kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky) 1803-08...

r a v t 'i VOL. XVII N. 885. fflB3gaatEJiaiUAigrai?'.iiy.aTsaeas n.. ,. TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. This paper is pubhfhed weekly, at two dollars per annum, paid in ad- vance. Those who write to the Editor, mull pay the postage of their letters. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. STOLEN from the subscriber, (out of his liable) A SADDLE, tilmofl new, has been used about three months ; the maker's name is Seth Creigh, which will be sound under the skirt of the saddle. Any person who will give such informa- - 2 y tion as will enable me to prosecute iJ AS tne thief, shall .have xhe above re- - ward, or FIVE DOLLARS for the Saddle only. sty K f' JOHN A. SEITZ. Lexington, aift Dec. 1802. gCT3" In all probability the Saddle will be offered for sale in this neigh- borhood. THE of JOH JORDAN Jun. & Co. having this dry expired All thole indebted to laid firm" either by bond, note or book account, are requsfted to make immediate payment to John Jordan sun. or Andrew F. Price, or (lens will be taken to compel the same. JOHN JORDAN Tun. & Co. N. B. The business in suture will done by John Jordan Jun who nas a Large and General Assortment of 4 MERCHANDIZE, which he is determined to dispose of on the moll reafonabfe terms for Cadi, Hemp, Country Linen, or- - ap- proved produce. No Credit. Lexington, K. Nov. 20th, 1802 j? 1 Ta Lease, A VAT.TTAWT.W PABM LYING in M?rcer county on Salt ri ver, atTout one mile and half above Maj. Hnr Iiinin'i! mill rr flm mnrl lnJ!n. jjiivuuntvii o nun, uii vii luttu icauiuu from Fnnkfort to Harrodftiurh with about 100 acn-- s of Cleared Land, a god Dulling House and otfer Conve- - nient lar?e apple and Peach Orchard, Meadow and Pdnr. tU whole in good repair. James Ma'ccoun. Lexington, March 14, 1803. FOR SALE, MS 7he following Tracts of LAND, CONVEYED by John Fowlerefq. to to Cuth. Banks and T. Bodley, by deed of trust, dated the 16th day of Decem- ber 1800, to wit. 2800 acres in Mont gomery county, Flat creek, betwe omall-Mounta- in creek and the upper Salt Spring, entered in the name of Crump and Patteribn also, 170Q acres, in Campbell county, part of a survey in the name of Jacob Rubfammon, inclu- ding Fowlers 1 ck alio, 1000 acres in faiJ county, o.i Bank-hck,beir- ig of a tract of 4000 aires mSlfPname-o- f William Jones. Wmch fud trads of land, or eithtr. or nart of them, will h sold at private ftl-- . for tke nnrnnO. ns i. tisfying an-- di'Vhnrgingj.the trufls men- - tioned in said d.-c- The terms may b. by applying to the fubfenbers in Lexington. Cuth. Hanks, Tbos. tibdley. March 14th. 'iSOS. S I'KAYED FROM my f..rm about len days ag-- a lmall SORREJ;.. Flf.f.KV. tl,. years old this fpSnffcab ut 13 Innd hitch, lliort docked and the hnr ns th. tail eat by cattle ltb a dark biv two year old FILLEY, rather tall i than the sorrel, no brand or fk-f- h marl-o- either recollected. A reasonable re- ward will be givert to have them or notice given where they are tc be sound. ROBERT BA.RR. Fayette, May 27, 1803. tf ,FLAX V HEMP SEED. fw JO HN G? WILLIAM BOBB, iLL nurchafe a ouantii-- ns Ft a and Hnup Shed. ApTr, r r,x Oil Mill near Lexinmnn fnnvri! h the cuflomary prices will be given ... M..i u. -- ii.n.ij4iiuiae. tt JfB BY vd r LUE DYING. THR STTRSPRTRP'R WISHES to inform the public, that he continues to carry on tin BLUE DYING, on Main Oof. Street, between Mr. Adam Webet's and Mr. Myers's, where he will dyi Cotton, Linen and Wool, with a warm dye Cotton deepefl blue, ai 4f6 per pound Wool at is 6 pei pound, which he will warrant to bt equal to any dye in the town of Lex ington. JACOB BOSHART. Lexington, June 25, 1803. 3stf BOOK BINDING, HAVING employed a toon Binder, who his been reinil.-ir- bred to the business in Philadelphia, any orders for RECORD, AC COUNT, or any other BLANK BOOKS, will be thankfully receiv ed and punctually executed. I have on hand, and fliall conftanrlv . fcWK, iupplvof BLANK BOOKS. Old Books in the neatefl and belt manner. DANl. BRADFORD. Gazette Office, 1 Lexington. J jclik. &, ffmP rtiSBWBSiferiii . WILLIAM ROSS, Boot sc? Shoe Makfr, HAS on hand a lanre nfTortmnf of BOOTS & SHOES, whirl, h intends selling at reduced prices. D. C. Brown top Boots 8 Black top do. j Three quarter do. 5 2, is sox ed, 6 nw ao. 5, it toxea, 5 5 Mens' lined and boundShoes, z Mens' kip-ski- n do. - 1 15 Mens' coarse do. 1 5 Wbmans' Slippers from 1 to 1 25 small ohoes according. At thele low prices, no trull need be expecled He means to sell atl" these prices through the course of U.. a..ti.n tuc wjnicr TAKEN UP bv Robert Newell, Hsrriron countv, ,onei XZt of Sdl'.ff fi ""en hands high, a star in hU sorehead, a lump on the lnfide o( his right hind ham. and d fmill brind : nnnraifcrl inp,in. dollars beflspe ine. 