kit volume xx no 2 september 2008

Keep In Touch Newsletter Keep In Touch Newsletter Keep In Touch Newsletter Keep In Touch Newsletter Volume XIX No 2 September 2008 Volume XIX No 2 September 2008 Volume XIX No 2 September 2008 Volume XIX No 2 September 2008 This Newsletter provides a forum for people who have lived in the Bruderhof, as well as their families and friends. The opinions expressed are those of the writer and are not necessarily shared by the volunteers who produce the Newsletter. Contents Conference At Friendly Crossways 2009? 1 EuroKIT Gathering At Klaashof: Rated “Highly Successful” By Participants 1 Fernando Lugo – Paraguay’s New President 3 “Paraguay: Land für Kriegsdienstverwei- gerer und Bruderhöfe“ 3 Married: Giovanna Mathis And Iain Barnard 4 A Friend Has Left Us, Jere Bruner 5 Karl Christoph Keiderling 5 Visiting Friends In Paraguay Sept/Oct 2007 6 Reimgeschichte aus Primavera-Zeiten 11 The Confrontation Between The Bruderhof And The German National-Socialist Government 1933 to 1937 – Part 3 12 ______________________________________ Conference At Friendly Crossways 2009? By Miriam Holmes A few people have expressed the hope that we have a conference at Friendly Crossways next year. The place has a historical connection to our past and is really quite suitable. I just need to know how many people would attend to see if we could afford the place. I thought the first or second weekend in August would be good. Of significance to me is that 2009 is the 20 th anniversary of the Keep-In-Touch-Newsletter, an event worthy of a celebration! Please let me know soon if you plan to join our KIT Meeting next year. You can leave a message on my voice mail +1-978 266 1506, or contact me by email: [email protected] Or send a card by snail mail to: Miriam Holmes, 310 Codman Hill Rd. Apt. DI, Boxborough, MA 01719-1703. EuroKIT Gathering At Klaashof: Rated “Highly Successful” By Participants Comments taken from “Hummer” messages by participants, with permission Ben Cavanna, July 12 th 2008: Hello all, I have just got home from Germany where I attended the first day of KIT at the Klaashof. Everybody seemed to be having a good time. I got there at 1:00 pm on Friday to find Gordon and Linda there. As the afternoon wore on we ate cake, drank tea and coffee, welcomed arrivals as they trickled in, and went to various local train stations to pick people up. I went to Kempen train station to meet Justina, Tina and Mamerta Jaime. What a delight! I was six when I saw Mamerta last in El Arado. Kilian, Bram and Tim J arrived looking well tanned from their mountain adventures. There were oodles of Friedemanns and lots of lovely people I had not seen for quite a while, including Kurt Zimmermann with his wife Brigitte. The singing went on till nearly midnight. This morning after breakfast fourteen of us went on a bicycle ride through the countryside led by Norman (Anthony) Lord. The rain held off until just before we got back to the Klaashof. Others went shopping in Venlo, just over the Dutch border. After a quick bite to eat it was time to head off to the airport for my flight home. Linda, Norman and Rita have done a great job “herding the KIT cats.“ Last minute packing now for my K2 trip tomorrow. Elisabeth Bohlken, July 13 th : Dear friends. We just returned from the KIT-Gathering in the Nettetal-Hinsbeck area. We had not been there since the summer 2000 in Oberbernhards, and really enjoyed seeing Bicycle ride on Saturday: John Holland, Anthony Lord, Bram Burger and Kilian Zumpe. (Four photos by Tim Johnson) many friends and school buddies. The organisation by Linda and Gordon, Rita and Anthony was perfect. Everyone was able to relax and enjoy talks and walks together. I met some that I had last seen in 1953 in Primavera. It was quite amazing that the contact was instant and warm for discussions or just listening to each other. I just saw Ben’s letter and that describes the get-together well. The place is open, friendly and the surroundings beautiful. So much was organized for the walkers, talkers, cyclists, for the active or more passive members of the group; everyone seemed at ease and happy. Some stayed at the Klaashof – actually a former farmhouse, with the cattle sheds transformed into kitchen, dining room and an open place inside, like you have the patios in the South American houses. Some chose to stay at a (wonderful!) hotel, and some at the nearby Youth hostel. A perfect place, organized in a perfect way, to let people chose what they want. Food and drinks were in the price, and for that price really good! It is good to see each other, I often feel that each one of us is scarred by the past in some way or another. None I spoke to were bitter or hateful as the Bruderhof seems to tell its members. But many families are broken, friendships have suffered and still suffer; our homes, where many of us grew up, destroyed and completely gone! But the urgent need to share each others experiences seems no longer as acute as in the early 90s. We all come from the same background and often understand without words. Just a smile, a tear, a hug, a few words will cheer us up. Sightseeing after climbing the tower: Tim Johnson, Matt Ellison, Joy MacDonald, Phil Hazelton and Jean Röring-Hasenberg

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EuroKIT Gathering At Klaashof: Rated “Highly Successful” By Participants Comments taken from “Hummer” messages by participants, with permission


Page 1: KIT Volume XX No 2 September 2008

Keep In Touch Newsletter Keep In Touch Newsletter Keep In Touch Newsletter Keep In Touch Newsletter Volume XIX No 2 September 2008Volume XIX No 2 September 2008Volume XIX No 2 September 2008Volume XIX No 2 September 2008

This Newsletter provides a forum for people who have lived in the Bruderhof, as well as their families and friends. The opinions expressed are those of the writer and are not necessarily shared by the volunteers who produce the Newsletter.

Contents Conference At Friendly Crossways 2009? 1 EuroKIT Gathering At Klaashof: Rated “Highly Successful” By Participants 1 Fernando Lugo – Paraguay’s New President 3 “Paraguay: Land für Kriegsdienstverwei- gerer und Bruderhöfe“ 3 Married: Giovanna Mathis And Iain Barnard 4 A Friend Has Left Us, Jere Bruner 5 Karl Christoph Keiderling 5 Visiting Friends In Paraguay Sept/Oct 2007 6 Reimgeschichte aus Primavera-Zeiten 11 The Confrontation Between The Bruderhof And The German National-Socialist Government 1933 to 1937 – Part 3 12 ______________________________________

Conference At Friendly Crossways 2009? By Miriam Holmes A few people have expressed the hope that we have a conference at Friendly Crossways next year. The place has a historical connection to our past and is really quite suitable. I just need to know how many people would attend to see if we could afford the place. I thought the first or second weekend in August would be good. Of significance to me is that 2009 is the 20th anniversary of the Keep-In-Touch-Newsletter, an event worthy of a celebration!

Please let me know soon if you plan to join our KIT Meeting next year. You can leave a message on my voice mail +1-978 266 1506, or contact me by email: [email protected]

Or send a card by snail mail to: Miriam Holmes, 310 Codman Hill Rd. Apt. DI, Boxborough, MA 01719-1703.

EuroKIT Gathering At Klaashof: Rated “Highly Successful” By Participants Comments taken from “Hummer” messages by participants, with permission Ben Cavanna, July 12th 2008: Hello all, I have just got home from Germany where I attended the first day of KIT at the Klaashof. Everybody seemed to be having a good time. I got there at 1:00 pm on Friday to find Gordon and Linda there. As the afternoon wore on we ate cake, drank tea and coffee, welcomed arrivals as they trickled in, and went to various local train stations to pick people up. I went to Kempen train station to meet Justina, Tina and Mamerta Jaime. What a delight! I was six when I saw Mamerta last in El Arado.

Kilian, Bram and Tim J arrived looking well tanned from their mountain adventures. There were oodles of Friedemanns and lots of lovely people I had not seen for quite a while, including Kurt Zimmermann with his wife Brigitte. The singing went on till nearly midnight.

This morning after breakfast fourteen of us went on a bicycle ride through the countryside led by Norman (Anthony) Lord. The rain held off until just before we got back to the Klaashof. Others went shopping in Venlo, just over the Dutch border. After a quick bite to eat it was time to head off to the airport for my flight home.

Linda, Norman and Rita have done a great job “herding the KIT cats.“ Last minute packing now for my K2 trip tomorrow.

Elisabeth Bohlken, July 13th: Dear friends. We just returned from the KIT-Gathering in the Nettetal-Hinsbeck area. We had not been there since the summer 2000 in Oberbernhards, and really enjoyed seeing

Bicycle ride on Saturday: John Holland, Anthony Lord, Bram Burger and Kilian Zumpe. (Four photos by Tim Johnson)

many friends and school buddies. The organisation by Linda and Gordon, Rita and Anthony was perfect. Everyone was able to relax and enjoy talks and walks together. I met some that I had last seen in 1953 in Primavera. It was quite amazing that the contact was instant and warm for discussions or just listening to each other. I just saw Ben’s letter and that describes the get-together well. The place is open, friendly and the surroundings beautiful. So much was organized for the walkers, talkers, cyclists, for the active or more passive members of the group; everyone seemed at ease and happy. Some stayed at the Klaashof – actually a former farmhouse, with the cattle sheds transformed into kitchen, dining room and an open place inside, like you have the patios in the South American houses. Some chose to stay at a (wonderful!) hotel, and some at the nearby Youth hostel. A perfect place, organized in a perfect way, to let people chose what they want. Food and drinks were in the price, and for that price really good! It is good to see each other, I often feel that each one of us is scarred by the past in some way or another. None I spoke to were bitter or hateful as the Bruderhof seems to tell its members. But many families are broken, friendships have suffered and still suffer; our homes, where many of us grew up, destroyed and completely gone! But the urgent need to share each others experiences seems no longer as acute as in the early 90s. We all come from the same background and often understand without words. Just a smile, a tear, a hug, a few words will cheer us up.

Sightseeing after climbing the tower: Tim Johnson, Matt Ellison, Joy MacDonald, Phil Hazelton and Jean Röring-Hasenberg

Page 2: KIT Volume XX No 2 September 2008

Keep In Touch Newsletter 2 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008

Lunch break in the Biergarten Waldesruh after a walk. Front from left: Phil Hazelton, John Holland, Joy MacDonald, Kilian Zumpe, Matt Ellison and Christrose Sumner – photo by Kerri Ellison One thing seems the most painful over the years. That is the torn families, not just torn away from each other – in different places or continents, but in complete spiritual separation because of the idea that we are disgruntled, evil, former members, who want to bring pain and hate to the communities, and are out to destroy them.

