kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky...

mm'fi3Mm&!K?rK&afmxivvrc " TO SOAE ALOrT ON FANCY'S WING. THE WEALTH OF THE COTTAGE. A blc-si- unknown'to ambition and pride, That fortune can never abate. To wealth and to splendor too' often deny'd, et on poverty deigns to , That blessing, ye povv er, oh be it my lot, The best sr ft from above ' Deep fix'd in my heart, sh."ll be never forgot The wealth ot the cottage is Love. Whate'er tr.y cor.di.ion, why should I repine, By poverty never distress'd ? Exulting I flt what a treasure.! mine ; A treasure enshrin'd hi my.brea t. That bles-in- g, ye powers ! i' Try lot ; The cho'cest, best from abov e ' Still fiVd mmy heart, it'er be forgot TI'C w ealth of. the cottage is Lo. i Neiv- - York Grand Literature No. 4, Authorfsed by an act of the Legislature, and payment of prizes guaranteed by them, po sitively be- - gins drawing in May next. 'UW Vifillnrrhicrhptl ft),; f -- "5,0G0, OR?3fnCTMCW gist Prizes. ' Ireciti Tickets', Htdves, Quarters and Eighths, for sale at G. & R. WAITES' Truly Fortunate Lottery oflicV'S,' No. 64, &No. 38, Maiden Lane, Nm-Yor- k. Wkrc was sold in the two last lotteries, tlie highest PRI7C in each, and other capitals, to an enormous amount amongst them wete the following : No. 17199 (highest prijte) 25000 3929 (highest prize) 20000 15298 SOO0 13904 S2000 2559(5 S20t0 285rJ S2000 39:8 S10(W 20555 glOOO 2315 8000 Besides a great number of 500, 200, 100 dol- lar prizes &c. Distant adventurers, by forwarding bank ivnes of any description, to G & 11. Waite, in letters post paid, ma have tickets and sasres sent them to anv amount, with the strictest , and perfect safety, to any part of the United Stite, anil the earliest advice w ill be given of their success. CO Price oi tickets Seven Dollar1!. 2m ADVERTISEMENT. The fubferiber offers to the public, a Neva Invention for Pressing ; Calculated to funercede the use of the screw aimed, it not altogether. For a cheele Drels it (lands uilrivalled, as might be certified by a holt of wiuitfles is neceffarv : for an oil press, I f'ubmit the following certificate from a gentle man ot unqutitionable veracity. ri Certificate. J Lottery, I. Wm. Crawford, of South-eas- t Dutchefs county, ftatc of N. York, do certify, that I have used Betts's paten, Wheel Press, for preffmg oil, and find it preferable to any that 1 have everfeent as it produces irorc oil withlefs expenle, and ldo recommend it to the public as a very useful invention Witnefsniy hand. Vim. Crawford. The machine which 1 offer to the pub- lic (though it comes with a bad grace from me) reallv merits attention ; as fn cheese mating it reduces the labor from a degree to which female ftfength is illy adapted, to a! mo ft nothing ; and in pla- ces which are yet in their infancy, this machine will be peculiarly useful, as those kind of preffes, ii'ii.. the cider, clo- thier's and oil, are yet to be erected, and may he done at much less expense than the ordinaiy mode. Licer.fes tor conftrufting add using the above invention, will be afforded at a real'onable rate, by the fubferiber. Rezekicb Belts. NOR WALK, Fairfield county, Conn. STATE OF KENTUCKY: Fayette Circuit Court, March term, i?o6.' William Oouch, complainant Anainst Benjamin Turner, Higgins, Sec. deft 's. IN CHANCERY- - THE defend uu Benjaiiiin Turner, ha ving tailed to enter Ins appearance here in agreeable to law and the l tiles of this court, and it appearing to the fatisfac-tio- li of the court that he is not an inha- bitant of this commonwealth ; on the motion of the complainant by his coun-fe- l, it is ordtred, that the laid defendant do appear here on the third day of out next March term, and answer the com- plainant's b'nl, and that a copy of this order be mferted in lb me, authorifed pa- per agreeable to law. Acopv. Tefle, Ibss. liodley C.F.C.C sriTE or Kentucky . FjyetteC'n cu,t Court, Marcbirn, i3o6. AlbeitU; Liiiht, Samuel M'Oente, and John Vi'Gi lire, complainants, A fi.n.vt J Thoniab IM.R.iXChRY. i'.ii'.iifii, defendant, ON th' ini:,,-,- , of the compla'nants, by their ioui L-- ai; unit t.. J tc to tbe lati 1 not an vv ,.:n Can 1 t t l- -'i .i, exhibitted their hilt niovra ap;-i-- heir the thud, dav of ti i ?i.d . i,i, r 'C 'Hie' -- !b!i t Til! 'ihOi KO ho nt. 111U liavinjj .lo on in. y. ver tl.ecor.i- - P.rlly,(:.I.C.C. A tH I - OPOSALS will be receded e of the fubfi.rib;rs, living 1.1 Sc - I" ...... . m n iili iinrv. tmm anv ncrtun wikj iiiy vmi ' rj - j r puichate the Green longing to the Rittenbonfe Araden.y, m ("Georgetown, or any peilon who may wilh to exchange lands in Scott , I county for the ln:e. It uiiii(-'c-iiar- ivtil-"L- ,s in here to mention the quality, dotation or lad, one pair advantages those lands, is t lie the and water was perlonswrio would wiin topurcnaie ot ex would satisfy themfelvesprcvi his to their making propolals ; however, in- formation can be bd of the fubfcnbeis. Those who may be'difpoled to purchase cr exchange as will mke their propofab previous to the fourth Mon day in May Scott Aiinl'i, i3o6". JL WtVAl- c Tyn'r & SPECULATION. by yobn i ayne, ") oi n Thomson, C M. Gano, county, A TEACHER omm s. said Academv, who can cotneAv rmended is wanted, none other from such pronolals will alio be eceivcd by the tubfenbers, previous t tbe tourtu in iiay next. J. Payne, J. Thomson, to R. M. Gano. I gull payment. jztvoaru jmrs the imported hundred indebted Elifha ending August direct'on defir-rat- e payable January the."'" Mate, p.uptnyui reoue(, to with toal;anil putting proveto liberty putting gratis remains Twelve instance.. Attested notes thirty season erttlnsivc pastures, watered furnished to distsnee; greatest csjre attention accidents AURA is beautiful figure, h. A aocut i'j ill J llet and nevei next J R. to .md )iMtli ctca't sill 100 a and any 1 il on on ut bf ?n or o" is ettate I'cter (who of in trom we thole to - to will make lmuu- - 'be horse J has Virg. Jan. ii,, in Eastern States: has iust arrived at this Z credit who pleslc place to which I y? , - . l J.M J . t. . - in and1 the. late hrm much eight, and where has and call on Dr, the first day nest, who is tb same stable in this place that due Firi, and their last seasons, under the par-- ' by them cr then of Mr. trims and those who to motes it U have the firm are thirty dollars r the first day of may them t0 aJ ot on Iur .r.vciy i,u firtt day of next Forty dollars that Dr. has lest this insure mare foal, money to will see the nn.-:.Tr- !. , ... 