keowee courier.(walhalla, s.c.) 1922-08-09.€¦ · service prompt ami reasonable in price, minson...

nz DRUGS, MEDICINES. TUE WBé&üm? HAROLD BRENNECKE. «¿*»¿*v* Agen "vv II i ru Famous Chocolates ant cd first place by thc criti propriatc package for give thc finishing tou consult thc Whitman A STATIONERY, - O RUO 1'OILET ARTICLES. PIEDMONT ONE CENT A WORD (Small advertisements under this heading liiBerted at rate of one cent a word per Insertion. Four Insertions for price of j three. ) (NOTICE.-No advertisement ac¬ cepted for tlds column for IJMS than in cents, one Insertion.) FOR SALE-Automatic Con!press¬ ed Air Pumping Outfit; practically new. W. I'\ .Mi LA M. Walhalla. S.C. * j IOU SALE Ono Wicker Baby Cania);"': splendid condition. MUS. T. ll. HUGHS. W ."¡halla. S.C. 3J2-3JÍ* ""WANTER-Hoof Hides, 5 Vfcc. per pound. BROWNLOW OELKERS, Walhalla. S. C. SURVEYING promptly and accu¬ rately dono. HARRY EARLE, Wal¬ halla, S. C. 31-118_ MONEY TO LOAN on Improved Farm Lands. R. E. BRUCE, Pick- ens, S. C. _ 26-tf FOR SALE.-200 bushels of Corn and 00 bushels or' Oats. Seo A. C. CALLA ll AM, Westminster, S. C.. Rt. 2. 32-:i:i HEMSTITCH I-N't; and Pecoting.- All work carefully and promptly dono. MRS. J. KL HOPKINS, Sen- oca, S. C._^813^*_ WANTED-â.OOO pounds of Hides in the next sixty days. W ll pay best market price. Seo me before you sell. M. L. PHILLIPS, Walhalla, S. C. 34* NOTICE.-Tho Keowee Courier is In position to handle subscriptions to all tho loading periodicals. Wo will appreciate your business. "OCONEE KINO"- (Registered Jersey Bull,) tn my pasture for ser¬ vice. See me for terms, etc. H. W. BRANDT, Walhalla, S. C. 20-3 2 WANTED-Man with car to sell host low priced Cord Tiros made. ÇliJO.Ot) per week and expenses. WOLFE TIRE CO., 400S Canal. Ben¬ ton Harbor, Mich. 32* BLUE RIDGE GARAGE and Black¬ smith Shop,* West Union, S. C., now open nnd ready for business. Service prompt ami reasonable in price, MINSON ii I'HRASllER, Mechanics, in charge :::'-::.".! LOST <>i; STOLEN-Between vVal- hally and Seneca, or lu Seneca, one !>n.\M '.? fire und Rim. Tire has blow¬ out patch. Reward li returned to PIEDMONT MOTOR CO., Walhalla, S. C. 82, SELL THE ORIGIN VL WAI KINS Products, Cooii city territory still open. Get our wonderful offer and free samples. Write to-day. THE J R. WATKINS :< i., a pt. Va. New VOrk, N. V. :; 1 -:;;.: COMM CROI \L \griculturnl Limo at attractive prj car load and less than car load prices; hulk or in pa pi i' bags. WESTMINSTER OIL & KICRTILI/.ER CO., Westminster, S. C. 29-32 \\ \ vi ED .K00t| hustler io sell goods on Blue Ridge passenger train. Mast have $lf».0(i cash secur¬ ity, one that lives in Walhalla. Ap- Pl> THE UNION NEWS CO., Blue Ridge Passenger station, Anderson, c. :!'_'-:!:: NOT Hi E.-Notice is hereby given by tho School Hoard of Taiuassce I). A. IL Industrial'School, Tim*, no bills will he paid unless accompanied by an order for same, signed hy Chair¬ man of Hoard. MRS. KRANK C. CAIN. State Itegenl and Chairman <.i School Hoard; MKS. IL N. BRAT- TON, Secretary of Board. .'!2-;?."> SHORTHAND and Typewriting.-? Mrs. JOHN REEDER will open a (lass in Shorthand and Typewriting: also classes In Expression and Physi¬ cal Training, and Water ('(dor and China Painting. Any one wishing to join any of those classes, seo <>r write Mr*. 'IOl IN .1 REEDER, Walhall;», I Oil SA LE-Three Tracts of Land a<res. two miles of Walhalla: '.' acres In Kial shoals section, flvo milos ot Walhalla: acre-: (Wabli place), in Ebenezer section, four ml * of Walhalla. All good land, dwelling and outbuildings on each Pince. For tenus and particulars see Ol write J. C. HOOD, West Union, S. C., Ponto I. 31-31 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. There will bo a Regular Meeting of Walhnila Lodgo, No. r,7. Knights of Pythias, at tho Masonic Temple to-morrow (Thursday) night at 8 o'clock. Every m om ber urged to bo present. ARTI I CR BROWN, Chancellor Commander. T. B_. SH FLOR, K. of R. and S. A Special Communication of Blue V^ALM!^ "^'"^o I-°dge, No. 92, A. F. I^yf I My will be held Friday fliiSi I night. Aug. nth, |ft22. at S.IK) o'clock. Work In Third Degree, Visiting brothers welcome. RRUGGISIsA SUNDRIES fe PHARMACY, TEAY HUTCHISON. ts for MAOIST'S " i Confections» Award- ics of America. An ap- every occassion. To ch to any social affair igcnt. SUC- CANDY. Al TO CO. HLOCK .icsy ST. FRANOIS CATHODIC CHUTtCH, Mniddin Sticot, Walhalla, S. O. SERVICES ON THE FOURTH SUN¬ DAY OF EACH MONTH. Sacrament of Penance. . . .9.30 a. m. Mass and Sermon.10.00 a. m. Reverend Thomas J. Mackin, Rector. P. O. Box S2, Anderson. S. C. ty LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ty tytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyty. -Mr?. H. C. Busch spent last week nt Clemson College with her daugh¬ ter, Mrs. E. T. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hoofer, Of Columbia, are visiting their cousins. Mrs. ti. C. Busch and Miss J. Baum¬ gar tel. Miss Lois Kelley lias returned hoirie from a three-weeks visit in Atlanta, she was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. ll. Grady Burton. Miss I ladle Thompson, who has for several month been visiting rel¬ atives and friends in several seel ions of this state, returned last week to Walhalla, and will bo for some time at her homo near town. --Monist i tching and Pecot Edging. -Will give your orders careful at¬ tention. Mrs. M. Puckhaber, P. O. Box ins, Walhalla, S. C.. near the Brandt old home.