kaiser interests plan oct 3... · delay decision on closing law continuance for one week has been...

TORBANCE HBBAUD. Tarr.nct. C.llfor THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1»ta. PREPARED FOR ARCTIC OPERATIONS Uncle Sam's soldiers are trained for duty in all climates. With snow shoes slung over their bags, the men in this platoon are marching into the unbroken trails along lofty summits of the Rocky Mountains for their field maneuvers. They are equipped for winter fighting at home or for rugged action in Alaska or other regions of the far north. Thru triwnn «r« instructed in oneratinr from natural camoufiare and in the deen snow. Delay Decision on Closing Law Continuance for one week has been taken for argument on the legality of the county's recently- effective law prohibiting the sale of soft drinks between 2 and 6 a. m. In so-called private clubs. The temporary restraining or- der obtained by a Signal Hill area cafe applies- only to that place, and other places In the county are bound by the newly- effective ordinance, in the opin- ion of Deputy County Counsel . Edward Gaylord. Two other states have similar closing laws, Gaylord said, and the county will contend tne or- dinance is "reasonable." " At. clubs in West Hollywood strip the county will contend chat the operators are "getting around" the .state liquor law. Read our Want-Ads. She's Waiting Lucky winners In second annual La Jolla Beach & TemUs Club pro- amatenr foil tournament won't re- gret tnelr efforts: Pretty Moyna DriKOll will present tiMphies. ..*. "SUNDAY HOSTS Mi-, and Mrs. B. A. Miles en- tertained, at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of Her- mosa Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. iutcherson and Mrs. Delia Moon. HOME FROM tfUP Max N. Felker returned last eekend from a business trip to Washington, New York and other eastern cities. Buy U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps, the I. O. U, of the Red, vVhite and Blue! Modernize Now With New Plumbing * WATER HEATERS * FRASER FLOOR FURNACES * ANDREWS WALL HEATERS On FHA Terim TORRANCE PLUMBING CO. F. e. PARKS PHONE 60 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 1418 MARCELINA AVENUE 13 Patients Enter Hospital Thirteen patients were receiv- ed during the past week at Tor- rance Memorial hospital. They were: Mrs. Marie Busse, Gar- dena, Monday for medical care; Mrs. Marion Burkhart, Redondo Beach. Sunday for surgery; Roy Berger, Lomlta, Monday for sur- gery; Mrs. Emma Brown, 22204 South Main st.. Wednesday for medioal care; Mrs. Erma Dan- iel, San Pedro, Monday for sur- gery; Bill Long, Redondo Beach, Saturday for surgery, and Carl A. Milts, Redondo Beach, Mon- day for surgery. Mrs. Alice Myrick, Redondo Beach, Friday for surgery; Mrs. Laura Orrell, Redondo Beach, last Thursday for surgery;- Betty Ann Rudge, 6, Redondo Beach, Sunday for surgery; Mrs. Belle Roth, 1627 Greenwood St., Sunday for surgery; Mrs. Helen Tavan, 1819 U Andreo ave., Tuesday for surgery, and Mrs. Eva Wolverton, Lomlta, Monday for surgery. Walteria Library May be Moved Because considerable repairs are necessary on the Walteria branch library building, rented by the city from month-to- month for $25, and the owner was reported by City Engineer Glenn Jain to be unwilling to make the Improvements, the Torrance city council asked Jain Tuesday afternoon to obtain In- formation on some other loca- tion for the library. The engin- eer reported he made an in- spection of the present library with Mrs. Dorothy Jamieson, Torrancr librarian, April 3. RECEIVE VISITORS Easter Sunday guests of Mrs. May HcKin|ey were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burton of Riverside and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pederson of Coalinga. AT CANOGA PARK Mr. and Mr«. Hillman R. Lee and daughters Marilyn and Janet were Sunday guests at the William King home In Canoga Park. Newly Modernized! ... Hotel Torrance Cabrillo at Carson ' Now Open Comfortable, Attractive