khenchen thrangu rimpoche - calling the glorious karmapa rigpe dorje longingly from afar


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Page 2: Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche - Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje Longingly From Afar
Page 3: Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche - Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje Longingly From Afar

~l l~a'lt:lt;~!ll~t:J<l.l_,~~~~a~~~~-<l.l·~

~~~~r;"lsr;~&~~<l.l·~~t:l~~~~ll Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje

Longingly From Afar

~· LAMA KHYENNO Know me, guru,

~'l:l'\l~·~·~~·tll~::1\~~~~~·~~, l GYAL WA KON GYI TRIN LE RANG ZUK NYI You embody the activity of all who have triwnphed:

~~~~~·o.l~~~%~·~~"0\·~~·~1::1\'~11 JIG TEN OON CHIK CHHAK NAPE KAR CHHANG The world's sole protector, the white lotus holder.

l:ll~·~~·~~ (ll·sa·o.l~~·~·£~·tit~tll11 OAK CHAK DUL JAY GON DU MI YI ZOL Protect us disciples from hwnan deceit.

::1\~·~~~l:l·l:l~~·~~·~a~~a·~~11 RANG JUNG KHYAB DAK RIG PAY DOR JEY SHAB Pervasive and self-risen lord, Rigpe Dmje,


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9~~·z:rQ,~z:!~~·~~z:!~1~·~t l SOL WA DEB SO GYAL WANG KARMAPA I ask you, I beg you, triumphant Karmapa;

9~~~~·~~~~9·~~~~~·~~1 DUNG WAY BODO R1K DROL YE SHE CHHOK With longing I call you, Free Wisdom Awareness.

TUK GYO JIN LAB P'HO WAR JlN GYI LOB Please bless us by giving us wisdom mind's blessing.

~9~~a·~~·q~r;~~r;~·~·~a·~~~1t NYIK NGAY GO PAY GANG JONG GYAL WAY TEN Corrupted in five ways, the Dharma has waned in

'¥-'~·q~~~·~·~·~,~z:Ja·~~lt NYAM PAR GYUR TSE ME RO SO WAY LE The Land of Snows. Now to rekindle the embers,

~9~~~·z:J~~·?J'~~a5'~'z:J~~~ll T'HUK KYE TSEN PO GO CHHA CHHER GO TE We need the strong armor of true bodhicitta.

~·~~~'Q,(~~~£1·~~·~~·~(~·?J'll GYAL TEN DZAM LING T'HA DRUR PEL DZE PO 0, you who spreads dharma all over this earth,


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9~~·t=:ra.~t:::~~·~~~·~t:::~~·,~·qll SOL WA DEB SO GYAL WANG KARMAPA I ask you, I beg you, triumphant Karmapa;

9~~·t:::~~·a.25'~~·~9·qa~~·~~9l DUNG WAY BODO RIK PAY DOR JE CHHOK With longing I call you, Great Vajra Awareness.

9~.t:::l~a·~·a.~~·a.~t:::l·q~·s~·~~·~~,, TEN DEY GO P'HANG T'HOB PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bless us to reach the perpetual happiness.

' :-., .... ..- "" " ~·~o.t~·~o.t·~9'U1~?9,'9~'U10)'5~ll TSUL T'RHIM NAM DAK YON TEN SHI YIN CHHTR "Since qualities all come from truly pure discipline,

~;J*''\f~~·t:::l~~~~~~·~;-~·~·~ll DAM CHHO DUL WAR CHE TREGO SO SHE Revere the Vinaya of genuine Dharma."

~g·t:::~a·9~~~·:~t:::~·Ul~·~~·Ul~t:::l~·~~ll TSE WAY DAM ZAB YANG NE YANG TSAL MO Again and again you give loving advice,

~·t:::~~·~~~·ci!~·£1·~~·~~9'~9~'~ll JI SHIN NYAM LEN MI NO DAK SOK LA But we are unable to practice like that.


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%~~~~~a~~4~·~·"~r;·~·~11 THUKJEY ZIK SHIK GYAL WANG KARMAPA Please look with compassion, triumphant Karmapa.

