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KDCI Publication 1st Issue 2013


Page 1: KDCI Publication 2013
Page 2: KDCI Publication 2013

Cont’d on page 4

The creation of the Kidapawan Doctors College is

not an accident. The college has been part of the long

term plan of the creator of Kidapawan Doctors Hospital,

Inc. In fact, it is one of the many purposes of the hospital

when the corporation (KDHI) was first conceptualized way

back in early 1995 and eventually listed the college as a

secondary purpose of the corporation when it was regis-

tered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Now, it is a dream come true.

Why & how this college became a reality may pose a question. In the beginning, many of the incor-

porators of KDHI are physicians by profession plus its business partner, the Diocese of Kidapawan.

All this was done to complete the mission, just like what Christ did – the HEALING. The physicians

are in-charge of the physical healing while the priests for the spiritual healing. And out of this mis-

sion come the opportunities.

As medical professionals, we promised in our oath to pass on to the next generation our talents

and ideas we earned from our respective medical schools. That is why we have a mission to teach

the young ones who will eventually take the responsibility, and so on. We teach our children to be

part of this journey and take an active role in nation building.

The hospital was created to help the locals in the whole province of Cotabato and South Central

Mindanao in their quest for medical needs. That, instead of going to far flung urban cities like Da-

vao City; we encouraged them to avail of our facilities here in Kidapawan City where we can be at

par with the higher centers. So far, many of our patients responded and tried to avail of our ser-

vices. And still counting. We were able to cater their needs plus the many advantages, such as big

savings from transportation expense, leaving our job to care for the sick, etc. Then, opportunities

arouse such as employment, added income taxes to the LGU, and many more.

The college was created with the same scenario. From the beginning, risks were at stake but we

were so confident that this venture will eventually be successful in the end, mainly because we

have the hospital ready as a training ground for our students. Our aim is high so much so that in the

end we will be able to produce quality products, quality students ready to be deployed anywhere in

the world.

Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc, started with a big bang and we were able to create a lasting im-

pression to the community. We will continue to innovate for the betterment of our students. We

will help them not only in their studies but also in finding for more opportunities for a brighter


PAULINO R. AGRAVE, M.A. Ed. Editor-in-Chief




Associate Editors

Josephine D. Suyamin, MBA., MAEd

Joebert D. Gabia, RL

Nordy Paul V. Responte

Michelle Ann C. Regala, MBA

Maria Remedios B. Hilario

Raymund A. Liboon, MBA

Merly A. Ducao, MBA

Edna A. Cornelio, MAEd

Solomon Zaki Bacalso, RN

Jhoanne P. Makasimbual, RN




Lay-out Artists



Mr. Antonio S. Coliseo, CPA





What should be the philosophy of every man to attain worth living? Is it necessary to justi-fy the matter?

In a very simple manner, only one thing that summarizes every idealism that man pos-sesses. He constantly encounters a lot of changes and he must accept it for him to be happy. It has been quoted that every man is shaped by his own destiny. Consequently, it is a vague sense fallacy. Since every man is a master of himself, so destiny doesn’t matter at all. Thus, by virtue of freedom that has been exercised ethically is an absolute justification that he molded himself and decided what life he wanted to be. It solely depends on

Am I Preparing for

Tomorrow? by: Bernard A. Gortina, RN, REU, MN, FPCHA


Priority can be one of the reasons why man fails. Sometimes he prefers to give more pri-ority to other aspect rather than the most neces-sary and relevant one. The mistake of choosing some strategies by prioritizing useless and miscal-culated endeavor will define future failures.

Limitations influenced man’s achieve-ments or accomplishments. It can be the highest cause of frustrations. Children who live in squatter area or in slum don’t have the choice to live in luxurious mansions or high-end condomini-ums. A garbage collector or a scavenger doesn’t have a choice to enjoy travelling around the world due to lack of money. Students who live in a third world country don’t have the choice to become a modern scientist due to lack of oppor-tunity. Blind man doesn’t have the choice of see-ing the beauty of God’s creation. Deaf don’t have

the perception and integration of different in-fluences that drive him to practice his freedom of choice. Hence, every choices man has made affects his way of living.

As we go further, we can trace some es-sential aspect that would probably define the quest for generalization of this philosophy amidst the identical uniqueness of every man.

Motivation has been defined as driving force to attain one’s goal. It plays an important role in every perseverance man should exert to get what he wanted. However, we must put in-to consideration that motivation plays in two ways, either right or wrong. Right motivation generally ends with satisfaction, while wrong motivation will possibly bring about frustra-tions. Therefore, man must be critical in scaling his motivation to be right. Motivated person in general, are those who are determined to be-come successful. It is best manifested by his day to day preparations.

Page 3: KDCI Publication 2013

Mr. Bernard A. Gortina, MN, the appointed

VP for Administration and Planning, with the sup-

port of Mr. Antonio S. Coliseo, CPA, VP for Finance,

and Mr. Sergio G. Bardos, MN, the Human Resource

Director, spearheaded the preparation of all the re-

quirements for the full operation of the school.

KDCI, as an affiliate of Kidapawan Doctors Hospital,

Inc., a tertiary hospital accredited as ― Center of

Quality by PHIC, provides quality education, and

ensures great job and bright future to its students.

The initial courses offered are : Bachelor of Science

in Medical Technology (BSMT), Bachelor of Science

in Radiologic Technology (BSRT), Bachelor of Sci-

ence in Psychology (BSPsych), Bachelor of Science

in Pharmacy (BSPharm), and Technical and Voca-

tional Education Training (TVET) two-year programs

such as: Information Technology (IT), Computer

Technology (Comp Tech), Hotel &

By: Bernard A. Gortina, RN, REU, MN, FPCHA & Paul R. Agrave, MAEd

History of KDCI

The idea of establishing a school, so as

to expand the services aside from health care,

was first conceptualized by Dr. Thaddeus A.