Sleeping Rooms Available for Transient and Permanent Guests. Rates by Day or Week. JAMES L. LYNCH, Proprietor Boys! Girls!... Color This Drawing and Win Free Tickets to the Show! VOUR BOOT UIFi MAY BE PRKTTY iVIt.. IT AlNT AC BAD AS A GNAT OR WiEVIU.' TROUBLES AND WIP1 OPC THAT PROWN" AMP CBE WHAT HAP- Hoys! Girls! Go to Town With Mr. Bug and Win Prizes! e you handy with waterJ colors, crayons or colored Inks? f you are you may be the jucst of Mr. Bug when he ernes to the Grand theatre next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, n Paramount's fulj-length mu- Ical comedy cartoon In Tech'- nicolor, "Mr. Bug Goes to 'own!" All you have to do is to color he above drawing the way you think It should be colored to match the brilliant Technicolor hues whloh will thrill you in 'Mr. Bug Goes to Town." Use your imagination and skill! Prizes (10) tickets to seo Mr. Bug Goes to Town" will >e awarded to kiddies under 2 years of age purely on the lasis of Imagination. You drn't have to be an artist nor be particularly talented In drawing to win a ticket to sec Hop- Your Name ...................................... Your Address ................................... FAMILY BEUNION An enjoyable family reunion was hold "Saturday evening at he ' Lloyd Russell home at Windsor Hills. Guests Included rlessrs. and Mmcs. Sam Neely, rack Qulgley, R. M. Rogers, R. J. Rogers and eon Billy. AT SAN VSIIIKO Mr. and Mr?. ./.TO Tavan wire cent visitors at San Ysidro where she remained to visit dur- ng the Easier week at the Ma- son Baty home and at tho home of her mother-in-law. Mrs. L. Tpvan. pity. Honey Bee, Bumble Bee, ] the villainous C. Bagley Beetle and his two henchmen, Swat, tho Fly, and Smack, the Mosquito, in as merry and heart-warming a tale as you've ever seen! Get started now! Color the' diawing the way you think it should be- colored, and rush this sheet, together with your name and address, to the manager of the Grand theatre so that it reaches him no later than nfxt Saturday, April 11. , If your coloring job Is judged -ft among the bsst ten received, a guest ticket to see the picture will b.- awarded you to be Mr. CUR'S r?unst it the theatre. The Ljjinion of the judges is final; all entries become the property cf the Grand theatre, and the judges cannot undertake to en- ter Into any correspondence in this contest. ................................ Age .................... ENJOY CRUISE Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. James Nelll and son Howard of Torrance enjoy- ed a delightful cruise last Fri- day In and around the waters of Newport In the Pascoe power cruiser. Mrs. Pascoe served a sea-going lunch aboard their good ship, the Never Blue. GI;ESTS IN i. A. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Rogers were Easter. Sunday dinner guests at home of Mrs. Alberta Andrews In Los Angeles. Hinckley's Market tMtrnter of $p|r|an Qrop»r») ?4lit STREET t NARBONNi WE THANK «" our POront for (h« .plenHId rte«ption »< nt, iiinnf\ oord>d 8ue trid Rui> tlw ^, w m5n. B.' , our Product D«pji-tment. (prgot to m.nticn in l>it w».l<'. open- ina innoungomenf, Mr. Ru« own! the copyright of a v»ry b»ou- tiful and unique »rvioo card. Anyono having « .on or ralativ* in the Mr-vice will r.ciwo on* upon pr»»ntalTon of th» ad. WE SPECIALIZE INv. . . Ruchti Baby Beef Homemade Pure Ground Sausage Local Ranch Eggs EXTRA SPECIAL! LARGE, FRESHLY PICKED CAULIFLOWER No. 2 GOOD ' RUSSET SPUDS RAIN OR SHINE, SHOP TIL 9 OPEN ALL DAX SUNDAXS CKED af Af each 10 A A Fr 9 Ibs. 25 word for thli ;k aillt pictured , _ of Good HOUM- n«. It cornea In rtd, -green. IN; HOSPITAL Mi-s. JQf Tavan of 1819^ An dreo ave, w|* admitted Tuesday morning''ran-if^urgery to Tor ranee Memorial hospital. VUUTN Miss Mjrff' 'H»blan\ o Palos vj«ltM. h*r parent Hurltig Ba'stW vfccatlon. Dos here Bvejy Thursday . Whyta JMItur.ftuMI.lim- 1336 ift Pf'iuty, Phone 144 Calif. nportnnt to the country's effort to build ships at thr fa.st- nst rate in history. Sock It! TIME OUT FOR A HOT HEAL