knowledge management practices in psscm

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  • 8/8/2019 Knowledge Management Practices in PSSCM


    Research Report

    Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1





    APRIL 2008



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    Bachelorof A

    i istrati e Science ons) 2

    Special dedication:To my Honorable Guru Tuan Hj Ishak B Itam

    Beloved Mother and FatherMasriah Bt Waris and Suroto B Mat Khusni

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    Bachelorof A

    inistrati e Science ons) 3



    I hereby eclare that the work contained in this research report is original

    andourownexcept thoseduly identifiedandrecognized. If I am laterfound

    to committed plagiarism or acts of academic dishonesty, action can be

    accordance with i srulesandacademicregulation.


    ..Mohamad Azwan B Suroto

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    Bachelorof Administrati e Science ons) 4


    I would like to thank to Allah he ord Almighty without whoseblessing I will

    not havesuccessfullycompleted thisresearch,myhonorable uru uan j

    Ishak B Itam, my beloved parents asriah Bt aris and Suroto B at

    Khusni, theirprayandbless will alwaysbeing mycourage. ompleting this

    research wasahealthyandchallenging assignment forme,and this ishow Iwould appreciate the wisdom of Allah which ost racious and o st

    erciful. owever, fortunately I had thehandofmanyparties that made this

    research lessdifficult. r. Abdul Raufu Ambali kept memotivatedondoing

    thisresearchproject andspecial thanks to those whoassistedmedirectlyor

    indirectly in completing my research study. I thank for every moments you

    spend forme.

    y supervisor, Associate Professor Shaharuddin B Badaruddin deserve aspecial mentionhere thankyou foryourunlimitedassistance.

    y consultant, Associate Professor r. adzli B ashim, eputy ean

    QualityandResearch in acultyof Electrical Engineering alwaysencourage

    andconsult meabout PSS andmanaging research. hankyou foryour

    pricelessconsultationand guidance.

    All of my thanks and appreciation for your priceless assistance. erci

    beaucoup, racias, ekuji and Arigato gozaimasu.

    ohamad Azwan SurotoBachelorof Administrative Science onours)

    acultyof Administrative Scienceand Policy Studies niversity echnology ARA, alaysia.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ons) 5


    The Practice of Knowledge Management in Non-Profit Organization:

    The Study on Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia


    Mohamad Azwan B Suroto

    acultyof Administrative Scienceand Policy Studies

    niversiti eknologi MARA Malaysia

    Abstract: Persatuan Seni Silat ekak Malaysia PSS M) isoneof Malays

    most activeorganizations whichapplying theconcept of silat inmanaging

    the organization. PSS M is delivering tailored syllabus in teaching and

    encouraging the members to involve theadministrationaspects inorder to

    producing the good human capital with good principals. o achieve

    excellence all available resources should be managed with increased

    effectiveness and efficiency, the most important of these is being


    Purpose: he purpose of this study is to empirically investigate basic

    Knowledge Management practice affect administrative management and

    publicrelation in PSS M.

    Methodology: he research samples have been drawn from members of

    PSS M in the area of Klang Valley, Malacca and egeri Sembilan. he

    questionnaires were distributed to respondents which have had

    experienced inmanaging theorganizationat thehigherlearning institutions

    andbranch level.

    Finding: All of usable questionnaires, the results show about level of

    professional knowledgepracticeamong members in PSS M. urthermore,

    it also provides the relationship between basic KM practices and

    administrative management in PSS M. ther then that, this project paper

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ons) 6

    alsoprovides whichoneofbasic KMpracticeshassignificant influence with

    publicrelation in PSS M.

    Originality/value: his study contributes to KM literature that suffers from

    scarcityofresearchon theempirical examinationof thissubject.

    Keywords: Knowledge Management, on-profit rganization, Persatuan

    Seni Silat ekakMalaysia.

    Papertype: Researchproject.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ons) 7


    The Declaration iiAcknowledgement iiiAbstract iv

    ListofFigures viiiListofTables ix

    Chapter 1: Introduction1.1 Introduction 11.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Research bjective1.4 Scopeof Study 41.5 Significanceof Study 51.6 Key erms/Concepts 6

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 on Profit rganization2.1.2 Persatuan Seni Silat CekakMalaysia 2.1.3 KnowledgeManagement 132.1.4 evel of Professional Knowledge 202.1.5Requirement forImprovement 23

    2.2Conceptual ramework 292.2.1 ependent Variables

    292.2.2 Independent Variables 30

    Chapter 3: Research Methodology3.1Research esign 323.2 nit of Analysis 323.3 Sample Size 323.4 Sampling echnique 333.5Measurement 333.6 ataCollection 343.7 ata Analysis 34

    Chapter 4: Finding and Data Analysis4.1 Introduction 364.2CharacteristicofRespondents etails 36

    4.3 Reports forReliabilityof the ata 404.4 esting of Assumption for ormalityand istribution 414.5 inding 47

    4.5.1 bjective1 474.5.2 bjective2 554.5.3 bjective 3 60

    4.6 Summary 63

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ! ons) 8

    Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion5.1 Introduction 665.2 iscussion 665.3 Recapitulationofstudy 685.4Recommendation 68

    5.4.1 Improvement Information elivery in PSSCM 68

    5.4.2 AdministrativeComprehension 705.4.3 Room forImprovement 70

    5.5 imitationof the Study 715.5.1 Possibilityof Bias 715.5.2Cannot Represent the wholeMembersof PSSCM 72 5.5.3 ifferent PerceptionbyRespondents 725.5.4 ProblemsofCentral endencies 73

    5.7Conclusion 74

    Reference 75Appendices

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science " # ons) 9


    Fig 2.1: Basic KnowledgeManagement Practice 16Fig 2.2: KnowledgeManagement evelopment Cycle 17Fig 2.3: heCycleof KnowledgeManagement 18

    Fig 2.4: evel of Professional Knowledge 20Fig 2.5: 3 Stageof ecrement 25Fig 2.6: Conceptual Framework 29Fig 4.1: Acquisition 42Fig 4.2: ormal Q-Q Plot of Sharing 43Fig 4.3: ormal Q-Q Plot of tilization 44Fig 4.4: ormal Q-Q Plot of AdministrativeManagement 45Fig 4.5: ormal Q-Q Plot of PublicRelation 46Fig 4.6: ypothesis2 55Fig 4.7: ypothesis 3 60

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science $ % ons) 10


    ab 3.1: ata Analysis 34ab4.1: CharacteristicofRespondents etai ls 37ab4.2: ExtensionCharacteristicofRespondents etails 39

    ab4.3: Reliability forMeasurement 40ab4.4: est of ormalityand istribution 41ab4.5: I know what my task is 48ab4.6: I know how todomy task 48ab4.7: I canmakemyowndecision forany given task 49ab4.8: I haveresolveproblems in thisorganizationusing the

    availablepractice 49ab4.9: I havedevelopedasystem forthisorganization 50ab4.10: I have writtenadocument about this organization 51ab4.11: I havemade improvement in thisorganization 51ab4.12: I feel that I ambelonging to thisorganization 52ab4.13: I amproud to tell others that I ampart of PSSCM 53

    ab4.14: I reallycareabout PSSCMsmatters 53ab4.15: Correlationof Basic KnowledgeManagement Practice

    and AdministrativeManagement 56ab4.16: PearsonCorrelationMatrixof Independent Variables

    and ependent Variables 58ab4.17: MultipleRegressionof Basic KnowledgeMana gement

    practiceand PublicRelation 61ab4.18: ableofFindings 65

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science & ' ons) 11



    1.1 Introduction

    A non-profit organization NPO) is an organization, which the focus is to

    support the interest of the public without any concern on commercial and

    profit interest. NPO could be the organizations that cover on art, social

    issues, charities, sportsorotheractivities.The goal of NPO is normally to

    seek thesocial valueamong theorganization without any intuition forpr ofit

    accumulation.NPOneed tocompete with theeffectivenessandefficiency in

    the management and that is to the stage of renewal the process of its

    working ofNPO. It wasneeded to go for thenew improvement toa lign with

    thedemandof thenew era.

    Thenew improvement ofmanagerial aspect couldbeoneof the challenges

    to the NPO in pursuing these goals. Thus, this study is to seek the

    applicationofknowledgemanagement couldbe thesuccess factorofNPO

    ondealing withpromoting excellenceachievement. In this view, theability

    to manage the appropriate priceless assets knowledge) is one of these


    The creation of knowledge could promote the knowledge generation,

    sharing andutilization, tobesomeof goo d thingsoncreating theNPO that

    are innovative, flexible,effectiveandefficient.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ( ) ons) 12

    Thus this study will exclusively focus on Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak

    Malaysia PSSCM)on identifying knowledge management. PSSCM isone

    of theestablishedNPOs inMalaysia that concentrate withMalaymartial art

    called Seni Silat Cekak.