~~t::~~""zs-~~~~·~a~~·~~1 DUNG WAY BODO RIK PAY DOR JE CHHOK With longing I calJ you, Great Vajra Awareness.

~~~~·~·~~~~~·~~·s~·~~~~~,, NYAM ME TSUL T'HRIM DEN PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bless us with stainless, unwavering discipline.

~~~a·4~·:l\~~~·~f~·~·~11 T'I-IO PAY SHE RAB MUN SEL DRON METE "The torch that clears darkness is wisdom from listening.

d.lf{~~~~~·~a·Zfl~~Q~~·~·~·~~l1 DO NGAK RIK PAYNE CHE CHHE NYEN GYI By teaching and listening to scripture and science,

~~~·~·~r:_~~Qg·Qa'Q"l~.Q~,,,r~~l1 TEN PA KYONG SHE TSE WAY KAY KUL MO Sustain alJ the teachings," you tell us with love,

~·Q~'"l~·~~·~·~~~~~·~Zfl~"'11 Jl SHIN LAK LEN MI NV DAK SOK LA But we are unable to study like that.


Page 7: Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche - Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje Longingly From Afar

%~~~~·~Si~~1~·~~·~r:;Jt:_',it'~ll T'HUK JEY ZIK SHIK GYAL WANG KARMAPA Please look with compassion, triumphant Kannapa,

~~t:_·r:;J~·a.~"~~~·~a~·~·;;J~~, DUNG WAY BODO RIK PAY DOR JE CHHOK With longing I call you, Great VajraAwareness.

- ~ ~ ~ -i;l~'r:;J~(;J'4~'~r:;J·~~·~~·~~·~~·af1~11

T'HO SAM SHE RAB GYE PARJIN GYI LOB Please bless us with wisdom ofleaming, reflecting.

~~·~i;l';;Jft~~·~~·;;J~~·~,, KHOR LO T'HA MAY NGE DON DO DE YI "The Third Dharma Wheel's true definitive meaning's

~~t:_~·~·%~·~~·~~·wt:_·~~·;;J~ .. ~~,,. GONG PA T'HUN MIN SHEN TONG U MAY SOL The uncommon Middle Way Empty of Other:

~t:_·~~~~t:_~-~~~~-~~·r:;J,(.2,'r:;J~·;:f~11 RANG LUK ZUNG SHE KHYE KYI KA TSAL MO So hold this position," you tell us with love,

' ....... ..,., ~


DA DUNG SHEN ZER JE DO DAK SOK LA But still we naive ones repeat others' words ..


Page 8: Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche - Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje Longingly From Afar

"' " " ~EI'l~~~~EI'1~4~·~·l~z::.·~·r:.tll T'HUK JE ZIK SHIK GYAL WANG KARMAPA Please look with compassion, triumphant Kannapa.

El'l~z::.·~~~zsl~~EI'l·r:.~a.~~·~~l DUNG WAYBO DO RIK PAYDORJE CHHOK With longing I call you, Great VajraAwareness.

~~~~·~·~~~~r:.t~·s~·~~~~,, NGE DON TA BA TOK PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bless us to realize definitive view.

~~~~~~~~llil·~a·~~l.~EI'l~lr:.:11 MARNGOKNEGY0GY0DEYKYEDROKDANG "Lord Marpa and Ngokpa 's instructions-the lineage

~~·~·~EI'l·~·~~~~l~~Z::.Ef1~11 T'HUN MIN CHHAK CHHEN CHHO DRUK DAM NGAK GI Oftantras, creation, completion, six yogas:

tf~1:4~'~t;.~tj'~·5~·~~·~l·~r;·11 GO P'HAR YANG POR CHHE TE TSAL MO KYAN They are like a wide open door," you advise us,

~~·~~·tJI~·~~~·~l~·~~~~11 LARYANGCHHINGBUTSOLWAYDAKSOKLA But still we are looking for rhinestones, not diamonds.


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%~~·~~~~~~4~TID47.l.~r;:J~-,~·~ll T'HUK JEY ZIK SHIK GYAL WANG KARMAPA Please look with compassion, triumphant Kannapa.

DUNG WAYBO DO RIKPAYDORJE CHHOK - -(\.._ (\.._-~ -~~~r;:J~Q.r;:J~·~-~~·~a.·~·"·~Oj~ l With longing I call you, GreatVajraAwareness.

~~·~~-¥1~·~~-~~·~~·s~·~~~~,, MEN NGAK NYAM LEN NO PAR JIN GYI LOB


Please bless us with power to practice these teachings.

~q·q~~·,~·,fr~-~~·~~-~~~n DRUP GVOD KARMA KAM TSANG MEN NAG NE "And if you can practice main points of the instructions

