kkl-jnf quiz...kkl-jnf was called upon by prime minister david ben-gurion to “make the desert...


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Page 1: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in

KKL-JNF QuizZionism, man, EnvironmEnt

Page 2: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


Dear teachers, educators and students,

We take pleasure in inviting you to delve once again, as every year, in this booklet of concepts in preparation for the 2015 “Zionism, Man and the Environment” quiz.

Along with the range of entries chosen from the realms of history, heritage, Zionism, geography, nature and the environment, this year some new concepts have been introduced, focusing on the use of renewable energy and the judicious, sustainable use of environmental resources for the sake of future generations.

Read, study and revise the concepts in preparation for the quiz, but don’t forget that knowing the past is also an important tool for improving the future: think about the many ways in which every one of you, through commitment, leadership, and environmental involvement, is able to act, influence, and change the face of Israel.

Wishing you productive study and success in the quiz,

The staff of the Education and Youth DepartmentKKL-JNF


Page 3: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


Page 4: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in



Page 5: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


“zionism, as i understand it, includes not only our aspiration for a legally assured promised land for our downtrodden people, but also the aspiration for moral and spiritual perfection.”

(Benjamin Zeev Herzl)

Page 6: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


zionismthe ideology that gave rise to a Jewish national movement that believes in the return of the Jewish People to its historical homeland, Eretz Yisrael (the Land of israel) and the renewal of its cultural, political and economic life. Zionism was founded in Eastern and Central Europe, as part of the process of national awakening that swept over the European nations in the 19th century. Zionism called for an end to the Jewish exile through creation of a home for the Jewish People. the term “Zionism” comes from “Zion” – one of the biblical names for the city of Jerusalem. originally the term was used to describe the Hovevei tzion movement; it was later adopted by Benjamin Zeev Herzl, at the First Zionist Congress.

The First zionist Congressa convention held on august 29, 1897, in Basel, switzerland, attended by 208 Zionist Jewish representatives from 16 countries. the aim of the congress, initiated by Benjamin Zeev Herzl, was to publicize the Zionist idea and to unite all the small Zionist groups operating in the Jewish world into a single, large group with greater power and influence. this was the first meeting of Jews from all over the Diaspora. the Congress adopted the “Basel Program”, which included the development of Eretz Yisrael, organizing immigration to the land of israel (aliya), support for the immigrants, and dissemination of the Zionist idea amongst Jews the world over, with the aim of obtaining a legal political charter for independent Jewish settlement on some piece of land somewhere in the world.

Hatikva the anthem of the Zionist movement, and eventually the national anthem of the state of israel. the words of the anthem were written by the poet naftali Herz imber, in romania, in 1878. the melody is austrian, and the words were set to the music by shmuel Cohen. imber’s original poem comprised nine verses; only two of them were incorporated into the anthem. the song was popular amongst the communities set up by the First aliya in the Land of israel, and from the Fifth Zionist Congress (1901) onwards it was sung at the conclusion of every Congress. With the establishment of the state of israel, Hatikva became the national anthem, and it was sung at the ceremony of the declaration of the state on 5 iyar 5708 (may 14, 1948). in 2004, a law was passed declaring Hatikva the official national anthem of the state of israel.


Page 7: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


Keren Kayemeth le-israel –Jewish National Fundthe central institution of the World Zionist movement for the redemption of land in Eretz Yisrael and its preparation for cultivation. KKL-JnF was founded at the Fifth Zionist Congress, in 1901, at the initiative of Prof Zvi Hermann schapira, who sought to create a Jewish fund for purchase of land in Eretz Yisrael. the decision to approve the establishment of the Fund was meant to regulate Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael within a legal framework, in return for proper payment. KKL-JnF worked to purchase land, cultivate it, and plant forests, and contributed to a Jewish labor revolution in the land. Following the establishment of the state, KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in israel, pursuing ecological Zionism and sustainable development of the country.

The Blue Boxa means for collecting contributions – a modern version of the traditional charity box. the contributions collected via the Blue Box were used for redemption of land in Eretz Yisrael. once the decision had been made to establish the KKL-JnF, a bank clerk named Chaim Kleinman, from the Polish town of nadvorna, thought up the idea of collecting money for the Fund’s activities by means of a special box, which came to be known as the Blue Box and became, over the years, the symbol of KKL-JnF. the box served not only as a means for collecting money, but also as an educational tool for dissemination of the Zionist idea and strengthening the bond between the Jewish People and its homeland. in recent years KKL-JnF initiated a campaign to reintroduce the Blue Box into educational institutions in israel and to the lives of israeli children. this educational program was called “Big things in a Little Blue Box”.

KKL-JNF stampsthe first KKL-JnF stamp was printed in 1902, and was called a “Zion stamp”. KKL-JnF stamps were one of the means for communicating KKL-JnF aims and activity, as well as collecting funds for redemption of land. over the years more than 5,200 different stamps were produced, and they taught children in israel and in the Diaspora about historical sites, israeli localities, and important KKL-JnF projects. KKL-JnF stamps are still being issued today.

Page 8: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


The State emblem the emblem of the state of israel is a shield with a seven-lamp lampstand (menorah) at the center, with an olive branch on each side, and the writing “israel” below it. Following the establishment of the state, the Provisional state Council (which later became the Knesset) decided to appoint an Emblems Committee, which appealed to the citizens for ideas and suggestions for an official emblem for the state of israel. on 11 shevat 5709, the Council chose one symbol out of the many that had been proposed. the emblem draws its inspiration from the Book of Zechariah, chapter 4, verses 2-3: “i have seen, and behold a candlestick all of gold… and seven lamps to it… and there are two olive trees by it...”. the designers of the emblem, the shamir brothers, explained their choice of the menorah, an ancient Jewish symbol, as representing the glorious past and the freedom of the Jewish People. the menorah appears in many archaeological and historical discoveries, as well as in descriptions of the temple, as depicting israel’s sovereignty and the return to the homeland. the olive branches at its two sides symbolize the High Priest (Kohen Gadol), descendant of aaron, and the king, descendant of David, who were anointed with olive oil upon assuming their positions. in addition, the olive branches symbolize the hope for peace. the menorah that appears on the state emblem is a replica of the temple menorah engraved on titus’ arch in rome. the legal status of the national emblem is set forth by the Flag, Emblem and national anthem Law.

Golden BookJews from different countries around the world contributed to KKL-JnF by inscribing their loved ones in the KKL-JnF books of honor that were known as the “Golden Books”. over the years, 25 volumes of inscriptions have been completed, with the names of almost 200,000 individuals and institutions that contributed funds for the purpose of the settling of Eretz Yisrael and the planting of trees. the first Golden Book was published in 1903 in vienna. the books covers are designed by renowned artists; each is a unique piece of art which depicts central events in the nation’s history. an inscription in the Golden Book is a token of esteem that KKL-JnF bestows on its donors, who receive a large, beautiful certificate attesting to their contribution.


Page 9: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


White Paperthe British government issued documents of policy that were meant to be publicized and implemented by the British authorities in the countries under British rule. With regard to Eretz Yisrael (Palestine), very tough and increasingly restrictive laws were set out in three White Papers (so called because of their white covers) that were issued over the course of the 1930s, setting down the policy of the British government concerning Jewish immigration and settlement in Eretz Yisrael. these White Papers were issued, inter alia, in response to the events taking place in the country and pressure exerted by the arab population. the publication of the White Paper marked the beginning of the struggle of the Zionist movement against the British.

Balfour Declarationa declaration by the British government, issued on november 2, 1917, by the British Foreign minister, Lord arthur Balfour (see photograph), in a letter to Lord rothschild. this declaration, which affirmed British support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish People in Eretz Yisrael, was the basis for the initial activity of the Zionist movement in Eretz Yisrael under British rule. this was the first time that Zionism had attained international official recognition of the right of the Jewish People to return to its land. Following the Balfour Declaration, the Jewish People and the Jewish Zionist organization strengthened their ties with the British government. at the same time, the declaration led to the establishment of the arab national movement, which then launched an open struggle for control over Eretz Yisrael.

The Eretz Yisrael Officethe executive arm of the Zionist organization in Eretz Yisrael, whose main office was located in Keln, Germany. the office was established in Jaffa, in 1907, for practical work in Eretz Yisrael, under the direction of arthur ruppin (see photograph). the main functions of the office were the advancement, funding and management of settlement activity in Eretz Yisrael. it engaged in planning, purchasing land, budgeting, establishing new agricultural and urban settlements, management of agricultural farms, directing pioneers to the different towns, colonies and kibbutzim; aiding and providing guidance to existing settlements, and aiding workers in Eretz Yisrael.

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The Dreyfus Affairan anti-semitic plot in France, in 1895, in which a Jewish artillery officer serving in the French army, alfred Dreyfus (see photograph), was accused of espionage on behalf of Germany. Dreyfus was put on trial even though there was no real evidence against him. He protested his innocence, but was convicted and sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment on Devil’s island in French Guinea. in 1899 a retrial was held and Dreyfus was once again sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment. about two weeks later, he was pardoned by the French President, and set free. in 1904 he submitted another appeal, and was eventually exonerated in 1906. the Dreyfus affair triggered intensified expressions of anti-semitic sentiment. Benjamin Zeev Herzl, later to become the “visionary of the state”, was dispatched by the newspaper that employed him to

cover the trial, during which he thought up the idea of establishing an autonomous state for the Jewish People.

Clandestine immigration (1934-1948)the “ma’apilim” were Jews who entered Eretz Yisrael illegally during the British mandate. this illegal activity, carried out mainly by sea, in small and rickety cargo ships, began with Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. since the British government placed severe limitations on Jewish immigration, the arrival of these immigrants was organized and carried out through clandestine operations. over 120,000 Jews were brought into the country in this way. the measures adopted by the British to prevent their entry included the stipulations of the White Paper, preventing ships from setting sail from the ports in Europe, turning ships away from the coast of Palestine, and the use of force where necessary. in addition, the British arrested ma’apilim for periods of

varying duration, either in Palestine or in detention camps in Cyprus, and even deported them back to their countries of origin.

Haganah the Haganah (“Defense”) was established in 1920 as a people’s military force, to provide overall defense of the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael and of the Zionist movement, up until the establishment of the state. Both men and women served in it. During the arab revolt, the Haganah cooperated with British soldiers. the development of the Haganah throughout the mandate period created the basis for the establishment of the israel Defense Forces. in addition to its security role, Haganah personnel also engaged in settlement, dissemination of Zionist information and messages, education, and clandestine immigration. Every candidate was examined and evaluated for membership; if found worthy, he or she would sign a declaration of loyalty and take an oath of allegiance. During may, 1948, the Provisional Government published

the Defense Forces act which disbanded the Haganah and incorporated it into the iDF (israel Defense Forces).


Page 11: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


ETzELEtzel (in Hebrew, an acronym for the name irgun tzva’i Leumi; also known as “the irgun”) was founded in 1931 by a group of commanders who broke away from the Haganah in protest, demanding firmer action against arab aggression. members of the Etzel were not looked upon favorably by the Haganah and the Zionist political leadership. their main activity was defending settlements and conducting operations in response to arab riots. During the second World War, some Etzel members enlisted in the allied forces, and participated in military

operations against the nazi regime. towards the end of the war, the Etzel began working against the institutions of the British administration and army, with a view to ending their rule over Eretz Yisrael. With the establishment of the iDF, the Etzel fighters were integrated into the new regular military units.

PALmACHacronym for plugot mahatz (“strike forces”). the regular Haganah military forces in Eretz Yisrael between the years 1941-1948. the driving force behind the establishment of the Palmach and its first commander was Yitzhak sadeh. the Palmach comprised six companies, with approximately 700 fighters. During israel’s War of independence, the Palmach was led by Yigal alon. after the British victory at the battle of El alamein, the Palmach companies were dispersed among the different kibbutzim, where the fighters continued training while supporting themselves. During the War of independence, the Palmach companies formed three brigades: the negev Brigade, the Yiftah Brigade, and the Harel Brigade; they participated in the battles in the negev, in the north, and in the

center of the country. Women made up about a third of the Palmach personnel. they were integrated equally in the different divisions, taking part in the same military training programs. in addition to its military role, the Palmach also contributed greatly to immigration to Eretz Yisrael (both legal and clandestine) and to the Hebrew culture, including Hebrew literature, poetry and songs. after the establishment of the state in 1948, the Palmach was disbanded and its units were integrated into the iDF.

