kanold tonchefflearningforwarde07summer2011f

1 Closing the Learning Gap in Mathematics: The Common Core States Standards The teaching of mathematics can be controversial. Today’s classrooms look quite different from classrooms of twenty years ago…A substantial body of research on teaching and learning is now available and can guide our teaching… Navigating mathematical understanding through research July 19 th , 2011 Dr. Timothy D. Kanold tkanold.blogspot.com Ms. Mona Toncheff

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This is the Learning Forward summer 2011 conference presentation E07 by Kanold and Toncheff.


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Closing the Learning Gap in Mathematics: The Common Core States


The teaching of mathematics can be controversial. Today’s classrooms look quite different from

classrooms of twenty years ago…A substantial body of research on teaching and learning is now available

and can guide our teaching…Navigating mathematical understanding through research

July 19th, 2011Dr. Timothy D. Kanold


Ms. Mona Toncheff

[email protected]

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Sustainable change starts with thinking at

the edges of the box. It’s about

evolution, Not revolution.


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Poll: Primary Causes of the Learning Gap in Mathematics

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Closing the Learning Gap in Mathematics: The Common Core States


For those following us on-line or virtually,

You can go to


For the Powerpoint presentation

Kanold/Toncheff E07

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Two Primary Causes of the Learning Gap in Mathematics

1) A Primary Content and Teaching emphasis on Procedural Fluency –

The absence of teaching

and learning for


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NCTM (C&E, 1989), (TPS, 1991),

(PSSM, 2000) and (Focal Points, 2008)

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National Research Council (Adding It Up, 2001)

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The Common Core States Standards for Mathematics

These Standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business. They are a call to take the next step. It is time for states to work together to build

on lessons learned from two decades of standards based reforms. It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we

intend to keep.— CCSS (2010, p.5)

We know what to do… why don’t we do it?

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Two Primary Causes of the Learning Gap in Mathematics

2) Isolated faculty and administrative decision-making –

The absence of the development and implementation of a comprehensive, equitable, sustainable

and coherent instruction and assessment system in mathematics…

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The PRIME and CCSS Teacher and Leader…

“It is the PRIME teacher and leader who will close the ‘knowing-doing’ gap between our knowledge about how to enhance student achievement and

the commitment to

actions we must take as a

result of that

knowledge.”PRIME, p. 56

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The Expectations-Acceptance Gap of the Leader…

One way to re-frame the Knowing-Doing Gap question – which is about someone else – is to think of it as the leaders’

“Aspirations-Tolerance Gap”Is it possible that school leaders

and teachers contribute to the

“Knowing – Doing” Behavior

Gap of faculty and staff?

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Two Primary Causes of the Learning Gap in Mathematics

1) A Primary Content and Teaching emphasis on Procedural Fluency –

The absence of teaching and learning for Understanding…

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The CCSS Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice

The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that

mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students…

These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” for mathematics education.

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice (p.2)

Take a moment to examine the first three words of each of the 8 mathematical

practices… what do you notice?

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice

What are the verbs used to illustrate student actions?

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice

Beanie Baby Bungee Metro Tech HS Phoenix, AZ 2010

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice

Student Actions Teacher behaviors needed to help facilitate this practice

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SMP # 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Wordle

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice (p14)

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice (p14)

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice (p14)

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice


How did the mathematical task

develop Mathematical Practice 3?

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The Standards for [Student] Mathematical Practice (p.15)

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PARCC States http://www.parcconline.org/

Governing Board States Participating


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SMART States http://www.k12.wa.usSMARTER/map.aspx

Governing Board States Participating


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Overlapping States


• Alabama• Colorado• Delaware• Kentucky• New Jersey• North Dakota• Ohio• Oklahoma• Pennsylvania • South Carolina

•States in both consortia have until 2014 to decide which consortia they must commit to…and therefore which assessment…

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• A mix of item types – short answer, longer open response and performance-based – in addition to richer multiple choice items that:– Reflect the knowledge and skills found in the

ELA and Mathematics Common Core State Standards and

– Will help student develop an understanding of the subject matter, rather than just narrowing their instruction in order to “teach to the test”


Assessment Improvements

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Transitions to the CCSS and closing the Gap…

Where to start?

