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  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris
























  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris








    & (S-A-A/

    Grade XII

    of Natural and Social Science Programme

    !c"mad #odd$!"mad Sugeng%ffendi

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Developing English Competencieso Sen#o )#*+ S,+oo& (SA.A/

    Grade XIIof Natural and Social Science Programme

    !c"mad #odd$!"mad Sugeng%ffendi

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Hak Cipta pada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

    Dilindungi Undang-undang

    Hak Cipta Buku ini dibeli oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

    dari Penerbit Setia Purna Inves

    Developing English Competencies

    for Grade II of Natural and Social Science Programmes

    Senior High School !S"#$"#%

    Writers : Achmad DoddyAhmad SugengEendi

    Editors : Editor !eam o Setia Purna "n#es

    $ayouters : $ayouter !eam o Setia Purna "n#es"llustrator : "llustrator !eam o Setia Purna "n#esCo#er Designer : Designer !eam o Setia Purna "n#esCo#er Photo : Documentation o Setia Purna "n#es

    %ook Si&e : '()* + , cm

    .,/)/(D0D D0DD12 Achmadd De#eloping english competencies 3: or Senior High School 4S5A65A7

    grade 8"" o natural and social science programmes6Achmad Doddy2Achmad Sugeng2 Eendi9 -- Ed)') -- akarta : Pusat Per;ukuan2Departemen Pendidikan Nasional2 ,//

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    &ata Sambutan

    Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dankarunia- Nya, Pemerintah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan

    Nasional, pada tahun2008, telah membeli hak ipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari

    penulis!penerbit untuk disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat melaluisitus internet "#ebsite$ %arin&an Pendidikan Nasional'

    (uku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh (adan Standar NasionalPendidikan dan telah ditetapkan seba&ai buku teks pelajaran yan&

    memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk di&unakan dalam proses

    pembelajaran melalui Peraturan )enteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor *+Tahun 2008'ami menyampaikan pen&har&aan yan& setin&&i-tin&&inya

    kepada para penulis!penerbit yan& telah berkenan men&alihkan hakipta karyanya kepada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional untuk

    di&unakan seara luas oleh para sis#a dan &uru di seluruh ndonesia'(uku-buku teks pelajaran yan& telah dialihkan hak iptanya

    kepada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh "do#nload$, di&andakan, dietak, dialihmediakan, atau di.otokopi oleh

    masyarakat' Namun, untuk pen&&andaan yan& komersialhar&a penjualannya harus memenuhi ketentuan yan& ditetapkan oleh

    Pemerintah' Diharapkan bah#a buku teks pelajaran ini akan lebih mudahdiakses sehin&&a sis#a dan &uru di seluruh ndonesia maupun sekolah

    ndonesia yan& berada di luar ne&eri dapat meman.aatkan sumberbelajar


    ami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukun& kebijakan ini'

    epada para sis#a kami uapkan selamat belajar dan man.aatkanlahbuku ini sebaik-baiknya' ami menyadari bah#a buku ini masih perlu

    ditin&katkan mutunya' /leh karena itu, saran dan kritik san&at kamiharapkan'

    %akarta, %uli 2008

    epala Pusat Perbukuan

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris




    Developing English Competencies for Grade XII of Natural and

    Social Science Programmes is desi&ned to .ailitate you, students o.

    senior hi&h shool "S)A!)A$, to ommuniate in 1n&lish aordin& to

    the ontet o. the lan&ua&e use'

    Developing English Competencies for Grade XII of Natural and

    Social Science Programmes enables you to aess in.ormation o.

    arious 3elds o. siene to prepare you to &o to uniersity'

    1n&lish learnin& in Developing English Competencies for Grade XII ofNatural and

    Social Science Programmes is based on literay based approah so you

    an &et many learnin& eperienes by onsiderin& the aspets o.

    interpretation, onention, ollaboration, ultural kno#led&e, problem

    solin&, re4etion and lan&ua&e use'

    n Developing English Competencies for Grade XII of Natural and

    Social Science Programmes, there are many atiities aailable .or you

    to do indiidually or #ith other students' These atiities eplore yourreatiity' 5ou are epeted to be skill.ul in doin& the eerises, atin&

    out dialo&ues, onstrutin& sentenes or tets and the other atiities

    that .ailitate you to be skill.ul in usin& 1n&lish in ommuniation'

    6ast but not least, the #riters are ery &rate.ul to all people #ho

    hae helped and &ien their input, support and enoura&ement' We

    #ould like to thank PT Setia Purna nes, espeially the editors and

    team, .or .ailitatin& us to publish our #ork' 7ope.ully, this book #ill

    help you learn 1n&lish in a ommuniatie #ay'

    (andun&, %uly 2008


  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #n 'vervie( of )his Book

    Developing English Competencies for Grade XII of Natural andSocial Science Programmes omprises hapters and 2 reie#s' 1ahhapter onsists .our lan&ua&e skills, i'e' 6istenin&, Speakin&, 9eadin&and Writin&'

    (elo# are the harateristis .eatured in Developing EnglishCompetencies for Grade

    XII of Natural and Social Science Programmes'

    :' Title introdues the theme o. the hapter'

    2'Chapter Photo

    represents the theme o. the hapter'*' In This Chapter &ies a onise summary o. lan&ua&e .untionsand themes that #ill be learned in the hapter'

    +' Text presents a &enre related to the theme o. the hapter'

    ' Genre Structure sho#s you the &eneri struture o. related &enre'

    ;' Grammar Review .ouses on a &rammar struture in tets o. aertain &enre'

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  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris




    Kata Sambutan


    +n ,verview o* This -oo.

    Chapter *Can $ou Tell /e the Story0'istening

    6istenin& to su&&estions, re>uests and instrutions

    Aeptin& and delinin& re>uests

    6istenin& to narratie tets

    )akin& su&&estions, re>uestin& and &iin& instrutions

    Per.ormin& a monolo&ue o. narratie tet


    9eadin& narratie tets

    9eadin& a short .untional tet? an adertisement

    WritingWritin& a narratie tet

    Writin& a short .untional tet? an announement

    Chapter Summary

    'earning Re(ection

















    Chapter +"ow the Water Cycle Wor.s23'istening28

    6istenin& to blame, ausation and omplaint28

    6istenin& to promises, s#earin& and deterrene28

    6istenin& to eplanation tets*2*+

    (lamin& and ausin&*+

    )akin& a promise, s#earin& and deterrene*+Per.ormin& a monolo&ue o. eplanation tet


    +' 5ou #ant to respond to someonesinstrutionC

    4isten to the follo(ing dialogue from the tape3)hen5 6ll in the blanks (hile 0ou are listening3

    Student ? 1use me' )y teaher &ae me

    an assi&nment to #rite a book report':

    #hat book should readC6ibrarian ? 2 ' Did your teaher set a

    speiE bookC

    Student ? 5es' A ontemporary noel,atually' 6ibrarian ? Well, * you read

    %ife of Pi' The bookis &reat' ts about the li.e o. Pi and

    his &reat adenture' think youshould read the book'

    Student ? ThatFs &reat' + ' borro# the book no#C

    6ibrarian ? ; ' 5ou an borro# it .or a#eek' Student ? Thank you, but think

    need it .or a lon&erperiod' < makin& a opy o.

    itC 6ibrarian ? /h, 8 no part o. thebook may be


  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    *Can 1ou !ell 5e the

    udent ? /' =

    etend the duedate by t#o


    brarian ?:0

    'ere you are'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 34isten to these e7pressions from the tape3 )hen5decide (hether the0 are suggestions5 re2uests5 orinstructions3

    :' (rin& that book to me'

    2' Why donFt you read this storyC

    *' Why not read this storyC

    +' 9ead this story loudly'

    ' Would you mind lendin& me the book, pleaseC

    ;' What about &oin& to the libraryC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 6 4ook at the picture and ans(er the 2uestions o r all0 3

    :' What piture is itC2' When you #ere a hild, did you

    like to listen to storiesC

    *' What #as your .aourite storyC

    +' Who #ere the haraters o. thestoryC

    ' What #as it aboutC

    Source= !georgia!li"vt!us

    #ctivit0 7 Complete the stor0 (hile 0ou are listening to the tape3

    A be&&ar .ound a :

    that someone had dropped in themarket plae' /penin& it, he

    disoered that it ontained :00piees o. &old' Then he heard a

    merhant 2 , HA re#ardIA re#ard to the one #ho 3nds

    my leather purseIH(ein& an honest man, thebe&&ar

    * and handed the purse

    to the merhant sayin&, H7ere is

    your purse' )ay hae there#ard no#CH

    H9e#ardCH soJed the

    merhant, &reedily ountin& his&old' HWhy the purse +

    had 200 piees o. &old in it'5oue already stolen more than

    the re#ardI Ko a#ay or ll tell


    Hm an ; man,H saidthe be&&ar de3antly' H6et us

    take this matter to the ourt'Hn ourt the jud&e uestC

    +' What do you say #hen denyin& a re>uestC

    8ead the dialogue3 Pa0 attention to the italicisedsentences3

    Dani ? 7i, Adi' 7o#Fs it &oin& todayCAdi ? /h, hi, Dani' /h, so-so' Fm a little tired'

    Dani ? 9eally' Why is thatC DidnFt you sleepery #ell last ni&htC

    Adi ? slept /, but not enou&h' read abook last ni&ht and just ouldnFt put it

    do#n'Dani ? What book #as thatC

    Adi ? *f +ice and +en by %ohn Steinbek'

    Dani ? 5ouFre .ond o. Steinbek, arenFt youCFe read some o. his noels' like heGrapes of -rath' 7ae you read itC

    Adi ? Not yet' s it interestin&C

    Dani ? ts a depressin& tale, atually' I suggest'ou read the "oo)'

    Adi ? Can 'ou lend me the "oo) until ne.tee)/

    Dani ? I0m afraid I can0t' donFt hae it no#'

    Nadia is readin& the book'Adi ? -ill 'ou let me )no if she has

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    1nished itC Dani ? Sure, I ill!