LECHiacronym for Lohamei Herut Yisrael (Fighters for israel’s Freedom). a Jewish underground organization headed by avraham (“Yair”) stern. it was founded after a group of fighters split away from Etzel in 1940 in protest against the Etzel decision to cease operations against the British mandate during the second World War. Lechi members remained committed to the struggle against British rule. the capture and murder of the Lechi commander, “Yair”, in 1942 by a British officer created a crisis during which the organization ceased its activities, but they later resumed. their daring attacks were directed against institutions of the British administration and army, and included assassinations of commanders and senior

administrative personnel. at the beginning of the War of independence the underground fighters participated in attacks against arab forces. after the iDF was founded, the organization was disbanded and its members were integrated into the army’s various units.

Page 12: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


The declarationof the Statethe state of israel was declared at a ceremonial assembly of the People’s Council on Friday, 5th iyar, 5708 (may 14, 1948) in the tel aviv museum on rothschild avenue in tel aviv – a building that had once been the home of tel aviv mayor, meir Dizengoff. at the ceremony, David Ben-Gurion, who was Chairman of the People’s Council, read out the scroll of independence and declared the establishment of the state. Following the reading of the scroll, the members of the People’s administration (the Provisional Government) and the People’s Council (the Provisional state Council) signed the declaration. the following day, the armies of five arab countries invaded israel. in 1988 an educational center and the museum of the Provisional People’s Council and administration were opened in this historical building.

The Scroll of independenceisrael’s founding document, officially known as the Declaration of the Establishment of the state of israel. the declaration sets down the character of the state as the national home of the Jewish People, which would gather in Jews from all the countries of their dispersion, yet would treat all its inhabitants equally, with no distinction of religion, race or sex. the declaration consists of five parts, including an historical review of the rights of the Jewish People to the Land of israel; a description of events leading up to the declaration of the state, and the guiding principles of the new state. in addition, different bodies are addressed with the state’s declaration of intent. at the bottom are the signatures of the members of the People’s Council (which later become the Knesset). three different drafts of the declaration were prepared, and the discussions concerning the final version were held three weeks prior to the declaration ceremony in the historic KKL-JnF building in tel aviv.


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iSrAEL DEFENSE FOrCES (iDF) the iDF was founded by a decision of the Provisional Government in may, 1948, a fortnight after the declaration of the state. the decision included the provision that no military force would exist in israel other than the iDF. this resulted in the halting of activities of all the underground military organizations. their members were integrated in the iDF, which now served as the single organization responsible for the country’s defense. By law, all israeli citizens fit for service must serve in the iDF,

starting at age 18. aside from defense, the iDF also participates in other national endeavors and rescue missions. When it was first founded, the iDF was based on the organizational structure of the Haganah, with 12 brigades, recalling the twelve tribes of israel.

War of independencethe war for israel’s independence. it started after the Un accepted, on november 29, 1947, the Partition Plan which proposed the establishment of two states – one Jewish, one arab – in Eretz Yisrael. the arabs opposed this decision and launched military operations against the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael. after the arabs were defeated in these battles, and the state of israel was declared, the armies of five arab countries invaded the country. the War of independence, also known as War of Liberation, ended in victory for the iDF, which beat the arab armies back and expanded the territory of israel beyond the borders that had been set for the Jewish state in the Un decision. the War of

independence lasted for about a year and a half (from november 29, 1947, until march 3, 1949). the arabs refer to this war as the “al -nakba” (“disaster”). in the war israel suffered approximately 6,000 casualties– soldiers as well as citizens, including women and children. the youngest casualty of the war was 10-year old nissim Gini, who died defending the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem.

The Six Day Wara war that broke out on June 5, 1967, between israel, on one hand, and Egypt, Jordan and syria, on the other. the war started when Egypt closed the straits of tiran to all israeli ships. the war lasted only 6 days, during which time israel destroyed the Egyptian air force and captured extensive territory in the sinai, the Gaza strip, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and eastern Jerusalem. the total territory captured was three times the size of the state of israel. to this day the six Day War is considered one of the greatest military successes in the history of modern warfare.

Yom Kippur Warone of israel’s most difficult wars. it began in the middle of Yom Kippur, october 6, 1973, with a coordinated attack on two fronts by the armies of Egypt and syria, and lasted until october 24. thousands of israelis, Egyptians and syrians were killed in the war which ended by the israelis taking control over vast territories of Egypt and syria. although israel suffered heavy losses, the results of the war were a great success for the iDF, which succeeded in dealing its enemies a heavy blow. By the end of the war, iDF soldiers were stationed just 35 km from Damascus, the capital of syria, and about 100km from Cairo, capital of Egypt.

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“When we wish to lead many people, it is necessary that we raise a symbol over their heads”

(Benjamin Zeev Herzl)

Page 15: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


state emblem

Etzel Lechi Palmach iDF

HaganahKeren Kayemeth le-israel– Jewish national Fund

Pay attention to the different elements and colors of each of the symbols!


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“it was only the courage of the Jews that established the state”

(David Ben-Gurion)

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menachem ussishkin (1863-1941)Born in Dubrovno, russia. served as a committee member of the Bnei tzion association and worked to raise funds through disseminating information and publishing articles about the redemption of Eretz Yisrael. He was among the founders of the Bilu association in moscow. Ussishkin arrived in Eretz Yisrael for a first visit in 1891. He called for settlement in Eretz Yisrael and worked to thwart the Uganda Plan. He visited the country three times before making aliya in 1919. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Hebrew University. in 1922 he was appointed Chairman of the international Board of Directors of KKL-JnF and was in charge of land purchases that included the Zevulun valley, the Hefer valley, and the Haifa Bay. He also worked to redeem land in the Galilee and the mount scopus area in Jerusalem. He headed KKL-JnF for 19 years, displaying great initiative and exerting much effort in developing the country. He asked to be buried on mount scopus, in the Cave of nicanor, which he had hoped to turn into a national pantheon for the great leaders of the nation. His grave is next to that of Yehuda Leib Pinsker.

Eliezer Ben Yehuda (1858-1922)the driving spirit behind the revival of the Hebrew language. made aliya in 1881 and settled in Jerusalem. He believed that the revival of the Jewish People could take place only in Eretz Yisrael, and only with a revival of the Hebrew language. Ben Yehuda vowed to speak only Hebrew for his whole life, and he worked tirelessly to turn Hebrew into the day-to-day language in the country. He was the first to demand that Hebrew be the language of instruction in schools. He introduced many new words into the language, wrote textbooks – including the Ben Yehuda Dictionary, and edited a Hebrew newspaper– Hatzvi. in 1890 he established the Hebrew Language Council, later the academy of the Hebrew Language, and in 1913 took part in the “war of the languages”, a struggle revolving around the language of instruction in the country’s new Jewish schools.

menachem Begin (1913-1992)Born in Brest-Litovsk in Belarus, studied law. in his youth he joined the Beitar movement, and later was active in the revisionist movement headed by Zeev Jabotinsky. He was among the founders of Etzel, and its first commander. He later was one of the founders of the Herut party and the Likud party. in 1977 he was elected (the sixth) Prime minister of israel. the rise of the right to power for the first time represented a revolution in israeli politics. Begin signed a peace agreement with Egypt, and in 1978 was awarded the nobel Peace Prize, together with Egyptian President anwar sadat. He served as Prime minister during the First Lebanon War. in 1983 he resigned from his position and lived as a recluse for the rest of his life.

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mira Ben-Ari (1926-1948)a young radio operator during the War of independence who was stationed at the besieged Kibbutz nitzanim. she volunteered to remain in the kibbutz even after ”operation baby”,in which non-combatants were evacuated, including her son and husband. on June 7, 1948, after heavy fighting, the commander of nitzanim, avraham schwartzstein, decided to negotiate with the Egyptians over the terms of surrender. in response, the commander of the Egyptian forces shot schwartzstein. Without hesitation, mira shot the Egyptian commander, and was then killed by shots fired by his soldiers. a rock in the shape of a woman was placed at the spot where she fell, with a memorial plaque honoring all the women who fought in the War of independence. after the liberation of nitzanim, the remains of those fallen – including mira Ben-ari – were gathered and buried in a common grave in the old nitzanim cemetery.

David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973)Born in Plonsk, Poland; made aliya in 1906 and was a farm worker and teacher. in 1915 he was expelled from the country by the turkish authorities, and he returned at the beginning of the British mandate. He was among the founders of the ahdut haavoda party and of the Histadrut haovdim (Workers’ Union) in Eretz Yisrael, as well as the Chairman of the Jewish agency. on may 14, 1948, he declared the establishment of the state of israel. in January, 1949, he was appointed Prime minister and minister of Defense in israel’s first government. He led the country during the waves of mass immigration, the major settlement enterprises, the signing of the reparations agreement with Germany, and the building up of the iDF and the security forces. David Ben-Gurion exerted great efforts to promote settlement in the negev, and lived there himself. He passed away in December, 1973, and was buried in sde Boker, where he had lived for many years. He left his house in tel aviv as a bequest to the state of israel.

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rachel Bluwstein(“rachel the Poetess”1890-1931)a poetess whose works represent a milestone in modern Hebrew poetry. Born in russia in 1890, rachel was part of the second aliya and lived on Kibbutz Kinneret, where she met Berl Katznelson and a.D. Gordon, who influenced her significantly. there she also met Zalman rubashov (later Zalman shazar – israel’s third President). they shared a close friendship and he inspired some of her poems. after some time rachel moved to Kibbutz Degania, where she fell ill with tuberculosis, which was incurable and therefore led to her being sent away from the kibbutz and living in isolation until her death. rachel died at the age of 40, in the Hadassah hospital in tel aviv. she was buried, in accordance to the wish she expressed in the poem, “if Fate Decrees”, in the cemetery at Kinneret. rachel’s lyrical poetry concerns the poetess’s personal world. although Hebrew was not her mother tongue, she tried to write exclusively in this language. Her poems, filled with love for the soil of the homeland, show sensitivity and are easy to understand; many have been set to music. rachel is considered by many as a representative of the second aliya, which was considered to embody “the beautiful side of israel”.

Yosef Weitz (1890-1972)Born in russia to a rabbinical family. He made aliya in 1908 and settled in rehovot, where he worked as a farm laborer. Weitz was one of the central figures in the KKL-JnF land redemption enterprise, afforestation efforts, and the establishment of new communities. He was one of the founders of the agricultural Workers’ Union. in 1915 he was appointed Director of the Land and afforestation Department, and he was refered to as “father of the forest”, thanks to his tremendous contribution to the advancement of forestry in israel. Weitz also introduced different forms of settlement on KKL-JnF land, and devoted much attention to the development of methods of transportation that were suited to conditions in the country. in 1961 he helped found the israel Lands authority, and served as its first Director.


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Binyamin zeev Herzl – Visionary of the State (1860-1904)a scholar of law, journalist, and writer. Born in Budapest, Hungary, and educated in the spirit of the Jewish Enlightenment. Herzl is considered the father of political Zionism, which followed diplomatic paths in order to receive a charter (internationally recognized license) for Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael. in his capacity as journalist he covered the Dreyfus case, which led him to the conclusion that a solution must be found for the problem of Jews in the Diaspora. He believed that Jews should leave their countries of residence and gather in a country of their own, where they could maintain independent sovereignty. Herzl devoted his life to trying to establish a Jewish state for the Jewish People in the Land of israel. He established the Zionist Congress in 1897 and turned Zionism into an international movement.Herzl died in vienna in 1904. in accordance with his will, his remains were brought to israel and interred on mount Herzl in Jerusalem, in august, 1949. the date of his death, 20 tammuz, is a national memorial day in israel. the first forest planted by KKL-JnF, in Ben-shemen and in Hulda, is named after him. Herzl wrote a book called altneuland (old-new Land) in which he set forth his vision for the Jewish state. the main concept of the book, “if you will, it is no dream“, became the motto of the Zionist movement.

Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952)israel’s first President. Weizmann was born in russia, but moved to Britain at a young age, where he completed his scientific education. He was among the founders of the Zionist “democratic faction”, which supported practical Zionism. Weizmann, a scientist and scholar in the field of chemistry who was also a politician of great personal charm, was one of the leaders who guided the path of the Zionist movement from its inception and brought about the establishment of the state of israel. He also helped to establish the Hebrew University. His best known contribution to science was his work in developing acetone, thanks to which he was successful in his diplomatic efforts to advance the interests of the Jewish People. the development of acetone, which helped Britain during the First World War, strengthened Weizmann’s ties with the British government, and this helped lead to the Balfour Declaration in 1917. Weizmann favored a moderate policy towards the arabs. He was buried in rehovot, the city where he lived. the science institute that was established in rehovot in 1949 is named after him – the Weizmann institute.

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Yehoshua Hankin (1865-1945)the greatest redeemer of land in the services of KKL-JnF. He engaged in purchasing land over a period of 50 years, starting at the age of 25. Hankin bought up many tracts of land including the Jezreel valley, the Hefer valley, rehovot, Hadera, and more. He came to be known as the “redeemer of the Emek (valley)”, since most of the areas where he bought land were in the valleys. thanks to his work approximately a million dunams of land in Eretz Yisrael were redeemed. Kfar Yehoshua, in the Jezreel valley, is named after him; a museum located there displays his personal possessions as well as certificates and other documents relating to his activities.

Eli Cohen (1924-1965)an israeli spy who was stationed in syria, and was eventually caught and executed. Eli Cohen was born in Egypt and made aliya in 1957. three years later he was enlisted into the mossad and was trained as a spy. He was sent to syria, where he assumed the persona of a generous and nationalistic businessman. He managed to build ties with senior personnel in the syrian military and political system. in 1965 he was caught by syrian security personnel, and was hanged in a square in Damascus. Eli Cohen succeeded in conveying to israel information about syrian plans to divert the sources of the Jordan river; about syrian aid to terrorist organizations; and about syrian military preparations on the Golan Heights. this information was very helpful to the iDF during the six Day War. to this day, Eli Cohen’s body has not been returned to israel.


zeev Jabotinsky (1880-1940)Born in odessa, Ukraine. He was a Zionist leader, writer, journalist and translator; founder of revisionist Zionism, head of Beitar, and one of the greatest secular Jewish thinkers in modern times. after the Kishinev pogroms in 1904, he established the Jewish self-Defense organization to protect Jewish communities. in 1917, during the First World War, he and Josef trumpeldor organized Jewish battalions within the British army to participate in the liberation of Eretz Yisrael from the ottoman Empire. Jabotinsky introduced a new concept in Zionism, which until then had concerned itself only with settlement and political activity: he was active in the military realm, advancing the right of the Jews to fight for their homeland. in 1923 he established the Beitar movement and revisionist Zionism. He was one of the commanders of the Etzel. in 1940 he passed away in the United states, while visiting as part of a delegation to present the idea of establishing a Jewish army. the town nahalat Jabotinsky is named after him, as is the metzudat Zeev building in tel aviv. in march 15, 1964, Jabotinsky and his wife, Johanna, were reinterred on mount Herzl in Jerusalem, in the special section reserved for leaders of the nation.

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Berl Katznelson (1887-1944)a leader of the Zionist Labor movement. He made aliya in 1909 and started out as a farm laborer. He became a spiritual leader of the second aliya, and was a member of the KKL-JnF executive. Katznelson was a teacher and leader, a philosopher and a writer. He was among the founders of the Workers’ Union, and helped to create its institutions. among his endeavors, he worked to establish the am oved publishing house, and the first Hebrew newspaper, Davar, and he became its first editor. Between 1941-1944 he served as one of the three joint chairmen of the KKL-JnF.

Henrietta Szold (1860-1945)Born in Baltimore in the United states. at the end of the 19th century szold established a night-school for Jewish immigrants to america from Eastern Europe, with a view to aiding their absorption into american society. szold was a writer, translator, poetess and editor, and was very active in Zionist organizations in the Us. starting in 1909 she made a number of visits to Eretz Yisrael, and in view of the difficult conditions and neglect that she witnessed, she initiated the establishment of the Hadassah Zionist Women’s organization, which aimed to provide social aid and medical services to the inhabitants of the country. the medical infrastructure that her organization created later became the basis of israel’s health system. szold established the first nursing school in israel, with others to follow. During the 1930s she was appointed head of the Youth aliya project, which aided in the absorption of children who had come to Eretz Yisrael from Europe, alone, without their parents. she came to be known as the “mother of the Yishuv”. the date of her death, 30 shevat, 5705, was established as an annual “mothers’ Day” in israel (later “Family Day”). Henrietta szold never had children of her own. she once said, “i would exchange it all for a single child of my own.”

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Yona (Johann) Kremenetzky (1850-1935)Born in odessa. an enthusiastic Zionist who supported Herzl financially, organizationally and ideologically, and helped him to organize the early Zionist Congresses. Following the death of Prof. Zvi Hermann schapira, Herzl appointed Kremenetzky to ensure that the “national fund” would indeed be established. By applying his own pressure Kremenetzky ensured that at the Fifth Zionist Congress, in December, 1901, the decision was taken to establish the Jewish national Fund. Kremenetzy was the first Chairman of the organization. He conceived the three special enterprises that are part of KKL-JnF to this day: the “Golden Books”, KKL-JnF stamps, and the Blue Box. Kremenetzky also introduced the idea of planting trees in israel. in 1896, he told Herzl: “We must establish a national forestry society for the planting of trees in the land.” Kremenetzky served as Chairman of KKL-JnF until the organization’s head office moved from vienna to Keln, in 1907. thereafter he continued to serve on its Board of Directors. in 2005, the “Yona Walk”, named in his honor, was inaugurated in the Hulda Forest, leading to Herzl House.

rabbi Avraham Yitzhak ha-Kohen Kook (1865-1935)a rabbi, Jewish thinker, Halachist, Kabbalist, also called HaraaYaH ,considered one of the greatest torah scholars of recent generations. He was born in Latvia and served as rabbi of his town until his aliya in 1904, when he was appointed Chief rabbi of Jaffa. in 1919 he was named Chief rabbi of Jerusalem, and in 1921 he established the Chief rabbinate of Eretz Yisrael, and was appointed the first ashkenazi Chief rabbi. He established the merkaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and became the spiritual leader of religious Zionism. His extensive writings include orot haKodesh and igrot HaraaYaH. His rulings on different aspects of Jewish law set down fundamental principles concerning the Halacha and the commandments that are specific to Eretz Yisrael. rabbi Kook died in Jerusalem and is buried there.


“the desire to be good to all, with no limit… is the core of the essence of the soul of israel.” (rabbi Kook)

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Yitzhak rabin (1922-1995)Born in Jerusalem and grew up in tel aviv, served in the Palmach. rabin participated in many military operations and was commander of the Harel Brigade during the War of independence. He served in different senior command positions in the iDF until he was appointed its seventh Chief of staff. after leading the army in the six Day War, rabin left the military in 1967 and turned to politics, as a member of the Labor Party. in June, 1974, he became israel’s fifth Prime minister – and the first Prime minister to have been born in the country. in october, 1994, he signed a peace agreement with the Kingdom of Jordan. He received the nobel Peace Prize. rabin was assassinated during his tenure as Prime minister, on november 4, 1995, at the end of a demonstration held in tel aviv in support of the oslo Peace agreements. the anniversary of his assassination is commemorated as a national memorial day.

“We do not forget for a moment that whether people support our actions or oppose them, we are all brothers; we are all Jews, and we share the same fate.” (Yitzhak rabin)

Baron Edmond (Avraham Binyamin) de rothschild (1845-1934)a Jewish banker and philanthropist whose came to be known as “the father of the Yishuv” and “the well-known benefactor” owing to his extensive activity on behalf of Eretz Yisrael. rothschild began to take an interest in Eretz Yisrael in the wake of the pogroms against the Jews in russia. He helped the early farming colonies to survive, purchased large tracts of land, and established new communities. in addition, he built the vineyards in rishon letzion and in Zikhron Yaakov, and established industrial projects that were milestones in the Zionist endeavor. Baron de rothschild died in his country of birth, France. in 1954, both he and his wife were reinterred in israel, in ramat hanadiv, near Zikhron Yaakov. the town of Binyamina is named after him, as are many roads in israel and the community of Giv’at Binyamin. the community of Giv’at ada is named after rothschild’s wife.

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manya Shochat (1878-1961)manya shochat (Wilbuszewicz) was born in Belarus in 1878. at a young age she left her parents’ home and began working to improve conditions for workers; she also established the Jewish independent Labor Party. During a visit to Eretz Yisrael she arrived at the conclusion that collective agricultural settlements were necessary. she accepted a proposal by Yehoshua Hankin to investigate conditions in each of the existing 24 agricultural settlements in the country. she then travelled to Europe and to the United states to learn about settlement methods there. Upon her return, she joined the Bar Giora self-defense organization, and married its leader, Yisrael shochat. Under manya’s influence, the Bar Giora group tried to establish a collective farm near sejera (ilania). this was the first attempt at collective settlement in Eretz Yisrael. manya and Yisrael shochat were among the founders of the Hashomer organization. they were expelled to turkey, along with Yehoshua Hankin, and they remained there until the end of the First World War. after their return they joined the ahdut haavoda Party. together with Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and his wife, rachel Yanait, they established the negev Committee, which worked to raise awareness of the importance of retaining and settling the negev. During the 1920s, manya assisted in clandestine immigration via the northern border. after the arab riots of 1929, she began working with the other members of Hashomer to engage the arabs of Palestine in dialogue. manya shochat lived in Kfar Giladi until her death in 1961.

Naomi Shemer (1930-2004)a poetess and one of israel’s greatest songwriters; she won the israel Prize for Hebrew song. she was born and raised on Kvutzat Kinneret, and studied at the Jerusalem academy of music. shemer’s songs are characterized by the special connection between the words and the melody, and many of them have become an inseparable part of israeli culture. one of the best known is “Yerushalayim shel Zahav” (Jerusalem of Gold), which she wrote in 1967, a few weeks prior to the six Day War. the song expressed the connection between the Jewish People and its capital, Jerusalem, and it became the “anthem” of the six Day War and the victory. shemer died of cancer and was buried in the cemetery at Kibbutz Kinneret, where she was born. Her grave and the house where she lived are visited by many admirers of the woman whose songs embodied the beautiful side of israel.


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Prof. zvi Hermann Schapira(1840-1898)Born in Latvia, received rabbinical ordination, but was drawn to the Jewish Enlightenment movement. He left the rabbinate and studied to become a professor of mathematics. He published many articles about national revival, and worked towards the realization of the idea of Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael. schapira was one of the initiators of the idea of establishing the Hebrew University. at the First Zionist Congress he raised the idea of a Jewish national Fund that would collect contributions from all of world Jewry for purchasing land in Eretz Yisrael. Prof. schapira set down the rule that land redeemed by the Jewish People was not to be sold, but rather leased.

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“A homeland cannot be bought with money nor conquered with the sword. You have to create it by the sweat of your brow.”

(David Ben-Gurion)

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The N of Jewish settlementin the early pioneering days in Eretz Yisrael, Jewish communities were concentrated in three areas: the northern Jordan valley and eastern Galilee; the valleys between the Beit shean valley and Zevulun; and along the coast. this geographical distribution was referred to as the “’n’ of Jewish settlement”, since on a map it resembled the letter “n”. the coastal plain and the lowlands (shefelah) were crowded, while the other areas of Jewish settlement were very sparse. the negev had almost no Jewish inhabitants. KKL-JnF redeemed the areas of the Hula valley, the Yizreel valley, Zevulun, and the Hefer valley.For a map showing the “N of Jewish settlement”, see pages 32-33.