Evangelista in 1994 right after the acquisition of

St. Joseph Hospital which was renamed

Kidapawan Doctors Hospital, Inc. (KDHI). Since

the focus of the management was to increase

the service capability of KDHI, the creation of

an educational institution was set aside. Fortu-

nately, KDHI continued as a tertiary hospital in

2007. Then, a CT scan machine was acquired as

On March 9, 2012, KDHI was accredited

as Center of Quality by the Philippine Health

Insurance Corporation (PHIC), sixteen (16) years

after its foundation. Inspired by the said ac-

creditation, the idea of establishing Kidapawan

Doctors College, Inc. was revived on April 2012

through the proposal of Mr. Bernard A. Gortina,

the Quality Assurance Officer, together with

Mr. Antonio S. Coliseo, the Administrator, and

Mr. Sergio G. Bardos, the Human Resource Di-

rector, during the regular KDHI Board of Direc-

tors’ meeting attended by the following:

Fr. Jessie Esparagosa, DCK, Chairman

Dr. Wilfred Artes, Vice Chairman

Dr. Edwin Y. Gantuangco, President & CEO

Dr. Elsa Khio, Secretary

Dr. Mylena Cabriles, Treasurer

Dr. Thaddeus A. Evangelista, Director

Dr. Benilina O. Badilla, Director and Medical Director The said proposal was unanimously approved.

Then, the detailed tasking for the establish-

ment of KDCI started.

It was then that the KIDAPAWAN DOCTORS


was registered with the Securities & Exchange

Commission (SEC) on May 8, 2012 with Company

Reg. No. CS 201229594. On the same month, a 5-

storey building owned by Gillamac’s Marketing

Inc. was acquired to become the KDCI’s school


The KDCI’s Board of Trustees: is composed of the


Chairman/President & CEO,

Edwin Y. Gantuangco, M.D., FPCR

Corporate Secretary

Mr. Bernard A. Gortina, MN

Corporate Treasurer

Benelina O. Badilla M.D.


Dr. Wilfred J. Artes

Fr. Alfredo P Palomar, Jr., DCK

Thaddeus A. Evangelista, M.D.

Restaurant Management (HRM), with TESDA

Qualifications such as Computer Hardware Servic-

ing NC II, House Keeping NC II, Bartending NC II,

Health Care Services NC II, Commercial Cooking/

Cookery NC II, Food & Beverage Services NC II,

and Bread & Pastry NC II.

Cont’d on next page


Page 4: KDCI Publication 2013


History of… from p.3. KDCI sees the need to offer these courses due to the following reasons: BS Medical Technology (BSMT) or Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science

(BMLS) is not offered in any school in the provinces of North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Cotabato City, Maguindanao, and Davao del Sur; on BS Radiologic

Technology (BSRT), there is an increasing shortage of Rad. Tech. in the Philippines and increasing demand for Rad. Tech. abroad; on BS Pharmacy, there is a

shortage of Pharmacists in the Philippines. The Department of Health (DOH) is strict in imposing appropriate Pharmacists ratio in the Hospital and there is an

increasing demand for Pharmacist abroad. There is also a need to offer Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BSPsych). On technical and vocational training pro-

grams, there is a great demand of skilled workers abroad and the school is also preparing for skilled professionals to meet the demand for the K to 12 pro-

gram of DepEd.

2 Message from the President

Am I Preparing for Tomorrow

3 History of KDCI

3 1st foundation Anniversary

4 Cañete for SYC in Singapore

5 First Research Capability Building

6-7 KDCI News

8-9 KDCI Laboratory Department:

Striving for Excellence

10 KDCI Top Rank Review Center

11 Students’ Organizations Recognized

Meet Our Library Personnel

12 KDCI Conducts Fruit and Vegetable Carving

Seminar and Workshop

HRS Faculty on the DINE Philippines

13 KDCI Explores The New Paradigms in Hospitality

HRS Spearheads Nutrition Month Celebration

14 Let me tell you that...

LeaderShip Training: Releasing Potentials

15 Unsderstanding Legality in the World of Education KDCI Celebrates World Teacher’s Day




Joan , as fondly called by her classmates , a simple lady yet intelligent and has a good com-mand in English is among the eight (8) final stu-dent attendees who passed in the screening conducted by the CHED National Office held at CHED Regional Office, Koronadal City. This year, SOCSARGEN is the recipient of the said invitation . The said screening is for the Philippine participants for Sunburst Youth Camp (SYC) in Singapore on De-cember 1-7,2013. The camp’s organizer is the Singa-pore Technologies Endowment Program (STEP) Lim-ited.


Ms. Joan Victoria Baria Cañete was born on November 23,1996, the daughter of the educators, Sir William Pecore Cañete, a School Principal in Sagkungan Elementary School and Madam Nenita Baria Cañete, a School Principal of Cabangbangan El-ementary School.


Ms. Joan is a First Year Medical Technology Student who has a heart in mentoring students who need her help in academics. She finished her elemen-tary education in Notre Dame of Kidapawan College (IBED) as First Honorable mention and graduated her Secondary Education in Kidapawan National High School and received the recognition as Sixth Honora-ble Mention. The KDCI family is very proud of you.

By: Josephine D. Suyamin, MA, MBA

Page 5: KDCI Publication 2013

August 24, 2013 was a memorable day for

every KDCIAN faculty and staff. Thirty four (34) par-

ticipants were the recipients of a very informative

presentation on the importance of research in the

exercise of teachers’ professionalism. The theme of

the seminar-workshop was “Research and Develop-

ment: A Voyage to Institutional Sustainability”.

The program started with an invocation by Ms. Edna

A. Cornelio, Director of Laboratories, followed by the

singing of the National Anthem, Kidapawan Hymn,

and KDCI Hymn led by Ms. Josephine D. Suyamin,

Director of Student Affairs. The participants were

welcomed by Mr. Bernard A. Gortina, Vice President

for Administration and Planning. He emphasized

that research is a mandate of CHED, and as a Higher

Education Institution, KDCI should give importance

on the area of Research Capabilities of its manpow-

er. He also added that research is something that

everyone can be proud of. It is an output of how our

minds work and an output of our own uniqueness.

The statement of objectives/purposes of conducting

the seminar-workshop was discussed by Mr. Paulino

R. Agrave, Director of Research and Publication. The

introduction of the Resource Speaker was given by

Mr. Raymond A. Liboon, College Registrar.

The resource speaker was MARLEONIE M.

BAUYOT,Ph.D.. He is the Director of Research and

Publication, & Dean of Graduate School, at San Ped-

ro College for several years. He is actively involved

as a speaker, adviser, and consultant of different ar-

eas of specialization like thesis and research writing,

organizational management, journal writing, aca-

demic institution management, and many more.

