kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

1 c sp WASftoln on the night of the fifteenth abouf one mile from Bour- don court-hous- e, bright bay MARE, about twelve years old, about fourteen hands high, eo brand, foine saddle spot', has had the poll ,vil. Also sorrel FILLEY, one yjar old 3aftfpring, no brand nor natural mark, ex- cept small white fyot on one of his hind near the hoof, natural trotter fuppof-e- d to be stolen by negro. Whoever se- - C1a uresfaid horses or either oi them, lo tnatl jet them, (halt be Efandfomely rewarded and ail reafon'ablc charges paid by me, John lil'LracMn. N. E. Also was stolen, nankeen coat, waistcoat and bteethes the coat black one far hat and pocket book, with sundry w papers, viz. An undamaged bond ot about i i J3l. and one note affigned to Peter Slnvartz- - V wiler, of about J3'. one receipt of about 'JU'wrote in Dutch, and leveral other "pa- - Krs. twj JulyS, 1796 J-- J a a a a a a erebv forwarn all cerfons fiom takinp Siaffiimment on a bond of mine civen to John Kincaid, of between 35 and 381. dat- ed July 14, 1796, it being a balance for a trait of land that I purchaiid from the a- - iove Kincaid; which larid appears to have dilputes more than I knew of J theiefore, I amueterminednot to discharge the said bend until I can obtains deed for the said land. Thomas Rhktits. June 4,1796. lt Xaken itp by the fublcriber, on Gztfsrun, county, a d.irk hay HORSE, soree or jour yenrs on, joineen oanss bijo; irwded thus Hr on the near shoulder, has a Jlar ad Imp, not decked, appratleito 91. lot. ROBERT LOirET. May II, 1796. - - .. M . " nbp-.- i , A a 11 hlmhpv inr?. .1 ", , '" '"7 :' 'vw ' "" ' y on ,0, trejtiuc of Mi rmer,ja'ir twits jrom sticx. ijucbauin's imiu fiercer a b hUrn, tbirteon jars ilJ, fourteen bands' "'&" " jnuvijrar, a jmait jaajie jpot en me oj tide of her beck, rime white on loth ber hind feet, si. Alft on inn ra vztre cat, aptriulei to V. ALDEST VLQXGK. April 33, 1.796. y fPAKEN up by the sub- - scriber in Mercer county, on Chap lain's fork, ieven miles from Harrodlburgh, bay MARE, judged to be ten years old, nrteen hands high, has a small star and some wlute hairs down towards the nose, appears to be with foal, branded on the near cufluon V. S. and on thenean buttock I. S. had on a finall bell hung with a leather ft rap and dou- ble buckle, trots natural, appraised to 81. William Lee. May 10, 179S. f HAlCEN up by the sub- - " scriber, Irving in Bourbon county, on Indian creek, a flea-bitt- gray Mare, fourteen yenrs old, thirteen hands high, with a lis milling bell on, branded ID on the near ihoulder and buttock, a red spot on. ter neck, appraued to 01. Aiani Baktr, April 19, I75&. ' t Taken up by the fubferiber living in Woodford county, near the mouth of Clear creek, 3 sorrel horse, iour years w, trots na!ral branded omiie right Ihoul-:e- r and buttock with a writins I. and on the lest ihoulder with IWj appraised to 1 2l. JOHN FINN. June 4, 795. 1 - Taken up by the fubferiber' iving on Pleasant run, in Walhington toun- - 1 ty, a brown mare, nine years old, thirteen bands and a half high, trots and paces, branded on the nearthigh, S, had on an old bell, tied with a leather strap.; appraised to twelve pounds. i Jacob Myers. May 6. 1796, 1 AKBN up by the sub- - scriber, livin" in Clarke county on wa ters of Upper Howaid's creek, a bay Horse, ,w ;., vlu, .uluV wnnLc-- j uuiyij turcc .ches high, brantiecl on the Tisht fbouldcr ft K.,e- TT rnA mi th. t'.i- I...l-I- . .1 rr " Jdnall ftai in his sorehead, both hind feet white, appraised to 7l. Us. Williaa Cotton. pril 16, 1796. 'PAKEN up by the sub- - scriber in Shelby county on the waters ofBeach creek, a bright bay Horse. sixteen orC;enteen years old, fourteen and a half glfcds higtt, a itar in his face, has been hurt vith the collar on both sides of the neck, with a large bell hung on with a piece of striped jirta ana two pucues, appraiied to bl. CUUNK.UD MILLErt.. March 12,1 79&- - t Taken up by the fubferiber a, Clarke county, a roan mare7 about I2 cars old, 13 hands high, branded on them ihoulder and buttock thus (CB) and is with seal j appraised to 7l 5s. - Thomas Williams. i ,May23, 1796- - f LANK DEEDS ' f JL Jgf v 7 "' Jett tor sale at this OFFICE. FOR SALE, Ihe foHozi'MZ trafts of Land,. m (viz.