karmic management


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• Buddhism links karma directly to the motives behind an action.

• Motivation usually makes the difference between "good" and "bad" actions,

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Understanding KARMa

In Buddhism, karma is strictly distinguished from vipaka, (fruit or result).

Karma is categorized within the group of cause in the chain of cause and effect,

where it comprises the elements of "volitional activities" (sankhara) and "action" (bhava).

Any action is understood as creating "seeds" in the mind that will sprout into the appropriate result (vipaka) when met with the right conditions.

Most types of karmas, with good or bad results, will keep one within the wheel of samsara, while others will liberate one to nirvana.

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If one speaks or acts with a wicked mind, pain follows one as the wheel, the hoof of the draught-ox.”

- Dhammapada Verse 1

When the mind is unguarded, bodily action, speech and thought are all unguarded. When the mind is guarded, bodily action, speech and thought are all guarded.

The chief cause of Karma is in the mind. All our words and deeds are coloured by the mind.


Karma Is Mind Made

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Where does KARMa come about

However, involuntary, unintentional or unconscious actions do not constitute Karma because volition, the most important factor determining Karma, is absent.

Karma literally means action or doing. Any kind of intentional action (good or bad) whether mental, verbal or physical is regarded as Karma.

In its ultimate sense Karma means all wholesome (kusala) and un-wholesome (akusala) volition


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“Where, Venerable Sir, is Karma stored? King Milinda questioned the Venerable Nagasena.

“O Maharaja, Karma is not said to be stored somewhere in this fleeting consciousness or in any other part of the body. But dependent on mind and matter it rests manifesting itself at the opportune moment, just as mangoes are not said to be stored somewhere in the mango tree, but dependent on the mango tree they lie, springing up in due season.” replied the Venerable Nagasena.


Where is karma stored

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THE words of Buddha On KARMa

• In early Buddhist scriptures, Subha, the son of an eminent Brahmin asks the Buddha why some people are rich while others are poor, why some are long-lived while some are short-lived and so on.

The Buddha responded:

Human beings are owners of their actions, heirs of their actions, they originate from their actions, are bound to their actions, have their actions as their refuge. It is action that distinguishes beings as inferior and superior.

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KARMa in other sayings

What goes around comes around

Do not do onto others what you do not want others to do onto you

For every action, there is an equal reactions

You reap what you sow

Cause and effect

Many more saying…..

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Panca Niyamas5 Law of Orders

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According to Buddhism, there are five law of orders or processes (Niyamas) which operate in the physical and mental realms.

Utu Niyama Physical inorganic order.

Bija Niyama Physical organic order.

Kamma Niyama Order of act and result.

Dhamma Niyama Order of the norm.

Citta Niyama Order of mind or psychic law.


Five Law of Orders

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Buddhism does not assert that everything is due to Karma.

The Law of Karma is only one of the twenty-four casual conditions (paccaya) described in Buddhist Philosophy.

The Buddha refuted that everything is due to Karma and said:

“So, then, owing to previous action, men will become murderers, thieves, unchaste, liars, slanderers, babblers, covetous, malicious, and perverse in view. Thus for those who fall back on the former deeds as the essential reason, there is neither the desire to do, nor effort to do, nor necessity to do this deed or abstain from that deed.”


Not everything happened is due to karma

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The 10 evil deeds (akusala) we should avoid. They are :-

1. Killing2. Stealing3. Sexual misconduct4. Lying5. Slandering6. harsh speech7. Vain talk8. Covetousness9 Ill-will10. False belief

10 evil deeds

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We should have wholesome thoughts (kusala) all the time. The Buddha has mention that there are 10 good qualities .. They are:-

1. Generosity 2. Morality 3. Meditation 4. Reverence 5. Service 6. Transference of merit 7. Rejoicing in others’ merit 8. Hearing the doctrine 9. Expounding the doctrine 10. Straightening one’s right view

10 meritorious deeds

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MANAGing karma

We learnt from the past, we prepare for the future, and we live life for the present

- Ven Dhammaninda

It is entirely up to us how we want to live our lives. The Karma will take effect accordingly

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Good and bad Karma will become active when the conditions are favourable.

The Karma of a person is like a savings account where money can be deposited or withdrawn.

The Buddha had given us clear instructions on how we can reduce our evil deeds and increase our good deeds.

By doing so, we can build a treasure store which cannot be destroyed. Unlike a savings account, the benefits of merits cannot be lost and will follow one from life to life.

Good Karma

Bad Karma


Sowing good seeds