Tower and Stockade (1936-1939)a settlement method that was used before the establishment of the state. the “tower and stockade” communities were set up during the period of the arab riots, and were intended to “create facts on the ground”. they were put up quickly- sometimes in a single day. the pioneers would surround the area with a fence, set up a tower and a few huts. most of these communities were established in outlying areas so as to cover as much area as possible. the first community to be established in this way was Kibbutz tel amal (nir David) in the Beit shean valley. a total of 57 communities were established using the tower and stockade method. the residents

worked during the day and guarded their land at night. KKL-JnF played a central role in the struggle to acquire parcels of land for the creation of tower and stockade communities. For a map of Tower and Stockade communities, see pages 32-33

The eleven settlement pointson the night after Yom Kippur, 5707 (the night of october 5, 1946) a campaign was launched to establish eleven new points of Jewish habitation in the northern negev. the aim of the campaign was to ensure that the negev area would be included within the future boundaries of the Jewish state. this was the largest campaign of its type in the years preceding the establishment of the state. the points were set up in a similar format to the “tower and stockade” system (see below), with a relatively large number of people helping to set up the new points very quickly. at each point a number of huts and tents were put up, as well as a tower to hold a barrel of water. the points set up that night were: Beeri, Gal-on, Hatzerim, Kfar Darom, mishmar hanegev, nevatim, nirim, Kedma, shoval, and tekuma. the main difficulty faced by the pioneers who stayed on at these points was a shortage of water. in 1947, a water pipe was laid and this helped the residents as well as allowing three new points to be set up. in June, 1947, a delegation from the Un visited and was impressed by the Jewish pioneers in the negev and their ability to develop the wasteland. Later on – possibly owing to the impression made by these pioneers – the negev was included within the borders of the Jewish state as proposed in the Partition Plan. For a map showing the 11 points, see pages 32-33.

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mikveh Yisraelthe first agricultural school in Eretz Yisrael, established in 1870 by Charles netter. about three years earlier, netter had visited the country. He investigated the situation of the Jews living there and concluded that in order to improve their economic situation they needed training for agricultural labor. the aim of his institution was to train the younger generation and prepare them for agricultural pioneering. in 1882 a group of pioneers from russia, who called themselves “Bilu”, arrived at mikveh Yisrael. the members of the group sought work as laborers. netter identified their potential and decided to train them to work the land. He passed away before he was able to realize this vision, and was buried at mikveh Yisrael. towards the end of the British mandate and during the War of independence, the vineyard at mikveh Yisrael served as a secret training camp for the Haganah. today, the institute serves as a school for studies in agriculturally-related natural sciences, environment, and biotechnology, with about 1,500 students.

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The three lookout pointsGevulot, revivim and Beit Eshel were three sites that KKL-JnF set up in the negev during the second World War. their establishment had begun in 1943, in response to the publication of the British White Paper that imposed harsh restrictions on the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael, preventing the purchase of land and its settlement by Jews. However, these restrictions did not stop KKL-JnF from purchasing land in the negev and establishing three lookout points, which were intended for collecting data on the soil and the climate in the region, and for agricultural experiments. these lookout points contributed greatly to increased security in the region, and they accumulated much information which helped with future settlement of the negev. Yosef Weitz, head of the KKL-JnF forestry department, had proposed setting up lookout points in the negev as a means of settlement. His original plan included 10 points; ultimately only three were established. on the map they form a triangle shape. KKL-JnF has been a partner in the restoration of these sites.For a map of the three observation points, see pages 32-33.


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Gevulot the first of the three lookout points was set up by members of Hashomer Hatza’ir, near the site of Kibbutz tze’elim today. the site was abandoned and reoccupied three times until it was firmly established as Kibbutz Gevulot. the post underwent restoration in 1996 and was transformed into a tourist site, with assistance from KKL-JnF.

Beit Eshelthe third site, Beit Eshel, was located on the outskirts of Beer sheva. Was built on the foundations of an early settlement by the moshavim movement. Beit Eshel was destroyed during the War of independence. in recent years KKL-JnF has led a project to restore the site as part of the development of the nahal Beer sheva Park.

revivim the second site was set up by members of Hano’ar Haoved. this is the southernmost of the three points, and is located near Kibbutz revivim. KKL-JnF participated in its restoration in 1998.

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The M

editerranean Sea





Tel A

viv – Yafo



The D

ead Sea



Be’er S



(Sea of G




eservoir L

ake H





ek Hefer




Dan D







Ein Gev

Sha’ar Hagolan



Kfar H



Shavei Zion

Ein HaM


far Masaryk

Beit Oren








Taninim Ein Hashofet

Sde Nahoum

Tel A



Sde Warburg



aGal O






Beit Eshel






ar H






Tel Y


Tirat Z



ermon (Banias)













Attention! Learn the nam

es of the localities and the stream

s and their location on the map!

* only part of stream

s and water reservoirs

appear on the map

see elaborated entries on pages 34-43

the Lookout points

tower and stockade settlem

ent Blocs in northern israel (1936-1939)

the Eleven settlem

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tower and stockade settlem

ent Blocs in northern israel (1936-1939)

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The M

editerranean Sea





Tel A

viv – Yafo



The D

ead Sea



Be’er S



(Sea of G




eservoir L

ake H





ek Hefer




Dan D







Ein Gev

Sha’ar Hagolan



Kfar H



Shavei Zion

Ein HaM


far Masaryk

Beit Oren








Taninim Ein Hashofet

Sde Nahoum

Tel A



Sde Warburg



aGal O






Beit Eshel






ar H






Tel Y


Tirat Z



ermon (Banias)













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Water“All rivers run to the sea, yet the sea is not full”

(Kohelet – Ecclesiastes 1:7)

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The Dead Seaa saltwater lake at the foot of the lower slopes of the Judean Desert, in the Jordan rift valley. its shores are the lowest dry land in the world. the Dead sea is a nature reserve that is unique in the whole world; different minerals and salts are produced from it and it is a popular tourist site for people suffering from various ailments, as well as regular tourists, from israel and the world over. since the 1970s the level of the Dead sea has dropped by about 20 meters, as a result of the diversion of water from the Jordan river, industrial and tourist use of the water, and natural evaporation. today, the southern part of the Dead sea is in danger of drying up altogether; its area is constantly shrinking. one of the solutions that have been proposed to solve this problem is a “sea to sea” canal to import water from the mediterranean, or from the red sea, via the arava.

WaterKinneret – Sea of Galileea natural lake serving as a water reservoir that supplies approximately a quarter of israel’s annual water consumption. it covers approximately 170 square kilometers, with a maximum depth of 43 meters. the sea of Galilee is fed by the Jordan river, among others, and its water is pumped through the national Water Carrier. as an importance source of water in israel, the level of the sea of Galilee is a matter of public interest and concern. it is also an important religious site for Christians. throughout history the beauty of the sea of Galilee and the surrounding scenery have been a source of artistic inspiration; they are also a focal point for recreation, tourism and sporting activities.

river rehabilitationthe sorry state of israel’s rivers is the result of decades of neglect. the process of rehabilitating a river is a lengthy one. KKL-JnF, in cooperation with the ministry of Environmental affairs, established a rivers rehabilitation administration, with the aim of removing pollutants that have caused great damage to the coastal rivers and restore them to their natural state. Examples of rivers that have been cleaned up include nahal alexander in the Hefer valley; nahal Lakhish near ashdod, and the Kishon river near Haifa. the process involves, first of all, the removal of fluvial sediments, invasive flora waste. sometimes the riverbed needs to be widened. thereafter, attention is given to the banks of the river, the surrounding landscaping, and the water itself. Finally, once the water is sufficiently clean to support plant and animal life, the natural ecosystem is gradually restored.

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Nahal Beer Shevaa central river in the southern region, passing alongside the city of Beer sheva and joining up with nahal HaBesor. the area on the banks of the river features archaeological remains as well as interesting geological and ecological elements. the river is approximately 80km long, with a drainage area of about 200 square kilometers. among its revolutionary projects in the negev, KKL-JnF is a partner in turning this river into a “green lung” for Beer sheva. once a beautiful river, the discharge of wastewater from the city and its environs polluted it and turned it into an environmental hazard. about a decade ago, a decision was taken to rehabilitate the river and to develop a metropolitan park around it for the benefit of residents of Beer sheva and the surrounding areas. in 2004 work on the park commenced, and a promenade was built along the length of the river. the park includes rest and recreation areas, various historical sites, and a lake. rehabilitation of the river included removal of pollutants, restoration of sites and natural fauna and flora, and the planting of trees. near the river is the Beit Eshel lookout point – one of three lookouts in the negev which have been a cornerstone in modern Zionist settlement in the area.

Yarkon riverthe largest of israel’s coastal rivers, flowing into the sea through tel aviv. along its path there are flour mills dating back to the roman Period which were operated using hydro power. in the region of the river mouth, its water mixes with warm water from the reading power station. During the 1960s, about 90% of the water of the Yarkon was pumped for use in the negev. the once-powerful flow of water was weakened, creating blockages; at the same time, construction in the surrounding area led to pollution of the river with construction waste, along with urban wastewater and industrial waste. During the 1970s and 80s the Yarkon has become a river of sewage that was full of toxic substances, mosquitoes, animal bones, and rusted car parts. since the maccabiah disaster in 1997, KKL-JnF has adopted the river and engaged in intensive rehabilitation efforts. Constructed wetlands along the length of the river help purify the water; many trees have been planted along the banks, and four bridges have been built for pedestrians and cyclists; trails have been paved and archaeological

sites have been restored. over the last few years KKL-JnF has been advancing the restoration of one of the “seven mills” on the Yarkon, and a birdwatching center is being established nearby on an area of about 30 dunams. the cycling path along the Yarkon is part of the route “From the sea to Jerusalem”, created by KKL-JnF.


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Nahal Alexandera perennial river approximately 32 km in length. Until a few years ago it was severely polluted with industrial, domestic and agricultural wastewater, and the local ecosystem was critically affected. in 1994 a river rehabilitation authority was established, with KKL-JnF as a partner. today, although the water of nahal alexander comes from different sources – groundwater, nearby fishing pools, catchment from nearby fields, and treated sewage water – pollutants have been removed and the area has turned into a scenic spot. With a contribution from the italian Jewish community, KKL-JnF has worked on a “sample section” of the river near Kibbutz ma’abarot. the nahal alexander rehabilitation Project has won four important prizes in israel, but its most important achievement was first prize in the most prestigious international competition for river management and rehabilitation – the thiess international riverprize.

Nahal Lakhishnahal Lakhish drains the western Hebron hills area and flows towards the city of ashdod. it is a seasonal stream for the most part, with the exception of a few springs along the way, and is home to coypu (river rats), aquatic birds, and a range of reeds and river vegetation. For years the river was severely polluted, until a rehabilitation project was undertaken in 1995. as part of this project KKL-JnF established the Lakhish-ashdod Park on the banks of the river. the river has become a green scenic spot, with recreational activities for the whole family. shady sitting areas, green lawns, and walking paths have been built around it, and KKL-JnF has carried out construction works to stabilize the river. other works undertaken in the area include development of the ad Halom Park, Holot Park, and others.

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Nahal HaderaDrains the north-western samarian hills and the coastal plain, and flows into the mediterranean sea south of the orot rabin power station near Hadera. in the 19th century the swamps around the river were drained in an attempt to fight malaria and facilitate settlement around the springs. as a result, the river dried up. instead of spring water, the riverbed became polluted with wastewater from agricultural fields and fish farms, as well as wastewater from surrounding residential areas and factories. in 1982 the maor David (today – “orot rabin”) power station was built close by. thereafter a decision was taken to rehabilitate the western part of nahal Hadera, between the coastal road and the mouth of the river. the rehabilitation process makes use of the water that is pumped for cooling the power station. this section of the river is now clean; it flows with sea water, and has become a sailing and water recreation site. around it KKL-JnF has created a park with a promenade, an agricultural farm, woodlands, and clean water. recently, in cooperation with the Hadera paper factory, another section of the river – east of Heftziba – is being rehabilitated.

Water reservoirsisrael suffers from a chronic water shortage that is becoming increasingly acute. the population growth and the rise in the standard of living have led to increased water consumption for domestic and industrial use. at the same time, the major water reservoirs – the sea of Galilee (Kinneret) and groundwater reservoirs - are becoming increasingly polluted. KKL-JnF has built more than 250 water reservoirs since the 1980s. these are classified in three groups, in accordance with the source of the water that they hold: a. collected surface runoff; b. spring water – the water produced by springs is collected during the winter and stored until it is needed; c. treated wastewater, used mainly for irrigating orchards. these reservoirs collectively contribute almost a tenth of israel’s total water consumption.