-- ; 300 acres on the waters ot utter creeK, ivuouon county anjoming Caleb Callaway's Nock Duckle lands. 1378 acres onvCallaway's creek, about sour miles below Boonfborough 353 acres on Paint lick creek, near Paint lik. - ' 253 acres on ditto, adjoining the lands of llenderfon and Stephen Trigg. 250 acresonditto, near the lands of John Maxell. The" above Lands are all patented in the name of Nathaniel Hart, & the heirs of Na thaniel Hart. dectaled. Tilewholeof which will be fold'on the lowest terms for Cash For furthef information apply to Joh Hari1 Jll UtlUVlUC, Or CUt 1ULUL1LJI III IIAURIuih 3w NAT. HART, Acting Exo of Nathamu Hart, dec. CHEAP LAND FOR SA L'E. 1 Suffer ibers pxrfoje selling the fo!lruius VE hun'dred acies, part of that noted tract called Fioyos Woodflock. traft, within eiht miles of Lejiington and seven from the Kentucky river in the center oi which is anever sailing spring. Five hundred acres, lying within three miles of the town of Cynthiana, being one hall' of a, thoafand acre fvirvcy made for maj. Iftlin IVTnOiv. drUA'ninj ("Mlittinn'i station. Tive htmdred acres, Wanted on theflV Hanrinz Fork, within six miles of the late IU tr. trnifprnar(!-nn- 5 hundied and twenty acresv fcf wbchis Well cleared onitisa peach or- - Jtnaia oi ux nuncreu wees, caacJias mauc sour hundred gallons of brandyiri oneyear, and e aBpearance of there being fulhci- enttruitto make rive hundred tnis leaion, with an apple orchard of sour hundred flou- -. riflnng ties:, and a choice collection of cher- ry trees, toge ther with se venty-fiv- e thousand well burnt brick, & a good frame for a house ; the above farm rents this year for tw hun- dred dollars. Also one equal half cf the ferry at the town of Cynthiana, on Lickiw?, at the mouth of Stoner. . We will sell the above property VERY LOW, as we are in want of money, and will give a good and fuflicient title, tf ABIJAH & JOHN W. UUNT. Qeorvia. 7 V HEREBSMancy Youni Wilkes county, S VV Smith, mv wise, havl in removed from this itate, tnis is therefoW to caution all persons from dealing with her, as'I hall pay no debt ai her contracting. ' IOHN SMITH, iua May so, 1796. X r FRESH GOOD Alex. & lames Parker, mAVE just imported and now opening Stoxs i.i Lexington, oppaSte the Court House, a large and bandfome ap. fortmentof wellckofen MERCHANDIZE, suited to the present season j which they will sell on very moderate terms for CASH and HIDES. May 37, 1796. THE SUBSCRIBER T TAS opened in the stone house adjoinin; O. Mr. H. Mar'ihalls Tavern, lately occupied by mr. William Sthrefliley & for- merly by Mr. Benjamin Stout, a neat and ell chosen ailortment oi IERCHANDIZE, Which he will dispose of on very moderate terms forcafli or country produce. WILLIAM WEST. LEXINGTON January 22 J796. lust Received, ANb NOW opening ET THE SUBSCRIBER, "1 N the house lately occupied by Mr. JasJ X Craig, in the town of Verfeilles, Wood-for- county, a hacdlbme aflbrtment of MLRCHANUIZ,;, Ifed to tie preient and approaching s: consisting of dry goodi, Wine, French Brandy, Loaf and Brown Sugar:, Shot, Lead Bar Iron, tec Sic &c. Which he is deteA mined to sell on the lowest terms for C; Country Linnen, Cheese, Eacon, Furr, Vinegar and Oz.ts. He earteftly requests all those indebted to him at his late store in Lexington, or by note, to come forward and make payment, by the twentieth of July nest, aster which time, all those that sail, may expect to have their cecoimti- - put in the hands of prober officers for the collection of the same. WtUiam Sthrefijey. Versailles, June 22, 1796. tt 200 acres of Land FOB, sale, as good as in the Mate, en the road leading from Lexington to mii.. Pretv', . mill firtnit.e frnm T.tnNrt. , ""J" - ...M.,.-- . ....---.-.- .- -.-- - and six miles irorn IrsonaETOwtf : QC7 ) I in cood fence. 