kiran project

A Project On “DEMAND ANALYSIS OF HONEYWELL PRODUCT AND PERFORM SERVICE ANALYSIS WITH REFERS TO THANE AREA Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of degree of Masters of Management Studies (MMS –II) of Mumbai University Submitted by Mr. Sawant Kiran Sanjay Roll No: 09 MMS – II Academic Year: 2013-14 Under the guidance of Prof. Dhiraj Kute

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AProject On



Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of degree of Masters of Management Studies (MMS –II)

ofMumbai University

Submitted byMr. Sawant Kiran Sanjay

Roll No: 09MMS – II Academic

Year: 2013-14

Under the guidance ofProf. Dhiraj Kute

Changu Kana Thakur Institute of Management Studies and ResearchPlot – 1 & 4, Sector – 11, Khanda Colony,

New Panvel (w) – 410206

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This is to certify that the project title “Demand analysis of Honeywell

product and perform service analysis with refers to Thane area ” is

successfully done by Mr. Sawant Kiran Sanjay, Roll No.09 during the

partial fulfillment of the course Masters in Management Studies (MMS –

II) under University of Mumbai through Changu Kana Thakur Institute of

Management Studies and Research, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai.

(Prof. Dhiraj Kute) (Dr. S. T. Gadade) Project guide (Director)

Page 3: Kiran Project


I, Mr. Sawant Kiran Sanjay , Student of Changu Kana Thakur Institute of

Management Studies and Research, MMS – II, has completed this project

on title “Demand analysis of Honeywell product and perform service

analysis with refers to Thane area” in the academic year 2013- 2014. The

information submitted in this project is true and original to the best of my


Mr. Sawant Kiran Sanjay, Roll No: 09

Page 4: Kiran Project


I was fortunate enough to have guide like Dronacharya for guiding me in my

learning and who helped me to reach the pinnacle of success like Arjuna did. Furthering

the age-old guru shishya tradition. So in the same sequence at very first I would like

to confer the flower of acknowledgement to faculty members who taught me that how

to do project through appropriate tools and techniques.

I am grateful to DR.S.T. Gadade (Director) and the coordinator Prof. Mr. Nilesh.

Manore. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Dhiraj Kute for being my

mentor throughout the project. I would also like to thank each and every professor

and other literary staff and computer lab staff who contributed in their own special way

to guide and help me.

No words of thanks will judge the support rendered by my friends, Specially Rohit jagtap and Pranit mhatre . With that, I thank my family member for undying support Thank you Vira Printers, kalamboli for giving the project such a beautiful look Finally, it is only when one writes a book that one realizes the power of MSWord, form grammar checks to replace-alls. It is simple – without this software, this book would not be written. Thank you Microsoft Crop!

I am thankful to these people for giving their kind support, cooperation and

for being informative and tolerant. I would not have completed my project on the given

time without the sincere efforts and guidance of the above mentioned people, whose

presence was the blessing in disguise for me. I hope the same amount of cooperation in

future also for developing my career prospects

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Chapters Particulars Page No

Executive Summary

1. Introduction about Subject


Aim of the Project. Objective of the study. Hypothesis Literature review

3.Importance of the study

Scope & limitations of the study


Research Methodology

5. Details about Subject (Theory)

6. Industry overview

Company profile

7. Data Analysis & findings

8. Result Conclusion

9. Suggestions


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In each and every management training scheme there is a provision for real job experience within the academics time period call it summer training or corporate training or corporate interaction. The main aim of this is to introduce the corporate arena. This training to utilize and implement the theoretical knowledge of the classroom into real corporate world . it is well said nothing is much practical than a good theory. But on the very same we can not deny “practical in the better than theory :. These phrases are opposing each other but also are complementary to each other .experiencing both in a good dedicated manner really plays a lot in one’s profession carrier.

In the field of marketing the scenario is no expectation. Field experience is very

much necessary for the student of marketing too in this stream of business the application

of theory is very frequent from the consumer behavior to consumer satisfaction all the

theory can be explained in a day spend in the filed of marketing .

Marketing is now so much diversified that now it can be internet ,but experiencing

the real marketing tactics is the filed . there force I am really thankful to my college and

COSMOS company for providing me this opportunity.

This project on “Demand analysis and perform service analysis with market ” is

basically done by two different surveys:

1. Dealer Survey

2. Consumer Survey

Honeywell has had a presence in India for many decades and currently has businesses headquartered across four locations in India – Bangalore, Chennai, Gurgaon, and Pune, employing over 7000 people. Honeywell’s business presence in India is roughly about USD 400 million and growing at an impressive rate. The Super brands Council of India has recognized Honeywell as a “Business Super brand”. 

Honeywell Automation India Ltd is a leading provider of integrated automation and software solutions that improve productivity enhance comfort and ensure safety and security of your homes and business premises. With over 2500 employees and an annual turnover of about Rs. 868 crores, HAIL is headquartered in Pune with 8 offices all over India. HAIL is a listed company on the Indian Stock Exchange and is part of Honeywell Inc. the technology leader with 120000 employees across 100 countries world wide

Executive Summary

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Since November 2004, when the parent Honeywell acquired the remaining 40% stake from the Tatas, HAIL has come a long way, stepping out from the shadows and emerging as the market leader in most of the business areas it operates in, a fact that is underlined by the presence of Rashtrapathi Bhavan in its clientele list. 

With its five strategic businesses, namely, the Global Services, Honeywell Building Solutions, Honeywell Process Solutions, Control Products and the Honeywell Security Group, HAIL drives the nation's growth by playing a major role in the smooth running of the "core" business sectors of the Indian Economy, be it Infrastructure, Petrochemicals, Refining, Chemicals, Mining & Metals or Automobiles and Hospitality.  The objective of this research is to determine company products demand in markets as well as proving services to client. . It involves the study the distributor channel and distributor relationship with customer regarding product and services in the market Collected the information from customer and dealer through questionnaire survey Later I went through the process of filling the questionnaires from 30 retailers as well as customer & 20 dealers selling and consuming both client taken into account to making valuable research more effectively . Secondary data from various sources like magazines, a journal etc has also been taken. Ultimately, it can be said that the most important task of marketing research is to identified demand of the product. Although this study is conducted at small level (only some part of Thane) yet the findings and suggestions of it will help the management of the organization. The study will also help the organization in making decision regarding promotional schemes and also identified the hidden opportunity in the certain other area as well as company what types of services give to clients after selling the productsIt also includes the visits of the places where others competitor’s similar products were installed to get their performance feedback and identified the hidden opportunities for Honeywell company

After done the research to find out which assumption should be right in selected market area and presenting the Researched report for the company .This report were will used full for company

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Chapter: - 1

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The amount of a particular economic good or service that a consumer or group of consumers will want to purchase at a given price. The demand curve is usually downward sloping, since consumers will want to buy more as price decreases. Demand for a good or service is determined by many different factors other than price, such as the price of substitute goods and complementary goods. In extreme cases, demand may be completely unrelated to price, or nearly infinite at a given price. Along with supply, demand is one of the two key determinants of the market. The concept of demand takes on a very particular, and somewhat different, meaning in economics. Economically speaking, to demand something means to be willing, able and ready to purchase a good or service. Let's examine each of these requirements in turn:

Willing to purchase:  Being willing to purchase simply means that one likes an item enough to want to buy it, and this is usually what people think of when they encounter the concept of demand. However, it's important to remember that, while it's good to want things, desire to purchase is not the only requirement for economic demand.

