k.a kitchen, two donation stelae

Two Donation Stelae in The Brooklyn Museum Author(s): Kenneth A. Kitchen Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Vol. 8 (1969-1970), pp. 59-67 Published by: American Research Center in Egypt Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40000039 . Accessed: 29/01/2013 13:00 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . American Research Center in Egypt is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 13:00:37 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Page 1: K.a Kitchen, Two Donation Stelae

Two Donation Stelae in The Brooklyn MuseumAuthor(s): Kenneth A. KitchenReviewed work(s):Source: Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Vol. 8 (1969-1970), pp. 59-67Published by: American Research Center in EgyptStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40000039 .

Accessed: 29/01/2013 13:00

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Page 2: K.a Kitchen, Two Donation Stelae

Two Donation Stelae in The Brooklyn Museum

Kenneth A. Kitchen

One of the most characteristic groups of monuments of the Libyan dynasties in Egypt is that of the donation stelae, inscriptions which record gifts of land to temples or to their

personnel. As the endowments concerned com-

monly come from the hand of important dignit- aries and are usually dated, the historical value of these inscriptions is considerable, over and above their significance for the study of Egyp- tian cults and religious concepts.

Fig. A Text of Brooklyn Stela 67.118


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JARCE 8 (1969-1970) 6o

Stela 67.118 (Pis. I-II Figs. 1-3 and A)

In 1967, The Brooklyn Museum acquired two such stelae;1 for the opportunity of publishing them, I am indebted to the Museum through the kindness of Bernard V. Bothmer, Curator of Ancient Art. Both stelae belong to the same epoch, and each offers its own points of special interest.

Under the winged disk of "Behdet who gives life, who gives . . .," and the symbol of heaven, six well-cut figures occupy the upper half of the stela. Advancing from left to right, we see Osiris in a short kilt and horned Atef-crown, carrying the royal crook and flail. Then comes Ba-neb-djed (the Ram of Mendes), similarly attired, but with solar disks on the front and apex of his crown (worn on a wig), and carrying a ze//s-sceptre. He is followed by the goddess Hat-mehyt with her distinctive fish-symbol upon her head, holding a papyrus-sceptre. Before these three, on a pedestal, stands the figure of an infant prince with hand to mouth and nude but for sidelock and uraeus: un- labelled, but clearly Harpokrates.

To the gods, the hieroglyph for "fields" is offered by a man dressed in a short kilt, trans- parent over-garment and a short wig framed by a "Libyan plume." He is attended by a bald or close-shaven priest in a short kilt and trans- parent over-kilt, who plays the double pipe. Over them, slovenly hieroglyphs record their name and rank: "Great Chief and Leader, Harnakht, justified; the flautist, Ankh-Horpekhrod."

The main text (Fig. A; Plates I-II Figs. 1-3) runs:

(1) "Regnal Year 22 (of) Pharaoh Shoshenq.2 Donation to Harpokrates residing in Mendes, by the hand of the Great Chief of the Ma and Leader, Har- (2) nakht, son of the (Great) Chief of the Ma, Nes-khebit ( ? ) :3

A field of 10 arourae to the flautist of Har(po)- krates, Ankh-Hor(pe)khrod, (3) son of the Chief Flautist4 of the Ram, Lord of Mendes, Gemenef- Hor-bak. They (i.e., the 10 arourae) are con- firmed in his possession5 for ever (4) and ever.

(As for) him who shall seize them from him, <an ass shall violate him,)6 an ass shall violate his wife, his wife shall violate <his children).6 The Ram of Mendes, the great (5) god, lord of life, Hat-mehyt and Harpokrates (shall) execute (scd) him by cutting off his head,7 and they shall not allow his eldest son (6) to succeed him.8

1 Brooklyn ace. nr. 67.118. Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund. Limestone. Height, 52.3 cm.; width, 32.3 cm.; depth, ca. 6.5 cm. Provenance, Mendes (internal evidence). Previously mentioned by Yoyotte, Me- langes Maspero I part 4 (1961) 125 Document 9, and

by Schulman, JARCE 5 (1966) 41 nr. 66 end (con- fused with the Abemayor stela).

