kendriya vidyalaya half - yearly examination model … · 1 kendriya vidyalaya half - yearly...

1 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA HALF - YEARLY EXAMINATION MODEL PAPER Time-2 ½ Hours Class-IV F.M . 80 Subject- Environmental Studies Name : _______________________ Roll No: _____ Section: ___________ Date & Date: __________ Sign. of Invigilator GRADE SHEET Sign. of examiner General instructions: All the questions are competency based and are compulsory. Read the question paper carefully. Write the answers in the space provided. Attempt all the questions and write neatly. ______________________________________________________________________________________ OBSERVATION & REPORTING (20) 1. Observe the following pictures and write their name …… (7) …………………………….. ……………………………… ………………………….. ……………………………………. Competency OBSERVATION & REPORTING (20) IDENTIFICATION & CLASSIFICATION (30) DISCOVERY OF FACTS (30) Total (80) Overall Grade Marks Obtained

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Page 1: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA HALF - YEARLY EXAMINATION MODEL … · 1 kendriya vidyalaya half - yearly examination model paper time-2 ½ hours class-iv f.m




Time-2 ½ Hours Class-IV F.M . – 80

Subject- Environmental Studies

Name : _______________________ Roll No: _____

Section: ___________ Date & Date : __________

Sign. of Invigilator GRADE SHEET

Sign. of examiner

General instructions: All the questions are competency based and are compulsory. Read the question paper carefully.

Write the answers in the space provided.

Attempt all the questions and write neatly.



1. Observe the following pictures and write their name …… (7)

…………………………….. ……………………………… ………………………….. …………………………………….

Competency OBSERVATION &











Overall Grade

Marks Obtained

Page 2: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA HALF - YEARLY EXAMINATION MODEL … · 1 kendriya vidyalaya half - yearly examination model paper time-2 ½ hours class-iv f.m


……………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …………………………………………….

2. Write these – (4 x 2 = 8)

(i) Name two indoor games.

Ans - _____________________ _______________________

(ii) Write the names of any two water transport .

Ans - _____________________ _______________________

(iii) Write True or False against the statements.

a) Worker bees lay eggs. …………………….. ( True / False).

b) A flower changes to fruit. …………………….. ( True / False).

(iv) Name two materials used to make a building (house).

Ans - _____________________ _______________________

3. Given below is a picture of flower. Label its parts. (1 x 5 = 5)

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4. Match the followings- ( 5 x 1 = 5)

Languages States

a. Kannada (i)Maharashtra

b. Malayalam (ii) Goa

c. Gujarati (iii) kerala

d. Marathi (iv)Karnataka

e. Konkani (v)Gujarat

B. look at the TIME - TABLE and write the answer… ( 6 x 1 = 6)


S L Station Name Arrival




Distance in ( KM)


1 GANDHIDHAM - 05:15 0 1

2 AHMEDABAD 11:30 11:50 310 1

3 VADODARA 14:03 14:10 401 1

4 SURAT 16:15 16:20 530 1

5 VALSAD 17:23 17:25 598 1

6 BHIWANDI ROAD 21:10 21:12 772 1

7 MADGAON 07:35 07:35 1509 2

8 UDUPI 07:35 07:45 1858 2

9 KOZHIKODE 17:45 17:50 2165 2

10 TRICHUR 21:05 21:10 2280 2

11 ERNAKULAM TOWN 22:35 22:40 2356 2

12 KOTTAYAM 23:50 23:55 2418 2

13 TRIVANDRUM CNTL 03:05 03:10 2578 3

14 NAGARCOIL 04:45 00:00 2649 3

a) From which station did the train start? (Gandhidham / Ahmedabad )

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________

b) How many minutes did the train stop at Ahmedabad station? ( 10 / 20 )

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________

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c) On which day of the journey did the train reach Madgaon? ( 1st / 2nd )

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________

d) What is the distance that the train travelled over the whole route? ( 2694 / 2649 )

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________

e) How many kilometres did Omana travel by train? ( 2117 km / 2418 km )

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________

f) Sunil and Ann got off at Kozhikode station. Omana got off at Kottayam station.

How many hours does the train take to reach Kottayam from Kozhikode? ( 4hr / 6 hr)

Ans. ____________________________________________________________________

C. Match the following column A with B (4)


a) Jugad (i) J & Kashmir

b) Ferry (ii)Rajasthan

c) Camel cart (iii) Gujarat

d) Trolley (iv) Kerala

D. Write the full form of – (2)

1) T T E = ________________________________

2) L P G = _________________________________

E. Write two causes of water pollution ? (2)

Ans :--____________________________________________________________________



F. Name two vehicles for each (2)

i) that runs on petrol = ______________, _________________.

ii) that runs on diesel = _______________, _________________.

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G. Answer these questions- (2 x 2 = 4)

i)What is ‘Ferry’?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________


ii) How many types of bees are there in a hive? Write their names.





H . Draw a design of ‘Madhubani painting’ . (1 x 5 = 5)


1. Fill in the blanks - (5 x 1 = 5)

i) Worker bees collect ___________ from the flowers. (Nectar / Juice).

ii) Amrita Devi Bishnoi gave her life to save trees………………………. ( True / False ).

iii) The valley of flowers is in _______________ state. (Jharkhand / Uttarakhand)

iv) Kabaddi is an ______________ game, yet it has many rules. ( Indoor / Outdoor)

v) Jwala, Leela and Heera are weight lifter……………………………………. (True / False ).

2. Name two trees that provide us medicines . (2) Ans ;_ _________________ , ___________________

3. There is lot of noise and smoke near the level crossing . Why ? (2)

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4. Write the names of two flowers used: (2) (i) For decoration _____________________, ______________________ (ii) For eating _____________________, _______________________

5. State TRUE or FALSE :- (4)

a) All the festivals are celebrated with the family members .

b) c. The Queen bee only work day and night to make the hive

c) A station master sells ticket for the passengers d) Regular cutting of trees polluted the environment .

6. . Look at this picture of a railway ticket. Find the following information on the ticket. (4 x 1 = 4)

Find the following information from the ticket-------

i) The train number …………………………………………….

ii) The date of the start of the journey …………………………………………

iii) The berth number …………………………………………….

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iv) The fare (the cost of the ticket) ……………………………………………

7. Answer these questions – ( 3 x 2 = 6)

i) How many sense organs do we have? Name them.



ii) Name any two outdoor games.

Ans. ______________________________________________________________


iii) Omana travelled by different kinds of transport. What were these?

Ans. ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ .

8. On the outline map of India mark and name the following cities with a dot in

appropriate place (5)

a) Ahmedabad , b) Bangaluru , c) Delhi, d) Uttrakhand, e) Rajasthan