Able to purchase:  Wanting to purchase an item doesn't mean a whole lot if one doesn't have the means to make the transaction happen. Therefore, ability to purchase is another important factor of demand. Economists don't specify how an individual must be able to pay for an item- she can pay with cash, check, credit card, money borrowed from friends or taken from the piggy bank, etc.

Ready to purchase:  Demand is, by its nature, a current quantity, so an individual is only said to demand something if she is willing and able to purchase it now as opposed to some point in the future.

Putting these three requirements together, it is reasonable to think of demand as answering the question "If a seller were to show up right now with a whole truckload of the item in question, how much would an individual purchase?" Demand is a pretty straightforward concept, but there are a few other things to keep in mind:

Individual vs. Market Demand

Not surprisingly, demand for any given item varies from person to person. Nonetheless, market demand can be constructed by adding together the individual demands of all of the buyers in a market.

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Implicit Time Units

It doesn’t really make sense to describe demand without time units. For example, if

someone asked “how many ice cream cones do you demand?” you would need more

information in order to answer the question. Does demand mean demand today? This

week ? This year ? All of these time units are going to result in different quantities

demanded, so it’s important to specify which one you are talking about. Unfortunately,

economists are often somewhat lax about mentioning the time units explicitly, but you

should remember that they are always there.

The formal definition is services are an economic activity offered by one party to another, most commonly employing time-based performances to bring about desired results in recipients themselves or in objects or other assets for which purchasers have responsibility. Time-based means something the firm does, which is within a certain time period.  Desired results are outcomes desired by the customer.  

In exchange for their money, time and effort, service customers expect to obtain value from access to goods, labour, professional skills, facilities, networks and systems

Organisations also use a wide array of business-to-business (B2B) services, varying to some degree according to the nature of their industry, but usually involving purchases of a much larger scale than those made by individuals or families. Nowadays, firms are outsourcing more and more tasks to external service providers in order to focus on their core business.

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Marketing has been considered to be an integral business aspect for long.  Service marketing is the endorsement of economic activities offered by a company to its consumers, it is considered to be a special sub set of marketing because it focuses on how rendering of services can affect both the customer attitude and the marketing strategy.  Service marketing includes building public relations, advancing customer loyalty, developing quality of service, handling relationships and complaint management.

Service marketing involves 3 types of marketing: 




External Marketing :

"Setting the Promise" · Marketing to END-USERS. · Involves pricing strategy, promotional activities, and all communication with customers. · Performed to capture the attention of the market, and arouse interest in the service. 

 Internal Marketing : 

"Enabling the Promise" · Marketing to EMPLOYEES. · Involves training, motivational, and teamwork programs, and all communication with employees. · Performed to enable employees to perform the service effectively, and keep up the promise made to the customer. 

Interactive Marketing : 

(Moment of Truth, Service Encounter) · This refers to the decisive moment of interaction between the front-office employees and customers, i.e. delivery of service. · This step is of utmost importance, because if the employee falters at this level, all prior efforts made towards establishing a relationship with the customer, would be wasted.

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Chapter: - 2

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To analysis Demand of Honeywell product and perform service analysis with refers to Thane area

• To determine and analyze the Market Potential of the Honeywell Company in Thane

• TO measuring demand and putting strategy in market

• To identify the factor which influence the purchase decision of customer with product and services .

• To study and determine the competitor position in the market.

• To Recommendations on how to increase the sales of the company product and how to cater the recruitment of the people via distributor and retailers

• To find out the opportunity and captures the market

• To analysis distributor relationship and distributor channel with product and services in the market

Aim of the project

Objective of the Study

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Null Hypothesis:-

Honeywell has higher product demand in the market

Alternative Hypothesis:-

Honeywell has lower product demand in the market rather than competitor


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1. Supply chain management

Authors Name Rahul V. Altekar

Chapter 2 demand management in supply chain

Type of demand page no.12

Independent demand (items are generally finished goods )

Dependent demand (items are generally components )


As manufactures, retailer and distribution companies move toward integration their supply chains, they realize that an accurate representation of future demand is necessary to reduce cost and prevent customer dissatisfaction

• Demand forecasting model 26

• Supply chain strategy 34

2. Consumer behavior (4 edition)

Authors Name DAVID L. Loudon and Albert J ,Della Bittla

Chapter 21 Organizational buying behavior

The nature of organizational buying 658

organizational buying is in some ways similar to consumer buying it is not “organizations “ making the buying decisions but people within those organizations.

But there are significant differences that must be understood by marketers in order to succeed in the organizational market.

• Organization buying decision 673

• Type of decision situations 673

Literature Review

Page 17: Kiran Project

3. Sales Management (decision, Strategies and Cases) Fifth Edition

Authors Name Richard R.Still , Edward W.Cundiff norman A.P.Govani

Chapter 9 Distributive Netwirk Relation

• Developing Management Efficiency in Distributive Organizations 230

4. Marketing management, Introduction to Sales Management. 13 Editions

Authors Name: philip kotler, kevin L. keller, Abraham koshy, mithileshwar jha.

• Chapter 4 Conducting research and forecasting demand 86• Chapter 7 Analyzing business Markets 172 • Chapter 13 Designing and Managing Services 336

web sites: number: 124

Product and service quality

• Product and service quality, customer satisfaction and company profitability are intimately connected. higher levels of quality result in higher levels of customer satisfaction, which support higher prices and lower costs.

• Studies have shown a high correlation between relative product quality and company profitability." Quality is clearly the key to value creation and customer satisfaction".

From a management point of view, marketing is an organizational function

and set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers

and for managing customer relationship in ways that benefit the organization and its

stakeholders. Marketing management is the art & science of choosing target market and

getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, developing, and

communicating superior customer value.

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5. Marketing Management

Authors Name Dr.K. Karunakaram

Web sites

Chapter 3 understanding market environment 35Chapter 5 marketing Research 107Chapter 6 Demand measurement and sales forecasting 129Chapter10 Service marketing 202

o Importance of Service Marketing o Marketing Mix in Services Marketing o Service Quality

Distribution Management & Sales Promotion” 197-221.

The operational success of a company depends not only on well it

performs in terms of production and sales but also on how well its entire channels

of distribution compete with competitor’s channels. A company may produce the best

products but still not do well if its dealers perform poorly in sales and services

against the competitors’ dealers. A channel of distribution is “a set of interdependent

organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or

consumption by the consumer or business user.”

6. Industrial marketing 2 Edition

Authors Name: Krishna K Havaldar

Chapter 3 the nature of industrial buying and buying behavior 34Chapter 4 Buying-seller relationship 52

Type of relationship Customer relationship management

Chapter 8 Industrial Distribution channels and marketing logistics 154Chapter 13 Business-to-Business (Industrial) Marketing though Commerce 285

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Chapter: - 3

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Honeywell International is a Fortune 100 diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Honeywell Process Solutions is part of Honeywell's Automation and Control Solutions group, a global leader in providing product and service solutions that improve efficiency and profitability, support regulatory compliance, and maintain safe, comfortable environments in homes, buildings and industry. For more information about Process Solutions.

