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The magazine from Beating Bowel Cancer Our Olympic legacy Bowel Cancer Voices carry the torch Be Clear on Cancer Know the symptoms Autumn 2012 News

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The magazine from Beating Bowel Cancer

Our Olympic legacyBowel Cancer Voices carry the torch

Be Clear on CancerKnow the symptoms

Autumn 2012




What an excitingsummer we had!

Who can forget the marvelof the London OlympicGames, and the sightof ordinary individualscarrying the OlympicTorch across the UK. Twoof our own Bowel CancerVoices were honoured astorchbearers in recognitionof their outstandingcontributions and tirelesssupport for Beating BowelCancer (see page 4).Beating Bowel Cancer

will also proudly beplaying a role as part ofthe Olympic legacy bybeing one of only thirtycharities invited toparticipate in RideLondonlaunched by LondonMayor Boris Johnson.So, if Team GB’s cyclingsuccess in London hasinspired you to get on yourbike, then go online andregister now (see page 5)It’s a fact that awareness

of bowel cancer remainsstubbornly low and toomany people are stillleaving it too late to talkto their doctor if theyfind that they have thesymptoms of bowelcancer. It is only throughthe impact of repeated

awareness campaigns likeBe Clear On Cancer (seepage 6) that the public willfeel comfortable talkingabout poo and bottomswith their GP, in the sameway that they talk abouttheir breasts or theirprostate.The planned introduction

of the flexi-scope bowelcancer screeningprogramme (see page 7)has the potential to savemany more lives.However, the take up

of bowel cancer screeninglags behind otherprogrammes so I wouldurge anyone who is eligibleto participate – there isno excuse.As the nights draw in,

why not get family, friendsand work colleaguesinvolved in a fun way toraise money (see page 5)?Finally, we want your

opinion on how we mightimprove this newsletter in2013 (see page 10).

Mark FlannaganChief ExecutiveBeating Bowel Cancer

Mark Flannagan winsa Communiqué Award(see page 5)

Highlights 3

11 – Care and SupportMeet our newest Nurse Advisor

What’s inside…

4 – Our Olympic LegacyBowel Cancer Voices carry the torch

6 – Don’t Die of EmbarrassmentTalk to your GP about symptoms

7 – Bowel Cancer ScreeningIntroducing the new flexi-scope

8 – Bowel Cancer VoicesWe couldn’t to do it without you

Olympic legacy


Debbie Puxty, who wasdiagnosed with bowel

cancer in 2006 aged 29,carried the torch throughGillingham, Kent. Shesaid, “Meeting otherinspiring people on myTorch Relay bus was ahumbling experience,and made me realise thethings I do to help raiseawareness of bowel cancerwill have a positive impacton someone somewhere. Iwas honoured to representthe charities that gave meso much support throughmy illness, and I hope tocontinue to raise much

more awareness andfunds in the future.”Just a few days laterDafydd Farr-Jones, whowas diagnosed with bowelcancer in 2009 agedjust 26, carried the torchthrough the LondonBorough of Croydon.He said, “I was reallyhonoured and humbledto be part of the OlympicTorch Relay. BeatingBowel Cancer is a greatcharity and being ableto fly the flag for thecharity and its amazingsupporters meant theworld to me.

For me the flamerepresented all the livesthat have been cruelly lostto bowel cancer and allthe inspiring survivors whohave beaten the disease.”

Two inspiring bowelcancer survivors wereamongst 8,000Olympic torchbearersgiven the honour ofcarrying the Olympicflame on its iconicjourney across the UK.

Carrying the torchfor bowel cancersurvivorseverywhere

Olympic legacy 5

And Beating BowelCancer is one of just

thirty charities invited tobenefit from guaranteedplaces for our fundraisers.Organised by the people

behind the Virgin LondonMarathon, events foramateur, club and worldelite cyclists will be takingplace over the weekendof 3 and 4 August 2013.The main event will be

an epic 100 mile road racefor up to 20,000 cyclistsstarting in the QueenElizabeth Olympic Park,

100 miles in thetracks of OlympiansIn August, LondonMayor Boris Johnsonlaunched RideLondon,the first legacy from theLondon 2012 OlympicGames. Nicknamed the‘marathon on wheels’it promises to becomethe world’s biggestcycling fundraisingevent.