8 cleared. 8 actes 01 as good meadow as in the state. The titl4 inchfputaWe, For terns apply to mr. John Gardner, who is sully authorized to make sale by me, jl. Btnhatu. May. 37, S7?$ ,NDS TO BE LEASEDk Ik lettled part of Kentucky, 01? high 3 :1 ground near the Ohio, oi the' auaHtv. admirably watered, and afford- - Ingthe moll luxuriant range for cattle,botli infummcrand w.nter. Seven years rent free will be given for clearing ; or a long lease, at a very easy rent, payable in produce. For farther par- ticulars apply to H. TOULMIN, ' At the Senwury in L:.untin. Jnne 10, 1796. WiNTY DOLLARS REWARD ESEKTED, from my detachment, this morning, Thomas Dnuton,,zad Samuel A tunedrs,, both private soldiers. in the lecond Dunton is about live leet ten inches high, blue eye's, light hair, and well proportioned ', took with h?iri some part of his uniform cloathing. Saunders is about five feet eight inches high, dark eyes and hair, and dark complexion, rather slender built ; took with him a light infantry cap, and will be given for delivering them to any oiii- - li cer of the legion, or leeuring them in any jail in the United States, and all reasonable expences paid, Or TEN DOLLARS for ei- ther. It is highly probable they will make for the Rapids of Ohio, or the mouth of Kentucky, as they were seen early in the mor- ning making downwards. B". QAINES.Capt.U.S.L. Greenville, June 22, J79&- - 3m 5te SALE LAND. A N old Military survey, made for James rcs, on Marble creek ; on the same is a apod mill seat, and about forty or fifty of cleared land. Mr. William Staf- ford lives near the land, and will Ihewitto an person on application. Its situation, ten miles about a fbuth east course, from Lexington. It will be sold low for Cash, ot Military lands below Green river, or onV the north west of the Ohio, will be received in exchange. JOHN FOWLER. o? June 17, 1790. TAKE NOTICE. AGREEABLY to an T Tio71 ..Al vyith the Commiffioners appointed by said court, at aamueiiviitcneirs, on Monday the eighteenth of July next, in order to certify the identical spot that was originally called Iarced's .'.k, about eight miles from Paris, jferder to find out where the settlement and pre:i.Lpuuii u ouuiuci xciiucriun uunc to agreeably to his claim ; that other aims adjoining or interfering with said Hendcrfon may be legally ascertained when and where I ihall take the depofitio; oi sundry witneiles to eltabliih the same JAWE& DUPUY June 22, 1796- - 1 TAKE NOTICK. THAT agreeable to an order of the court of Woodford, I d with the commiflianers on Saturday tb sixth day of AUguft next, at a sinking rin, near the plantation whereon I now ive, id. tne laid count) then and there to iatuate certain testimony refpectinc the improvement of James B'artlet's preempti- on of a thousand acres : and do such other acts as may appear neceflary and agreeable to law. JOHN WATKINS. June 25,1796. - NOTICE , hereby given to all whom it may con- cern, IS that whereas Samuel Harves on the tblid day of December, 1782, entered witfr the furyeyor of Fayette county ?ooo acres'ofjaudjprf part of a treasury warrant no. StflSBegin at a large alii tree marked I. C. ftandffii on the BufTaloe road leading fr Jin Grant's station to the lower Blue Licks? ato t five or six miles from the said Licks t ind whereas tne neirs at law ot Samuel Uryes (who lias lately deceased) are desirous reltablilh the beginning of the survey upon the above location, and have by fubferiber their agent, sully anthorifed that purpose, obtained an order from the county court of Bourbon, appointing coirtmiilioners to take the depositions ofwit- - leff.s toeuablifh laid beginning, by virtue .f an act of Aflembly entitled ' An aft to as- - lertain the boundanes of land, and for o- - Iher purposes The said commiih oners will leet at the beginning corner on the 29th ay of July next, and will then do such o- - ler acts as raay be neceiUry and the law .squires. . ROUT. BUCKNER, Atto. in fact for Sam. Harves'sheirS June 11,1796. NOTICE S hereby given to all whom it may con- - X cern, that commiflioners appointed by the coort of Mason, will meet at the house of George Stockton, on the waters of Flem ing, on the twenty-tilt- h 01 July next, in or- - der to perpetuate the testimony of certain witneiles rcipecting an entry of iooo acres of land in the name of George Stocktpn it being his preemption and do such other acr3 as fhallbe deemed necelTary and agree-affi- e' to law. " "GEOrSTOCHTON.4 Jua 10, 179b. m t the imprudent cocduA of Hit. wise Catharine Gustin. 