Brooklyn ace. nr. 67.119. Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund. Lime stone. Height, 39.3 cm.; width, 18.5 cm.; depth, 12.5 cm. Provenance, formerly the Michaelides collection, and doubtless ultimately from Kom Firin

(see below). Previously mentioned and illustrated by Yoyotte, op. cit. 144 § 32 Document D and pl. I, 2; Schulman, op. cit. 41 nr. 64.

2 Shoshenq III in all probability; see below, Com- mentary. For a t following the year-numeral, cf . other donation stelae such as that of Year 19 of Shoshenq V (Miiller, Egyptological Researches I pl. 88), that of Year 21 of Iuput I (Yoyotte, BSFE 25 [1958] fig. 3), and those of Year 10 of Peftjau'awybast (Daressy, ASAE 17 [1917] 43; ibid 21 [1921] 139); the pheno- menon occurs in hieratic from the 21st Dynasty onwards, cf. Cerny, JEA 32 (1946) 26 and n. 8, citing further Sethe, Untersuchungen III 91-92.

3 Reading not certain, but very probable. 4 Wdny, 'flautist'; Wb. I 407,15 (wdc) should indeed

be wdn (P. Anastasi IV 12,2) in accord with Wb. I 409,9 (Abaton, etc.) ; cf . Caminos, Late-Egyptian Miscellanies 186 ad loc. This stela provides for the first time the derivative term "flautist"; its depiction of Gemenef-Hor-bak actually playing the double pipe clinches the general meaning "flute", "pipe", for wdn.

5 M-dit.f for m-drt.f (Coptic MTOOTM). 6 For these emendations, cf. the full formula as

employed on the smaller Dakhla stela (republished by Janssen, JEA 54 [1968] 165 ff.), and (slightly varied) on Cairo J.d'E. 85647 (Bakir, ASAE 43 [1943] 78, 79); for the various curses employed on this class of stelae, see Sottas, La preservation de la propriiti funiraire dans V ancienne Egypte (1913) esp. i45ff.

7 For hsk or hskt tp.f, cf. Bakir, op. cit. lines 1-2, and as applied to the pharaoh's foes in formal triumph- scenes in the New Kingdom (Kitchen and Gaballa, AZ 96 [1969-70] 23-28).

8 I.e., to inherit from his father; cf. Spiegelberg, Rec. trav. 25 (1903) 198 § VIII, and Gardiner, In- scription of Mes (1905) 18-19.

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But (as for) him who shall seek his welfare, he shall abide on the land (7) like a man of the gods, and they (i.e., the gods named) shall set his son in his place/'


Happily, the date of this monument can be fixed with relative certainty. "Year 22 of Pharaoh Shoshenq" could theoretically be the last, incomplete, year of Shoshenq I (ca. 924 B.C.)9 or belong within the reign of either Shoshenq III, Usimarec Setepen-Re'/Amun (ca. 804 B.C.) or Shoshenq V, cAkheperrec (ca. 746 B.C.). If Shoshenq I may be eliminated on grounds of date of the stereotyped form of the curses employed on this stela,10 then we are left with but two possible dates, i.e. Shoshenq III orV.

However, one may go further and choose between these kings, thanks to the combined evidence of this stela and other family monu- ments of the Great Chiefs of the Ma resident in the famed Delta city of Mendes. A further stela is dated in "Regnal Year 21 of Pharaoh Iuput"11 and records a donation — again to Harpokrates —

by "the First Prophet of the Ram of Mendes, Great Chief of the Ma and Leader, Smendes, son of the Great Chief of the Ma and Leader, Harnakht." A doorjamb from Mendes bears on its front surface a text12 commemorating the

