kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky)...

is VALUABLE MEDICINES, AT REDUCED PRICES. THE public are refpe&fully informed, the PATENT MEDICINES hitherto in the hands of meflrs. Macbean & Poyzer, will in suture be sold by mr. Nthaniel Hart, only, in Lexington, meflrs. M. Si V. having relinquished the A igency V in savor. A treihlupply oi theiollDWing from T.EE t Cn Baltimore. Dr. HAMILTON'S ELIXIR. A sovereign remedy for Colds, obstinate Coughs, Aflhmas, sore Throats and approap hiug Confumpti-ons- . To Parents alt hve Chillren afflicted with tie HOOP ING COVGH. This discovery is of the firit magnitude, as it af- fords immediate relies, checks the progress, and in a fhorjjtime entirely removes the mod cruel disorder tovhichchildren are liable. The Elixir is so per-- fecTJy 'agreeable, and the dose so fraall that no diffi 'ciiltyarifesin taking it. INFALLIBLE AGUE AND FEVER DROPS, Fi the Cure cf Agues, remittent and intermittent Fevers. Thousands can testify of their being cured by these trops, aster the bark and every other medicine has proved ineffectual; and not one in an hundred had occasion to take more than one, numbers not half a bottle. Extract of a letter from Dr. Henry C, Sofer,Kcnt Court, t)cle-ware- . "I have given the ague drops to a number of pa- tients this fall, and with confront success ; in some obstinate cales they acted like a charm, the diseases yielding in a day or two to this remedy, aster refifl-iri- g the barks for months, and when they had been thrown In the largest doses." ' TOOTH-ACH- E DROPS; The only remedy yet discovered which gives aud lading relies in the mod se verejnllances. Dr. HAHN's TRUE AND GENUINE GERMAN CORN PLAISTER. Forcornsfpeedily removing them root and branch without giving pain. -- Dr.iHAMILTON's GRAND RESTO- - r T" RATIVE. Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for the Ipeedy relies and permanent cure of the various com plaints which result from diifipated pleafilres Ju venile indifcrerlons residence in climates unfavor able to the conliitition the immoderate use of tea. frequent intoxication, or any other diftruftive in- temperance the nnlkilful or exceflive ufeofmer, mry -t- he diseases peculiar to females at a certain period of lif- e- bad lyings in, &c &c. And it is proved by long arid extenflve experience to beabfolutely unparalleled in the cure of Violent cramps in the stomach ahd b.ickj Nervous difordeis Confumptions, Indigestion, Lowness of fpirilsj Melancholy, Loss of appetite, Relaxations, .. Impurities of the blood j Involurttary emiffions, Hysterical affections, Obstinate gleets, Inward weaknefTet, 5 Fluor ilbus, &c. The principal operation of this remedy is in the Itomach', reftoiirlg the digefliv'e powers and sending forth from that organ rlew health arid vigour irttd part of the system ; it enriches and pnrifies the blood without endangering it; braces withoutftimu-latin- g too violently thenervous system; ftrengthehs the secretory veffels and the general habit ; bring back the muscular fibres to their natural and healthy tone, andreftores the neutrition which Immoderate evacuations have destroyed and whnfe lofi had thrown the whole frame into langor and debility I Incases of extremity where the long prevalence ahd obitinacy of disease has brought on a general impoverifliment of the system, excerfive debility of the whole frame, and a waiting of theflefh which no ndurifhment dr cordial could repair, a perfever-anc- e in the use of this medicine has performed the mod astonishing cures. HAMILTON'S ESSENCE AND EX- TRACT OF MUSTARD; A fafe1 Aid effectual remedy for rheumatifms, gout palfey, fprijns and brliifes,' white fwellingsj old ftrains,andtclaxations,niiinbnefsand weaknefsofthe inints. ftiffnlfs sf the neck. ruins of the side head ache,fwellecifaces, f'nzen limbs, and every similar complaint, itprevents chilblains, or chopped hands, and the ill effetfj of getting wetdr dampm the feet The extract celebrated for removing cold and windy complaint in the stomach and bowels, flying pains, and other fWmodic affections. TheteftimonyVthoufaHds, and daily experience fuffi ciently prove W fuperionorty of the aoove all othvrs, in the cure of the maladies we have enumerate Letter frm dr. Weatherhurn. Wythe tent, Virg. October 7, 1801. Gentlemen, I purchased at yourhop the preparations yoilcall Hamilton's EfTence anaKstracr. of Mustard, which I believe has perfectly rimoved a chronic rheuma tifm (of that kind named;ciatica,orofthe hip joint) under which I had laboured for a long time, and which hadbafflede very arVcle in Materia Medici, and every mode of treatmentWeived into practice for the cure of this obstinate dVeafe. Is you think this letterrlaybeufelul, you are at liberty to make it public. Meflrs, R. Lee & Co. P.WEATHERBURN. Dr. HAHN's ANTI-BILIOU- S PILLS. The operation of these Pillsspeifeftly mild,foas to be used with safety by perfori in every situation, ' and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off e and prevent its mobid secretions--t- o restore and amend the appetite to pro cure a free perfpiratiort, and thereby prevent colds which are often attended with fati! consequences a dose never sails to remove a coll, is taken on its first appearance. They are celebrated forremoving kabitual coftiVenefs sickness at ha stomach, and severe head ache