koo claims ubc legion offers one-act plays hunger health ... fileubc legion offers health insurance...

Legion , End Of Faculty Discus s Spring Sessio n UBC Legion Offer s Health Insuranc e VANCOUVER, B .C ., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1948 . Officials of Canadian Legion Branch 72 of the University of British Columbia will meet with the administration this afternoon to discuss the cancellation of the spring sessions . Recent announcement by faculty representatives to th e effect that the short courses instituted for benefit of veteran s would not be held this spring has led to much discussio n among students . The administration, through Dea n Buchanan, requested the Legio n to ascertain attitudes of studen t veterans to the spring session s about three weeks ago. Response was considered to be sufficient t o warrant consideration, in the opin- ion of veteran officials . NO STATEMENT "Until after this meeting," sai d Grant Livingstone, president o f Branch 72, "we have no statemen t to make regarding our policy o n the matter, " Student opinion on the campus seems to be at variance with th e previously announced faculty de- cision . Those students interviewed by The Ubyssey look on the sprin g session as an opportunity to accel- erate their courses and consider i t of peat financial advantage t o the veteran . VOL. XXIX Koo Claim s Hunge r Spells Wa r In addressing students assemble d in the auditorium Tuesday Dr . T. Z . Koo, for twenty years secretar y of the SCM, outlined the essent- ials for a lasting peace. He compered the forty nation s assembled at San Franslsco fo r the purpose of again trying t o weld themselves into an organ , "The United Nations," to fort y national eggs . Each has been ncr- tured on the principle of nationa l soverignity and on the emotion of patriotism. KOO'S EGO As Dr . Koo rem it, the only wa y to produce an international ome- lette is by reaching across nation . al boundaries to mix and form a world community. What is the real meaning of peace? he asked . No war, yes but that is a very negative answer . The Chinese have three words fo r peace . The first is made up of the gym- bola for rice and mouth, put rice in the mouths of the people rea- cts the Oriental mind and ther e is a condition for pace and con- tent . RICE AND WOMEN Secondly, Dr. Koo showed th e word made up of roof and a wo- man under it, the symbol of hom e iv the woman and under a roo f she is the bulwark of securit y without which there is unrest . Two and the symbol for the heart portray the idea of tw o hearts together and therefore hap- piness, friendship, underltandtng and co-operation . We are trying to write peac e which may only be a technical on e unless and only when the atti- tudes of the constituent nation s change from suspicion and hatre d to friendship and co-operation . Christianity produces the will t o rise above wars, and nationalit y and to think of one another . Final Deadlin e Far Totem Pi x Final deadline for all Totem Pi x is next Tuesday, December 3 . Until that date appointments will be ac . cepted from students in the Facul- ties of Pharmacy, Law, Teacher' s Training, and Social Service . Totem editor, Jean MacFarlan e warns that no late pictures wil l be taken, and urges those who wish their pictures to appear in th e yearbook to sign the appointmen t sheet in the Quad immediately . Graduation pictures may be use d by students in Teacher Trainin g and Social Service provided tha t they appeared in Totem '40 . Research Grant s Aid Physicists Two National Research Counci l grants totalling $11,300 will enabl e UBC to carry out important re - search projects in synthetic rub- ber and nuclear physics, It wa s announced yesterday by the pres- ident's office . The Department of Physics wil l receive $5,900 for research on th e physical properties of synthetic rubber. This work, is 'being carrie d on under the direction of Dr . H D. Smith. The remainder of the grant , $5400 will be used for special re - search in nuclear pnysres unde r Dr. Kenneth C . Mann. This fun d will enable UBC to proceed o n studies of the energy of the bet a rays which are emitted from th e nuclei of artificially - produce d radioactive substances, Artsmen Hol d Unique Vot e Fifty-two conscientious student s of the University of British Con- umbia, who showed up for th e election of an Arts Undergraduate Society executive saw, in place o f dragging their feet through rou- tine nose-counting, a bout of spir- ited debating, creation of a ne w committee to their body, and fin- ally two ex-servicemen swept in- to top seats on their executive . Elected to the posts of presiden t and vice-president were Bob Cal l and Ralph Huene . On passage of a motion from the floor by Grant Llvingeton—"that a body be appointed to preven t more such disgraceful turnouts as thin"—a pep committee was cre- ated, made up of the defeated candidates for offices. and two students from the floor who spok e up pro and con the following de- feated motion . Discussion on advisability of ap- pointing a vice - president fro m pure sciences to the Arts execu- tive (which was imposible becaus e none of the three candidates fo r vice-president's post were pur e science) was followed by a pro- posal from John Seitz that a "pro - visional government" be set up until the question could be thresh- ed out . Motion was voted down on pounds that student apathy woul d not be improved by delay. Appointed to the new commit - tee were Joan Fraser, Herb Cap- ozzi, Rosemary Hodgins, John Bel- tz and Bill Galt . McGill Veteran s Blame Executiv e MONTREAL, Nov, 27, (CUP) Charges made by the preset ex- ecutive of the McGill Veterans ' Society that last year's executive "acted in an unauthorized man- ner" have been denied . In a statement to the McGil l Daily, November 18, the new ex ecutive claimed that, during th e previous year, "scanty records " had been kept of executive meet- ings ; that a newspaper, believe d to be a propaganda organ for th e Labor Progressive Party," ha d been offered a list of the names and addresses of society members and that two checks issued ha d been returned marked "insuffici- ent funds." It was also charged that reso- lutions were forwarded to outside authorities without general ap- proval. Members of last year's execu- tive declared that the statemen t amounted to "red-baiting," wa s comprised of "half-truths and ac- cusations," and constituted "an at . tack on the integrity and work o f the executive" They charged the new executiv e with ignoring the campaign for increased grants, and generally at - tempting to "take the steam ou t of the veterans' society and lay th e basis for its final disolution . ' LSE Establishe s Fine Arts Board Fine Arts Board will be set u p within the inner workings of th e I .SE, announced Jerry Macdonald , LSE prexy . The board will con- sist of presidents of the followin g clubs, Players' Club, Glee Club . Concert Orchestra and the Mus- ical Society . The function of the board is t o look into the idea of putting on a show representative of the fin e arts sometime in the spring . One-Act Play s At Drama Mee t Four one-act plays will be pre- sented when the second annua l western Canadian Inter-Varsit y Drama Festival comes to UB C January 17 and 18 . The Festival, inaugurated las t year by Lois McLean of U of A was so successful that it was de- cided to make it an annual affai r and UBC will play host to th e second performance . Four uni- versities will participate, wit h representatives coming from Man- itoba, Saskatchewan . 4lberta and those from our own campus . This year's presentation fro m UBC, one of the comedies "Sol- omon's Folly" or "Pierre Patelin " which were presented last week - end, will contrast sharply with th e pla y produced last year, "Altar - Piece," a serious piece with a racial plot . Two of the participants will pre - sent serious plays while the other s will produce comedies . , January 1 6 has been set aside for a special presentation for stu- dents only and reduced rates wil l be offered . ENGINEERS SCOR E At the same meeting of the Un- dergraduates Societies Committe e Monday, November 25, there was strong agitation by the Engineerin g Undergraduates Society that stu- dents, particularly members of th e graduating class, be permitted t o select the proof of their picture fo r the '47 Totem . So far this year proofs have been selected by the photographers . Las t year students selected their own . However, "The cost of publishing would be increased by the adde d work and mailing coats entailed " and "Since the whole success of th e annual depends on it coming out on time, and since too much time i s taken choosing the proofs, we fee l that the present practise must be continued", said Jean MacFarlane, editor of the Totem . Glee Club Give s Variety Concer t University Glee Club under th e direction of C . Haydn WilliarLis will present r variety concert Fri - day, November 29, at 12 :30 in the auditorium, this is the fourt h publ i c appearnace made this sea - son by the group and the firs t oven public ar ;,earance . Interesting selections have bee n prepared, featuring artists of the Musical docict7 cast for "HMS Pinafore" at well es the Gle e Club . The program will be as follows : Glee Club, "Oh Canada," "Alm a Mater Hymn," "Kentucky Babe" and "MacNamara's Band . " QUARTETTE Male quartette consisting of Bruce Holman, Ian Morrison, Dav e Verkerk and Hank Naylor wil l sing "Silent Night," "Loch Lom- ond" and "Poe's Fordham Prayer . . Bill Zoelner, Arts '48, wil giv e a piano solo, "Rondo Capriccio . " Bob McLellan, baritone, a lead- ing singer in past productions . will sing two selected numbers . The Glee Club will then con elude the program with "Dear Land of Home" from "Finlandia " by Sibelius, "Tumbleweeds . ' "Hail UBC" and "The King . " Accompanists will be Ernestin e Summers, Pamela McTaggart Co - wan and Audley Hask . DEAN BUCHANAN Requests Survey PRE • MED S In order to obtain informa- tion for outside medical school s and to provide guidande t o students planning a medical career, pre-med. registration i s being conducted in Hut M 7. AU pm-medical students are asked to co-operate by regis- tering by Friday, Novembe r 29th . S. N . F . CHANT, Chairman , Veteran Advisory Committee . Student Fund s Help Fight T B Funds from ISS are providin g widespread relief to the victims o f the war in Europe, especially i n the provision of hospitals and san- atoriums . To combat the rising incidenc e of TB, ISS opened the Internat- ional University Sanatorium a t Leysin, Switzerland in Februar y 1945 . The sanatorium Is open t o all nationalities and Italians hav e beds with Dutch patients on on e side and French on the other . A report from Geneva compares a ward in Leysin to an internation- al conference . Whie academic courses are no t offered at the sanatorium, each student, who has his doctor's con - sent Is free to organize his studie s for himself. Education Is achieve d through conferences and discus- sions with professors, writers, ar- tists and the 18,000 volume librar y at their disposal . Besides the education