1 im infinced rvA forewarn all pcrfonsfrom'treditiii!' her oa .' my account, asI am determined to payt. no debts of Ler contracting aster this date- - - AMOS GU3T1N. June 33 1796. a.v. NOTICE, " That on the 36th day of July next, I fliall attend with the commiiSoners appoia ted by the county court, of Clarke, at th place where the old road, leading from E i noch Smith's to Hornback's mill, croile Summerfet; in order to take the depofitiouwi of fuiidry witneiles and perpetuate th?5jr teftiniony, refpedting tie calls in the n tries of Anthony Buckner's settlement and preemption , and dafuch other aft, as fliaS be deemed necefl'ary and agreeable ta lavf. . JOHN HEDQESftr . I ANTHONr BVCKNER. . And on the 27th of July next, I!haJ ' attend with the conmiffiioners aforefaidf at Peyton's lick, and proceed from thence, to art entry of 200a acres made in the naina of John Hcdges,in order to take the depofitil ons of sundry witnefies, and perpetuate their testimony refpefting the calls in said entry, & dofuch other act as fl.all be deemed necef-far- y mid atrieealil n ah -- r ft concerned in the lands adioininc or interi ieremg with either of the abovementionei tracts, are hereby notified to give theifi attendance. JOHN HEDGES. funeyi, 1796. jth'eTfifbfcriber oa otathe East fnrV of Aflie's'cr?SV "KSffi-'.- , ii frm u.a ":.-:-' m," ";'"M '""co i"" '"nujs mm, rsciion coun- - iy,aiorrei horse, about fourteen' hands high, about sour years olef, lately docked nrettv lnnr. C brand perceivable, a large liar flj ui .uicucau : annraiied to tk WILLIAM KENNEDY. P nprn 25, 1706. I - r i At,alC"rt f Qi'arter SeJJloni ttntimtci t held for the Count of Mercer, en Wtdnefin the 21th daj of April, 1796. Jacob Coleman, Complainant, AGAINST Darnel Brodhed, ? Samuel Irwine, Dendant. 4 IN CHANCERY. THE defendant Daniel not hav.' entered his appearance is grceable to lav& rules of this courk I & it appearing to the court that th f said defendant is no inhabitant of this country 5 on ihe motion of ttie I complainant, therefore, by 1S3 council, it is ordered that the fai4 oeienuant do appear on the fifft day of our next September cour to be held for said county, and an. fwer the complainant's bill; an4 that a cony of this order be fortlA with palled up at the front doo:r of this court house, and publiflied two weeks in the Kentucky Ca- ssette. . (A copy.) Terte THO. ALLIV,C.C. NOTICE. THFRE will be a Petition to the next Rmrral AC fembly, for forming a new coun.r i out of the lower part of Mason and I the upper part of Campbell coun-le- s 3t July 1, 1796?. HpAKEN up by the fubferiber in Mercer county, on Chaplain' fork, s miles from Harrodlburgh. a bright hay HORSE, ijhsndsan.,, a half high, juc;"ed to he seven o.' ! eight years old, light made, brand, cd on the near Ihoulder with o heart, trots nrtural, appraised ta 14I. 1 OS. JOHNKIRKLAND. May ir, 1706. TAKINuplj the fubferiber, living to Hingfton in Clarke conntj, near Peyton's lid, a bay horse, 6 or 7 tears old, 1 4 hands' hirh, bran ded on the tfffbtulicr C afmallftor ani fnipl Apprdifed to 16. ' j Thomas Eaten. My 7, 1796- - ' pAKEN up by the fubferiber ,Ic t 1 Clarke county, near PeytonV 5 lick, in the wilderness, a dark ba J Horse, fourteen hands high, fou teen years old, (hod before, has au abont a js. bell, has a ftarand s: in his face, the right hind so. white, branded on the lest fliq.. .0 der a and on the lest battock appraised to ol. CHARLES YORK. April 9, I796 li ' LEXINGTON? Prikted syJOHN BRAOFO OH MAIN T&fiEXt its