induction of "the Great Chief of the Ma and Leader, Smendes, son of the Great Chief of the Ma, Harnakht" — most certainly the same Smendes son of Harnakht named on the stela of Year 21 of Iuput. On the side of the same doorjamb was added a further text13 dated to Year 11 of a pharaoh whose cartouches were left blank. It similarly celebrates the induction of "the First Prophet of the Ram . . ., Great Chief of the Ma and Leader, Harnakht, son of" (the same titles) "Smendes." This Harnakht cannot be the Harnakht of the Brooklyn stela, seeing that the name of the latter's father- though open to slight doubt in reading — cannot possibly be read as "Smendes" (Nes-Ba-neb- djed). But the Harnakht son of Smendes was in all probability later than the Smendes who inscribed the front face of the doorjamb, leaving only the lateral faces vacant. Therefore, one may safely regard the Smendes of both texts on the jamb as one and the same. This gives a clear succession of princes, Harnakht A, Smendes, Harnakht B. From here, it is a short step to identify Harnakht A (father of Smendes) with the Harnakht son of Nes-khebit (?) of Brooklyn stela 67.118, giving a series from Nes- khebit (?) through to Harnakht B.14 Alongside the papponymy of Harnakht- Smendes-Har- nakht, one may note what is perhaps the same custom among those into whose care the Brooklyn and Iuput stelae entrusted land: a Gemenef-Hor-bak, his son Ankh-Horpekhrod and a second Gemenef-Hor-bak.15

Furthermore, of the two kings Iuput at- tributable to the 23rd Dynasty,16 one may, I

9 This and all following dates used in this paper are based on the chronology offered in my Third Inter- mediate Period in Egypt (forthcoming). Shoshenq II Hekakheperre* was probably ephemeral, and Sho- shenq IV Usimare* Miamun (23rd Dynasty) is not known to have reigned beyond his sixth year, so neither of these kings can be considered for this monument of a Year 22.

10 In JEA 54 (1968) 171 n. gg, Janssen points out that the fixed form of the obscene curse is current from Shoshenq III (Year 5ff.) down to Tefnakht. One may add that the presence of blessings for respecting the endowment (as on Brooklyn 67.118) also favours a date from the second half of the 22nd Dynasty onwards; cf. General Comments below.

11 Yoyotte, BSFE 25 (1958) 21 fig. 3; Milanges Maspero I part 4 (1961) 125 Doc. 10.

12 Yoyotte, M Manges Maspero I part 4 (1961) 125 Doc. 11; Daressy, Rec. trav. 35 (1913) 124-126; Otto,

Die biographischen Inschriften der Agyptischen Spdt- zeit (1954) X49 Text 14, A. The jamb is Cairo J.d'E. 43339.

13 Yoyotte, op.cit. 125 Doc. 12; Daressy, op.cit. 126-127; Otto, op. cit. 149-150 Text i4,B.

14 As already noted by Yoyotte, op. cit. 132 par. 10 end.

15 There is, of course, no proof that the second Gemenef-Hor-bak is actually the son of Ankh-Hor- pekhrod; but it is certainly possible and would fit well the succession of names.

16 Iuput I, co-regent of Pedubast I (Karnak Nile record Nr. 26, cf. von Beckerath, JARCE 5 [1966]

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JARCE 8 (1969-1970) 62

think, safely assign the Smendes stela of Year 21 of a Iuput to Iuput I (ca. 804 B.C.) rather than to Iuput II (ca. 731 B.C.). In Year 21 of the famous Piankhy (ca. 728 B.C.),17 we find a quite different Great Chief of the Ma in Mendes: Djed-Amun-ef-ankh. He would cut across the succession Harnakht A-Smendes-Harnakht B in a quite intolerable fashion, if Harnakht A were dated to Year 22 of Shoshenq V (ca. 746 B.C.), then Smendes to a supposed Year 21 of Iuput II (falling ca. 711 B.C., within the 25th Dynasty!), then Harnakht B in Year 11 of an unnamed king who would be Shabako (ca. 706) or Shebitku (ca. 692) ! And so late a date for the series is unreal.

Therefore, Smendes may be held to have dedicated his donation stela in Year 21 of Iuput I (ca. 784 B.C.), and the Brooklyn stela 67.118 erected by his father Harnakht A will have been dated to Year 22 of Shoshenq III (ca. 804 B.C.), just twenty years (or a generation) before. Similarly, in the generation after Smen- des, his son Harnakht B may be fittingly inducted in Year 11 of a 23rd Dynasty pharaoh later than Iuput I. The eleventh year of the latter's second successor, Osorkon III (ca. 767 B.C.) after nearly twenty years more would suit admirably.18 In the forty years that elapsed from that date until we reach Djed-Amun-ef- ankh under Piankhy (728), one may reasonably postulate the rule of at least one further prince of Mendes, prince "x." Similarly, between Djed- Amun-ef-ankh in 728 and a ruler of Mendes 'Buiama' (Pa-yam ?) mentioned by Assurbanipal of Assyria in ca. 667 B.C.,19 the intervening sixty

years leaves ample time for probably two or more unattested rulers of Mendes (say, "y" and "z").