-adV.-31-3-L -Wo are requested to announce that the Cole reunion will he held at Double Springs church, Anderson county, on Saturday, Aug. C. All tho relatives and friends are cordi¬ ally invited to attend and enjoy tho day together Mart Hardin, of Walhalla, has accepted ;i position with the Victor Mill at Fayet*,*vvin x. c. Mr. Har¬ din was a loom Uxor in the local Vlctor-Monaghan plant, and is held in high esteem In tho community. Wo regret to see him leave the village. R. \V. Whitton, of Pendleton, will sing at the Walhalla Monaghan Viii M. E. church next Sunday morn¬ ing, Aug. 13, at a o'clock,, Mr Whit¬ ten will also begin a ten-nights sing¬ ing school, beginning Monday. Aug. 1 lib, from 7 o'clock lo n o'clock. Every ono is cordially invited to at¬ tend, - For Salo-Ifl'J 1 model Maxwell touring c;u-; good as new; run only 10(51 miles, ('.ill and see this splen¬ did car ni Croon Motor Co., Walhalla, s! C.-adv.-20-tf. - Misses Frances Kauffman an I Eugenia Moss encUi'tained nt tho home ot' thc former on last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Kathleen McCarcy, of Klorence, who is visit¬ ing her hoinofolks. .lolly games and delightful refreshment.; were tho or¬ der of thc doy, and a very pleasant af tor li oon was spent by the young ladies Of the "snh-deh." age. I). M. Alexander, of ContorvillO, Md., was in Walhalla for a short while Monday, having como through on Iiis way to the upper section of tho county, whore he is looking .after improvements on his property, which is well known as the Keith Quarters, or the Looper placo. This property he purchased some time back and is making extensivo improvements. Ho was accompanied by his brother, .i. L. Alexander, of Groonvllle. ?-Federal court will convene, at Rock ¡lill on Sept. 1 l tb. Judge ll. H. Watkins presiding, The following citizen, nf Oconee have boon drawn as grand jurors to serve at that time: W. II. Prince, Walhalla Route No '.. and Ira S. l'itts, West minster. J. W. Byrd, of Seneca, was drawn as a petit Juror. For tho second week of conn Rufus Earle, Townvlilo, and J. II. Barnett, Westminster, /wore (irawu as petit jurors. The second week jurors will attend the session beginning sept. 1 R. Rev. W. F Sinclair, who bas been pastor of tho Second Baptist church for two years, will go *.o Sflartanburg. where ho ls to conduct revival services for Rev. W. A. Sto* phonson next week. Following this meeting ho.will he with Rev. M. J. Stunsail at New Hope, in this county, for a week. Hov. Sinclair has had considerable experience in rovival work in lila own churches, having re¬ ceived about tir, momhors by baptism pince coming to '.his work hore, and a much larger number by lotter. -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lake, Jr., aro visiting relatives at Newberry. -Rev. T. M. Stribllng, of Waynes- ville, Ga., was among his Walhalla friends for a short While last week. Ile is always a welcome visitor hero. -Mrs. Frank K. Schroder, of Pen¬ dleton, ls at tho home of Mrs. Cora Schroder, recuperating from a severo illness with pneumonia, which sho sustained Just before coming hore. Sho ls improving rapidly, and her friends hope to seo her out again shortly. - Rev. T. H. ICptlng, of Meards- town, 111., spout a few days in Wal¬ halla, arriving here Friday after¬ noon and leaving Monday for Green¬ ville and other points lu this State. Rev. Mr. Fptlng, who was at one time pastor of tlie Walhalla Lutheran church, preached to tho congrega¬ tion lune Sunday morning, mid ho was most cordially greeted by tho members of bis old dock. -Doesn't this "listen good" to you? It's the attractions which Thc Star Theatre, Seneca, ls offering thc balance of this week and the llrst ol next week. Thursday, Aug. 10, Dtm- stin Partium "The Devil Within," and a good comedy; Friday. Aug. llth, Klaino Hammerstein, In "Re¬ morseless Love," and a Patho News i eel; Monday, tho incomparable Con¬ stance Talmadgo in "Mrs. Lolling- well's Loots." and Tuesday, Aug. t~> May Allison, in "Extravagance,' with tho excruciatingly funny Aosor Fables. These are pictures you can¬ not well afford to miss. The theatre ts cool and pleasant, and tiaro is always good music. -On Tuesday of last week Deputy (ins Sullivan and Rural Policeman W. L. Littleton raided a still neal I'oor Mountain, three miles wen of Walhalla. The sull was in operation and 1)0 gallons'of beer were de¬ stroyed, four gallons of whiskey were poured out and the still cut up Uno man, John Moore, was brough) to jail. Last Friday evening ten gal¬ lons of whiskey Vere found near thc Urasstown church, and on Saturday in tho same section, two more still: were found, with about 1,000 gal lons of beer at one and about 50( gallon sat the other. Ton largo fer mentors were destroyed. No one wa: at either cf th^se places. -Miss Janie Neville delightfully entertained some of her friends las Wednesday afternoon in honor of he sister-in-law, Mrs. McCurry Neville Three tables wore laid for bridge pm ono for rook. After several exoltlnj rubbers and games, cards were lah aside for refreshments. Tho coloi scheme of white and gold was car lied out in the refreshments, whicl consisted of white and yellow, crean In cantaloupe, angel food and pou m cake. After this course mint juloi and yellow and white mints wen served. Tho prizes also showed th color sbome, they hoing white am poid Mower baskets filled with