'fosebbiit Perrin. '. . -- Miv-i43feat' ' "'' ' TACEN UD bv Cader Krlw.trdc n Barren countv. a SORUK.T. MARE, about six or seven ve:ir; old, branded on both jaws and near inouiaer with iS, about thirteen hands high ; appraised to twenty three dollars May i8th. i8o-j- . k K,,., t a emiL ''.'. LOGAN, c. b.c. c. AKEN UD bv Jnhn rntrn;ii. living in Garrard County, near Bd-lows- 's mill, a bright sorrel HnrC about 12 years old, branded on both jhoulders thus N. with a small blaze in his face Appraised to 50 dol- - tefl. 1.1 IX' STEPHEN PERKINS, J. P. 'JSP e nth, 1803 3w Walhington County. TAKEN no bv Abraham Thirlnn,, .i. waters ot Chaplain's foik, aiiay Horse, sour vears old this Ipring, branded on tie neai Ihoulderthus P, a star and snip in the face, a wait on the lest eat, tail docked, fourteen hands threeinches high, natural trotter; ap prairejfltoJ-2- 10. thi? 2,ti AJav. iRoa. taml. Peter, j. p. NOTICK. SH A IL attPnH with rrtmmtA..H - : ed by the county comt of Montgomery- - on ...- - September nejit, it lan,itnot. onthe next fair day, to take depositions tocl Mbbln the iollnwmo- ini-r- u t.,1. ..i, . u Jenjjmin Alhby alligneedf riiomas Marllu'l, -- liters five hundred acres upon paitol a tica Turv warrant for one thousand acres, on the north fork of the south fork of Licking creek "(Tiiminir in XL " mic one Hundred poles, westward of the faiH rrPPl thr, a i fnS ld Jtne tWO hnnrlrpd rrtlr k ... creek on both sides for quantity, including an '"i""'"-- . ..en . ana ao luch other cts as I may deem neceffary and according to law. " wan meet at the house of William Kader . 111 Montgomery cmnty, on HinkiWs foik ""UU1 '",." 's oeio wlidre the road croUe ,' s ;.om wincnelter to Flat creek, and shall ad r from day today, until the business is .! ""'- - at. VyrF ?jr ,i I5th AufiufJSE&rT i 'i!JWJi;'jMmnimM!Ui!jiim'aga3 -- M.yn.f. -- ,..,r; ,.,,. n a Y7rWrWW7i AND GENERAL ADVERTISER, fa JiPBl DANIEL BRADFORiD, LEXINGTON. :aai:gaatfa"! BOURBON CIRCUIT May Term,, 1803 joim ioau, complainant, Againrt John Edwards, Defendant. In Chnoery. THE defendant no; h.ivin orfn'i -- 'd his appearance herein afreeahlv o the act of afiemhlv. .mil niUnfifi,;.. gant tallnonable 11 -- - -. viiiiia uaics. jri,us ana Uueens ' """ a"-v""- a itaron his tore- - n.s court, and it appearing to the' Ware. A good of Gro-ihea- d' a (mM white spot hiineck of the court that is'ceries, Madeira-an- d Sherry Wine 'n He is, a lot ar, inhabitant of this common-- J Jan aica Spirits, Acid, beft'Spanifh wdl lurned hor&, with a round bo! wealth, on motion of complain-- . Indigo and other dye fluffs. Shad dV ; his head and neck much inferi-mtb- y Ins counsel, it is ordered that and Herrings. Wool and or t0 his ot"er The ab-- ve uv..,uuvm.ul.uuaiijcd nere on the3dday of the nextNoyemberterm, md anlvver the'e . Kill ...., j C 1 , n nn.. t n .naL a i.ujy in xjiis oruer oeinierted . . . . T- - r - - I in luine one or tne Gazettes ot this date for eight weeks fucceflivelv. an. other copv polled at the door of the . I . ..!.. .1 f ana at tne tront door jf the Presbyterian meeting-hoilf- e in lome ounday lnimediately ifter divine iervice. a THO. ARNOLD. Ck. State afKentuckj, Fa,et C hcuit 'ovrt Thomas Bodley, complainanr, Simuel Bvers, tnd the children of John") w, uu ouificgaceesor oiepa ay ers,Jec. aiJd John i'arker and' Kooerr jjK" extcuiorstuzatictn l'arker, larker. Iim Parrkpr. Pn Jfi'ttker, Hooert Parke , Jon Todd dirtier, and AnHrpiv iiilli-i- o...ur PaHfer, hoirs and legatees of Robert - lUlUCl.UCl.. II OT 13I1I IlPirc liinwin - fants under the age of 2 r years, by Archd. M'llvain fen their guardian,) and John M1xwell, John M'D'jwell, Kobert JMcgowan, Henry MarfhiU and Robert Patterlon, tmfte'e for the Lex ington Prelbyterian Congregation. 