kancil dan kura kura

kancil dan kura kura Kancil dan Kura-kura Cerita rakyat dari Kalimantan Barat. Kancil dan kura-kura sudah lama bersahabat. Pada suatu hari mereka pergi menangkap ikan disebuah danau. Berjumpalah mereka dengan seekor kijang. Kijang ingin ikut. Lalu mereka pergi bertiga. Sampai disebuah bukit mereka bertemu dengan seekor rusa. Rusa juga ingin ikut. Segera rusa bergabung dalam rombongan. Dalam perjalanan, disebuah lembah berjumpalah mereka dengan seekor babi hutan. Babi hutan menayakan apakah ia boleh ikut. "Tentu saja, itu gagasan yang baik, daripada hanya berempat lebih baik berlima," jawab kura-kura. Setiba di bukit yang berikutnya, berjumpalah mereka dengan seekor beruang. Lalu mereka berenam melanjutkan perjalanannya. Kemudian mereka bertemu dengan seekor badak. "Bagaimana kalau aku ikut," tanya badak. "Mengapa tidak?", jawab semua. Bahkan lalu bergabung pula seekor banteng. Kali berikutnya rombongan kancil bertemu dengan seekor kerbau yang akhirnya ikut serta. Begitu pula ketika mereka bertemu dengan seekor gajah. Demikianlah, mereka bersepuluh berjalan berbaris beriringan mengikuti kancil dan akhirnya mereka sampai ke danau yang dituju. Bukan main banyaknya ikan yang berhasil ditangkap. Ikan kemudian disalai dengan mengasapinya dengan nyala api sampai kering. Keesokan harinya, beruang bertugas menjaga ikan-ikan ketika yang lainnya sedang pergi menangkap ikan. Tiba-tiba seekor harimau datang mendekat. Tak lama kemudian beruang dan harimau terlibat dalam perkelahian seru. Beruang jatuh pingsan dan ikan-ikan habis disantap harimau. Berturut-turut mereka kemudian menugasi gajah, banteng, badak, kerbau, babi hutan, rusa dan kijang, semuanya menyerah. Sekarang tinggal kura-kura dan kancil yang belum terkena giliran menunggu ikan. Kura-kura dianggap tidak mungkin berdaya menghadapi harimau, maka diputuskanlah kancil yang akan menjaga.

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Page 1: Kancil Dan Kura Kura

kancil dan kura kura

Kancil dan Kura-kura

Cerita rakyat dari Kalimantan Barat.Kancil dan kura-kura sudah lama bersahabat. Padasuatu hari mereka pergi menangkap ikan disebuah danau. Berjumpalah mereka dengan seekor kijang. Kijangingin ikut. Lalu mereka pergi bertiga.Sampai disebuah bukit mereka bertemu dengan seekorrusa. Rusa juga ingin ikut. Segera rusa bergabungdalam rombongan. Dalam perjalanan, disebuah lembahberjumpalah mereka dengan seekor babi hutan. Babihutan menayakan apakah ia boleh ikut. "Tentu saja, itu gagasan yang baik, daripada hanya berempat lebihbaik berlima," jawab kura-kura. Setiba di bukit yang berikutnya, berjumpalah merekadengan seekor beruang. Lalu mereka berenammelanjutkan perjalanannya. Kemudian mereka bertemudengan seekor badak. "Bagaimana kalau aku ikut,"tanya badak. "Mengapa tidak?", jawab semua. Bahkan lalu bergabung pula seekor banteng.Kali berikutnya rombongan kancil bertemu dengan seekorkerbau yang akhirnya ikut serta. Begitu pula ketika