For the location of the reservoirs, see the map on pages 32-33.


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Emek Hefer reservoirstores effluent water from the netanya wastewater treatment plant, nahal shekhem, and the surrounding towns. the water is used to irrigate some10,000 dunams of fruit orchards, avocado plantations, and crops in the northern part of Emek Hefer, in addition to the 30,000 dunams irrigated by the other reservoirs in the area. the use of purified wastewater for irrigation frees drinking water for domestic consumption.

HaBesor reservoirone of a chain of giant reservoirs along nahal HaBesor, built by KKL-JnF in 1996 as part of the growth project in the negev. the reservoir collects stormwater and allows it to seep into the groundwater. the Besor reservoir, along with two neighboring reservoirs – upper and lower rehovot – can hold about 7 million metric cubes of water. in dry years the reservoirs can be filled with purified wastewater from the Dan region. the Besor reservoirs contribute to the development of agriculture in the negev and allow the land there to be used for growing produce, like orchards, which in the past could be found only the center of the country, owing to irrigation constraints.

Orvim reservoirLocated on nahal orvim (named after the black ravens that circle overhead) and intended to boost the water supply to the Golan Heights. this stormwater reservoir was established by KKL-JnF in the early 2000s as part of the overall treatment of the nahal orvim drainage basin. there are a number of water reservoirs located on the Golan Heights; their role is to store water before it flows into the sea of Galilee (Kinneret) and thereby prevent the need to pump water from there back to the Golan Heights. the water is used to irrigate the groves and

fields of the nearby communities – marom Golan, El-rom, odem, sha’al, and others, as well as to water herds of cattle and flocks of sheep, which comprise an important agricultural sector in the Golan. to maintain the clarity and quality of the water, fish have been introduced into the reservoir; they serve both as food and as a source of livelihood.

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The National Water Carrierthe main artery of israel’s national water infrastructure. it is approximately 130 km long, and serves to regulate the supply of water to the country and to make efficient use of the water sources. the initiator of the national Water Carrier project was the engineer simcha Blass. the carrier became operational on June 10, 1964, and it carries water from the sea of Galilee (Kinneret) all the way to its southernmost point – mitzpeh ramon in the negev hills. the national Water Carrier not only carries water from north to south, but has become the primary water artery to which the great majority of the regional waterworks have been connected. With its completion, these formerly separate systems became part of a national water network.

DesalinationDesalination of sea water is one of the ways of increasing the amount of potable water available in israel. Desalination plants provide approximately 21% of the country’s water consumption. there are many methods for desalination; the oldest method is based on evaporation. most of the plants operating today do not use this method, since it requires a vast surface area. in 2006 the israeli government decided to build new desalination plants based on reverse osmosis technology, in Eilat and along the mediterranean coastline. although the water they produce is more expensive than pumped water, since the desalination process uses great quantities of energy, the new plants are expected to triple the production of desalinated water and thereby help alleviate the country’s water shortage. in order for the desalinated water to be used as drinking water, it will need to be mixed with natural fresh water.


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Surface runoff harvestingCollection of surface runoff by means of a constructed slope which allows it to flow it into a gully, or to permeate the soil in the run-on area, is called surface runoff harvesting. KKL-JnF developed the idea of concentrating surface runoff for the purposes of planting trees and shrubs in the desert. the method is based on the collection and concentration of overland flow for the purpose of growing trees and shrubs. Desert forestation is based on concentrating overland flow in the areas designated for the trees. a similar method was developed during the nabatean Period, to allow surface runoff and floodwaters to be collected and concentrated for drinking and for agriculture. remains of ancient agricultural systems in the negev show that many generations ago, olive groves, vineyards and barley crops grew in the negev. the successful harvesting of overland flow was a factor in the flourishing of different areas of habitation in the negev, including the nabatean cities of avdat, shivta and mampsis.

Liman a depression created by an artificially-created earthen ramp in a gully or streambed of a seasonal stream in a semi-arid region. trees are planted in the depression – usually eucalyptus, acacia, mesquite, Washingtonia, tamarisk, and sometimes also other species, including fruit trees. the trees live on rainwater, or surface runoff, that is collected in the liman. this system of forestry is based on nabatean irrigation methods. Limans are located in the negev and in the arava, in regions where the annual rainfall is between 50-300mm.the word “liman” comes from the Greek, and it means a port or place that is flooded. around the limans KKL-JnF maintains recreational areas, some of which are overnight camping sites, for hikers, passersby and also for soldiers.

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The aquifersthese are underground reservoirs of groundwater lying over layers of impermeable rock that allows no water to seep through. Drilling in the aquifer areas allows the groundwater to be pumped and used for different purposes. israel has three main aquifers: the Coastal aquifer, which stretches from Caesaria in the north to the Gaza strip in the south; the mountain aquifer, stretching under the central mountain range, from nahal taninim in the north to the Beer sheva region in the south and from the coastal plain in the west to the mountain ridge in the east, with water of very good quality; and the Hermon aquifer.much of the water from the aquifers is used for human needs.

water table

groundwater level

Aquifer –water bearing strata

water-impermeable layer



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Bio-filteran innovative research project using green technology based on natural (biological and physical) processes, with the aim of purifying urban surface runoff. the purification process makes it possible to put this water to a number of different uses. in order to address israel’s shortage of water, the researchers involved in the project, to which KKL-JnF is a partner, hope that the bio-filter will also make it possible to gather the rainwater which does not seep down into the ground and which had previously been wasted. the seepage is affected in urban areas because of the dense construction, which leads to a reduction in the area of exposed land. this leads to a loss of hundreds of millions of metric cubes of rainwater each year in urban areas in israel. on average, each winter it should be possible to collect from the coastal cities approximately 200 million cubic meters of water which, at present, flow into the sea. the bio-filter system is based on a combination of special species of plants, bacteria that feed on substances that harm the quality of the water, and layers of sand and soil, which absorb the urban runoff that is polluted with fuels, heavy metals and nitrates. the water produced is at a very high quality and even driknable. the first bio-filter system was set up in Kfar saba.

Dan region Wastewater Treatment Plant (“Shafdan”)this is the largest waste treatment plant in the middle East, and was established in 1987 in rishon Letzion by the Dan reginal association for Environmental infrastructure (iGUDan). a regional carrier system collects the wastewater from the entire Dan region - approximately 2.5 million residents and 8,000 industrial sites – and carries it to the treatment plant where it undergoes a mechanical-biological process of decontamination from pollutants in giant ponds. thereafter the water is reintroduced into the aquifer via layers of sand which serve as a filter. the purified water is of good quality and is used for irrigation in the negev. the sludge produced as a side effect of the purification process, consisting mainly of bacteria, undergoes another process to be used as fertilizer.

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"ציטוט כלשהו על נחלים בארץ")בנימין זאב הרצל(


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“Ten measures of beauty descended on the world. Nine were taken by Jerusalem, and one by all the rest of the world. There is no beauty like the beauty of Jerusalem.”

(Babylonian Talmud, Nashim order, Kiddushin)

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The Knessetisrael’s Parliament and legislative authority. the Knesset consists of 120 members, elected by the public in nation-wide general elections held at least once every four years. the main functions of the Knesset include legislating laws, overseeing government activities, electing the President and state Comptroller, and discussing state affairs in both committee and plenum formats. the Knesset has 12 permanent committees, including Foreign affairs and Defense; Finance; Constitution, Law and Justice, and others. the first session of the Knesset took place in tel aviv on 15 shevat 5709, February 14, 1949.

National institutions BuildingBuilt in 1930, in the rehavia neighborhood in Jerusalem, to house the national institutions of the state-in-the-making. the architect who designed the building was richard Kaufmann. From the establishment of the state to this day, the building houses the offices of the Keren HaYesod executive, the KKL-JnF executive, and the Zionist organization executive. the plaza in front of the building was the setting for bikkurim (first fruits) ceremonies and other “quasi-state” ceremonies that helped to lend a national, independent character to the nascent state. it was here that the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem celebrated the Un Partition Plan vote on november 29, 1947. in a terror attack in 1948, a car bomb exploded in the courtyard of the

building, and 12 employees of the Keren HaYesod were killed, including Leib Yaffe, the director. on the day of the declaration of the state, the members of the People’s administration held an alternative declaration ceremony for the inhabitants of the besieged capital, who were not able to travel to tel aviv. after the state was declared, the first sessions of the Knesset were held in the building, as was the swearing-in of the first president, Chaim Weizmann. For many years the office of the Prime minister was also located in the building.

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The National Quarter(National Precinct)in December, 1949, the israeli government decided to transfer the state official institutions to Jerusalem. a hill in the western part of the city, known as Givat ram (ram - abbreviation in Hebrew of ‘officers assembly’, referring to the officers of the Gadna military program), was chosen as a suitable site – inter alia owing to the fact that it comprises three ridges. this made it possible to define a government precinct (government offices), educational precinct (including the Hebrew University) and a cultural precinct (including the israel museum). Givat ram was regarded as the core of modern Jerusalem and the center of its growing western side. as a first stage three government buildings were constructed (the ministry of Finance, ministry of the interior, and the Prime minister’s office), the Knesset, and the Bank of israel. the hill was planted with trees starting from 1949, among other reasons to conceal the government buildings from Jordanian artillery forces overlooking the area from the south. over the years more national institutions were built on the site, including the israel museum, the supreme Court, and the Givat ram campus of the Hebrew University. a system of roads and parking areas was also planned and built. the area continues to be developed today.

Shrine of the Bookthe shrine of the Book is part of the israel museum. it was created in 1965 to preserve the Dead sea scrolls (discovered in 1947 at Qumran) and ancient manuscripts of the Bible such as the aleppo Codex, and display them to the public. the building was planned as an “ideological” structure that symbolically expresses the attitude towards its contents, and it is considered a milestone in modern architecture. its unique structure recalls the shape of the lid of the earthen jugs in which some of the scrolls were found, and the contrast with the black wall opposite hints to the conflict between the “sons of light” (as the members of the Qumran sect, who wrote the scrolls, referred to themselves) and the “sons of darkness” (their enemies). the entrance to the building is shaped like a cave, recalling the site where the scrolls were found. the location of the shrine of the Book, near the Knesset, the government offices, and the national Library, testifies to the importance attached to the ancient scrolls and manuscripts housed in it.

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The Western Wall (Kotel)this is one of the holiest Jewish sites. the Western Wall is the western part of a supporting wall built by King Herod, during the second temple Period, which surrounded the temple mount. the Western Wall is about 28 meters long and 18 meters high. most of the wall is actually beneath ground level, except for the part that is exposed at the Western Wall Plaza. Journals of travelers and pilgrims dating back as early as the 4th century C.E. include testimonies of Jews praying around the walls of the temple mount, following the destruction of the temple. it seems that the custom of praying near the Western Wall became more popular during the 16th century, when Jerusalem was under ottoman rule. From the War of independence until the six Day War, the Western Wall was in Jordanian hands. the area came under israeli control during the six Day War, and since then Jews and non-Jews alike have had free access to the site. the photograph of israeli paratroopers standing at the Western Wall after the conquest of the old City is one of the most famous and most moving images capturing the history of the state of israel.

mount HerzlLocated in the western part of Jerusalem, at a height of 834 meters above sea level. a number of national institutions are located on this mountain, including the gravesite of Binyamin Zeev Herzl, israel’s central military cemetery, the burial site for national leaders, and the burial site for heads of the Zionist movement. the cemetery for national leaders has plain, black marble gravestones, except for the monument to Prime minister Yitzhak rabin and his wife, Leah rabin. at the top of the mountain is the Herzl museum, displaying Herzl’s study and telling his life story. on the western slope of the mountain is the Yad vashem World Center for Holocaust research. Every year, the official state ceremony marking the conclusion of israel’s memorial Day and the commencement of independence Day (Yom Haatzma’ut) celebrations is held in the mount Herzl Plaza.


