kids monthly news - clover · day cards is a...

We participated in some funny “Hungry Games,” and, boy, you ate those chocolate-covered bugs like troopers! Ben and Bob enjoyed playing with fire…safely, of course! We all know that we can get into some fiery situations at times. God can and will help us through! We got ourselves into some sticky situations with Velcro – it always gets us stuck together! And we enjoyed playing carnival games! Who likes Angry Birds? February INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Main Events 1 Imagination Station 2-3 Calendar 3 STUDIO K-4 4-5 Sports Ministry 5 STUDIO 56 6-7 Cypress Christian Daycare, Preschool and School 8 Parent Thoughts with Kathy 6 KIDS MONTHLY NEWS FEBRUARY 2014 ISSUE 2 This month, we “came down” from all the hype of Christmas and the longer-than-usual Christmas vacation and right into all this crazy cold weather we’ve been having! I hope you have been staying warm! In January, we really enjoyed watching our favorite Reptile Guy! He was here to help kick off our new service times at the Alton Darby campus! SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: STARBUCKS/ SNACKBUCKS MOVIE NIGHT PIRATES DUBLIN VALENTINES FAMILY EVENT A Big Thanks to Ben! Congratulations, Ben, on heading back to school! We hope you enjoy the warm climate, fresh fish, your family, and hunting! And always remember how much you will be missed here at Cypress!!! Thanks for all you’ve done and the lives you’ve impacted for Christ. Good Luck and God Bless! January Review A Crafty Idea! A Family Craft Fun and easy... made with recycled toilet paper rolls. Have fun making your own designs! We hope you join us this month as we start our Pirate series! You’ll be part of the best treasure hunt ever! Check us out each week as we see who will become the first mate! Hope to see you here! Sasha

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Page 1: KIDS MONTHLY NEWS - Clover · Day cards is a great way to show people you love them. Sit with your child and make some cards

We participated in some funny “Hungry Games,” and, boy, you ate those chocolate-covered bugs like troopers! Ben and Bob enjoyed playing with fire…safely, of course! We all know that we can get into some fiery situations at times. God can and will help us through! We got ourselves into some sticky situations with Velcro – it always gets us stuck together! And we enjoyed playing carnival games! Who likes Angry Birds?



I S S U E :

Main Events 1




Calendar 3

STUDIO K-4 4-5

Sports Ministry 5

STUDIO 56 6-7

Cypress Christian


Preschool and



Parent Thoughts

with Kathy



This month, we “came down” from all the hype of Christmas and the longer-than-usual Christmas vacation and right into all this crazy cold weather we’ve been having! I hope you have been staying warm! In January, we really enjoyed watching our favorite Reptile Guy! He was here to help kick off our new service times at the Alton Darby campus!


I N T E R E S T :

• S T A R B U C K S /


• M O V I E N I G H T

• P I R A T E S

• D U B L I N



A Big Thanks to Ben! Congratulations, Ben, on heading back to school! We hope you enjoy the warm climate, fresh fish, your family, and hunting! And always remember how much you will be missed here at Cypress!!! Thanks for all you’ve done and the lives you’ve impacted for Christ.

Good Luck and God Bless!

January Review

A Crafty Idea!

A Family Craft

Fun and easy...

made with recycled toilet paper rolls.

Have fun making your own designs!

We hope you join us this month as we start our Pirate series! You’ll be part of the best treasure hunt ever! Check us out each week as we see who will become the first mate! Hope to see you here! Sasha

Page 2: KIDS MONTHLY NEWS - Clover · Day cards is a great way to show people you love them. Sit with your child and make some cards

P A G E 2

WEEK ONE February 1/2

IMAGINATION STATION MEMORY VERSE “Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12, NIV BASIC TRUTH Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever KEY QUESTION Who does Jesus love? BOTTOM LINE Jesus loves everyone.

STORY SUMMARY JOHN 4:1-26 A woman who has done wrong things meets Jesus for the first time at a well. She is so excited to find out that He loves her that she tells everyone about Him! Jesus wants us to love people the same way He loves us. Giving Valentine’s Day cards is a great way to show people you love them. Sit with your child and make some cards. When you get ready to hand them out, tell your child she’s making people feel special and loved like Jesus does.

WEEK TWO February 8/9 STORY SUMMARY LUKE 19:1-8 Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus over the crowd. Jesus goes to Zacchaeus’ house. They eat and talk and become good friends. Zacchaeus wants to love people because Jesus loves him. Your child is learning that Jesus loves everyone. It doesn’t matter what they look like or the bad things they’ve done or if they have any friends. Jesus loves them, no matter what. And He wants us to love everyone too! As you’ re driving along, point out people walking in the parking lot or riding in the car beside you. Ask, “Does Jesus love that person?” And the answer is always, “Yes! Jesus loves everyone!”

"Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she

looks like a truck!" Ricky, age 7

"Yell out that you love them at the top of your lungs...and don't worry if their parents are right there." Manuel, age 8

Page 3: KIDS MONTHLY NEWS - Clover · Day cards is a great way to show people you love them. Sit with your child and make some cards

I S S U E 2 P A G E 3

WEEK FOUR February 22/23

STORY SUMMARY JOHN 8:1-11 Jesus loves a woman who has been rejected by everyone for the bad things she has done. While you’re giving your child a bath, tickle his toes, tummy and nose. Say, “Jesus (toes) loves (tummy) you (nose)!” Do this several times throughout bath time. Remind your child that Jesus will always love him, no matter what.

Schedule of Events

} Promotion weekend for Imagination Station takes place at the end of each month. For example, if your child turns 3 mid-month, please wait until the end of the month when everyone who has

turned 3 moves up. Thanks!

} Alton Darby Movie Night - we will be watching Treasure Planet. Join us for

an enjoyable family event!

} Dublin Valentines Family event. Help us put a smile on the faces of the eld-erly in our community and skate with

your family while you’re at it!

} Come early to enter our boat races! How far and fast can you blow your

boat to the finish line!?

WEEK THREE February 15/16


Mo Tu We Thur. Fri Sat/ Sun

1 2 3 4 5 6/7

M T W Thu Fri Sat/Sun

1/2 Starbucks/Snackbucks

3 4 5 6 7 8/9 Swab the Deck – Pirate Names 8th- Dublin Family Valentines Day event

10 11 12 13 14 15/16 Sword Fights 15 Alton Darby Movie Night

17 18 19 20 21 22/23 Boat Races

24 25 26 27 28

STORY SUMMARY MATTHEW 4:18-22, 28:16-20 and JOHN 1:35-45 The disciples spread the news that everyone needs Jesus. Cuddle up with your child and pray, “Dear God, thank You for giving us Jesus to be our friend forever. We need Him. [Name of child] needs Jesus. Mommy needs Jesus. Daddy needs Jesus. We ALL need Jesus! Help us to tell others about our good friend, Jesus. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Page 4: KIDS MONTHLY NEWS - Clover · Day cards is a great way to show people you love them. Sit with your child and make some cards

P A G E 4

WEEK ONE February 1/2

STUDIO 5years - 4th Grade

WEEK TWO February 8/9

Memory Verse :

Ephesians 1:18 NCV …How rich and glorious are the blessings God has

promised his holy people.

Verse: Colossians 3:16 NIrV Let Christ’s word live in you like a rich treasure… If we really want to seek Jesus, we have to know what we’re looking for. The Bible is God’s Holy Word. Every word printed in it was inspired by God and has a purpose. God doesn’t want Jesus to be a hidden mystery—He has given us every clue we need in the Bible about who Jesus is and how we can let Him lead our lives. Throughout the Old Testament before Jesus was even born, the scriptures tell us all about Jesus and how He would change us from the inside out. The Old Testament stories show us the consequences of sin and where that path leads. The X on the

map is a new life with Jesus—free from death and sin. The New Testament gives us practical steps to find Him. Everything we need to know about how to live can be answered in the Bible. Even though it won’t say specific things like “what should I do if my friend borrows my iPod and breaks it?” it does have the principles we need to make those choices. Read: 2 KINGS 22 Josiah Reads the Book of the Law

• What is a map?

• What’s the first thing you think of when you hear someone talk about the Bible?

• When we say the Bible is a map for your life, what do you think that means?

• Share something from the Bible that has helped you make a good choice.

Verse: Luke 12:34 NIV For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. There are all kinds of treasure that this world invites us to seek. Things that seem like if you ever found them, you’d really feel rich—entertainment and fun, being a sports superstar, being popular, or even money—but even money has no real lasting value. Only one is really worth giving our whole lives to. Jesus Christ was God’s most precious possession—His one and only Son. God sent Jesus to earth to pay the ransom for our sins—to purchase our freedom. Now this priceless treasure has been offered to all of us. This treasure isn’t hidden from us or anyone else, it’s in plain sight—but you still have to seek Him. Jesus is the treasure that can truly make us rich beyond our wildest dreams. Read: MATTHEW 13:44 (only one verse) Parable of the Treasure

• What does the treasure in the Bible Theater represent? (It can represent the price God paid to purchase us because we are His treasure. It also shows how we will seek Jesus once we realize what a priceless treasure He is.)

