kentucky creative living - february


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Kentucky Creative Living - February


Page 1: Kentucky Creative Living - February
Page 2: Kentucky Creative Living - February

Pets are suchwonderful friends.They’re completelydevoted and all theywant in return is ourlove and care. So it’simportant that westay on our toes inproviding them thebest of the best. Onevery important hotpet health topic isweight. Keeping your pet’s weight under controlcan mean a longer, fuller life. That means moretime you get to spend with your pal and themore memories you can make. Check out thismonth’s feature on “Slim down secrets for pets”for some great tips on how to keep your pet fit.

Also be sure to check out the feature ondecorating tips to bring warmth to your home.Oh, how I love decorating and creating awelcoming environment for guests.

Until next time, happy reading.


Specialty Publications Editor

Creative Living is a monthly advertising-sponsoredmagazine published by the Specialty Publications

Department of The Community Press/The Community Recorder.

Questions and comments can be sent to Editor Melissa Hayden c/o The Community Press/

394 Wards Corner/Loveland, OH 45140 or e-mail

[email protected].

For advertising call 578-5501.


TopicsHealth & FitnessMind • Body • Spirit

Dental CareOral health

At HomeRemodeling • Decorating

3 12 Local BusinessGoods • Services

Senior LivingCare • Home

Pet SenseCare • Health


FeaturesDDeeccoorraattiinngg ttiippss ttoo hheellpp yyoouu aadddd wwaarrmmtthh ttoo yyoouurr hhoommeeIdeas to add warmth to welcome guests into your home.



Page 16

8 16

Editor’s note

SSlliimm ddoowwnn sseeccrreettss ffoorr ppeettssKeep your pet fit and trim with these tips.


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H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

3K e n t u c k y T h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

Do you snore? Do you suffer fromsleep apnea? Have you tried CPAP butjust can't tolerate it?

At Cincinnati Dental SleepMedicine, Dr. Kitzmiller sees patientsevery day with snoring and sleepapnea. Utilizing state of the art OralAppliance Therapy, Dr. Kitzmiller andhis uniquely trained team are able tooffer their patients who suffer fromthese disruptive and potentially life-threatening conditions a comfortableand effective treatment. An oral appli-ance is a customized, FDA-approvedCPAP alternative that fits over yourteeth and holds the lower jaw forward,keeping your airway open while yousleep.

A sleep apnea sufferer and oralappliance patient himself, Dr.Kitzmiller knows firsthand the effectsof sleep apnea and the benefits of hisoral appliance. Hispatients are thrilledwith their experiencetoo!

“I can't thank youenough for making meaware of the oral appliance(my wife thanks you even more!). Forthe first time in years I am sleepingquietly and soundly and wake up feel-ing well rested. You literally couldhave saved my life because the CPAPmachine was not working for me.Thanks again!” – Mike R.

“Outstanding and immediateresults! I haven't snored once since get-ting my oral appliance and my apneahas improved dramatically. I haven'tslept without it since the day I got it.It's simple and it works!” – Jim E.

“ After years of struggling with aCPAP machine, I was overjoyed tofind an oral appliance that worked totreat my sleep apnea. My mouth appli-ance is easy to use, does not restrict mymotions, and very portable when trav-eling. My husband is grateful too!” –Anne S.

Call Dr. Kitzmiller at 248-8848 toschedule your complimentary consul-tation to see how Oral ApplianceTherapy could be an option for youtoo.

Snoring and sleep apnea patients rave about CPAP alternative

Dr. Kitzmiller treats his sleep apnea patients withOral Appliance Therapy.

Want More Info?Visit

to learn more!

Page 4: Kentucky Creative Living - February

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

4 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

The people we surround our-selves with in difficult times canmake a difference in our attitudeand determination.

Breast cancer is one of themost common cancers occurringin women and the second- mostcommon cause of death afterlung cancer.

The loss of a woman’s breaststo cancer can affect her self-esteem, her sex drive, and justhow she feels about herself as awoman.

“No one cries here alone,”said Karen Murphy, a 15-yearcertified mastectomy fitter atBurlington Pharmacy HealthCare. Murphy and MelissaMorris are used to giving andreceiving lots of hugs. They’reused to sharing tears as well.

Many women needing post-

mastectomy devices, wigs andscarves as a result of surgery,receiving chemotherapy or forother medical reasons have cometo Burlington Pharmacy HealthCare because of the outstandingsupport and care of the profes-sional fitting specialists there.

