kelly osbourne’s diet: the secrets to her 40 pounds weight loss

Kelly Osbourne’s Diet: The Secrets to Her 40 Pounds Weight Loss Kelly Osbourne is the icon of healthy weight loss nowadays. Even if, a few years ago, she was really heavy and had a chaotic lifestyle, Kelly swore she would never diet to try to lose weight , like all her celebrity friends do. And look at her now! The sassy starlet has shed a lot of weight thanks to the Dancing with the stars show and she is now the face of the fake tan Self Esteem campaign. But did she succeed only thanks to DWDS show or is there more to her skinny figure? Just take a look at the picture and you’ll notice just how much weight she’s lost. The 25-year-old Osbourne started off with a healthy, low-carb diet, and a lot of dancing. If you want figures, here it is: Kelly Osbourne lost over 40 pounds and shrunk from size 14 to size 2 (!). The beautiful, confident Osbourne is known to have tried out other weight loss methods that turned to be a short term or impulsive solution. “I’d take diet pills. I starved myself until I was shaking and felt sick. I tried the Atkins Diet, but you had to eat so much meat and cheese, I hated it. No vegetables. I felt dirty when I ate like that,” she told US Weekly . Workout It’s the DWDS show that helped her start off with a healthy lifestyle: good food, regular exercising. “He [DWTS partner Louis van Amstel] made me work out, practice six times a day and get fit. I fought him the whole time, but at the end of the show I realized he was right. It worked.” Even though she was no longer part of the show, Kelly’s ambition is what kept her going. She began exercising on a regular basis:

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Kelly Osbourne’s Diet: The Secrets to Her 40 Pounds Weight Loss

Kelly Osbourne is the icon of healthy weight loss nowadays. Even if, a few years ago, she was really heavy and had a chaotic lifestyle, Kelly swore she would never diet to try to lose weight, like all her celebrity friends do. And look at her now! The sassy starlet has shed a lot of weight thanks to the Dancing with the stars show and she is now the face of the fake tan Self Esteem campaign. But did she succeed only thanks to DWDS show or is there more to her skinny figure?

Just take a look at the picture and you’ll notice just how much weight she’s lost. The 25-year-old Osbourne started off with a healthy, low-carb diet, and a lot of dancing. If you want figures, here it is: Kelly

Osbourne lost over 40 pounds and shrunk from size 14 to size 2 (!).

The beautiful, confident Osbourne is known to have tried out other weight loss methods that turned to be a short term or impulsive solution.

“I’d take diet pills. I starved myself until I was shaking and felt sick. I tried the Atkins Diet, but you had to eat so much meat and cheese, I hated it. No vegetables. I felt dirty when I ate like that,” she told US Weekly.


It’s the DWDS show that helped her start off with a healthy lifestyle: good food, regular exercising.

“He [DWTS partner Louis van Amstel] made me work out, practice six times a day and get fit. I fought him the whole time, but at the end of the show I realized he was right. It worked.”

Even though she was no longer part of the show, Kelly’s ambition is what kept her going. She began exercising on a regular basis: three times a week, 60 minutes a day. This is how Kelly became a fan of the Bar Method.

“I don’t have that kind of dedication! Working out sucks. It’s miserable. You sweat and you stink, but then you’re done — and you see that just taking an hour three times a week can change you so much. It becomes addictive.”

Coming from her, it’s really something you should consider trying out.


When it comes to her diet, Kelly is following a diet by-the-book, which means sugar detox and no sugar or flour. Her major step was cutting back on soda and potato chips. This was a real

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breakthrough because after the first week only, she lost 5 pounds, so imagine how important this was.

“Instead of having 10 sodas in a day, I’ll have one. And instead of having potato chips, I’ll have rice cakes.”

She’s not the typical calorie counter, that’s why her new diet focuses specifically on healthy food and being conscious of what you’re eating.

“You don’t have to count calories. Just make sure what you’re eating is good food. You can eat as much good food as you want if you’re careful. I try to have no carbohydrates unless they’re natural, such as apples. No bread, no pasta and real sugar . . . what that does to you is incredible.”

Nevertheless, Kelly always claimed that she was eating more when she was depressed. That’s why her advice is to be productive and just feel good about yourself. This could be a good start, don’t you think? I will conclude with a quote of Kelly’s that’s not only encouraging, but also real:

“If you want to lose weight for good, you need to make a commitment to a life change. You have to say, ‘I’m just not going to eat that anymore. I’m going to change my bad habits.’ Otherwise, you’ll spend the rest of your life yo-yoing and you’ll be miserable. By no means is it easy. Getting in shape is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.”