mereka bertemu dengan seekor gajah. Demikianlah,mereka bersepuluh berjalan berbaris beriringanmengikuti kancil dan akhirnya mereka sampai ke danauyang dituju. Bukan main banyaknya ikan yang berhasilditangkap. Ikan kemudian disalai dengan mengasapinyadengan nyala api sampai kering.Keesokan harinya, beruang bertugas menjaga ikan-ikanketika yang lainnya sedang pergi menangkap ikan.Tiba-tiba seekor harimau datang mendekat. Tak lamakemudian beruang dan harimau terlibat dalamperkelahian seru. Beruang jatuh pingsan dan ikan-ikanhabis disantap harimau.Berturut-turut mereka kemudian menugasi gajah,banteng, badak, kerbau, babi hutan, rusa dan kijang,semuanya menyerah. Sekarang tinggal kura-kura dankancil yang belum terkena giliran menunggu ikan.Kura-kura dianggap tidak mungkin berdaya menghadapiharimau, maka diputuskanlah kancil yang akan menjaga.Sebelum teman-temannya pergi menangkap ikan,dimintanya mereka mengumpulkan rotansebanyak-banyaknya. Lalu masing-masing dipotongkira-kira satu hasta. Tak lama kemudian tampak kancilsedang sibuk membuat gelang kaki, gelang badan, gelang

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lutut dan gelang leher. Sebentar-sebentar kancilmemandang ke langit seolah-olah ada yang sedangdiperhatikannya. Harimau terheran-heran, laluperlahan-lahan mendekati si kancil. Kancil pura-puratidak mempedulikan harimau.

Harimau bertanya, "Buat apa gelang rotanbertumpuk-tumpuk itu?". Jawab kancil, "Siapa yangmemakai gelang-gelang ini akan dapat melihat apa yangsedang terjadi di lagit". Lalu dia menengadah sambilseolah-olah sedang menikmati pemandangan di atas.Terbit keinginan harimau untuk dapat juga melihat apayang terjadi di langit.Bukan main gembiranya kancil mendengar permintaanharimau. Dimintanya harimau duduk di tanah melipattangan dan kaki. Lalu dilingkarinya kedua tangan,kedua kaki dan leher harimau dengan gelang-gelangrotan sebanyak-banyaknya sehingga harimau tidak dapatbergerak lagi.Setelah dirasa cukup, rombongan si kancil berniatkembali pulang ke rumah, akan tetapi mereka bertengkarmengenai bagian masing-masing. Mereka berpendapat,

siapa yang berbadan besar akan mendapatkan bagian yangbesar pula. Kancil sebenarnya tidak setuju denganusulan tersebut. Lalu dia mencari akal.Tiba-tiba melompatlah kancil dan memberi tanda adamarabahaya. Semuanya ketakutan dan terbirit-birit melarikan diri. Ada yang jatuh tunggang langgang, adayang terperosok ke lubang dan ada pula yang tersangkutakar-akar. Salaipun mereka tinggalkan semua. Hanyakancil dan kura-kura yang tidak lari. Berdua merekapulang dan berjalan berdendang sambil membawabungkusan yang sarat.================================================"Berkat kecerdasan tinggi, yang lemah jadi kuat danyang ditindas jadi pemenang".

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TRANSLET:Mouse Deer and Tortoise

Folktale from West Kalimantan.

Mouse deer and the tortoise has long been friendly. OnOne day they went fishing lake disebuah.See your them with a deer. Deerwant to participate. Then they went to all three.Disebuah hill until they met aa deer. Deer also want to participate. Deer soon joinedin the group. On the way, disebuah valleysee your them with a wild pig. PigForest asks you whether he should participate. "Of course,it's a good idea, rather than just the four of moreeither five, "answered the tortoise.Arriving at the next hill, they see yourwith a bear. Then the six of themcontinue the journey. Then they metwith a rhinoceros. "What if I go,"asked rhinoceros. "Why not?", Answered all. Eventhen join also a bull.The next time the group met with a deerbuffalo that finally participated. Similarly, whenthey met with an elephant. Thus,ten of them marching hand in handfollow the deer and finally they get to the lakethe destination. What a number of fish that successfullywas arrested. Fish then disalai with mengasapinyawith a flame until dry.The next day, the bear in charge of keeping the fishwhen the others were going fishing.Suddenly a tiger came closer. Shortlythen the bear and tiger involved in theexciting fights. Bear collapsed and the fisheaten tiger.Respectively they are then assigned an elephant,buffalo, rhino, buffalo, wild boar, deer and antelope,all of them give up. Now living turtles anddeer that has not affected the fish wait their turn.The tortoise is considered unlikely powerless againsttiger, it was decided that would keep the deer.Prior to his friends go fishing,asked them to collect rattanas much as possible. Then each cutabout one cubit. Soon the deer appear're busy making anklets, bracelets body, braceletknee and neck bracelets. Intermittently deer