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    ts a &roup projet'Lind otherepressions .ormakin& re>uests,su&&estions, andinstrutions' )akesome short dialo&uesusin&the epressions youhae .ound andpratise

    #ctivit0 3Here is a dialogue bet(een a son and his mother3Identif0 the e7pressions (hich are used to giveinstruction3

    Son ? )om' Fm thinkin& o. traellin& around%aa this holiday alone' What do you


    )other ? Traellin&C AloneC That sounds dan&erousI

    5ou shouldnFt &o by yoursel.' 5ou

    ou&ht to &o #ith your .riend'

    Son ? 5es' Thats true'

    )other ? And youFd better talk to your .ather Erst'

    Son ? did' Already' 7e thou&ht itFs a &reat

    idea, but he also said that must &o

    #ith a .riend'

    #ctivit0 4

    Your Project

    Here are some more e7amples of the e7pressions tomake suggestions5 re2uests and give instructions38epeat after 0our teacher3


    5ou ould "mi&ht$ join the speehontest'

    . #ere you, #ould take are thisdo&'

    Why dont you &o to thedotorC

    Why dont you ome to my house and

    borro# my umbrelaC

    What!7o# about &oin& to theeterinarianC


    Would you mind passin& me the salt,pleaseC

    Gould you please take me to thedentistC

    Gan you tell me #hat

    happenedC Will!Would you ome to my birthday

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris








    5ou should keep it out o. the hildrensreah'

    Whateer you do, dont be

    nerous' (rin& that ma&aine tome'

    9ead the tetloudly'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    Would you

    mind ''',



    you '''C


    you '''C Please ''''

    Sure, Fd be


    to ''''

    /. ourse!


    No problem'

    Sure' %usta


    d loed

    to, but '''

    t sounds


    but '''


    but ''''

    Sorry to

    say that ''''

    Suggestions +ccepting Re%ecting

    5ou ould

    "mi&ht$ ''''


    d that

    you '''

    5ou really



    to ''''


    adise!ur&e you to ''''


    ThatFs a &ood!



    Thank you!

    Thanks' Oll

    do! try that'

    Why didnFt

    think o.

    thatC think

    youFre ri&ht'


    that, but

    '''' Thanks,

    but that



    beause '''




    to!anFt dothat

    beause ''''


    What to Say

    Study the .ollo#in& epressions o. re>uests,su&&estions

    and &iin&instrutions'

    )ore Lormal

    6ess Lormal

    Suggestions Suggestions

    )ore Lormal

    6ess Lormal

    Giving Instructions

    )ore Lormal

    6ess Lormal

    /pen pa&e :0 o. this book'

    Kie me that story book'

    9ead this para&raph loudly'

    Write your o#n story'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 59ith 0our partner5 create a short dialogue using thee7pressions 0ou have :ust learned3 )hen act it out3

    Pronunciation Practice

    Say the *ollowing wor)s a*ter yourteacher

    :' patient &'e( )nt&

    2' rush &r &

    *' illa&e &* l) d &

    +' measure &me )r&

    ' &round &gr) nd&

    ;' healthy &"el i&

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    H had a bri&htidea' am &oin& tobuild the bi&&est toy hae eer made, and #ant you toys tohelp meIH

    The toysouldnt #ait to &etstarted' 1ar ly netmornin& they&athered all the tools#hile )r Tappitmeasured the pieeso. #ood, then

    marked them #ith hispenil'HThis toy #ill be

    the bi&&est eerseenH ried )r Tappit,as he ran rushlyaround the shoplookin& .or his &luepot', it #ill bea KANTIH

    H/. ourse notHsmiled )r Tappit' Hts

    just a &iant toyIH ttook a #hole #eekand a lot o. patient,but at last the &ianttoy #as Enished'

    H5oue all#orked ery hard,Hsaid )r Tappit #ith a

    smile and he steppedbak to take a look'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    : De#eloping English Competencies or ?rade 8"" o Natural and Social Science Programmes

    HNot a real &iant, hope,H#hispered a little doll in a shakyoie' Hm really .ri&htened o.&iants'H

    All the toys put do#n theirpaint pots and brushes andstepped bak to' Hsnt it#onder.ulCH they ried, andeeryone lapped and heered'

    The &iant toy #as a &reatsuess' A.ter )r Tappit had&aed .or a #hile at the#onder.ul toy he had made, heheaed a si&h and srathed his


    HWhere should keep this&iant toyC ts too bi& to plaeinside the shop'''

    HH%ust plae it on the Eeld,H

    ried the little doll'H/h &ot it, #ill keep it

    outside my shop, so eeryone#ho see it #ill ome by to myshop'H said )r Tappit happily'

    +)apte) *rom 23 4ed ime Stories,2002

    #ctivit0 7No( retell again the te7t in #ctivit0 ; (ith 0our o(n(ords3 Some instructions belo( (ill help 0ou3

    #ctivit0 8

    :' Think #here the story happened'

    2' )ention the main haraters name'

    *' Think o. the main ideas, supportin&ideas and onludin& ideas o. the story'

    +' )ention its moral alues'

    9ork in pairs3 Sa0 aloud the follo(ing advertisementand ans(er the 2uestions3

    ItAs not%ust%ust aa

    ccolleollecctiontion o* *ablesIt teaches lessons about human behaviour.

    There's always a moral lesson in each story.

    Now available at bookstores.

    For more information visit


    Source= !aesopfa"les!com

    :' What is a.ableC

    2' 7ae you read any .ableC What is your.aouriteC
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :Can 1ou !ell 5e the

    *' What does the story teahC

    +' Where are the books aailableC

    ' What should #e do to &et more in.ormation

    about the bookC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    In this section> you will learn how to=

    read narratie tetsB &et meanin&s in narratie tetsB

    identi.y the struture o. a narratie tet'

    #ctivit0 1 #ns(er the 2uestions o r all0 3

    #ctivit0 2

    :' What do you kno# aboutle&endsC

    2' 7ae you eer heard or read the le&end o.San&kurian&C

    Where is it .romC

    *' Aordin& to the le&end, ho# did ang)u"anPerahu

    ome into eisteneC

    /ou are going to read a stor03 Here are some (ordstaken from the stor03 B0 consulting a dictionar05match the (ords to their meanings or s0non0ms3

    9ords "eaning$S0non0ms

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :' urse

    2' eternal

    *' .ate

    +' .aint

    ' .aith.ul;' Qin&!Qun&

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 38ead and stud0 the follo(ing te7t aloud3 Pa0attention to the pronunciation5 stress and pause3


    A ery lon& time a&o in West%aa, there lied a kin&, named

    9aden Sun&&in& Peban&kara' 7e#as a &ood ruler' 7e likedhuntin& in the .orest ery muh'

    n the .orest, there lied a

    she-pi&, atually a ursed

    &oddess' /ne day, she ame outo. her hidin& plae lookin& .or#ater' There, she sa# a oonut

    shell Elled #ith #ater' 1petin& itto be a .resh #ater, she drank it,

    hain& no suspiious that it #asthe kin&Fs urine le.t there the daybe.ore #hen he #ent huntin&'

    The onse>uene #as ery

    stran&e' She beame pre&nant' A.e# months later she &ae birth

    to a ery pretty &irl'When the kin& #as huntin&

    a&ain in the .orest, he sa# the&irl and #as attrated by her

    beauty' 7e took her to his palae,then he alled her Dayan& Sumbiand treated her as his o#n

    dau&hter'Time passed and Dayan&Sumbi &re# up into a beauti.ul

    &irl' She #as .ond o. #eain&'/ne mornin& as she #as

    #eain&, her #eain& spool 4e#out o. the #indo# to the Eeld'(eause she #as ery tired, shemumbled, RWhoeer is #illin& tohelp me pik up the spool, Flltreat her as my sister i. she is a

    &irl' . he is a man, Fll treat him

    as my husband' These#ords #ere heard by a

    do&, alled Tuman&,atually a ursed

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    od too' 7e immediately piked up the

    ool and &ae it to Dayan& Sumbi' Seein&e do& had helped her, she .ainted' The

    od had deided .or her to under&o the

    te' She beame pre&nant and a short timeter#ards she &ae birth to a healthyron& son #hom she alled San&kurian&'

    San&kurian& beame a handsome youn&an, as time #ent by' 6ike his &rand.ather,

    e #as .ond o. huntin& in the .orest andman& #as his .aith.ul .riend #hen

    amin& the #oods' 7e didnFt realie thatman& #as atually his .ather'

    /ne day, #hen the do& didnt obey himhase the pi&, San&kurian& #as ery

    &ry and killed the do& and ut up his Qeshto piees and took it home to his mother'

    r a moment Dayan& Sumbi #aseehless and took a spool and Qun& it at

    m' This le.t a sar on the spot' Then Dayan&mbi sent him a#ay'

    San&kurian& le.t and #anderedrou&h the #oods' 7e #alked .or years'

    Linally he returned to his natie plae,ut did not reo&nise it any lon&er' At the

    nd o. a ast rie Eeld, he notied a housed sa# a youn& &irl sittin& at her #eain&-

    om' 7e approahed her and #as harmed her beauty' 7e #as una#are that she

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #as his o#n mother' Dayan&Sumbi had been &ien eternal

    beauty by the &ods #hih #as#hy she looked youn& .oreer'

    She looked at him and notiin&his &ood looks, she promised to

    marry him' They made plans .ortheir #eddin& day, but one day

    she disoered the sar on his.orehead' She kne# that he #asher o#n son #ho had ome bakto his illa&e'

    She made an eJort to make

    him understand that marria&ebet#een them #as impossible,but San&kurian& re.used to

    aept it'She had an idea and said to

    him RAll ri&ht, you shall marry mei. only you an dam up theGitarum rier and build a bi&essel all in one ni&ht'

    San&kurian& a&reed andstarted to #ork by usin& his

    ma&i po#ers and his prayin& tothe &ods .or help'

    To preent the marria&e,be.ore

    San&kurian& 3nished his #ork,

    she strethed the red eil #hih


    her head oer the eastern side o.the plain' Throu&h her ma&i

    po#ers, the red li&ht spread oerthe landsape, &iin& the

    impression that the sun #asrisin& and that the time #as up'

    An&rily, San&kurian& kiked theessel #hih #as almost3nished, upside do#n'

    Some times later the essel

    beame the mountain o.