Chief ExecutiveMark Flannagan

was recognised forhis outstandingwork championingimprovements forpatients when he wasnamed ‘HealthcareCommunicationsAdvocate’ at theCommuniqué Awardsin July.

Our winning streak continuesHe joins an illustrious

list of previous winnersincluding Professor SirMike Richards, NationalClinical Director for Cancer.In the words of the

judges, “Mark’s passion,determination anddedication to the causeare truly impressive. Hispersonal style and hisvision and leadership are

making a real difference.”Our winning streak

continues with ourcampaign ‘Putting BowelCancer on the map’shortlisted for anInnovative Campaignof The Year award atthe Public Affairs NewsAwards 2012. We lookforward to finding out theresults in November.

taking in much of theOlympic cycle route,and finishing at The Mall.So if the Olympics have

inspired you to get onyour bike, you can applyfor a charity place orenter the public ballot.More details

Know the symptoms


Knowing the symptomsof bowel cancer and

seeing a doctor early oncan save lives. Which iswhy during September theGovernment has been re-running its Be Clear OnCancer bowel cancercampaign to increasepublic awareness of thesymptoms of bowel cancer– particularly amongst theover 50s – and make iteasier for them to discussit with their GP.One of our own Bowel

Cancer Voices is proof thatthese types of awarenesscampaign do work. At thebeginning of the year, MikeHolten was having a trimin his barbers when heoverheard the Be Clearon Cancer bowel cancerradio advertisement. Withnothing else to do butlisten it struck him that the

symptoms he’d beensuffering from for the lastthree weeks were thesame as those beingtalked about. His decisionto put his mind at rest byvisiting his GP a few daysafter his haircut almostcertainly saved his life. Anexamination revealed thathe had early stage bowelcancer. The good newswas that it had beencaught early enough,all because the radiobroadcast had rungan alarm bell.People’s behaviour will

take time to shift and itis only through the impactof repeated awarenesscampaigns like Be ClearOn Cancer that the publicwill feel comfortable talkingabout such issues withtheir GP, in the same waythat they talk about their

breasts or their prostate.Know the symptomsYour GP will want to

see you if you have beenexperiencing any of thesesymptoms for 3 weeksor more:• Blood in your poo• A persistent change in

your bowel habit suchas looser poo

• A pain or lump in yourtummy

• Feeling more tired thanusual for some time

• Unexplained weight lossPlease remember that

most of these symptomswill not be bowel cancer,but to rule it out you mustvisit your GP.Find out moreinformation aboutsymptoms and what toexpect when visitingyour GP at

Don’t Die ofEmbarrassmentA fear of cancer and an embarrassment of talking about poo andbottoms mean that too many people still leave it too late to talk to theirdoctor if they find they have the symptoms of bowel cancer.

Screening 7

At the moment bowelcancer screening is

available in the form ofan at-home test to peopleaged 60-75 in England,60-69 in Wales andNorthern Ireland and 50-74 in Scotland. The FOBt(faecal occult blood test)detects blood hidden insmall samples of poo. Ittakes a few moments inthe privacy of your ownhome and could saveyour life.Screening with FOBt has

the potential to reducedeaths from bowel cancerby 16% but currentlyonly around half of thoseoffered the test in Englandactually take part.The Government in

England will be

introducing a new, one-off, screening test to runalongside the currentFOBt. Flexi-scopescreening, which usesa camera and light atthe end of a flexible tubeto detect cancer or pre-cancerous growths in thelower parts of the bowel,will be offered to everyoneaged 55 in England. Thisone-off test has beenfound to reduce thenumber of cases of bowelcancer by a third and thenumber of deaths fromthe disease by 43%, sohas the potential to savemany lives. The roll outwill take place over thenext four years, startingwith six pilots in March2013. It will be a huge

undertaking and BeatingBowel Cancer will doeverything we can tosupport it.Mark Flannagan says,

“Flexi-scope screeningcombined with thecurrent FOB test hasthe potential to savemany thousands of lives,as long as peopleparticipate. A fewmoments of discomfortare a small price to payfor significantly reducingyour risk of dying fromthe UK’s second biggestcancer killer. We urgeeveryone who is offeredscreening to take part.”Find out more aboutbowel cancer screeningon our website

Bowel cancerscreeningAccording to new research by the NationalCancer Intelligence Network, people who takepart in bowel cancer screening are twice aslikely to be diagnosed with bowel cancer atan early stage (Dukes A / Stage I), when thereis an over 90% chance of survival, than thosewho are diagnosed as a result of recognisingsymptoms.