1I .... . .,.! uic t;is aml wl n0 aval .1. w...i ....v. tiit.xi jj.i yiik.ii ijul iu ui;; - .n . ... I Dorse, it does not prove have been any by season and with the teims, whose mare) does have been with foal, shall the of to the horse next season, is she the propel ty of the per- son who put her dollars the leap to be paid in hand, and one dollar to the groom in every dol-Iar- s and for the li'-- l he with the mares good and well and are and will be gratis all mares sent from and the and will be paid by Mr. but cannot be for or es- - capes. April 1st, 1U05 with black legs, mane, and tail : full sixteen hand3 high, and movement and Iiqui- - refer you Maj. James Heard who in this place, and jSc have Arba think extrem' large and with of in sweep stake of which are He be tretter. G'ven hand Uiis 1,0th day of :.f- - j do whilst club plates, anumatclicsjtothe out dam "S.C- - J years oid of 50 so- - w.-i- 'iM tne be &c the that started Droe defen-- ! the f,..m. rli years my ha-iu- 6ih oi" un '.vo.v FOR SALE, .': JL 50 hereon now :e, Toiic of Elkjiorn, pood improvements; i ol' open land, h'K.fc iOV two ftr:i-- 46 iVct liood attending of change, aforel'-i- d, IVlonday with ftcnt-- s F.eut hurr Jtock feU whole ":; ill res are nniU and dilt.llerv on it, give one paid It rally handsome place to to buy, view premises. jlm Rogers. iWi?AV neHi"ratioii NOTICE. taken the of mr. Gepre of the o" Geo. in the ifiand Cuba .September Ins New all liavel claims ajainit laid eitate, anv there forward authenti- cated, that they may receive those tbe eitate blooded imported English de running jounsor., ARRA KOOKER. Johnson, much (Frederickfourg, l8o5. :m from Philadelphia, place he was NOTICE-- . . the year seventeen AC.LTperloiis to he distinguished Sanili iI?S'i"?'eaMl0df0:aPettelr.1I?.Un'cl Warfield, are requeued to and of attIie;Warfield' authonfed settle all the close two counts paying giving ticular care Gcorcre Souf'nntpr fnr the nnc. brayjun. an.Uyill be let mode- - demands agninft the neit,.which season, be.,"1 rbr,nS U discliargeit bytlicpayment twenty cnu.i September toikriows with the beretur-'fo- r Orleans, neceffity of nnl .. u.mwiu .ciuuiiis llOllbt, gentleman the complying not have) for forty insurance, expected under goodRncc protidtil, Sourbray, accountable JOHN W. HUNT. Lexington KOOKER, bay, for strength, He- - was of the 1,' tf all all the surpassed him 1..!.... 1. .; .. , . 1 ,. - . ' .1 . 11 - mi to cons of AVindiestcr, j Virginia, present on in F. in to td to he ar-- - is bv to to mo n.s ras an to is at to m to Mr. neartlns Taken up by Samuel and certificates are to this ad- - on the vertisement. . to hereby certify, a; by KooufeR, and it elegant, remarkable fi limbs The appearance it has induced to enter it Likewise haveseen a: considerable number, promising is Apposed to foal undcrtfrrv April, Jarries Heard; . Danl. Bradford.'1 t certify that v&s in New-Tovv- KOOKER TiKeand H.JlYorhsr-i.e- ; original. m- J.'Vai'l David's dwel- ling is an gL'.her, f extenuve being counted tieedlels n.ention luvther partn.;;' wishing letters lolirilon Johnson, latt, way place,) request properly payment; 'indebted acquired celebrity Brown Royalist pneejif forwrd D.r; payiucnt. Brown themselves first opportunity Dr. Warfield, lives hotife. that formerly occupied by Dr. Ridrely, and dole their accounts ways above. ELISHA WARFIELD Will continue practice and Surgery Lexington andivcinity. March 1806 46. NOTICE. SAML. BROWN, desires that perfops indebted him, will cill Elilha Warfield, who authorifed settle accounts and notes due him, before existence ihis partnership with Warfield books poliemon gaiice, bona, notPiprs necellary enable must.inie Robert Barr,' lives place, Barnhill, whose annexed creek waters, road leading from iHenrv's mill Cincinnati, DO tlfat bred colt' Sorrel dollars- i80fl. Teste, Orleans BKi3,i '"WTM IfoTthsllerton Medicine county i8o5. h ; I or iz a a it is i j a :.. .1 a a in a a a I I three vears old, hands and snip, perceiva- - raised March 3d, John A. Miller, county sit. Taken Henfon'Williams, living bteele aoout miles trom l.ex- - Sorrel Horse, old, hands hiah, branded in the Fall arid Winter of f803. saw sereiml t linear 'shoulder and with I of Aura Kookeu's colts, thev were risine- bntb bind feet white, with 3 fjCP ; nd threeyears old, they nromiseil to be verv' onnrain-r-l m ac Aril la hrnro sine, and during my stay that part of the - . Payne Jtm. country, I visited Penny-Tow- in New-Jerse- j , . where AnnAKdjpKfn had stood; and general' STATE KENTUCKY. reporf sppke Hglujt of'him as sure payette Court, term, 1806. good foal getter. V , William M'Bnde. comnlainant. Robert Barr, Lexington March 26th, 1806. William Lvtle, and Robert Bradlev dc- - ARRA KOOKER imported from- fei.daUts. Englandby Dr. Tate, Is abeiiutifulbay,! IN CHANCERY. wiUi black legs, mane and tail; full sixteen G&rse Manfell. comnlainant.' hand3 Ingh; lotty elegant with f great proportion of bone & strength .and wes The fanfe defendants, well; he is from tlie pure turf he .stfi-om- , IN CHANCERY. - - thobest line 10 horses im England". rnmnl.Ut.. nM mntion f Hr ARRA KOOKER bv theceJebra- - ted runninghorse Drone (who won 25 Kirgs ,lalcs, jocuy Fayette counsel, who exhibitted defendants, and amount of 5000 guineas) grand sire was VtTOVel1 tot"e lat,srt"'ff!n c.0,,rt) Herod, of Lilly; his grert gr.aid si Blank, the sire of Eclipse ; his was down, lars, brands dollars, their their againll uriciiuciit i.y of commonwealth, Dodswortli's Chailsvvorth marc, bv Chads- - ordered that the said defendant do ap worth, of Blank's, (dam Thule) pear here on the third day next grand Mam by Engineer, ids great grand June term, and answer complainants' Wilson's Arabian, hii, gre-- t great bills, or same will be taken for grand Spot, hii great great confefl'ed, and that copy this order great grancuiam ny iviogui, greac-jtrea- t t be inierted m tome authonleU paper gieat grand liy day ..Jolton, Cur- - meeable to' law. win's Barb, Spot White legg'd Lather barb, etc. ARRA when three won sweep 100 tniinr-.-- i ;, two. lnileu. five at New Castle on guineas ; at sour v old he over tlie course 100 guineas New.Cusile on Tine no v. nulf 1 Dt.dstvoith, v d is 1 o.ic anil (is bring .... 0f the &. Doctor his Doctor uuir.c Eagle I I Horse sure huttnek Circuit March 1798. figure, ji-ai- nst a one A 85 up by one D. and was was ....,, his ire Was t1ai inhabitant son of of cuir the by the Hutton's of copy. Bodley, NOTICE. 