offered th e work acts as a vital factor i n treatment of the disease—a typ e of occupational therapy . The Swedish Committee recent- ly announced that 25 places ha d been made available for foreig e TB students in Sweden. The tre- mendous need for such accommo- dation is contained in a Polish re . port which states that the inci- dence of tuberculosis amongs t Polish students is extremely high , unofficially estimated at 00 pe r cent, of which 30 per cent are ope n cases . The retirement of Honorabl e Justice Denis Murphy from the Board of Governors' was announ - ced yesterday . Justice Murphy, a native of British Columbia who has been on the Board longe r than any of its members' has ser- ved almost continuously since his appointment in 1917 . He served with the Boar o through every major event in the history of the university and ha s helped to guide it through the precarious days of the depression, the war and its present expansion . An authority on the history o t the university as well as that o t the province, he was noted for hi s strong liberalism and his progres- sive attitude toward educatio n and this university in particular . NO HESITATION Every student interviewed gav e his or her opinion without hesita- tion, an evidence that the subjec t has occasioned much discussion o n the campus . Both veterans an d elvi laps were interviewed by Th e Ubyssey. Sufficient consideration does no t seem to have been given to th e veteran who is trying to ge t through his or her course as ra- pidly as possible in order to be - come re-established in a civilia n occupation," said one civilian wo- man student . An RCAF veteran said: "Thi s will lengthen my universit y attendance by one year a s courses which I planned to tak e during spring and summe r sessions would give me on e year's credits." An ex-WD had this to say : "Many WIYs will not be discharge d till next month . Some of these girls planned to attend spring see- sion and thus accelerate their uni- versity work . Now they will hav e to wait for a longer period durin g which time they may or may no t be able to get jobs ." An American veteran, who I s not affected by Canadian DV A grants, had the following statemen t to make : "I had planned on takin g three courses during spring see- sion and others during the sum- mer to accelerate my course . This decision will put me back on e year . Ex-Service students are eage r to complete their courses as quick- ly as possible . Many are in th e older student group with famil y responsibilities . , An extra yea r can make a great difference t o their plans." UNAFFECTED, OUT Commented one of the "olde r group" : "I am in my final year so will not .be personally affected b y the faculty decision . However, I attended spring and summer ses- sions last year and if it had no t been for this, I would not be able to graduate till next year . Re - cognizing the difficulties for th e administration entailed in extra sessions, I think that If It is at al l possible the spring sessions shoul d be Continued . "It is possible that there may be some loss of standard in the spring session work as time Is such a n important factor, but the financial advantage to rthe veteran mus t also be considered . " Another veteran suggested tha t the cancellation of the spring ses- sion would be of no aid to th e problem of overcrowding. He was always a staunch support- er of student activity and govern- ment. In announcing his retiremen t President N, A. M . MacKenzi e made this statement . "Both t h e Board of Governors and I person- ally, deeply regret the retirement of the Honorable Justice Murph y from the Board . His long experi- ence and wide judgement we n invaluable and enabled him t o make a contribution which it wil l be impossible to replace ." A member of the administratio n said of Justice Murphy, "He ha s been, since the inception of th e university its staunchest and mos t untiring champion . " Justice Murphy was born in th e Cariboo where his father was well Council Halt s Revival Effor t An attempt to revive recentl y discontinued Co-ordinating Com- mittee was defeated at the Monda y night Student Council meeting . A delegation of Rosemary Hod - gins, secretary of Literary an d Scientific Executive and Bil l Smith, president of Mamook s made the proposal in order to el- liminate frequent clashes in noo n hour functions. "However, since Bum Walker , Co-ordinator of Social Activities , is planning to enforce the fillin g out Control Reports during th e spring session, there will be n o need for the re-intatement of th e committer" said delegate Rose- mary Hodgins , Control reports act as a guid e In bookings, publicity, and regu- lations, avoid clashes of majo r functions, may be filed for 'futur e reference, and are an accesabl e form of information for the Pub- lications Board, Mamooks, an d other interested organizations, " Constitutiona l Revisions Mad e The University Radio Societ y has revised its constitution so a s to give each of the society's mem- bers a greater voice in the club' s activities . The revised constitution out - lines the duties of each membe r and provides for the election of a president, secretary, and treas- urer . This executive will appoint a chief announcer, chief technic- ian. drama director, continuit y director, news director, publicit y director, recording engineer, pro - gram director and program en- gineer. The constitution of the Junio r Canadian Society of Technica l Agriculturists has been declare d void by the ISE in order to fac- ilitate a change of name in agree- ment with the parent society . The society will henceforth b e known as the Agricultural Insti- tute. Education Soun d Films Shown Her e A public showing of educationa l sound films by the Department o f University Extension will be mad e in the auditorium tomorrow nigh t at 8 :15 p.m . There will be no ad - mission charge . Films to be shown includ e "Touchdown," a football pictur e depicting training methods use d on campuses all over the country ; "Damascus and Jerusalem," scene s from the troubled Near East ; "Made in U.S.," an amusing fil m on America's ability to be sel f sufficient ; "Pop Rings a Bell," o n the educational system ; "Consum- ers Serve Themselves" the man- agement of a co-operative store ; "Peoples of the Potlatch," the Lif e of the Indians of northern B .C. and "When the Cat's Away," a cartoon. known during the Cariboo gol d rush . He graduated from Ontari o College and served his apprentice - ship in law in Victoria . He practised law in Ashcroft fo r several years and was MLA lot Yale. His citation at this congregatio , paid a fitting tribute to him. "For 19 years bestowed the benefit o t unique equipment,' namely the realistic wordly wisdom of th e Cariboo Trail and the angeli c wisdom, so the Middle Ages calle d it, of St. Thomas Aquinas, and with the same equipment he ha s for upwards of 30 years dispense d from the Supreme Court of B .C . that even-handed justice whic h the Senate imitates lip recom- mending him for the degree o f Doctor of laws. " Noon Semi-Finals Choos e McGoun Cup Debater s By LEONA FRANCI S Participants in the semi-finals today will battle fo r positions in the McGoun Cup Debating League . The final League debate will take place January 17 , between the four western Canadian universities—Winnipeg , Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia . The general topic for the fina l debate is not yet known as th e exe4utive of the Parliamentar y Forum has not heard from Mr . Leslie Orr-Roland, Mr . Orr Roland carries on the correspon- dence between the four universi- ties partaking in the League an d is to send the subjects to be dis- cussed . Two of the students chosen i n today's debate will travel to Win- nipeg to compete against the U o f M debaters . JUDGES Judges of today's debate are Dr . J A . Crumb, Economics Depart- ment ; Professor Ed Morrison, Eng- lish Department, and Professo r Alan H . Finlay, Civil Engineering finals . The chosen eight are Jim Suther- land, Rosemary Hodgins, St u Chambers, Michael Creole, Cliff Greer, Ken Wardroper, Jack Gra- ham, and Gordon Reed . Each wil l submit a speech seven minutes i n length . Two definite subjects will be discussed . DEBATE S In the first debate--"It is resolv- ed that National Armament wil l endanger present efforts to achiev e world peace"—Sutherland will tak e the affirmative, with Rosemar y as second speaker . The negativ e will be upheld by Chambers wit h Create as second speaker. ht the second debate—"It Is re - Department . solved that Nationa.l Armament In charge of tryouts was Rose- will nullify efforts of the Unl - mary Hodgins who is the only we- ted Nations to achieve worl d man participant . These preiimin . peace'—Greer and Wardroper wil l ary tryouts took place November takes the affirmative while Gre- 15, and of the seventeen speakers, ham and Reed will take the nega - eight were chosen for the semi- five, A group health insurance plan covering both vetera n and non-veteran students of the University of Britis h Columbia has been the subject of a survey conducted by th e campus branch of the Canadian Legion . Dan Wright, and year Agricul- ture student and Legion officia l has been investigating plans of- fered by various insurance com- panies . He stated, "Those UBC students who wish to take advan- tage of this health insurance wil l be covered in the following cases : sickness and non-occupational ac- cidents, surgery and surgical con - ditions, hospital benefits, nursin g services and maternity benefits . The choice of a doctor is left u p to the beneficiary . " The rates under the group plan are as follows : . Membership fee $3 .00 Unmarried member 11 .00 Member with 1 dependent $30 0 Member with 2 dependents $32 5 Member with 3 dependents $3 .7 8 Member wit h 4 or more dependents ,, . .7$4,00 Policy holders may obtain bene- fits up to $1,000 in one yepr. Wright went on to say "Mem- bers of this group-plan have been offered special rates by the Nort h Pacific Health and Accident As a sedation because of the fact tha t a large number of UBC student s is expected to participate . Legion officials stress that al - though their organization has ar- ranged this health scheme, non - veteran students are urged to tak e advantage of its unique coverag e and reduced fees. Mr. H . Parley-Martin of the North Pacific Health and Accident Association will be available t o persons interested in the plan al l next week from 12 :30 to 1 :30 p.m., in the Legion office . No, 28 USC ' Charges 'Babbling ' Prevents Good Coverag e "Too much space is given to the 'babbling' of certai n columnists and to 'Beauty on the Spot' in the Ubyssey rathe r than to notices of interest to various undergraduate societies . " This is the opinion of the Undergraduate Societies Committee . according to president Bill McKay . A motion was passed that th e attention of the Student Counci l be drawn to this alleged difficult y ot inserting faculty notices in the student newspaper. A committe e will be appointed to investigat e specific examples and report t o the USC . Justice Denis Murphy Retires