    PSSCM is an associationof a Malay martial art called silat that genuinely

    can be counted upon to protect life. In fact, Silat Cekak does not utilize

    neitheranydance-likemovement norsidestepping techniques, whether left

    orright whencombating. It deals withhostileaggressionheadon, just like

    anordinary forwardmovement.Thus, Silat Cekak isacombat orientedart.

    It is more to defensive-type of silat because its techniques are 99%

    defensive and only 1% offensive and the movement is unpredictable

    because doesnot apply guarding stand or kuda-kuda. Themain objective

    during waiting for combat or willing to combat is standing straight berdiri

    lurus. According Dr. aron Din 2000), as referred to Surah At-tin 95:4

    Allah creation of human being is thebest creaturesamong thecreatures

    and the best creation of human being as a best of the best because of

    standing straight.

    In the management system of PSSCM just like the other ordinary

    organization, consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a

    Treasurer and an Information Officer, and they are the persons who

    represent PSSCMasaccording to theConstitutionof Persatuan Seni Silat

    Cekak Malaysia. All of the works of tasks are stated clearly in the


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science 0 1 ons) 13

    1.2 Problem Statement

    Theconcept ofknowledgemanagement isarangeofpracticesusedby the

    organizations to identify, create, represent and distribute knowledge for

    reuse,awarenessand learning. Knowledgemanagement also typically tied

    to the organizational objectives and is intended to achieve specific

    outcomes, suchasshared intelligence, improvedperformance,competitive

    advantage, or high level of innovation. The creation of knowledge culture

    that promotes knowledge generation,sharing andutilization isnecessary to

    create PSSCMbeing innovative, flexible,effectiveandefficient to integrate

    thesocietyplanning andmanagement.Therefore there isaneed toexamine

    the Knowledge Management in PSSCM because most of the members in

    thesocietydonot realize theexistenceof KnowledgeManagement.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science 2 3 ons) 14

    1.3 Research Objective

    1.3.1 To study the evel of Professional Knowledge among members in


    1.3.2 To examine the relationship between basic KM practice and

    AdministrativeManagement in PSSCM.

    1.3.3 Toexamine the influenced factorfrombasic KMpracticeand Public

    Relation in PSSCM.

    1.4 Scope of the Study

    The study covered some classes of Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia in the

    igher earning Institutions and some classes around the Klang Valley,

    namely, PSSCM International Islamic University Malaysia IIUM), PSSCM

    Shah Alam Polytechnic, PSSCM University Technology MARA Malaysia,

    andotherbranchof PSSCM inNegeri SembilanandMalacca.

    The study conducted in those places because easy to collect the sample

    study and composite of the members of PSSCM in the higher learning

    institutionsandmembersareamong thepublic.

    Thestudy to thoseplaces is toseekand tostudy thepracticeof Knowledge

    Management in PSSCM.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science 4 5 ons) 15

    1.5 Significant of the Study

    1.5.1 This study explored every data, information and knowledge in

    PSSCM, to encourage the continuous effort and processes of

    achieving organizational efficiencyandeffectiveness.

    1.5.2 Thisstudy wasanelement ofeducationordriver forchanges inan

    organization, thus, the changes made in PSSCM especially as a


    1.5.3 Thisstudyplaysan important role in transforming PSSCM towarda

    new and dynamic organization not only focusing on martial art

    including othersocial roles.

    1.5.4 Thisstudyasabenchmark forotherMalaysorganizationespecially

    NPO indeveloping k-members knowledgemembers)

    1.5.5 This study provided a basis for improvement in developing

    knowledge management in organization to ensure the standard of

    knowledgedissemination towardorganizati onefficiency.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science 6 7 ons) 16

    1.6 Definition of Terms/Concepts

    The termsused in thisstudy weredefined foreaseofunderstanding

    1.6.1 KnowledgeManagement

    A discipline that promotesan integratedandcollaborativeapproach to the

    process of information assets creation, capture, organization, access and

    use. In thiscontext, informationassetsshould includedatabase,documents

    and the most important assets are the tacit knowledge and experience

    contained in individual Blair,1998).

    1.6.2 Persatuan Seni Silat CekakMalaysia

    An organization which promoting a Malay art of self defense which is

    genuinely original and has the discipline to develop values and skill

    towards itsmembers inbecoming a goodhumancapital. wikipedia,2007).

    1.6.3 Non Profit Organization

    A non-profit organization NPO) whose primary objective is to support an

    issue matter of private interest or public concern for non -commercial

    purpose, without concern formonetaryprofit wikipedia,2007)

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science 8 9 ons) 17



    2.1 Literature Review

    This chapter will provide a review of the literature on Knowledge

    Management andalso theconceptual framework.

    2.1.1 Introduction

    KnowledgeManagement playsan important roles inanorganizationas the

    provider to knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and knowledge

    utilization.This isbecause toseek theabilityofanorganization todevelop

    their tangible assets in far more vital than their ability to develop their

    physical assets Tiwana,2000).NPOsrequired toconstantly improving their

    performance. The demand for services that are integrated, tailored and

    timely,urgesNPOs to follow new managerial paradigms Lettieri, Borgaand

    Savoldelli, 2004). Although Knowledge Management has been widely

    discussed by many academia and practitioners, there is relatively little

    informationofknowledgemanagement as found in theNPO Syed -Ikhsan

    and Rowland, 2004;Lettieri, Borga and Savoldelli, 2004). Rare effort has

    been made to design and implement knowledge management system for

    NPO, due to practitioners focus on the for-profit organization base on

    handsomepayment Lettieri, Borgaand Savoldelli,2004).

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science @ A ons) 18

    2.1.2 Non-Profit Organization

    A non-profit organization NPO) whoseprimaryobjective is tosupport issues

    concerning private interest or public concern for non-commercial purpose,

    without concern for monetary profit. NPOs are actively in a wide range of

    areas such as environment, arts, social issues, charities and any other


    NPOs generally do not operate to generate profit, a characteristic widely

    considered tobedefining ofsuchorganization. owever,NPOmayaccept,

    hold and disburse money and other things of value to the society. The

    expand to which it can generate income may constrained, or the use of

    those profits may be restricted. NPO therefore are typically funded by

    donations from private sector or public sector, and often have tax-exempt

    status.Donationmaysometimesbe taxdeductible.

    TheNPOcanbeasmall association that leadbya few volunteers with the

    assistanceof themembers. Someof thecharacteristicof theNPO wouldbe

    Borgaet al 2001; Ambrosioand Badini,1999):

    1. The goal of the association strictly not for the profit purposes to

    thestakeholdersortopursue themission.

    2. All of the members are volunteers even they need to pay for

    associations fees.

    3. All of thevolunteers join theassociationbecauseof their interest

    tobe in theassociation.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science B C ons) 19

    4. All of theactivitiesof theassociation wouldbeashort -termperiod

    andhave the immediateresult.

    5. Theassociation wouldbuild theirowncooperativerelationship

    between members to pursue their activities and to accumulate

    resources inordertoachieve theirgoals.

    2.1.3 Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia (PSSCM)

    Themovement to form PSSCMstartedon5thofRamadhan1385hijrahor

    on28thDecember1965, locatedat thepremiseof ShafieDarus, Batu4 ,

    Jalan unung Alor Setar, Kedah. Silat Cekak was established then under

    thebannerof Perkumpolan Seni Sari Budaya Sri Kedah onFebruary1964.

    In1970, Seni Silat Cekak wasbrought to KualaLumpurandstarted in Jalan

    Raja Alang, Kuala Lumpur, and spread out to became wider. One of the

    classes located at Kampung Baru. During those period, activities of Seni

    Silat Cekak was registered under Seni Silat Persatuan Bawean Putra

    Kampung Datuk Keramat KualaLumpur.

    By 19 August 1971, the late Ustaz aji anafi B a ji Ahmad, who

    introduced Silat Cekak registered Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Kedah

    Malaysia, and later in 1975 thename was altered to Persatuan Seni Silat

    CekakMalaysia till present.

    The early establishment was lead by the late Ustaz aji anafi B aji

    Ahmad till he passed away on 13th August 1986. e has initiated and

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science D E ons) 20

    created lessonclasses for aperiodof 21 years and thus,has established

    thenameof Seni Silat CekakMalaysia to thepeninsularMalaysia . Afterhis

    decease,The onorableTuan aji Ishak B Itam wasannouncedas uruof

    PSSCMcum President tocontinue the leadershipandvision ofUstaz aji

    anafi B aji Ahmadsince21st September1986until presents.

    Seni Silat Cekak at this moment has expended to the entire peninsular

    Malaysia with12branches ineverystate.Thenumberofmembersreaching

    80,000 with105classes withand wasassistedby700authorizedcoaches.

