know before it goes: testing your email design

Know Before it Goes Testing For Your Email Design

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Know Before it GoesTesting For Your Email Design

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Normal People’s Worst Nightmare.Normal People’s Worst Nightmare.

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Email Marketer’s Worst Nightmare.Email Marketer’s Worst Nightmare.

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Why test?• Preserve your brand and reputation• Retain conversions and revenue• HTML and CSS are not always well

supported• Dozens of different email clients

and devices out there

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Good QA is good customer service.- Chad White, The Retail Email Blog

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Lay a Solid FoundationLay a Solid Foundation11

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Email HTML ≠ Web HTML

• Use table-based layouts• Inline CSS only• Limited or no support for:

• Forms/surveys• Video• Javascript• Flash• Background images• Animated .gifs

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Verify ContentVerify Content22

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Triple check spelling and pricing to avoid embarrassing errors

Format the plain text version for readability and usability

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Your testing checklist• Remove/convert symbols and nonstandard characters

® © “ • ™ £ ¢ € ° • Ensure images and URLs start with http://www • Proofread & spell check

•Preheader, from name, subject line, body copy, text version• Are prices and other critical information correct?• Replace default or placeholder values• Verify personalization or dynamic content• Does email content lead to relevant landing pages?• Perform a spam check

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Confirm Function Confirm Function33

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Add “style=display: block;” to sliced images to prevent gaps

Be sure to include ALT text to combat image blocking

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Test your emails in a variety of programs to be sure they display as you expected.

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Your testing checklist• Tested in common/popular email clients

• Set up test accounts or use an online tool• Preview with images on and images off • Check rendering in desktop, mobile and webmail • Verify all links work and go to the correct pages• Verify web analytics tagging is in place and working• Are CAN-SPAM elements in place?

• Working unsubscribe mechanism, mailing address, etc.

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Create (and Follow!) a Process Create (and Follow!) a Process44

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We are by nature flawed and inconstant creatures.

- Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto

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Your testing checklist• Makes you a smarter, more systematic decision-maker• Creates a culture of discipline and teamwork• Gets the dumb stuff out of the way

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Creating checklists• Short and simple• Use task checks for ‘dumb’ but critical stuff

• Did you select the right setting? Press the red button?• Use communication checks for complex stuff

• When coordination or knowledge sharing is necessary, communication checks a balance between freedom and discipline

• Pick the right type of list:• READ-DO (read each step, then do it)• DO-CONFIRM (do the steps from memory, then pause and check)

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Tools & Resources Tools & Resources**

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Page 21: Know Before it Goes: Testing Your Email Design• Look out for ‘Start tag’ or ‘end tag’ omitted errors

• End tag for TABLE / TD / TR omitted• End tag for element A which is not open• End tag for P which is not finished

• Empty elements are okay• “NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES”

• Deprecated tags are okay• “there is no attribute BACKGROUND”

full details:

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Innovyx Campaign Audit

Runs your email through a series of checks and balances; emails you a report.

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Industry Guides from Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, etc. are written by experts and chock full of information

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Takes screenshots of what your emails look like on a variety of email programs and mobile devices, performs spam check, validates links, etc.

Page 25: Know Before it Goes: Testing Your Email Design performs 7 quality and best practice checks on your HTML

Page 26: Know Before it Goes: Testing Your Email Design Checklist

Provides a framework for following best practices and starting your own QA process

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Happy testing!

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Justine JordanMarketing Director

e: [email protected]: @meladorri