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Page 1: Koo Claims UBC Legion Offers One-Act Plays Hunger Health ... fileUBC Legion Offers Health Insurance VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1948. Officials of Canadian Legion Branch

Legion ,

End Of

Faculty Discuss

Spring Sessio n

UBC Legion OffersHealth Insurance


Officials of Canadian Legion Branch 72 of the Universityof British Columbia will meet with the administration this

afternoon to discuss the cancellation of the spring sessions .Recent announcement by faculty representatives to the

effect that the short courses instituted for benefit of veteranswould not be held this spring has led to much discussio namong students .

The administration, through DeanBuchanan, requested the Legionto ascertain attitudes of studen tveterans to the spring sessionsabout three weeks ago. Responsewas considered to be sufficient towarrant consideration, in the opin-ion of veteran officials .NO STATEMENT

"Until after this meeting," sai dGrant Livingstone, president ofBranch 72, "we have no statementto make regarding our policy onthe matter,"

Student opinion on the campusseems to be at variance with th epreviously announced faculty de-cision .

Those students interviewed byThe Ubyssey look on the springsession as an opportunity to accel-erate their courses and consider i tof peat financial advantage tothe veteran .


Koo ClaimsHungerSpells War

In addressing students assemble din the auditorium Tuesday Dr . T.Z . Koo, for twenty years secretaryof the SCM, outlined the essent-ials for a lasting peace.

He compered the forty nationsassembled at San Franslsco forthe purpose of again trying toweld themselves into an organ,"The United Nations," to fort ynational eggs. Each has been ncr-tured on the principle of nationalsoverignity and on the emotion ofpatriotism.KOO'S EGO

As Dr. Koo rem it, the only wa yto produce an international ome-lette is by reaching across nation .al boundaries to mix and form aworld community.

What is the real meaning ofpeace? he asked. No war, yes butthat is a very negative answer.The Chinese have three words forpeace .

The first is made up of the gym-bola for rice and mouth, put ricein the mouths of the people rea-cts the Oriental mind and thereis a condition for pace and con-tent .RICE AND WOMEN

Secondly, Dr. Koo showed theword made up of roof and a wo-man under it, the symbol of hom eiv the woman and under a roofshe is the bulwark of securitywithout which there is unrest.

Two and the symbol for theheart portray the idea of twohearts together and therefore hap-piness, friendship, underltandtngand co-operation.

We are trying to write peacewhich may only be a technical oneunless and only when the atti-

tudes of the constituent nationschange from suspicion and hatredto friendship and co-operation.

Christianity produces the will torise above wars, and nationalityand to think of one another .

Final Deadlin eFar Totem Pi x

Final deadline for all Totem Pixis next Tuesday, December 3. Untilthat date appointments will be ac.cepted from students in the Facul-ties of Pharmacy, Law, Teacher'sTraining, and Social Service.

Totem editor, Jean MacFarlanewarns that no late pictures wil lbe taken, and urges those who wishtheir pictures to appear in theyearbook to sign the appointmentsheet in the Quad immediately .

Graduation pictures may be usedby students in Teacher Trainingand Social Service provided thatthey appeared in Totem '40 .

Research GrantsAid Physicists

Two National Research Councilgrants totalling $11,300 will enabl eUBC to carry out important re -search projects in synthetic rub-ber and nuclear physics, It wasannounced yesterday by the pres-ident's office.

The Department of Physics willreceive $5,900 for research on thephysical properties of syntheticrubber. This work, is 'being carriedon under the direction of Dr . HD. Smith.

The remainder of the grant,$5400 will be used for special re-search in nuclear pnysres unde rDr. Kenneth C. Mann. This fun dwill enable UBC to proceed onstudies of the energy of the betarays which are emitted from thenuclei of artificially - producedradioactive substances,

Artsmen HoldUnique Vote

Fifty-two conscientious student sof the University of British Con-umbia, who showed up for theelection of an Arts UndergraduateSociety executive saw, in place ofdragging their feet through rou-tine nose-counting, a bout of spir-ited debating, creation of a newcommittee to their body, and fin-ally two ex-servicemen swept in-to top seats on their executive .

Elected to the posts of presidentand vice-president were Bob Cal land Ralph Huene .

On passage of a motion from thefloor by Grant Llvingeton—"thata body be appointed to preventmore such disgraceful turnouts asthin"—a pep committee was cre-ated, made up of the defeatedcandidates for offices. and twostudents from the floor who spokeup pro and con the following de-feated motion .

Discussion on advisability of ap-pointing a vice - president frompure sciences to the Arts execu-tive (which was imposible becaus enone of the three candidates forvice-president's post were purescience) was followed by a pro-posal from John Seitz that a "pro -visional government" be set upuntil the question could be thresh-ed out .

Motion was voted down onpounds that student apathy woul dnot be improved by delay.

Appointed to the new commit-tee were Joan Fraser, Herb Cap-ozzi, Rosemary Hodgins, John Bel-tz and Bill Galt.

McGill VeteransBlame Executive

MONTREAL, Nov, 27, (CUP) —Charges made by the preset ex-ecutive of the McGill Veterans'Society that last year's executive"acted in an unauthorized man-ner" have been denied .

In a statement to the McGillDaily, November 18, the new ex •ecutive claimed that, during theprevious year, "scanty records"had been kept of executive meet-ings; that a newspaper, believedto be a propaganda organ for th eLabor Progressive Party," hadbeen offered a list of the namesand addresses of society membersand that two checks issued hadbeen returned marked "insuffici-ent funds."

It was also charged that reso-lutions were forwarded to outsideauthorities without general ap-proval.

Members of last year's execu-tive declared that the statementamounted to "red-baiting," wascomprised of "half-truths and ac-cusations," and constituted "an at .tack on the integrity and work ofthe executive"

They charged the new executivewith ignoring the campaign forincreased grants, and generally at-tempting to "take the steam outof the veterans' society and lay thebasis for its final disolution . '

LSE Establishe sFine Arts Board

Fine Arts Board will be set u pwithin the inner workings of th eI.SE, announced Jerry Macdonald ,LSE prexy. The board will con-sist of presidents of the followingclubs, Players' Club, Glee Club .Concert Orchestra and the Mus-ical Society .

The function of the board is tolook into the idea of putting on ashow representative of the finearts sometime in the spring .

One-Act Play sAt Drama Meet

Four one-act plays will be pre-sented when the second annualwestern Canadian Inter-Varsit yDrama Festival comes to UBCJanuary 17 and 18 .

The Festival, inaugurated lastyear by Lois McLean of U of Awas so successful that it was de-cided to make it an annual affai rand UBC will play host to th esecond performance . Four uni-versities will participate, withrepresentatives coming from Man-itoba, Saskatchewan. 4lberta andthose from our own campus.

This year's presentation fro mUBC, one of the comedies "Sol-omon's Folly" or "Pierre Patelin "which were presented last week -end, will contrast sharply with theplay produced last year, "Altar -Piece," a serious piece with aracial plot.

Two of the participants will pre -sent serious plays while the otherswill produce comedies. ,

January 1 6 has been set asidefor a special presentation for stu-dents only and reduced rates willbe offered .

ENGINEERS SCOREAt the same meeting of the Un-

dergraduates Societies CommitteeMonday, November 25, there wasstrong agitation by the EngineeringUndergraduates Society that stu-dents, particularly members of th egraduating class, be permitted toselect the proof of their picture forthe '47 Totem .

So far this year proofs have beenselected by the photographers . Lastyear students selected their own.

However, "The cost of publishingwould be increased by the addedwork and mailing coats entailed "and "Since the whole success of th eannual depends on it coming out ontime, and since too much time istaken choosing the proofs, we feelthat the present practise must becontinued", said Jean MacFarlane,editor of the Totem .

Glee Club Give sVariety Concert

University Glee Club under th edirection of C. Haydn WilliarLiswill present r variety concert Fri -day, November 29, at 12 :30 in theauditorium, this is the fourthpubl i c appearnace made this sea -son by the group and the firstoven public ar;,earance.

Interesting selections have beenprepared, featuring artists of theMusical docict7 cast for "HMSPinafore" at well es the GleeClub .

The program will be as follows :Glee Club, "Oh Canada," "AlmaMater Hymn," "Kentucky Babe"and "MacNamara's Band . "

QUARTETTEMale quartette consisting of

Bruce Holman, Ian Morrison, DaveVerkerk and Hank Naylor wil lsing "Silent Night," "Loch Lom-ond" and "Poe's Fordham Prayer. .

Bill Zoelner, Arts '48, wil givea piano solo, "Rondo Capriccio . "

Bob McLellan, baritone, a lead-ing singer in past productions .will sing two selected numbers.

The Glee Club will then con •elude the program with "DearLand of Home" from "Finlandia "by Sibelius, "Tumbleweeds. '"Hail UBC" and "The King. "

Accompanists will be ErnestineSummers, Pamela McTaggart Co-wan and Audley Hask .


Requests Survey


In order to obtain informa-tion for outside medical school sand to provide guidande tostudents planning a medicalcareer, pre-med. registration i sbeing conducted in Hut M 7.

AU pm-medical students areasked to co-operate by regis-tering by Friday, November29th .


Chairman ,Veteran Advisory Committee .

Student Funds

Help Fight TB

Funds from ISS are providingwidespread relief to the victims ofthe war in Europe, especially i nthe provision of hospitals and san-atoriums.

To combat the rising incidenc eof TB, ISS opened the Internat-ional University Sanatorium a tLeysin, Switzerland in February1945 . The sanatorium Is open toall nationalities and Italians hav ebeds with Dutch patients on oneside and French on the other. Areport from Geneva compares award in Leysin to an internation-al conference .

Whie academic courses are notoffered at the sanatorium, eachstudent, who has his doctor's con-sent Is free to organize his studiesfor himself. Education Is achievedthrough conferences and discus-sions with professors, writers, ar-tists and the 18,000 volume librar yat their disposal .

Besides the education offered thework acts as a vital factor intreatment of the disease—a typeof occupational therapy.

The Swedish Committee recent-ly announced that 25 places hadbeen made available for foreigeTB students in Sweden. The tre-mendous need for such accommo-dation is contained in a Polish re .port which states that the inci-dence of tuberculosis amongs tPolish students is extremely high,unofficially estimated at 00 percent, of which 30 per cent are ope ncases .