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The Gates of Jerusalemthe wall surrounding the old City of Jerusalem, built in the days of the ottoman sultan suleiman i to protect the city, there are open gates and sealed gates. they include the following:

1. Lions’ Gate: on both sides of this open gate, on the eastern side of the wall, there are two pairs of lions which give the gate its name. During the six Day War the paratroopers entered through this gate and conquered the old City.2. Flowers Gate (also known as Herod’s Gate): Located on the northern side of the wall. its name hints to the flowers engraved around it, or to the nearby cemetery (whose name, in arabic, sounds like the Hebrew words “perahim” – flowers).3. New Gate: this gate sits at the highest point of all the old City gates, and was broken through only in the 19th century. it was closed until the six Day War, with the Jordanian border running adjacent to it. 4. Dung Gate: on the southern side; the closest gate to the Western Wall. the name “Dung Gate” is mentioned in the Book of Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) and would seem to refer to the removal of refuse from the temple area for burning in the Ben Hinnom valley.

5. zion Gate: Connects mount Zion and the armenean Quarter with the old City. Broken through by soldiers of the Harel Brigade during the War of independence, to bring supplies to the besieged Jewish Quarter. the pock-marks left by bullets in the wall around the gate are still visible.6. Jaffa Gate: one of the main gates of the old City, with David’s Citadel rising above it. the gate, which faces the main highway that in ancient times led to the Jaffa port, still serves as an important traffic portal into the old City.7. Damascus Gate: the most splendid of the old City gates. its arabic name, Bab al-amud, refers to a roman victory pillar (“amud”) that stood in front of it (as displayed on the madaba map in Jordan). From this pillar the distances to different cities throughout the country were measured. 8. Golden Gate (Gate of mercy): the gate closest to the temple mount, and sealed. Legend has it that the turkish sultan suleiman sealed it, and had a muslim cemetery located in front of it, in order to prevent the messiah from entering the city through it in the future.

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mishkenot Sha’ananimthe first Jewish neighborhood to be built outside of the old City walls, facing the old City and David’s Citadel. By the mid-19th century the old City was extremely crowded. Poor sanitary conditions, along with a constant rise in the number of inhabitants, made life within the walls unbearable. nevertheless, the inhabitants were reluctant to venture outside, where bandits roamed – especially after dark. mishkenot sha’ananim, established in 1860, was built at the initiative of sir moses montefiore, with funds from the estate of the american philanthropist Judah touro, on area land that had originally been intended for a Jewish hospital. the neighborhood’s name was inspired by a verse from the Book of Yishayahu (isaiah), conveying the idea of a safe and peaceful habitation. the compound consisted of a long building with 26 dwellings, and another small building with four dwellings. a windmill was built on the site, and it operated for the next 25 years. Populating the compound was not an easy task: although the

dwellings had been intended for religious scholars and the poor, few people were willing to leave the security of the walls of the old City. over the years the number of residents increased and new neighborhoods were built outside of the old City. today, mishkenot sha’ananim has been renovated and restored; it includes a conference center and music center, as well as a guesthouse.

The Hebrew universitythe first university to be established in the Land of israel (in 1925) and the second academic institution (after the Haifa technion). at the fifth Zionist Congress, held in Basel in 1901 (where the establishment of the KKL-JnF was also decided), the idea of creating an academic institution was raised, and a year later Dr. Chaim Weizmann opened an office in Geneva to advance this project. in 1914, KKL-JnF purchased the land, and four years later the cornerstone for the university was laid on mount scopus, at a ceremony attended by many dignitaries, and the construction began. the campus was opened in 1925. in 1948, the university campus became part of the demilitarized israeli enclave on mount scopus, and a permanent force of israeli soldiers in police uniforms was stationed there. the only contact with this enclave was by means of fortnightly convoys of supplies that were carried out under supervision of the Un and soldiers of the Jordanian Legion. the personnel confined to mount scopus armed themselves, dug fortifications, restored old water wells, and found creative ways of overcoming

their difficult conditions. all of this helped turn mount scopus into an important, well-fortified post. after the six Day War and the liberation of the enclave, it was decided that the university would move back to mount scopus, and the campus was rebuilt and renovated. the university is regarded both in israel and abroad as a prestigious institution boasting world-renowned scientists and researchers, including a number of nobel Prize winners.


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Jerusalem Parkisrael’s first metropolitan park – a park located on the outskirts of the city rather than inside it, transforming the neglected areas around the city from a nuisance into a public resource. the park serves as a green lung, invites city residents to enjoy hiking, riding and other recreational activities in natural surroundings, and preserves heritage sites and natural features in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. the Jerusalem Park includes a wide range of secondary parks (including Emek motza, Emek haarazim, Emek refaim and Emek tzofim), a nature reserve, woodlands (including the Jerusalem Forest) and national parks. the park is in advanced stages of development, and represents a cooperative project of KKL-JnF, the Jerusalem municipality, the Jerusalem Development authority, and the nature and Parks authority.

the Jerusalem Park implements the Central Park model in new York, integrating educational volunteering activity for youth to take care of the park, adhering to the slogan: “Jerusalem Park – it’s our nature”.

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Jerusalem Forestthe “green lung” of the capital. the forest was planted by KKL-JnF during the 1950s-60s. in 1956, israel’s second president, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, planted the first tree in the forest. at its peak, the forest covered an area of 4,700 dunams, with pine, mediterranean cypress, oak, terebinth, carob, olive, fig, pomegranate and other mediterranean trees and orchards sprawling over the slopes of the Judean hills. in the forest are remains of burial caves, agricultural facilities, and many water wells. the area of the forest is constantly shrinking due to accelerated development around the city, including a major highway intersection, the moving of high voltage power lines, the extension of the cemetery and of the Yad vashem museum, and other construction plans. a protest against the “safdie Plan”, which threatened to destroy part of the forest to the west of Jerusalem in order to build 20,000 housing units, was successful and the plan was cancelled in 2007, but the struggle to halt the shrinkage of the green area around Jerusalem continues. KKL-JnF is currently leading the campaign to save the Jerusalem Forest, along with other environmental bodies and residents of the neighborhoods bordering on the forest. in this way KKL-JnF implements the “community forest” model in which residents participate in the planning and care of the forest nearby their home.


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Peace Forestthis forest was planted by KKL-JnF following the unification of Jerusalem, after the six Day War. the forest, with its pine, cypress and cedar trees, covers an area of about 400 dunams of what was once “no-man’s land” between the Jordanian and israeli parts of Jerusalem. it lies near the sherover Promenade, in the nahal Kidron catchment basin. among the trees there are picnic areas and a tree-planting center. the forest also houses a monument to the sportsmen killed in the munich massacre and a monument to the soldiers of the Jerusalem Brigade’s 68th battalion, who were killed in the Yom Kippur War. in anticipation of the 3,000th anniversary of the city of Jerusalem, KKL-JnF established the israel Children’s Garden, with structures representing different periods in the city’s history, as well as observation points with stunning panoramic views. the development and construction on the surrounding areas are eroding its boundaries.

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Forests and parks

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“The mountains will drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt”

(Amos 9:13)

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Hulda ForestLocated in the ayalon valley, with a building known as “Herzl’s House” in the midst of it (although Herzl never visited it). near this building there was a laborers’ farm which later became Kibbutz Hulda. near the house there is a memorial sculpture created by Batya Lishansky; it commorates Efraim Chizik, who fell in battle defending Hulda and the surrounding area against arab rioters in 1929, and his sister sara, who fell in defense of tel Hai, as well as israel’s fallen soldiers. the monument was placed here in 1937. the forest covers approximately 200 dunams and includes camping sites, picnic tables, and drinking taps. it has been declared a national park, and is managed by KKL-JnF. During the War of independence, the Hulda Convoy set out towards besieged Jerusalem, but was attacked on the way. in the wake of the deaths of the members of this convoy and others, the decision was taken to build what became known as the “Burma road”, to break the siege on Jerusalem. a water reservoir was also build near Herzl’s House which allowed for water to be carried through pipes, along the Burma road, to Jerusalem.

Forests and parks

Ben Shemen Forestthe first forest planted by KKL-JnF, in 1908, with 12,000 olive trees. today, the forest is maintained and cared for by KKL-JnF. it is one of the largest forest areas in israel, covering about 21,000 dunams. situated to the east of Lod, it serves as a “green lung” for the Dan region. the Ben shemen land was purchased by KKL-JnF in 1905. the olive trees that were originally planted did not grow well, and so pine and cypress were introduced. in recent years KKL-JnF has also planted fruit trees, broad-leafed trees and native woodland. there are picnic areas in the forest as well as a sculpture path, a large recreational area, and a park accessible for the blind.

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Biria Forestthe largest man-made forest in the Galilee. it covers about 20,000 dunams between safed, rosh Pina, nahal Dalton and nahal amud. the first trees were planted in the area during the period of the mandate, and KKL-JnF continued to plant there after the establishment of the state. the forest includes hiking trails, observation points, camping sites, groves, springs, an ancient synagogue, graves of righteous historical figures, and more. the historical sites in the forest include the Biria Fortress, which currently serves as a museum that tells the story of the founding of the first village there in 1946 and the attempts by a Bnei akiva group to hold on to the area despite arab attacks. on the 11th of adar, Bnei akiva reenacts the story of the establishment of Biria, and a large ceremony is held at the fortress. the forest was damaged during the second Lebanon War, in the summer of 2006. today, the signs of renewal and rehabilitation of the areas that were burned are apparent.

Yatir ForestPlanted in 1964, and over the years came to be known as “israel’s largest forest”. the history of the forest began with the clearing of roads with a view to aiding the development of the negev. the forest lies in the southern Hebron hills, and covers about 30,000 dunams. its name recalls the ancient Levite city of Yatir (see Joshua 21:13-14) which is included within its area. the level of rainfall in the region is very low, and so KKL-JnF developed special methods which allow this forest to exist as the only one in the world to have been planted in such a dry climate. the international scientific community shows great interest in this forest, especially in light of its contribution to combatting desertification.

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Agamon Hulathe largest project undertaken by KKL-JnF during the first decade of the state’s existence was the drying of the Hula swamps and preparing the marshlands for agriculture. in 1993, KKL-JnF returned to the Hula valley to re-flood 1,000 dunams of land. this brought great benefits to the area: huge flocks of migratory birds once again stopped over to feed and rest here on their long flights from Europe to africa before the winter and back again before the summer; the area was transformed into a unique nature reserve; and the contamination of the sea of Galilee (Kinneret) from peat was also halted. it is possible to sail on the lake and observe the special local fauna and flora, such as the water buffalo. to preserve the park’s ecological balance, the entry of private vehicles is forbidden, but bicycles are permitted, as are tours in golf carts.

Golda ParkDeveloped by KKL-JnF and named after Golda meir, israel’s fourth Prime minister. the park covers an area of about 540 dunams and is situated near Kibbutz revivim, where Golda meir spent much time with her daughter, who was among the founding members. nahal revivim, a seasonal stream, passes through the middle of the park, and there is a lake filled with brackish groundwater. the park offers lawns and shaded picnic areas, and in the upper section there is a lookout overlooking the northern negev. near the other end of the park there is a grave of a sheikh and a spa and recreation complex that makes the most of the nearby aquifer.

Forests and parks

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Sataf a site in the Judean hills that preserves and recaptures ancient and traditional mountain farming, which is still practiced in villages in the area such as Batir and Wadi Fukhin. the irrigation system in the area was made possible by two springs in the area: Ein sataf and Ein Bikura. During the 1980s, KKL-JnF began reconstructing the system of agricultural terraces. as part of the project, the two springs that had supplied water to the villages, along with the canals emerging from them and the pools, were exposed. an initiative known as “Bustanof” was established on site, allowing Jerusalem residents to lease tracts of land for cultivation. a range of fruit trees and almonds are grown in the area using dryland techniques.

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Adullam ParkLies south of Beit shemesh, covering an area of about 50,000 dunams. together with British Park and Us independence Park it forms the green expanse at the heart of the Judean plain. the park is comprised of low chalkstone hills. over the course of the centuries, residents of the area took advantage of the soft rock to build a great many caves, which they used for different purposes. a range of archaeological sites are dispersed throughout the park, for the most part representing Jewish habitation from the second temple Period, the Bar Kokhba revolt period, and the period of the mishna and talmud. KKL-JnF has developed several camping areas for the benefit of hikers, as well as special cycling paths throughout the park.