and ought to betaken by all per-so- on a change of climate. PERSIAN LOTION. So celebrated among the falhionae throughout Europe is an invaluable cofmatic, perfiftly innocent ancl safe, fiomcorrorive and replient ninerals, (the basis of other lotion) and of tinparellelej efficacy in preventing and removing blemifhcs of t)ie face and ikinof every kind, particularly frecklesjoimples, in- -i fiammatory redness, fcurfs, tetters, ring Wms, sun- - burns, prickly heat, premature n inkles, &c. The Persian Lotion operates mildly, withoutUinpeding . i.rfiiirnfinn. which neifential to health, yet its effects are speedy and permanent, render the skin delicately soft andfmooth, improving he complexion and reftor'mg the blooinof yiuth. Dr. HAHN's GENUINE EYE WA- TER. A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes, whether the effect of natural weakness or ofaccident deductions of rheums, diillnefs, itching, and films on the eyes, never sailing to cure thoft maladies which frequently fticceed the smallpox,measles and severs &: wonderfully strengthening a weak sight Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly depi lvcd ol sight. THE FOR THE TEETJI AND WDEJlV GUMS.C RESTORATIVE This excellent preparation comforts and strength ens the gums,preserves the enamel from decay, and cleanses and whitens the teeth, abforbingall that flinie and foulness, which suffered to ac- cumulate never sails to injuie and finally ruin them. THE DAMASK LIP SALVE, Is recommended (particularly td the laHies) as an elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped and sore lips, and every blemish and inconvenience occafiwr ed by colds, severs, &c. speedily redoring a beautiful rosy colour and dilitafefoftnefsto the lips. FOR THE ANODYNE ELIXIR For the Cure of all kinds of Head Ache. THE CURE OF VENEREAL COMPLAINTS. The patent IndiantVegit&ble Specific, prepared by Dr- - Lcroux. CHUR'GH'sCOUGH DROPS. HAMILTON's J WORM-DESTRO- ING .LOZENGES. v Defcrljitiou sf worms, and thefjmftomi hj which they are kneiin. Worms which infest the human body, are chiefly of sour kinds, viz the Teresj or large round worm, the Cocurbitina, or short slat white Worm, the Afcarides orfmall maw wor.'n. and ladly, the Taenia, or tape wcrm, so called from its resemblance to tape- - this is ofthen many yards long, and is full ofjoints it is mod hurtful, and mod difficult tocure. - Amongthe fymproms attending worms, are, disa- greeable breath, ejpecially in the morning, bad and corrupted gums itching in thenofe and aJou,t.,the, seat convulsions and epileptic sits, andifometim?? privation or speec- h- starting and grinding of the teeth in sleep- - irregular appetite, fonietimefilo'atliV ing food, and sometimes voracious purgingSiwUb".-flimyan- fceted stools vomiting large andfbSfra belly pairis and fickneli at the stomach pirns in the head and thighs with lowness of spirits slow fevlr with small and irregular pulse a dry cough ejfccef-fiv-e thirst - sometimes pale and unhealthySunte-nance,an- d sometimes the face bloated and flufhedllt Persons afivilctedwitliany of the above fymptpmS) should have immediate recourse to Hamilton' 's mc,m Ucftrojtnr Vozemes, which have been conftantlt- - tended with success irf all complaints similar to those ahnwp HplrrihpH. ' l This medicine, which is innocent and mild, as it is certain and efficatious irt its operation, cannot injure the youngest infant, or the most diheate pregnant la dy, fliduld no worms exist in the body but will, with out pain dr griping, cleanse the ftDmach and bowels, removing whatever is soul or offensive within, parti- cularly thatflimy humdr frdm whence worms and many fatal disorders proceed. Children generally take this Medicine with eager tiefs, having a pleasing appearance and angrceable tade. As upivards one hundred and twenty tboufand persons of both sexes,and df every age, hive received benefit from this extraordinary medicine, a multitude of certificates ol cures may be ften,in addition to those already published. A dole of this medicine given occafiotially vill ef fectilally prevdnt the vomiting and purging of chil drenj a dreadful disorder which annually dedroys thousands of the infant part of our cities. Itislike. wise the niildeft and molt certain remedy known, and hasreftored to health and strength a giect number when advanced dage of thisiatal complaint---particul- and plain inftructidns are given for every part of the neceffary treatment in such cases. Letter from mr. Benj. Williams, No. 50, Baltiiriire ltreet,two doors above Gentlemen, I have afon six years of age, who for sour years pad has beengenerallyina very unhealty date, parti- cularly in the fummeri frequently afflicted witha- - (irming convulsion ts,the whole of his little frame wasting fall, his breath became fceted, ah almost con-fta- itching of the nose was excited with other During thecodrfeof the above period, the advice and attendance of three of the most, eminent phyficianS in Baltimore was fucceflivcly pro cured. Each of these gentlemen in their turn decla Hi worms to be the caufeof hisdiforder, and exhau fted their skill in attempts to expel them, pink root, steel filings, with a vinety of other mediciries were adminidred without the lead success. It was once pronounced impoflible for the child to live many hours I had frequently heard of your Worm