Burlington Pharmacy HealthCare carries a wide assortment ofpost-mastectomy products, wigs,scarves, sleep caps and otherheadpieces. They offer personal-ized and private fitting appoint-ments with their professional fit-ting specialists.

“It is a very private atmos-phere. We like taking time witheach customer to get to knowthem as a person before we beginthe fitting,” said Morris.

“It’s very important to us thatit be a pleasant and comfortable

experience.”Burlington Pharmacy Health

Care also encourages their cus-tomer’s friends and family tocome and support women asthey choose wigs, scarves, andother headpieces while theyreceive treatment.

“We invite them to come withour customers,” said Murphy.

“Getting opinions from friendsand family that they know andlove is very reassuring and help-ful,” she said.

Karen and Melissa are hon-ored to support, encourage, andadvise women who are lookingfor post-mastectomy devices andhead coverings.

“It is an emotional time. It’simportant for them to have asupport team that cares. Our per-sonal care and quality customer

service set us apart,” saidMurphy.

“At the end of the day, we aremaking a difference in a life,”added Morris.

Serving the Tri-State since1976, Burlington PharmacyHealth Care has the area’s largesthome medical equipment show-room filled with a variety of topquality, state-of-the-art medicalequipment and supplies.Whether you are looking to pur-chase new, used or simply rent-ing, we have it all. Stop by andlet our experienced and knowl-edgeable staff show you why wesay “large enough to serve, smallenough to care!”

For more information call 859-586-6700 or visit

Pharmacy is helping women in difficult times

Call 578-5501 to advertise in CCrreeaattiivveeLiving

Page 5: Kentucky Creative Living - February

Every new year we allmake those dreaded reso-lutions. By far the mostpopular resolutionsrevolve around health andfitness. We resolve to loseweight, to get in shape, toexercise more, or to eatmore healthfully. By thetime February rollsaround, are your resolu-tions in full swing or arethey already a distantmemory?

Your local Curves, theproven strength-trainingprogram designed espe-cially for women, can helpyou keep those resolu-tions and achieve perma-nent results without per-manent dieting.

Curves knows thatmore than half of women are over-weight and more thanone-third are obese. Infact, obesity plays a majorrole in the poor health ofwomen, including dia-betes and high blood pres-sure. Such statistics can bealarming, but to help

combat these statisticsCurves offers a provenstrength-training programwhere women can losepounds and inchesthrough regular exercise(including Curves Smarttechnology with personal-ized goals).

Curves also offers edu-cational programs toaddress weight loss aswomen gain new-foundconfidence in their regularCurves exercise routine.

And, new for 2011 is apartnership betweenCurves® Internationaland Zumba®, the globaldance fitness experts. Thetwo companies havehelped millions of womenworldwide lose weightand get in shape. Now,they’re partnering on aunique workout that com-bines the best of bothworlds.

It’s called Curves®Circuit with Zumba®Fitness and it’s the only30-minute class that mixesthe moves of Zumba with

the proven strength train-ing of Curves for onewildly effective workout.

“Curves Circuit withZumba Fitness is anamazing workout,” saidPam Westerman, Curvesowner of Florence andIndependence.

“It combines Curves’strength-training pro-gram, which can burn upto 500 calories in just 30minutes, with fun, ener-getic Zumba moves. Sofar our members haveabsolutely loved it. Theyare definitely getting theirgroove back!”

All ages, fitness levelsand dance abilities canparticipate in and benefitfrom Curves Circuit withZumba Fitness 30-minuteclasses, overseen byCurves Circuit Coachesand led by a licensedZumba instructor. In addi-tion to the regular Curvesworkout, members canopt to participate in thesespecial sessions wherethey will have worked

every major muscle groupand achieved a fun, ener-getic cardio workout.

Look for a Curves nearyou and for the CurvesCircuit with ZumbaFitness classes at localparticipating Curves,including Erlanger,Florence, Fort Thomas,Hebron, Independence,

and Villa Hills. For a lim-ited time, non-memberscan try Curves and theCurves Circuit withZumba Fitness classes freefor one week.

Check out the ad onthis page, call 1-800-CURVES30 or tolearn more.

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

5K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

Proven Curves program partners with Zumba Fitness

Call 578-5501 to advertise in CCrreeaattiivveeLiving

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6 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

2011 is here, the kids are back to school,and you find yourself reading about GentleDental Care yet again.