Safety & Security Zone at India Warehousing & Logistics Show is your ultimate opportunity to scale up your business. Within its huge scope and space, a warehouse is prone to subdued but potential hazards like breach of access & security, fire and power shedding, which has adverse effects on its seamless operations. To get over this challenge, there is an increased focus on safety and security while establishing a warehouse, thanks to specific mandates from  warehousing regulatory authorities and government bodies. India Warehousing Show offers you the opportunity to exhibit your safety solutions to the warehouse owners, companies from all sectors including pharma, retail, food & beverage, infrastructure, airlines, banks & financial institutions, courier and many more.

We encourage solution providers dealing with Access & Security Systems, Smoke & Fire Alarm, Fire Protection, CCTV cameras and Power Backup Systems to exhibit at the show to create business opportunities among the right users segment

The security systems services industry in the US includes about 5,000 companies with combined annual revenue of about $15 billion, adding several competitive components to the home automation integrator industry. Although perhaps the most proactive amongst major players is Honeywell, consumers have a plethora of options to choose from. One major competitive issue exists: the industry is concentrated. The 50 largest companies generate about 60 percent of industry revenue as a whole, although Honeywell generally stands above the rest.

The study is conducted to evaluate the performance and market positioning of HONEYWELL in order to better scope to the investors, shareholders and the management about the rating of HONEYWELL and its performance in the current market situation. Hence “Organizational study was conducted to analyze through the entire organization, its departments, their responsibilities, financial factors of HONEYWELL and to indirectly help the investors, Government, employees, creditors and other stakeholders in financial forecasting and Planning also in decision making.

Importance of the Study

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There is a Scope of future and detailed Study of the more retail outlets of other territories to study buying and consumption pattern of particular segment in that region and also the impact of communication in that region. Also there is a wide scope to study the marketing activity of other small and big companies in the other parts of country which would reveal how and why the particular brands are successful in particular regions only. So this study helps to Security System Services industry to know the market position of different companies. There is lot of scope to expand the market.

Optimized Communication

Since all information stored within the customer database is accessible centrally, Various departments within an organization can access such information seamlessly Hence, segments pertaining to customer management, sales effectiveness as well as marketing management all are included within the scope of customer relationship management systems. Information searches happen within sub-seconds and there is no wastage of time in getting access customized, vital information. With such small business crm systems, organizations can have access to holistic management as well as capabilities pertaining to users as well as application.

There are two places that scope is defined on project. High-level scope is defined in project charter. Low-level scope is defined in business requirements document.

High-level scope consists of two main components.

1. Deliverables. If you can’t remember anything else about scope, list your deliverables. Defining deliverables goes a long way toward defining the overall scope of the project.

2. Boundaries. The try to define the boundaries of project. Boundary statements help to separate the things that are applicable to project from those areas that are out of scope.

There are two broad categories of research: applied and basic.

Applied means you have a problem and you are trying to solve it. Basic means you are trying to understand the universe and have no immediate use for the information. Companies who want to make money generally do applied reseach; basic reseach is done universities, government agencies and not-for-profit think tanks.

The scope of a research project outlines the extent of the project and the requirements necessary to achieve the goals and objectives The work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions

During the project, this documentation helps the project team remain focused and on task. The scope statement also provides the project team with guidelines for making decisions about change requests during the project

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Terms of reference or statement of work, explains the boundaries of the project, establishes responsibilities for each team member and sets up procedures for how completed work will be verified and approved

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Low connectivity

Less sampling

The limitation faced while doing a research was that the people were not ready

to give the information.

Sometimes the required persons were not available in there office or place

The respondents use to refuse to give the important information best known to them

The sources of data collection and time are limited in this research.

Marketing Research (MR) is not an exact science though it uses the techniques of science. Thus, the results and conclusions drawn upon by using MR are not very accurate.

MR is not a complete solution to any marketing issue as there are many dominant variables between research conclusions and market response.

MR is not free from bias. The research conclusions cannot be verified. The reproduction of the same project on the same class of respondents give different research results.

Some respondent in corporate offices hesitate to give complete information.

Some respondent has not given proper information. Unavailability of visiting cards from some respondent.

Some of the retailers were busy and could not give appropriate information. And

also very few retailers did not want to share any information

As study was done in Thane , it did not covered broader area to understand prescribing behavior of customer

Inappropriate training to researchers can lead to misapprehension of questions to be asked for data collection.

The Data collected from the Dealer might not be very accurate to obtain the desired

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Difficulty in gathering the reasonable data.

The period of the project was not sufficient to study all the factors in deep.

Visiting various places for the study consumed a lot of time.

We cannot say that what the consumer have revealed will be right for each and

every situation because their perception is influenced by many factors.

Many consumer and dealers/retailers showed less interest in providing information

and haven’t cooperated.

Some of confidential information viz. credit period, schemes, policies and sales

figure were not disclosed by the competitors.

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Chapter: - 4

Research Methodology

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A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of a data in manner to combine relevance with research purpose with economy in procedure .

Research methodology is considered as the nerve of the project. Without a proper well- organized research plan, it is impossible to complete the project and reach to any conclusion. The project was based on the survey plan. The main objective of survey was to collect appropriate data, which work as a base for drawing conclusion and getting result. Therefore, research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem. Research methodology not only talks of the methods but also logic behind the methods used in the context of a research study and it explains why a particular method has been used in the preference of the other methods

Research Design:

It is conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes the blue print of collection, measurement and analysis of data. Research design is needed because it facilitate the smooth selling of various operations, there by making research is efficient as possible yielding maximum information within minimum time, effort and money. Research design stands for advanced planning of methods to be used for collecting relevant data and techniques to be used in the analysis. The design helps researchers to organize his ideas whereby it will be possible for him to look for flows and inadequate.Research Approach – General Survey

In this case, a general survey to gain knowledge about the market, commonly known as the pilot survey was and undertaken where particularly information was gathered with respect to the brands, people’s / consumers’ perception so that it serves as a foundation to prepare the questionnaire for collecting primary data and that it helps in deciding other methods to be adopted which may be useful in gathering the necessary information.

Methods of data Collection:

While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, there are

only two types of data

Primary Data Collection Method

Secondary Data Collection Method

Primary Data

Data that has been collected from first-hand-experience is known as primary data. Primary data has not been published yet and is more reliable, authentic and objective. Primary data has not been changed or altered by human beings; therefore its validity is greater than secondary data.

Question Types

The profiling Sheet contains the three types of questions:

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Multiple choice

Numeric Open End

Text Open/Close End

There are two types of modes to collect the data.

Survey Method

Observation Method


This method is used to get past and current information of company and product.

For example – What is brand image of the company?

Which are services providing to customer?

How do approach to customer?

How do approach to dealer?


This method is useful to gate actual information about market condition of that particular product.

Survey involves some questions or we can say feedback report.

As far as the data collection method is concerned, designing the data collection for

Survey method is applicable to the project.


Personal interview



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Data collected from a source that has already been published in any form is called as secondary data. The review of literature in nay research is based on secondary data. Mostly from books, journals and periodicals.

The secondary data sources that came to be utilized by me in these were as follows


Various journals reports

Magazine etc was used.

news papers


Company sources.

External Sources-


For e- school library

Internet services


Random Sampling method


50 Dealer, 40 Client and 10 Consultants




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In order to make a comparative analysis study the consumer perception as well as dealer & retailer perception of Honeywell products with respect to its competitors data for the study has been collected through a survey of Dealers/Retailers of Thane and surrounding.