Dedroying Lozenges, but like! many others, didnotthinkhighly offo cheap a medicine, Until a gentleman of my ac. quaintance (mr Wm. S. Moor) in whose family they had been used with good effect, advised me to make a trial of them, I accordingly gave my sort a dose, agreeable to directions, which soon expelled eight hre worms, some of them about 1 inches in length a se cond dose brorght awayoar more of similar size ; a third dose being adminidred, no worrrt appeared. The child recovered, and now enjoys a good state of health BENJ. WILLIAMS Ms. Kichd, Lee, & Co. THE SOVEREIGN OINTMENT FOR THE ITCH Which is warranted art infallible remedy at one application, and may be used with perfect safety by pregnant women, or on infants a week dldj not con taining a particle of mercury, or any dangerous in gredient whatever,and isnot accompanied withthat tormenting finart which attends the application of other remedies. CAUTION. Those wbo value their Money and their healthy and viisb to procure the Ge- nuine Medecines, to apply only at I'AKhN up by the filbfcriber, living in Budi's Settlement, Clarke county, a BAY MARE, About 14 hands tiigr. he.r right ear ap-pei- to have had a piece cuwjut, a lea- ther collar about her neck, fliod before, about ten years old; appraifedto 10!, tos. LEWIS GRIGSBAY, April 15th, i8o. FOR SALE, For CASH 385 ACRES OF FIRST RATE LAND, LYING on the Rolling Fork of Sail oppofiie Gooden's (lation, and near to the roadleading from Bairds-tow- n to Hardin Court house, about half way between the two places ; good title, jflbing a choice piece oiit of Honeyman's 1500 Acres, the one. moiety of 3,000 acres of military land, located for tFfWoodfon, in 1780, on the Ohio; it is land of the bell oualitv. but has been taken within the Indian boundary r?U will, therefore, be sold at a price-ftf- c low, as to authorife a monied man toping chase on speculation. For terms enquire of Mr. John Caldwell, of Bairdftown ; Mr. Geo. Clarke, of Fayette, or 6f Cuth. Banks. Lexington, April 28th, 1802. 6tuf A WORD TO THE WISE. IN the year 1800, the fubferibers gave their bond, to a certain Phi- lip Nagley, for six hundred pounds (pay able at lunclry timesj tor certain tracts of and in JNIercer county, and have made avjhcnt to the amount of about two lUtidred and fifty six pounds, and havinp- lately been informed that the land fn nnr. L(thafed, had unknown to the fubferi-Itfer- s been previously morteaered to a cer tain Benjamin Letcher, for the security of the payment of three hundred and flxty pounds. The fubferibers therefore do not intend to make any further payments towards the said bond until they are allu- red that the said mortgage is taken up, as the amount for which the land was mort- gaged, with the payments already made exceed the amount for which their bond was given. Philip Negley,jun. Peter Negley, f Henry Myers. is Mk. im FRESH MEDICINE. " Just arrived from Philadelphia, at our fliop, near the Stray-Pe- n, Lexington, and to be sold for CASH, Fine Linenj or Flax-See- d. f ' Alfd RED CLOVER SEED For Sale. Andw. M'Calla y Co BY LAST EVENING'S MAIL. London, April iq. 7 In announcing that the final arrangement of general Peace is so near at hand it is .with much pain we give to the public any informa- tion tending to damp their joy. We received private advices from the continent yesterday, which, in addition to the contents of public papers, leave very little doubt that, the flames of war just extinguished in the WeiHof Euro- pe-are on the eve of being rekindled in the EaPi. We are affured the event which evel'V one has foplatnty fdrefedn is on the point of taking place ; that the partition bf the Tuii-kif- li empire is agreed upon, and that Briona-part- e has fdeceeded in purfuading Ruflu, Au-ftr- ia and Pruflia, tempted by the profpdet of aggrandizement, td enter into his views. It is pofiible that Mr. BalTetjthe meiTenger, bro't official intelligence of this to our minister a sew days ago We underfland Ruflia and Austria, will immediately invade the Tuikilh dominions This intelligence comes by a private chan- nel ; but it rests on good authority, and is flrongly supported by the contents of foreign journals. From the French, German and Dutch mails, receivedyeuerday, we have made extracts under the head " Turkilh Empire," which will enable our readers to judge how far our opinion is sounded. It appears, the French minister at Constantinople, received dispatches of great importance ; that the En-gli- lh minister at Vienna received a mefienger, from Constantinople with dispatches of great importance also ; the Grand Seignor and the Divan, expect the ultimatum of England with impatience, as it wis reported Austria and Ruflia had agreed to feiie upon the Wes-ter- n Pi ovinces, which are in a state of anarchy; that the Archduke Charles had called from his hermitage Field martial Cobourg) and is busily engaged with him in organizing the ar my ; that the Austrian troops at Hungary are in motion, and their designs of seizing up- on several Turkish provinces is no longer doubtful ; that 25,000 men are in Tranfylva nia alone : that numerous Aultnan armiesaie alTembUng in Eastern Gallacia to seize Mol- davia ; and that cordons of troops are on the frontiers of Bosnia and Sei via, which are to with Ruffian troops diftined to take pofTeffion of the Turkilh towns of