    Tan&kuban Perahu on thenorthern side o. (andun&'

    +)apte) *rom 5ol) ales from Indonesia!, :===

    #ctivit0 4In pairs5 ans(er the follo(ing 2uestions based on thete7t in #ctivit0 ,3

    :' Where does the story take plaeC

    2' Who #as 9aden Sun&&in& Peban&kara C

    *' What did Dayan& Sumbli look likeC

    +' Who #as Tuman&C

    ' Why #as San&kurian& an&ry #ith Tuman&C;' Why did Dayan& Sumbi send San&kurian& a#ayC

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  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :+ De#eloping English Competencies or ?rade 8"" o Natural and Social Science Programmes

    #ctivit0 5

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    There #as one upon a time a poorpeasant alled Grabb, #ho droe #ith t#ooen and a load o. #ood to the to#n, and soldit to a dotor .or t#o talers' When the money#as bein& ounted out to him, it sohappened that the dotor #as sittin& at table,and #hen the peasant sa# ho# #ell he ateand drank, his heart desired #hat he sa#,

    and #ould #illin&ly hae been a dotor too'So he remained standin& a #hile, and atlen&th in>uired i. he too ould not be adotor'O/h, yes,F said the dotor, that is easilydone' What must doCH Asked the peasant'

    HLirst buy yoursel. an A ( G book o. thekind #hih has a ok on the .rontispieeBseond, sell your art and your t#o oen, and&et yoursel. some lothes, and #hatsoeer

    else pertains to mediineB third, hae a si&npainted .or yoursel. #ith the #ords, H amDotor no#all,H and hae that nailed upaboe your house-door'H The peasant dideerythin& that he had been told to do' A.terhe had treated people a #hile, a rih and&reat lord had some money stolen' Then he#as told about Dotor no#all #ho lied insuh and suh a illa&e, and must kno# #hathad beome o. the money' So the lord hadthe horses harnessed to his arria&e, droeout to the illa&e, and asked Grabb i. he #asDotor no#all' 5es, he #as, he said' Then he#as to &o #ith him and brin& bak the stolenmoney'/h, yes, but Krete, my #i.e, must &o too'

    The lord #as #illin&, and let both o. themhae a seat in the arria&e, and they all droea#ay to&ether'

    When they ame to the noblemansastle, the table #as spread, and Grabb #as

    #ctivit0 8Here is another te7t3 8ead the te7t intensivel0 andstud0 the structure of narrative te7t3



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    to say? That is the Erst thie., and as heatually #as so, he #as terriEed, and said tohis omrade outside?The dotor kno#s all? #e shall .are ill, he said

    #as the Erst'DThe seond did not #ant to &oin at all, but #as .ored to' So #hen he #ent in#ith his dish, the peasant nud&ed his #i.e,and said? Krete, that is the seond'

    This serant #as e>ually alarmed, and he&ot out as .ast as he ould' The third .ared nobetter, .or the peasant a&ain said? Krete, thatis the third' The .ourth had to arry in a dishthat #as oered, and the lord told the dotorthat he #as to sho# his skill, and &uess #hat

    #as beneath the oer' Atually, there #ererabs' The dotor looked at the dish, had noidea #hat to say, and ried? Ah, poor Grabb'When the lord heard that, he ried? OThereI hekno#s itB he must also kno# #ho has themoneyI

    At this the serants looked terribly uneasy,and made a si&n to the dotor that they#ished him to step outside .or a moment'When he #ent out, all .our o. them on.essed

    to him that they had stolen the money, andsaid that they #ould #illin&ly restore it and&ie him a heay sum into the bar&ain, i. he#ould not denoune them, .or i. he did they#ould be han&ed' They led him to the spot#here the money #as onealed' With this thedotor #as satisEed, and returned to the hall,sat do#n to the table, and said?)y lord, no# #ill End in my book #here the&old is hidden' The serant, ho#eer,rept into the stoe to hear i. the dotor kne#more' (ut the dotor sat still and opened his A( G book, turned the pa&es bak#ards and.or#ards, and looked .or the ok'

    As he ould not End it immediately hesaid? kno# you are there, so you had betterome outI Then the .ello# in the stoethou&ht that the dotor meant him, and .ull o.terror, spran& out, ryin&? That man kno#s

    eerythin&I Then Dotor no#all sho#ed thelord #here the money #as, but did not say



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    The term .airy taleori&inally re.ers totraditional .antasystories aboutma&ial people'The term no#also oers .antastitales .rom manysoures, inludin&

    .olktales and .ables,#hih do not al#aysinlude ma&i' Theori&inal storiesare o. &reatanti>uity' ndialaims to hae theoldest olletion o.hildrens .antasystories in the #orld,the pre-th entury

    )e7ts Structure of Narrative )e7ts

    There #as one upon a time a poorpeasant alled Grabb, #ho droe #ith

    t#o oen a load o. #ood to the to#n,and sold it to a dotor .or t#o talers'

    "Para&raph :$

    When they ame to the noblemanFs

    astle, the table #as spread, andGrabb #as told to sit do#n and eat'

    O5es, but my #i.e, Krete, too,F said he,and he seated himsel. #ith her at the

    table' " Para&raph *$

    Then Dotor no#all sho#ed thelord #here the money #as, but did

    not say #ho had stolen it, andreeied .rom both sides muh

    B ,rientation

    desribes sene and

    introdues thepartiipants o. the


    B Complication

    be&ins #hen there isa problem

    enountered bythe haraters'

    B Resolution is thepart in #hih theharaters End theresolution'

    #ctivit0 98ead the te7t once more and then choose the bestans(er to the 2uestions3

    !e" #ori$on :' What did the peasant alled Grabb sell to the dotorCa' Some.ood' b'

    Some #ood' 'Some #ine'

    2' Why did Grabb ask .or adie .rom the dotorC

    a' 7e .elt ill'

    b' 7e #anted to beome a dotor like thedotor' ' 7e #anted to sell his oen to

    the dotor'*' Whih did the dotor N/T reommend in

    order to beome a dotorCa' Kettin& ne#lothes' b' Puttin&

    up a si&n'' Kettin& trainin& as a dotor'

    +' Why did the nobleman re>uire GrabbFs helpC

    a' 7e .elt ill'

    b' 7is peasants had some problems'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    ' Somemoney hadbeen stolen.rom him'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 10

    ' Who did Grabb insist on brin&in& #ithhimC

    a' 7is

    #i.e' b' A

    .riend'' A serant'

    ;' What #as the Erst thin& they did at theastleC

    a' They sat do#n to disuss the

    problem' b' They sat do#n to eat'' They started lookin& .or the thiees

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Purpose o. the


    Phone number o. the or&anier?

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    In this section> you will learn how to=

    #rite narratie tetsB #rite a short .untional tet, suh as an adertisement or an announement'

    #ctivit0 1 #ns(er the follo(ing 2uestions3

    :' 7ae you eer #ritten a story in 1n&lishC

    2' What do you kno# about the sta&es o. #ritin&C

    *' Do you al#ays &o throu&h the sta&es #hen

    you #rite a storyC

    #ctivit0 2Here is a stor05 but the paragraphs are not inorder3 9ith 0our partner5 rearrange them into agood stor03

    %! Shot

    )a#ar ? Thistele&ram is.or myhusband'7es out onduty' Whatdo youreommendme to doC

    Putri ? Why dontyou rin& himand tell himthatatele&ramsarriedC

    n the dialo&ueaboe, ) a#ar isaskin& .or Putrisa'su&&estionb'permission'a&reementd' uriosity

    e' in.ormation

    &! 2

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :' A Lo

    onesa# a


    Qy o..#ith apiee


    e inits


    settleon abranh o. a



    s .orme,

    as am a





    #alked up

    to the.oot

    o. thetree'

    *' TheGro#



    head and be&an to a# her best, but the

    moment she opened her mouth the piee o.heese .ell to the &round, only to be snapped

    up by )aster Lo'

    +' HThat #ill do,H said he' HThat #as all #anted'n ehan&e .or your heese #ill &ie you a

    piee o. adie .or the .uture? HDo not trust


    ' HKood day, )istress Gro#,H he ried' H7o#

    #ell you are lookin& today? ho# &lossy your.eathersB ho# bri&ht your eyes' .eel sure

    your oie must surpass that o. other birds,just as your E&ure doesB let me hear but one

    son& .rom you that may &reet you as theueen o. (irds'H

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    A narratie tellsabout somethin&that happened inthe past' 5ou #illalso usetime order to #rite anarratie' Si&nal

    #ords and timeepressions makethe order o. anarratie lear' Therest o. the sentenesshould tell #hathappened in the

    #ctivit0 39riting a narrative5 deals a lot (ith order orse2uence of events3 )here are certain signaling(ords that are fre2uentl0 used to indicate theorder or se2uence of events3 =se the signaling

    (ords in the bo7 to complete the te7t belo(3

    a' Erst

    b' Erst o. all

    ' in the Erst

    plae d' to

    be&in #ith


    seond .'