    Theestablishment of PSSCMalsoaccepted in thepublicandprivatehigher

    learning institutions including, International Islamic University Malaysia

    IIUM), Universiti Utara Malaysia UUM), Universiti Sains Malaysia USM),

    Universiti Technologi MARA UiTMs), Universiti Putra Malaysia UPM),

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia UKM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

    UTM), Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris UPSI), Technical Colleges,


    In general, the association of PSSCM isanassociation of which introduce

    andprotect Malaymartial art called silatwhere it isapart ofMalaycustom

    that isauthenticandcanpracticeddirectlyorindirectlyasaplatformof lifeof

    ahumanbeing. In fact, Silat Cekak isveryuniqueandsignificantlydifferent

    fromotherformsofsilat. It deals withhostileaggression headon, just likea

    forward movement without any hesitation where Silat Cekak is a battle

    orientedart and it doesnot requiresomanysteps toovertakehisopponent

    as what othersilat do.Thus, it isadefensive-typeofsilat where99%of its

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science F G ons) 21

    techniquesaredefensivemodeandonly1% itsoffensive.Due to its fast and

    speedy reflection, it doesnot apply kuda-kuda forreadystance. Instead, it

    adopts a standing straight stance as a symbol of readiness before

    combating.Oneof the reasons is that tobemobileall the time,and it isa

    warning factorduring combat.

    Thus, this study will relate to Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia

    PSSCM) because it is as one of NPOs in Malaysia. According to

    Constitutionof PSSCMasat 1997, Article 3 TheObjectiveandMissionof


    1.To introduce Seni Silat Cekakasoneo fMalayculture.

    2. To broaden and strengthen Seni Silat Cekak in Malaysia

    including Sabahand Sarawak)and toextend thecredibilityas

    parwithotherinternational martial arts.

    3. To increase the confident level of Malaysians especially

    Malaysabout the genuineandadvantageof Seni Silat Cekak

    asanational martial art.

    4.Toabolishanyunwanted ideologyof Satanism tahyul and

    khurafat that unaligned with Islamicperspectiveand inMalay

    martial arts.

    5. To study all of other martial arts to be de bated and as


    6. Providing to all members of PSSCM with facilities of

    learning Seni Silat Cekak.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science H I ons) 22

    7. Accumulate fund through fund rising and any legal way to

    funding as according to legal right and religion permission to

    sustain PSSCM.

    8. Corporate with other martial art associations, cultural

    bodies,andregisterednon-political associations forexpanding


    9. Maintain and assist any activities which enhancing Malay

    culturesasanational culture.

    10. Procure, loan, mortgage, transfer ownership, lease or

    posses real estate and investing the treasures of PSSCM for

    the goodreturnof PSSCM.

    11. Administer, trade, lease, mortgage, transfer ownership or

    anyrelated tomoney the inventoriesof PSSCM.

    12. Build, maintain, and renovate the accommodation or

    building forthepurposeof goodsakeof PSSCM.

    13. Advertise and publish any printed books, journals, and

    pamphlets with or without charge for the purpose of PSSCM

    and itsmembers.

    The mission of PSSCM is to mould the members especially Malay, to be

    piousandcorporate tohoarding thenameofbelief,raceandnation.Then,

    the vision is to up holding the Malays martial arts especially Seni Silat

    Cekak Malaysiaand touncontaminated thespirit o f tahyul and khurafat

    which isprohibited in Islam.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science P Q ons) 23

    Thus, all of above articles mentioned it is proven that PSSCM is one of

    registeredNPOs inMalaysia.

    2.1.4 Knowledge Management

    Thedefinitionofknowle dgemanagement isnot well defined,yet it is depend

    on individuals since they are involving with the organizational knowledge

    such as, work flow, document control and distribution, communication ,

    performance support, performance appraisal, best practice and any other

    endeavors which related Jamaludinand Yunus,2005).Then it couldbea

    conceptual plan that formulate to obtain the idea of the strength and

    weaknesses of an organization at a strategic level as well as to be a

    mediumof improvement to theproblemsoccurred Beijerse,1999).

    In doing so, knowledge management is all about managing the

    organizational knowledge. Thus, it will explore who knows what to do and

    who working on what to be done. Therefore it will involves the process of

    locating, identifying,collecting,organizing,codifying,d isseminating,sharing,

    using and creating the tacit and explicit knowledge to the sake of the

    organization performance Lettieri, Borga and Savoldelli, 2004; Jamaludin

    and Yunus,2005)

    Knowledge Management is also defined as a conscious strategy of

    getting theright knowledge to theright peopleat theright timeandhelping

    peopleshareandput information intoaction in ways that thrive to improv e

    organizational performance. ODell and rayson,1998).

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science R S ons) 24

    Although Bill ates is a software guru, knowledge management from his

    point of view is not a software products or software category. Knowledge

    management starts with business objectives and processes and not with

    technology. Knowledge management is merely recognition to share

    knowledge andas such it focuseson managing information by getting the

    right information to thepeople whoneed it and takeaction from it. ates,


    A noted knowledge management guru, Thomas Davenport describes

    knowledge management as anapproach that addresses the critica l issues

    of organization adaptation, survival and competence in the face of

    discontinuousenvironmental change. Davenport and Prusak,1998).

    The ability of companies to exploit their intangible assets is far more

    decisive than their ability to exploit their physical assets. As market shift,

    uncertainties dominates, technologies reproduce, competitors multiply,and

    products and servicesbecomeobsolete rapidly, successful companiesare

    characterized by their ability tocreatenew knowledgeconsistently, quickly

    disseminate it,andembody it in theirnew productsand services. Tiwana,


    In thecontextsofknowledgemanagement,knowledgecanbeclassified into

    tacit andexplicit knowledge. Knowledgeneeds tobedifferentiating tacit from

    explicit because theyhave theirowncharacteristic. Byunderstanding them,

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science T U ons) 25

    these knowledge can be managed and use strategically. Tiwana, 2002;

    Jamaludinand Yunus,2005).

    Tacit knowledge could be defined as a type of knowledge that resides in

    human such as experience and know-how. It is context of sensitive,

    dynamic,experiencedorknow-how basedandoftensubjectiveor intuitive,

    highlypersonal andnot easy to formalizebecausedifficult tocommunicate

    toothers Tiwana,2002; Jamaludinand Yunus,2005).

    Explicit knowledge could be defined as knowledge generally comes in the

    formof documents,manuals,procedures,databases,books, reportseither

    print orelectronic formats.Thismaybe formal andsystematicandeasily to

    communicatedandshared Tiwana,2002; Ja maludinand Yunus,2005).

    The characteristic of knowledge management is also known as the

    fundamental element in knowledge management. Mean knowledge

    management will exist if this element is practiced. First is knowledge

    acquisition, the process of development and creation of insight, skills, and

    relationship for example database. Second is knowledge sharing, the

    processofdisseminating andmaking available what isalreadyknownsuch

    as communication networks. This is also defined as involving interaction,

    exchangeofknowledge,experiencesandskill in theorganization siu -Fen

    Lin, 2007). Lastly, knowledge utilization, as learning process of exploiting

    the knowledge and generally applied in the organization such as

    collaborative tools. Tiwana,2002)

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science V W ons) 26

    Figure 2.1: The Basic Knowledge Management Characteristic

    (Source: Tiwana A. 2002)

    Figure2.1 shows the Knowledge Management practicecould exist if three

    characteristicofknowledge isutilize.

    In short, knowledge management to the authors can be defined and

    described as a good information management approach with added focus

    on thecreation,sharing andutilizationof informationandknowledge.

    In the real world, even the knowledge management may support the

    efficiency of the NPO but actually there is rare effort have been made to

    implement the practice of knowledge management. This is because the

    practitioners are for-profit oriented to practice knowledge management

    Lettieri, Borgaand Savoldelli,2004).

    ithin the NPO knowledge is generated and flows through four different

    cycles Quagli, 2001), shifting towards broader sharing environment. The

    Basic KM Practice



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    Bachelorof Administrative Science X Y ons) 27

    first cycledeals withand individual level, whereknowledge is createdan d

    utilizedby the singleperson. The second cycle introduces theactivitiesof

    transfer and sharing and explains how to shift from the individual to the

    group level. The third cycle formalizing and distribute the knowledge is

    available to the organization. The forth cycle overcome the boundaries of

    theNPO tohold thecommunitybecauseof integration Lettieri, Borgaand


    Figure 2.2: Knowledge Development Cycles within NPO Community

    (Source: Lettieri, Borga and Savoldelli, 2004)

    Figure 2.2 shows how the development of knowledge cycle within NPO

    means, in the individual level I cycle), themember will use theknowledge

    only for himself and then, transfer the idea or knowledge to the group

    members II cycle) called knowledge sharin g and the group member will

    understand the functionof theknowledge in theorganization III cycle)and


    Formalization & Diffusion

    Transfer & Sharing


    IIcycle (Group Level)

    IVcycle(Community Level)

    Icycle (Individual Level)

    IIIcycle(Organization Level)


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ` a ons) 28

    try to disseminate the idea tobe utilize in thecommunity IV cycle)of the

    NPO then lead to thecreationofknowledge.

