king saud university college of nursing master program

King Saud University King Saud University College of nursing College of nursing Master program Master program

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King Saud University King Saud University College of nursing College of nursing Master programMaster program

AL-barrak 2008 2


After completion of this session the students should be able to

Describe transfer of learning and why it is important Discuss factors that affect transfer and learner

performance Apply key strategies that can be used before, during

and after training Discuss issues related to monitoring and evaluating

learning transfer

AL-barrak 2008 3

Outlines Define transfer of Learning Focus on transfer Theories of Transfer Learning Theory key strategies that can be used before,

during and after training Issues related to monitoring and

evaluating learning transfer

AL-barrak 2008 4

Ensuring that the knowledge and skills acquired during a learning intervention are applied on the job.

An interrelated series of tasks performed by supervisors, trainers, learners and co-workers before, during and after a learning intervention in order to maximize transfer of knowledge and skills and to improve job performance.

AL-barrak 2008 5

Cont Transfer takes place when existing knowledge,

abilities and skills assist us in the performance of new tasks or affect the next step in the learning process.

It occurs when the learning in one context or with one set of materials impacts the performance in another context or with other related materials.

It is when students apply or practice new learning in new or existing work situations.

AL-barrak 2008 6

Improves quality of client services Protects training investments Encourages and empowers learners Improves accountability for implementation Enhances likelihood that interventions will

target specific needs

AL-barrak 2008 7

Meaningful learning promotes better transfer than rote learning = routine learning

The more thoroughly something is learned, the more likely it is to be transferred to a new situation

The more similar two situations are, the more likely it is that what is learning in one situation will be applied to the other situation

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Cont . Principles are more easily transferred than


Numerous and varied examples and opportunities for practice increase the extent to which information and skills will be applied in new situations

The probability of transfer decreases as the time interval between the original task and the transfer task increases

AL-barrak 2008 9

EXPERIENTIALKolb, researcher and expert in learning styles,

believes that all learning is relearning.

“The learner’s mind is not a blank sheet of paper and the educator needs to bring out the learner’s beliefs and theories, examine and test them, and then integrate the new ideas into the person’s belief systems

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TRANSFER OF TRAININGWhat is learned in the classroom is not transferred

until the learner successfully applies or practices the learning in a new or work situation or to a problem-based scenario in the classroom.

TRANSFER OF LEARNINGWhat is learning in the classroom is not transferred

until the learner successfully applies or practices the learning in a new context.

AL-barrak 2008 11

Most readily happens when there is: Applying and practicing of new learning Integrated learning contexts Integrated secondary learning objectives of a

workplace skill or attitude Meaningful learning – relates to real world Process and principles in addition to content Instructional strategies Feedback and assessment techniques Motivation Coaching and mentoring

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Case Study

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1. Tell the Learner What They are Going to Learn

2. Teach the Knowledge or Skill

3. Measure the Knowledge or Practice the Skill

4. Have the Learner Reflect on What was


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Facilitator Presentation Group Discussion – Large Demonstration Role Play Case Study / Small Group Activity Simulation / Drill

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Highly Interactive





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Lack of reinforcement on the job Difficulties in the work environment Non-supportive organizational culture Learners’ perception that new skills are impractical Learners’ discomfort with change Separation from the instructional source Poor instructional design and delivery Negative peer pressure

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I would perform better if:1. I knew exactly what was expected of me.2. I received regular feedback about how I was

doing, compared to what was expected.3. I had the right tools to do my job and a work

environment that suited my job.4. I had some incentives to excel (e.g.,

recognition).5. I had better skills and knowledge about how

to do my job.6. I had a supportive supervisor or manager.

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1 .Expectations 2 .Feedback 3 .Tools

4 .Incentives 5 .Skills & Knowledge

6 .Organizational Support

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Job expectations Performance feedback Physical environment and tools Motivation Skills and knowledge Organizational support

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Describes steps to maximize transfer of learning

Used by learner, supervisor, trainer and co-workers

Helps track expectations, commitments and resources

Initiated before training, refined during training and implemented after training

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Before Learning Ensure problem can be “fixed” with

training Select the “right” trainees Establish agreements about intervention


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Key Strategies (continued)

Before Learning (continued) Design the “learner support system”

– learning materials – interactive activities– facilitators/peers– administrative support

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Key Strategies (continued)

During learning Match training activities to intervention

goals Give learners the time to learn

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Key Strategies (continued)

After learning Provide ongoing support and resources Monitor learner progress Make adjustments as needed

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Performance on the job Success of approach Appropriateness of the materials and


AL-barrak 2008 28

Transfer of learning is important in maximizing the effect of training

There are a number of factors that affect transfer and learner performance

There are key strategies that you can use before, during and after training

Monitor and evaluate learning transfer to document that transfer has occurred

AL-barrak 2008 29

Cree, V., & Macaulay, (2000). Transfer of learning in professional and vocational education. Routledge.

Ormrod, J. E. (2004). Human learning (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Pearson.

Perkins, D. N., & Salomon, G. (1992). Transfer of learning. International Encyclopedia of Education (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.

Schunk, D. (2004). Learning theories: An educational perspective (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Pearson.

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