Ghodbunder road


Navi Mumbai



The statistical comparisons you make here are the same as the ones you specified in your protocol before any data were collected. It is understandable that the choice of specific statistical tests may depend on the quality of the data in the end (whether continuous data were normally distributed or not), so the specific test often cannot be stated in advance .This stage all the collected data had been analyzed and then a Report had been written.

Understanding of the data analysis procedures

Appreciate the meaning of the scientific method, hypotheses testing and statistical significance in relation to research questions

realize the importance of good research design when investigating research questions

have knowledge of a range of inferential statistics and their applicability and limitations in the context of your research

be able to devise, implement and report accurately a small quantitative research project

be capable of identifying the data analysis procedures relevant to your research project

show an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the selected quantitative and/or qualitative research project

be adept of working effectively alone or with others to solve a research question/ problem quantitatively.

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Statistical Methodology

Descriptive Method

The research which carried in this project for that descriptive method of research

is used. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design,

and data analysis that will be applied to a given Project. Descriptive research is also

called Statistical Research. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data

and characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is

to study Comparative study, Market share, Position in Segment.

Frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations. Although this research is

highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is

mainly done to gain a better understanding of topic.

Analytical Method

In this research the survey method is used to collect the data from the market

so that data contains the different facts and numbers. Use in this data analysis is done

to know the market position.

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Chapter: - 5

Details about Subject

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The amount of a particular economic good or service that a consumer or

group of consumers will want to purchase at a given price. The demand curve is usually

downward sloping, since consumers will want to buy more as price decreases. Demand for

a good or service is determined by many different factors other than price, such as the price

of substitute goods and complementary goods. In extreme cases, demand may be

completely unrelated to price, or nearly infinite at a given price. Along with supply, demand

is one of the two key determinants of the market price.

Aggregate Demand  -  The combined demand of all buyers in a market.

Budget Constraint  -  The outermost boundary of possible purchase combinations that a

person can make, given how much money they have and the price of the goods in


Buyer  -  Someone who purchases goods and services from a seller for money.

Competition  -  In a market economy, competition occurs between large numbers of buyers

and sellers who vie for the opportunity to buy or sell goods and services. The competition

among buyers means that prices will never fall very low, and the competition among sellers

means that prices will never rise very high. This is only true if there are so many buyers and

sellers that no one individual has a significant impact on the market's equilibrium.

Complementary Good  -  A good is called a complementary good if the demand for the

good increases with demand for another good.

Demand  -  Demand refers to the amount of goods and services that buyers are willing to

purchase. Typically, demand decreases with increases in price, this trend can be graphically

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represented with a demand curve. Demand can be affected by changes in income, changes

in price, and changes in relative price.

Demand Curve  -  A demand curve is the graphical representation of the relationship

between quantities of goods and services that buyers are willing to purchase and the price of

those goods and services. Example:

Diminishing Returns  -  Concept that the marginal utility derived from acquiring

successive identical goods decreases with increasing quantities of goods.

Economics  -  Economics is the study of the production and distribution of scarce

resources, and goods and services.

Equilibrium Price  -  The price of a good or service at which quantity supplied is equal to

quantity demanded. Also called the market-clearing price.

Equilibrium Quantity  -  Amount of goods or services sold at the equilibrium price.

Because supply is equal to demand at this point, there is no surplus or shortage.

Expected Value (EV)  -  How much a buyer thinks that a good or investment will be worth

after a time lapse, based on the probabilities of different possible outcomes. Usually refers

to stocks and other uncertain investments.

Giffen Good  -  Theoretical case in which an increase in the price of a good causes an

increase in quantity demanded.

Firm  -  Unit of sellers in microeconomics. Because it is seen as one selling unit in

microeconomics, a firm will make coordinated efforts to maximize its profit through sales

of its goods and services. The combined actions and preferences of all firms in a market

will determine the appearance and behavior of the supply curve.

Goods and Services  -  Products or work that are bought and sold. In a market economy,

competition among buyers and sellers sets the market equilibrium, determining the price

and the quantity sold.

Horizontal addition  -  The process of adding together all quantities demanded at each

price level to find aggregate demand

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Household  -  Unit of buyers in micro economics. Because it is seen as one buying unit in

microeconomics, a household will make coordinated efforts to maximize its utility through

its choices of goods and services. The combined actions and preferences of all households

in a market will determine the appearance and behavior of the demand curve.

Income Effect  -  Income effect describes the effects of changes in prices on consumption.

According to the income effect, an increase in price causes a buyer to feel poorer, lowering

the quantity demanded, and vice versa. Although the buyer's actual income hasn't changed,

the change in price makes the buyer feel as if it has.

Indifference Curve  -  Graphical representation of different combinations of goods and

services that give a consumer equal utility or happiness.

Inferior Good  -  A good for which quantity demanded decreases with increases in income.

Marginal Utility  -  Additional utility derived from each additional unit of goods acquired.

Market  -  A large group of buyers and sellers who are buying and selling the same good or


Market Economy  -  An economy in which the prices and distribution of goods and

services are determined by the interaction of large numbers of buyers and sellers who have

no significant individual impact on prices or quantities.

Market-clearing Price  -  The price of a good or service at which quantity supplied is

equal to quantity demanded. Also called the equilibrium price.

Microeconomics  -  Subfield of economics which studies how households and firms behave

and interact in the market.

Normal Good  -  A normal good is a good for which an increase in income causes an

increase in demand, and vice versa.

Optimization  -  To maximize utility by making the most effective use of available

resources, whether they be money, goods, or other factors.

Resource  -  A supply of capital that can be used in an economy. Because resources are

scarce, however, there is not enough to go around.

Risk  -  Refers to the amount of variation in possible payoffs. A very risky investment will

have wide variation in possible payoffs, but might have a higher expected value; a less risky

investment will have a more predictable payoff, but a lower expected value.

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Scarcity  -  Goods, services, or resources are scarce if there is not enough for everyone to

have as much as they would like.

Seller  -  Someone who sells goods and services to a buyer for money.

Substitute Good  -  Refers to a good which is to some extent interchangeable with another

good, meaning that when the price of one good increases, demand for the other good


Substitution Effect  -  Describes the effects of changes in relative prices on consumption.

According to the substitution effect, an increase in price of one good causes a buyer to buy

more of the other good, since the first good has become relatively expensive, and vice

versa. The buyer substitutes consumption of the second good for consumption of the first.

Supply  -  Supply refers to the amount of goods and services that sellers are willing to sell.

Typically, supply increases with increases in price, this trend can be graphically represented

with a supply curve.

Utility  -  An approximate measure for levels of "happiness."

Wage  -  Price per unit of time when the good being sold is some form of labor or work (as

opposed to a physical product

The different types of demand

Direct and Derived Demands

Domestic and Industrial Demands Autonomous and Induced Demand Perishable and Durable Goods’ Demands New and Replacement Demands Final and Intermediate Demands Individual and Market Demands Total Market and Segmented Market Demands Company and Industry Demands

Determinants of Demand

When price changes, quantity demanded will change. That is a movement along the same demand curve. When factors other than price changes, demand curve will shift. These are the determinants of the demand curve.

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A rise in a person’s income will lead to an increase in demand (shift demand curve to the right), a fall will lead to a decrease in demand for normal goods. Goods whose demand varies inversely with income are called inferior goods (e.g. Hamburger Helper).