    Tomake it clear, theknowledge flow withinNPO, fromasingleperson to the

    wholecommunity, theknowledgeprocessorcycle will assist how it couldbe

    analyzed to achieve the maximum benefits Davenport and Prusak, 1998;

    ack,1999; Bhatt,2001).

    Figure 2.3: The Cycle of Knowledge Management

    The first step is knowledge acquisition, the knowledge should be acquired

    andbrought into the NPO from various sources. This step is to includeall

    the activities, performed both at individual and group level, to collect and

    exploit knowledge,beforebeing formalizedanddiffused in theorganization.


    Ac uisition Codification Storage Retrieval







    (Source: Lettieri, Borga and Savoldelli, 2004)

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science b c ons) 29

    A trendofNPOs is tomaintain theknowledge inan implicit format andshare

    it through informal andpersonal contactseven it iscodified.

    Second step is codification, the knowledge is gathered using common

    formats,previouslyevaluatedandapproved.Thisdoesnot meanconverting

    all availableknowledge intoexplicit format, tacit knowledgecanbecodified

    using specific formats,suchasreports for indicating whoknows what.This

    alsoas theassessment of individualsknowledgeand its transformation can

    be transferred intoknowledge whichcanbeusedby the wholeorganization.

    Thirdstep isstorage,once theknowledgehadbeencodified, it isstored in

    proper repositories such as database, archives, manuals, or in peoples


    Fourth step is retrieval, the knowledge that been stored must able to be

    retrievedaccording tousersneeds.Thisactivityshouldbekept assimple,

    preciseaspossible, inordertomakeknowledgereally accessibleanduseful

    in theorganization.

    Fifthstep isdissemination,knowledgedistribution isaccessible whoevercan

    use it. owever, different kind of people probably needs information to be

    presented indifferent waydepending how theyhave touse i t.

    Then, the knowledge can be applied is to distinguish action and used for

    NPOactivities.Thus, theorganizationmayaccumulatenew experienceand

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science d e ons) 30

    interacts withothers. Then, it will encourage to the wholeprocess,and then

    thecreationactivity includes the integration.

    On the whole, the knowledge cycle process in each step of this path will

    function todifferent membersof theNPOscommunitycouldparticipate,but

    normally theoperativeactivitiesaremanagedat organizational level, while

    theactivitiesofdissemination,applicationandcreationshould involveall the

    membersof thecommunity.

    2.1.5 Level of Professional Knowledge

    According to Tiwana in his book the Knowledge Management Toolkit, has

    allocatedasegment relating the level ofknowledge inanorganization.This

    level can beviewedat four stages, however not all of the stages stand to

    benefits from KMsystem. The four levelsofprofessional canbederived in


    Figure 2.4: Level of Professional Knowledge






    Know What

    Know How

    Know Why

    Care Why

    KM S stem Su orted

    Source: Tiwana A. 2002

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science f g ons) 31

    Figure 2.4 shows the Level of Professional Knowledge which in the first

    stage is theconcept of Know hat, this level representing the cognitive

    knowledge. This is the most important for the existence of know ledge,

    however it is insufficient forunderstanding theknowledge in depth. As the

    basis of understanding it require the person in the organization to

    understand what the knowledge is. For theexample inanorganization the

    memberperhapsmust know what ishis taskneed tobedoneormight not

    haveeverdone the task inreal life.

    Second stage is Know ow where the stage of understanding the

    existence of first stage of Know hat and ability translate it to practical

    way. In thisstage themembersof theorganization theycanuseandapply

    theknowledgeanddevelop it inrepetitiveexposureorinshort practicing the

    usual practice inproblemsolving matters.This isalso thestage where the

    membersofanorganization will do thesame taskorassignmen t and ifany

    problemsoccur, theproblem wouldbe the sameand they may make their

    owndecision tomake theright action. Inordertomanageonstepping form

    first stage to second stage, KM system need to be supported such

    developing the ideas in the meet ing, brainstorm, discussion and

    conversation toencourage theparticipationbetweenmembers.

    Then, in the thirdstage is Know hy, where theunderstanding of being

    able to step forward beyond the rules that might be common from an

    information-oriented Know ow) toknowledge-oriented.This will lead the

    members in theorganization will feel theyneed to go tounderstanding the

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science h i ons) 32

    knowledge in depth or more then ordinary and try to understanding the

    cause and effect. This knowledge enable the members to move a step

    above Know ow and create an extraordinary leverage by using

    knowledge. Normally this will bebrought by the idealistic individuals in the

    organization tomake thesuccessful of theorganization.Tobeableonmake

    the steps forward for individuals or members of the organization from

    information-oriented, theextensive KMsystemneed tobe injectedsuch as

    extra ordinary ideas, discussion, conversations, participations between

    members,brainstorming andapplying knowledge in the wholesituatio n.

    Last stage is Care hyrepresentsself-motivatedcreativity that exists in

    an organization. This stage happens to be only without and cannot be

    supportedbya KMsystem.This isbecauseonexplaining about motivation,

    creativity, sense of belonging and feeling to the organization cannot be

    compared with money or resources. This level exists and felt by the

    individualsormembersof theorganization,after theyhavedonesomething

    which is priceless or valuable to the organization without taking any

    advantage forpersonal interest.

    In fact tounderstanding the level ofprofessional knowledge,actually most

    commonorganizationsareat thestageof Know ow Tiwana,2002).This

    is because the step to go further normally was not liked most by the

    individuals in an organization. Then, it means, if the first stage cannot be

    achievedand fail tobeunderstood, there isnosecondstageexploration. If

    theysayormaysay that theycanput theirselfbelong to theorganization

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science p q ons) 33

    without any contribution for doing something extraordinary or competitive

    then others, mean they can say it verbally without put any sense of

    belonging to theorganizationandmay lead to forget theorganization ifany


    2.1.6 Requirement for New Improvement

    Someof the issuesmayoccurdue tononpracticing KM, this isreflecting to

    PSSCM because according to Dr. Abdul Majid Ismail, as Yang Dipertua

    PSSCMof Penang Branch cuma lecturer inUniversiti SainsMalaysia,has

    mentioned inhispaperwork there isnoexac t statisticrelating topercentage

    or number of the active members, registered members but inactive in

    association and members which finished the training but not serve for the

    association, the figurealways tobeannouncedasapproximatepercentage

    or numbers without any written documents and reference to scientific

    statistic. Dr. Abdul Majid,1999).

    hen people mention about non-profit organization there would be lot of

    differences between for-profit organizations, it would beabout thestrategy

    of innovation in non-profit organization, scope of impact in the society to

    gain accumulation of fund to be having social responsibility, performance

    expectation normally will exist due to the interest of the internal decision

    makers, strategic constrains becauseoften faced with limited and conflicts

    optiondue to inexistenceof full participationand generate d idea,because it

    is base onpersonal interest and financial constrainsand the revenue only

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science r s ons) 34

    come from the supporters or services handled. Clyde and Brian , 2006;

    Lettieri, Borgaand Savoldelli,2004 ).

    In the real situation, people realize the existence of knowledge asset but

    theydonot reallypractice it inoptimum way, thiscould lead to the wastage

    of resources andcontribute to ineffective management in the organization.

    This isnormal becauseof thedecisionmaker in theorganizationput a little

    attention in knowledge creation management. According to Teece in Syed

    IkhsanandRowlandF.statedknowledgeassetscannot bebought andsold

    but need tobebuilt in-housebyorganizations,and theymust beexploited.

    According to Bloodgood and Salisbury, each of the organization needs to

    trace the knowledge in the organization. It is very important especially in

    designing strategies for the sake of the organization. But in fact people in

    theorganization just want toplaysafebecauseofresistanceorexis tenceof

    uncertainties to make a change when new thing is proposed. Peter M.

    Senge1995; Syed-IkhsanandRowlandF.,2004)

    According to Peter M. Senge, people do not mind about change but mind

    being changed in his article relating to Building a Learning Organization.

    Reflecting to KM itself, it isactuallyencouraging people to tryandutilize the

    maximumcapacityofpeoplemind inordertobeing competitiveadvantage.

    Competitive advantage according to David in his book, Strategic

    Management, isdefinedasdoing something whichourcompetitorcannot do

    and wish tobea winner, wherepoint tobepondered ischange PeterM.