The morning session was purely on the input

of the resource speaker. Lectures and discussions

were made on how to come up with a research

problem and how to deal with it. He outlined the

topics as follows: Evidence-based Practice in Re-

search, Researchable & Non-Researchable Ques-

tions, Samples of Possible Sources of Research Top-

ics, Literature Review, Quantitative & Qualitative

Research, Research Designs, Guidelines in Design

Selection, and Statistical & Instrumental Methods in

Research. In the afternoon session, the participants

were divided into groups to brainstorm of any possi-

ble institutional research paper, depending on the

area of specialization. There were six groups who

presented their output after an hour of brainstorm-

ing: The Language, Pharmacy & Medtech, Student

Services, Finance & Math, Library, and IT & HRM

groups. Two (2) to Five (5) research titles were

formulated by each group and were presented

for critiquing. Dr. Bauyot shared his knowledge

and expertise on how to come up with a good

research problem. He congratulated the partici-

pants in coming up with very feasible research


Dr. Bauyot was indeed a very effective

speaker. He is very conversant and knowledgea-

ble on the topics. He also shared his experiences

as the discussion progressed. He articulated that

as an infant institution, teachers should start

formulating research topics concerning instruc-

tions particularly on pedagogy. He emphasized

that KDCI must have a retention strategy, thus,

emphasizing the importance of teaching meth-

ods and strategies to deliver lessons effectively

and efficiently.

As the last part of the program, an evaluation

was conducted to assess the activity. The re-

source speaker was evaluated with an overall

weighted mean score of 4.50 with the descrip-

tion of Excellent. This is equated with “the re-

source speaker is an expert on the topic”.

Among the five questions on the evaluation

form, it was the question number 4 “the speak-

er showed friendliness” which obtained the

highest weighted mean score of 4.86 which

means excellent. It was followed by question

number 2 “the speaker is very conversant/

knowledgeable on the topic being discussed

with 4.79, and question number 3 “the contents

were presented in logical manner of which the

interest of the participants was captured” with

the equivalent weighted score of 4.16 which

means very good. Further, the popular general

comment of the participants about the speaker

was “The speaker is really an expert on the area

of research. One day is not enough, it should be

2 or 3 days.”

The seminar-workshop was indeed an

eye–opener to every KDCIAN faculty and staff. It

was a very good motivation, thus, this will de-

velop our research culture.




By: Paul R. Agrave, MAEd


Page 6: KDCI Publication 2013

ducted at White Haven Beach Resort, Gumasa, Glan, Saranggani Province last May 4, 2013. The employees were divided into three groups: Red, Blue

and Yellow. The activity started with an opening program headed by Antonio S. Coliseo, CPA, Vice President for Finance, then followed by the orienta-

tion and preparation of each team for the different activities.

KDCI: One Goal, One Team One of the pillars of a business organization is the workforce, the people

behind its operations and management. People in the organization must be guided

with one vision, mission, and goal, and must be inspired by its core values in order

to achieve its objectives. In order for this to be accomplished, the management of

Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc. (KDCI), a newly established institution in

Kidapawan City committed to provide quality and holistic education to the people

of Kidapawan City and nearby municipalities, spearheaded a team building activity

which will enable its employees to work as one and promote camaraderie and uni-

ty with each other. The team building activity with a theme: “Coming together is

the beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.”, was con-

In the evening, the participants had to be in their best Hawaiian costumes. One of the highlights of the activities was the Search for Mr. and Ms.

Hawaiian Idols 2013, where each team had one (1) pair of contestants for the pageant.

The teams also showed their musical talents as they presented their intermission numbers. The event was blessed by the presence of the Mr. Bernard

A. Gortina, RN,REU,MN, VP for Administration and Planning, Mr. Antonio Coliseo, CPA, VP Finance and Dr. Edwin Y. Gantuangco, FPCR, President and

By: Raymond Liboon, MBA

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain our overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen

bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can reduce our risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2

diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Unlike some other forms of exercise, WALKING is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.

It was early in the morning of June, 2013, when the KDCIANS gathered in front of the Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc., to have the 1st KDCI fun walk.

Before the activity started, the participants did the warm-up exercises to prepare and condition their physical bodies.

The route of the fun-walk started from Kidapawan Doctors College Inc. along Quezon Boulevard, down to Central Warehouse, to Cathedral church, and

then back to KDCI.

The fun-walk would not have been successful without the full cooperation of the board of trustees, administrators, faculty & staff, students and with

the presence of the PNP who assisted the smooth flow of the activity.

KDCI Brings Fun On The RoadKDCI Brings Fun On The RoadKDCI Brings Fun On The Road


Twenty three (23) NSTP-CWTS students under the leadership of Mr. Romel Palicte participated in the gardening and planting of vegetables at the Kidapawan City Pilot Elementary School (KCPES) on August 28, 2013.

The activity was in response to the invitation of KCPES to our school (KDCI) to adopt a plot to be planted with vegetables as part of their program of enhancing the GULAYAN SA PAARALAN PROGRAM. The vegetable products of these gardens will be utilized to feed the undernourished children of the said school.

The vegetables that were planted were; malunggay, ginger, lemon grass, onions, camote tops, and “alugbati”. To those students who participated in the said endeavor, thank you very much for your effort and for showing your desire to help, in

any way, for the good of your fellowmen. May this activity will also inspire everybody to do their share to serve the community.



CEO, who also have served as the judges of the pageant. The night was filled with songs and laughter of the employees during the socialization night.

Everyone enjoyed the activity until dawn.

Indeed, this activity helped the people of Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc. to work as one and lead as one.

By: Nordy paul Responte, PE Instructor

Page 7: KDCI Publication 2013

By: Randy Paul Gumanao, RChem


The metamorphosis of KDCI started on May 8, 2012, after which was a year of preparation of the requirements for the Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC), Commission On Higher Education (CHED) National and Regional level, and Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQUAT). It was on this

date that KDCI received the Company Reg. no. CS 201229594.

May 8, 2012 to May 8, 2013, was the period of preparation for CHED requirements/documents like the curriculum, faculty line-up, li-

brary holdings, laboratory equipment and rooms, and the syllabi of the different subjects per program. RQUAT visits were also considered to check

whether the documents, key personnel, deans, and heads or program coordinators were all evident and available.

The CHED Regional Director also visited to confirm about the official report of the RQUAT. Finally, KDCI received positive feedback from the Re-

gional Director Maximo C. Aljibe, Ph.D., DPM, CESO IV and was given the signal to open and start the enrollment for the school year 2013-2014.