Consumer Preferences:

Favorable change leads to an increase in demand, unfavorable change lead to a decrease.

Number of Buyers:

The more buyers lead to an increase in demand; fewer buyers lead to decrease.

Price of related goods:

a. Substitute goods (those that can be used to replace each other): price of substitute and demand for the other good are directly related.

b. Complement goods (those that can be used together): price of complement and demand for the other good are inversely related.

 Expectation of future:

a. Future price: consumers’ current demand will increase if they expect higher future prices; their demand will decrease if they expect lower future prices.

b. Future income: consumers’ current demand will increase if they expect higher future income; their demand will decrease if they expect lower future

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Introduction on Service

The world economy nowadays is increasingly characterized as a service economy. This is primarily due to the increasing importance and share of the service sector in the economies of most developed and developing countries. In fact, the growth of the service sector has long been considered as indicative of a country’s economic progress.

Economic history tells us that all developing nations have invariably experienced a shift from agriculture to industry and then to the service sector as the main stay of the economy.

This shift has also brought about a change in the definition of goods and services themselves. No longer are goods considered separate from services. Rather, services now increasingly represent an integral part of the product and this interconnectedness of goods and services is represented on a goods-services continuum.

Definition and characteristics of Services

The American Marketing Association defines services as - “Activities, benefits and satisfactions which are offered for sale or are provided in connection with the sale of goods.”


 Services are intangible and do not have a physical existence. Hence services cannot be touched, held, tasted or smelt. This is most defining feature of a service and that which primarily differentiates it from a product. Also, it poses a unique challenge to those engaged in marketing a service as they need to attach tangible attributes to an otherwise intangible offering.


 Given the very nature of services, each service offering is unique and cannot be exactly repeated even by the same service provider. While products can be mass produced and be homogenous the same is not true of services.


Services cannot be stored, saved, returned or resold once they have been used. Once rendered to a customer the service is completely consumed and cannot be delivered to another customer.

.Inseparability/Simultaneity of production and consumption: 

This refers to the fact that services are generated and consumed within the same time frame.

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Types of Services

Core Services:

A service that is the primary purpose of the transaction

Supplementary Services: 

Services that are rendered as a corollary to the sale of a tangible product.

Services marketing mix

The first four elements in the services marketing mix are the same as those in the traditional marketing mix. However, given the unique nature of services, the implications of these are slightly different in case of services.


In case of services, the ‘product’ is intangible, heterogeneous and perishable. Moreover, its production and consumption are inseparable. Hence, there is scope for customizing the offering as per customer requirements and the actual customer encounter therefore assumes particular significance. However, too much customization would compromise the standard delivery of the service and adversely affect its quality. Hence particular care has to be taken in designing the service offering.


Pricing of services is tougher than pricing of goods. While the latter can be priced easily by taking into account the raw material costs, in case of services attendant costs - such as labor and overhead costs - also need to be factored in. Thus a restaurant not only has to charge for the cost of the food served but also has to calculate a price for the ambience provided. The final price for the service is then arrived at by including a mark up for an adequate profit margin.


Since service delivery is concurrent with its production and cannot be stored or transported, the location of the service product assumes importance. Service providers have to give special thought to where the service would be provided. Thus, a fine dine restaurant is better located in a busy, upscale market as against on the outskirts of a city. Similarly, a holiday resort is better situated in the countryside away from the rush and noise of a city.

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 Since a service offering can be easily replicated promotion becomes crucial in differentiating a service offering in the mind of the consumer. Thus, service providers offering identical services such as airlines or banks and insurance companies invest heavily in advertising their services. This is crucial in attracting customers in a segment where the services providers have nearly identical offerings.

We now look at the 3 new elements of the services marketing mix - people, process and physical evidence - which are unique to the marketing of services.


People are a defining factor in a service delivery process, since a service is inseparable from the person providing it. Thus, a restaurant is known as much for its food as for the service provided by its staff. The same is true of banks and department stores. Consequently, customer service training for staff has become a top priority for many organizations today.


The process of service delivery is crucial since it ensures that the same standard of service is repeatedly delivered to the customers. Therefore, most companies have a service blue print which provides the details of the service delivery process, often going down to even defining the service script and the greeting phrases to be used by the service staff.

Physical Evidence: 

Since services are intangible in nature most service providers strive to incorporate certain tangible elements into their offering to enhance customer experience. Thus, there are hair salons that have well designed waiting areas often with magazines and plush sofas for patrons to read and relax while they await their turn. Similarly, restaurants invest heavily in their interior design and decorations to offer a tangible and unique experience to their guests

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Chapter: - 6

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Set up in 1987 as a joint venture between the Tata Group and Honeywell with manufacturing, design and engineering facilities in the industrial city of Pune (160 km southeast of Mumbai), Honeywell Automation is today the market leader in most of the business areas it operates in. In 2004 the joint venture ended, with Honeywell buying out the entire Tata stake.Honeywell Automation India (HAIL) is a leading provider of integrated automation and software solutions that improve productivity, enhance comfort and ensure safety and security of homes and business premises. With over 2500 employees and an annual turnover of about Rs. 868 crore, HAIL is headquartered in Pune with 8 offices all over India. HAIL is a listed company on the Indian stock exchanges and is part of Honeywell Inc. the technology leader with 120000 employees across 100 countries worldwide.Honeywell International is a $36 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell hares are traded on the New York, London and Chicago Stock Exchanges.Innovation and adaptability are the hallmarks of HAIL and they aim at creating value for customers in an ever-changing market. The company drives the nation's growth by being responsible to its leadership position in running the 'core' business sectors of the Indian economy, be it infrastructure, petrochemicals, refining, chemicals, mining & metals or automobiles and hospitality.Honeywell's brands can be seen on the thermostats in buildings, in electronic voting machines, process control systems in refineries and factories or as sensors in automobiles.HAIL has an impressive 36000 sq ft. state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Pune, and strict adherence to quality and being receptive to customer needs has helped the Company provide innovative solutions, high-end consulting and engineering designs to organizations, both in India and globally, leading to enormous savings to the customers through better productivity, optimal use of materials and energy, lesser wastage and better maintenance of equipment.1989 - Series 9000 systems were launched to meet the requirements of small control applications and the 620 LCS programmable controllers. 

1990 - Several important projects for TDC-3000 systems were executed and new systems such as series 9000 and LCS-620 Series PLCS for the smaller market were introduced. 

1991 - Honeywell's latest state-of-the-art "Process Manager" was introduced and the Company commenced marketing of smart transmitters in India which find application in chemical fertiliser and other process industries. 

- As a step towards indigenisation, a printed wire assembly manufacturing facility was established for the manufacture of high volume PWAS of two products lines. 

- During the year, building automation systems were launched in India. 

1992 - The Company Commissioned during the year a complex integrated system for the TISCO blast furnace `G' plant. 

- In April 1993, 20,00,000 Rights shares allotted (prem. Rs 25 per share prop. 2:5). Another 80,000 shares offered to employees, etc. (prem. Rs 25 per share) (only 79,700 shares taken up). 

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- During the year, the Company was awarded and executed several important orders for TDC-3000 systems in the refinery, petrochemicals, steel, power and pharmaceutical sectors. 

1993 - Honeywell's new generation Automotion Platform "Total Plant" was introduced and the company marketed Building Automotion Control systems for Air-Conditioning, Fire Detection and security applications. 