Bender and Alkaman. While these formidable mea-fur- es are pursuing againftthe Turks, they are embroiled with the English on account of the maffacre of the Beys. The Turkish empire lest alone, and attacked as it will be by all the great military powers of Europe, must fall ; Buonaparte will then obtain his objects, E-- li gypt and Greece, in defiance of the hvi m ma r ine. Is he cannot reach them by lla i e vail by land? and the ierv pretext will be 1 lid by the jjreai mditry pewfrs f r partition- ing Tutkey, which they lately used for their attempfto parti' len Trance. The disorder, anarchy and cofufion, w-- be sound so grtat, as to threaten the ery existence cf ciul : no ree-nla- r will lir. 1,1 tto exist, unless the Turks are reduced, apdthe icenes acting in Poland, attempted in Fr.ilicc, will be repeated in the territories of the Ot- toman Poite. All these powers want is ; principles and morality are in re cants. Since they find by "the result ol ex- perience pnd the evidence of facts" that tlxy .cannot obtain it in France why a (lice ot 1'urkey rill do as well. Shoiild a general attack npon the TurLifh empire be made, what part will England take? Ten years ago Mr. Pitt desired and parliament voted it too! that we hhould go to war with Rufiia rather than allow the ceUion of a fu- gle Turkilh town to her. Will England now see the whole empire broken up, Greece, pt taken, India threatened? In the defini- tive tieaty, England guarantees the integrity of the Turkilh empiie against France; but France in the first ihftance will probiibly not interfere. Ruflia and Austria will do the business while Fiance and Pruflia will receive their dividend of the spoil. Or even fticuld France interfere, (lie will no further violate the Definitive treaty refpefting Turkey, than flie has done the preliminaries respecting the integrity of Portugal, a step tij which minif-ter- s have submitted. Perhaps Mr. Addington alluded to this approaching war, when he con- cluded his speech on the budget, he exprefled a hope of preserving peace by fteeiing clear of thequariels of other nationsi It appears that the new republic of the Seven Islands is diftraaed by civil diffentions. The aflcmbly convoked to give their opinion upon certain alterations in the conffitntjon, fanaioned by the Ottoman Porte and its allies, have annulled that corftitution and appointed a new legislature. The Kaiinacalt has in consequence addrefied a letter to the Prefi-de- nt of the senate, demanding the immediate of the former system, to ef- fect which the Ruffian squadron and troops at Naples Would, is neceffaiy, be employed. NEW-YORK- ," May 24. Ohe of the most important circuftances we have to announce is, the suspension of pay- ments in specie at the bank of England. BALTIMORE, May 2 7. We learn, though without being able to ob- tain it, that a proclamation by General I.e lilprkr Id in rln (rnrlnn- - U j.rmihtinn rC hostilities in Sti Domingo, and the terms of accomodation with the nporn rliicfc Tin. black army, we understand, is taken into pay by Le Cleik, and Touflaint retires to his ' estates. Extraft of a letter from Gibraltar, dated A-p- ril 2, to a gentleman in Philadelphia " The British squadron from Egypt, under lord admiral Keith and vicfc admiral Sauma-re- z, arrived here a sew days ago. There are also here some Portugufefe ships of war defi- ned for the Mediterranean, to cruise apainft the Algerines. The Swedes are cruising in concert with the Americans against the Tri-polita- with a squadron sconfiftiiiE: of three .heavy frigates and a 64. We also learn that the king of Sweden, anxious to give a deci-fi- ve blow whilst a good opportunity serves, has sent orders to his commodore off Tripoli, to prepare bdmbs, boats, and every other ne- ceffary implement for beiieging the town, to- gether with a plan for laying the siege, re- queuing it might be laid before the Ameri- can commodore, whom he hopes will take an aftive part in the arrangement, as well as in the contest placing great, reliance on the skill and intrepidity of the American cka-rafte- r." Extradl of a letter from London, dated A- -' pril 6. " Since my last, two events have caused a considerable rise in the fcaluof public confi- dence, the first is the arrival of the definitive treaty, the other the minister's declaration a sew days ago in the house of Commons, that he intended to move for a repeal of the income tax, and though the wants of the nation make it neceffary for him to borrow 26 milli- ons and a half for the service of the current year for England and Ireland, and to raise, besides that, sour millions to pay the interefl of 97 millions borrowed already, on the pledge of the income tax ; he has not only done both, and ih borrowing th6 sum he wanted, made a good bargain for. the public ; but he has laid on such taxes as will more than to an equivalent for the income tax, without exciting any alarm or appearing to be at all burthenfome. A. RANKI17, PRESENTS his grateful acknowledg- ments to his Readers, for the encourage ment they have given his humble attempt to serve the public requeftingull those who purchase his Books, to leave their names with those from whom they buy ; as he means to emit to them gratis, an Appendix, he is now writing on another fubjeel to contain about 18 pages. May M,vi8o3. BLANK DEEDS, for sale.

