knowledge workers+1

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  • 8/2/2019 Knowledge Workers+1


    Knowledge workers are that specie of workers who have knowledge and expertise and money is not a

    problem for them as they have skills which can get them handsome salary anywhere in the world. These

    have special characteristics which make entirely different from others. They unlike other workers cant be

    motivated through money, nor are they motivated by small rewards like attendance or punctuality reward.

    Following are some of the characteristics of knowledge workers identified by Allison Kidd. They were

    published in 1994.

    Diversity of Output

    Knowledge workers have structures internal to them and they produce out puts that are unique as they do

    not follow external rules or procedures. Each knowledge worker develops a different internal pattern of

    doing things based on the specific situation they are facing. Apart from creating things their own way they

    develop logic and make sense of the work in a unique manner (Kidd).

    Many organizations try to standardize the procedure and force the knowledge worker to work according

    to that but as it hinders their thought process due to which the level of productivity decreases. It also de

    motivates these types of workers as internal satisfaction which they get from their work is crucial for

    them (Kidd).

    Low Dependency on filed information

    Knowledge workers do not really depend on filed information which is provided by the company or

    which is present in their offices. They usually make lot of notes when they are trying to work or in a

    meeting with client and are trying to sort out the plan but once they are done with the planning part and

    the ideas have been implemented these notes are discarded. It has been witnessed that these notes are not

    necessarily used in the final work but they are just a part of preparation to write out things (Kidd).

    Cluttered work spaces

    Many knowledge workers share the characteristic of having cluttered work spaces. Although these spaces

    look highly messed up but it is most annoying for any knowledge worker if anyone tries to clean up this

    mess or even touches it. According to the research this mess and chaos on the table of a knowledge

    worker serves many purposes for him/her (Kidd).

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    Firstly this space holds a pattern invisible to anyone except knowledge worker himself. It seemsthat this pattern resides the ideas as well as inputs which knowledge worker cannot or have not

    yet decided where to put in the project (Kidd). They are uncategorized ideas and inputs or piece

    of knowledge about which knowledge workers cannot decide at this movement of time as to

    where they should be put and what outputs they will result in.

    Secondly moving these scattered bits and pieces of knowledge around them helps knowledgeworkers develop the final output by making sense of it (Kidd).

    Thirdly this apparent mess help generate contextual cues to recover the complex thread ofinformation which they may have forgotten due an interruption of thought by some phone call or

    by a nights sleep (Kidd). It helps them regain the point they were working on when they last left

    the work.

    Although it is very difficult to measure the productivity of a knowledge worker but mostknowledge workers use these piles of papers scattered on their desk to signify their progress in

    the project as well as to emphasize how much effort they are making to complete the projects and

    thus to show their dedication to their colleagues as well as bosses. By the help of this

    characteristic they try to convert the intangible effect of their progress on the company into

    something tangible and measurable. (Kidd)

    These set of characteristics give rise to the need of being motivated by entirely different set of ways so

    companies apply new and creative ways to motivate knowledge workers. Motivating and retaining a

    knowledge worker such that he/she retains his/her maximum level of productivity is an art in itself.

    One of the amazing facts about knowledge worker is that challenging tasks motivate them the most.

    These tasks should have the strength and power to stretch the limits of a knowledge worker to the

    maximum level. The challenging task makes them fulfill their quest for knowledge and this makes them

    feel internally satisfied as they feel that they have done something for the company which no one else

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    could have accomplished. The feeling of being important motivates them. Unlike normal workers who are

    de motivated by difficult tasks, knowledge workers feel privileged to get difficult tasks. (Meyer, 1997)

    Knowledge workers are motivated by work itself as the type of work they do is not only unique

    for the clients but it is unique to the company itself while on the other hand they are de motivated

    by managements strict eye on them as they like to be trusted rather than being watched or

    checked for smallest of task. So a good manager who understands their needs and trusts them is

    another motivating factor for them (Berry, 1993).

    Good working environment in which they are not only respected for their position in company

    but they are also given all the privileges of a higher official is another motivating factor for a

    knowledge worker (Meyer, 1997).

    Another motivating factor for knowledge worker is exposure to new experiences in the form of

    tasks which are never handled by anyone in the company. The sense of learning as well as

    witnessing a new experience and then teaching the tact of dealing with same type of task to

    others is another privilege which highly motivates knowledge worker so the mangers should not

    be distancing the company with tasks never handled before but they should accept them and pass

    the responsibility to knowledge workers as same type of tasks not only bore them of their job but

    de motivates them too (Meyer, 1997).

    To implement the motivators the organization should tame down its level of hierarchy and set of

    rules and procedures to facilitate a friendly environment for knowledge workers. The managers

    should not hesitate to take on highly challenging task and then passing them to knowledge

    worker. Company should make sure that workers are respected and they are not involved in

    management tasks as they de motivate as well as bores the knowledge works.

    Although the idea to keep the knowledge worker is difficult but if the firm is successful in

    providing the workers the environment with factors like challenging stream of work as well as

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    keeping them motivated through giving them their due respect the productivity can increase

    many folds. This productivity can result in constant growth which is not only good for

    organization but employees too.


    Berry, W. (1993). HRIS can improve performance,empower and motivate knowledge workers. In

    Employment Relations Today(pp. 297-303). Autumn.

    Kidd, A. the Marks are on the knowledge worker.

    Meyer, C. (1997). What makes workers tick?