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science t u ons) 35

    This isactually important tobea good leader,as PSSCM in itsconstitution

    had stated to abolish an orthodox paradigm of believing in supernatural

    powerbut canmove forwardat par in themodernera .Thus, PSSCMmust

    put a benchmark as the parameter of measurement as one of Malay

    organizations is being modern, structured and well manage, to prove the

    societyandpublic that PSSCM isnot only focusing onmartial art but teach

    people how to lead and managing organization as well as managing the

    attitude,believe in IslamandLord Al -Mighty.

    Figure 2.5: 3G Stage of Decrement

    (Source: Ibn khaldun in Zahra, 2005)

    Figure2.5actuallydescribing thechronological sequenceof time ina theory

    ofcivilization initiatedby Ibn Khaldun ahra Boussalah,2005). According to

    Ibn Khaldunanationmayattainahigh level in itscivilizationand growthat a

    certain time and then at another period of time the civilization may be







    Performance Index



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    Bachelorof Administrative Science v w ons) 36

    sinking tremendously. In fact this statement pointed out relating to the

    Muslimhistorical position in thecyclical movement o fretrospect history.This

    idealistic intuition indirectly communicating to the problems of present

    Muslim that is ignorance to theirhistoriccatastrophe.

    Therefore, solution is requiring making an adjustment for now and future

    developments as accordance to Islamic way of civilization align with the


    Reflecting to knowledge management with the diagram and civi lization,

    actually in 1st generation) start of development of the society where

    emerge fromrevelation that turnout the law and guidance forits follower,or

    peoplehasdeveloped themindandpsychological contact tochange. hen

    theexistenceof law and followerhas thecompliance tomake thechanged,

    thus, it isan existence of KM whereacquisitionsof development, then the

    society share how to develop and then they utilize the knowledge to

    develop.Then, it isalign with thedefinitionmadebyDavenp ort and Prusak

    survival andcompetence in the facediscontinuouschange.

    Then 2nd is the stage is different from 1 st , where there is no more

    control over the development where after made the development, the

    strategyandcondition isremainunchanged , thus it couldbeconsideredone

    ofbasics KMpractice isnomoreexist, wherenomoreacquisitionbut exist

    sharing and utilizing, can be explain as people may share and utilize the

    samecommonpracticeandnomoreacquisitiononnew thing.Or it canbe

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science x y ons) 37

    nomore sharing but exist acquisitionandutilization, means thepeoplestill

    acquire for something but no one want to share but then, they are will

    utilizing the same common practice. Lastly it could be no existence of

    utilization, only exist acquisition and sharing, means the people trying to

    acquiring to new things and all of the acquisition being shared but the

    implementation wasnot being made.Theseare the reasons whyor meant

    in2nd , inexistenceofoneofbasic KMpractices.

    Then 3rd when they are being remain unchanged then, no more new

    strategy tobe implemented.Then thecivilizationcannot sustainbecause the

    movement is getting static and the basic KM practice perhaps not being

    used anymore or only one basic KM practice is being exist to be

    implemented in the society to develop thus it will encourage to the

    discontinuous improvement and lead todecrement of theperformance.

    Thus, thisstudyhas inducing theelement of KM tostudy the impact in the

    PSSCM,how adevelopment anddecrement ofcivilizationcanbeoneof the

    examples tomaintain theorganization. here, in1 st themembersof the

    PSSCM shouldacquire tomanageanddevelop theorganizationand if the

    strategy isplanned then try tosharebetweenmembersandutilize it forthe

    sakeof theorganization.

    Then, in2ndshowing alwaysbeing staticorremainunchange d indeveloping

    theorganization where lovebeing incomfort zone just shareandutilize the

    strategy.Thus, in theory the ignoranceofoneofbasic KM will lead to KM

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ons) 38

    mean zero Knowledge Management, then no more being competitive to


    Lastly in 3rd whereoneormorebasic KMpracticebeing ignoredor total

    KM, then the organization becomes weak with no any development and

    thedangerousstage will come where theorganizationmaybeunpractical or

    just being same with other ordinary organization which is not develop or


    here is theorganizationneed tobe located?

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    2.2 Conceptual Framework

    The conceptual framework for the study is to understand one theorizes or

    makes logical sense of the relationship among several factors that have

    been identifiedas important to theproblems.Then, testablehypothesiscan

    be developed to examine whether the theory formulated is valid or not.

    Thus, it isessential tounderstand what avariablemeansand what typeof

    variablesare Sekaran,2006)

    Thus, in the study conceptual framework is the cycle of knowledge

    management theory will reflect theapplicationofknowledgemanagement.

    Figure 2.6: Conceptual Frameworks for the Knowledge Management Study

    2.2.1 Dependent Variables

    2.2.1 Dependent Variables

    Dependent variable is thevariableofprimary interest to theresearcher. It is

    the main variable that lends itself for investigation as a viable factor.


    The Impact on PSSCM Component of KnowledgeManagement Practice

    y AdministrativeManagement

    y PublicRelation

    y Acquisitiony Sharingy Utilization

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ons) 40

    In this study Practice of Knowledge Management Lettieri, Borga and

    Savoldelli, 2004) the importance on PSSCM are dependent variables to

    indicate the importance of Knowledge Management in PSSCM. Thus, the

    study will beconductedamong themembersof PSSCM. Administration Knowledge

    The knowledge is required to manage PSSCM from administrative

    perspective. PublicRelation Knowledge

    Theknowledgerequired tobothdefinesandman agerelationship with

    the providers of financial resources, like partners, Students Affair

    Department,privatesponsorship, firmsand local authorities.

    2.2.2 Independent Variable

    The independent variable is one that influences the dependent variable

    eitherinpositiveornegative way, toestablishcausal relationshi p. Sekaran,


    In this study, the independent variable is the c omponent of knowledge

    management. Acquisition

    The process of development and creation to seek the information.

    Knowledgeshouldbeacquiredandbrought into PSSCM fromvarious

    sources, suchasday-to-dayexperience,external information,know-

    how volunteers,andcommunity input.Thisstepencompassesall the

    activities,performedat individual level and group level, tocollect and

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ons) 41

    utilized knowledge before formalizing and diffused to the

    organization. Sharing

    Disseminating and making available what is already known. The

    knowledge made to be accessible to whoever can use it. This may

    assist to those who want touse theknowledge in theorganization. Utilization

    The learning is integrated into the organization. This is the way to

    transform into action and used the knowledge for organization

    activities. In doing so, the organization may accumulate new

    experience, interacts, withothersand generating new ideaand w ould

    lead tomake thenew knowledge.

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    3.1 Research Design

    For the purpose of this study, the research designed as a cross-sectional

    surveybecausedata gathered just once,overaperiod in March2008.The

    researchrequired information from themembersof PSSCM.

    3.2 Unit of Analysis

    As thisstudyaddressed thepracticeofknowledgemanagement in PSSCM,

    therefore theunit ofanalysis ismembersof PSSCM.

    3.3 Sample Size

    Thesamplesize forthepurposeof thisstudy is eighty four 84)respondents

    from the membersof PSSCM in theareaof Klang Valleyandsomeof the

    respondents were the members of PSSCM in Malacca and Negeri

    Sembilan. Researcher decided on these areas because it is easy to get

    respondents there. These areas also ensure that researcher sample will

    include all members consist of students in higher learning institution and

    public. Researcher needs that information to study the practice of

    knowledgemanagement in PSSCM.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 43

    3.4 Sampling Technique

    The typeofsampling that used isconvenience technique, whichmeans that

    thesampling procedure involves the selectionof units that accessible. It is

    not dictating bychance. As forthisstudy, the typechosen is quotasampling.

    The respondents selected those who were member s of PSSCM, which

    those who were experienced and experiencing in involvement of the

    committee organization and ad hoc of PSSCM and those who being the

    instructorsof PSSCM.

    3.5 Measurement/Instrumentation

    Thevariableand theirmeasurement were outlined in the following section.

    3.5.1 The Level of Professional Knowledge Practice among members

    in PSSCM.

    The measurement was nominal scale. A set of statement developed to

    assess the level of knowledge management which the respondent can

    agreedanddisagreedusing thenominal scale. YesorNo.

    3.5.2 To measure the Relationship between Basic KM Practice and

    Administrative Management in PSSCM.

    The measurement was interval scale. A set of statement developed to

    assess the level ofrelationship which therespondent canresponseagreeor

    disagree with, by using the five-point of likert scale. Strongly agree = 1,

    agree = 2,no idea = 3,disagree = 4,stronglydisagree=5.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 44

    3.5.3 To examine the influence factor from Basic KM Practice and

    Public Relation in PSSCM

    The measurement was interval scale. A set of statement developed to

    assess the level ofrelationship which therespondent canresponseagreeor

    disagree with, by using the five-point of likert scale. Strongly agree = 1,

    agree = 2,no idea = 3 ,disagree = 4,stronglydisagree=5.