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THE public are refpe&fully informed,the PATENT MEDICINES hitherto

in the hands of meflrs. Macbean & Poyzer, will insuture be sold by mr. Nthaniel Hart, only, inLexington, meflrs. M. Si V. having relinquished the

A igency

Vin savor. A treihlupply oi theiollDWing

from T.EE t Cn Baltimore.

Dr. HAMILTON'S ELIXIR.A sovereign remedy for Colds, obstinate Coughs,

Aflhmas, sore Throats and approap hiug Confumpti-ons- .

To Parents alt hve Chillren afflicted with tie HOOPING COVGH.

This discovery is of the firit magnitude, as it af-

fords immediate relies, checks the progress, and in afhorjjtime entirely removes the mod cruel disordertovhichchildren are liable. The Elixir is so per--

fecTJy 'agreeable, and the dose so fraall that no diffi'ciiltyarifesin taking it.


Fi the Cure cf Agues, remittent and intermittentFevers.

Thousands can testify of their being cured by thesetrops, aster the bark and every other medicine has

proved ineffectual; and not one in an hundred hadoccasion to take more than one, numbers not halfa bottle.Extract of a letter from Dr. Henry C, Sofer,Kcnt

Court, t)cle-ware- .

"I have given the ague drops to a number of pa-

tients this fall, and with confront success ; in some

obstinate cales they acted like a charm, the diseasesyielding in a day or two to this remedy, aster refifl-iri- g

the barks for months, and when they had been

thrown In the largest doses."

' TOOTH-ACH- E DROPS;The only remedy yet discovered which gives

aud lading relies in the mod se verejnllances.


Forcornsfpeedily removing them root and branchwithout giving pain.

--Dr.iHAMILTON's GRAND RESTO- -r T" RATIVE.Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for the

Ipeedy relies and permanent cure of the various complaints which result from diifipated pleafilres Juvenile indifcrerlons residence in climates unfavorable to the conliitition the immoderate use of tea.frequent intoxication, or any other diftruftive in-

temperance the nnlkilful or exceflive ufeofmer,mry -t-he diseases peculiar to females at a certain

period of lif- e- bad lyings in, &c &c.And it is proved by long arid extenflve experience

to beabfolutely unparalleled in the cure ofViolent cramps in the stomach ahd b.ickjNervous difordeis Confumptions,Indigestion, Lowness of fpirilsjMelancholy, Loss of appetite,Relaxations, .. Impurities of the blood jInvolurttary emiffions, Hysterical affections,Obstinate gleets, Inward weaknefTet,

5 Fluor ilbus, &c.The principal operation of this remedy is in the

Itomach', reftoiirlg the digefliv'e powers and sendingforth from that organ rlew health arid vigour irttd

part of the system ; it enriches and pnrifies theblood without endangering it; braces withoutftimu-latin- g

too violently thenervous system; ftrengthehsthe secretory veffels and the general habit ; bringback the muscular fibres to their natural and healthytone, andreftores the neutrition which Immoderateevacuations have destroyed and whnfe lofi had thrownthe whole frame into langor and debility I

Incases of extremity where the long prevalenceahd obitinacy of disease has brought on a generalimpoverifliment of the system, excerfive debility ofthe whole frame, and a waiting of theflefh whichno ndurifhment dr cordial could repair, a perfever-anc- e

in the use of this medicine has performed themod astonishing cures.


TRACT OF MUSTARD;A fafe1 Aid effectual remedy for rheumatifms, gout

palfey, fprijns and brliifes,' white fwellingsj oldftrains,andtclaxations,niiinbnefsand weaknefsoftheinints. ftiffnlfs sf the neck. ruins of the side headache,fwellecifaces, f'nzen limbs, and every similarcomplaint, itprevents chilblains, or chopped hands,and the ill effetfj of getting wetdr dampm the feet

The extract celebrated for removing cold andwindy complaint in the stomach and bowels, flyingpains, and other fWmodic affections.

TheteftimonyVthoufaHds, and daily experiencefuffi ciently prove W fuperionorty of the aoove

all othvrs, in the cure of the maladieswe have enumerate

Letter frm dr. Weatherhurn.Wythe tent, Virg. October 7, 1801.

Gentlemen,I purchased at yourhop the preparations yoilcall

Hamilton's EfTence anaKstracr. of Mustard, which

I believe has perfectly rimoved a chronic rheumatifm (of that kind named;ciatica,orofthe hip joint)under which I had laboured for a long time, andwhich hadbafflede very arVcle in Materia Medici, and

every mode of treatmentWeived into practice forthe cure of this obstinate dVeafe.

Is you think this letterrlaybeufelul, you are atliberty to make it public.

Meflrs, R. Lee & Co.P.WEATHERBURN.

Dr. HAHN's ANTI-BILIOU- S PILLS.The operation of these Pillsspeifeftly mild,foas

to be used with safety by perfori in every situation,' and of every age.