The 1st foundation anniversary commenced with a motorcade around the main streets of Kidapawan City, followed by a eucharistic mass cele-

bration. The anniversary message was delivered by Dr. Thaddeus A. Evangelista in behalf of the Board Of Trustees of KDCI. Dr. Thad reiterated that the

dream of his late father was now realized and he was so happy with the number of enrollees in the first semester 2013-2014.

KDCI holds 1st Orientation Program Faced with the challenge of cultivating a school culture, the first batch of KDCIans started the academic year by getting attuned with the school’s policies

through the general and departmental orientation programs organized by the Guidance and Testing Center on June 14 2013.

“The aim of the orientation program is to guide the students on the school’s policies and regulations, and to introduce the school personnel who will as-

sist the students during their stay here at KDCI. These things are necessary for a student’s adjustment in a new environment.” explained the Guidance

Facilitator, Ms. Ma. Lourdes Lebrillo.

In the said event, the school administration presented to the students the major policies on academics, student affairs, finance and records. School per-

sonnel were also introduced.

Mr. Genaro Andres, MBA, Vice President for Academic Affairs, talked about the academic policies, while Mr. Raymond Liboon, MBA, the past Director of

Student Services and currently the School Registrar, gave the orientation on student affairs and school regulations.

Meanwhile, Mr. Antonio Coliseo, CPA, the Vice President for Finance, talked about the financial policies, and Ms. Josephine Suyamin, MBA, MAED, then

the School Registrar and currently the Directress of Student Affairs, discussed the policies on school records.

“It pays to know our duties as KDCIans. Being acquainted with the policies of the school helps us tread the direction towards a culture of excellence.”

said Karla Solano, a BS Psychology student and the editor-in-chief of the student publication of KDCI.

Mr. Bernard Gortina, RN, REU, MN, the Vice President for Administration and Planning, delivered an inspirational message. The school’s president and

CEO, Dr. Edwin Y. Gantuangco, MD, FPCR, also graced the event and presented to the community the administration’s vision for the school in the next

months and years, which made the school community even more excited on what lies ahead for the institution.

In the afternoon, all the departments concurrently held their departmental orientation to discuss matters exclusive only for a particular department.

1st Foundation Anniversary of KDCI By: Paul R. Agrave, MAEd



On September 3, 2013, the NSTP Coordinator, Mrs. Merly D. Ducao to-

gether with Mr. Romel L. Palicte, a NSTP facilitator went to Barangay

Lanao to survey the site for the planned Tree Planting Activity.

The suggested area to be planted is along the bank of Malamote Creek

located at Barangay Lanao, Kidapawan City.

The Barangay Chairman, Mr. Alberto B. Canonoy of Barangay Lanao re-

quested Kagawad Flores to accompany the team to the planting site.

Page 8: KDCI Publication 2013

KDCI Laboratory Department: KDCI Laboratory Department:

VISION: To be a state of the art medical laboratory school in Min-


MISSION: To provide the students with standard laboratory facil-

ities in order for them to gain quality education.

In line with her vision of being a state of the art laboratory

school in Mindanao and to enhance her drive for a quality education,

the Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc., though still a neophyte in the aca-

deme, gave her best to provide the students with all their needs when it

comes to laboratory facilities.

Because it can never be argued that quality education thrives on

quality laboratory facilities, KDCI provided her students with six labora-

tory rooms for easy conduct of laboratory activities namely the Chemis-

try Laboratory, Biology Laboratory, Physics Laboratory, Med.Tech. La-

boratory, Pharmacy Laboratory, and Rad.Tech. Laboratory. Each labora-

tory has fume hood, emergency shower, faucets and tiled sinks. There

also exist separate rooms for chemical storage and chemical weighing.

Guided by her mission of delivering the

best to her students, the following laboratory

supplies and equipment were already pro-



1. Asepto syringes

2. Base burette with clamp

3. Beakers

4. Electric binocular microscopes

5. Compound microscopes

6. Blood collection needle

7. Blood lancet

8. Blood tube

9. Brain anatomical model

10. Bunsen burners

11. Capillary tubes

12. Centrifuge machine, electric

13. Clay triangle

14. Crucible tong

15. Crucible and cover

16. Digital timer

17. Disposable syringe

18. DNA anatomical model

19. Double beam balance with

set of weights

20. Ear anatomical model

21. Erlenmeyer flask

22. Evaporating dish

23. Eye anatomical model

24. Face mask

25. Female pelvis anatomical model

26. Filter paper

27. Florence flask

28. Glass droppers and plastic droppers

29. Glass funnel

30. Glass pipette

31. Glass stirrers

32. Glass tubing

33. Graduated cylinder

34. Hot plate

35. Human skeleton, synthetic and natural

36. Human stomach anatomical model

37. Human torso anatomical model

38. Hydrometer

39. Inoculating loop

40. Inoculating needle

41. Iron ring

42. Iron stand

43. La Germania stoves

44. Litmus paper

45. Liver anatomical model

46. Magnifying glass

47. Microscope slides and cover


48. Mortar and pestle

49. Paper towel

50. Petri dish

51. pH meter

52. pH paper

53. reagent bottles

54. refrigerator

55. rubber tubing

56. serving tray

57. LPG with tanks

58. Spatula

59. Spring scale

60. Stool containers

61. Cork stopper

62. Stopwatch

63. Surgical cap

64. Surgical gloves

65. Triple beam balance

66. Test tubes

67. Test tube holders

68. Test tube racks

69. Thermometer

70. Tourniquet

By: Edna A. Cornelio, MAEd. Director for Laboratories

Page 9: KDCI Publication 2013

KDCI Laboratory Department: KDCI Laboratory Department:

46. Magnifying glass

47. Microscope slides and cover


48. Mortar and pestle

49. Paper towel

50. Petri dish

51. pH meter

52. pH paper

53. reagent bottles

54. refrigerator

55. rubber tubing

56. serving tray

57. LPG with tanks

58. Spatula

59. Spring scale

60. Stool containers

61. Cork stopper

62. Stopwatch

63. Surgical cap

64. Surgical gloves

65. Triple beam balance

66. Test tubes

67. Test tube holders

68. Test tube racks

69. Thermometer

70. Tourniquet

71. Tripod

72. Universal socket adapter

73. Urine specimen container

74. Vernier caliper

75. Wash bottle

76. Cover glass

77. Water bath, electric

78. Wire gauze

79. Working gloves


Liquid: 1. Potassium acid


3. Acetone

4. Benedict solution

5. Betadine

6. Bromothymol blue

7. Buffer solutions

8. Calcium chloride

9. Copper sulfate

10. Denatured alcohol

11. Ethanol

12. Flame test- Ba, Ca, Co, Cu, Pb, Sr,

13. Formalin

14. Glacial acetic acid

15. Glycerine

16. HCl

17. Hydrogen peroxide

18. Iodine solution

19. Lime water

20. Lugol’s solution

21. Methanol

22. Methyl orange

23. Methyl orange indicator

24. Methyl red solution

25. Methylene blue

26. Phenolphthalein indicator

27. Potassium dichromate

28. Silver nitrate

29. NaOH solution

30. Xylene


1. Activated carbon

2. Aluminum sulfate

3. Ammonium chloride

4. Ammonium dichromate

5. Barium carbonate

6. Barium sulfate

7. Benzoic acid

8. Boric acid

9. Calcium carbonate

10. CaOH

11. Calcium nitrate

12. Camphor crystals

13. Caustic soda pearls

14. Citric acid

15. Congo red

16. Copper oxide

17. Copper sulfate hydrated

18. Iodine crystals

19. Lead oxide

20. Magnesium carbonate

21. Magnesium hydroxide

22. Magnesium oxide

23. Magnesium ribbon

24. Magnesium sulfate

25. Manganese dioxide

26. Oxalic acid

27. Paraffin wax

KDCI will never stop imparting the best educa-

tion using modern laboratory facilities to stu-

dents who need her help and services.

28. Potassium aluminum phosphate

29. Potassium carbonate

30. Potassium chloride

31. Potassium hydrogen sulfate

32. Potassium hydroxide

33. Potassium iodide

34. Potassium nitrate

35. Potassium permanganate

36. Potassium sulfate

37. Sodium acetate

38. Sodium bicarbonate

39. Sodium chloride

40. Sodium metabisulfite

41. Sodium nitrate

42. Sodium pyroborate

43. Sodium sulfate

44. Sulfur powder

45. Tartaric acid

46. Urea

47. Zinc chloride

48. Zinc oxide

49. Zinc sulfate

Page 10: KDCI Publication 2013


Kidapawan Doctors College Inc. opens its first Review center for Criminology

named as KDCI Top Rank Review Center. It is a service oriented institution that operates as the

first ever quality review center of KDCI in the field of Criminology, equipped with the best top

caliber national reviewers.

KDCI Top Rank Review Center aims to offer the public a quality review program that will

refresh and enhance the knowledge or competencies and skills of reviewees obtained in their

formal school setting. Its program is also designed to provide a comprehensive and effective re-

view course with the help of our tried and tested veteran reviewers.

By: Jhoanne Makasimbual, RN





Last June 8, 2013, the center launched its first day of operation with 40 officially enrolled reviewees. Most of them are BS Criminology graduates

of Central Mindanao College and a few from Colegio de Kidapawan. The review classes are housed within the school campus of KDCI using the state-of-

the-art equipment and air conditioned Audio Visual Room. It is conducted every Saturdays and Sundays and can be flexible for the student’s availability.

Top rank designed a 12 days comprehensive Final Coaching and proud to say that we are the first and only review center in North Cotabato that owns

and uses Scantron Machine for diagnostic examinations.

Whether to pass or to top the board exam, KDCI Top Rank Review Center provides the right approach. Amid all successful implementations of

the review program, we will always pray and trust God for His Glory!

Page 11: KDCI Publication 2013

Library is described as the heart

of the institution. It is said to be the

storehouse of knowledge. This is a

place where students can relax and feel

comfortable while browsing the books

and surfing the net. One can improve

his knowledge through reading and

studying inside the library. Kidapawan

Doctor’s College Library is happy to an-

nounce that it has acquired a total of

one thousand three hundred ninety

KDCI Library

At the start of the school year 2013-2014, two library personnel were officially hired and

become part of KDCI family.

Mr. Joebert D. Gabia graduated at Notre Dame of Kidapawan College with the degree of Bachelor

of Science in Secondary Education major in Library Science. He successfully finished and passed

the licensure exam for librarian given by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) last No-

vember 2007. His first employment was at St. Mary’s Academy of Kidapawan, Kidapawan City. He

transferred to Southern Baptist College, Mlang, North Cotabato. For four years, he served as

Cyber-Library In-Charge, Audiovisual Librarian, at the same time Assistant to the Chief Librarian.

He is now working at the college as the Chief Librarian. Mr. Gabia is happi-

ly married with 1 child to Marife Panganiban-Lomotos Gabia, a former pro-

gram assistant to the Kabalikat para sa Maunlad na Buhay, Inc., (KMBI) Di-

gos City Branch.

Another library personnel is Mr. Jose Ervin Magsipoc, an alumnus

of Notre Dame of Kidapawan College, Kidapawan City. He is formerly con-

nected with Central Mindanao Colleges as the High School Librarian. He is

now working at the college as assistant to the Chief Librarian.

By: Joebert Gabia, RL College Librarian




Kidapawan Doctors College through the

Office of Student Affairs recognizes student organi-

zations whose membership normally consist only

of students. These organizations aim to facilitate

activities and promote a belief system among its


Among them are the Gray Matter Organiza-

tion (GMO) that serves as a training ground for

the student leaders in developing their leadership

skills , supports all academic and students to main-

tain high scholastic records and active participation

in all school activities, and instills social awareness

and promotes community extension services ; the

Society of Radiologic Technology ; Society of Medi-

cal Laboratory Scientists; Voice of Knights ; Infor-

mation and Communication Technology Society

with the planned activities on conducting semi-

nars on graphic design, android mobile application

development, web-design, and movie/video ed-

iting; the Botany and Taxonomy (Bottax Club) that

aims to conserve native plants, educate the public

to appreciate plant life and cooperate programs

that concern with the wise use and conservation of

all natural resources; Knight Movers, Philippine

Student Alliance Lay Movement (PSALM) which

has programs that exist in evangelical spirit, reach-

ing out in love through kindness and service to any

person and concerns about solving problem on

biblical principles ; Council of Hotel & Restaurant

Students (COHRES) targeting for seminar-

workshop on hotel and restaurant service , partici-

pation / competitions on festivities and outreach

program, the Peer Facilitators Society which has

these objectives: acts as buddies, as friends and

support group, act as model by helping other stu-

dents learn appropriate behavior, be the conflict

mediators, by assisting others solve misunder-

standings, provide academic assistance by helping

others to set goals, consider options and plan of

actions and instill understanding and social aware-

ness to develop respect and non-judgmental atti-

tude among others; Youth for Christ that provides a

healthy and Christian support environment to its

members in the College, instills among the mem-

bers and students in general, Christian values and

principles, in preparation for the challenges the

members are facing the workplace and life in gen-

eral and to evangelize and re-evangelize students

by providing venues where Christ and His gospel

can be proclaimed ; Junior Chapter of Philippine

Pharmacists; White Flag Spiritual Formation Camp

that strategizes building Christlike character, devel-

ops student leaders, and looks into social concern

and community service.