While iprlnff (pprouhei a the Southland these loldien. training with snowshoes and »kli n the Rockies, enjoy hot stew, corn, rolls and coffee on the «no» iovered mountain slopes of the remote Northwest Left to right. Richard tfobelia, Eaugalle, Wii.; Egbert Shafter, Superior, Wli.i Alvin Banson. BrancBTilU. Ind.. and John SjJa,_SummervUle._Mas»_ Kaiser Interests Plan Huge .Steel Empire Location of a $40,000,000 steel platr mill In San Bernardlno county, 11 miles east of Pomona, Is reported to be the first step taken by the Henry J. Kaiser Interests to crrate an Independent steel empire In the Southland, The Oakland tycoon, whose Inter ests now range from shipbuilding to bridge and breakwater con- traction, recently received Fed-* - -- - ~ ral approval of his steel mill Kahn, Inc.. Utah Construction and previously had been given Company, Moirison-Knudscn an okay by Defense Plant Cor- t Company. J. F. Shea Company, rotation on his proposal for a , W. A. Bechtel & Co., and Boch- >20,000,000 blast furnace in the tel. McCone and Parsnns. Sev- Laa Angeles area. ! eral were members of thq Six ' The Kaiser plan, according to , Companies. I reports, envisages an Integrated , it Is reported that the Kfliser steel plant blast furnaces, open i steel effort will be devoted prin- 'icarths and rolling mills. To! rlpally to production <if platen, lupply the needed material. Kal- i ;er Is reportedly sponsoring the move of California financiers to apen up large ore deposits in Riverside County. With Iron ore :upplled from the Eagle Moun- a!n area and coking coal .from he vicinity of Simnyside, Utah, the Oakland man will be nil set; 3i- pig iron production. All that remains to complete he creation of a raw-to-finished oroduct plant 'Is a $10,000,000. ore and coke development. AI :emporary hitch In negotiations | for the Eagle Mountain ore de- I posits is expected to be over- ' ome shortly. OUTSTANDING GROUP The Kaiser combination Is one of the outstanding groups d<>- loped in the current war ef- fort. Its operations, which in- clude several in the Long Beach area, have attracted nation-wide ittention. The Kaiser group now eon- rols the California Shipbuilding Jui poration, whose yard at Ter- j ninal Island has already turned { 18 merchant ship* for the | Ylarltlme Commission; Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation. Port- and, and yards of the Richmond Ihlpbuildlng Corporation and "odd- California Shipbuilding Corporation, at Richmond. Among other holdings gener- ,lly aecredlted to the Kaiser jronp are Columbia Constnic- lon Company, which was a $10,- 700,000 breakwater rxfcnsicn job ; th( Fermanente Corpora- Jon> $10,000,000 magnesia m plant near Lo.-- Gntos, and some ither minor properties. GRDUP MEMBERS LISTED The Oakland man first came nto national prominence as a nerober of the- Six Companies rganlzatlon which built Boulder 7am, one of the largest con- itructlon project:- on record at liaf time. Included In the Kal- ier group are, according to a Business Week listing: Henry Kalsrr Afisoclnte.s, the Henry J. Kaiser Company, Pacific 7. Bridge Compnry. McDonald & KCild (MIT " tint \nS: i Then why pay more for a personal loan than the Itmylan rate? -- - -- Entered & ' fbcond clasn mat- ter, January '80, ^9l4, at poBt- ofricc, ToiT£09f. Qollf-. under Act of Marrfh >. 1807. Official W^wopaper of OJtyj.ptTorranco Anywhw* In Loe Angeles County WO per year Outside Lot! Angeles County . , W-PO J»r year Adjudicated a Legal Newspapci By Superior Court, Los Angeles County. COMPARE TNE COST TMw ptraonal lean $100 for I y«ar» SAVI UP TO 5O% IN LOAN COSTI Some loan at imall loan company legal rale NO CO.MAKIM NO COUATIRAl NO RIO TAPI -KtrATAIte IN fOUAl MONTHLY INtTAlMCNTS Whenever it'is necessary to borrow money... remember TwutfciM California's leading per- sonal loan service. Invest the money you save in U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps. Kmtk 0( America NATIONAL JSvVE/cS ASSOCIATION MBMBIR HDBRAl DEPOSIT IN6UKANC* COUCORATION