The retirement of HonorableJustice Denis Murphy from theBoard of Governors' was announ-ced yesterday . Justice Murphy, anative of British Columbia whohas been on the Board longerthan any of its members' has ser-ved almost continuously since hisappointment in 1917.

He served with the Boarothrough every major event in thehistory of the university and hashelped to guide it through theprecarious days of the depression,the war and its present expansion .

An authority on the history o tthe university as well as that o tthe province, he was noted for hisstrong liberalism and his progres-sive attitude toward educationand this university in particular .

NO HESITATIONEvery student interviewed gav e

his or her opinion without hesita-tion, an evidence that the subjec thas occasioned much discussion onthe campus. Both veterans an delvi laps were interviewed by Th eUbyssey.

Sufficient consideration does no tseem to have been given to theveteran who is trying to getthrough his or her course as ra-pidly as possible in order to be-come re-established in a civilianoccupation," said one civilian wo-man student.

An RCAF veteran said: "Thiswill lengthen my universityattendance by one year ascourses which I planned to tak eduring spring and summersessions would give me oneyear's credits."An ex-WD had this to say :

"Many WIYs will not be dischargedtill next month . Some of thesegirls planned to attend spring see-sion and thus accelerate their uni-versity work . Now they will haveto wait for a longer period durin gwhich time they may or may no tbe able to get jobs ."

An American veteran, who Isnot affected by Canadian DVAgrants, had the following statemen tto make: "I had planned on takingthree courses during spring see-sion and others during the sum-mer to accelerate my course. Thisdecision will put me back on eyear. Ex-Service students are eagerto complete their courses as quick-ly as possible. Many are in theolder student group with familyresponsibilities. , An extra yearcan make a great difference totheir plans."

UNAFFECTED, OUTCommented one of the "older

group" : "I am in my final year sowill not .be personally affected bythe faculty decision. However, Iattended spring and summer ses-sions last year and if it had notbeen for this, I would not be ableto graduate till next year . Re-cognizing the difficulties for theadministration entailed in extrasessions, I think that If It is at al lpossible the spring sessions shoul dbe Continued .

"It is possible that there may besome loss of standard in the springsession work as time Is such animportant factor, but the financialadvantage to rthe veteran mustalso be considered . "

Another veteran suggested thatthe cancellation of the spring ses-sion would be of no aid to theproblem of overcrowding.

He was always a staunch support-er of student activity and govern-ment.

In announcing his retiremen tPresident N, A. M. MacKenzi emade this statement . "Both t h eBoard of Governors and I person-ally, deeply regret the retirementof the Honorable Justice Murphyfrom the Board . His long experi-ence and wide judgement weninvaluable and enabled him t omake a contribution which it wil lbe impossible to replace."

A member of the administrationsaid of Justice Murphy, "He hasbeen, since the inception of th euniversity its staunchest and mostuntiring champion . "

Justice Murphy was born in th eCariboo where his father was well

Council Halts

Revival Effort

An attempt to revive recentlydiscontinued Co-ordinating Com-mittee was defeated at the Mondaynight Student Council meeting.

A delegation of Rosemary Hod -gins, secretary of Literary andScientific Executive and BillSmith, president of Mamooksmade the proposal in order to el-liminate frequent clashes in noonhour functions.

"However, since Bum Walker,Co-ordinator of Social Activities,is planning to enforce the fillin gout Control Reports during thespring session, there will be noneed for the re-intatement of thecommitter" said delegate Rose-mary Hodgins,

Control reports act as a guideIn bookings, publicity, and regu-lations, avoid clashes of majorfunctions, may be filed for 'futur ereference, and are an accesableform of information for the Pub-lications Board, Mamooks, andother interested organizations, "

Constitutiona l

Revisions Made

The University Radio Societyhas revised its constitution so asto give each of the society's mem-bers a greater voice in the club'sactivities .

The revised constitution out -lines the duties of each memberand provides for the election of apresident, secretary, and treas-urer. This executive will appointa chief announcer, chief technic-ian. drama director, continuitydirector, news director, publicitydirector, recording engineer, pro -gram director and program en-gineer.

The constitution of the JuniorCanadian Society of TechnicalAgriculturists has been declaredvoid by the ISE in order to fac-ilitate a change of name in agree-ment with the parent society .

The society will henceforth beknown as the Agricultural Insti-tute.

Education Sound

Films Shown Here

A public showing of educationa lsound films by the Department ofUniversity Extension will be mad ein the auditorium tomorrow nightat 8:15 p.m. There will be no ad -mission charge .

Films to be shown include"Touchdown," a football pictur edepicting training methods usedon campuses all over the country ;"Damascus and Jerusalem," scene sfrom the troubled Near East ;"Made in U.S.," an amusing filmon America's ability to be selfsufficient ; "Pop Rings a Bell," onthe educational system; "Consum-ers Serve Themselves" the man-agement of a co-operative store;"Peoples of the Potlatch," the Lifeof the Indians of northern B.C.and "When the Cat's Away," acartoon.

known during the Cariboo goldrush . He graduated from OntarioCollege and served his apprentice-ship in law in Victoria. Hepractised law in Ashcroft forseveral years and was MLA lotYale.

His citation at this congregatio ,paid a fitting tribute to him. "For19 years bestowed the benefit o tunique equipment,' namely therealistic wordly wisdom of theCariboo Trail and the angelicwisdom, so the Middle Ages calle dit, of St. Thomas Aquinas, andwith the same equipment he hasfor upwards of 30 years dispensedfrom the Supreme Court of B.C .that even-handed justice whichthe Senate imitates lip recom-mending him for the degree ofDoctor of laws. "

Noon Semi-Finals Choos eMcGoun Cup Debaters

By LEONA FRANCI SParticipants in the semi-finals today will battle for

positions in the McGoun Cup Debating League .The final League debate will take place January 17 ,

between the four western Canadian universities—Winnipeg,Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia .

The general topic for the fina ldebate is not yet known as theexe4utive of the ParliamentaryForum has not heard from Mr .Leslie Orr-Roland, Mr . OrrRoland carries on the correspon-dence between the four universi-ties partaking in the League andis to send the subjects to be dis-cussed .

Two of the students chosen i ntoday's debate will travel to Win-nipeg to compete against the U o fM debaters .JUDGES

Judges of today's debate are Dr .J A. Crumb, Economics Depart-ment ; Professor Ed Morrison, Eng-lish Department, and ProfessorAlan H. Finlay, Civil Engineering

finals .The chosen eight are Jim Suther-

land, Rosemary Hodgins, StuChambers, Michael Creole, CliffGreer, Ken Wardroper, Jack Gra-ham, and Gordon Reed . Each willsubmit a speech seven minutes i nlength . Two definite subjects willbe discussed .DEBATE S

In the first debate--"It is resolv-ed that National Armament willendanger present efforts to achieveworld peace"—Sutherland will tak ethe affirmative, with Rosemaryas second speaker . The negativewill be upheld by Chambers withCreate as second speaker.

ht the second debate—"It Is re -Department.

solved that Nationa.l ArmamentIn charge of tryouts was Rose-

will nullify efforts of the Unl -mary Hodgins who is the only we-

ted Nations to achieve worl dman participant . These preiimin .

peace'—Greer and Wardroper wil lary tryouts took place November

takes the affirmative while Gre-15, and of the seventeen speakers,

ham and Reed will take the nega -eight were chosen for the semi-


A group health insurance plan covering both vetera nand non-veteran students of the University of Britis hColumbia has been the subject of a survey conducted by thecampus branch of the Canadian Legion .

Dan Wright, and year Agricul-ture student and Legion officialhas been investigating plans of-fered by various insurance com-panies . He stated, "Those UBCstudents who wish to take advan-tage of this health insurance willbe covered in the following cases :sickness and non-occupational ac-cidents, surgery and surgical con-ditions, hospital benefits, nursingservices and maternity benefits.The choice of a doctor is left upto the beneficiary."

The rates under the groupplan are as follows: .Membership fee $3.00Unmarried member 11 .00Member with 1 dependent $300Member with 2 dependents $325Member with 3 dependents $3 .7 8Member with

4 or more dependents ,, . .7$4,00Policy holders may obtain bene-

fits up to $1,000 in one yepr.Wright went on to say "Mem-

bers of this group-plan have beenoffered special rates by the NorthPacific Health and Accident Asa

sedation because of the fact thata large number of UBC studentsis expected to participate.

Legion officials stress that al -though their organization has ar-ranged this health scheme, non-veteran students are urged to takeadvantage of its unique coverageand reduced fees.

Mr. H. Parley-Martin of theNorth Pacific Health and AccidentAssociation will be available topersons interested in the plan allnext week from 12:30 to 1 :30 p.m.,in the Legion office.

No, 28

USC ' Charges 'Babbling'

Prevents Good Coverage

"Too much space is given to the 'babbling' of certai ncolumnists and to 'Beauty on the Spot' in the Ubyssey rathe rthan to notices of interest to various undergraduate societies . "This is the opinion of the Undergraduate Societies Committee .according to president Bill McKay .

A motion was passed that theattention of the Student Councilbe drawn to this alleged difficult yot inserting faculty notices in thestudent newspaper. A committeewill be appointed to investigatespecific examples and report t othe USC .

Justice Denis Murphy Retires

Page 2: Koo Claims UBC Legion Offers One-Act Plays Hunger Health ... fileUBC Legion Offers Health Insurance VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1948. Officials of Canadian Legion Branch

Afir tamer

On The Wagon


President and Secretary, Canadian University Press .

Authorized as Second Claw Mail, Post Office D ept ., Ottawa. Mall Subscription - $200 per year .

Published every Tuesday, Thursday anc Saturday during the university year by the Student Publications Boar dof the Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia .

Editorial opinions expressed are those of the Editorial Board of the Ubyssey and not necessarily thou of the

Alma Mater Society or of the University .

Offices in Brock Hall . Phone ALma 1624.

For Advertising - Phone KErr . 1811 .EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JACK FERR Y

SSSS• SGENERAL STAFF : News Editor - Nancy Macdonald ; CUP Editor - Bob Mungall; Sports Editor - Laurie Dyer ;

Features Editor, Norm Klenman . and Photography Director - Tommy Hatcher.

STAFF THIS ISSUE: Senior Editor—Don Stalnaby ; Associate Editors—Joan Grimmett, Tommy Hazlitt, an d

Howie Wolfe.


With Malice, Without Thought

,with DON STAINSBY NOTICESLast Parade of 1946 for members

of the UNTD will take place nextMonday, December 2, at HMCSDiscovery from 7 to 10 p.m. Firstparade of 1947 will be on Mon -

day, January 6.

Toxophollte Dance sponsored bythe UBC Archery club will beheld in the Brock Hall Novem-ber 29 . Dancing from 9 to 1 .Tickets are obtainable .from clubmembers or AMS office .

Will Mr . H. W. Hamlett of "CafeSociety" please pick up a letterof his at the Pub office, BrockHall .

Pharmaceutical Society of UBCwill have as guest speaker, Mr.Ray Arnold. He will speak on"The Professions of Pharmacy "in HO 4, Thursday, Novembey 20.All first year students of pharm.acy are cordially invited to at -tend .

WANTEDUrgently wanted a ride from vi-

cinity of Granville and Balfourfor 8:30 lectures every morning.Phone BAy . 5810, ask for "Peter" .

Room and board for winter termfor two brothers from the Is-land. Are ex-service. PhoneALma 0242-M, ask for J . or A.Motherwell .

Shakespeare's King Henry VI partI, preferably the Kittredge edi-tion. Phone W. Marsh at BAy .4180-R.

FOR SALENurses' "Rolex oyster" wrist watch

stainless steel, luminous dial.Perfect condition . Phone MAr.4454, ask for Mr. Price.

Large, completely equipped trailer ,sleeps four, can be seen at 120E. 46th Ave ., or phone FRa. 5824 .

Like new Tuxedo, size 38, dresssuit size 40, and blue Chineillaovercoat. Phone BAy. 7408-L,evenings .

MEETINGSFall Annual Meeting of the B. C .

Teachers' Federation will be hel din HL 3 Monday, December 2, at12 :30.

Le Cercle Francals presents Preachfilms on Friday, November 19, a t8 :00 p.m. in Theatre Room of th eBrock Hall. Featuring TrotsPistoles. For Summer camp forstarving UBC students .

Chess Meeting in Double Commit-tee Room in Brock Hall, Thurs-day, November 28, at 1 :20.

LOSTProfessor Larsen's copy ef Mill' s

"On Liberty" to say the least'urgently needed' . Please handin to AMS office.

With the Gym Drive coming to an end,

this is as good a time as any for the under -

graduate officials concerned with such thingsto take a stand against the continual an dpetty attacks suffered by pocketbooks o n

this campus in the name of some worth ycause or another ,

All too often in the past minor function shave been transformed into benefit per-formances, until it has become difficult fo ranyone to find some event when somedemand is not made upon the under -graduate's finances .

The tendency to impose a charge on var-ious events, or to increase the establishedrate, has served more as an annoyance thanas a worthwhile money-raiser. The GymDrive has undoubtedly been the chief of -fender in this regard, almost to the point ofridiculousness. No matter how inspiring acollection of fifty or a hundred dollars maybe, it has served mainly to impose unex-pected expenditures upon student budgets .Furthermore, it would take ten thousandsuch collections to build the gym.

The philosophy seems to have been that"No one will miss ten cents here or two-bit sthere; " the fact is that some students do fee lthe pinch from such small amounts. It is

The announcement of the retirement of

the Honourable Justice Denis Murphy fro m

the Board of Governors is sad news for th e

University. In the history of UBC there isperhaps no other single person who hasworked so unceasingly for, and contributedso much in wisdom and experience to, ou rinstitution. Few students realize the deb twhich they owe to him personally, as achampion, of their rights and privileges anda firm believer in the self-governing prin-ciple of student government .

The Honourable Justice Murphy hasserved on the Board of Governors for almos ttwenty-five years . He helped to guide theUniversity through the first post-war con-

THE FORUM'S STANDIt is heartening to find that a great man y

UBC students value their civil rights enough

to stand against their being denied to Cana-

dians of Japanese ancestry. This feeling

was displayed clearly enough in the Parlia-mentary Forum last week when the mem-bers present, unable to find anyone to argu e

against the return of Japanese students t o

this university, held a panel discussion onthe subject. In voting unanimously for the"return", they indicated their realization o fthe danger in persecuting minorities, andtheir distrust of the deep-seated prejudicewhich characterizes the residents of th ecoast area.

That the Japanese have not yet been rein -stated in the coastal zone, and that Cana-dians of East Indian and Oriental ancestryare yet disenfranchised in this province,prove that Canadian democracy has man ysteps to take before it can be calledcomplete .MINORITY DISCRIMINATIO N

The persecution of the Japanese—an dwhat else can our treatment of them becalled?—was excused on the basis of WarEmergency. Their presence in the coastalzone might have been dangerous both tothemselves and to others during the war. Atany rate, public opinion had to be satisfied ;reason seldom cries above the noise of panic .

Yet when the war ended, and presumabl ythe danger with it, hot heads and loud voice ssucceeded in forestalling the return of fullcivil rights to the Japanese against whomflaw, if any, charges of disloyalty, sabotage ,and conspiracy were even lodged . Instead,

quite obvious already that many student s

do not get full value from their AMS fees ,

and in some cases that is not their own fault .That being the case, the best policy wouldbe one of levying additional charges onlywhen necessary . Any time that an ordinary

event can be staged for nothing it shouldbe organized that way,

A case in point is the siphoning off of th eproceeds from the reduced rate which th eAlma Mater Society secured for tonight'sperformance of Henry V . A good many ofthe students who would most want to se ethat picture would very much appreciatethe chance to save a little money in th eprocess. Instead, it was seen fit to chargethe full price to the students and to grabthe difference for the Gym Drive.

If it is necessary to raise money forspecial projects, then special functionsshould be held for the purpose or only th elarger functions already planned should bedevoted to the purpose . It has been prove nin the past that one or two large functions ,specially dedicated to a worthy cause, maybe much more efficient (and much less an-noying to most people) than a flock ofpenny-grabbing efforts tied onto otherwisefree affairs .

version period, was its most vigorous sup-porter through the difficult depression yearswhen its very existence was threatened, an,'has since taken a lead in the formation o fplans for expansion. ' Though a man in thelatter years of life, he is nevertheless note dfor his strong progressive and liberal atti-tude, his faith in the future of UBC, and hisunshakeable confidence in youth .

On behalf of the student body, TheUbys,sey would like to pay tribute here toits most respected Governor, to extend t ohim our gratitude and our wish that he willlive to see this University achieve the dignityand stature which his faith in it hasguaranteed.

deportation proceedings were begun Theboatloads'of "Canadians" leaving Vancouve rharbour for Japan not long ago make sorryreading in the history of Canada.

RIGHTS OF ALL INVOLVE DThe prejudice against the Japanese—as

against so many minorities on this continent—owes its morbid existence to misunder-standing, fear, economic distress, rumor, andmisrepresentation. It cannot claim the fa-therhood of fact . Yet prejudice is permittedto grow into a fat, complacent parasite whichwill surely gnaw out the heart of democracy.

For the civil rights which so many peopl esincerely believed they were defending inwar cannot be given to some and denie dothers Canada was built of minorities, andseems today to be almost a federation ofminorities . There is no one national or re-ligious group in this country which can claiman absolute majority of the population .When the rights of one minority are threat-ened, therefore, the rights of all are threat-ened equally. When one group is perse-cuted, the precedent thus established putsanother group in danger . .


Whatever it is about the Japanese that thepeople of B .C. fear or dislike, persecutio nis neither a wise nor a safe solution . Munici-pal and provincial legislation can preven teconomic malpractice ; public education ca nguarantee Canadian loyalty. Repression isnot the answer .

The Parliamentary Forum here at UB Chas taken a broad and fearless stand towardreinstatement of civil rights to the Japanes eCanadians Students who ally themselveswith liberal and progressive causes mustfollow the Forum's lead.

Judging by the facts presented

in Peter Remnant's latest column

it would seem that the old Arena

has exactly one rat scuttling

around amongst the litter .Obviously enough things at the

Melchior concert were not all theymight have been, but it was notthe fault of the Publication sBoard photographer, upon whomthe spotlight has fallen as a resul tof the immortal words of Mr.Remnant.

It appeals that the flare of flashbulbs at times disrupted the har-mony of Mr. Remnant's artistic

Bob Steiner, who, as the ortho-dox Pub photographer present,will receive the publicity and at -tending bad name occasioned bythis unfortunate limelight, has areputation in the Pub for being on ephotographer who is considerate ofthe subject of his flashgun.

Steiner, who, by the way, is notresponsible for the' second, 'ama-teur', photographer's presence a tthe concert, is the type who waitsuntil a moment arises when he wil lnot disturb too greatly the effec-tiveness of such a gathering asthe Melchior concert In the Ar-mory.

At that concert, Steiner waiteduntil well towards the end of the

It is a pity that the other photo-grapher Is nameless, but that can-not be helped. He should bebrought forward and reprimande dfor apparently disturbing theshow .

Bob Steiner, on the other hand,spoke to Mr. Melchior before theconcert and arranged with himfor the most suitable time to takepictures . "I know my manners, "said Steiner, and his actions prov ehis statement .