1 IN L.IIANCI RY. THE defendants ramnpl Hvnq.ih..i.iij jw..jaiiu tut 1.111111 ren of John Byei s having Jailed to enter theiri appearance herein agreeable tolaw& the rles u. hi,, tourc, ana ,t appearing to our fatislac- - t.on that they arenot inhabits of th15 Com f monwealth, onthe motion of thecompla.nanti fcndantide appear here on the third day our next September term and .nfwer the cotton Brown, ioomarei. horse tne'lvered at complainant's copv of this-ord- C", Oijo Dv .lurvey beinfittedin ",'"' the Gazette or '" ad IS i moiety laid to another ported at acres, Mav door of the court for Mr uJl.Z-.l- . Henry, and and that rmw ns di- - ..... uii fomeSun,lay immediately af.erdivineferv,ce,tVK'e"- - at the door of the PrelbvterianmppnncT.linur Lexington. A Copy, Telle THOS. BoDtEY, C. F, C. C. The Matchless History J0SEP? & E "EttEN, 'or sale at tbts ojjice Price o. NICHOLAS wy BRIGHT,! Bjpr& W'jflo MANUFAC TUR1R histhanks tohiscuf- - tomers for their paff savors, frtp ard the ? house and .v .w..L.Un t.u uumicis duuui nan txpect he has merit them in suture. He in tlle neighbourhood to inform the public in sreneral tho"ght .' wi" .atte"--P- t to get the tiww. Any person that he tocarrv on the nrH 1,: next door to opposite Capt. tavern. Main flreet. He has infl- - rprpit.ri - WW..... from Philadelphia, a of first qualitied imported Boot Legs and cnguiu ren Any gentleman mav be furnidied with Hnnis nr Shoes, done in the neatefl and manner, and on the fhortefl notice. by applying as above. juiycf, 1003. Knox tufa Term, rfin-i- . John Reddick, V. s. fiirvivino-- i . oartner of the firm of Hicks I 5 ct .ampDeu, anil tne neirs and , reprelentatives ot James Hicks ? g ieceaiea,iatepartnenn tliehrm fH'u?i;s & and Tohn Q BaUCiser. I jfMKi In Chancery. Vlhz Robert Cnmnlipll and the heirs and representatives James Flicks decealed. havin pnfi.ri.rl i.: confni'U- - pparance herein to law, and it peanng to the fuisfaftion of the court that'ha :TT$ by his counsel, it ordered, that the i.. . .'- -. .. uj-.u- . n uii me 111 nav of our iie-- t Oclober term our said court and anlwer the complair ant's bill that co i py of this order be publifhsd forthwith in the . U'fw in rrp inr trim mnn,, jit.. -- "j --- ..- - iiLxeiuve- - ly, polled up tit the fiont door of .1 e court '" cjnnfv,anl some Sun- - dav irnui. .),- - - - - -- ""- - houA. near StauforJ. o. j u- -, ,:.... . iwiiHumKflp, iwg'jj-mmmw- a LEWIS SANDERS M m HAVE lately received from Ph:I- - aeipnia, a treln iortment ns . . .. "V ana 1'ANCY Hardware. Iron. innno-f-r- &,-- n-:- . na Tea fetts complete, other!?"1";! 0,d l!ft fPring a .,' - affortment on partst . Countv. m ' i - . Lards. White Lead, Red Whitin- - and r.hoii- - vnutrv, Human iJiue Patent Yel- - low. t FOR SAt.K. A The Valuable Stallior w SILVER HEELS, y u UUil (1 n;, 'c is g,,od, andm'ay be re - to One Vi. K demanded for would be receive .nWi:?;: " " - F - -- - reUv., tHe purchaser, H TAYLOR. Augufl 7th 1 803 tf TO KK SO Ml BV , - r ...... ' " t " trom the ' works, decea-- l bill, that ' aes.' Kentucky of according law, the!30 to Mr a n,,rrf-- r accordingly r "' of ....,. I bes thatiuS over o continues nhnvp.f.iinw. business Mr. BoirirssJmal",e bandfomeWrewaid Marshal's nuantitv ooais. bell Lexington, Complainant, Robert Campbell. late Campbell, defendants of not according nant, .1.. it a tp i.uui'.uun UK.C,Q;S.P.T.J a GOODS. Lead, Sp.nifli The IV a 74 patented Luiti'finiic worn, fed, ? TRACT of ,LP' n Mll f., k' "Car-L)ren- an s Lick, about 18 XZXXT and miles from the of Ohio I of S5 ' patented to I underfland these lands are valu able, but a nurchafer nW rl,(u , iudrre for himself. ThJV" l -- "' beknovwi by apnlvin? to the fnhfr- - ber.liA, n t,.t,. ".. W. WARFIELD 8th, i8oq. tf Inn. ..ILJ nttUrr . ..- - v.tu uMi-nu- , 5 years old 5 feet 10 or h inches high, of a yellowish complexion, some sears in his fice kJ k.,J u a uuui vhen young, a remarkable sear on hi5Prf.,rn, above his elbow n)(h hv n hum- - ru t.ui ie large and broad feet took with him apprehend said 0 the nearest jail, bv srivinfinlnr i?".1?? of the rJmeas r am determined to ::..,vtne ,ta.te.and wift.t0 kp him in idiltilMSToiivenient oDooitnnltv 'JriSamuel heeler, sev. Anguft 23dX853. 3 1 o Dollars Reward. RAN away from the subscriber, living in Lexington, onthe night of the i4t!i mft3nt, BILLEY, .t Negro Man, nearly six eet high, a yellow com pktion, rather lean sac;d with K... tout j. ycjr-- ot age, a small sear under one of his eves took with hini such a vanety of cloathing, it is difficult to defenbe them. It is exucftpH be will malp r..