• Share what things on earth you treasure the most.

• What does this week’s verse say about your heart and what you treasure?

• What can you do this week to show Jesus that He’s a real treasure?

“It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I'm just a kid. I don't need that kind of trouble." Kenny, age 7

"No one is sure why it happens, but I heard it has something to do with how you smell. That's why perfume and deodorant are so popular." Mae, age 9

"I'm not rushing into being in love. I'm finding fourth grade hard enough." Regina, age 10

Page 5: KIDS MONTHLY NEWS - Clover · Day cards is a great way to show people you love them. Sit with your child and make some cards

P A G E 5

Verse : 2 Timothy 1:14 CEV You have been trusted with a wonderful treasure. Guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit, who lives within you. ACTS 2 The Day of Pentecost Sometimes we can get confused by the huge amount of information in the Bible. Sometimes it uses words we don’t understand or stories we can’t relate to as a kid. Even though the Bible contains a clear and complete description of God and how to live for Him, it can still be too much to comprehend. God is so much bigger and greater than our little brains can understand. God knew we would need constant guidance, encouragement, and help to live out what His Word says. He knew we would need specific direction for our lives. After Jesus left earth, He told His followers that God was going to send an even better replacement. Jesus was God in the flesh living among His people. What could be better than that? God sent His own Holy Spirit to come to make a home inside our hearts. When we make God our captain and agree to join His treasure hunt for a life lived like Jesus, His Spirit will come and live inside us—going with us everywhere we go and pointing the way at every step.

• How can you know when the Holy Spirit is leading you?

• What can you do to invite God’s Spirit to live within your heart?

WEEK THREE February 15/16 I S S U E 2

WEEK FOUR February 22/23 ACTS28:1-5 Paul’s Adventures Verse: Ephesians 1:18 NCV …How rich and glorious are the blessings God has promised his holy people. Sometimes what seemed like the end is only the beginning. Many people join in the treasure hunt for Jesus but they sit content with the unopened treasure chest. However, when we really dig in to God’s Word and begin to allow God’s Spirit to give us direction, we see that signing up for a life with Christ is only the first step on a wild life-long adventure following the exciting and unique path God has planned for each of our lives. God’s Word is alive and as you walk through its pages, you’ll see different parts come alive in you. No matter how often you read it or how well you come to know it, God can continue to use it to change you. Having God’s Spirit inside you is great and just knowing you have a spot someday in heaven is a great reward, but by listening to His direction each day, and bravely taking each step He puts before you, you will find that your life becomes more of an adventure than you could ever have imagined. God wants each of us to be a life-long treasure hunter—not to hoard up a huge chest of treasure for ourselves—but to open up and share with the world. The treasure of Jesus is way too much for just you. It’s the greatest treasure that the world has ever known. A life in Jesus, walking each day as a bo’sun of your captain, is a voyage God wants us to invite everyone we meet to join us on. Questions:

• Share a time when you were given an amazing gift.

• What can we do to continue to seek for more of Jesus in our lives?

• Is there someone you can ask to come to church this week to share this good news about Christ?

YOUTH SPORTS Here what’s happening this month with our Cypress Youth Sports program. . .

Basketball games for our kids are kicking off and they will be playing every

Friday evening and Saturday (during the day) through March!

Our basketball players will be learning what it means to be a Champion of

Character. This will be done through our Children's ministry programs on the

weekends, as well as practices and games throughout the season.

Please join us in praying for another amazing season for our families!

Our Spring Soccer registrations will open in March!

Register online at

Page 6: KIDS MONTHLY NEWS - Clover · Day cards is a great way to show people you love them. Sit with your child and make some cards

P A G E 6 Studio 56/Dublin Middle School

If you had a family treasure box, what would be in there? Pictures, vacation booklets, cards, etc.? If someone opened that treasure box, would it represent who you are as a person/family? Pastor Ken will be teaching this month in ‘big church’ about becoming stronger in your faith. The elementary kids will also be learning about what a real Christ follower looks like. You are going to be challenged this month – everyone loves a good challenge, right?

You know how little kids love treasures. Our boys had their little box of treasures, which con-sisted of a favorite toy, a string, leftover Chucky Cheese coins, a favorite basketball or hockey card. I came across one of those “treasure boxes” the other day, still in tact, and I went through it. Smiled a lot, got a little teary – then closed it up and put it back where it belonged. That box of stuff has now become my treasured box.

How would your treasure box change if you were to read your Bible every day? How about if you prayed every day? How different would your family treasure box be if you prayed every day before you had a meal or before you said goodnight? Life is busy, I know, but God’s Word tells us that where our treasure is, that is where our heart will be also. (Matt 6:21)

What is in your treasure box?