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looked into the sky as if someone wasnoticed. Tiger's astonishment, thenslowly approached the deer. Mouse Deer pretendeddo not care about tigers.Tiger asked, "Why rattan braceletsreams of it? ". Answer deer," Whowear these bracelets will be able to see whatis happening in lagit ". Then he looked up with aas if she were enjoying the view above.Sunrise tiger desire to be able to also see whatthat occurred in the sky.What a clever individual elated to hear the requesttiger. Asked the tiger sitting on the ground foldedhands and feet. Then dilingkarinya both hands,both legs and neck tiger with braceletsrattan as much as possible so that tigers can not bemoving again.Once is enough, the group intends deerback home, but they argueon each section. They argue,who will get a big parttoo large. Mouse Deer did not actually agree withthe proposal. Then he was looking reasonable.Sudden jump deer and gave no sign ofdistress. Everything frightened and scamperedto escape. There is a headlong fall, therewho plunged into the hole and some are caughtthe roots. Salaipun they leave behind all. Onlydeer and turtles that do not run. Together theyhome and walk chanting, carryingpackage is loaded.

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Long, long ago, there lived a lion in a forest. One day, he was sleeping outside his den. There came a mouse searching for food. By mistake the tiny mouse climbed over the lion. 'Ah, what a smooth rock!' thought the mouse. "Khrrrrr!" buzzed the lion's nose. "Oops, not a rock. It's a lion!" the mouse shrieked.

The mouse instantly jumped off the lion. But before he could flee, the lion came awake. It didnot take long for the lion to understand what the mouse was up to.

But the lion grabbed him in his claws. Seeing the lion's angry expression, the mouse started shivering.





The lion's grip tightened. he jarred at the mouse. "Hahaha! Now be ready to get crushed, "the lion roared. But the tiny mouse kept on pleading for mercy. "Let go of me please!" Just when the lion was about to eat the mouse, the tiny creature squeaked, "who knows, tomorrow I may help you in some way. So, donot kill me."

Hearing this, the lion smirked at the mouse. It was beyond imagination for him that a tiny mouse would be of any help to a mighty lion like him.

Finally, the lion took pity on the tiny creature and released him. The mouse thanked him and ran away.



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Days passed. The lion forgot about the mouse. One day, some hunters came into the forest and cast their trap in front of the lion's den. When the lion returned from his hunt, he didnot see the net and got trapped in it. There was nothing he could do. "There is no one arround to help. What shall I do now?' thought the sad lion.

Just then the mouse happened to pass by. He heared the painful cry of the lion. He at once recognised the lion and went near him.

The mouse knew the way out. He asked the lion to sit patiently. Then with his sharp teeth, the mouse started severing the net.

Suatu hari seekor Singa berbaring tidur di hutan. Sebuah Tikus kecil, berlarian di rumput dan

tidak melihat mana ia pergi, berlari di atas kepala singa dan ke bawah hidungnya.

Sang Singa terbangun dengan raungan keras, dan ke bawah kakinya datang atas Tikus

sedikit. Binatang besar itu akan membuka rahangnya yang besar menelan makhluk kecil

ketika “Maafkan aku, ya raja, aku mohon,” teriak Tikus ketakutan. “Jika Anda hanya akan

memaafkan aku kali ini, saya tidak akan pernah melupakan kebaikan Anda, saya bermaksud

buruk dan aku tentu tidak ingin mengganggu Yang Mulia.. Jika Anda akan menyelamatkan

nyawa saya, mungkin saya mungkin dapat Anda yang baik gilirannya juga. ”

Sang Singa mulai tertawa, dan dia tertawa dan tertawa. “Bagaimana mungkin seekor

makhluk kecil seperti kau pernah melakukan sesuatu untuk membantu saya Dan dia

menggeleng dengan tawa?.

“Oh baik,” ia mengangkat bahu, memandangi Tikus ketakutan, “kau tidak begitu banyak

makan pula.” Dia mengambil kaki depannya dari tahanan kecil yang malang dan Tikus cepat

lari menjauh.