shast; daisies. Mrs. Marion Smith, of Mis sissippi, won the prize at the roo! table, while Mrs. Janies Darby, Mrs Monroe McDonald and Miss Janii Neville ShankTIn, of Clemson, wf)1 tho prizes at tho bridge tables. Mrs McCurry Neville was presented wit a box of hnnd-embroidorod Madeir toa napkins by tho hostess. Thos enjoying Miss Neville's hospitalit were Misses Sue Gignllliat ot Sonecf Julia Maxwell, Hloise Strut aor, Ja nie Neville Sbanklin of Clemson Mesdames Marvin Phlnnoy, Monro McDonald, Fair Dodd of Atlanta McCurry Neville, Cns Sbanklin o Clemson, Jesse Neville, and Jame F. Neville. -J. C. Ramploy and Derri!! Darb are on a camping trip for tao wee at Highlands, N. C. --Lewis C. Harrison loaves till week to spend several days it lllgl lands, X. C. - Miss Anna Darby, of Groenvllh is expected in Walhalla to-day for visit among friends and relativos. -Wo are .-equosted to tiunounc that thor-: will be no meeting of th Walhalla Methodist Parsonage Ai Society until Sept. 7th. - Friends of C. Ci. Ensloy.whO hf been suffering from nil attack of I: phold fever for some w. oks, ar glad to note that he is nblo now't bo out again, though ho is still vei week. We hope to see him enjoyill his usual robust health soon. -The many friends of Maske Jordan, of Anderson, will be glad I learn that he ls convalescing nico! after a serious operation at tho Ai dorson hospital. Mr. Jordan former] resided In Seneca, where he was ci gaged in the moving picture bus ness, but some months ago accepte a position 'in Anderson and move to that city with his family. -Wo have four car loads of goc flour, bought right; two cars Andu brand salt, two car loads of short It takes a lot of money, room an work to handle ¡ill this-but we wai your business and we buy in lar* quantities in order to give you tl best prices and tho benefit of ct load rales. We appreciate your bus ness, we need your business, wo woi for your business, and we feel HI wo deserve your business. So let come together and do business. R member, we trade you service f< business, j. H. Alley, West Unio S. C.-adv.-32-33. LOCAL NEWS FROM CONKROSS. Several from Conunuuity Enjoy tho Summer Assembly Sessions. Conoross, Aug. 7.*-Special: livery one Interested in tho Conoross cem¬ etery is urged to moot there next Friday, Aug. il th, for the purpose of cloaniug off iho cemetery. Lot everybody come early Friday morn¬ ing with such tools as they think to bo necessary for 'he work, and lot us put it in good shape. Hay Harker and wife, of Atlanta, spent last Thursday with tholr cou¬ sins, tho Harker family, at Coneross. Tom Turner and .Mr. and Mrs. Hen Turner, of Slovens county, Georgia, spent several days last week with tho former's siste, 1rs. Luko Adair, of this place. Miss Bewley Ilunsinger, of Long Creek, spent a short while hero with her mother, Mrs. S. M. Ilunsinger. on her way *o Greenville, where she is tn attendance upon tho summer assembly. Site was accompanied from hero by Miss Pearle Ilunsinger and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery,who wont in their touring car. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery visited relatives in Greenville, and aro on their way to visit at several other points In this State before their return homo. Miss Pearle Ilunsinger also attend¬ ed a few days of the summe rnssem- bly and was called from lhere to Six- Mile, where she has accepted a posi¬ tion as matron al the Six-Mile Acad¬ emy. After spending some time there sile will probably be at home here for a while before taking up her new work permanently. We congratulate Miss Pearle on getting work at that good place. As such positions in all Baptist schools require a high order of character and fitness, Miss Pearle will feel her responsibility as ma¬ tron, but she will provo herself wor¬ thy of tho high trust imposed upon hor. She will have manp opportuni¬ ties to do great work for tho Master in tho way of personal service among the pupils and also in the church work In the several churches near there. When wo shall lose Miss Ilun¬ singer from our church we will have lost one of our most noble young ladies and best church workers, as she ls ouc of our Sunday school teachers, leader of tho Royal Am¬ bassadors, Bible readers, leader of our B.Y.P.U and secretary of our Y. W. A.'s. But wo wish her much suc¬ cess in her work at the Six-Mile Academy. Mrs. Corene Roach returned homo here aftor spending a month with relativos in Westminster. Nelson Steward left hero Wednes¬ day for Franklin county, Georgia, where ho is visiting Iiis sister, Mrs. S, D. Kelley. Ile will spend a week or ten days there. Miss Harriet Du Bose returned to hor homo in Seneca yesterday, after spending about tee. days with lier aunts, tho Misses Barker, of Cono¬ ross. T. W. Byrd spoilt Wednesday and Thursday and Friday with relatives in Salem. Mrs. Annio McDonald and grand¬ daughter, Miss Edna, and Mr. ami Mrs. Ben McDonald and son .lames were guests of relatives in Green¬ ville Saturday und Sunday. Alford Steward and family, of Westminster, are visiting the for¬ mer's father, 121 isbn Steward, near hero. Miss Minnie Barker returned homo Friday after having spent about a week in Greenville. She was visit¬ ing her cousins, W. O. Alexander and family, and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Far¬ mer and childron, also stopping over with her brother and wife at Cal¬ houn on hor return. While in Green¬ ville sile