    3.6 Data Collection

    The data collected through distribution of questionnaires. This is because

    questionnaire typeofcollection iseasy to gatherthedatabecause it stated

    on what data we wanted to know and I know exactly what is required and

    how tomeasure thevariablesof interest.

    3.7 Data Analysis

    Thedata will beanalyzedu sing statistical software tools SPSS).

    No Objectives Variables Measurement Scale Statistics

    1 Tostudy the

    level of




    members in


    Level of








    YesorNo Nominal Frequency/


    Table 3.1: Data Analysis

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 45


    2 Toexamine



    KMpractice to



    in PSSCM

    Basic KM







    Likert scale Interval Pearson


    3 Toexamine

    the influence


    Basic KM



    in PSSCM

    Basic KM








    Likert scale Interval Multiple


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    4.1 Introduction

    This chapter presents the results of the statistical analysis and findings of

    the study. It presents briefly the characteristic of respondents details, and

    followedbymajorfinding ofstudy inrelationof toresearchobjective.

    4.2 Characteristic of Respondents Details

    Thesubjectssurveyed in thisstudymadeupofmembersof Persatuan Seni

    Silat Cekak Malaysia PSSCM) in the area of Klang Valley, Malacca and

    Negeri Sembilan. They were members who have experienced involving in

    the activities of the organization without concerning their status in the

    organization, using members which have experiences in conducting

    activitiesandmanagerial works in PSSCM, they werehelped facilitate in the

    validity of this study. Furthermore, the issue of knowledge management is

    not exploited in PSSCM. A total of100 questionnaires weredistributed toall

    members in PSSCM, and 84 usable questionnaires were finally collected.

    Thus the response rate of this study is 84%. Table 4.1 shows list of


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 47

    * Itemsdetailsare inTable: 4.2: ExtensionofCharacteristicofRespondentsDetails.SeeappendixD forfull details.

    Table 4.1: Characteristic of Respondent's Details

    Frequency N=84)

    DemographicCharacteristic No.ofResponse %


    Male 72 86%Female 12 14%


    20-25years 55 66%26-30years 13 16%31-35years 8 10%Others* 8 10%


    BasicLower 1 1%

    BasicUpper 1 1%Intermediate 9 11%Advance 39 46%Instructor 34 41%

    Lesson Class

    UiTM 27 32%IIUM 5 6%Shah Alam Polytechnic 13 16%Classof S.20 1 1%Others* 38 45%


    President 9 11%Vice President 6 7%Treasurer 2 2%Secretary 2 2%InformationOfficer 4 5%CommitteeMember 23 28%Non 38 45%


    1year 9 11%2years 15 18%3 years 14 17%4years 10 12%5years 10 12%Others* 26 30%

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 48

    This subject surveyed to PSSCM and the respondents were the active

    membersof theorganization. Table4.1, indicates the frequencyof gender

    who answered the questionnaire were 86% males and 14% females. The

    majorityof theagesof therespondents wereat therangeof20 -25year-old

    about 66%,16%rangeofage from26 -30year-old,10%rangeageof 31 -35

    yearoldand the respective10% wereotherofage range. It was indicated

    that, therest of10%ofage where theagecomprisesof,17year -oldand45

    year-oldonepersonrespectively, 3 personsat theageof19year -oldand2

    personsat theageof 39year-old.

    In PSSCM the status of its members can be classified into 5 categories,

    where they were basic lower, basic upper, intermediate, advance and

    instructor. Thus, from this surveyed, 1% was from basic lower and upper,

    11% from intermediate, 46% from advance and 41% instructor. Then the

    lessonclassesof themembersof PSSCM toobtain this survey were 32%

    from Universiti Teknologi MARA, 6% from International Islamic University

    Malaysia,16% from Shah Alam Polytechnic,1% fromClassof Section20,

    Shah Alam, and 45% from other classes. For ot her classes can referrer

    Table4.2: ExtensionofCharacteristicofRespondentsDetails.

    Furthermore, in studying the research, the designation of the members in

    PSSCM for current position and post position, it was indicated that 11%

    wereheld thepost ofpresident,7%heldpositionofvicepresident,2%held

    position of treasurer and secretary respectively, 5% held position of

    informationofficer, 28% held the positionofcommittee membersand 45%

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 49

    did not posses any position in PSCCM. The year of their involvement in

    PSSCM were 11% 1 year involvement, 18% 2 years involvement, 17% 3

    yearsof involvement,12%4yearsand5yearsof involvement respectively

    and 30% of the other years of involvement and can beviewed in detail in

    table4.2: ExtensionofCharacteristicofRespondentsDetails.

    Table 4.2: Extension of Characteristic of Respondent's Details

    FrequencyDemographicCharacter NoofResponse


    17year-old 119year-old 339year-old 245year-old 1

    Lesson ClassAdvanceTechnologyCollege,Malacca 1Classof Kuang 1Ibu Pejabat 2Kolej YayasanMelaka 5Malacca Branch 11Negeri Sembilan Branch 4

    Port Dickson Polytechnic 1UiTMCampusof JalanOthman 2UiTM Pahang 4Universiti Teknikal Malaysia 7

    Yearsof Involvement1andhalf-year 210years 513 years 16months 16years 37years 3

    8months 28years 49years 1

    SeeappendixD forfull details.

    This is theextensionofrespondentsdetails where theanswer forothers in

    question2,4and6 from the questionnaire.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 50

    4.3 Reports for Reliability of the Data

    The reliability test indicate the extent to which the questions of the

    questionnaires error free or no bias and ensure the consistencies

    measurement. In short, it is measuring the stability and consistency with

    which the instrument measures the goodness of a measure. In this study,

    reliability measurement used is cronbachs alpha, indicated the it ems are

    positivelycorrelated tooneandeachother. As it ismeasuring theaverage

    intercorrelation, thesignificant valueofeachvariable is0.6,or if thevalue

    of iscloser to1 0 1), thehigher the internal consistency reliability

    Sekaran, 2003). Table 4.3 shows list of reliabilities of measurements for

    everyvariablesand fortotal of the questions.

    Table 4.3: Reliabilities for Measurement

    Construct Indicators Cronbach's Items

    Level of Knowledge 0.614 10

    Acquisition Independent Variables 0.710 5Sharing Independent Variables 0.562 8Utilization Independent Variables 0.636 4AdministrativeManagement Dependent Variables 0.782 5PublicRelation Dependent Variables 0.846 4Total Questions 0.837 36

    Seeappendix B forfull details.

    Derived from Table 4.3, indicated that all of the questions in the

    questionnaires were reliable since value of Cronbach was 0.837. If

    manifested from each section of questions also still reliable because the

    value of Cronbach was 0.614 for questions in Section B, Level of

    Knowledge, 0.71 for questions in Section C Acquisition, 0.562 is slightly

    significant forquestions in SectionD Sharing,0.636 forquestions in Section

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 51

    E Utilization, 0.782 for questions in Section F Adminis trative Management

    and0.846 forquestions in SectionG PublicRelation.

    4.4 Testing of Assumptions of Normality and Distributions

    Theassumptionsof normalityanddistributionsareaprerequisite for many

    inferential statistic techniquesandonlyapply to the interval,ratioandordinal

    scaleof questions. It isactually interpreting thenatureof distributionusing

    thestatistically methodand visual evidence. To study the normality in this

    study, first, theassumptionofnormalitymade for thisstudy isbyassessing

    normality by group and test which was used is Shapiro ilk, as the

    samples size is less then100. If the significant value is greater then 0.05,

    thedistribution isdeemednormal Hazman,2007).

    Anothersimplestatistic is tocompare theskewnessandkurtosis. Inshort, if

    thedistributionofskewnessandkurtosisvalue is withinvalueof -2 to +2 it

    will indicate thedata isnormallydistributed.Table4.4shows the list of test

    ofnormalitydistribution, whereusing the test of Shapiro ilk.

    SeeappendixC forfull details

    Table 4.4: Test of Normality Distribution


    Construct df Sig. Kurtosis Skewness

    Acquisition 84 0.026 -0.783 0.003Sharing 84 0.001 -0.538 -0.341

    Utilization 84 0.005 -0.664 -0.260

    AdministrativeManagement 84 0.000 0.546 0.334

    PublicRelation 83 0.000 -0.438 0.217

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 52

    To make the normality is proven normal, the normal Q -Q plot for each

    variables will shows itsnormality.To know the figure isnormal, theplot of

    distribution isassemblearoundahorizontal line.