Forests and parks

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Communal Foresta belt of forest or woodland bordering residential neighborhoods and serving the residents is known as a “communal forest” or “urban forest”. in fact, an area of trees, a boulevard or a municipal park might also be considered a small communal forest. Communal forests express environmental, social and economic values: they draw the residents of the nearby towns or communities nearer to nature and the local heritage; they contribute to a sense of pride and belonging; they offer green lungs; and they provide a place of rest and relaxation, an accessible refuge from the noise and air pollution of the city. the trees aid in carbon fixation; they reduce noise and heat, promote biological diversity, and create a pleasant living environment.

over 90% of israel’s inhabitants live in urban areas where open, natural areas are scarce and far removed from day-to-day activities. For many years, the open areas adjacent to towns and cities served as improvised industrial areas or unregulated sites for dumping garbage. this situation increases the importance of cultivating communal forests. KKL-JnF is working to turn the woodlands and open areas bordering on towns from neglected eyesores into green gems that are a source of pride and a sense of belonging for residents of the region. KKL-JnF protects and nurtures the forests in close cooperation with the community and the local authorities.

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“Break forth into singing, you mountains; O forest, and every tree in it”

(Isaiah 44:23)

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Pinean evergreen tree with needle-shaped leaves, common throughout the world. Four species of pine grow in israel, but only one (known as Jerusalem pine or aleppo pine) is native to the country and can grow spontaneously. most of the pine forests standing today were planted by KKL-JnF; natural pine woodlands exist in only a few places, including the Carmel, the Judean hills, mount meron, and around rosh Hanikra. the pine has exposed seeds; its fruit is the cone. Pines grow well on chalkstone rock and forests can be renewed after a fire by scattering seeds. in the afforestation project that began even before the establishment of the state, pines were the first trees to be planted. this was due mainly to the fact that they grow quickly, and in most types of soil. in addition, the pine was familiar to the pioneers who came from Europe. When pine needles are shed from the tree, they form a layer on the ground that facilitates the growth of fungi. the roots of the pine maintain a symbiotic relationship with the fungi, providing food for them and absorbing minerals from them. the pine is referred to in the Bible as the “oil tree” (see nehemiah 8:15).

Eucalyptusan evergreen tree of the myrtle family, of which several species exist; planted successfully in many places around the world, including in israel. the name is Greek in origin. the oil distilled from its leaves may be used as a decongestant, if taken in small quantities, but is poisonous in larger doses. the first eucalyptus trees were brought to the country in the 1880s, and they played an important role in draining swamps, which caused malaria. the eucalyptus survives in soil and weather conditions that other trees cannot tolerate, which means that it can be planted in diverse areas.

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Oakthree types of oak tree grow in israel. the most common species is the Kermes oak, which grows mainly in the Upper Galilee, the Carmel, the Judean hills and Jerusalem. it grows mainly in shrub form, owing to the dry climate and overgrazing. its height ranges from one meter to six meters, but it may reach about 10 meters in height. the fruit consists of an acorn in a cupule. the tabor oak sheds its leaves in winter, grows to a height of 4-9 meters, and grows in the drier regions around the mediterranean. today, the tabor oak is a protected species due to the large-scale destruction of forests during the ottoman Period, when the wood was used for steam engines during the First World War. the Boissier oak grows in cold, rainy areas, mainly on slopes above 700 meters.

Terebinththe terebinth is commonly found in the mediterranean woodlands in israel. it grows alongside the Kermes oak in rocky areas and even in the region bordering on the desert. three species of terebinth grow in israel: atlantic Pistachio, terebinth and the mastic tree. Like other woodland trees, the terebinth has suffered from damage caused by man and by grazing. as a result, the terebinth today is usually a small tree with just a few branches, reaching a height of 3-10 meters. often, as a result of a certain type of aphid sting, galls appear on the leaves of the tree; the shape of these galls is an easy way to distinguish the species of tree. today, KKL-JnF plants terebinths as part of its policy of mixed afforestation and restoring the local woodland scenery. the terebinth flowers in march and april. During the summer the tree develops fruit, which are efficiently scattered by birds. the atlantic terebinth is known as a tree that grows to a very old age. terebinth trees regenerate after felling or burning.

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Tamariskthere are dozens of different species of tamarisk; some shed their leaves while others are evergreen; some are trees while others are shrubs. some species grow to a great height and to an old age (150 years or even longer). the tallest species is the athel tamarisk, which can grow to about 15 meters. most species are of saharo-african origin and are to be found in sandy regions, along water sources, and in saline soils. some are able to tolerate extremely saline conditions. the tamarisk is one of the only types of tree that develops well in the dry conditions of the negev. the tamarisk excretes salt which accumulates on the branches (giving the tree its generally greyish-green appearance) and absorbs humidity in the air during the night. the resulting salt solution drips onto the ground, raising significantly the salt content of the upper layer of the soil under the tree. this serves to kill off other types of plants around the tree. the roots extend spread far and wide, and also go deep down, seeking moisture and groundwater. When the tree blooms it is covered with purple flowers.

Cypressan evergreen tree with long, thin, needle-like leaves, which may live for hundreds of years. the mediterranean cypress is the most commonly-found species in israel, and the only species native to the area. Cypresses are commonly found almost throughout the mediterranean basin. the advantage of the cypress over other trees with needle leaves lies in its ability to regenerate after felling and to reproduce from seeds. the cypress blooms in the spring. KKL-JnF plants cypress in different areas of the country, especially on the mountain ranges. the tree grows well in all types of soil. its cones are round and ripen between 1.5 – 2 years after fertilization, and they turn from green to brown. the cypress tree is mentioned in the Bible. Cypresses are often planted in cemeteries since their shape resembles a candle.


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Carobone of the most common trees native to israel, the carob is an evergreen that grows to 10-15 meters high. it flowers from august to november, and its fruits are elongated, edible pods. aside from its nutritional value for humans, it is also important as food for cattle and sheep. Carob trees are to be found on the kurkar ridges in the coastal region, from rosh hanikra to netanya; at the foot of the hills in the eastern Galilee and in the western Galilee; on the Carmel, in ramot menashe, and in the Judean hills. the word Carob derives from its sword-like fruits (sword=herev in Hebrew) . Carob may also allude to its dry arid fruits (arid=harev in Hebrew). the carob seed usually weighs 0.2g and in Greek it is called a ‘carat’ – hence the name for the unit of mass used for gold and precious stones. in folk medicine, carobs are used to treat diarrhea, mouth sores, diabetes, coughing, and respiratory problems. ripe, dry pods may be used to produce carob powder, which is used instead of cocoa powder to make a “healthy” substitute for chocolate.

Pomegranate the pomegranate is a cultured deciduous tree that is commonly found throughout the mediterranean countries. it is a shrub or small tree, reaching only about 3 meters. its leaves are elongated and shiny, and arranged alternately. the tips of the branches are hard and sharp. a ripe pomegranate contains about 600 juicy seeds. Jewish tradition views the pomegranate as symbolic of someone who performs many commandments and good deeds (there are 613 commandments in the torah). the pomegranate has been traded since ancient times, owing to its long “shelf life”, its taste, and its medicinal properties. the pomegranate is one of the “seven species” with which the Land of israel is blessed, and in many different cultures it symbolizes fertility and abundance, beauty, and wisdom. its attractive shape and symbolic properties make it a popular form of decoration on buildings, coins, garments, and other items.

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red Thorna rare type of acacia tree that grows in the southern negev and in the arava, mainly in the ravines between nahal Paran and Eilat, and also in the sinai and in Jordan. it is a desert tree that is more resistant to cold than the other species of acacia that grow in israel. on average it reaches a height of 8m, but may grow to 12m. the tree has a single trunk, and when mature the bark peels in the form of yellowish-brown scales. the leaves are greyer than those of other acacia species in israel, and are covered with fine felt-like hairs. Long thorns grow at the base of the leaf. the tree blooms between July and october. its fruit is horn-shaped. its thorns are long and dense.


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Figthe fig tree is a deciduous ficus tree that grows to 3-10m. the fig is one of the “seven species” with which the Land of israel is blessed, according to the torah. it grows in the mediterranean region, and near springs and other sources of water. Excavations at prehistoric sites in israel show that figs as we know them today existed even in very ancient times. Hence, the fig is not considered a cultured tree; it is native to the Land of israel, and is known for its sweet fruit which is eaten both fresh and dried. the flower is not outwardly visible, and it is pollinated in symbiosis with a fig wasp. adam and Eve, in the biblical story, made themselves loincloths from fig leaves.

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KKL-JnF has committed itself, as part of the Un Billion tree Campaign, to plant 6 million trees over the course of the next 10 years.

a person would have to plant 200 trees to “offset” the pollution he creates over his lifetime.

one tree may serve as a home for dozens of birds over the decades of its life.

one tree, located nearby a residential building, serves as an “acoustic wall”, reducing noise pollution significantly.

one tree adds greenery, life and joy to the urban environment.

since its establishment, KKL-JnF has planted more than 240 million trees over an area of approximately 1 million dunams, helping to slow global warming.

Planting trees is an active way of halting the greenhouse effect, which is responsible for global warming.

one tree is capable of cleaning, filtering and purifying 100,000 cubic meters of polluted air; producing 700kg of oxygen, and absorbing 20 tons of carbon dioxide.

thousands of hikers participate in planting trees in KKL-JnF forests, on the Jewish holiday tu Be-shvat and throughout the year.

one tree helps to reduce the temperature in its surroundings, during the summer, by up to four degrees.

Planting trees helps to prevent soil erosion and desertification.

one tree is capable of absorbing 20kg of dust and 80 kg of suspensions containing toxic metals such as mercury, lithium and lead.

Tree favors

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see page 80 for a more detailed explanation.

Carbon fixation





Carbon fixation

Carbon pollution and global warming


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Environment and ecology

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“man is but the soil of a small country; man is but the imprint of his native landscape”

(Shaul Tchernihovsky)

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Environment and ecology

Photosynthesis(‘Photo’ = light; ‘synthesis’ = putting together) – a process used by plants to convert light energy (usually from the sun) into chemical energy. the plants emit oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, which is then stored in the form of sugars, which are used by the plant as energy . some of the oxigen that was converted from carbon dioxide is used by the plant and the rest is emitted and is used by other living things.

recyclinga process whereby waste is broken down and returned to a raw material state, to be used in new production. recycling offers both economic and ecological advantages, since it conserves raw materials and reduces waste and pollution. materials that may be recycled include paper, metals (such as aluminium and iron), plastic, glass, organic waste, and fabric. nature maintains a perpetual process of recycling, whereby all the waste produced by one organism (for example, leaves shed from a tree) serves as a resource for other organisms (such as bacteria and insects that feed on the leaves and cause it to decompose). in israel, 15-25% of waste is recycled.

Compostingthe production of organic fertilizer. the garbage produced by humans includes organic waste, such as food scraps. When this type of waste is isolated from other types of garbage, it may be broken down by the bacteria in the air to produce organic fertilizer. the use of organic fertilizer for plants and agricultural crops serves two main objectives: reducing waste, and reducing the use of chemical fertilizers that pollute groundwater and cause harm to animals. the decomposition of organic waste is a natural process that takes place over a short time and contributes greatly to the quality of the environment.

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Open spacesareas of land without human-built structures, areas that are left undisturbed. this category includes nature reserves, national parks, forests, agricultural areas, and badlands. Preserving these open spaces is very important, since their accelerated extinction harms the environment, reduces green lungs, and extinguishes natural and scenic features. some of these areas are protected by master plans in accordance with israel’s Planning and Building Law, including national master Plan 8 for national Parks and nature reserves and national master Plan 22 for Forests and afforestation.

Combatting desertificationClimate change and man’s overuse of land resources lead to a process known as desertification. it involves agricultural land degradation and the spread of desert regions. KKL-JnF plants forests in semi-arid areas and helps the population by conveying water for agriculture, planting trees for shade and preventing water evaporation through redesigning the landscape (digging depressions and furrows) to trap rainwater deep enough to prevent evaporation but shallow enough for the plants to absorb it. in israel, extensive research is undertaken in fields related to the prevention of desertification and stopping it. Experts from all over the world come to study the technology developed by KKL-JnF for growing trees in the desert.