attended the summer as¬ sembly and heard some of the most wonderful addresses from the differ¬ ent men and women of the State. Sho reports every part of tho assem¬ bly splendid, and says that ll is worth more than one can express to attend the meetings. The assembly will last through this week. Wo urge any ono who can do so to attend, if only for n short while. Miss Leltio Barker also attended the assembly and is now visiting relatives in Plckens be¬ fore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. IL. A. Cleland, of near Westminster, spent Friday with their daughter. Mrs. Henry Hesso, of this section. They were accompanied by their children, little Miss Sophie anil L. A., .Ir. Miss May Byrd was a recent guest of her aunt, Mrs. Oillo Duncan, of Walhalla, for a few days. Messrs. Stanley and Robert .Mor¬ gan and Misses Velma and Agatha Smith, of Pickons, spent a fow days recently with relatives hero. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Alexandor, of Conoross, and Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Alexander. Jr,, of Greenville, who aro on an extondod visit hero, wero spond-the-day guosts of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Barker, of Westminster, re¬ cently. Tho Bluo Ridge school picnicked at tho tunnel Saturday and onoyed lt 1888 - - 1922 "What A Charming Home!" Folks may say this about your house, if you keep it well painted. You not only add to its beauty, but more import* ant, protect the surface from rot and decay. » Lucas Tinted Çloss Waint «will "save the surface" and beautify at the same time. It is real economy to use it, because of its long life and great durability. Give us the opportunity of estimating the amount needed* yÊÊÈÊSÊÉÊÊÊH@H FOR. SALE BY C. W. PITCHFORD, WALHALLA, S. C. i Hi; STUB In his Chock Rook shows to whom ho paid his 'money, und he may make it show exactly for what each sum was paid. IX OTIIll*WOIU>8, the ( hork Rook Stub ls a simplified form ol' keeping hooks (hat is valuable (o any man, and especially to the working man or 'farmer who possibly keeps no (Uber form of books showing his receipts and expenditures. TUM MAN WNO PAYS CASH ns ho «oes frequently won¬ ders what becomes of his money. Not so with tho man who pays willi checks on his hank account. The Enterprise Bank, Walhalla, &\ C. very much, as this was the first time for tho most of the 'eachers and pu¬ pils to view ibo beautiful mountain scenery and enjoy tho mountain breezes that come so pleasantly in and around tho tunnel. A. VV, Xix, of Madison, spent Fri¬ day night with li i s sister, Mrs. Annie Byrd, of this community. Ho was accompanied by his grandfather, Bd. Xix, of Salem, who was on his way to Madison for a visit. Wo have been informed that Rev. Thompson opened revival services at Poplar Springs Baptist church yes¬ terday and will run probably all of this week. Mr. Thompson is a good preacher, and we wish bim success this week. Misses Janie and Codyo Alexander delightfully entertained at their home hore Saturday evening in hon¬ or of Miss Annie Belle Watkins, who was visiting at their home. During the social hour delicious punch was served. Those present report a most enjoyable time. Misses Lena and Oracle Abbott on- joyed a trip to Highlands, X. C., re¬ cently. They woro accompanied by H. A. Roovos and Miss Kathleen Dodd, Robert Gumbrell and Mis« hone Reeder, of West Union. Miss C.ortrudo Olaudsoa, of Char¬ leston, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Davis and daughter, Miss Millio Mae, of Westminster, on their visit to Mrs. iXottio Hesse tho past week-end. Miss Claudsca ls a cousin to Mrs. Hosso's family and tho fam¬ ily of Mr. Davis, and la spending some Mino with Mrs. Davis, and will probably bo In our community again. Bho is a very interesting young lady, and we aro glad indeed to havo her visit hore. Mrs. Julius T. Dill, of Anderson, was a guest in tile home of J. Davis Abbott and family here last week. Quito a number from hore attend¬ ed the singing convention at Xew Hope yes'orday. Mrs. s. M. Munslnger and .). V. Dilworth and family, of this section, attended tho birthday dinner of Mrs. Paul Cillison, of Bounty Land, yes¬ terday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephens and fam¬ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huffman and family and Mrs. J. C. Bates.of near Greenville, were .spend-tho-day vis¬ itors at tho homo of W. T. Haynes and family here Saturday. Jim Lynch and'family, of Seneca, woro recoil', visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Duckworth. Miss Lona Abbott left yesterday for Salem, where she will take up work Ono morning as toachor In tho high school. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hesso and Miss Zadie Hesso attended tho Cleland re¬ union, which was held at tho home of will Cleland, of Westminster, yes¬ terday. The Con cross choir will meet at tho homo of J. L. Duckworth next Tuesday evening. Chnrlio Du Boso and, family, of Soneca, spout yesterday with B. W. Alexander and wife, of Conoross. ice Cream* at Neville School House. Tho Novillo Rural School Improve¬ ment, association will servo ice cream nt tho school house on Thursday (to¬ morrow), Aug. 10, beginning at 7 o'clock p. m. Tho money raised from tho salo of cream will go for tho Im¬ provement of tho school. Tho pub¬ lic ls cordially Invttod, and liberal patronngo will bo appreciated. norbert Sullivan, Socrotary.