Bowel Cancer Voices


There are so many waysyou can get involved

with the charity bybecoming a Bowel CancerVoice. From sharing yourstory in writing or onvideo, to supporting otherpatients, to taking part infundraising activities. Orsupporting other patientsby raising awarenessin the media, in thecommunity and atgovernment level.

Ann’s storyBowel Cancer Voices are patients who are happy to share their storyto support others, and help us by donating their time and experienceand taking part in fundraising events. They are invaluable in helpingus raise awareness of bowel cancer.

Ann Cole is someonewho has done all ofthese things and more.Ann was diagnosed

with bowel cancer over12 years ago and for thepast decade has been adedicated supporter of thecharity. She began bydoing some fundraising,but it wasn’t long beforeshe became moreinvolved by offeringtelephone support to

patients with a similardiagnosis. “When I washaving treatment for bowelcancer and neededsupport it wasn’t there,so I wanted to help otherpatients in the samesituation. Many of thepatients I speak to havejust been diagnosed and,because I have now beenclear of cancer for over adecade, they find speakingto me encouraging.”

Bowel Cancer Voices 9

who are coming to theend of their treatment. Italk about Beating BowelCancer’s patient servicesand give all attendeesa pack of information.Because it is a pilot, eachsession is evaluated andall the feedback has sofar been really positive.”

“As a Bowel CancerVoice, I find it an excellentway to give somethingback in return for help youmay have received. Youcan give as much or aslittle time as you want andthe charity provides all thetraining and support youneed. I think as survivorswe have so muchexperience to giveto others.”

If you would like to beinvolved in our BowelCancer Voice trainingprogramme pleaseemail: [email protected].

Ann also helps us raiseawareness as a Health inthe Workplace presenter.Because the message

about symptoms isdelivered by bowel cancersurvivors, the audience ismore likely to take noticeand remember importantfacts that may save theirlives. Ann says, “I hopeby talking to people whowould not normally thinktwice about bowel cancersymptoms I have a realchance of helpingsomeone.”Last autumn she took

on the challenge offundraising for BeatingBowel Cancer by signingup to Trek Mont Blanc. “Ihad always thought abouttaking on a challenge andI felt humbled when I sawthe incredible amounts thatother supporters had raisedfor the charity so I decidedto try it. The trek was suchan amazing experience;I am already looking atwhat I can do next year.”More recently Ann has

been donating her timeand experience to patientinformation days atSouthampton GeneralHospital. “I work togetherwith a colorectal nurse topresent a self-managementprogramme to patients

Following the successof Alison’s poetry debut‘Journeywoman’, whichdocumented her journeythrough bowel cancer,‘Look Well to this Day’continues her voyagethrough the extraordinaryand mundane experiences

We hope you enjoyreading our News!

We would like yourthoughts and feedbackon how we might makeit even more informativeand what you are mostinterested in reading.

We would be delightedif you could take fiveminutes to answer theshort questionnaire

Bowel Cancer Voices


Look well to this dayBowel cancer patient and longstanding supporter, Alison Michell,has completed her second book of poetry.

AppearancesUnder my ill-fitting jeansare crossroads – north south, west east –moonlit lanes full of potholes.Only the scanner’s eye can tellwhat misbehaves. Neuropathystings my fingers – you cannot seethe hundred hornets beneath the skin.Feet are silent stones, lips frozenby the cold. They manage a wry smilewhen people say You look so well.

You have until 31December 2012 to giveyour feedback and onename will be drawn atrandom to win a copy ofAlison’s ‘Journeywoman’book.