A possible candidate to fill one of these gaps —

perhaps "x" — is the unplaced "Hereditary Prince and Count (iry-pct h;ty-c), Great Chief of the Mashwash, Count {htty-*, sic!) and Overseer of Prophets of the Ram of Mendes, Djedhor." He is attested by a Theban funerary cone of his grandson, also a Djedhor (no title), son of Ankh- Hor (no title) and a lady of the house Shepen- sopdet.20 Yoyotte was inclined, in passing, to date this chief Djedhor to the period before the regime of Nes-khebit, Harnakht A and the rest.21 One must admit this possibility, but I find it attractive tentatively to suggest that Djedhor may be our ruler "x" at ca. 750-740 B.C., at the end of the 22nd-23rd Dynasties, on the following slender grounds: (i) The names Djedhor and Ankh-Hor are very common in the later epochs of Egyptian history, from about the 25th Dynasty to the Roman age, rather than in the 22nd Dynasty or before, (ii) For these names in late 22nd-23rd Dynasty into the 25th, one may note Ankh-Hor son of Djed-Amun-ef-ankh (728); the several Djedhors in the rambling family of the vizier Nesipeqashuty son of Nespa- medu, who extend back two generations before Year 14 of Psammetichus I and through five generations after that date;22 the Great Chief of the Libu, Ankh-Hor, attested in Year 37 of Shoshenq V (ca. 731 B.C.),23 and others, (iii) The Great Chief Djedhor bears the title h;ty-c, 'Count* (twice), before his titles of "Great Chief.." and "Overseer of Prophets..".24 Likewise, on the Piankhy stela, Djed-Amun-ef-

47,52), and Iuput II, contemporary of Piankhy (latter's Great Stela, scene, and lines 18, 114). See further, Third Intermediate Period.

17 Great Stela, lines 18, 114/5 (Urk. Ill 4,46). 18 Rather than Year 11 of Shoshenq V (22nd Dyn.),

ca. 757 B.C., as there is no reason to suppose that the Mendesian princes ever switched back to dating by the 22nd Dynasty.

19 Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria II §§ 771 ff. ; Oppenheim in Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts 294. On Buiama as possibly representing Egyptian Pa-yam, see Fecht, MDAIK 16 (1958) 1 12-3.

20 Davies, ed. Macadam, Corpus of Inscribed Egyp- tian Funerary Cones I (1957) No. 378.

21 Op. cit. 132 § 10 end, "avant eux sans doute" i.e. before the Nes-khebit ( ?) family.

22 On this family, see De Meulenaere, Chronique d'Egypte 38 fasc. 75 (1963) 71-77; also, Parker, Suite Oracle Papyrus (1962) 15-16.

23 Yoyotte, op. cit. 144 Doc. F; cf. 145 Doc. G. 24 The collocation h*ty-* imy-r hmw-ntr is perhaps

an archaism, whether of the Middle Kingdom or later (cf. e.g., Hapdjefa's titles, Sethe, Aegyptische Lesestiicke 92 ff.).

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ankh is once credited with the title h;ty-c pre- ceding that of "Great Chief . .",25 and several of his contemporaries as Chiefs of the Ma are also so entitled there. Such a title does not so far occur with the princes from Nes-khebit ( ? ) to Harnakht B.

None of these indications are conclusive, but they may serve to make viable a date for Djedhor between the line of Harnakht and the contemporary of Piankhy.

Therefore, one may set Brooklyn stela 67.118 within a full context of rulers of Mendes, local hierophants and Libyan and later kings as in the following table.