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · For furthefinformation apply to Joh Hari1 Jll UtlUVlUC, Or CUt 1ULUL1LJI



WASftoln on the night of the fifteenthabouf one mile from Bour-

don court-hous- e, bright bay MARE, abouttwelve years old, about fourteen hands high,eo brand, foine saddle spot', has had the poll

,vil. Also sorrel FILLEY, one yjar old3aftfpring, no brand nor natural mark, ex-

cept small white fyot on one of his hindnear the hoof, natural trotter fuppof-e- d

to be stolen by negro. Whoever se- -


uresfaid horses or either oi them, lo tnatljet them, (halt be Efandfomely rewarded andail reafon'ablc charges paid by me,

John lil'LracMn.N. E. Also was stolen, nankeen coat,

waistcoat and bteethes the coat blackone far hat and pocket book, with sundry


papers, viz. An undamaged bond ot abouti i J3l. and one note affigned to Peter Slnvartz- -

V wiler, of about J3'. one receipt of about'JU'wrote in Dutch, and leveral other "pa--

Krs. twj JulyS, 1796 J--








erebv forwarn all cerfons fiom takinpSiaffiimment on a bond of mine civen

to John Kincaid, of between 35 and 381. dat-

ed July 14, 1796, it being a balance for atrait of land that I purchaiid from the a- -iove Kincaid; which larid appears to havedilputes more than I knew of J theiefore, Iamueterminednot to discharge the said benduntil I can obtains deed for the said land.

Thomas Rhktits.June 4,1796. ltXaken itp by the fublcriber, onGztfsrun, county, a d.irk hay HORSE,soree or jour yenrs on, joineen oanss bijo;irwded thus Hr on the near shoulder, has a Jlarad Imp, not decked, appratleito 91. lot.

ROBERT LOirET.May II, 1796. - -

.. M ." nbp-.- i , A a 11 hlmhpv inr?.

.1 ", , '" '"7 :' 'vw ' "" 'y on ,0, trejtiuc of Mi rmer,ja'ir twitsjrom sticx. ijucbauin's imiu fiercer ab hUrn, tbirteon jars ilJ, fourteen bands'

"'&" " jnuvijrar, a jmait jaajie jpot en me ojtide of her beck, rime white on loth ber hindfeet, si. Alft on inn ra vztrecat, aptriulei to V.

ALDEST VLQXGK.April 33, 1.796.

yfPAKEN up by the sub- -scriber in Mercer county, on Chap

lain's fork, ieven miles from Harrodlburgh,bay MARE, judged to be ten years old,

nrteen hands high, has a small star and somewlute hairs down towards the nose, appearsto be with foal, branded on the near cufluonV. S. and on thenean buttock I. S. had on afinall bell hung with a leather ftrap and dou-ble buckle, trots natural, appraised to 81.

William Lee.May 10, 179S. fHAlCEN up by the sub- -" scriber, Irving in Bourbon county, on

Indian creek, a flea-bitt- gray Mare,fourteen yenrs old, thirteen hands

high, with a lis milling bell on, branded IDon the near ihoulder and buttock, a red spoton. ter neck, appraued to 01.

Aiani Baktr,April 19, I75&.

' tTaken up by the fubferiberliving in Woodford county, near the mouthof Clear creek, 3 sorrel horse, iour years

w, trots na!ral branded omiie right Ihoul-:e- rand buttock with a writins I. and on

the lest ihoulder with IWj appraised to 1 2l.JOHN FINN.

June 4, 795. 1 -

Taken up by the fubferiber'iving on Pleasant run, in Walhington toun- - 1

ty, a brown mare, nine years old, thirteenbands and a half high, trots and paces,branded on the nearthigh, S, had on an oldbell, tied with a leather strap.; appraisedto twelve pounds.i Jacob Myers.

May 6. 1796, 1

AKBN up by the sub- -scriber, livin" in Clarke county on wa

ters of Upper Howaid's creek, a bay Horse,,w ;., vlu, .uluV wnnLc-- j uuiyij turcc.ches high, brantiecl on the Tisht fbouldcr ft

K.,e- TT rnA mi th. t'.i- I...l-I- . .1 rr "

Jdnall ftai in his sorehead, both hind feetwhite, appraised to 7l. Us.

Williaa Cotton.pril 16, 1796.

'PAKEN up by the sub- -scriber in Shelby county on the waters

ofBeach creek, a bright bay Horse. sixteenorC;enteen years old, fourteen and a halfglfcds higtt, a itar in his face, has been hurtvith the collar on both sides of the neck, with

a large bell hung on with a piece of stripedjirta ana two pucues, appraiied to bl.

