimes, unfor-tunately lead one of the partnersto be seduced by the excitement ofa new person and want to end therelationship.

In addition to the overwhelmingemotional and psychologicalstrain that divorce causes, thereare numerous practical and logis-tical concerns that present them-selves in the face of divorce over-seas. I would suggest your firstport of call is to obtain a reputabledivorce lawyer who specializes infamily law. It is very importantnot to take any action that can af-fect your divorce rights beforeseeking credible legal advice. Youneed to determine what yourrights are, what you are entitledto and the legal situation or re-quirements in your particularcountry. This can be somewhatcomplicated as an expatriate andcan depend on factors such asyour nationality, where you weremarried, where you are currentlyliving, your residency status andwhere you are filing for divorce. Itis also advisable to employ a dif-ferent lawyer to your husband.

You may also want to meet witha professional counselor to help yousort through the questions youhave and help you to mentallyprocess your circumstances and op-tions. It can be difficult at times tobelieve that you have options. Itmay take some thought, question-ing and external guidance to helpsee that you do and to help you sortthrough your emotions and options.If nothing else, a counseling sessionusually proves to be a pricelesssanctuary for you to voice your sideof the story, without the worry ofwhat others think in your (usuallytight-knit) expat community.

In terms of finances, if you havebeen actively involved in thehousehold finances and invest-ments, you will understand exactlyhow much money you and yourhusband have access to and youwill know how to access some of it,in the short term at least. If youhave never actively managed thehousehold finances and invest-ments, you are not alone. Many ex-patriate spouses come unstuckwhen they need to know what theyhave money-wise, where it is andhow to access it. Talk to yourlawyer about how you can best de-termine your assets and liabilities,and then from this day forward,make a commitment to yourself

that you will always be more incontrol of your finances. For exam-ple, from now on, make sure youunderstand how bills are paid,have all the various passwords forphone and internet banking andaccess to all the accounts. Keepabreast of your monthly incomeand especially your expenditure.

To respond to your concernabout how to support yourself inthe future, the answer is two-fold:How is your husband going to as-sist you, given the many years youinvested in your relationship andraising your/his children?; andHow might you earn your ownmoney in the future?

Many expat spouses, both maleand female, who have experiencedsignificant periods of time out ofthe workforce, do very rightly feelconcerned about resuming work(at home or abroad) and presentinga conventional resume. Self-confi-dence and self-esteem may also berunning low and anxiety at a high,compounding the issue. Sometimesit may be difficult to believe youhave anything worthwhile to puton a resume at all. However, thinkof it this way: everything you doand everything you experience canbe translated into skills and honedfor a certain job. You just need tothink creatively about how to de-scribe the attributes and skills youhave nurtured and acquired onyour travels.

For example, have you served onthe board of a club? If so, in whatcapacity and what were your tasks?Would you say that you are skilledat networking across cultures, witha broad spectrum of people and jobroles? Do you now have an under-standing and appreciation that peo-ple operate differently according tocultural boundaries and are flexibleto work with those differences? Allof these are valuable attributesthat employers may be interestedin and you should make themknown.

Consider using a professional CVwriter in the location that you areseeking to work to increase yourchances of getting your foot in thedoor. It is much easier to convincean employer of your experience andskills when you are sitting in frontof them. So getting a great CV or-ganized is really your first and mostimportant step.

It might also be worth exploringthe idea of creating your own busi-ness. Being an entrepreneur usu-ally allows you much more flexi-bility in terms of your work hours,especially if you become the pri-mary caretaker of your three de-pendent children. You could eitherstart a business based on yournew skills in the cross-cultural/global relocation field, or perhapsuse this opportunity to build abusiness based on one of your hob-bies or passions. When you are upto it, seek out advice, talk to otherentrepreneurs and see if there issomething you would love to workon each day that could also trans-late into a satisfactory income.

Remember to call in favors fromyour friends and network — bothlocally and abroad. They most like-ly will only be too happy to helpyou out in your time of need eitherwith emotional support, a tempo-rary place to stay, a possible jobcontact or even a financial loan. Itis amazing what you get, if youswallow your pride and just ask.