~~~·2.1~-~~~~-~·a.E(~·~a-~,, NYAM LEN NO NADORJE DZIN PAY SA Of the Kamtsang lineage of practice, there's no need

~-~q~·~'¥i·44l·~·~~·~·l~~·~~,, TSE RAB SHEN LA RE TO MI GO SHE To hope to become Vajra Holder next lifetime,"

- .... --"" -l~~~-~~·q~·~~'44l'44lr.I.''\r;:Jr;'4~·q~~l

UK YUNG TSAL MOLE LOY WANG SHOR OAK You soothe us, and yet we still wallow in laziness.


Page 10: Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche - Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje Longingly From Afar

~~~·~~~~~~4~·~·~t;~~·~·~,, T'HUK JEY ZIK SHIK GYAL WANG KARMAPA Please look with compassion, triumphant Kannapa,

~~~·t:~~r~q~~~~·~a~~·o.~~l DUNG WAYBO DO RIK PAY DORJE CHHOK With longing I call you, Great Vajra Awareness.

~~~·~~~~~fit:~·~:t,·sO\·~~·~~,, TSE CHIK SANG GYE T'HOB PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bless us with Buddhahood now in this lifetime.

~~~·~9~:t,·t:~¥~'t:1'1~'t:l~O\·~~:t,·~~·~~,, DEN SA SAR SHENG KATEN SAR PEL GYI By building a new seat, then spreading the teachings,

t:l~~·~a·~·~·~~·O\~·~~·t;~·Ul 11 TEN PAY ME RO MANG NE SO WA YI Arousing the mind to raise teachings from ashes,

~~~t:l~~·t;~~~~:t,·t.:~'frqa·~0\·~~~~11 T'HUK KYE DAK GIR SHE PAYT'HRIN LE GVUN You took this activity on as your own,

£t~~·L!.l~'t.:l~·~~~·t.:l'tJ~~·~9~·~,, MIKYONGYALWARDORWADAKSOKLA But we helpless ones have so carelessly dropped it.


Page 11: Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche - Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje Longingly From Afar

%9~·~~"9E19~~9'~<ll·~q~·,~·t!,, T'HUK JEY ZIK SI-IIK GYAL WANG KARMAPA Please look with compassion, triumphant Kannapa,

- -" "-' -9~~q~·~q~·~·~9·~~·~·(~~,

DUNG WAY BODO RIK PAY DOR JE CHHOK With longing I call you, Great Yajra Awareness.

q~~·a.~~~·~·~~rt!~·s~·~~·~q~l1 TEN DROYU DON CHHEN DRUP PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bless us to benefit beings and teachings.

ql~·~9~'t:ltfl'~l·~11.1'tl~~~~~:t;·~,, DAK SOK BAK ME T'HRUL PAY NOG GYUR TSE At times when we strayed out of careless confusion,

...... -S<J-~~·~~·%9~·~~·CI.l<ll'q:t;·~·~:t;·q~11

.JAM DANG T'HUK JEY YAL WAR MA DOR WAR With love and compassion you did not forsake us .

....._ C'\ ....._ t:\

£;Jt:r~·l~4~·~q·~·~tfl·~~·a.sl1.l·~~~l T'HAB DANG SHE RAB SHI LHAK ZUNG DREL GYI To drive out our faults and develop our qualities

i~'~d-l~·~~·~·Uf~·?Oi'~<ll·~~·~lll KYON NAMPANG SHINGYON TEN PEL WAYLE You strove with inseparable insight and peace,


Page 12: Khenchen Thrangu Rimpoche - Calling the Glorious Karmapa Rigpe Dorje Longingly From Afar

~·d.l~·~~·~~·~·r:_an~l·~~~.·~~ll NYIN TSEN TO ME KU NGAL SENE With wisdom and means, in the day or the night, No matter how difficult, you were so kind as