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Page 1: Keowee courier.(Walhalla, S.C.) 1922-08-09.€¦ · Service prompt ami reasonable in price, MINSON ii I'HRASllER, Mechanics, in charge:::'-::.".! LOSTi; STOLEN-Between vVal-hally



«¿*»¿*v* Agen"vv II i ru

Famous Chocolates ant

cd first place by thc critipropriatc package forgive thc finishing touconsult thc Whitman A



(Small advertisements underthis heading liiBerted at rate ofone cent a word per Insertion.Four Insertions for price of jthree. )

(NOTICE.-No advertisement ac¬

cepted for tlds column for IJMS thanin cents, one Insertion.)

FOR SALE-Automatic Con!press¬ed Air Pumping Outfit; practicallynew. W. I'\ .Mi LA M. Walhalla. S.C. * jIOU SALE Ono Wicker Baby

Cania);"': splendid condition. MUS.T. ll. HUGHS. W ."¡halla. S.C. 3J2-3JÍ*""WANTER-Hoof Hides, 5 Vfcc. perpound. BROWNLOW OELKERS,Walhalla. S. C.SURVEYING promptly and accu¬

rately dono. HARRY EARLE, Wal¬halla, S. C. 31-118_MONEY TO LOAN on Improved

Farm Lands. R. E. BRUCE, Pick-ens, S. C.


26-tfFOR SALE.-200 bushels of Corn

and 00 bushels or' Oats. Seo A. C.CALLA ll AM, Westminster, S. C.. Rt.

2. 32-:i:iHEMSTITCH I-N't; and Pecoting.-

All work carefully and promptlydono. MRS. J. KL HOPKINS, Sen-oca, S. C._^813^*_WANTED-â.OOO pounds of Hides

in the next sixty days. W ll pay bestmarket price. Seo me before you sell.M. L. PHILLIPS, Walhalla, S. C. 34*NOTICE.-Tho Keowee Courier is

In position to handle subscriptionsto all tho loading periodicals. Wowill appreciate your business."OCONEE KINO"- (Registered

Jersey Bull,) tn my pasture for ser¬vice. See me for terms, etc. H. W.BRANDT, Walhalla, S. C. 20-3 2WANTED-Man with car to sell

host low priced Cord Tiros made.ÇliJO.Ot) per week and expenses.WOLFE TIRE CO., 400S Canal. Ben¬ton Harbor, Mich. 32*BLUE RIDGE GARAGE and Black¬

smith Shop,* West Union, S. C., nowopen nnd ready for business. Serviceprompt ami reasonable in price,MINSON ii I'HRASllER, Mechanics,

in charge :::'-::.".!

LOST <>i; STOLEN-Between vVal-hally and Seneca, or lu Seneca, one!>n.\M '.? fire und Rim. Tire has blow¬out patch. Reward li returned toPIEDMONT MOTOR CO., Walhalla,S. C. 82,SELL THE ORIGIN VL WAI KINS

Products, Cooii city territory stillopen. Get our wonderful offer andfree samples. Write to-day. THEJ R. WATKINS :< i., a pt. Va. NewVOrk, N. V. :; 1 -:;;.:COMM CROI \L \griculturnl Limo

at attractive prj car load andless than car load prices; hulk or inpa pi i' bags. WESTMINSTER OIL &KICRTILI/.ER CO., Westminster, S.

C. 29-32\\ \ vi ED .K00t| hustler io

sell goods on Blue Ridge passengertrain. Mast have $lf».0(i cash secur¬ity, one that lives in Walhalla. Ap-Pl> THE UNION NEWS CO., BlueRidge Passenger station, Anderson,

c. :!'_'-:!::

NOTHiE.-Notice is hereby givenby tho School Hoard of Taiuassce I).A. IL Industrial'School, Tim*, no billswill he paid unless accompanied byan order for same, signed hy Chair¬man of Hoard. MRS. KRANK C.CAIN. State Itegenl and Chairman <.iSchool Hoard; MKS. IL N. BRAT-TON, Secretary of Board. .'!2-;?.">SHORTHAND and Typewriting.-?

Mrs. JOHN REEDER will open a(lass in Shorthand and Typewriting:also classes In Expression and Physi¬cal Training, and Water ('(dor andChina Painting. Any one wishing tojoin any of those classes, seo <>r writeMr*. 'IOl IN .1 REEDER, Walhall;»,

I Oil SA LE-Three Tracts of Landa<res. two miles of Walhalla:

'.' acres In Kial shoals section, flvomilos ot Walhalla: acre-: (Wabliplace), in Ebenezer section, fourml * of Walhalla. All good land,dwelling and outbuildings on eachPince. For tenus and particulars seeOl write J. C. HOOD, West Union, S.C., Ponto I. 31-31

KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.There will bo a Regular Meeting

of Walhnila Lodgo, No. r,7. Knightsof Pythias, at tho Masonic Templeto-morrow (Thursday) night at 8o'clock. Every momber urged to bopresent.

ARTI I CR BROWN,Chancellor Commander.

T. B_. SH FLOR, K. of R. and S.A Special Communication of Blue

V^ALM!^ "^'"^o I-°dge, No. 92, A. F.I^yf I My will be held FridayfliiSi I night. Aug. nth, |ft22. atS.IK) o'clock.Work In Third Degree, Visiting

brothers welcome.



ts forMAOIST'S "

i Confections» Award-ics of America. An ap-every occassion. Toch to any social affairigcnt.SUC- CANDY.Al TO CO. HLOCK.icsyST. FRANOIS CATHODIC CHUTtCH,Mniddin Sticot, Walhalla, S. O.


Sacrament of Penance. . . .9.30 a. m.Mass and Sermon.10.00 a. m.

Reverend Thomas J. Mackin,Rector.

P. O. Box S2, Anderson. S. C.

ty LOCAL AND PERSONAL. tytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyty.

-Mr?. H. C. Busch spent last weeknt Clemson College with her daugh¬ter, Mrs. E. T. McClure.

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hoofer, OfColumbia, are visiting their cousins.Mrs. ti. C. Busch and Miss J. Baum¬gartel.

Miss Lois Kelley lias returnedhoirie from a three-weeks visit inAtlanta, she was accompanied byher sister, Mrs. ll. Grady Burton.

Miss I ladle Thompson, who hasfor several month been visiting rel¬atives and friends in several seel ionsof this state, returned last week toWalhalla, and will bo for some timeat her homo near town.

--Monist i tching and Pecot Edging.-Will give your orders careful at¬tention. Mrs. M. Puckhaber, P. O.Box ins, Walhalla, S. C.. near theBrandt old home.-adV.-31-3-L-Wo are requested to announce

that the Cole reunion will he heldat Double Springs church, Andersoncounty, on Saturday, Aug. C. Alltho relatives and friends are cordi¬ally invited to attend and enjoy thoday together

Mart Hardin, of Walhalla, hasaccepted ;i position with the VictorMill at Fayet*,*vvin x. c. Mr. Har¬din was a loom Uxor in the localVlctor-Monaghan plant, and is heldin high esteem In tho community. Woregret to see him leave the village.

R. \V. Whitton, of Pendleton,will sing at the Walhalla MonaghanViii M. E. church next Sunday morn¬ing, Aug. 13, at a o'clock,, Mr Whit¬ten will also begin a ten-nights sing¬ing school, beginning Monday. Aug.1 lib, from 7 o'clock lo n o'clock.Every ono is cordially invited to at¬tend,- For Salo-Ifl'J 1 model Maxwell

touring c;u-; good as new; run only10(51 miles, ('.ill and see this splen¬did car ni Croon Motor Co., Walhalla,s! C.-adv.-20-tf.- Misses Frances Kauffman an I

Eugenia Moss encUi'tained nt thohome ot' thc former on last Saturdayafternoon in honor of Miss KathleenMcCarcy, of Klorence, who is visit¬ing her hoinofolks. .lolly games anddelightful refreshment.; were tho or¬der of thc doy, and a very pleasantaftor li oon was spent by the youngladies Of the "snh-deh." age.

I). M. Alexander, of ContorvillO,Md., was in Walhalla for a shortwhile Monday, having como throughon Iiis way to the upper section oftho county, whore he is looking .afterimprovements on his property, whichis well known as the Keith Quarters,or the Looper placo. This propertyhe purchased some time back andis making extensivo improvements.Ho was accompanied by his brother,.i. L. Alexander, of Groonvllle.

?-Federal court will convene, atRock ¡lill on Sept. 1 l tb. Judge ll. H.Watkins presiding, The followingcitizen, nf Oconee have boon drawnas grand jurors to serve at that time:W. II. Prince, Walhalla Route No '..and Ira S. l'itts, West minster. J. W.Byrd, of Seneca, was drawn as a

petit Juror. For tho second week ofconn Rufus Earle, Townvlilo, andJ. II. Barnett, Westminster, /wore(irawu as petit jurors. The secondweek jurors will attend the sessionbeginning sept. 1 R.

Rev. W. F Sinclair, who basbeen pastor of tho Second Baptistchurch for two years, will go *.o

Sflartanburg. where ho ls to conductrevival services for Rev. W. A. Sto*phonson next week. Following thismeeting ho.will he with Rev. M. J.Stunsail at New Hope, in this county,for a week. Hov. Sinclair has hadconsiderable experience in rovivalwork in lila own churches, having re¬ceived about tir, momhors by baptismpince coming to '.his work hore, anda much larger number by lotter.

-Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lake, Jr.,aro visiting relatives at Newberry.-Rev. T. M. Stribllng, of Waynes-

ville, Ga., was among his Walhallafriends for a short While last week.Ile is always a welcome visitor hero.-Mrs. Frank K. Schroder, of Pen¬

dleton, ls at tho home of Mrs. CoraSchroder, recuperating from a severoillness with pneumonia, which shosustained Just before coming hore.Sho ls improving rapidly, and herfriends hope to seo her out againshortly.- Rev. T. H. ICptlng, of Meards-

town, 111., spout a few days in Wal¬halla, arriving here Friday after¬noon and leaving Monday for Green¬ville and other points lu this State.Rev. Mr. Fptlng, who was at one

time pastor of tlie Walhalla Lutheranchurch, preached to tho congrega¬tion lune Sunday morning, mid howas most cordially greeted by thomembers of bis old dock.-Doesn't this "listen good" to

you? It's the attractions which ThcStar Theatre, Seneca, ls offering thcbalance of this week and the llrst olnext week. Thursday, Aug. 10, Dtm-stin Partium I» "The Devil Within,"and a good comedy; Friday. Aug.llth, Klaino Hammerstein, In "Re¬morseless Love," and a Patho Newsi eel; Monday, tho incomparable Con¬stance Talmadgo in "Mrs. Lolling-well's Loots." and Tuesday, Aug. t~>May Allison, in "Extravagance,'with tho excruciatingly funny AosorFables. These are pictures you can¬not well afford to miss. The theatrets cool and pleasant, and tiaro isalways good music.-On Tuesday of last week Deputy