CUUNK.UD MILLErt..March 12,1 79&- - t

Taken up by the fubferibera, Clarke county, a roan mare7 about I2cars old, 13 hands high, branded on them

ihoulder and buttock thus (CB) and iswith seal j appraised to 7l 5s. -

Thomas Williams.i,May23, 1796- - f


' fJLJgf

v 7

"' Jett

tor sale at this OFFICE.

FOR SALE,Ihe foHozi'MZ trafts ofLand,.

m (viz.-- ;

300 acres on the watersot utter creeK, ivuouon county anjomingCaleb Callaway's Nock Duckle lands.

1378 acres onvCallaway's creek, aboutsour miles below Boonfborough

353 acres on Paint lick creek, near Paintlik. - '

253 acres on ditto, adjoining the lands ofllenderfon and Stephen Trigg.

250 acresonditto, near the lands of JohnMaxell.

The" above Lands are all patented in thename of Nathaniel Hart, & the heirs of Nathaniel Hart.dectaled. Tilewholeof whichwill be fold'on the lowest terms for CashFor furthef information apply to Joh Hari1Jll UtlUVlUC, Or CUt 1ULUL1LJI III IIAURIuih3w NAT. HART,

Acting Exo of Nathamu Hart, dec.


1 Suffer ibers pxrfoje selling the fo!lruius

VE hun'dred acies, part of that notedtract called Fioyos Woodflock. traft,

within eiht miles of Lejiington and seven

from the Kentucky river in the center oiwhich is anever sailing spring.

Five hundred acres, lying within threemiles of the town of Cynthiana, being onehall' of a, thoafand acre fvirvcy made for maj.Iftlin IVTnOiv. drUA'ninj ("Mlittinn'i station.

Tive htmdred acres, Wanted on theflVHanrinz Fork, within six miles of the late IU


trnifprnar(!-nn- 5 hundied and twenty acresvfcf wbchis Well cleared onitisa peach or- -

Jtnaia oi ux nuncreu wees, caacJias maucsour hundred gallons of brandyiri oneyear,and e aBpearance of there being fulhci-

enttruitto make rive hundred tnis leaion,with an apple orchard of sour hundred flou- -.

riflnng ties:, and a choice collection of cher-

ry trees, toge ther with se venty-fiv- e thousandwell burnt brick, & a good frame for a house ;the above farm rents this year for tw hun-

dred dollars.Also one equal half cf the ferry at the

town of Cynthiana, on Lickiw?, at the mouthof Stoner. .

We will sell the above property VERYLOW, as we are in want of money, and willgive a good and fuflicient title,tf ABIJAH & JOHN W. UUNT.Qeorvia. 7 V HEREBSMancy YouniWilkes county, S VV Smith, mv wise, havlin removed from this itate, tnis is therefoWto caution all persons from dealing with her,as'I hall pay no debt ai her contracting.

' IOHN SMITH, iuaMay so, 1796.

X r

FRESH GOODAlex. & lames Parker,

mAVE just imported and now openingStoxs i.i Lexington, oppaSte

the Court House, a large and bandfome ap.

fortmentof wellckofen MERCHANDIZE,suited to the present season j which theywill sell on very moderate terms for CASHand HIDES.

May 37, 1796.

THE SUBSCRIBERT TAS opened in the stone house adjoinin;

O. Mr. H. Mar'ihalls Tavern, latelyoccupied by mr. William Sthrefliley & for-

merly by Mr. Benjamin Stout, a neat andell chosen ailortment oi

IERCHANDIZE,Which he will dispose of on very moderate

terms forcafli or country produce.WILLIAM WEST.

LEXINGTON January 22 J796.

lust Received,ANb NOW opening

ET THE SUBSCRIBER,"1 N the house lately occupied by Mr. JasJX Craig, in the town of Verfeilles, Wood-for-

county, a hacdlbme aflbrtment ofMLRCHANUIZ,;,

Ifed to tie preient and approachings : consisting ofdry goodi, Wine, French

Brandy, Loaf and Brown Sugar:, Shot, LeadBar Iron, tec Sic &c. Which he is deteAmined to sell on the lowest terms for C;

Country Linnen, Cheese, Eacon, Furr,Vinegar and Oz.ts.

He earteftly requests all those indebtedto him at his late store in Lexington, or bynote, to come forward and make payment,by the twentieth of July nest, aster whichtime, all those that sail, may expect to havetheir cecoimti- - put in the hands of proberofficers for the collection of the same.