'ON seventeenth dav of May next, ten o'clock (hall the commillioners appointed enter him the sour mi'c hrats, (vou "X ve county court 1'ayette, my may tl't-- i house, and fiom thence pioceed th" injur) leg, receive :"n'ii:';, b"giiining of the tract of was taKen out of training-- ; but which he is, whereon live, which wasoriginal-nowperfc-ll- v recovered -- nd free from blcitiish. ly entered the of Willia-n- i.sij niw bi'jnt Kooke.-- , t'r-- i da' horse the id; xJX. iiid fi.r bred bv . ofC that out be slie ptdigrcc be to the the that Ike. under illb.ihitnnt rnmmnii.iand I.C.-.- at City OIK,' til.;. 2 urd-rr- d the August, J, tiav hor-- order ineto their jSortli r(M0 akc' .),. .vlice court, Book, Given said (I,ui. true copy from that the fmie will be! THIi bay bore, A'.i- -i by D.on ..nd th.t coiw ,orm gray inert .mine-- : in a't'.n! mJ, more t'.an ght last WiUiei. All', ' ,., f ,e ti'L li" iiou.. ni. 4 I r. arcs the 2 wide lon. two GRIST lemir. crinc! very is. Known will is I the the considerable third down. gene very, as can the " ING of atlmi-- J iineily lioufe died on this may be) them, lo Peter so ... Doftors has the and 500 of the call who specified on 1 ana all cuiinueiu accounts. who t 15 Inch, a star no to j. on run, o 14 on I hlae re in OE a 4 a a blood, Mr. two ,w got ...- - ... , bills , . - . .. . ... e llir i ic, 13 UUI this, it is a Abba his" that by a a uarn Grab, stake tli.c by the iniiiiji dam dam A 1 ejte, 7 the the morning, at tend with again-- t ol at in to of an in in-- , ni he corner land of norir in name Afe : M'C.n.i-icl- I : take dpnnli. jam.vttons witneiles, perpetuate lete. ot l'niiart.!.nu, Ar.ijudLi.u-as- . t.rTiTi.,iiv. m th of 1011 01 helstivl ns Of 1 it I. tb to- is I I in to ns my find fuivey.and do fuih other things - nv - ,,,,., i, Mr-r- ,,,, -- , .. Abba 1 Tor ' hrnr . nferinrc may" a M'' ) c oU .,v A U... M 1 with tai to of his s n of IU ,ki ,,;;VAprii,6. tb6. jilidayof Fayette county fct. Convers Norton. Loo;;.-- , ci1"-""'- : mi.l.oi'.i'. i f .) II I ?. lying-o- pHon p. r. - having in 1 I w bos. C.F.C.C: t' IMUIIl JlllCll. !W laken up ny tipt. Littl-beir- y r.l vn g on tue hi.ut waters ot Noitl i oin, in ) .!. cou.ity, a i jiit It tii own Horse, to ui :s YL'jvs om, ail ut 14 liainls i laiiub- - li.vt ; ai'i'iaiicu 'u Urs. Given uuner in hand ih ,m r'' 5, . L'uiri'on vali: roo TABLE TROPE RTY H)R SA.I.K. acres Mint, on sold in and rjrulli N.,W. T. where iheioad prior to the rt LiniRonc i Chillirothe tun tr.i' t contains about ti'fe Land, lying prop; dre.n jilv 1SU4, for der.'sJ crtek, contracted death diesa crolTes ti.'M iui:uieo t i,, aires of rich bottom, the remainder is ptep.'-'met.t- , well tim'ieicd; on it ? pood mill mn of' li u-.- 't, and is an exctllentUanu for a pub- lic hotife. " 500 acres ditto flittojyinon Clovei Licit creek, a branch ol the Lalt fork of the Little Miami, N. W. T. in a 3'ood neighborhood, about three wiles from Dunhams-Tow- n, fevru from William - aurr, and eleven to twelve from the O-h- river. , i , . Inin T . . , T, i i - t . . iwu acres uitto aitxo, Jy rnrj on loiiu joiii.iii ki.i. joroan jum creek, a tew miles trom Nrw Mari-et- N. W.T. 5000 acres, lyinrr on Bank, Lick creek, Kentucky, part of two tr.-c:- , contain ing 6000 acres, v'eyed and patentee' tor illiani Jones. 4000 acres, Clarke county, Kentucky, part of a tract of eight thousand acres, surveyed and patented'for Richard Chin-nevort- h. 3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken- tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed and patented for George Underwood. 1200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky, surveyed and patented for Moody M;Millin. 1000 acres Military land,-o- n the wa. tersjof RufTell's creek, Green river. 32.5 aCres, Tetferfon county, Kentuc ky, about sour miles from Louisville, 40 acres ot this tract is cleared. in 116 -2 acres,Fra nklin county, Ken tucky, on the North fork of Elkho'rn, about six miles froniFrankfort ; on that tract are conlmerable improvements. A Hon se and well improved Lot in the town of Paris, on Main street, nda adjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern. An Inn and Out Lot in said town. Also a House and well improved Lot in this place. The above described property will be sold low far Cash, Hemp and Tobac- co, or on giving bond with good fecuri- - ty, a conliderable credit may be had. .For further particulars enquire of An- drew F. Price, attorney in fact for (or to the fubferiber.) JOHN JORDAN Jun. Lexington Kentucky,? January 13, 1803. 7 WANTED, JSOBERj industrious man, who Is capa-- t ble of driving a stage with sour horses, to be employed in Driving the Mail Sta?e from Limestone to Frankfort, once a week, to commence on the first of May next. Applica tion to be made to N. Wil!isat ChillicoUie, or Joshua Wilson, in Lexington. M October 1,1805. LOFTUS NOEL, TATI rTt ,tl ESPECTFUtLY informs the Citizens of Lexington and. the Public in general, that lie has commenced business in the House late ly occupied by Maj. Mqirifon,(on Short Street,) where he intends tbpurfue the same in all its various branches, and hopes from his fcnowledga ot the above bulinefs, with the ftrifteft attention and a desire to please, to merit a fhareof public patronage. Ladies and Gentlemen, wlio will be so obliging as to savour him with their cultohi, may rely on having their work done in the. most falhiona-blean- d belt manner, on the ihdrteft notice, and on reasonable terms. LOFTU? NOEL. M.S. One or two Apprentices will be ta- ken to to the above business. The fubferiber has for sale an excellent CoaclieevvitliHarnefs,onlpw tnrms forCalh. s jjyl"QTlife L beiiirlu; three J TRAYED fitX'fcriber in May last, a eoloured MARE, . sears old last fprini;, a spot ad- - Joinirig'one of lies sore Tees on the Tore part Of the .hoof, hufliy 'mane and tail, had on an old bell, Also, a two year old GELD IjVG, a dark or bav, a Mar jn the sorehead, snip on one nostril, I believe his lees are all white, on the sore lees the white, does not reach high up, a fivitch tail, a lengthy made colt. They were brought from Virginia last winter, by; the Crab Orchard, and may have attempted to make that way Whoever vyijl deliver the above colts to me in Ureefi county near where the Columbia road croites the road Ieadinz from Stanford to Greenfburcli fiiall receive Ffve Dollars for each and tra- velling espences paid r conveying them. . WILLIA4VI WALDEN. County, Dec. 10, 1805. 