-- - !. t ,. of Ohio, and probably for Philadelphia, as he nas oeen nearu to lay mat 11c thought he could ecrete himself in Philadelphia Any person who will apprehend said flaie, and secure him in any jjil where I can get him, Ihdl have thebove reward, yith all reasonable expenjfaid brought home. Oliver Keen. Lexington, K. AgguH 16th, 1803 D. HAVING lust ierevf-,- l an afTrtrt uua iiirtunri, aim mi tne inortelt nqtice. n.Tipil...t.. ....i.. Harrison ... . - County. . . ..1 m rvr.i nil nv wiiim u i. ...ri1 cretk, a dark bay Horse, . sour, or years ..1.1 1 1. iu, luuTitcii anu a nan hands 1 mr, no bran 11 perceivable, a small flar , i wi .,.,1 ..a J lloman nose, two hirld fen while, ft innn u,.,i ......i !"-- " ''""j'"iiJtuiai trotrcr, 11 laaimau bell Jraded to ;ol before me. SX Wilhum i.towcrs, 7. P JuiTWSVaJM. t of LARGE TYPE, suitable fm cibills, &c who thmk proper to eniiJlo? him, .ha., hav' lhe'"J0DS executed in the moll ... ......... ,.- - J .in n is of refill publ'fhed P.tlbvten-- n meaing ... tji- - Falls of on TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,' 1803. FORTY DOLLARS REWARD. STOLEN, on the nio4if P !, nth inlbnt, out of my liable, in, a Chefnut Sorrel Fifteen an HORSE, id a half hands high, foulgf natural i r irinn ni? i r . latistachon he flrone Mackarel, RETURNS , fJenby lcwuru .vvi be given forth iorfe aml th,ef' Provided the tM , is "rougnt to jultice, or Ten Dollar for th horse ory. A ALEX, PARICER. Lexington, July 13, '183. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Ji'VE 24., 1803. Notice is htrcby given, THA T Proposals will be recei- ved at Vincennes. hv li t., of the Indiana Territory, until the o- -fi A ,., c .i . o -- .. v.y ui oepiemoer next enluitiT, 101 sealing, tor the term of Three , MW f 'k' xt . '.t,v;ro "car tne waballi, lately lsTu ldU"S t0 lhe Unhed nm Jc oi theleafej but the. lhall pay to the Sutcs, one thoufaod buflicls, equaL to fifty thousand pounds merchanta-ble,fa- lt, for the annual rent of fticceeding year ; the fait to be . ycar"T8o ZL T -- H bS Clai-k- e colnty. oJ sc?1 ScSJrlTR,.S . -- nt flial, be executors - ""- -' of Patrick attorney Henrv '" . fud,qU?n"- - ltaveiftoleromehor'ebeaft will "ri n,7Helry' ' ADVERTISLMEN'l-- r that is - i . flic i "",e a,m .- -t Within the year, as fliall be fixed bT r the terms of the leufe. Xj- - II. The leffees fliall efhblifh, within the Srft year, kettles, for tha purpose of making fait arere tt Jh, fnS COn.telUs of lealt S thU" I gallons and ; they fhal within the fonH ...:r.. .i.'. . ;vi,nii,icaic luc quan- - t"V 10 fifteen thousand sallons. anrl remainder of the iVifeT ? "P a"d J thti aSgregate contents thouland gallons : the fcettl" re .... , "? n n?na t.Pirat.on of tne icaie, to De valuec and naid rjr . .u. . r ., , V . v,c ,., h tneieaie mail not be renewed. III. The leiTces fliall be bound, annually, and each ear afte- - this ena ot tne nrlt ) ear, to manufaaure mU ha n nnU.. .1.- - . "" "v "B"-1-- " "" "y me terms , f the lease ; and to sell the wi ... ...... 1 . . w,.'0le ' i ...i,u, uuing uie xour r .1 , r 7, ':"' """ ,c.alc Ulcy lua man- - utacture, at a price not orentv ,, that fixed by the fcid terrns : and in. order to prevent any com.binauoti or evasion, the United. .States themselves the right of pur-chafi- ng the whole at that price. IV. For the purpof.e of affifling the leflees 111 the putxhafe of kettles, and eredlion of the w orlts, the Uni- ted States fnall advance two thou- fand five hundred dollars ; to be re- paid at the end of the lease, M)th interest, at the rate of six per cent, a year, from the expiration of tho firlt year of the lease. V. The leffees fiia'l give bond with approved security, for the ful- filment of the agreement, and for theje-payme- of the monej;. The perlons who intentfftJi lC yill slate in the JRhe quan tity ot Ult which they willgreeto make annually, and the price at which they will engage to sell the farile : it being intended, the other terms being equal, and the fecuitty indisputable, to lease the spring to those who fliall engage to sell the greatest quantity of fait at the low- - lest price. Shuuld any persons, othnvife r?e. firous to lease, think the "quantity of kettles' as llated ln trie iecond arti- - greater than they can est- - ibllh ; tlley ''iav' '1 r eir nronoi..!. r ;n .l Ions 1, of the contents, whuh thy ...n... nu.n 11 i irt WDUUl and keep ,: ALBERT GALL A TINT. t t2oS Sscrfn v 0f ,' t ,, ar., v. Am manifest:-- , Por sale ai this Giu(,c.