Think about how many times you haveread Gentle Dental Care's stories, picked upthe phone to call, and hung up due to fear.Some of the new patients have been knownto drive into the parking lot and becomenauseous. However, afterwards they won-der why they had waited so long.

Does this describe you?While reading this article, your teeth are

hurting, your gums are bleeding, and it hasbeen a very long time since you have seen adentist.

The thought of calling makes you sick asthe feeling of embarrassment overwhelmsyou. Do not worry, because Dr. TaraDallmann is dedicated to helping patientsjust like you. The doctor and her team have dedicated the last severalyears to learning the most up-to-date procedures with IV and oralsedation. They have recently gone through an extensive course onmedical emergencies.

In addition they continue to offer laughing gas, heated blankets,

neck pillows, and headphones tomake your visit as comfortable aspossible. Dr. Dallmann and her quali-fied team are ready to make yourvisit the most relaxing and safe expe-rience you've ever had at a dentaloffice.

A recent patient told us that he'dkept our newspaper clippings so longthey'd yellowed with time. After apositive experience, the patienthugged the entire team, telling Dr.Dallmann she'd changed his life. Heonly wishes he'd called sooner andavoided years of pain and embarrass-ment.

Don't let this happen to you. Donot set this article aside again. Decide

to put yourself first this year.Now is the time to start fresh. You will not be made to feel guilty,

because at Gentle Dental Care, they understand how hard it is just topick up the phone. They know that can be the hardest step. Just thinkabout having a new healthy smile in 2011.

Make that call, 363-1616, today and experience the difference.

How many times have you cut this ad out?

Gentle Dental Care is known for their kind touch.

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7K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

When a patient has routinedental check-ups they can reducetheir chances of dental pain andthe financial burdens associatedwith complicated and severeforms of dental disease.

An example of dental diseaseis periodontal disease that maygo unnoticed by a lack of routinedental visits.

This can progress into toothloss and pain, but if caught earlyis easier to arrest and manage.

Routine dental visits allow adental professional to screen for

oral cancers and other underly-ing health issues. Check-upsallow us to keep up with changesin a patient's systemic health sta-tus.

It is very important to educatepatients of the correlationbetween periodontal disease andother systemic conditions, suchas heart disease and diabetes.

Persons with periodontal dis-ease are more likely to developcardiovascular diseases thanindividuals without periodontalissues.

The link between the two dis-eases suggest that the same bac-teria that is associated with peri-odontal disease can contribute toheart disease and stroke.

In the diabetic patient, a highblood-glucose level helps bacteriagrow in the oral cavity.

This bacteria growth can maketooth and gum problems worse.Diabetics are three times morelikely to develop periodontal dis-ease than the non-diabetics per-son.

It is also important to recog-

nize the effects that medicationscan have on a persons oralhealth.

Oral conditions such as drymouth, sores, inflammation andelevated levels of plaque can allbe contributed to medications.Your teeth and gums say amouthful, so routine dental visitsare important for a patients over-all health.

Give Mortenson Dental Care acall at 525-7586 to schedule yourroutine checkup and cleaningtoday.

Routine dental visits equals better heart health

Call 578-5501 to advertise in CCrreeaattiivveeLiving

Page 8: Kentucky Creative Living - February

The LastingImpressions DesignCenter, at 241 GrandviewAve. in Bellevue, Ky., isready to assist you withall of those nice, springytouches that make yourhome delightful.

New merchandise con-tinues to arrive for a beau-tiful spring display of flo-ral stems and greenery,swags, garlands, and thelatest in everyday homedécor.

Several new bedroomsuites have arrived and arebeautifully displayed inroom settings. Other furni-ture is scheduled to arrivesoon as the showroomcontinues to take shapefeaturing furniture youcertainly will want to see.

If you haven’t visitedLasting Impressions, giveyourself a pre-spring treatand make plans to visitsoon! You’ll find that little

lift you need to be readyfor spring decoratingwhen those first littletulips and crocus begin toappear. It won’t be long!

You may even want tosign up for an In-HomeConsultation to get someexpert advice on paintselection, accessories, win-dow treatments, furniture,roomarrange-ment, orjust abrain-stormingsessionduring awalk-through with Linda.

Call 859-655-8187 formore information or toschedule an appointment.

What else is new atLasting ImpressionsDesign Center? The newline of quilted bedding(with coordinating accentpillows) and table linens

bring an elegant, warmtouch to tried-and-true,comfortable quilted styles.Also featured are Shawrugs which offer wonder-ful durability as well as

the newest in area rug col-ors and designs for alldecorating styles!

