know about mars & mercury

K N 0 W A B 0 U T MARS 8t MERCURY Dr. Shanker Adawal

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Shanker Adawal


K N 0 W A B 0 U T MARS 8t MERCURY Dr. Shanker Adawal s. Titie No. Contents Page No. Preface ......... ..................... ................................................. lot 1. Basic of Astrology ................................................. ................. 1 2. Mars - Indic!JtiOnsof Mars .... ............................... ............... 26 3. Mars In various Houses .......................................... ............... 53 4. Inftuence of Mars on Vasb.J - Child Birth & Marriage . .......... 108 S. Mars & Venus In Marriage ............................ ........ 123 6. Matrimony and Evils cl Mars (Kuja Oosll) .......................... . ! 39 7. kuja (Mars) Maha Dasa Phala ................................ ............. 1 58 8. Impact of Retrogade Mars ................................... ............. 167 9. Mars- Various Houses in Bhrigu Nacl .................... ............. 178 10. Mars & Nadi Astrology ........... ............................... ............. 190 11. Diagnosis of Diseases f\1ars .................................. ............. 210 12. Planets& Profession Mars ................................................ 217 13. Mars transiting the Houses .............. ..................... ............. 219 14. Ashtakavarga of Mars ........................................... ............. 222 15. Planets- Aries & Scorpio Ascendart. rul ed by Mars ........... 225 16. Impact or vMious Nakstltras ruled by Mars ............. ............ 232 17. COnjunc.tion of various Planl!t:s ruled t:1f Mars ......... ........... . 241 18. uapayos- MalefiC Mars ...................................................... 250 s. ntle No. Page No. 19. Mercury - Indications of Merrury ........................ ............. 256 20. Mercury In various Houses ................................................. 2 78 21. Karkatatvas Lordship of Planets & Houses ......................... 321 22. Impact d critical understanding ........................... ............. 323 23. Retrograde Mercury ............................................. ............. 326 24. Ascendant Analysis ......................................................... 336 25. Mercury & Nadl Astrology .................................................. 357 26. Impact of various Nakshtras ruled bv Mercury ........ ............ 37 2 27. Buclho (Mert'"'f) Moho Dosho Pholo ...................... ............. 381 28. various Houses In Bhrigu Nadl- Merct..ry ........................... 403 29. ~ t a k a v a r g a d t-\errury . ................ ..................... ............. 414 30. Diagnosis & Q;seoses- Mert'"'l ........................................... 4 19 31. Mercury Transitrlg the Houses .......................................... 425 32. Merrury- t-1arriage & Sex ..................................... ............. 427 33. Merrury& t-1arital Affairs ....................................... ............. 429 34. Planets & Profession Mercury .......................................... 440 35. Conjunction d various Planets n.led by Mercury ................ 442 36. Upayas - Malefic Mercury ..................................... ............. 452 readth of IM>Ich Is governed by .llpiter. The lJCiions a politician, btl'elluuat a businessman and for that matter ev&y n:Jividual Itt on the play d two planets - Mars iNld Merrury. Mars, If wong, produces a Kshatriya (lighting lnstlrtiJS capriCorn AQuarius Pisces The Signs can also divided Into four groups, representing the basic elements - fire, earth, air and water. Thus the sigls, starting from Aries onwards are termed subSed !tie property of generalship to this planet. Metal: All ancient astrologers have said that the element of the brain is by ln my oJnlon this may be because the brain element is dose to t he head on which Mars is said to have pcl't\ler. We all know that body rat ts by Jupiter aoo Mars the Besh and hence I that onty Mantreshwar Is right when he says that Mews is the ruler of the and bones. Place: Everyone has said that Mars is the rUer d the fireplac:e. Jf one looks at t hi s pl anet from the naked f!(e it appears to tJON like fire and 1 suspect that It i s MatS" ooburlng which makes peoJ* St ard a physique that Is strong onty on the upper half, cl$ease, glory, swords, ministers,, dear speech, bells, gems:, Kartikeyb who is the genal of the deities, youtttulness, bitter tastes, royal palaces, Insults, non vegetarianism, humiliating others, vittory fl'ler enemies, chilly taste, strength at its peak at the end of the night, gold. sunmer. the of b foe, gr11vity, victory, masculinity, decent behaviour, Lord 6rahma, axes, forest nomads, healtnan d the audiences with the king, urinary infections, squbre face or physique, goldsmithS, wiCkedness, burnt ruins, a fondness for good eating, dehydrated body, slim body, excel'ence in wielding a bow and arrow, 9er, sayi1"9 bad things bbout home, the Shataghrl which wM bn Meient weapon not In use now, Samaveda, brothers, jU'Igle dwelling arimals, supervision, independence, agriculture, general sl'lip, cobra's nests, temperbment Md speech, horSe riding Md t:Kiod dotting. Western Thought: Hot, dry, harmful, industrious, thirsty, muculine, brbve, subStMces thbt boil, bcidic oil, shbrp htrbS, gooseberrtes, hot foods, sharp tastes, Iron, steel, weapons, knl'Ves, scissors, quarrels, theft, dacoits, acddents, prestige eiJimed in battle, virility, lust, libido, brger, rtspect. fire, fevtr, febrfulntss, pestienc:e, humiliation, pofice, Incarceration of a short duration, death, male genitalia, doctors, surgeons, metallurgists, weapon manufacturers, who work with iron mechanics, Mgineers, turners, titters, lathe workers and factory those who make brass vessels, ironsmiths, bangle sellers, dentists, biscuit manufacturers, scissor mal'lJfacturers, butchers, bai iffs, executioners, watch makers, tailors, barbers, sweepers, gamblers, forehead, nose, pltha constitution, ailments of the pitha system. urinary disorders, premature e;aculation. mertal il ness, smallpox, pox, measles, Jrrlllored In lhe Klrg's court II it ouspldous, the person will benefit and Wit i s maJerte he will sdfer. Humiliation by others: lf Mars is In the Fifth, Se'ney. All they get is some inAuence in the courtroom. Rlr pilots, mechanics, engine dtNers this is a good placement d Mars as they have