They are excellently adapted to carry off e

and prevent its mobid secretions--t- o

restore and amend the appetite to procure a free perfpiratiort, and thereby prevent colds

which are often attended with fati! consequences

a dose never sails to remove a coll, is taken on itsfirst appearance. They are celebrated forremovingkabitual coftiVenefs sickness at ha stomach, andsevere head ache and ought to betaken by all per-so-

on a change of climate.

PERSIAN LOTION.So celebrated among the falhionae throughout

Europe is an invaluable cofmatic, perfiftly innocentancl safe, fiomcorrorive and replient ninerals, (thebasis of other lotion) and of tinparellelej efficacy in

preventing and removing blemifhcs of t)ie face and

ikinof every kind, particularly frecklesjoimples, in- -i

fiammatory redness, fcurfs, tetters, ring Wms, sun- -

burns, prickly heat, premature n inkles, &c. ThePersian Lotion operates mildly, withoutUinpeding

. i.rfiiirnfinn. which neifential

to health, yet its effects are speedy and permanent,

render the skin delicately soft andfmooth, improving

he complexion and reftor'mg the blooinof yiuth.


A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes,whether the effect of natural weakness or ofaccidentdeductions of rheums, diillnefs, itching, and filmson the eyes, never sailing to cure thoft maladieswhich frequently fticceed the smallpox,measles andsevers &: wonderfully strengthening a weak sightHundreds have experienced its excellent virtueswhen nearly depi lvcd ol sight.




This excellent preparation comforts and strengthens the gums,preserves the enamel from decay, andcleanses and whitens the teeth, abforbingall that

flinie and foulness, which suffered to ac-

cumulate never sails to injuie and finally ruin them.

THE DAMASK LIP SALVE,Is recommended (particularly td the laHies) as an

elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped and sorelips, and every blemish and inconvenience occafiwred by colds, severs, &c. speedily redoring a beautifulrosy colour and dilitafefoftnefsto the lips.


THE ANODYNE ELIXIRFor the Cure of all kinds of Head Ache.


The patent IndiantVegit&ble Specific, prepared byDr- - Lcroux.



ING .LOZENGES. vDefcrljitiou sf worms, and thefjmftomi hj which they are

kneiin.Worms which infest the human body, are chiefly of

sour kinds, viz the Teresj or large round worm, theCocurbitina, or short slat white Worm, the Afcaridesorfmall maw wor.'n. and ladly, the Taenia, or tapewcrm, so called from its resemblance to tape- - thisis ofthen many yards long, and is full ofjoints it ismod hurtful, and mod difficult tocure.

- Amongthe fymproms attending worms, are, disa-greeable breath, ejpecially in the morning, bad andcorrupted gums itching in thenofe and aJou,t.,the,seat convulsions and epileptic sits, andifometim??privation or speec- h- starting and grinding of theteeth in sleep- - irregular appetite, fonietimefilo'atliVing food, and sometimes voracious purgingSiwUb".-flimyan-

fceted stools vomiting large andfbSfrabelly pairis and fickneli at the stomach pirns in thehead and thighs with lowness of spirits slow fevlrwith small and irregular pulse a dry cough ejfccef-fiv-e

thirst - sometimes pale and unhealthySunte-nance,an- dsometimes the face bloated and flufhedllt

Persons afivilctedwitliany of the above fymptpmS)should have immediate recourse to Hamilton' 's mc,mUcftrojtnr Vozemes, which have been conftantlt- -

tended with success irf all complaints similar to thoseahnwp HplrrihpH. ' l

This medicine, which is innocent and mild, as it iscertain and efficatious irt its operation, cannot injurethe youngest infant, or the most diheate pregnant lady, fliduld no worms exist in the body but will, without pain dr griping, cleanse the ftDmach and bowels,removing whatever is soul or offensive within, parti-cularly thatflimy humdr frdm whence worms andmany fatal disorders proceed.

Children generally take this Medicine with eagertiefs, having a pleasing appearance and angrceabletade.

As upivards one hundred and twenty tboufand personsof both sexes,and df every age, hive received benefitfrom this extraordinary medicine, a multitude ofcertificates ol cures may be ften,in addition to thosealready published.

A dole of this medicine given occafiotially vill effectilally prevdnt the vomiting and purging of childrenj a dreadful disorder which annually dedroysthousands of the infant part of our cities. Itislike.wise the niildeft and molt certain remedy known, andhasreftored to health and strength a giect numberwhen advanced dage of thisiatal complaint---particul-

and plain inftructidns are given for everypart of the neceffary treatment in such cases.

Letter from mr. Benj. Williams, No. 50, Baltiiriireltreet,two doors above

Gentlemen,I have afon six years of age, who for sour years

pad has beengenerallyina very unhealty date, parti-cularly in the fummeri frequently afflicted witha- -

(irming convulsion ts,the whole of his little framewasting fall, his breath became fceted, ah almost con-fta-

itching of the nose was excited with otherDuring thecodrfeof the above

period, the advice and attendance of three of the most,

eminent phyficianS in Baltimore was fucceflivcly procured. Each of these gentlemen in their turn declaHi worms to be the caufeof hisdiforder, and exhaufted their skill in attempts to expel them, pink root,steel filings, with a vinety of other mediciries wereadminidred without the lead success. It was oncepronounced impoflible for the child to live many hours

I had frequently heard of your Worm DedroyingLozenges, but like! many others, didnotthinkhighlyoffo cheap a medicine, Until a gentleman of my ac.quaintance (mr Wm. S. Moor) in whose family theyhad been used with good effect, advised me to makea trial of them, I accordingly gave my sort a dose,agreeable to directions, which soon expelled eight hreworms, some of them about 1 inches in length a se

cond dose brorght awayoar more of similar size ; athird dose being adminidred, no worrrt appeared. Thechild recovered, and now enjoys a good state ofhealth BENJ. WILLIAMS

Ms. Kichd, Lee, & Co.