Yes, you’ll still findhidden treasures if youdare to go on a scavengerhunt in “The Attic atLasting Impressions.” Just


8 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

Lasting Impressions Design Center …

Several new bedroom suites have arrived at Lasting Impressions and are beautifullydisplayed in room settings.

“When you care enough to make your homea warm, welcoming place for family and

friends . . . you need to visit us.”

LASTINGsee page 9

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Fortunately, creat-ing this inviting atmos-phere can be as simple(and cost-effective) asintroducing differentcolors, aromas andaccents to spruce upyour decor for the sea-son.

Start by focusing onthe areas of the homethat your guests willuse the most.

Guest bathroomsExpecting overnight

guests? Unless your home

has a guest bedroomwith an attached bath,your guests will need aplace to stow their toi-letries during their stay– and a shared bath-room can run out ofstorage space quickly.

A freestandingtowel cabinet provides

storage space for tow-els and other items, soyou can keep vanitiesand counter spaces freefor guest use. Dining rooms, kitchens

Guests often gatherwhere the food is beingserved, which meansyour kitchen and din-ing room are sure tosee plenty of action.

If the kitchen is theheart of the home, thedining room is not farbehind it in terms ofcreating a welcomingenvironment.

Living roomThe living room is

another area whereguests will stay to chat,watch a movie togetheror play games.

Adding homespunwarmth to this roomcan be as easy as pro-

viding guests withcomfy seating, cozythrows to wrap up inand plush pillows forfloor seating.

Don’t forget to giveguests somewhere topark their beveragesand play board games.

A coffee table canbe an essential enter-taining piece, as wellas a great way to con-tinue your decoratingtheme of comfort andclass.

Whatever your dec-orating style, it’simportant that itinvites guests warmly.

By mixing timelessstyles with freshaccents, you can createa casual, comfortablelive-in look that’s bothaffordable and practi-cal. Courtesy of ARA Content

ecorating tips to help you add warmth and welcome to your home

No matterwhere it is, nomatter how it’sdecorated, ahome shouldalways providea sense ofwarmth andwelcome forfamily andfriends.

Consideradding homeytouchesthroughoutyour home tohelp everyonefeel comfort-able andrelaxed.

Dventure through the doorsat the back of the mainshowroom and enter aworld of wonderful mark-downs. This area is alsotaking on a new look asthere are now some newroom settings as well as agarden area in this part ofthe store.

The friendly folks atLasting Impressions takepride in excellent cus-tomer service and theyare looking forward toseeing you soon at 241Grandview in Bellevue,Ky.

It’s a shopping experi-ence you are going toenjoy and repeat againand again! The directphone line to the thirdfloor is 859-655-8187.

You may call when youarrive if you need eleva-tor service, and someonewill be glad to comedown and give you a lift.

LASTING from page 8

DirectionsTraveling south

or north on I-471:Take Exit 5

(Newport/Bellevue)Turn right onto

Route 8 (FairfieldAvenue)

Continue toTaylor Avenue andturn right

Travel 6 blocksto GrandviewAvenue

Turn right onGrandview

Enter the ware-house through thecenter door by thedock.

Prepare to beamazed.

A coffee table is a greatway to continue yourdecorating theme ofcomfort and class.

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10 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

What would you do ifyou had an extra 2-4hours in the week? Wouldyou spend more time withyour spouse, your family,your significant other, orwould you finally take the“me time” you have beenin desperate need of for awhile now?

Regal Maid CleaningService has been doingmore than just giving peo-ple clean homes to walkinto at the end of the dayfor the past 25 years, theyhave been giving peoplethe precious gift of extratime in their day or weekto spend doing what theywant or need to doinstead. One of the keyingredients to the overallsuccess of Regal Maid is

their effort and ability togive their customers thecoveted “me time” theywell deserve. By eliminat-ing the daunting tasksand responsibilities thatcome along with cleaningtheir homes and maintain-ing that clean, healthy,safe environment, RegalMaid has been providingwomen and men likeyourselves with thou-sands of cumulative hoursto relax, and function in aless chaotic environment.Not many businesses cansay that.