Big Problems, Bigger God

We have bigger peace

John 16:33, Numbers 6:25-26, John 14:27

Read John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have

trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Reviewing this verse tells us that we may have big problems, bigger perspective and Big Power that comes from Christ. This week, we are talking about how being surrounded by great power that's on our side can give us great peace. And the greatest power I can think of to surround myself with—in fact the greatest power

that there is—is from God. Read what Jesus says in John 14:27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not

your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

The greatest peace we will find is by surrounding ourselves with God’s power. Power that He gave to us when He died on the cross for us. • Think of a few things today: What did Jesus do for you on the cross? Think about the

strength He gives you everyday! What is one thing you can do this week to help you change your perspective and leave your troubles at the cross?!

Parenting Thoughts with Kathy George

"If falling in love is anything like learning how to spell, I don't

want to do it. It takes too long." Glenn, age 7

"I think you're supposed to get shot with an arrow or something, but the rest of it isn't supposed to be so painful." Manuel, age 8

WEEK ONE February 1/2

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P A G E 7 I S S U E 2

The Holy Spirit

When the Holy Spirit lives in you, He will upgrade every area of your life! Bible: Romans 8:11

The greatest gift God ever gave us was His Son, Jesus. Because through Jesus’ death, we have forgiveness of our sins. But almost equally awesome is another gift God has for each of us called the Holy Spirit. In fact, when Jesus rose from the dead, this is who gave Him the power to do it. The Holy Spirit in our lives has many purposes and there is no way it can be put in a closet somewhere. He was given to us, first and foremost, to bring power to our lives. To help us share the gospel with our friends and family. Another purpose of the gift of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life is to help them understand what they read in the Bible. Ultimately, God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we could glorify God to the fullest! • How has the Holy Spirit worked through you this week?

WEEK FOUR February 22/23 The Holy Spirit The amazing miracles and stories that took place in the first church are examples of what God wants to see happen in your church and community.

Bible: Act 3, 4 The Holy Spirit wants you to do impossible things, just like the exploits they did in the book of Acts. I am so excited about what God is going to do in each and every one of us when we yield to the power and

display of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Everybody in this room has the ability to let the Holy Spirit display His presence, His purposes, and His power in

their lives. The only requirement is that you are available and open to let him fill you.

• What are some ways you can show the Love of God through your actions this week? • What would you do if someone asked you to pray over them before a major sports event? Or test?

WEEK THREE February 15/16

WEEK TWO February 8/9 Big Problems, Bigger God

God Has a Bigger Purpose Bible: Romans 8:28; Genesis 37; Genesis 45:4-8; James 1:2-3; 1 Peter 1:6-9; Proverbs 16:9

Jesus says that in this world we will have trouble, but we can take heart. Because He has overcome the world. And we share in His victory because He has given us the victory through the cross. There is actually a purpose for why we have problems in our lives. I know, most of the time when we have a problem, it just seems like a pointless annoying part of life that we just wish would go away. But God actually has great purpose for you when you have problems. Problems may not seem good, but God actually has really good things planned for us through our problems. • “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” What do you guys think that might mean? James 1:2-3: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Perseverance is a type of strength. It's the ability to be strong for a long time when tough things are happening. So this passage is saying that one good purpose God has for you when you face trials is that it makes you stronger. • Tell about a time in your life when you went through something rough that you looked back on and could see

how it made you strong?!

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Cypress Christian Daycare Contact Pamela Perkins for more information

Call 614-878-8498 or Log in:


Talk to us: Kathy George – Children’s Ministry Director [email protected] Sasha LaBonte – C.M. Assistant Director (Dublin Campus) [email protected] Heidi Rucker – C.M. Assistant Director, Infant - 4 years [email protected] Angie Young – C.M. Assistant, 5 years - 6th Grade [email protected] Questions about Children’s Ministry? E-mail us!

It's time to register for our 2014-2015 school year!

Priority Registration for current students, alumni, CCS, and Cypress church families is now open!

February 10 - Enrollment for all other families opens!

For more information or to schedule a tour, contact Lisa Kaltenbach at 614-878-8803

[email protected]


Cypress Christian Preschool

Contact Lisa for more information

Call 614-878-8803 or

E-mail [email protected]

Follow us on FACEBOOK

Let’s get ready for Kindergarten! Cypress Christian is starting priority enrollment

February 10. If you have questions, such as: • Is my child ready for Kindergarten? • What is the kindergarten screening? How can we

prepare? • What should my preschooler know before school


For more information please check our website:


Contact Cypress Christian School

for more information

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