Chief in Mendes Approx. Date B.C. Reign & Dynasty Local Beneficiary Gemenef-Hor-bak A Nes-khebit ( ? ) Chief flautist

Yr. 22, Shoshenq III, ca. 804 Harnakht A . Ankh-Horpekhrod Dyn. 22, Brooklyn 67.118 Flautist

? I 784 ik B B — Yr. 21, Iuput I, Gemenef-Hor-bak ik B B Smendes ca.

t Dyn. 23, BSFE 25 fig. 3 Chief hour-priest t 767 — Yr. 11, POsorkon III, Harnakht B (Induction) ca.

Dyn. 23; door jamb

750-740? — (Theban cone 378) 'V (? Djedhor) — ca.

728 — Yr. 21, Piankhy, Dyn. 25; D j ed-Amun-ef -ankh — ca. Gt. Stela, 18, 114-5

700? — Dyn. 25 "y" ( Ankh-Hor, — ca. son of previous)26

680? — Dyn. 25 "z" — ca.

667 — Dyn. 25, Assurbanipal "Buiama" (Payam) — ca.

Before leaving Brooklyn 67.118, one other point of political interest may be noted, to which it contributes. This stela shows the ruler of Mendes, Harnakht A, loyally dating his monu- ments by the pharaoh of the senior Libyan

dynasty — Shoshenq III of the 22nd Dynasty — and not by the upstart younger line embodied in Pedubast I of the 23rd Dynasty. Doubtless this remained the case for the rest of Harnakht's tenure of office.27 But the next generation — Smendes — shifted its allegiance from the senior line ruling at Tanis in the east, and instead dated by the younger line (Iuput I, then prob- ably Osorkon III) reigning closer by in Leonto- polis to the south. However, the blank car- touches of the Year 11 induction-text from Mendes would appear to indicate scant re- gard for whichever particular pharaohs then reigned.

25 Great Stela, lines 11 4-5 (Urk. Ill 46). 26 Ibid. That Ankh-Hor succeeded his father is not

proven, of course.

27 Cf. the little Mendesian stela, Strasbourg No. 1379 (Spiegelberg, Rec. trav. 25 [1903] 197:111), dated to Year 30 of Shoshenq III (ca. 796 B.C.) ; Yoyotte, op. cit. 132 n. 2, and 140 n. 1, suggests that this stela also depicts a Mendesian Chief of the Ma — if so, perhaps our Harnakht A. One may also note traces of building work in the name of Shoshenq III at Mendes (Daressy, ASAE 13 [191 3] 86).

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JARCE 8 (1969-I970) 64

Fig. B Text of Brooklyn Stela 67.119

Stela 67 no

(PL III Figs. 4 and B

Under the winged disk, four roughly-cut figures occupy the upper half of the stela. Facing

right, the goddess Sekhmet stands upon a low dais, she holding a "Nefertem" sceptre; a solar disk crowns her leonine head. Behind her on the same low dais stands the youthful deity Heka (so named) with flail held horizontal in one hand

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Page 8: K.a Kitchen, Two Donation Stelae


and a crook against his breast in the other. The disk on his head is probably lunar, seeming to rest upon a crescent.

From the right there advances a dignitary clad in a long robe and a short wig embellished with a vertical "Libyan plume/' With one hand he offers the hieroglyph for "fields" ; the other is raised in worship. Behind him walks a much smaller figure, also with arms uplifted in adoration. He appears to be clad only in a long, full-fronted kilt and sports a thick tress of hair at the back of his otherwise bald ( ? ) head. These two individuals are named in the main text.

The main text (Fig. B; PL III Fig. 4) runs: (1) "Regnal Year 1528 under the Majesty of

the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, cAkhe- perrec Setepenrec, (2) Son of Rec, Lord of Appearings, Shoshenq (V), beloved of Amun, god, ruler of Thebes.