Andy Venneman, RegalMaid owner, says: “Weservice all of our cus-tomers with the samelevel of excellence no mat-ter what the job size or the

price. Because we servicesuch a diverse group ofclients, we really try tounderstand what theoverall objective is andwhy they are requestingour services. Some peopleare too busy with workand children and life ingeneral to devote the timeto cleaning that theyshould on a regular basis,so they call us. Otherclients call us becausetheir loved ones or theythemselves are elderlyand unable to physicallydo the work themselves,but need a safe and sani-tary environment to residein. We have a largeamount of moms anddads that call becausethey are just far too busywith kids, sports, work,homework and day to daymaintenance that they justcan’t keep up or don’t

have time to clean as thor-oughly as they need to.”

Andy goes on to say:“We help our clients withprojects ranging from oneroom at a time to theentire house. There is no‘one size fits all’ in whatwe do. We know thatmost people assume theycan’t afford to hire acleaning service to comein and help.

“We often hear ournew customers say theywouldn’t have waited tocall because they couldafford it all along.Although our customersare diverse and the homessize and lifestyles vary,there is one commonthread that seems to bindjust about all of us. Wealmost all feel over-whelmed and stressedand tense about the ideaof how much is waiting

for us to do when we gethome at the end of theday! We love that we areable to make a physicaldifference in our client’shomes and a difference intheir overall mental/emo-tional state too. It is veryrewarding!”

According to a studyconducted by the SDA(National Soap &Detergent Association) 46percent of couples livingtogether argue over clean-ing. Also, 27 percent ofcouples argue about whoshould be the one clean-ing, and 24 percent of cou-ples argue about howoften the cleaning shouldbe done.

Imagine if you wereable to eliminate an argu-ment each week or monthand what else you could

It’s about time

REGALsee page 11

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11K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

You’ve read about these monsters,and yes, they do exist here in NorthernKentucky.

Although they are very tiny, bedbugscan wreak great havoc on your home.The National Pest ManagementAssociation (NPMA) has reported a 71percent increase inbedbug infestationsin the U.S. since2001. This is a veryreal problem.

Bedbugs areexcellent hiders.They are not easy tofind. They hide in mattresses, head-boards, upholstery, and inside walls andbaseboards. They can fit in a crevice thewidth of a playing card and survive forover a year without food.

Perfection K9 Services, a part ofPerfection Pest Control, can put yourmind at ease. Man’s “best friend” is thebedbug’s worst enemy! Perfection K9calls upon the skills of Beddy the BedBug Dog to use her “scentsability” tofind bedbugs. She is a single-scent

trained dog. She and her partner DarrenBowman are certified through theAction Canine Institute.

Perfection K9 Services can providedocumentation of inspections in theevent of disputes with guests or tenants.They’ll find bedbugs before your family,

guests or tenantsdo (or bedbugsfind them). Theyoffer ongoingpreventiveinspections tokeep your prop-erty protected.

They are accurate, quick, and non-dis-truptive to the property.

They can find the exat location onfthe infestation so that you can preparethat area, rather than your entire homefor treatment, as well as reduce the useof pesticide in the home.

See the website for infor-mation or call 525-8560 to set up anappointment.

REGAL from page 10

be doing with that timeand energy! Regal Maidas a relationship rescuemay be a stretch, but atthe end of the day, it can’thurt a relationship.

You deserve a break.You can afford to haveRegal Maid CleaningService tackle that not sofun cleaning projectyou’ve been putting off.You can do more with

your time.“All you have to do is

call and talk to us aboutwhat you are looking forand we will find a way towork with you and helpyou out,” says Andy.

Right now is the per-fect time to check RegalMaid out.

For the next month,Regal Maid wants you togive you at least 30 min-

utes of “me time” by giv-ing you $30 off your firstclean with them.

Please call 781-3900 orvisit them online formore information or tobook your appointment.

Look in upcomingissues of Creative Livingfor more savings, contests,winner announcements,tips and more!

Inspect with ‘scentsability’

Perfection K9 Services, a part of PerfectionPest Control, can put your mind at ease.

Call 578-5501 to advertisein upcoming

fair books

CCrreeaattiivveeLivinga good idea!

Call 687-4614.

Page 12: Kentucky Creative Living - February

Be it summer heat orwinter cold, proper atticinsulation can make yourhouse more livable.

“In the winter, yourfurnace heats up yourhome, but if your attic isunder insulated-the heatseeks out the cold atticabove (rises) and is wast-ed,” he explained. “Aftera snowfall, you can seethe homes that need atticattention: their shinglesare visible quicker than ahome that has properinsulation.”