    &' then


    a.ter#ards i'


    j' a.ter a .e#

    days k' at the

    same time l'



    presently n'


    o' last o.

    all p'


    >' in theend

    r' atlast


    )y luk has been bad lately' Lor eample,

    last #eek my .ather sent me a hek' lost it' :

    , my &randmother &ae me a present' broke

    it' 2

    Pro.' 5oyo &ae me an eamination'

    .ailed it'* , he assi&ned me a speial projet' didnFt understand it' + , Sandy introdued a&ood .riend o. his to me' She didnFt speak 1n&lishI


    6ast summer, Tim attended summer shool'7is .riend Ghrist took a trip' 7o#eer, Ghrist

    made Tim some promises' : , she #ouldsend him photo&raphs'2 , she #ould #rite him letters' And *

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    , she #ould buy him some souenirs' + ,

    she did eerythin& .or him sent him letters,pitures, and postard' , she .or&ot to #rite letters' She .or&ot

    send pitures' She .or&ot the postard too' /rshe remembered the postards, but .or&ot tomail them to him' ; , she deided to tell

    Tim the truth' She #rote Tim that she had metanother &uy' (ut she didnFt send the letter to

    him' She .or&ot'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 4 Put the stor0 into the correct order3 9ork individuall03

    :' /ther people #ho pre.erto beliee in sientiE

    eplanation haesu&&ested that eletrial

    .ores in the atmosphereaused

    this and other inidents'

    2' Suddenly, a stran&e li&htseemed to be on top o. the

    ar, sukin& it up oJ theroad be.ore droppin& it do#n


    *' )ean#hile, a loal lorrydrier .ollo#in& the sameroute as )rs no#les

    onErmed that he had alsoseen the stran&e li&ht in the


    +' n a state o. shok, theydroe to the nearest to#n

    and reported the inidentto the polie'

    ' Thinkin& that the #omanmust hae been so tired

    that she #as dreamin&, thepolie &ae her a up o.

    tea hopin& to alm herdo#n'

    ;' Linally, the poliea&reed to inspet the ar

    and #hen they did, theysa# the dust, smelt the

    smell and also notiedsome small dents in the

    roo. o. the


  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :0' )rs no#les

    and her threesons #ere

    driin& .rom

    Perth toAdelaide in theearly hours

    one mornin& in:=88'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    This is an indiidualprojet' Write youo#n story' @se &uidelines'n preparation .ormakin& yournarratie short keepthese simple&uidelines in mind? Whose story it is'

    What happens' 7ae a lear

    be&innin&, middle,and end'

    Where and #hen thestory takes plae'

    #ctivit0 5 Stud0 the follo(ing sentences and their e7planations3

    Your Project

    :' 4efore the t#o mie #ere eatin& up jellies

    and akes, they .ound the remains o. a Ene.east' Suddenly they heard &ro#lin& and


    2' 8fter &or&in& on an animal a #ol. had killed,suddenly a small bone in the meat stuk in

    his throat and he ould not s#allo# it' 7esoon .elt terrible pain in his throat, and he

    ran up and do#n &roanin& and &roanin&,lookin& .or somethin& to reliee the pain'

    and after are ommonly .ound in anarratie tet and used to epress order o.eent'

    Grammar Re&ie"

    Before and #fter4efore and after are used i. #e #ant to

    epress an order o. eents' We an use the

    .ollo#in& .orm'

    :' -e*ore F clause 1 S> >, F clause

    2 S> > , +*ter F Subor)inate

    clause F /ain clause Lor eample?

    4efore she attended the lass, she#ould

    prepare eerythin&'

    8fter hearin& the ne#s she .eltrelieed'

    2' -e*ore F noun phrase Fing F

    clause 2 S, +*ter F Subor)inate

    clause F /ain clause

    Lor eample?

    4efore #athin& the moie, #e must

    buy the tikets'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :' The lady used

    the old



    2' The mehani

    tried to oerhaul

    the en&ine

    *' The eploration

    team didresearh

    +' The baby &ets .at

    ' The raer had

    a' a.ter


    muh milk

    b' be.ore joinin&

    the rae

    ' a.ter he notied

    its typed' (e.ore di&&in&

    the #ell o. oil

    e' (e.ore she

    bou&ht a ne# one

    #ctivit0 6"atch the main clauses in column#(ith thesubordinate clauses in Column B3

    Column # Column B

    #ctivit0 78e(rite the sentences (ith subordinate clausesinstead of subordinate phrases5 be careful (ith thetense3 Number one has been done for 0ou3


    :' resna needed to &et a loan be.ore buyin& a ar

    9resna needed to get a loan "efore she"ought a car

    2' A pilot has to start en&ine be.ore takin& oJ'

    *' The man ate muh .ood a.ter #orkin& hard'

    +' )r 1.endi al#ays heks the battery be.ore

    startin& the ar en&ine

    ' A.ter hain& lunh, #e #ill &o to the inema'

    ;' The hildren took a bath be.ore hain& break.ast'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 8Combine the t(o sentences belo( into one sentenceusing before and after3 If possible use subordinatephrases3

    #ctivit0 9

    Number one has been done .or you

    :' kne# the time #as up'

    told the students to ollet the ans#ersheets'

    a! 4efore I told the students to hand:in the

    anser sheets, I )ne the time as up!

    "! 8fter I )ne the time as up, I told the

    students to hand:in the anser sheets!

    c! 8fter seeing the time as up, I told the

    students to hand:in the anser sheets!

    2' The bell ran&'

    #oke up'

    *' Santi doesnFt #ant to take it'

    The dotor reommended the mediine'

    +' Doni omes to the .ront o. the lass'

    The teaher alls him'

    ' She read the ma&aine and ate bisuits'

    She Enished leanin& the house'

    9ork in pairs3 9rite a short stor0 b0 follo(ing thestages of (riting belo(3

    B Stage 1 =Planning

    Disuss the topi #ith your .riend' 5ou an#rite the same topi as your .riendFs'

    B Stage 2 =Dra*ting

    Write your o#n story based on the topi youhae just disussed #ith your .riend'

    B Stage 6 =Revising

    S#ap your piee o. #ritin& #ith your .riendand edit eah otherFs sripts'

    B Stage 9 = Proo*Hrea)ing

    Ghek your spellin& and puntuation' 5ou ando this yoursel. or ask your .riend'

    B Stage 5 = Presentation

    Write the Enal ersion neatly'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 10 8ead and stud0 this announcement3

    Mighty River Short Story Contest

    About the contest:

    We're searching for the best short story relating in some way to the Mississippi River, the

    River Valley, or a sister River: its lanscape, people, culture, history, current events, or


    Semi"finalists will be chosen by a regional team of publishe writers! #he final manuscript

    will be chosen by Susan Swartwout, publisher of Southeast Missouri State $niversity %ress!

    Winner receives an awar of &(( an publication in )ig Muy: A *ournal of the Mississippi

    River Valley!

    Winner will be announce +ctober , -((.!

    Mail manuscripts to:MRSS Contest

    Southeast Missouri State $niversity %ress

    MS -/(, +ne $niversity %la0a

    Cape 1irareau, M+ /23(

    #ctivit0 11#ns(er the 2uestions based on the announcement0ou have :ust read3

    #ctivit0 12

    :' What is the announement aboutC

    2' When #ill the ontest be losedC

    *' What must the short stories relate toC

    +' Who #ill hoose the semiEnalistsC' Who #ill hoose the EnalistsC

    ;' What are the pries .or the #innersC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Chapter Summary

    :' 'anguage ?unctions

    a' )akin& su&&estion and re>uest

    What!7o# about &oin& to the eterinarianC

    Would you mind passin& me the salt, pleaseC

    b' Kiin& instrution

    Glose the #indo#'

    2' Genre


    Soial .untion ? to amuse, entertain and to deal #ith an atual

    or iarious eperiene in diJerent #aysB narraties

    deal #ith problemati eents #hih lead to a risis or

    turnin& point o. some kind, #hih in turn Ends a


    Keneri struture

    - /rientation ? sets the sene and introdues the partiipants

    - Gompliation ? a risis arises

    - 9esolution ? the risis is resoled, .or better or .or #orse

    Learnin Re'ection

    +*ter learning the lesson in this chapter> you are expecte) to be ableto=

    :' respond to epressions .or &iin& su&&estion, re>uest and instrutionsB

    2' make su&&estions, re>uests and instrutionsB

    *' per.orm a monolo&ue o. narratie tetB+' read and #rite narratie tetsB

    ' identi.y an adertisement, poster, and pamphlet'

    !ow> answer the @uestions

    :' What epressions do you use .or su&&estin&, re>uestin&, and &iin&instrutionsC

    2' What do you say i. you #ant to aept and deline a re>uestC

    *' What is your .aourite storyC What are the be&innin& and endin& likeC

    I* ou In) some )i*Iculties consult our teacher or )iscuss with

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Chapter +

    Ho( the 9ater C0cle9orks

    In This Chapter


    6istenin& to blame and ausation epressions

    6istenin& to epressions .or admittin& doin&somethin& #ron&

    6istenin& to promises and s#earin&

    6istenin& to monolo&ues o. eplanation tets

    (lamin&, ausin& and omplainin&

    @sin& epressions .or admittin& doin& somethin& #ron&

    )akin& a promise and s#earin&

    Per.ormin& monolo&ues o. eplanation tets


    9eadin& eplanation tets

    9eadin& a short .untional tet? piture dia&rams


    Writin& an eplanation tet

    Writin& a short .untional tet? piture dia&rams


  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    2 De#eloping English Competencies or ?rade 8"" o Natural and Social Science Programmes


    In this section> you will learn how to=

    listen to blame and ausation epressionB listen to epressions .or admittin& and denyin& somethin&B

    listen to promisin& and s#earin&B

    listen to monolo&ues o. eplanation tets'

    #ctivit0 1

    #ctivit0 2

    #ns(er the 2uestions o r all0 3

    :' . you borro# somethin& and your sisterbreaks it, should you pay .or the repairC

    2' Should you apolo&ise .or itC

    *' Will you &et an&ry #ith your sisterC

    +' 5our .riend blames and auses you o.

    somethin& you didnt do' 7o# do yourespondC

    4isten to the dialogue from the tape and ans(erthese 2uestions3

    #ctivit0 3

    :' Whats #ron& #ith

    AdiC2' What happened to hisGDC

    *' Does admit that it is his .ault atErstC

    +' Will he pay .oritC

    ' Does say sorry.or itC

    /ou are going to listen to the same dialogue fromthe tape3 Complete the te7t (hile 0ou are listening3Compare 0our ans(ers (ith 0our friend>s3

    Nadia ? WhatFs : , AdiC 5ou donFt look

    ery happy'Adi ? Fm not' tFs not 2 ' 6ook

    at this' Nadia ? WhatFs thatCAdi ? tFs my .aourite GD' * it to and no# it is broken'Nadia ? WhatC What did he doto itC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    2Ho the Water Cycle Works

    di ? 7e didnFt donythin&' 7is sisterFso&

    + it' tFsompletelydestroyed'

    adia ? SoC WhatFs the

    C an buyyou a ne# GD'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    6iin& in an 1n&lish-speakin& ountry is

    a #onder.ulopportunity topratise your 1n&lish,espeial lylistenin& andspeakin&' Lind outho# to make use o.

