erastus n. njoka, principal contact prof. erastus n. njoka principal, chuka university...

Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2012/13 309 KEY FACTS Joined Commonwealth: 1963 Population: 40,513,000 (2010) GDP p.c. growth: 0.3% p.a. 1990–2010 UN HDI 2011: world ranking 143 Net primary enrolment: 82.8% (2009) Net secondary enrolment: 50.0% (2009) Gross tertiary enrolment: 4.0% (2009) Adult literacy: 87.4% (2010) Geography Area: 582,646 sq km Coastline: 536km Capital: Nairobi Kenya lies astride the equator, extending from the Indian Ocean in the east to Uganda in the west and from the United Republic of Tanzania in the south to Ethiopia and Sudan in the north. On the east and north-east it borders Somalia. The country is divided into eight provinces (Central, Coast, Eastern, Nairobi, North-Eastern, Nyanza, Rift Valley, Western). Society Population per sq km: 70 Life expectancy: 57 years Official languages: Kiswahili, English Population: 40,513,000 (2010), 22% lives in urban areas and 9% in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million people; growth 2.7% p.a. 1990–2010; birth rate 38 per 1,000 people (51 in 1970); life expectancy 57 years (52 in 1970 and 60 in 1990). The ethnic composition of the population is estimated as: Kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6% and Meru 6%. There are Masai, Arab, Asian and European minorities. Language: Kiswahili and English are official languages. Each of the ethnic groups has its own language. Religion: Christians 78% (mainly Protestants and Roman Catholics), Muslims 10%, and most of the rest hold traditional beliefs. Kenya Kenya Commonwealth World Net Primary Enrolment (%) 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 60 70 80 90 100

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Page 1: Kenya...Prof. Erastus N. Njoka, Principal Contact Prof. Erastus N. Njoka Principal, Chuka University College P.O. Box 109-60400 Chuka, Kenya Tel: + 254 02 0231 0512/18 + 254 07 1550

Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2012/13 309


Joined Commonwealth: 1963

Population: 40,513,000 (2010)

GDP p.c. growth: 0.3% p.a. 1990–2010

UN HDI 2011: world ranking 143

Net primary enrolment: 82.8% (2009)

Net secondary enrolment: 50.0% (2009)

Gross tertiary enrolment: 4.0% (2009)

Adult literacy: 87.4% (2010)


Area: 582,646 sq km

Coastline: 536km

Capital: Nairobi

Kenya lies astride the equator, extending from the Indian Ocean in

the east to Uganda in the west and from the United Republic of

Tanzania in the south to Ethiopia and Sudan in the north. On the

east and north-east it borders Somalia. The country is divided into

eight provinces (Central, Coast, Eastern, Nairobi, North-Eastern,

Nyanza, Rift Valley, Western).


Population per sq km: 70

Life expectancy: 57 years

Official languages: Kiswahili, English

Population: 40,513,000 (2010), 22% lives in urban areas and 9%

in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million people; growth

2.7% p.a. 1990–2010; birth rate 38 per 1,000 people (51 in

1970); life expectancy 57 years (52 in 1970 and 60 in 1990).

The ethnic composition of the population is estimated as: Kikuyu

22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%

and Meru 6%. There are Masai, Arab, Asian and European


Language: Kiswahili and English are official languages. Each of the

ethnic groups has its own language.

Religion: Christians 78% (mainly Protestants and Roman

Catholics), Muslims 10%, and most of the rest hold traditional



Kenya Commonwealth World

Net Primary Enrolment (%)

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 201060





Page 2: Kenya...Prof. Erastus N. Njoka, Principal Contact Prof. Erastus N. Njoka Principal, Chuka University College P.O. Box 109-60400 Chuka, Kenya Tel: + 254 02 0231 0512/18 + 254 07 1550

Chuka University CollegeChuka University CollegeFocusing on quality and relevance

Welcome to Chuka UniversityCollege which is fast becominga centre of excellence in tertiaryeducation. The Institution iscurrently offering coursesin Agriculture, Education,Business Studies, Arts andHumanities, Computer Science,Basic and Applied Science andEnvironmental Studies.

The teaching of the coursesensures that academicexcellence, human values andpersonal development areinstilled in students. Interactionamong students from different backgrounds, during the courseof their studies, encourages themto be better citizens even afterleaving the University.

In addition to studies, studentsengage in diverse extra-curricula activities and disciplines suchas drama, music and sportswhich instil a spirit of team work,tolerance and respect for oneanother irrespective of theirbackgrounds.

LocationThe University College is located186 km north-east of Nairobi onthe serene eastern slopes of MountKenya in Chuka. The tranquillityof Chuka University College is aperfect setting for learning andinteraction between students andstaff from all walks of life.

VisionQuality education, training andresearch for national and globaldevelopment.

MissionTo work with other stakeholders to provide, promote and co-ordinate life-long education,training and research forsustainable developmentand responsible citizenry.Consequently, we will be ableto generate, preserve anddisseminate knowledge and offerexemplary education to contributeto and innovatively influencenational and global development.


• Education and ResourcesDevelopment

• Business Studies

• Arts and Humanities

• Agriculture and EnvironmentStudies

• Science, Engineering andTechnology

AdmissionsAdmissions of qualifiedcandidates for the Postgraduate,Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate programmes are conducted in January, May,September and Decemberevery year.

Prof. Erastus N. Njoka,Principal

ContactProf. Erastus N. NjokaPrincipal,

Chuka University College

P.O. Box 109-60400

Chuka, Kenya

Tel: + 254 02 0231 0512/18

+ 254 07 1550 5858

Page 3: Kenya...Prof. Erastus N. Njoka, Principal Contact Prof. Erastus N. Njoka Principal, Chuka University College P.O. Box 109-60400 Chuka, Kenya Tel: + 254 02 0231 0512/18 + 254 07 1550

Health: Public spending on health was 1% of GDP in 2009. 59%

of the population uses an improved drinking water source and

31% in urban areas use adequate sanitation facilities (2009). Infant

mortality was 55 per 1,000 live births in 2010 (122 in 1960).

Malaria is the main endemic health problem, and AIDS is a severe

problem. In 2009, 6.3% of people aged 15–49 were HIV positive.

Media: English-language daily newspapers include Daily Nation

and The Standard (established 1902). Taifa Leo is published daily in

Kiswahili. Weeklies include The EastAfrican (for an international

audience). Newspapers from Uganda and United Republic of

Tanzania are widely circulated in the country.

Radio is the main source of news and information for most

Kenyans. The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation provides public radio

services in English, Kiswahili and 15 other Kenyan languages, and

public TV services in English and Kiswahili. Many private radio

stations and TV channels compete with the public services,

particularly in the urban areas, and private radio stations

increasingly provide national services, and broadcast in other

national languages as well as Kiswahili.

Some 32% of households have TV sets (2007). There are 14

personal computers (2005) and 259 internet users (2010) per

1,000 people.

Communications: Country code 254, followed by 20 for Nairobi

and 41 for Mombasa; internet domain ‘.ke’. Public phones work

with coins or phonecards (card booths are blue, coin-operated

booths are red). There are internet cafes and post offices in most


There are 9 main telephone lines and 616 mobile phone

subscriptions per 1,000 people (2010).


Ministry of EducationNairobi


Tel: +254 20 318 581

Email: [email protected]

Minister: Mutula Kilonzo

Permanent Secretary: Professor Ole Kiyapi

Ministry of Higher Education, Science and TechnologyNairobi


Tel: +254 2 031 8581

Email: [email protected]

Minister: Professor Margaret Kamar

The Kenya National Examinations Council was established in 1980

to conduct all national school and post-school examinations except

for those of universities.

K e n y a

HILLCREST INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLSA British Curriculum Co-educational International School (18 months–18 years)

HILLCREST EARLY YEARS (18 months–6 years)Hillcrest Early Years (HEY) offers young children a stimulatingand caring learning environment. Building from play-basedsettings towards a personalised approach to learning, HEY laysthe foundations for the next stage of education within a BritishCurriculum Preparatory School.

HILLCREST PREPARATORY SCHOOL (6–13 years)Creating a seamless transition from young child to teenager,from Early Years to Secondary School, Hillcrest PreparatorySchool provides every pupil with equal, yet individuallypersonalised opportunities.

HILLCREST SECONDARY SCHOOL (13–16 years)Furthering the development of world citizens that are emotionallyintelligent independent thinkers, Hillcrest Secondary Schoolchallenges each student to achieve their individual potential.

HILLCREST SENIOR SCHOOL (16–18 years)Providing a great opportunity for post-16 year olds to preparethemselves for higher learning and for becoming effectiveyoung adults.

HILLCREST BOARDINGOffering a safe and secure familyenvironment, Hillcrest Boardingallows every student to live andlearn in a caring, purposeful andmulticultural community.

Ian G. Stamp,Headteacher

Page 4: Kenya...Prof. Erastus N. Njoka, Principal Contact Prof. Erastus N. Njoka Principal, Chuka University College P.O. Box 109-60400 Chuka, Kenya Tel: + 254 02 0231 0512/18 + 254 07 1550
Page 5: Kenya...Prof. Erastus N. Njoka, Principal Contact Prof. Erastus N. Njoka Principal, Chuka University College P.O. Box 109-60400 Chuka, Kenya Tel: + 254 02 0231 0512/18 + 254 07 1550

Policy and plans

Public spending on education was 6.7% of GDP in 2010.

The government is committed to providing high quality education to

all of Kenya’s citizens and works in close partnership with NGOs in

delivering education and training facilities for special-needs children.

Kenya qualified for the World Bank’s ‘Fast Track Initiative’ – known

since September 2011 as the Global Partnership for Education –

which is aimed at meeting the education Millennium Development

Goals and the Education for All goal that all children complete a

full cycle of primary education by 2015. Since 2002, under the

initiative developing countries have committed to design and

implement sound education plans and development partners

commit to align and harmonise additional support around these


The National ICT Strategy for Education and Training comprises e-

government, management information systems and e-learning. It

aims to arm education managers and planners with timely data

and to ensure that teachers and students have ICTs appropriate to

the learning process.

The ministry, with the support of the Kenya ICT Trust Fund, has set

up national and regional ICT support centres, mostly in the

polytechnics and universities, to provide telephone or online

technical support to schools.

K e n y a


Sub-Saharan Africa

Commonwealth Africa

Developing Countries

Developed Countries


Adult Literacy (%)

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Number of Females Enrolled for Every Male







A constituent College of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agricultureand Technology (JKUAT)

A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCEMombasa Polytechnic University College (MPUC)reflects the Government of Kenya’s concertedefforts in promoting technical, industrial,vocational and entrepreneurship education andtraining (TIVET) in line with the changing demandsof industrially developing nations like Kenya.

BACKGROUNDThe former Mombasa Technical Institute (MTI)was transformed to become the MombasaPolytechnic in 1972. The dream to convert thePolytechnic to a University College, aConstituent College of JKUAT, was realised inAugust 2007: vide legal notice no.160.

Over the last four years, MPUC has developedand expanded its infrastructure and equipment.Currently, MPUC is offering various demand-driven academic programmes in different fields,some ranging from certificate to degree level.The University College has since openedsatellite campuses in Lamu County and Ukundain Kwale County, which offer Diploma andCertificate programmes. The University Collegeis set to be elevated to a fully fledged technicaluniversity during the course of the year.

FACULTIES• Applied and Health Sciences

• Business and Social Studies

• Engineering and Technology

MPUC VISIONA world-class University of Engineering,Science and Technology.

MPUC MISSIONTo offer quality technological education andtraining through the promotion of scholarship,entrepreneurship, research and innovation andoutreach to community for industrial andtechnological development.

CORE VALUES• Good Corporate governance

• Professional ethics

• Equity

• Efficiency with efficacy

• Service delivery to Community

MPUC is inviting retired professors inEngineering, Science and Technologyfor job opportunities. Apply throughthe Office of the Principal.

CONTACTThe PrincipalMombasa Polytechnic University CollegeP. O. Box 90420-80100 G.P.O.MombasaTel: +254 249 2222/3/4

+254 249 0571FAX: +254 249 5632Mobile: +254 724 955 377

+254 733 955 377Email: [email protected]

Page 6: Kenya...Prof. Erastus N. Njoka, Principal Contact Prof. Erastus N. Njoka Principal, Chuka University College P.O. Box 109-60400 Chuka, Kenya Tel: + 254 02 0231 0512/18 + 254 07 1550


Gross enrolment overall: 67.0% (2006)

Primary female–male ratio: 0.98:1 (2009)

Secondary female–male ratio: 0.90:1 (2009)

Primary pupil–teacher ratio: 47:1 (2009)

Secondary pupil–teacher ratio: 30:1 (2009)

There are eight years of compulsory education starting at age six.

Primary school comprises eight years and secondary four. The

school year starts in January.


Among Kenya’s many higher education institutions are University of

Nairobi; Kenyatta University (main campus Nairobi; other campuses

at Kitui, Mombasa and Ruiru); Moi University (in Eldoret since

1984); Egerton University, the principal agricultural university with

its main campus at Njoro, Nakuru (established as a university in

1987); Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (in

Juja since 1994); and a growing number of private universities. The

female–male ratio for gross enrolment in tertiary education is

0.70:1 (2009). Literacy among people aged 15–24 is 93% (2010).


In 1987 Kenya hosted the Tenth Conference of Commonwealth

Education Ministers in Nairobi. Commonwealth education ministers

meet every three years to discuss issues of mutual concern and


Further information

State House:

Commonwealth Secretariat:

Commonwealth Education Online:

Commonwealth Education Partnerships 2012/13

C o m m o n w e a l t h M e m b e r C o u n t r i e s


Ministry of Education:

Kenya ICT Trust Fund:

Kenya National Examinations Council:

University of Nairobi:

Kenyatta University:

Moi University:

Egerton University:

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology:

Education institutions