According toShoemaker this principleis the reason your homecan feel stuffy in the hotmonths too, “heat chasescold, so your super hotattic in the summer is try-

ing to get into your air-conditioning, causingyour bills to go up andyour home to feel toohot.”

Attic insulation ismeasured in R-value. Thecurrent government stan-dard is R-49 which isequal to 17 inches of insu-lation and will soon be R-60 or 20 inches. Mosthomes built before 2005have less than R-38 or 12inches!

Insulation instantlymakes a home more com-fortable, year-round.Having an attic that meas-ures R-60, will reduceyour monthly utilities by20 to 30 percent, reducethe wear and tear of yourHVAC system thus pro-

longing its life, make yourhome quieter, andincrease your re-salevalue.

The federal govern-

ment has added a suite ofuseful energy tax creditsof $500 for attic insulationinstalled in 2011.

The details of the 2011

tax credit are: 10percent of thecost up to $500,install the insula-tion by Dec. 31,2011, or gambleon another exten-sion, savereceipts, labels,and have theinsulation com-pany provide youwith a certifica-tion form uponcompletion forUncle Sam.

The staff atRoof Time also

know of two localtax credit pro-

grams that will put anoth-er $200 in savings backinto your wallet.

A New Roof Time staffhave been certified byOwens Corning as a TOPof the HOUSE installer.Because Roof Time installsroofing and insulation,they understand the com-plex relationship betweeninsulation, ventilation andradiation. This “energytrilogy” is what makes aroof last and a home ener-gy efficient.

A free attic inspectionincludes one of their certi-fied estimators’ arrivingon time with clean lad-ders and flashlights,booties to protect yourcarpeting, drop cloths tocapture any debris, and avariety of tools to evaluateyour energy use.

An inspection takesless than an hour and uti-lizes FLIR thermal cam-eras and digital ther-mometers.

To schedule a freeinspection of your atticand roof, call Missy at513-753-8463 or formore information.


12 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

Enjoy comfort in your home with proper insulation

Rooftime thermal scan reveals "ice dam" in customers home.

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Quick quality service iswhat S.I. Pool Care is allabout according to ownerSam Ionna.

For 19 years he and hisfamily has been faithfullyserving area pool ownersincluding installation, spe-cializing in fiberglasspools, renovations, stan-dard repairs and mainte-nance, as well as deck or

patio work around thepool. For the last sevenyears they’ve also operat-ed a retail store.

Sam, a retired teacher,first got the idea to go intothe pool business whileworking a summer jobmanaging swim clubs inNorthern Kentucky. Asthings would break andhe’d try to get them

repaired, he’d end uphaving to wait two weeksfor service! So, he starteddoing the repairs himself.After about five years hedecided it was time to gointo business for himself.

“I thought there mustbe others who share theneed for this service andit’s worked out verywell,” he explained.

They specialize in fiber-glass pools. With 70 pre-mier models, they can findyou a pool you’ll love andthey offer full packages toget the job finished frombeginning to end.

With a fiberglass poolyou don’t have to worryabout deterioration, aliner replacement, or los-ing color after time.

With a 25-year warran-ty, they can provide youwith their professionalfiberglass resurfacing.Most other companies

will only provide youwith a one-year warrantywith their plaster resurfac-ing. Compared to plaster,fiberglass is a non-poroussurface which helps pre-vent algae. This uniqueprocess is much strongerthan conventional sur-faces. It won't crack likeconcrete, wrinkle and tearlike liners, or rust andleak like steal walls.

For more informationon S.I. Pool Care call 331-4110 or visit

Quick quality service from S.I. Pool Care

S.I. Pool, the retail store, features a variety of spa equipment.

Page 14: Kentucky Creative Living - February

Jim Barrie wants toshare his love for SCUBAdiving, so he’s lettingeveryone try it.

His dive shop, TheScuba Shack,( located in Florence, isoffering a “Try SCUBAExperience” to anyoneinterested in diving.

“SCUBA diving is not asport. It’s not a hobby. It’sa lifestyle! We want toexpose as many people aswe can to this excitingway of life,” said Barrie.

Barrie has owned TheScuba Shack for 12 years,and in that time has beentold by countless peoplethat they would love totry diving.

He knows that if theydo, they’ll love it!

So he wants to givethem the opportunity.

All those who wouldlike to try SCUBA divingwill be geared-up and gofor a dip with a certifiedinstructor in The Scuba

Shack’s indoor, heated, 10foot-deep, diver trainingpool.