New Legion canteen, which is tobe opened in the very near future ,Is now in the process of being

decorated. In this connection Itis proposed to adorn walls withthe crests of Navy, Army and Air

Force units . Contributions of thesecrests, especially of Air ForceSquadron, Group or Command

crests, would be greatly apprecia-

ted. Anyone who would be will-ing to lend such crests is asked t o

call at the Legion Office, to ar-

range the details . Other contribu-

tions of art talent, "bull work" ,or ideas are also needed. Bringthem in, and watch for the grand

opening of the Canteen.

In connection with the announce-ment by the Administration tha tthe Special Short Sessions for Vet-

erans will not be revived in 1947,

a special delegation of the Cana-dian Legion, Branch 72, waited

upon Dr. MacKenzie today .Some time ago a general meeting

of the Legion proposed to carryout a survey to find out how manyex-service students would be want-ing to attend a Special Spring Ses-

salon. The Administration, throughDean Buchanan, seconded this pro-posal .

Now the announcement has comethat there will be no more specialsessions, and the Legion wishes todraw the attention of the Admin-istration to the results of the sur-vey, hoping to modify that decision .The members of the delegationwere Grant Livingstone, Presiden t


"Resolved that Japanese Canad-

ians should be allowed to attend

UBC."—Of course it was passed"b'y a unanimous vote." Naturallythere was no student "narrow en-ough in his outlook to argue a-gainst re-admittance . "

But there are many, many stu-dents who strongly disapprove of

the manner In which discussion ofthe resolution, reasonable as it i sit Itself, was distorted into a fulldress campaign against the Brit-ish Coh;mbians who do not wish'this fair province' to become anAsiatic cqlony.

soul, and, together with the seem-ingly poor 'stuff being offered b yMr. Melchior, the tension becametoo great and our reviewer beganto see things.

When he referred to the rats Inthe Arena, he obviously referredto not one rat, but several—per-haps even several large families o frats . (It is hard to imagine thata place as large as the Arenawould have only one rat) . Theonly difficulty with this theory isthat there were only two photo-graphers at the concert, and onlyone of them was an accreditedPublications pixie.

show before he flashed any bulbsin Mr. Melchior's beaming face.Steiner took only four picturesduring the course of the wholeconcert.

It would not seem to be askingtoo much forbearance on the partof our critics to allow for the ne-eessities of adequate coverage of'big time' events on the campus .

Nervous, oversensitive peopl ewho attend these concerts only t ocriticize and watch the audienceare the only people who noticedthe flashes . Many people havecommented that — although Mr .Melchior was 'Without a Song'they did not notice the flashes atall . How now, mad critic ?

Mr. Melchior asked Bob to waituntil the end of the concert, an ddesignated "Vive la compagnie" esthe most suitable song for the tak-ing of pictures.

Steiner was considerably annoye dby the misrepresentation of factsthat piled up under the title "WithMalice Aforethought" on Tuesday.

It might be a wise thing If Rem-nant would apply a little more'forethought' and a little lessmalice .

of Branch 72; Perry Millar, VicesPresident; and John MacKenzie,Business Manager.

es e

The Legion Dinner Dance willbe held at the New Veterans' Mem-orial Centre, 618 Burrard Street, onthe night of Thursday, December19th . Lance Harrison and his or-chestra will be providing the music ,hot and sweet. Dress is optional.

Students who worry about examscan relax that evening. The dancedoesn't conflict with most examschedules, and 'it is a great chanceto drive your worries away an dhave a good time. And you meetthe nicest people !

Tickets are now on sale at theLegion Office and they're goingfast. There will be no last-minut ebookings, so come in early and ge tyour tickets and your table reser-vations.

S e e

Those veterans who applied forthe Memorial booklet, "Hollandand the Canadians", may now ob -tain them by calling at the Leg -ion Office. There are a limitednumber, however, so applicant sare advised to come early .

g e e

In view of the fact that examin-ations are taking up most of themonth of December and that stu-dents are under a great pressureof work, the Legion has decidednot to hold its monthly GeneralMeeting for December. The dateof the January General Meetingwill be announced.

At least three of the four speak-ers on the panel virtually ignored

the substance of the resolution

and treated themselves to harsh -

sues against what they called"race prejudice" or "race hatred'with table thumping too.

If I may stand in the Parliamus.tart' Forum as an IndependentMember, let us say representingthe constituency of the West CoastI will gladly introduce, and de-fend in debate, a private bill a :follows: "Resolved that settlementof Adntic people in British Col-umbia should be discouraged. "

You, truly,

Charlie Young.


The Wassail Bowl By NORM KLENMAN

In Defence of Consideration

In Proof of Consideration

" Legionettes "Edited by HAL LINDSAY

Letters to the Editor

WCl2 L


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We will be glad to gift wrap your parcel at no extra charge.


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Page 3: Koo Claims UBC Legion Offers One-Act Plays Hunger Health ... fileUBC Legion Offers Health Insurance VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1948. Officials of Canadian Legion Branch

THE UBYSSEY, Thursday, November 28, 1946 . Page 8

USC Chairman Promises

To Air Student Opinion

By LAURA HAAHTIWith its new executive painlessly elected, the Under-

graduate Societies Committee, official "conscience" of theStudents' Council, promises to polish up its hitherto un-spectacular record.

Through the clear-sighted policies of its new chairman ,Bill McKay, the body shows definite signs of passing fromthe wobbling 'infant to the short-pants stage.

It's Time For A ChangeBY WARREN DAMER

All it takes to build a $500,000memorial is a whopping big warand about eight thousand of itsvictims and its veterans.

Right now, the facilities as the yexist must be tiled to their ut-most, and this means practicingthe rules of co-operation .

It's nice the way six people ge tall their clothes into one locker .The first man In Is the last ma nout . This is very helpful, since th earrangement is to get the skinn yand physically run-down man infirst. Then he will get the Vast-eat benefit of one of "iron-man "Doug Whittle's physical trainingcourses. As the year progresses,the number of men to qualify forthe position dA first man increases .

Anyone over five foot-two hasa chance of losing sire head ens •route from the locker room to theshowers . There was once a move onfoot to have the obstructing steampipes moved but the furnacewould have to be put on the bas-ketball court. Even Bob Osborn ewould have trouble coaching ahot team while contending with afurnace.

ISS SponsorsIdea Exchang ePart of the ISS program to

foster international uderstandin g

through personal exchange of

ideas Is the International Corns '

pondence Scheme which has beenset up in Toronto as a clearing of-fice 'whereby Canadian studentsmay contact their foreign counter -parts .

The request from European stu-dents for correspondents in Can-ada is gradually becoming a floo dwith sixty letters now on file andmore arriving every day. A re-port from the Canadian Commit-tee in Toronto says that the thirs t

for knowledge shown in most ofthe letters indicates their desir eto escape from the "intellectualprison" in which they have bee nconfined during 8 years of war .

Most of the letters are marke dby the quaint and rather tortureoEnglish as evidenced in this quo-tation from a letter by a Finishstudent, Olavi Typpt, who write.,"I've listened in the lectures ofthe sociology, the political econ -omy and English . I wish corres-pondence with persons who canEnglish, and if possible, Germantoo . "

Preferences as to nationality,sex, religion, cultural interests ar eallowed for on the one applicationform, which may be obtained bywriting to the National Office ofInternational Student Service, 4 3St. George St., Toronto.


'THIRTY'There will be an Issue of the

Ubyssey as usual Saturday but

there will be no issue next


The last paper for the fallterm will be published Thurs-

day, December 5.

The football teams use the spec-ious Stadium for all their work .Instructors Ivor Wynne and Jac kPomfret have devised a systemwhereby they can get their teamsout on th UBC greensward ontime to play a full game of foot-ball . They're ready by two ; bu tthey don't have to start lining u puntil noon for their orange juice

When the ladies play badminto nthey save a lot of time becauseco the system. A class of fifty girlscan very nicely get fifteen minuteseach on the floor. This works verywell as there are just four court ",which means sixteen girls playin gdouble .

It also gives every . girl forty -five minutes to change lipstick .

Miss Marlin Henderson . MissJean Charmichael, and Miss IsabelClay of the Physical EducationDepartment do a big job of organ.'zing the women into an activeathletic group . By teaching thegirls how to play such games asbadminton, table tennis and golf ,all according to the rules, a lotof neophytes find that a little ex-stelae can really be a lot of fun.

To help along that poise that a

MONEY !December's DVA cheques will

be distributed as usual, regard .less of exams, in the Armoryon Monday and Tuesday, the18th and 17th of December .

Old Days RevivedBy Ex-Pubsters

Staff appointments and remin-iscences of former editors of theUbyssey featured the annual pre-Christmas publications Board teain the Brock Hall Tuesday after-noon.

Dr. Earle Birney and Dr. Ed-mund Morrison of the Departmentof English told of the days when,a, editors of the Ubyssey, thei rpolicy was to find some issue socontrovesial on the campus as t olead to the expulsion of the hstaff from the student paper.

Ken Drury and William Bell ofthe News Herald, Dean G . F. Cur-tis of the Law School, ant DickElton and Pat Keattey of the CBCnews staff, spoke briefly of thouexperiences on student newspap-ers . They complimented the staf fon the present standard of theUbyssey and look for even betterissues in the future .

Appointments announced by ed-itor-in-chief Jack Ferry include :Tore Laymen, associate news ed-itor; Ken Weaver, associate fee-tures editor ; George Robertson ,associate CUP editor ; Chick Turn,.er, assocate sports editor ; Hal Ten-nant, assistant sports editor.

Associate editors : Tommy Hu -lift, Hal Pinchin, Bette Whitecross,Laura Haahti, Betty Motherall ,Howie Wolfe, Joan Grlmmett, ValSears . Staff reporters : Joan Char-ters, Ed Arrel, Jock , Morrison ,Ray Wenslck, Bob Churche, DonRobertson, Charlie Marshall, Jac kWasserman, Lesley Kyle .

Totem staff: Associate editors :Phil Ashton, Joan Grimmett ; as-sistant Totem editors : MauriceAyres, Joan MacAskill, Laura Ha-ahti, Betty Motherall, Phyllis Reid'

university education is supposedto give you, this Department runsa series of rhythmic and dancingclasses.