What do you think of News?

of someone who is livingwith bowel cancer.Both of Alison’s poetry

books are available to buyon our website for £5,with all proceeds goingto Beating Bowel Cancer.Here is a poem from

‘Look Well to this Day’:

Care and support 11

Please save the date for next year’s event whichwill be on Saturday 27 April 2013 at the Royal

College of Surgeons, London.Our Patient Day in April was our biggest and best

ever, with 250 patients, carers, health professionals,exhibitors, trustees and staff coming together for aninspiring and educational programme.


We are very pleasedto introduce Lizzie

Simons, the latest additionto our Patient Servicesteam. Lizzie studied forher Advanced NursingDiploma at SouthamptonUniversity, qualifying in2004. Since then she hasworked within accidentand emergency andmost recently withinthe community, helpingpeople remain at homethroughout their illness,be it acute or chronic.She has a keen interestin health education andsupporting patients andfamilies in maximisingtheir holistic wellbeing.

New TreatingMetastasesbookletIn June we published ‘Advanced Bowel Cancer –

Treating Metastases’ which covers the spread ofbowel cancer to the liver, lungs and perineum. Thebooklet covers the treatment pathway you canexpect, descriptions of the organs affected, testing,surgery, chemotherapy, monoclonal antibodies andthe latest treatment options, plus some inspirationalpatient stories. You can download a copy just call us to request a hard copy.

Patient Day 2013



Rachel:“I joined Beating Bowel

Cancer because I think itprovides support to thoseaffected by bowel cancerin an innovative way –tackling a delicate issuewith positivity andsensitivity.“I cover the North West

of England – includingCheshire, Manchester,Liverpool and Lancaster.I have already startedforming new relationshipswith Rotary and Lions

Clubs and look forward tospeaking at these groupsover the coming months.I am also keen to developstrong community tieswith both individualfundraisers and localcompanies. Anyoneinterested in volunteeringor fundraising in theNorth West can call meon 07825 910 943 oremail [email protected]

Sajedah:“I came to Beating Bowel

Cancer as it is a causevery close to my heartand wanted to use myexperience to developfundraising in theMidlands. Over the nextfew months I am planningto meet supporters to learnfrom their invaluableknowledge of the localarea, recruit new

New Community Fundraisersin your areaWelcome to Sajedah Patel and Rachel Thomas, two new communityfundraisers for the Midlands and the North West of England.

volunteers to becomeinvolved and to increasethe profile of the charitythrough local collections.I would love your supportand ideas, so if you arein the Midlands thenplease do give me a callon: 07825 971 623 oremail [email protected]

Fundraising 13

This December we willonce again be asking

men to put away yourrazor and grow yourselfa ‘Decembeard’ in supportof Beating Bowel Cancer.Last year, lots of you

Tickets are now on salefor Beating Bowel

Cancer’s annual comedyevent, Stand Up forBowel Cancer, onWednesday 5 December.Now in its 13th year, it isset to be better than everas we laugh the nightaway at our new venue,London’s LeicesterSquare Theatre.We are delighted to

welcome back MickyHutton, one of thecountry’s finest stand-up

and work mates, whilstraising vital funds forcharity. The night is sureto be a sell-out, andtickets are just £18so book now!

Comedy Night

joined Radio 2 DJ ChrisEvans and our ChiefExecutive Mark in puttingaway the shaver for themonth and helping usto raise over £20,000.This year we want to


comics, who will becompering the evening.Other confirmed actsinclude the delightful EllieTaylor and hilariousRomesh Ranganathan.Mickey Hutton said, “It’s

the best show of the yearand my favourite to hostand it’s all for a goodcause. Get your ticketsnow for a guaranteedgood night out.”It’s the perfect way

to kick start the festiveseason with friends, family

make Decembeard evenbigger and better soplease put the date inyour diary, tell yourfriends and join us onceagain in raising vitalfunds and awareness.So, why not wear a fake

beard to work or school?There are lots of creativeways you can adapt thisfun fundraising challengeto suit you, so if you’vegot any bright ideas wewould love to hear them!Email us [email protected]

Thank you


A big thank you to everyone that has fundraised for BeatingBowel Cancer over the last few months. Every penny you raisehelps us to provide information and support to people in realneed. Here are just some of the amazing things that you havebeen up to recently.