~~~ir:_·qa·z:F'l~~~·~r:_·~~=-·~~11 JE SU KYONG WAY KA DRJN DENG DIR DREN To care for us lovingly; now I remember.

~~~·~~·~~~~~~·~""·l~~'"lll'~ll T'HUK JEY ZIK SHIK GYAL WANG KARMAPA Please Jook with compassion, triumphant Karmapa.

~~~·q~~q-~~·~~·Qa~~·~~l DUNG WAY BO DO RIK PAY DOR JE CHHOK With longing I call you, Great Vajra Awareness.

&~~&~·ls=-·~l.·~~Q:I\·s~·~~~~,, T'HUK YI YER ME DRE PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bless us to mix minds, inseparable from you.

~·5:1\·~~r:_~r~atl~~·~~~""..f·~'ri·Q~ll DE TAR DUNG WAY SHUK KYI SOL TAB PE And now that I've prayed out of longing's great power,

~~·~·~z:_~~~·~·~~·~ll SENG GE KHYUNG GI T'HRU GU JI SHIN DU Like Jion cubs, or the Garuda's new hatchling,


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~z:ro.r<l.!~~r;-Ulr~:~z:rz:t:=~r;-~~~11 LOB MALE KYANG LOB ZANG NGO SHE "The students of students will surpass their teachers."

~l!;l~l!;l~r;-e.~a~~a:!?!,t:.~~~ n DRUB T'HOB GONG MAY DOR JEY LUNG GI DON The meaning of past siddha's vajra instructions:

~"I!:J~'I!;l~~li'~\~~·q~·~·~~~~l JI SHIN OAK GYO MIN PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bless us to ripen this fruit. in our beings.


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'¥~·Q,~·~~·~~·~~·1zrC\·~·ar~'a\~·~~~~~·1=-·~~1 rll~·e.t~·~·~~·~·~·:r"· aJ'e.t·~~Q,rr1·~~~~·Q,~~~4~rE~~r~~~Ci.~·~~·:r~·~~~·~r~~~~·~4~1 ~·~· ~~~t;'Q,~~·q~~~~·e.ti~·~~·~·~ ~·~~·~·;,j(~·q·e.t~1'3'~1'~1·4~·,~·~~~ ~~~·e.t~~·'f~=-~~~~~·Q,~~~·~~·~·1~=-~·~~·~~,~.r~a~·~a·~~r;·~e.t~~~·~· s~·~4~·~~1ll·~·~~·q~11

~:l\·~~!!~~~·~~.q.~·e.ti~·~~~~·~·~~t"'~~~~=-·~·~;;rr;·l!l·~·~·l~~~~·a]· 1J.l'z:J~1'a\d.!W1t;'~'~·~~·~e.t~·~~·~~~~


After Drubpon Dilyak Rinpoche repeatedly asked, ''Please write a Calling the Lama from Afar Prayer for the Great Sixteenth Supreme Conqueror," and accompanied the requests with gifts, I who bear the name Thrangu, while beginning to teach the Abhidharma at the holy site ofNamo Buddha, remembered the Vajra Speech the Protector gave out of consideration of the great purposes for both beings and the teachings, and thus wrote this supplication. After the Precious Lord of Refuge made slight revisions, it was published by Lama Sonam and Karma Dawa of the Hong Kong Thrangu Center. Translated into English at the request of Karma Dawa of the Hong Kong Thrangu Vajrayana Center by David Fuqua while traveling with the Precious Lord of Refuge in the spring of 2004. Translation revised in March 2006. Sarwa Mangalam.


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