Beberapa waktu setelah ini, beberapa pemburu, mencoba menangkap hidup Singa sehingga

mereka bisa membawa dia kepada raja mereka, membuat jaring tali di hutan. Sang Singa,

yang berburu untuk makanan, jatuh ke dalam perangkap. Dia meraung dan meronta-ronta

tentang berusaha membebaskan diri namun dengan setiap gerakan yang dibuatnya, tali ia

mengikatnya ketat.

Sang Singa bahagia takut ia tidak dapat melarikan diri, dan dia meraung menyedihkan.

Suara gemuruh bergema melalui Hutan.Sang Tikus kecil, hilir-mudik jauh, mendengar singa

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mengaum. “Itu mungkin ada sangat Singa yang pernah membebaskan saya,” kata dia,

mengingat janji-Nya. Dan ia berlari untuk melihat apakah ia bisa membantu.

Menemukan negara Singa sedih di, Tikus berkata kepadanya, “Berhenti, berhenti! Anda

tidak harus mengaum. Jika Anda membuat kebisingan begitu banyak, para pemburu akan

datang dan menangkap Anda. Aku akan membawa Anda keluar dari perangkap ini. ”

Dengan giginya yang tajam sedikit Tikus menggerogoti tali sampai mereka bangkrut. Ketika

Singa telah melangkah keluar dari bersih dan bebas sekali lagi, si tikus berkata, “Sekarang,

aku tidak benar?”

“Terima kasih, Tikus yang baik,” kata sang singa lembut. “Kau membantu saya meskipun

saya besar dan kau begitu kecil. Saya melihat bahwa kebaikan selalu sementara layak.”

Moral cerita: Bahkan kuat kadang-kadang membutuhkan persahabatan yang lemah.

( Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia Oleh Google translate)

Cerita Anak Bahasa Inggris : The Lion and The Mouse

One day a Lion lay asleep in the jungle. A tiny Mouse, running about in the grass and not

noticing where he was going, ran over the Lion’s head and down his nose.

The Lion awoke with a loud roar, and down came his paw over the little Mouse. The great

beast was about to open his huge jaws to swallow the tiny creature when “Pardon me, O

King, I beg of you,” cried the frightened Mouse. “If you will only forgive me this time, I shall

never forget your kindness. I meant no harm and I certainly didn’t want to disturb Your

Majesty. If you will spare my life, perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn, too.”

The Lion began to laugh, and he laughed and laughed. “How could a tiny creature like you

ever do anything to help me? And he shook with laughter.

“Oh well,” he shrugged, looking down at the frightened Mouse, “you’re not so much of a

meal anyway.” He took his paw off the poor little prisoner and the Mouse quickly scampered


Some time after this, some hunters, trying to capture the Lion alive so they could carry him

to their king, set up rope nets in the jungle. The Lion, who was hunting for some food, fell

into the trap. Her roared and thrashed about trying to free himself but with every move he

made, the ropes bound him tighter.

The unhappy Lion feared he could never escape, and her roared pitifully. His thunderous

bellows echoed through the jungle.The tiny Mouse, scurrying about far away, heard the

Lion’s roars. “That may be there very Lion who once freed me,” he said, remembering his

promise. And he ran to see whether he could help.

Discovering the sad state the Lion was in, the Mouse said to him, “Stop, stop! You must not

roar. If you make so much noise, the hunters will come and capture you . I’ll get you out of

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this trap.”

With his sharp little teeth the Mouse gnawed at the ropes until they broke. When the Lion

had stepped out of the net and was free once more, the Mouse said, “Now, was I not right?”

“Thank you, good Mouse,” said the Lion gently. “You did help me even though I am big and

you are so little. I see now that kindness is always worth while.”

Moral of the story: Even the strong sometimes need the friendship of the weak.

One day a rabbit was in the garden eating carrots. When he was about to go home he saw the farmer. So he needed to hide. But where could he hide? The carrots are under the ground only the leaves were out. He could not hide there but the farmer was coming closer to him, then he had an idea to dig a hole and cover the top of the hole with leaves and twigs and wait until the farmer leaves.

But the farmer did not leave because he needed some carrots to make soup. Then the rabbit had another idea, he would dig under to the lettuce patch and go home, he will get muddy if he did that but if that was the only way to go home he will do it. And that was the only way to go home. So he did it but by the time he got home he was very muddy and tired. So he went to bed. When he got up he took a bath, when he got out he had a nice meal with his family.