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Page 1: Kaiser Interests Plan Oct 3... · Delay Decision on Closing Law Continuance for one week has been taken for argument on the legality of the county's recently- effective law prohibiting

TORBANCE HBBAUD. Tarr.nct. C.llfor THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1»ta.

PREPARED FOR ARCTIC OPERATIONS Uncle Sam's soldiers are trained for duty in all climates. With snow shoes slung over their bags, the men in this platoon are marching into the unbroken trails along lofty summits of the Rocky Mountains for their field maneuvers. They are equipped for winter fighting at home or for rugged action in Alaska or other regions of the far north. Thru triwnn «r« instructed in oneratinr from natural camoufiare and in the deen snow.

Delay Decision on Closing Law

Continuance for one week has been taken for argument on the legality of the county's recently- effective law prohibiting the sale of soft drinks between 2 and 6 a. m. In so-called private clubs.

The temporary restraining or­ der obtained by a Signal Hill area cafe applies- only to that place, and other places In the county are bound by the newly- effective ordinance, in the opin­ ion of Deputy County Counsel

. Edward Gaylord.Two other states have similar

closing laws, Gaylord said, and the county will contend tne or­ dinance is "reasonable." " At. clubs in West Hollywood strip the county will contend chat the operators are "getting around" the .state liquor law.

Read our Want-Ads.

She's Waiting

Lucky winners In second annual La Jolla Beach & TemUs Club pro- amatenr foil tournament won't re­ gret tnelr efforts: Pretty Moyna

DriKOll will present tiMphies.

..*. "SUNDAY HOSTSMi-, and Mrs. B. A. Miles en­

tertained, at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of Her- mosa Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. iutcherson and Mrs. Delia Moon.

HOME FROM tfUPMax N. Felker returned last eekend from a business trip

to Washington, New York andother eastern cities.

Buy U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps, the I. O. U, of the Red, vVhite and Blue!


On FHA Terim



13 Patients Enter Hospital

Thirteen patients were receiv­ ed during the past week at Tor­ rance Memorial hospital. They were: Mrs. Marie Busse, Gar- dena, Monday for medical care; Mrs. Marion Burkhart, Redondo Beach. Sunday for surgery; Roy Berger, Lomlta, Monday for sur­ gery; Mrs. Emma Brown, 22204 South Main st.. Wednesday for medioal care; Mrs. Erma Dan­ iel, San Pedro, Monday for sur­ gery; Bill Long, Redondo Beach, Saturday for surgery, and Carl A. Milts, Redondo Beach, Mon­ day for surgery.

Mrs. Alice Myrick, Redondo Beach, Friday for surgery; Mrs. Laura Orrell, Redondo Beach, last Thursday for surgery;- Betty Ann Rudge, 6, Redondo Beach, Sunday for surgery; Mrs. Belle Roth, 1627 Greenwood St., Sunday for surgery; Mrs. Helen Tavan, 1819 U Andreo ave., Tuesday for surgery, and Mrs. Eva Wolverton, Lomlta, Monday for surgery.

Walteria Library May be Moved

Because considerable repairs are necessary on the Walteria branch library building, rented by the city from month-to- month for $25, and the owner was reported by City Engineer Glenn Jain to be unwilling to make the Improvements, the Torrance city council asked Jain Tuesday afternoon to obtain In­ formation on some other loca­ tion for the library. The engin­ eer reported he made an in­ spection of the present library with Mrs. Dorothy Jamieson, Torrancr librarian, April 3.

RECEIVE VISITORSEaster Sunday guests of Mrs.

May HcKin|ey were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burton of Riverside and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pederson of Coalinga.

AT CANOGA PARKMr. and Mr«. Hillman R. Lee

and daughters Marilyn and Janet were Sunday guests at the William King home In Canoga Park.