- The Company successfully commissioned the systems for Tata chemicals cement plant, Indian Oil Corporations Hydrocracker Atomospheric Unit I and United Carbon's Carbon Black Plant. 

1994 - The Industrial Control Systems is the largest segment of the company's business, accounting for 80% of its revenue. 

- The Company delivered 28 and commissioned 21 medium/large TDC-3000 systems during the year. 

- During the year the Company was awarded the prestigious ISO 9001 certificate which is the key to the TQM. 

- The Company is the first and only company in India in the field of Industrial Automation and Control to be awarded this certification. 

- For the third time in a row, the Company has won the Honeywell Asia Pacific Regional "Profitable Growth" Award. 

1995 - During the year Company successfully set up the Smart Transmitter Configuration Centre for local manufacture of Honeywell S 900 Series Smart Transmitters. 

1996 - The Company established a new platform-SCAN 3000 for small and medium applications. 

- 17,61,997 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a prem. of Rs 60 per share allotted on rights basis. 

1997 - The Company enhanced its product portfolio by introducing process analyzer as a result of Honeywell's acquisition of Leeds and Northrop Analyzer Division. 

1998 - HPCL awarded Tata Honeywell a turnkey contract for off-site automation of their oil movement & storage systems at their Mahul refinery. 

- HPL has signed an MoU with Tata Honeywell under which all lumpsum turnkey contractors of HPL will procure their distribution control systems and smart transmitters from Tata Honeywell. 

1999 - THL, a joint venture between Tata Industries and the US-based Honeywell Corp, has taken over distribution rights from Honeywell India for the systems business in its industrial automation segment from January 1999. - Tata Honeywell, a joint venture between Tata Industries and Honeywell of the US, plans to expand its industrial automation and control business to the oil and gas industry and to new power plants being set-up in the country. 

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- THL was selected as the best affiliate/joint venture of 1998 for demonstrating the best overall business performance. 

- The merger of Honeywell Inc and Allied Signal internationally could signal additional new business opportunities for Tata Honeywell, the joint venture between Honeywell and Tata Industries. 

- The merger agreement between Honeywell and Allied Signal would lead to a global technology company with revenues of $ 25 billions. 

2000 - Tata Honeywell signed a memorandum of understanding with Group4 Securities to form a joint venture company to address the emerging need for Central Monitoring & Response Services for electronic security solutions. 

- The Company launched electronic security solutions in Bangalore. 

- Tata Honeywell has entered into a 50:50 equity joint venture with the International security firm Group 4 Securitas to provide central monitoring and quick security response services using electronic security solutions to residents of India's major cities. 

- The Company is all set to expand its presence in electronic security solution segment with its new range of surveillance systems. 

- Tata Honeywell Ltd. a joint venture between Tata Industries and the US-based Honeywell, launched its "Total Security Solutions" consisting of sensors, control panels, signalling devices, panic switches and auto dialers. 

- Tata Honeywell's Hi-spec Solutions India entered into an agreement with US-based PSDI for offering the latter's "enterprise asset management solutions" process and manufacturing sector in the Indian subcontinent. 

- Tata Honeywell's Hi-spec solutions entered into an agreement with US-based PSDI for offering the Latter's "enterprise asset management solutions" to the process and manufacturing sector in the Indian subcontinent. 

- Tata Honeywell Ltd. and Group4 Securitas Guarding Ltd. have entered into a 50:50 joint venture to form a new company called central Monitoring Services Pvt. Ltd. 

- Tata Honeywell Ltd. the Industrial Security and Automation Company, has entered the home and small commercial establishments security market with the launch of its Total Security Solutions. 

2002 -Indian Oil Corporation ties up with Honeywell for its information technology re-engineering project 'Manthan'. 

2003 -Receives largest overseas order for automation of paper machine from Gaap insat Turkey valued at 1.8million USD with additional add on orders worth 1 million. 

2004 -Tata Honeywell enters agreement with Gensym to sell automation solutions 

2005 -Members of are hereby informed that the name of Tata Honeywell Limited shall be changed to Honeywell Automation India Limited and the trading symbol of the company be changed from TATAHONEY to HONAUT i.e. March 24, 2005 

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-Honeywell Automation India introduces Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS) R300 which features an innovative redesign of its automation and control platform hardware. 

2007 -Honeywell Automation India Ltd has appointed Mr. Jack Bolick as the new Chairman of the Company. 

2008 - Honeywell Safety Manager Attains Certification From Factory Mutual. 

- Honeywell Automation India Limited receives the Frost & Sullivan Brand Leadership and the Product Leadership Awards in the Indian DCS Industry. 

- Honeywell Introduces Advanced Energy Solutions For Industrial Power Generators. 

2009 - Honeywell expands their Energy Efficiency Portfolio. 

2011 - Honeywell Recognised For Dedication To Workplace Health And Safety With Two International Safety Awards. 

- Honeywell Launches New Remote Collaboration, Optimization And Operations Solution. 

- Honeywell Chosen By Krakatau Steel To Improve Energy Efficiency And Reduce Costs. 

- Honeywell Supplies Control And Safety Systems For Rwe Dea'S New North Sea Platforms. 

- Honeywell Boosts Smart Temperature Transmitter Portfolio With Enhancements To Stt 250 Line. 

2012 - The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on February 09, 2012, inter alia, has recommended dividend of Rs. 10 per share.

Products and Services offered by the company:

Refining, oil and gas, pulp, paper & printing, power generation, power transmission & distribution, chemicals & life sciences, petrochemicals, and metals, minerals and mining.

Fire detection systems, security systems - access control systems, CCTV systems & perimeter control systems.a complete range of high quality and optimal cost engineering,

Software development & programming and hardware designhome and building control products & solutions.

Electromechanical switches, electronic sensors, machine safety, controls, monitoring & lighting: Sensors for test & measurement applications.

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Different divisions of the company:

Honeywell Process Solutions:  Industry leader in the areas of process knowledge systems, safety systems, simulation technology, wireless field devices, integrated facility and process security systems.

Honeywell Building Solutions:  Honeywell Building Solutions (HBS) is the largest and most technically skilled building solutions player in the Indian sub-continent.

Global Engineering Services:  Provides a complete range of high quality and optimal cost engineering, software development & programming and hardware design with total focus on quality.

Environmental and Combustion Control : In more than 100 million homes and 5 million buildings worldwide, Honeywell's products, components and systems deliver temperature control, comfort, energy conservation and safety. 

Sensing and Control: Provides electromechanical and machine safety switches, electronic and test and measurement sensors and vehicle controls, monitoring and lighting products for transportation, aerospace, military, industrial and medical applications.

Honeywell Security Group Protects millions of homes, businesses and government facilities around the world.Awards & Achievements:

It is the first automation and control solutions company in India to receive double certifications of ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications.

Honeywell Automation India  received the Frost & Sullivan Brand Leadership and the Product Leadership Awards in the Indian DCS Industry 2007

Honeywell Safety Manager is first safety system in process industries to Receive NFPA 72 Certification from US certifying body

ISCEA awarded the 2007 Ptak Prize to Honeywell, in recognition of significant Supply Chain improvements through Vision, Business Rules, and Technology.