    Figure4.1 is thenormality Q-Q plot of Acquisition, it isnormal because the

    distributionplotsareassembleat thehorizontal line.

    14 16 18 20 22 24 6

    Observed Value








    Normal Q-Q Plot of COMPUTE Aquisition = c1acquired +c2encouraged + c3interpret + c4rightdec + c5rightact


    Figure 4.1


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 53




    Observed Value







    Normal Q-Q Plot of Sharing

    Figure 4.2

    Figure 4.2 is the normality Q-Q plot of Sharing, it is normal because the

    distributionplotsareassemb leat thehorizontal line.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science k Hons) 54

    Figure 4.3 is the normality Q-Q plot of Sharing, it is normal because the

    distributionplotsareassembleat thehorizontal line.

    12 14 16 18 20 22






    Q Q


    m n



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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 55

    Figure 4.4 is the normality Q -Q plot of Administrative Management, it is

    normal because thedistributionplotsareassembleat thehorizontal line.








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    Bachelorof Administrative Science z Hons) 56

    Figure 4.5 is the normality Q -Q plot of Administrative Management, it is

    normal because thedistributionplotsareassembleat thehorizontal line.

    4.5 Findings

    12 14 16 18 20 22

    Observed Value








    Nor alQ-QPlotofPublicRelation

    Figure 4.5

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science { Hons) 57

    Thissectionpresents the findingsof thestudy that related with theresearch

    objectivesas inChapter1.

    4.5.1 Objective 1: To study the Level of Professional Knowledge among

    members in PSSCM.

    In this objective to study the level of Professional Knowledge practice in

    PSSCM the statistic using is frequency and the measurement used is

    nominal scale which isyesorno. According toTiwana thereare fourstages

    of level ofknowledge which is Know hat, Know How, Know hyand

    lastlyCare - hy,and then this finding will manage toput it in four level of

    knowledgeand the frequencyofrespondents response to thevariables.

    On developing the hypothesis in this objective, analysis could be deri ved

    into two typesofhypothesis wouldbeconstructedH 0= null hypothesis)or

    HA = alternativehypothesis).

    H10= There isno Level of Professional Knowledgeamong members in


    H1A = There is Level of Professional Knowledge among membe rs in


    For this objective, the appropriate measurement used is

    percentage/frequencybynominal yesorno questionedoffered. Know What

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science | Hons) 58

    Table 4.5: I know what my task is

    N= 84

    Nominal f %

    Yes 80 95%No 3 4%

    Missing 1 1%

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    In stage the respondentsactuallyneed toexplaineither theyknow what is

    their responsibility in the organization or not, thus, from finding it shows in

    question 1 in Section B, in responding to first level of knowledge which is

    know what, shows 95% of respondents know what is their task in

    organization and only4% donot know and 1% is missing from answering

    the question. Know How

    Table 4.6: I know how to do my task

    N= 84

    Nominal f %

    Yes 78 93%No 5 6%Missing 1 1%

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    In this second stage it is the extension of first stage that means

    understanding the concept of know what and then may translate it into

    practical.From the questionno2 in Section B inresponding tosecond level

    ofknowledge which is know how, the questionof I know how to do my

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science } Hons) 59

    task shows93%of respondentsknow how todo their task inorganization

    andonly6%donot know and1% ismissing fromanswering the question.

    Table 4.7: I can make my own decision for any given task

    N= 84

    Nominal f %

    Yes 51 61%

    No 31 37%Missing 2 2%

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    From the question no 3 in Section B in responding to second level of

    knowledge which is know how, the question of I can make my own

    decision forany given task shows61%ofrespondentsknow that theycan

    make theirowndecision inorganizationandonly 37%donot know that they

    canmakedecisionand2%aremissing fromanswering the question.

    Table 4.8: I have resolve problems in this organization using the available


    N= 84

    Nominal f %

    Yes 58 69%

    No 22 26%

    Missing 4 5%

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    From the question no 4 in Section B in responding to second level of

    knowledge which isknow how, the questionof I haveresolveproblems in

    this organization using the available practice shows 69% of respondents

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science ~ Hons) 60

    know that theyresolveproblems inorganizationandonly26%donot know

    that they have can resolve the problems and 5% are missing from

    answering the question. Know Why

    In the third stage, know why is the extension from know how, means

    understanding something better then ordinary and try to translate the

    information-oriented to the knowledge oriented. Actually this stage where

    therespondentsarereallyunderstand thecauseandeffect situationof their

    taskordecision madeafterget the informa tion,and try todevelop it tobe

    implemented in theorganization toassist themembersbystart tobecoming

    idealistic members.

    Table 4.9: I have develop a system for this organization

    N= 84

    Nominal f %

    Yes 23 27%

    No 61 73%

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    From the question no 5 in Section B in responding to third level of

    knowledge which isknow why, the questionof I havedevelopasystem

    for this organization shows 27% of respondents know that they have

    develop system for the usage of the organization and 73% do not try or

    attempt tomakeanysystem forthedevelopment of theorganization.

    Table 4.10: I have a written document about this organization

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 62 Care Why

    In this finals stage, it is care why the individuals or members of

    organization were motivated and obtaining the self-actualization or feel

    assimilated with the organization. To gain this feeling or to reach at this

    level, actually individuals of the organization must gone through the

    difficulties, happiness, improvement, creation of new strategies,

    satisfactions,scarifies times,moneyandeffort.Then it is thereal extension

    ofknow whyafterfacing theefforts.

    Table 4.12: I feel that I am belong to this organization

    N= 84Nominal f %

    Yes 73 87%No 8 9%Missing 3 4%

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    From the question no 8 in Section B in responding to forth level of

    knowledge which is care why, the questionof I feel that I ambelong to

    thisorganization shows87%ofrespondents feel that theyarebelong to the

    organization and 9% do not have the feel the sense of belonging to the

    organizationand4%missing fromanswering the question.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 63

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    From the question no 9 in Section B in responding to forth level of

    knowledge which is care why, the question of I am proud to tell others

    that I am part of PSSCM shows 98% of respondents feel that they are

    proud to tell others that theyarepart of PSSCMand1%donot have the feel

    ofproud tobe in PSSCMand1%missing fromanswering the question.

    Table 4.14: I really care about PSSCM's matters

    N= 84Nominal f %

    Yes 80 95%

    No 3 4%Missing 1 1%

    Seeappendix E forfull detail

    From the question no 10 in Section B in responding to forth level of

    knowledge which is care why, the question of I really care about

    PSSCMsmatters shows95%ofrespondents feel that theyarecareabout

    PSSCMs mattersand4%donot have the feel of careabout PSSCMand

    1%missing fromanswering the question.

    Table 4.13: I am proud to tell others that I am part of PSSCM

    N= 84Nominal f %

    Yes 82 98%No 1 1%Missing 1 1%

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 64

    From the first finding tostudy the level ofprofessional knowledgepractice in

    PSSCM, the result shows as per tables above. Then in actual sense of

    creation of this objective is to know where actually level of professional

    knowledge among members in PSSCM. According to the creator of the

    theory Tiwana A, actual ly if to reach the highest level of professional

    knowledge which iscare why, themembersof PSSCMmust answeryes

    forevery questions,however, in the thirdstageknow why, generally less

    than 50% of members of PSSCM answer yes in the nominal scale.

    Therefore, theresult ofcare whyshouldbeabout 50%alsoanswerit yes.

    If I proceed to the finding, it can be concluded that about 40% of the

    respondentsarenot being honorsduring answering the questions.

    However, if I put it as the sense of individuals perhaps 50% of the

    respondentsarereallyachieve the level ofprofessional knowledgebecause

    theyhad face thechallenges inrunning theorganization. But therest of50%

    may just put the sense of applying the knowledge in running the

    organization, only in express in verbal terms but not implied in their mind


    Thus, from the result it is proven the existence of Level of Professional

    Knowledgeamong members in PSSCMeven theperson whoachieved the

    highest level is not 100% but there is the existence of it. Therefore, the

    result inhypothesisanalysis isaccepting thealternativehypothesis.

    H1A = There is Level of Professional Knowledge among members in


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 65

    4.5.2 Objective 2: To examine the relationship between basic KM

    practice and Administrative Management in PSSCM.

    This is thestageofunderstanding the research frameworkandhypothesis

    development. Thus, the objective is to see the relationship between basic

    KMpracticeandadministrativemanagement in PSSCM.Morespecifically it

    will show between 3 typesofbasic KMpractice which isacquisition,sharing

    andutilizationofknowledge, where 3 basiccomponentshas therelationship

    with administrative management or only one or two components has the

    significant relationship.

    On developing the hypothesis in this objective, analysis could be derived

    into two typesofhypothesis wouldbeconstructedH0= null hypothesis)or

    HA = alternativehypothesis).