    #ctivit0 4

    Adi ? ThatFs #hat think, but he says its not his; ' 7e says he #ont pay

    .or it' Nadia ? WhatC 7e has to pay .or


    Adi ? Well, he #onFt pay .or it' tsnot .air' Nadia ? Gome on, les &o andtalk to him'

    Nadia and 8di come to ;if)i!

    Nadia ? 7i,' Adi has just told me about hisGD' ? /h, yes' ts

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    b' promise' 5oud better keep your promise'

    *' a' hae to admit it'b' ts &ood you admitted that'' Apolo&y aepted'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 6

    #ctivit0 7

    #ns(er the 2uestions o r all0 3

    :' What auses rain.allC

    2' Where does the #ater ome .romC

    *' Where does it &oC

    Stud0 the picture and listen to the te7t from thetape carefull03 )hen5 state (hat the te7t talksabout3

    #ctivit0 8


    4isten to the te7t from the tape once again anddecide (hich (ord 0ou hear3

    :' #here -#ere

    2' lie in -lyin&

    *' irle -yle

    +' be&an -be&ins

    ' likes -lakes

    ;' driers -riers
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    #ctivit0 9

    #ctivit0 10

    /ou are going to listen to a te7t from the tape3Discuss the ans(ers to these 2uestions3

    :' What auses the eaporation o. #ater .romthe oeans, lakes, and riersC

    2' What happens to the moistureVladen air as it risesC

    *' What .orms as the amount o. #ater apour

    &ro#s in the airC+' 7o# is the #ater returned to 1arthC

    ' What are the .orms o. preipitationC

    ;' Where does the #ater Qo# bak toC

    Decide (hether each statement is true or false3

    :' The moon auses the eaporation o. #ater'2' 1aporated #ater &athers in the atmosphere'

    *' Glouds are .ormed as the #ater apourbeomes a li>uid as it beomes ooler'

    +' 9ain louds .orm as the amount o. #aterapour dereases'

    ' The #ater is returned to 1arth as rain, hail or sno#'

    #ctivit0 11"atch these pictures to the e7planations 0ou hearfrom the tape3

    Sun Condensation


    Bain2 Hail2 SnoE#aporation !ranspiration E#aporation



    Ur;an Areas

    Surace Bun o5elting



    Bun o?round Water

    Deep Percolation

    Source? http#$$!'u!com!au
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris






    b heat energyradiated into space energy reected

    o atmosphere ENEB?1FB05 SUN

    etra car;on dioiderom ;urning ossil uels

    heat trapped;ygreenhousegases


    elling o treesthat a;sor;car;on dioide

    Source? he *.ford Children

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Source? Science and echnolog'Enc'clopedia, :==8

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 12 4isten to the tape to complete the te7t3

    The #ater : is the neer-endin&

    moement o. the earthFs #ater' Water &oes.rom 2 to the air, to the land and *

    to the oeans a&ain' Lor that reason, its +

    is alled a yle'

    This yle #hen heat .rom thesun turns oean #ater into ; ' Water

    apor is #ater that has beome

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :0' Where does most rain and sno# .allC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    In this section> you will learn how to=

    use epressions .or blamin& and ausin&B use epressions .or admittin& and denyin& #ron& doin&B

    use epressions .or makin& a promise and s#earin&B

    per.orm a monolo&ue o. eplanation tet'

    #ctivit0 1

    #ctivit0 2

    #ns(er these 2uestions3

    :' 5our teaher &ae you an assi&nment to#rite an essay on a partiular topi' 5ou #ere

    too busy to #rite the essay' Then, you opiedan artile .rom a ma&aine' 5our teaher

    kne# you didnt #rite the essay by yoursel.'What mi&ht he sayC

    2' 7o# did you respond to your teahersausation'

    Would you admit that you opied the artileC

    *' Would you apolo&ise to your teaherC

    Would you re&ret itC7o# #ould you epress the aboeC

    8ead and p r actise the follo(ing dialogue3

    )r Suherman ? Dadi''' did you #rite this

    essayC Dadi ? 5es, Sir'

    )r Suherman ? 5ou didnt #rite it, did youC think you opied it .rom a journal

    or some#here else'Dadi ? m that isnt true'

    )r Suherman ? 9eallyC e read this artile'ts )r

    7artonos essay, isnFt itC

    Dadi ? Thats ri&ht, Sir ' hae to

    admit do#nloaded it .rom thenternet' re&ret it'

    )r Suherman ? ts &ood that you admitted it'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 3

    Dadi ? do apolo&ise, Sir'

    )r Suherman ? Apolo&y aepted but you hae

    to be punished' 5ou hae to #ritet#o essays on diJerent soial

    phenomena'Dadi ? 5es, Sir' honestly re&ret

    doin& this shame.ul thin&' promise #onFt do it a&ain'

    )r Suherman ? 5oud better keep your promise,or else youll .ail my subjet'

    9ork in pairs3 Discuss the ans(ers to the follo(ing2uestions3

    #ctivit0 4

    :' Did Dadi #rite the essay by himsel.C

    2' 7o# does )r Suherman kno# that the essayDadi submitted is someone elses #ritin&C

    *' Does Dadi admit that the essay is not his at ErstC

    +' 7o# does Dadi tell his teaher that he issorry beause #ron& doin&C

    ' What does Dadi hae to do as a

    punishment .or heatin&C

    ;' What phrases does )r Suherman use to ause DadiC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    When #e learn ouro#n "natie$lan&ua&e, learnin& tospeak omes be.orelearnin& to #rite', #e learn tospeak almostautomatially'

    Ta.en *rom +icrosoft

    !e" #ori$on

    )om ? Anton, #as it you that le.t the li&ht in

    the bathroom onCAnton ? : '

    )om ? 9eallyC Theres no one else in this

    house' Anton ? All ri&ht, )om'2

    ')om ? ts &ood that you admitted it' Dont

    #aste eletriity' 5ou play &ames toomuh' 5ou kno# our eletri bill keeps

    risin&'Anton ? * '

    )om ? Apolo&y aepted but you ou&ht tolean the bathroom' 5ou also ou&ht totidy up your bedroom' t has beome

    in.ested #ith mos>uitoes' All ri&htCAnton ? + ' promise ll tidy up my

    bedroom eery day'

    )om ? and be a &ood boy'

    What to Say

    Study the .ollo#in& epressions .or blamin&and ausin&, admittin& doin& somethin& #ron&

    and makin&a


    )ore Lormal

    6ess Lormal

    Expressions *or -laming an)+ccusing

    5ou are the one to blame'

    think youre the only person #ho ould haedone it'

    ts your .ault'

    ts your .ault .or "doin& somethin&$'

    )ore Lormal

    6ess Lormal

    Expressions *or +)mitting Doing SomethingWrong

    admit to "doin& somethin&$'

    admit that M'

    on.ess to "somethin&$'

    )ore Lormal 6ess Lormal

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Expressions *or/ a Promise

    promise!s#ear that '

    promise you that M' s#ear "to domethin&$'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 5 4ook at the picture3 )hen5 ans(er the 2uestions3Sun



    Bain2 Hail2 SnoE#aporation !ranspiration E#aporation



    Ur;an Areas

    Surace Bun o




    Bun o?round Water

    Deep Percolation

    #ctivit0 6


    :' What makes #ater .rom seas, lakes, riers

    and #et soils eaporateC2' What is the term .or the proessC

    *' Do plants also release #ater into the atmosphereC

    +' What is the term .or the proessC

    ' Where does the #ater apour &oC

    8ead the follo(ing te7t3

    "ow the Water Cycle Wor.s

    Solar ener&y eaporateseposed #ater .rom seas, lakes,

    riers, and #et soilB the majorityo. this eaporation takes plae

    oer the seas' Water is alsoreleased into the atmosphere by

    the plants throu&hphotosynthesis' Dur in& thisproess, kno#n aseapotranspiration, #ater apour

    rises into the atmosphere'Glouds .orm #hen air

    beomes saturated #ith #aterapour' The t#o major types o.

    loud .ormation are stratiEed orlayered &rey louds alled stratus

    and billo#in& #hite or dark &rey

    loud alled umulus louds'
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Preipitation as

    rain, or hail ensuresthat #ater returns to

    1arthFs in a

    .resh .orm' Some o.this rain, ho#eer,

    .alls into the seas and

    is not aessible tohumans' When rain

    .alls, it either #ashesdo#n hill slopes or

    seeps under&roundB#hen sno# and hail

    melts, this #ater mayalso sink into the

    &round'9ain .all also

    replenishes rier#ater supplies, as

    does under&round#ater' Sno# .all may

    onsolidate into&laiers and ie

    sheets #hih, #henthey melt, release

    their #ater into the&round, into stream

    or into the seas'Ta.en *rom Geographica0s Poc)et -orld;eference, 200

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 7

    #ctivit0 8

    9ork in groups of four3 Discuss the ans(ers to these2uestions3

    :' Why does the majority o. eaporation take

    plae oer seasC2' 7o# do louds .ormC

    *' 7o# many major types o. loud .ormation arethereC

    +' What types o. louds are assoiated #ithrainy #eatherC

    ' What #ill brin& ontinuous rainC

    ;' What makes ertain that #ater returns to1arthFs in a .resh .ormC

    Stud0 the follo(ing (ords and the phonetic s0mbols3)hen pronounce the (ords3

    :' .alls!f :l+ !

    2' #ashes !, (+ !*' slopes !l) '+ !+' louds !-la) d+ !' supplies !) 'la !

    ;' &laiers ! gl./)+ !

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    The - s endin& is pronouned diJerently,dependin& on the end o. the #ord'

    !! a.ter -h, -sh, -s, -, - endin&s,

    eamples?teahes, boes, buses

    !s! a.ter oieless "-p, -t, -k, -. et'$

    endin&s, eamples? drinks, speaks, hits

    !! a.ter oied onsonant "-d, -&, -r,et'$

    endin&s, eamples? Qoats, brin&s, .athers

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    The onerse o.the 1l Nio eJet isthe 6a Nia eJet,#hih is an

    ea&&eration o.normal onditions'This takes plae#hen trade #indsblo# stron&ly andonsistently arossthe PaiE to#ardsAustralia' Thispushes the #arm#aters .rom theentral PaiE, oJ thenorthern Australian

    oast, to build upinto a mass that isbi&&er than normal'


    #ctivit0 9Categorise the follo(ing (ords according to thesound of the (s ending and then pronounce them3

    :' louds ;' photo&raphs

    2' riers

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Weaker than normal trade #inds

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    In this section> you will learn how to=

    identi.y the struture o. eplanation tetsB read and study eplanation tetsB

    read and identi.y meanin& o. piture dia&rams'

    #ctivit0 14ook at the picture3 )hen5 ans(er the 2uestions thatfollo( orall03


    #ctivit0 2

    :' Do you think that the enironment ishan&in&C

    2' 7o# is ithan&in&C

    *' 7o# is it diJerent .rom the enironment o. 0

    years a&oC

    +' 7ae you eer read an artile aboutaid rainC

    ' What #as thetitleC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    ' emit ::' ehaust

    ;' droplet :2' toi

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    Aid rain is rain that is hi&hly aidi beauseo. sulphur oides, nitro&en oides, and other airpollutants dissoled in it' Normal rain is sli&htlyaidi, #ith a p7 o. ;' Aid rain may hae a p7alue as lo# as 2'8'

    Aid rain an seerely dama&e both plant andanimal li.e' Gertain lakes, .or eample, hae lostall Esh and plant li.e beause o. aid rain'

    Aid rain omes .rom sulphur in oal and oil'When they burn, they make sulphur dioide"S/ $' )ost sulphur leaes .atory himneys asthe &aseous sulphur dioide "S/ $ and mostnitro&en is also emitted as one o. the nitro&enoides "N/ or N/ $, both o. #hih are &ases' The&ases may be dry depositedVabsorbed diretly bythe land, by lakes or by the e&etation' .they are in the atmosphere .or any time, the&ases #ill oidise "&ain an oy&en atom$ and &o

    into solution as aids' Sulphuri aid "7 S/ $ andthe nitro&en oides #ill beome nitri aid"7N/ $' The aids usually dissole in louddroplets and may trael &reat distanes be.orebein& preipitated as aid rain' Gatalysts suh ashydro&en peroide, oone and ammonium helppromote the .ormation o. aids in louds' )oreammonium "N7 $ an be .ormed #hen some o.the aids are partially neutralised by airborneammonia "N7 $' AidiEation inreases #ith the

    number o. atie hydro&en "7$ ions dissoledin aid' 7ydroarbons emitted by .or eample,ar ehausts #ill reat in sunli&ht #ith nitro&enoides to produe oone' Althou&h it isinaluable in the atmosphere, lo# leel ooneauses respiratory problems and also hastensthe .ormation o. aid rain' When aid rain .alls onthe &round it dissoles and liberates heaymetals and aluminium "Al$' When it is #ashedinto lakes, aluminium irritates the outer sur.aeso. many Esh' As aid rain .alls or drains into the

    #ctivit0 3 8ead the follo(ing te7t aloud3 Pa0 attention to itspronunciation and punctuation3




  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 4

    #ctivit0 5

    9 ork in pair 3 Discuss the ans(ers to these 2uestions3

    :' What is aid rainC

    2' What is the p7 o. normal rainC

    *' 7o# is sulphur dioide .ormedC

    +' What #ill happen to sulphur dioide and

    nitro&en dioide i. they enter theatmosphereC

    ' What substanes reat to .orm nitri aidC

    ;' What helps promote the .ormation o.

    aids in loudsC

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Aid rain is rain that is hi&hly aidi

    beause o. sulphur oides, nitro&enoides, and other air pollutants

    dissoled in it' Normal rain is sli&htly

    aidi, #ith a p7 o. ;' Aid rain mayhae a p7 alue as lo# as 2'8'"Para&raph :$

    Aid rain omes .rom sulphur in oaland oil'

    When they burn, they make sulphurdioide "S/

    2$' . they enter the

    atmosphere, the &ases #ill oidise"&ain an oy&en atom$ and &o intosolution as aids' "Para&raph *$

    When aid rain .alls on the

    &round it dissoles and liberatesheay metals and aluminium "Al$'

    B General

    Statement p r o i

    d e s a &eneral

    statement to

    position the reader't .ouses on

    &eneri, non human


    B Explanation

    &ies a se>ueneeplainin& o. #hy or

    ho# somethin&ours' t is

    omprised ma inl y o.material and

    relational proess,t e m p or a l , a u sa l i rumstanes

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 6 8ead the follo(ing te7t3

    Where Does Rain Come *rom0The #orld is like your

    bathroom' The #ater in the

    oeans is #arm #hen the sun

    shines on it' Some o. this #ater

    &oes up into the sky and makes

    louds' The #ind arries the

    louds .or hundreds o. kilometres'

    Then the louds meet old air in

    the sky, and #e see drops o.

    #ater' The drops o. #ater are rain'


    9ain al#ays omes .romlouds' (ut #here do louds

    ome .romC 7o# does all that#ater &et into the skyC

    Think about your bathroom'

    There is hot #ater in your bath'Steam &oes up .rom the hot#ater' The steam makes small

    louds in the bathroom' These#arm louds meet the old #alls

    and #indo#s, and then #e seesmall drops

    o. #ater on the #alls and#indo#s'

    The rain .alls and runs intoriers' 9iers run into oeans'

    And the #ater .rom oeansmakes louds and more rain' So

    #ater is al#ays moin& .romoeans to louds to rain to riersto oeans' So the rain on your

    head #as on other heads be.oreIThe #ater in your &arden #as inother &ardens in other ountries'

    +)apte) *rom&unior Comprehension :, :===

    #ctivit0 7Decide (hether each of the statements is true orfalse based on the te7t in #ctivit0 ;3

    :' 9ain doesnt al#ays omes .rom louds'

    2' Steam rises .rom the hot #ater'

    *' The #ater in the oeans is #arm

    #hen the sun shines on it'

    +' Some o. the #ater &oes do#n
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    into the sky and makes louds'

    ' The rain .alls and runs into riers'

    9iers run into oeans'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 8E7plain ho( the (ater c0cle (orks3

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    orth o.

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    and aross the AustralianGontinent, preentin& moisttropial air reahin& theontinent' These onditions in

    turn result in storms, and in rain.allin& in the eastern PaiE/ean and in South Ameriainstead o. in Australia, PapuaNe# Kuinea, and ndonesia,#hih suJer drou&ht onditions'While the eJet o. 1l Nio aresometimes #eak, at the othertimes they are ery stron&'Durin& a seere 1l Nio period,

    etreme drou&ht onditionspreail, as in :=82V8* and :==

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    In this section> you will learn how to=

    .ollo# the sta&es o. #ritin& an eplanation tetB #rite an eplanation tet'

    #ctivit0 18ead the te7t3 Stud0 the structure of the te7t3 )hen(rite the main ideas of each paragraph3

    What Is El


    The El !iJo Phenomenon

    louds .orm aboe these #arm

    #aters,1l Nio is a #arm #ater

    urrent #hih moes o.. the #estoast o. Ghile and Peru' Theurrent is belieed to be loselyassoiated #ith irre&ularariations in the &lobal #eathersystem and it oursapproimately eery

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    in&in& rain in the summer #et season$' Gooler, nutrient-rih #aters rise o.. Southern Ameria "+$,pportin& etensie shoals o. anhoies

    n #hih a ast 3shin& industry haseeloped' The #eather oer this oldater re&ion is dry'

    1ery *V years a han&e ours in theean-atmosphere interation' The limatittern is resered "($Van eent kno#n asNio' The trade #inds ease, or een

    erse diretion "$, durin& 1l Nio ande #arm #aters #hih haeulled upH in the West PaiE Qo# bak to

    arm the #aters oJ South Ameria by 2VG ";$' This depresses the east thermoline$ and dramatially aJets the limate' n 1l Nio year, drou&ht and bush Eresur oer Australia, #hile Qood aJet

    oliia and Peru' The #arm #aters o..outh Ameria suppress up#ellin& o. theld nutrient rih #aters, brin&in& disasterthe Eshin& industry'

    Ta.en *rom Philip0s Science and echnolog'

    Enc'clopedia, :==8

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 29ork in pairs3 Discuss the te7t 0ou have :ust read3)hen re(rite it in 0our o(n (ords3

    #ctivit0 3

    The Struture o. the Tet

    Keneral StatementWhat is 1l NioC


    7o# does 1l Nio ourC

    8ead and stud0 the follo(ing sentences and itse7planation3

    a' )ost nitro&en is also emitted as one o. the

    nitro&en oides "N/ or N/2$, both o. #hihare &ases'

    b' The &ases ma' "e dr' deposited=a"sor"eddiretly by the land, by lakes or by the e&etation'

    ' )ore ammonium "N7+$ can "e formed

    #hen some o. the aids are partiallyneutralised by airborne ammonia "N7


    d' 1ery t#o to seen years, ho#eer, thispattern is interrupted by the 1l Nio eent'

    When #e say #hat happens to people andthin&sV #hat is done to themV#e o.ten use

    passie erb .orms like is emitted, ma' "e dr'deposited, can "e formed and is interrupted'

    Grammar Re&ie"

    Passive ?oicen a passie lause, #e usually use a

    phrase be&innin& #ith "' i. #e #ant to

    mention the a&entVthe person or thin& thatdoes the ation, or that auses #hat happens'

    Water is also released into the atmosphere

    "' plants throu&h photosynthesis'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    simple present



    simple pastpast


    present past

    #ill .uture

    am!are!is pp

    am!are!is bein&

    pp #as!#ere pp

    #as!#ere bein& pp hae!has been

    pp had been pp

    #ill be pp

    #ill hae been pp

    am!are!is &oin& to be


    Passive erb?orm

    We normally make passie .orms o. a erb by

    usin& tenses o. the auiliary be .ollo#ed by

    the past partiiple "Ypp$ o. the erb' 7ere is alist o. all the passie .orms o. an ordinary

    1n&lish erb, #ith their names'

    )enses Patterns

    )odal auiliaries "ill, can, should, ought to,must, have

    to, ma', and might$ are o.ten used in thepassie'

    ?orm= mo)al F be F past participle

    #ctivit0 4 =se active or passive in an0 appropriate tense for theverbs in parentheses3

    :' The Amaon alley is etremely important

    to the eolo&y o. the earth' Lorty perent o.the #orlds oy&en "produce$


    2' The &ame "in$ by the

    other team tomorro#' Theyre a lot betterthan #e are'

    *' n my ountry, ertain pries "control$

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    by the &oernment, suh as the pries o.

    medial supplies' 7o#eer, other pries"determine$ by ho# muh

    people are #illin& to pay .or a produt'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 5

    +' 5esterday the #ind ""lo$ my

    hat oJ my head' had to hase it do#n thestreet' "ant, not$ to lose it

    beause its my .aourite hat and it "cost$

    a lot'' The &oernment used to support the shool'

    Today it "support$ by priate.unds as #ell as by the tuition the students


    8ead the follo(ing te7t3

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    erairmustreplae it#hih,


    This isa




    ou&h air enters an area o. Qo# pressure,louds #ill .orm and rain may .all'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Aid rain is rain,sno#, sleet, or hail thatontains aids' Aidrainharms lakes and riersand kills Esh and other#ater li.e' Sientistsbeliee it dama&es.orests, soil, statues,brid&es and buildin&stoo''

    Ta.en *rom +icrosoftEncarta


    6#ctivit0 9ork in pairs3 4ook at the pictures3 9rite ane7planation te7t based on the diagram3

    !e" #ori$on

    Source? http?!!!ecgc!ca!

    Cloud Formation

    Sno Precipitation

    Condensing Water Japour

    Surace Buno

    $akesE#aporation0cean contri;utesa;out

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 7No(5 6nd an e7planation te7t from maga@ines5ne(spaper or enc0clopedia and make a diagram of thete7t3 4ook at and stud0 the follo(ing e7ample3

    The Greenhouse EKect

    The &reenhouse eJet is a #armin& o. theair around us' t &ets its name .rom the

    &reenhouses that people use to &ro# plants'These &reenhouses let in heat .rom sunli&ht

    and trap it inside' 1arthFs atmosphereVthelayer o. air that surrounds our planetValso

    traps heat'Kreenhouse eJet is raised temperature

    at a planetFs as result o. heat ener&ybein& trapped by &ases in the atmosphere'Gertain &ases ause the atmosphere to atlike the &lass in a &reenhouse' As a result, the

    temperature o. a planetFs may behi&her than it other#ise #ould beVon 1arth

    about**Z G "=ZL$ hi&her' The main &ases that

    produe the &reenhouse eJet on 1arth are

    #ater apour and arbon dioide' Sientistssuspet that inreased dishar&e o. arbondioide .rom human atiity "notably motortransport and industry$ is ontributin&

    to &lobal#armin&'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Source? http?!!!ucas!edu !
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Chapter Summary

    :' 'anguage ?unctions

    a' (lamin& and Ausin& think youre the only person #ho ould hae

    done it' b' Admittin& and Denyin& o. Doin&


    admit to do that thin&s, but didnt do it in

    purpose' ' )akin& a Promise and S#earin&

    promise that didnt do that'

    2 Genre


    Soial .untion ? to eplain the proesses inoled in the.ormation or #orkin&s o. natural or soioultural


    Keneri struture?

    Keneral Statement ? proides a &eneral statement to position thereader'

    1planations ? tells a se>uened eplanation o. #hy or ho#somethin&

    Learning Re'ection

    +*ter learning the lesson in this chapter> you are expecte) to be ableto=

    :' respond to epressions .or blamin& and ausin&B

    2' respond to epressions .or promisin& and s#earin&B

    *' respond to eplanation tetsB+' per.orm a monolo&ue o. eplanation tetB

    ' read eplanation tetsB

    ;' #rite an eplanation tetB

    answer the @uestions

    :' What epressions do you use .or blamin& and ausin&C

    2' What do you say i. you #ant to make a promise or s#earC

    *' What is the purpose o. eplanation tet' Lind an eplanation tet and

    identi.y its struture

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Chapter ,

    4et>s Discuss

    Some Issues

    In This Chapter


    6istenin& to uriosity and sho#in& attitudes 6istenin& to epressions .or disussin& possibilities

    6istenin& to disussion tets

    Sayin& you are urious

    1pressin& possibilities and sho#in& attitudes

    Per.ormin& a monolo&ue o. disussion tets


    9eadin& disussion tets

    9eadin& a short .untional tet? poster and &raph


    Writin& a disussion tet

    Writin& a short .untional tet? si&n or poster


  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    De#eloping English Competencies or ?rade 8"" o Natural and Social Science Programmes


    In this section> you will learn how to=

    listen to epressions .or sayin& uriosity and sho#in& attitudesB listen to epressions .or disussin& possibilitiesB

    listen to oral disussion tets'

    #ctivit0 1

    #ctivit0 2

    4isten and repeat these e7pressions3 9hen and(here (ould 0ou 6nd these e7pressions1

    :' Hd be ery interested to kno# your opinionabout abortion'H

    2' HWhat Fd really like to End out are the .atsabout abortion in ndonesia'H

    *' H think its possible that our &oernment #illhae a poliy on abortion ases'H

    4isten to the dialogue from the tape and ans(er the2uestions3

    :' What are Nadia and Adi talkin& aboutC

    2' What does Nadia #ant to kno#C

    *' What is AdiFs opinion about the issueC

    +' What phrase does he use to epress itC

    ' What does Adi hope .or the &oernmentC

    #ctivit0 3/ou are going to listen to the dialogue from the tapeagain3 Complete it (hile 0ou are listening3 Compare0our ans(er (ith 0our friend>s3

    Nadia ? : #hat your opinion on

    abortion is' Adi ?


    oppose it'Nadia ? So, is that #hy you oted .or apresident andidate #ho is pro-li.eC

    Adi ? 5eah' * the &oernment #ontpass a la# le&alisin& abortion'

    Nadia ? (ut heard the 7ouse is disussin& abill to le&alise abortion .or medialreasons'

    Adi ? 9eallyC + the la# #onFt be

    misused by some irresponsible people'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    6istenin&,speakin&, readin&and #ritin& are themain "maro$ skillsyou need toommuniate inany lan&ua&e'(ein& ery &ood atonly one o..our lan&ua&e skills at!englishclu"!com!

    #ctivit0 49ork in pairs3 4isten to the dialogue from the tape3)hen complete the te7t3

    #ctivit0 5


    Deni ? 7ey, 9andi hae you eer beenmountain limbin&C

    9andi ? 5eah' #ent a ouple o. times a .e#years a&o'

    Why do you askC :


    Deni ? 2 on maybe this#eekend' 9andi ? 9eallyC WhereC

    With #homCDeni ? With (udiman and 7eriC *

    &oin& to


    9andi ? 7umh' Well, be are.ulI ts beenrainin& a lot'

    5oue neer limbed be.ore, haeyouC

    Deni ? No' dont kno# the 3rst thin&

    about it'(udiman and 7eri are >uite

    eperiened, thou&h, &uess' +

    &et to the top sa.ely' A.ter all,

    the #eather #ill be better this #eekend'9andi ? Well, ; ' 5et, i. the #eather&ets #orse,

    < o. han&in& the planC )aybe

    you an &o ampin&'

    Deni ? 7mm'8

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    /ou aregoing tolisten tot(o short

    dialoguesfrom thetape3 )akenotesabout theresponsesto thee7pressions 0ouhear3

    )henpractisethem (ith0ourfriends3

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 6

    Source? Cloning# 5rontiers of GeneticEngineering, :===

    #ns(er these 2uestions based on 0our o(nkno(ledge3

    Sometimes sientists han&e plants in the

    laboratory' These han&es make them &ro#diJerently .rom normal plants' We all these

    plants &enetially modiEed .ood'

    :' What do you kno# about &enetien&ineerin&C

    2' Does it hae anyadanta&esC

    *' Do you like the idea o. eatin& .oods that

    hae been &enetially modiEedC

    +' Are you a proponent or an opponent o.

    &eneti en&ineerin&C

    #ctivit0 79ork in pairs3 /ou are going to listen to a te7t fromthe tape about genetic engineering3 )hen 6ll it out(ith the paragraphs containing the information3

    Information Paragraph

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :' Keneti en&ineerin& has important uses, butmany people are #orried by it'

    2' Lood distribution is the bi&&est problem'

    *' The eJets o. trans&eni plants on theenironment are bein& inesti&ated'

    +' The use o. reombinant tehnolo&y outside o.seure laboratory enironments arries

    unaeptable risks .or the .uture'

    ' Gertain types o. &enetially en&ineeredrops #ill .urther redue biodiersity in the


    ;' There is hope that &olden rie may alleiate

    itaminA deEieny'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    Ar&ument Lor

    Ar&ument A&ainst


    #ctivit0 84isten to the te7t from the tape again and take notesof some information based on (hat 0ou hear on thefollo(ing table3


    #ctivit0 94isten to the radio ad3

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    +)apte) *rom !greenpeace!org!u)>5oodatch, 200:
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris



    In this section> you will learn how to=

    epress uriosity and sho#in& attitudesB use the epressions .or disussin& possibilitiesB

    retell a disussion tet'

    #ctivit0 1

    #ctivit0 2

    #ns(er these 2uestions o r all0 3

    :' Do you hae a mobile phoneC s it use.ulC

    2' Do you think that sometimes your mobilephone is annoyin&C WhenC

    *' What an you say to epress your uriosityabout the disadanta&es o. mobile phonesC

    +' What an you say i. you think that mobile

    phones are ery use.ul and you #ant to sho#your opinion'

    ' 5ou think that mobile phones #ill not eistsomeday

    in the .uture' What an you say to

    epress the possibilitiesC

    9ork in pairs3 8ead and practise the dialogue aloud3Pa0 attention to the italicised e7pressions3

    Dani ? I

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    K) rops are eryepensie todeelopBonse>uently, theindustry has.oused on hi&holume rops,suh as soybeans,

    orn, otton, andanola' Klobally 0perent o. allsoybeans and 20perent o. all otton isK)' nthe @nited States,almost all soybeans"=0 perent$ and orn"

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 4No(5 make some short dialogues using thee7pressions of curiosit05 sho(ing attitudes ande7pressing possibilit0 and their responses3


    example=A ? #ish kne# ho# to operate the

    pro&ramme on this ne# mobile phone'

    ( ? Why dont you End it on the #eb' thinktheres a

    possibility you an do#nload thepro&ramme'

    What to Say



    Saying $ou +re Curious

    What Fd really like to End out is ''''

    Fd be ery interested to kno# ''''

    Fe been meanin& to ask you'

    Fd like to kno# ''''

    #ish kne# ''''

    Fd loe to kno# ''''

    WhatFs on your mindC #onder '''C

    Expressions *or Discussing Possibilities



    Would there be any possibility o. MC

    Do you think #e are apable o. MC

    Would it be possible .or "somebody$ to MC

    think that #ould be possible '''' s it possible to MC

    5es, there is a possibility ''''

    )oreLormal 6ess Lormal

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    Expressions *orGiving ,pinion

    d just like to say M'

    Lrom my point o. ie#,

    As .ar as m onerned

    Well, must say M'

    think M'

    beliee M'

    .eel M'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 59ork in groups of three3 Create a dialogue onanother controversial issue3 #ct it out in front of theclass3

    #ctivit0 6

    #ctivit0 7

    Examples o* the Issue=


    (irth Gontrol

    Alternatie )ediines

    Animal 1perimentation


    9eality TU Sho#s

    @se the phrases you hae studied in Atiity * .or

    sayin& you are urious'

    #ns(er the follo(ing 2uestions o r all0 3

    :' Do you think that the pratie o. apitalpunishment is ontroersialC

    2' s it an eJetie punishment that deters rimeC

    *' s it inhumanC

    +' Do you a&ree i. the &oernment abolishes the

    death penaltyC' s the death penalty harder than a li.e senteneC

    9ork in groups and make a discussion based on theissue of capital punishment3

    Lirst, the speaker introdues the topi?

    Today, Fm &oin& to talk about the pros and

    ons o. the death apital punishment'There may be more than one idea about eah

    topi' The phrases belo# introdue ne# ideasabout eah topi'

    /ne "idea$ '''

    Another "idea$ '''

    The third "idea$ '''

    The Enal "idea$ ''' The most important "idea$ '''

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 8 8ead the te7t aloud3

    /obile Phones= Goo) or -a)0

    Source? Pilar +aga?ine,200:

    1ery#here you &o no#adays,you see people usin& mobile

    phones' Lrom shool hildren tothe people, you see them talkin&

    in the supermarket, on trains, inthe street, eery#hereI

    So #hat are the adanta&eso. mobile phonesC

    Lirst o. all, they are eryonenient beause you an

    phone .rom nearly any#here'Another adanta&e is that they

    are really use.ul in emer&eny


    Lor eample, i. you are alonein your ar and it breaks do#n,

    you an &et help >uikly' naddition, you an also use your

    mobile to tet your .riends oronnet to the Net'

    7o#eer, there aredisadanta&es suh as the ost'

    )obile phone alls ost more thannormal alls' Lurthermore, it an

    be annoyin& i. you are on a trainor a bus and you hae to listen tosomeone elses borin&onersation' Linally, people an

    ontat you any#here, at anytime, unless you s#ith your

    phone oJI

    n onlusion, there areboth adanta&es anddisadanta&es ' Personally,

    .eel mobile phones are a &oodthin& beause they &ie us more.reedom and makeommuniation easier'

    Ta.en *rom %anguage to Go,2002

    #ctivit0 9

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    ' s#ith oJ

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 108ead the te7t in #ctivit0 A again3 )hen 6ll in thefollo(ing table3


    Adanta&es ? :'







    Gonlusion ?

    #ctivit0 11

    #ctivit0 12

    8etell the te7t in #ctiv it0 A b0 using 0our o(n (ords3

    5ou an start your monolo&ue #ith

    Well, today m &oin& to talk about mobilephones' No#adays, eery#here you &o, you see

    people usin& mobile phones' (ut is it &ood orbadC /. ourse there are adanta&es and

    disadanta&es o. mobile phones M'

    4ook at the follo(ing signs and ans(er the 2uestions3

    Source!s.c!hu Source !static@ic)r!com

    :' What do the noties meanC

    2' Where do you usually End suh notiesC
  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    :' abortion

    2' ontroersial

    *' irumstane

    +' unborn

    ' opponent

    ;' onseratie

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    5ou #ill usuallyenounter ne##ords #hen youread' . there are toomany ne# #ords .oryou, thenthe leel is toohi&h and youshould readsomethin& simpler'

    Pronounce these wor)s a*ter your teacher:' abortion &) b r n&

    2' opponent &) 'o n)nt&

    *' proponent &'r) 'o n)nt&

    +' pre&nany & 'r gn)ni&

    ' ontroersial &- ntr) *)r &

    ;' irresponsible & r ' n)b &

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    #ctivit0 4 8ead the follo(ing te7t aloud3

    +bortion= + Controversial Issue

    Source? Sociolog' in *ur imes,200:

    Lor years, abortion has beenan etremely ontroersial

    subjet' /ne important aspet o.the ontroersy is #hether a

    #oman should be permitted byla# to hae an abortion and, i. so,

    under #hat irumstanes'Another is #hether, and to #hatetent la#s should protet theunborn' People #ho #ish to

    le&ally limit or .orbid abortionsdesribe themseles as proVli.e'

    Those #ho beliee that a #omanshould hae the ri&ht to hae an

    abortion may to themseles

    as proVhoie'Ar&uments a&ainst abortion

    are based on the belie. that anabortion is the unjustiEed killin&o. an unborn hild' )ost people

    #ho oppose abortion beliee thathuman li.e be&ins #hen a sperm

    .ertilises an e&&' Anotherar&ument a&ainst abortion is that


    allo#in& it on demand #ill

    inrease irresponsiblepre&nanies and lead to

    disrespet .or human li.e' The9oman Gatholi Ghurh is ahie. opponent o. abortion'Gonseratie branhes o. other

    reli&ions also oppose abortion')any people approe o.

    abortion under ertainirumstane' Some approe o.

    abortion i. a #omanFs li.e orhealth is endan&ered by her

    pre&nany' /thers reommendabortion #hen there is dan&erthat the hild #ill be born #ith aserious mental or physial'

    They also approe o. abortion#hen pre&nany has resulted .rom

    rape or inest')any people #ho think that

    a #oman should hae the ri&ht tohoose to hae an abortion

    distin&uish bet#een human li.eand personhood' They ar&uethat personhood implies both the

    apaity .or sel.-onsiousthou&ht and aeptane as amember o. a soial ommunity'

    These people beliee a .etus is nota person and is thus not entitled

    to ri&hts normally &ien to aperson' Suh proVhoie

    supporters a&ree #ith the ie#that birth represents the

    be&innin& o. personhood'

  • 8/21/2019 Kelas XII SMA Bahasa Inggris


    5ou #ill #ork inpairs' 5ou and yourpartner make adialo&ue thatdisuss aontroersial issue'Sometimes you #illhae to be .or theissue andsometimes you #illhae to be a&ainstthe issue' @se the

    Another proVhoie ar&umentis that le&alisin& abortions has

    eliminated many ille&al abortionsper.ormed by unskilled

    pratitioners under unsanitaryonditions' These abortions o.ten

    ause deaths and permanentreprodutie injuries' Abortion

    on demand also preents manyun#anted births and may thus bea .ator in lo#erin& in.ant andhild abuse, ne&let, and death

    rates' Also some ar&ue that

    #omen should not hae to bearun#anted hildren in a #orld#ith a &ro#in& population and