Finally, whilst incrediblypainful right now, be assured thatthe end of your marriage does notsignify the end of your life — itjust means the end of one chapterand the beginning of a new one.The most important thing for youto do right now is to allow yourselftime to breathe, to grieve, to talkabout your emotions and toprocess this major shock.

Eventually, things will workthemselves out. It may just take alittle time for them to gain clarity.All our best wishes.

This article was reprinted withpermission from www.expat-women.com — Ed.

Husband fell in lovewith another womanEXPATWOMEN.COMCONFESSION

In Focus: To flash, or not to flash?

By Rosanne Dourado and Dustin Griffin

DAEGU — People of diverse faithsrecently took to Gukje-Bosang Park indowntown Daegu to celebrate the city’smulti-ethnic character. The park wasfull of different nationalities and per-formances — a multi-cultural atmos-phere resonated throughout. In atten-dance was the imam of the DaeguIslamic Center, Zia ul Haq, who had or-ganized this secular multi-culturalevent.

Rosanne Dourado: Imam Zia,where do you come from and what’syour purpose in Daegu?

Imam Zia: I came from northwest-ern Pakistan in 2003, and I am a reli-gious leader for the Muslim communityin Daegu.

RD: How many mosques are inDaegu?

IZ: There is only one mosque butthere are six sub-mosques in differentareas which are rented places.

RD: Why did you organize theevent to commemorate the inde-pendence day anniversaries ofthree nations?

IZ: I realized that I have to make a

contribution from the Muslim side toassist Daegu in becoming a multi-cul-tural society.

RD: Please give our readerssome idea of your experiences inKorea during the last six years.

IZ: As a member of the Pashtune na-tion (located in the northwest frontierprovince of Pakistan and inAfghanistan), I have had many posi-tive and challenging experiences inKorea. A peaceful environment for liv-ing in, for giving my children an edu-cation, interacting with people fromaround the world, which has openedmy mind and given me many opportu-nities to research humanity and itsproblems.

One of the painful challenges I experi-enced was the control and discipline ofthe different Muslim groups. In Islamiccountries there are different mosquesfor different denominations, but herethey had to perform their prayer in onemosque and anytime such gathering canturn into the violence, as is the case inWestern countries, but there are no cas-es of fighting among the differentMuslim groups in Daegu. However, Ihave sacrificed much for this.

As I come from the area in which the

Taliban live, it was an excruciatinglydifficult period of four years for me toconvince the authorities that I don’thave any contact, visit them or financethem.

Even though Korea is much more de-veloped than my country, humans de-pend on love and peace more than fa-cilities, therefore for the last two yearsI have ignored the continuous harass-ment from the authorities and focusedon my relations with the ordinaryKorean people, and my family and Ihave found love and acceptance withordinary Korean people.

RD: What are your aspirationsand goals for the future?

IZ: According to a general point ofview, I am responsible for leading thereligious activities; however, I believethat as a religious teacher I also haveone more identity as a human beingand I have some other responsibilities,too.

Our world is under the leadership ofthose who have distributed it amongthem in different business zones andthose who have divided its people intotwo groups, “the people of heaven andhell.” These people are filled with thedesire to fight, with hypocrisy and ha-

tred, and love has been limited and con-trolled. Therefore, with all of our expe-rience, modern education, resourcesand technology, we have no hope for ashining, peaceful and powerful world.

For the speedy and collectiveprogress and development of the world,we have to spread love beyond coun-tries’ borders, and to all human beings.This is my goal.

RD: Do many people support you?IZ: Many support me in my efforts;

however many also oppose me, andthreaten me when I organize humani-tarian secular activities.

RD: Do you have any message forour readers?

IZ: When you have extra time, spendit on study and research with an openmind. Have compassion for people, be-cause this world is your home and itspeople are your family. Heaven and hellbelong to the next life, but in this worldyour judgment and love must be for theone’s moral welfare and service.

A portion of this interview was pub-lished in The Daegu Pockets(daegupockets.com) — Ed.

In Daegu, a meeting of the faithsA man prays at the Daegu Islamic Center. Dustin GriffinImam Zia ul Haq leads a prayer. Dustin Griffin