    H20 = There is no relationship between Basic KM Practice and

    AdministrativeManagement in PSSCM.)

    H2A = There isrelationshipbetween Basic KM Practicean Administrative

    Management in PSSCM.)

    Component ofKnowledgeManagement







    Figure 4.6: Hypothesis 2

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science Hons) 66

    Forthisobjective theappropriatemeasurement used iscorrelationsince the

    independent variables is component of KM practice to see relationship

    betweendependent variable which isadministrativemanagement.

    Toattempt thisobjective theresearcherused total computeof independent

    variablescomprises17 questionsand total computeofdependent variable

    comprise 9 questions. However the independent variables were measured

    one by one to see which one have the significant correlation between

    independent anddependent variable.

    Table 4.15: Correlation of Component of KM Practice and AdministrativeManagement

    Independent Variables

    Dependent Variables Acquisition Sharing UtilizationPearsonCorrelation r) 0.533 **) 0.239(*) 0.406(**)

    AdministrativeManagement Sig.(1-tailed) 0.000 0.014 0.000

    N 84 84 84

    ** Correlation issignificant at the0.01 level (1-tailed).* Correlation issignificant at the0.05 level (1-tailed).SeeappendixF forfull detail

    The correlation output conforms the results that a significant positive

    relationship exist between administrative management and acquisition ( r =

    0.533,p < 0.01). To make a better understanding about the figure, if the

    valueofr iscloserto1(0 r 1), therefore, therelationshiporitscorrelation

    ishigher.Then, it isproven that component ofacquisition isassociated with

    administrativemanagement in PSSCM.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science(Hons) 67

    Than, forsecond independent variable, thecorrelationoutput confirms that

    isarelationshipexist betweenadministrativemanagement andsharing ( r=

    0.239,p < 0.05), yet the relationship is weak. Anyhow, the component of

    sharing isstill associated withadministrativemanagement in PSSCMevent

    it is weak.

    Than, for third independent variable, the correlation output confirms that a

    relationship exist between administrative management and utilization ( r =

    0.406,p < 0.01).Therefore, thecomponent of utilization isassociated with

    administrativemanagement in PSSCM.

    From three correlation results output, it shows that independent variable

    which iscomponent of KMpracticehave thesignificant relationshipbetween

    administrative management. Therefore, the result in hypothesisanalysis is

    accepting the alternative hypothesis. There is relationship between Basic

    KM Practiceand AdministrativeManagement in PSSCM.

    H2A = (There isrelationshipbetween Basic KM Practiceand Administrative

    Management in PSSCM)

    However ifresearchershowsresult ofcomputed total independent variable

    and total dependent variable, the actual relationship can not be explained

    accurately, which one of the indicators of each variables has positive or


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science(Hons) 68

    Thus,Table4.16 it shows the rmatrixbetweenadministrativemanagement

    andcomponentsof KMpractice.Therefore, tounderstanding thecorrelation

    has the significant positive or significant negative relationship to be

    determinedbyrangeof -1 r 1.

    rusing PearsonCorrelation**p< 0.05*p< 0.01Notes: AC = Acquisition, SH = Sharing,UT = Utilization, AM = AdministrativeManagementSeeappendix A andF forfull detail

    From theabove results, it is concluded that majorityof the questionshave

    significant relationshipeitherpositive or negative relationship,because the

    probabilityvalue indicated thesignificant correct about therelationship.

    Table 4.16: Pearson Correlation Matrix of Independent Variables andDependent Variable

    Dependent Variable Independent Variable AM1 AM2 AM3 AM4 AM5

    AC1 0.303** 0.337** 0.271** 0.346** 0.166**AC2 0.319** 0.329** 0.417** 0.337** 0.348**

    AC3 0.454** 0.420** 0.275** 0.325** 0.105AC4 0.293** 0.309** 0.326** 0.238* 0.239*AC5 0.388** 0.387** 0.303** 0.379** 0.362**SH1 0.358** 0.324** 0.329** 0.308** 0.331**SH2 0.603** 0.516** 0.245* 0.449** 0.307**SH3 0.532** 0.278** 0.139 0.222* 0.222**SH4 0.262** 0.061 0.282** 0.197* 0.147SH5 0.616** 0.556* 0.293** 0.477** 0.317**SH6 0.275** 0.363** 0.312** 0.315** 0.347**SH7 0.066 0.094 -0.080 -0.205* -0.262**SH8 0.011 -0.004 -0.186* -0.243* -0.294**

    UT1 0.268** 0.098 0.343** 0.341** 0.540**UT2 0.387** 0.415** 0.420** 0.417** 0.514**UT3 0.254** 0.267** 0.465** 0.358** 0.545**UT4 0.166 0.233* 0.133 0.312** 0.180

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science(Hons) 69

    The example of positive significant relationship, it is derived from question

    SH5,(I gainsupport whensharing my idea)and AM1,(I believe that, I was

    learnt toadministrateanorganization)haveapositivesignificant relationship

    when it ismanifested(r= 0.616,p< 0.05).

    Theexampleofnegativesignificant relationship, it isderived from question

    SH8, (Everyone is frightened toshare their constructive ideas)and AM5,(I

    have been assisted by experienced persons to make decision) have a

    negativesignificant relationship when it ismanifested( r= -0.294,p< 0.05).

    Means, the members of PSSCM in this study were not agree with the

    statement howeverit is95%couldexpect thiscorrelation isexist.

    Theexampleof total negative insignificant relationshipalsoderived from the

    result of correlation matrix, where SH8, (Everyone is frightened to share

    theirconstructive ideas)and AM2,(I know h ow tomanageanorganization).

    There was anegativeand insignificant relationship, ( r= -0.004,p> 0.05).

    means,membersof PSSCM in thisstudy werenot agree with thestatement

    howeverit ismore then5%couldexpect thiscorrelation isnot exist.

    From this tablealso it ismanifested that therearecorrelationbetweenbasic


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    Bachelorof Administrative Science(Hons) 70

    4.5.3 Objective 3: To examine the influenced factor from basic KM

    practice and Public Relation in PSSCM.

    In theotherstageofunderstanding theresearch frameworkandhypothesis

    development, the objective is to see the influenced factor from basic KM

    practiceandpublicrelation in PSSCM.Morespecifically it will show between

    3 typesofbasic KMpractice which isacquisition,sharing andutilizationof

    knowledge, where 3 basiccomponents, whichoneof themhas thehighest

    influence factorwithpublicrelation.

    Ondeveloping thehypothesis in thisobjectiveanalysis it couldbe two types

    of hypothesis would be constructed H 0 = (null hypothesis) or HA =


    H30 = (There is no influenced factor of Basic KM Practice and P ublic

    Relation in PSSCM).

    H3A =(There is influenced factorof Basic KM Practiceand PublicRelation

    in PSSCM)


    Component ofKnowledgeManagement

    Public Relation




    Figure 4.7: Hypothesis 3

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science(Hons) 71

    For this objective the measurement used is multiple regressions since

    component of KM practice as independent variables and to see influence

    factor with public relation. This analysis was more than one predictor

    (independent variables) is jointly regressed against the criterion variable

    (dependent variable).

    Toattempt thisobjective,researcherused total computationof independent

    variables comprise 17 questions and total computation of dependent

    variable comprise 9 questions. However the independent variables were

    measuredonebyone tosee whichoneof three independent variableshave

    thesignificant regressionbetween independent anddepen dent variable.

    Table 4.17: Multiple Regression of Component of KM Practice and PublicRelation

    Independent Variables

    Dependent Variable Acquisition Sharing Utilization



    0.413 0.413 0.413PublicRelation F 18.52 18.52 18.52

    t-value 2.069 0.918 4.486Sig. 0.011 0.362 0.000

    ANOVA ofDependent Variabledf(3,79)r= 0.643P< 0.05SeeappendixG forfull details.

    The output conform the results that a significant positive influence exists

    between public relation, utilization andacquisition with 41% of variances, f

    (3, 79) = 18.52, p < 0.05. Therefore, the component of acquisition and

    utilizationareassociated with publicrelation in PSSCM.

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    Bachelorof Administrative Science(Hons) 72

    However output confirm the result that an influence exist between public

    relationandsharing with41%ofvariances, f (3,79) = 18.52,p> 0.05. Yet,

    theresult isshow that sharing has weak influence withpublicrelation.

    Nevertheless, in this objective is to see the influenced factor of basic KM

    practice with public relation. Then result showed that t-values of

    independent variablehad influenced topublicrelation in PSSCM.Then, the

    most influenced factor was utilization, because from the examination of t-

    values indicates that utilizationmost contributes topublicrelation.

    From three regression results output, it shows that independent variable

    which is component of KM practice is having the significant positive