Having these organizations in the campus,

KDCI students are empowered on their capabilities

and develop their talents and skills to the maxi-

mum level.

Programs 1st Year 2nd Year TOTAL

Male Female Male Female Male Female


BSMT/BLMS 26 77 26 77

BS PHARMACY 19 76 19 76


BSRT 29 32 29 32

TVET ICT 32 30 8 8 40 38

HRS 22 32 3 22 35



22 16 22 16

TOTAL >>>>>>>>> 155 281 8 11 163 292

GRAND TOTAL >>>>>>>>> 455

one (1,391) volumes or eight hundred forty nine (849) titles of books and non-book

materials for the 1st semester of this school year 2013-2014. All Library collections

were classified and organized according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System

to facilitate easy access and retrieval of information.

1st Semester, SY 2013-2014



By: Josephine Suyamin, MAEd, MBA

Page 12: KDCI Publication 2013

F ruit carving is a form of food decoration. It involves cutting

through various types of fruits to form beautiful figures and ob-

jects, such as flowers and trees. A fruit sculpture can be created

from two or three carved out fruits. Fruit carving is increasingly

becoming a hobby for people in Asia. The purpose of this is to make fruit

more attractive, appealing and appetizing.

To enhance the artistic skills in carving, the Hospitality & Restau-

rant Services (HRS) Faculty Members, Michelle Ann C. Regala and Maria

Remedios B. Hilario of Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc. conducted a one

day seminar-workshop on Fruit & Vegetable Carving last May 23, 2013 at

Atrium, KDCI with the guest instructor, Chef Fernando S. Regala of Costa

Favolosa Cruise. It was filled by the active and joyful participants from

different food industries, colleges and universities here in Kidapawan City

and nearby towns, such as University of Southern Mindanao (USM-

Kabacan), University of Southern Mindanao – Kidapawan City Campus

(USM-KCC), Read Data Access Computer College (RDACC), Colegio de

Kidapawan (CDK), North Point College of Arts and Technology (NPCAT),

Notre Dame of Kidapawan City (NDKC), Central Mindanao Colleges (CMC),

Kidapawan City Skills Training Center, Inc. (KCSTCI), Kidapawan Doctors Col-

lege, Inc. (KDCI), St. Mary’s Academy, Dawn’s Café, Boylyn Pensione Plaza,

and Kidapawan Doctors Hospital, Inc. (KDHI).

The program started with a lecture presented by the guest speaker,

followed with intense actual carving of the participants. He fantastically

demonstrated to the participants how to carve the vegetables and fruits into

beautiful geometrical shapes which could be used to decorate dishes and

buffet presentations. A watermelon was carved into a rose, a squash into

dragon, and carrots and spring onions were cut into flower shapes. All pre-

senters did a great job with their fruit and vegetable carving activities. They

viewed the experience as very helpful and educational. Our team members

aren’t the only ones who have a great experience though! We’ve had a vast

amount of feedbacks from this event praising both the demonstrations and

lectures. It not only made the seminar successful, but meaningful and fun!

To enhance our

faculty in learning

the practical ap-

proach to food

industry, the In-

stitute of Interna-

tional Culinary

and Hospitality


(ICHEF), Epicure

ICHEF, Joji Ilagan

Career Center

Foundation Inc., and Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the

Philippines (COHREP) invited the Hospitality and Restaurant Services in-

structors of Kidapawan Doctors College to join on the country’s fore-

most Restaurant Management Seminar Series, the Dine Philippine 2013.

This summit was held at the Convention Center of SMX, Lanang, Davao

City last July 19, 2013.

This Restaurant Management Seminar Series have already reached

more than 500 industry stakeholders and academic community in Davao, Cebu

and Manila since it began in 2010. With the support of culinary schools, the

Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines, and media part-

ners like Business World, Business Mirror and F&B World, Dine Philippines has

gathered some of the industry’s best restopreneurs. This event shared a practi-

cal approach to food business as discussed by authoritative experts in various

fields of the restaurant industry. Among speakers were Ms. Pacita U. Juan, a

Social Entrepreneur of ECHOstore (Environment, Community, Hope and Organ-

ization) Sustainable Lifestyle who shared Promotion of a Sustainable and

Profitable Food Business; Chef Joshua Boutwood, a Corporate Chef of Bistro

Group of Restaurants tackled the Menu Innovations: Best Practices from the

Bistro Group; Chef Paul Huang, an executive chef and owner of the Fire Lake

Grill in Tagaytay City talked about the Creation of a Profitable and Customer-

Friendly Menu; Mr. Carlo Calma Lorenzana, a Vice-President of Mindanao Agri-

Network Corporation (MANCOR), exclusive importer of LAGARDE Wines and

Development discussed the Effective Food and Wine Pairing Program for Res-

taurant Business.

This event is such a one of a kind gathering to learn new wisdom from chefs

and knowledgeable speakers!

By: Maria Remedios B. Hilario

By: Maria Remedios B. Hilario


Page 13: KDCI Publication 2013

By: Michelle Ann C. Regala, MBA

shared with their students. Plenary sessions spelled out D-A-V-A-O. D-

iverse Research Experience: An Explorer’s Tool and A-mazing Link to

Outcome Based Education: Converge, Connect, Commit presented by

Dr. Allan de Guzman of University of Sto. Tomas, who bowled over

the COHREP members in the seminar. V-ibrant Keys to Creating

Knowledge & Building Competencies was discussed by Steve Hoods

(SHARE Center). A-lluring Food Tourism: Selling Histories, Satisfying

Curiosities expounded by the Davao based chef-academician, Mike

Oberle. Finally, O-pportunities and Choices: “A Challenge to Live a

Good Life” shared by Dr. Sergio Cao. A Panel Session, with Dir. Rica

Bueno of the Department of Tourism, Vice Chancellor Benhur Ong

from the Technical Panel of Tourism representing Commission on

Higher Education (CHED), Dir. Imee Taganas of Technical Education

and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and Wayne Crosbie of An-

gliss International discussed impacts, opportunities and challenges in

addressing the new area of interest among tourism and hospitality

professionals and educators, the Association of Southeast Asian Na-

tions (ASEAN) 2015 development.