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY) 1803-08 … · 2012. 6. 3. · tail eat by cattle ltb a dark biv two year old FILLEY,

ra v



VOL. XVII N. 885.

fflB3gaatEJiaiUAigrai?'.iiy.aTsaeas n..,.


This paper is pubhfhed weekly, attwo dollars per annum, paid in ad-

vance.Those who write to the Editor, mull

pay the postage of their letters.

TEN DOLLARS REWARD.STOLEN from the subscriber,

(out of his liable) A SADDLE,tilmofl new, has been used aboutthree months ; the maker's name isSeth Creigh, which will be soundunder the skirt of the saddle. Anyperson who will give such informa- -

2 y tion as will enable me to prosecute

iJAS tne thief, shall .have xhe above re- -

ward, or FIVE DOLLARS for theSaddle only.




JOHN A. SEITZ.Lexington, aift Dec. 1802.

gCT3" In all probability the Saddlewill be offered for sale in this neigh-borhood.

THE of JOHJORDAN Jun. & Co. having this

dry expired All thole indebted tolaid firm" either by bond, note orbook account, are requsfted to makeimmediate payment to John Jordansun. or Andrew F. Price, or (lenswill be taken to compel the same.

JOHN JORDAN Tun. & Co.N. B. The business in suture willdone by John Jordan Jun who

nas a

Large and General Assortment of

4 MERCHANDIZE,which he is determined to dispose ofon the moll reafonabfe terms forCadi, Hemp, Country Linen, or-- ap-

proved produce. No Credit.Lexington, K. Nov. 20th, 1802

j? 1


LYING in M?rcer county on Salt river, atTout one mile and half above Maj.Hnr Iiinin'i! mill rr flm mnrl lnJ!n.jjiivuuntvii o nun, uii vii luttu icauiuufrom Fnnkfort to Harrodftiurh withabout 100 acn-- s of Cleared Land, a

god Dulling House and otfer Conve- -

nient lar?e apple and PeachOrchard, Meadow and Pdnr. tU

whole in good repair.James Ma'ccoun.

Lexington, March 14, 1803.


MS 7he following Tracts ofLAND,

CONVEYED by John Fowlerefq. toto Cuth. Banks and T. Bodley, by deedof trust, dated the 16th day of Decem-ber 1800, to wit. 2800 acres in Montgomery county, Flat creek, betweomall-Mounta- in creek and the upperSalt Spring, entered in the name ofCrump and Patteribn also, 170Q acres,in Campbell county, part of a survey inthe name of Jacob Rubfammon, inclu-ding Fowlers 1 ck alio, 1000 acres infaiJ county, o.i Bank-hck,beir- ig ofa tract of 4000 aires mSlfPname-o- f

William Jones. Wmch fud trads ofland, or eithtr. or nart of them, will hsold at private ftl-- . for tke nnrnnO. ns i.tisfying an-- di'Vhnrgingj.the trufls men- -

tioned in said d.-c- The terms may by applying to the fubfenbers inLexington.

Cuth. Hanks,Tbos. tibdley.

March 14th. 'iSOS.

S I'KAYEDFROM my f..rm about len days ag--

a lmall SORREJ;.. Flf.f.KV. tl,.years old this fpSnffcab ut 13 Inndhitch, lliort docked and the hnr ns th.tail eat by cattle ltb a dark bivtwo year old FILLEY, rather tall i

than the sorrel, no brand or fk-f- h marl-o-

either recollected. A reasonable re-

ward will be givert to have themor notice given where they are tc

be sound.

ROBERT BA.RR.Fayette, May 27, 1803. tf


fwJO HN G? WILLIAM BOBB,iLL nurchafe a ouantii-- ns Ft a

and Hnup Shed. ApTr, r r,xOil Mill near Lexinmnn fnnvri! hthe cuflomary prices will be given... M..i u. -- ii.n.ij4iiuiae. tt






THR STTRSPRTRP'RWISHES to inform the public,

that he continues to carry on tinBLUE DYING, on Main Oof.Street, between Mr. Adam Webet'sand Mr. Myers's, where he will dyiCotton, Linen and Wool, with awarm dye Cotton deepefl blue, ai4f6 per pound Wool at is6 peipound, which he will warrant to btequal to any dye in the town of Lexington.

JACOB BOSHART.Lexington, June 25, 1803. 3stf


HAVING employed a toonBinder, who his been reinil.-ir-

bred to the business in Philadelphia,any orders for RECORD, ACCOUNT, or any other BLANKBOOKS, will be thankfully received and punctually executed. I haveon hand, and fliall conftanrlv. fcWK,

iupplvof BLANK BOOKS. OldBooks in the neatefl andbelt manner.

DANl. BRADFORD.Gazette Office, 1

Lexington. Jjclik. &,

ffmP rtiSBWBSiferiii .

WILLIAM ROSS,Boot sc? Shoe Makfr,

HAS on hand a lanre nfTortmnfof BOOTS & SHOES, whirl, hintends selling at reduced prices.