(3) The Great Chief of the Libu, Ti( ? )taru, he of Didi ( ? ),29 (4) donated fields of 10 arourae to the Chief of Tjenfy-Dancers30 of Sekhmet the Great, Lady of the Two Lands, (5) 31 the settlement, Rb(?)gr.Z2

As for those (6) who (shall) measure33 (scil.

rightly?) the fields, and (shall) maintain this stela, (7) [they shall enjoy the favour (of)]34 Sekhmet. Sekhmet shall establish their children (8) on the(ir ?) fields which they [. . .]."35


No major doubt exists over the date of this monument — Year 15 (or 17) of Shoshenq V of the 22nd Dynasty, i.e. ca. 753 (or, 751) B.C. The place of origin is most certainly Kom Firin36 on the western margin of the Delta, north-west from the better-known Kom el-Hisn (Eg. Imau). For at Kom Firin was found the Cairo stela J.d.cE. 85647, published by Bakir,37 which also honours the deities Sekhmet and Heka or Hike.38 The ancient names of Kom Firin are not yet known with certainty. While doubts have been expressed by Kees,39 various scholars have suggested that Kom el-Hisn (Imau) may have been the classical Momemphis. Building on this

28 The hieratic form is atypical for either a 5 or a 7; Yoyotte, op. cit. 144 § 32 D end) was inclined to read the date as Year 17; Professor Cerny suggests Year 15, which I adopt here. Fortunately, the chrono-

logical difference is small and of little effect. 29 Assuming with Yoyotte that pi is the pronoun

"he pertaining to" (as in Coptic) to express filiation, and that the arm is di plus sp 2.

30 Wb. V 380,10,11, whose autographed Belegstellen show a dancing or walking lute-player in the Philae- citations as determinatives. See Brunner-Traut, Der Tanz im alien Agypten (1938) 78 with references, and Wild in Sources Orient ales VI, Les danses sacries

(1963) 3-XI7> esP- 58-59. 31 An apparent cwtyt( ?) makes little sense, even if

it were the personal name of the chief of dancers, of the settlement Rb( ?)gr. Therefore, one may tentatively suggest reading "Sekhmet (etc . . . .), of the broad hall

(of ?) the settlement," with Rb( ?)gr as the name of the dancer.

32 Can be read as either Rbgr or Rsgr; presumably a Libyan name, that of either the chief of dancers, or even of the settlement (dmi).

33 Taking hn here as implying measuring-off the boundaries of the fields of the endowment correctly

and respecting their true extent year by year, after each inundation. For this verb used of ground- measurement, cf. Wb. Ill 223,9-11, including bounds of a city (Akhetaten), and cities under siege (by Tuthmosis III and Piankhy).

34 Restoration based on blessings like those of the smaller Dakhla stela (lines 11-12, cf. Janssen, JEA 54 [1968], 167 pl. 25), and a donation of Year 34 of Psammetichus I (cf. Sottas, La preservation de la

propriite funiraire 156); cf. also Cairo J. d'E. 85647 line 4: ~ hpr.f in hs n ntr n niwt.f (ASAE 43 [1943] 78-79).


35 I am unable to read the latter part of this line.

Presumably the blessing and the complete text ended with this line, there being no balancing curses — unless one makes the unlikely assumption that such curses were once contained in a further line or lines now lost.

36 PM IV 50-51. 3? ASAE 43 (1943) 75-Si pis. I-II. 38 Or even as Heka-pekhrod ("the child"), on a

further stela that also doubtless came from Kom Firin (Spiegelberg, AZ 56 [1920] 57-58 pl. V; cf.

Yoyotte, op. cit. 143 § 30 B. On Hike, see Bonnet, Reallexikon der Agyptischen Religionsgeschichte (1952) 301-2, and Kees, AZ 65 (1930) 83-84.

39 Article "Momemphis" in Pauly-Wissowa, Real-

enzyklopddie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft XVI/i (1933) cols. 40-41.

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Page 9: K.a Kitchen, Two Donation Stelae

JARCE 8 (1969-I970) 66

premise, Montet further hazarded the sugges- tion40 that Kom Firin might be the Egyptian Hwt-ihyt and late classical Gynaecopolis. Fur- ther documentation will alone provide the answers to these problems. However, these sites and settlements in the Illrd Lower Egyptian nome all fall within the realm of the Great Chiefs of the Libu.

As is evident from the data so admirably set out by Yoyotte,41 the ruler Ti( ? )taru of Brook- lyn 67.119 is but one of a whole series of Great Chiefs of the Libu, and (in agreement with Yoyotte) a single-line succession of chiefs to whom other local rulers owed nominal alle- giance.42 The prince of Brooklyn 67.119 comes in the middle of the series, thus :

Chief of Libu Document Reign Approx. Date B.C.