Newly Modernized! ...

Hotel TorranceCabrillo at Carson '

Now OpenComfortable, Attractive Sleeping Rooms Available

for Transient and Permanent Guests.

Rates by Day or Week.

JAMES L. LYNCH, Proprietor

Boys! Girls!... Color This Drawing and Win Free Tickets to the Show!



Hoys! Girls! Go to Town With Mr. Bug and Win Prizes! e you handy with waterJ

colors, crayons or colored Inks? f you are you may be the

jucst of Mr. Bug when he ernes to the Grand theatre next

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, n Paramount's fulj-length mu- Ical comedy cartoon In Tech'-

nicolor, "Mr. Bug Goes to 'own!"

All you have to do is to color he above drawing the way you

think It should be colored to match the brilliant Technicolor hues whloh will thrill you in 'Mr. Bug Goes to Town."

Use your imagination and skill! Prizes (10) tickets to seo Mr. Bug Goes to Town" will >e awarded to kiddies under 2 years of age purely on the lasis of Imagination. You drn't

have to be an artist nor be particularly talented In drawing

to win a ticket to sec Hop-

Your Name ......................................

Your Address ...................................

FAMILY BEUNIONAn enjoyable family reunion

was hold "Saturday evening at he ' Lloyd Russell home at

Windsor Hills. Guests Included rlessrs. and Mmcs. Sam Neely, rack Qulgley, R. M. Rogers, R.

J. Rogers and eon Billy.

AT SAN VSIIIKOMr. and Mr?. ./.TO Tavan wire cent visitors at San Ysidro

where she remained to visit dur- ng the Easier week at the Ma­

son Baty home and at tho home of her mother-in-law. Mrs. L. Tpvan.

pity. Honey Bee, Bumble Bee, ] the villainous C. Bagley Beetle and his two henchmen, Swat, tho Fly, and Smack, the Mosquito, in as merry and heart-warming a tale as you've ever seen!

Get started now! Color the' diawing the way you think it should be- colored, and rush this sheet, together with your name and address, to the manager of the Grand theatre so that it reaches him no later than nfxt Saturday, April 11. ,

If your coloring job Is judged -ft among the bsst ten received, a guest ticket to see the picture will b.- awarded you to be Mr. CUR'S r?unst it the theatre. The Ljjinion of the judges is final; all entries become the property cf the Grand theatre, and the judges cannot undertake to en­ ter Into any correspondence in this contest.

................................ Age ....................

ENJOY CRUISEMr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pascoe,

Mr. and Mrs. James Nelll and son Howard of Torrance enjoy­ ed a delightful cruise last Fri­ day In and around the waters of Newport In the Pascoe power cruiser. Mrs. Pascoe served a sea-going lunch aboard their good ship, the Never Blue.

GI;ESTS IN i. A.Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rogers

and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Rogers were Easter. Sunday dinner guests at home of Mrs. Alberta Andrews In Los Angeles.

Hinckley's MarkettMtrnter of $p|r|an Qrop»r»)


WE THANK «" our POront for (h« .plenHId rte«ption »<nt, iiinnf\ oord>d 8ue trid Rui> tlw ^,w m5n.B.' , ourProduct D«pji-tment. W« (prgot to m.nticn in l>it w».l<'. open- ina innoungomenf, Mr. Ru« own! the copyright of a v»ry b»ou- tiful and unique »rvioo card. Anyono having « .on or ralativ* in the Mr-vice will r.ciwo on* upon pr»»ntalTon of th» ad.


Ruchti Baby BeefHomemade Pure Ground SausageLocal Ranch Eggs




CKED af Af

each 10A A Fr

9 Ibs. 25

word for thli ;k aillt pictured

, _ of Good HOUM- n«. It cornea In rtd,


IN; HOSPITALMi-s. JQf Tavan of 1819^ An

dreo ave, w|* admitted Tuesdaymorning''ran-if^urgery to Torranee Memorial hospital.

VUUTNMiss Mjrff' 'H»blan\ o

Palos vj«ltM. h*r parent Hurltig Ba'stW vfccatlon.