D. C.Brown top Boots 8Black top do. jThree quarter do. 5 2, is sox

ed, 6nw ao. 5, it toxea, 5 5Mens' lined and boundShoes, zMens' kip-ski- n do. -

1 15Mens' coarse do. 1 5Wbmans' Slippers from 1 to 1 25small ohoes according.

At thele low prices, no trull needbe expecled He means to sell atl"these prices through the course of

U.. a..ti.ntuc wjnicr

TAKEN UP bv Robert Newell, Hsrrironcountv,,onei XZt of Sdl'.ff fi ""enhands high, a star in hU sorehead, a lump onthe lnfide o( his right hind ham. and d brind : nnnraifcrl inp,in.dollars beflspe ine.

'fosebbiit Perrin. '. .--

Miv-i43feat' ' "'' 'TACEN UD bv Cader Krlw.trdc

n Barren countv. a SORUK.T.MARE, about six or seven ve:ir;old, branded on both jaws and nearinouiaer with iS, about thirteenhands high ; appraised to twentythree dollars May i8th. i8o-j- .

k K,,., t aemiL ''.'. LOGAN, c. b.c. c.

AKEN UD bv Jnhn rntrn; in Garrard County, near Bd-lows-


mill, a bright sorrel HnrCabout 12 years old, branded on bothjhoulders thus N. with a small blazein his face Appraised to 50 dol- -


'JSP e nth, 1803 3w

Walhington County.TAKEN no bv Abraham Thirlnn,, .i.

waters ot Chaplain's foik, aiiay Horse, sourvears old this Ipring, branded on tie neaiIhoulderthus P, a star and snip in the face, await on the lest eat, tail docked, fourteenhands threeinches high, natural trotter; apprairejfltoJ-2- 10. thi? 2,ti AJav. iRoa.

taml. Peter, j. p.

NOTICK.SH A IL attPnH with rrtmmtA..H - :

ed by the county comt of Montgomery- - on...- - September nejit, it lan,itnot.onthe next fair day, to take depositions toclMbbln the iollnwmo- ini-r- u t.,1. ..i, . uJenjjmin Alhby alligneedf riiomas Marllu'l,-- liters five hundred acres upon paitol a ticaTurv warrant for one thousand acres, on thenorth fork of the south fork of Licking creek"(Tiiminir in XL" mic one Hundred poles,westward of the faiH rrPPl thr, a ifnS ld Jtne tWO hnnrlrpd rrtlr k ...

creek on both sides for quantity, including an'"i""'"-- . ..en . ana ao luch other cts as I

may deem neceffary and according to law." wan meet at the house of William Kader .

111 Montgomery cmnty, on HinkiWs foik""UU1 '",." 's oeio wlidre the road croUe,'s;.om wincnelter to Flat creek, and shall ad

r from day today, until the business is.!""'- - at.VyrF ?jr ,iI5th AufiufJSE&rT i


--M.yn.f. --,..,r;,.,,.

n a Y7rWrWW7i







joim ioau, complainant,Againrt

John Edwards, Defendant.In Chnoery.

THE defendant no; h.ivin orfn'i--'d his appearance herein afreeahlvo the act of afiemhlv. .mil niUnfifi,;..

gant tallnonable

11 -- - -. viiiiia uaics. jri,us ana Uueens ' """ a"-v""- a itaron his tore- -n.s court, and it appearing to the' Ware. A good of Gro-ihea- d'a (mM white spot hiineckof the court that is'ceries, Madeira-an- d Sherry Wine 'n He is, a

lot ar, inhabitant of this common-- J Jan aica Spirits, Acid, beft'Spanifh wdl lurned hor&, with a round bo!wealth, on motion of complain-- . Indigo and other dye fluffs. Shad dV ; his head and neck much inferi-mtb- yIns counsel, it is ordered that and Herrings. Wool and or t0 his ot"er The ab-- ve

uv..,uuvm.ul.uuaiijcd nere onthe3dday of the nextNoyemberterm,md anlvver the'e. Kill....,j

C 1 ,n nn.. t n.naL a i.ujy in xjiis oruer oeinierted. . . .T-- r - - Iin luine one or tne Gazettes ot thisdate for eight weeks fucceflivelv. an.other copv polled at the door of the. I . ..!.. .1 fana at tne tront doorjf the Presbyterian meeting-hoilf- e

in lome ounday lnimediatelyifter divine iervice.


THO. ARNOLD. Ck.State afKentuckj, Fa,et C hcuit 'ovrtThomas Bodley, complainanr,

Simuel Bvers, tnd the children of John")w, uu ouificgaceesor oiepa ay

ers,Jec. aiJd John i'arker and' KooerrjjK" extcuiorstuzatictn l'arker,

larker. Iim Parrkpr. PnJfi'ttker, Hooert Parke , Jon Todddirtier, and AnHrpiv iiilli-i- o...urPaHfer, hoirs and legatees of Robert -lUlUCl.UCl.. II OT 13I1I IlPirc liinwin -fants under the age of 2 r years, byArchd. M'llvain fen their guardian,)and John M1xwell, John M'D'jwell,Kobert JMcgowan, Henry MarfhiU andRobert Patterlon, tmfte'e for the Lexington Prelbyterian Congregation. 1

IN L.IIANCI RY.THE defendants ramnpl Hvnq.ih..i.iijjw..jaiiu tut 1.111111

ren of John Byei s having Jailed to enter theiriappearance herein agreeable tolaw& the rlesu. hi,, tourc, ana ,t appearing to our fatislac- -t.on that they arenot inhabits of th15 Com f

monwealth, onthe motion of thecompla.nanti

fcndantide appear here on the third dayour next September term and .nfwer the


tne'lvered at

complainant's copv of this-ord- C", Oijo Dv .lurveybeinfittedin",'"' the Gazette or '" ad IS i moietylaid to another ported at acres, Mavdoor of the court for MruJl.Z-.l- . Henry, andand that rmw ns di- -..... uiifomeSun,lay immediately af.erdivineferv,ce,tVK'e"- -

at the door of the PrelbvterianmppnncT.linurLexington.