4m '5t"iitv- - m ail 5A 1 vsy v Mi ..Jrffi tf&ttftt&t do. ai straw w'uite brown Green I BEG lfcave td In- - ' form my friends, late customers, and the public, that Ihaveorqught from Philadel- phia, Flesh is" Fashionable SHOES OF ALL KINDS, for sale at mv shop on Short Bj "1 eet, next door to mr. Keiser's !a.i and neulv onnnsito il,..,,,. ;et hoUse, LcXiilgtf. to wit Men.T sine :mdtq:U-s- Shoes, ., Boys' sine and loarse do. Lahea' Leather Slippeis, do. Fancy Kid bhoes, do. do. Kid, with htils and spring heels, pf ailcoio'irs, Spp.-.gU-- ai'd plain Kid of all Colors, Spangied iumi nliuti MoioctoSlp- per, of all colors, M?s"S' Kid and Moio'-o- Slippers, Cnildrein' Morocco ot all coluj and L i, ther i.e. &c. Thc abov e articles I w..nant to :iq .ver lo tbe .state, or m;;'1 nd Stai"s : :t have i.ora' but nit be rs go id - iii tin- - Loii- - i .. , ..... . !'' nt vvf'it to tlattc Hie ,:i'nl.e v. .'i :.n udvir. a. thevvnl- - i.l Jnu fr in Is. j MJP.V:r.O :.KiNJi,l all cum, Lfi'itir K U ..i'" . f ..',: ria .i'.d vw ,.- J ' v: iC'twk So..l., B! ',!. ii. II ut iiipciiorquai-- ' i. i aLo, a sew pah- - SKATES. WILLIAM ROSS, i 1 VOTICE. t, lot',ieest!t-eo- OabriJ M d son. 1 I ,'",l'' r- in tio him .,..,.!, has il. tw tt ot 'is 'S ,10 ?" 11 ii--a; tO ii' ; t' v Lexington. Dcc 4lti, lriuo. Allt'-osoindjtr-- (j JT. decei 'i'taccri,rii "t 'IiispH ". J inimct wl3 Joint L. ALtnr:, Ex LAST NO 'r Mftdison dec. m-K-f- J , i 1, ii - mo oii-n to "ie l a tr in ms i "5; lt h.u:S. Lanr.nn, Ji !iti A. Seiu, L.hi.h.i. loiiii beitz U. Lo. n 1 ru:n; ) Iun Raw y .. ev. i.o. ana jo'in a vvi::i i Jordan, nie reciutited to 101 forwaid immediately and pay o'.F their relpiilise accounts to Cuktis Fikld, who is hereby dufy to receive the same. Those who do not avail thcinf lv.-- s of this no- tice, may rest allured, that indulgence vv.ll not be given beyond the first of March, v. hen suits will be indifcrimi- - nately inflituted. . Jordan jr. N. B T O B A CC O, HtMP, and HOGS' LAUD, will he received at the market price, 111 payment. I xmgton, January 2S. 1P05, tf KEW SCHOOL. MH Zr uc nnrrvr tS ...... v ouij, uivr.jitN, EEG leave to acquaint their friends in Lex- ington ami its vicinity, th..t on Kondav, the 6th of January, 1806, they mtend oprning an Academy J or TotniP- - Ladies, where will be taught, the following brandies of Education, (viz.) Spellino:, Heading, witli ojl klndc of estate ner nnrfer- - n (. ie work, g 3 Writing & Arithmetic, J En;;i;b Gram :ier, Geography, &e. 3 MB'C, t vocal J; yisii umeiiu.1) .Ui use ui instruiiKnt, 13 Such ladit-- anil ri uilrtim ,vtifnT-r.- . 1. j.ivrni. iviiu. nour them vit,tlie initiu.T.on of their ihil-ilre- n, may relv 00 tlicir iifim; every exertion in their power; towards their making a rapid piogrefs. N.B. Tlie mnniifaetorv of Patent Piano Fortes, is carried on asulml. Price 1S0 dot. Iars. Mr. Gren has iuft received from PMIn.IrL pli:a, an aflbrtrncnt of r EW MUSIC, willed be offers for fair. Lexirpton, December :i. i8?. IMPOKTANT. TO all those v. ho wi.h tid ertobecomeci- - tizc.-.- s to hold hnds in tb.t delightful counl try south of gn en river. The subscriber b. - g inc.incd remove to Tiii..i.see. sle, the p''uitation onwhiih he iiigeuier v. mi six tnousant! I'eres of ate on botn sidea of Red river, and 111 .l , ,. ... pcivviii, iiieii'uii;e; several oik- - mill oheri fur lind, sitiiyR Bn vufiy teats, and us valuable a Ixmyut tniiber .'. am on Red river surrounded by smc of uhirh qual qu.-Jit- to any in Log-i- county ; about au ; es ui - una, under good finer; a small apple orchard of the K-s- t fruit, a peaih and chcrrj' orchard, j.11 in per'Wtion. On the is a large and clegai.t'two story-Bric- House, entire!) new , wiu'i mnir necessary buildings. pon.t of health and beauty, tins situation pulr , ft exceeded by non in the state of Kci.ti'cky. Ihei.Unta-tio- m lay one on the nonh, tbe other on the south side of the river, a l.tile below where die two forks unite, oppos.te the of Big Whipperv. :H. l'iio-- stream, us- - iord water suhicifit (tin- - nv tv m paiticid. r,) all the year to support a r.nchait and s',v mill. A considei-abl- ol Uie timbeiod land is line ri'-- bottom The h"., also fjr sale Rim''7y o. ther tnetse f Undin Los-.,- coui)ly, and Ike wise in Christian comtv, 1 tract inLivinsion, count)', and oncoiiCiiubeitatwl m-er- , Stewart: count), (state of Tcnncs .ee); he has in one compleat tract in Christ, an l.j,00o acres, equ.--J perhaps in value, to :.nt trart in that county. It is s.tuate on the main source of Littk including several niik-- , on both sdes ns the river, and including irpe sine mill s (this river is a never fading fountain) ,t is s.tu'-a- te part about sour rules below the court house, and extends from thoicc soutljvv ardly down the main rivciaiul the Sinking fork rif said rhar, tliediFt.irce.if five miles (or more perhaps.) The suhsri iber has also another tract Qf Land, lying en the South side of Lit-ti- e River, about eight or ten miles from Cum-brtrm- d H iver, co.isis.tii.g o- - 7H00 acies, part well 'nnhered, the rihiairder good led b:.j-reu- Thisand the other Lit trret, has a number of sine spi inirs on them, and an both.wcl! calculated to form a scttklncnt for a number of families. The former is siifirin't to make settlement for 20.f imilic3; the latter issjifgeient to make 8 or 10 farms, and good settlements. The ubsc ii er h rs for sale, sun. dry other.smallcr trnctt in Christian, all or anv of wliich.he will sell upon terms nerh.mmi moderate man any such lands have been sold for many J ears past. '1 jlt summer range all tins country, iscqral to any in the universe "p Indisputab'e titles will be made to the purclia sers. For terms and fmlhir infoimation, an-p- 'y to theshbscriber 1 bis plantation, about 12 miles South of Russeiviik- - Letters addics-ec- t to the subscriber, postpaid and lest in the post-o-JS- it Riisst lyjille-- , 'i i II be dfly sUcnded to, and answered through the medium of the mail. part of the purchase money be in advauee. a considin.ble indulgence will be given for tbe -- mpinder. ... BEVERLY A. ALLEM. IVprch 23, 1805- - ' 2m Mr: Ralph Morgan, and Thoiras Sweet t ::;gen, heir and executor of I horn is hwearenr;en,decealed, TAKli NOTfCE, TH T on tlie fourteenth dav of Tom. next, at th- - house of George Shackel-;fe:- d, in 'He town of Richmond, Kentui-'k- v, I fli-,- pioceed lo take the depofi- - ti. ns of V ilium livine, ad of others, jei oe reiin. as evi.-irn-- in the tint c ependn c'neuit rrr'rr. in f k(d '.voile. I rni.ll-.lmiu.i- f anl , -- v'--l - " .' ( April ( 'h, l ? Of V V ,( OJ , tf oi to vre.jidi., ' in premises In andjit subscriber in mentioned irr Is ,' ' m the flontgomery 'in. ... i ,..;., i I . , . UUI ui a.e defendants, ' uiopber Irvine. 4i books ' i .' A be liad at 2.