Reservations arerequired, and can bemade by calling 859-283-1550.

The Scuba Shack alsooffers SCUBA certificationtraining. Through com-prehensive classroom andpool training, divers learnproper technique, safetymeasures, and how to usethe equipment.

Once certified, a diveris ready to go on one ofthe shop’s many trips to

dive locations in theUnited States and abroad.

The Shack currentlyhas trips scheduled to:Florida, North Carolina,St. Lucia, Bonaire, Fiji,Bali/Indonesia, and TheRed Sea. Pricing varies bydestination.

“There’s nothing quitelike a group trip” saidBarrie. “Both divers andnon-divers come backwith a group of newfriends, having visitedsome of the world’s mostbeautiful destinations” hesaid.


14 K e n t u c k yn k y. c o mC R E A T I V E L I V I N G T h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

SCUBA shop letting everyone take a dipBigger isn’t always bet-

ter. Sometimes you canfeel lost. Merle NormanCosmetic Studio &Boutique in the CrestviewHills Mall is not a hugewarehouse, but howmuch you carry is notnearly as important aswhat you carry. AndMerle Norman carriesexactly what customersneed and want.

Not only do they havegreat quality skincare thatcan actually make youlook younger, foundationsthat go on flawlessly forall skin types, and con-temporary color palettes

for eyes, cheeks and lips,but all at affordableprices! The knowledge-able staff makes you feelwelcome and comfortableand you feel good andhappy in an unhurriedenvironment where youreceive personal attention.

Make you a priorityand treat yourself to amakeover at MerleNorman. The beauty advi-sors will take you throughcomplete skincare that’sappropriate for you,including specific prod-ucts to address any issues

Does size really matter?

SIZE see page 16

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15K e n t u c k y C R E A T I V E L I V I N Gn k y. c o mT h u r s d a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 1

Just around the corner fromthe Florence Post Office on MainStreet in Florence is the brandnew Ethos Senior Living facility,which opened for business onJan. 3.

Residents are already takingadvantage of this exciting newoption for seniors seeking tomaintain their independentlifestyle, with the added securityof customized care options. Ethosprovides an extraordinary level ofservice that promotes a comfort-able quality of life for its residentsin a vibrant and thriving commu-nity.

“People who decide to comeand live here can be assured of asafe and secure environment,”said Gary Bowman, one of fourowners of the new facility.“Besides that, it is fun place tolive.”

Residents at Ethos are sur-rounded by activities which

enables them to interact withtheir neighbors, from customizedentertainment programs, to groupexercise classes, to inspiring spiri-tual services. Other amenitiesinclude an on-site hair salon, amovie-style theater, bistro café, alounge, and a spacious diningfacility. Those who dine in will betreated to restaurant-style, chef-prepared meals.

Outside, beautiful outdoorwalking trails and garden court-yards with large patios promoteoutdoor community gatherings,or family get-togethers.

In the more inclement weather,residents can keep fit with the fit-ness facility located in the center.

“Our customized services pro-gram is unique to Ethos,”explained Bowman.

“Upon arrival, each resident isassessed to determine the appro-priate level of assistance to beprovided by our specially trained

staff. We also have special pro-gramming for those in very earlystages of having memory issues.Our 24-hour highly skilled andfriendly staff gives residents andtheir families confidence thattheir needs will always be met.”

Ethos’ newly built constructionassures that its 100 apartmentsare pristine, spacious, and mod-ern. The accommodations aredesigned for individuals whovalue independent and activelifestyles, and appreciate the free-dom of maintenance-free living.Apartments are available inalcove, and one and two bedroomfloor plans. Each apartmentincludes spacious living areas,kitchenettes with appliances,walk-in lighted closets, walk-inshowers, cable TV, Internetaccess, and individual climatecontrol.

“One of the nicest features wehave are the lighted, walk-in clos-

ets,” said Bowman. “That is vir-tually unheard of with facilitieslike ours. And our spacious bath-rooms with walk-in showers giveour seniors a feeling of security.”

Bowman said their accommo-dations offer peace of mind, withfire and emergency systems, secu-rity cameras, and built in emer-gency call system. Safety is one ofEthos’ core values, and Ethos isproud to offer state-of-the-artfacilities that are as secure as theyare comfortable and beautiful.

“We have our own shuttletransit, which we operate on aschedule, so that people can goshopping, which is very closenearby,” said Bowman. “Ofcourse, many residents prefer tohave their car available, and wehave designated parking spacesfor them close by.”