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Bio-organic agricultureagriculture that uses pesticides and fertilizers that do not contain chemicals, but rather rely on organic components. Examples include using compost as fertilizer and introducing parasites and/or natural enemies of the insects that destroy crops. Bio-organic agriculture is ecological and sustainable that addresses the urgent need to heal the land and provide nutritional, poison-free, chemical-free food for all humans and animals. Bio-organic agriculture demands adherence to strict rules for the growing, processing and marketing of agricultural produce. it is a very expensive undertaking, and the produce usually has a short shelf-life. many studies are currently underway seeking technological solutions to bring down prices and lengthen shelf-life of bio-organic produce.

research and developmentregional r&D centers, operating in cooperation with KKL-JnF and the ministry of agriculture, exist throughout israel, from Kiryat shmonah and the Golan Heights in the north, to mitzpeh ramon and Hatzeva in the south. KKL-JnF investment in agricultural r&D facilitates the development of new species, increased use of treated and/or brackish water, and more. an r&D center can host experiments in many different fields. For example, in the negev, the r&D center aids the development of desert farming. it contributes by seeking crops with a comparative advantage, which are suited to the region, and finding quality solutions that ensure the achievement of high-quality agricultural crops. it also contributes to the development of aquaculture in the region fish and sea food species. this center's achievements include growing melons in the desert, developing fish pools, and growing the sweetest tomato in the world, which is irrigated with brackish water.

Environment and ecology

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Ozone layer depletionozone is a molecule that contains three oxygen atoms. the “ozone layer” refers to a region of the Earth’s stratosphere, between 20-40 km above Earth, that contains relatively high concentrations of ozone. the ozone layer absorbs much of the sun’s Uv radiation, which is harmful for living things, and prevents it from reaching the earth. Hence, the ozone layer serves as a shield that protects life forms on Earth. ozone depletion refers to the thinning of the ozone layer, resulting from extensive use of aerosol sprays containing a specific gas, Freon-12, which leads to the breakdown of ozone. ozone depletion is related to global warming, and it became one of the 20th century’s most urgent environmental issues. in recent years the use of this gases has decreased significantly, which has halted the widening of the ozone hole. the successful turnaround in the process of ozone depletion shows that man has significant influence over life systems.

Sustainable developmentthis term refers to development (construction, paving of roads, and any other type of intervention in nature) that addresses present needs without compromising on the ability of future generations to address their own needs. this type of development can last longer, because it does not damage the resource base upon which it rests. resources are used at a pace that allows natural processes to renew them and thus maintain a balance. sustainable development involves environmental, social and economic aspects.

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Carbon fixationCarbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe, and the chemical basis of all known life. Carbon dioxide is one of the “greenhouse gases” that surround the earth, allowing it to be warmed by preventing radiation from being released back into the atmosphere. the carbon cycle facilitates the existence of most life forms. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is fixated by plants through the process of photosynthesis, and is converted into glucose and oxygen. the release of large quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere disturbs the carbon cycle balance and accelerates the process of global warming. since the industrial revolution (and especially the burning of fossil fuels), and in the wake of technological progress, the levels of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere are much higher than in the past. Changes in the use of land resources also harm the process of carbon dioxide fixation and causes a relative increase in the quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. the transformation of natural habitats into agricultural areas, deforestation, urbanization, and infrastructure and road construction are processes that generally reduce potential for carbon dioxide fixation by the ecological system. When tropical rain forests are cut down, for example, the region generally becomes a grassy habitat with decreased ability to capture carbon dioxide. the imbalance that is created can be combatted by planting a large number of trees, to reduce the quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and to slow the pace of global warming.

Environment and ecology


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Ecological footprintthe ecological footprint defines the area of land necessary to maintain a person or group of people. this area includes both the resources that the earth provides – such as food, energy, water, air, and so on, and the resources that the earth itself needs in order to cope with the environmental damage that man leaves in his wake – including garbage, air pollution, water pollution, and deforestation. the ecological footprint measures how much land is needed to create the resources required for one individual, and how much land is needed to dispose of his waste.Countries also have ecological footprints, and these are influenced by their degree of development and the nature of the consumption and lifestyle of their populations. KKL-JnF works to reduce israel’s ecological footprint, thereby making a positive contribution to global environmental protection. the range of KKL-JnF activities help to reduce man’s adverse impact on the environment: planting trees to increase carbon fixation and reduce air pollution; building water reservoirs and rehabilitating rivers, creating parks and green lungs, sustainable development – including preservation of ecological systems for man’s future needs and reducing the ecological footprint of future generations, educating towards ecological Zionism; protecting the environment; recycling; and smart consumption for the sake of the Earth’s future.

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Wind energyWind is an excellent example of a clean, renewable source of energy: it may be used over and over again, it costs nothing, causes no pollution, and creates no waste. the harnessing of wind energy began more than two thousand years ago. in ancient Egypt, sailing ships used the wind for propulsion; later on, windmills were employed in China, Persia, the middle East, and the rest of the world. in the 20th century wind turbines were developed to produce electricity. this system uses a giant turbine whose rotation operates a generator which produces electric current to be used for man’s needs.

the production of electricity using wind turbines is common in many countries, especially in the Us. the viability of wind energy is variable, depending on terrain conditions, wind speed, and the stability of wind patterns. Wind power may be harnessed not only in open spaces, but also in urban areas, especially where there are tall buildings, which increase wind power locally. the first wind turbine to be connected to the national electricity grid in israel became operational in 1985, on mount Bnei tzefat in the Golan Heights. today, the wind farm at tel al-Ghassaniyeh in the Golan boasts ten turbines, which produce a quantity of electricity equivalent to the domestic consumption of about 12,000 people. KKL-JnF is a member of an inter-ministerial team established by the israeli government to assess application to establish additional large-scale wind farms in israel and advance this area in the coming years.

Environment and ecology

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Solar energythe sun is a renewable, available and sustainable source of energy. solar energy is produced from the sun’s rays, and is converted, using different methods, into thermal or electrical energy. although photovoltaic cells are not very efficient, when it comes to large-scale energy production, and despite the high costs involved, there are still many advantages to using solar energy.

in contrast to nuclear energy, or energy produced from unsustainable fossil fuels, sunlight is never used up. in fact, wind energy, hydroelectric power, and the energy stored in crude oil, coal, and gas are all derived from solar power. sunlight is universally available, and costs nothing; the use of solar power does not pollute water, the soil, or the air, nor does it create waste.

the intensity and duration of solar radiation depend on the time of day and the season. For a solar field to be efficient and give good output, it needs mirrors that focus the rays of the sun, or a large number of giant panels with photovoltaic cells, and this in turn requires a very large open area. in addition, it is important that the sun shines strongly, directly, and for a prolonged period of the year. open desert regions, such as the arava, are well suited for the establishment of solar fields. in october, 2011, the israeli Electricity authority first approved ongoing operation of a solar field. the Ketura sun solar field was set up in Kibbutz Ketura, in the arava, through a joint venture of business entities, Kibbutz Ketura, and KKL-JnF.

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Fire prevention

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Firebreaksstrips of land that separate dense vegetation from inhabited areas or areas of human activity. since dry vegetation is combustible and abundant, the function of a firebreak is to help to slow or stop the progress of a wildfire. Firebreaks are wide strips (at least 50-100 meters wide) created and maintained through thinning, pruning, sanitation (removal of dead or sick trees) and grazing activities. Wherever possible they comprise areas of sparse forest, cultivated land, and rocky terrain. these areas are defined with attention to conservation of the natural surroundings and minimal damage to environmental features, and are constantly monitored and studied. owing to

their reduced volume of flammable substances, these areas reduce the intensity and speed of a fire crossing from an inhabited area to the forest or vice versa, and help to stop it from spreading. these man-made buffer zones consist, as much as possible, on existing firebreaks, such as sparse forest, cultivated areas and rocky ground.

rehabilitation of the Carmelthe fire on the Carmel, in December 2010, is considered to be the worst fire that the region has ever known. the harm to the environment included acute damage to the forest, the soil, local fauna, and rock. KKL-JnF embarked on the rehabilitation of the area by carrying out numerous surveys of the damaged area, adopting a strategy of patience while allowing the region to heal itself naturally and spontaneously. the surveys identified areas where the ground had appeared to be scorched, but since the fire had burned in those areas only for a short time, and at a relatively low temperature, many seeds were left unharmed and might still grow into trees in the years to come. KKL-JnF foresters took care of conserving the soil to prevent erosion, and identified extensive areas where germination had commenced. in areas where there is no natural

regeneration of the forest, as well as in recreational areas, trees will be planted as needed, to allow parts of the region to return to serving as a recreation site for the benefit of the general public.

Forest rehabilitation after firethere have been many forest fires in israel in recent years, and extensive rehabilitative operations have been undertaken. the rehabilitation of a forest begins with the prevention of erosion, the removal of hazards and scorched material, pruning, and a planting strategy based on natural regeneration, with new trees planted in keeping with the character of the site. KKL-JnF foresters work to prevent future fires by creating firebreaks and by thinning forest density. the operations

are based on the recommendations and decisions of professional committees that have been established in the wake of past fires in different forests, including Biriya, the sha’ar HaGay area, and the Carmel. KKL-JnF invests heavily in specialized studies to investigate the process of rehabilitation of forests following a fire.

Fire prevention

Page 86: KKL-JNF Quiz...KKL-JnF was called upon by Prime minister David Ben-Gurion to “make the desert bloom” and to develop the land. today, KKL-JnF is the largest environmental body in


Has planted more than 240,000,000 trees over about a million dunams, and continues to plant around 20,000 dunams of forest each year.

Familiarizes the public with the forests through a range of tours and recreational and cultural activities conducted in natural settings, for the public at large and for the friends of KKL-JnF, which include thousands of families.

Wages an ongoing battle against forest fires, using a system of advanced warning and extinguishing and through preventive planning and ongoing monitoring of the forests throughout the country.

Contributes to the protection of the environment all over israel, combatting desertification and creating shady,green areas.

strengthens the bond of youth in israel and in the Diaspora with Zionism and the environment through educational activities, training and information, and aids in the social absorption of youth in cities and in outlying areas. Cooperates with 2,100 educational institutions.

manages projects in some 235 municipalities throughout israel.

nurtures and cares for approximately 100,000 dunams of natural woodlands.

Develops and monitors biospheric spaces, while maintaining the natural environment, with a view that balances preservation and development.

Has established more than 800 recreation sites throughout the country, including sites offering active sports and recreational activities, tourist sites, and regional parks, visited by tens of thousands of visitors.

Has created around 7,000 km of roads and forest paths.

Expands the national water economy by building more than 250 reservoirs and dams throughout the country, to collect runoff and to recycle purified waste water, amounting to more than 300 million cubic meters of water.

rehabilitates israel’s polluted rivers and restores them to life.

Has prepared approximately 1,000,000 dunams of land for agriculture.

Has prepared theground for approximately1,0000 communities throughout the country.

Will be investing around nis 1.2 billion in development of the negev and the Galilee over the next 5 years.

rehabilitates and nurtures forests damaged by fire all over israel.

Has built and developed hundreds of kilometers of cycling paths in the north, center, and south of the country.

Has fenced and regulated some 1 million dunams of pasture.

Has purchased approximately 2,600,000 million dunams for community building and farming.

Contributes to r&D in agriculture, environment and ecology throughout the country.


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The photographs in the brochure are courtesy of the KKL-JNF Photo Archive. The list of photographers whose photographs appear in the brochure: Yisrael Sinai, Dr. Yaakov Rosner, Mira Chen, Michael Khoury, Abraham Malevsky, Rachel Alon, Benny Mor, Avi Hirshfield, Zeev Radovan, Shvili, Shai Ginot, Zadok Bassan, Yisrael Sinai, Avi Hirshfield, Joe Malcolm, Pnina Livni, Yossef Schweig, Abraham Malevsky, Dan Schaffner, Yael Haddad, Gidi Bashan, Ancho Gosh, Yaniv Schwartz – Technographics, as well as The Zionist Archive, Jabotinsky Institute in Israel, Government Press Office, IPPA, Flash 90 and Albatross. All rights reserved to the KKL-JNF, Department of Education and Youth, the Pedagogical Department.

Graphic Design: FLY Design, Writing: The Pedagogical Department Team, Editing and production: Studio Tsachar, www.tsachar.com

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