kingdom protista - · 2018. 10....

KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _______________ - Some can cause __________ (ex. Malaria is caused by ___________ ______________) - Some are _______________________________ - Most are ______________, some ____________. - All are __________________ - Grouped together because they don't ________________________ Not as diverse as ______________________, but more than others.

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Page 1: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria


- Most protists are _______________

- Some can cause __________ (ex. Malaria is caused by ___________


- Some are _______________________________

- Most are ______________, some ____________.

- All are __________________

- Grouped together because they don't ________________________

Not as diverse as ______________________, but more than others.

Page 2: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

Classifying Protists

Protists are grouped into 3 main categories

1. ____________________ - ____________, heterotrophs that

____________________________their food.

2. ___________ - ___________, autotrophs that _______________

3. ______________ - ___________ heterotrophs

Page 3: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

1. Protozoa

- ___________species 

- Live in _______________, moist soil or the ___________________!

- ________ species cause disease. (_______________________ )

- 4 main groups:

 a. ______________________ (One or more flagella)

 b. ________________ (Produce limb-like structure called  _________

 c. ______________ (covered in cilia)

 d. ____________(form __________ at some point in life cycle)

Page 4: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

We will look at 2 representative Protozoa.

The phylum _____________ is also known as ___________.

(singular amoeba)

One organism within this phylum is __________ __________


Page 5: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

____________ are __________ organisms that move by flowing

their cell contents into projections called _____________________

Some also have ___________

Page 6: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

___________ feed by ____________________, which is the cellular process

of ____________solid particles by the ___________________.

Page 7: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

Reproduction is _____________

Page 8: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria


The most famous example from the ___________ is

___________ ____________

__________ move by ________________________.

Page 9: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

____________ feed by ____________ a stream of particle laden water into their


Food vacuoles (__________________) at the base of the ________ fill and

move into __________________.

Indigestible particles are ________________________________.

Page 10: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

Ciliates anatomy:

- _________________ - runs all

metabolic processes.

- _______________ -

responsible for ____________

- ____________- used to

maintain fluid balance

Page 11: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

Reproduction is _________________________

Both are similar to _____________, but in ______________, a ____________

___________forms and ______________are copied and fused.

Page 12: KINGDOM PROTISTA - · 2018. 10. 13. · KINGDOM PROTISTA - Most protists are _____ - Some can cause _____ (ex. Malaria

Unlike bacteria, that have a ____________________from

bursting, ____________do not.

Therefore a mechanism to ___________________of the

cell is required.

Here is the problem:

___________________ are used to _________________of the cell as the

Paramecium lives in a ________________________.