KDCI Explores

The New Paradigms In Hospitality

The Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines

(COHREP), is an organization of educators, trainers and industry practi-

tioners of hospitality and tourism, affirms its commitments to provide

leadership toward the attainment of excellence through united efforts for

the development of its members. COHREP envisions itself as the prime

mover of excellence in hospitality education through the general advance-

ment of teaching, learning, research and human resource development in

the hospitality industry. As such, COHREP commits itself to upgrade the

instructional methods and quality of instruction through continuing edu-

cation and faculty development, continue to support for research and cre-

ative endeavors in the field of hospitality education as well as in dissemi-

nation of their results, active involvement in national and international

issues affecting the organization and hospitality education industry, estab-

lish and maintain local and global institutional linkages, foster unity, coop-

eration and camaraderie among members.

COHREP was created in 1989 to address the growing needs of educators

and students in a relatively new area of study. Since 1992, an annual con-

vention is held alternating between Manila and a city outside of Manila.

This year, the 21st National Convention was held last January 31 – Febru-

ary 2, 2013 at the Waterfront Insular Hotel, Davao City with the theme

“DAVAO: Life is here” (Diverse, Amazing, Vibrant, Alluring Opportunities in

Hospitality Education). Working around the acronym of DAVAO, the con-

vention committee has invited varied speakers from the academe, indus-

try, government agencies to present new updates in content and skills in

the tourism and hospitality industry.

This year, the Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc. affiliated with this organiza-

tion. Three vibrant hospitality instructors of KDCI, Michelle Anne C. Rega-

la, Maria Remedios B. Hilario & Maguid L. Makasimbual joined on the said

convention. As a pre-convention took in the morning of January 31, mem-

bers were introduced the technology-based instructional materials as it is

interspersed or supplement traditional modes of delivery, these are the

American Hospitality Academy (AHA) World Campus Online Programs and

Lodging Business Acumen Certification that supplement instructional de-

livery and fortify the business sense of faculty members which they

Aside from these formal sessions, the first day was capped with a fun

fellowship dinner at the Garden by the Sea with the theme “Madayaw

Dabaw”, that allowed delegates to experience Davao hospitality with

games, food and a joyful program. On the 3rd day, a fun-filled tour of

famous historical places, and got opportunities to see unique flora and

fauna, shop for souvenirs and eat the famous durian. Raffle prizes that

include international program scholarships, gift certificates for tours,

books, and other fun prizes were given out during the convention.

The event was a big blast for it dazzled not just the hospitality and tour-

ism faculty members of different schools and colleges, but also the

different hoteliers and spectators who came together to participate,

and witnessed the 21st COHREP National Convention. It was indeed a

fun experience.

By: Maria Remedios B. Hilario


Focusing on the significance of Nutrition, the Department of Hos-pitality and Restaurant Service (HRS) spearheaded the culmination of nu-trition month last July 27, 2013 at the Atrium Center of KDCI. Mrs. Jocelyn E. Encienzo, MD. The Head of City Health Office was the guest speaker on the said event.

The Nutrition Month theme for 2013 is “Gutom at malnutrisyon, sama-sama nating wakasan!” This is to raise awareness on the need for more action in addressing hunger as part of the Philippine’s commitment to the United Nations Millennium Development Goal. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

The objectives of this year’s celebration are to: a) increase aware-ness on hunger issues and actions to mitigate hunger and malnutrition; b) encourage stakeholders to contribute in addressing hunger issues; and c) advocate for stronger political action to end hunger.

“It was indeed a very momentous event for the KDCI students since this is the first ever Nutrition Culmination Month celebration. The Atrium was jam-packed with the different events. Students were also able to mingle with each other as they compete in the different activities offered by the organizers.

The second part of the program had started with the simultane-

ously conducted activities such as The Market Basket/Experimental Dish, each competing participants shows their skills on cooking and pre-paring the dishes with the right amount of nutritious ingredients and followed by Fruit and Vegetable Carving its shows their skills on creative design of watermelon, Ms. Apryll Rose Agito and Mr. Jerrick Espenilla an HRS students awarded as First Pace and the Table Set-Up with Cen-terpiece, again from the Department of Hospitality Restaurant Service grabbed the First Place, Poster Making Contest, and Slogan Making Contest simultaneously conducted at Physics Laboratory.

The event in the afternoon was highlighted by the search for Mr. and Ms. Healthy 2013. Different departments of the College give full support to their candidates and literally brought giggles and cheers from the audience. They came out of the stage in their most creative costume in relation to the month celebration. The Pharmacy Department grabbed the first Place in Nutrition Jingle Contest. The Department of BS Psychology crowned as Mr. and Ms. Healthy ’13 in persons of Mr. Reyn-aldo Vonn Kluck Hererra and Ms. Dyessa Gabrielle Plaza.

Unity and Camaraderie was overwhelmingly demonstrated. The activity ended with “smiles “on every faces, a sign that truly resembles the fact that everybody won. J

HRS spearheads Nutrition Month Celebration

Page 14: KDCI Publication 2013


the FIRST ever Scantron Test Scoring Machine in

the entire Region XII.

It is an American-based company designed to col-

lect data from paper forms in an image-based

software and scanner.

It is invented, designed and engineered in the

year 1972 by Michael Sokolski who was an immi-

grant to the US Poland. He died last June 13,


It is used in checking Board and other Examina-

tions that require examinees to mark answers to

academic multiple choice test questions using


The approximate amount of the Machine ac-

quired by the College is Php 360,000.00.

The College acquired this machine for purpose of

familiarization and preparation for students’

Board Examinations in the near future.

It is presently used by the College in checking

Exams for the Top Rank Criminology Review

Center, BS Pharmacy, BS Medical Technology,

BS Psychology, and BS Radiologic Technology

major subjects to assess their knowledge and

level of competency in different areas.

It serves as a “Test Analyzer” in which the lev-

el of comprehension in each item in a certain

class size who takes the exam is being evaluat-

ed. The teacher can measure if each test item

is easy or difficult based on the number of stu-

dents who got the correct or wrong answer.

It is convenient and easy for the teachers to

evaluate their subject taught because the Ma-

chine can be programmed to measure the indi-

vidual’s level of comprehension or understand-

ing. They can redesigned or look for other

teaching strategies for the students to under-

stand the subject matter better.