– Mathematical Practices (lesson design)

– Learning trajectories and progressions

– Focus on conceptual understanding

– Designing and improving local assessment processes

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Your TPOV About PD and Assessment

Noel Tichy – Your Teachable Point of View or TPOV

“A cohesive set of ideas and concepts that a person is able to clearly articulate to others.”

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Your TPOV for Effective Assessment

Describe 2-3 vital teacher or administrator behaviors…


Your Vision for effective Assessment Practices

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Becoming a Mathematics Inequity Eraser!

1. Access Inequity – tracking or levels…

2. Task Selection Inequity – rigor of daily tasks

3. Formative Assessment Inequity – depth and quality of teacher descriptive feedback

4. Summative Assessment Inequity – lack of a “Basis for exam design and scoring

5. Grading inequity – fidelity to accuracy

6. RTI Inequity – Variance, timeliness and intentionality

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Turning Effective Mathematics Assessment Into Action!

Your “non-negotiable” vital teacher/administrator Assessment behavior list –

1) Is there research that supports your opinion?

2) How will you close the gap between the reality and the vision of action by all adults?

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Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

How can your PLC team distinguish your experiences from actual evidence?

5 Levels of certainty in

your current PLC mathematics


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Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

5 Levels of certainty in your practices…

• 1. Opinion — This is what I believe and I believe it sincerely.

• 2. Experience — This is

what I have seen based

on my personal observation 

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Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

5 Levels of certainty in your practices…

• 3. Local Evidence— This is what I have seen based on the experiences of my friends and colleagues.

• 4. Preponderance of evidence — This is what we know as a profession, in many different contexts and across all locations (Research and data).

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Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

5. Mathematical Certainty —This what I have seen with 100% certainty. There is no need for a debate.

Your Non-negotiable adult behaviors must have a high degree of certainty that they are a right thing…

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PLC’s: A Vision for Coherence and Focus…

• The Fifth discipline – Peter Senge emphasis on adult teams (social learning) - 1990 & 2008

• Seeking Sustainability &


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The PD TPOV: PLC’s as THE Path

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The TPOV of PLC’s as THE PD Path

PD cannot be an event…

… the largest effects offer 30 – 100 hours spread out over 6 – 12 months

Darling Hammond (2009, p. 79).

8x2 +10x6 = 76

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Two PLC PD Questions…

• 1. PD connected to results?

•  2. PD part of a PLC process?

.57 Vs .73

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PLC’s and PD

Process Agreements:

1. Teacher collaboration - the only sustainable form of PD

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PLC’s and PD

Process Agreements:

2. Provision of Adequate time and focused high leverage activities for PLC PD


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PLC’s and PD

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PLC’s and PD

Three Process Agreements:

3. Equity and Access to the PLC PD

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PLC’s and PD

The world’s highest performing school systems “decrease the pedagogical variability between teachers and increase the quality of instruction…

The 2010

McKinsey report:

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PLC’s and PD

Content Agreements:

1) Agreement on “What” to Learn and how to implement the “What”.

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PLC’s and PD

Content Agreements:

2) Agreement on “How to” collaboratively and effectively assess the “What”.

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PLC’s and PD

Content Agreements:

3) Agreement on the intentional and “R”equired RtI adult response

RtI Vs. RRtI?

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Remember: Change requires FUN!

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Closing the Learning Gap in Mathematics: The Common Core States


Navigating mathematical understanding through research…

Questions for us?

Dr. Timothy D. Kanold


Ms. Mona Toncheff

[email protected]

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Closing the Learning Gap in Mathematics: The Common Core States


The teaching of mathematics can be controversial. Today’s classrooms look quite different from

classrooms of twenty years ago…A substantial body of research on teaching and learning is now available

and can guide our teaching…Navigating mathematical understanding through research

July 19th, 2011Dr. Timothy D. Kanold


Ms. Mona Toncheff

[email protected]