(ins Sullivan and Rural PolicemanW. L. Littleton raided a still nealI'oor Mountain, three miles wen ofWalhalla. The sull was in operationand 1)0 gallons'of beer were de¬stroyed, four gallons of whiskeywere poured out and the still cut upUno man, John Moore, was brough)to jail. Last Friday evening ten gal¬lons of whiskey Vere found near thcUrasstown church, and on Saturdayin tho same section, two more still:were found, with about 1,000 gallons of beer at one and about 50(gallon sat the other. Ton largo fermentors were destroyed. No one wa:at either cf th^se places.-Miss Janie Neville delightfully

entertained some of her friends lasWednesday afternoon in honor of hesister-in-law, Mrs. McCurry NevilleThree tables wore laid for bridge pmono for rook. After several exoltlnjrubbers and games, cards were lahaside for refreshments. Tho coloischeme of white and gold was carlied out in the refreshments, whiclconsisted of white and yellow, creanIn cantaloupe, angel food and poumcake. After this course mint juloiand yellow and white mints wenserved. Tho prizes also showed thcolor sbome, they hoing white ampoid Mower baskets filled with shast;daisies. Mrs. Marion Smith, of Mississippi, won the prize at the roo!table, while Mrs. Janies Darby, MrsMonroe McDonald and Miss JaniiNeville ShankTIn, of Clemson, wf)1tho prizes at tho bridge tables. MrsMcCurry Neville was presented wita box of hnnd-embroidorod Madeirtoa napkins by tho hostess. Thosenjoying Miss Neville's hospitalitwere Misses Sue Gignllliat ot SonecfJulia Maxwell, Hloise Strut aor, Janie Neville Sbanklin of ClemsonMesdames Marvin Phlnnoy, MonroMcDonald, Fair Dodd of AtlantaMcCurry Neville, Cns Sbanklin o

Clemson, Jesse Neville, and JameF. Neville.

-J. C. Ramploy and Derri!! Darbare on a camping trip for tao weeat Highlands, N. C.

--Lewis C. Harrison loaves tillweek to spend several days it lllgllands, X. C.- Miss Anna Darby, of Groenvllh

is expected in Walhalla to-day forvisit among friends and relativos.-Wo are .-equosted to tiunounc

that thor-: will be no meeting of thWalhalla Methodist Parsonage AiSociety until Sept. 7th.- Friends of C. Ci. Ensloy.whO hf

been suffering from nil attack of I:phold fever for some w. oks, arglad to note that he is nblo now'tbo out again, though ho is still veiweek. We hope to see him enjoyillhis usual robust health soon.-The many friends of Maske

Jordan, of Anderson, will be glad Ilearn that he ls convalescing nico!after a serious operation at tho Aidorson hospital. Mr. Jordan former]resided In Seneca, where he was cigaged in the moving picture busness, but some months ago acceptea position 'in Anderson and moveto that city with his family.-Wo have four car loads of goc

flour, bought right; two cars Andubrand salt, two car loads of shortIt takes a lot of money, room anwork to handle ¡ill this-but we waiyour business and we buy in lar*quantities in order to give you tlbest prices and tho benefit of ctload rales. We appreciate your busness, we need your business, wo woifor your business, and we feel HIwo deserve your business. So letcome together and do business. Rmember, we trade you service f<business, j. H. Alley, West UnioS. C.-adv.-32-33.


Several from Conunuuity Enjoy thoSummer Assembly Sessions.

Conoross, Aug. 7.*-Special: liveryone Interested in tho Conoross cem¬etery is urged to moot there next

Friday, Aug. il th, for the purposeof cloaniug off iho cemetery. Loteverybody come early Friday morn¬

ing with such tools as they think tobo necessary for 'he work, and lotus put it in good shape.

Hay Harker and wife, of Atlanta,spent last Thursday with tholr cou¬sins, tho Harker family, at Coneross.Tom Turner and .Mr. and Mrs. Hen

Turner, of Slovens county, Georgia,spent several days last week withtho former's siste, 1rs. Luko Adair,of this place.

Miss Bewley Ilunsinger, of LongCreek, spent a short while hero withher mother, Mrs. S. M. Ilunsinger.on her way *o Greenville, where sheis tn attendance upon tho summerassembly. Site was accompanied fromhero by Miss Pearle Ilunsinger andMr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery,whowont in their touring car. Mr. andMrs. Montgomery visited relativesin Greenville, and aro on their wayto visit at several other points Inthis State before their return homo.

Miss Pearle Ilunsinger also attend¬ed a few days of the summe rnssem-bly and was called from lhere to Six-Mile, where she has accepted a posi¬tion as matron al the Six-Mile Acad¬emy. After spending some time theresile will probably be at home herefor a while before taking up her newwork permanently. We congratulateMiss Pearle on getting work at thatgood place. As such positions in allBaptist schools require a high orderof character and fitness, Miss Pearlewill feel her responsibility as ma¬

tron, but she will provo herself wor¬thy of tho high trust imposed uponhor. She will have manp opportuni¬ties to do great work for tho Masterin tho way of personal service amongthe pupils and also in the churchwork In the several churches nearthere. Whenwo shall lose Miss Ilun¬singer from our church we will havelost one of our most noble youngladies and best church workers, asshe ls ouc of our Sunday schoolteachers, leader of tho Royal Am¬bassadors, Bible readers, leader ofour B.Y.P.U and secretary of our Y.W. A.'s. But wo wish her much suc¬cess in her work at the Six-MileAcademy.

Mrs. Corene Roach returned homohere aftor spending a month withrelativos in Westminster.

Nelson Steward left hero Wednes¬day for Franklin county, Georgia,where ho is visiting Iiis sister, Mrs.S, D. Kelley. Ile will spend a weekor ten days there.

Miss Harriet DuBose returned tohor homo in Seneca yesterday, afterspending about tee. days with lieraunts, tho Misses Barker, of Cono¬ross.

T. W. Byrd spoilt Wednesday andThursday and Friday with relativesin Salem.

Mrs. Annio McDonald and grand¬daughter, Miss Edna, and Mr. amiMrs. Ben McDonald and son .lameswere guests of relatives in Green¬ville Saturday und Sunday.