WtUiam Sthrefijey.Versailles, June 22, 1796. tt

200 acres of LandFOB, sale, as good as in the Mate, en the

road leading from Lexington tomii.. Pretv',. mill firtnit.e frnm T.tnNrt. ,""J" - ...M.,.-- . ....---.-.- .- -.-- -

and six miles irorn IrsonaETOwtf : QC7 )I in cood fence. 8 cleared. 8 actes 01as good meadow as in the state. The titl4inchfputaWe, For terns apply to mr. JohnGardner, who is sully authorized to makesale by me,

jl. Btnhatu.May. 37, S7?$


lettled part of Kentucky, 01? high 3

:1 ground near the Ohio, oi the'auaHtv. admirably watered, and afford- -

Ingthe moll luxuriant range for cattle,botliinfummcrand w.nter.

Seven years rent free will be given forclearing ; or a long lease, at a very easyrent, payable in produce. For farther par-ticulars apply to

H. TOULMIN,' At the Senwury in L:.untin.

Jnne 10, 1796.


ESEKTED, from my detachment, thismorning, Thomas Dnuton,,zad Samuel

A tunedrs,, both private soldiers. in the lecondDunton is about live leet ten

inches high, blue eye's, light hair, and wellproportioned ', took with h?iri some part ofhis uniform cloathing. Saunders is aboutfive feet eight inches high, dark eyes andhair, and dark complexion, rather slenderbuilt ; took with him a light infantry cap, and

will be given for delivering them to any oiii- - licer of the legion, or leeuring them in anyjail in the United States, and all reasonableexpences paid, Or TEN DOLLARS for ei-

ther. It is highly probable they will makefor the Rapids of Ohio, or the mouth ofKentucky, as they were seen early in the mor-ning making downwards.

B". QAINES.Capt.U.S.L.Greenville, June 22, J79&- - 3m


A N old Military survey, made for James

rcs, on Marble creek ; on the same is aapod mill seat, and about forty or fifty

of cleared land. Mr. William Staf-ford lives near the land, and will Ihewittoan person on application. Its situation,ten miles about a fbuth east course, fromLexington. It will be sold low for Cash,ot Military lands below Green river, or onV

the north west of the Ohio, will be receivedin exchange. JOHN FOWLER.

o? June 17, 1790.


AGREEABLY to anT Tio71 ..Al

vyith the Commiffioners appointed by saidcourt, at aamueiiviitcneirs, on Monday theeighteenth of July next, in order to certifythe identical spot that was originally calledIarced's .'.k, about eight miles from Paris,jferder to find out where the settlement and

pre:i.Lpuuii u ouuiuci xciiucriun uunc toagreeably to his claim ; that other

aims adjoining or interfering with saidHendcrfon may be legally ascertainedwhen and where I ihall take the depofitio;oi sundry witneiles to eltabliih the same

JAWE& DUPUYJune 22, 1796- - 1

TAKE NOTICK.THAT agreeable to an order of the

court of Woodford, I d

with the commiflianers on Saturdaytb sixth day of AUguft next, at a sinking

rin, near the plantation whereon I nowive, id. tne laid count) then and there to

iatuate certain testimony refpectinc theimprovement of James B'artlet's preempti-on of a thousand acres : and do such otheracts as may appear neceflary and agreeableto law. JOHN WATKINS.June 25,1796.


hereby given to all whom it may con-cern,IS that whereas Samuel Harves on

the tblid day of December, 1782, enteredwitfr the furyeyor of Fayette county ?oooacres'ofjaudjprf part of a treasury warrantno. StflSBegin at a large alii tree markedI. C. ftandffii on the BufTaloe road leadingfr Jin Grant's station to the lower Blue Licks?ato t five or six miles from the said Licks tind whereas tne neirs at law ot SamuelUryes (who lias lately deceased) are desirous

reltablilh the beginning of the surveyupon the above location, and have by

fubferiber their agent, sully anthorifedthat purpose, obtained an order from

the county court of Bourbon, appointingcoirtmiilioners to take the depositions ofwit- -leff.s toeuablifh laid beginning, by virtue.f an act of Aflembly entitled ' An aft to as--lertain the boundanes of land, and for o--Iher purposes The said commiih oners willleet at the beginning corner on the 29thay of July next, and will then do such o--ler acts as raay be neceiUry and the law

.squires. .ROUT. BUCKNER,

Atto. in fact for Sam. Harves'sheirSJune 11,1796.