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Post on 08-Mar-2020




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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY Eastern States: has iust arrived at this Z credit who pleslc placeto which




A blc-si- unknown'to ambition and pride,That fortune can never abate.

To wealth and to splendor too' often deny'd,et on poverty deigns to ,

That blessing, ye povv er, oh be it my lot,The best sr ft from above '

Deep fix'd in my heart, sh."ll be never forgotThe wealth ot the cottage is Love.

Whate'er tr.y cor.di.ion, why should I repine,By poverty never distress'd ?

Exulting I flt what a treasure.! mine ;

A treasure enshrin'd hi my.brea t.

That bles-in- g, ye powers ! i' Try lot ;

The cho'cest, best from abov e '

Still fiVd mmy heart, it'er be forgotTI'C w ealth of. the cottage is Lo. i

Neiv- - York Grand Literature

No. 4,

Authorfsed by an act of the Legislature, and

payment of prizes guaranteed by them, positively be- - gins drawing in May next.

'UW Vifillnrrhicrhptlft),;f --"5,0G0,



Prizes. '


Tickets', Htdves, Quarters and Eighths, forsale at

G. & R. WAITES'Truly Fortunate Lottery oflicV'S,'

No. 64, &No. 38, Maiden Lane,Nm-Yor- k.

Wkrc was sold in the two last lotteries, tlie

highest PRI7C in each, and other capitals,to an enormous amount amongst them wetethe following :

No. 17199 (highest prijte) 250003929 (highest prize) 20000

15298 SOO013904 S20002559(5 S20t0285rJ S2000

39:8 S10(W20555 glOOO

2315 8000Besides a great number of 500, 200, 100 dol-

lar prizes &c.

Distant adventurers, by forwarding bankivnes of any description, to G & 11. Waite, inletters post paid, ma have tickets and sasressent them to anv amount, with the strictest

, and perfect safety, to any part ofthe United Stite, anil the earliest advice w ill begiven of their success. CO Price oi ticketsSeven Dollar1!. 2m

ADVERTISEMENT.The fubferiber offers to the public, a

Neva Invention for Pressing ;Calculated to funercede the use of thescrew aimed, it not altogether. For acheele Drels it (lands uilrivalled, asmight be certified by a holt of wiuitflesis neceffarv : for an oil press, I f'ubmitthe following certificate from a gentleman ot unqutitionable veracity.

ri Certificate.



I. Wm. Crawford, of South-eas- t

Dutchefs county, ftatc of N. York, docertify, that I have used Betts's paten,Wheel Press, for preffmg oil, and findit preferable to any that 1 have everfeentas it produces irorc oil withlefs expenle,and ldo recommend it to the public as avery useful invention Witnefsniy hand.

Vim. Crawford.

The machine which 1 offer to the pub-lic (though it comes with a bad gracefrom me) reallv merits attention ; as fncheese mating it reduces the labor froma degree to which female ftfength is illyadapted, to a! mo ft nothing ; and in pla-

ces which are yet in their infancy, thismachine will be peculiarly useful, asthose kind of preffes, ii'ii.. the cider, clo-

thier's and oil, are yet to be erected, andmay he done at much less expense thanthe ordinaiy mode.

Licer.fes tor conftrufting add using theabove invention, will be afforded at a

real'onable rate, by the fubferiber.Rezekicb Belts.

NOR WALK, Fairfield county, Conn.

STATE OF KENTUCKY:Fayette Circuit Court, March term, i?o6.'

William Oouch, complainantAnainst

Benjamin Turner, Higgins, Sec. deft 's.IN CHANCERY--

THE defend uu Benjaiiiin Turner, having tailed to enter Ins appearance herein agreeable to law and the l tiles of thiscourt, and it appearing to the fatisfac-tio- li

of the court that he is not an inha-bitant of this commonwealth ; on themotion of the complainant by his coun-fe- l,

it is ordtred, that the laid defendantdo appear here on the third day of outnext March term, and answer the com-plainant's b'nl, and that a copy of thisorder be mferted in lb me, authorifed pa-per agreeable to law.

Acopv. Tefle,Ibss. liodley C.F.C.C

sriTE or Kentucky .

FjyetteC'n cu,t Court, Marcbirn, i3o6.AlbeitU; Liiiht, Samuel M'Oente, and

John Vi'Gi lire, complainants,A fi.n.vtJ Thoniab

IM.R.iXChRY.i'.ii'.iifii, defendant,

ON th' ini:,,-,- , of the compla'nants,by their ioui L--

ai; unit t.. J tcto tbe lati1 not anvv ,.:nCanfi.li1

ttl- -'i


exhibitted their hiltniovra

ap;-i-- heir the thud, dav ofti i ?i.d

. i,i, r'C 'Hie'--!b!i t



hont. 111U liavinjj

.lo onin.


ver tl.ecor.i- -



I -

OPOSALS will be receded e

of the fubfi.rib;rs, living 1.1 Sc- I" ...... . m n iiliiinrv. tmm anv ncrtun wikj iiiy vmi' r j - j r

puichate the Greenlonging to the Rittenbonfe Araden.y, m

("Georgetown, or any peilon whomay wilh to exchange lands in Scott


Icounty for the ln:e. It uiiii(-'c-iiar- ivtil-"L- ,s in

here to mention the quality, dotation or lad, one pairadvantages those lands, is t lie the and water wasperlonswrio would wiin topurcnaie ot ex

would satisfy themfelvesprcvi histo their making propolals ; however, in-

formation can be bd of the fubfcnbeis.Those who may be'difpoled to purchasecr exchange as will mke theirpropofab previous to the fourth Monday in May

Scott Aiinl'i, i3o6".




yobn i ayne, ")

oi n Thomson, CM. Gano,



omm s.

said Academv, who can cotneAvrmended is wanted, none other

from such pronolals will alio beeceivcd by the tubfenbers, previous t

tbe tourtu in iiay next.