The College plans to open doors of opportuni-

ty for the neighboring schools to use the ma-

chine in checking their examinations. This is

beneficial for them in the assessment and evalu-

ation of the students’ level of comprehension so

as to concentrate on the areas found to be

weak. This is to serve the general purpose - to

ensure 100% passer in the Board Exam in the


It can save time because all you need to do is to

collect data, which can save countless hours of

tedious labor in checking tests manually. So you

run up quickly and efficiently.

There are many existing standardized test scor-

ing machine, so most likely, what we call as

“Scantrons” are not really Scantron-brand items.

Scantron has become a trademark terms like

“Xerox” and has become a common term be-

cause of its popularity and not as a trademark


Using Scantron is easy and fun.

By: Hannah Mae Burcao


The true foundation of leadership is not

power but authority which is built upon relation-

ship love, service and sacrifice. Being a student

leader is really difficult but as we go through our

journey of being the first Supreme Student Gov-

ernment Officers we discovered that the true

essence of leadership is to serve, not to demand.

It is very important for a leader to have a com-

mitment to render service to the people. After

the leadership training, we’ve learned how to be

more responsible and dedicated to our obliga-

tions. The true meaning of leadership is influ-

ence: nothing more, nothing less.

We chose to be student leaders because

we believe that we can push through our goals in

this institution with the cooperation of the stu-

dents and the administration of this school. Yes,

we are still LEARNERS today and we assure that

tomorrow we will be TRUE LEADERS with full

commitment, dedication and service.

We started the Leadership Training with

an opening program to welcome our guest

speakers, Mr. Mervic A. Osic, MaEd and Mrs.

Carlisa Z. Arsolon, MaEd from Tagum Doctor’s

College Inc. After the opening program, Mr.

Osic officially started the Leadership Training by

giving us an activity by group. In that activity,

we shared personal and private things about

ourselves so that we will know each other


After the sharing session, we answered

some questions like: “What do you expect from

the training, from each participant and from the

resource speakers?” We wrote our answers into

a Manila paper. Afterwards, we presented it in

front of the speakers and the other partici-

pants. We had lots of expectations like: we can

learn something new; we hope that all partici-

pants will cooperate and the speakers are open-

minded and jolly.

We had more team building activities

like Personality Test, Make a tower using a yarn

and spaghetti pasta, Mission Impossible, Catch

the Dragons Tail, Caterpillar, Hula Hoop Bal-

ance, Longest Line, Put the first person in the

last, give me a scenario of and give me what I

want. It’s super fun and knowledgeable. When

darkness cloaked the part of the Earth where we

are residing, we conducted a Search for Mr. &

Ms. Leadershape 2013 which ended at 10:30 in

the evening. On the second day of the said train-

ing, we started at seven o’clock in the morning

and ended the Leadership Training with a closing

program at 11: 30a.m.


the choice of hearing beautiful music and an-noying sounds. Therefore, limitations deprived man to choose what he wants.

Responsibilities also affect man’s pur-

suit to his personal goals in life. Since he is re-sponsible for the future of his children, he sac-rifices and deprives himself by forgetting his own dreams and comforts. Suppression is the best defense mechanism he will use. Due to commitment and some circumstances he per-ceived and assumed to be his own, he may humbly pursue it without looking forward for himself. This is best described as sacrificing one’s goal for the sake of others who are his responsibilities.

Many great personalities have conclud-ed a single statement; “success is not a destiny to wait but a preparation to be exerted.” It ac-tually illustrates the real essence of today’s preparation for tomorrow. Every undertaking that man has made is basically for his future and the outcome of every preparation portrays the unveiled future. Finally, there is one philosophy that an-swers several questions on how to attain worth living. A simple question that answers the fu-ture, “Am I preparing for tomorrow?”

Am I Preparing...from p.2.

By: Elmarie S. Man-on, SSG President

Leadershape Training:

Releasing Potentials

Page 15: KDCI Publication 2013



The World Teachers’ Day was celebrated in Kidapawan Doctors College which was spearheaded by the Supreme Student Government through the leadership of Elmarie S. Man-on, President & other SSG officers. It was a surprise to all of us as we entered the school building, a tarpaulin was hanged, pictures, cards and open letters were posted in designated areas, and the balloons colored the lobby , faculty room and in the deans’ office. The voices echoed as the students greeted us with their flowers and chocolate cakes. The Hotel & Restaurant Services Stu-dents prepared and served the snacks for us . Those extravagant gestures were expressions of gratitude to their mentors. Teachers, you truly are the architects.

By: Josephine Suyamin, MAEd, MBA


Education evolves through time. Different changes happen and we have

to cope up to these changes. Rules, regulations, and policies are set by

different schools and institutions to come up with a systematic manage-

ment approach. This has become the standard of each school which

makes them unique and has created their own identity.

KDCI is not an exemption to this. Of course, as an academic institution, it

has to build its own uniqueness and own identity.

As an infant institution, KDCI started building its foundation through

knowing the legalities in Education. When we talk about legality, it comes

from the root word “Legal”. According to Merriam- Webster Dictionary,

legal (adj.), means conforming to or permitted by law or established rules.

Therefore, legality (n.) means the quality or state of being legal (online

Meriam- Webster Dictionary).

To better understand this concept, KDCI Human Resource & Development

Office conducted a seminar on “LEGAL ASPECT OF EDUCATION &

PRODUCTIVITY IN THE FIELD OF ACADEME” last April 27, 2013. This was

made possible with the help of our resource speaker, Mr. Roberto A. Flores

who has been a Human Resource Director for many years. He let us widen

our knowledge on this concept, as well as for us to know the Do’s and Dont’s

involved in the Academe. He helped broaden our perspective when it comes

in dealing legal educational issues. He gave examples and situations in which

we were challenged to answer on legal basis. He emphasized the importance

of understanding the legality in order for us to adapt to the existing general

rules and laws in education. He pointed out that an Institution will remain

strong and will become stronger when it has established its standards with-

out taking risks of the rights and privileges of its man power – students and


In the near future, we all know that there will be changes in the rules and

policies of schools. But as long as these changes will adapt to the general

rules and legal basis in education, we believe that there will be no problem

on that.

For now, KDCI set standards, policies, rules, and regulation that we believe

will be helpful in creating the premier and finest educational institution in


Let this be our stepping stone towards successful education!

By: Hannah Mae Burcao

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