Which is warranted art infallible remedy at oneapplication, and may be used with perfect safety bypregnant women, or on infants a week dldj not containing a particle of mercury, or any dangerous ingredient whatever,and isnot accompanied withthattormenting finart which attends the application ofother remedies.

CAUTION.Those wbo value their Money and

their healthy and viisb to procure the Ge-

nuine Medecines, to apply only at

I'AKhN up by the filbfcriber, livingin Budi's Settlement, Clarke county, a

BAY MARE,About 14 hands tiigr. he.r right ear ap-pei-

to have had a piece cuwjut, a lea-

ther collar about her neck, fliod before,about ten years old; appraifedto 10!, tos.

LEWIS GRIGSBAY,April 15th, i8o.


LYING on the Rolling Fork of Sailoppofiie Gooden's (lation,

and near to the roadleading from Bairds-tow- n

to Hardin Court house, about halfway between the two places ; good title,jflbing a choice piece oiit of Honeyman's 1500 Acres, the one.moiety of3,000 acres of military land, located for

tFfWoodfon, in 1780, on the Ohio; itis land of the bell oualitv. but has beentaken within the Indian boundary r?U

will, therefore, be sold at a price-ftf- c

low, as to authorife a monied man topingchase on speculation. For terms enquireof Mr. John Caldwell, of Bairdftown ;

Mr. Geo. Clarke, of Fayette, or 6fCuth. Banks.

Lexington, April 28th, 1802. 6tuf

A WORD TO THE WISE.IN the year 1800, the fubferibers

gave their bond, to a certain Phi-lip Nagley, for six hundred pounds (payable at lunclry timesj tor certain tracts ofand in JNIercer county, and have madeavjhcnt to the amount of about twolUtidred and fifty six pounds, and havinp-

lately been informed that the land fn nnr.L(thafed, had unknown to the fubferi-Itfer- s

been previously morteaered to a certain Benjamin Letcher, for the securityof the payment of three hundred and flxtypounds. The fubferibers therefore donot intend to make any further paymentstowards the said bond until they are allu-red that the said mortgage is taken up, asthe amount for which the land was mort-gaged, with the payments already madeexceed the amount for which their bondwas given.

Philip Negley,jun.Peter Negley,

f Henry Myers.


" Just arrived from Philadelphia, at ourfliop, near the Stray-Pe- n, Lexington, andto be sold for CASH, Fine Linenj orFlax-See- d. f '


Andw. M'Calla y Co


London, April iq.


In announcing that the final arrangement ofgeneral Peace is so near at hand it is .withmuch pain we give to the public any informa-tion tending to damp their joy. We receivedprivate advices from the continent yesterday,which, in addition to the contents of publicpapers, leave very little doubt that, the flamesof war just extinguished in the WeiHof Euro-

pe-are on the eve of being rekindled in theEaPi. We are affured the event which evel'Vone has foplatnty fdrefedn is on the point oftaking place ; that the partition bf the Tuii-kif- li

empire is agreed upon, and that Briona-part- e

has fdeceeded in purfuading Ruflu, Au-ftr- ia

and Pruflia, tempted by the profpdet ofaggrandizement, td enter into his views. Itis pofiible that Mr. BalTetjthe meiTenger, bro'tofficial intelligence of this to our minister asew days ago We underfland Ruflia andAustria, will immediately invade the Tuikilhdominions

This intelligence comes by a private chan-

nel ; but it rests on good authority, and is

flrongly supported by the contents of foreignjournals. From the French, German andDutch mails, receivedyeuerday, we have madeextracts under the head " Turkilh Empire,"which will enable our readers to judge howfar our opinion is sounded. It appears, theFrench minister at Constantinople, receiveddispatches of great importance ; that the En-gli-


minister at Vienna received a mefienger,from Constantinople with dispatches of greatimportance also ; the Grand Seignor and theDivan, expect the ultimatum of England withimpatience, as it wis reported Austria andRuflia had agreed to feiie upon the Wes-ter- n

Pi ovinces, which are in a state of anarchy;that the Archduke Charles had called fromhis hermitage Field martial Cobourg) and is

busily engaged with him in organizing the army ; that the Austrian troops at Hungaryare in motion, and their designs of seizing up-

on several Turkish provinces is no longerdoubtful ; that 25,000 men are in Tranfylvania alone : that numerous Aultnan armiesaiealTembUng in Eastern Gallacia to seize Mol-

davia ; and that cordons of troops are on thefrontiers of Bosnia and Sei via, which are to

with Ruffian troops diftined to takepofTeffion of the Turkilh towns of Benderand Alkaman. While these formidable mea-fur- es

are pursuing againftthe Turks, they areembroiled with the English on account of themaffacre of the Beys. The Turkish empirelest alone, and attacked as it will be by all thegreat military powers of Europe, must fall ;