J. Payne,J. Thomson,

to R. M. Gano.


gull payment.jztvoaru jmrs


imported hundred indebtedElifha

ending August

direct'ondefir-rat- e



p.uptnyui reoue(,

to withtoal;anil putting

provetoliberty putting gratis


instance.. Attested notesthirty season

erttlnsivcpastures, watered

furnished todistsnee; greatest

csjre attentionaccidents

AURA is beautiful




aocut i'jill J

llet and





sill100 a



1 ilon







(who of introm

we thole


- to will make lmuu- -



has Virg. Jan. ii,,in Eastern States: has iust arrived at this Z




place to which I y? ,- . l J.M J . t. . -

in and1 the. late hrmmuch eight, and where has and

call on Dr,

the first day nest, who is tbsame stable in this place that due Firi, and their

last seasons, under the par-- ' by them cr thenof Mr. trims and those who

to motes it U have the firm arethirty dollars r

the first day of may them t0 aJot on Iur .r.vciy i,u

firtt day of next Forty dollars that Dr. has lest thisinsure mare foal, money to will see the

nn.-:.Tr- !. , ... 1I ..... .,.! uic t;is aml wl n0 aval.1. w...i ....v. tiit.xi jj.i yiik.ii ijul iu ui;;- . n . ... I

Dorse, it does not prove have beenany by season

and with the teims, whose mare)does have been with foal, shallthe of to the horse nextseason, is she the propel ty of the per-son who put her dollars the leap tobe paid in hand, and one dollar to the groom inevery dol-Iar- s

and for the li'--l hewith the mares good andwell and

are and will be gratis allmares sent from and the

and will be paid by Mr.but cannot be for or es- -


April 1st, 1U05

with black legs, mane, and tail : full sixteenhand3 high, and

movement and Iiqui- -

refer you Maj. James Heardwho in this place, and jSc

haveArba think extrem'

large and withof

in sweep stake of

which are He betretter. G'ven hand Uiis

1,0th day of :.f- -

jdo whilst

club plates, anumatclicsjtothe


"S.C- -


years oidof


so- -w.-i- 'iM







defen-- !the

f,..m. rliyears my ha-iu-

6ih oi"




.': JL 50hereon now :e,

Toiicof Elkjiorn, pood improvements;

i ol' open land,h'K.fc iOV two ftr:i--

46 iVct


attending of


aforel'-i- d,



ftcnt-- s F.eut hurrJtock

feU whole

":; ill



nniU and dilt.llervon it, giveone paid Itrally handsome place

toto buy,

view premises.jlm Rogers.



the of mr. Gepreof the o" Geo.

in the ifiand Cuba.September Ins New

all liavelclaims ajainit laid eitate, anv there

forward authenti-cated, that they may receive those

tbe eitateblooded imported English derunning jounsor.,

ARRA KOOKER. Johnson,much (Frederickfourg, l8o5. :m

from Philadelphia, place he was NOTICE-- .

.the year seventeen AC.LTperloiis to

he distinguished SaniliiI?S'i"?'eaMl0df0:aPettelr.1I?.Un'cl Warfield, are requeued to

and of attIie;Warfield' authonfed settle allthe close

two counts paying givingticular care Gcorcre Souf'nntpr fnr the nnc.brayjun. an.Uyill be let mode- - demands agninft


season,be.,"1 rbr,nS U

discliargeit bytlicpayment twenty cnu.iSeptember toikriows

with the beretur-'fo- r Orleans, neceffity ofnnl ..u.mwiu .ciuuiiis llOllbt,

gentleman thecomplyingnot have)

for fortyinsurance,

expectedunder goodRncc



JOHN W. HUNT.Lexington

KOOKER, bay,

for strength, He- -


of the

1,' tf



surpassed him1..!.... 1. .; .. , . 1 ,. -

. ' .1 . 11 -mi to consof AVindiestcr, j

Virginia, present

on inF.





he ar-- -

is bv to tomo n.s ras an

tois at



to Mr. neartlns Taken up by Samueland certificates are to this ad- - on thevertisement. . to

hereby certify, a;by KooufeR, and it

elegant, remarkable filimbs The appearance it has inducedto enter itLikewise haveseen a: considerable number,

promising is Apposed tofoal undcrtfrrv

April,Jarries Heard;


Danl. Bradford.'1 t

certify that v&s in New-Tovv-



H.JlYorhsr-i.e- ;


m- J.'Vai'l



ling is





tieedlels n.ention luvther partn.;;'wishing


Johnson,latt, way

place,) request



acquired celebrity



pneejif forwrd D.r;


themselves first opportunityDr. Warfield, lives hotife.

that formerly occupied by Dr.Ridrely, and dole their accounts

ways above.

ELISHA WARFIELDWill continue practice andSurgery Lexington andivcinity.

March 1806

46. NOTICE.SAML. BROWN, desires

that perfops indebted him, willcill Elilha Warfield, whoauthorifed settle accounts and

notes due him, before existenceihis partnership with Warfield

books poliemongaiice, bona, notPiprs necellary enable


Robert Barr,' lives place, Barnhill,whose annexed creek waters, road leading from

iHenrv's mill Cincinnati,DO tlfat bred colt' Sorrel










h ;




ait is



a:.. .1








three vears old, handsand snip, perceiva- -

raised March 3d,

John A. Miller,

county sit.Taken Henfon'Williams, living

bteele aoout miles trom l.ex- -

Sorrel Horse,old, hands hiah, branded

in the Fall arid Winter of f803. saw sereiml tlinear 'shoulder and with Iof Aura Kookeu's colts, thev were risine- bntb bind feet white, with 3 fjCP ;

nd threeyears old, they nromiseil to be verv' onnrain-r-l m ac Aril la hrnrosine, and during my stay that part of the -

. Payne, I visited Penny-Tow- in New-Jerse- j , .where AnnAKdjpKfn had stood; and general' STATE KENTUCKY.reporf sppke Hglujt of'him as sure payette Court, term, 1806.good foal getter. V

, William M'Bnde. comnlainant.Robert Barr,

Lexington March 26th, 1806. William Lvtle, and Robert Bradlev dc- -ARRA KOOKER imported from- fei.daUts.

Englandby Dr. Tate, Is abeiiutifulbay,! IN CHANCERY.wiUi black legs, mane and tail; full sixteen G&rse Manfell. comnlainant.'hand3 Ingh; lotty elegant with fgreat proportion of bone & strength .and wes The fanfe defendants,well; he is from tlie pure turf he .stfi-om- ,


thobest line10 horses im England". rnmnl.Ut..nM mntion f HrARRA KOOKER bv theceJebra- -

ted runninghorse Drone (who won 25 Kirgs,lalcs, jocuy


counsel, who exhibitteddefendants, and

amount of 5000 guineas) grand sire was VtTOVel1 tot"e lat,srt"'ff!n c.0,,rt)Herod, of Lilly; his grert gr.aid siBlank, the sire of Eclipse ; his was




their theiragainll

uriciiuciit i.yof commonwealth,

Dodswortli's Chailsvvorth marc, bv Chads- - ordered that the said defendant do apworth, of Blank's, (dam Thule) pear here on the third day next

grand Mam by Engineer, ids great grand June term, and answer complainants'Wilson's Arabian, hii, gre-- t great bills, or same will be taken for

grand Spot, hii great great confefl'ed, and that copy this ordergreat grancuiam ny iviogui, greac-jtrea- t t be inierted m tome authonleU papergieat grand liy day ..Jolton, Cur- - meeable to''s Barb, Spot White legg'd Lather barb,etc.

ARRA when threewon sweep 100 tniinr-.-- i ;, two. lnileu.five at New Castle on

guineas ; at sour v old heover tlie course 100 guineas

New.Cusile on Tine no v. nulf




is 1











I I Horse



Circuit March


figure, ji-ai- nst





up by





was ....,,

hisire Was t1ai


son of of cuirthe

by theHutton's of


NOTICE.'ON seventeenth dav of May next,ten o'clock (hall

the commillioners appointedenter him the sour mi'c hrats, (vou "X ve county court 1'ayette, mymay tl't-- i house, and fiom thence pioceed th"

injur) leg, receive :"n'ii:';, b"giiining of the tract ofwas taKen out of training-- ; but which he is, whereon live, which wasoriginal-nowperfc-ll- v

recovered -- nd free from blcitiish. ly entered the of Willia-n-

i.sij niw bi'jntKooke.-- , t'r-- i da'


theid; xJX. iiid

fi.rbred bv . ofC




ptdigrcc be to thethe that Ike. under

illb.ihitnnt rnmmnii.iand I.C.-.- at City OIK,' til.;. 2

urd-rr- d the August, J,

tiav hor-- orderineto their

jSortli r(M0akc'

.),..vlicecourt, Book, Given



true copy from

that the fmie will be! THIi bay bore, A'.i- -i by D.on..nd th.t coiw ,orm gray

inert .mine-- :

in a't'.n! mJ, more t'.anght last WiUiei.

All',' ,., f ,e



iiou.. ni.


I r.

arcs the2

wide lon. two GRISTlemir. crinc! veryis.

Known will




considerablethird down. gene


as canthe


ING of atlmi-- J

iineily lioufediedon


be) them,lo





of the callwho



1 ana all

cuiinueiu accounts.


t 15 Inch, astar no



on run, o

14 onI




4a a





got ...- - ... ,

bills , . - . .. . ...e

llir i ic, 13 UUIthis, it

isa Abba


thatby a

auarn Grab,






A 1 ejte,7

thethe morning, at

tend withagain-- t ol at

in toof an in in-- , ni he corner land

of noririn name

Afe : M'C.n.i-icl- I : take dpnnli.jam.vttons witneiles, perpetuate

lete. ot l'niiart.!.nu, Ar.ijudLi.u-as- . t.rTiTi.,iiv. m th


1011 01 helstivlns Of 1








in to

nsmy find fuivey.and do fuih other things

- nv - ,,,,., i, Mr-r- ,,,, -- , ..

Abba 1 Tor ' hrnr .

nferinrc may"

aM'' )

c oU.,v

A U...M











,,;;VAprii,6. tb6.jilidayof Fayette county fct.

Convers Norton.Loo;;.-- ,

ci1"-""'- :



f .)II






r. -






bos. C.F.C.C:

t' IMUIIl JlllCll.!W

laken up ny tipt. Littl-beir- y r.lvn g on tue hi.ut waters ot Noitl

ioin, in ) .!. cou.ity, aijiit It tii own Horse,

to ui :s YL'jvs om, ail ut 14 liainlsi laiiub- - li.vt ; ai'i'iaiicu 'u

Urs. Given uuner in hand ih,m r'' 5,

. L'uiri'on



acres Mint, on sold in andrjrulli N.,W. T. where iheioad prior to the rt

LiniRonc i Chillirothetun tr.i' t contains about ti'fe

Land, lying prop; dre.n jilv 1SU4, for der.'sJcrtek, contracted death diesa

crolTes ti.'Miui:uieo t i,,

aires of rich bottom, the remainder is ptep.'-'met.t-,

well tim'ieicd; on it ? pood mill mn of' li

u-.- 't, and is an exctllentUanu for a pub-lic hotife. "

500 acres ditto flittojyinon CloveiLicit creek, a branch ol the Lalt fork ofthe Little Miami, N. W. T. in a 3'oodneighborhood, about three wiles fromDunhams-Tow- n, fevru from William -aurr, and eleven to twelve from the O-h-


, i ,


Inin T . . , T, i i - t . .iwu acres uitto aitxo, Jy rnrj on loiiu joiii.iii ki.i. joroan jumcreek, a tew miles trom Nrw Mari-et-

N. W.T.5000 acres, lyinrr on Bank, Lick creek,

Kentucky, part of two tr.-c:- , containing 6000 acres, v'eyed and patentee'tor illiani Jones.

4000 acres, Clarke county, Kentucky,part of a tract of eight thousand acres,surveyed and patented'for Richard Chin-nevort- h.

3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken-

tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed andpatented for George Underwood.

1200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky,surveyed and patented for MoodyM;Millin.

1000 acres Military land,-o- n the wa.tersjof RufTell's creek, Green river.

32.5 aCres, Tetferfon county, Kentucky, about sour miles from Louisville, 40acres ot this tract is cleared.


116 -2 acres,Fra nklin county, Kentucky, on the North fork of Elkho'rn,about six miles froniFrankfort ; on thattract are conlmerable improvements.

A Hon se and well improved Lot inthe town of Paris, on Main street, ndaadjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern.

An Inn and Out Lot in said town.Also a House and well improved Lot

in this place.The above described property will be

sold low far Cash, Hemp and Tobac-co, or on giving bond with good fecuri- -

ty, a conliderable credit may be had..For further particulars enquire of An-drew F. Price, attorney in fact for (orto the fubferiber.)

JOHN JORDAN Jun.Lexington Kentucky,?

January 13, 1803.

7 WANTED,JSOBERj industrious man, who Is capa-- t

ble of driving a stage with sour horses,to be employed in

Driving the Mail Sta?efrom Limestone to Frankfort, once a week, tocommence on the first of May next. Application to be made to N. Wil!isat ChillicoUie, orJoshua Wilson, in Lexington.

M October 1,1805.


,tl ESPECTFUtLY informs the Citizensof Lexington and. the Public in general, thatlie has commenced business in the House lately occupied by Maj. Mqirifon,(on ShortStreet,) where he intends tbpurfue the samein all its various branches, and hopes from hisfcnowledga ot the above bulinefs, with theftrifteft attention and a desire to please, tomerit a fhareof public patronage. Ladiesand Gentlemen, wlio will be so obliging as tosavour him with their cultohi, may rely onhaving their work done in the. most falhiona-blean- d

belt manner, on the ihdrteft notice, andon reasonable terms.

LOFTU? NOEL.M.S. One or two Apprentices will be ta-

ken to to the above business.The fubferiber has for sale an excellent

CoaclieevvitliHarnefs,onlpw tnrms forCalh.

sjjyl"QTlifeL beiiirlu;


J TRAYEDfitX'fcriber in May last, a



sears old last fprini;, a spot ad- -

Joinirig'one of lies sore Tees on the Tore partOf the .hoof, hufliy 'mane and tail, had on anold bell, Also, a two year old

GELD IjVG,a dark or bav, a Mar jn the sorehead,snip on one nostril, I believe his lees are allwhite, on the sore lees the white, does notreach high up, a fivitch tail, a lengthy madecolt. They were brought from Virginia lastwinter, by; the Crab Orchard, and may haveattempted to make that way Whoever vyijl

deliver the above colts to me in Ureefi countynear where the Columbia road croites theroad Ieadinz from Stanford to Greenfburclifiiall receive Ffve Dollars for each and tra-velling espences paid r conveying them.

. WILLIA4VI WALDEN.County, Dec. 10, 1805. 4m

'5t"iitv- -

m ail5A 1


v Mi..Jrffitf&ttftt&t







I BEG lfcave td In- -' form my friends, late

customers, and the public, thatIhaveorqught from Philadel-phia, Flesh is" FashionableSHOES OF ALL KINDS,for sale at mv shop on Short

Bj "1 eet, next door to mr. Keiser's!a.i and neulv onnnsito il,..,,,.

;et hoUse, LcXiilgtf. to witMen.T sine :mdtq:U-s- Shoes, .,Boys' sine and loarse do.Lahea' Leather Slippeis,

do. Fancy Kid bhoes,do.


Kid, with htils and spring heels, pfailcoio'irs,

Spp.-.gU-- ai'd plain Kid of all Colors,Spangied iumi nliuti MoioctoSlp-

per, of all colors,M?s"S' Kid and Moio'-o- Slippers,Cnildrein' Morocco ot all coluj and L i,

ther i.e. &c.Thc abov e articles I w..nant to

:iq .ver lo tbe .state, or m;;'1

nd Stai"s : :t have i.ora' but nit

be rs go id

- iii tin- - Loii- -

i .. , ..... .

!'' nt vvf'it to tlattc Hie ,:i'nl.e v. .'i :.n udvir.a. thevvnl- - i.l Jnu fr in Is. j

MJP.V:r.O :.KiNJi,l all cum, Lfi'itirK U ..i'" . f ..',: ria .i'.d vw ,.- J

' v: iC'twk So..l., B! ',!. ii. II ut iiipciiorquai-- '

i. i

aLo, a sew pah- - SKATES.WILLIAM ROSS, i




lot',ieest!t-eo- OabriJ M d son. 1 I

,'",l''r- in tio him



il. tw t tot 'is 'S,10 ?"

11 ii-- a ;

tO ii' ; t' v

Lexington. Dcc 4lti, lriuo.




decei'i'taccri,rii"t 'IiispH ".J inimct


Joint L. ALtnr:, Ex


'rMftdison dec.

m-K-f- J

, i 1, ii - mo oii-n to "ie l a tr in ms

i "5; lt h.u:S. Lanr.nn, Ji !iti A. Seiu,L.hi.h.i. loiiii beitz U. Lo.

n 1ru:n; ) Iun




ev. i.o. ana jo'in a vvi::i i Jordan, niereciutited to 101 forwaid immediatelyand pay o'.F their relpiilise accounts toCuktis Fikld, who is hereby dufy

to receive the same. Thosewho do not avail thcinf lv.-- s of this no-

tice, may rest allured, that indulgencevv.ll not be given beyond the first ofMarch, v. hen suits will be indifcrimi- -nately inflituted.

. Jordan jr.N. B T O B A C C O, HtMP,

and HOGS' LAUD, will he received atthe market price, 111 payment.

I xmgton, January 2S. 1P05, tf


MH Zr uc nnrrvr tS...... v ouij, uivr.jitN,EEG leave to acquaint their friends in Lex-ington ami its vicinity, th..t on Kondav, the6th of January, 1806, they mtend oprning an

Academy Jor TotniP- - Ladies,where will be taught, the following brandiesof Education, (viz.)

Spellino:, Heading, witli ojl klndc of


ner nnrfer--

n (. ie work, g 3Writing & Arithmetic, JEn;;i;b Gram :ier, Geography, &e. 3MB'C, t vocal J; yisii umeiiu.1) .Ui

use ui instruiiKnt, 13Such ladit-- anil ri uilrtim ,vtifnT-r.- . 1.j.ivrni. iviiu.nour them vit,tlie initiu.T.on of their ihil-ilre- n,

may relv 00 tlicir iifim; every exertion intheir power; towards their making a rapidpiogrefs.

N.B. Tlie mnniifaetorv of Patent PianoFortes, is carried on asulml. Price 1S0 dot.Iars.

Mr. Gren has iuft received from PMIn.IrLpli:a, an aflbrtrncnt of r EW MUSIC, willedbe offers for fair.Lexirpton, December :i. i8?.

IMPOKTANT.TO all those v. ho wi.h tid ertobecomeci- -

tizc.-.- s to hold hnds in tb.t delightful counltry south of gn en river. The subscriber b. -

g inc.incd remove to Tiii..i.see.sle, the p''uitation onwhiih heiiigeuier v. mi six tnousant! I'eres ofate on botn sidea of Red river, and

111 .l , ,. ...pcivviii, iiieii'uii;e; several oik- - mill

oheri fur

lind, sitiiyRBn vufiy

teats, and usvaluable a Ixmyut tniiber .'. am on Red riversurrounded by smc of uhirhqual qu.-Jit- to any in Log-i- county ; aboutau ; es ui- una, under good finer; asmall apple orchard of the K-s- t fruit, a peaihand chcrrj' orchard, j.11 in per'Wtion. Onthe is a large and clegai.t'two story-Bric-

House, entire!) new , wiu'i mnirnecessary buildings. pon.t of health andbeauty, tins situation pulr , ft exceeded bynon in the state of Kci.ti'cky. Ihei.Unta-tio- m

lay one on the nonh, tbe other on thesouth side of the river, a l.tile below where dietwo forks unite, oppos.te the

of Big Whipperv. :H. l'iio-- stream, us--iord water suhicifit (tin- - nv tv m paiticid. r,)all the year to support a r.nchait and s',vmill. A considei-abl- ol Uie timbeiodland is line ri'-- bottom

The h"., also fjr sale Rim''7y o.ther tnetse f Undin Los-.,- coui)ly, and Ikewise in Christian comtv, 1 tract inLivinsion,count)', and oncoiiCiiubeitatwl m-er-

, Stewart:count), (state of Tcnncs .ee); he has in onecompleat tract in Christ, an l.j,00o acres, equ.--Jperhaps in value, to :.nt trart in that county.It is s.tuate on the main source of Littk

including several niik-- , on both sdes nsthe river, and including irpe sine mill s

(this river is a never fading fountain) ,t is s.tu'-a-te

part about sour rules below the courthouse, and extends from thoicc soutljvv ardlydown the main rivciaiul the Sinking fork rifsaid rhar, tliediFt.irce.if five miles (or moreperhaps.) The suhsri iber has also anothertract Qf Land, lying en the South side of Lit-ti- e

River, about eight or ten miles from Cum-brtrm- d

H iver, co.isis.tii.g o--

7H00 acies, partwell 'nnhered, the rihiairder good led b:.j-reu-

Thisand the other Lit trret,has a number of sine spi inirs on them, and anboth.wcl! calculated to form a scttklncnt for anumber of families. The former is siifirin'tto make settlement for 20.f imilic3; the latterissjifgeient to make 8 or 10 farms, and goodsettlements. The ubsc ii er h rs for sale, sun.dry other.smallcr trnctt in Christian, all or anvof wliich.he will sell upon terms nerh.mmimoderate man any such lands have been soldfor many J ears past. '1 jlt summer rangeall tins country, iscqral to any in the universe "p

Indisputab'e titles will be made to the purcliasers. For terms and fmlhir infoimation, an-p- 'y

to theshbscriber 1 bis plantation, about 12miles South of Russeiviik- - Letters addics-ec- tto the subscriber, postpaid and lest in thepost-o-JS- it Riisst lyjille-- , 'i i II be dfly sUcndedto, and answered through the medium of themail. part of the purchase money bein advauee. a considin.ble indulgence will begiven for tbe -- mpinder.

... BEVERLY A. ALLEM.IVprch 23, 1805- - '


Mr: Ralph Morgan, and ThoirasSweet t ::;gen, heir and executor ofI horn is hwearenr;en,decealed,

TAKli NOTfCE,TH T on tlie fourteenth dav of Tom.

next, at th- - house of George Shackel-;fe:- d,

in 'He town of Richmond, Kentui-'k- v,

I fli-,- pioceed lo take the depofi- -ti. ns of V ilium livine, ad of others,jei oe reiin. as evi.-irn-- in the tint

c ependnc'neuit rrr'rr. in f

k(d '.voile. I rni.ll-.lmiu.i- f anl ,-- v'--l - " .'

(April ( 'h, l ?





















' m the flontgomery'in. ... i ,..;.,i I . , . UUI

ui a.e defendants,' uiopber Irvine.




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be liad at