Niu-matiped A Ermitage 563043 (ca. 936) or ca. 816 Yr. 10, Shoshenq I or III44 In-Amun-nif-nebu Moscow 5647^ Yr. 31, Shoshenq III ca. 795

(time for one or two more rulers) <Ni>u-matiped B Nahman Coll.46 Yr. 8, Shoshenq V (?) ca. 760 (?) Ti( ? )taru Brooklyn 67.11947 Yr. 15, Shoshenq V ca. 753

Cairo Jd'E 3097248 Ker Yr. 19, Shoshenq V ca. 749 Ankh-Hor Serapeum stela49 Yr. 37, Shoshenq V ca. 731 Te<fnakht> Buto stela50 Yr. 38, (Shoshenq V>51 ca. 730

This table reveals a steady, even rapid, suc- cession of Great Chiefs of the Libu; and at the end, there is possibly a brief overlap between Ankh-Hor and Tefnakht, Prince of the King-

dom of the West, perhaps symptomatic of that worthy's moves towards ascendancy overall.51

General Comments on Both Stelae

As emerges from the foregoing specific com- mentaries, both stelae contribute directly to the historical tableau of the Libyan era. Besides features that are typical of many donation stelae of the 22nd to 26th Dynasties, these two monuments also offer further points of interest.

Thus, both add to the evidence for the role of music in Egyptian cults: a flautist of Harpo- krates and chief flautist of the Ram-god of Mendes, and a chief of dancers of the goddess Sekhmet.52 Besides the customary formulae,

they add some new turns of phrase for docu- ments of this kind: "seek the welfare" of some- one and to be "like a man of the gods" in stela 67.118, also those who will "measure the fields" in stela 67.119.

Stela 67.118 hands out both curses upon transgressors, and blessings upon respectors, of its endowment, while Brooklyn 67.119 offers only blessings upon those who respect it.53 In

40 Gdographie de VEgypte ancienne I (1957) 59~6o. 41 Op. cit. 142 ff. 42 Ibid. 149-150. 43 Ibid. 142-3 § 29 Doc. A. 44 Depending on whether or not Hedjkheperre* is

really Shoshenq I, or a confusion of Takeloth II and

Shoshenq III (Yoyotte). 45 Ibid. 143 § 31 Doc. C. 46 Ibid. 143 § 30 Doc. B (cf. n. 38. above). 47 See n. 1 above; the present stela. 48 Yoyotte, op. cit. 144 § 33 Doc. E (Miiller, n. 2

above) . 49 Ibid. 144-5 § 34 Doc. F; cf. 145 § 34 Doc. G

(Theban). 50 Ibid. 151-3, §§ 46-47 pl. I:i.

51 On this monument, Tefnakht's name and rest of text was left incomplete, and the royal cartouches left blank. On Tefnakht grasping at the role of Great Chief of the Libu before Ankh-Hor ceased to hold it, cf. Yoyotte, ibid. 153 n. 2.

52 For a harpist before the Sekhmet of Kom Firin, cf. Bakir, ASAE 43 (1943) 83 pl. I.

53 Unless 67.119 should happen to be incomplete, cf. n. 35 above.

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this respect, both stelae contribute to the literary development of such donation docu- ments, insofar as it may be perceived from a total of 60 to 70 known stelae.54 That develop- ment can be sketched as follows.

Stage I: New Kingdom. The few examples from this epoch restrict their text to a dateline,55 and to the act of donation itself.

Stage II: Early 22nd Dynasty (Shoshenq I to Takeloth II). In this period, the dateline and act of donation are now usually followed by curses on would-be transgressors. Such are known under Osorkon II56 and Takeloth II.57

Stage III: Later 22nd Dyn. to 26th Dyn. The reign of Shoshenq III sees the extension of the genre to include dateline, act of donation, curses on transgressors and now blessings on respectors of the act. At present, the earliest58 published example is now Brooklyn 67.118 (Year 22). This extended form of document continues under Shoshenq V, with curses and blessings on the

Bakir stela;59 and then also with the reverse pattern — blessings then curses — on another stela of this reign.60 This reverse pattern hence- forth became standard for the full formula, as can be seen from examples dated in the reigns of Tefnakht (24th Dyn.),61 Piankhy (25th Dyn.),62 and in the 26th Dynasty under Necho II,63 Apries,64 and Amasis II.65

However, throughout this period, from Sho- shenq III to Amasis II, one also finds that many stelae retain the simpler pattern of dateline, act of donation, and curses. This includes (by mere coincidence?) all the preserved stelae dated by the 23rd Dynasty — Pedubast I,66 Iuput I,67 Peftjaucawybast68 — few in any case.