Hans and I want to give big thank you to all those good organizers. I do know that we Ex-Hofers are not always an easy crowd to work for. But this really turned out wonderfully! What I really enjoyed were the private talks. Everyone was always moving towards each other to talk, eat or just enjoy being together. The group from England seems especially relaxed, as they see each other more often; in Bulstrode, or at funerals or weddings. So there is a bonding, which is very different from our first, timid little meetings together, more than fifteen years ago. Personally I was happy to see my brother Kilian from London as well as Bram Burger and Tim Johnson. They had been on a week’s mountain climbing in Austria. They stayed at the Josten-Hotel with Hans and me, Rosie and Joy, Dieter and Rose, and Phil! What a good surprise to meet Phil again, it is so good talking to him. Kurt and Brigitte Zimmermann were there, as well as the three Paraguayan sisters, Justina, Mamerta and Clementina. So good to see and exchange with so many. The weather was perfect, not too hot and dry. Phil Hazelton, July 15th: Thanks for the good summary of our wonderful weekend at the Klaashof in Hombergen/Nettetal-Hinsbeck. I loved it. A very special bonus for me was meeting up with the Jaime sisters, and with Kurt(i) and Brigitte. Real joy to be there with Dieter and Rose, and wonderful to meet (for first time in donkeys’ years) with Anthony Lord and the rest of that clan. Fantastic to spend time with former Wheathill room and school mates – Kilian and Bram. I look forward to having them over to my place for mountain hikes and rides in the not too distant future. There really is a family feeling among us all, reflecting the ‘sabra’ relationship, a relationship which is unique to kids/folks born into and/or partly or wholly raised in closed community. I extend the

Relaxing at the Klaashof at noon: Matt and Kerri Ellison, Hanna, Rose Holz, Jörg Mathis, our host, Heinz Klaas, and Anthony Lord

Looking at pictures: Phil, the Jaime sisters: Justina, Clementina and Mamerta. Back row: Renatus Klüver, Isolde Brummerlohe – photo by Kerri Ellison particular thanks to Linda and Gordon, Anthony and Rita and the staff at Klaashof for organizing a super experience for such a disparate and diverse and anarchic group. For now: Gracias a todos; danke schön; thanks and dankje vell to you all! See you all sometime soon!

Linda Jackson, July 16th: Hi Ramon, thanks for the greetings, we had a wonderful time. Renewed old friendships, remembered old times - mostly the good times, and the fun we had in Paraguay. We sang songs and chatted in four or more languages, often at the same time. We walked and cycled (well some people did), enjoyed hot sunshine, and a bit of rain, drank beer and wine, – we even played games remembered from our youth and childhood, but I won't go in to that. I think everyone had a good time together – even Gordon, my husband, enjoyed himself with everyone! Pauline Davis, July 16th 2008: Linda, I would like to add my thanks to everyone else's thanks for all the work that you, Gordon, Anthony and Rita put into making it a very enjoyable weekend. It was nice meeting Anthony's grownup children Sascha and Tracy for the first time, they fitted in with us "crazy bunch" extremely well. It was also very nice to meet some more new people for the first time, as well as many "old" friends.

Thanks for the country and western music, Gordon. For those who preferred dancing to singing, the music provided a refreshing alternative to the "Bruderhof songs" so popular at our gatherings. The music was piped to the outside through a loud-speaker. Hanna taught us to line dance, while Gordon supervised the polka and jive. It was such fun. Thanks to everyone for making the weekend so worthwhile. It was a great success.

Joy MacDonald, July 18th: Dear Hummer friends, I too want to say a huge thank you to Linda and Gordon, Anthony and Rita and their grown up fascinating children Sascha and Tracy. I thoroughly enjoyed our

Our DAW ("Diener am Wochenende"), Gordon Jackson here serving some beer. On his right: Sascha Lord

Page 3: KIT Volume XX No 2 September 2008

Keep In Touch Newsletter 3 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008 EuroKIT gathering at Klaashof, an excellent venue and so good to meet the many I’ve renewed friendships with since KIT started in 1989. This year we had a further half dozen ex-Bruderhofers for whom this was their first gathering.

While socializing and out walking, the subject of the future KIT-Gatherings came up. We will need to find a new venue in the U.K. because Hesterworth in Shropshire, where we met in 2002 and 2006, has been sold. Our next U.K. gathering (apart from our annual day at Bulstrode each Spring), should probably be summer 2010 as lots of people seem to want another EuroKIT, and a few have already suggested potential venues.

Joy, again. July 30th: Last night a group of ex-bruderhofers met at The Old Devil Pub on the old roman London to Oxford road near Maiden-head. There were about twenty of us, as most had brought their partners. We spent several hours catching up and remembering the enjoyable EuroKIT at Klaashof and hearing about the recent revisiting of

Wheathill, Titterstone and Ludlow. Hanna is now winging her way back to Iowa and we look forward to seeing her again, may be next year? Editors note by Erdmuthe Arnold. A few additions to what was said on the Hummer about the EuroKIT-Gathering at Klaashof: About forty-five people joined the long July weekend in the Nettetal-Hinsbeck area. A great praise goes into the direction of Irene Pfeiffer-Fischer, who accompanied the joyful singing every evening with her accordion. Thoughtfully she also brought along song books. This was very much appreciated, as we didn’t know all the verses by heart. The last night, Sunday, a large group stayed together till after midnight to celebrate Rita Lord’s sixty second birthday with songs and cheers. It was a wonderful surprise for her, and a wonderful way for an extra thank-you to all organizers of the Lord-clan. Rita and Anthony’s daughter Tracy and son Sascha asked all of us out doors: A small, illuminated helium balloon was sent into the night sky accompanied by a special but secret wish of the birthday child. Maybe others did the same.

Fernando Lugo – Paraguay’s ?ew President KIT: After an April election, the former Catholic Bishop, Fernando Lugo (57) became the new President of Paraguay in August. Lugo was the choice of all the combined opposition to the Colorado party, whose rule for the past sixty-one consecutive years, including thirty-five years of the military dictator Alfredo Stroessner, had become infamous for its corruption and lack of attention to the needs of the common people.

Those of us with a particular interest in Paraguay from our own backgrounds are likely to have been following these profound and potentially revolutionary changes especially because Fernando Lugo’s diocese encompassed the “departamento” (administrative region) of San Pedro, which is where the Bruderhof settled, at “Primavera” after 1940 following its exile from Nazi Germany, and its decision to relocate from England in 1940.

During the times of the Colorado regime, Lugo became an activist priest who was then forced into exile for his resistance activities. This included five years in Rome. He was able to return from Rome in 1994, and the Vatican appointed him as Bishop of San Pedro, for the central part of Paraguay. After some time, the charismatic and socially engaged Bishop concluded that from his ecclesiastical position he could not fight for the most urgent changes for the poor in his country effectively. So as he had in his younger years, he became involved in politics, building up one of the nine opposition parties. These, together with more than twenty different recognizable social and political movements in the small country, chose Lugo as their candidate for President. After his election in April Lugo was successful in his petition to have the Vatican “laicize” him in July from the office of Bishop. It will be most

interesting to watch what happens throughout the next years in this very corrupt country which became homeland for so many of us.

Migg Fischli (92) has told several of us of a connection between the new President and his own family. One of the workers in the former Loma Hoby sawmill was named Fernando Lugo. He lived, and still lives with his family on a Rancho close to the northwest tip of the former Primavera at Mbocayatý. Migg’s son David Fischli married one of his daughters. Presumably Fernando (Jr.), is another child of that large family, though Migg does not know the exact details, so there is an element of speculation. Migg contacted the Swiss magazine, “Neue Wege – Beiträge zu Religion und Sozialismus” (New Paths – Religious and Socialist Contributions), which has appeared monthly since 1906. He told them about the Primavera years of the Bruderhof, and sent them his Memoirs. The editor, Rolf Bossart found the contents fascinating. So some of the paragraphs of Migg’s memories were published in No 6/2008 on pages193/194 (see: The magazine wanted to illustrate an unknown part of the Latin American history on the occasion of this historical changeover of power in Paraguay. Another article in “Neue Wege” by Beat Wehrle portrays Fernando Lugo and the victorious opposition factions with similar changes which have taken place in other South American countries (Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Argentina).

By the way, Migg’s Memoirs were published in the March and April 1999 issues of the KIT Newsletter, translated by his daughter Susanna Alves. We quote from Migg’s German article in “Neue Wege”:

“Paraguay: Land für Kriegsdienstverweigerer und Bruderhöfe”

So ist ein Beitrag überschrieben, den die Schweizer Monatszeitschrift

„/eue Wege– Beiträge zu Religion und Sozialismus“ in ihrem Heft

6/2008 auf den Seiten 193/194 abgedruckt hat. Es handelt sich dabei um

einen kleinen Auszug aus den „Memoiren“ von Emil (Migg) Fischli, die

zu einem großen Teil in der März- und April-Ausgabe 1999 des KIT

/ewsletters veröffentlicht wurden – übersetzt von Tochter Susanna

Alves. „/eue Wege“ wollte mit dem Abdruck aus Anlass des

„historischen Machtwechsels“ in Paraguay auf einen „weitgehend

unbekannten Teil der Lateinamerikanischen Geschichte“ hinweisen

(siehe den vorstehenden KIT-Bericht). Der Zeitschrift gegenüber verriet

Migg, dass seine Familie irgendwie mit dem neuen Präsidenten

verwandt sei: Sein Sohn David hat eine Frau aus der Lugo-Familie

geheiratet. Ihr Vater, ebenfalls ein Fernando Lugo, arbeitete im

früheren Sägewerk in Loma Hoby und wohnt heute noch mit seiner

Familie in einem Rancho in Mbocayatý in der /ähe des nord-westlichen

Zipfels des ehemaligen Primavera Gebiets, wie Migg gegenüber KIT

ergänzend sagte. /achfolgend also – im Zitat – Miggs Erinnerungen

über die Ankunft der Bruderhof-Angehörigen in Asunción und den

Beginn des Aufbaus im Departamento de San Pedro:

„Nach fünf Tagen Flussfahrt trafen wir in Asuncion ein. Der Fluss heißt hier ‚el Paraguay’, und so benennt sich das Land, dessen Hauptstadt

Asuncion ist. Dies ist also das Land, das uns aufgenommen hat. Ein Land, das noch wenige Jahre zuvor in einem langen, viele Opfer fordernden Krieg mit Bolivien gestanden hatte. Dieses Land also wollte uns, die wir alle Kriegsdienstverweigerer waren, aufnehmen und sogar unsere Söhne und Nachkommen von der Pflicht des Militärdienstes befreien. (Selbst heute noch, ein halbes Jahrhundert später, wird ein militärpflichtiger junger Paraguayer vom Dienst befreit, wenn er sich verpflichtet, in der Landwirtschaftsschule zu wohnen und zu arbeiten.)

Besonders spannend war das Anlegen an den zahlreichen Puertos (Häfen). Durch lautes Tuten wurde unsere Ankunft gemeldet, der Anker rasselte am Bug auf Grund, am Ufer rannten Hafenarbeiter herbei, um das Seil aufzufangen, das ein Matrose gekonnt hinüberschleuderte. Am Ufer hatte sich bald eine bunte, laute Menge eingefunden, neugierig auf das Neue, das sich ihnen darbot: Männer mit schwarzen Bärten, schwitzend in ihren dunklen Anzügen. Die Frauen und Mädchen mit langen Röcken und Kopftüchern und alle ohne geschminkte Lippen. Und dann die vielen blonden Kinder!

Eine lange Reihe von Pferdewagen erwartete uns, um uns nach den Dörfern in ‚Friesland’ zu fahren. Es waren wohl an die zwanzig Wagen, die Fuhrleute, meist blond und mit blauen Augen, sprachen Plattdeutsch. Sie nennen sich nach ihrem Vorsteher Menno Siemens Mennoniten. Ihre Vorväter wurden während der Reformationszeit aus ihrer Heimat,

Page 4: KIT Volume XX No 2 September 2008

Keep In Touch Newsletter 4 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008 Holland und Friesland, vertrieben. Sie praktizieren die Erwachsenen-Taufe und verweigern jeglichen Kriegsdienst. Ihre Flucht führte sie in Etappen durch Polen, die Ukraine, Russland, die Vereinigten Staaten und schließlich nach Paraguay, wo sie sich niederlassen konnten.

Die kleinen ausdauernden Pferde zogen uns über die sandigen Steppen unserem Ziel entgegen. In einem geographischen Handbuch wird diese Gegend Parklandschaft genannt. Die weiten Gras- und Sumpfsteppen sind durchsetzt mit größeren und kleineren Waldinseln. Nach mühsamer Fahrt kamen wir dann endlich in ‚Friesland’ an, im Dorf Nummer 5. Früh am nächsten Morgen sollte es dann wieder weitergehen nach ‚Primavera’, wo wir unseren neuen Bruderhof aus dem Boden stampfen wollten. Die früheren Besitzer dieser Estancia (Farm) hießen Lenz und Ruthenberg, daher der Name Primavera (Frühling). Die dreißigtausend Hektare Land [Anm. von KIT: richtig ist: rund achttausend Hektare oder achtzig Quadratkilometer] bestanden aus Urwald, Campo und Sumpf. Auf den weiten von Urwald umsäumten Campos weideten große Herden wilder Kühe und Pferde. Außer dem zahlreichen Viehbestand und einigen primitiven ebenerdigen Gebäuden und Schuppen ‚übernahmen’ wir auch die Belegschaft, das heißt die paraguayischen Viehtreiber und Waldarbeiter. Um seine Arbeiter zu entlöhnen, hatte Ruthenberg sein eigenes Geld geprägt: Aus Ein-Millimeter-Kupferblech gestanzte runde Taler mit eingeprägter ‚Marca Flor’, demselben Zeichen, das allen seinen Tieren auf dem Hinterteil

eingebrannt war. Entlöhnt wurde nur mit diesem Geld, und nur damit konnte in Ruthenbergs Kaufladen eingekauft werden. So war es denn dem Besitzer – allgemein ehrfurchtsvoll Patron genannt – möglich, nach echt kolonialer Manier doppelten Gewinn herauszupressen. Nachdem die ersten zwei großen Unterkünfte fertig waren, zogen die ersten Familien ein. Mit Zaundraht wurden die Zimmer eingeteilt in eine Fläche von ungefähr vier mal fünf Metern. An diesen Drähten befestigten wir Leinentücher, Tischdecken, aufgeschlitzte Säcke, Bettüberwürfe, alles Mögliche, was zu entbehren war, um eine minimalste Privatsphäre zu haben. Dieses ‚Dach über dem Kopf’ bot Schutz vor Wind, Wetter, Sonne und war eine exzellente Schule zur Toleranz. Schwitzend, aber gemeinsam schwitzend, bauten wir an einer Zukunft, nicht nur für uns und unsere Kinder. Wir glaubten, damit ein Zeichen zu setzen für die ganze Welt. Damals feierte der Kriegsgott seine Orgien, schlürfte deutsches, französisches, dänisches, norwegisches Blut. Wir, Deutsche, Engländer, Schotten, Holländer, Schweden, Franzosen, Amerikaner und Schweizer arbeiteten, aßen, sangen, lachten und weinten friedlich miteinander für eine bessere Zukunft.“

(Ende des Zitats aus „Neue Wege – Beiträge zu Religion und Sozialismus“. Postsendungen für die Redaktion an: Susanne Bachmann, Eggimannstraße 23, 3008 Bern/Schweiz; E-Mail: [email protected] - Internet:

Wedding Of Giovanna Mathis And Iain Barnard

By Linda Jackson-Lord

The Mathis family plus its new member, Iain. From left: Jonathan, Christine, Jörg, Giovanna, Iain, and Marcella Christine Mathis has asked me to tell you about a wonderful event I had the honor of attending on May 17th 2008: the wedding of her eldest daughter, Giovanna. I'm not sure words can adequately convey the atmosphere, the splendor and the joy of the event. I arrived at the Hilton in Swindon early Saturday afternoon; the wedding was due to start at 4:00 pm. I was welcomed by Christine, looking lovely, and smiling as always, and Jörg, looking very smart. Several others had already arrived, so we chatted in the reception area awaiting events. Soon we were invited to assemble in the Conference Suite, which was set out very simply, with an oval table with flowers in the front overlooking the grounds. Quiet music was playing. The wedding party arrived.

The groom and best man wore kilts in honor of Iain Barnard’s Scottish roots. The theme was white, red and green. Giovanna wore a traditional style long wedding dress, with little lacy sleeve/straps, and a short flowing train. She had tiny, deep red roses in her hair, and carried a bouquet of white lilies. The bridesmaids, sister Marcella and three others wore deep red sleeveless dresses with matching tiny roses in their hair, and each carried a single lily. Giovanna looked beautiful walking down the aisle with her father. Iain and Giovanna sat at the front at the oval table, later standing to take

their vows. The ceremony was short and simple, conducted on traditional lines. It was wonderful to behold the joy and love radiating from Iain and Giovanna and the adoring way they looked at each other throughout. I have been to many weddings, but the atmosphere at this one, the joy and happiness surrounding you was awesome, something to remember for a long time. After the signing of the register, Iain had arranged for a coach to take the family members for the short drive to Lydiate Park where the official photos were to be taken. I am sure Christine and Jörg will share some of them in due course. During the interval, and before the reception started, bucks-fizz was served to the guests while we sat around and chatted. Everyone had the chance to congratulate Giovanna and Iain in person, as well as chat with members of both families, renewing friendships, and getting to know Iain’s family. Soon we were called to enter the banquet hall for the reception. Each guest was personally welcomed by Iain and Giovanna, and Jörg and Christine. There were large round tables seating about ten people each. Again the theme was white, red and green: red serviettes. The tables were decorated with lilies curled around in large fishbowl style vases.

There was a wonderful buffet set out at one end with a fantastic array of food to choose from, something to suit all tastes. Because of the large tables and the buffet style meal, there was lots of opportunity to mix and mingle, and everyone seemed to take advantage of this, moving around with each course. Once everyone had had their fill, there were a few speeches. I don’t remember the actual words, but the one that I recall best was Iain’s. He expressed particularly his joy at becoming a member of such a close, loving, extended family; and being made so welcome by everyone. After the speeches, Giovanna and Iain lead the first dance. Soon the hall was vibrating with the loud beat of the music so much enjoyed by the youngsters who made the most of it, and soon the floor was crowded with dancers. Some of us “oldies” eventually decided to adjourn to the reception area of the hotel for a quieter chat together. Throughout, members of both families and many of the youngsters also came in and out for short chats, making sure we were still part of the celebrations. All too soon it was getting late, and people began to say their good-byes and depart. Iain and Giovanna were leaving early in the morning to fly away to their honeymoon. The whole event was an amazing experience. I am so happy I was privileged to share it. Thank you Christine and Jörg, Giovanna and Iain for inviting me.

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 5 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008

A Friend Has Left Us, Jere Bruner By Erdmuthe Arnold Jere Bruner died suddenly on June 19th, 2008 at the age of eighty. He had been just fine shortly before, but fell in his apartment in Oberlin on Thursday. He was found after two days, dehydrated and taken to the hospital where he appeared to recover, but then died one day later. Jere was born May 3rd, 1928.

Jere taught school in Primavera. We Loma Hoby school children profited from his teaching enormously. He came to Primavera in 1948 together with three other young Harvard students: Bob Peck, Harry Little and Jim Bernard. Jim was accompanied by his young wife Ricia and their baby Chrissie. Harry Little left, but the other three students as well as Ricia became Bruderhof members in Primavera. They were the first US-Americans to join the community. The four of them brought new ideas and enthusiasm into our lives at Primavera. They all left again, or had to leave, during the big crisis of 1960/61. After being asked to leave, Jere returned to USA and taught for many years at the Oberlin College in Ohio. He was lucky enough to get into contact with his great love from Loma Hoby days, Katharina Kleiner, whom he then married; after divorcing his first wife Cookie.

Jere and Katharina were both teachers in the Primavera school. Franzisca, who is about thirty-two years old is their daughter. In the last years the couple parted, but remained friends. For Katharina, daughter Franzisca, and for Erika (the daughter of Jere and Cookie) the loss is great. A few days before his death Jere called Katharina to tell her he had sent his poems to her; and they arrived, a treasure for her to have.

Several of us got to know Jere as a highly gifted and intelligent man. He was remembered with various posts on the Hummer: Miriam Holmes, June 20th: Dear Hummer friends and those who knew and loved Jere, I got the news from Heidi today that Jere died. … Many of us have very fond memories of Jere, especially about his teaching us in the Loma school. Linda Jackson, June 20th:Thanks Muschi for telling us, yes I too remember Jere as our teacher in Loma. We used to misbehave quite badly for him, but he was a very knowledgeable man. In fact I learned a lot from him. I contacted him a few years ago, and told him that I really appreciated all he had taught us, and felt bad that we were often so naughty for him. He sent me a lovely letter back, I will always remember that.

Erdmuthe Arnold, June 20th: 2008.Thank you, Miriam for sending the sad news. I'm very sorry to hear about the circumstances of Jere's death. I was glad to meet Jere and Katharina twice here in Germany. Together with their six year old daughter Franzisca, we toured up to Holland in 1980 and had a lovely time with Bette and Hans Bohlken's family. Their youngest daughter Hanne-Marie was six then too. The next time we met was after the Euro-KIT Gathering at Worpswede in 1996. I have good memories of Jere. He was my teacher in Loma Hoby as well. And, as Linda wrote, we were rascals. Here is a photo from Jere and Katharina 1996. We were sitting somewhere in the Odenwald area, where both were visiting another friend. - May Jere rest in peace. /adine Pleil, June 22nd: August and Jere were friends before we got married. They shared a room in Loma Hoby. During the years we kept in touch with Jere by phone and e-mail. As many have shared, Jere was a very gifted and highly intelligent man. He could explain things to people less intelligent than he in a very simple and direct way. Jere and Bob Peck were two young and enthusiastic students. At some point they became very disillusioned and, like so many of us, had to leave the Bruderhof. August and I have very fond memories of Jere. We will always remember him. Hans Zimmermann, June 23rd: I feel awfully bad, as I had grown very fond of Jere, and had a good relationship with him. When I was sent to the USA from Primavera I wanted to renew our relationship, but no one would give me his address. It was only through KIT that we established contact again. In my story about living with the elements, I included his letter to me. We had a great "male bonding" experience during a trip. I will always remember him fondly.

Jere and Katharina Bruner in Germany after visiting the EuroKIT Gathering in Worpswede, 1996 – here with Erdmuthe Arnold. Ramon Sender, June 24th: Judy and I were sorry to learn of Jere’s new posting off-planet. “May he transform in peace,” as a Buddhist friend of mine is fond of saying. I guess the Law of the Conservation of Energy teaches us that nothing is ever lost, so I look forward to meeting Jere again in whatever other adventures the universe provides us. Jere and I had a number of good conversations, both in person and over the phone/e-mails, and I always found him full of interesting ideas that he put forth with warmth and enthusiasm. I’m sure that all his students over the years derived a great deal from him.[…] Condolences to all of Jere’s extended family. Phil Hazelton, June 25th: Thanks for your cheerful posting on Jere, Ramon. I knew Jere quite well and he really was a very interesting fellow. I knew him best since retirement, when on occasions we met together with the Lynds in Youngstown who also shared a friendship with him and with Katharina. Please pass on my regards and condolences to Katharina. She is a very special person who many of us go back to as far as Primavera and Asunción.

Karl Christoph Keiderling By Elisabeth Bohlken-Zumpe News has reached me that Karl Chistoph Keiderling, known to most of us as Karlemann or just AKA, died sometime near the end of July, 2008. The date is not known, as no one was informed about his sickness or death at the time.

Karl Christoph was born June 6th, 1936 on the Rhönbruderhof as the seventh child of Karl and Irmgard Keiderling. He, as did the rest of us, went through all the upheavals and uncertainty of the time. The Nazis forced members and their children to take refuge in England. Once the war between England and Germany became inevitable, all the Bruderhof people – as conscientious objectors – were again forced to leave their homes. It was really not different from today; refugees who are not wanted are sent from one country to the other. No one is happy or willing to shelter political refugees. Finally in 1940, it was Paraguay that opened the door. Having had good results with Mennonites settling in their country – in the Chaco, as well as in San Pedro's Friesland with several colonies – Paraguay was eager to welcome Europeans to develop and farm their land.

The price was high. Many small children would die from dehydration, due to severe diarrhoea, even before they reached Primavera. Little Giovanni Mathis and Daniel Keiderling would die on the doorstep of the promised land. Daniel's older sister Ursula had died earlier in Germany, as an eleven month old, due to suffocation December 30th, 1927 on the Rhönbruderhof.

Wet wood had been stacked behind her cradle, to dry out for heating the stoves in the children’s rooms. Brothers went into the woods to collect branches and twigs, but naturally all the wood was wet and needed to be dried out. The houses were bitterly, bitterly cold, and

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 6 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008

Karl loved driving the horses around the hof and outside ?ew Meadow Run on the country lanes. Here he takes his youngest son, Hansjürg on a ride. Chris Beels took this photo when he visited his parents about fifteen years ago. difficult to heat. Ursula was playing happily and contented in her cot. Her mother, Irmgard, went to a meeting in the dining room. She had a strong feeling she needed to see if Ursula was all right, but waited until after Gemeindestunde. When she rushed to her baby, the room was filled with smoke. Ursula would die a day later. This was a shock to the whole community. Mother Irmgard would live with this loss and heartache for the rest of her life. I knew Karlemann well as a child. The Keiderlings were a close knit family and long time neighbours of ours in the "Hünerwald" in Loma Hoby. Karlemann was clear about righteousness in the children’s community and could not bear any injustice, this would cause him to get really excited and mad. He remained loyal to the Bruderhof and moved to the States. Karlemann married Clare Walker - sister of Carol Beck - and I believe they have six children.

The loveless way the Bruderhof treats family members "outside" regarding sickness and death, is demonstrated once again in the death of Karlemann. Those of us, who were either kicked out, sent away to "re-test" our true calling, or left because our minds were so completely numb and brainwashed that we could no longer think for ourselves but walked around as living zombies, are looked upon as enemy number one and completely ignored.

I wonder if it is time to write a protest about the way I – we – the Bruderhof-bred people are treated and have been treated over the years. The whole idea of us being their worst enemy, was cooked up by the leadership to keep their sheep inside, and take their “distance” from family bonds outside. This has no legal, emotional or spiritual standing at all. We understand so much about Bruderhof "think“ and actions, compared to, for example, that of the inmates of jails or the slums of New York City! We grew up with those values and rules and know, better than anyone else, how the line of “thought”, “ideal” and “faith” is followed.

Many who left try not to have contact with KIT (Keep In Touch), believing us to be the right hand of the devil himself, and in the hope that some contact with their families inside might be made possible if they prove not to have any contact with the “big evil” – the former members. The idea of us wanting to destroy the place we grew up in is sick. We have a clear understanding of our parents' faith and views, and see their faith and idealism being trampled on.

I think I know why they stick this “enemy-label” on us and treat us the way they do: The theology behind this is that the last judgement day is drawing nearer and nearer. It will come upon us any minute or hour, today or tomorrow. All the signs are here to prove it, and we need to polish our lamps, fill them with oil, not look to the left or the right, in order to meet our saviour in all "purity!" This idea is completely out of synch with any religious belief which teaches us to love each other, which teaches that if someone asks you to go with him for a mile, go two miles! Love, as in the letter to the Corinthians No 13 tells us what is important in our lives today and tomorrow. If we live in love then we know in our hearts that everything is all right. Enough of my thoughts and contemplations, I would like to tell the whole Keiderling family, but especially Clare and Karlemann’s children, as well as his brothers and sisters that I think of them at this hour of grief and wish them strength.

Visiting Friends In Paraguay September/October 2007 By Hans Zimmermann Three years was longer than I wanted to wait, but it was not possible to return to Paraguay any sooner. This time I wanted to spend more time with my good friends, so I extended the time to nearly four weeks. Some friends and family of Tina Jaime wanted to make sure that I took some gifts down with me. I urged them to mail them in time for my departure. It was my third trip to Paraguay. I planned it for mid September to October of 2007,for the late springtime before it got too hot. Bettina drove me to the Denver airport to catch the flight on September 8th. I took several Business Week magazines, The Economist and two German books to keep me busy during the flight. I arrived in Sao Paulo the next day. The connecting flight to Asunción was with the Brazilian airline TAM. Everything went smoothly and on schedule. Shortly after 10:AM the plane arrived in Asunción where Tina met me at the airport; her neighbor José was kind enough to drive her in to pick me up. It was great to see my friends again. We stayed that one day in the city relaxing and planning for the coming days and weeks. Tina has a lot of imagination. She finds novel ways to make you welcome at her home. Her son Walter was in good spirits. He seems more at ease now that he has an electrical chair. Encounter With Martin And Paulina Dyroff Tina, her brother Basilio and I made a day trip by bus to Itá the next day to visit Martin Dyroff and his wife Paulina in Potrero Poí. I was curious to see Martin and find out for myself if our newly baptized brother had gone through any major changes. We walked the last part – a distance of three kilometers, taking it easy as Basilio can't walk very fast and there was no hurry. Along the way I took pictures of flowers and trees. We found Martin and Paulina in good spirits with plenty to talk about.

Martin’s home: From left: Basilio , Paulina and Martin, with son Paulina is asserting herself a little more, and won’t let the Bruderhof boss her around. I got the impression that Martin finds some comfort in her attitude. He is alright; we had some good laughs. After a nice lunch together we took a stroll through Martin's property, looking at his chacra and some remaining forest. Late in the afternoon we walked back to Itá to catch the bus for Fernando de la Mora, where Tina has her home. In the afternoon of September 21st Billy and Vivian Voronetz came to celebrate Walter’s birthday with us. Billy is George Voronetz son. A very pleasant young couple. I had brought down a nice warm wind

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 7 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008 breaker which Tina felt Billy could put to good use. I met his mother later during my stay. Meeting Lux Meier And Kulla Fischer September 22nd I packed a few belongings and the Gospel DVDs which I bought for Kulla Fischer. I took the local bus to the main terminal and booked the trip to Minga Guazú on the RYSA bus line. This was the third time that I made the trip. Each time it seems shorter. After Coronel Oviedo I saw more and more land cultivated with wheat and/or Soya beans. High grain prices all over the world drive this production. The names of Cargill, ADM and Bunge have become prominent in Paraguay. The bus driver was kind enough to let me off close to the property where Kulla lives so I didn't have to walk too far. It was noon, and Kulla likes his Siesta, so I spent some time with Lux Meier (Lukrezia) who lives next door. Lux had planned an evening barbecue at the barn.; it was Kulla’s birthday, and both his sons would be there as well. We had a good time together with everyone relaxed and laughing.

Kulla’s birthday: from left Kulla, Lux, Tony, with his girlfriend I spent the next day with Kulla, visiting his property, looking at a huge Ivirapyta tree and walking through his remaining forest. In the evening we ate at a Japanese Churasqueria and went to a Karaoke bar for a good time singing and drinking Jack Daniel’s, which seems to be the whisky of choice for the Japanese. Interesting Bird Park ?ear The Iguazú Falls On September 24th I went to the exotic bird park in Iguazú together with Lux. We took the bus to Ciudad del Este. The city is a disgrace. Here as in most other cities in Paraguay, the authorities have lost all control. Vendors have put up their stalls over side walks and public areas. One has to traverse a maze of makeshift shacks and squeeze through throngs of people. One can easily get lost in these shanty towns. We caught another bus over the bridge into Foz de Iguazú. There we made another change to travel to the bird park, which is at the entrance to the Iguazú falls park. The bird park was interesting. It has numerous birds which are becoming quite rare both in Brazil and Paraguay such as the Harpy Eagle and the King Vulture Ruvycha, also the South American wild turkey, and an assortment of macaws and toucans. They also had the Sirema, a tall bird which prefers to stay on the ground and is a very fast runner. We had this bird in Primavera but only on Campo Loma and Campo Guaná. They used to come out of the woods after rains, hop on a termite hill and let out loud calls. Not knowing their name, we called them Guaná Vogel. Lux did not want to eat in a restaurant, but that did not stop me. I had a good meal while she, a total vegetarian, munched her apples. We had a lot to talk about. The conversation revolved around what the Bruderhof intentions are in Paraguay now that they have representation through Martin Dyroff and Josua Dreher, the first being baptized, and the second reconfirming his vows with the community. We could not make heads or tails of it. It was a rather cool day with a south wind. On our return to Minga Guazú, Lux and I walked across a wheat field to a small forest which is preserved in its original setting as a study for an agricultural college. Lux is picky about who would stay at her place which was fine with me as I get along well with Kulla; I spent dinner that evening with him.

Saddle shop in Pilar: Owner Roberto Rios and Basilio are friends Trip To Pilar With Tina And Basilio I took the early bus back to Asunción next day since a trip to Pilar was on the schedule. Basilio, Tina and I headed for the bus at 10:30PM. Willy, Venceí’s son, remained with Walter. We slept most of the trip, arriving shortly after three o clock in Pilar and booked a couple of rooms in a hotel across from the bus station to get a few more hours of sleep. After a lousy breakfast at the market we went shopping for some saddle and bridle equipment at the Talabateria Rios, where I had shopped before. Good leather and bridle equipment can be bought very cheaply in Paraguay. For the rest of the morning we decided to take a long walk to the shores of the Ñeembucú River. We had to go slow as Basilio has some health problems, but that way we could enjoy the fauna and flora. We were frequently stopped by people passing by, everyone in town seemed to know Basilio because he had worked for many years as a truck driver out of Pilar. We had a great time sitting on the banks of the Ñeembucú watching water fowl and the burrowing owls, hawks and parrots. We could hear the periodic grunting and howling of the Carayas (howler monkeys) from the low lying forest on the other side of the river. On an open field a young Paraguayan was training his horse for the Sortija – a type of competition for show horses. By one o'clock we were back in town. We walked over to Don Pastor, a friend of Basilio and Tina, with whom we had arranged a barbecue for the evening. We went shopping for a certain fish. Don Pastor knew where to buy Zavalo. We bought one which must have been about fifteen pounds. He grilled the fish over hot embers in a barrel, basting it with vegetables and herbs. It tasted good along with a red wine and salad. We took the early bus back to Asunción, September 27th. During day time we could see the landscape and admire the wide open grassland of the southern Departamento (state) of Ñeembucú. In the afternoon Tina and I visited Eliadora Voronetz, the widow of George Voronetz, better known to us as George Mercoucheff. George was a good friend to many of us Primavera boys, but we didn't know his second wife, Eliadora. They had a nice property in Potrero Poí, but after George’s death the kids sold it and moved into town. Eliadora now lives in a small house with her youngest son, Johnny. The house is in deplorable condition. A good boyhood friend of George Mercoucheff, Georg Host, looked her up and is helping her fix up her little house. She makes her living knitting and sewing, but has a hard time making ends meet. Beyond that she is in poor health. Tina visits her and helps her. In The Ypacaraí Area Next day, September 28th, Tina and I took the bus to Altos, which is a little beyond San Bernardino, up on the hills above the Lake Ypacaraí. We visited the retired German couple, Helga and Guenter Roestel. They used to be hoteliers in Germany. Here they built their dream house on a hill overlooking a wooded valley. They landscaped the property beautifully, preserving and incorporating the local plants and flowers in their gardens. They also have a variety of birds and reptiles on the property, like Teyjus, Pythons, and Yacares in ponds and special enclosures – really quite an impressive set up. The property has a high wall all around it, like a medieval fortress. Inside they have special enclosures for a pack of bull dogs which roam the property at night for

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 8 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008

Hans Zimmermann at an cattle auction in Ipacaraí protection. Helga, although in a wheel chair, is very up to date on world politics, as well as the economic and financial news. I had intended to hook up with the Zavalas, however as ranchers, it was hard to meet with them. On Saturday, September 29th, there was to be a cattle auction in Ypacaraí at the ranch Cabana El Ariero, in walking distance from the main road to Ypacaraí. The Zavalas said I could meet them there. I was invited to attend the auction and be their guest at the barbecue under a large tent facing the auction corral. It was an easy commute, but first I had to go back to Altos to pick up my camera which I had left on a table at the Roestel’s. I met the whole Zavala family at the auction: Don Victoriano and wife, Juani, together with their two sons, Enrique and Joaquim. In addition to their personnel from both the Estancia Cuatro Ciervos in the Chaco, I also met the young administrator from the Estancia San Fernando in Concepción. They were auctioning off nearly 200 head of breeding cattle, mostly Senepol bulls and a few pregnant Heifers. There were many other Senepol breeders. The auction didn't finish until late afternoon. The food was delicious, the beef superb. The party at the ranch house lasted into the late evening, with food, Paraguayan musicians and dancing. The Zavalas were the main sponsors of the auction, so their crew did all the clean up. They were kind enough to drive me back to Tina’s house.

I took it easy the next day. In the evening Tina and I went to dinner with Marcello Meier and his wife at the Paparazzi Restaurant in the Shopping del Sol. The couple married recently. Marcello is Hans Jürg and Lukrezia Meier’s son; both he and his wife are architects, and live in San Lorenzo. It was nice to get to know them. I tried to find a plotter for him in the USA to print architectural blueprints, but the Hewlett Packer model they were looking for is out dated: one can't find them anymore. On Zavala’s Ranch In San Fernando Two days later, I spoke with the Zavalas again, they suggested I take the bus to Concepción where I could stay at their place, and from there, take another bus to Vallemí, which is in the interior of Concepción. The road passes just in front of the main ranch house of San Fernando. I decided to take the next bus which would be leaving at noon on October 2nd, driving the fastest way via the trans-Chaco route west to Pozo Colorado, and then east to Concepción.

Dining together: Marcello and Mabel Meier, Tina and Hans Z.

Paraguay was suffering from a severe drought; the rivers were at an all time low, the camps, bone dry; wild fires everywhere, and thousands of hectares already parched. It was terribly hot. Smoke was hanging like a fog over the landscape hiding the sun. In the Chaco I saw dead cows near the road at dry watering holes. The bus was late. I arrived in Concepción just at dusk. I knew where the house of the Zavala business was, so I walked, carrying my bag, which was heavy as it contained my riding boots and change for four days. The lady at the house had already left, so I decided to stay at the near by hotel Frances. It had a decent restaurant, air conditioning, and a computer for guests to access the Internet.

Next morning I got up early to catch the bus for Vallemí, leaving the station at 5:30. The bus was crowded; a young lady sat next to me; she was returning from Spain where she works in a department store. It seems to be the trend; many Paraguayans, both men and women, go to Europe for jobs and a better life. Spain seems to be the destination of choice.

The smoke from all the fires obscured the rising sun. Conditions like these rob any countryside of its beauty. I still remembered the wide open countryside leading up to the ranch and was ready to get off as soon as the bus driver advised me we had reached the Estancia San Fernando.

Zavala`s Estancia, San Fernando, departamento Concepción The folks at the estancia were expecting me. It was late morning. The lady in the main building showed me my room, and I dropped off my bag. At the nearby corral staff were loading four large cattle transporters with yearlings. They were to go to the Estancia Cuatro Ciervos on the Pilcomayo river in the Chaco, as conditions were better there than the bone dry region of Concepción. After lunch I strolled around while everyone else took the customary siesta. It was very hot, hazy and smoky. I had hoped to ride out onto the range with the cowboys in the afternoon, but they had not prepared an extra horse, so I stayed on the ranch and explored the fields and woods which were a half mile from the main buildings. I could hear the Surucuá bird, parrots, hawks and even the familiar Mocoi Cocoé calling from deep in the forest. In the evening they served me a meal at the owners house. Don Totó told the lady to give me a bottle of red wine to go with it. The cicadas were out in force and singing from all corners of the woods, and in the large mango trees I heard the owls. I felt at home again.

Branding Calves Just Like The Old Days After a warm night I thought to get up early and go out with the cowboys, but they had left already. The lady at the owner’s house served me mate and a small breakfast. She told me a saddled horse was waiting for me; I was to ride out to the corral a couple of miles away with another peon. On the ride over the young fellow was telling me about all the wild animals one could see on the ranch: peccaries, armadillos, foxes and the Giant Anteater (Jurumí in Guaraní). In the brush I could hear the Shu-chí, a well known small bird; but no one ever sees it. Sounds implausible, but I always heard it in Primavera and there, too, never got a glimpse of it. Stories have it that people who follow the sound get lost in the forest; it may even be the Yasy Yateré. From everywhere in the grass I heard the calling of the small quail, Inambui, and the larger one called Martinetta. This bird is a large quail, but has a rather dainty call which sounds like “Kamp-Vögeli”. I heard the calls of the Martinettas in the bird park in Iguazú constantly. We were very familiar with this birdcall in Primavera.

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 9 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008 We arrived at the corral and started a fire; the cows were rounded up with their newborn calves which had to be branded, numbered, weighed and immunized against screw worms. Cattle rustling is a big problem in that region, any calf without a brand may get stolen. Soon the cattle were arriving, care was given not to chase them. The long period of drought had left them skinny and weak; every attempt was made not to stress them. Once in the corral, the calves and their mothers were separated and driven into an adjoining corral. I helped. It was a pleasure to be on a cutting horse again. Now the roping had to be done. One by one the thirty or more calves were dragged to the branding and weighing station. The whole operation took more than two hours. After that the small herd was driven to a large secure picquete which had a safe waterhole. We went back to the ranch for lunch and a short siesta. After that the cowboys split up to inspect all the waterholes to see if any cows had gotten stuck in the mud. I joined the capataz and another fellow for a long patrol over the range through woods and wide open grassland. At each waterhole we found one or two stuck cows. They put a lasso around their necks and dragged them out. This had to be done quickly so they wouldn't suffocate. Each animal received a muscle relaxant in the main vein, and most of them were able to get up within a few minutes. We made the same patrol the following day. The plan was to clear some waterholes of overgrowth and make the water more accessible for the cattle. When we approached one of the waterholes I heard a lot of grunting and thought it was a herd of peccaries, but it turned out to be a flock of big toucans, white breasted with large yellow beaks; they too had come to water. We road a long distance and did not return to the ranch until well after dark. We got up early the next day and rode to the farthest waterhole which needed to be cleared of reeds and water hyacinths. We passed by the waterholes we had visited the previous day. One of the cows never managed to get up again. We made another attempt to help her up, but we had to give up, she would die for sure, so the ear tag was removed and the animal was left to her fate. Riding on we met up with a Giant Anteater. For the very first time I could watch it in the wild. The animal was just ambling along; it can't run very fast on its long, curled up claws. The Jurumí carried a long bushy tail over it’s back. It was an impressive sight. We circled it with our horses because I wanted to take pictures. The capataz, Don Ramos did not want me to get too close, because I was riding a young thoroughbred stallion. Unfortunately the battery in my camera had just gone dead, so no pictures! We left the animal to trot along on its way. The Drought Was Terrible It was great to ride over the wide open campo, then again through woods, through scattered palms, and over wide open grassland. Once again we came across cows which couldn't get up; again we removed their ear tags and left them to die. The capataz said one should take them out of their misery; he could have put a bullet into their brains, but Paraguayans are a little squeamish when it comes to the mercy killing of animals, especially horses. As the drought continued the ranch would loose several animals a day, in my estimation. Hopefully rain would come soon! We began to flush cattle out of the woods and high grass and drove them slowly towards the last water hole, the one we were going to partially clear of overgrowth. At the waterhole we were met by the tractor and trailer. The driver had brought a big metal rake to drag out the water plants. The cowboys stripped down to their shorts to wade in the muck with the heavy metal rake, then they sat on top of it while the tractor pulled big bunches of plants out of the Tacamar (waterhole). With each load of grass and water hyacinths dragged out, eels and mud fish were pulled out as well. With another load, it was a Water Moccasin which was quickly killed with a spade. This happened twice luckily no one got bitten. We were at it for a couple of hours. At noon we took a break, drank tereré, but there was no food. Luckily I had taken a bunch of cliff bars with me so we shared those. Now that we knew the job would take much longer than anticipated, I told the capataz I had to make it back earlier to ready myself for the trip back. Finding the way back should not be difficult; we had done it the day before. It was very hot, one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit, possibly more. I had to cross a large burnt area which made it even worse. The air was still full of smoke, and the sun only a red ball in the sky. The horse was lathered in sweat and had had no water to drink since that morning. We took it nice and slow and reached the estancia at 2:00PM. I unsaddled

the horse and after a quick meal at the mansion, I walked the horse down to a big pond. It seemed the horse would never stop drinking! I stripped and led it deep into the water where I gave it a good wash, after which I took a swim across the pond. I got back to my room, showered, packed my stuff, and had a nap. The next morning I would have to get up at three o'clock to catch the bus back to Concepción. After a while I woke up smelling fresh smoke. It was already late in the afternoon. Coming out of my room, the ladies told me there was trouble. Cattle rustlers had shot a cow and then set the campo on fire as a diversion. Luckily they had been seen by the retirero (watch man) at that end of the ranch. He called the main ranch house, messages were relayed to Asunción and then to the group with the foreman who were cleaning up the water hole. The owners who were in Asunción called the local authorities and soon two police men with pistols and rifles arrived on their dirt bikes to make an investigation. The rest of the men returned at dusk; now they had to fill a big water tank on a trailer with a pump. The cowboys had to be fire fighters and go back on the range. They had no idea as to when they would return, but expected they might be out all night. Two more had to go along with a pickup truck to slaughter the dead cow before the meat turned bad and bring it back to the ranch. I stayed behind, to leave early next morning. It was already dark and the ladies told me that they were afraid to stay at the owners villa, because all men had left. This made them vulnerable for an attack. They were happy to learn that I stayed behind. I asked them if they were armed and sure enough they had took up rifles and pistols. So here I was, finding myself being their guard. They let the four bull dogs loose to range around the various buildings. After dinner I took up a strategic spot in the dark next to a huge mango tree where I had a good view of the area. I settled down on a chair, prepared to stay up all night. Besides the singing of the cicadas, the owls where hooting in the dense canopy of mango trees. A little tree frog was quaking, announcing that rain was on the way. Time seemed to go very slow but by 11:30 the pick up truck returned with the meat of the slaughtered cow. The two fellows were now going to stay at the ranch. By midnight the rest of the men returned. They had managed to put out the fire – which was my signal to try and catch some sleep with only three hours left. At 3.30 I grabbed my bags. One of the fellows helped me carry the stuff down in the dark. The bus showed up right on time. Once on it I fell asleep. I was sleeping when we arrived in Concepción and did not wake up until the bus was at another point in town. So I had to take a taxi back to the bus station. I wanted to take the bus back to Asunción which goes over Santaní – the east side of Paraguay. However that bus would not leave until three hours later, so I decided to jump into the waiting bus which goes via the Chaco and Pozo Colorado and Villa Hayes. By noon time I arrived and found Tina alone at home. Walter and his friend Francisco were visiting Martin Dyroff in Potrero Poí. Hugo drove them in his taxi, and Jörg Mathis, who had just arrived from England, joined them. It was interesting to meet Jörg again after so many years.

Trip To Friesland And Primavera October 7th we stayed in town. Jörg and I went to the Multi Plaza; as I wanted to send some emails and catch up on world news. We stopped at the supermarket to buy a grilled chicken to eat at Tina’s house. We did some singing, many of the songs, we had sung in Primavera. That evening we arranged with Hugo to take us to Friesland and Primavera the next day, which would be Monday.

Early in the morning Hugo drove Tina, Jörg, and me to Primavera. The road over Arroyos y Esteros and Veinty Cinco de Deciembre to Santaní is all paved, so we made good time. After Santaní one has only to drive west again to Vacahú and Primavera. From there the ruta is again dirt, and in poor condition. It was bone dry and very dusty. We did not mind too much, as driving through old familiar places took all our attention. We first stopped in Carolina to say hello to Josua Dreher and his son in law Fermin Alverenga and wife Marisa. After that we stopped in Isla Margarita, then Ibaté and the corral on Campo Dolores near the Ibaté repressa. In Loma Hoby we spent a couple of hours in the park the Mennonites have created. Many of the grapefruit trees from our time are still there bearing fruit. We picked a bunch, and Jörg could not eat enough of them.

By early afternoon we were in Dorf Central, Friesland where we booked a room at the Tannenhof hotel, which is run by Mr. and Mrs.

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 10 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008

The cedar-wood in Loma, planted by Kurt Zimmermann, now gone Herbert Janzen. We bunked together in one room so the rate was only 60,000 Guaranis per person including breakfast. That evening the host was having a big barbecue, and Jörg was looking forward to a good asado. There was still enough time to drive to Tito Soria’s estancia near Itacurubí. I wanted to say hello to his capataz, Julio, and present him with a pair of fine leather gloves which he could use when riding on his show horse to the Sortijas. Back at the hotel for the evening meal: the meat went down well with a good glass of red wine. Next morning I got up early to sit outside and drink some mate listening to the birds singing in the trees. We were going to leave for the Tapiracuay river on our old property after breakfast. The Janzen’s gave us the key, because access to the river is reserved only for residents of Friesland. The road to the river is good. It runs along the high ground of what used to be Monte Riveroscué and Monte Carabi-ý. The forest is all gone and only a narrow strip of wood has been left along the river. The Mennonites have created a nice recreation area at “our” Taufplatz; they too use it for baptisms. Here they have an open building with barbecue pits and dining tables in addition to a building to change for both men and women. The water level was surprisingly high considering the drought in the area. The temperature of the water was to my liking and I took a long swim upriver towards the Wagenstelle. The river was wide open with only a few water hyacinths along the edges. The old diving board is still there, probably replaced a few times. There is now a second diving board on the forest side of the river. It is much higher and built at a spot where the river is rather shallow – I soon noticed when hitting the sand stones on my first dive. We took a walk through the remaining forest which is still very much the way it used to be, very dense underbrush, but also some nice specimens of various native trees. There is a nice trail going down to where the Sanchez canal used to be; one can still recognize it. Now after a five year interval since my first visit in 2002, the fish seem more

The “Taufplatz” at the Tapiracuay is now used by the Mennonites – for baptisms and as a recreation area

abundant, and with that the water fowl, cormorants, king fishers, herons and fish eagles have returned. We had brought some lunch, Jörg his grapefruits. While the others relaxed in the shade, I took a walk to the Wagenstelle through the woods and along the river. I thought I heard some monkeys (Caí) in the dense vine covered canopy, but never saw them. I did surprise two Carpinchos who grunted when they saw me. They dallied a little, watching me from the water's edge, then quietly slipped into the water and swam up river, disappearing behind the trees. I was looking for Pummelchen flowers but could find none.

In the afternoon we headed back to Friesland. We wanted to stop by Helly Braun. Her husband, Willy had died at the end of last year. We greeted her by singing, “Großmütterchen will tanzen,” and she was all smiles. She is alone now, but her sister was spending some time with her. We had a nice time together drinking tereré until sun down. We had dinner again at the Tannenhof. Next morning we left after breakfast to make a short visit with Tito Soria in Itacurubí. He had been in Asunción together with his wife Castorina. Their daughter is suffering from leukaemia. She had a bone marrow operation, but remains in treatment. As these visits always go, they tend to get longer and longer. Tito begged us to remain for lunch and Jörg was in his glory, meeting up with the sons of some of our old friends, previous workers from our time in Primavera. Tito, as always was a gracious host.

Wonderful to meet Helly Braun in Friesland, here with Hans Zimmermann, Tina Jaime and Jörg Mathis After lunch we made the dusty trip back to Santaní where we hooked up with paved road. It was hot. We had to keep the car-windows open. Needless to say we, and all our luggage were covered with red dust. We could not wait to get back to Asunción and have a good shower. Meeting Michael Gneiting And Roy Dorrell Michael Gneiting was coming to Asunción on October, 11th with his daughter, Michelle. She was celebrating her eighteenth birthday. He invited us to lunch at one of the Churasquerias where we dined on meat, chicken and chorizos. Michael is a very energetic man; although in his mid seventies he is still full of vigor, and not afraid to start new projects while other men his age just want to hang it up. We had an interesting time together. After lunch he went back to Carmen del Parana. Jörg went with him to spend a few days there. We dropped Tina off at her house. Jörg packed a bag and on the way out Michael dropped me off at the Shopping del Sol where I met up with Roy Dorrell with whom I have become friends and like to spend time when in Asunción. Roy mentioned that there was a good leather shop in Villa Hayes, which is on the Chaco side of the Paraguay River and has quite an interesting history. There used to be a regular ferry connection to Asunción, but that ended once the bridge was built over the river. I found some nice riding breeches, and bought two of them. On our return, Roy stayed for a cup of coffee at Tina’s house. The Day Of Parting Arrives My stay was coming to an end; I would be leaving the next day, October 13th. There were still a few things I wanted to do, such as looking for some good leather shoes, which I have a hard time finding in the USA.

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 11 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008 So Tina and I took the bus into the centre. Sure enough, we found a good shop on Las Palmas opposite the Pantheon where Dr. Francia and the Lopez’s are supposed to be buried. I found a nice pair of shoes which fit me perfectly, so I bought two pair at very reasonable prices – one brown, the other black. However I first had to change travellers checks and there is only one place which would make the exchange. The poor lady had to wait for me, as shops close at noon for the customary two hour noon break. After that Tina and I went to a good restaurant in the financial district, called Bolsi. We had curried Surubí with pasta and a good bottle of German wine with the meal. Soon the place became very busy as the professionals came drifting in, both men and women. This was by far the busiest restaurant I encountered during my trip. After lunch there was one more thing I wanted to do. As I told earlier, George Voronetz’s widow, Eliadora lives in a dilapidated house. I wanted to contribute a little to its improvement. Part of the house has an open area where she does cooking and other chores. The corrugated iron sheets, Chapas, which covered only three quarters of this open shed were leaking. Part of the wood structure was in poor condition. Tina and I took the bus out to where she lives, and I ordered enough Chapas and wooden spars to repair and fully cover the shed. The building supply store was nearby, and the owner, a nice young man was kind enough to deliver it for free after the buy. He lived in the same area, saw the need and was happy to do his share, helping Eliadora. She was overwhelmed and could not thank us enough. It was sincere gratitude she expressed; friends of her late husband literally had come out of nowhere to help her. It was quite moving for her I dare say. Now I had to find a way to pack all the bridle gear, new shoes, yet another picture of the Tapiracuay, which Tina had painted, and a few more odds and ends. The three and a half weeks went by too fast, and I hated to leave already. This trip had started with mixed emotions as everything in Paraguay initially seemed so depressing, but as the days passed by I acclimated again, and started to feel back in my element. There are pockets of optimism in that country, a lot of new building is going on. I don’t know where the money is coming from, maybe drugs?

Other businesses are going strong – especially agriculture, which currently is benefiting from the increase of global demand for wheat, corn and soy beans. The demand for meat remains high, especially from neighboring countries like Brazil – driving meat prices to levels which the locals can’t afford, hence so much cattle rustling. Paraguay now manufactures a small motor bike for both domestic use and export to Brazil. Basilio’s son, Samuel works in that factory.

Time to go: Hugo, Walter and Tina took me to the airport. They all have become close friends. At the airport I made a few more purchases, a Paraguayan outfit for my wife Bettina, and some Paraguayan sweets for my siblings in the USA. The return flight was long; again, reading a book is the only way to make the time pass faster. Back in Colorado we had our first snow of the season, a reality check: I came from summer back to the other side of the globe and winter.

Vivian and Billy Voronetz came, to celebrate Basilio Jaimes birthday (see page 6, last paragraph). The picture in the background is Tina Jaime’s art work


Zwischen Isla und Ibaté George Vigar gingen die Pferde durch Reimgeschichte von Marilie Friedemann (English readers: if interested, please ask for the translation via email) Von einer Geschichte ich berichte heut, die war kriminell ihr lieben Leut’! Wir lebten auf drei Höfen in Paraguay, Isla, Loma und Ibaté nah am Fluss Tapiracuay.

Ein Wagen beladen mit Reis, Zucker und Mate fuhr wieder zu unserem Dorf Ibaté. Der Kutscher vorn auf dem Brette saß, Magret und ich auf den Säcken nahmen Platz.

Wir ahnten nichts Böses und sangen Lieder, als plötzlich wir merkten wie immer wieder der Kutscher da vorn auf die Deichsel wollte und eine fallen gelassene Leine holte.

Das fanden die Pferde überhaupt nicht gut, dass jemand dahinten an ihrem Po rum zog. Sie schossen nach vorne wie Pfeile o weh, unser Kutscher kommt nicht in die Höh’.

Er saß auf der Deichsel und schrie, „get off the wagon Magret and Marilie“! Die Pferde den Wagen zogen Kamp ein, über Termitenhügel, Grasbüschel, Stock und Stein. Ein Sack nach dem andern vom Wagen rollte. Wir mussten hier runter, was wir ja auch wollten. Doch bei dem Gehopse hin und her fiel uns das Absteigen ziemlich schwer. Doch irgendwie kamen vom Wagen wir runter, zusamm’ mit den Säcken und lagen darunter.

Der Wagen sich langsam löste auf, zuletzt saß nur noch der Kutscher George Vigar drauf. Er saß auf der Deichsel mit ’nem Zügel in der Hand, da tauchte vor ihm auf eine Wand. Der Kutscher seine letzte Stunde sah kommen und konnte noch grad einer Katastrophe entkommen. In letzter Minute bekam er den Dreh Und wurd’ geschleudert in die Höh! Etwas unsanft er auf dem Boden kam an, der Wagen mit Pferden zum Stehen kam. Doch plötzlich sie rasten weiter, sie trampelten alles auf ihrem Wege nieder und landeten im Iba-Wald an einem hohen Tor, da konnten sie nicht weiter wie zuvor. Doch da kam Hilfe; Laurenz hoch zu Ross, der sich den Pferden in die Halfter schmiss. Margret und ich warn noch ganz benommen, wie sollten wir bloß an unsere Sachen kommen? Die warn über den ganzen Campo verstreut, die Säcke, Bretter, ich sag’s euch ihr Leut’. Und wie’s halt so ist sind beim Fallen die Säcke zerplatzt, und der Inhalt verstreut auf der Steppe. Wir mussten alles wieder sammeln ein, es dauerte lang bis wir kamen heim. Doch zum Schluss möchte ich Gott die Ehre geben, der uns behütet auf all unseren Wegen. Das haben wir in den vielen Jahren noch manches Mal in Paraguay erfahren.

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 12 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008

The Confrontation Between The Bruderhof And The German ?ational-Socialist Government 1933 to 1937 – Part 3 By Hans Zumpe DECREE TO CLOSE THE SCHOOL A?D CHILDRE?’S HOME ACTIVATED The school inspector, Dr Hammacher from Fulda appeared on the 5th of December to test how much about the nationalism uprising our children had learned and whether they knew the Horst-Wessel-Song. He was not at all satisfied, because our children knew nothing.

The closure of the school had been anticipated since the middle of November. The withdrawal of the decree was activated by the Governor in Kassel’s Department for Churches and Schools on the 29th of December. He had his subordinate Marx answer the following to our submission of November 22nd:

“I am not in a position to provide a teacher for the private Bruderhof primary and secondary schools as applied for. Due to recent events known to you, I am furthermore obliged, with immediate effect to withdraw the permit B IV 7420a, dated 30th January 1928, which gave you permission to run a private primary and secondary school. The school inspector, in liaison with the district council will issue you further instructions in the near future regarding the education of children of compulsory school age.” The dissolution of the children’s home was activated by a further letter from the Governor on 31st January 1934. This time the signature was “p.p.” by Dr Kramer. Reference was made to the report of 29th November 1933 W.5142/3a:

“Further to my decree of 29th December last year – B.IV.4924 – I hereby withdraw the decree of 6th February 1929 – A.VI.336a –, which allowed the Bruderhof Veitsteinbach to care for children under fourteen years of age. This is done in accordance with the reserve option of withdrawal at any time by application of the regulations of paragraphs 20-23 of the Reichsjugendwohlfahrtsgesetz [National Child Welfare Act].

“I will be making the necessary arrangements. The district medical officer and the head of local government have received copies of this decree“.

Subsequently, on the 6th of February, the child welfare officer in Fulda sent us another copy of the above mentioned decree. At the same time the chairman of the district committee, Dr. Burkhardt, sent a short notification:

“The child Haferkorn, who according to my records is the only foster child still with you, will be accommodated elsewhere from the beginning of the new school year. “

We had hoped for a reprieve, but by New Year it was clear what we had to do: There was no longer a place in Germany for our school and education work. So, on the 2nd of January,1934 the Brotherhood decided to start a second Bruderhof abroad, there to continue with the work departments Germany no longer permitted. Although the where and how was still unknown, it was necessary to act fast, even though it wasn’t

?OTES BY THE EDITOR: Hans Zumpe presented a condensed version of this report during meetings in Primavera on 26th and 28th July 1945 for the 25th anniversary of the Bruderhof. While quotes from Eberhard Arnold and newspaper clippings etc. are reproduced verbatim, the Hans Zumpe report has been edited using modern terminology, but eliminating none of the content. More about the history of this account and its translation into English can be found in the “ Introduction to Hans Zumpe’s Report from 1945” in the Keep In Touch Newsletter No 3 Dec. 2007, page 8. There also begins the first part of this report. Comments in angled brackets [ ] are explanations by the editors. SA: Nazi Sturmabteilung/Braunhemden SS: Nazi Schutz-Staffel/Schwarzhemden

known what further governmental measures would follow. We decided to send all children, including our own, to Switzerland immediately.

Lene [Schulz] left for Switzerland on the 3rd of January, 1934 with Gertrud and Elfriede [Braun] as well as Roland [Keiderling]. Hannes Boller left on the 4th of January with Lotti [Ahrend, later married Magee], Daniel and Hannes [Habakuk] as well as the [four] Helwig children [Uwe, Hänsel, Eberhard, known as Eber, and Werner]. They all headed for the children’s home in Trogen, Appenzell. We wrote to school inspector Hammacher on the 4th of January, telling him that further orders were now superfluous:

“Further to the communication from our Governor that ‘due to recent events known to you’, he feels ‘obliged to withdraw the government decree, B IV 7420a, dated 30th January, 1928, to run private primary and secondary schools with immediate effect’, the undersigned head of the Neuwerk-Bruderhof e.V. has closed the Bruderhof school in agreement with his Christian Brotherhood of the Hutterian Church. The school aged children have all moved away, either with their parents, to relatives or guardians, or on their instructions, the children have been sent elsewhere. So there are now no school aged children of German nationality here on our Bruderhof. With the support of the Brotherhood, our three teachers are seeking another teaching position, according to their inner calling. With all their heart they want to serve the German culture and Christianity without contravening our government. They will practice this in the same way as our Brotherhood always did for four hundred years.“

January 1934, all German children had left the Rhönbruderhof, and the Children’s House stood empty. – Here Roger and ?orah Allain are visiting the place in 1981 (photo Erdmuthe Arnold) So the concern for our children was lifted for the time being. Soon others travelled to the children’s home in Trogen. Of course this was only an interim arrangement until the second Bruderhof could be built. We were painfully aware that this separation was forced upon us from outside. In no way did it correspond to the true organics of Bruderhof life.

EMIL MÖLLER DEMA?DS WE RETUR? THE “OBERER KLÖSSHOF“ FARM Next, disagreements began to occur with the “Bauernführer“ [farmers leader] and the “Kreis- und Landesbauernschaft“ [farmer’s organisations in Hessen-Nassau] on the 5th of January. These new National Socialist organisations were trying to dispute ownership of some of our property.

This concerned the farm “Oberer Klösshof.” Emil Möller demanded we return the farm to him. He utilized the entire hierarchy of the National Socialist party against us in every possible way. We found out that the property fell under the so called "Reichserbhofgesetz" [Ancestral Estates Law], according to which we had had no right to buy it. The new Farmer’s Leader, Metz and his National Socialist attorney, Selig, whom Eberhard Arnold and I visited several times during these

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Keep In Touch Newsletter 13 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008 months, went to great lengths to expound their ideas about "Blut und Boden" [blood and soil]. With great feeling they clarified that the farmer who has grown up on his ancestral piece of land represents the “life blood of the nation.“ They said that, in our possession, the land was in the “hands of the dead.“ As an organization we were “without a bloodline” since we had no history of generations preceding us, and so that's why they wanted to take the property away from us. [Verbatim in German: “Anrührend verdeutlichten sie, wie der Bauer seit Generationen mit ‘seiner Scholle’ verwachsen sei und das ‘Mark des Volkes darstelle’. Bei uns aber wäre das Land in der ‚toten Hand’.]

During one of these discussions, I had to take pains to calm Eberhard Vetter down when he raised his voice to the Farmer’s Leader saying this was nonsense. Eberhard pointed out that on the “Sparhöfe“ people had lived in poverty and the land had been derelict. As the local Farmer’s Leader, he of all people should respect our agricultural achievement. Hans Meier’s letters [which he had written from Switzerland to the Hutterians in North America and to friends in England] about the hard times we were having and the correspondence had consequences. On January 5th 1934 a SA-Standartenführer from Hanau drove to the Rhönbruderhof in his flashy car to inquire about the reason for the “atrocious propaganda in England stating that the Bruderhof had been dissolved.“ We didn’t know anything about this, but described to him what had been happening. We explained that our whole existence in Germany was threatened, although at the moment we were still able to live together in community.

Following this visit, the legation secretary, W. Fries, from the German embassy in London (9, Carlton House, Terrace, London S.W.1) wrote a letter to Professor Piper in Woodbrook on January 19th.. We have a copy of the original letter:

“The German ambassador has authorized me, to answer your kind letter of the 23rd of November 1933 and inform you that there was no occupation of the Bruderhof at Schlüchtern by an SS-division and that no such occupation and dissolution is envisaged. It was only a house search that took place there on the 16th of November.

“I would be very grateful, if you could inform the interested church communities in Birmingham of this fact.” VISITI?G RESTRICTIO?S BY ORDER OF THE POLICE On the day immediately following that visit by the SA-Standartenführer a new problem arose. We received an order written on the 5th of January from the District Councilor Dr. Burckhardt in Fulda which said:

“In reference to paragraphs 14 and 40 of the Police Administration Law, I herewith forbid the Bruderhof to take in visitors or friends, except in the case of actual members of the Bruderhof or their immediate families. Furthermore I order you to inform me within 24 hours of arrival of any new members of the Bruderhof or close relatives, giving their names and particulars. Should you not comply with this order, you will force me to take severe police action. You have the right, within two weeks, to lodge a complaint with the Governor in Kassel against this police order.“

We immediately informed the District Councilor we would follow this order to the letter. In future we would differentiate between “travellers“ and “new members:“ There would be no more travellers, but there would be new members. Of course this would mean the surrounding villages would have to take on the responsibility for accommodating any travellers in the area.

[Eberhard Arnold] wrote to the District Councilor saying, amongst other things:

“Travellers who have no interest in our Christian beliefs, will not be accommodated. Until recently we have taken in undesirable guests who were redirected to us from Heubach, Gundhelm, Mittelkalbach, Veitsteinbach or other villages perhaps to lighten the burden on these neighboring villages. We will therefore send the enclosed explanation to the mayors of the surrounding villages. We are a remote farmstead and we want to avoid having to decline hospitality, possibly late at night in winter, when a traveller may not know his way, and could get lost. Strangers to the area have been known to loose their way for hours. In future the mayors of the neighboring villages must therefore take on the responsibility of ensuring no one is treated mercilessly and turned away. Regarding the notification of new members of our community, as well

as visits by any of our many relatives, I take responsibility to see that you are sent the information by my trustworthy assistant Hans Zumpe or his representative, via our postman Gärtner in Eichenried, who visits daily except Sundays ...

“This obligation will apply to anyone who wants to stay for more than just a daytime visit. Furthermore we are committed to take the greatest care to get to know our potential visitors and their motives, so that no undesirable elements, such as enemies of the government, enemies of the state, or enemies of the people could filter through. Rather, we will accept only those who come to us searching for a life of purity and truth, of selflessness, love and community. They will honor the authorities, just as all who want to be true Christians do.”

At the same time we sent letters to the mayors of the surrounding villages asking them to accommodate any travellers passing through, and referring them to the order from the District Councilor. We made it clear that “the Bruderhof itself only wanted to take in new members who hear God’s calling to the gospel and true Christian community in their hearts.” As spokesman for the Bruderhof, Eberhard Arnold ended his letter like this:

“In accordance with our expressed wishes and the order from the District Councilor, we trust that all mayors in the area will help prevent anyone being sent to us who is not interested in our Bruderhof and its Christian way of life. With best wishes for all your work as Mayor, and the well being of the whole village. All the best to Hitler and ‘alles Heil’ [all salvation] through Christ!”

We interpreted the order positively. In our hearts we felt differently towards those who were truly searching, and those who just wanted a place to stay the night. In those times of unemployment many people were on the road looking for work. The Bruderhof was often used as a convenient place to stay the night. We were always happy to accommodate travellers in this way, several of whom did grow close to us, finding more than they had been seeking. The majority, however, disappeared next morning. In view of the threat to the very existence of the Bruderhof, it was now more important than ever for each guest to consider the “either-or” factor. In spite of our positive interpretation, the order constituted an undesired restriction to our work as we had expected ever since the comment made by a Gestapo-Mann during the house search: “If a few crazy people want to live together, that is their affair. However, they must not initiate propaganda, and children shall not be brought up in this way!”

We wrote a letter raising our objections to the order and sent it to the Governor:

“In respect of the order not to accommodate strangers and travellers, we ask you to let us comply in such a way that we can continue our duty to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are genuinely seeking His way. Indeed this is the assumption in the order’s specification regarding acceptance of new members. We object to the reference to paragraph 14 of the Police Administration Law as justification of the order, as we are committed to opposing any danger that could threaten the safety and security of the general public. We are determined to take back and refute each thoughtless word with ever increasing care, so that nothing can arise on our Bruderhof that could harm the respect and Christian loyalty we owe the government, the state and our country. To reaffirm the basis and content of this stance we refer you to our many submissions and presentations made during 1933. Our whole Brotherhood, whom they call the Hutterians, stands by these avowals."

The order was intended to restrict our contact with the people. However, with the explicit reference to “registration of new members” we had the opportunity to take in new members. A few weeks later I asked the District Councilor if he was happy with the way we distinguished between travellers and new members. He said he did not feel he was in a position to comment on his decision. From then on there were “new members of the household”, that is guests and helpers seriously searching for the way to community. This ruling was in force until the dissolution of the Rhönbruderhof in 1937.

We came to an agreement with police constable, Weigand, that membership of the household should last at least six months. We soon had an arrangement for those who did not want to commit themselves for that length of time. Friends who were just visiting for a few days, slept in Eichenried, and came back next morning for another daily visit.

Page 14: KIT Volume XX No 2 September 2008

Keep In Touch Newsletter 14 Vol. XIX No 2 September 2008 CO?CIE?TIOUS OBJECTORS ARE ?OT WA?TED I? SWITZERLA?D Our police constable came to us on the 12th of January, 1934 to ask us where all our school aged children had gone. We were able to say: “We no longer have any children of German parentage here, only children of foreign nationals who receive private education.“ He made a note of this and went on his way.

The children had been accommodated in Trogen. Annemarie [Wächter] was sent there to give support. Now we needed to finance the Children’s Home. To this end Adolf [Braun] was sent on the 24th of January to Switzerland to sell books.

As often happened we had no money for travel expenses. So I had to go to the Commerzbank in Fulda to beg for money, while Adolf waited for me at the railway station in Schlüchtern. With our children in Switzerland, we had hoped to found another Bruderhof there, as many Swiss nationals had joined us during the last few years, but nothing came of it, in spite of various negotiations in Bern and with the Swiss envoy in Berlin. Later we discovered our endeavours had failed because of our position on military service. The settlement of conscientious objectors in Switzerland was not thought desirable.

To be continued _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Details For Volunteers Who Produce The Keep In Touch ?ewsletter: Our next ?ewsletter is planned for December: Contributions are welcome. Please send your letters, articles, poems, etc., to Charlie or Erdmuthe. The most convenient and less expensive way to post the ?ewsletter is by email. If you are willing to change to the email ?ewsletter, get in contact with Linda.

Charles Lamar: receives/edits articles, letters, etc. Address: PO Box 460141, San Francisco, CA 94146-0141, USA. Tel: ++1-414-386-6072 - Email: [email protected]

Erdmuthe Arnold: receives/edits articles, letters etc. and formats the issue; address: Ostendstraße 22, 60314, Frankfurt, Germany. Tel:++49-69-444099 - Email: [email protected]

Linda Jackson: maintains address lists, sends out email newsletters, collects Euro donations. Address: 7 Severn Street, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3ND. UK. Email: [email protected] - Tel: ++44-(0)1772-784473 or ++44-(0)7703-133369

Dave Ostrom: mails USA and Canada paper newsletters. Email: [email protected]

Anthony Lord: mails paper newsletters for Europe and the rest of the world (Argentine, Brazil, Paraguay, Australia). Email: [email protected]

Depending on which currency you use, please send your money to:

Tim Johnson: US$ cash or checks made out to ‘Tim Johnson’. Address: 155 Garden Lane, Decatur, GA30030, USA. Tel: ++1-404-373-0633; Email: [email protected]

Joy MacDonald: UK£ checks, cash or Bank transfer. Please check details with Joy. In any case, cheques should be made out to Joy MacDonald personally, and not to KIT (as Bank rules have changed). Address: Foxglen, Pinemount Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 2LU, UK. Tel: ++44-(0)1276-26938. Email: [email protected]

Linda Jackson: Euro€ checks, cash or Bank transfer. She has opened a Euro Kit account in Germany. Volksbank Brüggen-Nettetal EG, BLZ: 31062154, Kontonummer 2201052010, Objektbezeichnung: ‘KIT’. From other currencies Euros can be deposited into the account using: IBAN: DE52 3106 2154 2201 0520 10, or BIC: GENODED1KBN for foreign currency. Linda asks all of you, who transferred their money to give her a short notice. Address: see her address above.

?ote for email subscribers: Please let Linda know that you have received the KIT Newsletter ([email protected]). Also please let her know if you have changed your preferred email address.

?ote for all other subscribers: Please let Linda Jackson know of any errors in address, or change of address: 7 Severn Street, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3ND. UK.

Also, if you need an enlarged printout of the Newsletter (size A3) please contact Linda. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Keep In Touch Newsletter PO Box 46041 San Francisco CA 94146-0141 FIRST CLASS MAIL Forwarding and Address Correction Requested