All this is very well for theTotles who take regular classes inarchery, fencing, swimming andothers 'arts, or manage to wor koff their exuberance according toa schedule .

Some of the serious - minde dstudents, a majority nowadays ,would like to get in a little hand -ball, or go for a swim now an dthen. In fact, there are a lot ofathletic things they would like t oknow how to do.

In the past there has been sovery little effort at teaching theseaspirants to play these invigor-ating and relaxing games that the ycannot now afford the time need-ed to learn.

It takes a lot of fine examplesof vigorous, clean-living physics:Instructors to set the examples re-quired to uphold the physics .•ment$l and moral precepts leadingto a full life.

Such people fill Canadian hist-ory and must fill our future.

Manitoba VetsAttack Policy

WINNIPEG, Nov. 37, (CUP)—Pre-Mad student veterans whirwere denied admittance' to thefaculty of medicine this fall atthe University of Manitoba areplanning to take their case beforethe provincial legislature at itsnext session.

The veteran. charge that, Infailing to provide adequate facil-ities for medical training, the un-iversity has had to exclude manywho were qualified to enter by itsown published standards .

Approximately 240 applicationswere turned down this fall by themedical selection committee. Ac-cording to the policy of the uni-versity, the number of studentsentering first year medicine hasbeen limited to 80 since 1932.

At present, decision as to wheth-er or not there will be a specia lclass admitted to medicine inJanuary, rests with an Investiga-tion committee appointed recentl yby Premier Garcon.

Alumni AnnounceBoxing Day Dance

Annual Boxing Day dance of th eAlumni Association will be heldat the Commodore December 28announced committee chairman ,Margaret Haspel.

Jack Emerson, novelty plantplayer, will be featured on theprogram.

Tickets at $5 .00 per couple totthe dance are being arranged bybusiness manager Cart Collard .They may be obtained from Fran sTurner, secretary-manager of th eAlumni Association. No reservat-ions will be given by the Commo-dore management without theticket number.

The class of 1938 may hold are-union dinner prior to the dance .

by Stan Burke

Concert PracticeSchedule Revised

A revised practice schedule has

been established by the UBC con-cert orchestra, according to How-ard Barton, president .

The new practice days are Wed-nesday at 8 p.m., and Saturday at1 p .m. Revision of this schedule isdue to a coming concert Thursday ,February 20.

Members who cannot make thepractices are requested to phon eJim Court at FA 28ZSR. Memberswho fall to comply with theseregulations will no longer be con-sidered members of the club .

URS Plans Script

Writing Classes

A series of informal script-writ-ing classes will be held by theUniversity of British ColumbiaRadio Society beginning Thursday,November 28, at 12 :30 p.m.BROCK HALL

Classes are scheduled in thesouth basement of Brock Hallunder the guidance of ErniePerrault, Peter Duval and JimmyBeard.

Primary purpose for this in•atruction is to develop producers andscript writers for URS In thecoming year. Teaching will also In-clude the production, research ,marketing, sound music and work .shop phases of URS .

The Society is also planning theestablishment of a PlayradingBoard to determine suitable playsfor presentation on the UDC"Thunderbird Theatre" .Blue fountain pen. Plisse return to

Records, Room B, library to Mrs .Bryce.

"As in other years," McKaystated to a reporter, "The USC willdo its best to reflect studentcpinion ." Unlike other years, itsduties have now been well definedand a concrete course of actionlaid out.

The USC now acts as a bridgeand a brace between the under-graduate mass and their electedrepresentatives. Its method ofcarrying out these functions iscompletely democratic. Any motionpassed by an undergraduate com-mittee is presented to USC forapproval, and then brought befor ethe Council by Chairman McKa ywho tries to get it voted upon,passed and carried out.

In addition the committee hastwo generalized functions ; to ad-vise the Students' Council onmatters affecting general studentwelfare, and to help co-ordinatestudent opinion and council action .

"I consider that these ere twovital functions, because USC is theonly organization on the campuswhich is in a position to reflect th ewishes of the students," statedMcKay .

Glamor Gals May

Aid Prospectors

Deposits of valuable tellurides,known to geologists as the "gla-mour girl . If the mineral king-dom," to • shortly open up Wes-tern Canada to prospectors andgeologists looking for deposits ofgold and silver, according to DrHarry V. Warren, professor ofmineralogy and petrography atthe University of British Colum-bia.

Aiding Dr. Warren and his spee-ial assistant Mr . R. M. Thompsonare students and graduates fromUBC: Phil Davis, William White .(now Dr . White of the B .C. De-pertinent of Mira), J. M. Cum-mings, (also with the B.C. De-partment .of Mines), John Pyles,J. DeLeon, J. W. Hoadley, F. RJones, Alfee Allen, and A. F.Shepherd .

Noted Geographer

Will Lecturc'Here

Dr. George A . Cumming, notedBritish geographer and geologistand head of the Department ofGeography at the University ofSt. Andrews, Scotland, will lect-ure at the 1948 .47 Summer Ses-sion at UBC it was announceryesterday.

Dr. Cumming studied for twoyears at the California Institute ofTechnology and visited Vancouverin 1930. He was very impresse dwith the city and expressed hisdesire to return for a stay on th ewest coast.


AMS treasurer Don AcCrsehas announced that the dead-line for the payment of clubdues Is December 7 . After thatdate, club budgets and stand .Ingo will be revised accordingly.

Those clubs which do notshow adequate membership willhave their constitutions re-voked by the AM&


BOOK REVIEWDr. Earle Birney, noted poet an d

twice receiver of the Governo rGeneral's award for literature ,will go to Victoria to open a boo kreview and display of books in theEmpress Hotel Friday, November29. Special guest authors will alsobe present .

Saturday, Dr. Shiley will ad -dress a meeting of the CanadianAuthor's Association in Victoria .

KAYE LESLAY8N$ West 12th Ave.

Learn Popular Piano Muds:Easy Method

FREE TRIAL LE"JSONInquiries Invited

PHONE: Alma 1518 R

Lab Assistants

Receive Grants

The Department of Pharmaey a tUBC has received two grants et

$300 each to be used as teaching

fellowships for laboratory assist-ants . The grants were made bythe Canadian Foundation for theAdvancement of Pharmacy.

Recipients of the fellowships areMiss Mary Margaret McAllisterand A. M. Luginsky who are nowacting as laboratory assistants I sthe Department of Physics atUBC and will continue their worktowards a degree .

Patron Of Music

Renews Donation

Mr. Robert Fidds, president ofthe St. Andrews Caledonian So-ciety, has renewed his annual do-nation of $5000 for the Chair ofMusic at IBC, Dr. N. A. M. Mac-Kenzie announced yesterday,

Mr. Fidds, original donation of$5000 in January of this year en-abled the university to appointMr. Harry Adaskm, Professor ofMusic, as the first step in the est-ablishment of a Chair of Musichere .



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Page 4: Koo Claims UBC Legion Offers One-Act Plays Hunger Health ... fileUBC Legion Offers Health Insurance VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1948. Officials of Canadian Legion Branch

Page 4

—Ubyssey photo by Bob Steiner .

LAST MINUTE PREPARATIONS—Varsity's Cross Country team, co-favorites wit hthe University of Washington in the Pacific Coast Conference Annual classic this afternoon ,are seen as they listen to Bob Osborne, expound on the delicacies of a track slice. From leftto right: Coach Bob Osborne, Ken McPherson, Gil Blair, Pat Minchin, Doug Knott, Bo bPiercy, and Pete de Vooght . Standing behind the boys is Johnny Owen who its making th etrip in the role of trainer. Al Bain is missing from the picture .


CINDERMEN RACEATSEATTLE TODAYOsborne Takes Strong Squa dTo Washington Distance Mee t


Ken McPherson Ace WilliamsCam Coady Henry Thompson

Bud McLeod Ernie Roy1944

Ken McPherson Cam CoadyMelville MGCleod Bill WoodHenry Thompson

Gil BlairConrad McKenzie

1945Al Bain

Ken McPhersonPat Minchin

Jack CarlilePeter De Vooght

Doug KnottAl Pierce


Pat MinchinBob Piercy

Doug Knot tPeter De Vooght

Al BainGil Blair


Thursday, November 28, 1946.



TOMORROW EVEVanity Chiefs will play Mae-

lamas of the Senior A IntercityBasketball League In an exhibi-tion lame at Varsity Gym Fri.day night at 8 :15. There will alsobe a preliminary game betweenUBC's two rival Inter A teams,the Frost and toe Sop!, starting at7 p .m.

Sandy Robertson, former Toun-derbird star, and Jack Pomfret an dDan Holben win be out with HunkHenderson' . Meraloma team.

Admission will be twenty-fiveants for all seats and boosterpasses will be honored.

UBC ShuttlersHit QulichenaThe "8" team of UBC'. Bad-

minton Club registered an 8-4 vic-tory over the Quilchena Club ofthe Vancouver Badminton LeagueTuesday night.

The Varsity players showedtheir strength in winning all theirmen's and mixed double matches .

Members of the winning Vars-ity team that played on the Quil-chene courts were : Connie Liddel ,Barb Simpson, Biddy White, Les-lie White, Bob Nilon, Brun Bent -ham, Howard De Beck, and Den-ny Thompson .

Several of UBC's top badmintonracquet wielders have entered in-to the Vancouver BadmintonChampionships which will takeplace at the Vancouver Lawn Ten.nls and Badminton Club on Wed.nesday, Thursday, Friday andSaturday of this week.

Outstanding Varsity contenderwill be Alan France, a former jun-ior B .C. champion, who has great-ly strengthened his game duringthe last month.

Other Varsity players to partici-pate in the tourney are BarbTwizzell, Nancy Rains, Ken Mer-edith, Derry Thompson, Jim Wattand Murray Creighton.