Much rarer are stelae that append to their dateline and act of donation only blessings and not curses. Such is Brooklyn 67.119; the only other is perhaps one from Year 8 of Tanuta- mun.69

Thus, these two stelae add very usefully to our knowledge of their epoch, their special class and to various details of Egyptian culture in several respects; their value is not measurable by their modest size or inelegant scripts.

Liverpool University

54 Cf . the invaluable list of donation stelae given by Schulman, J A RCE 5 (1966)39-41 — some sixty-eight items, of which about nine remain unpublished. Note that his nrs. 62 and 66 are the same stela — except that the ref. to Yoyotte 125 Doc. 9 (at end of 66) is not the Abemayor stela but what is now Brooklyn 67.118; Abemayor can remain as 62, and nr. 66 be

assigned to Brooklyn 67.118. 55 I.e. "Year x of King 'Y', etc.". So, Ay, Year 3

(Urk. IV 2109-10), to be added as nr. 69 to Schul- man's list; Year 1 of Ramesses I, one in Strasbourg (1378; Schulman nr. 27; Kitchen, Ramesside In-

scriptions I/i 3-4), and one at Karnak (Legrain, ASAE 4 [1903], 182-3; Kitchen, op. cit. 4) to be added as nr. 70 to Schulman's list; Year 66 of Ramesses II from Koptos (Schulman nr. 54) ; two identical undated stelae of Ramesses II from Abu Simbel (Schulman nrs. 11,15), cartouches but no dateline.

56 Cairo J. d'E. 45327 (Schulman nr. 9), Iversen, Two Inscriptions concerning Private Donations to

Temples (1941) 3-10, 22 pl. I. 57 Takeloth II, Year 9 (Schulman nr. 4), Year 25

(Schulman nr. 16; no curses); two others merely dated to Takeloth Miamun' probably belong here

(Schulman nrs. 41,49). 58 The stela of Year 5 of Shoshenq III is unpublished

(OIC 105 11), and the Russian publications of Ermitage 5630 and Moscow 5647 are not available, for Years

10, 31.

a ASAE 43 (1943) 78-9- 60 Schulman nr. 10 (Daressy, ASAE 15 [191 5] 144). 61 Schulman nr. 53 (Spiegelberg, Rec. trav. 25

[1903] 190-3). 62 Schulman nr. 51 (Janssen, JEA 54 [1968]

165—172 pis. 25— 25A). 63 Schulman nr. 45. 64 Schulman nrs. 12, 30 (read Sharpe, Inscr. I

"30» 33. 65 Schulman nr. 36 (where we seem to have two

stelae of Year 1 of Amasis : Daninos Pasha (Maspero, Rec. trav. 15 [1893] 86; Sottas, Preservation, 157-8), and Berlin 14998, cited by Sottas, 158 and n. 1 as then unpublished).

66 Schulman nrs. 47 (Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca VI

pl. V) and 67 (Schulman, JARCE 5 [1966] 33 ff. pl. 13), both incomplete.

67 Schulman nr. 61 (BSFE 25 [1958] fig. 3). 68 Schulman nrs. 14, 68 (Daressy, ASAE 21 [192 1]

138-9 and 17 [1917] 43). 69 Schulman nr. 7 (Legrain, ASAE 7 [1906] 226-7).

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Fig. i Brooklyn 67.118 (Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund) Stela of Regnal Year 22 of King Shoshenq III

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Fig. 2 Main Text of Brooklyn Stela 67.118 (light from right)

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Fig. 3 Main Text of Brooklyn Stela 67.118 (light from left)

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Fig. 4 Brooklyn 67.119 (Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund) Stela of Regnal Year 15 of King Shoshenq V

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