Claire McCormick andCoutts groupA group of staff fromCoutts decided to supportBeating Bowel Cancer byindependently organisingtheir own ‘three peakschallenge’ so there was nocost to the charity. Theyhad become aware of thecharity after a recentcampaign and so decidedit was a cause they allwanted to support as theteam had friends or familywho have been affectedby various bowel diseases.Claire McCormick said“The challenge reallywas tough. It was mentallyand physically exhaustingbut knowing that wewere supporting a greatcause was a fantasticmotivation. We thoughtit was important to raisethe profile of a conditionthat people can be

The Wilmslow Conservative Club continues to support us by selling second handbooks among its members. The club have now raised £200, which is a greatexample of how small amounts really can add up.

embarrassed about, andwe really hope that wehave helped to raiseawareness”. The teamhave raised over £8,500which is fantastic.Thanks also go to theCoutts Charitable Trustwho donated £1000towards the team’stotal.

Thank you 15

Our brave parachute jumpers who took to the skiesand raised £5000. Our UK and Overseas trekkersand cyclists who are climbing mountains and cyclinghuge distances for Beating Bowel Cancer.

Kim Moody took ona ‘hat-trick of halves’running three halfmarathons in threemonths; the Tavistockhalf marathon, theGreat West Run inExeter and the Torbaymarathon. Kim tookon this challenge insupport of her fatherwho had a bowel cancerdiagnosis. Kim hasraised over £3,800and the money is stillcoming in. Thanks Kim!

Andrea and MelyvnMattock kindly asked fordonations to BeatingBowel Cancer in lieuof gifts at their recentwedding. We are verygrateful to them and alltheir guests for being sogenerous and we wishAndrea and Melvyn allthe very best for theirlife together.

We are extremely gratefulto the many charitabletrusts that support ourwork including The JohnEllerman Foundation andThe Balcombe CharitableTrust. Their grants helpus to deliver our vitalservices to supportpatients and raiseawareness of bowelcancer, so that morepeople are aware ofsymptoms which savelives. If you have aconnection with a Trust,Karen Dawson wouldlove to hear from youon 020 8973 0009or [email protected]

As part of a summer ofsport we want to thankour supporters whohave risen to thechallenge to raisemoney and awarenessfor Beating BowelCancer. Our incredibleteam of runners in theVirgin LondonMarathon workedextremely hard andas a team raised afantastic £106,000.

Our runners in the Bupa London 10,000, AdidasSilverstone, Bupa Great North Run, Run to the Beat,Royal Parks Half Marathon and the Virgin ActiveLondon Triathlon have all worked so hard and areon track to raise £85,000.

Thank you to all of our challenge event participants who have gone the extramile for us this year. If you’ve been inspired to do something amazing, get in touchwith the events team today by emailing [email protected] or call020 8973 0003.

Madonna and Child with goldfoil “With Best Wishes for

Christmas and the New Year”

We have three lovely new designs in a choice of sizes, printed on quality gloss card.All packs contain 10 cards. You can order by post, phone or via our website shop.All proceeds come to Beating Bowel Cancer.

Santas “Merry Christmas” Snow Angel with glitter“With Best Wishes for

Christmas and the New Year”

Charity Christmas Card Order Form (PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS)Name .............................................................................................................................Address.................................................................................................................................................................................................................Postcode ..................................Telephone........................................................................................................................Email ..............................................................................................................................Description No. of packs PriceSantas £3.75 (99mm x 99mm) £Snow Angel £4.50 (127mm x 127mm) £Madonna and Child £5.25 (145mm x 200mm) £Postage & packing £0.70 per pack (minimum £1.40) + £I would like to make a donation + £

Total £

£..................I enclose a cheque made payable to Beating Bowel Cancer£..................Please deduct the total from my credit/debit card (Visa/Mastercard/Switch/Delta)

Number .................................................................................................Issue..................

Start date..........................Expiry Date...............................Security Code...........................

Beating Bowel CancerHarlequin House | 7 High Street | Teddington | Middlesex | TW11 8EEMain Tel 08450 719 300 | Nurse advisor 08450 719 [email protected] | www.beatingbowelcancer.orgRegistered in England and Wales. Registered Number 3377182.©Beating Bowel Cancer 2012. Charity Nos. 1063614 (England & Wales) and SC043340 (Scotland)

Christmas cards on sale now!