keep calm and fight a viral infection


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Post on 08-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Keep Calm and Fight a Viral Infection
Page 2: Keep Calm and Fight a Viral Infection

It seems every year there are super viruses that threaten our existence.

Remember H1N1? Enterovirus? Swine Flu? And now the Zika Virus!

I always take these viruses seriously, but I don’t believe we need live in constant fear of them either.

When I hear of something that is a threat the health of my loved ones, I become mama bear and do one thing.

I get prepared.

Here are my 7 potent weapons I always have on hand to fight viral infections. I like to call them my Microbial Nuclear Options!

If you keep these on hand, you’ll feel better prepared for whatever may comes too.

Get Prepared:

Conquering A Viral Infection.

Hello! My name is Carolyn.I am a Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and founder of Maty’s Healthy Products.

Page 3: Keep Calm and Fight a Viral Infection

Colloidal Silver is a gentle giant. It is a powerful natural antibiotic and can disarm any one-celled bacteria, virus and fungi. It reportedly disables an enzyme that these organisms need for oxygen metabolism. They suffocate without harming human enzymes or any other part of our systems. It results in the destruction of disease-causing organisms without harming us. Colloidal silver never goes bad either. Just keep it in a dark place, and it will last forever.

1. Colloidal Silver

Take 1 or 2 tsp per day to treat an infection. Do not use more than ten days at a time since it can be toxic with prolonged use.

DIY Instructions:

Page 4: Keep Calm and Fight a Viral Infection

Oil of Oregano is another one of nature’s powerful anti-microbials. It works on bacterial infections by breaking through the outer cell membrane of bacteria.

But the kicker here is that it also helps the immune system take action against viruses by causing the outer layer of a virus, called a capsid, to enlarge until it self-destructs.

2. Oil of Oregano

Put 1 – 4 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water or juice once or twice daily.

(Caution: Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing)

DIY Instructions:

Page 5: Keep Calm and Fight a Viral Infection

Clarkia is one of my favorite natural antibiotic alternatives. It rids you of over 100 types of parasites including viruses. According to its creator Hulda Clark, it does this without any side effects or interfering with any drug you may already be on.

I want to add a word of caution here. It is an extra strong alcohol-based tincture made of three herbs – black walnut green hulls, cloves, and wormwood leaves. Since it is very concentrated, you must dilute it with juice or water before ingesting it.

It is an outstanding choice if you don’t want to, or can’t use antibiotics.

3. Clarkia

According to the manufacturer’s instructions, a standard dosage for Clarkia is to take 10-20 drops 3-5 times per day.

DIY Instructions:

Page 6: Keep Calm and Fight a Viral Infection

Hydrogen Peroxide is a common household product. Most people are familiar with the one commonly used at home which is a 3% strength solution.

But there is also a food grade hydrogen peroxide that is even more powerful and is used to fight internal bacteria, viruses and fungi too. It is especially useful against fungal infections.

The food grade hydrogen peroxide is antimicrobial because it floods your system with oxygen. It is a form of oxygen therapy.

However, food grade hydrogen peroxide is very powerful. It could burn its way through your skin if not used properly.

For this reason, I only recommend using this with the assistance of a healthcare practitioner who has experience using it. But knowing this option exists may be helpful in some cases.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide

Seek an experienced health practitioner who works with food grade hydrogen peroxide.

DIY Instructions:

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Fire Cider is another of my favorite remedies. It is fermented apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is very powerful in and of itself. Then imagine adding horseradish, garlic, onion, hot peppers, and ginger. What could live in that environment?


Fire Cider is even a healthy tonic to take every day too. Just a spoonful may help keep those super bugs away altogther. I know it would keep me far, far away!

5. Fire Cider

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Garlic is legendary as an antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal agent. It contains many powerful compounds but is most famous for its sulfur compounds that not only give it a pungent taste but is effective in treating all types of infections. Crushing a whole garlic clove releases all those antimicrobial agents.

The best way to use it for antiviral properties is to get it into your bloodstream quickly. Putting a clove under the tongue accomplishes this.

However, if that seems too harsh, you can also crush it and put it in olive oil or in some of your favorite juice.

6. Garlic

Put a clove under the tongue three times a day. You can also crush a garlic clove and put in a glass of orange juice or lemon juice three times a day.

DIY Instructions:

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7. Anti-Viral Essential Oils

Place a few drops of any of these essential oils in your bath and soak for 20 minutes. You can also place a few drops in any diffuser to strengthen your immune system against a viral infection.

DIY Instructions:

And finally, my last “must have” in my anti-viral arsenal is a few essential oils. In clinical studies, essential oils have shown to have anti-viral activity. In a comparative study of anti-viral essential oils, tea tree oil was one of the most efficacious in destroying microbes. My list of anti-viral essential oils consists of Lemon Balm, peppermint, bergamot, eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, tea tree, cinnamon, clove, and lavender.

Having these essential oils on hand would also be wise in case you suspect a viral infection. Here is a good recipe for an anti-viral soaking bath:

5 drops bergamot, 2 drops of clove, 4 drops of lavender, and 2 drops of cinnamon.

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Disclaimer: The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should always consult your physician or a qualified health care provider with questions regarding any medical conditions. 

Reliance on any of the information provided by this presentation is solely at your own risk.

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