Dos here

Bvejy Thursday. Whyta

JMItur.ftuMI.lim-1336 ift Pf'iuty, Phone 144


nportnnt to the country's effort to build ships at thr fa.st- nst rate in history.

Sock It!

TIME OUT FOR A HOT HEAL While iprlnff (pprouhei a the Southland these loldien. training with snowshoes and »kli n the Rockies, enjoy hot stew, corn, rolls and coffee on the «no» iovered mountain slopes of the remote Northwest Left to right. Richard tfobelia, Eaugalle, Wii.; Egbert Shafter, Superior, Wli.i Alvin Banson. BrancBTilU. Ind.. and John SjJa,_SummervUle._Mas»_

Kaiser Interests Plan Huge .Steel Empire

Location of a $40,000,000 steel platr mill In San Bernardlno county, 11 miles east of Pomona, Is reported to be the first step taken by the Henry J. Kaiser Interests to crrate an Independent steel empire In the Southland, The Oakland tycoon, whose Inter ests now range from shipbuilding to bridge and breakwater con­ traction, recently received Fed-* - -- - ~ ral approval of his steel mill Kahn, Inc.. Utah Construction

and previously had been given Company, Moirison-Knudscn an okay by Defense Plant Cor- t Company. J. F. Shea Company, rotation on his proposal for a , W. A. Bechtel & Co., and Boch- >20,000,000 blast furnace in the tel. McCone and Parsnns. Sev- Laa Angeles area. ! eral were members of thq Six '

The Kaiser plan, according to , Companies. I reports, envisages an Integrated , it Is reported that the Kfliser steel plant blast furnaces, open i steel effort will be devoted prin- 'icarths and rolling mills. To! rlpally to production <if platen, lupply the needed material. Kal- i ;er Is reportedly sponsoring the move of California financiers to apen up large ore deposits in Riverside County. With Iron ore :upplled from the Eagle Moun- a!n area and coking coal .from he vicinity of Simnyside, Utah,

the Oakland man will be nil set; 3i- pig iron production.All that remains to complete

he creation of a raw-to-finished oroduct plant 'Is a $10,000,000. ore and coke development. AI :emporary hitch In negotiations | for the Eagle Mountain ore de- I posits is expected to be over- '• ome shortly.

OUTSTANDING GROUPThe Kaiser combination Is one

of the outstanding groups d<>-loped in the current war ef­

fort. Its operations, which in­ clude several in the Long Beach area, have attracted nation-wide ittention.

The Kaiser group now eon- rols the California Shipbuilding Jui poration, whose yard at Ter- j ninal Island has already turned {

18 merchant ship* for the | Ylarltlme Commission; Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation. Port- and, and yards of the Richmond Ihlpbuildlng Corporation and "odd- California Shipbuilding Corporation, at Richmond.

Among other holdings gener- ,lly aecredlted to the Kaiser

jronp are Columbia Constnic- lon Company, which was a $10,-

700,000 breakwater rxfcnsicn job ; th( Fermanente Corpora-

Jon> $10,000,000 magnesia m plant near Lo.-- Gntos, and some ither minor properties.

GRDUP MEMBERS LISTEDThe Oakland man first came

nto national prominence as a nerober of the- Six Companies rganlzatlon which built Boulder

7am, one of the largest con- itructlon project:- on record at liaf time. Included In the Kal- ier group are, according to a Business Week listing: Henry

Kalsrr Afisoclnte.s, the Henry J. Kaiser Company, Pacific 7. Bridge Compnry. McDonald & KCild (MIT " tint \nS:


Then why pay more for a personal loan than the Itmylan rate?

-- • • - -- Entered & ' fbcond clasn mat­

ter, January '80, ^9l4, at poBt- ofricc, ToiT£09f. Qollf-. under Act of Marrfh >. 1807.

Official W^wopaper of OJtyj.ptTorranco

Anywhw* In Loe Angeles CountyWO per year

Outside Lot! Angeles County . , W-PO J»r year

Adjudicated a Legal NewspapciBy Superior Court, Los

Angeles County.



TMw ptraonal lean $100 for I y«ar»



Some loan at imall loan company legal rale



Whenever it'is necessary to borrow money... remember TwutfciM California's leading per- sonal loan service. Invest the money you save in U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps.