kata pengantar

Dream is a beautiful things that we wanna come true in our life. All people have a dream for their lives. And so do We, We have a beautiful dream. And Our dream is “ Will we go to The Capital of our Country? And Visit a dream land there ???? We gave up at that time because we still had training for our lesson and our examination. But , we heard many issues from our friends that the headmaster will make a trip for us, We will go to Jakarta. When we heard an announcement that we , the students had assemble in the yard to discuss about something with Mrs.Ita Nilawati Ningsih , our beloved teacher. We sat down on the floor and weren’t patient to hear the announcement that Mrs.Ita will tell . Then, Mrs. Ita began to announce “ Asslammua’alaikum , my

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Page 1: Kata Pengantar

Dream is a beautiful things that we wanna come true in our life. All people

have a dream for their lives. And so do We, We have a beautiful dream. And Our

dream is “ Will we go to The Capital of our Country? And Visit a dream land

there ???? We gave up at that time because we still had training for our lesson

and our examination. But , we heard many issues from our friends that the

headmaster will make a trip for us, We will go to Jakarta.

When we heard an announcement that we , the students had assemble in the

yard to discuss about something with Mrs.Ita Nilawati Ningsih , our beloved

teacher. We sat down on the floor and weren’t patient to hear the announcement

that Mrs.Ita will tell . Then, Mrs. Ita began to announce “ Asslammua’alaikum ,

my beloved students, After this your dream will come true. You will go to

Jakarta . And I’m sure that you really wanna go there soon “ . And all students felt

very happy and didn’t believe what Mrs. Ita said. My heart said” Oh, God !! I will

go to my capital of my country . This is what I want !” . Mrs Ita also said that the

journey will be carried out on October 26th, 2009.

We, the student felt very happy . And we waited for October 26 th, 2009. The

day passed .And that month was October, we were happy because of it. We

counted every day we had ‘till 26th come toward us. We didn’t realize , 26th had

come. We prepared everything that we needed , like : clothes, some snacks, bath

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equipments such as : body wash. tooth brush, tooth paste, towel, and shampoo.

And we didn’t forget to bring a comb to make our hair tidy, a book, perfume, and

pray equipment because Junior High School One Probolinggo is faithful, loves

Environment and also has A global Competition.

One day before we went to Jakarta, we couldn’t sleep because We had

imagine “ How wonderful Jakarta is !”. When we could sleep , We had dream that

We were on the top of MONAS. Oh ,,, How beautiful MONAS is !”. And our

dream was distrubed by an alarm. It meant that we must wake us up and prepared

to pray to our God !. Huhhhfft ,. We took a long breath and ready to take a bath .

After that, We began to pray Subuh with our family , then we had breakfast

together. We didn’t forgettoo, We also requested blessing to our family and asked

for pocket money .

Then, We went to School by motorcycle with our father . When we arrived

there, the school was still quiet. Nobody was there, We felt lonely at that time

because our father left us alone . We sat on the seat while waiting for our friends.

We was very bored because our friends didn’t came yet , so we chatted to each

other. When We had a chat, one by one our friends came . So, we did not feel

bored again .

Before assemble in the yard, We had to fill the attendant list. When I saw

my watch . It showed at 07.00 . At that time, there was briefing led by our

headmaster and our teachers. But, Some my friends still didn’t came . So, our

teachers delayed our departure ‘till all of my friends came. So, our teacher asked

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us to removed some foods, snacks, and mineral water from yard to our bus . We

had 3 busses for that trip . And We got on the bus with number 01.

After w e removed our things, our teachers asked us to stand up on the yard

and listen for the ruler for this trip and also gave us some briefing before we

departed to Jakarta. We stood up tidily and really really listen to our teacher’s

advise. When we listened for that, There was my friend came at school, and She

was late. She’s “ Belinda” . She soon joined us in the line that we made. Our

teacher finished her speech and ready to asked her to get on the bus. But, before

getting on the bus , The headmaster led us to pray in order to save ‘till our

destination. And He also said that He couldn’t take part with us in our trip because

of his other activity. But he promised that he would pray for us. After all, We got

on the bus.

On the way of our journey, We sang together and had so much fun . We also

ate our snacks and chatted to each other . We saw the scenery on the right and left

sides of the street. We stopped at Petrol Station in Surabaya Toll road to take a

rest and some of our friends went to toilet. After that, we came back to the bus to

go to “Wahyu Utama” restaurant to have lunch on Tuban , It situated near a

beach. When we arrived there, Some of us had lunch, and the driver of our bus

still took a rest because he was tired.

When we finished our lunch, We went to the beautiful beach behind the

restaurant and some our friends had their picture taken, and We also joined them .

“Wow , What a beautiful beach it is !”. After we had photo, We came back to our

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bus and continued our journey. Because of our tiredness, We felt asleep. When we

woke up, we realized that during sleeping, our friends took our picture. We

laughed when we saw those picture.

Then, for our dinner, we went to “Kendal” restaurant at 20.05 and prayed to

our God , after that, we continued our journey . At night, when all of us slept, the

tire of our bus exploded . It surprised us, and we became afraid. But. Our teacher

asked us to got calm. And our driver was confused to repair the tire. We hoped ,

the tire could be required. Finally, the tire could be repaired well. We felt happy.

And thanks to God, because of his blessing We could continue our journey.

In Tuesday, we arrived in our capital country at 06.05 . We couldn’t believe

it ! Our felt were very happy because we could visit the capital of our country .

we stepped on the motel’s floor or GWM to check in there. After that, our teacher

asked us to take the key of our bedroom to the receptionist , then we immediately

entered our bedroom. We tidied our bed and took our clothes into the cupboard.

After we cleaned our bedroom, soon we went to take a bath, and then we had

breakfast together . After we had breakfast we went to “ITC mall” because if we

went there early, the seller didn’t come yet. Finally we continued our journey to

“The Dream Land of Jakarta”. Over there, we visited some places like Sea World

And Dunia Fantasi / Dufan, In Sea World we saw many kinds of fish in this world

like piranha from Amazone river, shark, jellyfish, sea horse, sting ray, and so on.

We also saw some fossils. We took their picture to immutable it. We got a new

experience because we saw an attractive girl feeding piranha fish, only two

minutes. How fast it is !. After we saw an amazing attractive, we had pray there .

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Time was up. So, We continued our journey to the other object. We went to

“Dufan” , before we had so much fun there, We had lunch in “Columbus”

restaurant. Then, We entered that place in Dufan one by one and in one group.

Our teacher gave us time to spend our time there. So, We must used our time

sincerely. Then We started to enjoy some object.

At 20.00-22.00 We had free time in GWM, the lodging for our night to have

fun, pray , or to took a bath. Some of our friends sang some songs happily. Then

we continued our journey to the Monas, an interesting place. In Monas, We took

picture that object, and We had photo. We also bought some food, Kerak Telur.

Because we so tired after we took the air and had so much fun, We felt asleep , so

at 22.04 we went to bed.

The next day or in Wednesday at 04.00 we woke up, then we took a bath,

had breakfast together. Didn’t forget too, we had pray together. Then, we got on

the bus to begin our time again we went to Lubang Buaya a place that had history

in Indonesia about the cruelty of PKI . PKI was cruel, They killed Indonesian

people and threw them to the hole with about 30 cm deep. We could imagine that

the size was very small to the human’s head. Over there, There was a small house

, and in the house We could see some statues of Gerwani and Gestapu that killed

some people. How cruel PKI is ! They didn’t admit God, They didn’t believe in

God ! So, they killed the religious people. We got some lesson from that moment.

After We spend our time at Lubang Buaya, We went to a place that had

many knowledge . That place was “IPTEK”. Over there, we studied happily, we

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enjoyed our time because studied there was very funny and interesting. That Place

didn’t make us bored, It had many unique things with computer . The things there

was very modern. So, We could study interesting there. When we finished our

syudy, we went to the “Keong Mas” at 13.00 to saw the amazing film . The film

was told us by the way the thunderstorm, the earthquake, the big wave destroyed

our earth. That film also full with the amazing sound that made us anxious. At

14.00-18.00 we had so much fun time at TMII. Over there, we got on some

games with our friends . It was amazing. We also got on the “Tornado” . Oh .. our

felt was very afraid at that time . It was so scared and we scramed loudly because

of our frightened. But, we felt happy over there. Then , at 19.22 we went to the

GWM to took a rest and packed up our things because the next day we must left

that City.

At 05.00 we woke up and had breakfast, then we left the GWM. We got on

the bus to continued our departure. At 09.00 we arrived at Safari Park Bogor.

Over there, we saw many kinds of animals in this world like : lion, tiger, bird,

giraffe, elephant, rhinoceros, zebra, etc. On the way of our journey, there was a

giraffe blocked our trip. It stopped in front of our bus so we had change to take

picture that tall animal. After that, we got on the elephant . Then, we stooped in a

big mosque to have pray. The mosque was very beautiful and big. There, the

water and the air was very fresh. We really really happy at that time. How

interesting it is !. Then, at 19.00 we went to the “Sukahati” restaurant to have

dinner Bandung.

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After that, we got on the bus to continued our journey to the Yogyakarta. At

04.30 we arrived at Yogyakarta, but before we had so much fun time, we must

filled our stomach with some foods in “Ambar Ketawang Kertowono” . Then, at

08.00-11.00 Our teachers gave us a change to buy some presents for our beloved

family in Probolinggo. We went to Malioboro to buy it. After that, at 12.00-13.00

we had a rest in Abu Bakar Ali in Yogyakarta. Then, we went home to the

beloved our city , that is Probolinggo.

That’s our experience in Jakarta. An unforgettable and ingressive experience

for us.

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Firstly, gives thanks to ALLAH SWT because of his blessing , the writers

could done this repot success and there wasn’t an obstruction. Didn’t forget too,

the writers wanna give thanks to :

1. Mr. Budi Wahyu Rianto, M.Ed our headmaster, who helped and

supported us to done this report.

2. Mrs. Sri Utari our representative headmaster, who helped us to done our


3. Our teachers : Mr.Masjhari, Mrs.Siti Nur Azizah, Mrs.Rini, Mrs. Erya,

Mrs.Uswatun Hasanah who tough us patiently so that we could do this

report well.

4. Our family who helped and pray us to done this report as soon as


5. Our friends : Ari, Kiki, Nikita, Devi, Upi, Edo, Nanang, Gamma, Fatur

who supported us to done this report.

6. And for the readers who get blessing from ALLAH SWT.

The purpose we made this report is to retell our past experience in Jakarta.

We hope Allah SWT always gives us his blessing . And The writers realize that

our report still have many shortages. So, the critism and the advise we need to

make this report perfect in the future time .

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Finally, the writers hope our report will get blessing from Allah SWT and

useful for the readers.

Probolinggo, April 2010

The writers