Buonaparte will then obtain his objects, E-- li

gypt and Greece, in defiance of the hvi mma r ine. Is he cannot reach them by lla i evail by land? and the ierv pretext will be 1

lid by the jjreai mditry pewfrs f r partition-ing Tutkey, which they lately used for theirattempfto parti' len Trance. The disorder,anarchy and cofufion, w-- be sound so grtat,as to threaten the ery existence cf ciul

: no ree-nla- r will lir. 1,1

tto exist, unless the Turks are reduced, apdtheicenes acting in Poland, attempted in Fr.ilicc,will be repeated in the territories of the Ot-

toman Poite. All these powers want is; principles and morality are in re

cants. Since they find by "the result ol ex-perience pnd the evidence of facts" that tlxy

.cannot obtain it in France why a (lice ot1'urkey rill do as well.

Shoiild a general attack npon the TurLifhempire be made, what part will England take?Ten years ago Mr. Pitt desired and parliamentvoted it too! that we hhould go to war withRufiia rather than allow the ceUion of a fu-

gle Turkilh town to her. Will England nowsee the whole empire broken up, Greece, pt

taken, India threatened? In the defini-tive tieaty, England guarantees the integrityof the Turkilh empiie against France; butFrance in the first ihftance will probiiblynot interfere. Ruflia and Austria will do thebusiness while Fiance and Pruflia will receivetheir dividend of the spoil. Or even fticuldFrance interfere, (lie will no further violatethe Definitive treaty refpefting Turkey, thanflie has done the preliminaries respecting theintegrity of Portugal, a step tij which minif-ter-s

have submitted. Perhaps Mr. Addingtonalluded to this approaching war, when he con-cluded his speech on the budget, he exprefleda hope of preserving peace by fteeiing clear ofthequariels of other nationsi

It appears that the new republic of theSeven Islands is diftraaed by civil diffentions.The aflcmbly convoked to give their opinionupon certain alterations in the conffitntjon,fanaioned by the Ottoman Porte and its allies,have annulled that corftitution and appointeda new legislature. The Kaiinacalt has inconsequence addrefied a letter to the Prefi-de- nt

of the senate, demanding the immediateof the former system, to ef-

fect which the Ruffian squadron and troops atNaples Would, is neceffaiy, be employed.

NEW-YORK- ," May 24.Ohe of the most important circuftances we

have to announce is, the suspension of pay-ments in specie at the bank of England.

BALTIMORE, May 2 7.We learn, though without being able to ob-

tain it, that a proclamation by General I.elilprkr Id in rln (rnrlnn- - U j.rmihtinn rChostilities in Sti Domingo, and the terms ofaccomodation with the nporn rliicfc army, we understand, is taken into payby Le Cleik, and Touflaint retires to his'estates.

Extraft of a letter from Gibraltar, dated A-p-ril

2, to a gentleman in Philadelphia" The British squadron from Egypt, under

lord admiral Keith and vicfc admiral Sauma-re- z,

arrived here a sew days ago. There arealso here some Portugufefe ships of war defi-ned for the Mediterranean, to cruise apainftthe Algerines. The Swedes are cruising inconcert with the Americans against the Tri-polita-

with a squadron sconfiftiiiE: of three.heavy frigates and a 64. We also learn thatthe king of Sweden, anxious to give a deci-fi- ve

blow whilst a good opportunity serves,has sent orders to his commodore off Tripoli,to prepare bdmbs, boats, and every other ne-ceffary implement for beiieging the town, to-gether with a plan for laying the siege, re-queuing it might be laid before the Ameri-can commodore, whom he hopes will take anaftive part in the arrangement, as well as inthe contest placing great, reliance on theskill and intrepidity of the American cka-rafte- r."

Extradl of a letter from London, dated A- -'pril 6.

" Since my last, two events have caused aconsiderable rise in the fcaluof public confi-dence, the first is the arrival of the definitivetreaty, the other the minister's declaration asew days ago in the house of Commons, thathe intended to move for a repeal of the incometax, and though the wants of the nationmake it neceffary for him to borrow 26 milli-ons and a half for the service of the currentyear for England and Ireland, and to raise,besides that, sour millions to pay the intereflof 97 millions borrowed already, on the pledgeof the income tax ; he has not only doneboth, and ih borrowing th6 sum he wanted,made a good bargain for. the public ; but hehas laid on such taxes as will more than

to an equivalent for the income tax,without exciting any alarm or appearing tobe at all burthenfome.

A. RANKI17,PRESENTS his grateful acknowledg-

ments to his Readers, for the encouragement they have given his humble attemptto serve the public requeftingull thosewho purchase his Books, to leave theirnames with those from whom they buy ;as he means to emit to them gratis, anAppendix, he is now writing on anotherfubjeel to contain about 18 pages.

May M,vi8o3.

BLANK DEEDS, for sale.