Anyone who would like to can

Ethos the place for seniors to live life to the fullest

ETHOS see page 16

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Lorie Clary and herstaff know it is hard tolose a beloved pet.

That’s why FaithfulFriends Pet MemoryCenter is helping pet own-ers in Northern Kentuckyand Greater Cincinnatihonor the memory of theirdeparted pets.

This pet cremationbusiness takes service tothe next level by offeringnot only a high standardof care for the pet but alsofor the family in their timeof loss.

“We are extremelypleased with the servicewe received at FaithfulFriends,” said customerGreg Due ofIndependence.

“We were very

impressed with how ourpet was treated as a fami-ly member and how wewere treated with com-passion and genuineinterest. The extra toucheswere more than I wouldhave ever expected,” hesaid.

Lorie, her husband,Brian, and their four chil-dren are pet lovers. ThisUnion family alsoincludes three dogs andtwo cats.

This love for pets cou-pled with Brian’s 20-plusyears of experience in thedeath care industryprompted the Clary fami-ly to open FaithfulFriends Pet MemoryCenter in February 2007.

“In the past four years

we have helped morethan 1,000 families withthe loss of their four-legged, furry family mem-bers,” said Lorie.

“Every kind of petfrom a hedgehog, rat, andbearded dragon to GreatDanes and Bull Mastiffs,everyone one of themtreated with the love andrespect our pet familieshave come to know andexpect from us,” she said.

Faithful Friends offersprivate cremations to theirpet families with a petready to return home inabout 24 to 48 hours.

Faithful Friends alsocarries many types ofurns, jewelry, memorialstones and caskets in itsretail store.

Honoring a beloved friend

lim down secrets for petsto help you – workingwith your veterinarian –help your pet live a lean-er, healthier life.

SSeeccrreett 11:: Have yourveterinarian rule out med-ical reasons for excessweight. Some conditionscan lead to weight gain.

SSeeccrreett 22:: Don’t say “Ilove you” with food.Instead, spend qualitytime with your pet. Takeyour dog for a walk orplay with your cat using afluffy tail wand.

SSeeccrreett 33:: Increase yourpet’s activity level.

Be sure to consult withyour veterinarian first, soyou keep the exercise safeand appropriate for yourpet’s age and health sta-tus.

SSeeccrreett 44: Make portion

control a priority.Your veterinarian can

tell you the exact amountof food to feed your peteach day to achieve ahealthy weight, so youdon’t need to guess.

Track intake carefully,and make sure everyonein the household knowsnot to exceed the dailyvolume of allowed food.

SSeeccrreett 55:: Treats count,too. If you are feedingyour pet treats, these calo-ries need to be subtractedfrom the total caloriesallotted for the day, andthey shouldn’t exceed 10percent of that allotment.

Consider low-calorietreats, or break treats intosmaller pieces for morerewards with the sameamount of calories.

Courtesy of ARA Content

SHschedule a tour of the facilities by calling 980-7200, andstaff members will be happy to meet with families attheir convenience.

To get a preview of the facilities, people can alsovisit the website, at andsee what Ethos has to offer for senior and assisted liv-ing.

“Ethos has a variety of meanings, and we chose ‘afamiliar place’ because it is our goal to make this theirhome,” said Bowman.

“We want seniors to feel at home here, to enjoy liv-ing without the worry of household chores and expens-es, allowing them to spend more time with friends, andparticipate in activities suited especially for them.They can be independent, but have help nearby, so theycan really enjoy their senior years.”

ETHOS from page 15

you may have such as discolorations or lines andwrinkles. They’ll recommend the best foundation andcolors, and you’ll look and feel like a million buckswhen you leave. Recently, one woman after having amakeover had her friends ask if she’d had some workdone. She said it was the best compliment she’d everreceived!

The boutique is overflowing with unique acces-sories that you just won’t find elsewhere! Stylish hotnew finds in jewelry, beads, purses, shoes and fashionaccessories, some one-of-a-kind, arrive every fewweeks. And with spring just around the corner, it’s theperfect time for you to take a look!

For more information call 344-0500.

SIZE from page 14

umans aren’t theonly ones fighting thebattle of the bulge.The number of over-weight dogs and catsin America continuesto rise.

Nearly half, 45percent, of dogs and58 percent of cats areoverweight or obese,according to a recentsurvey of veterinari-ans by the Associationfor Pet ObesityPrevention.

Here are five sim-ple slim down secrets