A Copy, TelleTHOS. BoDtEY, C. F, C. C.

The Matchless HistoryJ0SEP? & E "EttEN,

'or sale at tbts ojjicePrice o.



histhanks tohiscuf- -tomers for their paff savors, frtp




house and

.v .w..L.Un t.u uumicis duuui nan txpect he hasmerit them in suture. He in tlle neighbourhoodto inform the public in sreneral tho"ght .' wi" .atte"--P-

t to get thetiww. Any person thathe tocarrv on the nrH 1,:

next door toopposite Capt. tavern.Main flreet. He has infl-- rprpit.ri- WW.....from Philadelphia, a of firstqualitied imported Boot Legs andcnguiu ren Any gentlemanmav be furnidied with Hnnis nrShoes, done in the neatefl andmanner, and on the fhortefl applying as above.

juiycf, 1003.

Knox tufa Term, rfin-i- .

John Reddick,V. s.

fiirvivino-- i .

oartner of the firm of Hicks I 5ct .ampDeu, anil tne neirs and ,

reprelentatives ot James Hicks ? gieceaiea,iatepartnenn tliehrmfH'u?i;s & and Tohn Q

BaUCiser. I

jfMKi In Chancery.Vlhz Robert Cnmnlipll

and the heirs and representatives JamesFlicks decealed. havin pnfi.ri.rl i.:

confni'U- -

pparance herein to law, and itpeanng to the fuisfaftion of the court that'ha:TT$by his counsel, it ordered, that thei.. . .'- -... uj-.u- . n uii me 111 navof our iie-- t Oclober term our said courtand anlwer the complair ant's bill that co i

py of this order be publifhsd forthwith in the.U'fw in rrp inr trim mnn,, jit..-- "j --- ..- - iiLxeiuve- -

ly, polled up tit the fiont door of .1 e court'" cjnnfv,anl some Sun- -

dav irnui. .),- -- - - -- ""- -houA. near StauforJ.

o. j u- -, ,:..... iwiiHumKflp,

iwg'jj-mmmw- a

LEWIS SANDERS M mHAVE lately received from Ph:I- -

aeipnia, a treln iortment ns. . . . "Vana


Hardware. Iron. innno-f-r- &,-- n-:- .

na Tea fetts complete, other!?"1";! 0,d l!ft fPring a .,'-

affortment on




m ' i - .

Lards. White Lead, RedWhitin- - and

r.hoii- -vnutrv, Human iJiue Patent Yel- -low. t

FOR SAt.K. AThe Valuable Stallior wSILVER HEELS, y

u UUil (1n;, 'cis g,,od, andm'ay be re -

toOne Vi.

K demanded forwould be receive .nWi:?;:" " -F - - - -reUv., tHe purchaser,

H TAYLOR.Augufl 7th 1 803 tf

TO KK SO MlBV , - r ...... '

" t " trom the' works,decea-- l

bill, that ' aes.'Kentucky of

according law, the!30 to Mra n,,rrf--r accordingly

r "'


....,. I

besthatiuS over

ocontinues nhnvp.f.iinw.

business Mr. BoirirssJmal",e bandfomeWrewaidMarshal's






Robert Campbell.late




nant, .1..



tp i.uui'.uun




Lead, Sp.nifli





Luiti'finiic worn,

fed, ? TRACT of ,LP' n Mllf., k' "Car-L)ren-

an s Lick, about 18

XZXXTand miles from the of Ohio


of S5 'patented toI underfland these lands are valu

able, but a nurchafer nW rl,(u ,

iudrre for himself. ThJV" l-- "'

beknovwi by apnlvin? to the fnhfr- -ber.liA, n t,.t,. "..

W. WARFIELD8th, i8oq. tf

Inn. ..ILJ nttUrr ...- - v.tu uMi-nu- ,5 years old 5 feet 10or h inches high, of a yellowish complexion,some sears in his fice kJ k.,Ju a uuuivhen young, a remarkable sear on hi5Prf.,rn,

above his elbow n)(h hv n hum- - ru t.uiielarge and broad feet took with him

apprehend said0 the nearest jail,

bv srivinfinlnri?".1?? of the rJmeas r am determined to

::..,vtne ,ta.te.and wift.t0 kphim in idiltilMSToiivenient oDooitnnltv'JriSamuel heeler, sev.

Anguft 23dX853. 31 o Dollars Reward.