a good physl(f)e. The same Is excellent for Iron smiths, carpeti:ers, goldsmiths, medlanks, ergineers, turners, fitters etc. If Mars is in the ascendant in Taurus, v .. go ex capricorn the person gets ltle best benefits. The person gets to SUNey land. 1n caprlcom, the person's father suffers greatly and he himself is constantly 5-.tfering from one or the other disease. tn Aries, l.eo, Cancer, Scorpio and 5a9\tzlrius Mars in the ascendant is good for policemM. Sudl people are oorrupt and take many bribes but rarely get If Saturn Is beneficial to They do not regard how their behaviour comes across to other people 58 Mars in the asa:ndart is of two types. In Cilncer the person has to wealth and success tl'l'ough his own hard work. I n Leo the person can ortt sucx:eed due to dMne Intervention. In both the pel'5on is generous. They are hospitable to their guests and often they pl!y host to so many peopJe th8t t hty dO not bother to even keep IJ"'ad(, But If Mars Is In Taurus, VIrgo or Caprkom. the person Is a riser who grudges even a little extra eati1"9 by a hungry guest. They cheat people. In Gemini and li>ra they are friendl y by nllture: and wili ng to spend a bit on friends. But they too have the tendency to cheat peQPte. tn cancer, Ses not bring any wealt h. Kalyanavarma: Adhananha kadashanatushtaha purusho vlkritaan.ano dhanasthaano leyaa rahftaha. He Is poor, has to be satisfied with Inferior grain. has a dstorted face, gives shelter to wicked and remains illiterate. Brihad'favanajaatak: AdhaniJtaam kujanaashrayataam tathaa 59 vimatitaam kripayaasativiheenatilam. Tanubhritaam vidadhaanti vircdhataam dhllnanikttNJagosavanindanMa. Poor, shelter to the wldJmillate them. Gossip spreads about the penufY. If is not retrograde there is some scope of getti ng sl.lf icient to awid star.tation. A characteristic of t-1ars is t hat the person eitt'ler gets a fanta:stk: sum of money al of a su:klen or gets nothing at aiL The person i s qui te generous by nature and does not ten:l to worry about hi s own survival . They spen:l hours debating over mi nor expenses and then suddenly spend large sums wRhout a thoug,t. If Mars is in its own 59' or in a fire sign. the person's wife dies This too takes place in a Situation where the! impo\'erished man, against the will of his sons I)Wides them with a stepmother who they Take a look at these two horoscopes to see how this manifests: 1. J V Joshi, writer or astrological books, born on 10 December 1884 - when he was four his paternal died an:l his father cled six years &ater. He be9an travel and study of astrology at the aged 15. He was first married in 1903 ar'd a )'l!ar l ater his vide cled. Nine years later he married for the! sec:cnd time. He worked In sevetal films and plays and also wc:rted at factories and printing presses.. He was forever on a tangenti al thought process and destructive by natll'e. He wrote several books on astrolo9Y. Since MarS was in the House of wealth tis inherited wealth was and he had to get tnaiTied twice. The ascendant in his horoscope is In the 23'' ph ... and t his Is what Chal\bet had to say about this - "at this time the sky is dear, blue and full d stars so such people are full of virtue and talent. These people can't stay in any one 62 place for bng and are usually travellers, astrologers, sCientists or legislatk)gers"'. In addition. the SUn, Moon, Merwry and Neptune are In the Fifth House along with Mars in the House of Wealth. This means whatever Ill omens the person I.A:ters wll come true. Nothing good that he predcts comes true. SUre enough, four after he delivered his prediction my vile died ard by then the millionaire was as foretold, be9glng for al ms. I n stark contrast was the case of Mr. Nevathejl where Jf.4)1ter was the bd of the House d Wealth. good things he precicted came true and whenever he predicted death or l oss of wealth it never took place. Henre, astrologers should look at their own horoscopes and deliver onty those predictions, which tend to come true in their case. Now look at one examJ)Ie of Mars In the 5econd House orty benefits IX> a person: ... The Dub! of Yorlc. bom on 14-121895 between 3 ar:1 S a.m in london. MarS in a feminine sign is in the House: of We.altl\. Hence he got a supertatl've title. Astrologer Ratrnath has said that If a retrograde Mars Is in the influence of a malefic planet in the Secord House the person has a vtry stroog libido. Mars in the Third House Acharya and Gunakar: Mativikramavaan tritiyage. The persoo is Intelligent and brave. Parashar: Agrajam prishtam ja hltllti sajaslhom dharaaStthaha. His brothers - older ard vouf"Qer - die. Kalyanavarma: Shoorobhavatyadhrlshyo mudaanvltaha samastJJgunabhaa}anam khyaataha. He is brave, fearless, content, virtuous, talented and dlgrifeed. Aryagranth: Krlshatanusukhabhaagl tungabhaumo vilaasl. Oll..,.So neechapaapaarlpehe vasatl s"""/poome mandlre k(Ksiteshcha. Lean body, hawines:s, lf Mars is exalted the person has a lot of land and property and W not the person's wealth and happiness are destroyed. He has a good house but a mean nature. Baldhyanath: Ashattha mlttlrdurgashrlt:hkyayaate. He Is simple. Jayadeva: Nrlpakripaha sulccellent poet and one who descroys his enemies. Yavanmath: He gets wealth, gems, clothes and a house. Parashar: Vlkrame bhrutrlmaranam dMnalaabham sukham yashaha. Brother's death, happiness and gloid but beneftts from land. Baidhyanath: Streenirjitaha sh'lous and king. Jeevanath and Narayanabhatt: The same as Mantreshwara. Gopal Ratnakar: One who is vanquisher of his foes, serves the ldng, knowledgeable, he starts ambitious ventures but Is so lost in his dreams of su::cess ltlat his business fails. 