Alford Steward and family, ofWestminster, are visiting the for¬mer's father, 121 isbn Steward, nearhero.

Miss Minnie Barker returned homoFriday after having spent about a

week in Greenville. She was visit¬ing her cousins, W. O. Alexander andfamily, and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Far¬mer and childron, also stopping overwith her brother and wife at Cal¬houn on hor return. While in Green¬ville sile attended the summer as¬sembly and heard some of the mostwonderful addresses from the differ¬ent men and women of the State.Sho reports every part of tho assem¬

bly splendid, and says that ll is worthmore than one can express to attendthe meetings. The assembly will lastthrough this week. Wo urge any onowho can do so to attend, if only forn short while. Miss Leltio Barkeralso attended the assembly and isnow visiting relatives in Plckens be¬fore returning home.

Mr. and Mrs. IL. A. Cleland, ofnear Westminster, spent Friday withtheir daughter. Mrs. Henry Hesso, ofthis section. They were accompaniedby their children, little Miss Sophieanil L. A., .Ir.

Miss May Byrd was a recent guestof her aunt, Mrs. Oillo Duncan, ofWalhalla, for a few days.

Messrs. Stanley and Robert .Mor¬gan and Misses Velma and AgathaSmith, of Pickons, spent a fow daysrecently with relatives hero.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Alexandor, ofConoross, and Mr. and Mrs. T. D.Alexander. Jr,, of Greenville, whoaro on an extondod visit hero, wero

spond-the-day guosts of Mr. and Mrs.T. D. Barker, of Westminster, re¬cently.Tho Bluo Ridge school picnicked at

tho tunnel Saturday and onoyed lt

1888 - - 1922

"WhatA Charming Home!"Folks may say this about your house, if you keep it wellpainted. You not only add to its beauty, but more import*ant, protect the surface from rot and decay. »

Lucas Tinted Çloss Waint«will "save the surface" and beautify at the same time. Itis real economy to use it, because of its long life and greatdurability.Give us the opportunityofestimating the amount needed*



i Hi; STUB In his Chock Rook shows to whom ho paid his'money, und he may make it show exactly for what each sumwas paid.

IX OTIIll*WOIU>8, the ( hork Rook Stub ls a simplified formol' keeping hooks (hat is valuable (o any man, and especially tothe working man or 'farmer who possibly keeps no (Uber form ofbooks showing his receipts and expenditures.

TUM MAN WNO PAYS CASH ns ho «oes frequently won¬ders what becomes of his money. Not so with tho man who payswilli checks on his hank account.

The Enterprise Bank,Walhalla, &\ C.

very much, as this was the first timefor tho most of the 'eachers and pu¬pils to view ibo beautiful mountainscenery and enjoy tho mountainbreezes that come so pleasantly inand around tho tunnel.

A. VV, Xix, of Madison, spent Fri¬day night with li i s sister, Mrs. AnnieByrd, of this community. Ho was

accompanied by his grandfather, Bd.Xix, of Salem, who was on his wayto Madison for a visit.Wo have been informed that Rev.

Thompson opened revival services atPoplar Springs Baptist church yes¬terday and will run probably all ofthis week. Mr. Thompson is a goodpreacher, and we wish bim gre.itsuccess this week.

Misses Janie and Codyo Alexanderdelightfully entertained at theirhome hore Saturday evening in hon¬or of Miss Annie Belle Watkins, whowas visiting at their home. Duringthe social hour delicious punch wasserved. Those present report a mostenjoyable time.

Misses Lena and Oracle Abbott on-

joyed a trip to Highlands, X. C., re¬

cently. They woro accompanied byH. A. Roovos and Miss KathleenDodd, Robert Gumbrell and Mis«hone Reeder, of West Union.

Miss C.ortrudo Olaudsoa, of Char¬leston, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.Cornelius Davis and daughter, MissMillio Mae, of Westminster, on theirvisit to Mrs. iXottio Hesse tho pastweek-end. Miss Claudsca ls a cousinto Mrs. Hosso's family and tho fam¬ily of Mr. Davis, and la spendingsome Mino with Mrs. Davis, and willprobably bo In our community again.Bho is a very interesting young lady,and we aro glad indeed to havo hervisit hore.

Mrs. Julius T. Dill, of Anderson,

was a guest in tile home of J. DavisAbbott and family here last week.

Quito a number from hore attend¬ed the singing convention at XewHope yes'orday.

Mrs. s. M. Munslnger and .). V.Dilworth and family, of this section,attended tho birthday dinner of Mrs.Paul Cillison, of Bounty Land, yes¬terday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephens and fam¬ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huffman andfamily and Mrs. J. C. Bates.of nearGreenville, were .spend-tho-day vis¬itors at tho homo of W. T. Haynesand family here Saturday.

Jim Lynch and'family, of Seneca,woro recoil', visitors of Mr. and Mrs.J. L. Duckworth.

Miss Lona Abbott left yesterdayfor Salem, where she will take upwork Ono morning as toachor In thohigh school.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hesso and MissZadie Hesso attended tho Cleland re¬union, which was held at tho homeof will Cleland, of Westminster, yes¬terday.

The Concross choir will meet attho homo of J. L. Duckworth nextTuesday evening.

Chnrlio Du Boso and, family, ofSoneca, spout yesterday with B. W.Alexander and wife, of Conoross.

ice Cream* at Neville School House.

Tho Novillo Rural School Improve¬ment, association will servo ice creamnt tho school house on Thursday (to¬morrow), Aug. 10, beginning at 7o'clock p. m. Tho money raised fromtho salo of cream will go for tho Im¬provement of tho school. Tho pub¬lic ls cordially Invttod, and liberalpatronngo will bo appreciated.

norbert Sullivan, Socrotary.