NOTICES hereby given to all whom it may con--

X cern, that commiflioners appointed bythe coort of Mason, will meet at the houseof George Stockton, on the waters of Fleming, on the twenty-tilt-h 01 July next, in or- -der to perpetuate the testimony of certainwitneiles rcipecting an entry of iooo acresof land in the name of George Stocktpn itbeing his preemption and do such otheracr3 as fhallbe deemed necelTary and agree-affi- e'

to law. " "GEOrSTOCHTON.4Jua 10, 179b.

mt the imprudent cocduA of Hit. wiseCatharine Gustin. 1 im infinced rvA

forewarn all pcrfonsfrom'treditiii!' her oa .'my account, asI am determined to debts of Ler contracting aster this date- - -

AMOS GU3T1N.June 33 1796. a.v.


That on the 36th day of July next, Ifliall attend with the commiiSoners appoiated by the county court, of Clarke, at thplace where the old road, leading from E inoch Smith's to Hornback's mill, croileSummerfet; in order to take the depofitiouwiof fuiidry witneiles and perpetuate th?5jrteftiniony, refpedting tie calls in the ntries of Anthony Buckner's settlement andpreemption , and dafuch other aft, as fliaSbe deemed necefl'ary and agreeable ta lavf. .


ANTHONr BVCKNER. .And on the 27th of July next, I!haJ

' attend with the conmiffiioners aforefaidfat Peyton's lick, and proceed from thence,to art entry of 200a acres made in the nainaof John Hcdges,in order to take the depofitilons ofsundry witnefies, and perpetuate theirtestimony refpefting the calls in said entry, &dofuch other act as fl.all be deemed necef-far- y

mid atrieealil n ah -- rft concerned in the lands adioininc or interi

ieremg with either of the abovementioneitracts, are hereby notified to give theifiattendance.

JOHN HEDGES.funeyi, 1796.

jth'eTfifbfcriber oaotathe East fnrV

of Aflie's'cr?SV "KSffi-'.- , iifrm u.a ":.-:-' m," ";'"M '""coi"" '"nujs mm, rsciion coun- -iy,aiorrei horse, about fourteen'hands high, about sour years olef,lately docked nrettv lnnr. C

brand perceivable, a large liar fljui .uicucau : annraiied to tk


nprn 25, 1706. I - ri

At,alC"rt f Qi'arter SeJJloni ttntimtci theld for the Count of Mercer, en Wtdnefinthe 21th daj of April, 1796.

Jacob Coleman, Complainant,AGAINST

Darnel Brodhed, ?Samuel Irwine, Dendant. 4IN CHANCERY.

THE defendant Daniel not hav.'entered his appearance isgrceable to lav& rules of this courk I

& it appearing to the court that th fsaid defendant is no inhabitant ofthis country 5 on ihe motion of ttie Icomplainant, therefore, by 1S3council, it is ordered that the fai4oeienuant do appear on the fifftday of our next September courto be held for said county, and an.fwer the complainant's bill; an4that a cony of this order be fortlAwith palled up at the front doo:rof this court house, and publifliedtwo weeks in the Kentucky Ca-ssette. .

(A copy.) TerteTHO. ALLIV,C.C.NOTICE.

THFRE will be a Petitionto the next Rmrral AC

fembly, for forming a new coun.r iout of the lower part of Mason and I

the upper part of Campbell coun-le- s

3t July 1, 1796?.

HpAKEN up by the fubferiber inMercer county, on Chaplain'

fork, s miles from Harrodlburgh.a bright hay HORSE, ijhsndsan.,,a half high, juc;"ed to he seven o.' !

eight years old, light made, brand,cd on the near Ihoulder with oheart, trots nrtural, appraised ta14I. 1 OS.

JOHNKIRKLAND.May ir, 1706.

TAKINuplj the fubferiber, living toHingfton in Clarke conntj, near Peyton's lid,a bay horse, 6 or 7 tears old, 1 4 hands' hirh, branded on the tfffbtulicr C afmallftor ani fniplApprdifed to 16. '


Thomas Eaten.My 7, 1796- -

' pAKEN up by the fubferiber ,Ic t1 Clarke county, near PeytonV 5

lick, in the wilderness, a dark ba J

Horse, fourteen hands high, fouteen years old, (hod before, has auabont a js. bell, has a ftarand s:

in his face, the right hind so.white, branded on the lest fliq.. .0der a and on the lest battockappraised to ol.

CHARLES YORK.April 9, I796 li