79 Gh olap: One who home happily, intelligent, one wtlo can donate generouSly to the learned to t um them in hi s favour, lustful, one with a large appetite. Hlllajaatak: Putralaabhakaralla shashta shrhaturvlmshe cha vat:s8fe. He has a son at age of 24. Yav anmath: One who def eats hi s foes, be.utifut, peaceful, wealt hy, generous, indebted and Clfl! who leads his kin. Paasd'laatya Matti ( Westem Thought): He cbes not like li ght work. If f\1&rS is in a stabt! loastia'l tht'! perSon fran urinary Infections, audlac cl:sorders and r.testlnat tfSOtders. If It ts In a ctJat sign the person suffers from dlest lmg infections. tf it is in a passive sign the person suft'ers from fear of fire, baldness, and upset stoll'lbChs. His servants are wicked and If Mats Is under anv malldous fnfluence there Is a strong risk of the person dying in an acddert.. He has a capac:ity for much work. Unknown: Prasiddhaha karyasatnatthalla shatn.tutlltM putravaan. Saptavlmshatlvarshe kanyaakaashrachaadltyta ushtravaan. PiJiJPiJrkshaJ popoyvte popodrishr" pu-nafaloonl V88tashvlaadirogaha btxlhakshetre k.UShtll rogaha. Shlbh.JdriSht:re parihaarllha. He gets glory cuxl has the courage to achieve any task. His enemies ate destroyed and he has sons. At the age of 27 he has a daughter and acquires camels and horses. If Mars is malefic then an the U'llleasant traits manifest and if it Is In Gemini or VIrgo the person contracts leprosy. lf there i s any auspicious Influence the leprosy Is warded d f. My Thoughts: Whatever Acharya, Gunakar, Kal yanavarma, Baiclhyanath, Paras:har, Yavanrnath, Gopal Ratnakar, Hitlajaatak,. Garg, K.ashinath, Jayadeva, Mant:reshwara, Narayanabhatt, leevanath, have said Is applicable to feminine signs. 8l.t traits lustful, large appetite, ennjty with the Aeamed, etc. appty to masculine signs. The first half d what Aryagranth has said to masculine Signs and the second to femlrine slg\s. Btlhac.tyavanajaatak's statement alx>l.t extreme anger Is also applicable to maSQ.II ne signs. Silrilatly what Jaageshwar has said about maternal uncle's suttering is atso applicable to masculine signs. What says is oriy i f Mars a fire sign. 80 My Experlence: r-1ost traits are already mentioned. What is significant is that the: maternal and aunt die as dO children. Tht aunt couk:t be widowed and both the aunt and the uncle may be childes:s. The person himself may not be even takes bribes. us: look at an example d Mars in ttl! Sbth House: William f.1arconi (the man who irwented the radio)- born on 25-4 1874 at RDme, Italy (latitude 4154, longitude 14) with lhe phase of Sagittarius aSle of Mars In caprlcom. He got much fame b\t had no chik1ren. See another example. Acharya Atre, born on IJ.&-1898 at sasawaad in the momlng at 7.30: He Is a famous writer, playwright., poet, essayist and vlsuallser In addftion to being t he publisher of a renowned paper. He got rruch fame. At the age of 36 his good luck began. Since there are malefic planets In the Foll'th House, the Aft:h House and the House or Profit he travel ed a lot. Since the ruler of t he Seventh House Satum was influenced by Harsha! or Uranus hi s wife was al ways t he domi nant partner. Since verus was with Jupiter his wtfe was well--educated, peaceful, -Idly wise and loiAng. Another poet from Maharasttra Mr. SA Shukla born on 26-51902 at 10 a.m. in Kunhad: Thanks to t-1ars In the Tenth House he got both fame through his writing and al so wealth. Doctors in whose case 1'1ars is in the Tenth House in Scorpio beCome famous $Ur9!00S. Dr. Wblness or Miraj was ont SUCh ex!ill'l'lt. TNs ~ a good positioning ror lawyers and partlcuarlv 11>ose v.ilo derend dients. It is not good for ell'l'loyed people as t hey quarrel frequently wit h thei r bossecs. Bai dhyanath says l f Mars i s in the Tenth or Fifth House the maternal uncle ls promJ:(ty destroyed but I cannot find ant connection between Mars in the Tert.h House and the matemal unde. 100 In the horoscope cl Uni on Minister Or. Panjabrao Oesf'lmokh Mars was in t he Tenth House in cancer and in the horoscope of famous sdefltist Sir C V Raman Mats was In the Tenth House in Sagittarius. Mars in the Eleventh House Acharya: LiHtbhe pr.1bhu. He has abvn::Sart wealth. Gunakar: Has said the SiiO'Ie thing. Parashar: Laabhe dhanam sukham vastram swamakshetra-odls8ngroham. He has wealth, happiness, clothes, 9old, oncl PJOtSPrc:e was still repugnant to the average Indian lady. And she had also been told that astrok:lgy played a vtta1 rote In the selection of par1ners; all of which astonished her so much that she began to study astrology and "'felt convinced'" that Indian sodety had certain in,buitt safety varves which made marriages stable; and that despite the free of sexes and the permissive natl.r"e of man-woman relations In the west, astrology could bed immense value in the selection d brides and tniegrooms, so that the R:ldence of divorce could be reduced to some extent Thanks to the Intellectual slavery of I ndians, some of the "progressives are now clamouring for t he introduction of sex edl.IC.&tiOn in SChools and colleges in Indib blincly Zlping the Westerners and Ulmlndf\J of the jeoparmlnant fierce god In the pantheon on Man's heavenly force. Veliko'IISk'( stl.dying the Old Testament and other texts, relates that in 687 S.C. the Assyrian King Senna Cherib marched against Hezeklah, King or Judah, planning to capture Jerusal em. On the eveni1'9 c:l March 23, the first right of the Betv-ew Passover. Mars unleashed a tiast from heaven that, accordng to the Book d Chronldes teft King and 185000 men or the wading army deod. That same the Chinese recorded a great cisturbance in the sky. Stars fel l like rain, the Bamboo Books report The Earth Shook. Accounts of these cMadysmic e\lents have been found recorded in far away lands as Greece, Egypt, China, lrdla and MeXIco and appear to be therefore authe, versions. 153 Thus Mel'$ came to be as.soc:iated with war and for Romans, who cel ebrate f'.1arch 23 as Mars ay ... it became the God of War. The personality of petSOnS OOm when Mars Is In transit becomes war like, hotheaded infies the alignment of the energy of Mews with the higher self, inwlving tht! ChriSt prirx:iple.. Tenth House: Retro!J'ade Mars here would indicate that, in the past, lhe Individual flowed from job to job, did not assume the f\JII responsibility d the job req,,Jiremert.s, misused any ty seMAce or In a professlon, 1ne violent temper, the impi.Asiveness, being sel f-opinionated, caused the individual to l ose prestige and respect from those who were his superiors. Honor was a supetfldal qualty, practiced onty extemaly. It could inws that. In the past, the enjoyed the friendship of Inferior types of people, crude, coarse, unrefined. Perhaps too much attention was on the extfmbl of friendS an:l socibl activities, rather than the tMJe meani ng behind them. Again, depending what planetary aspects and signs are there, the nature of the sovernmer(al sides In different places (subject to transfers), looks fair, enjoys respectability, enjoys golns (profitollillty) in dlstont/differer< plooes. Mars + Moon Mercury: He wll be a good. attractM! person and a good speaker, does not believe t hat he has to depend only on his wife, enjoy profitability through green lands, food p:oducts, a bit liar, wil l have artistk: knowledge, will have Institutional powers, will have forelgli:Javel in business activities. Mars + Moon + luplbor : He will be lntdllgent, suffers impediments in educational l ines, still a OOIIiad felow, enjoys opposite sex enjoys forek)'\ honour. Mars + Moon +venus : Gener&lly 8 good fellow, blt will have suspicion on his wi fe, earnings through artistic lines, lux11lous materials, does not care to work hard, but ma}(es money exclusively, will have a little che&tlng nature, enjoys financ-Ial facilities through foreig n transaction. 184 Mars + Moon + Saturn : Suffers due to bad association, su.spi dous by nature, would to hiS wife, only vdlen he is whimsical (not always), wolJd not care to wor1< properly/steadily In any place, a wanderer, a rolling stone type, C}etlerally inviting (asking for) quatrels, suffers accusations, h.&ving career in different/distant places. Mars + Moon + oras.on Head: His career connecting O'laya (shade/photo) artistic lines are beneficial, will ha\le traveling aspects, will have (connecting) career in machinery, tectwlical based career, wishes to bum lhe nid nlgtt lamp (a late night worker). Sometimes behoving very foolisNy. Mars + Moon + Dra-gon Tall: He will be a 'brass cared' type, indiscretionall y listening to others ad'-'te, not a steady mirded one, but sti ll will have some qualities of righteousness (Dharrn..a-Karrna), enjovs pllgltnages, he cannot enjoy S>Jftldent conjugal bliss through wtfe, In fact, his itself will be a difficllt task, and the result of tnarrii19t will quarreling on and often (no pe3Ce of mind. due to restlessness), sometimes becomes a prey for opposite attractions, sufferin9S to beneficial aspects. Mars + Mercury + Sun : He will be respectabl e one, inb!ll igent, before marriage involvement i n some love affairs, later on marries. Mars + Mercury+ Moon: Before marriage will have affairs with a girt, later on marries, enjoys c:ommerdaVartistlc based career, attractive speaker, soft spoken (before marriage due to IOYe affairs, suffers accusations, l ater on the aspectfng d marriage come:s Into J)ieture). An amorous type (Rasika), will have good grasping facul ttes, although suffers breatc.s i n educationai iWles, still comes up wei by intelligence. Mars + Mercury + Jupiter: AA educated one, etridency in managerial posts will be good in accourn (Head Aa:ountant) will have commercial based concern, will have opposite sex affairs, but keeps them secret, en;oys p-operty, good financial positions In the sojoum of life. IllS Mars + Mercury + Venus: He enjoys good financiol position, enjoys l anded property, enjoys benefits through opposi te sex lnwlvements (aspectlng financial one). He will have more affection on sisterinlawS/other females, rather than on his wife. If the moon is assoCiated with the above plbnets or if th! Moon ts in 'P', "'P' or 9"' aspect to Mercury and venus, they will have some opposite sex i nvol vements. He enjoys commercial c.areer based profitabili ties, intelli gents, rupture between huSband and wife will be ine..;table ( but anyhow they would oot fall to live together), and if Ns wife does not treat him smoothly he wo\Jd not hesitate to have another adjustment (so shf! must be careful and patient white Sl..tCh type: rltuSband), he looks a pious one. Mars + Mercury + Dragon Head: Generally an intflli gtnt one, b4A a bit featfut afraid of opposite sex relations (he would not be prepared to clle to such affairs), but sometimes darely enjoys opposite sex relationS, b.Jt there wil be disappoirtments in life. Mars + Mercury + Dragon Tail : He will have as: a Oraughtsman, will have knowfedge/career aspects In law, .,telllgent., opportunities to become high level od""ristrating officer/lAS good. Mars +Jupiter+ Satum: Her husband enjoys good position in a large establishment and gains geat reputation in after marriage. Mars + Venus + Saturn : Regarding career, her husband will have normal fortl.l'le and aft:er marriage gains fatr positlon in his career. Mars + + Dragon Head : The native's husband will have attractive petSOnality and sometimes emotional. Regarding career gains computers, irt:erior design wortc.s, he wi ll enjovs valuable vehia.Jiar gains, besides luxurious good, possessing luxuriol mansions. Mars + Venus + Dragon Tall: Husband will attractive, possessing secret t reasure of knowledge and quarrel s between husband and wife would be inevitable, but such quarrels can well be warded off through spirituality. 188 Mars + Satum +Mercury :Husband invoMng in business affairs, an on!. lhtre will be buSiness activities with blood and ther supporter Involvement pertaining to partnership type of business activities. Mars + Saturn + Jupiter : Husband will be able to OCQ.IPY a resptctable post, being a master, more so a spirituaiSt. Sometimes gainsome aspects In the fiefd d englneerlng/tectvllcal lines too. The sec:on:l half of life will be full of fortmes.. Mars + Saturn + Venus: Minor quarrels will be prevalent. Husband before marriage will have to encounter hardship, besides imptclments in prosptrity and progress, but anyhow, after marriage beneficial aspects v.ill be Illy good. Mars + saturn + Dragon Head : Husband's famity condition shall not be good during the fi rst of life ard later on ttlere will be considerabl e degree of success and improvements and fortune. Success will be In the life or transport/vehldes, also Indicates b'uhat (Giant) chaya (shade), gas, photography or lines pertaining to such ca,..... Mars + Saturn + Dragon Tall : Husband will have to be encouner tragedy quite often In his career, where galn.s wll be tess compared to efforts, thus he suffers desperation. Anyhow after marriage, wcuies may minimized. Mars + Dragon Head + Sun: Husband wil be a fair looldng one, besides being attractive, with good personality, but he will have to encoU'Iter endangering situations (aocldents) cluing the eatly part of life. Later on he would be able to enjoy gains through government lines and by helping of influence through prominert persons. Mars + Dragon Head + Moon : Husband by nature w;1 be emotional and wil not have adequate power of direction. Anyhow after some trne, gets opportunities for enjoying abroad travel.s and such travels offers benefits. E will be qui te a knowledgeable one. Mars + Dragon Head + Mercury: Husband d11ing the initial 181 stages suffers due to extreme h.ordship, lab:r on by intelligert shines well in the f'ietd or comiTl(!n::e etc. Mars + Dragon Head + Alpiter: HUSband IVJS to Cc::tnt up i n lhrough hardships. In the beginning career wll be average, later enjoys a good position as an officer. By nature hasty, besides stubborn nature. Mars + OrttgOn Head + Venus: Husband will be tittle ancl during first part of no success but after marriage enjoys fortune, besides luxurious life. Mars + Dragon Head + Dragon Tail: Husband will be a hard worker. enjoys benefits through technkal Unes. Eatller hardship, In future enjoy lordship. Mars + Dragon Tall + Sun : husband will have good reputation in government or political status. Gains spiri tual power during the secord hatf d ure. In versions of Sanskrit Ohwaja Keerthl' Na Sandeho" (i.e. with fail enj:>ys name ard fame). Mars + Dragon Tall + Moon : Husband will be an hellectual one, will irluitional powers and artistic qualities. During tirst part of life, there will be frequent changes k'l career. Mer passing 30 (30..37) enjoys good career either in foreign countries or distant place. The nab.Jre d work would be connecting mea:ess or heat problefr6. ... Mars + Venus + Dragon Tail: Her husband will be a quarrel picking type, no harmoniOus rflatiOnShip betwe-en husband and wife, husband aftet marriage wl l ha\'e career pertalrtlg to agricultu-e or will have power looms (machineri es etc.), or in the trade of electronic componeru, it is bdvisable he conducts business in his wife's n a ~ . 190 Cliapter 10 MARS: Male planet - Convnancler - d nose - (Tn Sanskrit called Trtclti) - also in Sanskrit is - "Dharani Gartha ambhootam" and according to above verse. he ls OOm the womb d the. The goddess Bhoodevi (wife c;l Lord VIShru) and hence, it cannot be considered that ht iS the controlter of earth - - "'m is greater that the mother". He appears on the surface of earth as Hill, Mountain, Rodts - Mines - Metals (as merCioned above coUd not be the caUiative planet or earth)- Bulttts, enemieS- egOism- hard substances- hard materials. HI! is also the causative planet of brother - foundatiOn stones -blood/c.vdlac regions (I.e. SUIToundlng the heart portion). Flre-Sc:ISSS - Triangular i n shape - Stone pilars. Mars happens to be the causative planet r:l brother - foundation stone-s- blOOd/cardiac (i.e. swrounding the heart portion). Fire -Scissors- Triangular In shape- Stone pllars. Mars happens to be the causative planet d IYJsband In female hQfOS(X)pes. In IT'Iale it caled "Pot..rushatwa .. - Manliness or the power of man, depictS Lord Suilrllmllnya - pown of gold ornamerts; success in desired directions; opportunties of service under h;gh officials; well being or wife and ag'iOJitural gains; increased charities and wOrShip. (d) If buktl natha CHANDRA Is In Dusl\sthana rrom Maha Dasa Natha, BUDHA or conj l.llct : Quclorrels and mi5'.1"1derstanclings with a of peo'*; ttoltlles from relatives; mental urnst faih.res everywhere; change of place; (JJarrets with iCJ\.\1 caste won-en; loss d clothes and having to put an urtkt( appearance. 396 (e) If btAtti natha OiANDRA is in ?Ill Or 1"' from Lagna; arw:Jtor conjunct lord of 2n:t or "P' : OEHA li>!JYNII (bodly troubles); MANO RVJAM (Mental upsets and worries); CHORA 1\GNI NRUPA 6HEE11rtion to vre; diseases blood disorders to wife. SANI Quarrels with loss of cattle and servants; i n..,edments to perfoonance of religious (c) Irb.Jkti nath8 KUJAi sin Kendra. trlkOna, 3 or

f'o\ahb oasa Natha or in exaltation or conj.mct beneriC : Presents from king; gain of conveyance and precious stones; auSI)ic:lous funatons at home and &eJIIalo) DAN. (f) If bukti natha SANI is lord of2"" ttl' and at the same time conjunct with a malell will be pertaining to finanCial instruction/banking agendes etc. Mercury + Mars + Satum: Husband invotving in business affairs, an on!. lhe: will be business betivities with blood relatives and thek' supporter Involvement pertaining to partnership type of business activities. Mercury + Mars + Dragon Head: Husband dl.l'ing the initial stages suffers due to extreme hardShip, l at8' on by intelligert shines wen In \tie fleid of commerce etc. Mercury + Mars + Dragon Tall: A S$1t life wfll be better than becoming seNant of wife (I.e. what this combination indicates). Husbuse having very IQ\v bindus, lack d Intelligence and common-sense Is the resUt. Note: MerCI.IY can never OCQ.Ipy a house having no blndus, since (at least) Mera.y would c:c.'ltribute: z. bind.t in the firSt house from itself. 8. Mertal lassitude iS the result of f.1ercury'S transit of a bindJIeSs sign. Prof"tclency in Astrology Merc..y has always been assodated with proflclercy In Astrology (alongwith Jupiter) due to its r!Jership d speech, disaimination, fntelllgenoe Md knowledge , Ketu: 1 5320- 2-40.00. TIY(mus gland, oorrupted blood, fever, oollar bone. 3. Hertury, Hales, itcl'ly rashes, .neasles al'd even leprosy. Hence, it Is Mars that rules skin and not Pl ace: Playground. This Is premised on the assumption that Mertury is In the stage of irtancy but science has J;togressed a tot since those days. And hence, it can be deduced that any place of wisdom is also under the: lnnuencc or Merc...-y. Ctothlng: This ts described as rotten and wet blt the reasoning for this is not clear. Though Kalldasa did say that It Is new clothing, which characterises f.1 ercury, this is not borne ol.t by observations. Mineral : There does not appear to any concrete reasoning among the: ancient astrologerS for stating thtse as conch Shells. In my view, it Is graphite. which Is ruled by Mercury as tt\at Is used to prepare writj"9 IT'Iaterials. Season: Monsoons. Some said Winter is t he season ruled by Ml:!rcuy but tNt is incorrect. It is monsoons, vdlic:h mark. the rerum or spring, Md also ttrn fields al over the oountry side a vibrant green., green is virtualty acx:epted as t he colour of Merwry. Taste: Piquarc.. Those ruled by Mercury like sour foods sudl as curds, buttermilk, tamarind and pk:kJes. Western astrologers, h:lwever, deScribe the taste d ruled perSons as Mutral. Stage: Infancy. Mercury is the smalle-st of all planets in physical appearance. It Is believed to be of royal descent and that appears to be the case. Rising: It usuall y rises from the direc:ti on of the head. The specifiCs of planetary rising are disa.Jssed in Ravi Vdlar life forms: It is widely believed that mercury assumes the form d birds. astrologers cal it the vMged messenger. In !his day, this wouk:l translate as showing Mercury's influence In radio, wi res and works. It may be recalled that in the ages birds were used as messengers In !he absence of wires. Dwelling: It is correct that Merc-ury resides in the homes and villages of the leatnst d theW friends are doctors Ot astJoiQ9ers. 276 Chapter 19: MeiCU}' Other types of people: They are not very tall, have a round face and big Shoulders. They have: pot bellies, big and small chins. Big black eyes which are uneYenly sized (the lett eye Is usually smaller), hairy foreheads. They have small hands with short, stubby fiBJers. Th!y have thiCk feet, a nose and a large- prorri:'lent mouth. 'TI'Ieir faces ate '*""" Inevitably dleerful and these people laugh out aloud. These people are not reliable when it comes to finandal matters and are they willing to t rust otMrs. He likes pl ta$3nt, peaceful and Is quite enthJsiastic about ife rn general. They are cheats by nature and be cheated by anyone. They no dearth c:l vehicles or servants. Peaceful, peacr-lovif"9 and a pleasant telfl)elament. devoid d anger. They are stable In thougt'( and have no worri es on the famly front. Tho1.9h they have worries about their career, there is nothing external in their to indicate this. Th!y try th!ir han:ls at many professions on a scale. They eat a lot but are not partiOJiatly coocemed about the quality , he is knowtedgeoble, good looijng, glorious and has a sharp irteUect. Vaslshtha: Haanti doshashatam budhaha. t-1ercury i s the destroyer of many mateflc Influences. Shashtosshtamastaeha mrltau janrnalr.>ale yodo bvdhaha. Chortvrthovorshe mrilyushfiJ yadl rokshati shltnktNaha. However, if t-1ercury is in the ascendant. the Sixth House or lhe Fourth House, the child dies at age four. Jaageshwar: Shaved vanshacheta bhavechchilpak.aaraha. &Kihej)ou vi/ogne sthithCCJ """dhipou chet biollshtaham voded vattvtom vedakonam. The person's entire lineage is destroyed. He can be a saJiptor. He has a strong alld burly physique. Aryagranthakar: TIJnugathashashlputre k.aantimalH'Ishchaatih rishto vlmolamo!Mshaalaha pandltostasyaagosheelaha. Mamrldrlsh:hl-bhooshl sotyavoONshyatl. Paapayute hrishte n!Chllrit c:l sweets and speaks f lawlessl y. Ramdayat: Everything is the same as Punjarafs description. Vasis:htha: He gets wealth. Gholap: He has many friends and remains ilaPPr' all his life. He is feiicitated publicly by all. He is supreme in whatever he chooses to tty his hand at He is an important man and txcels in a l wblkS of is Intelligent and shrewd. He seMS his teachers with devotion, Is brave ond o good poet. Gopal Ratnakar: He has many sons, is knowted9'!able the scriptures, speaks softty, one who does not strny from his mission, weal thy, earns wealth through his hard work, has much land and property, and his wealth. Hlllajaatak: Shadavimsho vatsare chaiJndrlrdhananaasham dwitiyagaha. He suffers los:s of wealth at age 26. Yavanmath: He speaks sweetly, donates sparingly, is i ntelligent, softspoken, devoted to his family, law abiding and wealthy. His frter'lds, howevet are not good people. Paaschaatya Math (Western Thought): If r-1ercury Is In an auspicious Influence then It can be very strong and vetY beneficial. Soc:* writing, joornalism, travel, poetry, essay writing, brokerage, calligraphy, accounting are atl professions where the person can do Vf:IY well. He excels in studies rJ the scriptures, analyses of trade and fin&nce and also d eclJcation. The person is l a-w abiding, principled, introspective, spiritual. Industrious, and just. t-is pace of work ts fast and he has lud< wi th money. Agyaath: Koteeshwaraha, t>hogl, vaachaalaha, shaastrivlchakshanaha, dhani, gunaaddachyaha, sadguni, panchadarshvarshe budhMdhyavaan dhanavaan /aabhapradaha. Paapayute paaapakshetre arineechage vfdhyaheenaha, krooratvam, 288 p;;rvanavyaadhifW. Sh.lbhayutiveeks/Janaa. Oadhividhyaavaan. Gtuvyvte vet!kshite va gMJ;tMIastrMJhikrMIJ S/Nnp/Jnna. He iS a millionbire: and does oot lad< for fen*line attertlon he is well versed In the salpbJres and is virtuous. At age 15, he acquires immense knowl edge and The person's stuci!s do rot p-osper if Mercll"y is mblef'IC in its Influence, Is In an Inauspicious house, In conjunction with an inauspicious planet or in a hostile space. The is then cruel and suffers from ailments of the Vatha system. II it is in an auspidous lnftuence the reverse holds b'ue. If Mercury is with )Jplter then the pef5Qn is an excel!lert. mathematician. My Thoughts: The ancient writers have asc::ribed al beneficial properties to masculine s9's and influences. Brihadyavanajaatak has referrtd to wealt h gained at the: b9! of 36 and I ftnd thiS is bome out by own obsetvatlons too. All unknown writer has said that at the age of 15 v.-ealth and learning are acq.Jired but J do not find this the case. Similarty, Hill3ja3tak also a pptarS to b! wrong. In reality, Mtra.Jry has nothing to do with weafth. And In any case, In India writers and those in related professions hardly eYer p10sper. J find that merwry is in dle House of wealth in t he horoscopes of most trbders and they do prosper as a result In the f.ek:l d eclJcatlon, principal s, professors, scientists and are wrel so perhaps from dlis point or view one can s:ry that there iS a pctertial to acqlire we&tth. My Experience: Ordinarily Venus and Saturn are the planets, which bring lnOtdlnate wealth. venus gc:werns llqUd cash and Satum immovable assets. any other planet in the House or Wtafth cbes certainly impact a person's ludt with money. In all signs except Gemini and Cancer, even If the planet ruling the House of Wealt h is distorted, Merc..,.y even If in an auspicious lnftuence, dle person ends up in dire poverty. If there iS a masculine sign in the asoendant and Merct..ry In the House of Wealth In a feminine sign, and assuming that the planet ruling the House d Wealt h Is not distorted, dlen dle person gets great wealth and is su!* get thfir Share of l UCk at the age ci 24. If It Is only moderately wong, they get It at age 36 and if MertliY is infl uenced by ITI(IIeflc the person 9t(s not great Share d good fortune. Merrury in the Fourth House Ac:harya and Gunakar; Panditaha. They are scholars. Kalyanavarma: Panditamahuhu subhago vahanyukto budhehlbukasansthe. Suparlchchadaha subandhurbhavatl naraha paarr:Htn nilyam. He scholar, good looking, has marY)' vehicles an::lls born in a good family. Baidhyanath: Bandhusthe shashije vibandhurmalgyaani dhani paanditaha. tie iS not a man given to self-centere-d behaviour. His knowledge Is pure. He Is wealthy and learned . .balD >ldhya>lnayachalu shrandrasunau balishtthaha. llis persoo is knowledgeable, col.lteous, Intell igent and strong. Garg: Bahumitro bahudhllno bandhou PlflJpam vinll budhlJ. Naan...,.asav/Wsl cha sapiNJpe tvayanyalho fa/am. Chltram buc1t>ed!a vigyeyam budhe swama grihe tasya. Bandhushra sarvakaaryeshu mitro mlshrafalapradlllla. f\1ercuy in this place bestows great wealth on a person If Is not lrtluenced by any malefic planet The person also makes many friends and gets a vi vid experience of many unusual aspec.ts of life. lf Mercury is in a malefic influence, the opposite happens. But In any he gets to stay In any ur'l.lsual places. It sho\Jd never be for90tten that Mercury Is the signlficator for many good friends. Baadarayan: chaalpasutatvam. He has few sons. Yavanmath: Budhastu patyaahitabandhusaukhyam bandhou par3/1VIIllsalger. HiS iS good tl.Jt speakS too much. She Is, however, peaceful and lives happily with her husband. She does not ciscuss family matters with outsiders. She is somewhat a sperdttl rift. These are the: trai ts when Mercury is in a masciJint' sign. 1n a f etrir*le sign, the wife Is not a good person and tends to diSOJss personal famity rncttter5 with outsiders. The person's study or script .... es is incofllllete ard he can eli! of ai mMS atrecting head. Some astrotogetS do descri>e things fike ltle King's patronage., glory, ""ppines5 etc., these are not in the domain ot Merwry when it is alone. If mercury is t he Eighth House and the Sm in the Seventh, Ei ghth a Ninth Hoi.!Se, then itS properties atso atrect t he propties of Mero.ny. Mercury in the Ninth House Acharya and Gunakar: OhiJtme suthaartha stJkhabhiH!k. He has chikt"en, wealth and happiness. Kalyanavarma: Navamagate bhavati pumaanat idhana vidhyaayutaha shubhaachaaraha vaashlshavarosatinlpurnom dharmishtho somaputre hf. He Is very wealthy, learned, virtuous, disdpined, a debater and gracious. Vasishtha: Budho dharmakriyaasu njranta kurunjam. He is interested in WOr'ks conceming religion. He suffers from many illnesses. Ga rg : Mandabhaagyo bud he pa;tpe naro budhimadaanugaha. Bhaagyavaan dhaarmiko vMpl shubht! saumye tu If f\1c!rcury Is Inauspicious, the person Is not very fortunate and has much false pride in his own wits. If it is auspicious, the person is fortunate and hiJ. Satyaval>1ANTRI LAKSHMI NARAYANA SHASTRJ - are more exhausti ve t han others; accordingly, the same are ,..,..o periods are those ruled by Mercury itself, or the Moon, t-1ars or Jupiter. If t-1ercury is In the ascendant, the House of Weatth, the Fifth House, the seventh House, the Ninth House, t he Tenth House, the House of Profit or the House of Expendi ture, its Mahadasa i s good. In other pl aces the Mahadasa Is bad. Rlr the zociac signs, ordinarily, the following traits apply: Ari es -ordinarily good, Leo- superlative, Sagittarius - even better Ulan Leo, Libra - good, Aq1.0rius - ordinarily good, Taurus, Virgo, capri com - bad, cancer, Sccq>io, Scorpio and Pisces - very inauspicious. This is what the anciert astrologers said about the t-1ahadasa: Baidhyanath: Paakadau vifalam Sat'\0 shubhamarte prayachchati. The bsite polarity. The irdivic:l.lal could transl'l'l.lte O'le and bring up something negatiVe on the other end. Care should be used when converting negative qualtles or retrograde planets .,to something positive. with a retrograde Mercury, you fright have been a writer in the past- it does rules the written as wdl as the oral word -if in Scorpio, you probably wrote tx:lok such as the MarqliS de S3de -pornographic lltetabJre. Many times, a person with a Merrury doesn't care that he or how he says it, what he writes or how he writes it, especially true if t his MerOJrial condition is posited in l eo. Leos are very blunt. direct and fratient q1.0lity or &ack c:J tomnce for people who are not as dever as the Arians. Also, some people can really verbally lash ot.t at others. Aries does no do this as much as VIrgo. Geminis can put people In their place very nicely. Attt.:>ugh Aries are bossy and pushy, they are not as Virgos and Leo& are. With a retrograde Mercury, it is quite possible that the person wrote In the past and would, In all probability, write the same thing again. This Is because there Is a tenclency to repeat action from the past, nor only in character, but also in action. Rememtx!r, too, that Mercury always deals with the mundane, the practical, so that the 328 retrogade MetWry wouk:llikewise be so involved. The person's mental interests could be: ide,.ieat from the !)l!lst and the same: mamer d expression. Always to be remerrbered, with Mercury, is the seNfoo aspect. From the viewpoirt of service, the person would be thrown into the same situMiOn where service wouk:J demanOOd of him. and It would be In the same type or servtce as gtven the past. For example: lf you were a teacher in the past (there can be an abuse in teaching), the! tendency wotJd be to be ttrown into the same areas d teactllng. There Is a subconscious element (remerrber Virgo is the noturol ruler or the 6 .. house, .mich is opposite to the 12"' house), so the pel'$0n might have a subcol'l$Cious reaction to stay from that in which he did not in the past 1M tendwn-to-earth mamer. This person should respect all rel igions and all philosophies, even tOOugh contrary to tis cmn. Despite his own beliefs, there to be a respect for law and order and for established lnstJtuUOns. Retrograde here also shows that the person ""st respect the and freedoms of others. Tenth House: In so far as the person's profession in the past was concerned, there was a tendency on the part of the person to be rather indecisive, irresponsible, perhaps shifUess, and so these q.Jlllities caused him to lose favor with tringing about a k:tss of p:li:Sition and a lack of advancement. These same qualities prevented the individual from ac:tjeving any degree of recognition In whatever field he chose to follow. It would be safe to Si1'f that there was a degree of craftiness and deceitftlness involved in not only the job, but also in any go\lerrvnental atrahs. This person oould easily have been a minor offldal in some position and use his authority and position for self advancement materiaty. 33$ Tile lesson c1 retrograde Mercury in the

is in being diScriminati ve in selecting friends, in being a Sinctre friend, and i n evaluating people property, Soci al actMtles should center around mentally stimulating ones, and the ability to conmll'licate with on all k!vels Should be developed. Twelfth House: Primi!lril y, retro47ade Mercury in the

shows that the lnc:lvtdual did not work out any d his karma In a past lifetime. It tells that the subconsdous sotA qualities were neglected and not demonstrated in the person's journey through life. Impulsive speech, rash actions, false discrimination developed many resentments and secret enemies. Being opposite to the 61111 house, the native refused to ac:.c:ept the ('.Qilen, his Karakatwa namely Vidya (education) and Vak (speed>) will also be a little reduced, as also courage by the JI'CI house, so that a Kerata Astrologer once told me that Merauy In Jfd In his own house as lord ot 3'0 (avoiding rooch of ll>e ew of an kleal positloo. reooncillng the strengll> of matters like memory with the minimizing, though not entire elimination of the evil of the 6,. lordship, like Mei'CI.J'Y debility, In Thus, for every Lagna, Sage Parasara has classified planets as benefics and malefiC$. 337 But, before I poceed to address myself to the expert dassification d planets as an:l malefic for eaCh Lagna, I Should pause for a moment to point out two Items of fundamental importance. Firstly the condemnation of planets like the lord d the 11 .. for a cardinal sign or the lords d the 7"' for a dJal Sign or tM lords or 2ro:1 for Leo and AQuatius ascendants and S!.bhas beneflcs) owning Kendras or quadrants as evil has relevance only to Maraka (deathinflieting nature) and n prosperity in life. fa' Merrury lord of -r' and 11111 for leo asctndant, for inStance, when wei placed In the 'J!'41n Vi1'90 or In 11"" In Gemini in the 10 .. Taurus of ascendant especially with the lord of the ascendzlnt or can and does give prosperity an:l wealth. especially if his (Mero..ry's) oasa runs in the life of the In fact, for sh!er wealth, ttlere is nothing so conducttve as a g.ocx1 2NI and 11"' lord or a good combination of the lords r$ 2'"' ard 11"" - for exafl'1)1e of Venus and 5ab.Jrn in ut"' in libra for one born in S&giltarius, when th@ 6"' k:udstlip of venus does little mischief since venus is in the better house 11t11 (6llfl from 6"'): For, See : Dust"->naP11$1hodhithe hoU5e, .tlere he is placed so that Jupter in the Sagittarius, for Aries-ascendant is placed .-. a capital position as kltd d the 9" In 9"". and the e'JU of 12" lordship is minimized and Venus in for Pisces, functions as lord of 31t1 mainly, avoiding the evil of the fF' lordship as far as possible. Secondly, Athlpat)e See Bhavarth Ratnakar: Mestre jatasya Moumastu gurunacha samanvilaha ! Osaturthastho yad bhavedyOgato bhclvatl dhrovam !! OtMrwiSe, despite the dctum that the lord of the though very evil, becomes a gi ver of good, If also l ord of ascendant, the 339 mischief of the l ordship does come in to ha\OC. Jupiter and 5ab.Jrn are Oharmakarm3CI'IipbthiS and do cause Rajayoga if, say, they combine In the In Saglttard or the 6111 and the n"", is raUler bad for GemlnlpeoJ*!, and mars any Yoga or combination rcw- prosperity and success. BU:, she is very good in the 1111 in Aries tis Mooltrikona house, in view d the: realistiC'n of f\1antJestrwara PhaladeepikA, that when a planet owns two houses, one d which is a OushS1hana or bad house, viz. ttle st' or ttle 8111 or the but occupies the other house own< by him, he gtves the tlftS of the house or 81\ava ht Is posited and not the effects ci 11>e lord-rn becomes prtncety and rich. Ard, when Men::ury lord d the Ascendant (and the 4"'), and so the ruling pl anet is in a l(.endra from the house causing BNdraYoga, the nati...e comes up i n and speaks well In assemblies or coons. The forensic eloquence d the late A. Lakshminaravanier was remalit.ab'e. ()'I a smatler scale. The late 5ae !"). Mars lord of the 9th and )Jplter lord of the In ll>e Ascendant, making l'lim occupy the coveted White House. Despite ltle 35! New Moon lord fA the 12'11 joini ng ttle combination sho!Mng "seo-et enemiecs"'. I t hink t he abOve formi dabt! combination, coupled wi th Satum ld of the 6th In the 8th, wl l enable him to weather many storm>. Let me nf!N rewm to the Scorpio Ase planet is also an enemy d Mars, the lord d L.agna. But, when placed in the 11111, or In Lagna with Mars In the u tn, his evil of the lordship Is minimi zed, thou!jl not completely elinWlated. I n all other cases, he Is evil as l crd d the sth and the Itt". l n fact, there is a dictum that while the association or oombinatlon d the and the 111" lords causes Raja 352 Yoga, Slh and the 11 lh lord joining the same mars the Raja Yoga. In fact., thiS was verified in the case or a backwaltldaSs gertlel'nan. M.A., Who rose, In the Revenue Department to be a Deputy Collector. Blt, then on some c::honges, he was dismissed; and his suit in a Sub-Colltwos also dismissed. The case v-as a great to me; for. N116 had predld:ed that he woul d become a '"'Niyadhathlpan* or lakhl er on account d the combination of the etry, scriptures etc. Mercury Indicates mathematicians, traveling agents, poets, advocates, printers, publishers, orators, ambassadors, clerks, astrologers, travelers, secretaries, interpreters etc. In Mythology, Mercuy iS regarded as the god of eloquence and commerce. f'.1ercury strong and fa\40U"ably placed, makes one an orator. Hertll"y Is a qtAck moving planet. He thus represerls speed. It Is also called as the winged messenger. Therefore, it represents traveling, carrying messages, tetter's, mailing etr:. Mercury is the planet of wisdom. Favorably posited it makes a person very Intelligent, wise and studious. Mercury I s changeful. It denotes changes, and lack. of concentration. It makes a person un5teacfy and fond of changes.. Merte new and lasdnaUng. The perwn does not enjoy 1\Aes, traditions, and conventkln. And he is a thorn in t he side of the powers that be. Most certainty, he will not be told what to do Or think. The mind works too fast and the person is as mentaly impatieft as they come. He needs a great deal of stimiJation and is easily bored. He may speak without due forethought and thereby ctrend others. his spontaneity Is essendal to creativity and lrwentiveness. The person Is intuitive al'd by Instinct He is impulsive and unpredictable. He is too restl ess and may suffer from nervousness and irritabil ity. Above an, he must take responsibility for tis i ndependent nallJre, and stop delencing himself-a tendency he may have de"'loped during rebello