kent state university libraries develops a new system for resource selection


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Presenter - Kay DowneyCollection Management - Kent State University


  • 1. Kent State University LibrariesDevelops a New System for Resource SelectionPresenter - Kay Downey Collection Management - Kent State University 2011 Charleston ConferenceInnovation Concurrent SessionSaturday November 5, 2011 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM ES Citadel Green Room

2. What is Pre-ILS?Pre-ILS is a centralized system that manages the communication and workflow related to the review, selection of electronic resources before records arecreated in the integrated library system (ILS) Why do we need itWhat it can do for usDevelopment and UseFuture Development 3. Selection ProcessWish ListOrder Investigate Review Identify Not Recommended 4. Resource Identification Reviews Consortia Initiatives Bibliographic Content ProvidersReferencesMarketing Professional Contacts Faculty Library CatalogsStudents Subject Experts 5. Selection / Stakeholders Internal Library External Library Subject librarians Sales representatives Collection managers Consortia participants Acquisition Librarians Publishers Electronic Resources Content ProvidersLibrarians Faculty Regional Campus Librarians Students 6. Pricing and Contract InvestigationTechnical Services LibrariansCommunicate with content provider(s) to: Obtain product information Obtain pricing options Review license Schedule trials 7. Selection / Review ProcessSelectors Authority Usability Accreditation requirement Does it fill a collection need Does the resource provide support for research and teachingCollection Management Identify funding, can we afford it Can it replace existing print collections Does it provide support for institutional strategic priorities Is the contract acceptable 8. Managing the Selection ProcessSystems, Communications and Time Time Pricing ResearchSystems Product Review Email Folders, Contract Negotiations ERMs if funding is not readily available then new quote must be obtained and if enough time ILS Acquisitions Modules has past a new trial and review may be Spreadsheets warranted Ticketing Systems Paper Work Forms Communications Email Phone Meetings 9. What Pre-ILS can do for usPRE-ILS Can: Communicate information requests from the subjectlibrarians A central system for initiating acquisitions workflow andtracks the process through purchase Tracking the review process Storing review ranking /scores and comments Provide historical records of previous reviews Allows transparency in the acquisitions process throughoutthe institution It provides framework for standard practice 10. Pre-ILS Development Whiteboard Sessions Technical specifications Program Development Testing (Intranet) Technical Services SelectorsTransitional//EN" "http://wwww3org/TR/html4/loosedtd"> Usability Studies Pre-ILS System Production (Intranet) Public Web Site (in process)