RAN away fromthe subscriber, living inLexington, onthe night ofthe i4t!i mft3nt, BILLEY,.t Negro Man, nearly sixeet high, a yellow com

pktion, rather lean sac;dwith K...

tout j. ycjr-- ot age, a small sear under oneof his eves took with hini such a vanety ofcloathing, it is difficult to defenbe them.It is exucftpH be will malp r..-- - !. t ,.of Ohio, and probably for Philadelphia, as henas oeen nearu to lay mat 11c thought he couldecrete himself in Philadelphia Any person

who will apprehend said flaie, and securehim in any jjil where I can get him, Ihdlhave thebove reward, yith all reasonableexpenjfaid brought home.

Oliver Keen.Lexington, K. AgguH 16th, 1803

D. BliABiOl.lkHAVING lust ierevf-,- l an afTrtrt

uua iiirtunri, aim mi tne inortelt nqtice.

n.Tipil...t.. ....i..Harrison... . -County.

. . ..1m rvr.i nil nv wiiim u i. ...ri1cretk, a dark bay Horse,

.sour, or years

..1.1 1 1.iu, luuTitcii anu a nan hands 1 mr, no bran 11

perceivable, a small flar , i wi .,.,1 ..a Jlloman nose, two hirld fen while, ft u,.,i ......i!"-- " ''""j'"iiJtuiai trotrcr, 11 laaimaubell Jraded to ;ol before me.

SX Wilhum i.towcrs, 7. PJuiTWSVaJM. t

of LARGE TYPE, suitable fmcibills, &c who

thmk proper to eniiJlo? him, .ha., hav'lhe'"J0DS executed in the moll... .........,.- - J .in n





P.tlbvten-- n meaing


tji- -




TUESDAY, AUGUST 30,' 1803.


nth inlbnt, out of my liable, in,a Chefnut Sorrel

Fifteen anHORSE,

id a half hands high, foulgfnatural

i r irinn ni? i r.

latistachon he flrone





lcwuru .vvi be given forth iorfeaml th,ef' Provided the tM ,is"rougnt to jultice, or Ten Dollarfor th horse ory. A


Ji'VE 24., 1803.Notice is htrcby given,

THA T Proposals will be recei-ved at Vincennes. hv li t.,of the Indiana Territory, until theo- -fi A ,., c .i .o -- .. v.y ui oepiemoer next enluitiT,101 sealing, tor the term of Three

,MW f 'k' xt .

'.t,v;ro "car tne waballi, latelylsTu ldU"S t0 lhe Unhed

nm Jc oi theleafej but lhall pay to theSutcs, one thoufaod buflicls, equaLto fifty thousand pounds merchanta-ble,fa- lt,

for the annual rent offticceeding year ; the fait to be .

ycar"T8o ZL T -- H bSClai-k- e colnty. oJ sc?1

ScSJrlTR,.S .-- nt flial, be

executors- ""- -'

of Patrickattorney

Henrv '".

fud,qU?n"- -









i .



"",e a,m .- -t

Within the year, as fliall be fixed bT rthe terms of the leufe. Xj- -

II. The leffees fliall efhblifh,within the Srft year, kettles, for thapurpose of making fait arerett Jh,fnS COn.telUs of lealt S thU"Igallons and; they fhal withinthe fonH ...:r.. .i.'. .;vi,nii,icaic luc quan- -t"V 10 fifteen thousand sallons. anrl

remainder of the iVifeT

? "P a"d J thtiaSgregate contents

thouland gallons : the fcettl" re.... ,

"? n n?na t.Pirat.on oftne icaie, to De valuec and naid rjr. .u. . r ., , V .v,c ,., h tneieaie mail notbe renewed.

III. The leiTces fliall be bound,annually, and each ear afte- - thisena ot tne nrlt ) ear, to manufaaure

mU ha n nnU.. .1.- - ."" "v "B"-1-- " "" "y me terms , fthe lease ; and to sell the wi... ...... 1 . . w,.'0le' i ...i,u, uuing uie xourr .1 , r 7,':"' """ ,c.alc Ulcy lua man- -utacture, at a price not orentv ,,that fixed by the fcid terrns : and in.order to prevent any com.binauotior evasion, the United. .States

themselves the right of pur-chafi- ng

the whole at that price.IV. For the purpof.e of affifling

the leflees 111 the putxhafe of kettles,and eredlion of the w orlts, the Uni-ted States fnall advance two thou-fand five hundred dollars ; to be re-paid at the end of the lease, M)thinterest, at the rate of six per cent,a year, from the expiration of thofirlt year of the lease.

V. The leffees fiia'l give bondwith approved security, for the ful-filment of the agreement, and fortheje-payme- of the monej;.

The perlons who intentfftJi lCyill slate in the JRhe quantity ot Ult which they willgreetomake annually, and the price atwhich they will engage to sell thefarile : it being intended, the otherterms being equal, and the fecuittyindisputable, to lease the spring tothose who fliall engage to sell thegreatest quantity of fait at the low--

lest price.Shuuld any persons, othnvife r?e.

firous to lease, think the "quantity ofkettles' as llated ln trie iecond arti- -

greater than they can est- -ibllh ; tlley ''iav' '1 r eir nronoi..! r ;n .lIons

1,of the contents, whuh thy...n... nu.n 11 i irtWDUUl and keep,:

ALBERT GALL A TINT.tt2oS Sscrfn v 0f ,' t ,, ar., v.

Am manifest:-- ,

Por sale ai this Giu(,c.