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Company Type Multi National

 Industry Sector Electronics

 Products / Services 1. Distributed Control Systems

2. Building Control Systems3. Smart Transmitters

 No. of employees


 Other locations of factories / offices

Regional Offices in Bangalore, Baroda, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Gurgaon

 Financial result for time period

January 2008 - December 2008

   -Sales Rs. 989 Crores

   -Profit before tax Rs. 118 Crores

   -Net profit after tax Rs. 82 Crores

   -CSR Budget Not Disclosed

 CSR Activities

 Trust / Foundation for CSR


 CSR Areas 1. Community Welfare2. Education3. Healthcare

 Three main CSR activities

1. Community welfare2. Education3. Healthcare

 Publish Sustainability Report


 Member of Global Compact


 CSR activities in briefAnnual Report COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORK :

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HAIL has started a Child Sponsorship Program in close co-ordination with Sadhana Village, an NGO. We have sponsored 50 children from Kolwan Valley in Mulshi Taluka. This sponsorship monitors child health and education. The funding has been made possible by the contributions from employees. This is used for various CSR activities that HAIL undertook in the past year.

Manufacturing Facilities 

With world-class engineering products for industries and homes manufactured at its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, HAIL has an edge when it comes to giving their customers the best. HAIL's production facility at Pune is among the few certified not just by Honeywell but also by several government and defense establishments.Spread over 85000 sq. ft, HAIL’s manufacturing facility is equipped with, System Integration Services, Testing Facilities, Systems Assembly & Staging Centre at two locations with dedicated export facility under ‘Electronic Hardware Technology Park’ (EHTP).Printed Wiring Assembly (PWA) Manufacturing Facility, Smart transmitters manufacturing, Sensor assemblies such as  LCD hour meter, Wheel speed sensor, Throttle Positioning Sensor,  Testing & Calibration for outsourced products (Access, HVAC, HPM I/O) and a Smart Line Technology Centre. In 2003, the Company’s GPS Manufacturing was certified by the DRDO, the premier defense research organization in India. In year 2008, Manufacturing lines for Global supply of products ( HC 900, Temperature Transmitter , Load Computers etc.) Company’s automotive manufacturing cell (Sensing & Control) has acquired TS – 16949 certification. HAIL is also the first automation company in India to have received a double certification of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Safety Manager System certified with IEC 61508 . 

The facility uses contemporary technology for design and manufacturing of components, transmitters along with marshalling and other cabinets. It also boasts of one of the most advanced testing facilities for engineered products and solutions. HAIL's manufacturing facility is well equipped to provide customers with value-added contract manufacturing services. The Company’s expertise in diverse engineering needs provides a one-stop shop for assuring you of the best quality products and services, apart from global procurement and unique and timely delivery logistics. Major components at the facility include Test Assembly and Quality Equipments such asSemi Automatic Insertion Machine for PWA Wave Soldering System & PWA

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Cleaning System to carry out the Systems and Products Assembly, a Zehntel 850, Hot Cold Chambers for stress test ,  In-Circuit Component Tester,  custom built Functional Test Equipment,  Precise Pneumatic / Hydraulic Pressure Generation and Measurement Equipment. The quality and the reliability of the products are accurately tested by electronic components such as Test Equipments, Passive Components, Active Components, PCBs

Micro Sectioning, Digital Micrometers/ Vernier Calipers and Surface Coating Testers. Honeywell's stated Total Quality Policy is to continuously strive for excellence. The discipline of Total Quality permeates everything. The corporate aim is to be recognized as a world-class supplier of best quality products and services. Delivery and Quality initiatives such as Six Sigma, Lean through a systematic approach ‘Honeywell Operating System’,

drives Business Process Excellence and form an integral part of the HAIL culture. 

Training Services 

At HAIL, providing cutting edge solutions is a manifold commitment. Apart from assuring our clients of innovative technologies to help them stay ahead in the global competitive market, we also give them the extra edge by helping them constantly upgrade their skills.

To help our customers keep a finger on the pulse of emerging technologies, our

training services assess their training needs and provide customized training solutions. 

Our training initiatives are not restricted to clients alone. HAIL also conducts training

programs for graduating students from various engineering streams. Our initiatives help

students familiarize themselves with emerging technologies and understand how they apply

and become integrated into the core of business, thus bridging the gap between institution

and industry

Energy Management

Energy Savings Performance contracts

Advanced Process Control Solutions

Smart Grid/Demand Response

Gas Detection

Personal Protective Equipment

Remote Services & Wireless

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Video Analytics

Automatic Identification & Data Collection

Honeywell Security Group 

Honeywell is committed to security. The Honeywell Security Group (HSG) is one of the world’s leading and most experienced manufacturers of electronic security systems protecting millions of homes, businesses and government facilities around the world.

With over $40 million a year invested in research and development, the division strives to bring out the best and most innovative security products. The best global technologies are leveraged at the Engineering Centre of Excellence in the US, China, India, Scotland and France.

New commercial products include: Integrated Digital Video Manager (DVM), Enterprise Network Recorder (NVR), Rapid Eye LT and the LobbyWorks visitor management system. These new products are all designed to drive up revenues while making installations and maintenance easier.

Make the right choice for the future by partnering with the Honeywell Security Group – a division that is committed to success and to building a world that is safer and more secure.

Some of our value added services are mentioned below -

Video Systems 

Full range of products that meet requirements ranging from simple camera systems to a fully integrated system capable of working over LAN or Internet

Camera Speed DomeMonitor

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Digital Video RecorderMatrix

Access Control Systems

Available for various environments from single door access to integrated systems capable of managing thousands of doorsSmall, medium and large scale access control systemProximity reader and cardSmartcard reader and cardBiometric reader

Intrusion Detection System  

A complete range of intrusion detection products ranging from the simplest door contact to the central station receiver

Intrusion control systemP I RDual TechKeypadWireless systemCentral station receiverDoor contact

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Honeywell Life Safety, based in North ford, CT, is a global leader in the following lines of business: • Fire Systems – providing a full range of solutions—including integration and networking—to OEMs and distribution in commercial, industrial, education, retail, lodging, government, and health care.• Sensors and Devices – providing world-class gas, fire, and smoke detection to OEMs worldwide.• Home Medical Care – producing remote patient monitoring products that serve clinical partners, end users, and hospitals.• Honeywell Safety Products – one of the largest providers of personal protective equipment serving the fire service, electrical safety and general industrial worker segments. Honeywell Life Safety businesses design, manufacture, and market over 40 product families including:     • Conventional and intelligent fire alarm control panels    • Sensors and transmitters    • Toxic gas detection    • Power supplies    • Intelligent/Addressable Devices    • Conventional and intelligent fire alarm control panels    • Medical peripheral devices    • Telemonitoring    • Voice evacuation    • Controller Systems    • Personal protective equipment

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Access Control Solutions

Honeywell provides healthcare administrators with the technology and tools to manage one of the most important aspects of security and safety – appropriate access. It’s all about the right people in the right places at the right times. And it’s no easy task.

Honeywell Access Control Solutions put current information, effective controls, and swift response capabilities at your security staff’s fingertips, helping to improve security across your entire organization. Our access control solutions include a wide range of access controllers, digital proximity readers and ID systems and advanced biometric solutions, as well as customized applications such as Lobby Work Visitor Management System.

Centralized Cardholder Management

Honeywell Security Manager is our powerful, software-based application. It uses distributed server architecture to simplify management and access of cardholder functions for employees, contractors and visitors. The system stores an unlimited number of cards, and indexes them for quick access. Cardholder information is stored and updated centrally for easy access throughout the organization. Shared access speeds processing in operations where employees visit multiple sites, and helps ensure data consistency and accuracy. Centralized cardholder management also gives operators access to a wealth of customizable data and displays from a single window at their workstation.

Unsurpassed Security through Integration

Integrating access control operations with enterprise systems through the Honeywell™ (EBI) provides complete, single-window access to building information and enterprise databases. The result: vastly improved security response and control.

It means, for example, that your access control system can automatically deny access to an employee no longer on the payroll, based on data from a human resource application. You can grant access to site contractors by time of day, duration or project expiration. Expect new operational and staff efficiencies, expanded control capabilities and enhanced security responsiveness when you integrate access control with your building management system.

Key Features of Honeywell Access Control Solutions:

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Works with a wide range of Honeywell and third-party card and reader technologies, surveillance and alarm systems

Provides fully-integrated support for fingerprint readers and biometric authentication systems using hand geometry

Integrates photos and signatures into cardholder database for streamlined budging operations

Provides constant real-time location and status of tagged equipment and people throughout your facility when integrated with Honeywell Asset Locator .Depend on Honeywell, the world leader in security technology, to provide reliable and affordable solutions that help protect your patients, visitors, staff, building and equipment. 


We are one of the traders and suppliers of qualitative range of Security Systems as Fire Alarm Systems, CCTV, Intruder Alarm Systems, Access Control & Time Attendance Systems, Public Address Systems and Video Door Phones. These CCTV cameras keep record of employees, entry ways, locations, and other areas in an efficient manner. These are widely appreciated for their outstanding audio as well as video image quality.   

Honeywell (Dome Camera)

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We are counted as one of the well-known suppliers, traders and distributors of a comprehensive and qualitative range of Honeywell (Dome Camera). These products are efficiently designed by our trustworthy vendors, who use outstanding raw material in the production procedure. Our quality controllers start quality checking process, from the first stage of procuring products till its final dispatch.


Outstanding performance Durable Intricately designed

Honeywell Dome/C-Mount Camera

Counted among the well-known organizations, we are engaged in supplying, trading and distributing an exclusive range of Honeywell (C-Mount Camera). Known for its, excellent performance and durability, these products are intricately designed by our certified vendors using quality raw material. Varied quality tests are conducted by our experts on defined parameters, in order to assure that, products are in compliance with the set industrial standards.


Less power consumption High efficiency Dimensionally accurate

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Honeywell DVR 4/8/16 Ch

Being among the foremost companies, we specialize in supplying, distributing and trading an extensive array of Honeywell (DVD 4/8/16 Ch). After conducting a stern market survey, we have selected some of the reliable vendors, who remain adhere towards the suggested industrial norms in their production procedure. Before making the delivery of our products, our experts rigorous check them on prescribed parameters.Features:

Outstanding quality Smooth functioning Easy operations

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Fire Protection & First Responder

Fire Systems

Honeywell ONYX FirstVision Navigation power Supplies

System Sensors & Power

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Honeywell‘s integrated building management system played a key role in safely evacuating residents and minimizing damage in a fire at the 42-floor luxury Polat Tower in Turkey last week.  Honeywell supplied the residence with integrated building management systems for HVAC and lighting, fully integrated with other systems for fire alarm, card access, intrusion detection and CCTV. 

  As the fire spread over building’s façade, the fire sensors connected to the Honeywell intelligent fire alarm system gave alarm signals to the control center, and then initiated a number of fire emergency operations across other key building systems.   The smoke damper from the floor where the alarm was received was opened and exhaust fans on the roof were switched on as natural gas flow to the building was stopped.  Pressure fans serving the fire staircase and elevator shafts were switched on to prevent spread of the fire to other floors, and the integrated public address/voice alarm system was activated to instruct the 1,500 residents to evacuate.  Additionally, the speakers and strobe lights located through the staircases were activated to guide residents towards exits and all access controlled doors, including turnstiles on the ground floor, exit barriers in the car park and all other doors on the way towards the exits, were released automatically in order to enable quick escape of residents from building without creating any panic.

  No injuries were sustained during the fire, and Honeywell’s smart building system has been credited with avoiding a much larger disaster. The integrated smart building system was implemented in Plat Tower in 2002 and has been maintained by Honeywell since that time.

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Fire and Smoke Detection Systems

Whether you manage a hospital or oversee operations for a commercial building, industrial plant, retail store, airport or school, you’ll find a Honeywell fire and smoke detection system that fits your application and improves safety and security for your people and property.

Unique Compatibility, Many Choices

Honeywell detection systems are uniquely compatible with existing building systems, so there’s no need for costly and time-consuming rewiring at installation. And only Honeywell offers smoke detectors precise enough for high-sensitivity and harsh environments. 

Honeywell fire and smoke sensors can even adjust to your environment and differentiate between normal and dangerous conditions, providing an early and rapid response that helps prevent property loss and minimize secondary damage from water sprinklers.

Our Broad Range of Advanced Fire and Smoke Detection Solutions Includes:

Eclipse: Distributed intelligence and peer communication Acclimate™: Multi-criteria, intelligent sensors Filtrex™: Harsh environment smoke detectors Pinnacle™: High-sensitivity, laser technology smoke detectors Projected beam: Smoke

detectors for large area applications

Fire Detection Systems

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Fire does not discriminate. It is a devastating threat that can end lives and demolish profitability in seconds. To protect employees and your assets from this destructive force, select a Honeywell fire detection system engineered by a Honeywell authorized commercial dealer.A Fire Detection system is similar to a nervous system for a building. Honeywell’s line of fire detection devices allows the alarm system to sense the presence of smoke, sense heat inside of a room and remotely control items like door releases and elevators.

In addition to sensing the condition of the items, the system can monitor the trouble outputs of other whole systems, allowing you to create a status monitoring system for other systems within the building. Thus, you can create a sophisticated integrated system that controls the building based upon logical sequences.

Incredibly sophisticated, the system alerts you to a fire and lets you quickly and efficiently pinpoint the exact location of trouble and fire conditions. This provides the ultimate protection of life and property.

For more information on Honeywell Fire Detection Systems, call 1-800-610-8853 or contact a Honeywell Authorized Dealer for Commercial Security Systems near you.More information about Fire Detection Systems

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Fire is a major cause for destruction of property and life and affects all sectors of our modern economy and society. Fire can be caused due to either human negligence or deliberate sabotage. Fire hazards need to be contained, detected and controlled to safeguard our infrastructure, economy, businesses and enterprises. Rapid response is necessary to prevent a minor fire from turning into a major catastrophe.

Detection and Control

A range of cross corroborative sensor network is required to detect occurrences of fire with sufficient certainty. TIPL provides a range of these devices including

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Fire can be detected by these special sensors well before it can spread beyond control. Once detected, suppression solutions need to be activated which could be hydrant based, dry suppressant based, etc. High end sprinklers can ensure that the fire is under control & extinguished before it could cause extensive damage.

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Chapter: - 7

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What is reason of buying Honeywell Products?

Reason of buying Honeywell Products

Sr.No Factors Customer1. Services 112. Price 83. Quality 64. Others 5







ServicesPriceQuality Others


According Survey most of people buying Honeywell products because of company giving services ,quality ,price and others factors but 38 % people buying products because of company giving good services to customers and service like pre sales as well as after sales services