Thursday night, November 2Lwill be the last night for regularbadminton play until January ofnert year. It is expected that th eUBC Badminton Championshipswill take place during the secondand third weeks of that month .

PLAY AT PORTLANDThe 'Birds will leave tonight and

will play their first game againstthe Oregon squad at Portland to -morrow night on the maples ofJefferson High. The second tilt isto be played at McArthur Courton the Eugene Campus.

Coach Hobble Hobson has mould-ed a squad that is supposed to bea great deal stronger than the entrythe Duckmen had last year. Thewhole team with the exception o fone man will be returning to dobattle.

That one man however is onewho local casaba fans have cometo know as a great hoopla artist .tain of the Oregon quintet andHe is Bob Hamilton, former cap -four-year letterman . A constantthreat at all times, Bob was Indeeda smooth operator when It cameto handling that melon .

TWO VICTOR1E8In the six tilts that the two teams

have played, Varsity has managedtwo victories and strangely enough ,both victories were on the Oregonfloor . That was on Jan . 2 and 3 ofthis year when the 'Birdmenchalked up wins of 72-61 and 62 .60.

In November of last year, theOregon squad took two tilts fromBlue and Gold quintet in the pre-conference training period. Theother two tilts were played herewhen Murray Van Vliet was coach-ing the Thunderbirds two yearsago.

The Oregon boys are touted asone of the best teams in the Paci-fic Coast Conference this year. Theconference itself is symbolic ofbasketball of top calibre, so if the'Birds manage to snatch even onewin In the two-game series, theywill do very well for themselves ,considering that the season is stillvery young.

The Rugby moguls have beenbusy this week planning a mult-itude of games. Slated for this

week are no less than five games ,

including a battle between Vars-ity and Ex-South Burnaby, an aUBC and North Shore All-Blacks .

This afternoon will see a seconddivision game between VarsitySopha and St . Georges. The gamewill be on the Upper field at 4:O0p .m .

The remaining four games ofthe week will all be played Sat-

urday afternoon at various parksaround the city.

The two first division games wil lget under way at 2 :30, as the lea-gue-leading Varsity fifteen meetsa squad from South Burnaby atCentral Park, and UBC faces theleague cellar dwellers, All-Blacks ,at Douglas Park .


Also featured Saturday are twosecond division games. Engineerswill kick off against Ex-Britanni aat 3:15 on the green of ConnaughtPark, and the Frosh fifteen bat-tles Meralomas at Douglas Park ,game time will be 2 :00 p.m .

Featured in the three line will

be the stars of the gridiron, DougReid and Don Nesbitt . Also onhand will be stellar aggregation ofall the power men of the fall sea -son, including Russ Latham andcaptain Barry Morris. Out of townplayers who go home for the hol-idays will have expenses paid i fthey come back to Vancouver forthe game. Practices are now beingheld regularly for this Boxing Dayclassic, and coach , Haines is tryin gto perfect the team wider the newrules In an attempt to avenge thedefeate of Rememberance Day.



Despite a terrific 25 points thatthe New Westminster Raider star,Jack Northup heaved through th ehemp, Varsity's Inter A basketballboys stopped the rest of the Royal

City crew cold to squeeze out a35 .34 win at the King Ed gym,Tuesday night.rrr


The seven man entry from the

Point Grey metropolis headed forSeattle yedterday afternoon, andwere slated to reconnoitre thecourse before retiring early to thei rrooms at Hotel Meany near theWashington campus . Confidentlytouted as the finest group of longdistance runners ever to represen tVarsity, the pacers, with two toughmeets behind them—the IntramuralCross Country Classic, and thetime trials—are rated in perfectcondition, and are granted an evenchance to cop the laurels for thefourth straight time.

Beside *Thereon, who dons thestrip for the fourth time in hisspectacular university career, ar efive veterans of the gruelling grind .and a promising young freshmanfrom star-studded Lord Byng Hig hSchool, Bob Piercy .


The experienced members of theteam—a team literally loaded withtrack savvy—have been slashingtheir times consistently within th epast twelve months, and when suc hperformers as Pat Mlnchin, Al BainDoug Knott, Pete de Vooght, andGil Blair, are in the process ofimprovement, Speed itself had bet -ter look to its laurels.

Varsity 's headline competitio nduring the wartime roadraces wasthe University of Idaho Vandalaggregation, who were sparked b ythat perfectionist, Jack Anderson,a miler of no mean repute in thepotato country, who managed toround the four mile route over theDownriver Golf Course at Spo-kane, ahead of stocky Al Bain, togarner the gilded crown last year.

However, in keeping with thepostwar revival of sport, the Uni-versity of Washington Invitationhas replaced the former affair heldunder the auspices of the SpokaneRoundtable, and the resulting in-crease in publicity that the Husk ypublicity machine will give thegrind, augurs well for the brand ofcompetition to be offered by theAmericans.




Varsity prospective IntramuralWater Polo League was boosteda few notches higher when theJokers and Beta Theta PI stageda second tilt in the Crystal PoolMonday afternoon. The Jokers,sparked by Dick Ellis who gamer-ed his usual two goals, ran ram-pant over the some what disor-ganized fraternity outfit, to pile upn convincing 6-1 score.

Already several appneatlonshave been received by Ivor Wynn'sIntramural Council for admittanceInto a league that should be in-augurated after Christmas and thePhysical Education moguls are cur-rently hunting for additional poolspace in which to stage tie games .

Soccer Squads

Resume Games

After a short joust with thatliquid stuff the V and D soccerleague swings back Into actionwith a full slate of games sched-uled for the coining Saturday .

At Larwill Park (Cambie StreetGronud) the first division's fewture attraction matches thesmooth-working, power - packedVarsity eleven against the Grand-

view Legion squad . Both teamshaving recently been elevated tothe first division, a battle-royalis anticipated as they attempt tojustify that promotion.

On the strength a< their putrecord coach Millar McGW's Blu eand Gold aggregation will ente rthe fray as slight favorites. Intheir five league games since en-tering the high and mighty firstdivision the campus warriors hav eracked up four victories, most ofthem by impressive margins. Therecent return of Jimmy Gold hasgiven the roundball kids a pract-ically unbeatable team, as theother members of the league arerapidly finding out.

The battle starts at 1:30 p.m.with referee Bernie Longhurst at -tempting to keep the mayhemdown to a m1: mum.

On the upper stadium field theUBC local of the campus soccerunion will be out to improve theirwin record when they entertainthe Norquay squad in a ruggedtilt called for 2:30 in the afternoon .

LAURIE DYER, Sports Edito r


Staff Reporters This Issue—Hal Tennant, Dave Barker, Ron Freudiger, Ne vThompkins, Hal Murphy.

`Birdmen, Ducks Do Battl elnTwo-G~me Oregon Series


The casaba kids of the Blue and Gold take to the roa dthis weekend for a two-game series south of the border. Theopposition comes in the form of the Oregon Webfoots, one

of the toughest teams in the Pacific Coast Conference .Although the fracas will not be

an official conference tilt, it is a

series that the 'Birds have come

to look forward to over the last

two years . In that short time, thetwo teams have met In hooplawarfare six times and in each case ,the context has been a honey ,

Unfortunately, the local fans willnot see the Webfoots in action thisyear as the Oregon quintet cannotwork a Vancouver game into theirschedule but the two game seriesthis weekend will make up for itand It Is hoped that next year, theDbcks will be able to return to theUBC campus.




Definitely scheduled are the Mc-Kechnle Cup games for the Pro-vincial Championship. Entered inthe series will be Victoria's Crim-son Tide, Vancouver's Lions andthe cup-holding Varsity's Thund-erbirds. Games are scheduled forthe end of February . Varsity wiltplay each opponent once in theStadium, will play one game InBrockton Bowl, and will thentravel for the fourth game to Mc-Donald Park in Victoria . In caseof a tie, as last year, the teamswill play a knockout series fortotal points.




Varsity's 1946 tribe of Chiefs promises plenty of action for casaba fans when the hoopl afive that ranks second only to the Thunderbird basket brigade tackles Stacey's mightier o fmaples at Varsity gym one week from 'Saturday night .

Final selection of the Chiefs' roster has yet to be made, but what with a generou ssupply of hoop artists turning out for practic es, it should be merely a matter of picking th ecream of a bumper crop for display at the Chiefs' debut into the city's 1946 senior A

basketball loop.The Varsity' basketmen will have

a high standard to live up to, sincelast year's Chiefs romped throughthe 1945 schedule, taking a placeposition behind the loop-winningLauries Pie-Rates.

Armchair experts are dubious asto the potentialities of the Lauriecrew, since the Pie-Rates have ha dtroubles of their own this year ,They have just re-entered the 1946card after dropping out for lac kof players.

Staceys may have a alight dropon the student crew In the let-ter's opener, since they will havehad one league game under theirbelts before visiting for the cam -pus affair.

PRE-SEASON TILTThe Chiefs, on the other hand

will have only the experience o fan early exhibition tussle behindtheir opening efforts, having gonedown before the Meraloma five ina pre-season encounter.

However the fact that the studen tcagers took a 48.40 loess is over-shadowed by the fact that theyfought a close battle from start tofinish, and promise to performequally well In the season'smatches.


Climaxing three months of arduous training over thecampus trails, Varsity's Cross Country squad, a seven ma npowerhouse competes today in the Annual Pacific CoastConference Championships in the role of defending titlists .The starting gun explodes at 12 :30 this afternoon on the Uni-versity of Washington cinder path, and the Blue and Gol dstriders will start their romp around a four mile grind bor-dering Green Lake at Seattle with a pack of the best endur-ance men on the West Coast .

Vieing with the UBC entry,speedsters representing the Uni-versity of Washington, Washington

State, Oregon State, University of

Oregon, and Idaho, will be round-ing the level circuit in an attemp tto break the stranglehold the Can-adian cindermen have had on th eroadrace market for the past three

years .



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